00:00 let us pray instruct the hearts of the faithful by the life of the holy ghost friend is by the same spirit be truly wise rejoice in this consolation through the same christ 00:01 hail mary full of grace the lord is is very well so thank you for coming again this is our third conference about uh the first week first time we had the class was about um sacrifice being the highest form of adoration and adoration being the highest form of the virtue of religion last week we heard about our divine lord who is the only adequate sacrificer the only one who can pay the infinite debt for debt for sin and how he is now in heaven as our mediator constantly offering the prayer to his father of his five wounds for our remission of sin while on earth he is 00:02 constantly offering his holy sacrifice made new over and over again on the altar and finally last week we studied a little of how only the priest can be the sacrificer because he's the ordained minister and that point will come again come up again tonight but first i'd like to return to our saint who is kind of our theme of these classes for as long as her story lasts that saint philomena last week we looked inside into some of the authenticity of her relics her remains in the catacomb catacomb of saint priscilla i was telling you how the tiles the three tiles which read pakistakum philomena actually are in the right order and the grave has never been violated and for that reason the relics which are inside the grave are the true relics of the person whose name is on the outside of the grave so this evening i'm going to jump ahead 00:03 a little bit in the story of saint philomena to some of the more well-known people we know we know and then i'll jump back again and so forth but the theme will be always saint philomena for as long as we study her life remember of course that her name philomena means not just light but daughter of the light the light being our lord jesus christ she was given that name by her parents after they they converted to the true faith and then conceived the child they were barren until that time until they took the true faith and um they called her light when she was born in honor of our divine lord who is the light of this world and then when they baptized her just a few days later they called her phil lomina meaning the daughter of the light and when our blessed mother appeared to philomena in the prison when she was imprisoned by diocletian 00:04 at the age of 13. she was in prison for 37 days and our lady came to her with her divine child in her arms and she said my daughter you will be here another three days and then we'll begin many tortures you will be humiliated because of your physical state but all of your humiliation will cause greater glory to my son and she said have no fear our blessed lady told her have no fear you have my name and you have my son's name the more i study the story the more i see that philomena was something essential for the beginning of the church outside of the catacombs but you have the name you have the name of my son you have and you have my name uh my son is light of the world he's taken away the darkness of sin i also am called moon and star of the sea and dawn our lady she has 00:05 terms of light also which come from her sun the moon is a reflection of the sun the sea reflects the light of the sky the dawn is the beginning of the sunlight but our lady has light in so far she reflects that of her son and she said you have our name philomena so you know many christians are going to come to the faith because of you and your sacrifices and so that's what kept philomena faithful for the different tortures we've heard about the last few classes so i'm going to jump ahead here to a saint who's probably the one most responsible for making saint philomena known and that would be saint john vienne or the curie of ours in the 19th century at the beginning saint philomena's relics were discovered in 1802 uh the same relics arrived at her place in munyano of italy 00:06 in 1805 and then miracles started happening everywhere so people were hearing about saint philomena and saint philomena and the curie of ours heard of her in france and he right away started praying to her so we're talking about the 1830s by that time and uh you'll we'll hear this story on another night which was that of pauline jerichot uh venerable pauline jerichot she was the one who was the founders of the propaganda fidei thanks to her we have a whole commission in rome which is set aside for bringing the faith to the missions and that's another story but this woman became very very ill and she was already a friend of the curie curie of ours she was french woman she lived in france she consulted saint john vienne regularly and he said to her she had a great sickness of the heart heart disease and she was dying it was so obvious 00:07 he said um pray to saint philomena make a pilgrimage to muniano which if you study the geography we're in you know france and she has to travel over the alps to go through italy get italy get down to the southern part of italy and to muniano to visit the relics of saint philomena which she did amazingly who knows how she did it in her physical state but she did she was cured and the cure was authenticated by pope gregory the 16th yes pogrover 16th and for that reason he canonized uh saint philomena until that time she was not saying philomena was not canonized she was just working miracles but thanks to the the the the journey of uh pauline jerichot the pope finally canonized her and she was saint so this pauline jericho brought back to eventually went back to france 00:08 visit this she had she had to stay with a pope for a whole year first in rome so the pope would be sure that this is the same woman he saw this is so sick and he she was already a friend of the pope before this um illness because the propaganda fide and