00:00 just a few introductory marks before father novak gives his conference of course some people cannot stay they need to go homes but don't worry the conferences are are streamed on the youtube channel and eventually probably facebook as well so you can let people know that they can they can listen to or watch and listen these conferences um on the computer on the youtube uh as it suits at the time that they need father novak will will begin soon we'll begin with a prayer and then he'll give his his conference you you might have heard from last 00:01 sunday that we're trying to use these conferences that each friday of the month after the evening mass give a conference to to deepen our faith to learn more about the truths of our faith and about of course our lord our lady etc uh the series that we're going to begin tonight will go on for quite some time beyond the the holy sacrifice of the mass of course we chose this because this is the this year 2020 is the 50th anniversary of the founding the canonical foundation of the society of saint paise the 10th in 1970 by archbishop with all of the proper authorities it's it's a good time to 00:02 think back upon these 50 years of the wisdom the providence of god the wisdom in establishing uh archbishop to uh maintain and train priests for the priesthood for the holy mass of course so that you have the opportunity to to in these conferences to learn the truths the important truths of what you what what the mass is and why it is such an incredible thing that it's worth dying over it's worth sacrificing over it's worth making great efforts in this holy mass so we can see more clearly this year we can see more clearly in these these uh after 50 years of the founding of the society of saint pius 10th you can also see the damage and the destruction and the the catastrophic uh problems in the in the novus or mise and then the 00:03 so-called reform of the mass and in the late 60s so this is uh some of the reasons why we we we need to cover what is the true mass what is the mass and then of course simply by presenting what the the nova sort of is it's it's an obvious comparison it's an obvious lesson to learn hopefully for our soul so i'll turn over to father novak now who will start with the prayer and then give the conference foreign 00:04 hail mary full of grace the lord blessed are those women for us very good my faithful so um i'd like to start with you start out right away with you with a story and uh that story hopefully will uh permeate or will come up several times during the conference and it's about saint philomena the saint who's we are small we have a small shrine to her in the altar at the entrance of the church there we're talking about the year 250 after the coming of our divine lord the church was still in persecution 00:05 but many conversions she this little girl named philomena was a daughter of a prince in greece her parents were idolaters they were not christians they had no children and they had a physician who was from rome working in greece and he was catholic he was christian and he saw their their struggle in their trial he said i would like to evangelize you and teach you about our divine lord jesus christ and perhaps as payment god of us as a reward for you coming to the faith god might allow you to conceive a child which is exactly what happened they came to the faith they were catechized by this man named publius this physician named publius and very soon after they conceived a child and they wanted to name her lumina in honor of the light which is our lord jesus christ 00:06 who takes away the darkness of sin the darkness of idolatry and darkness of all kind of paganism she was born they named illumina and on the day of her baptism they called her phil lumina film being a greek word which means the son of or daughter of this in this case the daughter of the light who is our lord jesus christ philomena uh she's a beautiful little girl a very christian very catholic learned all her catechism loved god offered her virginity to our lord jesus christ at the age of nine smart little girl she had that all figured out at the age of nine she offered herself as the spouse of our lord jesus christ so uh greece is a very important place many city-states and we know that rome was a very very big large empire at the same time and rome would go around and uh defeat and colonize and make it part of 00:07 the empire etc and the emperor who was diocletian at that time we're talking about the year 250 again uh he wanted to um take over that part of greece where philomena's parents were the governors we'll use the prince and the princess and so this father of philomena said well let's go to rome to see if we can somehow convince the emperor not to attack us not to make war against our little city state because as far as human physical manpower is concerned it's nothing he can defeat us in a day no problem so they went to rome to plead with the emperor and the state why it's not necessary to make war against them they'd be happy to do his bidding in other ways and as soon as diocletian saw them and especially with a little girl a 13 year old girl by that time he said absolutely no problem i have no problem with any of you but there's one condition that little girl right there i want her to be my wife and remember we're talking about a 35 00:08 year old man here uh so he wants her to be his wife because she's so beautiful i'm sure she had a she had a pure countenance very attractive not just attractive but transparent and attract well transparent um sort of union with the next world just by seeing this little girl's face the parents were pleased they went home the same day they talked to the girl about the situation and she said absolutely not and she they said to her well this isn't just for you my darling this is for us your parents and also for your own country so he does not attack our country and she said you know that all sounds very impressive uh it all sounds very persuading and persuasive and all the rest of it but you don't understand one thing i am a bride of our lord jesus christ the one that you baptized me in honor of the light and daughter of the light 00:09 he's my spouse i'm his wife my virginity in this world is not something that i have power over it's not