00:00 this is what I'll attempt to do in the talk and what I hope that you will continue to do afterwards and I'm convinced that the helpfulness of Thomas's account in the in the sphere is also a sign of its truth the structure of the talk is going to be funnel shaped fitting with the Y part and then ending with a narrow end that's hard to clean there will be four parts and in each part I'll begin by presenting Thomas's principles and then follow some proposals for how we might translate that into action part one is going to look at what kind of a thing an emotion is in general part two is going to look at some of the distinctions that Thomas draws among the 11 basic emotions that he recognizes part three we'll look at how emotions can be disordered and then part four we'll look at how disorder and emotions can be reduced to the influence of the 00:01 intellect and the little before jumping into the funnel I'd like to make a disclaimer regarding my claim that this talk is a to Mystic take my comments are indeed drawn from Thomas's accounts of the emotions as opposed to Pixar's moving inside out which only identifies five emotions and also as opposed to Saint bonaventure's account which denies that the emotions will be the subject of virtue nonetheless I'm giving a tonistic take rather than Thomas's take since there are a few aspects of the talk in addition to the recruitery that Thomas wouldn't recognize as his home so first I'll be arranging Thomas's comments differently than he did in order to Cobble together what I think Thomas would have said if he had asked asked the question that I'm going to ask namely what can we do to facilitate the 00:02 reordering of disordered emotions the second thing that I don't think Thomas would recognize is the phrase emotional Tunes I hope that the surface meeting of tumultuous emotions is clear these are the emotions that disturb us because they create commotion in us that isn't necessarily desired there are two ways that emotions can be tumultuous and I intend to use the phrase to refer to them both emotions are tumultuous in one way when they're disordered that is when they're disproportionate to the way things are in another way certain emotions are tumultuous by their very nature anger and fear for example arise in us when we're facing some evil that's difficult to overcome they incline us to move anger to move forward and fear inclines us to flee so throughout the talk I'll showcase these these two peculiarly tumultuous 00:03 emotions in my examples and choosing two because I would be all over the place if I tried to deal with all 11. and I'm choosing these two because they're a tumultuous character makes them very easy to recognize in our own experience also because anger and fear jointly depict some of the breadth of our emotional experience according to The Cutting Edge 13th century biology the bodily expressions of fear and anger are opposites fear is expressed in the contraction and the cooling of the humors around the heart and anger is expressed by the expansion and the heating or the boiling of the blood around the heart also on my account uh am I reading a Thomas's account anger and and two kinds of fear namely anxiety and shame collectively concern our attention to evil in the past the present and the 00:04 future State shame focuses us on what will come because of past events anger focuses on a present evil and then anxiety on the future evil here ends the disclaimers and the introduction and here Begins the final part one what an emotion is in general Thomas's definition of emotion is you the inclination of the appetite in response to the apprehension of something as good or bad I'll look at the four elements of this definition but out of order just to be a little tumultuous first we'll look at the power of apprehension second the object that we apprehend which is the I'm calling it something as good or bad third the power of appetite and then fourth and the expression of this appetite which I'm calling an inclination 00:05 apprehension by means of our powers of apprehension we engage Reality by receiving it is to say by becoming aware of reality as ordered our awareness of reality includes an awareness of the physical appearances of things and also an awareness of the meaningfulness of God Thomas would put it this way we're capable of both sensory apprehension and intellectual apprehension where do these show up in ordinary experience imagine Jack six-year-old kid standing alive at Starbucks with his parents while the sensory level Jack is aware of the smell of coffee and caramel the sound of a milk frother and the sight of one of those little green spill sticks on the floor on an intellectual level Jack is aware that when his parents don't have coffee 00:06 they're not as fun to be around that the milk frother sounds like it's broken but it's not and that the little green spill stick shouldn't be on the floor this is to say on the intellectual level Jack can apprehend not only how things are and have been related but also why they're related how they might be related and how they note that Jack's awareness isn't such that he first smells cures and sees and then afterwards thinks his awareness of the sensory and intelligible features of things rather is integrated you'd be a very weird kid if it weren't the next part of the definition of emotion is the object of apprehension being something that we perceive as good or bad according to Thomas we don't apprehend just a unified something comprised of sensory and intellectual engine is filtered so to speak by our judgments and our memories of what is 00:07 good and evil for us this is to say in ordinary experience we never have pure apprehension completely divorced from our concern about what it is what isn't good Pleasant useful or Noble let's go back to Jack suppose that Jack aspires to be a medieval Knight in his book anything is good if it involves armor swords and loud noises when Jack sees the green spill stick he immediately regards it as good because it's resemblance to a sword is unmistakable or at least to someone who is always thinking about sorts but suppose Jack's younger sister Jill is also standing in line two sees spill stick but because Jill recently received a shot which was Pleasant because the spill stick also looks like a needle Jill regards a spill stick as 00:08 do Jack and Jill see the same object in my respect yes materially speaking they see the same bit of matter Thomas call this stable dimension of what is apprehended the material object material here doesn't mean physical but rather the thing that I'm aware of apart from my evaluation of that thing in another respect however Jack and Jill don't see the same object Jack and Jill's apprehension is radically tailored to their own memories and judgments they perceive the material object through the lens of those memories and judgments Thomas call these lenses the formal object the material and formal objects taken together is called the intentional object 00:09 s there will be a quiz for our purposes in this talk there are three things to note about the intentional