00:01 i will sing a hymn to our lady or queen of the holy rosary and then crown the statue and then sing one more verse of the same hymn o queen of the holy rosary o bless us as we pray and offer thee our roses 00:02 in garland's day by day while from our father's god and 00:03 with loving hearts and bold we gather white and red and gold o queen of the holy rosary each mystery blends within the sacred life of jesus in every step divine thy soul was his fair god and thy virgin breast his throne 00:04 thy thoughts is faithful mirror reflecting him alone you may have a seat so yes let's um take seriously this rosary crusade it kind of popped up out of nowhere for me just about a week ago and hopefully we'll all be faithful to it all of us will pray hopefully all of you will pray the rosary in your home and mark your tally sheet uh come kind of brings back memories of the bishop fellaia administration to me uh but we'll do that again and also here at the church as you know we'll be praying the rosary one more time than we normally do we normally play the rosary once a day 00:05 now we'll be praying it twice a day here at the church so hopefully you'll be able to pray your rosary at least once a day in your homes unless you want to come to the church and pray with us so i'd like to um return to our saint who is the patroness of these classes so far these spiritual conferences uh saint philomena and this is looking at the life the life of pope pius ix you might remember remember his name is blessed pope pius ix the year was about 2000 when pope john paul ii declared that two popes were going to be declared declared blessed they were pope john xxiii and pope pius ix so you know how we traditionalists are we heard pope john the 23rd he's the one who called the second vatican council and said let's mix the church with the world and before we got all up in arms about it they said but don't worry we're also beatifying pope pius ix he's the champion of orthodoxy in the catholic church from the 19th century 00:06 so i guess we were kind of calmed and soothed and placated and then i think that was the last time they ever mentioned pope pius the 9th pope john the 23rd went on to become a saint along with pope john paul ii himself and i think pope paul vi is now a saint so you've all written witnessed that story just as much as i have so pope pius ix who is the hero and a champion of the declaration of the immaculate conception of our lady in the year 1854 also he's the one who um wrote the syllabus of errors and quantikura which show all the modern errors coming from the exaggeration of the rights of man over the rights of god and all the errors that will come from that he said this is an error that's an error that's in there and all this is to be condemned 00:07 you know the religious liberty and um uh the idea that um one can find his own salvation without the catholic church and one can find salvation in all the the different religions which are the sects uh without the catholic church that's all condemned and condemned and condemned and he's the hero of that and also he's the hero pope pius ix is the hero of um vatican council the first or the first vatican council and most known for the declaration on papal infallibility that is pope pius the ninth blessed pope is a ninth well when he was a child his name was giovanni maria peretti he was an epileptic he had epilepsy the man who would become pope his mother prayed very hard for a cure for him from saint philomena and it was granted he no longer was an epileptic 00:08 i've never heard of that happening before perhaps you've all known person with absolute epilepsy in your life they're not always having seizures but when they do you need to have medicine you need to have doctors and all the rest of it and that stays with them their whole life usually is the only case i know of someone who was epileptic and then was no longer epileptic uh pope pius ix when he was a boy he grew up and he became the archbishop of spoleto which is a very important diocese in italy and yes he spread the devotion of saint philomena while he was archbishop of spoletto he became archbishop of imola while he was archbishop there his secretary was that's a canonical position or that's a ecclesiastical position his secretary that's not a woman that's a priest with that assignment 00:09 don joseph stella was cured by saint philomena because of the prayers of pope is the ninth for him through saint philomena he wasn't the pope yet then he himself uh archbishop giovanni farati became dangerously ill and his life was feared for so not only the epilepsy as a child but also as an adult he became dangerously ill and his life was feared for him he prayed the same mean saint philomena for a cure he always kept a beautiful statue of her at his bedside that's what we're working on here is acquiring a beautiful statue of saint philimina and he was miraculously cured of his dangerous infirmity then he became pope archbishop giovanni marian while he was pope there was a young man named paul mary 00:10 who was deathly ill from cholera and had gone blind this young man prayed very hard for hard for a cure and was healed on saint philomena's feast day august the 11th 1849 this young man went to the shrine of saint philomena to thank her for the cure and that's where he promised to become a priest at the shrine of saint philomena this young man got to know pope pius ix and then the pope helped him through the seminary and the young young man did become a priest you might remember that it was pope gregory the 16th