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Mathematics by experiment : plausible reasoning in the 21st century Preview this item
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Mathematics by experiment : plausible reasoning in the 21st century

Author: Jonathan M Borwein; David H Bailey
Publisher: Wellesley, Mass. : A K Peters, ©2008.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : English : 2nd edView all editions and formats

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Genre/Form: Electronic books
Additional Physical Format: Print :
Mathematics by experiment.
Material Type: Document, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: Jonathan M Borwein; David H Bailey
ISBN: 9781439865361 1439865361
OCLC Number: 939748845
Description: 1 online resource (xi, 377 p., [4] p. of plates) : illustrations (some color)
Contents: 1. What is experimental mathematics? --
2. Experimental mathematics in action --
3. Pi and its friends --
4. Normality of numbers --
5. The power of constructive proofs --
6. Numerical techniques --
7. Recent experiences.
Responsibility: Jonathan Borwein, David Bailey.

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