for me to dispose of it belongs to christ already i cannot renounce that without renouncing my lord and savior himself they tried all kinds of you know pressure with her pleading rewards everything and she said no absolutely not absolutely not so they brought the girl back with them to the palace of diocletian the next day to say i'm sorry maybe you can convince her but she does not want to accept your hand in marriage the emperor was inflamed infuriated he was angry he threw me into a dungeon i'm sorry this would be philomena talking he threw me into a dungeon of the palace he came to see me every 00:10 day trying to coax me into changing my mind he renewed his attacks those would be threats you know if you don't cooperate this will be done to you that'll be done the other thing we've done to you uh her captivity came to 37 days in the prison and our blessed mother appeared to him her with our lord jesus christ her son in her arms and she said to the saint philomena you'll have three day three days more of prison and then you'll have to then you shall leave the prison you are lumina christ is light fear not i will age you in the moment of struggle grace will aid you along with my angel gabriel is that significant you know she's going to send our lady is going to send her angel saint gabriel to direct and guide saint philomena on this journey because she's not going to just leave the prison that's going to be the end of it she's going to be martyred three different times and she'll survive 00:11 each time until finally they take the last blow but the angel gabriel will accompany her and it's our lady who's going to send the injured gabriel uh angel gabriel because he's associated with the incarnation he's associated with putting christ in the world angel gabriel who our lady puts christ in the world angel gabriel through saint philomena is going to put christ in the world and then it's our lady who makes this announcement to the saint philomena meaning that by submitting your will to god by renouncing your own will by having resignation to god's will you're going to do a huge work of grace in this world it's significant that our lady appeared to saint filamento to encourage her because it shows something of the same mission by submitting your will you're not renouncing your will you do 00:12 you'll do a huge work of grace in this life so as she was let out of the prison she went to see diocletian again she said that no she was not convinced she was not going to marry him and he said fine you follow a leader who was crucified uh he was scourged you like him so much well we're going to treat you the same way so she was scourged to the point that she was bathed in blood her whole body was one open wound back to the dungeon that very night two angels appeared they put a soothing balm on her wounds and the next day she was cured the emperor saw her and she said he said to her this is my friend and god jupiter who has done this thanks to your friendship with me you've been cured and he told her to be his wife again she said absolutely not the divine spirit filled me with fruit and knowledge fruits of the holy ghost obviously and knowledge the gift of the holy ghost next step was he put an anchor around her neck 00:13 and had her cast into the tiber it's interesting i can't exactly picture the logistics of this but she must have been brought out into the middle of the type or with the anchor around her the executioners must have thrown her over the boat and she didn't even touch the water angels came and released that anchor from her neck and she was born or carried to the shore of the river without ever getting wet and this as you can imagine made many converts like we've said in the past in some sermons there were many graces at the beginning of the church to make converse to the faith many converts were made because of her arriving at shore completely dry and this and they they embraced christianity diocletian was angry he saw this as all so much witchcraft and what he do he had her dragged through the city behind a chariot making her into one large wound again and then had her shot with arrows 00:14 and brought back to the dungeon once again angels in a dungeon cured her so this explains why when you see statues of saint philamine or images she has arrows in her hands she has a scourge she has an anchor and if i'm leaving anything out she has it all you know she went through many martyrdoms back to the dungeon remember this is an emperor who wants to marry her this is what he does to people that he wants to marry this is the world and this is the life without the faith and without the grace of our lord jesus christ back to the dungeon next day she was brought out again and he was going to kill her for good this time for not for saying that she would not be his bride he sent archers he sent her to the archers again and this time they set the heads of the arrows uh the arrowheads on fire or she says darts they put the darts on fire and so she had at least you know ten men shooting arrows at her at once 00:15 and the arrows miraculously uh turned route in their trajectory into their flight they turned route and went right back to the men who had shot them and six men died six of the archers died because of these arrows flame flaming arrows being shot and the rest of them did not persist in shooting at her many people converted and this was a huge testimony of the divinity of our lord jesus christ so three different attempts at martyring her at least all of which he survived and finally you know she's the bride of christ she wants to be with our lord after this great testimony was made to his divinity and many converts were made then our lord was ready to take her to himself his bride and so finally it was a friday it was three o'clock in the afternoon when the emperor had her um wounded in the neck someday some say she was beheaded it seems more apparent that she was actually um stabbed in the neck 00:16 with a spear and that is what killed her that's what was her final martyrdom so the point here being that this is someone saint philomena who believes in the divinity of our lord jesus christ who understands the necessity of the crucifixion of our lord jesus christ and finally who understands the necessity of our union with the