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Electromagnetism Without Fields: From Orsted Through Ampere to Weber [Historical Corner]

Publisher: IEEE

Abstract: On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Ørsted's discovery of the magnetic effects of electric currents, this article summarizes the main stages of the development of... View more
On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Ørsted's discovery of the magnetic effects of electric currents, this article summarizes the main stages of the development of electromagnetism before Maxwell, from Ørsted's experiments through Ampère's development of electrodynamics and Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic induction, up to the development of Weber's electrodynamics. The emphasis is on the conceptual evolution that led, on the one hand, to unification under a coherent, mathematically sound theory for all known electromagnetic phenomena within the Newtonian paradigm of instantaneous action at distance, and on the other hand, to the foundations of Maxwell's revolution, which definitely changed that paradigm.
Published in: IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine ( Volume: 62 , Issue: 4 , Aug. 2020 )
Page(s): 128 - 137
Date of Publication: 06 August 2020
ISSN Information:
Publisher: IEEE

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Ørsted’s discovery of the magnetic effects of electric currents, this article summarizes the main stages of the development of electromagnetism before Maxwell, from Ørsted’s experiments through Ampère’s development of electrodynamics and Faraday’s discovery of electromagnetic induction, up to the development of Weber’s electrodynamics. The emphasis is on the conceptual evolution that led, on the one hand, to unification under a coherent, mathematically sound theory for all known electromagnetic phenomena within the Newtonian paradigm of instantaneous action at distance, and on the other hand, to the foundations of Maxwell’s revolution, which definitely changed that paradigm.

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