she stayed from rome for a whole year and finally went back to france she saw the cure and she thanked him so much for the command to go visit the relics of saint philomena and she gave him a relic uh just so you remember relics are first-class relics second or third first are either bone or blood of the saint second are a part of the habit of the saint or something they were constantly in contact with like the breviary or something that they use daily or some sheets of their bed or something like that uh that's the second class relic and third class relic is anything we touch to the saint so she brought back for the curie um a first class relic he constructed an altar 00:09 about the year 1837 and from there on out well actually it had already begun but he was a great devotee of saint philomena he's the one who sent paulie and jericho to the saint philomena to begin with and um all kinds of miracles happen in the church of ours the curie of ours in and it's kind of an interesting um relation there between saint philemian philharmin and the cure he was so holy already that he was working miracles but he was especially working miracles because he had the relic of saint philhamien in his church and she and he was one making her so well known throughout the world so many times he would cure someone as soon as they started praising him thank you so much for giving my sight back or thank you so much for giving my uh my able ability to walk again oh sir he was embarrassed about the thing 00:10 that's how saints are all he knows is that he loves god if there are wonders happening on happening around him it's nothing to do to himself that's what saints know so causing great embarrassment so the first thing that says no it is not i who have cured you is saint philomena and he would say things like to no one he would say i wish the saint philomena would her work her cures in other places so as not to bring all the fame to me um so uh saint philomena constantly performed miracles through the hands of the curie uh this embarrassed him this however did not dissuade saint philomena from doing this and so he blamed it blamed all these cures on her blame to be in quotation marks and he would often say i wish he would do her cures and miracles someplace else so as not to bring attention to me 00:11 soon all of france was praying paying devotion to her with churches in her name everywhere uh in the church of ours they had on the average 14 cures per week either due to saint philomena or to saint john vienne uh the region of long gray in france alone had 12 churches in the name of saint philomena and these and her um cultists the devotion to her attracted many people on three dates in particular august the 11th which is her birthday in heaven the day she arrived in heaven may the 25th the fine which is the finding of her relics in 1802 and sunday within the octave of the ascension which is called the patronage of saint philomena so the year 1843 arrived if you remember i said saint john vienne 00:12 built the altar in her honor in her honor with the relic in 1837. 1843 arrived and the curie was fatally ill he had double pneumonia on may the third he was too exhausted to preach he retired to his humble room the next five days he became progressively worse three doctors consulted him and finally told him there was nothing more they could do for him the confessor of the cure of ours was called and gave him last rites the priest said have you forgiven your enemies saint john said i don't wish harm to anyone i have no enemies to forgive the next morning the curie asks for mass to be offered for him at the altar of saint philomena while the mass was going on he was not present at the mass he was in his private room while the mass was going on at the very beginning he was very anxious but as soon as the mass started let's see before the mass started he was very anxious 00:13 as soon as the mass started he became perfectly calm during the mass he was seen to be whispering or murmuring with someone the whole time while a greater look of peace came over his face obviously he was speaking with saint philomena as soon as the mass ended he joyfully announced that he was cured and it was true there was no doubt no more double pneumonia the body was still very very weak from all the malnutrition that happens in these things but he promptly got up from his bed he went to the church knelt in front of the blessed sacrament to give thanks to god for the cure and then he went to the altar of saint philomena to spend a good long time in kala queen meditation with her he said that at that time at that colloquy uh with saint philomena she gave him thoughts and secrets about the love of god that he would retain until the end of 00:14 his life that's how cool saying philomena is to the cure of ours and thanks to him all of us know about her um when we say that about how saint philip st philomena revealed secrets to him gave him thoughts about the love of god until this dying day that reminds us reminds me very much anyway of saint paul the epistle we're going to hear in a couple days how being united to our lord jesus christ in his imprisonment he knew about the breadth and length and height and depth of the love of the sacred heart but without that suffering he would not have known so sooner or later all these saints sooner or later they overlap and here's we have saint philomena overlapping with saint john viene overlapping with saint paul the love of our lord jesus christ which they learn through their suffering so very good with the thoughts of saint philomena in 00:15 mind about um suffering and sacrifice and loving god we go into the holy sacrifice of the mass again remembering that adoration is the highest form of sacrifice and our lord jesus christ is the only adequate sacrifice he's the only one can that can pay the infinite debt of sin because he is god he is