Volume 7, Issue 6, June 1973, Pages 523–564

Coitus-induced ovulation


    • 1.
    • E. Chargaff
    • Preface to a Grammar of Biology

    • Science, 172 (1971), p. 637

    • [SD-008]
    • 2.
    • W.M.O. Moore
    • Evaluation of Fertility Control by Periodic Abstinence

    • Practicioner, 205 (1970), p. 38

    • [SD-008]
    • 3.
    • R.F. Vollman
    • Letter to the “Editor of Science”

    • Science, 170 (1971), p. 584

    • [SD-008]
    • 4.
    • W. Jochle
    • The Circadian Rhythm in Female Reproduction

    • ,in: G.E. Lamming, E.C. Amoroso (Eds.), Reproduction in the Female Mammal, Proc. 13th Easter School in Agric. Sci., Univ. Nottingham (9th edition), Butterworths, London (1967) Published by

    • [SD-008]
    • 5.
    • W. Jochle
    • Letter to the “Editor of Science”

    • Science, 169 (1970), p. 717

    • [SD-008]
    • 6.
    • J.H. Clark, M.X. Zarrow
    • The Influence of Copulation on Time of Ovulation in Women

    • Am. J. Obstet. Gynec., 109 (1971), p. 1083

    • [SD-008]
    • 7.
    • S.A. Asdell
    • Evolutionary Trends in Physiology of Reproduction. Comparative Biology of Reproduction in Mammals

    • Symp. Zool. Soc. London No. 15 (9th edition)Acad. Press, London & N. Y (1966), pp. 1–13

    • [SD-008]
    • 8.
    • P. Martinez-Esteve
    • Le cycle sexuel vaginal chez le marsupial Didelphys azarae

    • C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 124 (1937), p. 502

    • [SD-008]
    • 9.
    • S. Zajaczek
    • Untersuchungen über das endokrine System des Igels (Erinaceus). II. Histologische Veränderungen in den Eierstöcken und dem Uterus, die periodisch oder unter dem Einfluss von endokrinen Reizen auftreten

    • Bull. Int. Acad. Cracovie (Acad. pol. Sci.). Cl. Sci. Math, et Nat. Sci., Ser. B (2) (1939), p. 379

    • [SD-008]
    • 10.
    • P.O. Pearson
    • Reproduction in the Shrew (Blarina brevicauda-Say)

    • Am. J. Anat., 75 (1944), p. 39

    • [SD-008]
    • 11.
    • C.H. Conaway
    • The Reproductive Cycle of the Eastern Mole

    • J. Mammal., 40 (1959), p. 180

    • [SD-008]
    • 12.
    • G.L. Dryden
    • Reproduction in Suncus Murinus

    • J. Reprod. Fert. (Suppl. 6) (1969), p. 377

    • [SD-008]
    • 13.
    • M.A. Foster
    • The Reproductive Cycle in the Female Ground-Squirrel Citellus tridecemlineatus

    • M. Am. J. Anat., 54 (1934), p. 487

    • [SD-008]
    • 14.
    • H. Chitty, C.R. Austin
    • Environmental Modification of Oestrus in the Vole

    • Nature (London), 179 (1957), p. 592

    • [SD-008]
    • 15.
    • W.G. Breed, J.R. Clarke
    • Ovulation and Associated Histological Changes in the Ovary Following Coitus in the Vole (Microtus Agrestis)

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 22 (1970), p. 173

    • [SD-008]
    • 16.
    • W.G. Breed, H.M. Charlton
    • Hypothalamo-hypophysial Control of Ovulation in the Vole (Microtus Agrestis)

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 25 (2) (1971), p. 225

    • [SD-008]
    • 17.
    • M. Richmond, C.H. Conaway
    • Induced Ovulation and Oestrus in Microtus Ochrogaster

    • J. Reprod. Fert. (Suppl. 6) (1969), p. 357

    • [SD-008]
    • 18.
    • M. Richmond, C.H. Conaway
    • Management, Breeding, and Reproductive Performance of the Vole, Microtus Ochrogaster, in a Laboratory Colony

    • Lab. Anim. Care., 19 (1) (1969), p. 80

    • [SD-008]
    • 19.
    • C. Lee, D.J. Horvath, R.W. Metcalfe, E.K. Inskeep
    • Ovulation in Microtus Pennsylvanicus in a Laboratory Environment

    • Lab. Anim. Care, 20 (6) (1970), p. 1098

    • [SD-008]
    • 20.
    • F.V. Clulow, F.F. Mallory
    • Oestrus and Induced Ovulation in the Meadow Vole, Microtus Pennsylvanicus

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 23 (2) (1970), p. 341

    • [SD-008]
    • 21.
    • C. Lee, D.J. Horvath
    • Management of the Meadow Vole (Microtus Pennsylvanicus)

    • Lab. Anim. Care., 19 (1) (1969), p. 88

    • [SD-008]
    • 22.
    • J.R. Clarke, F.V. Clulow, F. Grieg
    • Ovulation in the Bank Vole, Clethrionomys glaredus

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 23 (3) (1970), p. 531

    • [SD-008]
    • 23.
    • E. Allen
    • Oestrous Cycle in the Mouse

    • Am. J. Anat., 30 (1922), p. 297

    • [SD-008]
    • 24.
    • J.W. Everett
    • Restoration of Ovulatory Cycles and Corpus Luteum Formation in Persistent-Estrous Rats by Progesterone

    • Endocrinology, 27 (1940), p. 681

    • [SD-008]
    • 25.
    • J.W. Everett
    • Evidence in Normal Albino Rat that Progesterone Facilitates Ovulation and Corpus Luteum Formation

    • Endocrinology, 34 (1944), p. 136

    • [SD-008]
    • 26.
    • J.W. Everett
    • Effect of Estrogen — Progesterone Synergy on Thresholds and Timing in the “LH-Release Apparatus” of the Female Rat

    • Anat. Rec., 109 (1951), p. 291

    • [SD-008]
    • 27.
    • J.W. Everett
    • Central Neural Control of Reproductive Functions of the Adenohypophysis

    • Physiol. Rev., 44 (1964), p. 373

    • [SD-008]
    • 28.
    • C. Togari
    • On the Ovulation of the Mouse

    • Nagoya J. Med. Sci., 2 (1927), p. 17

    • [SD-008]
    • 29.
    • J.R. Wilson, N. Adler, B. LeBoeuf
    • The Effects of Intromission Frequency on Successful Pregnancy in the Female Rat

    • Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (Wash.) (9th edition), 53 (1965), p. 1392

