*  Father Jaki Collection (Draft) Box 1 File Folders  Bible & Science, Is There A Universe, Butler 1850, 54,  Mozley 1879 Hutton: Newman, Guitton, Harrold, Gutberlet, Prigogine, Goudge, Lorenz, Jacob, Jones, Sheerard, Johnston, Stove, Voltaire, Euclid of Haupden, Grant Micacle & Natural Law, Paulsen, Kantstuo, Manning, Chapman, Gorman Converts, Tristram, Wordsworth, Wundt, Wittgenstein, Cusa, Nicholas, Fortescue, Weidir, Walsh - Doctrine of Creation, J. Barr, Vernet, Woodhead, Thorpe, Ullmo, Qu. Sci. Soviet - 1952.   Box 2    File Folders Pierre Duhem Materials  -  Abundant illustrative items including photographic duplicates of caricatures, postcards, slides, and related works. Box 3 File Folders Litany of St. Joseph, Rome, Thomism, Islam Science, various visits,   Power and Poverty of Science, A thousand years from now,  Madrid - 2001,  Rome -2000,  Extqater, Duhem Illustrator,  Atudomany Biblah Alapsai,  Castelgandolfo - 1994, Cosmic Rays and Water Spider, Erasmus Box 4  (*  Looks to be a good biographically centered box) File Folders Tendences, Physics Diss. Copy, Relevance, Kansas Lecture - Faith in PHysics, Faith in Science, Paradox of Olber's Paradox, Letters About Brain, Mind and Computers, Brain, Mind, Paradox, Various activities - 1960s,  number of files.   Faith-Scientists, Physics as Geom-Math, Aspects of Discovery, Entropy, Milky Way Delphi Lectures, Greece - 1972,  Review of Richter Science as a Cultural Process,  Ency. of Biographies, Science and Creation Outline, Various talks - 1975, Bruno, Lambert, Revelation , Nature, and Science John Jay College NY 1977;  Extraterrestrials, Planets and Planetariums; Gifford Lectures, Road of Science, Rock, And On This Rock, Hastie, Forces and Powers of Nature, Cosmos and Creator, Kant,  Box 5 File Folders Ann Arbor - Transform and Renaissance, Budapest 2001, Oklahoma, Science Religion Forum Guilford - 1982, Origin of Science, Moscow - 1989, Australia, Old Reports, The Normalien, Chantilly 1978, Pepperdine Universe and University, Weltknogress 1978, Bremen Lecture on Milky Way, Sermons 1975, 1978 and 1981.  Rome 1994, Rome 1991, Vatican 1990 - Ecology, Wanderer Lecture - 1979, Hong Kong - 1988, Catholic University - 1990 Madrid - 1990, Budapest 1990, Claremont 1991, Fordham 1991, Fermilab - 1991, Budapest 1991, Madrid 1991, Rome 1991, Genesis - 1992, Oath Doctors - 1992, Seton Hall 1992, Castel Gandolfo - 1994, Budapest 1992, New Zealand - 192, Rome 1992, Budapest 1992, Miskolc 1992, Seton Hall 1992, Milwaukee 1992, Kentucky State 1992, Lectures 1993, Madrid 1993, Budapest 1993, Lectures 1994, Budapest 1994, Lectures 1995, Lectures 1995-96, myth, faith, theory religion science Box 6 File Folders Cardinal Newman, Bonnard Le Ps Jeremiah;  Jerusalem Josephus, Rattisbone, Biblical REalism, Rare Books, Vatican, Beatitudes, CCC, Priestly Celibacy, Chladni, Menzel Flying Saucers,  Tipler, Vincent of Lernins, Bute/Hunter-Blair, Dickson - Bowl of Night, Story Lives of great Scientists;  Bickell-Funk-Vacany ?;  May Koral Absolutes, HExateuch, Zolli Lustiger, Halsted, Chesterston varous files, Berkeley, Eugenics,  Catholic Church - Astronomy, Ignatius Spencer 1900, ST. Columba, Buridan, Aquinas, Hughes - Intellibiligty of the Universe; Fang - Creation of teh Universe, Poe, Aristotle - De Mundo, Munitz, How to Know teh Universe is There, Clavius, Abelard        Box 7  File Folders   Ockham, Oersted, Oreshe, Paneth, Pauling, Peirce, Pelikan, Penrose, Penzias, Philoponus, Poincare, Polanyi, Popper, Purcell, Rabi, Randall, Rankine, Ravetz, Renan, Renouvier, Riehann, Robinson, Rousseau, Russell, Sartre, Schwarzschild, Secchi, Seeliger, Seneca, Selety, Sextus Empiricus, Shea, Silberstein, Solzhenitsyn, Snow, C.P., Spinoza, Stallo, Shapley-Curtis, Torrance, Tolstoy, Teilhard de Chardin, Tait, Taylor, A.E., Tripler, Tolman, Townes, Trilling, Turner S.E., Ussher, Vaucouleurse, Voltaire, Weyl, Weizsacker, Weisskopf, Weisheipl, Whitehead, Whewell, Wheeler, Wiener-Kreis, Whittaker - Space and Spirit; Whittaker - Descartes; Whittaker - Beginning and End; Maginificant, AVe Maria, Ency. Philosophy 1990-92; Darwin-Dickins, Malines, Moral, Islam, Newman, Darwin & Evolution, Karen K. Pizarro; Stent, G.; Knox - God and the Atom; Petavius Box 8  (*  Looks to be a good biographically centered box) File Folders Yearly Files 1934-1974;  Appendix,  A. Herman to Pierre Duhem, Mme a' Helene; Duhem, Karchil-Chevrillor Relahier; Duhem - Systiem du monde; Child Helene; Young Adults?; From One Scholar To Another; Letters by H. Transcribed; Bulliot; Duhem Inst. Paris; Duhem - Correspondence