infinite and he pays that in the person of man because man is the one that sinned that's how we're so grateful to the hypostatic union the fact that the divine nature of our lord jesus christ informed the human nature of his body and soul and completely transformed it it's due to that transformation that you and i are redeemed that you and i can be connected to the humanity of our lord jesus christ and thus ascend to his divinity 00:16 there is excuse me we study the unbloody sacrifice of the altar the unbloody sacrifice of the altar our lord makes present his sacrifice of calvary on the altar in an unbloody manner this is the clean oblation that was spoken of in the old testament ever since melchizedek until the time of our lord jesus christ and until now the clean oblation keep in mind what a person a jewish person an israelite person would have thought of sacrifice sacrifice is an animal the best sacrifices are it's bloody sorry to use this word it's messy uh it doesn't look so glorious but one knows that he's offering up life as a representation of his own life for his sins whereas the sacrifice that you and i see is the clean oblation 00:17 upon the altar we see bread and wine but we know the re that the reality is that is body and blood of our lord jesus christ on the altar and melchizedek is the first one who prefigured the sacrifice of our lord melchizedek is a priest and a king who lived the time of abraham and abraham as you know is the root the source of all christianity he's the one that was chosen to be the father of great nations from whom would come the redeemer from whom we are that starts with abraham and abraham himself was blessed by the king and priest melchizedek melchizedek is the king of salem which means the king of peace melchizedek blesses abraham meaning that he's somehow greater than abraham because the greater blessed the lesser 00:18 melchizedek receives alms from abraham which is true abraham gave a donation to melchizedek and we know that donations go from the lesser to the higher you all give donations to the church because the church is higher and melchizedek offered a sacrifice which was bread and wine and not an animal not oil not some kind of plant life he offered bread and wine in that bread and wine he was already prefiguring the clean oblation of our lord and one of the titles of our lord jesus christ is that he is a priest according to the order of melchizedek it means he's greater than abraham it means he offers a sacrifice which is not bloody the one that's on the altar and it means that he offers the clean oblation and furthermore melakaiah says it is the clean oblation which is known to all the gentiles which is offered from the rising of the sun to the setting thereof it means from the east rising sun to the 00:19 setting road to the west the whole world sees the clean oblation of our lord jesus christ upon the altar and only we as catholics know about that even the jewish people the old testament people as close to god as they were they are the chosen race physically speaking humanly speaking they are the chosen race they've received they've refused the life of grace that our divine lord offered them and so now we see them as a just a human and carnal race anymore but they were once the human and spiritual race even these people when they are worshipped in the temple the temple which is one of the most glorious buildings ever made with the sacrifices so ordained by god in the book of exodus books of exodus and deuteronomy even then they have a carnal carnal 00:20 and exterior sacrifice and saint paul constantly refers to this they have a carnal and exterior sacrifice they do not have the offering of a contrite heart they do not have the offering of a contrite spirit which is giving glory to god they have a carnal and exterior sacrifice whereas the christian since the time of our lord jesus christ has the interior into spiritual and interior sacrifice how is that we come to mass we assist at mass we see the priests offering sacrificing at the altar but we see no blood we smell no burning you can imagine what the temple must have smelled like if we're human beings we like the smell of roasting flesh it must have smelt kind of desirable and they would say there was a smoke and incense type of incense being offered to god because they were not the ones principally who were able to eat from those sacrifices 00:21 but we don't see that we don't smell it we don't physically we don't sense that sacrifice and that is because even though it is a true sacrifice there's no doubt about it it's a true and physical real sacrifice in the altar without it the cross of our lord jesus christ will remain locked in time without being able to apply its merits to our souls that's why our lord insisted at the last supper with his apostles do this in commemoration of me you know you must offer the sacrifice otherwise it remains locked stagnant held in one place and um this is true sacrifice we don't with the eyes physicalize we don't see it we don't smell it we don't sense it but we know from our the words of our divine lord it is a sacrifice it is the sacrifice it is spiritual and interior it is making a spiritual and 00:22 interior conversion of our souls with the jew the israelite before the time of our lord jesus christ there was something spiritual about the sacrifice saint paul says that it was making reparation for sin insofar as i looked forward to the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ which would make the final reparation for sin but saint paul says but in itself it was not cleansing the conscience it was not purifying the soul it was making reparation for sin and so far it was connected to the crucifixion but it was not cleansing the conscience he says how much more will the sacrifice the shedding of the blood of our lord jesus christ cleanse the conscience and that is what you