object first everything that we apprehend is an intentional object we never apprehend the material object apart from the lenses of our experience and judgments this is just a feature of human apprehension we can't take off the lenses these lenses are necessary and a good part of our apprehension they allow us to perceive things instantaneously as something with which we are already involved the lenses prevent us from assuming a merely speculative disengaged and observing posture second every intentional object is unique and unrepeatable intentional objects can be similar either across time or between persons but they always differ in so far as each active apprehension potentially adds another layer to the lens the third intentional objects are what 00:10 set our appetite in motion they they so to speak browse our appetite into activity and this brings us to the next part of the definition according to Thomas appetite is an inherent tendency to move toward what reapprehend is good and away from what opposes that good there are four things that Thomas says about appetite that I'd like to note first appetite is a passive power it's to say it's brought into action only by the apprehension of an object of an intentional object somewhat like our sense of smell our appetite is dormant so to speak until it is awakened by the awareness of slightly burnt coffee needs in our example as long as Jack doesn't see the sword he won't be inclined to pick it up and play with it 00:11 it's not so much out of sight out of mind as out of apprehension out of appetite that will catch on because it doesn't mean second Thomas speaks about appetite as active in so far as what is activated it inclines us to move toward what appears to be good and away from what I posted that could appetite is active because it's a principle of our movement when Jack does see the sword his appetite inclines him to make and make little sword noises third Thomas doesn't believe that we need to separate appetites to draw us toward good things and to drive us away from Bad Things following Saint Augustine Thomas regards evil as nothing other than the privation of good as such our appetite for good is sufficient to repulse us from the absence of that good it's the same inherent orientation toward good that inclines Jack toward the green sword and away from the 00:12 watchful eyes of his parents who if they saw him would certainly tell him to put the dirty sword back on the ground and a brief aside here contemporary Neuroscience classifies responses as yum yuck and meh young and yuck clearly correlate to good and bad but how would Thomas explain that [Music] close that aside fourth while Thomas doesn't pause at separate appetites for good and bad he does believe that we have separate appetites for the good and bad sensory features of things on the one hand and the good and bad intelligible features of things on the other hand roughly speaking the sense appetite is our inherent tendency toward what the sense is and sense memory presents as good and the intellectual appetite where 00:13 the will is our inherent tendency toward what the intellect presents as good rather than thinking of these appetites as inclining us towards different good things it's more appropriate to think of the sense appetite as being inclined to a more limited class of what we call good since appetite inclines us to what is pleasant and to what's useful for getting these Pleasant things while the intellectual appetite inclines us to what is good in any way whether it's Pleasant useful or Noble Although our ordinary experience is almost always the combined work of both appetites and the exceptions to be the very very young and the very very drunk we might say that it's Jill's sense appetite that inclines her away from my current senses present to her body as uh present to her as harmful to her body and we might say that it's Jack's intellectual appetite that implies him toward what his intellect presents to 00:14 him as fun probably a mix of both Pleasant and devils the fourth and final part of the definition of emotion is inclination Thomas distinguishes between appetite itself and its movements appetite is the power to Incline us toward the apparent good and away from apparent evil and an emotion is the exercise of that power let's just say the actual experience of being inclined let's make this a little less mysterious with an example and some distinctions the example Jill has the power to do the splits on the floor at Starbucks this is a real capacity that exists in her and not a mere logical possibility but this power real though it is is different from its exercise from her actually doing the splits and some distinctions there are three 00:15 in case you're as into counting as I obviously can first an inclination isn't a decision or choice an inclination differs from a decision in that an inclination is not directly under our control while a decision is so by definition an inclination moreover isn't a sufficient movement to lead to action their decision is the inclination to do the splits only leads to actually doing the splits if Jill decides to do the splits or does an exercise for power to resist that inclination second an inclination isn't an external Jill would be recommended for doing the splits but not for merely being inclined to do that third Thomas distinguishes between three kinds of inclinations depending on where they originate 00:16 Thomas called the inclination that begins in the body and then expresses itself in the soul a passion of the body we would probably call these feelings by illustration if Jack Still is very very hot chocolate on his hand while pretending to offer the hot chocolate chocolate to the king he would first feel pain in his body and then afterward would feel sad in it about it Thomas calls an inclination that begins in the sense appetite and that expresses itself in the body of passion passion soul he calls the bodily expression of a passion a corporeal transmutation an example of this earlier when Jack first saw the hot chocolate in the name on it his heart rate quickened as an expression of his desire 00:17 finally an inclination that begins in the intellectual appetite the will is called an affection of the will affections don't always overflow into the son's appetite because the intentional object of an affection isn't always more than a merely sensible good or evil but affections can overflow into the sense appetite because even our most abstract intentional objects are represented in our imagination in images and these images sometimes have spicy sensory context suppose for example moments before ordering his hot chocolate Jack realizes that he could ask the Barista not to put a skill stick into his drink and that this would be a chivalrous act on on his part in order to Shield Jill from something she fears so when he thinks about this act of 00:18 chivalry chivalry even though the act itself isn't a sensible good what he imagines is detailed enough to elicit an overflow into his sense appetite and his nightly six-year-old body trembles at the thought of this triple