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Viewpoint | Scientific Discovery and the Future of Medicine

Pushing the Limits of Human Neuroimaging

Bruce R. Rosen, MD, PhD1,2; Susie Y. Huang, MD, PhD1,2; Steven M. Stufflebeam, MD1,2
[+] Author Affiliations
1Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
2Massachusetts General Hospital–East, Charlestown
JAMA. 2015;314(10):993-994. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.10229.
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This Viewpoint discusses advances in functional neuroimaging technologies that could improve the diagnosis and care of patients and provide new insights into relationships between brain structure and function.

Since the advent and widespread adoption of computed tomography (CT) in the 1970s and the subsequent development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) roughly a decade later, clinicians have increasingly used these powerful imaging technologies to diagnose disease and monitor treatments in myriad clinical settings. None have proven of greater value than in imaging the brain. From initial studies of acute intracranial hemorrhage and defining cerebral neoplasms, understanding diseases of the central nervous system in patients often starts with the superb anatomical images these technologies afford. High-resolution 3D views of arterial and venous vasculature with clear definition of gray and white matter and subcortical/brainstem structures, the ventricular system, dura and meninges, and bony calvarium are available in minutes (with MRI) or even seconds (with CT).

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