00:00 and that has to do with not understanding how great god is but if we can get some idea of how great god is then we can get an idea of how offensive sin must be because when we sin we offend god who is infinite an infinite being we ourselves are not sufficient nor adequate to pay the price of our own sin and that is why thanks be to god he sent his son our lord jesus christ who is god and man who paid the infinite debt of our sin our lord jesus christ is priest is the high priest and he offers sacrifice for sin and by offering this sacrifice he reconciles man to god again 00:01 and that is why we have uh the priesthood because we have our lord jesus christ and because our lord jesus christ offered the adequate sacrifice and that is why everything depends on this sacrifice to bring man back to god again and that is the essence of what we're studying here so to go back to a little bit of an inspiring story to help us keep thinking about sacrifice you may remember from a couple weeks ago the life of saint philomena that she was imprisoned by diocletian the emperor because she would not consent to marry him and then he just started practicing all kind of torture on her uh starting with the imprisonment our lady appeared to her three days before the end of her imprisonment of 40 days with her son in her arm in her arms saying that uh i will comfort you you're physically you're going to be very humiliated and you're going to go 00:02 through much suffering right now but i will give you all the strength that you need in order to be a testimony to the to my son and actually what i didn't tell you last a couple weeks ago was uh she said you have the same name as i do and you have the same name as my son my son is light and i am the one which reflects the light the dawn or the star or the moon you are daughter of light so you're carrying out the same mission as we do we do and we did said our blessed mother to uh saint philomena and then she went through three three at least three horrible tortures which were the a scourging and then um being dragged through the streets of rome sorry i skipped one which was uh to be put into the tiber which she didn't suffer at all she was supposed to suffer by the anchor around her neck she didn't suffer that at all she was freed by the angels uh she was dragged through the streets 00:03 of rome behind a chariot and she was pierced with arrows one time and survived it just they tried to pierce her a second time with arrows flaming and and they didn't have any effect in fact the arrows turned back on the executioners and she survived all that and finally as a testimony to the divinity of our lord she was allowed by god to be either pierced in the neck or beheaded and that was the end of her life at three o'clock on a friday there was saint philomena that's the most impressive part of the story but uh it helps to understand um how we get to that part of the story there were three different people that were given a revelation of the story for life uh what i just gave to you is from sister maria luisa of jesus in italy whose story had the most details but there was also a canon of a church and a young artist that were all given the revelation 00:04 similar to that i mean not contradicting it all at all saint philomena is known as the wonder worker of the 19th century because that's when her body was discovered the year was 1802 182 in the catacombs of saint priscilla uh the men the excavators who are constantly studying these catacombs in order to find relics to venerate found this body found these remains with three tiles above the tomb marking it the tomb was not opened yet and the tiles when put together in the right in what we would call the right order would say pax takum philomena peace be to you philomena but curiously enough the way the tiles are placed if there's three tiles or three you know three tiles 00:05 the very center says pakstay piece you and the one to the right says kum fe and the one at the left-hand side where we where we would normally begin reading says uh lumina lumina so it looks like lumina paxte confit which is kind of a riddle in itself but professionals you know archaeologists and people who know the christian faith say that that was very common at that time uh in the roman tradition if you have three tiles or any kind of you know usually odd number where you're going to give a message you put right in the very center right in the very center peace be to you because to say peace be to you back in the roman christian times would have meant our lord jesus christ be in your soul peace be to you pakista right in the very center and then the tiles on the other two sides are going to bring out that 00:06 expression pakistan confit and you're saying so some say well that was either a mistake when they put the tiles in or somebody has opened this tomb and um they have put remains of some other saint inside and when they put the tiles back on the tomb they put them in the wrong order but that is wrong and it's wrong because the tiles have no cracks in them they're they're they're ceramic tiles and you can understand perhaps reusing marble or some kind of stone because it's more valuable but if it's just clay they would have got new clay tiles to make is to put the tiles back up again and also if when you're going to use tiles it's like bricks you're going to use 00:07 mortar and none of the mortar shows signs of having been removed with the tiles and put back on again there's no cracking or breaking in that mortar so whoever put those tiles there put them there on that tomb of that saint for a reason and the reason i bring it up is as you probably know 1961 there was historical study of various saints that did not correspond with the history of the church and they take they took the name of saint philomena off of the universal calendar of the saints which probably was not a big problem in this country i certainly i know it certainly wasn't a big problem in the united states because it the feast would have been august the 11th and it was not celebrated universally in