w. France O'Halley; Duhem, Letters by Duhem; Dufourcq; Duhem several files Box 9 File Folders Duhem and Bordeaux - Various Box 10 File Folders Quotes - Index Cards;    Quotes - Physicalism; Cosmology; Galileo Case; Papal Clippings, etc;   Various Science Clippings, Philosophy - Primer; Keys of the Kingdom; Father Jaki, Msc. Princeton; Savior of Science; Various Misc. Clippings and Jaki featured; Science, Ethics, Christianity; Wilde Lectures; Science and Creation Articles; VAC; Reaches; Misc. Non Science;    Box 11 File Folders SW Letters 1965-97; Ultimate Reality - Keaning; Letters 1984; Kansas University - 1990; Letters 1991-93; Letters Mostly Hungarian 1950s-60s;  AND, Roof need setting; Lane, Bossunt, La Fisica c la Realta Ultima; Earhartsavhnam ?; Eerdmans, Newman - Mystic, Expanding - Steady; The Wondrous Ether; Notes; From Infallibilism to Fallibilism; Cosmology, Cosmetology & Catholic; MM Alone; Nunes 1927, Marquda Cruz; Figueiredo; Puerto RIco 1991, TMA 27, FTM 1917; Santos, Castelbranco Box 12 File Folders Vercelli, Solar Halo; Martins Comando Paz ?; DeMarchi; Brochado various; Medieval Christianity - Its Inventiveness; Preparation - Last Word in Physics; History of Science; Harvard 1991; Genesis 1 - A Cosmogensis?,  Peter's Chair - A Prof Chair; Our Sunday Visitor,  Origins of E-M System ?;  Voyage to Lourdes; Preparation of Life's Defense: Natural and Supernatural;  Into to Anglican Difficulties; Life's Defense - Natural and Supernatural; No Authority to Ordain Women; Computers - ​​Lovable but Unloving; Two Miracles & Noble Laureate; Layout of Pattern and Princples; Sabbath Rest of Maker of All; Ethical Foundations of Bioethics; Chinese Translation of Duhem;  Interview with Cristanita; Dallas 1995; Preparation of Bible and Science; Preparation To Rebuild or not to Try?:  St. John Fisher; Catholic Church and Astronomy; Preperation of teh Inspiraton and and Counter-Inspiration of Astronomy; Word and Amoebas; Telltale Meteor; Pontifical Academy 1992; Theology of Priestly Celibacy;  Box 13 File Folders Hawking Review; Language, Logic, Logos; This World - Chaos Design;  Abortion Life; Universe Regained; Open Universe; Turtles and Tunnels;  Mind and Universe; Miracles and Physics; Science Revolutionary; Intro - Paysdes Gorilles; Beuachosne Gorilles; Thomas and the Universe; Virgin Birth; Marquette Degree 1989; Quantum Mechanics; Great IDeas 1989 - Determinism and Reality;  Science and the Future of Religion; Rome 1989;   Outline of Cosmology and Religion;  Correspondence with John Templeton About Hymn of the Universe;  Duhem Lecture; Newman and Science; Science - Western or What?;  Modern Tudoranyos and Cosmoloy and Religion;   Brain, Mind and Computers 1990;  Pontifical Academy of Sciences; Prep of Olbers Studies; Penrose, Newman and Evolution; Madrid Interview; Undecdiva ly Infallibale; Pontifical Academy of Science - Jaki Photo ?;  Rect Her Kluwer ;  Genesis Through the Ages; Perpetration - Universe and Creed;  Foster; In Preperaton of Christ and science; Nonsense and Sense of Science; Hungarian Version of - The MInd, Its Physics or Physics or Physiognomy; Talk- Modern Cosmologoies and teh Origin of the Universe;   Talk - Is Sceicne Western?  Arkansas 1992;  Preperation of teh Future of Cutlure; Is There a Universe?;  Prperation - Correspodence About Is There a Univers; Russian Version fo God and teh Cosmologists Box 14 File Folders Leibniz; Tribe - Laurence; Lemaitre; Kant; Chesterton, Cheating in Science; Kersenne; PAIS "Einstein"; Gilson; Planck; Levi-Strauss; Spencer, Herbert; Jedin; De Maistre; Hollis; Cooper - A.B & Tower of Pisa; Tertvillian Av. Herm;  Huxley, T.H.; De Sitter; Dewey; Dicke; Diderot; Dirac; Digges; Dingle; DuBois-Reymond; Eddington;  Edelstein; Descartes; Conant; Condorset; Copernicus; Crookes; Darwin, Dauvillier; Davidson, Duhem; Comte August; The Relevance of Physics;  Men of Letters vs. Science; Mars- Life;  Origin of Sciende; Comsology and Science; Marian; Infinity; Eusebius; Kirchoff; Koninck; Koyre; Kubrin, Kusch; LaPlace, Leach, Leonardo; LeSape; Lewis C.S.; Lodge,Locke; Macauley; McMullin; Mach; McCrea; MacPherson; Margenau; Maxwell; Michell; Michelson, Mindszenty; Mivart, Mill, J.S.;  Milliksan, MOehler; Needham; Neurath; Neusner; Newcomb; Newton Box 15 File Folders Copies of Letters 1993; 2003; 1999; 2001, 2002; Letters - 1987; Copies of Letters 1986, 1987, 1982, 1983; 1981;  Physics e the Unus ? Madrid; De Rance, Diocese of Trenton 1963-67; Correspondence - Center for Theological Inquiry; Correspondence 1996; Templeton Prize Letters; University Press - Science and