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Dr. Alan Fimister on Vatican II

Started by Kephapaulos, October 06, 2020, 11:47:18 PM

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I haven't watched this yet (3h40m!), but I see he mentions "human dignity" a bit. I'd expect he speaks about Dignitatis Humanæ, since he coauthored Integralism: A Manual of Poilitical Philosophy with Fr. Crean, O.P., and Fr. Crean is critical of Dignitatis Humanæ (Integralism says: "The views expressed in this work are not necessarily those of the [Novus Ordo] Order of Preachers." ☺).


Quote from: Geremia on October 10, 2020, 09:03:48 PMIntegralism: A Manual of Poilitical Philosophy with Fr. Crean, O.P.
Have you read this yet?
I see St. Thomas and St. Robert Bellarmine are cited frequently. He also cites the 24 Thomistic Theses and Cdl. Ottaviani!
And friendship is also discussed very frequently. It gets into ecclesiology a bit, too!

Quote from: ch. 1Political philosophy is therefore a branch of moral philosophy. Moral philosophy in general is the study of man's life, and of the good which strictly befits, or is proportioned to, man's nature: its goal is to show us how to attain this good on earth. Political philosophy, or politics, is the study of man's life insofar as he is united with his fellow men in a way that extends beyond the family. Since, as we shall see, the good that men may obtain by this union is greater than the good which they may obtain by their union in domestic society, which in turn is greater than the good which they may obtain as individual human beings, politics is the study of the highest good, proportionate to human nature, which may be obtained on earth. It is therefore the highest branch of moral philosophy.
Politics is like spiritual direction on a large scale.