this act and just to complicate things even more I following many contemporary chemists and using the word emotion to refer collectively to the inclinations number two and three that's to say passions of the soul and affections of the will for various reasons Thomas didn't bother with a collection we have completed a definition [Music] here are three quick practical applications that I think are worth considering first strive to become aware of the intentional objects that elicit your 00:19 emotions if the only aspect of an emotion that you're aware of is the Sensation that it gives you or else what it drives you to do you're missing out on one of the most important aspects of what an emotion is namely a way of being related to objects second recognize both intellectually and experientially the difference between between emotions we feel the decisions we make and the actions that follow were usually follow from them third recognize intellectually and experientially the difference between an affection and its overflow into the sun's appetite and body just because Jack and Jill's parents Jane John Doe just because they no longer experience an overflow 00:20 when they look at each other doesn't mean the affection is gone plenty of room for bad Hallmark of cards here part two some distinctions that Thomas draws among the emotions Thomas recognizes 11 basic emotions he most often calls them passions but in several places he implies and these can also be affections in describing how the emotions differ he divides them initially into two groups consider for a moment what you would do if you were told to name 11 emotions and sort them to two groups a few of us would even get to 11. most of us would probably soar them into nice and not so nice emotions and then a few Elite Among Us would probably say good intentional object 00:21 versus bad intentional object not Thomas though Thomas following his teacher Albert the Great and the ancient Greeks sorted the 11 emotions into the concupiscible emotions whose objects are either loved or hated in themselves or the irratable or Champion emotions these objects are either useful or not useful for attaining what we love or hate in themselves let's take up the concupisible emotion when we're apprehending something that on its own is either Pleasant or Noble or unpleasant or ignorant suppose to pass the time and to entertain the kids John decides to interview his wife Jane who happily plays along 00:22 Jane in general how do you feel about coffee I love it and how do you feel about the coffee that's being brewed right over there I want it and how will you feel when you're finally drinking that coffee in a cup with your name on it I'll enjoy it very interesting now Jane in general how do you feel about stinky garbage okay I hate it and how would you feel if someone started walking toward you with stinky garbage in a cup with your name on it I'd feel a version and how would you feel if the stinky garbage cuffs came so close to you that you could no longer smell the nice coffee sad in general I think Thomas would love this interview 00:23 he would also want to add to clarifying remarks first he would draw our attention to the pattern common to the emotions that arise in response to goods and evils in each case we have first an impetative response to the thing in general second an competitive response to the thing as potentially present that's to say as moving toward us desire inversion and then third we have an competitive response to the thing as actually present or as resting upon us or in US and that is Pleasure and Pain or joy and sorrow second Thomas would want to distinguish between the two ways that we rest with a present good or evil the sense appetite experiences Pleasure and Pain with the intellectual appetite experiences these things but also joy and sorrow 00:24 the difference says Thomas is when we experience joy we not only have something that is good but we are aware of it and this increased awareness leads to an increased response to the thing onto the irascible emotions the erasable emotions arise when concupiscible goods are difficult to acquire or when concupisible Evils are difficult to avoid back to the Starbucks line suppose that while John and Jane both love coffee John drinks it occasionally and Jane is addicted suppose that when the doe Family First approached the store they realized that the weight could be upwards of 40 minutes for John coffee which he loves now appears difficult to acquire because of the long line for Jane a headache which she hates now appears difficult to avoid again because 00:25 of the long line John has the ability to focus his attention either on the coffee or on the difficult line seems to me that he focuses on the coughing he'll experience hope just an inclination to approach the good if he focuses on the difficulty of the line he might experience despair which is an inclination to give up approaching the good Jane similarly has the ability to focus her attention either on the headache or on the line if she focuses on the line she'll experience daring and inclination to face the difficulty if she focuses on the headache she'll experience fear and inclination to flee from the difficulty let's zero in for a moment on two particular expressions of fear which Thomas calls species the intentional object of fear is always a future evil which is possible but difficult to avoid 00:26 we can focus on different aspects of that future evil though and this variation in Focus can make a difference in our repetitive response if Jane focuses on the unknowability of the future headache she experiences anxiety if Jane focuses on how John will blame her for her past acts that gave her a caffeine addiction she experiences shame shame is interesting because it looks both forward at the bad reputation that she'll acquire and also backward at the bad acts of the narrative that the fifth and final for basketball emotion together stands out from others in several days suppose that there's only eight people left in the line ahead of the doe Phantom and as Jane wrestles with shame and anxiety John notices a group of five teenagers cut to the front of the line 00:27 suddenly John forgets about the coffee about Jane and about everything other than Injustice and revenge he sees only a present evil and Injustice and in response is inclined to restore Justice by inflicting vengeance upon the offenders Thomas collaborates anger is unique and that it requires judgments presumably if the judgments go something like this I have been wronged by so-and-so so and so should be punished the punishment should be such and such thing not bad Thomas even remarks that people who are too drunk to make judgments don't get angry you wonder what was happening at the University of Paris in the 13th century 00:28 and where was Thomas Thomas would also say anger isn't nearly a set of judgments but rather a response to those judgments to say anger is a desire to inflict evil a punishment on another under the aspect of doing good namely restoring Justice and the bodily expression of anger as we all know is the