SALVADOR ABASCAL THE POPE NEVER HAS BEEN NOR WILL BE A HEREJE -History and Doctrine-. EDITORIAL TRADICION MEXICO. 1979 BY THE SAME AUTHOR The Socialist Sect in Mexico. 2* Edition. Editorial Tradición. Mexico, 1974. The Spiritual Reconquest of Tabasco. Editorial Tradición. Mexico, 1972. History of Sinarquismo and Colonia María Auxiliadora. Series of more than 30 articles in Mañana Magazine. Mexico, 1944-1945. Against Heretics and Schismatics. Editorial Tradición. Mexico, 1973. In Legitima Defensa y más en defensa del Papado. Editorial Tradición. Mexico, 1973. La Revolución Antimexicana. Tradición. Mexico, 1978. Translations : Jesus Christ, His Life, His Doctrine, His Work, by Ferdinand Prat, S. J.'. 2 volumes. Editorial Jus. Mexico. 3 editions. 1946-1956. Out of print: The Theology of St. Paul. By Ferdinand Prat, S. J. 2 volumes. Editorial Jus. Mexico, 1946. (Out of print). The Social Role of the Church, by Emile Chénon. Editorial Jus. Mexico, - 1946. (Out of print). The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen. Translation of the French version by Teófilo Gautier. Editorial Jus. Mexico, 1946. The Church and the Revolution, by Jacques Plóncard d'Assac. La Hoja de Combate. Mexico, 1970. El Credo (The Creed)* Editorial Tradición. Mexico, 1972. The Freemasons. By Jacques Plonóard d'Assac. Tradition Publishing House. Mexico, 1973. Jews and Christians. By Félix Vernet. Editorial Tradición. Mexico, 1973. The Commandments* Editorial Tradición. Mexico, 1973. Los Principios de la Realidad Natural* Editorial Tradición. Mexico, 1975. The Our Father and the Hail Mary* Editorial Tradición, Mexico, 1975. Compendio de la Suma Teológica de Sto. Tomás de Aquino, by Raphael Stneux, o.p. (Of the three volumes, the translation of the first two). Tradition. The Doctors of the Church, by Raphael Sineux, o.p;' (In Print). * By St. Thomas Aquinas. SALVADOK^ABASCAL THE POPE NEVER HAS BEEN AND NEVER WILL BE A HEREJE -History and Doctrine - EDITORIAL TRADICION MEXICO, 1979 with address at Av. Sur 22 Núm. 14' Col. Agrícola Oriental Mexico ' 9, D. F. Tel. 558-22-49 # Edition September' d¿ 1979.-0,000 copies. NOTE PRELIMINARY I have written many articles in La Hoja de Combate -10 of them published first in Impacto- to demonstrate this truth: No Pope has been or will ever be a heretic. I have sustained it in two polemics with furious enemies of the Papacy. I have thought it convenient to take advantage of all this material, but giving it organic unity, following a plan of my own, independently of the capricious trajectory of these polemics. The adversaries never took into account my refutations and my documentary proofs, in order to surprise the readers who did not read all my articles, which for the same reason suffered from several reiterations, necessary in those circumstances in order not to leave anyone in error. In this book I unload my argumentation of those repetitions. I also unload it of a multitude of references to my opponents. I would not like to mention them by name at all: an impossible thing" because it is necessary to quote verbatim their main accusations against Paul VI and other Popes. Those names unfortunately belong to the history of the Mexican heterodox and schismatics. I am not quoting all of them, but only the 5 6 NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR WILL EVER BE A HERETIC. Joaquín Sáenz Arriaga, ex-Jesuit, and Gloria Riestra: she and he rightly outraged by the heresies, the sacrileges, the abuses/of the progressives; he and she later launched into the arena against Paul VI by occult forces that saw the opportunity to provoke the first schism in Mexico, and sustained at the same time by their own vanity, skillfully nourished ... Sáenz Arriaga died, perhaps converted, as a priest who assisted him in his last moments assures us, and that - he adds - for the salvation of that soul he did not think it prudent or necessary to demand a written abjuration, as I was told in the Apostolic Delegation in January 1978. I have my doubts. And since there is not sufficient proof of this, I will stick to his public performance until the end of his life. As for Gloria Riestra, her conversion seems to me, judging by history, the most difficult. The reader will see how she becomes obsessed in error for not understanding or not wanting to understand - de internis ñeque Ecclesia - the terms of the mystery of the Papacy and for believing herself to be a Doctor of the Church. In the Introduction I present in a few words the schismatic attitude adopted by Father Saenz Arriaga and Gloria Riestra. It is the-first, necessarily. In this book I expand on many points that in the articles of controversy I only touched on in passing, and for the first time I deal with some others of importance. So much so, that for the most part this book is new. At the end I debunk the grotesque charges that Gloria makes against Juan Pabló II. When in May 1524 Los Doce arrived in Tenochtitlan to found the Church in New Spain PRELIMINARY NOTE 7 After Hernán Cortés kissed* the hands of each and every one of them on his knees and introduced them with an appropriate harangue, those friars declared that "the cause of their coming was to be messengers of a universal Lord and Prelate that Our Lord has placed in his place in the world, called Holy Father, so that in his name he may rule and govern men, trying to guide them to Heaven, where God is".1 Wonderful first catcquesis! The Catholic Church in Mexico could not be born except under the authority of the Holy Father, that is, of Peter, universal Lord.... Nor can it subsist if it breaks its unity with him. Naturally, I subject each and every one of my words to the supreme Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. And insofar as* they are not objected to by it, I place them at the feet of the Immaculate Virgin, debater of heresies. Querétaro, April 4, 1979. 1 Mariano Cuevas, Historia do la Iglesia en México, t I n 169 .. ed., El Paso, Texas; 1928. ' p* "The Holy See has a misfortune which is common to it with all great men and all great works: it cannot be rightly judged by the century in which it acts, and, since it is immortal, it lives insulted between its past glory and its future glory, similar to Jesus Christ crucified in the midst of the times, between the day of creation and that of universal judgment." Lacordaire INTRODUCTION The schismatic attitude OF FATHER SÁENZ ARRIAGA and of Gloria Riestra l.-Sáenz Arriaga i This is the visible founder of the first schism -we still do not know how extensive and deep- in the history of Mexico. At first sight he counts with several presbyters and some 'hundreds of ?