00:01 father and son it's a couple weeks since our last class so um i'll probably be saying several times like we said in last week and like we said last week but just remember that means 00:02 like two weeks ago not just last week i made a mistake this past sunday and i referred to the sunday before saying it had been christ the king but it wasn't it was actually all saints day but this thing happened these things happen when everything sort of seems like one big feast going on all the time and you start losing your perception of how much was one week ago and how much was two weeks ago but uh to start with our saint our heroine uh saint um philomena uh a couple things a few things that stand out in her first of all or is her affinity or her friendship with priests and in particular priests and that's because her life has a lot to do with the priestly life and the prayer that's used for the the chord putting on the chord it says um 00:03 give us a great desire for the for purity for love of which without its sacrifice the most attractive pleasures of this world give us a great desire for the virtue of purity for love of which thou has sacrificed the most attractive pleasures of this world now this would not only be priests but it would also it would also be religious you know sisters whether it is sisters it is brothers monks and uh well priests they do do some sacrifice in this regard and not just the purity you know never let's say making a vow never to get married but also there's kind of a separation that goes on for priests i can remember in high school i heard all kinds of people talking about i'm going to go to this university or that university and we'll meet up again and then i'm going to get my my degree in this and my major 00:04 in that and i'll have this profession and so forth and as a priest or someone that's going to be a priest you hear all that and you say well that's what people in the world do that's the most normal thing but i think you heard father summers just a few sundays ago saying to you that uh i can't remember which saint it was now but one-tenth of the population should be priests and uh it's actually saint john the boss saying john boswell said one out of every three boys has a vocation well leaving saint john bosco aside will go to father summer's um odds one out of ten boys should be a priest so that means we'd have thousands and thousands of priests going around in this country and we certainly don't so something's lacking there with people that are ready to give up all the attractions that this world has to offer because they wish to be more intimately 00:05 connected with our lord jesus christ and when these saints uh make big sacrifices and become martyrs and so forth uh the prayer for um the chord with saint philomena begins with um oh uh most holy virgin over almost fully virgin and glorious martyr saying philomena um when these people make these big sacrifices like that don't think that it's only a question of example you know saying filamino's was a great example and so we're going to follow her it is that but it's also much more and that would be that by their hard working life by their self-sacrificing life they are gaining merit for the rest of us so when you pray to a saint it can be any saint 00:06 you are gaining the merits or sharing in the merits which which they gained while they lived on earth and that's what you're praying for for from these saints so it was said to um or i should say st philomena said to sister luisa de jesus the sister that recorded her life based on a vision that she had of saint philomena which totally coincided with a canon of the church and also a woodworker saint philomena said to her that she has a particular she has a particular affinity or friendship for the priests because they have set the world to one side and they've decided or they've responded to the calling to live in perfect purity in order to imitate my son so excuse me to imitate in order to imitate our lord jesus christ 00:07 i was switching gears there as i said that uh how is that the perfect purity of saint philomena priests try to imitate it because they leave to one side the world well it would be what i explained to you a couple weeks ago something that the archbishop liked to quote a lot is um priests and the mother of god have a lot of affinity also a lot of likeness and how is that every time the priest calls our blessed lord down upon the altar the incarnation is happening again and again and again and what made that incarnation happen in the first place with our blessed lady it happened because she was a person that constantly said 00:08 what can i do more to help bring about the redemption and she didn't know that she was going to be the mother of the redeemer and the mother of god she was just as a good saintly girl our lady looking for ways that she could sacrifice herself more renounce herself more so that the redemption would happen sooner and because of her having such good intentions such uh useful and efficacious intentions eventually the holy ghost said well yes you're the one i'm going to overshadow you and you'll be the mother of the son of the most high when the priest is at the altar i know i know that it's not by the merits of the priest that this happens our lord comes down on the altar simply because of his dignity of order that's given to him by a bishop but 00:09 it makes most sense if the priest has a life which is very much like the life of our blessed lady insofar as it is a constant renunciation of self a constant separation from the world a constant separation from anything that makes us feel kind of comfortable and consoled in this world if a priest has a heart like that then he has a heart like the blessed virgin mary so when he says come down upon the altar which the words are this is my body it is fitting it's not only by the dignity of order he says that and it will always work by the dignity of order but it's also by