boiling of the blood around the heart what about a practical takeaway I'll restrict myself just to one since all of the emotions arise only because we love something strive to become aware of what you want part three how the emotions can be disordered in this part I'll begin with an account of what disorder in the Motions is in 00:29 general and will then note three ways this disorder can express itself according to Thomas an emotion is disordered if it expresses something contrary to or not following from right judgments there are a few things we should note about this first an emotion is well ordered only if it is ordered to or by right judgment and emotion isn't well ordered just because it follows any old judgment the daily Act of justifying our responses by supplying judgments that shows them to be good shows this assumption to be wrong second an emotion that isn't ordered to or by right judgment is called disordered and not necessarily sinful on Thomas's account something is sinful only if it is both disordered and voluntary emotions he says are voluntary either if they are commanded by the will 00:30 or if they're not shocked by the way Thomas has a lot to say about whether and how particular emotions are sinful but I'm going to focus on only identifying disorder at the very least because it's more practical to do so the way to heal a broken leg is the same whether you broke it on purpose or not so with the intention of being practical we'll move on to three ways that disorder shows up in the emotions what my emotions can be disordered is by responding to things as more or less than what they really are consider John and the line cutters suppose John rightly judges that an injustice has been done and that punishment is due his anger could still be disproportionate either by Desiring a punishment disproportionate to the nature of the crime like making the kids pay for everyone's drinks denied them in the line 00:31 or else it could be disproportionate by Desiring in a manner disproportionate to the offense have to say John could desire to hear the kids apologize to everyone even more than he desires being with his wife and his kid his kid it's easy to identify disproportionate emotions in our experience but it's not so easy to identify the cause of this disproportion thankfully Thomas has done the hard work for us we know that an emotion is determined by its intentional object so in order to identify where a disproportionate emotion comes from we only need to consider what powers are involved in the formation of intentional objects one of these Powers is called the cogitative power the task of the cogitated power is to give us an Indian evaluation of the 00:32 goodness or Badness of a present image it's immediate and that it doesn't survey or calculate anything it has only one trick it Finds Its similarities in John's case the cogitative sense does something like this in response to hit the present image of the teenagers cutting the line is cogitative power searches through his memories for an image similar to that in some way it finds an image of when John was born in line for Santa and older kids cut and John didn't get to see Santa the cogitative power regards the present image not only because it's similar in its sensory content it applies to that present image the same competitive value that the other hat namely this is a 00:33 grave Injustice after this comparison the present image gets stored in the sense memory with that old but also on our new competitive value as a spoiler alert the intellect can intervene to push back on the cogitative powers Association of similar competitive value to similar images but if this doesn't happen then the quantitative power will continue to reuse that old provisional memory and perhaps this new one as a pattern for new emotional responses a second way that emotions can be disordered is by arising independently from judgments of reason Thomas calls these kinds of emotions antecedents because they go before the judgment these differ from consequent emotions which follow the Judgment of reason antecedent judgments are disordered because they prevent or make difficult 00:34 judgments of reason how they prevent Tranquility of the Mind Thomas says presumably by diverting our attention away from deliberation and toward whatever thing the emotion is climbing us to do since we can't pay attention to two things at the same time antecedent emotions have the effect of diverting us from reason this is disordered even if the antecedent emotion happens to Incline us to the same action that we might eventually judge should be good to illustrate let's suppose that as the doe family approaches the front of the line Jill begins screaming for a cake pop Jane is trying to study the menu to decide what would be best for Jill to have but the screaming is hard to ignore even if the cake pop really is the best option it would still be better for Jill 00:35 to desire the cake pop because Jade decides that it's good this is better than for her to desire it without any consideration for what's good the ultimate problems we can't deceiving emotions isn't so much that they arise temporarily before a judgment but that they arise independently from their judges suppose for example that after dozens of trips to Starbucks Jill comes to realize that every time her mother chooses something for her it's so good good enough that she can jump up and down with the light over time Jill might even begin to jump up and down in anticipation of what her mother will choose in this case the emotion is temporarily antecedent to the Judgment of Reason by James but it's causally dependent on Jane's judgments in the past 00:36 a third and final way that disorder can manifest itself in our emotional life is by an absence of emotions that ought to be presented let's return to John at the moment when he spots the five line cutters suppose that John has read Thomas's account that the emotions very superficially and he has wrongly concluded that all emotions detract us from making good judgments he rightly judges that an injustice has been admitted that it would be good for the kids to suffer some consequence for their crime and that the most reasonable way for this to happen is for John to tell them to go to the back of the line after a few moments of hesitation during which time John wonders whether the kids might retaliate and where he might end up looking like a powerless good of Two Shoes John eventually says using kids you caught the line and it's not fair go back like everyone else 00:37 this doesn't sound disordered I made it doesn't sound disorder but from Thomas's perspective it's not as ordered as it could be imagine the same scenario but with consequent anger summoned that's to say or allowed to arise in order to assist the execution of John's good judgments with the assistance of anger John will probably skip all his second guessing and will speak his line with a fervor that's appropriate to his good judgment he might not choose different words but the meaning will come through differently who do you think you are get to the back of