    • [SD-008]
    • 30.
    • W. Jochle
    • Umwelteinflüsse auf neuroendokrine Regulationen: Wirkungen langfristiger permanenter Beleuchtung auf jugendliche und erwachsene Ratten [Beitrage zur Konstitutionsforschung und zur Biogenese der Sexualfunktionen]

    • Zenbl. Vet. Med., Reihe A, 10 (8) (1963), p. 653

    • [SD-008]
    • 31.
    • R.J. Ericsson, V.F. Baker
    • Sexual Receptivity and Fertility of Female Rats that are in Androgen-Induced Persistent Vaginal Estrus

    • Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N.Y.) (9th edition), 122 (1966), p. 88

    • [SD-008]
    • 32.
    • C. Aron, G. Asch, J. Roos
    • Triggering of Ovulation by Coitus in the Rat

    • Int. Rev. Cytol., 20 (1966), p. 139

    • [SD-008]
    • 33.
    • A.R. Fee, A.S. Parkes
    • Studies on Ovulation: I. The Relation of the Anterior Pituitary Body to Ovulation in the Rabbit

    • J. Physiol. (London), 67 (1929), p. 383

    • [SD-008]
    • 34.
    • A.R. Fee, A.S. Parkes
    • Studies on Ovulation: III, Effect of Vaginal Anaesthesia on Ovulation in the Rabbit

    • J. Physiol. (London), 70 (1930), p. 385

    • [SD-008]
    • 35.
    • W. Heape
    • Ovulation and Degeneration of Ova in the Rabbit

    • Proc. Roy. Soc. B (9th edition), 76 (1905), p. 260

    • [SD-008]
    • 36.
    • R. Moricard
    • Ciba Foundation Symposium: Mammalian Germ Cells (1953), p. 187

    • [SD-008]
    • 37.
    • Z. Pilawski
    • Seasonal Variations of Ovulation Response Time After Copulation in Rabbits

    • Folia Biol. (Krakow), 17 (1969), p. 211

    • [SD-008]
    • 38.
    • G. Farrell, O. Powers, T. Otani
    • Inhibition of Ovulation in the Rabbit: Seasonal Variation and the Effects of Indoles

    • Endocrinology, 83 (1968), p. 599 (Abstr.)

    • [SD-008]
    • 39.
    • C.H. Sawyer, J.E. Markee
    • Estrogen Facilitation of Release of Pituitary Ovulating Hormone in the Rabbit in Response to Vaginal Stimulation

    • Endocrinology, 65 (1959), p. 614

    • [SD-008]
    • 40.
    • H. Hediger
    • Wild Animals in Captivity tr. G. Sircom

    • Butterworths, London (1950)

    • [SD-008]
    • 41.
    • R.J. Harrison, S.H. Ridgeway
    • Gonadal Activity in Some Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

    • J. Zool. Lond., 165 (1971), p. 355

    • [SD-008]
    • 42.
    • E.J. Slijper
    • Functional Morphology of the Reproductive System in Cetacea

    • K.S. Norris (Ed.), Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, Calif. Univ. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles (1966), pp. 277–319 chapt. 15

    • [SD-008]
    • 43.
    • W.W. Greulich
    • Artificially Induced Ovulation in the Cat

    • Anat. Rec., 58 (1934), p. 217

    • [SD-008]
    • 44.
    • G. Gros
    • Contribution a l'endocrinologie sexuelle. Le cycle genital de la chatte

    • These Universite d'Alger (No. 2) (1936)

    • [SD-008]
    • 45.
    • R. Deanesly
    • The Reproductive Cycle of the Female Weasel (Mustela nivalis)

    • Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. (9th edition), 114 (1944), p. 339

    • [SD-008]
    • 46.
    • J.J. Craighead, M.G. Hornocker, F.C. Craighead Jr.
    • Reproductive Biology of Young Female Grizzly Bears

    • J. Reprod. Fert. (Suppl. 6) (1969), p. 447

    • [SD-008]
    • 47.
    • A.W. Wimsatt
    • Delayed Nidation in the Ursidae, With Particular Reference to the Black Bear (Ursus americanus pallas)

    • E.L. Enders (Ed.), Delayed Nidation, Univ. Chicago Press (1963), pp. 49–76

    • [SD-008]
    • 48.
    • L.F. Whitney, A.B. Underwood
    • Ernest Hart (Ed.), Coon Hunter's Handbook (9th edition)Holt, Rinehart & Winston Inc, New York (1952)

    • [SD-008]
    • 49.
    • F.H.A. Marshall
    • The Oestrous Cycle in the Common Ferret

    • Quart. J. Microsc. Sci., 48 (1904), p. 323

    • [SD-008]
    • 50.
    • A. Robinson
    • The Formation, Rupture, and Closure of Ovarian Follicles in Ferrets and Ferret-Polecat Hybrids, and Some Associated Phenomena

    • Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 52 (1918), p. 303

    • [SD-008]
    • 51.
    • R.K. Enders
    • Reproduction in the Mink (Mustela vison)

    • Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. (9th edition), 96 (1952), p. 691

    • [SD-008]
    • 52.
    • A. Hansson
    • The Physiology of Reproduction in Mink (Mustela vison Schreib.) With Special Reference to Delayed Implantation

    • Acta Zool. Stockholm, 28 (1947), p. 1

    • [SD-008]
    • 53.
    • L.F. Gibbney
    • Aust. Nat. Antarctic Res. Exped., Ser. B, 1 (1957), pp. 1–26

    • [SD-008]
    • 54.
    • J.F. Masken
    • Circulating Hormone Levels in the Cycling Beagle

    • (1972) Personal communication

    • [SD-008]
    • 55.
    • A.C. Andersen, M.E. Simpson
    • The Ovary in the Dog (Beagle)

    • Geron-X, Los Altos, California (1973) in Press

    • [SD-008]
    • 56.
    • G.B. Marion, V.R. Smith, T.E. Willey, G.R. Barrett
    • The Effect of Sterile Copulation on the Time of Ovulation in Dairy Heifers

    • J. Dairy Sci., 33 (12) (1950), pp. 884–888

    • [SD-008]
    • 57.
    • I. Prandzev, G. Elezov, M. Bogdanov
    • The Optimum Time During Oestrus for Inseminating Cows and the Use of Teaser Bulls

    • Vet. Sbir., 61 (11) (1964), pp. 27–29

    • [SD-008]
    • 58.
    • J. DeAlba, E.Villa Corta, G. Ulloa
    • Influence of Natural Service on Length of Oestrus in the Cow