and i have when we assist at i'll say the true sacrifice this is not to say the sacrifice of the israelites was false i'm just saying 00:23 that it has its fulfillment in our lord jesus christ when our lord died on the cross you know that the veil of the temple was torn in two it shows that there is no need for the temple anymore from now on the sacrifice sacrifice of our lord is open to all souls and it also means this sacrifice until the time of our lord jesus christ left the jewish people in a material world in their material sins material problems the bondage of fear is how saint paul describes it whereas with the sacrifice of our lord we're freed from that bondage of fear and we're separated from the world and now we're living the spiritual life with our lord jesus christ very good 00:24 there is the old covenant and the new covenant in the old covenant uh the people had to be faithful to the law and they had the bloody sacrifice which i just described to you in the new covenant we don't focus so much on the law because we have our lord jesus christ with his shedding of blood on the cross that shedding of blood may present on the altar and therefore the souls are inspired to not just to obey the law but the souls are inspired to do more and more whatever they can in order to um give more glory to god and try to think of it and try to focus on it for we as for us as catholics we live in an age and it's been 500 years of this age already 00:25 with a catholic church at least humanly and according to man et cetera is breaking down all right there's no there's no use to deny that but our lord jesus christ is with his church he will be with it to the end of the world principally in his sacrifice the holy communion but in many many other ways so we're used to seeing protestants and hearing protestants and and eventually after several hundred years to have a certain kind of respect for them that they persevere as much as they do and i've seen protestants protesting immoral things and bad things in the united states so the catholics don't even care about anymore don't get up to do anything about it anymore all right so not praising them just giving credit where credit is due here you are here we have this poor protestant who studies his bible 110 of the day as compared to a catholic who has everything who has 00:26 transubstantiation let's say the changing of the bread and wine on the altar into the blood body and blood soul and divinity of our lord jesus christ he has christ himself with his real presence on the altar the catholic and many times he doesn't even care about it and much more so in the last 50 years because our theology and our doctrine has been watered down and he confused so much to give us the idea that we believe just this and only the same thing as protestants believe which is very unfortunate but we have everything but unfortunately we don't give it as much enthusiasm as the protestant does many in many cases so um we're now in the new covenant when our lord jesus christ insisted on this new covenant it was on the occasion of the last supper 00:27 with his his apostles the last supper as you probably know has three parts our lord started with the pasco lamb or the you could say the ceremonial victim and then from there he went to the washing of the feet of the apostles and then he concluded the evening with them with the institution of the holy eucharist now it was necessary and not an accident at all that our lord instituted the holy eucharist on the same night as it was necessary to eat the paschal lamb pascal lamb as you know had to be it eaten entirely from head all the way to the tail and what they could not eat they had to burn so the idea of immolation is obvious this lamb stands for is the figure of the redeemer that will completely 00:28 spend himself complete shed every last drop of his blood to pay the price for our sin so our lord ate that paschal lamb with his apostles and then after the washing defeat they returned to the table and he instituted the holy eucharist from some of the elements of the ceremonial meal itself he gave them his flesh and blood he instituted the eucharist the institute of the priesthood and it's necessary they did that on that occasion to show us that the old covenant what used to be more of a human sacrifice a fleshly and carnal sacrifice had been sublimated had been lifted to the new covenant which is not just a lamb whose blood is shed but actually the flesh of god 00:29 himself being shed sorry being being offered and sacrificed uh for our redemption and that was the beginning of the new covenant now there are many references in holy scripture in the church fathers in the writings of the church to insist that the elements of the chalice at the last supper were really the blood of our lord jesus christ we know that he could could not make that blood present if he wasn't going to shed that blood very very close to the last supper but the covenant sealed in the blood of our lord jesus christ was already effective from holy thursday night and we might think that's a little strange we might think well wouldn't that have happened uh not until 00:30 good friday when he really did offer his body and blood when the veil of the temple really did get torn from top to bottom and the answer is no he was already making that covenant on the night before the crucifixion because that really is his blood in the chalice as well as the what appeared to be bread really is his flesh now why do i insist so much on this i guess that's an important point of course it's important what's so great about this for us what's irrelevant about it for us the answer is when you assist at holy mass and you see the priests breaking bread so to speak offering the holy sacrifice you are seeing the same sacrifice that our lord offered to his apostles which was the covenant itself it is no small thing no