>families in the Capital, in Merida, in Zacatecas, in Tijuana, in Guadalajara. - Saenz Arriaga slid little by little towards schism. His friends were pushing him into rebellion: it was very easy to criticize everything, without realizing that they should stop before Paul VI. The Gallican and Protestant theory - that in the first centuries of the Church there were several heretical Popes - was then recalled: why should this not be the case with Paul VI? They feverishly searched, traced and scrutinized data favorable to this thesis. They were able to find enough eh impugners of it, mainly in 'Cardinal St. Robert Bellarmine, Doctor of the Church, main supporter of the absolute inerrancy of the Popes. Naturally, his refutations of this Gallican-Protestant error would be totally rejected. Saenz Arriaga wrote several bold pamphlets in the midst of a great spiritual agitation. He received many adherents, who encouraged him to go ahead. 13 14 NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR WILL EVER BE A HERETIC. At the height of his excitement, ready to throw down the gauntlet and believe himself to be the Savior of the Church, Father Saenz Arriaga feverishly wrote The New Montinian Church. Its appearance caused a tremendous stir. The author could be satisfied. From that moment on, intoxicated by the success of the scandal, it was impossible for him to retreat publicly. A) "His excommunication. The Cardinal-Archbishop of Mexico, Don Miguel Darío Miranda, declared Sáenz Arriaga excommunicated for his injurious judgments against Paul VI. Immediately, as if coming to the rescue, a former Catholic leader of the Christian era, René Capistrán Garza, who had years of having thrown himself into the arms of the Revolution, but who in any case was a writer of great prestige for his sharp wit, although totally superficial, declared himself "in communion with the excommunicated". The scandal no longer frightened anyone! And since the first to give it had been the progressives, headed by Méndez Arceo, Sáenz and his followers considered themselves innocent. Supported also, although only in part, by the anti-progressive forces of France, Saenz Arriaga came to think that soon a movement would be formed so powerful that it would achieve the general disavowal of Paul VI as Pope. Gloría Riestra could not remain in the shadows: she then said that Sáenz Arriaga "did not tell the whole truth" and asserted that he could not be excommunicated, because the one who had excommunicated him was already excommunicated beforehand for not having excommunicated the Pope. INTRODUCTION 15 P. Porfirio Miranda, s. j., author of Mar* and the Bible, when shortly before this book, model and synthesis of modern apostasy, was published. It is worthwhile to examine this case quickly. First of all, in Cardinal Miranda's defense, I repeat what I stated at the time in an article in La Hoja de Combate: the Cardinal certainly did not give the imprimatur of the said book: the Jesuits of the Mala Prensa put it there out of an old custom, by virtue of the absolute trust that the Buena Prensa had earned with Don José Antonio Romero, s.j. (q.e.p.d.). (r.i.p.d.). Whether the Cardinal did not excommunicate the former Jesuit Porfirio Miranda, once he knew about the matter, is another matter; whether he sinned for it, God knows. I do not know. He could have excommunicated him, but he had no canonical obligation to do so. The Cardinal did comply with the inescapable obligation to disavow the heretical book of Porfirio Miranda, although through P* Brambila. However, his lukewarm conduct in this case and his lamentable abstention in others, perhaps more serious, did not constitute heresy by far; and his few words have always been orthodox. But let us return to the excommunication of Fr. Saenz Arriaga. What did he and Gloria complain about, if they are the ones excommunicating the Pope and all the Mexican Objects? It is Saenz Arriaga and Gloria who did not want to commune with the Pope and our Bishops. And this is excommunicating themselves. With whom are Gloria and her priests in communion? Only they' among themselves and with those who condemn the Pope and the bishops/ So it is in their full right" was the Cardinal to declare that Fr. Saenz Arriaga had "excommunicated himself, that is, that he had broken communion with Paul VI. 16 NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR EVER WILL BE A HERETIC, THERE WAS NO REASON FOR THEM TO WORRY. tolic, they had no reason to worry about the latter declaring that Saenz Arriaga had excommunicated himself. * Let's see now if Saenz Arriaga is telling the truth: let's see if he is not a 'heretic for several' reasons: B) The 'Heresies of Saenz Arriaga. Heresy number 1 In Impact. nymerpf 1454 Gloria threw me a courageous . challenge. She said the; following: . "He affirms -^bascal- that the-father Sáen? Zurriaga said that .'as Eaulo VI is a sinner not pq§pé Ja le ¡divina y. that. por Jp tanto noes Papa'. I would like to ask Lic< Abascal to demonstrate a single line where Father ìSáenz has "(signed "this ¡stupidity. What the father affirmed up to the moment of his death, and what we affirm, ' is that Montini is not Pope because we have proved that he has,( 'óaído - in heresy and that he is destroying the Church; Never, neither the father nor we have spoken of 'sins' 'personal of Paul VI other than his heresies that we have proved, and of which nothing has been proved against Abascal". ' '' '' J"'1' '.How sorry I was that that doctoral'y . pontifical "we" that, .uses; Gloria was ridiculed! Truly, I was very sorry f \ I do not know if the words that between "quotation marks Gloria attributes them to me - I wrote them ^exactly)so somewhere, ■ because Gloria does not say where she wrote them. But certainly Sáenz " Arriaga- wrote that. same .albeit with >"other words that his -d^acnni'yi- 'Gloria has unfortunately forgotten".' INTRODUCTION 17 . According to Saenz Arriaga' the -to hold-* thatJ the - "man who occupies theSiUa^of Peter* is "personally infolio ble** is equal to holding- that he is "personally ¿infallible and impeccable in everything he does and in-everything he>saysff*, (Sede Vacanti, p.nl26 and many others); . < ' In Sede Vacanti, Ipágina * 155, í Sáenz Amaga affirms' categorically 'that rla/:sentence of Jos" "papó^ latras" -reAbascal, 'BalmerónyielGardenaliBillot-H- of, that>fW Pope drips of the gift of üna\ faith indeficient** is erroneous because: "If so, it would follow that the Pope;'por'el' ser . successor of: Peter, no; solongozaríadeb.don de wafciindefieieme",?^ de pna^mpecabilidad abr, soluta,.ya.queelas buenas obras nacen de la fe, así; como las malas -.obras qaeq^e "falta de,fe"- xr., <4^ es que Sáenzr4xriaga sá dijo. Jp queJÓlor^. B^ tra qualifies as ?stupidity "ry Ja is a heresy. Thus, it was defined by the Council. 