00:00 for god instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the holy ghost by the same spirit we truly wise never to rejoice in this consolation to the same christ our lord amen hail mary full of grace the lord 00:01 saying thomas aquinas good evening so i'd like to speak with you from the beginning about our hero or heroine and actually saint philomena just to get some dates right in our mind about this this very historic saint the emperor who put saint philomena to death was diocletian he was emperor from the year 284 until 305 305. philomena lived from 291 until 304 so notice that her martyrdom was just about one year short 00:02 of the end of his reign as emperor and some say that he really despaired after that event when philomena won the battle against him for staying pure the man just went kind of crazy that someone is small and delicate and uh ladylike as saint philomena was able to defeat him on this point she he could not win her with any offer of worldly power and he could not win her with any threats so he died about a year later and then came his successor constantine who reigns from the year 306 to 337 which is 30 years and we all know that under constantine well first of all he converted and then he converted the empire so it seems uh with that with philomena saint philomena we have this turn from the the 00:03 the maximum persecution that they could offer to a christian was given to her and then because of her strong prayers and her strong intercession the roman empire itself flipped i know there are many saints before her but she's a turning point and just as we saw last week her name is the daughter of light our lady told her you have my name our lady's name means star and moon or star of the sea and moon and dawn and then the son of our blessed mother our lord jesus christ he is the son he is the light and he is the one who frees us from darkness so there's a lot of connection there between our lord and our blessed mother and then this saint and then the saint philomena and then this time of the empire when her life was so she was concealed from the world 00:04 after that from the year 304 until the year 1502 as i told you a few classes back excuse me 1802 so that means uh there were 1500 years that she was just in obscurity no even more than that not known at all and then she comes out of nowhere her name is in no martyrology that's a study of the martyrs that we read each morning at the divine office and no other historical account but there's no doubt as to the authenticity of her grave and we talked about that um two classes ago last class we talked about saint john vianney and his relation with saint philomena so what i'm going to say this evening and it might get a little bit long we'll see and i might be doing a lot of reading because there's some details which just are to be read uh this evening we're going to see how that saint 00:05 saint philomena was uh contained in that tomb for 1500 years and when she was able to come out into the open again after 1500 years she's just an explosion of the work of grace in souls what has been kept quiet and secret and contained restricted for 1500 years just explodes in conversions and also miracles and healings and saving lives and well most importantly more important than every anything is sanctification of souls especially because of her purity and she gave that purity to the souls 1500 laters same country italy starting from the same city rome about 1500 years had passed a different kind of people to speak in different language but the same place so along 00:06 with that i'll continue the story in the year 1805 which was uh three years after the discovery of the relics bishop to cesare went to rome he's a bishop of certain diocese called potenza he went to rome to congratulate the pope pius vii on his return to italy from france why was the pope in france he was there held captive under napoleon so we're talking about the french revolution and spreading the revolution to the rest of the world napoleon was conquering and occupying other countries he bishop de chester was accompanied by don francesco a priest de lucia from the parish of munyano italy near naples this priest wanted to bring back a full body relic of a virgin martyr to his parish which only a saint could convert his perish it had gone so worldly and indifferent and immoral because it was suffering so much from the french 00:07 revolutionary spirit his parish was infected with revolutionary ideas resentment against authority of the church unbelief and immorality father francesco went to visit the custodial generale that's a place where all the relics are kept in rome there were 13 such relics of full body saints only three of them were known saints including saint philomena for the past three years when he approached the relics he had an inexplicable joy in his heart and all the heaviness of the sad situation of his parish left him he wanted that relic bishop cesare requested it for him but the request was refused instead they were given another relic that of saint therma during their stay in rome father francesco became deathly ill he prayed to saint philomena he said 00:08 that if she cured him he would take her for his special patroness and he would give her great reverence in his church in munyano he was instantly cured the bishop was convinced that this was a miracle he told the director of the custodial about this and they