00:03 00:04 is fine good evening our technician man was just telling me that there's just a one conference more a few more conferences something like that before we have the christmas break as if we've been working so hard already but to tell you the truth um this is a pleasure to give you the class on friday evenings because it's uh formative for you i hope and it's also formative for me to go over all this information so vacations are great but when you get to be an adult sometimes you want to keep going on with the material rather than going on breaks so as we've been doing for since the beginning of these sessions i'll give you a little more history a little more more of the story on saint philomena this evening i'm going to be going to 00:05 review with you pope leo the 13th and pope senpai's 10. so as you know pope leo the 13th was at the end of the 19th century and for about three years of the 20th century an anti-liberal hero for writing against freemasonry and also um liberalism which was threatening to attack attack the church well he pope leo the 13th also had his contact with saint philomena and remember they talk about the saint as if she has she had just been one of their friends or perhaps a friend of their parents but actually she had lived 1500 years before then and more almost 1600 years so so before becoming pope when leo the 13th was still an archbishop archbishop he made two pilgrimages to muniano that's the place of the remains of saint philomena 00:06 in the year 1883 he was pope by that time he approved the use of the cord the court of saint philomena which is red and white and mainly brings us the virtue of purity but it can also bring us the of course the intercession intercession of the saint but to obtain any favor it doesn't have to be just purity usually it's worn around the waist but i've been reading a few stories of men that have worn it around their arm or something like that or someone in the hospital is wearing it around their arm as long as it's on the body and so in the year 1883 he approved the use of the court pope leo the 13th did and he gave a plenary indulgence for the person when he used it the first time uh now uh all things being equal when we use the court for the first time we're probably not going to die on that date so it's a good idea if you get that plenary indulgence to 00:07 apply it to some other soul that can use it in purgatory maybe it's not even anyone that you know six years later in the year 1889 he made the arch uh arch conf fraternity of saint philomena until that time there had been a group of people called the con fraternity of saint philomena they send in their information their application to become members of the conf fraternity and then they get the grace of all the different people praying to saints st philomena that's given to their soul also so he elevated it pope leo the 13th did to the level of archon for eternity meaning that you get all those graces and more and he gave that indulgences as you remember there are three principal feasts of saint philomena august the 11th is when we celebrate her birthday in heaven although it's actually the day after 00:08 because august 10th is another saint and then also um may the 25th that's the day of the finding of a relic her relics and also the sunday closest to may the 25th that's the solemnization of her um of the finding of her relics those are three different free feasts of saint philomena and uh pope leo the 13th was giving a plenary indulgence for observing those feasts for going to mass on that day participating in the processions or any kind of devotions and of course getting to confession and communion within one week he also gave the plenary indulgence for the people who used who used the cord on the very day of their death and i know i've told you that i've told you about that before but it's good to repeat these things once in a while now that one is good you get that planet and get that plenary 00:09 indulgence that would be for you you don't have to apply it to anyone else in the year 1902 pope leo the 13th celebrated the centenary of the finding of the relics of saint philomena so that's may 25th 1802 100 years later he um celebrated that centenary he gave a pectoral cross to the sanctuary in the year 1888 and a wonderful missile in the year 1902. please remember from last week we were studying pope blessed pope pius ix the pope before leo the 13th and he gave his own pectoral cross to the saint philomena very close to the day of his death so you know the pectoral cross of a bishop and especially of a pope uh stands for the whole person so when he gave that pope pius ix when he gave that to saint philimina 00:10 that's a way of saying that i dedicate i thank you i honor you for all the grace that has come to this papacy by giving you this pectoral cross uh moving on to another pose that's popplio the 13th and now we move on to pope saint pius the tenth the pope that followed leo the 13th from 1903 to 1914. he gave her his episcopal ring i think pope pius the tenth had a lot of these sort of things bishop's rings and pectoral crosses and all that sort of thing but he at least gave her one of his episcopal rings you probably all know the story on at least