the line and show some good respect from Thomas's perspective the emotion that follows a good judgment is good for two reasons first it gives us the energy to execute our good judgment and second because it allows the whole of our human nature and not only our intellect and will to participate in that good act 00:38 my image of this is the Fred Flintstone car I imagine those who haven't seen this or if there's a toy that's much like it I imagine that the intellect is riding shotguns and it's navigating the will has its hands on the wheel and its feet on the brake and possibly on the gas and the emotions are in the back seat and with our feet kind of going to the bottom of the car they're helping to propel the car they can be overridden by the will but it's best if the emotions assist with the will and the intellect collectively is determined to be good what about a practical application it's worthwhile distinguishing intellectually between the different expressions of disorder and the emotions because doing this helps us to distinguish them in our experience and that's worthwhile because the difference questions of disorder might call for different remedies 00:39 this is where we will turn our attention last part four how disordered emotions can be healed Thomas doesn't have any Works devoted to the topic of and he never uses the word healing in relation to the emotional life so in the final part of my talk I'm going to try to draw on the principles presented thus far to propose what I think Thomas would have meant by the phrase healing of disordered emotions if he had music and also a look at what practical measures Thomas would have recommended for bringing this healing about if someone had asked my way of purpose though I'd like to note four things that we shouldn't take the phrase healing of disordered emotions to me first it doesn't mean merely the healing of our understanding of the emotions it's a good thing to address our ignorance and our errors 00:40 about what emotions are and this might even be necessary for the healing of our experience but John and James knowing how they opt to respond emotionally in the Starbucks line doesn't mean that there are the third second the healing of the emotions doesn't mean merely ceasing to act on disordered Passions this is indeed a step toward healing and a necessary one that but it's only a step being inclined to body slam a line cutter is still disordering even if you don't actually do it third the phrase doesn't mean merely preventing the occasions that elicit the disorder of motion this is mere symptom management hiding the spill sticks from Jill will prevent her fear from manifesting itself and this might be a necessary short-term solution but it won't heal Jill in the 00:41 long term since it only prevents the expression of disorder and does nothing about the disorders underlying cause fourth the phrase also doesn't mean merely managing the bodily manifestations of disordered emotions by doing other bodily things like drinking wine to stop fearful trembling or taking a bath to reduce the heaviness of the sorrow those are Thomas's suggest s acting on these suggestions would reduce the symptoms of emotional disorder once they've Arisen but as above it leaves untouched the disorders cause what the phrase healing of disordered emotions does mean is the restoration of the proper order among our powers of apprehension and architects that is among our senses intellect will and sense appetite the sign that these powers are related in proper order is that each of them can 00:42 freely do all is able to do in conjunction with the others and without impeding the activity of the others this means that the intellect making use of the senses Reveals All the truths that it perceives it means that the will directs the intellect to focus on one truth or another so that the will can both Delight in and choose what appears not only to be good but to be best and the sense appetite imitates in its own way the Motions of the will on my reading there are three main practices that Thomas indirectly recommends to us to help restore our powers to this proper order the domestic principle Behind these three practices is the same the principle is that the emotions are rational by participation this means roughly that the emotions are 00:43 a bit like four-year-old Jill on one hand they make a mess of things if they're left to themselves and not given any direction on the other hand they'll Rebel if their own agency is completely denied and on the third hand they'll do very well if occasional Tantrums are tolerated but not indulged and if they're given clear persistent and age-appropriate direction practically speaking we can restore order in the emotions by consciously and consistently directing our attention to reality as we know it to be and not merely as we imagine it we accomplish this in particular through three things and probably in this order 00:44 first fast second contemplate third Pursuit wisdom in short become a Dominican just kidding but it does help give us a quick look at each practice and why it helps number one fast from paying attention to what occasions disordered emotions suppose Jane is diabetic and she has a sweet tooth suppose that every time she fixes her attention on a mocha cookie crumble Frappuccino her emotions scream you must have that it's the greatest thing ever it's the only thing living for to happen here Jane needs to stay away from Frappuccinos perhaps not physically stay away from them sometimes the Frappuccinos surround you but definitely she needs to stay away from them with her attention this as I said earlier is a temporary 00:45 but a necessary stuff it's temporary because merely avoiding the occasion of disordered emotions doesn't address the root of the disorder which is the intentional object it's necessary though because unless Jane is given some relief from the experience of the disordered emotion she won't have the ability to attend thoughtfully to the reordering of the intentional object this temporary and necessary step is also hard it's hard because our emotions have a kind of inertia about them such that we need to redirect our attention not seven times but 70 times seven times most of us over the age of four have learned that in order not to be overcome by the difficulty we need to decide from the outset to persevere Come What May we wait for the emotional inspiration to persevere will be waiting much longer 00:46 than 40 minutes will probably leave us just practice number two devote yourself to contemplation that is to rest in your attention on the greatest in the context of seeking to restore order to our emotions fasting is the initial step we have to First Direct our attention away from what leads to disorder but since it's impossible to pay attention to nothing accepted perhaps after 1 pm class we need also to direct our attention toward something I propose that contemplating or resting our attention on a higher truth is an intermediate sky in the end of emotions let's go back to Jane for a demonstration suppose she's decided whenever she is tempted to rest her