00:01 of you let us pray oh god it must instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the holy ghost grant us by the same spiritually truly wise and which rejoice in his consolation through the same christ amen full of grace the lord is blessed and blessed with 00:02 jesus christ pray for us very well i'll begin with our patron our patroness of these conferences which is uh who is saint philomena and um this time i'd like to study some of the recognition that different popes have given to saint philomena starting with leo the 12th in the 19th century in the year 1826 he gave permission for altars to be dedicated to saint philomena she wasn't even canonized yet and you could have an altar built in her honor in your church which 00:03 is kind of a new unusual thing i remember back in the 90s more or less in one of our chapels in texas uh the prior had put a nice image of the archbishop in the church and it wasn't even at the front of the church it was at the entrance of the church and on the back wall and it was a photograph but made to look like a painting and we had a visit from the one of the council members of the society he wasn't the superior general anymore but he was one of the council members he visited us on the part of the superior general and he said we all love the archbishop that's good that we give him veneration but since he's not canonized you're not allowed to have him in the church yet as a painting or a statue so we had to take him out and we put christ the king there you might remember that principle uh but curiously enough saint filamento was already having altars in churches before she was canonized 00:04 in 1826 that was when there was allowed later on pope gregory the 16th came along and we studied that story last week with pauline jerichot who had heart disease she saw the pope on her way down to muniano on a deathly pilgrimage and he said say a prayer to me to to the saintly remains of uh philomena and she said well sure i'll do that and if i return here would you please work on her canonization and he said i certainly will that would be a first-class miracle which he never expected to happen and it did and so pope gregory the 16th canonized her in 1837 pope pius ix he had an interesting pontificate as you know it's the longest pontificate so far in history 00:05 and the enemies of the church were very active during his time as they always are but the way they were particularly active at his time was to get him i should say was to take away the papal states from the church those were areas of what we call italy nowadays that really belong to the church to show that christ does not only have power in heaven he also has power here on earth and those papal states were rested w-r-e-s-t were taken violently violently from the pope and he himself had a threat upon his life and so he fled the vatican he had many places he could have gone he was the pope and where did he go he went to muniano 00:06 of italy to visit st philomena to pray to her about the crisis to pray for safety for himself and eventually he returned to rome later on in life he made a gift of his pontifical sorry his pectoral cross to saint philomena and it stays in her shrine to this day pope pius ix made saint philomena they p the patroness of the children of mary pope leo the 13th came along by that time saint john vienne had lived and saint john vienne advocated this devotion to saint philomena which is the cord a cord that one can wear around the waist uh that's the same filament accord there are many different saints with that same there's a saint joseph chord there are there are other ones 00:07 but this one was saint philimina's chord which is uh two colors red and white and it's braided and has two knots at the end the white stands for purity and the red stands for um martyrdom and by wearing this cord one is there's a prayer to say each day for wearing it and one is given a special connection to saint philimina for her intercession and saint leo saint pope leo the 13th attached a plenary indulgence to wearing that cord for the person wearing it on the day of their death you know we hear a lot about plenary indulgences next week for instance on the 2nd of november we can get a plenary indulgence for praying for the faithful all things being equal that plenary indulgence is not going to be for you it's going to be for another some soul in purgatory and you can gain one each day from the second until the 00:08 10th uh maybe just a second until the 9th of november by praying in a cemetery for the faithful departing and the 2nd of november that very day in the church is enough to get the plenary indulgence but 3rd fourth fifth sixth and throughout the octave you have to actually visit a cemetery which is kind of difficult here i'm finding in this country uh because uh when there's a big country with a lot of land you visit the deceased in the yard that's the word the british put on it and we all understood the word churchyard to meet cemetery which meant right in the backyard of the church is the cemetery here here not so easy but the point is um you'll be getting those plenary indulgence for other faithful departing so how do you get a plenary indulgence for yourself that's going to work for you because you know before we die it's usually those days are usually accompanied by not being lucid of being conscious 00:09 conscious all kinds of things like that so how to get a plenary indulgence for yourself and that that is answered those who use the court of saint philomena and say the prayer every day will get the plenary indulgence for themselves on the day of their death whether they're able to keep up that prayer or not uh during their unconscious days and then um pope pius 10th pope senpai's tenth he beatified saint john vienne or the curie of ours and that goes a long way towards increasing the cultists of saint philomena because