one of the episcopal rings of um popeye's tenth when he was monsignor sarto it wasn't venice it was forgetting his cities or tombolo or something like that when he was made 00:11 bishop there was a great elevation he was very humiliated about the whole thing uh but interestingly enough lest he should become proud of these elevations of the church the same day he saw his mother her name was margaret and she said to him son congratulations for your elevation to the episcopacy that's a reward of prayer and much sacrifice and much faith dedication to our lord and our blessed mother i said yes mother you know we'll see why god wants this and what i can do for his church and she uh showed him her ring the mother of saint pies the tenth and she said just remember if it hadn't been for this ring you wouldn't have one either 00:12 the point being we've made a lot of sacrifices in having fidelity to the faith fidelity with each other fidelity to our children that's what's made you into a catholic and a good catholic hopefully and that's why you are where you are so um as we've lived faithfully to our vows may you live faithfully also to your uh elevation that's pope pius x he manifested devotion to saint philomena in many ways so his prayers and his uh piety and so forth saint philomena was constantly in his vocabulary talking about talking about getting closer to god saint paul's tenth uh beatified saint john viene the cure of ours and we know that saint john vienne was the biggest promoter of saint philomena in the 19th century and then uh saint paul's tenth 00:13 named saint john viene the patron of the arch khan fraternity so it's already at level of arch confraternity and to give this apostolate to saint john dna made it even more fruitful because you might remember from one of the other one of the other classes there came a point where saint john vianney the cure of ours was having up to 14 miracles per week at his church on an average that's not necessarily a high number but on an average he was having 14 miracles per week at his church that was i'm sure due to his own holiness and also to his great dedication to our blessed mother and also to saint philomena now this sounds a little bit negative but also you and i as traditional catholics might be encouraged by this uh saint pius xii was dismayed at the questioning of the authenticity of her 00:14 if those really were her relics if such a person really did exist uh if the christians and the catholics were following some myth and just calling it saint philomena now for a century at that time he was very dismayed about that he said in the year 19 and 12 in 1912 this spirit of not giving reverence to saint philomena proceeds from an element that is null and void and without merit and authority the year 19 and 12. 1912 where does that come from as i've told you before pope gregory the 16th in the year 1837 uh canonized saint philomena solely on the basis of her miracles without having any historical record 00:15 and she was that convincing a pope canonized her now in the beginning of the 20th century a certain professor marucci in the year 1903 started to do some study on the tomb of saint philomena but the curious thing is he never even went to rome he didn't go to the catacomb of saint priscilla uh he never had anything to do with an eyewitness contact with his claimings so he went back to the same argument i told you before they're the three tiles on the tomb of saint philomena that seem to be not not in order please remember as i've told you before they put the heart of the greeting right in the center center pakstay missing the kum pakhstakum but pakistan means peace be with thee and at the beginning they put lumina which is actually the name of saint philomena before she was baptized just means light 00:16 of christ and they put comfil with the daughter at the end the daughter of christ phil lumina that's the name she would take at her baptism the daughter of light and the pak state is right in the middle so the tiles are not out of order but they went ahead and claimed this tiles are out of order which means that uh this tomb probably belonged to somebody else it was opened up the bone was yeah the bones were removed of the original philomena put someplace else put somebody else's bones or relics inside of that tomb and then sealed it up with the same tiles and because of the haste they put the tiles not in the correct order but there's no evidence to prove that claim and that error because the tiles 00:17 are only clay the bricks and none of the mortar is chipped on them when you take brick and move from one place to another the mortar is going to break and the bricks themselves might break and also it's only clay it's only brick if you're going to move them from one place to another you'll replace them you won't just use the same bricks again in the same order so despite that claim or that um doubt that professor marucci put upon saint philomena he was never there to examine the situation and uh saints pius a tenth that was the very years of his papacy 1903-1914 he had no patience for these accusations and it's interesting to talk about that because you might have heard this story of saint 00:18 pius x also he did a magnificent job