attention on the milka cookie Provo Frappuccino 00:47 to consciously direct her attention to how God the Father gazes upon her with love if she can rest her attention there she'll experience relief not only from tumultuous emotions but she'll also experience Joy that is to say the Delight that comes from being in the presence of what is good and knowing it in order that you not question like Orthodoxy and my Tom is on I'd like to clarify what I mean by calling collation into contemplation is an intermediate step in the process of healing because it's a prerequisite for the final step of reordering the intentional object at the same time however contemplation is an ultimate goal for us in the activity of Being Human in the ordinary course of Life moments of rest are intermittent because our attention is only intermittently fixed 00:48 on any one thing but these moments of contemplation of restful joyful intending even while we wait in line at Starbucks these are our foretaste of what we will enjoy forever uninterrupted in heaven the dynamism of the emotions reflects this in their own way all of the emotions Thomas says resolve ultimately into either sorrow or joy into either resting with the absence of arresting in its president practice number three pursue wisdom for Thomas wisdom doesn't mean knowing all things or even knowing the greatest things wisdom means rather knowing how all things are ultimately connected to the greatest of things in other words the person who is wise 00:49 can see God in all things in all faiths in God this sounds lofty and how it relates to the process of the reordering of the emotions is far from obvious as you come to expect though I'll appeal to Jane for a demonstration and will then give some clarification remarks when we last Saw Jane she had succeeded in turning her attention away from the thought of a Frappuccino and toward the thought of a loving father within the Repose of contemplation Jane was able to reflect on the various truths involved in her Frappuccino encounters she recognizes that while all of these truths are true some of the truths are higher or more important than others true that Frappuccinos are delicious and that hard-working bonds deserve treats but it's more true or more important in 00:50 this case that Frappuccinos are like poison for diabetics Jane knows that the higher truth with her intellect but up to this point the higher truth hasn't shown up in Her Imagination when she thinks about the Frappuccino she decides therefore each time her attention wanders toward a frappuccino to think this is a sweet thing that is poison to me and while she does this she will imagine some of the details of her last diabetic campus this is the pursuit of wisdom in action Jane isn't denying any of the truths involved but she's trying to bring into the foreground of Her Imagination the truth that she knows to be more important than all the others the list of belaboring this point here is an analogy for my own experience not involving Starbucks When I Was An undergraduate 00:51 someone did me the great disservice of pointing out that the metrical pattern of Saint Thomas's hymn Tonto Ergo was the same as the tune of Oh My Darling [Music] that stuck in my imagination announced it came first and I had to consciously try to unstick it for here's what I did I decided that whenever Oh My Darling came up I would think of what the Eucharist is and then deliberately imagine one of my favorite chant settings which seems to embody and sound the 00:52 meaning of sacrificial love far more than open dark heart Jesse attitude by way of conclusion I'd like to return to a question that I alluded to much earlier in the talk St Thomas doesn't have any Works devoted to the topic of healing why not I'm going to step out of my area of expertise and make some cultural observations that I think are relevant to answering this question I'm doing this not to be Cavalier but because the question can't be answered philosophically and because the flourishing of philosophy in any age depends on the existence of a culture that's open to wisdom or at least isn't inherently opposed to it why didn't Thomas write about healing in heart because Thomas's culture culture was materially poor person-centered 00:53 and almost obsessed with the objective meaning of things our culture and contrast is materially decadent system centered and obsessed with finding subjective meaning Thomas's account of the emotions takes for granted that the way to resolve disordered symptoms is to resolve the cause of the disorder material decadence challenges this conviction since it makes commonplace the temporary relief of symptoms without addressing the cause Tom says account of the emotions takes for granted that all actions are actions of human beings and that our emotions accordingly primarily manifest our relationship with persons a culture in which systems Avatar is an anonymity dominates erodes our sense of personal agency and obscures the possibility of a 00:54 person-centered response to our tumultuous emotions Thomas's accounted the emotions lastly takes for granted that well-ordered emotions are desirable not only in themselves but because well-ordered emotions are one aspect of a well-ordered life a culture that reduces meaning to your personal passion what's the suspicion on the claim that certain trees are objectively higher and as such should be looked to and constantly in short seems to me that Thomas didn't answer any questions about healing because most people in his day didn't have them 00:55 but we do have them we should ask them [Applause] so that concludes a talk and I guess we'll probably have a short question and answer session after if you wish to stay around and then you're also wishes um and I guess if you have other time commands I know there's somebody else thank you all for coming thank you what is healing what's that um the restoration of order where it's lacking and frankly sorry what were the terms that you said for for a motion he said it was uh oh yeah so he uses um he says that Passion of the body is the thing that we would probably call A Feeling a passion of the soul is a movement or an inclusion of the sense appetite and then Thomas uses the phrase actually affection of the intellect but contemporary tongues tend to call it affection of the will and this is 00:56 technical jargon but um all of passions or affections not all affections or Passions emotion doesn't really come into frequent use until um I think uh 17th century France so there really isn't a Latin equivalent of them um one comment though is that even though healing isn't spoken of what what it's all over the Summa Oliver I just been able concern is virtue so that that's another way of putting inside was Thomas not concerned about healing well he was concerned about growth and virtue and a happy effect of that is that you get healed emotionally so it's not that that he wasn't aware of the effects of proper order in every aspect of our nature that's just that 00:57 the the focus of the language of the Middle Ages is different really interesting was how um