Creation - 1981-90; Homeland, Copies of Letters 1998; Brill Duhemartist; Correspondence - Cosmology and Religion 1988; Keys of the Kingdom, "Jaca Book"; Scottish Academic Press; Academy of Science - Bordeaux;  Mercer University; Zygon art Dispute; Uneasy Genius Paperback Ed.; Fergren Letters 1996; Newman-Donnelly; ​Letters - 1999;  Letters - 2000; Letters 1995; Correspondence 1991-92 and up to 2004; Thought Journal; Various Correspondence Box 16 File Folder Kastner on Wright; Bonniface Wimmer; About Lambert; Astronomy; McNabb - Infallibility; Wilberforce; Badeley; Hope; Bowden; Mrs. Froude; Allies; Hanmer; Catholic Wards; Tynne, Campbell; Newman Grammar Index; Przywara; Sarolea Newman; Edinburgh, St. Andrews; Glasgow; Aberdeen, Gifford Lectures - Alphabetical; Cronin and Newman; Moehler on Islam; Normalien; Cosmology; Universe; Griffin-Newman; Euthanasia; Walbourton; Genesis I;  Box 17  (*  Looks to be a good biographically centered box) File Folders Letters, National Civic Council; Letters 1994;  Letters 1997; SLJ 1970s-80s; Letters 1963-65; Letters 1966, Letters 1967;  Letters 1969, Letters 1970; Letters 1972; Letters 1973; Letters 1971; Letters 1975; Letters 1980; Letters 1977; Letters 1974; Letters 1976; Letters 1979, Letters 1978; Letters 1996, Letters 1968;  Kant; Templeton Prize; Crowley on Motion;  Postcards and related matter Box 18 File Folders Calvin, Eriugena Soutes; Astronomy, Matter, JFK, Nobel Prize, Encyclopedie Francaise; Epicarus; Hoyle; Hume; Hygens; William James; Jeans, J.H.:   Kant, Kelvin, Kenny; Kepler; Euler; Einstein; Foreman; Faraday; Fargani; Feynman; Fitzgerald; Fontenelle; Feigl; Frankl; Freud Friedman; Galileo; Ghazali; Gould; Grene; Guth; Hardin; Harrison, Hartner; Hawking S; Heckmann; Helmholtz; Hendry; Herschel; Hirn; Hodgson, Hobbes; Hoffoing; Holton; Kepler; Kierkegaard;  Box 19 File Folders Inrtrod - General; Vishnu Purana; Surya Siddhanta; Hindi; Chinese; Aztec; Egypt Babylon; Old Testament; Greece, Patristic; Arab, Medieval. Classical; Oscillating, Ages of the World Box 20 File Folders Anthropic Prince ?;  Idols; Complementarity; Reductionism; Ianker; Fukuyama; Origins of Western Environment; Chance/Chaos; Lande - Dualism to Unity; Eymiev; Maerchal; Colinon; Allnatt; Newman and Anglican; Lucy Who; Jerome Biblical Commentary; Genesis; Stadelmann and the World; God's Action in the World; S klog; Montejano Bibliographia; Ugarte; Story of Guadeloupe;  Neidhardt - Articles on Science; Popes-Saints; Napoleon, Shroud; Tierney; Pastor History of Popes; Obedience; Kirwan Pluarity of the Worlds; Tao Physics -0 Eastern Mysticism; History-Historians; Buffier; British Assoc. 1931; Leach; Hierachy; Kittel - Kosmos; Life of Jesus; Cosmology; Card Humbert; Newman and St. Benedict; Texts About Science; Transcendental Thomism; Science Between Culture and Counter-Culture; Abbey/Overton English Church in XVIII Century;  Origins Creation Texts from Ancient Mediterranean 1976 Box 21 File Folders Vatican, Hafflier; Rome - 2000;  St. John's 2003; Newman's Search for the Church; Williams College - 2003; Newman DC - 2003; Newman and Church of England; Questions on Science as a Religion; Two Births; Religion; Creative Science; Wishful Thinking, SLK Writings; DC - 2004; Preparation and Late Awakenings; Brain-Mind Unit; eastern orthodoxy; Review of Norman-Anglican Difficulties;  Journalist, Einstein;  Late Awakening; Leeds/Sheffield - 2005; Darwin Designs; Late Awakening; Vatican 2004 Godel; Rome 2004; Darwin Designs; Arians/Neo-Arianism; Chesterton - Seer of Science; Catholic u - 2003;  Jewish Converts; Beauchene; Rome and Europe 2006-2008; Amherst 2008;  Gorizia ? 2008; Lubbock - 2008; Madrid 2008; 8 Beatitudes; Garden of Eden; Cosmic Connection - Sydney; Drama of Guadeloupe; What is the Mass:/  UK trip 2009; Hail Mary  -  A legal dilemma, Budapest - 2009;  Precious Blood; Stillbirths of Science; Evolution: Random or Purposeful; Italian Lecture Drafts; Detroit - 2005; Galileo, Notes, Grace of Free Will; Gordian Knot; Science & Religion; Miracles; John XXIII: christian origins of science; Newman, Evidence of the Mind; A Priori; Origin of the Mind, Publishers; Evolution and Purpose; Slides for Conference, Genesis 1; Relativity, Randomness and Religion; Value of Matter; Medieval Technology; science and religion; two Lourdes miracles; physics-ethics; mind;  Box 22 File Folders Copies of Letters 1984-1994, Hellenic Society   Box 23 File Folders Kant, Chance and Reality; religion and science cosmic connection; science and incarnate god; scientific cosmology to a created universe;  Et Source