of clearing the vatican and clearing rome of all modernists and that was due to his encyclical pashandi dominici gregis any error that a modernist can possibly think of was um identified in pope pius attendance encyclical and condemned to the point that modernists themselves will say to each other you know our theories are so vague and just in the clouds and we really can't tell each other what a modernist is and what we believe if you want to find out what our modernist is and what we believe says one modernist to another just read the encyclical of pope pius x he had us nailed as pope is the tenth uh so he was congratulated at least on one occasion for that encyclical and for all his efforts to get the modernists out of the seminaries throughout the world he said well thank you very much but 00:19 it's not necessary because all the work we've done is going to be undone within 50 years the modernists will come back so for me uh him having the modernists pegged and nailed with his um assessment of what they are and also their condemnation and also saying they're coming back in 50 years that kind of runs parallel with this uh much more humble study of who is saint philomena and how uh doubters um historical people putting historical doubt were opposing saint philomena and he says i just can't tolerate this stuff so for me it's kind of it's the same man that insists on the orthodoxy of doctrine who also insists on the veracity the truthfulness the true existence of saint philomena so she's a viable saint not just for the 00:20 1800s or the 19th century she's viable from 19th 20th 21st 21st century and just for your information i didn't give you this detail yet in the year 1905 so two years after he became pope he beatified the kyrie of ours and he chose the centenary of the transference of her remains from rome to muniano for that occasion he's always connecting the curie virus to saint philomena and vice versa you might remember the long the long story i told you about how the relics of saint philomena were in rome the father don francesco guccio lucio luccio went there with the bishop de cesare they acquired the relics they went from rome to naples and then from naple to muniano 00:21 and they arrived on august 10th uh 1905. so 100 years later exactly to the date was a date that uh pope is tenth chose to beatify the cure of ours very well we'll continue with our study of the altar and the holy sacrifice of the mass of which saint philomena is such a hero so last week when we closed up with class i was telling you about the linen on the altar a few symbolisms besides first of all the practical purpose is that if the precious blood should spill on the altar it will be absorbed by linen it won't go into it won't go into the stone good but then also the linen symbolizes the shroud the holy shroud of our lord jesus christ how it wrapped around his body at least 00:22 two times and then overlapped making a third fold so to speak and that's why we have three cloths on the altar also the linen represents ourselves in what way we surround our lord jesus christ he is the altar uh he is the sacrifice on the altar and we the faithful the mystical body surround him in particular we surround him by the three branches of the mystical body the church militant that's us here below the church suffering those are the souls in purgatory and the church triumphant the victorious saints in heaven these ultra cloths as you can see are white are very white and very clean and we do 00:23 our do our best to keep them that way one of the biggest threats towards clean ultra cloths is one of two possibilities is candle wax that comes from anywhere it comes off that device we use to light the candles that's that's got a wax taper in it it comes from extinguishing candles somehow evaporated wax forms in that cup that we extinguish the candles with and that can drop out in a very dark and black form right on top of the altar cloth and also a candle wax can come from just um candles dripping and get a faulty candles and they drip all over the place and that that it it it doesn't really stain the altar cloth but it makes it dirty until you're going to change it again that's one possibility of kind of marring the altar cloth another one is the use of wine and water at mass which is necessary it's particularly when the server at the ablutions after holy communion 00:24 comes right up to the center of the altar to put the first evolution of the chalice and uh that's wine and he puts the wine in the chalice the priest gives him a little bit of a signal with his chalice to cut off the flow like that and if they back off immediately without paying attention to that the the traitor drip as they call it in spanish the betraying drip if they back off without any paying anything to that betrayal drip betraying drip that drip will most likely end up on the altar and thanks be to god we only use wine which is white or white wine because we used red wine which is recommended by some priests and even bishops i think bishop sheen used to recommend red wine because it looks more like the blood of our lord that's good if you're very very careful because otherwise that drip is going to end up on the altar and that will stain the altar