were granted the relic of saint philomena the rest is history that's an expression we say we used to say that the famous story all started there uh it it only gets better from here that was the beginning of the longest series of miracles attributed to anyone to any one saint in the history of the catholic church so let us hear about the beginning of miracles of saint philomena now you know we're talking about a box a casket of relics that have been hidden for 1500 years and this saint 00:09 has not had the opportunity to work any of our miracles physically present with other souls she might have been working miracles and certainly intercession in heaven for many many years in the catacombs but now not only is it going to be known between her and god what's going on it's going to be known between the faithful that's us the church militant and her and god so it was actually under the command of pope leo the 12th that the relics were assigned to the parish of muniano on the 21st of july 1805. that'll be yes that's that's right at this time so the carriage ride where father de francesco and the bishop um cesare returning to naples and then munano began in rome on this day no correct that's not right it was some it was 00:10 some weeks before july 21st and i'll tell you why in a little bit so the carriage ride of the bishop and father francesco from rome to naples naples was already eventful saint philimino's relics were securely fastened under the seat of the bishop three different times he had he had to stop the carriage three different times he had to stop the carriage because something was sharply striking at his legs even though this box of relics below his seat could not move he was being struck by something that was seen to be coming out of the box he put the relics on his lap after being molested and bothered three times and the problem ceased saint philomena would only be carried with the most on her they reached naples on the 2nd of july 1805 and that's why the former data gave you was not possible for the beginning of their trip but it would have only been a few days of journey there bishop de cesare officially recognized the relics 00:11 they distributed the remains of the relics in five packets they opened the casket and they made five packets of the relics every time they opened up the general box of relics in order to take out some pieces a strong perfume odor exuded from within the first packet was her vial of blood the second was her severely crushed and fractured skull the other three packets were a combination of bones with ashes uh the bones were much more intact than any other saint of that much time in the catacombs and the ashes which come from the flesh actually looked much fresher than any other than any other ashes coming from other saints which have been reserved in the catacombs for so long while they were in naples the relics were encased in a paper mache 00:12 statue this was put into an ebony case they began to put clothing on the statue it was constantly exuding a perfume smell the woman that was one of the women that was helping to clothe the statue was donna angela terres teres in whose house they were actually working and she was helping to dress the statue she had been suffering from an incurable disease for 12 years her husband and friends had begun to fear for her life i'll come back to the story about one paragraph there started to be disorder in the terrorist house because of visitors trying to come and flock together to see this saint they took the body to the local parish church for three days since no miracles were happening there they decided to bring the body back to the terrace house so these italians italians are very insistent that 00:13 if a saint is worth her is worth anything he or she will work miracles promptly a woman with gang green in the hand came to the house she was slated or slated to be operated on on the next day with an amputation they took some of the relics of saint philomena to this woman with the gangrenous hand and it was completely healed by the next morning a lawyer who had been suffering from sciatica for six months came to the house sciatica is this nerve somewhere in our waist that when it's damaged it's it gives great pain to our legs and our back and everything else he prayed fervently at the tomb and was instantly cured back to the story of dona angela the one that was helping to give dress to saint filamento before the body was taken from the terrorist house saint philomena showed her appreciation for such a warm reception by curing dona angela terres 00:14 don angela she was the one with the incurable disease for 12 years she could not bear to part with a relic father francesco who was traveling with bishop de chazare father francesca gave her the key to the urn or the casket and said that she and her family would always be the owners of the body he would only be the custodian no matter where saint philomena was i think i'll have to leave the story at that moment that point uh so we can get on with the sacrifice of the mass but um it's a pleasure to relate to you this journey of the relics relics of saint philomena because uh you might have heard that just yesterday the body of archbishop lefeve was transferred from a temporary resting place for the last almost 30 years to his permanent resting place in the big church they have at the cone seminary now so with the transfer of his 00:15 body yesterday