7of Trepto and confirmed it ex-cathedra 'AJejand^ in 1090 (Denz. 838 and, 13Q2 J.; " These paragraphs of, Sede Vacante were transcribed by me in La Hoja de Combate of April 1972, and I included them in my' }ibr6 Against 'Heretics' and Schismatics, of the Editorial Tradition, in its' pages 292 and 293í This was in 1973. ' ' ' ' ' : / V k And that Sáenz Arríaga ' accused Paulo VI of serious crimes; personalisms apart from the heresy delude can'' see Gloria also cré Sede Vacante de sw venerado7 master. On his page j 126> says . Saenz - the following, verbatim: "Paulo VJ has never been baptized, or was baptized, but he deviated and lost the faith because of his readings, his commitments, or because of his human weaknesses". By "readings", "commitments" and "human weaknesses" one can understand all the "immeasurable, even the greatest infamies.1 ' U <"'^^.4 : . 18r NINOI/n POPE HAS BEEN OR WILL BE A HERETIE í "I transcribed < that little phrase^ of-- Sáenz Arriäga'on page 15 of> my book Legitim y ¿mässen Defensa. del Papado^dc la Editorial tTrädición^añQíde 1973. -- - 'Nor does St. Peter's thesis! rTarñbiéni a; he attributed "weaknesses" of Christ to Peter: "And you, - already converted,! confirm your brothers," according to S'ede^Vacanté¡ §oh the proof of? 'that- "after the prayer of Christ, he had (Peter) his ¡de*- bilities in the same faith", u, ' * - Estb ! is absolutely fabo.: Ld I have' demonstrated- coh the - authority 'dé^Sánto /íómáS 'of Aquirioj and ' of other Doctors* of the church (Véásfe pp. 66¿68). But Sáenz did not only péc^ba cóhib calumhiiádór'y hereje, 'sihó; cjúe/llégabá' á\ É íqué í qué algunas personas/ que lo bpúbhiéfon1 'cälificäir de qué" más púedé ser áéñal/decuria Vanidad-'que llega argado'de cierta lócurk'de orden moral? , \ ? The Pope, according to him, cannot be infallible, because he is not impeccable'. .this is deduced from his doctrine above -. exposed.'Pín changed,, he, Sáenz Árriaga, yes he was impeccable, ble,; if he was, saint, - then*^ra., absolutely^infallible,,, concludes anyone logically. Indeed; in: Sede Vacante; p.f,7y qualifies himself 'himself, as "eminent priest, ppr. theological suxciency"^ ;ep the 329xes-5^/ saint^lmß eS'ju&gadQ 'C&m^ abnormal^ as locd^i . Deelrdepehde larsalvacióh dedaiIglesia^ of the world: f "For me," he says in Sede Vacante, p. 4^30-^' Jtlan¡óntiñi^'rló^tiritegitimb' '-Pope llyr this ' ftfirríitítion l! qúizd 'signify ^a^sdívációh1 of 'id^gtesia and of^the fé^é^é^udh^ aM 'f - (This t^text. I^ transcribed. in. my book. In Legitimate Defense, p. 16)? Religious Erostratísm!!!, 19' INTRODUCTION ' v.And noiandámuy lejbsiGloriá Riesfrat'idéiella/'twc^* sóra ' dé\süt maestro! SáenzprestáMepéndieiido^ now dasalvation of theJIglesi¿^L-lla^boπ:¿su<'*autonomy ctíupré* may has dÍGtammádo$íconíSáentf rArri*aga, jalgo'a 4o what ni. Lefebvre has' dared. What is it? Vacantet the Pontifical See - .-. '>. - '* - \ * ' - -( ' '¿i .j - 1( - (H 1 Y *J'' *{* }-(!!'I ' ■-::;;■ ll**!1 i -'hayJsacriñcio pGrj decirse> en lengüa ¿ vulgar ¿: /\\por todosy los hombres^ en¡4ugatoi de;f'por ?ñuchos?\ ' ' ' This is another insigne dispútate ,que Don presaba de esta manera: í . r¡:i '-/^^^'The^úttiroidel-verbO< 'will be poured out' certain♦♦GriSto v ¿n ébGénáteulo instituted tetro true and^real ^acri^ficich, nozpura rédimí^os^^^ino for justifiáamos; sa' brificio^'^'^until the* consummation*of \- the centuries) auúque be>tm> lasxV\. ; 'aíf Ajrñitg^iá hbáÓÍú& idèhWàB^del ' sacrifice of lá Mass with' the sacrifice dèi Cal^árid tjúe Christ ; ■ sacráihentálmente anticipated the Júeve# < Sahto. "Una- sóW'yi larmísiñaíes/en'Aefett^ eli-Concilio dé - * Trento-la ny el "que - now* se ofre4-- 2a NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR WILL EVER BE A HERETIC. cecporcl! mihisterxrdé the<8&erdotesresf eL that Gitaneas; setofreGió&adsí taisnaQr.at1/ lai cross? i being only distinct ilakrmm^ fit/r^cÜr^^hu(Denz.i 940}^iSi .no .distinction .between; úna i'yri Other* >sacÚ7Íf¿cíotsiiíb /unicas mind; az> laminan era der ofrecerse? not is disiintai sw purpose, which is salvation (fie all hombzer*.MÁiy hondq e^^te.nústed^^^per^Jofihté^^ con-, which is expressed to him are very clear* And yet, however the saenz■arriaguista sect oq Iqs wants to understand^ for, not n motivo'dé*iácusáéión ' contri Paulo 'VI by the Castilian translation of the words of the consecration. -. -' ' K '- :;<- :<:- ) -> t 'r ' .' *■-; - -*? * / .r -. \ . i.- ., >'■ Arriaga .. - . -- *' v i - * - ' í -- ■ ■ Hn>su peE^diqu¿^37^0n¿& delf lo* de? September de? atorcabeza* ■ ¿ -<.... ; ?TVis, "is not see. arPedro, sincra a simple^cc^o^ of. Peter'\ I distinguish-: eh Daddy not em pedró'with physical identity, I grant; not "is Peter with identity of divine election^ and of;divi "a; afl^tOTity, < Continues the heresiarch: .... .r . ^^edro was directly and personally elected. Pope p^^^the m^^same Christ;^other; Bapas'^have.been ele-. gidoSi port the, men^ The Papacy espide institution ,divma.^El\ that temporarily, after Pe- Arf^rigfa l(¿ í£le^^ human, ^Divine assistance em^tusi elections ^can be¿ a not seconded by the electors, who, on several . occasions ha^.terddfi/pre^iq^^^q^^J^ac^ sv^qleccián 'favorable ',4 r....- .2donstmosa£ propositionsc Want^ to say that eb Papacy" de¿ÍMtitucián3divim/cem^ ter-' minó al inoxaclaí^eraoi^^^dQrPedrQj Quiere'd^cír que 21 INTRODUCTION The election of the Pope was by the President of Mexico, pure human imposition, pure ecclesiastical PRI racket. Where is the Papacy of a divine institution? : < ' c: - . But the Vatican Council;T defined*'dogmatically this great, truth : " If' anyone should say that l4 is not of, divine institution of Christ Himself,1 it is décir^JÍ^ ^W^p divine,1 that the blessed Pèdrò has1 fferpetucsi^ùcesorès en- . et primate; over the^ Church ' universal,' bj be the Rórridno.Pontiff nò is successor of the blessed and. '*v ?--, . : - - ■ ; ' *0-1 Ú'*W , . ' "'ti;vj q nn ' Peter in the same. Primate¿seaanatepia (Denz. Guaría" heresy^ with anastasia. In hisSede Fadcftte/én'laS'páginás^SS and 4^/ Sáenz Arriaga declares himself a revolutionary, defender and'tender lover7 -^as Salmerón would say- of lagran. Prostitute J called * Mexican^ Revolution^ , í - e , i .... i r ,■ , He writes 'thus :on page'4'33 :' ' ' . ' ' '. '"'i":': ! 1I ' - , ) j i ". ; greater, errpr, of.our rulers would be -to associate -with -thecjerp;political; "it would be to be lulled to sleep by the siren song of the P> Arrupey of Jos ; Méndez ,í\rceo fy of, 4p^s W. improvised^ caudillos, who want to 'get on the horse'" and who, in their smallness, prevail over the heroic deeds of Che Guevara and Camilo Tqrres. The silence of the government,,. In this case, its passive (a<^itude।,í jS^rí^ .complicity, x betrayal of the Patriots. 