small thing at all and this is an important point for you also 00:31 the priest that offers the mass we've studied this before he is the altair christus or the other christ that person can be very intelligent or maybe not so intelligent that person might be able to preach or not preach that person might be a good administrator or bad administrator that person might be good in dealing with people or that person might be very disagreeable in dealing with people that person might be proud or that person might be humble but at the holy sacrifice of the mass it is our lord who is offering that sacrifice just as he offered on the cross and just as he made it present the last supper it is the unbloody sacrifice it is a clean oblation it is superior to that of the old testament because it's not just the prefigurement it's the reality and it's offered for the whole world it's not just offered for 00:32 the people that are present at the sacrifice as was the um sacrifice in the temple you know when we think about it when we're at holy mass we are present at all those realities which the apostles were present for this was not merely a communion celebration but a sacramental state of sacrifice the act of consecration at the last supper was truly a sacrificial act this is my body which has food under the appearance of bread is broken for you that is the sacrificial banquet we must be careful with this term banquet or even sacrificial banquet 00:33 it's a term which has been abused in my estimation by the novus ordo mass they focus very much on supper banquet assembly community etc we hear all those words which in themselves are quite worthy words but we keep saying it's true it's true it's true yes it's true where is the word sacrifice and you never hear it and that's because of what we said last week also sacrifice denotes guilt guilt comes from sin sacrifice means we need a priest who's going to find you know make make reparation offer sacrifice for us and to be repaired etc and those are terms that modern man no longer wants to hear and has been several hundred years in play until finally we have most of the members of the church saying we don't need sacrifice man is sufficient to himself to go to god but in sacrificial banquet it is true we assist at the sacrificial banquet our 00:34 lord is offering us his body and blood just as he did with his apostles but it is indispensable that this banquet be connected with sacrifice it would have been sorry to say it it would have been completely empty if our lord had given his body and blood supposedly to his apostles without having sacrificed himself without being going to sacrifice himself which shall be shed for you which will be offered for you the separation itself of body and blood implies death you know when you're at the alt when you're at mass um and the body and blood are made present in a mystical real presence is on the altar in a mystical way his body and blood have been made present in a separate way causing what we call what we call a mystical death of our lord jesus christ on the altar just as he died 00:35 really on the cross our lord is the lamb which has been slain who lives forever that's a term that comes from the apocalypse the lamb slain who lives sounds like a contradiction but it's not slain lamb means what happens to our lord jesus christ on the cross and that lamb is made present on the altar every day and he continues to live in his sacrifice and through the mass he was slain on the cross and he continues to be made present on the altar every day lying as if slain but living 00:36 victorious and triumphant there is a prefigurement of that also in the old testament the story you know uh which is abraham who finally had a son when he was more than 100 years old and guided promising him you'll be as numerous as the sand of the sea it's the stars of the sky and sand of the sea uh and there was no sun finally he had a son over home 100 years old the son grew up to be a man and god said okay prove to me that you love me now sacrifice him oh that was prefigurement of god himself offering his own son abraham without hesitation brings his son isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him mount horeb and just when he's about to put the knife in the heart of his son out comes a ram to be offered instead a lamb slain yet lives triumphantly isaac was already dead in a way he'd morally had already been sacrificed by 00:37 his father god stopped the hand of his father in order to make another sacrifice but that's the death of our lord jesus christ that was prefigured there he was slain but he continues to live and the sacred heart of jesus bursts forth one more time in his divine radiating flames of love by remaining upon the altar for his flock until this banquet finds his fulfillment in the kingdom of god that is until the end of the world remember our lord when he instituted the chalice he said i will not the next time i drink this fruit of the vine with you will be in the next world we'll be in heaven what he means is you're going to continue to offer and 00:38 offer and offer this sacrifice and it will have his fulfillment in heaven the sacrificial banquet will become the time that you spend in heaven with me giving praise to god my father me with my wounds in his honor and you with all the suffering that you're going to do as part of your union with my chalice so really you know when we assisted mass the all the generosity of our divine lord for his father in suffering and offering himself up becomes our generosity in the liturgy of uh saint james it is said let all mortal flesh be silent christ is about to be sacrificed and to be given as food to the faithful sacrifice and banquet banquet is never mentioned without sacrifice apologetic proof apologetic means a doctrinal proof that shows the truth 00:39 truth of the catholic faith from the first ages of faith it