that made me think of the transfer of the relics of saint philomena which is a big part of our story seeing her start to work these miracles on so many people very good so last week when we talked about the holy sacrifice of the mass some of the um more emphasized points were that the sacrifice of our lord is the unbloody sacrifice on the altar our lord remains in heaven mediating for us his main mediation is his wounds the two in the two hands the two feet and the side which are constantly exposed and they are a constant prayer to his father gaining pardon for us and not just pardon but the graces we need to sanctify ourselves because as we know the sacrifice of our lord and the calvary was infinitely sufficient to pay for all of our sins 00:16 and that's the only way that god wanted it was the sacrifice on calvary but besides that it's also infinitely sufficient to gain all the graces we need to sanctify ourselves so our lord is mediating in heaven by his five wounds without any misery to himself without any suffering to himself and at the same time he is offering he's continuing to offer his sacrifice here on earth by the unbloody sacrifice on the altar and remember that unbloody sacrifice is the clean oblation which is offered throughout the whole world throughout all of time ever since the crucifixion and that makes it a superior sacrifice to any things anything that happened in the old testament first of all because it's the sacrifice which is really adequate to pay for sin that of our lord jesus christ and then it's superior because because it's clean it's not the messy uh you might use the word dirty sorry oblation 00:17 that people made in the old testament it is the sacrifice of melchizedek our lord is the priest according to the order of mecca he offers a sacrifice of bread and wine which becomes body and blood so superior because it pays for the debt and superior because it is the clean sacrifice and i also insisted last week that only the priest offers the holy sacrifice of the mass the faithful are present but he is the one who offers the faithful are the one who ones who participate in the prayer of the mass they are the church along with the priest and the the the mass is offered by sorry the sacrifice is offered by lord jesus christ the mass is offered by the church which is the priest the faithful are present but only he the only the priest offers and the faithful 00:18 help insofar as their present praying so this evening i want to consider with you that the holy sacrifice of the mass has the three elements of sacrifice first of all it has the gift it has the priest and has the action of sacrifice speaking of the gift our lord is made present by the visible species of bread and wine and since i already told you about how the bread and wine are superior to the sacrifice of the old testament there's enough said on that point and then it has the sacrifice the mass has a sacrificing priest 00:19 now this priest directly is our lord jesus christ there is only one priest of the new testament and of the new and eternal sacrifice it is our lord jesus christ but he he makes that sacrifice present through his minister which is the priest that you see at the altar so the only difference we have between calvary and the altar is that on the side on the on the cross of calvary our lord merited all the propitiation for our sins please remember that there are four purposes of prayer for ends of prayer and likewise there are four purposes of the sacrifice of the mass 00:20 and they are adoration first of all of god and then thanksgiving for all the grace is given to us and then propitiation for our sins and then finally only petition impatration for the things we need to be to be sanctified to sanctify ourselves on the cross all the merit for propitiation was one we don't have to do anything more to merit propitiation that's all been done on the cross however applying the fruits of the redemption applying the fruits of this merit of propitiation requires the holy sacrifice of the mass and that is why at the last supper our lord said to his apostles right away as soon as they consumed his flesh and drunk his blood he said do this in commemoration of me he was giving them the power to be priests 00:21 and to consecrate and he was saying this sacrifice that you have seen made present or at least represented by this last supper all of you must continue to offer why so that the sacrifice of the cross will be applied to souls that's such an important point and that's what separates a catholic from any other kind of christian in quotation marks who's not really christian uh and unfortunately we have to admit that the novus ordo mass and the nova sort of tendency in the church now is to go this way too to take the emphasis off of sacrifice and to take the emphasis off of the sacrifice of the mass you know it's been repeated many times that the words of padre pio are that the earth or the world would be better off without the sun than it would be without the mass what does he mean by that he means that without the holy sacrifice of the mass there is 00:22 no way that the merits and the fruits of the cross can get to the souls you see a protestant is all about um you know just kind of wishing it happens or praying that it happens whatever you ask a protestant if they've confessed their sins and they said yes yes i yes i spoke to god and he knows my sins and i'm forgiven. you ask