ISSN 2167-5163
Publications results for "MR Number=(3,241e)"


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MR0005984 (3,241e) Reviewed
des Lauriers, Guérard
Sur les systèmes différentiels du second ordre qui admettent un groupe continu fini de transformations. (French)
Ann. École Norm. (3) 57, (1940). 201–315.
Publication Year 1940 Review Published1942-02-01

The author studies systems of n differential equations of second order which admit a Lie group of transformations. He remarks that a particular case of this problem is the problem of finding all the Riemannian spaces, the geodesic lines of which admit such a group; this problem has already been solved by the reviewer [Mem. Accad. Sci. Torino (2) 43 (1903); Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei. Rend. 14 (1905)].
   The first chapter is concerned with two kinds of systems of differential equations. Systems I define the second derivatives of unknown functions xi (i=1,2,,n) with respect to a parameter t as functions of the xj and their first derivatives (t not appearing explicitly in the equations). Systems II give d2xi/dxn2 (i=1,2,,n1) as functions of the xj and of the dxj/dxn. Given two systems I, the author derives conditions under which it is possible to transform one into the other by means of a change of the independent variable t, and similarly conditions that a system I be equivalent to a system II. He finds that a special rôle is played by the systems III of n equations:
where the firs are functions of the xj only and R is independent of i and a function of the xj and dxj/dt. For such systems the author generalizes Riemann's symbols of the second kind and Ricci's calculus in Riemannian spaces.
   Next conditions are stated under which a given system III admits an infinitesimal transformation
X=iξixi,ξifunctions of thexj,
and the corresponding partial equations for the ξ are found. Using the conditions of integrability for these equations, the author shows that the second derivatives of the ξ are linear functions of the ξ and their first partial derivatives with respect to the xj. There exist special systems which, by a suitable choice of the xj and of the independent variable, can be transformed into the system xi′′=0. This case excepted, the author finds the maximum number M of parameters on which a group transforming a system III into itself may depend. For example, if n3, then M=(n1)(n2)+3. In studying the infinitesimal transformations of a group Γ which transforms a system III into itself, he takes into account their order r; if Taylor's development of the ξ begins with terms of degree r, the transformation X is of order r. From the preceding theorems it follows that, in the most important cases, r is equal either to zero or to 1. The following investigation concerns the set of transformations of Γ of order zero, and the set γ of transformations of order 1 (which transforms the origin into itself), and the relations among such transformations. Moreover, a study is made of the group γ¯ generated by the infinitesimal transformations of γ, where all the terms which are not of first order in the development of the ξ are omitted. Owing to the long calculations a detailed description of them is impossible. Next the author studies systems having a group Γ depending on M or M1 parameters; here the properties of the corresponding group γ¯ are important. Despite their length the calculations in the paper are not complete. Finally the author determines all the systems of three equations which admit a group. Many results are summarized in synoptic tables.
Reviewed by G. Fubini
American Mathematical Society