uh during the life of pauline jerichot in the year 1837 uh pope gregory the 16th made her a saint he canonized her solely 00:11 solely on the merit of her miracles he didn't even need historical documentation it was enough for him that they had the miracles and they had the tomb with her name and the instruments of her martyrdom that part really uh grabs me because it shows you how it shows us how weak are the arguments of those who would like to take away some of the biggest cults in a good sense huh called cultus of the church because saint philomena by a very important pope gregor the 16th was made a saint solely on her merits as a miracle worker and then 100 years passed we get to 1961 and she was her name was taken off the universal calendar solely because she 00:12 was only a miracle worker come on what is this you know today it's black and tomorrow's white and today is this truth and tomorrow's that truth it's completely opposing she's made a saint in one century solely because she's a miracle worker and for all if practical purposes she was unsainted the next century because she was solely a miracle worker somebody's got problems in their heads up here unless they're purely malicious i wouldn't want to say that um so that was what pope gregory the 16th did for her and then pope pius ix during his pontificate just after um this young man was healed and became a priest about 1849 he gave saint philomena her own mass and her own proper office in the breviary on the feast day of august the 11th before that time they were celebrating her feast day but you had to use the 00:13 common of virgin martyrs to pray her mass and then he made her own introit ramon you know reading from the epistles etc just for her this had never been done before for a roman martyr with no historical record uh but as you know she had she had already been canonized by pope gregory 16th eventually pope pius and knife are met with some difficulty he was exiled from rome that's to say he had a flea roam to make sure that he was not kidnapped or held as a hostage in order to gain in order for some worldly power to gain some worldly advantage has that hope and head help has had happened with um i the the pope at the time of the finding of the relics of um saint philippine about the year 1805. i forgot which pope that was 00:14 so the freemasons forced pope pius ix out of rome that's after they claimed the papal states and just to make sure they got what they got and they were gonna get they're gonna take the pope also and say we will keep the pope hostage until he admits and you all admit that the papal states belong to us so he in a preemptive escape got out of rome uh until those freemasons calmed down even after they had stolen the papal states so where did pope pius and i go for his exile he went to the united nations building i'm just kidding those are the last people that will defend the papacy [Laughter] uh pope is the ninth lead to fled sorry fled to muniano uh the shrine of um saint filomino to spend some weeks there or maybe even months why did he go there 00:15 for why did he go there because there he found refuge and consolation with his great saint she had already saved his life or at least saved his life once and saved and cured him from epilepsy as a child and then he watched all these other miracles happening through her for the church so he was quite close to her and he went there to spend some time he celebrated the holy sacrifice of the mass at her altar he signed his forehead with the vial of her blood and then carry this vial personally to all the faithful that were present at the shrine so they could venerate it also and then when kneeling before the relics of saint philomena he felt an interior certainty that he would soon return to rome much in the vatican much sooner than it was thought he would return let's say providence made it clear to him that it was safe to return and he did much before it was scheduled to return 00:16 and everything went well thanks to the saint pope pius ix granted many indulgences to the pilgrims who went to visit saint philomena shrine in june of 1930 well that's got to be way off i must have copied a date wrong he didn't live that long uh in june of 1800 and something he introduced the cause of pauline jerichot for beatification and finally just a few weeks before his death the death of pope pius ix he gave a beautiful chalice to her shrine so that's pope is the ninth and saint philomena i'd like to cover with you the other popes pope leo the 13th and pope is 10th next time we have class so we continue to our um study of the holy sacrifice of the mass 00:17 in these spiritual conferences uh last week we did kind of a conclusion everything that we were studying on the um level of principles and level of um just sort of abstract thought about what is sacrifice and what is adoration and why and what is propitiation and the conclusion was that we what we were concluding with last week was uh the world is a great persecutor of the church but in the world there are many holy people who are very attached let's say imbued with a imbued inspired by transformed by the holy sacrifice of the mass and these people as much as they receive persecution from the world they are always sacrificing themselves for the people in the world while they are punished or whatever you call a tortured by the world they make sacrifice and because of that other people from the 00:18 world convert and it is the it is the holy sacrifice of the mass that makes that happen that's the point that we kept studying last