00:00 let us pray oh god let's instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the holy ghost grant us by the same spirit to be truly 00:01 wise to rejoice in this consolation through the same christ our lord same is it's good to see you again after a couple of weeks and i'd like to go back to our story of saint philomena to give us a little purpose in these conferences about the holy sacrifice of the mass someone who lived the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ and remember remember how i told you last time that there's something significant about her the way her name is the same as the name of our lord she is light she's the daughter of light her name is the same as that of our lord and our blessed mother and her victory over the devil comes just at the zenith or the final persecution of the roman emperors against the christians diocletian was the last of the roman emperors who persecuted the christians 00:02 glass of 10 large persecutions and after the victory of saint philomena against the emperor and his demonic plans the emperor himself felt like a failed man he said i've i have failed in not winning the heart of this girl and he himself died about one year later and then came in constantine who as we know converted the roman empire so saint philomena was known as the tau maturga of the 19th century that's a big old greek word to mean wonder worker there are there are other saints who have the title tau maturga and she has a title because she was known first of all for all of her miracles cures conversions even some people who return to life because of her in the 19th century and following as you remember her relics were 00:03 discovered in the year 1802 and then made known to the whole world in 1805 at the shrine in muniano of italy she was declared the patroness of the children of mary by pope leo the 13th saint john vianney the cure of ours said never have i asked anything from her without receiving an answer saint peter julian aymard who is a great authority and devotional writer at least of the blessed sacrament was cured by saint philomena saint damien or damien the leper damien de vuster of molokai of hawaii consecrated a church to her you may know this the story of damien how um uh of the group of the fathers of the um of the sacred heart of jesus he volunteered himself to go to this island 00:04 of the lepers from honolulu to molokai and there he was the only priest alone taking care of all these people building hospitals and churches he built four churches and one of them was one of them was in honor of saying philomena i've been there before some of the things that impressed me were um uh in one part of the church there are holes in the floor not big holes about the size of a quarter a coin you know and where you are in your pew you can look down the floor in this hole in the side the size of a quarter just about every every place of every person in the pew has a hole in the floor like that what is that for so so these poor lepers could assist at a whole mass without excusing themselves as i say they need to uh well they need to spit because of all the phlegm that builds up in the mouth uh due to this disease and so those holes in the floor little uh sewage systems to get out to the 00:05 ground another thing that impressed me about the visit of molokai was simply the story of how uh damien uh contracted the disease he was exposed for so long amongst the lepers at least 20 years probably more like 30 without catching the disease uh he used to smoke a pipe in order to um kind of like we use incense we use incense because it's a sweet smell towards god and the smoke signifies our prayers going up to heaven also brings back to mind all the sacrifice of the old testament with the sweet smoke going up to heaven but he used the sweet smoke of the pipe because it was like a deodorant type of smell against all the you know fetid flesh that he would smell from the disease the leprosy and as you know uh well as you know children are kind of fascinated by cigarettes and cigars and pipes and all those things that give off smoke and especially there's someone sucking on them so 00:06 while um damien was busy with his construction problems or whatever he would smoke a pipe and also leave it near him while he was working and the children started smoking it and eventually he was inhaling kind of the gas from their lungs he was inhaling the the touching the saliva from their mouth his own saliva so he eventually caught the disease but he considered that disease a great um a great honor to be finally united to his savior in the crucifixion so he had a church named after saint philomena it still stands today indulgences were granted to saint philomena by the popes of the 19th and 20th century and devotion to her is still exploding so last class we had i was talking to you about the transfer of the remains transfer the relics of saint philomena 00:07 from rome to muniano of italy there was a priest as you may remember don don francisco um from the city of muniano he was traveling with a bishop the bishop of naples the newly made bishop of naples um the cesare they left rome with the relics of saint philomena and the relics of another saint the saint philomena's relics were placed on the in the seat under the seat of the bishop he felt raps on his legs three times in a row and even though everything was closed and sealed and secured secured he understood those striking the striking to his legs coming somehow from the