this likeness to the mother of god so saint philomena is especially a friend of priests because they like her make this separation from the world and hers was very valiant 00:10 and also very violent you know we know about her martyrdom one step of the way it's as if um god kept saving her from one martyrdom after another so that he could make herself for another martyrdom and if you remember the words of our blessed mother to saint philomena in prison they were you will be released from this dungeon in three days but be careful it's not to give you uh freedom and refreshment it is rather to have you submitted to more tortures and she said these tortures are going to give great honor to my son and right now you have fear because of the humility of your material state the humility of your physical state but don't worry i will be with you so first point this evening was about how saint philomena protects the priests and the second point is this 00:11 the blessed mother is saying don't worthy don't worry i will be with you and i will send you my particular angel which is saying gabriel to guide you protect you strengthen you etc now that's where we see [Music] the likeness of saint philomena to the mother of god herself in fact several of the prayers to saint philomena begin with some kind of reference to our blessed lady um hey holy saint philomena uh whom i acknowledge after mary as my advocate with thy divine spouse uh intercede for me now and the hour of my death uh so these prayers make reference right away to the mother of god whom i acknowledge after mary is my advocate with the divine spouse meaning that of course the blessed mother is above them all the human race is a big pyramid 00:12 at the very top of it is the blessed mother she points to her son and then her son leads us to his father if you take the top out of that pyramid and sort of flatten it off leave out the blessed mother there be no no connection between our prayers and our uh merits they would not connect to our lord jesus christ everything has to run through the mother of god because of her being the only creature that always completely made herself disposed to fulfilling the will of god just like our lord jesus christ did but if you take out our lady there's no connection between humanity and our lord jesus christ because of her exalted role his her position as the um mediatrix of all graces there's no question that saint philimina is higher than our lady but saint philomena is always working for our lady 00:13 and kind of a more a more closely connected advocate with us now the our lady sends saint gabriel to be the special protector of saint philomena saint gabriel's role his name means strength of god and why is he particularly the strength of god because he's going to be the messenger that makes known and also ushers in the incarnation so strength of god uh is fulfilled by the incarnation the incarnation is what god uses to unite himself to man the incarnation is what god uses so that our lord jesus christ and built can build up a temple out of humanity to give glory to god well obviously for 00:14 that to happen the strength of god needs to be involved in order to make god into a man and for our lord jesus christ to be the one that inspires everyone around him the strength of god is what makes all of that happen so saint gabriel is sent as the strength of god to make sure the incarnation happens and then saint gabriel is sent again some 300 years later to make sure that this young saint philomena is faithful to her vocation of suffering and martyrdom in order to bring so much more merit to men especially in this in regards to this virtue of purity and also renouncing the world so those two points for sure i wanted to say which is saint philomena is the special uh friend of priests because she wants to separate them from the world and she wants them to live in a marian purity 00:15 and also saint philomena is working for our lady she and our lady have the same angel we can't say the same guardian angel but at least the same angel which is involved with their mission he's the strength of god to make sure that the incarnation happens he's the strength of god to make sure that all of this persecution against the church and the holy virgins etc that all of this turns into virtue for the next generations you know saint gabriel made the incarnation possible through our lady and now he makes this uh translation or this passing of all this virtue and grace through these holy virgins that suffered so much before the year 300 and now that i'll pass it to all the christians afterwards so that's why it's fitting that saint gabriel is the um protector of uh saint philomena and then i'll go through a few more stories of 00:16 saint philomena talking about people that give testimony to her to her miracles there was a saint john nipple machine newman or neumann in pennsylvania he's not saying john nipple messine of the middle ages that died a martyr for not telling the secret of the confession of the queen but he's someone named after him i think he lived from 1811 until 1860 he joined the priestly congregation of the most holy redeemer the redemptorists and he oversaw the completion of a new parish which he dedicated to saint philomena in spite of a financial disaster saint francis cabrini who is a woman saint francis xavier cabrini 1850 to 1917 she's from italy and she did marvelous missionary work in the united states in new york chicago and denver they have shrines to her in all three places 00:17 wherever she went she brought along a tiny statue of saint philomena in her journeys and she was always propagating devotion to saint philomena in the americas padre pio who is now a canonized saint living from 1887 to 1968 he was born on the day of the translation of the relics of saint philomena may 25th 1887 so the relics would have been translated from a smaller altar to a larger altar but in the same place in munyano he was born on that