cloth and the corporal and everything else so um just a little home uh homie example for you about how this stuff 00:25 this is realistic you know these things happen and then we change the altar class about once a month for sure unless they're especially dirty then we'll claim change them in between that time you i'm sure know that just once a year uh the altar is stripped in front of the faithful and that's on holy thursday night uh holy thursday night where we begin to meditate meditate the passion of our lord we see the altar stripped that represents several truths first of all our lord being taken away from us also it represents the grief of the church at the death of her spouse our lord jesus christ and it also represents stripping the body the most pure body of our lord jesus christ and of his cruel abandonment during the passion 00:26 so you know when you get to the altar you just know you're in the presence of christ either by representations these symbolisms i'm just telling you with the linen but also the sacrifice which is offered uh the the the relics which in the alt are in the altar everything is screaming the presence of our lord jesus christ so let me um read to you how the altar cloth and the mentality on the ultra cloth has evolved with the general instruction of the novus ordo from 1969. this i'll read a little bit about the traditional and how it's been changed it is easy to understand why the rubrics prescribe linen the altar symbolically represents christ and all four gospels recount that his body was wrapped in linen the general instruction however of the novus ordo 00:27 required only one cloth made no mention of the use of linen and did not require that the cloth be blessed so just more and more you're seeing how what was sacred and supernatural and separated from the world is no longer sacred and supernatural and separated from the world it's as common as can be because in the novus ordo they do not want to lift the soul to heaven they want to make souls or people just feel comfortable with each other here on earth and if that doesn't sound like free masonry somehow introducing the into the church i don't know what does freemasonry is all about the brotherhood of man and that's as far as it goes the true catholic religion is all about lifting souls to god and in their union with our lord jesus christ they will find harmony with their brethren but that's not just a brotherhood of man that's a 00:28 brotherhood with our lord jesus christ which gives us the grace to have the right friendship with our brother i think there's one comparison about the altar itself which i missed with you which was is unfortunate because they were saying that now uh the altar is no longer even consecrated it's just blessed it's seven lines long in the name of jesus christ is not even mentioned uh yeah seven lines long our lord's not mentioned and there's no there's no not even any signs of the cross well they do it well that's something i would have missed last week sorry about that but i have to move on you perhaps know what an anti-pendium is um this is a very beautiful altar we have here of course so we'll always be exposed it's it's stone it has a beautiful baroque that's called baroque that style baroque form to it 00:29 a lot of curves a lot of angels and a lot of flowers and that's baroque uh but however there are some altars which are not so ornate and uh they have no decoration on the front they're a little more blocky there's nothing wrong with that it's just that they're not as decorated those altars must be or should be decorated with what's called an anti-pendium meaning uh curtain which hangs before them and that antipendium can be changed in color just like we're going to change on sunday to the color of purple for advent the the front of the altar would be the color purple for the time of advent and then green for the time of pentecost white for saints etc it requires requires a lot of maintenance actually to keep changing that frontal or that antipendium there must be candlesticks on the altar uh 6 candlesticks for the sun mass and 2 candlesticks for the 00:30 low mass let me read to you how that's how that has evolved in the general instruction they say the number of ultra candlesticks was left unspecified you can have two you can have four you can have six whatever you want back to the traditional uh rubrics there must be a crucifix with an image of the crucified why because the mast is the living picture of the crucifix the priest makes constant gestures towards it genuflections bows and raising his eyes those are all prescribed he must do that if he doesn't do it i guess he's still offering the holy mass but he's making mistakes and those are at least venial sins in the traditional mass crucifixes are 00:31 everywhere throughout christendom and masons love to remove them the altar sometimes does not have a tabernacle even in traditional parishes or i should say churches mass centers because we're not permanently permanently set up there yet we're not going to be there from one week to the next so we don't leave the blessed sacrament reserved so there's no tabernacle but even in that situation we always have a crucifix the priest must look to the crucifix during