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Classical and Quantum Gravity

New limits on the violation of local position invariance of gravity


Lijing Shao1,2 and Norbert Wex1

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Within the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism, there could be an anisotropy of local gravity induced by an external matter distribution, even for a fully conservative metric theory of gravity. It reflects the breakdown of the local position invariance of gravity and, within the PPN formalism, is characterized by the Whitehead parameter ξ. We present three different kinds of observation, from the Solar system and radio pulsars, to constrain it. The most stringent limit comes from recent results on the extremely stable pulse profiles of solitary millisecond pulsars, that gives $|\hat{\xi }| < 3.9 \times 10^{-9}$ (95% CL), where the hat denotes the strong-field generalization of ξ. This limit is six orders of magnitude more constraining than the current best limit from superconducting gravimeter experiments. It can be converted into an upper limit of ~4 × 10−16 on the spatial anisotropy of the gravitational constant.

Communicated by C M Will


04.50.-h Higher-dimensional gravity and other theories of gravity

97.60.Gb Pulsars

96.60.-j Solar physics

04.25.Nx Post-Newtonian approximation; perturbation theory; related approximations

04.80.Cc Experimental tests of gravitational theories


83C35 Gravitational waves


Gravitation and cosmology

Astrophysics and astroparticles


Issue 16 (21 August 2013)

Received 10 June 2013, in final form 4 July 2013

Published 26 July 2013


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  1. New limits on the violation of local position invariance of gravity

    Lijing Shao and Norbert Wex 2013 Class. Quantum Grav. 30 165020

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