a protestant if he is um attended church and said yes i went to church and we listened to the minister and we prayed together and we listened to hymns we sang hymns and we also had fellowship with our neighbor uh you're constantly finding a pride in a protestant that there's no physical connection to the grace and the graces that they hope to be receiving one of the definitions of a sacrament in the catholic church is that is a it is a visible sign of an invisible grace 00:23 so when someone gets baptized you see water you see the action of water cleansing a body and what you're seeing on the outside is what is being effected on the inside and we catholics recognizes that our lord jesus christ used physical things to work cures and to work miracles whether he was using water or clay or his own saliva he was using physical things all the time to work his cures and so the catholic church continues in the same spirit of physical things which represent the grace that's going on so when you come to holy mass you are seeing the priest at the altar making present again the sacrifice of 00:24 calvary by bread and wine which represent our lord jesus christ but then they become our lord jesus christ and the souls receive the body and blood soul and divinity of our lord jesus christ they receive that sacrifice into their own souls and then that sacrifice of our lord on the cross becomes their own sacrifice in their own life because they've received of that sacrifice through the mass through the holy mass and this very important point every sacrifice of the mass is an immolation immolation i think we all know what that word means it's a complete destruction of a victim with the intention of showing to god you are worth more than what i'm offering so our divine lord on the cross allowed himself to be immolated in a way he was immolating himself because he was in charge of every single soldier that was executing him but our lord on the cross allowed 00:25 himself to be immolated or destroyed so he could offer up that obedience to his father and that same sacrifice of our lord is present on the altar and you there is a complete immolation insofar as the host that the priest consecrates at mass the large host and the wine that he consecrates in mass are completely consumed all right we might think that after communion the priest has a few steps to take care of in front of the tabernacle before we continue with the mass while he's simply cleaning up the vessels with respect so that nothing will be left behind that's true it's he is cleaning and purifying and all the rest of it but he's making sure that every last particle of that large hose which he consecrated is consumed and he's making sure that every last drop of that chalice which he consecrated is consumed because if not it is not a complete immolation and our lord must be immolated on the altar also our lord must be made present 00:26 on the altar of body and blood now we know by doctrine that every single particle of every single host no matter how small you make it is all of christ we do not receive a corpse a cadaver christ we are receiving christ as he reigns in heaven right now made present through his sacrifice which was in a a violent shedding of his blood but it's all of christ every single particle of every host every single drop of every single precious blood every chalice is our lord jesus christ body and blood soul and divinity however in a certain way at holy mass there is a mystical separation of body from blood by the consecration happening first over the host this is my body 00:27 and then over the chalice this is the chalice of my blood the two things in a certain way are separated which means the death the sacrifice the immolation if a priest only consecrated one let's say you only consecrated the host and then forgot to consecrate the other one or there was an earthquake and had to bend in the altar as i don't know what there would be the presence of christ but there would not be the sacrifice of christ that's how important is the two things are consecrated one after the other so we have uh the sacrificial gift which is the wine which uh water bread and wine made into the body and blood of christ then we have the sacrificing priest who is our lord jesus christ but through the minister that we see at the altar and since i'm on that point i better 00:28 stay there uh the priest has a great obligation to sanctify himself we might reflect who is the very first one who brought christ down from heaven to this earth and the answer is the mother of god the blessed virgin mary the blessed virgin mary had no sin the blessed virgin mary was always working on a greater or greater obedience to god's will and a greater submission of her own will just like her son eventually would do in his human nature our lady suffered greatly in order to unite herself with a passion all of this is very sanctifying in the blessed mother there was no room for not sanctifying so as the church fathers used to say it's true that the priest will always have the power 00:29 to draw down god from heaven and put him on the altar there's no doubt about that he is the ordained minister just as our lord gave that power to his own apostles and very likely judas himself just our lord gave that part of the apostles all priests have it but now they've got to get their lives to be somehow corresponding um conducive to corresponding to that great holiness to