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Filioque and Thomist vs. Scotist vs. Palamist

Started by Kephapaulos, July 26, 2020, 05:08:22 PM

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I recently listened to this video about the Filioque in relation to Thomism, Scotism, amd Palamism on the Youtube channel Reason and Theology:

The host Michael Lofton had expressed at about 1:44:00 in the video about having a Thomist join a discussion and debate with the Byzantine Catholic Scotist Dr. Jared Goff and Eastern Orthodox Palamist Dr. William Bradshaw in this sequel video:

It seems he did not find a Thomist for that sequel and is in need of one for his shows. The closest perhaps that has been on his show is Fr. David Sherry, SSPX, who is due to soon be the District Superior of Canada.

By chance, Geremia, would you know of anyone who could be the Thomist voice for Reason and Theology? Perhaps Mr. Lofton could have Fr. Thomas Crean discuss and debate on there?

What would also be an idea is having some of that discussion enter into the Disputationes subforum to get it more active.

Dr. Jared Goff also comes out in this video about Scotism, Thomism, and Palamism:

Dr. Goff even has his own Youtube channel:


It seems they already did find a Thomist after all:

I saw that one of Dr. Minerd's translations is in the library too:


Unfortunately, Dr. Minerd has no problem with evolution and seems more friendly to the philosophy of Jacques Maritain.