Volume 9, Issue 4, November 1982, Pages 392–412

Early criticism of the symbolical approach to algebra

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For a long time, historians have believed that in the 1830s Sir William Rowan Hamilton was a lone critic of symbolical algebra. Using published and unpublished documents, this article shows that symbolical algebra was a considerably controversial subject among British mathematicians of the 1830s and 1840s. Special attention is paid to William Frend's and Osborne Reynolds' criticism of symbolical algebra. The article ends with a brief discussion of reservations concerning symbolical algebra expressed by Augustus De Morgan, William Whewell, and Philip Kelland.


Depuis longtemps, les historiens ont cru que Sir William Rowan Hamilton fut le seul critique de l'algèbre symbolique dans les années 1830. En s'appuyant sur des documents publiés et inédits, cette étude montrera que l'algèbre symbolique fut un sujet de controverse considérable parmi les mathématiciens britanniques dans les années 1830 et 1840. Nous examinerons surtout la critique que firent William Frend et Osborne Reynolds de l'algèbre symbolique. L'étude s'achève sur une courte discussion des doutes qu'exprimèrent Augustus De Morgan, William Whewell, et Philip Kelland sur l'algèbre symbolique.


    • Allen, 1970
    • J Allen
    • The life and work of Osborne Reynolds

    • D.M McDowell, J.D Jackson (Eds.), Osborne Reynolds and engineering science today, Manchester Univ. Press, London (1970), pp. 1–82

    • [SD-008]
    • Allen, 1970
    • This article deals primarily with Osborne Reynolds (1842–1912), professor of engineering at Owens College, Manchester, from 1868 through 1905, and son of Rev. Osborne Reynolds, author of Strictures on certain parts of “Peacock's algebra.”

    • [SD-008]
    • Reynolds, 1837
    • O Reynolds
    • Strictures on certain parts of “Peacock's algebra” by a graduate

    • (1837) Cambridge

    • [SD-008]
    • *
    • Illustrations of the study of mathematics after the manner of Miss Martineau

    • Anonymous. n.d.  Ms. Add. 163. Correspondence of Augustus De Morgan. University College Library. University College London Pagination is mine. This manuscript has been reproduced inMathematics Magazine, 55 (1982), pp. 150–156

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1828
    • A De Morgan
    • Letter to William Frend. 15 March 1828

    • Augustus De Morgan PapersUniversity of London Library (1828)

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1831
    • A De Morgan
    • Review of The elements of algebra by John Bayley

    • Quarterly Journal of Education, 2 (1831), pp. 155–158

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1832
    • A De Morgan
    • Review of The elements of algebra, designed for the use of students in the university by James Wood

    • Quarterly Journal of Education, 3 (1832), pp. 276–285

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1835
    • A De Morgan
    • Review of A treatise on algebra by George Peacock, No. II

    • Quarterly Journal of Education, 9 (1835), pp. 293–311 Part I of this review was published in Quarterly Journal of Education 9, 91–110

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1837
    • A De Morgan
    • Elements of algebra preliminary to the differential calculus

    • (2nd ed.) (1837) London

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1837
    • In the Preface to this work De Morgan noted: “This Second Edition differs from the first only in verbal amendments.”

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1842a
    • A De Morgan
    • William Frend

    • Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, 12 (1842), pp. 458–468

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1842a
    • Although this article is unsigned, Dreyer and Turner identify De Morgan as the author [Dreyer & Turner 1923, 86].

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1842b
    • A De Morgan
    • On the foundation of algebra

    • Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 7 (1842), pp. 173–187

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1849
    • A De Morgan
    • Trigonometry and double algebra

    • (1849) London

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1915
    • A De Morgan
    • David Eugene Smith (Ed.), A budget of paradoxes (2nd ed.)Open Court Publishing, Chicago (1915) 2 vols

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1836
    • S.E.F De Morgan
    • Letter to Augustus De Morgan. 6 September 1836. Ms. Add. 163

    • Correspondence of Augustus De MorganUniversity College Library. University College London (1836)

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1882
    • S.E.F De Morgan
    • Memoir of Augustus De MorganLongmans, Green, London (1882)

    • [SD-008]
    • De Morgan, 1895
    • S.E.F De Morgan
    • Threescore years and ten: Reminiscences of the late Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan

    • Mary A De Morgan (Ed.)Richard Bentley & Son, London (1895)

    • [SD-008]
    • Dreyer and Turner, 1923
    • J.L.E Dreyer, H.H Turner (Eds.), History of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1820–1920, Royal Astronomical Society, London (1923)

    • [SD-008]
    • Frend, 1793
    • W Frend
    • Peace and union recommended to the associated bodies of republicans and anti-republicans

    • (1793) St. Ives.