week over and over in different applications and now we come to this study which is called the liturgical part of the holy sacrifice of the mass so we're going to study prayers we're going to study gestures of the priest perhaps gestures of the faithful and also all the material items that are on the altar and the altar itself so as you know our divine lord instituted the sacrificial act with the last supper and then he leaves that to the holy mother church to choose and form a liturgy where that holy sacrifice will be made present over and over again he first celebrated the holy sacrifice 00:19 of the mass on a wooden table that wooden table is still preserved till this day it's been covered over or let's say put inside of a large marble box which is a new which is an altar and that's in the saint john lateran um basilica or the basil arch basilica of our divine savior in rome uh so that's what's happened with his altar but then take for example the sacraments our lord instituted all the sacraments then he leads it to holy mother church to keep repeating those sacraments how did our lord institute confirmation for instance well the holy spirit descended upon the apostles and our blessed mother that filled them with the holy ghost all truth it made them understand all these things of the world in a supernatural sense it's because the holy ghost is inside of them 00:20 we don't see and hear and feel a strong violent wind in an earthquake when we receive confirmation no we see a bishop he receives the faithful he puts the holy chrism on their forehead with a formula um i sign thee with the sign of the cross and i confirm the with the holy chrism of salvation in the name of the father son the holy ghost and gives him a tap on the cheek or a slap on the cheek and that's confirmation how our lord did it was how he sent the holy ghost was the violent wind but he leaves it to his church to determine how they're going to receive confirmation with the means we have and that's with through the bishop same thing can be said with the receiving of the um extreme unction our lord makes the sacrament and then he leaves it to the church how that sacrament is going to be given to souls when we offer the holy sacrifice we always use what is noblest 00:21 most noble let's compare in the old testament to the sacrifice of the two sons of adam and eve at least two of their sons cain who was older and abel who was younger abel offered a sacrifice of the best lamb or the best sheep from his whole from his flock abel was a man of sorry cain his brother was a man of agriculture and he offered vegetables which is still all right but he offered to god vegetables which were second class after he already took the best for himself or for sale or whatever for selling or whatever the thing was was god was happy with the sacrifice of abel and he was not hacker happy with the sacrifice of cain and that came to rivalry between the brothers and cain smote his brother abel does god need lambs and does god need 00:22 sheep no what he does need or what he does want is the sacrifice of what is most precious to us he wants us to give up what is most precious to us and say this belongs to you because you're greater than i am and so when we use uh gold and silver and precious jewels on the altar or for the monstrance or whatever it is that's not because gold is precious to god he doesn't need our gold or our silver our jewels but what he does need what he does ask for from us is to give him the best of what we materially have and that's the way we say to him that you are better than we are you're higher than we are that's why i give up what is best in this world for you 00:23 god does not need our gold but what god does want is our contrite heart and our humble heart which is expressed by giving up which what would be best materially for us in this world to say no no no this is for you we you are higher than we are you get the best that's why we must adorn the altar with great reverence to show the presence of god our lord during his lifetime excuse me the altar represents the body of our lord jesus christ during the lifetime of our divine lord he allowed for his body to be honored think of the occasion when mary magdalene anointed the feet of our lord with wright spikenard a very expensive perfumy ointment and judas became indignant and he said we should have 00:24 sold that or whatever the price was 100 denarii something like that and given the money to the poor our lord said what she has done will never be taken away from her she has done this in regard to my burial this should be never this never should be taken away from her some have accused the church of spending all those funds on uh material wealth or making big beautiful churches and altars and investments and sacred vessels chalice and saboria and so forth this could have been given to the poor same argument as judas and the answer is you've probably found this in your own life the amount that you're generous with the poor is always compensated for by the amount that god is generous with you 00:25 or the amount that you're generous with god is compensated for how much that god is generous with you as well so we get this idea that the church um is generous with the poor and that's why she continues to be blessed in providing the most the best things for god if she were to stop providing the best things for god she wouldn't have the funds to provide things for the poor as well please take the example of saint lawrence from the um the year 250. you know that he was the deacon of rome and he