22 NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR EVER WILL BE A HERETIC. * 4" fGomb ^'la apostasiade Camilo Torres y las traiciones del "Che Guevará afueran : hechos heroicos! ¿GéitasL ' ¡' ' ' ''''' 4' '- '- How' if; he nfrégitnerf ^talUcionariö was betraying to the Homeland ^from a centuries before -appeared (the apolitical l- ' does the heresiarca and cistriático continue making him vergortóósamente4ar&di5tóXila>Ré^ ' ' "And that they do not fear the; heads of State the incurring éñ the excorpuniopes'' ^[comp.siles; could; import . a.., coimno]7^: "ni^^ The? impression "to the people, that we are .under pt new . religious persecution. iñtxrnfpimid^di: ^ ^vqc^ónr in ". all.eLcountry."!!!, . , "¡ov, ■ - ' AsÜ is " qüe'>Sáénz -Arriagd/Confiaba >"en?el Régimen Revolucionario, enemigoVdel l.bien común,corruptor de menores y envilecedor de. rnayores^pprsegujdprj of consciences with its own Constitution, rapacious, sub^éíslVd^áutói^de^ódá^desdesdesdé lha*Ce more than 'úh' century/-$üés dy tiehä dtJclaräda^la^gü^ äl- Lord of 'tödd^o'ihVifcíbiy and Tó ^Visiblel - "V > r"> '< - - ihVFerié'fydej^Wa* more ékplíbita' prOfesióta^dé Te re^olueiOnária , -on p: '435 i db! Sede^ Vacan te ~ > ái|üí^n'^6^cdr'p. Jí'^soirTós jesuhráá loá that - * dt Mna ^ahéi^:activa/ 'í/é^p' éficáz^ y* subversiva', ■ es'^än!mt¥öduciendd'y prepäri^ lä' ritieva revolution, which is to end the 'REVÓLOciON MExiOANAVno. 23 > I " ©f TRODVCGION :. ¡ - o for' i méjütal- the ' éotfdici^eS'inational 1 But/ for ,ImndirilTo& eñ da'ésclavitud?delrcóiriunismo*,;; ''líe ptíH'táo¿Ro dilla,' c'oíí qúleri ú^edcomulg'a why rio 'says the. ' but the purri Verdád." ' ; a He1 here ^unarcl&á't profesiófl'de^/Fe én' lá 'Revólucióh ^e&d<^a/*matcriaHs^ anti-Catholic, and l that - porgólo this,1 even; Cliáiido/ nO ^was the Comumsmb sú úitiúiai finality,'^ ^Criminal; and;is> condemned /in vanás proporiciófrés'del^y^ pof all- the^doctrine of da Church, -dé1 tnodovqué any supporter of the Mexican Revolution'-Although lOiSea. by,(tactical-v is'; úmapóstatá, excomulgadG^rpjo factos without- need of' noá 'declaration ?of two udbis*- pos hir del Jfapá, 5 . . . h . . . jj , । ,Hq ¡al f apostate whoqiandp. incense^ an^ two ído.los ^ipjla ,attenuating that..someone, try-d^ qbligarló to it. 17 - r n'; o .T- -> ■-- >u-/' Oí " 5^-Saenz^ejercí, the xsaccr.dóeip ccfmo cim^cd^ also for. this he was heretic and excommunicated vitando ' -what^tHíbe be évítadd? ' ' ' ■i.yAntiquísiina^ is ila^legislationí of da Church- on excommunicated priests; ' o > 3 -. o EHK^ftdft'ó'delCforiaKo ^rcáMbb^Io'Sig^erifé^ z :" I iP$F\P9?de¿ser:adm^ U^l¡ ;sü. ftrojpio ¿Íjísantes,idé^stüre- mtegration by their own" (Heféle-I^clerq, Hutotre des Cánéiles, t I, 2nd Part, p. 7*16). j. ca?°n ? 3the dbhiciíío 3e óangrés, also from the middle of the 4th century, eastiga with anathema a: 24 NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR EVER WILL BE JHERE JE f "any of the Church. Church^ has: "private^ meetings and-despráciandoi. to the Church;qúie "T ba^er s^.eUa^ ^erecJj^^McÓMsin ,1a presbicia 8bl?RR{Hutoiré des Cbnciles; volume cited, .,,, £stc< Canon, -which po^fífíá^ihconstaí en.Graciano, xiist. XXX". í Au a los, dsui^ ta^ci^ci^jaos^ > "quepse ,considered" cpmo the,,saints> yplos pure, that to nOimézclarse COn iel resto* ide the "faithful, jcuníamí to celebrate a >{HistoÍKB des&onr rifas* ciuf p. 11035 X,Eh$:41 case.; exact denlos f "faithful" f "faithful" sépnzarríaguistas*, \ . Ó!, ' ?;r i,' - V-. VIn^eanond deh2o/Cpncilio'Ecuménico, celebrated iniGonstantinopia-iniebaño. 3814'we find again theTcasus of Glory :considers as heretics those who, professing to keep the faith, do not leave the 'legitimate bishops'*; as well as those who "profess an orthodox faith but who, separating themselves from the 'legitimate' bishops, hold particular meetings" volume n/laphpart, pp. 33-34).r ' r He canon & that: of . 390 says "If a priest has been >excommunicated or punished by his superiors, he may complain to the neighboring bishops. 4 neighbors par^i make jrpvis^r his-cause iy>rccanciliar£e at once with his Bishop. If he does not lojhnc^.if, pop;pride he separates himself from the communion of his. bishop, if he occasions - a schismad and if he offers the lowly Sábnficio. he loses His office é> incurs 6ti 'aii:át€m¿er . H >-■ -)?.; i. ■ 1 . .- ... k " .' - t :■ -' -" , . ) ■: ■ >H ' . . . .f u. t > . juyTROBuqaioN í i h 25 And, the .cane" <9 jtcl .v < '[ "If: a priest 1 celebrates, :)any 'part 'siri the ■ permission of the bishop', he will be 'dispossessed of! his 'dignity" ^cit^ : b> 7\' The IV Council tic Eetràn 'of 1215, approved by Innocent III,- excommunicate' >to 4oi heretics>^valdenses -who ssxt'mission. canonical preached:' 1 "Morer;cbriió1 algiirips;: under' apárieñeia ide1 piety -comò' dièé è l'Apostle^ [.. .]UJ2 Tim* 3,^5^ they .arrogan'la àutpr^ to preach;'Oliando the same Apostle says : " How will they preach ^i not jon- sent? (Rom' 10/Í5), all those who with or without prohibition;'dare to usurp'publicly or privately' the office 'of preaching, without ..receiving-dauthority.from the Apostolic See or from the Catholic Bishop of the : place, are bound by bonds.., of /excommunion, and if they do not repent as soon as possible; let them" be punished - :with another competent penalty" ;(I^enz 434),. ( The same case of>Sáenz Arringa', who'rirt mission and ;even with prohibition^ for.he was excommunicated by his Bishop, preached, celebrated 'Mass and confessed! ., r THE Council dp i 75^^ forbids the priest .^xcojnulgadó . and ci^ ' "Asking the nature and: the > essence of a trial -< > that the judicial sentence should not fall but on subjects, the Church has always been persuaded and this confirms as a most certain truth ^that of zpingúxt value'is the,absolution pronounced by a priest on a penitent over whom^np has ordinary or delegated jurisdiction" (Session .XIV. c. . ■;6,;Ench^'k,.9O2)- -; \ ; ^¡ . Ordinary jurisdiction no. Ja has but the bishop, in vcoxnumón^con et.Papa.f ; . . r NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR WILL EVER BE A HERETIC. 26 This is the same as St. Thomas taught: "This Sacrament--the axis of Penance--requires of all ^necessity that its minister should have not only the power of Holy Orders, but also that of jurisdiction" (Summa TheoL, Suppl., m 8,. art. 4 ). ,. ," \ ( - H -1 ( * ' . ( I - ■ " 1. 