he was the uh most well-known uh promoter of the devo devotion to saint philomena so by pope is the tenth beatifying saint john vienne uh 00:10 that made sam phelamina much more known and popeye's tenth advocated where wearing the cord also let me just go since i mentioned the chord of saint philimina i'll just go through the other devotions and devotionals that are well known about her besides when those the people who wear the cord besides winning the plenary indulgence at the end of their life they will also win or earn the plenary indulgence on the feasts of saint philomena so the 11th of august is her day of her birthday in heaven the 25th of may is the discovery of her relics and the sunday after the feast of the ascension is the solemnization or solemnity of her feast so on those three days you can get a plenary indulgence 00:11 there is also oil which comes from saint philomena not from her body exactly there are saints whose bodies ooze kind of oil but not with saint filament this is oil in her case it's oil acquired from a lamp the oil lamp like we have here in the sanctuary which burns near her tune so [Music] for generations now people have taken that oil and that's been able they've been able to distribute that oil to people around the world in quite a an efficient way i imagine they can take imagine the the sanctuary lamp is quite big near her tomb to begin with so they can take a pretty sizable amount out of that and then they follow the rule like we do with holy water perhaps you know about this i'll talk about holy water now if you have holy water in your house let's save a gallon of holy water in your house and you want to make it multiply 00:12 or you don't want it to run away or run out um you can refill that with regular water and that will multiply the holy water as long as you refill it before the holy water gets down to the halfway mark in the vessel you see so you can fill you can fill it up to the top again and you do the same thing again when it reaches just before half and you just keep multiplying your holy water that way so if you think about it to distribute this oil of saint filomina they use the same process they start with the original oil from the sanctuary by saint philomena they distribute it in i don't know bottles i don't know how big they are and someone is able to pour out just about enough that is less than half and fill it up with regular oil and fill another bottle with that fill the main bottle fill another bottle with that etc so it is originally oil from the tomb of saint philomena it's it's valid to call that saint filament filament oil 00:13 and that is a sacramental that's one of the things i'm going to talk about in the discussion on the mass is what is a sacramental we know what a sacrament is there are seven sacraments and they are instituted by our lord jesus christ there are seven of them there cannot be only six and there cannot be eight or more there are only seven sacraments of our lord jesus christ and the church has to guard and protect us and they will give grace immediately and directly from our lord jesus christ as long as someone does not place an obstacle you will always get the forgiveness of your sins and confession as long as you do not place the obstacle of not being sorry for your sins you will always receive the grace of forgiveness of your sins in confession as long as you do not hide a grave sin 00:14 the sacraments work of themselves they say our lord jesus christ works directly to the sacraments to give grace to a soul as long as you do not place something against the purpose of those sacraments you will always receive grace now a sacramento t-a-l at the end is an outward sign as well just like as a sacrament but it's instituted by the church to give grace and the church has the right and the duty to institute sacramentals hustle because our lord said on one occasion to saint peter by himself and then on another occasion to all the rest of the apostles together with saint peter whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven he means our lord means whatever rules you make for the sanctification of souls in this world 00:15 will be recognized in heaven whatever rules you decide to change or dispense from in this world will be dispensed from in heaven regarding the sanctification of souls so a sacramento is a sign that the church has promoted invented promoted to give grace so when i make the sign of the cross that came from the church that's a sacramental that gives me grace as long as i do it with some attention and as long as i do it with reverence towards god but if i make a sign of the cross only um sort of routinely and habitually without really thinking about what i'm doing and even worse um not using it as reverence to our lord jesus christ because it's just a just a habit well then that's not going to bring me grace you see so the sacramento does not give grace directly from our 00:16 lord jesus christ it gives grace from our lord jesus christ through the church to the person receiving it as long as he has the right dispositions and sentiments to receive the sac to receive the grace that's what a sacramento is sacramental so this oil of saint philomena is a sacramental one can use it it's most commonly used somewhere on the body there was a woman who was anointing her child with his oil of saint philomena because this child was having night terrors so in the middle of the night the child would be having a bad dream or whatever whatever it is very frightened and um the mother didn't know what to do so her local parish priest said well here's some saint filamento oil anoint your child before she goes to bed so the woman uh put oil the same filament on the forehead of this child in the 00:17 shape of a cross and there's a prayer that you can say to accompany that kind of anointing and the child stopped having night terrors the mother forgot