was given the charge of the bank of rome uh for the christians and he had an even distribution of what was used for the church 00:26 and what was used for the poor he was confronted by the governor of that time to say turn over the riches of the church and he instead of turning over everything that was invested in whatever crucifixes chalices statues they might have had at that time i don't think they had very much of it because they were still worshiping in the catacombs what they had materially was not so precious to um the caesars and the governors etc so he simply handed over to the governor the poor people and said you want our riches here they are this is where we've invested our riches he would have been speaking about prayers he would have been speaking about time spent on the poor people and charity and also the funds the material funds given to those people but we should have from lauren st lawrence we should have this lesson 00:27 as if we are generous to god in the wealth spiritual and material that we give to the church there will always be wealth for the poor if we stop giving to god all of a sudden we're not going to have it for the poor also it seems um kind of in style nowadays and hopefully we'll get to it we'll see we'll see what has been lost in the novus ordo mass different things that should be on the altar and the altar should be made of etc but it seems that it's the very much in style these days at least for about the last 50 years now to say our lord was simple saint francis was simple and by all this material wealth on the altar we are blurring our vision of god we've got to get back to simplicity 00:28 so that we can see god so what ends up happening beautiful gold chalice out the window same with the ciborium same with the candlesticks the same with the altar itself and we're left with something wooden looking quite simple in the negative in the pejorative sense chalices that are not even made out of precious metals anymore candles that aren't candles these are just sort of a blob of wax and the altar and just very um i would say non-uplifting things mundane of boring trite just unfortunate things in sanctuaries nowadays what is going on well this leaves man or this leaves the christians catholics who come to church without anything to lift them up you know it's a very important quality of the catholic church 00:29 something called transcendence and that's not just a word used by modernists that's been a word used all along they've changed what they mean by it by it but transcendence means to pull us out of this world we know we have to go to work in college and we've got to make money and take care of the family and drive a car and buy gasoline for it we know we've got to do all those things but when i go to church i leave that world behind for just about an hour maybe two hours to be in the mysteries of our lord jesus christ in in the sacrifice and with all the reverence and all the glory and adoration that that sacrifice deserves that fills my soul out that that's transcendent it takes me out of this world puts me in the supernatural world and then when i leave church i'm refreshed and i can face these mundane and trite and boring things again with a supernatural 00:30 spirit that lets me see god working through those things from my sanctification but if i just come to church and find find things here less elegant than a restaurant or even less elegant than my own house sometimes keep that in mind too huh people who complain about things being too rich and wealthy upon the altar kind of have nice homes despite what they say about the catholic church if i come to the church and i find just boring and trite things here and i don't transcend in any way then i leave the church tired and just as exhausted as when he's like when i came in with no spirit of transforming the world outside of you because i didn't go through any kind of transforming experience inside the church i had the occasion a few times within the last couple years to be around while novus ordo masses were going on in big latin parishes in nicaragua we had a deal there when they were finished with their mass 00:31 we were able to use the church for the true mass and we had our 40 or 50 people whatever it was that was kind of nice but they filled the church with their three or 400 people and my goodness is just music all mass long and microphones and loud you know just loud not a moment of peace not a moment of recollection not a moment of transcendence and i think that's the effect they're going for which is unfortunate because it leaves a catholic without any kind of um uh transforming influence on the world outside after going through that kind of i would say worldly atmosphere which is supposed to be holy mass if one loves the sanctuary of god he will necessarily love neighbor more 00:32 and be generous with neighbor if we give god his place the good place our behavior towards our neighbor will improve the items which are used for holy mass must be withdrawn from the world and withdrawn from profane use therefore the ultracloths the linens that are used in the chalice the cruets the candles candlesticks the crucifix everything you see is blessed at least blessed the chalice is consecrated chalice and paten that's used on the whole on the chalice are consecrated by a bishop only a bishop can consecrate those these things must be taken out of 00:33 profane use and dedicated only to the use of god we don't leave a chalice lying around the house in the contrary the chalice is always either on the altar or in the