    • Anim. Prod., 3 (1961), p. 327

    • [SD-008]
    • 59.
    • R.D. Randel, R.E. Short, D.S. Christensen, R.A. Bellows
    • Effect of Mating Stimuli on LH and Ovulation in the Cow

    • Proc. West. Sect., Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. (9th edition), 23 (1972), p. 288

    • [SD-008]
    • 60.
    • N.A. Zeltobrjuh, L.P. Rak
    • Biological Stimulation of the Reproductive Functions of the Ewe

    • Ovcevodstvo, 10 (8) (1964), pp. 8–11

    • [SD-008]
    • 61.
    • D.M. Joubert
    • On the Duration of Pregnancy in Percheron Mares

    • Proc. S. Afr. Soc. Anim. Prod. (9th edition), 8 (1969), p. 173

    • [SD-008]
    • 62.
    • F.F. McKenzie, C.E. Terril
    • Estrus, Ovulation and Related Phenomena in the Ewe

    • Mo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Res. Bull. (1937), p. 264

    • [SD-008]
    • 63.
    • J.M. Van der Westhuysen, C.H. van Niekerk, G.L. Hunter
    • Duration of Oestrus and Time of Ovulation in Sheep: Effect of Synchronization, Season and Ram

    • Agroanimalia, 2 (1970), p. 131

    • [SD-008]
    • 64.
    • M.M. Lebedev, I.G. Pitkianen
    • Increasing Fertility in Pigs

    • Sov. Zootekh., 6 (1951), p. 34

    • [SD-008]
    • 65.
    • M.M. Lebedev
    • Influences reflexes sur le de'roulement de l'ovulation et de la fecondation chez la truie

    • Probl. Physiol. Anim. Dom. (1957), p. 249

    • [SD-008]
    • 66.
    • P. Radford
    • The Interval Between Onset of Oestrus and Ovulation in Sows, Kept in Isolation from a Boar

    • Vet. Rec., 76 (1964), p. 1013

    • [SD-008]
    • 67.
    • J.P. Signoret, F. du Mesnil du Buisson, P. Mauléon
    • Effect of Mating on the Onset and Duration of Ovulation in the Sow

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 31 (2) (1972), pp. 327–330

    • [SD-008]
    • 68.
    • M.R. Shalash
    • Some Reproductive Aspects in the Female Camel

    • World Rev. Anim. Prod., 4 (1965), p. 103

    • [SD-008]
    • 69.
    • S.F. Baca
    • Inseminacion artificial en alphacas y vicunas

    • Inst. Vet. Invest. Tropicales y de Altura (IVITA), Boletin Extraordinario, Lima-Peru (1966), p. 104

    • [SD-008]
    • 70.
    • S. Fernandez-Baca, D.H.L. Madden, C. Novoa
    • Effect of Different Mating Stimuli on Induction of Ovulation in the Alpaca

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 22 (1970), p. 261

    • [SD-008]
    • 71.
    • C. Novoa
    • Reproduction in Camelidae — A Review

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 22 (1) (1970), p. 3

    • [SD-008]
    • 72.
    • G. Van Wagenen
    • Optimal Mating Time for Pregnancy in the Monkey

    • Endocrinology, 37 (1945), p. 307

    • [SD-008]
    • 73.
    • G. Van Wagenen
    • Early Mating and Pregnancy in the Monkey

    • Endocrinology, 40 (1947), p. 37

    • [SD-008]
    • 74.
    • G. Van Wagenen
    • The Monkey

    • E.J. Farris (Ed.), The Care and Breeding of Laboratory Animals, chapt. I, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1950), pp. 20–21

    • [SD-008]
    • 75.
    • R.G. Cross
    • Prevention of Anencephaly and Foetal Abnormalities by a Preconceptional Regimen

    • Lancet, 2 (1961), p. 1124

    • [SD-008]
    • 76.
    • R.G. Cross
    • Anencephalus and Spina Bifida

    • Brit. Med. J., 3 (5612) (1968), p. 253

    • [SD-008]
    • 77.
    • A. Ibrugger
    • Zur Problematik der nervösen Beeinflussung der Eierstocksfunktion und des Ovulationstermins

    • Zenbl. Gynaekol., 73 (1951), p. 42

    • [SD-008]
    • 78.
    • L. Iffy
    • The Time of Conception in Pathological Gestations

    • Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. (9th edition), 56 (1963), p. 1098

    • [SD-008]
    • 79.
    • R.A.H. Kinch
    • Adolescent Sex Education

    • Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 142 (1967), p. 842

    • [SD-008]
    • 80.
    • G. Linzenmeier
    • Zur Frage der Empfängniszeit der Frau: Hat Knaus oder Stieve recht?

    • Zenbl. Gynaekol., 69 (11) (1947), p. 1108

    • [SD-008]
    • 81.
    • G. Schafer
    • Notzuchtkonzeptionen als Beitrag zur Frage des Ovulations- und Konzeptionstermins

    • Zenbl. Gynaekol., 10 (1949), p. 969

    • [SD-008]
    • 82.
    • P. Schrank, K.-H. Koch
    • Untersuchungsergebnisse von 732 Verge-waltigungen

    • Geburtsh. Gynaekol., 130 (1949), p. 200

    • [SD-008]
    • 83.
    • H. Stieve
    • Cyclus, Physiologie und Pathologie (Anatomie)

    • Arch. Gynaekol., 183 (1952), p. 178

    • [SD-008]
    • 84.
    • H. Stieve
    • Der Einfluss des Nervensystems auf Bau und Tätigkeit der Geschlechtsorgane des Menschen

    • Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart (1952)

    • [SD-008]
    • 85.
    • A.P. Labhsetwar
    • The Role of Oestrogens in Spontaneous Ovulation: Evidence for Positive Oestrogen Feedback in the 4-Day Oestrous Cycle

    • J. Endocrinol., 47 (4) (1970), p. 481

    • [SD-008]
    • 86.
    • N.T. Adler
    • Effects of the Males' Copulatory Behavior on Successful Pregnancy of the Female Rat

    • J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 69 (1969), p. 613

    • [SD-008]
    • 87.
    • V. Critchlow
    • Ovulation Induced by Hypothalamic Stimulation in the Anesthetized Rat

    • Am. J. Physiol., 195 (1958), p. 171

    • [SD-008]
    • 88.
    • M.X. Zarrow, J.H. Clark
    • Ovulation Following Vaginal Stimulation in a Spontaneous Ovulator and its Implication

