Haydock Catholic Bible Commentary (New Testament) by Haydock, George Leo15 set, 2012 Tags=[Biblical Commentary, Commentary] Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[9780201419696] OCLC=[299859931] Year=[1859]
Sources of Dogma by Denzinger, Heinrich15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,PDF] Words=[258,659]
The Confessions of Saint Augustine by Augustine, St. & Pusey, Edward Bouverie, 1800-188215 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,PDF,TXT] Words=[120,651]
A Discovery of the Manifold Corruptions of the Holy Scriptures by the Heretics of Our Days by Martin, Gregory15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF]
The Ground of Union: Deification in Aquinas and Palamas by Williams, A. D.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[9780195124361] OCLC=[1120461642] Year=[1999]
Libellus Precum ad usum fratrum S. ordis prædicatorem by Catholic Church15 set, 2012 Tags=[Dominican, Dominican Rite] Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[1104781557] Year=[1952]
The Sword by Terry, Randall A.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF]
Libro della divina dottrina, volgarmente detto Dialogo della Divina Provvidenza (2ª ed.) [Project Gutenberg - 26961.0] by Caterina da Siena, Santa, T.O.P. & Fiorilli, Matilde15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,TXT] Google=[4mooOgAACAAJ] OCLC=[444560161] Year=[1912] Words=[165,721]
A Humble Plea by Terry, Randall A.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF] Year=[2008]
Uniformity with God's Will by Liguori, St. Alfonso Maria de', 1696-178715 set, 2012 Tags=[Christian Classics Ethereal Library, CCEL, All; Christian Life; Proofed] Formats=[PDF]
Oves Sine Pastore: A Plea to Vatican Leaders to Restore Faithful Catholic Leadership in America by Terry, Randall A.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF]
Timaeus by Plato15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[9781107012066] OCLC=[900735894]
Accessory to Murder (partial) by Terry, Randall A.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[9781563679261] OCLC=[786424966]
Socrates Defense: Apology by Plato15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[117132054X]
Sanguis Innocens, Sanguis Sanctus by Terry, Randall A.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF] Year=[2010]
Mirror of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, St.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF]
The Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, St.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF]
Twentieth century philosophy; living schools of thought, by Runes, Dagobert D. ed. (Dagobert David), 1902-15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF]
Modern Thomistic philosophy, an explanation for students v.2 by Phillips, R. P. (Richard Percival)15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF] Year=[1962]
Dante and the Blessed Virgin by McInerny, Ralph M.15 set, 2012 Tags=[Literary Criticism, Medieval, Poetry, Philosophy, Religious, European, General] Formats=[PDF] Google=[n6pBPgAACAAJ] ISBN=[9780268035174] LCN=[PQ4419.M2.M35 2010eb] OCLC=[455801804] Year=[2010]
Health Care Ethics: A Theological Analysis by Ashley, Benedict, O.P. & O'Rourke, Kevin15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,PDF,TXT] ISBN=[9780871250704] OCLC=[1004545685] Year=[1978] Words=[263,411]
The Rule of Our Most Holy Father St. Benedict, Patriarch of Monks by Benedict, St., Abbot of Monte Cassino15 set, 2012 Tags=[Google] Formats=[EPUB,PDF] Words=[48,852]
Dionysius the Areopagite, Works by Dionysius the Areopogita, St. & Parker, John15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,PDF,TXT] Year=[1897] Words=[96,212]
Modern Thomistic Philosophy (vol. 1) by Phillips, R. P. (Richard Percival)15 set, 2012 Formats=[DJVU,PDF,PDF_OCR] Year=[1935]
Modern Thomistic Philosophy (vol. 2) by Phillips, R. P. (Richard Percival)15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF,PDF_OCR] Year=[1935]