sacristy and usually when it's in sacristy it's in the cupboards why because it's something sacred it must stay veiled it's not normal to have a chalice unveiled around while we just have a normal worldly conversation that's not correct it's something holy in the old testament they had to pass through three different sort of cells to get to the presence of god which was the ten commandments and the staff of aaron and a little bit of manna those are symbols of god the chalice touches god god becomes present in the chalice so of course we don't treat it in a common and mundane way it's veiled out of respect nothing is insignificant in the holy mass whether that's called you know what's on the altar the altar itself 00:34 the priest and the way he behaves at the altar his gestures nothing is without its meaning every gesture every bow every kiss of the altar every genuflection has its purpose there must be about 20 genuflections that a priest does in every mass every time that the priest touches the sacred host when it's been consecrated he doesn't touch the host without first genuflecting and when he's done touching the host he genuflects again and there's no touching of the host without geniflections speaking of genuflections uh it has been known in the past that just a genuflection well made is enough to convert a person looking on at the mass without being a catholic or having been a catholic that was separated from practice in the faith for a lot of years just to see a genuflection not even by the priest but by a layman well made in the church that's enough to convert a soul 00:35 it's been said by protestants before i hear that you catholics believe that that host up there is jesus well yes of course i do and the protestant is known to say well hey if i believed that i would never be on my feet in the church i would only crawl in in the what do you call the center aisle to get up to the altar to receive him if i really believed it i'm surprised you you catholics behaved so casually in church was the comment i mean that kind of puts us in our place i understand and that's the way we should take it but i don't know if that protestant who said that ever converted either uh there we are mass the holy mass must always be offered in a sacred place there must always be a consecrated altar stone at least 00:36 for the holy mass mass may never be offered without an altar keep that in mind novus ordo priests who like to celebrate mass at a dining room table where there is no sacrifice there is no altar so those who might try from the novus ordo to have a some sort of ceremony without an altar you could say to them don't worry there's no sacrifice here anyway so we must aim for having a consecrated church in a consecrated altar kind of hard to do i know that this parish i have no problem calling you all a parish i'm called pastor so that means it must be a parish you as a parish started out years ago probably in hotel rooms and eventually people's houses or maybe start the other way around people's 00:37 houses and then you had the um the apartment or more than apartment or this the rented space and kill any drive kill any road and now you're here i would guess that those were not consecrated churches and cantonese nor even consecrated altars i don't think but here we are and i've seen pictures bishop tisi de molare did the consecration of your altar that's beautiful and he probably blessed the church but he didn't consecrate it because in order to have a consecrated church he needs to stand on 12 stone pillars 12 representing the apostles and some churches are built that way they have 12 pillars i'm not totally convinced that they're holding up all the way to the church but at least they have their 12 pillars and that's their 12 apos apostle represented and therefore they can have a consecration of the church not just a blessing but a consecration and then to have a consecrated altar 00:38 the altar needs to be of stone like this one i think i've already talked about this in some other class how it has a five crosses traced out or carved out on the on this table surface which is called the mensah and in the very center there's actually what they call what they call a sepulcher which contains three relics of at least two martyrs and one other saint with certificates and the um seal of the bishop that's very hard to get to that point to get all these things taken care of but normally and in the best scenario that's the way it should be a consecrated church with a consecrated altar and the consecration of the altar is the most splendid uh blessing ceremony that exists in the church and let me do a little quote um about what's how that has devolved in the novus ordo 00:39 must be a consecrated altar in the consecrated church this is talking about the novus ordo church the practice of mass facing the people was the most striking of the post-vatican to innovations affecting the altar but it was not the only one some were obvious altars that looked like butcher blocks salad bars meteorites giant anvils or copies of rubik's cube that's how the newer alters look and just a moment all right i guess that's all i have to say about what's happened to the altars so i told you that the altar that our lord used was a wooden table which is still preserved and made into an altar now 00:40 and then from the time of the apostles stone became the norm for altars something that moved this along i think i've told told you this before was a lot of the worship most of the worship of early christians was in the underground burial grounds