Roc; Sugden; Angels, Apes, Man;   Lethiullier; Angels, Apes, and Christians; Baltimore Loyola; Uneasy Genius; Darwinism, Hoyle; Long; Christ, Catholics and Abortion; Hess VF: Duhem; Indiana - 1985; Keys of the Kingdom, Chesterton Lecture; GKC - Man, Scientism; Universe, Chance or Reality; Sharpe; Man of One Wife or Celibacy; Evolution for Chronicles of Culture; World and I; Indiana 1985; Science and Censorship; Owen Garrigan Lecture; Duhem, Templeton Prize, Transcendence in Physics; Science and Religion; Interview to Wanderer; Fist National; Normalcy as Terror; absolute beneath the relative; Price of Women Priests; Savior of Science; Utrecht - 1988; Evicting the Creator; Three Faces of Technology; Stillbirths and Science; New Physics; Bible, Science and Church. Box 24 File Folders Dunhem Box 25 File Folders Kant, Duhem, Milky Way; Origin of Science; Hodgson; Loose articles promotion, etc.;  Templeton Prize, Magazine Cover - Gilbert GK;  Clips about Jaki; Gifford Lecture, extra copies for publications; Absolute Beneath the Relative; Physicist as Artist Reviews; GOd and Cosmologists; Miracles and physics  Box 26 File Folders Chesterton, Leo XIII, University of Chicago;  History of the Clergy, Machine Translation; Artificial Intelligence; Wigner; Jewish; Cassuto Genesis; Genesis 1; Mendelssohn, Philo, Bullinger; Robins - Heameral; Voltaire; Laplace; Lemoine; Polkinghorne; Aristotle, Arnou; Arrhenius; Averroes; Bentley, Baker; Balfour; Barber; Bell, Bell's Therom; Berendzen; Berthelot; Birkhoff, Blackwell; Blanqui; Bohr; Boltzmann; Bondi, Borrelll, Born, Bossuet; Bridgman; Brush; Bulliladus; Burton; Busco, Bush; Butterfield, Cantor; Carlyle; Carnad; Cauchy; Chain; CUL, Chalier; Clausius; Cohen,  ​ Box 27 File Folders Books re Portugal, Maps, Lourenco Brothers, H.E. Laxe, Fatima; Swarthmore 1991; Ds episodios 1921; Alonso: Formigao; Fatima - Barthas;  Montello 192, Rolim - Francisco; Fatima, Fonseca, Fischer; Alonzo ;; De Amorin;  Claudel, Rambaud, Galamba; Cordonner; Jungn, dos Reis; Dharis; Tomaz de Fonseca; Carta Pastoral 1930; Various other Fatima Box 28 File Folders Birth Control, Catholica; Evolution; Evangelical Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith; YOung, Williams, Population; Antiquarians, Universities; Evolution, Judaica; Nemesis Dinosaurs, Termeszet Vilaga; Artificially Yours?, G. Johnson NYT Articles Box 29 File Folders Age of Newton, Laplace, Exegesis Come of Age?, Age of Science Cosmogenesis, Age of Reforms, Ms. Clark, Age of Genesis, Patristic Age, Middle Ages, Newman and Converts, Wilberforce, Lucy Phillips, De Salvo, Kaskell, Brownlow, Houldsworth, Chatterton, Rowe, Progress for Scant Purpose, Purposeless Evolution, Patterns vs. Design, Anthropic Illusion, Hollow Metaphors, Heuristics of Purpose,  Progress for No Purpose, Purposeless Evolution, Design v. Patterns, Anthropic Illusion, Hollow Metaphors, Freedom of Purpose, Cosmic Goal - Cultivation of Purpose, Universe with Purpose, Purpose and Freedom, Cultivation of Purpose Box 30 File Folders St. John Fisher, re: Henry VIII, Geiselmann Kohler, Moehler, Manning, Hoodbhoy - Islam and Science, Islam, Anglican Difficulties, Extraterrestrials, Earth's Luck, Planets, Comins - What if the Moon Did Not Exist?, Mansion - Neo-Scholastique, Nolke - 1926, 1930, Heisenberg, Rey, Koyre-Spinoza, Newman, Poole - Guadeloupe, Guadeloupe, Will, Determinism and Reality, Godless, Tahue, Middle Ages; White, Lynn; Church Council, Cosmology, Conversations to the Catholic Church, St. Mary the Virgin, Newman Prayer Book, Schuster, Benedict Regensberg, DeMaistre - The Pope; Saint Gregory the Great; Encylical Letter - Deus Caritas; Dominus Jesus; Creation and Evolution - Benedict XVI; Food Drive, McNabb - Infallibility Box 31 File Folders Origen, Plutarch, Plotinus, Athansius, Augustine, Basil Hexaekeron, Bonaventure, Luther-Calvin-Melarchton; Godel, Scholastic Cosmologies, Munitz - The Question of Reality; Creation - DTC, Genesis, Zapletal, Speiser; Hummelauer, Hamilton, Delitzsch; Gunkel, Doukhian, Dillmann, Casetan, Chaine; Calmet - Genese, Budde; Bea - Pentateuch; Law, Moravec - Mind Children; Scientism, Weinberg - Dreams of a Final Theory; May - Creatio Ex Nihilo; O'Neill - Early Astronomy; Arbib - Hesse; Whitehead - Function of Reason, Beyond PHysics; Rigot - De Morogues; Newman; Fauaro - Liberica Di Galileo; Newman - Tracts for the Times; Blehl - Newman Catalog Box 32 File Folders Duhem, Moutier; Martin, Lowinger; Mycologia,  many prints and illustrations Box 33 File Folders Slides and Photos for the book on Duhem various examples. Box 34 Alphabetical File Folders, Various Box 35 File Folders Guadeloupe Dedication, Burrus - Juan Diego; Lourdes and Miracles; NJIDA, Gore Allen; NY Times articles; Olivia Schaff; Undset;  Aubio 1931-39; Scandinavian Review; Brady Klass - Undset; Julie Hamula; 10 Commandments; Halborg; Deskote de Gamlestier; Slochower; Exiled Writers;  Box 36 Various Objects Templeton Prize Booklet 1995, Press Release for Award; Library Notes, Misc. Correspondence, Notebooks, laptops - computes; Notes; Subjective Scientists to Objective Science; Young Pierre; Fichant - Pecheux; Brouzeng; Boussinesq; Ariew; Manuscripts - Lectures in Vatican Gardens; Uncodified Conspiracies Manuscript.  