
"contemplari et contemplata aliis tradere" ("to contemplate and pass on the contemplated things to others") —Dominican motto; cf. S.T. III q. 40 a. 1 ad 2

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Theology / St. Thomas and conscience
Last post by ptlopes - September 18, 2024, 08:15:55 AM
Hello, everyone!

In his "Beatitude", Garrigou-Lagrange says that conscience, when binding, is called commanding or forbidding conscience. When not binding, it is called permitting or advising conscience.

However, Henri Grenier says in "Thomistic Philosophy" that antecedent conscience "binds" or "incites" and doesn't mention any permitting conscience.

In his textbook about moral philosophy, Charles Coppens writes: "conscience, then, may be defined as a practical judgment formed by reasoning from a universal principle to a particular fact, whereby I decide whether a certain individual act ought to be done or omitted, or whether it may be done or omitted, at my choice." Copper doesn't write about any "advising conscience"

Why do they disagree? Was St. Thomas clear about this?

Thanks and God bless you!
Holy Scripture / Re: Mariam = "star of the sea"...
Last post by Geremia - September 12, 2024, 05:45:05 PM
St. Bernard, in his Second Homily on Luke i. 26 in today's matins, says:
Quote from: St. Bernard of ClairvauxIt is said: And the virgin's name was Mary. Let us speak a few words upon this name, which signifieth, being interpreted, Star of the Sea, and suiteth very well the Maiden Mother, who may very meetly be likened unto a star. A star giveth forth her rays without any harm to herself, and the Virgin brought forth her Son without any hurt to her virginity. The light of a star taketh nothing away from the star itself, and the birth of her offspring took nothing away from the Virginity of Mary. She is that noble star which was to come out of Jacob, Num. xxiv. 17, whose brightness still sheddeth lustre upon all the earth, whose rays are most brilliant in heaven, and shine even unto hell, lighting up earth midway, and warming souls rather than bodies, fostering good and scaring away evil. She, I say, is a clear and shining star, twinkling with excellencies, and resplendent with example, needfully set to look down upon the surface of this great and wide sea.
Catholic Resources / Re: Additional Catholic eBook ...
Last post by k42s - September 06, 2024, 05:19:45 PM
Quote from: Geremia on August 26, 2024, 11:58:08 AMI made some more rsync URLs:

Thanks! For those needing a refresher, the other two rsync links are here, and the rough storage needed to mirror the libraries are:
  • CalibreLibrary: 197 GB
  • Zotero: 3 GB
  • Physics: 1 GB
  • Audiobooks: 3 GB
  • ResProDeo: 36 GB
Theology / Greatest Thomist of All Time: ...
Last post by Geremia - August 30, 2024, 09:10:04 PM
½ hour documentary by Christian B. Wagner of Scholastic Answers

See the ¶-length biographies of John of St. Thomis in Raul Corazzon, Theory and History of Ontology.
Catholic Resources / Re: Additional Catholic eBook ...
Last post by Geremia - August 26, 2024, 11:58:08 AM
Quote from: k42s on August 26, 2024, 05:31:38 AMIs there a way to mirror the contents of (where both these archives are housed) in a way similar to CalibreLibrary and Zotero? My programming knowledge is limited, but I'm able to get rsync to work.
I made some more rsync URLs:
Catholic Resources / Re: Additional Catholic eBook ...
Last post by k42s - August 26, 2024, 05:31:38 AM
Is there a way to mirror the contents of (where both these archives are housed) in a way similar to CalibreLibrary and Zotero? My programming knowledge is limited, but I'm able to get rsync to work.
Catholic Resources / Re: Translation requests
Last post by Geremia - August 24, 2024, 01:57:19 PM
Quote from: k42s on August 24, 2024, 07:00:46 AMI was just curious if something exists that can translate whole documents like DeepL.
Google Translate can all do entire documents.
Catholic Resources / Re: Translation requests
Last post by k42s - August 24, 2024, 07:00:46 AM
Nothing in particular; Google Translate handles sentences and paragraphs pretty well for Latin to English. I was just curious if something exists that can translate whole documents like DeepL.
Catholic Resources / Re: Translation requests
Last post by Geremia - August 23, 2024, 08:04:49 PM
Quote from: k42s on August 23, 2024, 05:06:12 PMother than Google Translate
What's wrong with Google Translate for Latin→English?
Catholic Resources / Re: Translation requests
Last post by k42s - August 23, 2024, 05:06:12 PM
Is there a translation service (other than Google Translate) that handles Latin? Unfortunately, I don't see that as an option on DeepL.