mass let's see how that has evolved the 1969 instruction initially prescribed that a cross be placed on the altar or near it so crucifix no the difference is cross is just two pieces of wood without the representation of our lord jesus christ suffering so just a cross be placed on the altar or near it 00:32 there was no specific requirement that the cross be of the standard latin design or that it have an image of the crucify christ affixed to it so what happened crosses in strange shapes for example black crosses jerusalem crosses dagger crosses multiplied everywhere adorned with unusual corpuses like the resurrection christ or the abstract sorry this sounds irreverent but here it is or the abstract twisted lizard of paul vi i always thought that pope john paul ii had the most unusual looking um i guess that's a processional cross which he used instead of a crosier and now popes have continued to do it since him they have that grotesque looking body of jesus hanging there which doesn't even look like a crucifixion anymore uh that's pope john paul ii but apparently paul paul six had something pretty bizarre even before pope john paul ii well that's how things were since 1969 00:33 in the novus ordo but apparently there was a train a change according to the new regulations the cross could be the processional cross carried in and out before and after mass so we just just use a little use a little logic on that we'll figure out that they're saying that when mass is not happening there is no crucifix in the church you know the process the cross will be the processional cross carried in and out before and after mass the cincinnati archdiocese diocesan regulations forbade or forbade permanently installing a cross in a church and prescribed that only that the only cross in the church must be the processional cross that is carried in and out so not only did they make it possible that there will never be a cross in the church except for mass they are they prohibited that there be a cross in the church outside of mass well you know that's just not catholic 00:34 apparently by the year 2000 they started to backpedal so in 1969 until 2000 that's 30 years it took until the year 2000 for the vatican to get around to prescribing a cross with the figure of christ crucified upon it the vatican backpedaled on the the rules of 1969 and made it obligatory that all churches have crucifixes uh there are three altar cards on the altar only the central one is necessary that has the essential prayers of the canon the um which includes the consecration and the offertory is also there those are the essential prayers the other two altered cards on both sides have been added out of convenience for the priest because sometimes he can forget those prayers of of 00:35 putting the wine and water in the chat putting the water in the chalice really and sometimes he can't forget the prayer of the lavabo it's there for that reason and then the last gospel on the gospel side of the altar the same way sometimes we leave them up they're all three just for symmetry you might know that there's a few masses like palm sunday holy thursday the easter vigil mass that no last gospel is recited there might be other cases i think also the uh what do you call it requiem mass when you're going to have absolution the body after mass there's no last gospel there's no less gospel for the other three examples i gave either and you might wonder well then why did they leave that card up there on the left-hand side if they're not going to use it i answer it looks nice it's symmetry take it off thing looks like something's 00:36 missing uh and the other two addition uh if you note on that i thought i had a note on how that's evolved the altar cards on the altar well i don't think they're any they're there anymore because the priest is facing the people he probably doesn't want those ultra cards blocking his vision to the people there must be a dignified and worthy altar missile on the altar and here this is what i'm pointing out there can be relics on the altar so here at our altar we have not just all relics in the altar in the sepulcher but also displayed on the two different gradients and those are exposed usually for our masses on sunday especially for sun mass if we ever get back to sun mass despite the present government and government regulations there can be relics 00:37 let's see what how that has evolved for major feasts the traditional rubrics presumed that relics of the saints will be exposed for veneration on the high altar and incensed at high mass and at vespers that's what we do however the general instruction of 1969 is silent on the matter but in 1977 the traditional practice was actually forbidden they said you may not have relics on the altar so again just always taking away that supernatural always taking away the testimony of the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ and martyrs shedding their blood in union with our lord jesus christ it's true that relics on the altar are not necessarily martyrs of blood but their lives are martyrdoms of constant constant renunciation of self so that our lord jesus christ can have the victory in them and in the world 00:38 and well now they're taken off the altar since 