1 * 1 In St. Thomas, we read that -/ "Those who by kereia and schism are separated from the Church can consecrate the Eucharist, and consecrated by them contains the true Body and Blood of Christ; but they cannot do so righteously and sinfully if they do so". (Summa Theologicaj Part IIIj' ,q. 82j art. / ). - JThis sin ' untiltá'éórf céhkúras, to dkf^áWsfafeCióti fcÉstigarle with other penalties'o senteñcJak'áHfectlAdaá^ségSn require it u I"'gravity of the mlpa/'yala'tteparparacidh dcl' esdándáló"; ''". r h r -S - - - 'SéHifejá'rtt%>es el Gárion'^íív'iiáW^ 2- Gloria and hers reply^^^enj'substance the following: "Too often it happens that, the members who are most holy and closely united with the Church are rejected and treated as unworthy ? &é to be'in ¡the church, and as ¡separated from the'just living'of the 'faith (ítbiñ 'l,' 17 J' and not from''the ÓpiñióA' of 'men'-11 '' " t <' ' ■ But''' thiskp¿óposition' is condemned by ^lárdenteXÍ, in ^aC Constitution^ *po ìfyigè^ of B d^;septiemV It uñó. Of the. errore^ of jQu¿ái<^: ^Denzinger .144.7 ). c; : Sáenz* Arriagál despised laá fexcomuniones*/debnuestros obispros. JLo cualtestáí condemned - by 4a t same constitution^ dúgmÁü¿á^Üñigénitusí> pues^comprende -as Créticas,-lás 'silent $Wpd$telonfesf also of Quésiiél:-^'3' -/■> v\r.-.t , La 91: "Fear decima unjust excommunication ho de--? ' 1 l?;bé4m'pédiimoy?ft'tihca el-ctuhp de ■ ' núésfrddéBéti aUrf^^ men .páréce "qüe sbmbVWórMgádò^ de 'là 'Tglèàià^b ñtock1 - ' as long as' we remain! united^birilá Ica/ ^dád "a'DiOs,^^^ ;>- ®ia" (Denz:'1441):. - 28 NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR WILL EVER BE A HERETIC. * Suffering, anathema - - i e- inj usto before complainingfaicionar lawerdad is imi. Ov. taEjaiS^n jtan.Jejos, Ipvantars^cpntra, ja authority/. the . . . < ' -¡ . La. 9&¿. ■'Jesus.some ^times heals the wounds jqueinflicted by the hasty haste of the early pastpr^s siq .knotting >his Jesus .restores what they with inconsiderable zeal.snatches' 'táriu (DenzfW ' " ' ' '. .--.■ '.-.'- <- ;-?.?■-. j 'i -- ■ . -.-■ .!. The sqenzarrip.guisnip. ,is, ^n essence , Protestantism, with note more^.Ja for . says its,chief: "As regards the supreme authority of Magisterium which, without doubt, , belongs to the pope, we must warn us^ sití* embark, that' also' in this 1 case;; when & may equivo' carse^'why this'would be the ruin of the'inerrdncia of the Church) is eqüBtóca^y&xa"^ in' heresy\nés in "doubtful that"' the* >words>of < St. Pabló' a. the; GalataaTtjcnen.plcnwwig^ .'But, even if no&otheri themselves^ oumnángelAdri ciélo os preach .nn . -, Evangeüo 'distmlx> $of;which you received, let him be ,anathema^ (Gal. 1:8)." (Anti-Tyrent of lo. of Sept. d^ l575, coLZ; ■. . ...... . r ^epzarriaguist^^^^¡^ to the Papacy, sin^q^srftque c^da".Papal Peter.., and, why, jp so much in:decay.^in l^rjie^jíaT| ( u| \ : jCr^en cn, the stew d,£ ilichre without Jicbre.. ¿^n) Jpaquíníjnter^ textorde " St. Paul, the ^cnal speaks iaUi/ ad alfswdu^mj ¿pso. cra;.4absolutely impossible that neither he -already confirmed encracia-, nor t 29 Xt^TRODU GUION an: angel of thevciff¿¿,*iú Peter' would preach' a Gospel other than that of Christ. My opponents incur' the- same crime of the- sixteenth century heresiarchs, । to ■ whom they so much hateJ Indeed, dictate the ' article1 of Faith' no. 19 of the Book of Common Prayer approved by Elizabeth of Inglate? na,,, Ja called, ppí .supreme" irony,; R? in£ Virgin: '^As tibe ChurchofJerusalempAlexandria'and'Antioch,'have erred ; sq-alsorthe Church of Rome'hath -erred, not ónlyin their I living'-and^mannerofyCere■ monies, but also inhaatterff of/ Faith*'.' < ; "Just as the''churches'of jerusalem, Alexandria and 'Antioch have erred,vso has the' Church of Rome erred, not - only as to sn way of ¡living and conducting ceremonies, but^also in . matters of Faith" v. - X Riestra; i i How easily does 'man hate what he once loved! For - in .reality he loves nothing but., himself. And the most nefarious of all egoisms is the intellectual one, which, according to Lacordaire, drives us "to transform the truth into our self, instead of transforming ourselves into the truth".... What, tptraí exphcation, can it have that Glpria, who still, in 1971 dabalavida by Paul VI, abominates him since 1975,j Jia^a to call him, "heretic", Sacrilege33 and temalvado33?1 t . . . . . In Storm, on, the fgl^ia^ qu,^ I printed him on February 15. l^Zl^.plpria'men^op^ to VI, sjempre con^gran ^logio, coj^ all his apa----------- -- ' .................... ' '■ - ^<1 x Trento, no. 48, of March 15, 1975, p. 3, la. col., line 36 and p. 3, 2a. col., line 35. " % . \ - 30 NO POPE HAS BEEN OR WILL BE A HERETIC. The book's 336 pages of the book's 336 pages. > There he defends him from all his enemies and at the same time defends the Second Vatican Council, with sentences of unwavering adherence, such as the following. T - ■ -; "He tells me S) E'.^l'é writes' Glory- to the heretic Méndez Arceo-that I maintain undaunted my qualifica. tivo-de rebel. P.* >' etc., etc.; in fact, language is decisive for us; and[,-;. ü] I certainly do not find in the dictionary a more appropriate expression for "those who are not with the Pope in this or any other sense. You say to me ^ [continues, undaunted] - that to look at the Church in faith and discipline is reduced to the Pope alone; I answer that - in the last analysis yes, that it is the Pope who confirms the Doctrine, and if he does not confirm it there is no opinion that is valid even if it is that of many, very many bishops, priests and laymen; and if there were only two bishops left in the world with the Pope, I would follow them; and if there were only one left, so would I; and if there were only . 2 "Poor, the weak in faith," exclaims óloriá with sorrow, "are unable to understand and to sustain themselves," and he can also lament for those who provoke such an eacáhdalcMeW, the weak, many of whom can be brought to great crises of faith, crises of which it will be the fault of whom? Let us, in the course of this dialogue, call upon H. E. to reflect, in the name of that doctrine which dogmatically we must follow, of submission to the 'Father. I speak in the name of the magisterium of the rejected Father, of the Confucian laity, and of the souls of the despondency of the Church. INTRODUCTION i " - j dasienisuJ priestly vocation" Je '♦inclined ■ a* subtle errors. "3 " iSetèferia 'Gtórí¿''a7l¿ ¿ritfclich of the íapa Sóbré he delibato SaCrc^ , ' ... 1 Why! why lüégo' rio. ^only .only .calls him .evil '-nycqxi^ allà^ létràs,' còrnoldìèé eíláí always 'the cósàs-^ but qúé^^ '¿ Q u^ siéñcíó1 PájSa íé^timióJtaulÓ 'Vi. -s¿according to the,same' Gloria-, came1 tiri móxrié&tp én c^^csentádo eli su tiltil dé Fedirò^ **0^6'e# fa'líé'réjíá ^pbr íó tàntó dèjÒ de sér Pába;' without qü¿ pbr~ certain, riirigüríó another ocúpe Sii lüfear, c|ùedàrid(^òs'sin. Pa^ ?'1 * -,,,,, -, i , ^Atin se^atneve^ a apronto tendrertio^ dos: up perdad^r^ Fapd"?} Till,ahon , ra ¡ no. ,1$ has ^named. ,Se ¿comprma .con^u. Prophet. major, Sáenz Árriaga, and with him rnisma. -fT- - 1 .¡' ' rr , J) . - - .