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Proyecciones (Antofagasta)

versión impresa ISSN 0716-0917

Proyecciones (Antofagasta) v.26 n.1 Antofagasta mayo 2007 

Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics
Vol. 26, No 1, pp. 105-142, May 2007.
Universidad Católica del Norte
Antofagasta - Chile




NORBERTO SÁINZ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile.

Correspondencia a:


This work explores what other mathematical possibilities were available to Maxwell for formulating his electromagnetic field model, by characterizing the family of mathematical models induced by the analytical equations describing electromagnetic phenomena prevailing at that time.

The need for this research stems from the article "Inertial Relativity - A Functional Analysis Review", recently published in "Proyecciones", which claims and demonstrates the existence of an axiomatic conflict between the special and general theories of relativity on one side, and functional analysis on the other, making the reformulation of the relativistic theories, mandatory. As will be shown herein, such reformulation calls for a revision of Maxwell's electromagnetic field model.

The conclusion is reached that -given the set of equations considered by Maxwell- not a unique, but an infinite number of mathematically correct reformulations to Ampere's law exists, resulting in an equally abundant number of potential models for the electromagnetic phenomena (including Maxwell's). Further experimentation is required in order to determine which is the physically correct model.



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[2] Einstein, Albert. "Zur Elektrodynamik Bewegter Kórper", §3. Spanish translation by Fidel Alsina F. and Damián Canales F. of original paper published in Annalen der Physik 17, 891 (1905). "La Relatividad", Emecé Editores, B. Aires, (1950).         [ Links ]

[3] Ibid. [6], §6.

[4] Einstein, Albert. "Die Grundlage Der AUgemeinen Relativitátstheorie", §2-4. Spanish translation by Fidel Alsina F. and Damián Canales F. of original paper published in Annalen der Physik 49, 769 (1916). "La Relatividad", Emecé Editores, B. Aires, (1950).         [ Links ]

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[7] Ibid. [5] (3.34) pp 49.

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[18] Ibid. [8]; pp 231.

[19] Ibid. [8]; pp 232.

[20] Ibid. [8]; pp 229.

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Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso
Facultad de Ingeniería
Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial
Escuela de Ingeniería Eléctrica
Avda. Brasil 2241
Valparaiso - Chile
e-mail : norberto.sainz@ucv.el

Received : December 2006. Accepted : March 2007