one night to put it on the child and the child had night terrors again so this is a sacramental um again we're gonna hopefully we're gonna talk about it when we talk about the mass but sacramentals as well as sacraments they receive their power from the holy mass from the holy sacrifice of the mass originally or let's say in their their origin they received their power from our lord's death on the cross because that's where all the merits and the fruits of redemption are one for us but remember we have to think like a catholic not like a protestant all those merits and all those fruits of the redemption 00:18 of our lord's sacrifice in calvary remain locked in that point of history unless there is the mass to make those fruits and those merits present to us and that mass is made is done offered every day so so from the cross through the mass every sacrament from baptism to holy eucharist extramuction receives its power to um effect what it signifies every well simply receives its power from the mass and the same thing with the sacramentos saint philomena oil the blessing of a field by a priest the blessing of animals uh reading holy scripture uh praying the holy rosary these are all sacramentals and they will sanctify a soul if the person have 00:19 has the right disposition but even that gets its power from the cross through the mass to the soul if we were to take away the holy mass the merits all the earnings of our lord jesus christ on the cross would stay um locked in history you know locked in history that brings us back to saint to padre appeals famous line that the world would be better off without the sun than without the mass and we cannot imagine any kind of life happening happening on this planet without the sun it would be worse without the mass there would be no grace coming to souls no supernatural life that's the oil of saint philimina and then there is the chaplet uh of saint philomena and this is from saint john vianney 00:20 the chaplet is again there are many chaplets it's a type of abbreviated rosary in the case of saint philomena it has 13 beads on it and that's it there's a centerpiece metal there are three larger beads and then a crucifix and the crucifix you pray for the grace of faith and the three larger beads you pray in thanksgiving to each person of the blessed trinity for the graces bestowed upon saint philomena and for the favors received from her and then on the 13 beads some people say hail mary's there but actually it's more proper to say a prayer to saint philomena which is a little bit shorter than a hail mary and i can't think of it right now because i'm speaking out loud you know there's some things you memorize only when you're sort of whispering then you go to speak out loud and it doesn't come out anymore and sometimes the reverse you learn how 00:21 to say well speaking out loud and then you go to whisper and doesn't come out anymore it's some sort of sort of strange connection between our brains and our senses uh that makes that that happen so uh there are 13 beads on that in honor of each year of her life as you recall she she died she was martyred when she was a 13 year old and then there's a novena one can pray to saint mina saint philomena emphasizing especially the words through thy merits the tortures and death without its endure i ask for such and such a grace you know i'm not asking for free i'm asking based on everything you suffered and then our saint is particularly known and particularly strong in the virtue of purity and chastity well that's obvious that was her whole um campaign there with uh diocletian 00:22 and i keep coming back to this story because i'm starting to see more and more that her death is a pivotal point in christian history and also a pivotal point in roman history with the the caesars and the emperors and so forth fading out and being replaced by roman history which is the catholic church you know the barbarians took over the roman empire uh i think the official date they given that given that is about the year 360. not that long after diocletian and even less long after constantine and the only ones that were courageous enough to stick around in the roman empire after all the destruction happened were the christians they were used to hiding and being persecuted and so forth and everything that used to belong to the emperors suddenly was taken over by the christians you know sumo's pontifex the great 00:23 bridge builder that was the title of the emperors it became the title of the pope sumo's pontifex and um all that order of the roman empire became the order of the christian empire and so i see uh saint philomena as this pivotal character to endure the wickedness of the parts of the roman empire that were wicked and then to christianize it even though noah knew of her for 1500 years after her death uh her death is significant for humiliating what was wicked about the roman empire and then bringing in the humility and simplicity of our lord jesus christ in the converted roman empire which was the christian empire or christendom very good we continue with the holy sacrifice of the mass um our big emphasis last week was the purpose of the mass which is called 00:24 propitiation to beg pardon for sins the two of the purposes which were directed towards god are adoration and thanksgiving the two of the purposes which are directed towards man are the propitiation and the begging the grace that we need for sanctification which is petition impetusion nice long latin words propitiation is not a favorite word for modern catholics you just sort of do the um logical work and work backwards propitiation why do we need propitiation oh to beg pardon for my sins i see well i can do that by myself i can beg pardon no you can't you need someone outside of yourself who's greater than you um a 00:25 stronger than you more meritoriously than you and that's our lord jesus christ because only he can pay the infinite debt for your infinite sins oh that's kind of scary what do you mean infinite sins i don't have any infinite sins well i don't want to be judgmental but a lot of people do have mortal sins and those are infinite we were born with original sin and that was infinite and even when we talk about venial sin it doesn't sound that big you know coming late to class or being disrespectful to someone or something like that it doesn't sound that big but we are offending an infinite god even by just venial sin so offending an infinite god requires an infinite sacrifice to pay for it an infinite reparation or propitiation and man modern man does not want to admit that either so he's got him he has sin he's got to 00:26 admit that he's not big enough to pay for his sin and he's got to admit that his sin is that offensive and that's where he needs to sacrifice outside of himself which is greater than himself and as you can tell you know i'm sure you talk with people who don't belong to our little church here and you'll find that it's kind of hard to find a person who says that oh yeah that was that was a sin and that was serious i better go to confession what you usually find nowadays is something like well that was unfortunate what so-and-so did to such and such uh this other person and i hope they get it all worked out i mean they're both good people so um i'm sure they'll they'll take care of it they love god and they pray so i'm sure they'll work out their problem well you never hear something like oh that was bad what so-and-so did i hope they get to confession i hope they get back in the state of grace 00:27 we don't hear that kind of term anymore i hope they get back in the state of grace so that they're not offensive to god anymore no no we don't hear that kind of talk anymore that's gone now for at least 60 years uh and it's our job to maintain it and bring it back when god wants to bring it back propitiation that's what we mainly studied and then finally there was the petition um what we asked for must always be for the sanctification of our soul that's what our lord means when he says until now you've not asked in my name now ask in my name something i'll be saying something that will be for the sanctification of your soul very good this evening's class we'll study we will study those who receive the fruit of the mass that's an interesting question those who receive the fruit of the mass well immediately immediately i would 00:28 think that everyone receives the fruit of the mass our lord does not exclude anyone um yes come about period yes and we'll study that a little bit but talking about the fruit of the mass and the fruit of our lord's redemption helping everyone that's a good point please distinguish in your mind something called the objective redemption of our lord jesus christ and the subjective redemption of our lord jesus christ it is correct to say that everyone has been redeemed by our lord all of you here have been redeemed by our lord all of the people that um know about catholics but don't become a catholic are redeemed by our lord all the people that have never met a catholic and maybe 00:29 never will meet a catholic and maybe they live in a kind of primitive circumstances they are redeemed by our lord that's what's called the objective redemption of our lord there is a great price on the head of all of us that says capable of receiving heaven eligible for heaven ever since our lord died on the cross and the devil knows about that and he's furious because in many cases eligible for receiving heaven turns into qualified and will be receiving heaven and the devil is furious about that and he will fight and he's fighting an all-out war against our lord ever since he allowed our lord to be put to death on the cross which caused that redemption for all men now here's the important distinction 00:30 just because we all wear a sign that says eligible for heaven does not mean we have gained heaven and that's where the subjective redemption comes into it it means our lord has paid the price we have a great value upon us now but we have to um have to kind of turn on the water from the faucet in order to drink it you know all that water is in there reserved because of the redemption but now we have to get to that water we have to drink it we have to drink from the sacrifice of our lord and drink from the grace of our lord for that water to refresh us and convert our life that's subjective redemption and all of us need it in order to get to heaven when you receive baptism you start to drink from that water confession communion 00:31 confirmation the other sacraments assisted mass holy deeds holy sacrifices all of that is the power the grace of our lord entering your soul and you're you are living in the redemption of our lord you are um cashing in on you are activating you are realizing all the fruits and the merits of the sacrifice on calvary in your own soul and the objective redemption is becoming the subjective redemption for you and it's gaining you heaven this is a very important point because it um it divides or distinguishes the way catholics have always observed the mass and something that crept in in vatican ii actually after vatican ii when they made the new mass and they gave out the translations in the various languages in the original latin even of the new mass the same formula let's see not 00:32 completely not all the words but essential words were still kept in the uh consecration of the chalice at mass it said uh provobius april multis this sacrifice is for you and for many unto the remission of sins even in the new mass it said that in latin but when the translations came out uh all of a sudden that consecration formula said that this sacrifice is for you and for all unto the remission of sins and that is not what our divine lord said at the last supper so someone started