Religious medals; Pius XI gold medal program booklet,  Information booklets on St. Callixtus;  Box 37 File Folders Yearly files -  boxed.   In French,  various notes recorded by years and not subject themes.    Box 38 Various Objects Rosaries, Medals, and Religious Art Box 39 Various Objects Postcards, Maps, Travel Books, Misc. varied writings, etc. Box 40  File Folders Socrates, Physics-Society-History; Moehler; Anglicans; Cosmology; Missing Mass, Hubble; Mind and Creation; Birth of Science; Creation; Newman, Celibacy, Angels Crisis; Newman Studies; Newman and Miracles; Newman, Dean Church; Raup - Extinction; Dick - Plurality of Worlds; John Paul II, Evergreen, Computers (2 laptops) *  Jaki Library  (​Titles He Owned) The history of ideas; an introduction. B823.3 .B57 ​1969 STHA Jaki Book, Print Philosophy - Modern (1450/1600- ) 1969 English 29384 Gravitation and the universe / QC178 .D48 1970 STHA Jaki Book, Print Constitution & Properties of Matter 1970 English 61671 Facing reality; philosophical adventures by a brain scientist QP376 .E26 1970 STHA Jaki Book, Print Nervous System 1970 English 148816 Reason and revelation in the middle ages. B721 .G53 1966 STHA Jaki Book, Print Philosophy - Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance 1966 English 232045 The relevance of physics / QC7 .J3 1966 STHA Jaki Book, Print Physics, General 1966 English 305201 Natural religion and Christian theology. BL245 .R28 STHA Jaki Book, Print Religions, Mythology, Rationalism 1953 English 374542 John Adams & the prophets of progress. E322 .H3 1952 STHA Jaki Book, Print History - United States, 1790-1861 1952 English 425645 The relations between the sciences, Q175 .P335 1968 STHA Jaki Book, Print Science, General 1968 English 449771 Lectures on polarized light, together with a lecture on the microscope, delivered before the Pharmaceutical society of Great Britain, and at the Medical school of the London hospital QC441 .P43 1854 STHA Jaki Book, Print Optics, Light, Radiation 1854 English 551301 The understanding of the brain QP376 .E27 1973 STHA Jaki Book, Print Nervous System 1973 English 554130 The crime of Galileo / QB36.G2 D4 1955 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 1955 English 710646 Elementary treatise on the wave-theory of light. QC357 .L79 1857 STHA Jaki Book, Print Optics, Light, Radiation 1857 English 747839 Tradition and inheritance (reflections on the formative years). D15.D28 A4 STHA Jaki Book, Print History, General 1970 English 817023 Lectures delivered in connection with the dedication of the Graduate college of Princeton university in October, 1913, AC5 .B6 1914 STHA Jaki Book, Print Collections 1914 English 843402 The pre-Nicene church; papers read at the Summer school of Catholic studies, held at Cambridge, July 28th to August 6th, 1934; BR165 .L33 1935 STHA Jaki Book, Print Christianity 1935 English 850421 Outlines of the history of Greek philosophy. B173 .Z52 1960 STHA Jaki Book, Print Philosophy - Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance 1955 English 929176 The interpretation of the New Testament, 1861-1961 / BS2350 .N4 1975 STHA Jaki Book, Print Bible 1966 English 955129 The first catechetical instruction = (De catechizandis rudibus) / BR60.A35 no.02 STHA Jaki Book, Print Christianity 1946 English 1013813 Galileo as a critic of the arts. N8375.G3 P3 1954 STHA Jaki Book, Print Visual Arts in General 1954 English 1078773 The university and democracy / LA185 .H3 1970 STHA Jaki Book, Print History of Education 1970 English 1491154 La chimie; est-elle une science française? QD11 .D86 1916 STHA Jaki Book, Print Chemistry, General 1916 French 1516766 Lourdes, PQ2506 .A37 1894 STHA Jaki Book, Print French Literature 1894 English 1536075 Symbols, systems, science, and survival : a presentation of the systems approach from a Teilhardian perspective / B2430.T374 K73 1975 STHA Jaki Book, Print Philosophy - Modern (1450/1600- ) 