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Experimental Mathematics in Action
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Experimental Mathematics in Action

Author: David H BaileyJonathan BorweinNeil CalkinRussell LukeRoland GirgensohnAll authors
Publisher: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2007.
Edition/Format:   eBook : Document : English : First edition
"With the continued advance of computing power and accessibility, the view that "real mathematicians don't compute" no longer has any traction for a newer generation of mathematicians. The goal in this book is to present a coherent variety of accessible examples of modern mathematics where intelligent computing plays a significant role and in so doing to highlight some of the key algorithms and to teach some of the  Read more...

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Genre/Form: Electronic books
Material Type: Document, Internet resource
Document Type: Internet Resource, Computer File
All Authors / Contributors: David H Bailey; Jonathan Borwein; Neil Calkin; Russell Luke; Roland Girgensohn; Victor Moll
ISBN: 9781439864333 1439864330
OCLC Number: 1027786156
Description: 1 online resource : text file, PDF.
Responsibility: David H. Bailey, Jonathan Borwein, Neil Calkin, Russell Luke, Roland Girgensohn, Victor Moll.


"With the continued advance of computing power and accessibility, the view that "real mathematicians don't compute" no longer has any traction for a newer generation of mathematicians. The goal in this book is to present a coherent variety of accessible examples of modern mathematics where intelligent computing plays a significant role and in so doing to highlight some of the key algorithms and to teach some of the key experimental approaches."--Provided by publisher.

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