1977. pope pius vi so that's going back to the 18th century condemned a certain heretical uh trend in the church of people that wanted to take the relics off the altar popeye vi condemned that he condemned it as rash and injurious to a pious and approved custom of the church a phrase which could easily describe what pope paul vi eventually did he made an abolition he abolished the practice of having relics on the altar all these traditional requirements for the catholic altar every altar has a titular saint a saint a title every altar has a title 00:39 i'm not sure what the name of the title of our altar is here that's called the titular saint i imagine it's saint pius the tenth because that's the name of our priory as well but sometimes the titular saint of the altar is not the same as the titular saint of the church however if there is a picture of a saint above the altar it must be this saint and i have seen that before and perhaps you all have too you have a church our later guadalupe you might wonder why there's a big image of our lady of guadalupe over the altar i see that more than i see the crucifix yes you're right but she is the titular saint of the altar and same with uh saint paul's attempt i've seen a church in his honor large painting of saint pies attend above the altar the place where father um summers comes from in redford mix michigan that was the church of saint ann but the altar was called senpai's tenth 00:40 so there's a huge picture saying pies a tenth above the altar uh this is beautiful which is said about something which is said about flowers so uh thank you so much to mary for all your work on flowers i have never been at a church where so much attention was given to flowers and it's really beautiful and worthwhile first of all flowers are for the glory of god and the on the altar and then they are for the edification of the faithful to lift the faithful's mind up to god uh this from a tradition this from a classic author that i'm using for the notes he says that flowers are for the earth what stars are for the heavens that's a great comparison we look at the sky we wonder the stars rightfully so and that's millions of miles away from us on our 00:41 earth nevertheless we have those kind of wonders and those are flowers and i'm not just speaking sentimentally it's it's obvious this author says that flowers are a leftover a remnant from nature before the fall that in the garden of paradise adam and eve have flowers like that everywhere now we still see flowers with all their beauty but not as numerous as adam and eve had and not in such a concentrated place we still have them and that's how we put them on the altar they symbolize the purity of creation before the fall they symbolize the beauty of god not just in the heavens but also here on this earth and something very interesting about flowers to display them on the altar they are they're cut usually there are exceptions like the points said at christmas time in the easterly easter time depending on what country you're from uh but 00:42 cut flowers usually within a week they'll be dead and despite watering them and taking care of them and everything else that's a symbolic thing that um even the flowers give their life for christ on the altar and that's why so they are beautiful they're like stars they're left over from the fall and they give their life on the altar the rose is a sign of spiritual joy i'm not sure in what sunday what century it started but it's several centuries old where the holy father himself has to bless a golden rose only sunday of advent matari sunday is the third sunday of advent where the priest uses rose-colored vestments litari means rejoice and the pope uses the pope blesses a golden 00:43 rose in honor of all that on that sunday flowers are the emblems of innocence the innocence which we derive from our lord jesus christ and finally we catholic souls are meant to accumulate the flowers of virtue so that nothing gives christ more joy than to be around us i like how that point keems coming keeps coming out in our consideration of the altar we surround christ the altar cloths surround our lord jesus christ like the shroud surrounded his body we surround him the church militant suffering and triumphant the consecration of the church was usually united to the consecration of the altar when it's possible uh showing that the faithful are consecrated to god at the same time the altar which represents christ is consecrated to god meaning that the faithful are connected intimately connected to our lord jesus 00:44 christ because his glory is to be with the sons of men and here's here it is again we accumulate the flowers of virtue so that nothing gives christ more joy than to be around us now i'm not a big humanist that just likes to preach man and man and dignity of man and how lucky for jesus christ that he got to be one of us not quite that way but there is a very healthy understanding of the dignity of a christian pope um leo the great gave us that line um the dignity of a christian because he has saint of sanctifying grace in him and he is the temple that our lord jesus christ presents to his father in heaven you know um i have a hard time coming up with an analogy or a comparison but