the united states you can still find it in the votive section or something like that but in the missile but it was not 00:08 universally celebrated so one would think well they didn't hurt the church too much by saying that about saint philomena because it wasn't a universal celebration i'll go ahead and add in my own little comment here that yes they did hurt the church a lot because that was an effort to say saint philomena is either no longer a saint or she was never a saint when they went ahead and did that because practically what ends up happening even though you say well in the united states or probably here as well in singapore uh she wasn't on the universal calendar anyway so we didn't do any do her any damage they still took a lot of credibility away from her when they did that and so you end up with people not making processions in her honor anymore not making no venus to her anymore not having a statue of her in their home anymore because well she's not what she used to be and perhaps it was even a false devotion that's an unfortunate thing i say it because um i just told part of the story 00:09 explained the authenticity of her tomb and we cannot take her away from the universal calendar just because someone's going to tamper with that authenticity now um i'll get okay so we'll just leave the story of saint phil amino there for the time being and we'll continue with other parts of her life and and her devotion to her in other classes so what we studied last time as i told you was religion adoration and sacrifice and that the only the only adequate sacrifice adequate means which pays the infinite debt the only adequate sacrifice we have is that of our divine lord he is god and he is infinite and therefore he can pay an infinite debt 00:10 and this evening we'll consider how our lord has a bloody sacrifice on the cross what we witness here at the altar is an unbloody sacrifice which is making the cross of our lord jesus christ present in an unbloody manner but it still has its strength from the bloody sacrifice of our lord on the cross we are going to see how only our lord jesus christ is the high priest who can pay this infinite debt we're going to see how uh in heaven our lord jesus christ is a mediator and an intercessor by praying to his father for sinners and what is the prayer of our divine lord in heaven for sinners is to show his 00:11 wounds to his father which are a constant adoration to his father the hand the wounds of the hands the wounds of the feet and the wounds of the side of our lord are a constant adoration to his father and that adoration is a prayer for us and finally we will see how we who receive of the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ are meant to repeat in our own life a life of sacrifice so the um the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ on the cross is the only remission of sin the only payment for sin but uh it doesn't just stop there last week or i keep saying last week but last time uh i told you there are four ends of prayer to adore to thank 00:12 to beg pardon for sin and to beg for the things we need in this life the graces we need in this life and the big one is propitiation beg pardon for sin and our lord jesus christ certainly obtains that on the cross but our lord's sacrifice is not only sufficient you know to pay the price of the debt of sin but it is what's called super abundant that's to say even when it's done paying all the price for all the sin of the whole world for all history before and during and after our divine lord there's still an infinite amount left and that's called the super abundant grace which our lord won for us on the cross and that grace which overflows from the cross is the grace which is meant to sanctify us besides paying for the dead of all of 00:13 our sin let's go to that topic about paying the debt of all of our sin um we know that just our divine lord the second person of blessed trinity descending from heaven in a certain way leaving the blessed trinity in order to be present with us here on earth is already an infinite coming down an infinite condescension of our lord jesus christ that right right there is enough sacrifice to pay for all of our sins and the sins of a thousand worlds and you know when we say the word thousand worlds we mean an infinite number of worlds that right there that condescension not to speak of shedding of blood as a child not to speak of humiliations as a child you know that running away to save the life of the christ child from the from herod who was seeking his life 00:14 that's a suffering that's a humiliation those things are plenty sufficient to pay the price for our sins but it was by divine decree that is to say by god the father he wanted the world to be redeemed by nothing less than the cross saint augustine's words are uh what was sufficient in justice which would have been the incarnation to pay for our sins was not sufficient in charity meaning that the charity of god the mercy of god is so much greater than just what is required and our lord paid that debt to the last drop of his blood on the cross in order to fulfill that decree of his father that this payment must be only by the cross but keep in mind that he did not have to do that 00:15 it would have been a sufficient payment for our sins just any act as a human being to pay for our pray for our sins because of the huge condescension of our lord coming from above it's very important that we remember and that we emphasize that our lord jesus christ is god and therefore he can pay the price of our sin but he's also a man he belongs to our human family he was born of the virgin if our lord jesus christ had kind of come out of nowhere and become a man already at the age of what appears to be 30 years old kind of like adam and eve came into this world he would never have been a member of our human family our blessed mother is a daughter of adam which is she's a perfect daughter of 00:16 adam our divine lord is the son of the blessed virgin mary he belongs to the same human family he assimilates our nature in