box of relics of saint philomena so he put the relics on his lap and there was no more problem because feminina would be carried in the most uh dignified of ways and if you think of the reality you know just sort of pull down the curtain 00:08 of this material world in which you live one thousand five hundred years had passed since this this virgin had been [Music] giving her life completely for our lord jesus christ in at least three martyrdoms and she kept surviving or being kept being renewed to life again so that she'd go through another martyrdom but as you know with heaven with the supernatural life there is no time so even though 1 500 years had elapsed for her this was just like there had been a commercial break and now it's time to get back to the program something like that and what was her program the demons had tried to take from her the virtue of virginity the virtue of purity and the the vow of virginity that she had and she wrestled against all hell against all the demons to maintain that virtue which she did all the way to the end and now she goes to sleep for a few days 00:09 as far as she's concerned and wakes up a few days later brand new fresh and ready to carry on the battle again but not in herself but rather all these other members of the mystical body which were in munyano as far as she was concerned and then the rest of the world a point that was given to us in our retreat this past week was all this impurity unchastity if that's a word lack of innocence the whole lack of this virtue that we see in the world today is an attack against our blessed mother how is that because our blessed mother is the virgin if we just say the virgin we know we're talking about the mother of god and all of us are children of the virgin mary 00:10 in so far as we are brothers of her son and so when people go trying to attack purity in a sense virginity in the life the world that we live in that is the devil trying to attack our blessed mother maybe he couldn't make her be a non-virgin but he can make all of her children be a non-virgin that's what he's after it appears that he has great success but that's just numbers and he's lost that battle for many centuries saint philomena is coming back to win this battle of virginity against the same demons one thousand five hundred years later not in her own person but now in members of the mystical body members of our lord jesus christ of which she is a member 00:11 so she had already worked a few miracles in naples we saw a few weeks ago the mother the woman don angela teres with her illness of 12 years the lawyer with his sciatica and the woman with the gangrene in the hand these people just prayed at her to him and then well the for the for the lawyer was for the lawyer was the next morning for the woman with the ganger in his hand the same the next instant for don notheres it had been a few weeks and now the pilgrimage if you will of the relics move from naples to muniano which is not a great distance probably a one day walk but they're starting in the about july the 21st i'm off on that sorry they're starting at the end of july and uh saint filomina wants to arrive at munyano on the day of her victory 00:12 which is the day that she arrived in heaven the 10th of august so she's going to make them delay in this journey so that attention can be can be brought to that day of her victory from naples to munana was a short journey but many prodigies would happen in route during this procession on foot so we have deacons and other holy men carrying the beer which holds the relics of saint philomena while they were marching in the night the path became excessively dark they could not see in front of them in front of them anymore because of all the clouds they prayed the same philomena and she opened the clouds once a beam of light came down from heaven and directed the bearers of the relic on the path as they passed through a village named village named simetile the relics became very heavy so heavy that the bearers could not continue 00:13 walking all they could do was put these relics down no we're looking at his chest with some you know remains in it it was because in this place of simi tilley many martyrs had shed their blood either simultaneously with saint philomena or before her but at least 1 500 years before saint filamento wanted to recognize them want to reverence them for their holy martyrdoms while she was stopped there we already speak about her as like someone walking in real life while she was stopped there the villagers came to complain about a crisis they had they had been suffering a horrendous drought they implored her they implored st philomena to please give them rain at once a torrent of rain fell from the skies at night after the people were some somewhat satisfied with all the rain 00:14 the bearers of the beer intend attempted to lift it again and carry it it was still very very heavy when they reached the end of the outs the boundary of this town of simi tele all of a sudden the relics became as light as they had been when they left naples finally on the eve of the arrival at munyano so i guess it was several days journey walking on the eve of the arrival at munyano the town was completely thronged with pilgrims and local inhabitants 40 priests were present all of them clad in the richest vestments children on all sides were shouting shouting viva la santa long live the saint the entry into the town took two hours partly because of this throng of people 00:15 but also