    • J. Endocrinol., 40 (1968), p. 343

    • [SD-008]
    • 89.
    • F.E. Harrington, R.G. Eggert, R.D. Wilbur, W.H. Linkenheimer
    • Effect of Coitus on Chlorpromazine Inhibition of Ovulation in the Rat

    • Endocrinology, 79 (1966), p. 1130

    • [SD-008]
    • 90.
    • J.J. Sullivan, D.E. Bartlett, F.I. Elliott, J.R. Brouwer, F.B. Kloch
    • A Comparison of Recto-vaginal, Vaginal, and Speculum Approaches for Insemination of Cows and Heifers

    • A. I. Digest, XX (1972), p. 6

    • [SD-008]
    • 91.
    • G.S. Sarapa
    • Methods of Raising Conception Rate in Cows

    • Moloch.-m'yas. Skotarst., Kyyiv (No. 16) (1969), p. 82

    • [SD-008]
    • 92.
    • R.L. Hays, N.L. Vandemark
    • Effect of Stimulation of the Reproductive Organs of the Cow on the Release of an Oxytocinlike Substance

    • Endocrinology, 52 (1953), p. 634

    • [SD-008]
    • 93.
    • C.A. Fox, B. Fox
    • A Comparative Study of Coital Physiology, With Special Reference to the Sexual Climax

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 24 (3) (1971), p. 319

    • [SD-008]
    • 94.
    • C.H. Rodgers
    • Influence of Copulation on Ovulation in the Cyclic Rat

    • Endocrinology, 88 (2) (1971), pp. 433–436

    • [SD-008]
    • 95.
    • C.H. Rodgers
    • Timing of Sexual Behavior in the Female Rat

    • Endocrinology, 86 (5) (1970), pp. 1181–1183

    • [SD-008]
    • 96.
    • R.J. Blandau, J.L. Boling, W.C. Young
    • The Length of Heat in the Albino Rat as Determined by the Copulatory Response

    • Anatomical Record, 79 (1941), p. 453

    • [SD-008]
    • 97.
    • J. Quinlan, J.H.R. Bisschop, T.F. Adelaar
    • Bionomic Studies on Cattle in the Semi-Arid Regions of the Union of South Africa: IV. The Ovarian Cycle of Heifers During Summer

    • Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sci. & Anim. Ind., 16 (1941), p. 213

    • [SD-008]
    • 98.
    • S.D. Parsons, G.L. Hunter
    • Effect of the Ram on Duration of Oestrus in the Ewe

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 14 (1967), p. 61

    • [SD-008]
    • 99.
    • P.P. Scott, M.A. Lloyd-Jacob
    • Some Interesting Features in the Reproductive Cycle of the Cat

    • Studies on Fertility, 7 (1955), p. 123

    • [SD-008]
    • 100.
    • J. Hammond, F.H.A. Marshall
    • Oestrus and Pseudopregnancy in the Ferret

    • Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Series B (9th edition), 105 (1930), p. 607

    • [SD-008]
    • 101.
    • I.C. Fletcher, D.R. Lindsay
    • Effect of Rams on the Duration of Oestrous Behavior in Ewes

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 25 (1971), p. 253

    • [SD-008]
    • 102.
    • D.A. Goldfoot, R.W. Goy
    • Abbreviation of Behavioral Estrus in Guinea Pigs by Coital and Vagino-cervical Stimulation

    • J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol., 72 (3) (1970), p. 426

    • [SD-008]
    • 103.
    • A.W. Lishman, G.M. de Lange, J.T. Viljoen
    • Ability of Masculinized Ewes to Stimulate Onset of the Breeding Season in Maiden Merino Ewes

    • Proc. S. Afr. Soc. Anim. Prod. (9th edition), 8 (1969), p. 141

    • [SD-008]
    • 104.
    • A. Barfield, R.D. Lisk
    • Ovarian and Adrenal Progesterone in the Timing of Heat in the 4-Day Cyclic Rat

    • Fed. Proc., Abstr. No. 253 (9th edition), 31 (1972) 2

    • [SD-008]
    • 105.
    • S.J. Folley, G.S. Knaggs
    • Observations on Oxytocin Release in Ruminants

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 8 (1964), p. 265

    • [SD-008]
    • 106.
    • S.J. Folley, G.S. Knaggs
    • Levels of Oxytocin in the Jugular Vein Blood of Goats During Parturition

    • J. Endocrinol., 33 (1965), p. 301

    • [SD-008]
    • 107.
    • S.J. Folley
    • The Milk Ejection Reflex: A Neuroendocrine Theme in Biology, Myth and Art

    • Perspectives in Biol. & Med., 13 (1970), p. 476

    • [SD-008]
    • 108.
    • G. Peeters, N. de Vos, A. Houvenaghel
    • Elimination of the Ferguson Reflex by Section of the Pelvic Nerves in the Lactating Goat

    • J. Endocrinol., 49 (1) (1971), p. 125

    • [SD-008]
    • 109.
    • F. Fuchs
    • Endocrinology of Pregnancy

    • F. Fuchs, A. Klopper (Eds.), Endocrinology of Pregnancy, Harper & Row, New York, Evanston & London (1971), p. 306 chapt. 13

    • [SD-008]
    • 110.
    • G.S. Knaggs, J.S. Tindal, A. Turvey
    • Paraventricular-hypophysial Neurosecretory Pathways in the Guinea-Pig

    • J. Endocrinol., 50 (1971), p. 153

    • [SD-008]
    • 111.
    • J.S. Tindal, G.S. Knaggs
    • Determination of the Detailed Hypothalamic Route of the Milk Ejection Reflex in the Guinea-Pig

    • J. Endocrinol., 50 (1971), p. 135

    • [SD-008]
    • 112.
    • M. Russe
    • Der Geburtsablauf beim Rind

    • Arch. Exp. Vet. Med., 19 (1965), p. 763

    • [SD-008]
    • 113.
    • N.L. van Demark, R.L. Hays
    • Motility Patterns in the Female Reproductive Tract

    • Iowa State Coll. J. Sci. (9th edition), 28 (1953), p. 107

    • [SD-008]
    • 114.
    • G.W. Harris
    • Neural Control of the Pituitary Gland

    • Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md (1955)

    • [SD-008]
    • 115.
    • A.S. McNeilly, S.J. Folley
    • Blood Levels of Milk-Ejecting Activity (Oxytocin) in the Female Goat During Mating

    • J. Endocrinol., 48 (1) (1970), p. ix

    • [SD-008]
    • 116.
    • B. Anderson
    • Mechanical Stimulation of the Genital Tract Rises Blood Oxytocin Levels