crucifixion of our lord jesus christ so he can he can continue to win his grace for the redemption of souls and win the sanctification the conversion and the sanctification of many souls not just his act on the holy cross but our act along with him on the cross to convert sinners to sanctify souls and to bring them to heaven and that's the reason i started with that anecdote or that story of the martyr so that we could see that as a a backdrop behind this class and all these classes sacrifice is from our lord jesus christ 00:17 it is shared out to his of the members of his mystical body and that's what wins the redemption with him and converts sinners you're going to see uh this coming sunday in the bulletin maybe it's already gone out on telegram father summers has put in there a very good transcription of the sermon of archbishop lefeve on the occasion of his 50th anniversary of priesthood so that's a jubilee and what did he speak about he spoke spoke about the holy mass in particular the holy sacrifice of the mass and he speaks about when he was in um gabon gabon as a recently ordained priest back in the 1930s he worked for 12 years there and he says the holy sacrifice of the mass it was amazing the effect it had on souls of course it changed them spiritually but even besides that it changed them in the way they behaved at home 00:18 it changed them in the way they uh learned and were educated in school it changed them in the way they worked in business it changed the economical world and finally changed the political world when everything is focused on the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ all of a sudden people do miraculous things and they are more they practice more sacrifice and staying faithful to their duty they practice more sacrifice in receiving injustice and attacks and all the rest of it and only responding in a christian way and finally all the sufferings that they do have are something that they don't talk about they don't complain about they understand this is being offered in union with our lord and that's what saves souls and that's how sacrifice changes a nation um holy sacrifice of the mass once i heard a retreat preacher speaking about the holy sacrifice of the mass to his deacons and sub-deacons that were 00:19 on the retreat saying some relatives of mine came to my ordination they were present for the archbishop lefebvre's sermon and they said your bishop he seems to have a panchant or pinchon hang up preoccupation to keep talking about sacrifice and the sacrifice and the holy sacrifice of the mass he just keeps mentioning it all the time and um the priest who had been ordained that year said to his relatives i haven't thought about it that much before but you're right he's always speaking about that and he said to them it's because he knows the archbishop knows that that's what's gone in the mass of today that has gone in our society in which we live is the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ this idea that 00:20 going through hardship against one's will and further yet renouncing one's will in order to go along with that hardship to give glory to god that doesn't exist in our society anymore it used to exist and that's why you found sisters and nuns that would leave their own country to go to a missionary country never seeing their family or their home again going through all kinds of sacrifice sacrifices to give the divinity of our lord jesus christ to souls it was all about that there was a almost an equity equality between how much sacrifice they made and how much life of the redeemer came into souls sacrifice was present and so sacrifice is what converted souls and we need to get back to that so as father summers was telling you these classes are going to be about the holy sacrifice of the mass to better know and appreciate it so we 00:21 can love and profit from it uh the more we know about these truths the mass of all time the more we can appreciate it in comparison compares it in what is comparison to what is lacking in the reform of the mass nowadays and the sacrifice of the mass is something that we watch and not just watch we assist at and it must become a sacrifice in our own life so with that i'll bring i'll begin with some notes and some principles and some terms these kind of things a little bit more like a class uh but hopefully things will continue in the spirit of a conference so that you don't feel like you have to get out of notepad if you don't have the notepad you're taking notes that you're somehow not profiting in all the rest of it but this is about the holy sacrifice of the mass you must remember that there are three words that will keep coming up in these classes in these conferences 00:22 first of all religion which is the virtue religion and then next adoration which is the first of four reasons why we pray and finally sacrifice we must have religion or the virtue of religion because god has given us all good things he created me out of nothing he gave me parents and food in a house and clothing i didn't do anything to get that none of us did and then we in adam and eve but also through our own fault we have sinned against our lord jesus christ and then he gives us a second chance all these things are completely gratuitous it means it comes from god i had nothing to do with it i know i have not earned this in any way but god has given me all the good things we have in this life um he has um yeah sorry he's given me life all the good things we have in his life and he gave me a second chance these are three things that i could 00:23 never pay back to god but every time i make the sign of the cross or i pray the rosary i assisted master i make a genuflection i i'm somehow attempting to pay back to god those things which he's given me so this religion is an infinite debt that we're trying to pay back it's it subjects man to the will of god and brings man into the closest communication with god it makes our human will give to god the adoration which is due to him and uh actually this is the greatest perfection of man to be subject to the being above us and that's a little bit hard a little hard concept to get in our mind how is it that being subject is actually my glory how's it being submissive to god is somehow my greatest happiness 00:24 