
At the end of our life, we shall all be judged by charity. —St. John of the Cross

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Charles Coulombe on the American Revolution

Started by Kephapaulos, July 04, 2017, 10:30:58 AM

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Revisiting the American Revolution with Charles Coulombe:

Charles Coulombe on Monarchy and Catholicism:


Quote from: Kephapaulos on July 04, 2017, 10:30:58 AMRevisiting the American Revolution with Charles Coulombe:
Charles Coulombe on Monarchy and Catholicism:
I've seen that second video before. I used to listen to True Restoration Radio back when it was free, and they interviewed Coulombe frequently.
(I saw a copy of Wolfgang Smith's Teilhardism and the New Religion: A Thorough Analysis of the Teachings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin on his bookshelf! De Chardin was another Modernist suspected of heresy (pantheism in his case); he thought the material world evolves into the spiritual! This is congruent with what De Lubac et al. think, too, in making the order of grace a part of the natural order.)

Separating from Anglican England would seem to have been a good thing, enabling the U.S. to reunite with Rome easier someday (as England had been before Henry VIII).

The religious pluralism problem is something George Washington studied; he even visited Catholic Masses and the false-worship of Protestant sects (cf. A Powerful Mind: The Self-Education of George Washington). (Washington is thought to have undergone a death-bed conversion to Catholicism, too.)

However, see Bp. Williamson's "The Loss of American Sovereignty" and "From Christ to Anti-Christ" (American Revolution mentioned at about the 1 min. mark).


Letter of Pope Pius IX to Jefferson Davis:
Quote from: Pius IXIllustrious and honorable sir, greeting:
We have lately received with all kindness, as was meet, the gentlemen sent by your Excellency to present to us your letter dated on the 23d of last September. We have received certainly no small pleasure in learning both from these gentlemen and from your letter the feelings of gratification and of very warm appreciation with which you, illustrious and honorable sir, were moved when you first had knowledge written in October of the preceding year to the venerable brethren, John [Hughes], archbishop of New York, and John [Odin], archbishop of New Orleans, in which we again and again urged and exhorted those venerable brethren that because of their exemplary piety and episcopal zeal they should employ their most earnest efforts, in our name also, in order that the fatal civil war which had arisen in the States should end, and that the people of America might again enjoy mutual peace and concord, and love each other with mutual charity. And it has been very gratifying to us to recognize illustrious and honorable sir, that you and your people are animated by the same desire for peace and tranquillity, which we had so earnestly inculcated in our aforesaid letters to the venerable brethren above named. May it please God at the same time to make the other peoples of America and their rulers, considering seriously how cruel and how deplorable is this internecine war, would receive and embrace the counsels of peace and tranquillity. We indeed shall not cease with most fervent prayer to beseech God, the best and highest, and to implore Him to pour out the spirit of Christian love and peace upon all the people of America, and to rescue them from the great calamities with which they are afflicted. We, at the same time, beseech the God of pity to shed abroad upon you the light of His grace, and attach you to us by a perfect friendship.

Given at Rome at St. Peter's on the 3d December, 1863, in the eighteenth year of our pontificate.
Illustrious and Hon. Jefferson Davis
President of the Confederate States of America, Richmond