Continuing investigation into possible electric fields arising from steady conduction currents

Phys. Rev. D 14, 922 – Published 15 August 1976
W. F. Edwards, C. S. Kenyon, and D. K. Lemon


Recently a report was made of an effort to test higher-order, source-velocity terms in Maxwell's equations. Present electromagnetic theory predicts a zero electric field resulting from constant currents in closed conductors at rest, but Edwards has reported observing an I2-dependent potential resulting from current I in a superconducting Nb-Ti coil. We have repeated these experiments under several variations to confirm the functional nature of the effect and to test the possibility of its arising from causes consistent with Maxwell's equations. In a fitting of the function φIn where φ is the observed potential, we have obtained the value n=2.02±0.05. We have also concluded that none of the following effects offers a satisfactory explanation: the self-Hall effect, configurational emf's, non-steady-current effects, thermoelectric effects, flux-flow emf's, and possible charge transfer on helium bubbles. The signal appears to be a real field effect and is as yet unexplained.


  • Received 10 November 1975
  • Revised 11 May 1976
  • Published in the issue dated 15 August 1976

© 1976 The American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

W. F. Edwards, C. S. Kenyon, and D. K. Lemon

  • Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322


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