Classic Physics Papers

This list contains classic works in physics from the curricula of St. Thomas Aquinas College and St. John's College.
  1. Year- Paper:
  2. 1833- On the absolute quantity of Electricity associated with the particles or atom of Matter (Faraday)
  3. 1862- Remarks on the forces of inorganic nature (Mayer)
  4. 1864- A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field (Maxwell)
  5. 1877- Matter and motion (Maxwell)
    1. Chapter V ("On Work and Energy")
  6. 1897- Cathode Rays (J.J. Thomson)
  7. 1905a- On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies (Einstein)
  8. 1905b- Does the inertia of a Body Depend upon its Energy Content? (Einstein)
  9. 1909- Space and Time (Minkowski)
    1. "Space and Time" (DjVu pgs. 67-118)
  10. 1911- The Scattering of α and β particles by matter and the Structure of the Atom (Rutherford)
  11. 1916- The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity (Einstein)
  12. 1922- The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution—Three Essays (Bohr)
    1. "On the Spectrum of Hydrogen" (DjVu pgs. 17-35)
  13. 1935- Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete? (Einstein et al.)
  14. 1939- Matter and Light—The New Physics (De Broglie)
    1. "The Undulatory Aspects of the Electron" (DjVu pgs. 169-183)

  15. My additions:
    1. 1881- On the Relative Motion of the earth and the Luminiferous Ether (Michelson & Morley)
    2. 1887- On the Relative Motion of the earth and the Luminiferous Ether (Michelson & Morley)
    3. 1935- On the Interaction of Elementary Particles (Yukawa)

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