because of another factor the day was brilliantly sunny but all of a sudden it became menacingly dark when a great whirlwind stirred up coming from the mountains behind them from which they had just come a priest announced that there was no need to fear this whirlwind in this menacing weather because this was just the same demon that had been confounded by saint philomena 15 centuries before when she won the battle of purity against him and now she saint philomena was returned to continue with this same battle against him in all of these catholics the whirlwind reached the casket and it suddenly stopped and rose into the air and disappeared it reappeared several times but disappeared just as easily and it never extinguished even one 00:16 candle of those who were close to the casket of saint philomena it never extinguished one candle so that's a great lesson right there that the devil of impurity can come back and come back and come back but if we hang on to saint philomena if we hang on to our blessed mother if we hang on to our lord the devil cannot put out the candle of purity in a soul for two days after that the whirlwind continued to howl but it caused no one any harm and then just one more paragraph about this transfer the relics the casket was placed under a canopy the casket arrived at the church of our lady of grace it's important because it was our lady who appeared to saint philomena in the in the prison after 37 days to say uh you will be delivered from this prison normally you would think the words would be of hope and in three more days you will be delivered and you will go free 00:17 or you have suffered so much now you deserve to have a time of refreshment no our lady told her you will be in three days your imprisonment imprisonment will finish will be finished but this will be only to begin a series of other tortures for you so that you can be united to my son so that you can give glory to god so that you can win the salvation of many sinners your body our lady was saying blessed mother was saying to saint filamento right now your weakened body humiliates you because you don't feel any power within you but don't worry i will be with you saint gabriel my angel will be with you gabriel means strength of god my strength of god will be with you so that you can bear all of these trials and give victory to my son 00:18 so that is our blessed mother's encounter with saint philippine in the prison and now what is the church that saint philippines brought to our lady of grace uh our lady of grace means all of us are um given the grace that our lord won for us on the cross through our blessed mother our lady of grace that's the place where saint philomena goes to accompany our lady in um meriting grace for sinners and also giving that grace to sinners through her through our lady but still giving their grace to sinners the casket was placed under a canopy on the gospel side of the high altar and high mass was celebrated the day was the 10th of august her feast day she would later make this known to sister luisa de jesus it was a holy day of obligation in this region of munano many blessings and many miracles occurred in the time which followed the faith of the people grew in intensity 00:19 and the sanctuary became known to the whole world for the marvelous favors given to the pilgrims who flocked to the feet of the little saint and it's not written in my notes here but there was a town paralytic uh living some blocks away from the church and just when the body was entering her relics were entering the church the bells were announcing this glorious arrival of saint philomena the paralytic just for hearing the bells received a miracle of walking he was no longer paralyzed he ran into the church knocked on the doors beat on the doors and finally opened up for him and he said i'm healed i'm the paralytic that never could walk just by hearing the bells i'm healed so that's another part of the healing and the miracles of the same filimina uh next time i talk with you about her 00:20 i'll either review her story of her martyrdom or go on to another story which is another story which is the um healing and the curing of pauline jerichot the good friend of saint john vienne well very good we come to our lessons about the holy mass and how is the sacrifice saint philomena's someone who lives the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ and for all of us we must live the sacrifice which comes from the holy mass and you know when the priest finishes mass he announces literally he's saying in english translation would be go it is sent if someone who studies latin we'll figure that out 00:21 simply means it is sent what is sent answer everything you've seen here everything you've witnessed everything to which you've assisted at mass it is now sent very good what have i witnessed the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ made present on the altar in a living and actual way not just a memory not just a memorial not just something which recalls what happened on calvary no we have witnessed a reality of our lord sacrificing himself to give glory to his father and to pay the debt of our sins we have just been present for that sacrifice and now the priest says to us go ity it is sent what do you witness here the event the liturgy ceremony at which you have assisted now is to be brought to your homes and to your daily life and what you have witnessed is sacrifice 00:22 now bring sacrifice to your daily life the catholic church