About the Author | vi Scripture Abbreviations | ix Introduction | x | Chapter 14 | 1 * Scripture Passages Teaching Geocentrism | 17 * How Much Authority Does Scripture Possess in Science? | 17 * Language of Fact versus Language of Appearance | 24 * Official Statements of the Catholic Magisterium | 27 * Scriptural Passages Teaching a Stationary Earth | 30 ** Joshua 10:10-14 | 30 ** Exegetical Details | 35 ** Galileo’s Interpretation of Joshua 10 | 39 ** Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 46:3-5 | 47 ** Habakkuk 3:11 | 48 ** 2Kings 20:9-12 | 49 ** 2Chronicles 32:31 | 49 ** Isaiah 38:7-8 | 50 ** Psalm 8:3-6 | 50 ** Psalm 19:1-6 | 51 ** Galileo’s Interpretation of Psalm 19 | 44 ** 1Chronicles 16:30 | 57 ** Psalm 93:1-2 | 57 ** Psalm 96:9-11 | 59 ** Psalm 75:2-4 | 62 ** Psalm 104:5, 19 | 62 ** Psalm 119:89-91 | 63 ** Ecclesiastes 1:4-7 | 64 ** Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 43:1-10 | 66 ** Job 9:6-10 | 67 ** Job 22:13-14 | 68 ** Job 26:7-9 | 68 ** Job 26:10-11 | 70 ** Proverbs 8:27-30 | 70 ** Wisdom 7:15-22 | 71 ** 1Esdras 4:34 | 72 ** Job 38:12-14 | 72 ** Psalm 82:5 | 73 ** Psalm 99:1 | 73 ** Isaiah 13:13 | 73 ** Isaiah 24:19-23 | 74 ** Job 38:18: Constitution of the Firmament | 74 | Chapter 15 | The Consensus of Church Fathers | 79 * Geocentrism | 84 * The Length of the Genesis Day | 105 * The Firmament | 128 * The Spherical Earth | 138 | Chapter 16 | The Catholic Church’s Teaching on Geocentrism | 147 * 1979: John Paul II Reexamines Galileo Case | 147 * 1992: An Analysis of John Paul II’s Speech on Galileo | 153 * A Logical and Inevitable Warning to the Church | 156 * How Then Should the Church Proceed? | 160 * A Detailed Analysis of John Paul II’s 1992 Speech | 166 * Canon Giuseppe Settele’s Imprimatur | 187 * The 1835 Index of Gregory XVI | 195 * A Closer Look at the “Error of the Theologians” | 206 * Cardinal Ratzinger: “The Crisis of Faith in Science” | 217 * 1500-1600: The Church Confronts Copernican Cosmology | 222 * 1566: Pius V and the Catechism of the Council of Trent | 226 * Official Sanctions against Copernicanism | 236 * 1615: The Church Confronts Fr. Paolo Antonio Foscarini | 239 * 1616: The Church Confronts Galileo Galilei | 253 * Excursus on Giordano Bruno | 257 * Galileo’s Letter to Benedetto Castelli | 263 * The Investigation of Galileo Continues | 284 * 1633: The Sentence and Punishment of Galileo | 304 * 1641: Galileo Converts to Geocentrism | 322 * 1639: Galileo’s Conversion to the True Catholic Faith | 336 * 1664: Alexander VII and the Index of Forbidden Books | 341 * Alexander VII’s Bull: Speculatores Domus Israel | 342 * 1741: The First Index of Benedict XIV | 352 * 1758: The Second Index of Benedict XIV | 358 * The Efforts of Pietro Lazzari for Galileo | 361 * The Rebuff to Astronomer Joseph Lalande | 370 * 1742-1833: The Disclaimer on Newton’s Principia | 370 * 1822: Pius VII and Canon Settele’s Imprimatur | 379 * 1822: The Battle between Anfossi and Olivieri | 382 * 1820-1822: More Detail on the Settele Decisions | 435 * 1835: Gregory XVI’s Index of Forbidden Books | 441 * 1850: The Vatican Supports the 1633 Condemnations | 453 * 1893: Leo XIII’s Encyclical Providentissimus Deus | 453 * 1921: Benedict XV’s Encyclical In Praeclara Summorum | 460 * 1941: The Book of Pio Paschini on Galileo | 465 * 1616-1664: Are the Papal Decrees Infallible? | 466 * 1870: Vatican Council I, Magisterium & Modern Science | 480 * 1965: Vatican Council II’s Gaudium et Spes | 484 * 2003: Catholic Apologetics and Geocentrism | 487 * St Pius X Society, Jason Winshel | 487 * 2010: Catholic Culture, Dr. Jeffrey Mirus | 496 * 2001: Fr. George Murphy, Ph.D. Physics | 505 * “The Church Does not Teach Geocentrism Today” | 509 * “The Church Fathers Did Not Debate Geocentrism” | 515 * 1965: Lumen Gentium 12: “The Whole Body...Cannot Err” | 520 * The Signs of Apostasy | 522 | Chapter 17 | Interpreting Genesis 1 | 529 * Its Geocentric Implications | 529 * Protestant Interpretations of Genesis: Hugh Ross | 534 * Higher Criticism: Raymond Brown, Stanley Jaki | 548 * Genesis 1 Day/Night Sequence Revisited | 560 * The Stars and the Speed of Light in Genesis 1 | 566 * Using the Redshift Formula for a Small Universe | 582 * Critique of Ferdinand Crombette | 583 Bibliography | 589 Webliography | 685 Licenses and Permissions | 703