telling a lie and a significant doctrinal lie because by that way of consecrating the chalice they're saying just by the redemption of our lord on the cross all are saved 00:33 and that is not true by the sacrifice of our lord on the cross all are redeemed but they have not entered into their redemption they're still standing outside the house or next to the water faucet a water spigot saying let's have water but i'm not going to turn on the faucet and that's a significant doctrinal difference which they've let slide by thanks to pope benedict xvi he insists that you get that translation made correctly and hopefully a significant amount of priests are obeying that order of pope benedict xvi but i can think of many cases in which they did not obey him and so there's still that doctrinal error going around it's for you and for many unto the redemption the remission of sins and that means get you must you must integrate yourself into the redemption of our lord don't just stand outside of it and say we're redeemed therefore i'm saved it should be we're redeemed 00:34 now i must live in that redemption very good so adoration and thanksgiving are for god um propitiation and petition are for us there's a hierarchy of those who receive um the goods the mass the fruits and the merits and that is first of all the entire church the entire mystical body of our lord in a general way universal way and then those assisting faithful the faithful who are assisting at mass and then the priest and then finally the one for whom the mass is offered in that order you get to more and more particular more and more applied is the intention of the mass so let's talk about this the mass is offered for the whole church it is most 00:35 abundantly for the militant church the church militant and the church suffering uh it is also it's not for the church triumphant the souls in heaven they don't need the mass their souls are already sanctified and in their beatitude so it's for the church militant that's us here and the church suffering the souls in purgatory but it is also for the souls who should return to the church those who have been it and been in it and left it they are receiving something from the mass even if they're in the state of sin state of mortal sin they're receiving a grace to convert and repent and convert the mass is also offered for people who should enter the church that's interesting it says for the whole church it's even for people who should enter it somehow they're receiving fruits and merits from the mass 00:36 the mass benefits and gives blessings to the entire world and as much as it will help them convert our lord bought the church at huge expense to himself obviously he will give the church his first attention saint augustine speaks about this you know that when our lord died on the cross or actually when he had already died it was the practice it was the standard procedure of the executioners to see if so if a criminal an executed person was really dead by putting a spear in the heart if only blood comes out it means they're still living if blood and water come out it means that the water in their body has built up so much in their lungs that it has suffocated them and they're dead so we know that from the side of our 00:37 side of our lord jesus christ came out blood and water saint augustine says the water is baptism and the blood is the holy eucharist and between these two sacraments we have all the life of grace in the church we have baptism which initiates us which gives us the life of christ for the first time in our soul and then we have the holy eucharist which constantly nourishes our soul from the body and the blood of our lord jesus christ saint augustine says our lord jesus christ gave birth to the church when that spear was put in his sight because the whole church came from his side the baptism which gives us the life to begin with and the holy eucharist which preserves that life until our death and saint augustine says just as eve came from the site of adam and formed 00:38 the physic physical humanity so the church the bride of christ came from the site of christ nice and slow the bride of christ came from the side of christ uh to sanctify all the souls that belong to the church it's magnificent when you see these parallels was something that happened in the old testament which finds us fulfillment in the life of our lord and that's not just poetry that's that was planned by god you know that our lord bought the church at huge expense to himself so obviously he's he's going to give it his first attention um a particularly large share of the fruit goes to the contributors of the mass such as the pastors sorry the contributors of the church which would be the pastors and also the teachers of the church the 00:39 pope the bishops and priests for the faithful the more perfectly they cooperate in the offering with virtue and piety the more fruit do they receive so the more you are intent on the mass uh the more you are trying to make prayer during the holy mass the more you're going to receive from the mass however you should continue to commend yourself to all masses throughout the world every day even though it's better to actually be present i think i mentioned that last week when you say your morning morning offering in the morning uh dear jesus through the immaculate heart of mary i offer thee my prayers works joys and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of thy sacred heart in union with with all the masses throughout the world this holy sacrifice of the mass throughout the 00:40 world in reparation for my sins etc etc when you make that prayer in the morning remember that you are receiving the fruits of the mass just by saying i offer my life in union with the intentions of all the masses throughout the world nevertheless it's still better to be actually physically physically present at the mass after