well it's a principle every creature meets its happiness or glory when it comes into service of the of the being above it for us it's god but you could say for um our body our body isn't subjection to our soul and it is the glory of our body to obey our soul all the way to heaven in the world outside you have air and wind and so forth all these things are subject to the sun and the air and the wind and everything of the atmosphere that we observe has glory insofar as it works for the sun now this one might sound like a bit of a stretch and maybe even unfair i happen to like fishing fishing is a great sport and past time and a great satisfaction to bring one of those 00:25 creatures on board the boat and it sounds like a guy thing but well to kill it and eat it it's a wonderful thing and as long as you do these things in proportion good stewards of god and so forth that's what we're supposed to do and even a fish i suppose he's not so happy about it uh but he got a good piece of bait out of it he got a good uh whatever match and a little sporting match with someone uh in a certain way he is coming to his glory by giving serving the next class above him which is human beings perhaps not such a good comparison because it involves so much pain for the animal but any being serving the being above it in our case god is that's what's giving it its glory and you know how things are working ever since original sin i know that six thousand years of history of man but especially in the last 200 years there's this great rebellion against the presence of our lord jesus christ in the church 00:26 and started with the french revolution and probably before that but ever since then last 200 years there's this idea that man does not have happiness man does not have glory unless he's doing his own thing and things like the ten commandments and the laws of the church and the obligation to be at mass and follow what the church says in your own private life those are things to be cast away because they are inhibiting your liberty no that's horrible that's bad because those false ideas false principles are taking away from man the opportunity to be submissive to the being above him which is god so it effectually is taking away our happiness curious no taking away our happiness by not allowing us to sacrifice ourselves with along with our lord jesus christ on the cross 00:27 on the altar as well in order to give glory to his father and to redeem souls convert souls and sanctify them so religion is this virtue religion its highest expression is adoration adoration is um recognizing the greatness of god and our littleness beside him and adoration is not just in prayer but adoration has its greatest expression in sacrifice sacrifice is when we renounce something which is dear to us in order to show the person that we're sacrificing to which normally is and should be god in order to show the person that we're sacrificing to that he is worth much more than anything i love in this world i would sacrifice i would give up 00:28 anything i have in this life in order to please him you know i have a nice car some other car represents me i feel identified with it well if god wants it to be sold or given to someone else because i don't need it anymore um i happily separate myself from that because i love god more than i love that possession and god deserves to see that i think he's much more important than that part of my life now keep in mind that when we use the word sacrifice it covers a pretty broad spectrum we know that sacrifice um par excellence the best one is right here the holy sacrifice the making present of our lord's sacrifice on calvary 2000 years ago we know that however we can speak of sacrifice kind of in analogous ways comparative ways a very familiar way that we hear it is it's lent what are you going to give up 00:29 i'm not going to eat in between meals eating between meals that's going to be a sacrifice that i offer for the love of god well how is not eating a few you know snacks between meals in any way related to this infinite sacrifice of our lord on the altar and the answer is our lord in the altar is thus infinite sacrifice the adequate sacrifice it pays an infinite debt to his father for our infinite offense which is sin [Music] but somehow some way way down the line very very far away a small and tiny thing that i might do i'm not going to eat something in between meals during 40 days it has something similar in it which is that costs me a little bit i'm in the habit of eating some potato chips or whatever the thing might be in between meals and it probably doesn't hurt me that much at all 00:30 but i'm renouncing my will when i say i want to eat that but you know what i'm not going to because even though my will says i should i want that there's a greater part of my part of my will that says i really want to give glory to god first so i can renounce some small things like this and that's how a concept so big as sacrifice can go all the way from the altar which is the infinite sacrifice of our lord all the way down to something that small i will um remember what i told you about sacrifice being sorry adoration being this expression that god is everything and i am nothing and the best way i can show it to god that i really mean that is by sacrifice i give up something in my own say i give up something of myself to show you 00:31 you're much greater than me man is nothing in comparison to god he is but a fleeting presence that is here today and gone tomorrow therefore man must bow down before god the angels and saints are already doing it in heaven now it's time for man to join with them we have to put man in his place you know i know we hear everything nowadays about rights of man and human rights and our liberties and these kind of principles very popular but usually usually they are at the expense of saying god's rights and my um like we were just saying the glory of myself in submitting myself to god and finally when they say liberty and liberty and liberty too much quite often unfortunately what they mean is liberty to not obey the ten commandments liberty to not 00:32 have control over my passions liberty to do what i would like whatever i want well that's called license or licentiousness it means no check at all on my tendencies