These texts were originally compiled by Fr. Joseph Kenny, O.P. (1936-2013). If you find errors in the texts, broken links, or would like to share other concerns, please submit a pull request at the GitHub repository.
To consult the complete works of St. Thomas in Latin 🇻🇦, see the Corpus Thomisticum (CT). CorpusThomisticum.txt.bz2 is a text file of all of CT, 11.6 million words, extracted from the CTh lt Android app’s database.
For a continually updated bibliography of St. Thomas in English 🇬🇧, see Thérèse Bonin’s Thomas Aquinas in English: A Bibliography.
Cf. also the Aquinas Institute’s online Latin 🇻🇦 - English 🇬🇧 editions; get a random St. Thomas quote from it; use the 🤗 Hugging Face parallel corpus.