Getsemani: Riflessioni sul Movimento Teologica Contemporaneo by Siri, Cardinale Giuseppe15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,MP3,PDF] Year=[1987] Words=[75,656]
"Non Potest Esse Genuina Sensatio Sine Reali Sensato" by Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, O.P.15 set, 2012 Formats=[DJVU,PDF]
Grace by Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, O.P.15 set, 2012 Formats=[DOC,EPUB,PDF] Year=[1952] Words=[217,640]
History of the Mass and Its Ceremonies in the Eastern and Western Church by O'Brien, John, A.M.15 set, 2012 Formats=[DJVU] ISBN=[9780613916257] Year=[1879]
Utopia by More, St. Thomas15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,PDF] Words=[46,595]
The Way toward Wisdom: An Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Introduction to Metaphysics by Ashley, Benedict, O.P.15 set, 2012 Tags=[Philosophy, Comparative Religion, Religion, Religious, Metaphysics] Amazon=[0268020353] Formats=[EPUB,PDF] Google=[drsyDwAAQBAJ] ISBN=[9780268045654] LCN=[BD131.A84 2006] OCLC=[609421317] Year=[2009] Words=[299,883]
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Gifts of the Holy Spirit: According to St. Thomas Aquinas by Cameron, Peter John, O.P.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[9780884365440] OCLC=[733974889] Year=[1980]
De Obediencia by Ignatius of Loyola, St., S.J.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[9788433022264] OCLC=[433667682]
The Holy Rule of St. Benedict by Benedict, St., Abbot of Monte Cassino15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,PDF] Words=[21,566]
Spiritual Exercises by Ignatius of Loyola, St., S.J.15 set, 2012 Tags=[Religion, Christianity, catholic, Saints & Sainthood, Christian life, Spiritual Warfare] Formats=[EPUB,MP3,PDF] Google=[lROsCgAAQBAJ] ISBN=[9780895559166] OCLC=[956997725] Year=[1914] Words=[111,869]
Art and Scholasticism With Other Essays by Maritain, Jacques15 set, 2012 Formats=[DJVU] ISBN=[9780766163720] OCLC=[64581669] Year=[1930]
The Priest in the Pulpit: A Manual of Homiletics and Catechetics by Schuech, Ignaz, O.S.B.15 set, 2012 Tags=[Most Holy Trinity Seminary (MHTS) curriculum] Formats=[DJVU] ISBN=[9780312330118] OCLC=[861757150] Year=[1893]
Studies in Modernism by Fawkes, Fr. Alfred15 set, 2012 Formats=[DJVU] ISBN=[9780300151954] OCLC=[645790646] Year=[1913]
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Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary (New Testament) by Haydock, George Leo15 set, 2012 Tags=[Biblical Commentary, Commentary] Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[9780201419696] OCLC=[299859931] Year=[1859]
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The Confessions of Saint Augustine by Augustine, St. & Pusey, Edward Bouverie, 1800-188215 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,PDF,TXT] Words=[120,651]
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The Ground of Union: Deification in Aquinas and Palamas by Williams, A. D.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[9780195124361] OCLC=[1120461642] Year=[1999]
Libellus Precum ad usum fratrum S. ordis prædicatorem by Catholic Church15 set, 2012 Tags=[Dominican, Dominican Rite] Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[1104781557] Year=[1952]
The Sword by Terry, Randall A.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF]
Libro della divina dottrina, volgarmente detto Dialogo della Divina Provvidenza (2ª ed.) [Project Gutenberg - 26961.0] by Caterina da Siena, Santa, T.O.P. & Fiorilli, Matilde15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,TXT] Google=[4mooOgAACAAJ] OCLC=[444560161] Year=[1912] Words=[165,721]
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