very day a sister of his was named philomena and um he had an art and devotion to the saint as you know saying to padre pio receive the stigmata and guides the faithful to the intercession of saint philomena and one more saint or there's a blessed bartolo longo 1841-1926 he penned the life of saint philomena virgin and martyr 00:18 based on mystical experiences of sister maria luisa and he blessed bartolo founded the seminar seminary of pompeii so we are very holy and very you know active saints who swear by or give their total confidence to this saint i'll continue with where we left off a few weeks ago and the holy sacrifice of the mass we're going to be switching soon from talking about principles and what is adoration what is sacrifice what is propitiation uh we're going to be switching soon from these big principles to how this all looks in real life on the altar talking about candlesticks and the missile stand and things like that so that'll be a big switch for me i kind of prefer talking about the big stuff principles uh but i suppose it's necessary to talk about the small 00:19 material things to see how those principles are lived out in real life so as you know we all need adoration we need to practice adoration it's uh it is an innate instinct of man to worship god because we all know and we all feel that there's something greater than us that got us here and there's some greater reason why we're here when we're all finished with this life everyone knows that no matter how atheistic or agnostic i think people say no matter no matter how free thinking a person is everyone seems to know that we're here for a purpose as i say there are no um atheists on the battleground everyone's got a bible in his pocket or a missile or a crucifix or a rosary and there's no one on the on the front line who doesn't believe in god so adoration we need it we need to give 00:20 adoration and the highest form of adoration is sacrifice that's where man admits his nothingness that's where man finds the most valuable thing he has and said god and says god this is for you because if i were to keep it for myself that would be a way of saying that i'm more important than you so here take it and that was always expressed in the old testament by offering up the most um precious animals they had because there'd be a shedding of blood and blood is life sacrifice is the highest form of adoration sacrifice has four purposes one of them is propitiation that's where we beg pardon for our sins or we simply offer up our lord jesus christ on the altar begging pardon for our sins that's propitiation and it's necessary and where we see less and less propitiation or less and less sacrifice we see more and more 00:21 corruption on the part of man more selfishness uh more um wickedness less inhibition over our own evil tendencies that's because there's no propitiation so we all need that and then uh all the mysteries of the life of christ are made present in the holy mass in the offering of himself to his father the uniting of his sacrifices with ours the institution of the holy eucharist the whole life of our lord is made present in the mass and then we use the mass or any kind of commitment great celebration in life so whenever there's religious orders and they go from postulate to novice there's a mass novice to profess there's a mass 00:22 one year profession of three three lifetime there's a mass why is that because the mass is the greatest form of adoration it is sacrifice and all these these things that are happening the steps i just told you about are sacrifice and um to return to that idea of sacrifice and propitiation uh that has to be constantly preached throughout the whole world so that men renounce themselves they renounce their evil tendencies and then our lord jesus christ in the sacrifice of the mass can live in their life as a sacrifice and that makes all of us give more glory to god so those are some points we've been studying over and over in the last classes and we'll move on from there so i was telling you that um 00:23 the holy sacrifice of the mass is where christ's sacrifice on the altar is made present over and over again and that because of that sacrifice being made present on the altar there's an overflow of merit and grace which happens and the way we receive that overflow is by going to confession going to holy communion receiving the sacrament of matrimony and holy orders next three months and it's function etc any kind of grace we receive is coming from the fact that our lord is making a sacrifice present on the altar again if you take away that sacrifice on the altar every day we suddenly have a disconnection from the passion of our lord and there's no overflow of the graces coming to us through the sacraments and the sacrament tolls t-a-l-s holy water reading holy scripture praying the rosary kneeling down to say prayers all those sacramentals will lose their grace also for us if we don't have the holy sacrifice of the mass 00:24 the sacramentals and the sacraments are the way we or the way that the church rids the world of the curse of sin it's the way the church rids the world of the curse of sin but it needs the holy sacrifice of the mass that's why it was always such a such a big deal when the missionaries would come over and land in different parts of central america and south america and eventually they were in what's now the united states and canada uh it was always a big deal when they would offer their first mass and those are usually historical places it won't be the first church where they say that this is a place where the first mass was offered and on the new continent or the new world and why is that because those missionaries knew that the only 00:25 way we're going to evangelize sanctify uh convert these people is if the mass is overflowing with its grace and then works through the sacraments and sacramentals to get them so it is the overflow all these things are the overflow of