that that great holiness that's going on at the altar when they call down god from heaven and the one that should be praying to is the mother of god because she had that great holiness she didn't call down god from heaven but he was made present inside of her and then in the world through her that's why every priest has to have 00:30 a great devotion to the mother of god because in a certain way he's fulfilling the same function as she did she's the um i think that's called the the exemplary cause of priests very good and finally uh in this sacrificial gift sacrificing priest we have the action of sacrifice the action of sacrifice happens in the mass precisely at the words of consecration there's no way we can get away from that uh in the traditional mass we insist on the holiness uh the primacy of these words of consecration by separating them off off from the rest of the mass in what's called the canon so you know at the beginning of the mass 00:31 everything from the prayers the foot of the altar until the until the gospel you have what's called the mass of the catechumens or also known as the instructional part of the mass in the old days that's when the catechumens left the church and the mass was only for the faithful in fact that's where we get the word mass because the catechumens were dismissed m-i-s-s missed and that word eventually became known as mass in english the catechumens are dismissed and those who are the true faithful stay that gave its word that gave its gave the name to the mass and and then begins the canon shortly after the offertory is total silence where the priest is speaking individually to god and that's when the the the consecration happens there's no way around the consecration 00:32 that's where christ really becomes present and this is a real sacrifice again which represents the violence separate the violent separation of christ's body from his blood this is what preserves souls from eternal perdition the making present of christ sacrifice because that's what gives the merit of his cross to the souls so it's very important that we get in our minds that this is not just a memorial now you can read it in those flyers outside in our bookstore there's triptychs whatever they call us one flyer that says why the traditional latin mass and why not the new that's a flyer which has been around for about 30 years or more and they give 62 reasons why the new mass is not acceptable one of them is that they just refer to it as a memorial it's a way of making present in our minds what happened with jesus with our 00:33 lord jesus christ at the last supper with his apostles or it's a yeah it's a recollection a re-celebration of the last supper and a word we hear quite often nowadays is that it's the celebration of the eucharist without any idea of the word sacrifice the mass is not just a memorial it's a true and a real and effective sacrifice if it were just a memorial it would not be sanctifying our soul or saving us from perdition so what i've just told you about sacrificial gifts sacrificing priests and action of sacrifice this has been the word of our savior as i told you from the last supper the apostles the fathers of the church the liturgy of the church and all the faith of the church have practiced this same idea of sacrificing priest 00:34 action of sacrifice and sacrificial gift now in the uh sacrifice of the mass we might wonder well if it's an infinite sacrifice uh and it completely pays the debt of my sin and it gains from me all the grace that i need to sanctify my soul why is it that we're constantly repeating it you know infinite is infinite you can't measure that you can't break that down and say it wasn't enough payment the answer is the eucharist is the sacrifice of our lord and of his church in as much as the church offers it and is offered with it the faithful should offer themselves with all their labors their sufferings and their prayers and their with their body and soul so you may notice at mass there are some uh there's at least one um 00:35 portrayal of this when the priest is in the offertory and he puts wine in the chalice he puts mostly wine in the chalice and this is just a then just a tiny drop of water after that why do you need water in the chalice when you're just consecrating wine to make that the precious blood and the answer is that tiny drop of water which the priest puts in there that represents us christ is the wine the rich flavorful um and sweet and solid solid flavor strong flavor that's the sacrifice of our lord which is infinite completely efficacious etc and then the little drop of water is us tiny just a little bit no flavor no kind of like no substance either but we're in there and a priest has to put that drop of water in them the mass will still be valid if he doesn't put it in there but he's committing a mortal sin if he purposely does not put that in there uh that's one thing 00:36 the other one is the elements which are used for the holy sacrifice are bread and wine the bread is made up of many grains as in many faithful make up the church of our lord jesus christ and the wine is made from many grapes as in many faithful make up the church so uh in the mass well this the eucharist is a sacrifice sacrifice of our lord and of his church in as much as the church offers it and is offered with it so when you go to mass you have to bring something to it so to speak i know you bring your missile and you