    • Acta Physiol. Scand., 23 (1) (1951)

    • [SD-008]
    • 117.
    • R.L. Hays, N.L. Van Demark
    • Effect of Stimulation on the Reproductive Organs of the Cow on the Release of an Oxytocin-like Substance

    • Endocrinology, 52 (1953), p. 634

    • [SD-008]
    • 118.
    • E.C. Amoroso, P.A. Jewell
    • Roy. Anthropol. Inst. Occasional, Paper No. 18 (1963), p. 126

    • [SD-008]
    • 119.
    • C.A. Fox
    • Physiology of Coitus

    • Science Journal, 6 (1970), p. 80

    • [SD-008]
    • 120.
    • S.P. Kalra, C.H Sawyer
    • Blockade of Copulation-induced Ovulation in the Rat by Anterior Hypothalamic Deafferentation

    • Endocrinology, 87 (1970), p. 1124

    • [SD-008]
    • 121.
    • C.H. Rodgers, N.B. Schwartz
    • Diencephalic Regulation of Plasma LH, Ovulation, and Sexual Behavior in the Rat

    • Endocrinology, 90 (2) (1972), pp. 461–465

    • [SD-008]
    • 122.
    • J.P. Bann, J.W. Everett
    • Ovulation in Persistent-Estrus Rats After Electrical Stimulation of the Brain

    • Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. (9th edition), 96 (1957), p. 369

    • [SD-008]
    • 123.
    • Ph. Richard
    • The Reticulo-hypothalamic Pathway Controlling the Release of Oxytocin in the Ewe

    • J. Endocrinol., 53 (1) (1972), p. 71

    • [SD-008]
    • 124.
    • M. Debackere, G. Peeters
    • Le mecanisme de l'ejection du lait par distension vaginale chez le mouton

    • Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn., 126 (1960), p. 486

    • [SD-008]
    • 125.
    • G.S. Knaggs, A.S. McNeilly, J.S. Tindal
    • The Afferent Path-way of the Milk-Ejection Reflex in the Mid-brain of the Goat

    • J. Endocrinol., 52 (2) (1972), p. 333

    • [SD-008]
    • 126.
    • G. Irving, D.E. Jones, A. Knifton
    • Milk-Ejection Activity in Goat Plasma During Parturition

    • Res. Vet. Sci., 12 (5) (1971), p. 472

    • [SD-008]
    • 127.
    • L.E.A. Rowson, A.S. McNeilly, C.A. O'Brien
    • The Effect of Vaginal and Cervical Stimulation on Oxytocin Release During the Luteal Phase of the Cow's Oestrous Cycle

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 30 (1972), pp. 287–288

    • [SD-008]
    • 128.
    • I.A. Cumming, J.M. Brown, J.R. Goding, J.D. Bryant, F.C. Greenwood
    • Secretion of Prolactin and Luteinizing Hormone at Oestrus in the Ewe

    • J. Endocrinol., 54 (2) (1972), pp. 207–213

    • [SD-008]
    • 129.
    • G.D. Bryant, J.F. Linzell, F.C. Greenwood
    • Plasma Prolactin in Goats Measured by Radioimmunoassay. The Effect of Teat Stimulation, Mating Behavior, Stress, Fasting and Oxytocin, Insulin and Glucose Injections

    • Hormones, 1 (1970), pp. 26–35

    • [SD-008]
    • 130.
    • B.R. Komisaruk
    • Strategies in Neuroendocrine Neurophysiology

    • Am. Zoologist, 11 (4) (1971), p. 741

    • [SD-008]
    • 131.
    • W.E. Stumpf
    • Autoradiographic Techniques and the Localization of Estrogen, Androgen, and Glucocorticoid in the Pituitary and Brain

    • Am. Zoologist, 11 (4) (1971), p. 725

    • [SD-008]
    • 132.
    • F. Ellendorff, D. Smidt
    • Neural Control of Cyclic Reproductive Functions in the Mammal — A Review

    • J. Interdiscipl. Cycle Res., 1 (1970), p. 201

    • [SD-008]
    • 133.
    • C.H. Sawyer, J. Hilliard
    • Sites of Feedback Action of Estrogen and Progesterone

    • Proc. 3rd Int. Congr. Horm. Steroids, Hamburg (1970), p. 716

    • [SD-008]
    • 134.
    • E.M. Bodganove
    • Hypothalamic-hypophyscal Interrelationships: Basic Aspects

    • H. Balin, St. Glasser (Eds.), Reproductive Biology, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam (1972), pp. 5–7

    • [SD-008]
    • 135.
    • R.A. Edgren, E.S. France
    • Ovulation Suppression: Clinical Aspects

    • H. Balin, St. Glasser (Eds.), Reproductive Biology, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam (1972), pp. 614–625

    • [SD-008]
    • 136.
    • N.B. Schwartz, J.C. Hoffman
    • Ovulation: Basic Aspects

    • H. Balin, St. Glasser (Eds.), Reproductive Biology, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam (1972), pp. 438–468

    • [SD-008]
    • 137.
    • N.B. Schwartz, C.E. McCormack
    • Reproduction: Gonadal Function and its Regulation

    • Ann. R. Physiol., 34 (1972), pp. 425–472

    • [SD-008]
    • 138.
    • D.W. Lincoln
    • Response of Hypothalamic Units to Stimulation of the Vaginal Cervix: Specific Versus Nonspecific Effects

    • J. Endocrinol., 43 (1969), p. 683

    • [SD-008]
    • 139.
    • R.C. Holland, H. Negoro, R.A. Huggins
    • Modification of Reflex Activation of Paraventricular Nucleus Units by Sex Hormones

    • Fed. Proc., Abstr. No. 145 (9th edition), 31 (1972) 2

    • [SD-008]
    • 140.
    • W.E. Stumpf
    • Estrogen, Androgen, and Adrenal Hormone Attracting Neurons in the Periventricular Brain

    • Fed. Proc., Abstr. No. 654 (9th edition), 30 (1971) 2

    • [SD-008]
    • 141.
    • G. Leyendecker, Sh. Wardlaw, B.A. Barry, B. Leffek, E. Jost, W. Nocke
    • Untersuchungen zur Aktivierung des cyclischen Sexualzentrums durch exogene Steroide (“positiver Feedback Mechanismus”)

    • 17th Symp. Dtsch. Ges. Endokrin., Abstr. No. 4, Acta Endocr. (Kbh.) (9th edition) (1971), p. 4 Suppl. 152