1975 English 1583227 Christ legends, PT9767.K7 E5 1908 STHA Jaki Book, Print Swedish Literature 1908 English 1702577 The life of Sir Isaac Newton / QC16.N7 B8 1836 STHA Jaki Book, Print Physics, General 1831 English 1952180 Die Astronomie im Alten Testament, QB19 .S32 1904 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 1904 German 2024446 Academic values and mass education / LD5889.W42 R5 1975 STHA Jaki Book, Print Individual Institutions - United States 1975 English 2163890 The Christ of faith : the Christology of the Church / BTZ201 .A223 1957 STHA Jaki Book, Print Doctrinal Theology 1957 English 2414346 Cosmogonies of our fathers; some theories of the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries, QB981 .C75 1934 STHA Jaki Book, Print Social Sciences - General 1934 English 2478989 Callinicus ; a defence of chemical warfare / UG447 .H3 1925 STHA Jaki Book, Print Military Engineering 1925 English 2649112 The gospel of evolution, QH367 .T5 1926 STHA Jaki Book, Print Biology, General 1926 English 2785111 Modern views of electricity, QC521 .L7 1889 STHA Jaki Book, Print Electricity, Magnetism, Nuclear Physics 1889 English 2790624 Our name is Peter : an anthology of key teachings of Pope Paul VI / BXZ955.2 .O95 1977 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 1977 English 2818723 St. Paul and Protestantism : with other essays / BR85 .A76 1887 STHA Jaki Book, Print Christianity 1887 English 2871935 Christian theology and natural science : some questions on their relations / BR45 .B3 1956 STHA Jaki Book, Print Christianity 1956 English 2953496 Biblical Hebrew / PJ4567.5 .H3 1976 STHA Jaki Book, Print Hebrew, Aramaic & Syriac Language & Literature 1976 English 3061059 Hebrew thought compared with Greek / B156 .B61 1960 STHA Jaki Book, Print Philosophy - Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance 1960 English 3066393 The church; papers from the Summer school of Catholic studies held at Cambridge, August 6-15, 1927, BXZ885 .L3 1928 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 1928 English 3428202 Popular lectures and addresses, Q171 .K29 1891 STHA Jaki Book, Print Science, General 1891 English 3531158 Letters and correspondence of John Henry Newman during his life in the English church : with a brief autobiography / BXZ4705.N5 A4 1890 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 1890 English 3563405 On the idea of a university / LB2325 .C22 1979 STHA Jaki Book, Print Higher Education 1978 English 4490115 Signalling across space without wires. Being a description of the work of Hertz & his successors. QC661 .L82 1900 STHA Jaki Book, Print Electricity, Magnetism, Nuclear Physics 1900 English 4585422 Memories of a Catholic girlhood / PS3525.A1435 Z55 1957 STHA Jaki Book, Print American Literature 1957 English 4837098 Certain difficulties felt by Anglicans in Catholic teaching considered / BXZ1751.A1 N4 1891 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 1891 English 4896799 An elementary treatise on the lunar theory, with a brief sketch of the history of the problem before Newton. QB391 .G5 1871 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 1871 English 4951414 Catholics & unbelievers in eighteenth century France, BR845 .P3 1961 STHA Jaki Book, Print Christianity 1970 English 5057663 Early Arianism--a view of salvation / BTZ1350 .G64 STHA Jaki Book, Print Doctrinal Theology 1981 English 6424358 History of the conflict between religion and science. / BL245 .D7 1874 STHA Jaki Book, Print Religions, Mythology, Rationalism 1874 English 6680614 Pierre Duhem, Q143.D84 H8 1932 STHA Jaki Book, Print Science, General 1932 French 6801082 Familiar lectures on scientific subjects / Q171 .H56 1867 STHA Jaki Book, Print Science, General 1867 English 7385728 Un savant français, Pierre Duhem. Préf. de Maurice d'Ocagne ... Avec un frontispice. Q143.D84 D8 1936 STHA Jaki Book, Print Science, General 1936 French 8103252 A popular history of astronomy during the nineteenth century / QB32 .C63 1908 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 1908 English 8159678 The Sciences and theology in the twentieth century / BL240.2 .P345 1981 STHA Jaki Book, Print Religions, Mythology, Rationalism 1981 English 8366777 The cosmic serpent : a catastrophist view of earth history / QB721.4 .C58 1982 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 1982 English 8812387 Geschichte der Astronomie, QB15 .W85 1877 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 1877 German 9008089 Popular lectures on scientific subjects, Q171 .H5 1903 STHA Jaki Book, Print