himself in order to pay in order to pay the debt of our nature i'm sure we worked out this way and our lord jesus christ was obedient to it there's there there's a magnificent expression of saint augustine right around the time of christmas where he says what was not assumed was not redeemed what was not assumed was not redeemed meaning as long as our lord jesus christ became a human being with a human intelligence with human suffering because adam caused it made it so that men would suffer hunger fatigue temptation towards anger our lord jesus christ had all that and 00:17 by assuming that weakness of man without sinning without making any weakness of sin by assuming that weakness of man he took it all upon himself and put it to death on the cross with him as saint paul says so it's very important that we remember not only is our lord god to pay the infinite debt infinite debt but he is man to pay that debt in the person of man assimilate that weakness of man in order to pay the price for it so our lord is no stranger to human frailty and is not some being from some other place they cannot relate to our infirmity sometimes if i were to ask you you know everyone close their eyes and think of sort of the perfect man in your mind uh you would come up with someone in the mind which is like an 00:18 apollo from some sort of a greek god man uh that would be uh so strong he would impress everybody i'm not going to say that our lord is a weak ling but i am going to say and it's not just from me that and according to isaias you have fashioned me a body in which i can suffer those words would mean that our lord jesus christ had a body which was much more sensitive than ours so that every kind any kind of suffering he received he felt it much more than you or i would feel it the same thing with the um the mind or the kind of the moral being of our lord jesus christ we've all we've all talked about people who are a bit sensitive usually what we mean by that is they think every insult is against them and they react in a very defensive way 00:19 they're sensitive that's a derogatory use of the word but uh no our lord was sensitive also in what he felt or understood he was very keen very perceptive and what other people were feeling in themselves and for that reason he could have so much compassion on them but when we speak of the sacrifice of our lord we have to admit that he is very sensitive in his body and very sensitive in his soul to any kind of suffering and why so that he could pay the most debt he could offer the most suffering in reparation for sin all the way to the day of the crucifixion we often speak about the insults which which the soldiers gave our divine lord they say they offered him gall and vinegar to drink and we usually recall that on good friday and that's the time the right time to correct it and most uh to to to recall it 00:20 uh but actually those drinks were not made to hurt our lord gaul was offered to all prisoners uh at least those in the capital punishment goal was offered to all prisoners to lessen the pain of the nails being driven through their flesh or the pain of trying to breathe while you're on the cross it's a anti an anesthetic our lord refused it he did not want anesthesia he wanted to feel the pain of the cross and then when our lord finally shouts out from the cross that he has thirst they offer him vinegar to drink and we think that's a big insult not quite that vinegar is a common wine and the romans themselves carried that in their whatever their backpack was back in those days for themselves to drink it was wine they had allowed to go a little bit spoiled which made a um acidic flavor sour flavor and they found that that quenched their 00:21 thirst more effectively they offered that to our lord to drink and he refused it you might have thought ever since your childhood why did our lord refuse another suffering if they offered him vinegar it wasn't supposed to be another suffering he was supposed to refresh him and he refused it he wanted to feel all the pain of the crucifixion and he had a body and a soul which was much more effective than ours to feel it our lord jesus christ a what is unique about his priesthood from the cross and also his priesthood here at the altar is that our lord does not look for a ram or some kind of animal where he's going to uh put his own guilt kind of in a representative way in a very vicarious way in that animal and then emulate it 00:22 that's a man does that's what abel did that's what noah did that's what moses did god did want did not want man putting himself to death to death god did not want man well effectively committing suicide and to pay for his sins for one thing would be inadequate i think i've told you that before you know as much as we might say well i'm going to take my own life to pay for this infinite sin i made against you guess what besides besides committing suicide it doesn't pay the debt because we are just finite creatures although our sin is infinite because it offends an infinite god our lord jesus christ has a mission from his father which is to offer up his life for sinners there is not one moment in the passion of our lord jesus christ from holy thursday night until his death at three o'clock in the afternoon on friday afternoon there is not 00:23 one moment there where our lord is not in control of the whole event going on around him we have a proof of that in saint john's gospel not the other three but saint john's yes uh where um you know our lord has prayed for three hours in the garden of gethsemane his uh apostles have fallen asleep on him three times and then finally comes the cohort from the temple led by judas judas kisses our lord to give the sign of the others if that's he that is he he must grab him overtake him and then our lord turns to the cohort and says whom do you seek and they say jesus of nazareth he says i am he and at once the whole cohort we're talking about hundreds of soldiers fall to the ground you know you might say that's adoration or was not 00:24 that's because our lord as god was sustaining