the whole church and those who are actually present at mass the personal fruit goes to the celebrant the priest offering the mass he is the real offerer of the mass and expressly offers the sacrifice for himself he's actually offering for the intention asked but he's gaining sanctity by offering the holy mass just by offering the mass he automatically receives the fruit he must be in the state of grace and he must offer the mass with attention and devotion to receive exclusive graces but actually no special intention is 00:41 required the priest doesn't have to go to the altar and say um now i am i especially want help with um being a more prayerful person and that's what i'm going to be that's why i offer this mass for myself besides the person who's the mass is actually intended for no the priest doesn't doesn't even have to think something like that and it's already helping him it's automatic and finally the priest chooses to whom the propitiatory and uh and impetuory the propitiatory fruit and also the fruit of petition should be applied usually this is the intention written on the mass request envelope so there's a good uh nuts and bolts uh explanation that person that you ask for the mass to 00:42 be offered for receives the major amount of fruit from the mass as we said it sort of whittles down in a funnel to that person uh good for whom may the sacrifice the mess be offered for that's intention that's interesting for whom may we offer the sacrifice of the mass here we are this is not a priority thing this is just this one yes this one no this one yes this one no so mass may be offered for the members of the church in the state of grace they receive a fullness of fruits no problem there mass may be offered for the members of the church not in the state of grace we already covered that it helps them convert and make a good confession and come back to make a good confession and come back to the practice of the catholic faith for members of the church not in the state of grace not all the fruits of the sacrifice can be applied to them 00:43 but some of them yes it has the effect of obtaining the mercy and reconciliation of god a little uh parentheses here be careful the word reconciliation you might hear that in the novus ordo they don't want to say the sacrament of confession or go to confession they'll say we're going to have the um sort of not apostolate i don't know we're going to have the function of uh reconciliation they might say we're going to have the sacrament of reconciliation now the area we're going to the minister we have the ministry of reconciliation now they'd like to change the words to get us away from uh the way things always used to be all right what is the minister of ministry of reconciliation well that's where god forgives us for our sins that's where man reconciles himself to god be careful because that word reconciliation is kind of a two-way street if i have a dispute with a friend of mine and we sort of part ways for a few weeks i'll say something like well you know 00:44 what i really should reconcile with so-and-so and him with me we're both going to come together we're going to make our apologies and we'll be friends again we're going to reconcile now how is it that i'm going to go to god and be reconciled thinking that way you know i'm going to see god in the sacrament and i'm going to say i'm sorry and he's going to say well i shouldn't have been so mean and we're going to reconcile you know it's sort of the theme of a lot of modern day cartoons you know the dad at the end said well you know i guess i was a jerk and the son says he's sorry and everyone's good friends after that well god is not going to do that with us god god is not that and we want to finish that sentence he doesn't owe us anything if we have a problem with him and we have sinned it is us it is we who owe him an apology and hopefully he'll let us off easy with an easy penance but uh reconciliation be careful it's kind of a two-way street that word 00:45 uh better to say confession and um um a penis at the mass is also for people outside the church it can be it let's see for people outside the church this is important mass is celebrated for their conversion uh if you would like to pray for a pagan that's perfect that's fine hopefully he'll convert um we on our side we're probably not going to be announcing that the mass is offered for so and so and you think well that's kind of a famous pagan i'm not going to pray for him i'm not going to pray for him so sometimes usually the priest is not going to announce something like that what if this person who were praying for their conversion this person dies and uh i still want to have the mass offered for him 00:46 maybe amongst other intentions but i want to have the mass offered for him this question is kind of disputed amongst theologians but the one that seems to convince me the most is continue praying for that person i have the example of saint john vienne who uh you maybe heard this story uh a woman went running to saint john viennese saying uh curie curie help me my husband who is a drunk has just committed suicide and she was all out of sorts i think women would be sad if their husband died even if he was a drunk maybe not completely sad but kind of sad uh and uh so he said to her because he had special knowledge of a lot of things he said i know i was in communication with that soul and i know that your husband repented between jumping off the bridge and 00:47 hitting the water down below uh or whatever you jumped into maybe you jumped into a canyon i never quite figured that one out either why people jump off of bridges into rivers to die because sometimes it doesn't kill them but uh uh this one did die in the saint john vanessa saint john viennese said that he had dispositions of repentance as he was going down to the water so you never really know if a person died