bring you know your rosary your chapel veil whatever it is yes physically those things but when you go to mass you bring something to it meaning the sufferings that you're going to go through perhaps the successes you have the um joys you have any joys you have and even 00:37 the miseries you have you bring it all to mass and in this spiritual way you put that on the paten with the priest at mass to be offered with our lord jesus christ but this is where you know the question was if the mass is infinite why do we have to have a repeated so often and the answer is its application to us is still infinite but then we're like um well we're like let's say a child in kindergarten sorry for such an extreme example a child in kindergarten with a 25 year old teacher teaching him and she knows the alphabet she knows how to read she knows mathematics she knows history and some literature and probably some science and she's going to give that to a kindergarten student now well she's probably only going to teach some letters some math just to form numbers is a big deal for kindergarten students it's their capacity to receive limits how much they're good how much 00:38 they're going to receive from the teacher and that's a figure of us at mass our capacity to receive is not infinite and therefore it has to be repeated and repeated and repeated also we have sins so we go to mass with dispositions hopefully they're good dispositions but there's always going to be something lacking in our dispositions of of you know dedication to god sacrifice of ourselves love of god probably loving ourselves too much these kind of things our dispositions won't be perfect and so it has to be repeated for that reason too because you it's we're a receiver which is not perfect we can't understand everything or receive it well and then we even have some defects in there too which are constantly being cured cured or resolved by the mass 00:39 if we were to take away the memorial sacrifice on the altar and i don't use the word memorial in a bad sense there i'm just saying that the holy sacrifice of the mass a makes present christ's infinite sacrifice the cross on the altar we have a memorial element there but it's not only a memorial it is a true and effective sacrifice if we were to take away the memorial sacrifice of christ on the altar sooner or later the entire work of the redeemer would fall into a deplorable state of oblivion if we were to take with a memorial sacrifice offered on the altar sooner or later the memory of christ would be the the the work of the redeemer would fall into a deplorable state of oblivion um a few examples 00:40 uh you might hear of you know protestants um they're not also pious as they used to be 500 years ago and now they have something called the mega church which quite quite a common phenomenon nowadays basically a rock concert for christians uh very little of our divine lord jesus christ there sooner or later the work of the redeemer redeemer will fall into oblivion and then another case closer to home and very unfortunate i think a lot of you have heard about the attack on the altar of saint agatha just a couple days ago on the island of sicily you know where perhaps the church was not guarded enough i understand but if that church had its normal 40 people inside of it all hours of the day this would not have happened but it's not going to have 40 people inside of it every hour of the day because the sacrifice of the altar 00:41 is not what it used to be sooner or later the work of the redeemer will fall into oblivion yesterday i watched a little bit of taylor marshall on that atrocity in saint agatha's church and he said we're in the second stage second stage of persecution according to what the roman persecutions were according to what the protestant revolution was and according to what the french revolution was the first stage of persecution is when there is a desecration of symbols and images so you know you get rock stars up there making some reference to our lord jesus christ and blaspheming it that's the first stage of persecution desecration of symbols and images second stage is desecration of churches we are there and third stage of persecution is the harm and death physical harm and death to christians we're halfway there we might see martyrdoms of ourselves but before the 00:42 end of our lives we'll see i don't i didn't think so but maybe it's closer than i thought the cross of christ is the tree of life the cross of christ is the golden bridge uniting heaven and earth it procures all honor and glory to god and obtains all graces and blessings for man nevertheless it has kind of finite limited effects on us because of the defects of us as creatures and the defects of our intentions a little parentheses on intentions not speaking about the intentions and dispositions dispositions with which you come to mass but rather the intentions of the mass that you offer 00:43 the priest to have a mass said for a family member or friend or whatever if you say father i don't know who please offer mass for this intention and you put one person's name on there that's a very good thing if on the other hand you offer to a priest a mass intention it has the names of 25 people on there it'll still work those 25 people will get some advantage from the mass but they won't get as much as just one person being the one intention of the mass so please try to keep that principle in mind if