of the christians which is the catacombs so it was very convenient to start celebrating mass upon the tombs of the saints and the martyrs which were above ground underground underground buried place but the you could the the the the tomb itself was not buried when they were underground with it and they celebrated mass upon that and that became the norm to have a stone altar and so now we have a stone altar we try to have stone altars in our churches and this is what is called an immovable altar as opposed to the portable altar 00:41 which would be made of wood even though it's big and got all kind of decorations and weighs a couple tons it's called a portable altar because the wood itself is not the altar what really is the altar in a wooden altar is the very center where you'll find a stone or ara i um can't think of the other word but it means altar in latin and uh it's made of stone inside of that stone just like this altar here are three relics uh two of a martyr two one of a non-martyr and with their certificates and sealed by a bishop speaking about the altar it is good if it's elevated like this altar here because the altar symbolizes our lord jesus christ who is in triumph with his father in heaven showing his wounds of his victory to his father 00:42 we look up to christ on the altar in heaven and so therefore we look up to christ on the altar it is good if the altar can be facing east i kind of lose concept of what is east out here i don't have enough there are not enough windows in the building the reason that we try to make altars face east is because our lord is the son s-u-n son of justice and our lord is the great orient meaning that everything should be directed towards him he's the rising of the sun and he is the center of orientation it is good if both the altar and the church can be consecrated together and why is that because the church the nave represents the mystical body and the faithful of our lord jesus christ the altar represents our lord 00:43 jesus christ himself by doing both ceremonies one after the other or on the same occasion we're showing this union of the mystical body with our lord jesus christ the martyrs bodies are enclosed in the altar they reign in triumph with our lord jesus christ saint john the apostle saw under the altar in the apocalypse he saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of god therefore the mortal remains of the saints are more valuable than gold and precious stones i ran into this question some just about a week ago with someone i think the person was heckling me and just probably having a little fun so i didn't take it too seriously but i tried to answer well the person was saying um why do you place so much importance on where catholics are buried uh 00:44 and why do you think so much about people coming to visit your grave after your death to pray for you the person said to me there's no soul in that body anymore why go to someone's grave to pray for them it's just as good if you bear them anywhere that you're not going to visit them because you're really not visiting them when they're dead uh and i responded by saying you know we have these relics on the altar we have veneration of relics and so forth why is that because those relics belong to saints and their bodies were the house of god temples of the holy ghost their bodies were transformed by the presence of our lord jesus christ in them and therefore we venerate them that's a canonized saint but really all of us and saint paul actually does this he calls the christians 00:45 saints he would call us saints you have our lord jesus christ dwelling in you you're the temple of the holy ghost maybe we're not going to be canonized after our deaths but it's very like very possible that we'll go to heaven so that body which was so long a temple of the holy ghost deserves veneration even if we're not canonized and just by you know when we have a relic of a saint near us we have a certain closeness proximity to that saint by having the relic with us and we venerate it that saint intercedes for us because we're venerating the relic so maybe a person is not a canonized saint but still to be near their body is to somehow be near them and they're interceding for us if they're in heaven or we're meriting for them by praying for them at their sight in the cemetery and of course that would bring up the uh consequential subject of um cremation 00:46 catholics have never cremated their dead and why is that for the same reason just gave that would be a great disrespect on our part to destroy to change into ashes a body which was just the temple of the holy ghost so it's very pagan to uh cremate a body catholics have never done it i'm speaking universally there might be some countries or even the catholics did it for some extreme reason but that's not the general practice of the church let me compare that about relics in the altar necessarily to uh what has happened well first of all i think i missed one there i was talking about altars made of stone 00:47 and what has happened with that with the novus ordo since the general instruction of 1969 uh the general instruction paid lip service to the sanctum tradition and said the table the altar should be made of stone but the very next sentence added that bishops conferences can improve the use of other materials they must be solid becoming and well-crafted materials so with 15 words the innovators demolished a tradition which went back at least sixteen hundred years of altars made a stone and now what about relics church law maintained this tradition