him sustaining them in the standing position from the first place he just withdrew for a few seconds their power to sustain their own weight on their own feet and they fell to the ground our lord gave them a show of his divinity and there was the last time he showed his divinity and you don't see it again until the resurrection but that does not mean that our lord is not in control of the situation witness the words of our divine lord to saint peter when saint peter's trying to fend off the um those who have come to arrest our lord our lord says put the sword away is not the time for it and don't you think that me as god i would be able to defend myself with twelve legions of angels at this very time this very moment allegiant has six thousand twelve times six forty eight thousand angels at this 00:25 time our lord says no we we don't need that now what we need is a sacrifice now is the hour of darkness i'll admit that but what this what these dark people are going to affect is the liberation of the whole world from sin and that's going to happen through this sacrifice our lord is completely in control of the situation he wants it he wants it to happen he is the one sacrificing the victim there is no such thing as sacrificing a victim without doing it of your own will when able when noah when moses sacrificed a victim they wish to give up forfeit the ownership of that creature and say this belongs to god our lord jesus christ does the exact same thing by his the offering of his own life he says this this belongs to life you have given me a body 00:26 which is fashioned to suffer and now i offer this body and this i offer this body i offer this sacrifice his whole human nature i offer this sacrifice to you and our lord voluntarily offers that so when you assist at mass and you see the priest offering a the bread and wine which become the body and blood of our lord jesus christ and which are immolated in a mystical way upon the altar you are the reality which you are witnessing is our lord jesus christ freely offering up his body and blood to give glory to his father and to pay the debt of sin um there is no 00:27 um salvation without suffering sorry there is no forgiveness of sin without penance there is no redemption from sin without sacrifice and particularly the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ that is the offering that we see at the altar where our lord is the priest offering and making the offering and our lord is the victim being offered at the same time our lord is the priest making the offering and our lord is the victim being offered when you see the priest celebrating or offering the holy sacrifice of the mass you are seeing the altair christus the other christ 00:28 saint paul says that in the new testament there is only one priesthood in the old testament there were as many priesthoods as there were priests old testament would have been thousands and thousands of priests belonging to the tribe of levi uh offering sacrifices and different kinds of sacrifices you have the holocaust sacrifice you have the peace offering and you have the sin offering one of them is a complete destruction of the animal another one is a destruction of most of the animal but some parts are left for both the priests and for the families to partake of and finally one is an offering of a good part of the animal and then only the priests get to have part of that but different kinds of sacrifices different kinds of priests but in the new testament there is only one priest and that is our lord jesus christ and when you see thousands and thousands of priests as there you used to be all of those priests are nothing but the 00:29 extending out of the priesthood of our lord jesus christ and be careful it's very important that we insist on these priests who are the extension of the priesthood of our lord jesus christ these priests are truly ordained priests by a bishop at the very close of the conference this evening we'll see how there's been some change of mentality in that in the new thinking they would like to convince us that the faithful attending mass are priests also and that the mass is offered as long as they are there with the priest otherwise they there's no celebration of mass without them i'll come back to that point but the main thing i want you to remember remember right now is that only the priest offers the sacrifice and he is offering the sacrifice because he is the extension of our lord's priesthood 00:30 and that's what's going on at the altar our lord is the priest high priest and he's offering himself as the victim as it was once explained to me when i was a young man uh we can say that god who is our lord jesus christ is offering god himself the infinite victim to god his father that is the reality that we are witnessing at mass when our lord died upon the cross he was making the perfect act of adoration to his father we know that before he went to the cross he spent an excruciating night 00:31 in the garden of gethsemane what caused this pain was that our lord was bringing his human will around to completely submitting itself to the divine will so that he would give everything to his father not just the physical suffering which was immense but also the spiritual or moral suffering which was even much bigger to completely sacrifice oneself for so many sinners that was a huge thing and a huge suffering to our lord then the next day he went through all the physical sufferings one of the interpretations of our lord's one of our lord's last words from the cross which was i thirst was his desire that souls profit and benefit from this 00:32 excruciating sacrifice which he was making physically and morally i thirst i look for souls that are going to be be sanctified by this offering and as you know as we all know uh and as we have studied in a sermon recently if our lord cured ten lepers only one came back to say thank you kind of showing us what are the odds of the generosity of our lord to our sinners and the return that he gets back from us if he pays with his life for the sins of 10 people one