unrepentant or not and then you get into another area which is prayer belongs to the eternal world that word eternal and it means ex extempore or ex-terminus eternal it means outside of time so here i am praying in the 21st century and my prayers might actually be 00:48 valuable for someone that lived several hundred years before me because prayer is outside of time and just taking that principle well let's go the other way too someone who died 500 years before me offered her prayers and sacrifices which are helping me now the prayer is outside of time and the mass is outside of time you step into eternity when you assisted mass so um a pagan who dies and i continue to celebrate a mass for him i'm not going to announce it and be careful not to idealize or praise people who have passed on uh without giving any signs of converting to the true faith but given that principle of prayers outside of time uh what i celebrate for them now can be of use to them 10 years ago sounds unusual but there it is so there's nothing wrong with praying for someone 00:49 10 years ago even though i'm doing it right now there it is uh we can the mass be offered for departed catholics catholics who have passed on to the next life the souls in purgatory the answer is yes by the council of trent in his council trent says the mass most especially procures help and relief for the faithful departed it helps them more than prayers and indulgences the holy mass does in what way it reduces their time in purgatory it doesn't make them into more virtuous people they're already um they're already sanctified they're already um welcomed into let's see they're already saved here we are they're already saved they're not going to get holier they're not going to get wicked uh so the mass is not going to help them in that change of the level of virtue but it is going to help them in so far as it takes away their time 00:50 in purgatory you might have heard of a certain practice called a privileged altar i remember years ago i saw one but it was a wooden altar which means they've been moved it had been moved from one place to another and just by it's being moved from one place to another means it would have lost that honor of being a privileged altar it normally should be an altar of stone well what is a planet what is a privileged altar it means that uh whenever mass is offered for a soul in purgatory at that altar uh that person is removed from purgatory it adds a plenary indulgence to the intention of that person this is a privilege which is given by the bishop to some altars in his diocese he can't give it to all the altars and it would not be a privilege anymore privy private um 00:51 you know reduced uh but he's allowed to give it to some altars in his diocese however it's important to know that even that is subject to the merciful acceptance of god god can choose whether he's going to accept that as a mass to save that soul in purgatory or you can say still not enough prayers offered for that person nevertheless it is certain that only the only effect they can receive from the mass is that their time in purgatory is shortened that's that's always certain um uh going back to um the plenary indulgence and it still depends on the mercy of god etc you probably know already what are the conditions for receiving a plenary indulgence a plenary indulgence which removes all the temporal guilt uh attached to our sins you know the priest says the absolution over us and the sin is forgiven be it venial sin or be it 00:52 mortal sin is forgiven but we remain we remain with uh temporal guilt which we try to pay for in this life if not we'll pay for the next life the conditions you can get sorry you can get a partial indulgence 300 days taken away from your time in purgatory or uh 50 years something like that and that's another question too that's really not 300 days or 50 years it means that amount of time in what used to be the canonical penances of the church that's another topic better to cover cover that some other night but the plenary indulgence is what takes away all the temporal guilt connected to our sins and what are the conditions you must go to confession within a week of gaining that indulgence you must go to mass and receive holy communion within a week of gaining that indulgence you must pray for the pope uh which is usually our father hail mary and glory be 00:53 you must pray for the pope and here's the biggie you must not have any connection to sin oh well if i get up late tomorrow morning and want to sleep in just two minutes longer that might be a venial sin there goes my connection there goes my not being connected to venue to sin you see so that's that's where you get into this idea of uh whether it's in whether god has accepted what we have done to get the plenary indulgence depends god has the last word on whether we've gained the plenary indulgence because he will decide whether we are or not or are not attached to venial sin or any sin in any way so that was question of whether we should offer holy mass for the souls of the departed the answer is yes next question is should we offer mass for the reprobate for souls in hell this is very easy to answer 00:54 no do not offer holy mass for souls in hell uh how can it help them they're there forever that's not going to help them at all then you get to the next question uh who's in hell we don't really know that one uh i the best i learned from theology and seminary is that we're sure of two people being in hell they are cain the son of adam that killed his brother abel and left he was left with a mark on his forehead for the rest of his life and the other one is martin luther he's in hell so between kane and martin luther we have four thousand five thousand five hundred five thousand seven hundred years uh that elapsed and we're only sure of those two being hell but our lord says the way to hell is wide and easy