and usually ending up in offending god and harming neighbor all right so it's good to we have to put man in his place he's nothing in comparison to god he must bow down before god as the angels and saints are already doing in heaven and that is their greatest glory but do remember that blessed trinity has great happiness amongst its three members and the blessed trinity wants to share that happiness and that love they have with themselves with themselves outside of themselves and so when the blessed trinity sees man they see the potential the possibility of extending their own love and their own happiness to souls and they get that gives them great glory that gives them great 00:33 satisfaction we may be very low but we have the capacity to possess inside of ourselves the very life which is the life of the blessed trinity god is very happy that to share that out to souls something like parents of a child when they see this child start to think a little bit and start to have his or her likes and dislikes and they see that a few of these things are things that they have taught the child that gives great pleasure to the parents to see the goodness of themselves repeating in that creature something very similar with god um the virtue of religion gives us a desire to make greater acts of homage to god first kind of acts of homage would be those which we give to the x which give god due acknowledgement such as offering sacrifice or fulfilling vows 00:34 it would be for religious a second kind of homage to god acts of all the other virtues insofar as they direct they are directed to the glory of god all right like we've been saying religion is the moral virtue which unites us to god any kind of practice of renouncing your self-will in the honor of god gives him great glory so please remember that we adore god and as an immediate result of adoring god we're going to have we're going to have thoughts of giving him thanks for everything good that he's given us and also asking for the other things that we need thanksgiving and supplication and finally because we all have a tendency towards sin another purpose of the virtue of religion is going to be to beg pardon for sin or propitiation please remember that when we have the 00:35 holy mass the holy sacrifice of the mass it is not something which is only a thought and that's important it is important that the mass is the thought and it's a sentiment from the heart but it's something that has to show on the outside and the reason is a man is not an angel angels are pure spirits they can give glory to god just by thinking about god but a man is a spirit and a body so not just his spirit but his body also must be involved in giving glory to god and that's why we have physical things at the altar we have candles we have bells and incense we have beautiful vestments we have the beauty of the altar because man is a corporeal being things physical have to be involved with the sacrifice just as things spiritual and you know this is something that really separates us from protestants uh protestants have this idea that man is an angel he just has to think about it with god and the sins are forgiven he just says 00:36 think about it with god and and somehow he's praising god without a sacrifice that is so important sacrifice is this like i told you this highest act of the virtue of religion highest form of adoration sacrifice is saying that god is everything and he deserves whatever renouncement of myself so he received glory from me very good so i had a resolution that i would not go over 30 minutes and that's where we are right now so i'll be closing up as father summers told you there'll be some comparison with what we see in the church of the last 50 years and that's the closing remarks i'll make you now see some of the ideas which support this principle that sacrifice is absolutely necessary for adoration of god 00:37 there is no adoration of god without sacrifice there's no other way the man can prove to god you are everything for me if he's not giving something up of himself the best thing we can give up is god's own son who is our brother in this holy sacrifice of the mass because he's an infinite sacrifice with infinite value on his blood the creation of the new mass in 1969 completely abandoned this necessary sacrifice and this is not merely my opinion it is the very intention of those the would-be reformers who wrote the new mass they want to abandon sacrifice the new definition the definition they put on the new mass is the following it's rather theological and um it is um repugnant for me 00:38 because every single word that has substance they immediately change it into perhaps another meaning which has no substance here we are they say the lord's supper or mass is the sacred assembly or congregation of the people of god gathering together with the priest presiding in order to celebrate the memorial of the lord we did not see the word sacrifice not one time in there we didn't see the word adoration we are celebrating a memorial i could do that if i went to the cemetery with the soldiers and had a whatever it is a 13 gun salute and that would be celebrating the memorial of those people it's still not even an act of religion all right you get the idea so you might think well maybe they said that and made a mistake and some some people are actually meaning good when they say these are these words because they can be used in couple in quite a few different senses so maybe 00:39 there's some good that we can recover from what they said perhaps but just to bring the point home as if that wasn't clear enough one of the writers who was a certain father brandolini he later commented and made clear that the assembly of the people is the primary definition and quality of the new mass it is no longer firstly the sacrifice these are his words huh it is no longer first of the sacrifice but the gathering of the people which is the new order of the mass no further comment necessary there's no real commentary needed when you see how the novus ordo compares to the traditional maps there we are uh that's all for tonight i think father summers already explained to you that we'll have these spiritual conferences on friday evenings 00:40 except for the first friday of the month and we'll say a prayer you