has been the practice and doctrine of the church to regard the sacrificial character of the eucharist this can only come from divine revelation in the catacombs of saints there are constant witnesses to the uh meal and the sacrifice going together the the sacrifice the sacrifice of the mass which is the banquet pictures of altars or tombs with fishes on the altar and loaves at either sides showing that the one who's really present on the altar is our lord jesus christ but he's being slain on the altar and that sacrificial food is being given to the faithful the early christians in the catacombs 00:40 secretly offered the mysteries which made them seal their testimony with their own blood so that they could triumph over all the powers of the world and hell and they had the strength to do this because christ's sacrifice was their sacrifice so the insistence this evening was on the superiority of the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ compared to that of the old testament and how its interior and spiritual and how it's unbloody instead of bloody and how it's the complete fulfillment of everything they ever offered in the old testament so i think all of us have a very good and clear idea how important is the sacrifice without it no reparation from our sins without it no cleansing of our conscience without it no sanctification and finally no salvation and sacrifice i know i've come back to the word at least a thousand times 00:41 in this one conference but that is the point of reference that's the substance that's the foundation uh you've probably heard it said that um the holy eucharist is the foundation of our faith if you don't have uh the truth of the holy eucharist if you don't have if you don't believe it you're not a catholic and you don't have what's necessary to save your soul it is the foundation of the faith and why is that because the holy eucharist is the sacrifice of our lord made present for our sanctification we totally depend on sacrifice it's not just because that's the tendency of man all races and all whatever peoples have done sacrifice and therefore christians have their own way of sacrifice too and that's why they do it it's just it's just pure anthropology that's not true we have sacrificed because our lord jesus christ is the sacrifice 00:42 and that's the way he wants to that's the way he unites us to his father opens the door to heaven again by this adoration so great for his father very good i insist on it because now i'm going to show you the let show you in the last few minutes what has happened to the sacrifice of the mass in the last 50 years of the church traditionally the definition of the mass was and should always be forever the unbloody sacrifice of the new law in which the body and blood of christ under the species of bread and wine by a mystical immolation are offered by a legitimate minister of christ to god in order to acknowledge his supreme dominion and apply to us the merits of the sacrifice of the cross excellent we've got a priest who is the minister of god who offers the sacrifice of jesus in the form of bread and wine to make reparation for the sins of the faithful in order that 00:43 we can give the greatest praise to god excellent what has become of this definition since 1969 here we go the lord's supper or mass is the sacred assembly or congregation of the people of god gathering together with a priest presiding in order to celebrate the memorial of the lord for this reason christ's promise applies supremely to such a local gathering of the church where two or three come together in my name there am i in the midst these are all words which relativize sacrifice priest adoration sanctification they'd all just reduce the terms which are not clear anymore and which in many ways are contrary to the first terms why would they have done that in vatican ii uh their big emphasis 00:44 is ecumenism and modernism ecumenism is to relegate the catholic church put the catholic church on a level with whatever christian doctrine christian pseudo doctrine is out there and modernism is to say that what was true yesterday is not true today it just floats so they don't want to use strong terms about defining what the mass is anymore didn't even call it the mass they said the lord's supper or the mass they avoid language like unbloody sacrifice immolation merits etc because non-catholics reject these teachings very good that was the definition instead of talking about okay and i'll give you a quote here we've quoted him a couple of lessons ago father luca brandolini says 00:45 this new definition so he's a modernist this new definition defines the mass exactly because we begin with the assembly instead of beginning with god we begin with the people who are in the pews and in it the sign of the assembly is returned to its first position it means it should have always been that way not focusing on the priest not focusing on the altar but focusing on the group of faithful it's all very democratic you know the people the people the people sometimes in government maybe that's a good thing you know the representatives need to be ministering to the people yes but you don't start with the holy sacrifice of the mass that way the most important thing is the assembly of the people the great sign which defines and qualifies the whole celebration according to the new order of the mass is the eucharistic assembly i still haven't heard the word sacrifice all we're talking about is how the people get together and eucharistic don't be deceived that doesn't necessarily mean the host 00:46 it kind of means the whole people together in so much as they are giving thanks to god and just to continue going through that definition that new definition it's now called lord supper instead of mass to deny that the mass was a true sacrifice and also to stress that what we simply what we have now is simply a memorial