person will return to say thank you one person will return to say let me live by your sacrifice let me be sanctified by your sacrifice let me live in your sacrifice this coldness and indifference with which so many respond to the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ 00:33 is more painful to him than the passion itself the coldness and the indifference of men so we've looked at how only our lord our lord sacrifice on the cross which is the bloody sacrifice can pay for our sins and then as a result result of that we also have the super abundant grace which is all the grace to sanctify ourselves when we receive holy communion when we confess our sins when we assisted holy mass it's not because we're in grave danger of death or we're in grave sin or in grave danger of committing sin a great sin or something it's not because of those things it's because we wish to 00:34 build up in our soul the life of sanctifying grace which our lord has given us and wish to build it up and build it up and build it up so we can give more and more glory to his father in heaven that is making use of the super abundant grace which goes beyond the propitiation for our sins so we've seen the sacrifice we've seen how only it is adequate to pay for our sins we've seen how that is the super abundant sacrifice uh we've seen how our lord in heaven is making intercession that sounds a little unusual it sounds like only saints make intercession but understand it correctly intercession is a mediator he is constantly showing his wounds to his father which are his greatest sign of obedience to the will of his father those wounds are shining like sons all of them s-u-n-s 00:35 sons giving glory to his father and they are the constant prayer to his father to help sinners on earth that is what our lord is accomplishing in heaven and then on earth he is continuing his sacrifice by the mass which you all attend all the time do you know that the idea of christians coming together to give glory to god without a mass did not exist until about 1520 something like that 1 520 years after our divine lord some christians got it into their mind but we can get together we and we don't need the sacrifice of the altar that was never heard of before that time i know it's been 500 years since then which is sounding more ancient than dirt for us but more in the heat than the hills for us but think of that 00:36 1520 years of christianity passed where christians would not think of convening for worship without offering the holy sacrifice of our lord upon the altar that only starts in the last 500 years to tell us how important that is when our lord said to his apostles shortly after his resurrection he said whatever you ask in my name you will receive hitherto you have never you have not asked for anything in my name which is kind of interesting i would have thought the apostles many occasions with our divine lord three years of spending time with him they would have asked for things from god through him they could see his miracles they could see how he could just give anything he wanted and whenever he wanted they would have asked him for things which is true but our lord means 00:37 something different here you have hitherto hitherto you have not asked for anything in my name meaning the result the holy sacrifice the sacrifice of the cross has now made me mediator with all of you in a way which i was not before because of the sacrifice i am and i will be forever offering prayers to my father for you now is the time to ask me for things because my presence in heaven with the wounds shining at my father are going to give you anything you ask for that's what he means by hitherto you've not asked for anything in my name in the name of my crucifixion in the name of my sacrifice which is paying this redemption for you all our lord's human nature i keep talking about his sacrifice and how it paid the debt and he was he's adequate and all that uh there's one mystery i won't spend too much time on it but 00:38 we've learned it in catechism and it's good to hear repeat it um our lord has two natures his divine nature and a human nature and the union of these two in one person is called hypostatic union it's because he is god or his godness his divinity that anoints i know there's no oil seen but that anoints his human nature and elevates that human nature to the level of a creature higher than any other and it is correct that the body and soul of our lord jesus christ are creatures and is by that divine nature touching them that it lifts it up so high and that's how we end up with this that only through the humanity of our lord jesus christ can we be saved because that is connected to his divinity or saint paul says he he is the firstborn of all creatures it's because the human nature is so elevated in his humanity we live and move and are very good so we will close with a 00:39 comparison to what we might see today in the novus ordo mass the new order of mass remember how we started this conference he's i said that we've lost some concepts nowadays we don't understand what a priest is because we don't understand what sacrifices we don't understand what sacrifice is because we don't understand what sin really is offense against god and therefore we don't even see people going to confession i'm talking about the big general we i'm not talking about necessarily even this congregation here i think all of us get the idea that it's kind of exceptional come to this church which has 250 members compared to all the other big churches around us and that's because i think we still have some idea of these things confession sin sacrifice priest 00:40 but in the novus ordo they don't have these ideas anymore they're not talked about anymore they're not insisted upon we understand that uh in order to be to have our sin paid for our lord needs to offer the infinite sacrifice this sacrifice is made present on the altar by the priest only the priest who is ordained can offer this sacrifice well now in the new mass what they like to think is there are or there is the people of god