Thomas will talk about the material object versus the formal object how we whenever we have an intentional object you can't depart from the lenses of past judgments or other judgments and I guess I wanted I wanted to ask about okay quite a clarification there um we can distance ourselves from particular past lenses okay you can do that that was the one of the ways of trying to restore proper order was I can direct my attention to the truth that oh sugar is poison for diabetics and in so doing I can direct my attention away from that lens of sugar is great right however what we can't depart from is we can't have no lens whatsoever they're always customers there always 00:58 has to be England's yes and that's okay I want to say that the beautiful design of human nature that reflects Itself by the way even in don't have Santa like um so say we always have some some feature of our our apprehension it's like it's always it's inherently connected up with our estimation of what is what's good and what's bad in animals Thomas calls this this capacity to look at something and evaluate it on the basis of something else as good or bad and tell us about the estimative sense and what the estimative sense is it's directed by in in the animals I'd say it's Instinct it's hardwired we also have that but we have another way of directing our estimate a sense which is which you call casually empowered same thing but it's a different different name because we have 00:59 not only Instinct still in us but we have the ability to direct the constitute of power through our intellectual Direction um did I just squash your comment or oh no I wanted to ask the question of Beverly helps um doesn't that kind of just positive after a second does that kind of deeply connect with emotions and like psychology as the boys trying to okay in the past or something while you're yeah so it's it's kind of it's usually healing past memories and emotions that come up about something else so on early early memories this is not St Thomas but this Reflections on um well Thomas's account the memory coaching power it seems that how do we how do we how do we control sense of what's good parents yeah um Conrad bars has uh 01:00 to say about what is what is given to a child Child by a child's mother gazing in love very very small impact first sense of what's of good in other words you need to start out with something you don't you don't start out with with pre-premoted memories you need a first memory and some respects our first memories you've got to have one that's good that's probably you know and then one that's bad and who knows what that first bad memory is but it's like you need to start a kid you're you're hardwired to be attracted to good calls by evil um but even on the level of the emotions that needs something to get attraction initially those very very early memories end up being kind of like the lodestone or the you know the point of departure point of comparison for everything else 01:01 so in some ways you can say everything that we experience is either like Mom okay like that experience of being loved or it's like the cat scratching me what did that wear that were our first sense of evil um uh and just to give a brief nod to Pixar which I kind of mothers actually a lot that's loaded into that that convenience there's um and the first Pixar I haven't seen the second one but inside out has the notion of core memories um and I think uh what what could be meant by that is memories that are the basis of our um uh I don't know the value we give to every other image there's certain memories that are just that are that are Katrina power keeps coming back to you because the basis of comparison puzzle that and if you still have messages 01:02 it's all good um I wanted to ask how that understanding of the intentional object differs or is similar to I just want to hear with a lot of post-modern accounts of like things are only known by the stories we make of them or like we objects the things we know or that are the truth of things is only the only truth we have access to is truth through your particular lines your particular lines and so this seems it seems to be like an argument against being able to know objective modern deconstructionist at least in you know theory in literature event but I'll say uh so it seems to me that um instructionalism tries to strip off those lenses as cultural lenses that's one significant difference of things that kind of the 01:03 the stories through which we either receive meaning or that in fact create meaning they largely cultural lenses for Thomas it's pretty clear the lenses are they're our own experience which is a mix of both a very radically you know personal thing and also cultural brand you know so there's I think a little bit more of the messiness of life is present in Thomas's account and then I I also think that um in the formal object as one aspect of the intentional object that's something that is with us from the very beginning in seconds you know it's not it's not that we first perceive it and then we make it meaningfully meaningful by situation is that these experiences are somehow just somehow Things Are just presentations of the base of the basis or Badness of things 01:04 and things we can understand those those lenses only by doing a fair bit of it's a reflection only under the grounds of the holy spirit it's nothing I like to say is don't spend all your time reflecting on your intentional objects that and don't think that you have to be the one to pull up out of your memory on what needs to be healed or not um Holy Spirit Well will bring to the surface whatever it needs to be it needs to be healed so that's an aspect can I share just a little a little something oh it's a good question is like okay so deconstructionless philosophy is like you do it all yourself don't let anyone else impose on you like you know it's the definition of Hell someone else imposing it it's a bad Catholic thought but where is like on this we can actually we could beat our our conceptions of virtue just by being around other people you see what virtue action looks like 01:05 and just you know sharing with people you get richer and richer that just makes so much sense you actually need others so even psychology at least you need a counselor go talk to someone get get through this don't just do it in your own head so we need someone else so that's really different and I just just to amplify that like you were saying like we we need others and the parents and mother there was a there's a child of in Europe and France I think loss in the wilderness so had no parents in the first couple years when they found him couldn't even take in sounds human beings can't function without so it's you know that that philosophy just telegraphy there's also in contemporary um well our paired down to one particular area there's a suspicion of anything other than sort of pure data 01:06 okay maybe one one conviction of what I'm putting on the broad umbrella of deconstructionism is to say well really there's just stuff and then meaning is something that that's put onto it and that