of relics in the altar until the advent of the new mass enclosing the relics of martyrs in the altar is no longer required the diocesan bishop decides the suitability of retaining the practice by considering the spiritual good of the community 00:48 whatever that means let me just study this i'm pretending that one is a bishop of the diocese in the modern church i consider that it is for the spiritual good of our church that there are relics in the altar that sounds nice or i consider that it's not for the spiritual good of our community that there be relics in the altar how is one argument compared have any way compared to the other argument how can i possibly argue that it would be against the spiritual good of our church to have relics in the altar there's no it's not even and then they let's see they made it even more impossible as a further obstacle to observing this tradition of relics in the altar the new legislation states that relics placed in the altar must be large enough to be recognized to be recognizable as parts of the human body so it has to look like a little has to be evidently a chunk of bone uh or evidently a piece of dust from the 00:49 human body or evidently um coagulates of blood from the human body are you going to find relics that look that big that are that big how are you going to bury those relics in the center of your altar you know by the time they put all the all these rules on it i don't think it's suitable to have relics in the altar or there must be an evidently uh obviously large p large enough piece of bone to call it bone in the altar to have a relics what's going to happen effectively as a result of all this since it is difficult enough to obtain even a small relic from a martyr's bones the rule in effect abolishes the traditional practice of having relics relics in the altar moreover it is now forbidden to praise place relics in the table top or the mensa of the altar and this practice practice dates back at least to the 8th century 00:50 i didn't tell you but in a marble altar as we have here the whole table top which is called mensah must be of one only of only one piece of stone it cannot be several pieces connected so that's um that's important because there we are it is our lord jesus christ it represents our lord jesus christ our lord jesus christ is not broken therefore it's one big piece so relics have been effectively uh overturned unfortunately my brother father kenneth is a real um he's a priest of the society and he's a real crusader i guess you call it and he loves to get boys on crusades get them all enthused like he is so i don't know what his occasion was or where why or when but he was in an airport with a group of young boys from a summer camp or something like 00:51 that they must have been 10 or 20 of them and they visited the uh local uh they visited the uh multi-religious uh church or chapel in the airport and they found there an altar and they found the altar stone and i think he got a little crusade with those boys to get that altar stone and take it to one of our churches i don't normally advocate that sort of thing he must have assumed they weren't using that altar anymore for a catholic purpose and therefore they acquired a an altar stone that's not normally what we do but some are known for doing those sort of things uh i guess his argument is reasoning would have been that altar stones are no longer required in the new mass relics that you just heard about are no longer required in the new mass so that's what happened on that occasion i won't go on that much longer because 00:52 some of these things start to sound the same after a while i'll talk about the um speaking about the stones and the stone altar our lord jesus christ the god man is the chief cornerstone saint paul speaks of him so it makes sense that the altar will be of stone those who assist at mass those who are the faithful they are the spiritual temple which grows up to eternal salvation they are the living stones from the wounds of our divine lord flow the saving 00:53 clothes the saving ointment of all graces very good so i'll move on now to the dressing of the altar and the decoration of the altar you've probably noticed that the altar has ultra cloths on it and there are three of them um the altar is covered with a mantle of gladness and thus it is crowned only things necessary for the mass are permitted on the altar it's not permitted to have loose sheets of paper no extra books no photographs of families the altar is not a place of storage the altar is only a place of sacrifice there are three linen cloths on the altar why three first of all there's the practical reason in case uh during the mass the precious blood 00:54 should spill if it does spill it will be absorbed by all these cloths we have in the altar rather than going to the stone getting into the stone and then we won't be able to pull it out easily because believe it or not so stone is a little bit porous if you have a stone table like granite and you have something spill on it and you don't wipe it up you'll notice a few hours later that that part of the stone is a darker color than the other part of the stone stone is porous so we don't want the precious blood of our lord seeping into the stone also three cloths are used to symbolize our lord wrapped in the holy shroud when our lord was in the shroud the cloth went over his body on the front side went behind his body on the reverse side and overlapped again to a certain degree on the front side 00:55 so uh the holy shroud covered our lord in three and also