we're going to recall how jesus said this to his apostles that's why when they offer the new mass there's never a sacred moment where the priest is only in silence speaking with the host who is god you just have a pure narration narration the story no one gets a second to meditate but and he took bread and he break and he offered it to his disciples saying this is my flesh and after that he took the chalice and he and he said this is my blood which shall be offered of you for the new covenant just this one long 00:47 narrative story going on and you don't get the sense that what he's saying is really affecting what his work his words not affecting what he's saying whereas in the traditional mess when you see the priest bowed over the altar in complete intimacy with god you know that his words are changing that bread into body and blood and the same with his words over the chalice changing the chalice into i say body and blood because actually all of our lord jesus christ is in every particle of host and all of jesus christ every drop of precious blood but uh like so the chalice is changing to blood it's so obvious but he's not so obvious in the new mass very good continue they say sacred assembly the essence of the mass is no longer sacrifice the essence as we said of the mass is no longer sacrifice but on the assembly we don't come here to focus on that up there we come here to focus on what's going on in the pews that's why you might have noticed that novus ordo churches 00:48 it's quite acceptable that people visit with each other talk with each other before mass begins and then when you hear the ding-ding of mass to start that's kind of okay the movie's about to start now so let's have everyone uh lower their voices so we ought to respect for this spectacle something like that i know here you know when you come to the church the silence itself kind of shouts out to you uh because we're in the presence of the sacrifice of our lord people of god this term we used to say the congregation or the faithful and now they insist on the word people of god why is that because by saying that oh he said we used to say the church by not saying the church anymore we talk about the people of god it leaves room to think that well anyone who's been baptized whether even if they're heretics or schismatics those are people of god also so they use that word a lot nowadays to get rid of this idea of church 00:49 congregation faithful those who accepted all 12 articles of the apostles creed gathering together all right instead of focusing on sacrifice gathering together connotes assembling for the lord's supper memorial with the priest presiding no no no no it should be the priest offering priest presiding even though those two words share a lot of consonants and vowels and i don't know what all the priest does not preside the priest is offering sacrifice and i already told you he doesn't even have to be a great man he can be a disagreeable man not humble not even that intelligent but sorry he's been made a minister ordained minister of god he is or he is offering a valid sacrifice he's not presiding he's offering a sacrifice without which no one is going to be sanctified 00:50 in order to celebrate their order their assembly that is gathered in order to celebrate uh yes given the idea that the faithful the people of god are the ones celebrating the eucharist maybe alongside the priest but let's say with as much value and as much um thickest efficacy effectiveness as the priest himself it doesn't say that the priest is there to celebrate it says the assembly is there to celebrate the new definition they're celebrating the memorial of the lord getting away from the idea of sacrifice sacrificing just saying we're going to commemorate our lord and um and christ will be present because there am i in the midst that's i would say the um what do you call the final slash the coup de [Music] 00:51 they use holy words and worthy words because the words from our lord himself to get away from other words of our lord it should be that they are gathered there so the priest can offer the eternal sacrifice for their sins instead they say the assembly is there to celebrate the eucharist because where two or more gathered in my name there am i in their midst they've said nothing about sacrifice they talked about some kind of spiritual presence of christ or moral presence of christ at the expense of mentioning christ offering his body and blood for their redemption we know that christ is substantially present at the mass in transubstantiation the changing of bread and wine into the body and blood by the words of consecration of the priest but they have said in his new definition that christ is not present substantially they haven't said he's present at all they've only said he's present by grace only insofar as we're two or more gather 00:52 my name there am i in the midst but they have not said that he's substantially present in the host and what causes him to be present the gathering of christ's followers in his name it's like you know this all depends on the faith on the people it doesn't depend on god so there are our distinctions of the new mass compared to the old mass or the traditional mass and um to recap the class then not non-bloody sacrifice clean oblation it's for the whole world it's superior to that of the old testament it's internal and spiritual rather than carnal and exterior and carnal and without this sacrifice none of us would be cleansed and unfortunately since the the new mass has the new mass has come out these things are not insisted upon 00:53 watering down the catholic mass into a kind of a protestant belief where christ is present in so far as we're thinking about him but that's about it very good uh god bless you for your presence and we'll say a prayer the name of the father and son holy ghost hail mary full of grace the lord is you