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International Open Seminar on Semiotics: Tribute to John Deely, 5th an. of his ☠

Started by Geremia, March 21, 2022, 11:14:10 AM

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International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing
videos (continuously updated)

et al. presented!

The Auditorium contains the full schedule of past and future presentations, plus some more videos:


Lucid, concise, easy-to-understand intro. to Deely semiotics, doctrine on signs/relations:
cf. 21st Century Realism: John Deely's Recovery of Poinsot's Doctrine of Signs by Banzelão Julio Teixeira

Discusses Peirce's classification of the sciences (cf. natural classification), the relation of the empirical sciences to logic, and the history of logic:


Toward the end, Dr. Kemple briefly discussed St. Thomas's tripartite definition of truth in Quæstiones disputatæ a. 1 De veritate co.
QuoteConsequently, truth or the true has been defined in three ways. First of all, it is defined according to that which precedes truth and is the basis of truth. This is why Augustine writes: "The true is that which is"; and Avicenna: "The truth of each thing is a property of the act of being which has been established for it." Still others say: "The true is the undividedness of the act of existence from that which is." Truth is also defined in another way—according to that in which its intelligible determination is formally completed. Thus, Isaac writes: "Truth is the conformity of thing and intellect"; and Anselm: "Truth is a rectitude perceptible only by the mind." This rectitude, of course, is said to be based on some conformity. The Philosopher says that in defining truth we say that truth is had when one affirms that "to be which is, and that not to be which is not."

Secundum hoc ergo veritas sive verum tripliciter invenitur diffiniri. Uno modo secundum illud quod praecedit rationem veritatis, et in quo verum fundatur; et sic Augustinus definit in Lib. Solil.: verum est id quod est; et Avicenna in sua Metaphysic.: veritas cuiusque rei est proprietas sui esse quod stabilitum est ei; et quidam sic: verum est indivisio esse, et quod est. Alio modo definitur secundum id in quo formaliter ratio veri perficitur; et sic dicit Isaac quod veritas est adaequatio rei et intellectus; et Anselmus in Lib. de veritate: veritas est rectitudo sola mente perceptibilis. Rectitudo enim ista secundum adaequationem quamdam dicitur, et philosophus dicit in IV Metaphysic., quod definientes verum dicimus cum dicitur esse quod est, aut non esse quod non est.
These aren't, according to Dr. Kemple, three definitions but three "modes" of St. Thomas's single definition of truth.

cf. "Who first defined truth as adæquatio rei et intellectus?"