is our archbishop says the catholic church is the church of the sacrifice of our lord if we have the sacrifice we are being true catholics if we live the sacrifice we are being true catholics but if we don't have the sacrifice anymore at the altar and if we don't live and as a result if we don't live the sacrifice in our life anymore then we are not being catholics and that's why the church is not blessed anymore with vocations and that's why the church is not blessed anymore with faithful marriages that's why the church is not blessed anymore with big families all of them living a life of sacrifice they don't have a sacrifice anymore so itae misa est a little review from some of our past classes lessons conferences 00:23 the mass is a sacrifice which is eminently clean or the clean oblation why is that because the one who sacrifices is a divine sacrificer our divine lord the victim which is offered is a divine victim our divine lord it is eminently clean it is the clean oblation offered from one part one side of the world to the other and all day long because it is the clean sacrificer our lord jesus christ and is the clean sacrifice our divine lord please remember that our lord already made the covenant of this new sacrifice with his apostles 00:24 and us at the last supper so holy thursday the year 33 if all the years were counted correctly in history holy third thursday of the year 33 is when our lord made the covenant with his people of his sacrifice on the cross the covenant is already from holy thursday night and the ceiling of that covenant is the next day good friday so every time we have a mass we are renewing this covenant that our lord has with all the faithful christians and the covenant of his blood last week we talked about the value of the holy mass and you might remember not last week but two weeks ago you might remember that the sacrifice of the cross sacrifice of the cross 00:25 is infinite the sacrifice of the cross was exclusively our lords the eucharist the holy eucharist which is offered in the mass is the sacrifice of our lord and of his church in as much as the church offers it and is offered with it so since the eucharist the holy mass is offered it has the infinite value of the sacrifice of our lord jesus christ to his father but then it has another accidental value which can be more or less good depending on how good are the dispositions of the priest how good are the dispositions of the faithful the mass will always be infinite insofar as the infinite sacrifice of our lord but we'll have a greater or lesser value 00:26 depending on the dispositions or the intentions well better dispositions which we have when we come to mass and the same for the priest so there was a question from our last class someone asked someone asked me uh the prayer of the susheepiad of the mass when the priest says pray brethren that my sacrifice and yours will be worthy will be a worthy sacrifice unto the lord our god and you answer may the lord receive your sacrifice to your benefit and ours the question is well why do we pray the sushi piat if the mass is always infinite and the answer is yes the mass is always infinite but here in the sushifiat we pray that our dispositions will be as generous as possible so that we might receive the greatest fruit possible from the mass for my your benefit and ours the 00:27 faithful are saying for your benefit and ours the greatest amount of fruit or fruit fruit from the mouse the mass is infinite insofar as the sacrifice of our lord but it has limits depending on the disposition the dispositions of those who are present and the priest who offers very good this evening we we will consider the holy mass as um the four different ends or the four different four different purposes of prayer we probably hear them frequently and we might not remember them but as soon as we hear we say yeah i knew that so as you might remember prayer has four purposes first of all we adore with prayer we give reverence and praise to god with prayer and then we pray in order to give thanks to god 00:28 and we also we also come to mass in order to give thanks to god our third purpose of prayer is expiation reparation propitiation begging pardon for sins and finally our fourth purpose of prayer is to ask for what we need and it's always good to add on to that to ask for what we need for our own sanctification and salvation because if we're asking outside of that criteria we might fit into that category that our lord said just after his resurrection hitherto you have never asked for anything in my name one of the meanings of that expression of our lord is until now you have not asked for anything which is good for your own salvation now i ask you to ask for that he was also referring to the fact that now you will ask through my sacrifice on the cross 00:29 and that will really make your prayer valuable but he was also saying you've not asked for things for your sanctification salvation you've asked for things for your own um security and comfort so adoration thanksgiving propitiation petition those are the four purposes of the mass and um the largest one is going to be propitiation which is really worthwhile studying or knowing about because i don't think a person a single person in the modern church could tell you what propitiation means anymore i would just say that's a long word that maybe in traditional in a traditional atmosphere used to mean something like reparation but i'm not sure what it means so i won't spend