the sacrifice of the mass we know that the substance of the mass is the unbloody sacrifice of our lord there are many things about the mass which attract us however like we just read in don davide's newsletter to us we have a more prayerful atmosphere in this church that may be true we have a liturgy which is more solemn incense and tall candles and and um singing and servers and everything like that yes that's attractive 00:26 but be careful that's not the substance uh is what don don pogba irani tells us he says the substance is the adoration that's offered to god in the mass or any mass and the total gift of self which is going on during that mass let's say let's say we are united to our lord jesus christ sacrificing himself on the altar and we are giving the oblation of ourself with him that's the substance of the mass it is not everything that looks good around it and then because we have the sacrifice of the mass every true christian life must be a life of perpetual sacrifice a life of self-denial and mortification there must be painstaking self-renunciation all of this comes from the holy sacrifice i was telling you a few weeks ago about archbishop lefebvre when he was a young 00:27 missionary 1929 1930 thereabouts when he went to gabon to be a missionary they were sent in groups of five and he said about out of every five two of them died uh so you know they have this spirit of self-renunciation we must get the gospel out the soul souls at all costs and the mass is what's going to teach us this self-renunciation the kingdom of grace is established by the spirit of sacrifice so you may know that one of the titles of our blessed mother is our lady of the blessed sacrament uh it's not a title that we run into even in the litany of our lady our lady of the blessed sacrament but how would she have earned that title you know and we know that at the crucifixion 00:28 our lord looked towards his mother and said woman behold thy son he was passing our lady as his own mother to the mother of saint john and through the son who's speaking about was saint john and then he said to john behold a mother. as it to say now she belongs to you and you belong to her and when he said that our divine lord he was speaking about all of us we would all have her as our mother all right so that was the crucifixion a few days later the resurrection 40 days later the ascension somewhere in there saint john as the guardian the protector of our blessed mother would have been offering the holy mass the holy sacrifice of the mass and she would have been assisting at his holy mass maybe with other people maybe sometimes just by herself but what had been what would have been the sentiments of our blessed mother 00:29 when she received the holy eucharist what would have been her dispositions uh we can only guess but they must have been something along the lines of i know this sacrament is present here only because of your sacrifice i know that when i receive this sacred host i am receiving your sacrifice in my soul and in my body i do everything everything everything everything that's possible to have renunciation of my own will so that god can complete his will in me and that's made possible by feeding on your sacrifice which is exactly that those have been would have been the sentiments of our lady and probably much more than that uh but it should be the same for us when we receive the holy eucharist it's not just a gift to ourselves it is that but it's much more it's commitment it is this is made possible by your sacrifice 00:30 i receive from your sacrifice therefore my life will be self-renunciation just like yours my divine lord is so only the kingdom of grace is established by the spirit of sacrifice these sufferings of the saints and these sufferings which are part of the sacrifice of our lord they help to acquire virtue all of us by suffering something renounce something of ourselves renounce our pride for sure and that's what makes room for divine life charity the holy ghost to work in our work and our soul these sufferings prove the soldier of christ and they prepared for us a heavenly crown when the novus ordo came around nova sort of mass novus ordo doctrine 00:31 nova sort of way of life which does not have sacrifice in it anymore they decharged the catholic church what do i mean the church is supposed to immolate herself immolate be crushed sacrifice the church is supposed to immolate herself along with christ the mass teaches sacrifice and sacramentally implants in us sacrifice but when the novus ordo came around and they maybe didn't say as much but the message is certainly there it's the end of sacrifice you can let down your guard now all the substance of the church was empty emptied out the church lost her mission the church lost her 00:32 prestige the church lost her um her mission her prestige and the the respect that people had for it because it just mixed with the world and it didn't stand out anymore and that's because they let down their guard and they didn't believe in sacrifice anymore on the contrary all the virtues bloom in the atmosphere of the mass it is where our lord mystically accomplishes in the presence of all the faithful the entire work of redemption it is the most glorious crown of the great work of salvation the atmosphere of the holy mass uh speaking about blooms and blossoming etc all the virtues blossom in the mass we know about saint teresa of the child jesus she spoke of 00:33 people called her the little flower because by renouncing herself by saying i'll follow the little way i'll just do what god wants me to do which is not that much not that exalted but i'll do it in the most perfect way possible possible she considered herself as a flower in the garden of our lord and what would the whole garden of our lord be it would be everyone making these sacrifices to live in the atmosphere of the holy mass we might we might get the idea sometimes that the mass is just for contemplative