    • [SD-008]
    • 142.
    • W.G. Luttge, R.E. Whalen
    • The Accumulation, Retention and Interaction of Oestradiol and Oestrone in Central Neural and Peripheral Tissues of Gonadectomized Female Rats

    • J. Endocrinol., 52 (2) (1972), p. 379

    • [SD-008]
    • 143.
    • A.J. Zolovick
    • Role of Central Sympathetic Neurones in the Release of Gonadotrophin After Hemiovariectomy

    • J. Endocrinol., 52 (1) (1972), p. 201

    • [SD-008]
    • 144.
    • P.G. McDonald, D.P. Gilmore
    • The Effect of Ovarian Steroids on Hypothalamic Thresholds for Ovulation in the Female Rat

    • J. Endocrinol., 49 (3) (1971), p. 421

    • [SD-008]
    • 145.
    • A.P. Labhsetwar
    • Role of Monoamines in Ovulation: Evidence for a Serotoninergic Pathway for Inhibition of Spontaneous Ovulation

    • J. Endocrinol., 54 (1972), p. 269

    • [SD-008]
    • 146.
    • M. Briggs, M. Briggs
    • Relationship Between Monoamine Oxidase Activity and Sex Hormone Concentration in Human Blood Plasma

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 29 (3) (1972), p. 447

    • [SD-008]
    • 147.
    • E.L. Klaiber, Y. Kobayashi, D.M. Broverman, F. Hall
    • Plasma Monoamine Oxidase Activity in Regularly Menstruating Women and in Amenorrhoeic Women Receiving Cyclic Treatment with Estrogens and a Progestin

    • J. Clin. Endocrinol., 33 (4) (1971), p. 630

    • [SD-008]
    • 148.
    • J.A. Valsik
    • The Seasonal Rhythm of Menarche — A Review

    • Human Biol., 37 (1970)

    • [SD-008]
    • 149.
    • E. Takahashi
    • Seasonal Variation of Conception and Suicide

    • Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 84 (1964), p. 215

    • [SD-008]
    • 150.
    • C.C. Tsai, G. Vandenberg, S.S.C. Yen
    • Pulsatile Pattern of Gonadotropin Release

    • 19th Ann. Meeting, Soc. Gynecol. Invest., Abstr. No. 28 (9th edition) (1972)

    • [SD-008]
    • 151.
    • G. Vandenberg, S.S.C. Yen
    • Evidence for a Difference in Feed-back Sensitivity for Gonadotropin Release Between the Early and Late Follicular Phase of the Normal Cycle

    • 19th Ann. Meeting, Soc. Gynecol. Invest., Abstr. No. 27 (9th edition) (1972)

    • [SD-008]
    • 152.
    • D. Chateau
    • Variation in the Reactivity of the Rat Ovary to LH in the Course of the Oestrous Cycle

    • C.r.hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci. Ser. D, Paris, 269 (1969), p. 788

    • [SD-008]
    • 153.
    • C. Singer
    • Vesalius and the Human Brain

    • Oxford Univ. Press, New York (1952)

    • [SD-008]
    • 154.
    • J.M. Marshall
    • Adrenergic Innervation of the Female Reproductive Tract: Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology

    • Reviews of Physiology (9th edition), 62Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York (1970)

    • [SD-008]
    • 155.
    • H. Hofliger
    • Das Ovar des Rindes in den verschiedenen Lebensperioden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner funtionellen Feinstruktur

    • Habilitationsschrift Vet. Med. Faculty, Univ. Zurich. S. Karger, Basel-New York (1948)

    • [SD-008]
    • 156.
    • R.T. Hill
    • Paradoxical Effects of Ovarian Secretion

    • chap. XVI Sir Jolly Zuckerman (Ed.), The Ovary (9th edition), Vol. IIAcademic Press, New York and London (1962), p. 231

    • [SD-008]
    • 157.
    • D. Jacobowitz, E.E. Wallach
    • Histochemical and Chemical Studies of the Autonomic Innervation of the Ovary

    • Endocrinology, 81 (1967), pp. 1132–1139

    • [SD-008]
    • 158.
    • E. Rosengren, N.O. Sjöberg
    • The Adrenergic Nerve Supply to the Female Reproductive Tract of the Cat

    • Am. J. Anat., 121 (1967), pp. 271–284

    • [SD-008]
    • 159.
    • C. Owman, E. Rosengren, N.O. Sjöberg
    • Origin of the Adrenergic Innervation to the Female Genital Tract of the Rabbit

    • Life Sci., 5 (1966), pp. 1389–1396

    • [SD-008]
    • 160.
    • P. Bergman
    • Sexual Cycle, Time of Ovulation and Time of Optimal Fertility in Women

    • Acta Obstet. Gynec. Scand., 4 (Suppl. 29) (1950), p. 1

    • [SD-008]
    • 161.
    • W.W. Greulich, E.S. Morris, M.E. Black
    • The Age of Corpora Lutea and Timing of Ovulation

    • Proc. Conf. Prob. Human Fertil. (9th edition), 37 (1943), p. 37

    • [SD-008]
    • 162.
    • H.S. Grob
    • Effects of Abdominal Ovarian Denervation on Vaginal Opening, Estrous and Ovarian Histology in Mice

    • Fed. Proc., Abstr. No. 296 (9th edition), 31 (1972) 2

    • [SD-008]
    • 163.
    • R. Welschen
    • Corpora Lutea Atretica in Ovarian Grafts

    • J. Endocrinol., 49 (4) (1971), pp. 693–694

    • [SD-008]
    • 164.
    • S. Kawashima, T. Mori
    • Behavior of Ovaries Subcutaneously Transplanted to Ovariectomized Hosts from Normal and Neonatally Estrogenized Donors

    • Proc. Japan Acad. (9th edition), 47 (1971), pp. 76–80

    • [SD-008]
    • 165.
    • F.A. Harrison, R.B. Heap, J.L. Linzell
    • Ovarian Function in the Sheep After Autotransplantation of the Ovary and Uterus to the Neck

    • Proc.xiii Abstr., J. Endocr. (9th edition), 40 (1968)

    • [SD-008]
    • 166.
    • J.A. McCracken, B.V. Caldwell, S.A. Tillson, I.H. Thorney-croft, R.J. Scaramuzzi
    • Ovarian Steroid Secretion and LH Levels in Sheep After Autotransplantation of the Ovary, Uterus, Cervix, and Vagina to the Neck

    • I. Annual Meeting Soc. Study of Reprod., Abstr. 3, Davis, Calif. (9th edition) (1969)