and many that are that find it as compared to the road to heaven it is narrow and difficult and few there are to find that so we know from our lord's own words that proportionately hell is much more full than heaven 00:55 even though the apocalypse says that heaven is filled with an innumerable number of saints so just to give you hope you know innumerable number of saints unbaptized children children who don't do not have the use of reason should we offer a holy man holy mass for them this is always a toughing and the answer is no you cannot offer the mass for unbaptized children why because they are excluded from the supernatural goods which are applied through the sacrifice of the mass how about that for a black and white solid answer you should not you cannot offer the holy mass for unbaptized children because they are excluded from the supernatural goods which are applied through the sacrifice of the mass okay why why are they excluded from the supernatural goods 00:56 the answer is the blood that our lord jesus christ shed on the cross has not flown over their bodies and their souls to wash them from original sin there it is a sacrament is um a visible sign of an invisible grace when the priest pours water over a baby or even an adult in baptism what you see going on on the outside which is the washing of a body is what is really going on on the inside to that soul so when the priest is washing that body the soul is being washed is being washed by the power of the blood of our lord jesus christ no other water would wash them that water has a special power with those words that water has a special power 00:57 to clean a soul only because of the death of our lord on the cross if i were to say that well come on the child is innocent the child died he didn't know any better the answer is were born to an enslaved race it is the race of fallen man because of adam and eve if the merits the fruits and the merits of the sacrifice of our lord on calvary are not physically given to the soul in baptism that soul remains outside of that redemption like i said before objective redemption without subjective redemption that soul remains outside of that redemption and it remains unwashed now the part about well that child is not responsible for that responsible for that original sin which it has why can we put the blame on it and the answer is i'm not putting the blame on it i'm just saying that it belongs to the fallen race of adam and eve 00:58 but you're right since that child is not guilty he does not go to a place of suffering he goes to a place of natural happiness which doctors of the church fathers of the church have called limbo the place in between it's not heaven it's not hell it's not earth it's limbo and there they will have natural happiness for all eternity they didn't do anything wrong so they won't suffer but they will not be able to see our lord jesus christ which is what we're made for to see our lord jesus christ but without that blood of our lord being applied to our soul we can't without without the blood of our lord being washing our soul we cannot see him for all eternity and then um should we offer mass for the church triumphant i already answered that but here's a little longer explanation the church triumphant or the saints in heaven 00:59 the mass cannot be offered for them they are already in the possession of all the riches of the lord their essential glory cannot be increased the mass is a greater praise to god than they themselves could offer that's interesting this is not a reason why we should not offer mass for them but the mass is a greater praise to god than even they themselves could offer i mean you have some great people in heaven yeah i'm not talking this i won't talk about our blessed mother that's just another topic altogether but you know david the very symbol of our lord is in heaven in heaven saint joseph is in heaven um saint paul is in heaven said peter's in heaven nevertheless the mass is a greater praise to god than even they could give to god and we get to witness that right here on earth 01:00 the sanctuary is all full of angels angels are higher than men but when a man offers the holy mass that is our lord giving a sacrifice to his father and that just puts obviously our lord is above angels but it puts man above angels and so far as he's attending assisting at the holy mass you know our lord became a human being he didn't become an angel uh it's our lady is the queen of angels because she had the word the incarnate word within her and she offered the incarnate word at the cross she's above angels because of our lord jesus christ and because of the sacrifice of the mass nevertheless uh talking about the triumphant their graces and virtues give us matter worthily to praise and honor god which is great this evening's mass was in honor of saint anthony mary clarett i think there 01:01 must be at least 200 masses in the year of 365 days that masses are offered for this saint that saint this saint or the other saint uh their mass their gr their lives give us matter to worthily praise and honor god that's why we have the mass and honor this same mess none of that saying they are a step towards offering a very um um praiseworthy mass by the veneration of saints the most blessed trinity is glorified the their merits have come through the holy sacrifice you see that they became holy because of the holy sacrifice of the mass and that's why now their lives give such great glory to god so we remember them we offer the mass in honor of them when we give great glory to god through the holy mass very good so those are the ones that we can offer mass for 01:02 and that was followed by who receive the fruit of the mass next week we'll continue with the eucharistic sacrifice in the organization of the church and we'll close with a prayer in the name of the father and the son when he goes to heaven foreign you