    • [SD-008]
    • Frend, 1824
    • W Frend
    • Letter to Sophia Frend. 21 May 1824. Mss. Add. 7887

    • William Frend Correspondence, Cambridge University Library (1824)

    • [SD-008]
    • Frend, 1824
    • This collection is hereinafter referred to as WFC CUL.

    • [SD-008]
    • Frend, 1835a
    • W Frend
    • Letter to Augustus De Morgan. 17 August 1835. WFC CUL

    • (1835)

    • [SD-008]
    • Frend, 1835b
    • W Frend
    • Letter to Augustus De Morgan. 9 September 1835. WFC CUL

    • (1835)

    • [SD-008]
    • Frend, 1836
    • W Frend
    • Letter to Augustus De Morgan. 22 June 1836. WFC CUL

    • (1836)

    • [SD-008]
    • Hamilton, 1837
    • W.R Hamilton
    • Theory of conjugate functions, or algebraic couples; with a preliminary and elementary essay on algebra as the science of pure time

    • Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, 17 (1837), pp. 293–422

    • [SD-008]
    • Kelland, 1839
    • P Kelland
    • The elements of algebra

    • Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh (1839)

    • [SD-008]
    • Kelland, 1843
    • P Kelland
    • Lectures on the principles of demonstrative mathematics, Adam & Charles Black, Edinburgh (1843)

    • [SD-008]
    • Knight, 1971
    • F Knight
    • University rebel: The life of William Frend (1757–1841)

    • Victor Gollancz, London (1971)

    • [SD-008]
    • Nagel, 1935
    • E Nagel
    • “Impossible numbers”: A chapter in the history of modern logic

    • Studies in the History of Ideas, 3 (1935), pp. 429–474

    • [SD-008]
    • Newton, 1967
    • Newton
    • Universal arithmetick; or, a treatise on arithmetical composition and resolution

    • Derek T Whiteside (Ed.), The mathematical works of Isaac Newton, Vol. 2 (1728) (1967), pp. 3–134 New York: Johnson Reprint

    • [SD-008]
    • Nový, 1973
    • L Nový
    • Origins of modern algebra

    • Academia, Prague (1973) Jaroslav Tauer, trans

    • [SD-008]
    • Peacock, 1830
    • G Peacock
    • A treatise on algebra

    • (1830) London

    • [SD-008]
    • Peacock, 1833
    • G Peacock
    • Report on the recent progress and present state of certain branches of analysis

    • Report on the Third Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (1833), pp. 185–352

    • [SD-008]
    • Peacock, 1842–1845
    • G Peacock
    • A treatise on algebra (2nd ed.) (1842–1845) London (reprinted, New York: Scripta Mathematica, 1940)

    • [SD-008]
    • Pycior, 1976
    • H Pycior
    • The role of Sir william Rowan Hamilton in the development of British modern algebra

    • Ph. D. dissertationCornell University (1976)

    • [SD-008]
    • Pycior, 1981
    • H Pycior
    • George Peacock and the British origins of symbolical algebra

    • Historia Mathematica, 8 (1981), pp. 23–45

    • [SD-008]
    • *
    • Sylvester, J. J. n.d. Letter of recommendation for Osborne Reynolds. Augustus De Morgan Library. University of London Library. This letter is attached to the back of De Morgan's copy of [Peacock 1830].
    • [SD-008]
    • Whewell, 1835
    • W Whewell
    • Thoughts on the study of mathematics as a part of a liberal education

    • (1835) Cambridge

    • [SD-008]