    • [SD-008]
    • 167.
    • J.R. Goding, J.A. McCracken, D.T. Baird
    • The Study of Ovarian Function in the Ewe by Means of a Vascular Autotransplantation Technique

    • J. Endocr., 39 (1967), p. 37

    • [SD-008]
    • 168.
    • J.A. McCracken, D.T. Baird
    • The Study of Ovarian Function by Means of Transplantation of the Ovary in the Ewe

    • K. McKerns (Ed.), The Gonads, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York (1969), p. 175 chapt. 7

    • [SD-008]
    • 169.
    • J.A. McCracken
    • Prostaglandin F and Corpus Luteum Regression

    • Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 180 (1971), pp. 456–472

    • [SD-008]
    • 170.
    • J.A. McCracken, J.C. Carlson, M.E. Glew, J.R. Goding, D.T. Baird, K. Green, B. Samuelsson
    • Prostaglandin F Identified as a Luteolytic Hormone in Sheep

    • Nature New Biology, 238 (1972), pp. 129–134

    • [SD-008]
    • 171.
    • W.J. LeMaire, A.G. Shapiro
    • Prostaglandin F: Its Effect on the Corpus Luteum of the Menstrual Cycle

    • Prostaglandins, 1 (1972), pp. 259–267

    • [SD-008]
    • 172.
    • Z. Palti, M. Freund
    • Spontaneous Contractions of the Human Ovary Full-size image (<1 K)

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 28 (1972), pp. 113–115

    • [SD-008]
    • 173.
    • T. Rocereto, D. Jacobowitz, E.E. Wallach
    • Observations of Spontaneous Contractions of the Cat Ovary Full-size image (<1 K)

    • Endocrinology, 84 (1969), p. 1336

    • [SD-008]
    • 174.
    • J.R. Davis, G.A. Langford, P.J. Kirby
    • The Testicular Capsule

    • chapt. 5 A.D. Johnson, W.R. Gomes, N.L. Vandemark (Eds.), The Testis (9th edition), vol. 1Academic Press, New York and London (1970), pp. 281–337

    • [SD-008]
    • 175.
    • J.R. Davis, G.A. Langford
    • Comparative Responses of the Isolated Testicular Capsule and Parenchyma to Autonomic Drugs

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 26 (2) (1971), p. 241

    • [SD-008]
    • 176.
    • C.F. Firlit, J.R. Davis
    • Spontaneous and Drug-induced Contractions of the Human Testicular Capsule

    • Fed. Proc., Abstr. No. 1574 (9th edition), 30 (1971) 2

    • [SD-008]
    • 177.
    • Z. Fumagalli, P. Motta, S. Calvieri
    • The Presence of Smooth Muscular Cells in the Ovary of Several Mammals as Seen Under the Electron Microscope

    • Experientia, 27 (6) (1971), p. 682

    • [SD-008]
    • 178.
    • W. Bloom, D.W. Fawcett
    • Textbook of Histology (9th edition)W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia (1968), pp. 739–740

    • [SD-008]
    • 179.
    • H.R. Catchpole, I. Gersh, S.C. Pan
    • Some Properties of Ovarian Connective Tissue in Relation to Parenchymatous Changes

    • J. Endocrinol., 6 (1950), p. 277

    • [SD-008]
    • 180.
    • G. Fink, G.C. Schofield
    • Innervation of the Ovary in Cats (Abstr.)

    • J. Anat., 106 (1970), p. 191

    • [SD-008]
    • 181.
    • H.J. Lipner, B. Maxwell
    • Hypothesis Concerning the Role of Follicular Contractions in Ovulation

    • Science, N. Y., 131 (1960), p. 1731

    • [SD-008]
    • 182.
    • J.D. O'Shea
    • Smooth Muscle-like Cells in the Theca Externa of Ovarian Follicles in the Sheep

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 24 (2) (1971), p. 283

    • [SD-008]
    • 183.
    • H. Okamura, P. Virutamasen, K.H. Wright, E.E. Wallach
    • Ovarian Smooth Muscle in the Human Being, Rabbit, and Cat

    • Am. J. Obstet. Gynec., 112 (1972), p. 183

    • [SD-008]
    • 184.
    • W. His
    • Arch. f. mikr. Anat., 1 (1865)

    • [SD-008]
    • 185.
    • W. Waldeyer
    • Eierstock und Ei. Engelmann

    • (1870) Leipzig

    • [SD-008]
    • 186.
    • L. Keller
    • Morpholog. Jahrbuch, 88 (1943)

    • [SD-008]
    • 187.
    • R.W. Stander, T.P. Barden
    • Influence of Steroids on Human Myometrial Contractility and Myometrial Response to Catecholamines

    • Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol., 108 (1970), pp. 795–804

    • [SD-008]
    • 188.
    • H. Jung, P. Abramowski, F.K. Klöck, W. Schwenzel
    • Zur Wirkung α- und β-adrenergischer Substanzen am menschlichen Uterus und Nebenwirkungen auf Mutter und Kind

    • Geburtsh. & Frauenheilk., 31 (1971), pp. 11–27

    • [SD-008]
    • 189.
    • H. Erb
    • Zur Relaxation von Uterus und Tube durch Beta-Sympathomimetika

    • Zenbl. Gynaekol., 93 (16) (1971), pp. 513–518

    • [SD-008]
    • 190.
    • P. Virutamasen, R.L. Hickok, E.E. Wallach
    • Local Ovarian Effects of Catecholamines on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin-induced Ovulation in the Rabbit

    • Fert. Steril., 22 (1971), pp. 235–243

    • [SD-008]
    • 191.
    • W.A. Condon, D.L. Black
    • Beta Adrenergic Control of Bovine Progesterone Production

    • J. Anim. Sci., 35 (1) (1972) Abstr. No. 3

    • [SD-008]
    • 192.
    • R.P. Craven, P.G. McDonald
    • The Effects of Microinjection of Catecholamines into the Median Eminence and Preoptic Region on the Blockage of Ovulation by Reserpine in the Rat

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 27 (8) (1971), p. 480

    • [SD-008]
    • 193.
    • E.M. Coutinho, H.S. Maia
    • The Contractile Response of the Human Uterus, Fallopian Tubes, and Ovary to Prostaglandins Full-size image (<1 K)

    • Fert. Steril., 22 (9) (1971), p. 539

    • [SD-008]
    • 194.
    • A. Tsafriri, H.R. Lindner, U. Zor, S.A. Lamprecht
    • Physiological Role of Prostaglandins in the Induction of Ovulation