too long on these points because i've taken quite a bit of time on 00:30 the review and the uh what's the other thing the introduction of this evening but the holy mass is adoration it's the best adoration we can give to god when god the father looks down on earth while mass is going on you can consider every church as a window god the father is looking down and he sees many many windows and what does he see in those windows he sees his son on the cross and now what's so wonderful about that but we already know but it doesn't hurt to hear it again he sees his son on the cross offering the best adoration possible to him now there's no vanity in god he can receive as much praise as you can imagine and that would be just incorrect and he should still receive more our lord jesus christ on the cross is offering the greatest adoration to his 00:31 father because there you have a completely contrite spirit completely afflicted spirit we know from the psalms god says sacrifice speaking of the old testament sacrifice of animals you know bulls and bullocks and lambs i will not i don't wish for those things but an afflicted heart a contrite spirit that i wish for when we see our divine lord on the cross we have the um personification of an afflicted spirit my god my god why is thou forsaking me a contrite heart we see that that is a complete undoing of every sin of pride that has ever existed because when a man comes commits a sin 00:32 and all sin comes back to pride my will not yours i will not serve uh we have the exact opposite we have someone saying god i know you're out there but right now my ego deserves its rights right now even if it comes at your expense expense to your presence and my soul i kick it out because i want my rights now so what's going to undo that egotistical spirit nothing less than god himself on the cross that is our lord jesus christ himself on the cross with an afflicted spirit afflicted heart contrite spirit saying man is sorry man is sorry in me so when god the fire looks down from heaven and sees all these churches all these different windows with liturgy going on inside of them what he sees is his son offering him the greatest adoration that's the holy mass 00:33 the god man himself offers himself so we have the perfect sacrificer like we just said the clean oblation god man himself offers offering himself as a perfect sacrificer and perfect oblation on the altar to his father all the prayers labors and fatigues of his humble life his painful passion and death jesus christ in the mass ever presents to his heavenly father so you might remember from a couple classes ago in heaven our lord is our mediator what is the mediation he makes before his father he's constantly showing him his wounds hands and feet inside those are each one of is a victorious trophy of our lord of adoration of his father each one is a victorious trophy of taking all the sins of man and putting them to death on the cross and that's the prayer that our lord constantly offers his father in heaven as mediation for us 00:34 while on earth our lord continues day after day after day his sacrifice on the altar as you remember the sacrifice and the altar is necessary to apply the fruits and the merits of the mass to our life if it were not for the sacrifice and the altar our lord sacrifice on the cross would remain there an event in history 2 000 years ago which cannot touch our life it has all the strength but it doesn't have a vehicle to arrive at our soul that's a huge difference between a catholic and a protestant the protestant will believe that he does not need that application of the fruits and the merits through the mass the protestant will say that he only has to believe in that sacrifice which happened two thousand years ago and that immediately gives them the fruits and the merits but that's not the way our lord made it our lord said do this in commemoration of me this covenant has to be renewed 00:35 do this in commemoration of me that's the adoration of the mass and now the thanksgiving of the mass we might have a rather practical or pragmatic idea of giving thanks of i remember reading in a book one time talking about manners for a priest how he should behave in order to edify people to to make them feel attracted to the priest or the priesthood so they'd be attracted to the mass and encouraged to continue with the catholic life which is all very worthwhile and virtuous 00:36 but they said you know if someone invites you to their house make sure to say thank you so that they invite you again which is true i mean i guess we all want that but uh i would think that there's some other criteria make sure to say thank you because those people have made a sacrifice for you those people have enjoyed your company and vice versa but they've had to do some work themselves to make it happen and these people deserve thanks because of the good that they've done and you are thanking god in them as you give them this thanks and that's what i would say about the holy mass and it's thanksgiving we're there to thank god without any hope of something in return you know he's created us out of nothing he's given us all good things that we needed to live and be raised done and then he gave us this huge second chance versus the redemption those are all infinite things we can never repay and so therefore we have the 00:37 holy mass which is our greatest help for giving a um adequate uh or um you know commensurate and adequate thanksgiving sincere thankfulness is the