Science, General 1903 English 10704374 Cardinal Mercier / BXZ4705.M5 G6913 1926 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 1926 English 10991148 Queen of Apostles prayerbook / BXZ2055.D2 D28 1972 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 1972 English 11605125 Le secret du monde / QB41 .K4141 1984 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 1984 French 11710795 The cloud of unknowing. BVZ5080 .C53 1967 STHA Jaki Book, Print Practical Theology 1967 English 11729204 La science de l'univers aÌ€ l'aÌ‚ge du positivisme : étude sur les origines de la cosmologie contemporaine / BD496 .M47 1983 STHA Jaki Book, Print Speculative Philosophy 1983 French 11747689 Recherches sur l'hydrodynamique, QA911 .D87 1903 STHA Jaki Book, Print Analytical Mechanics 1903 French 12006657 The scientific papers of Sir William Herschel, knt. ... including early papers hitherto unpublished; collected and edited under the direction of a joint committee of the Royal society and the Royal astronomical society, with a biographical introduction co QB3 .H55 1912 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 1912 English 13371385 Recherches sur l'élasticité. QC191 .D83 1906 STHA Jaki Book, Print Constitution & Properties of Matter 1906 French 13468380 David Hume's anti-theistic views : a critical appraisal / B1498 .M55 1986 STHA Jaki Book, Print Philosophy - Modern (1450/1600- ) 1986 English 14000999 Popular lectures on scientific subjects, Q171 .H36 1904 STHA Jaki Book, Print Science, General 1904 English 16615658 The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues : and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command : appointed to be read in churches. BS185  1986 .C34 STHA Jaki Book, Print Bible 1986 English 16758886 Newman : the pillar of the cloud / PR5109 .T66 1962 STHA Jaki Book, Print English Literature 1962 English 19285676 The genius of the Church of England : two lectures given at the Archbishop of York's Clergy School, July, 1945 / BXZ5059 .R38 1947 STHA Jaki Book, Print Protestantism 1947 English 21404700 History of the variations of the Protestant churches / BXZ4805 .B67 1887 STHA Jaki Book, Print Protestantism 1887 English 21988785 John Henry Newman : a biography / BXZ4705.N5 K45 1990 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 1990 English 22426120 In the steps of the Master / DS107.3 M67 1935 STHA Jaki Book, Print History - S.W. Asia, Middle East 1935 English 23845844 Newman: light in winter. PR6039.R52 N49 1962 STHA Jaki Book, Print English Literature 1962 English 24057702 Science and education : essays / Q171 .H9 1899 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1899 English 25038098 Heart of the redeemer : an apologia for the contemporary and perennial value of the devotion to the sacred heart of Jesus / BXZ2157 .O35 1992 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 1992 English 26524053 Le savant alsacien Jean-Henri Lambert (1728-1777) et l'historiographie russe : un début d'orientation / Q143.L3 J38 1983 STHA Jaki Book, Print Science, General 1983 French 26789022 Christology : a biblical, historical, and systematic study of Jesus Christ / BTZ202 .O313 1995 STHA Jaki Book, Print Doctrinal Theology 1995 English 31045484 John Henry Newman : a study in holiness. BXZ4705.N5 J66 1991 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 1991 English 32315177 The new Jerusalem Bible : standard edition. BS195 .N375 1999 STHA Jaki Book, Print Bible 1999 English 37917437 The awakening interest in science during the first century of printing, 1450-1550. An annotated checklist of first editions viewed from the angle of their subject content: astronomy, mathematics, medicine, natural science, physics, technology. Z7405.H6 S85 1970 STHA Jaki Book, Print Subject Bibliography 1970 English 38229212 Sur les déformations permanentes et l'hysteresis. QA805 .D83 1896 STHA Jaki Book, Print Analytical Mechanics 1896 French 40310584 The university in the Princeton community; an address given by President Robert F. Goheen, Princeton University, before the Princeton Bar Association, Oct. 19, 1965. LD4626 .G63 1965 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1965 English 41430595 Jean-Paul Sartre : critica de la razon diaectica y cuestion de metodo / B2430.S34 S32 1975 STHA Jaki Book, Print Philosophy - Modern (1450/1600- ) 1975 Spanish 43627325 Jean-Paul Sartre : critica de la razon diaectica y cuestion de metodo / B2430.S34 S32 1975 STHA Jaki Book, Print Philosophy - Modern (1450/1600- ) 1975 Spanish 43627325 One shepherd, one flock / BXZ4668 .B29 2000 