you are asking for masses to be said the mass always has an infinite value in and of itself from our lord jesus christ but the effect of us effectively on us is limited based on our deficiencies the church cannot make an infinite 00:44 sacrifice on her own because all her members will never be perfectly holy sometimes the mass will be more pleasing or less pleasing to god and more or less beneficial to man therefore the church can only beg for graces and blessings from heaven she can never merit them like our divine lord himself our divine lord himself on the cross actually merits graces because he is perfection he doesn't have any bad dispositions and then he um he gives those graces to us we on the other hand when we attend mass we gain some merit but that's only by asking for it it's not by gaining it on our own um laurels 00:45 or our on our own perfect perfection or our own credit and then closing note on um the value of each mass you probably know there's different kind of masses there's what we call the solemn high mass where you have three ministers at the altar the celebrant a deacon and a subdeacon a lot of altar boys a lot more candles more incense everything this gives more glory to god see we still have the infinite value of the mass whether it's a solemn high mass that it just started to describe or a low mass done in secret in order to hide away from a persecution they both have infinite value because it's the sacrifice of the cross of our lord made present but then there's an accidental value which is added to it and that's where some masses will have more value than others so the solemn high 00:46 mass has the most value because of what i just described all the solemnity added to it then there's the sung mass where there's only one pre one minister at the altar which is the priest and then the singing and a lot of ultra voice then there's the low mass which has less again then you get in we get into this distinction of a mass which is called a ferrial mass which today would have been if it weren't for the amber day then a votive mass and a regular mass requiem as for the deceased these are infinite masses as all as all of them are but depending on the different um prayers and colics which are added particularly in the votive mass and the requiem mass more grace will be given to the souls that these masses are offered for and for the faithful 00:47 their personal participation has an effect on how valuable the mass is also if the faithful have more piety and more attention the fruit of the mass is more plentiful if the priest has more virtue or more holiness or more devotion the fruit is more plentiful there is an ocean of divine mercy to be gained from the mass let us try to gain that and then i make a comparison to what we see in the novus ordo last week we saw the definition of mass how it had been changed from sacrifice to prayer of the assembly from priest to presider from the church to the people of god we could be which could be people in other religions we saw that last week today we see how they give to the mass the present-day mass the novus ordo 00:48 four titles they say it's a meal they say it's a sacrifice they say it's thanksgiving and they say it's memorial it's interesting that they still say that it's a sacrifice but it's immediately balanced by that word meal to say it's not only a sacrifice it's also fellowship which is dangerous because they're taking away the value the importance of that word sacrifice thanksgiving very good that's the whole eucharist means but it's a concept shared by catholics protestants and modernists thanksgiving finally they insist that the mass is memorial i know i talked about this earlier this evening both catholic and protestant theology apply the term memorial to the eucharist but they understand it in entirely different senses thus the term memorial is a perfect tool for an ecumenical blurring 00:49 of essential doctrine doctrinal differences the modernists say that memorial is one of the most precious terms that the new liturgy brings to light and an example of the liturgical reform um sorry this is just one of the most precious terms that the new liturgy brings to light the traditional church when we talk about memorial this is what we wish to say it is a memorial of christ's passion christ's passion by the way we're talking about that sacrifice again because it is a sacrificial act directed toward god it works objectively because christ instituted it and it takes place because an ordained priest turns the bread and wine into the body and blood of christ for the protestant the eucharist is a memorial for other reasons why because it is a reminder of the benefits 00:50 christ's passion won long ago won long ago or a sign of joy being saved or a symbol of the unity of the assembly in the spirit of christ so it's a shared word but the traditional catholic goes in the direction of the sacrifice made present again whereas the protestant or the modernist goes in the direction of just makes us think of jesus christ but it doesn't do anything effective to make him present to make his sacrifice present on the altar so that's that's the biggie i want to focus on tonight uh memorial we understand it correctly in the modern church um not dilutes but um stirs up blurs the meaning of that word memorial so very good that's as far as 00:51 we'll get this evening and may god bless you we'll see you next week [Music] you