mark of a noble soul when we give thanks to god we are showing the greatness and love of the divine benefactor we are paying reverence to his greatness we are paying reverence to the preciousness of his divine gifts and also when we give thanks to god we are recognizing our own 00:38 wretchedness and unworthiness you might see two people that are equal working with each other they have a habit of work with each other and um they don't really have to use that though too many words of um would you please do this and i thank you so much for having done that it's good to use that once in a while to remind each other those very good intentions but you might see when equals work together they don't use so much that kind of language but father of a family if he takes his children to a restaurant and gets him some ice cream cones or something like that uh well you better believe they're going to be all over him saying thank you and we didn't deserve that and you're so nice to us and what can i do for you daddy something like that uh that's normal the child is showing the greatness of his dad he's showing the how much he values the gift that he just gave him and he's showing that you know dad i'm just a kid i i don't know anything yet i 00:39 couldn't raise five cents if i needed to and you just gave this to me out of the goodness of your heart thank you so much we're more like that with god and thanks to our lord jesus christ we can give a and keep saying worthwhile or adequate valid we can give a valid thank you to god the father through our lord jesus christ but by ourselves we couldn't the mass is perfectly commensurate with all the benefits that god gives us what a thought you know how many times do i do i try to say thank you to our lord and i offer some prayers and i kneel down or whatever it is and i i know that my little efforts are nothing in compared to what's what has been given me but i can have 00:40 that security when i go to holy mass that my thanks are being appreciated by god the father because he's receiving that of a son and his son is united to me because i'm part of his mystical body he receives that thanks of his son even though i'm the one who's saying it through him we know that on the other hand we know that ingratitude is the reward of the world people do not value generosity anymore people certainly do not value this supernatural life and the sacrament of confession sacrament of communion the holiness that comes to soul through praying the holy rosary people don't value those things anymore so what is god receiving generally from the world he's receiving ingratitude but when we go to the holy mass imagine the constellation we're giving to god the father even not just our lord but also god the father we're giving him an adequate 00:41 gratitude for taking us out of nothing for giving us all good things and for them for redeeming us and now the big one propitiation the holy mass is propitiation it is expiation for sin it is reparation for sin what should be our attitude about sin first of all it is good for us to admit it i have sinned i deserve god's wrath for my sin but then thanks be to god thanks be to our lord jesus christ there's this thing called propitiation literally it means i wish to change the sentiment of god i wish to change the attitude of god he 00:42 certainly deserves to be angry with angry with me and justice he certainly deserves to destroy me because i'm not just a tiny being compared to him but i'm a tiny being that has as i call thumb this nose or something like that whatever this gesture is called an italian that expression i've just done that to god you are not important to me and i don't wish for you to be ruling my life but propitiation is where we beg god to change his attitude towards us for god to be propitious to us you might hear that word propitious amongst uh politicians you know they sort of bargain and negotiate with each other and uh politician x was being especially propitious to 00:43 politician why but politician y did not respond propitious protect exceptionally generous in his offers that's what we're asking for from god that he'd be especially extraordinarily exceptionally generous with us despite our bad behavior that's propitiation the fruits of the sacrifice of the mass are applied to our sinful souls and thereby we are reconciled to god and regain his favor while we're at mass the holy mass is making propitiation for our sins nevertheless keep in mind that the mass is not destined 00:44 directly to impart or bring about the grace of sanctification consequently the sacrifice of the mass cannot without another means remove mortal sins nevertheless whilst the mass as a sacrifice of propitiation restrains or disarms god's avenging justice against the sinner it has as a sacrifice of petition the power through the divine goodness and liberality to dispense many fault manifold graces and benefits the mass is an extremely powerful means to affect the grace of true repentance and sincere conversion so it's very important to remember that the mass is the setting to begin the road to conversion the mass um 00:45 is begging pardon for for sin from god for sin for all of us but it doesn't forgive us our mortal sins it can still be attended by a person who's in mortal sin but just that attending of holy mass is going to give that person sentiments of conversion it's not the mass itself that converts or that forgives the mortal sin but it gives sentiments of conversion so there was a story