    • Prostaglandins, 2 (1) (1972), pp. 1–10

    • [SD-008]
    • 195.
    • D.T. Armstrong, D.L. Grinwich
    • Blockade of Spontaneous and LH-Induced Ovulation in Rats by Indomethacin, an Inhibitor of Prostaglandin Biosynthesis

    • Prostaglandins, 1 (1972), p. 3

    • [SD-008]
    • 196.
    • D.L. Grinwich, T.G. Kennedy, D.T. Armstrong
    • Dissociation of Ovulatory and Steroidogenic Actions of Luteinizing Hormone in Rabbits with Indomethacin, an Inhibitor of Prostaglandin Biosynthesis

    • Prostaglandins, 1 (1972), p. 89

    • [SD-008]
    • 197.
    • J.P. O'Grady, B.V. Caldwell, F.J. Auletta, L. Speroff
    • The Effects of an Inhibitor of Prostaglandin Synthesis (Indomethacin) on Ovulation, Pregnancy and Pseudopregnancy in the Rabbit

    • Prostaglandins, 1 (1972), p. 97

    • [SD-008]
    • 198.
    • M. Bygdeman
    • General discussion

    • Prostaglandins, Ann. N. Y. Acad. of Science, Vol. 180 (1971), p. 533

    • [SD-008]
    • 199.
    • K. Zerobin
    • Untersuchungen über die Uterusmotorik des Schweines

    • Zbl. Vet. Med., Reihe A, 15 (1968), pp. 740–798

    • [SD-008]
    • 200.
    • R.R. Seeley, J.L. Hargrove, J.M. Johnson, L.C. Ellis
    • Modulation of Rabbit Testicular Contractions by Prostaglandins, Steroids and Some Pharmacological Compounds

    • Prostaglandins, 2 (1) (1972), pp. 33–40

    • [SD-008]
    • 201.
    • Z. Palti
    • Spontaneous Contractions of the Human Ovaries Full-size image (<1 K)

    • Fed. Proc. Chicago, 30 (1971), p. 585 (abstract)

    • [SD-008]
    • 202.
    • W.P. Ventura, M. Freund
    • Prostate and Semen Spasmogens: A New Class of Uterine Stimulants

    • Fed. Proc. Chicago, 30 (1971), p. 476 (abstract)

    • [SD-008]
    • 203.
    • G.W. Corner
    • Ovulation and Menstruation in Macacus Rhesus

    • Embryology No. 75, 15 (1923), p. 73

    • [SD-008]
    • 204.
    • E. Allen
    • The Menstrual Cycle of the Monkey, Macacus Rhesus: Observations on Normal Animals, the Effects of Removal of the Ovaries and the Effects of Injections of Ovarian and Placental Extracts into Spayed Animals

    • Embryology No. 98, 19 (1927), p. 1

    • [SD-008]
    • 205.
    • C.G. Hartman
    • Time of Ovulation in Women

    • Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore (1936)

    • [SD-008]
    • 206.
    • C.G. Hartman
    • Science and the Safe Period

    • Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore (1962), p. 90

    • [SD-008]
    • C.G. Hartman
    • Science and the Safe Period

    • Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore (1962), p. 91

    • [SD-008]
    • C.G. Hartman
    • Science and the Safe Period

    • Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore (1962), pp. 174–180

    • [SD-008]
    • C.G. Hartman
    • Science and the Safe Period

    • Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore (1962), pp. 191–197

    • [SD-008]
    • C.G. Hartman
    • Science and the Safe Period

    • Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore (1962), pp. 226–234

    • [SD-008]
    • 207.
    • S. Zuckerman
    • The Menstrual Cycle

    • Lancet, 1 (1949), p. 1031

    • [SD-008]
    • 208.
    • E.B. Keverne, R.P. Michael
    • Annual Changes in the Menstruation of Rhesus Monkeys

    • J. Endocrinol., 48 (4) (1970), p. 669

    • [SD-008]
    • 209.
    • D.M. Scruton, J. Herbert
    • The Menstrual Cycle and its Effect on Behavior in the Talapoin Monkey (Miopithecus talapoin)

    • J. Zool., London, 162 (1970), p. 419

    • [SD-008]
    • 210.
    • J.D. Douglas, T.M. Butler
    • Chimpanzee Breeding at the 6571st Aeromedical Research Laboratory

    • Lab. Anim. Care, 20 (1970), p. 477

    • [SD-008]
    • 211.
    • K.J. Betteridge, W.A. Kelly, J.H. Marston
    • Morphology of the Rhesus Monkey Ovary Near the Time of Ovulation

    • J. Reprod. Fert., 22 (3) (1970), p. 453

    • [SD-008]
    • 212.
    • D.A. Jewett, W.G. Elford, W.R. Dukelow
    • Ovulation and Cyclicity in Macaca Fascicularis

    • Fed. Proc. Chicago (2nd Edition), 30 (1971), p. 309 (abstract)

    • [SD-008]
    • 213.
    • B.E. Howland, C. Faiman, T.M. Butler
    • Serum FSH and LH during Menstrual Cycle in Chimpanzee

    • Biol. Reprod., 4 (1971), p. 101

    • [SD-008]
    • 214.
    • A.F. Fraser
    • Tables of Data on Livestock Reproduction

    • Edinburgh Univ. Press (1968)

    • [SD-008]
    • 215.
    • S.A. Asdell
    • Patterns of Mammalian Reproduction

    • (2nd Edition)Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, N. Y (1964)

    • [SD-008]
    • 216.
    • W. Jochle
    • Die physiologische Rolle des Progesterons im Wirbeltierreich

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    • Hormonal Control of the Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation in the Rhesus Monkey

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    • Observations on the Menstrual Cycle, Optimal Mating Time and Pre-Implantation Embryos of the Baboon, Papio Anubis and Paio Cynocephalus

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    • Sexual Cycle, Time of Ovulation and Time of Optimal Fertility in Women

    • Acta Obstet. Gynec. Scand., 4 (Suppl. 29) (1950), p. 1

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    • J.W. Goldzieher, A.W. Henkin, E.C. Hamblen
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    • P. Franchimont
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    • Secretion of FSH and LH During the Ovulatory Cycle and Their Role in the Induction of Ovulation and Corpus Luteum Function

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    • C. Faiman, R.J. Ryan
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    • Effect of Protein Deficiency on Plasma Progesterone Levels During the Menstrual Cycle of Adult Rhesus Monkeys

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    • Seasonal Variation in Human Sexual Activity

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