who simply join the priest in celebrating the eucharist and in that there is no offering of the sacrifice of calvary for sins 00:41 that's what they've done uh i'll repeat that they believe that the people of god are simply joining the priest in celebrating the eucharist and there is no offering of sacrifice for sins that's what they think a few points from what they call the general instruction of the mass that would be the new max they have this idea in the general instruction which says that the people they don't speak of the congregation anymore or the faithful they speak of the people of god they have expressions which show what they're thinking that the people are con celebrating with christ or with the priest and here would be some quotes in the instruction of how they say this the people of god 00:42 exercising their priestly function intercede for all humanity they offer the victim not only through the hands of the priest but also together with him meaning that they're not totally reliant on the priest to offer the sacrifice but together with him just as he's offering at the altar they are also offering at their pews and those is about six or seven times in the general instruction that that is mentioned this idea of the people of god uh celebrating with the priest was condemned by pope pius xii in 1947 in the encyclical mediator dei obviously when the novus ordo came out it was 20 years later and they had just scrapped that condemnation and went ahead with it anyway 00:43 it was condemned and just to give you a little idea where they would get this idea of the priesthood of the faithful be careful there is a passage in saint peter's epistle where he speaks about all of you are a kingly priesthood or a royal priesthood the reference in the context is you've been is you've been baptized into the blood of our lord jesus christ meaning that your life is going to be a sacrifice just as his life was a sacrifice and in that context he says everyone is baptized as priestly but he doesn't say that you're part of the ministerial priesthood consecrating bread and wine and making into the body and blood of our lord he does not say that however modernists get a hold of the phrase capitalize on it utilize it just for their intentions to say priesthood of the faithful 00:44 priesthood of the people of god and that is wrong um here's a quote of them in in the general instruction they say that the mass is not an act of the priest with whom the people unite themselves as the mass used to be explained rather the eucharist is rather than an act of the people israel the eucharist is rather an act of the people whom the ministers serve by making christ present sacramentally so you almost get the idea that the people could offer the mass without the priest present the eucharist is rather an act of the people whom the ministers serve by making christ present sacramentally in that i see a glorification of man and not submitting to a priest who is offering an altar christus 00:45 another christ who is offering the sacrifice not because the priest yeah whatever human person is some great person no the priest as alter christus is doing a great thing and then one more expression and they say so it is important that a pastoral celebration manifest this view that the faithful the people of god are offering the eucharist celebrating the eucharist and not fall into the error of making the people's participation seem less than the ministers that's a problem uh you know they're saying um not fall into the error of making the people's participation appear less than the ministers well the minister is the priest if you don't have him sacrificing at the altar there's not going to be a 00:46 sacrifice if in the congregation there are people present as magnificent if there are not people present the sacrifice still being offered at the altar and our lord jesus christ wants that sacrifice and that would explain why you might see if there are no faithful present at a nova sort of mass the priest will not offer mass because he's thinking if there are no faithful there's no reason to celebrate the eucharist whereas a traditional priest uh and you might have seen this if there are five priests present and all need to get their mass celebrated i don't know between seven o'clock and nine o'clock in the morning you might see one priest at the main altar and several other priests at their own altar simultaneously offering masses which are not attended by people only the central masses attended by people because they know that christ wants that sacrifice altar offered to pay for sins and by every priest not just one priest 00:47 joined by 10 others celebrating the same time as he is it's a different mentality which is which is essential it's a it's an essential change in mentality in the traditional way the priest is offering a sacrifice to pay the price for sins in the novus ordo way the people of god are helping or on their own they are celebrating eucharist with a priest to pray to god but that's it nothing about sacrifice nothing about sin nothing about victim nothing about priesthood it really is a protestant protestant way of thinking like i say it wasn't until the year 15 20 that it was conceivable that people would get together for christian worship without the body and blood of our lord jesus christ but now it's things have evolved into that again and in what we see 00:48 in the novus ordo mass very good so principle point to remember our points to remember from this lecture are that our lord jesus christ pays the infinite debt in a bloody manner with a sacrifice on the cross not just what's necessary to propitiate for our sins but also to gain graces for souls our lord is the priest and at the same time the victim of his sacrifice our lord has priests at the altar sharing in his priesthood and finally we are meant to offer our lord our lives as sacrifice with the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ so we'll close with a prayer 00:49 in the name of the father and son holy ghost of grace the lord is jesus the name of the father you