Julian Calendar and Gregorian Calendar Algorithms



The study aimed to develop a relationship between Gregorian calendar datesin AD and Julian calendar dates in AD which is shown as algorithms. It also solved ordinal numbers of dates and dates of ordinal numbers that are in AD with the use of algorithms. Dates of ordinal numbers were also solved usingalgorithms. Algorithms for converting a Julian calendar date into the Gregoriancalendar date and vice versa were derived; conversions for the two calendars werederived. The study used applied Mathematics using derivation of Algorithms inanswer to the objectives. There were sample problems to check the accuracy ofthe algorithms; the algorithms are correct. Six algorithms were established.

Keywords: Algorithm, Anno Domini, calendar, formula, Gregorian calendar, Juliancalendar, descriptive design, Philippines

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7718/iamure.ijmet.v9i1.794

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