um this represents we are us the faithful who surround our lord i like how this study is constantly bringing out the point that we are important for our divine lord i know that we're just miserable sinners but we are converted by our lord jesus christ to grace through baptism and he worked his whole life long and it culminated with his death on the cross to win us and to put his life into us it is his greatest delight as man the human nature it is his greatest delight to be with us and when he makes saints out of us we're something like his greatest trophy that he presents to his father now i don't mean to make this kind of thinking make us into something presumptuous and say you know what a great thing am i for 00:56 our lord jesus christ without doing any kind of prayer and sacrifice and penance but it is noteworthy that quite a few of the things that are significant on the altar have to do with how glorious are the saints that follow our lord jesus christ christ died for humanity and we his redeemed christians are very valuable to him and so the three cloths on the altar represent us the faithful who surround our divine lord we are his precious garments he is clothed with beauty saint john says in the apocalypse that the golden girdle which he sees signed around around the person that looks like our lord this signifies the hosts of the saints also the three altar claws on the altar symbolize the three branches of the mystical body the church militant 00:57 the church suffering and the church triumphant and only the whitest linen is used because it shows cleanness of heart just as during the holy mass only the whitest hosts are used i remember the archbishop talking in his book letter to confused catholics why do they use whole wheat hosts at the new mass it's because they want to get away from this idea of the spotless victim our lord jesus christ is pure and white and clean and spotless he that's why the hosts are white same with the altar claws they're white and they're linen linen is one of the purest fibers we have for cleanliness and for just how white you can keep it white is linen because it shows cleanness of heart which can only be acquired by constant and laborious prayer watching 00:58 and mortification cleanness of heart as precious linen is prepared with much labor so keeping the state of grace is hard work it means confession it means rosary means the holy sacrifice of the mass all of us might think well the ten commandments i mean i would never go completely against just one or the other of them that that'd be horrible you know maybe but still there are many mortal sins that can happen if we're not practicing sacrifice and not receiving the sacraments and not being present the holy sacrifice of the mass there's no forgiveness without the shedding of blood and there's no salvation without penance that means if we don't do penance we are going to violate the ten commandments the three cloths this kind of a practical level now uh the first two that are on the altar only have to cover the table surface or the mensa they don't have to reach down the sides 00:59 but the one which is on top and the one which is usually decorated that one should reach down to both sides to the floor and the reason for that is they are part of the altar as the altar itself touches the floor that top ultra cloth which is part of the altar must touch the floor also uh and let me just see if i can compare that with what's done now the traditional rubrics rubric means let's say laws about the material things the traditional rubrics prescribe three blessed linen cloths for the top of the altar out of reverence for the precious blood should it be spilled by accident during the course of mass it is easy to unders easy to understand why the rubrics prescribe linen the altar symbolically represents christ and all four gospels recount that his 01:00 body his body was wrapped in linen the general instruction of the novusardo on the other hand required only one cloth made no mention you made no mention of the use of linen and did not require that the cloth be blessed there it is so whatever they can do to make the liturgy less transcendent and more mundane mundane doesn't just mean boring mundane also comes the word mundus which means world so whatever they can do to make make the less less transcendent and more worldly they will do and they tell us that they do that because they don't want to leave to leave people out in the cold with the impression that mass is just for an elite uh who only have rich clothing and and uh can buy rich vestments 01:01 mass is for everyone jesus didn't turn down anyone that's the impression they'd like to give but that's a lot of words what they really mean to say is what they really mean is our lord jesus christ is not going to get the reverence and adoration he used to get and by taking that away from him you all are going to be a lot less sanctified that's what's going on there then they put some malicious words on the maliciously deceptive words on the thing to say well this is the way it should have always been people feeling more welcome to be in the presence of jesus christ and uh i don't know if they do feel more welcome they feel more exhausted when mass is finished they don't feel uplifted they don't feel transformed and all this transformation happens because of the reverence we give to our lord jesus christ first of all so we'll continue from there next week talking about different items 01:02 of the altar which need to be observed and we'll close with a prayer praise the lord huh