['"- ' ♦- <- - '' "r? >L!r_;-)'--Ti;? ; voice* of < siren caused me deep pity.' We did not argue. 'I that no^ nes. She announced to me that she would^already begin to fight* Paujp VL Believed *-and¿ several "times lo-'he said©^- that-with Sáenz Arriaga there were ¡ already millions of -people *andjque "was imminent the. general disregard- of Paulo VI.... I understood then the role that I had to play, if my Mother the Church would allow me to do so: and ' 7 ¡ Gloria remains insensitive and canonizes Saenz Arriaga with these bold words: "Father Saenz is dead, but his words live and are the living echo of the eternal doctrine". Gloría backs himself up in the number of his followers, although in this too he is deceived. "We are thousands" -she says-. Further on, she says that they are millions, "a multitude of faithful people", without the Pope and without the Episcopate, since the Pope is no longer the Pope, and the Episcopate "en masse has abandoned" the truth. It is the same doctrine of Rousseau: in the number, in the multitude, lies the Truth. NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN, NOR EVER WILL BE, A HERETIC. 34 It is: ebinism.(apostate idealistic thought -Lamennais : disappointed in the Papacy^ Lamennais -Lamennais : disappointed in the . Papacy^ Lamennais -declared i that the people is the one who poBee. Ja Verá people is tef the true Church**: uox Dei* I& recommend.afíGloria the reading The Revolution. By means of the Church,* by Jacques. Pioncan! d'Assac,. de la .-Editorial Tradition.... . . j . j . j - We are jhillarcsp we are- nti^ is the argument of the modern ¡woman? who has been subjected to a satanic-inspired fad:', we are the. majority - they say -; therefore not/; spmo^.immpral..., GJpria; t you: justify them. xYes efe argue them to me { horrible old .éiíipantalbnadas -Tcompjpará: ride them on- a broom ?we all walk like that; Game < nov we violate the 'decoroj Glory: YoudQ&jefatur^ < . -< - - - /-It's eb argumentb "derla^Revolution'"--Sitting -in^Ia chair .'presidential-: I have vlos: milloiíés^y ?me' follow milóhes.t । Glory f vusted e^ revolutionary. y r r' '} - - i Roman-Catholics? on the other hand) sabémo^qw? ^a reduced! a- a- a stabbed, we are lós úhicos Catholics, the only universal, because of the universal Truth we possess. Unfortunately for Gloria, Christ did not give to the multitude the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the mission of teaching and administering the sacraments to Peter himself, and two Apostles 'with. &ís Successors, the bishops ': : '' * - -' - ' 4. - . - . *+ - ' ' - ; . - -' - J - * * * ' t *1 I THE THESI& OF THE ADVERSARIES They claim that the Pope does not enjoy "divine assistance" except "in precise cases". According to this, outside of "precise cases", that is, as they explain, outside of when he speaks ex-cathedra, the Pope is like any one of us. Consequently, he ceases to be the Pope. They do not want to understand that neither Christ made this distinction, nor has the Magisterium ever formulated it in any way. The adversaries insist: not speaking ex cathedra, they say, the Pope, at least as a private person, can fall into heresy, and therefore, in such a case, he automatically ceases to be Pope. According to them, several Popes have been heretics. There is nothing particular, they add, that Paul VI was also a heretic, and was so for several chapters. Not only, say others, but his predecessor, John XXIII, was not legitimately elected! Finally, they add, the Second Vatican Council was a simple council or not binding because it was simply Pastoral, and in addition it has an erroneous Declaration, the one on Religious Liberty. 35 I '.'K - . f- MY THESIS Peter is not a "successor " .r lis of,' Christ -* " " > '.'-!--■-- * * , ' '- j - * fS * . . This desheg^ tempest -pie.1 ^ served to believe ,more and more firmly every day, ,cqn the Church*,,that a successor of Christ* but a' single.head, and^n ^only. f^^^ with ¡mq Christ himself* and that. each^ of the Popes rio has been, a siniple successpr . of Ped^p --which^ could, be, as" in the rneramepte jiumaho, .some .faithful ,and .others unfaithful^-;,,, but that each£ unp, has been, and, will continue to be, untilfa,rel. day of Judgment, the same Peter, not physically,. but morally, so, that as pj own. Peter, no one can deviate from the right Faith, nor can we deviate from the right Faith. Only in this way do the words of Christ make sense: "You shall be faithful, and this Rock shall build the Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it" (Mt. 16:18-19). This is how the Church has always believed, and this is how the First Vatican Council defined it as Dogma. The expression "private person" in relation to the Pope was born in the middle of the 15th century, in the mouth of St. Antoninus of Florence. Torquemada (+ 1468) converted it into "private man"; and then someone translated it into the modern expression: "private doctor". 37 38 NO POPE HAS BEEN OR WILL BE A HERETIC But these three expressions did not have the meaning that is now1 improperly given to them: they did not mean that the Pope could be considered at some point as if he ceased to be} but only this other: the Pope when he speaks or teaches but without passing sentence in a judgment in matters of/Faith, as in the Encyclicals - generally - as in ordinary catcquesis, as in SermórieS? The expression ex-cathedra is also very moderate, and it was not found in the XVIIIth century, but in the XVIT/^^ z ' Puefe'bieñ, ^o sóstengó' ^ Pafía ¡ejércé' the Primate Jdé ínáriera constárite, either extraordinariam or séá éx-chíthedrá, yá'ofdiriárianiéhié, without rieóesidád défihir dogmas: he government -^ué'mbhíyé'el magístérió^ lo ejéréfe all1. 'es'éfPapa; and éé the head of ía' Churchj is Peter' éritddó moméñtó/ arinque 'rio spoke ex-cathedrá 'eh' his '^ida . (You 21, ; á'óíq thus has ériinplimieritó lal/great promise; déí Éspíritri Sáritó pdr mouth déí Prophet! Isaiah (48, 21 j í rió the Robbery and ran 1$ special gift .de Christ k his Vicar: ^I^éydgádd^pór your Fénó desfalVezca^ ^^ -/ i ' - i ' - t > .- - .- - PEAN-.DEt, THIS WORK...; .To .debunk the errors of< the adyezsaries and prove jni^esis i will develop the followingÍ9pt;e :Plan: ; f [ I The election of Pope-t 1 .-Every Pope is elected by God. 2 .-The election of John XXIII. A) None of the Popes accused of heresy before Paul VI has been a heretic. 1.-Preliminary question. 2 - St. Peter. 3 .-Liberius. 4 - Honorius I. 5 - John XXII. 6 - The case of the Antipope Anacletus II. B) The "crimes" of Paul VI. Against this Pope there are many chapters of accusation. I will examine them one by one, including, at the end, ¿1 concerning the Second Vatican Council initiated by John XXIII and developed and approved by Paul VI. 39 40 NO POPE HAS BEEN OR WILL BE A HERETIC. III.