EPR Concluding Debates Part 1 FINAL https://youtu.be/I3zgWE8z8Cw Questions related to linear vs. non-linear DEs: 2. Can isomathematics linearize all non-linear DEs? (@9:18) 9. Heisenberg's last book on non-linear generalization of QM? (@54:43) (Non-linear theory violates superposition principle.) Cannot acheive a non-linear theory that verifies the superposition principle? (@57:49) What about non-linear superposition? This was acheived by iso-mathematics? cf.: https://archive.org/details/trent_0116400254532 Non-linear spinor theory?: https://hsm.stackexchange.com/q/12254/232 Animalu's response discussed current loops. (@37:52)