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St. Robert Bellarmine's letter to Fr. Foscarini

Started by Geremia, December 27, 2016, 11:52:44 AM

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Quotedo you have another source of Carl Neumann's propagating potentials?
Duhem, in The Electric Theories of J. Clerk Maxwell: A Historical and Critical Study pp. 148-9, discusses
"which contained a summary of a theory that was later published in extenso" as

Neumann (1868, p. 121), from Duhem 2015 pp. 148-9:
QuoteA new supposition is introduced in making this motive cause, which we call potential, not be immediately but gradually transmitted in time from one mass to another, and—like light—to propagate with a great and constant speed. We will denote this speed by the letter c.

This supposition, together with the other, the supreme and sacrosanct principle principle of Hamilton meeting no exceptions, is made fundamental to our theory, from which (without any further supposition) those well-founded laws of the celebrated Ampère, Neumann, and Weber, on their own foundations, will spontaneously emanate.

Nova introducitur suppositio, statuendo, causam illam motricem, quam potentiale vocamus, ab altéra massa ad alteram non subito sed progiediente tempore transmitti, atque—ad instar lucis—per spatium propagari celeritate quadam permagna et constante. Quam celeritatem denotabimus litera c.

Ista suppositio, conjuncta cum hac altera, principium Hamiltonianum normam exprimere supremam ac sacrosanctam nullis exceptionibus obviam, fit suppositio in theoria nostra fundamentalis, ex qua absque ulla ulteriore suppositione leges illæ notissimæ a celis, Ampère, Neumann, Weber, conditæ sua sponte emanabunt.
QuoteWe will call the receptive potential that which any point receives at time t that had sometime before been emitted by another point. Wherefore, it is clear that the receptive potential formed with respect to any given time is also the same as the emissive potential formed with respect to any prior time.

Potentiale receptivum vocabimus id, quod utrumque punctum recipit tempore t, aliquanto antea ab altero puncto emissum. Unde elucet potentiale receptivum respectu dati temporis cujuslibet formatum idem esse ac potentiale emissivum respectu temporis cujusdam prioris formatum.


In his debate with Gideon Lazar on young earth, Jimmy Akin claims that Trent's binding of Catholics to the consensus of the Fathers was "clearly disciplinary":


QuoteJimmy Akin claims that Trent's binding of Catholics to the consensus of the Fathers was "clearly disciplinary":

Not surprising; Akin is a Modernist.
St. Robert Bellarmine, On Councils: Their Nature and Authority (De Controversiis) says it "is proper for general [ecumenical] Councils" (e.g., Trent) "to constitute dogmas of the faith".