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The absorbent mind
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The absorbent mind

Autore: Maria Montessori
Editore: [Lanham, Maryland] : Start Publishing, 2012.
Edizione/Formato:   eBook : Document : EnglishVedi tutte le edizioni e i formati
Banca dati:WorldCat
The Absorbent Mind was Maria Montessori's most in-depth work on her educational theory, based on decades of scientific observation of children. Her view on children and their absorbent minds was a landmark departure from the educational model at the time. This book helped start a revolution in education. Since this book first appeared there have been both cognitive and neurological studies that have confirmed what  Per saperne di più…

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Genere/forma: Electronic books
Informazioni aggiuntive sul formato: Print version:
Montessori, Maria.
Absorbent Mind.
Lanham : Start Publishing LLC, ©2013
Tipo materiale: Document, Risorsa internet
Tipo documento: Internet Resource, Computer File
Tutti gli autori / Collaboratori: Maria Montessori
ISBN: 9781625588685 1625588682
Numero OCLC: 854971140
Descrizione: 1 online resource (314 pages)
Altri titoli: Mente del bambino.
Responsabilità: by Maria Montessori.


The Absorbent Mind was Maria Montessori's most in-depth work on her educational theory, based on decades of scientific observation of children. Her view on children and their absorbent minds was a landmark departure from the educational model at the time. This book helped start a revolution in education. Since this book first appeared there have been both cognitive and neurological studies that have confirmed what Maria Montessori knew decades ago.

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