if our lord jesus christ has gone through so much suffering in order to sanctify man in order to put his life inside of that soul well then we become kind of like 00:45 trophies for him something he would like he likes to show off to his father something of consolation for him so i know we're full of sin and we can't exaggerate uh how good we are that's not correct we're full of sin but our lord jesus christ honestly enjoys our company and honestly enjoys what a um a glory he has made out of us by a sacrifice and that that thought keeps coming up in this study so that was the altar itself and the linen what's on the altar and now i'll consider with you some items used during the holy sacrifice of the mass starting first of all with the item par excellence which is the chalice uh chalice comes from the latin word kalix which means the exact same thing 00:46 a cup a precious cup on a stem the cup must be gilded on the inside with gold uh the rest of the cup or the chalice must be made of a precious metal silver or pewter but not just brass or copper or lead certainly not lead it has to be a noble and precious metal but the cup must be gold on the inside it even seems that the chalice ranks higher than the patent which goes with it uh however the two go the two go together there's a chalice that the priest uses and there's the patent on top of the chalice that he uses the patent will hold the host which becomes the body of our lord jesus christ and the chalice folds the wine which 00:47 becomes his precious blood the chalice is emblematic of the mass because as soon as we see it we think blood and blood that was shed for our redemption and blood that is continually made present on the altar in the sacrifice of the mass for the continuation of grace to come to souls the chalice is emblematic of that when you watch a solemn high mass where there's three ministers at the altar the celebrant a deacon and a subdeacon they can all three be priests but they'll fulfill the functions of those three different ranks of the holy orders at the offering of the chalice the deacon assists the celebrant to say the words of offering the chalice but he only does that for the chalice and not for the patent which is what leads me to believe that even the chalice even has a certain superiority 00:48 over the patent because it is the shedding of christ's blood a chalice cannot be made out of glass my first reaction to that would be that it's irreverent you'll be showing the precious blood of our lord jesus christ as if there's no mystery involved but the reason given here is that glass is brittle and it's unsafe to have the precious blood inside of such such a uh you know brittle um delicate um material wood is not allowed for a chalice and i think we see plenty of those in the novus ordo mass why not wood is not as noble as a precious metal and wood is porous you put a liquid inside of it that liquid is going to stay inside of the wood for a certain amount of time evaporating or getting absorbed into the wood and if it's the precious blood of our lord jesus christ that is not a reverent way to treat it 00:49 the patent which holds the host must be guilt of gold also at least have a gold covering the word paten is properly applied just to the disc the plate which the priest uses with the chalice i know we say patent of the item that the altar boy holds under your chin when we go for when you receive holy communion that's where i was taught the word patent but strictly that should be called a communion plate and what the priest uses at the altar is the patent however understand if we still confuse it uh the patent which the priests used on the altar cannot have an inner recessed cavity so i'm talking to you about all the nitty-gritty details some of these uh patents are pretty uh it's a disk and there's a secondary disk on the inside of it it's all connected and that secondary disk is very close to the exact size of a large host that the priests used at mass so it looks pretty on a chalice you have a chalice 00:50 a patent on top of it host on top of that right in that nice little cave there the cavity however those are not supposed to be somehow they got put into use they should not be used because it makes purification of the patent difficult um i told you last week but i'll repeat it the chalice when it's not being used was first of all the chalice must always be clean and bright so it should be the preoccupation of a priest to keep his chalice clean i would say with at least once a week buffing it out a little bit because we have oils and the fingers uh naturally and uh that stays on the chalice as much as you try to clean it up when you're finished and the oil attracts elements from the atmosphere which is which contains dust and i don't know what and that makes tarnish on the chalice so that once a week so once a week that should be buffed out at least once a week uh the chalice should always be covered when not in use uh even in the sacristy it normally should be in the cupboard or if it's laid out it should be in a 00:51 covering because what happens there is a huge mystery we cannot leave a chalice out like it's some sort of decoration and just say yeah this is a cup like all others wrong and she must