-No pope can incur in heresy A) Examination of the texts invoked by the adversaries. B) Examination of texts ignored by the opponents, including those contrary to my thesis. C) Teaching of the Ordinary Magisterium of the Church. D) Extraordinary Magisterium: definitions ex-catedráráMe^Rom and teaching of councils'''approved: by the *' RománOsPóntífices. -I . ' i E) Final considerations. . - - -< ■ -/ -: r- - /.:- .-\ ' ''-t " IV.-Conclusion: lefebvrists and saenzarriaguists are not Romans, and therefore are not Catholics/ í ' '. Appendix: The Antichrist and the End of the World. I The Election of the Pope ■; )- l.-EVERY. EVERY POPE IS ELECTED BY THE GOD - I . - - 'U. .1 - .. - - "............ ... *-. I ; * "No," says Saenz-Arriaqa, "to see a pope, whoever he may be, is not to see redro, but a simple successor of Peter. Peter was elected directly and personally' Pope by the same Chisto; ' Popes .'lian been' elected by 5ds Papacy _ is of. divine institution. The Popes who temporarily, after Peter, rule the Church, are of human institution. The divine assistance, in these elections, can be, or not, fertilized by the electors, who, in many occasions, have the right to make their choice, favorable to the elected one. / -" " * The itiismor Dóctef^rítípépal itiismor follows: -More- ¿exaggerated 'still'and- morealefadai denta ver. dad is the? second ©firitracíón^dé^dé^su Exaia^ [he Ar¿ '. zobtspfo de'i'Etetea [®odoy]p'dehquien criétá because7 saw'5 £- Páütó ^1P Ata$8 JéPptJ¿terd^ - * éá lo mismoÓ^qü^^ reptesé^tfintér," qife ^1 proxy? -Would you dιchb'testes',^ to Afe* ¡añdro VI réh his 'inÓÓÓhvéméñtes amusements? And; without i-.:. .- - ; .*-- 43 < 44 NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR WILL EVER BE A HERETIC. However, if the expression is true when speaking of Paul VI. it is also true when speaking of Alexander VI. Both are Popes; and de internis non iudicat Ecclesia, the Church does not interfere to judge the intimacies of souls, what goes on behind the curtains".1 I did not believe that a priest who füen büeho i could quickly and radically lose the Faith. For it is the Faith that this tremendous* gibberish attacks. Let us examine it in some detail. First proposition.-The Papacy is of divine ihstitiition.-Correctly 1 . V t - Second' proposition<^E ..Pope, whoever he may be, is not "Peter, but a simple successor of Peter^-^Distingq: he Pope is not Peter £bp identity.physical, '.I grant; np. is ^Peter with identity of; divine election1 and "of divtñá''authority, niégo'.^'So/és^that here ytf begins to nonsense the semrdocto heretic. ' o c , r Third proposition;-"The-'Pope who temporarily, after Peter, governs the Church^ is of human institution."-Monstruous proposition, what a contradiction to the first. It means that the Papacy of divine institution began in pprsgn,^from Peter. . Fourth, proposition"-^-So :is< so,; quecendas,,elections dq PaparJajasistencia guess ".can be ró not. be MOqndadai fat electors, remain: Several ^occasions ha$ had jprqci^^ .Moer^qlqpci^ndqyorqble to the ^egido''^^ words:'the elepqion^O ?aPQ is not superior, dp .f$ctq4llpil$;de.Pre$¡^e^ l^¿e¡en^plo:faquí elect; ^uiy political fr uA.^6n & My transcription is absolutely faithful. It is taken from Trio of Sept. 1, 1974. EH POPE IS I ELECTED BY' GOD 45 virtuous;-ipetoven^él- primen xaso, sorfrlós Hidden Powers who decide, and in the second. .. wins the "game ebdiablo^ , r . If the pope is elected only by men and not by the Holy Spirit as a true efficient cause, by means of certain electors, whether or not they have preclo, they are only the instrumental cause, "if the pope can be elected only by men as an efficient cause," even against the will of the Pope. He is a man like any other ptrq^ and even if it is necessary to say '^pope, he is not, because he does not belong to the Papacy,' which, according to Sáenz Arriaga, is of divine institution^ Nq¡ he is Pope because he was not elected but by men, who . Where, then, is the Papacy of divine institution? By what right will the Popes be able to exercise the same powers as Peter and Christ? How will it be possible for Christ to undo or bind in heaven what they, if they, the usurpers, are unattentive to on earth? Fortunately, the saenzarriaguist sect is not the. Catholic Church. ~ . ' \ ia. The Catholic Church has always known and "taught with certainty that there is an identity of 'supernatural order, of divine powers,' absolute; 'between the Pope, whoever he may be, 'and the Pope:' identity that does not create physical identity. -* ' ' ' For which reason, in his Corpontarip a,St. MatthewJXj 1-^1 V), Origen says that the promise' which Christ hi±ed to Peter -tibí dabo claves regni, poelorum-rT, e$ ''para cual- 4'6 NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR WILL BE A HERETIE who will be Pddro",? i.e., the same Alexander VI as St. Pius X.' ' ' ' - No identity is necessary. ' ' - It is not necessary the physical identity, that is, that Pebró himself had not died and lived until the end of time; it is not necessary the physical identity of Christ with the priest for him to be able to say as Christ himself in the 'sacrifice of the Mass: "This is my body. Why does he talk about it as if he were Christ? Why does the sater'dóté absolve sins.'arrogá^ a power that only God possesses: "ego te'absólvo. "Vó .I absolve you.' /*' Why, - I > '-- 1^4 . ■ '' ' wl '- .'i'z if he is not God? The Church answers- that A by, the power which. Christ gave to Peter, and that from; Peter the bishops receive,3 power which they delegate to the presbyters., and1 It has always in Cenadoja church that Ellá^ést*^ sótíré only one: J'Super unúnfi aedificat. (dóminüS) ecclési&h'^4 About úh single apostle: win tofo pó'ristia; no requirifür qúod ünüs siWotíus Écclésiáus Écclésiáé cápüt4- - says St. Thomas: "is. indispensable that in all the Christian people is cabera of the whole Church".5 And St. Thomas explains it as follows: . -- For the runidbdi of the Church/SA. requires that all the faithful agree in the faith. And. about. those. things. which. pertain. to. the. faith. may. arise।cuesf Jiones'e and by Ja.-diversity. would. divide. the. church. if. it. were. not. preserved. by. the. . sentence tsolo^ It. is. required, . therefore, . lq, for the preservation of the unity of the Church, that Jiaya * JCcXcKTm rw ' ílerptá^ ^rX- 8 Pius XTI, Mystití Cafporis Christi, no. '36. . * Origins, Unit., IV. . '^iSuifá'cbntra^G'éntUésSI^W. 47 THE, POPE .IS, ELECTED (BY1 GOD, c|ue.prefcida all lad^lesia.* And it is- manifest kque Christ; nofaltanen Jas "things'necessary a.w Iglét ' sia, aJacualamó, and porda cual-dio su-sangro"; when í even from the- synagogue I said by- the Lord: What else should I have done for my vineyard" that I have not .hé¿ho? (Isaiah, V, 4).