is absolutely opposite um Thomas's account and photography believes that's the meaningfulness is written into our very our very nature I mean and even into the nature of of non-rational animals there's something meaningful and something is only meaningful um if it's somehow related to what's good so deconstruction element says there is nothing that is good or bad it's only a projection of your your story whatever it is maybe maybe it is a symptom of Highly what you're describing at the end of your talk of 01:07 focusing too much on the causes of disorder because if all I can see are the four judgments of what's actually a good misestimations of what is really the good I can then turn to despair you can say yeah there's no real me that is able to be discerned um one one feature well I think one of the reasons why despair seems like it is just blanketing our culture is often that we attend to so frequently to the symptoms of disorder that we just give up hope of it being healed at the root so accepting the treatment of whatever you're saying the treatment of the symptoms of disorder that doesn't sound like it ought to lead to despair but if no one actually addresses the cause and just keeps giving you a Band-Aid an Advil another surgery and all this 01:08 keeps it you know only if they only acknowledge that so types of never acknowledged that is a very very quiet despair it's hard it's hard to even put your finger around it when it comes to disability right they were a lot they would be very disappearing about being disabled and but as I'm speaking to because we happen to be Housewives currently I would say a disability is virtuous so the there is a virtue to be right so it is and that's how I look at it whereas someone else they look at the disability as possibility 01:09 I can't do the XYZ but the winds in which you look at the situation creates a virtue of the disability yeah a physical disability or really any sort of disability can be um an occasion for incredible growth and virtue so it's not that the presence of some form of you know disability is um maybe business way to say it's not just a symptom of of something it can also be a cause of a greater order and a greater order the disability is actually creates a pathway to order yes and our faith actually is the medicine that helps create that pathway 01:10 because if I didn't have my faith I believe that I would be a greater disorder yes Bridget yes yeah [Music] yeah um I think earliest you mentioned like fantasy than um like emotions um I know what St Thomas talked about like like before like the fall and like about recording or whatever reason would be like more in control like governments like would we really even like to see these kinds of like fantasy like uh emotions like innocence um and this is getting um we'll say a little bit out of my my sandbox um I feed our friend will pledge into the philosophical sandbox 01:11 but Thomas comments on the passions of Christ what emotions I feel did Jesus experience and there's there he says well Jesus had no antecedent passions it was never the case but his passion did not obey support help to execute all of his judgments and this is one of one of the places where you can say hey virtuous anger there we go you gotta be careful because those of us who tend to get angry will always Point yeah yeah but the cleansing of the temple but uh um but in you know Christ is his human nature is perfectly ordered unless you have well his passions respond completely to the judgment 01:12 you know his judgment um as well um and this is yeah rather than saying what we're at in the name like we we see what perfect human nature is in I think is it the same specifically field that's the first impression before you until I think reflect on what's happening I'm not familiar with photography what was that yeah the moral theologians will make a distinction nobody want something when you have a passion like before your intellect is able to reflect on that oh okay like you know they're kind of like a reflex right um I I could just say what Thomas said I don't know about whatever ethiology but Thomas says consequent emotions um 01:13 first off we all have and there I said where the residue of our past sins um and if we have repented repented from those past sins then when those consequent emotions when those antecedent emotions resurface he says you know if we if we repent about these we have you said with our will no I regret that and I no longer align myself with that I move I move from that whatever judgment would be reflected in you know in that to another um he says those are not voluntary so they come up because we have previously gone you know previously acted judged in such a way that led to that nobody says they're not voluntary and so now that there are some responsibility because you have a sense but we have a moment once they come up um to where we could reaffirm them with our will 01:14 be responsible or we can so there's there are several layers of which our agency in the past stages here current agencies and also um so St Thomas was against this dollar size it's virtuous to suppress your immigrations yes that is yes and he even mentioned there's a part that I looked at just before 18 Pages a little much I'll break it down to 17. I had something on the story there um Thomas mentioned the Stokes in several places but how the stoics didn't acknowledge that the emotions were were virtuous in the sense that the whole of man 01:15 supposed to be involved in good acts so he his Thomas's ways of cheering the emotions of the well-workers wants children and property so you know but that's virtuous it would not be a man yes he didn't yes I thought it was interesting yes yeah we're not just into until yeah there's um I know you didn't ask about a teacher from Hildebrand is that but there's if you're all attracts to this notion of socialism upon Hildebrand has a work called online so it's called the heart Melbourne is not a tonist but he addresses the problem with stoicism pretty well saying that we can we can become hyper focused on our intellectivity or sometimes with Hyper focused on 01:16 efficiency purity and that hyper Focus he calls it a hypertrophy can lead to an atrophy say an atrophy of the affection of the expression infections and that would be a stoic ideal I can see it modern psychology and political psychologists analyzing and it kind of it feels very cold so yeah yeah and I noticed some of those people like they're actually into Stone Systems and stuff too yes yes Hildebrandt calls it exists those who are hypertrophy of the intellect caught in a research spell like they're they're stuck in a mode of Ops of observing all the time and if you're stuck in a mode of observing it means that 01:17 you're actually not engaged with your your subject here sad clinical psychologist out of kind of being stuck at a research spell to vote about and observing but actually fail to ever really see the person the people right well I'm going to find everyone over to Newton Center we're having food praise and worship over there and uh thank you once again thank you