be treated with great great respect um i'll make a um not digression but illusion here uh it might not even seem proper but hopefully you receive it in the right sense you've probably noticed in our bookstore a book called dressing with dignity by a very nice lady named colleen hamlin or hamilton or something like that colleen someone or other i think hamilton and she's a very nice woman i had the honor of meeting her a few times and in her book there she talks about how a woman should dress and she goes on for quite a while about how the sacred vessels we use at the altar because of them being so sacred 00:52 they're covered you usually don't see the chalice until you see the priest elevating it outside of that his body is blocking the vision of it because there's a mystery going on there uh and she uses that to talk about how a woman should dress that the woman has within her the great mystery of the transmission of life and for that reason her body should receive a lot of respect especially in dressing so instead of dressing you know tight to the skin and all that and showing the whole form and everything no no no no there's a great mystery in a woman which needs to be preserved that's procreation god is sending a soul directly inside of that woman at the moment of conception and that deserves respect so i know the two things are quite a long stretch between them but um colleen made the uh connection and i didn't mind repeating it both the chalice and patent must be 00:53 consecrated by a bishop and only by a bishop because their purpose is so sublime i know i told you that last week this consecration of a chalice and patent can be lost if the chalice is broken or fractured or if the inside of the cup is re-gilt it loses its consecration has to be consecrated again consecration is done with holy chrism as you know there are three holy oils the oil of catechumens holy chrism and the oil of the infirm holy chrism which is also used to come what we call it give the sacrament of confirmation and also give the sacrament of holy orders and also bells are consecrated holy chrism is used for that to show the coming of the holy ghost inside of these items because of their high purpose the 00:54 chalice the patent and even the ceborium normally because of their high purpose the sacred vessels cannot be touched by laity so i know we have a couple of young men here who help us with the in the sacristy and they they will take the chalice out to put the to dress it for the mass you might see them put the chalice take the chalice from the creedence table to the altar in the sun mass and you might think oh that's a layman touching the chalice but please also know they have gloves on they're using gloves so that their actual body is not touching the chalice the other option is to use the veil of the chalice as a type of glove and not touch the chalice however that's not recommendable because you'll just make a mess out of the chalice veil 00:55 the mystical meaning of the chalice is the sanctified chalice of melchizedek which the lord once filled with grace you know that melchizedek in the old testament who had an encounter with abraham the father of all christians and the father of our lord jesus christ he came back from the battle of the kings and he met abraham abraham offered him tithes and melchizedek offered a sacrifice of bread and wine his wine was in a chalice and the chalice we used is prefigured by the chalice of melchizedek in the old testament the pattern represents the tree of the cross upon which christ suffered for us and why is that 00:56 the pattern doesn't look like a cross the answer is because our lord was dead on the cross on the paten our lord jesus christ is offered up in sacrifice it's not correct to say that our lord is dead in the patent or dead in the chalice our lord is offered in sacrifice but he's still our lord who is reigning victoriously in heaven with his father for all eternity who's present with us he's present with us because of his sacrifice but it's never quite correct to say that he's dead i've told you before that we can we can say that there is a mystical death made present on the altar by first making the body present and then the blood present there's a separation of body and blood we have the death but it's still not quite correct to look at the pattern on the host sorry the post on the patent even after it's been consecrated and say that's our lord jesus christ dead you 00:57 can say that's our lord jesus christ sacrificed but not dead together the chalice and the patent patent represent the sepulcher and it is said so in their consecration prayer uh why do they represent the sepulcher because our lord jesus christ is kept there but again do not focus too much on dead the represent represents the sepulcher and some even say the patent patent represents the stone which cover the sepulcher so that we have in our mind the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ so next week i'll tell you about the corporal in nepal the purificator the burst in the chalice veil uh some other items used on the altar and my may god bless you we'll say our prayer now 00:58 name the father the son of the ghost coming hail mary and full of praise to the lord fine