>Therefore, it is not to be doubted that by Christ's ordination only one presides over the whole church. Moreover, there is no doubt that the regime of the Church is perfectly ordained by Him for whom the kings and the lawgivers are appointed by Christ. And the lawgivers, manaan things ¡úsfásjProv. ..t.YI 1I,. 1,5). And the optimal regime of the multitude -is* that :it be ruled by, one only;lp which is evidenced by the end of the regime, which is peace; for peace and íá uni, d íá unity of the* subjects is the end d©l Au®- governs;^; it is cáüsa ^nás'conveniente of Tá ' unity dyed only,1 that manybs- Therefore it is mahífiésfo that the regime of the Church'e¿fa arranged of Manera that únó' only pre^ . sida all¿? the Church. G" ' ' ' '^demási The Church 'milítante^se derives, from. the Church ¿friúnfante poc,seme¡anza;,porfío which also John.en el Apocalipsis vp to Jerusalem^-pué. descended, from heaven; and Moses was told to do all things according to the pattern, which had been shown to him on the mount. And in this Church it was said to him to do all things according to the pattern, which had been shown to him on the mount, and in the universe, which was said to God; "for it was said: And helq< séráh suf pUéblo,"^'he'fAis^010 God én mediated of them 'séré s^^ 'X 3). ' Then.'also Jéh ja íglésiá militant úno is '/ eí that aobi.érñáu , / 3' í; c'y --" Where-is now- esé ^pastór. unique?. Pórque . Peter has already died. And yet¡ since the Church is -visible and -' * - 7? . :-■> -J -: ■ r -, . ^.Sümtí v. ^Gentilgt, L. IV,'dap. LXXVI. traH culi...,. edition of the Readers' Club of Argentina, t. IV; p. 261. 48 NONE PAPAiiJHA. SroO NI> SERA HEREJE có&üna?vida. de. mucfebs/kig'los, eHPastor -único-prometidp pop'CristQd'ambiémdebe senvlsible'y corú the same* powers e^Pedró,; o "sea? grex- et unus' pas■forVj^Juan'-IOpiló); -un ,eH\'>.v v ' ' '.'H 'Yfor this being 'the faith of the- teaching Church, it has also beenMacde-*the faithful: 1 a , . "We know -declares in the middle of the 111th century a group of Roman confessors who, after a brief rebellion' to which they had been 'dragged by the antipope Novatianus, were 'against Pope' Cornelius-, [we know] (that Cornelius, Bishop 'of' the Most Holy Catholic Church was an effect*by. God. ?. and we are not ignorant that in the Catholic'there should be no more.what?üp Qbishop".^' --■ ; T : n .- ropqjp s©ra of nom^e., will not be Podro, and would fail the word of. Christ: " . \ J A For this reason, as long as the Church exists, its only foundation will always be Peter, the successor of Peter, two expressions that mean exactly the same thing, for otherwise Christ would deceive us? ' : ^St. Thomas himself teaches it, very clearly: "And if, if any one saysIRUpi upa sola.- head and a splo , - pastpr- ps that OS,,, a solp^esposo^de. . .,yna single ■Iglesi^i not, answer, .su ti cien te mente. t For ,it ,is . manif¡esdp qu,e\ekmjsmoi pristo isx whorea|iza all Jos JP"" who' baptizes, He is the one who forgives the, sins; He is the,true priest, who gave Himself in it- ara of 'flé' cross and by whose 'virtue ' is' consecrated every0 day^ his t- ----------- -' 1 /.■-: . '1-, -. V . L t "No-: Comeliuxn episcopum sajictisimae catholicae ecclesiae vcmuu'Batilfol-,. Si^iTenJjEglise maissanta >eL l* catholicisme, p. 428. 1909, Raría.: j .->■ .... --,' . . . ■ - . I 49 ELPADA .ES. ¡ELECTED 'BY GOD. ;jbody' in .the' alteré¡yjsin embargoes because^ he was not to be corporeally present to ;all" the! faithful, ; ; ;.gjigjó mfyiMTpfcn po^jriedip ode. Jos; "cuajes, .disp ^a Jo* fjele^jgs^p/^ , ' ,/ ¿ rx" nEórjQdantó.eppty^^ r'azófr.úbecause "habíale -n subtract to.the; Church his icorporal presence, agreed ¿I,a( JqoijgLesia dejd'áb manejía- that.'huhissQ of,,, lastfh until^ ■end. ¡of . jnundo,,, segúqj^q;uellp^,. On^e the tcpnq of David;x¡ on his reipo.will sit", And -fo^talece^ ,in;the .judgment and;Righteousness^ of .alioca. and. forever.; . .(Isaiah, ÍX,. 7). It is/mapifjesto,,, therefore,,, in this way he constituted in sq. ministry,,,to those,,who,,entpn-? ces. demanded,,,that,,his. power. be. derived. to. his. successors. for the benefit of Ja Church,,until the end ofL.mpn-' do; mainly by saying:,,Behold,,I am with you all the days,,until the-consu^. ^r^ation.d^l ,worldj.(|^at- ? .".P "And by this is¿e^gluye|the pfesuntuoso .errOT tdp al-L> . gunos who attempted; to subtract themselves from, Ja, "obedience and.subjection to ;Peter, no. recpnócienclo to. his successqt^el Ro'mang Pontiff/for pa^qr .of the'Church "upi.Ypr^^ x ~ ■■ ■ " " Suma contra Gent.,' IV, ch. 76. ed. argentine, p.-262.r fJ '50- NO POPE HAS EVER BEEN OR EVER WILL BE A HERETIC: 11 It is kr misino that says :Vatican Council I with autòHdàd'supreme: < ,'pnfa' 'q'ué ;er episcòpi e undivided and the universal'mócKedbmbré^dè lòs:believers will cbn- servaré the the other Apostles, > in' him instituted ün^perpetual principle of-One and other unity and? a foundation-visible^'on whose strength-. a temple, eternal-. be built-. (Denz. 182JK x \ - ♦ ' ■ And then defined-córho dó'dma^que^ the ''successióri^èn : the Cétedrb of Pédró rió' can- be interrupted "If álgúrib said cjiie not fes dét WstifUciÓn^ of Christ himself, is décir^de1 right div¡nój'C|úé the -biénSvéhturiádo 'Pedr# t&hqa2 perpetúo'^ successors in ■él' primacy-sobré the^lglésià' universal^ or q'üe he Row hó: -Pontificé nò ès successor of: blessed Peter in the- same Primacy, seav Áa'ñdtéma'b (Derw I825);/ Note" that pót Ser de derechó! divine'-as stated by the Vatican Council I- that 'Peter's sùcesòres éh ;er primacy'over the ìglèsià^ùipyè^^^^^^^ gítaménte is also, divine the election' of dies sutesors, so'! so'"that 'his éleòforès,. although' have their own plans/ h^són' but; ip^rJmehtos Holy Spirit: ''instruments artimádos"/ dÍcéx?S¿h'fcF. Tómás^De Ib' contrary? the elect? not ^séHan .¿ucésóté'á of Pécfro, nòs£ertaft Peter? 'Qci: are. pòrèjüé ^comS a^ Pedrò ,Tós" chooses God. Simon is1 "becomes;Pedrór^ - solely by:'séP:elect ' by Cristb..., J and *■ ' ^'For this reason he identifies him as ?e1/Cbnd^ corVPedroi Peter is' cáda^ unór de'éllo'S.'^ÜÜésto ;q,úé Pédró 'is the p'rihbipió' pérpef¿id "tanto de la unidad de' fí óómp de la unidad - sacramental./ * '\.,r ' Kt ' pok^Dioé'' ' 5$ O^Ror rótra^partév known'es qlie^una teaching" ordiná*- ria-peró cónstáhtedé the Popes'equals tuna dogmatic definition. Well, all the Popes have proclaimed that they 'are by divine leticism, / that is, that they are true successors! of the Prima Cleméntis o-EpfsJ tola of Pope Clement to the faithful of Corinth, Epistle that exigédarObediértciaV- of all rastiglésiSs lyicjue is. cónsidéradai^omoJahepifanfá: déJaíprimacía^roma- na---*