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 2000 English 45407960 Neue Welten : Wilhelm Olbers und die Naturwissenschaften um 1800 / QB36 .O4 N48 2001 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 2001 German 49845230 Newman oggi : studi sul cardinale John Henry Newman / BXZ4705.N5 N49816 1992 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 1992 Italian 54263864 Memoirs illustrating the history of Jacobinism / DC178 .B27 2002 STHA Jaki Book, Print History - France, Andorra, Monaco 2002 English 55891536 O século de Fátima / BL55 .N48 2002 STHA Jaki Book, Print Religions, Mythology, Rationalism 2002 Portuguese 56611508 The equation that couldn't be solved : how mathematical genius discovered the language of symmetry / QA174.2 .L58 2005 STHA Jaki Book, Print Algebra 2005 English 58843332 The day without yesterday : LemaiÌ‚tre, Einstein, and the birth of modern cosmology / QB991. E94 F37 2005 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 2005 English 61672162 Adventure : the faith of science and the science of faith / BL240 .S76 1928 STHA Jaki Book, Print Religions, Mythology, Rationalism 1928 English 62438215 The divine primacy of the Bishop of Rome and modern Eastern Orthodoxy : letters to a Greek Orthodox on the unity of the Church / BXZ1806 .L466 2002 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 2002 English 71124456 The evolution controversy : a survey of competing theories / QH367 .F75 2007 STHA Jaki Book, Print Biology, General 2007 English 122291332 Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées. QA1 .J9 STHA Jaki Journal/Magazine Mathematics, General 1836 French 173765871 Natural religion and Christian theology / BL 245 .R28 1953 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1953 English 174217197 La Theorie du rayonnement et les quanta : rapports et discussions de la reunion tenue a Bruxelles, du 30 Oct. au 3 Nov. 1911, sous les auspices de M.E. Solvay / QC475 .L3 1912 STHA Jaki Book, Print Optics, Light, Radiation 1912 French 221984473 Darwiniana : essays / Q171 .H9 1896 STHA Jaki Book, Print Science, General 1896 English 226536368 Elements of astronomy / QB45 .B2 1883 STHA Jaki Book, Print Astronomy 1883 English 233995541 Physics and politics; JC223 .B14 1875 STHA Jaki Book, Print Political Theory, Theory of the State 1875 English 237125713 The Communings with himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome, together with his speeches and sayings : a revised text and a transl. into Engl. / PA3939 .A2 1916 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1916 English 251270311 Method and results Q171 .H9 1894 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1894 English 255170479 Science and Hebrew tradition. Q171 .H9 1901 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1895 English 256314905 Sigrid Undset's quest for truth / BXZ4668.U53 J35 2007 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 2007 English 291093107 Models of the church / BVZ 600.2 .D78 1978 STHA Jaki Book, Print Practical Theology 1978 English 310618166 An economic history of Europe 1760-1939 : with an epilogue / HC240 .B5 1957 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1957 English 319677149 Infallibility in the Church : An Anglican-Catholic dialogue : Contributors: A. M. farrer [a.o.] / BVZ601.6.I5 .F37 1968 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1968 English 468657935 Designing experiments & games of chance : the unconventional science of Blaise Pascal / QA271 .S58 2003 STHA Jaki Book, Print Algebra 2003 English 488392832 Discourses: biological and geological / Q171 .H9 1894 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1894 English 489104683 The decline of the West / CB83 .S63 1926 STHA Jaki Book, Print History of Civilization & Culture 1926 English 662406776 Evolution and ethics and other essays, Q171 .H9 1914 STHA Jaki Book, eBook Sociology, General & Theoretical 1914 English 682530499 Newman kihivasa / BXZ4705.N5 J3515 2003 STHA Jaki Book, Print Roman Catholic Church 2003 Hungarian 720065657 [The Sidereal Heavens, and other subjects connected with astronomy, as illustrative of the character of the Deity, and of an infinity of worlds. [With a portrait.]]. QB43 .D53 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1850 Other 811585101 Lo scopo di tutto : scienza, filosofia & teologia si interrogano sulla finalita / BTZ102 .J3415 1994 STHA Jaki Book, Print Unknown Classification 1994 Italian 861068223 Bóg i kosmologowie / BD511 .J3514 1995 STHA Jaki Book, Print Speculative Philosophy 1995 Polish 861068289 ​​