i think this would be the 19th century freemasonry was very active by that time and a man was called upon to assassinate a priest during mass i think the priest was making special uh obstacles to the freemasons in that city and because of making a newspaper for the catholic church that was 00:46 exposing the freemasons and people were converting to the catholics and going to catechism etc and you know the freemasons in and of in according to their essence there may be a lot of false freemasons out there but according to the essence of a freemason they have a purpose which they must fulfill which is to destroy the presence of our lord jesus christ in this world and so when people start getting particularly active against them those people are labeled and uh soon disappear so this man was a hired killer he was supposed to call his go to the church and kill the priest during mass so he's present in mass and there was a miracle and the priest as he was consecrating the host and then elevating it same thing with the chalice there was very clear for this man not just the priest and the chalice the priest and the host but our lord crucified hanging above him 00:47 and it was not just the crucifixion the crucifix crucifix on the altar it was the crucifixion of our lord made present for this man to see he saw that and he understood it once that this is a supernatural atmosphere i should not do anything to stop it those who have paid me to kill this priest are wrong and he did not kill a priest he converted any beg pardon from the priest and became a catholic uh so that's really the reality i call it a miracle and it is but that miracle is happening every time mass is going on the sacrifice of our lord on the cross in a certain sense as a sort of just taking down the veil over the miracle so they can see which so the man can see what's really going on the mass has this value the mass is propitiating god for our sins and then the mass is this atmosphere of 00:48 converting sinners to grace mortal sins are acts of ingratitude towards god god has a plan for each one of our souls he wants us us to occupy heaven obviously but even in this world he wants us to fulfill something which is going to add to his glory and when a person insists on committing mortal sin or staying in mortal sin without confessing it there's a problem god has a an influx of grace no a certain amount of abundant grace that he wishes to give to every soul but when a person stays in mortal sin it's checking checking putting a stop to the plan of god of giving abundant grace to the soul 00:49 however since the mass is propitiatory as i say changing the sentiment of god as a result mass averts from sinful man this severe punishment of the withdrawal of the abundant helps of grace so someone commits mortal sin it makes god stop giving grace to that soul that person comes to mass is present in this propitiation for sin and god starts giving grace to that soul again because the propitiation of the mass beautiful thought and along those lines everyone should always pray obviously a person in the state of persons state of grace pray but even persons who slip out of the state of grace if i can call it that because sometimes mortal sin is easy to commit 00:50 even people who slip out of grace they should keep praying why because they want to give great give glory to god again as soon as possible and how are they going to go give glory to god well they got to get back in the state of grace so by praying they open up that door again to god to give grace to their soul but especially at the mass and the prohibition of the propitiation of the mass mass is often repeated even for the same intention or the same intentions the same person i don't know father it says on the the envelope for intention of the holy mass please pray offer mass for my son johnny who's not coming to mass anymore and the priest receives ten such envelopes for the same person is that redundant or unnecessarily rep repetitive no um why is that 00:51 because when mass is offered it's the infinite sacrifice of our lord but it still depends on how much god's justice is placated by a single mass god sort of decides how much he's going to be placated by single mass for our offenses and how much he wishes the obstacles to grace to be removed the ones we just talked about so mass is offered mass is infinite because it's a sacrifice of our lord on calvary god receives infinite glory from the mass can't stop that but with the intention which is getting more into the accidental value of the mass god can put a value on that and say well thank you for the mass yes i'm placated you know appeased to this degree by this mass i'm content to go this far towards the conversion of this sun sun based on this mass 00:52 keep offering it this mass has gone a long way to help but not completely and how much also depends on how much god wishes to take away the obstacles to grace which has been caused by mortal sin and also it depends on the disposition of the sinner that we're praying for in the mass how much he wants to be converted all right well i've gone on quite a bit this evening i'd like to take it from here the next time but normally i i give you more i give you a little more information but i don't spend so much time in every point so normally i see you after the conference and we visit and so forth this evening i won't do that because father summers and i are still on retreat 00:53 until tomorrow may god bless you and we'll say a prayer is