people sisters brothers people that spend a lot of time in the church all day long the masses was just for them and the answer is no the mass is for practical life to offer oneself to god together with his cross in union with christ 00:34 the way that we see the mass is should be this way it should be like our first mass not just for priests but all faithful when we attend mass it should be like our first mass it should be like the first time that jesus is descending into the womb of our lady or the first time that he's dying for the salvation of mankind that's how we should be impressed by the mass and we know after being present at mass many times in a row we can tell that something is changing in our life because of absorbing the sacrifice of our lord we have a greater readiness to pray we can be confronted by adverse situations and still have the patience to say i'm not going to get excited about this i'm not going to look for revenge i'm not even going to look to be justified i'll take it as it's coming to 00:35 me you know the difficulties in life perhaps sometime later we can clear it all up but for right now it looks like god wants me to practice some sacrifice that kind of reaction that kind of reflex reaction that comes from people who are um acquainted with familiar with assisting at the holy sacrifice it also comes from people who are acquainted with just spending time in front of the blessed sacrament because there you have the sacrifice of our lord made present perhaps is being reserved it's not being presented anew at that time but it is the same sacrifice and that spirit of renunciation that our lord has becomes ours our life here is a time of trial the holy sacrifice the mass 00:36 helps us persevere in the trial and then we can consider some of the victories some of the milestones of the catholic church wherever there's been great persecution of men or great suffering disaster or sickness you can always find the holy catholic church in there trying to give relief but that kind of physical relief or corporal work of mercy is just a sign of what's already there on the inside the most important work of the church is to relieve the spiritual misery of souls by awakening this awakening the spiritually dead and withdrawing man from eternal woe 00:37 and perdition that's the holy sacrifice of the mass that does that we have an interesting um kind of irony that happens the church is ready to be a holocaust for the world let's say the church is ready to be sacrificed at any time in order to help souls the curious thing is that the whole time the church is being offered up for souls it is the same people that are persecuting it which was not uncommon for our divine lord he cured many people which were the same people shouting for his crucifixion on the day of good friday the catholic church goes through the same thing we are giving the faith to souls and there's a i guess you call that 00:38 kickback nowadays there's a kickback where some of those souls that either are profiting from that or rejecting it eventually fight back at the church but our lord in the church still suffers for souls you may know that uh when saint paul was converted from judaism to christianity he fell to the ground on his way to damascus and our lord confronted him directly and he said saul saul why do you persecute me it is impossible for thee to kick against the goad these words why do you persecute me are exactly true the church receives persecution but it really is just the playing out of the world persecuting our divine lord so yes there's plenty of christians 00:39 plenty of saints that have been persecuted and even put to death but really they are persecuting our lord in them and if they really are the you know the ones being persecuted in the place of our lord or let's say as a continuation of the life of our lord then they're also going to be effective in obtaining the conversion of the very people that persecute them at calvary there were three hours of agony of our lord and then when the crucifixion was finished many returned to jerusalem striking their breasts for the evil that they had done our lord obtained their conversion by his suffering on the cross for them even some of the people that were causing him more suffering on the cross this martyrdom 00:40 that we all live whether it's bloody or unbloody this is what distinguishes the catholic church from all the sects all the different people who call themselves christians who have left the catholic church you will find that many protestants perhaps talk about jesus they talk about his disciples they talk about miracles and it's beautiful it seems like they still believe in our lord as the son of god but there's something about talking about the crucifixion and the passion and the sufferings of our lord sooner or later they will tell you to be quiet or they'll tell you we don't think about that so much or they'll tell you that you catholics are always just thinking of the cross and you completely forget about the resurrection they don't want to hear about it i don't know if that's because they 00:41 think that the crucifix for us is a rallying point and therefore they let us talk about the crucifix they will be letting us win the argument or if they're honestly afraid of the cross but there's some reason they do not protestants do not want to hear catholics talking about the cross whereas a catholic uh we'll talk about nothing else it's the passion it's the crucifixion it's the reparation that our lord made for us for original sin and for all of our actual sins on the cross if it weren't for that all of us would be remaining in sin and on our way to hell we can't but talk about the cross and how does saint paul say i will glory in nothing but in the cross in our lord in our lord and our lord jesus crucified crucified that's how saint paul says it this bloody and unbloody martyrdom is what distinguishes the catholic church from all the sects not only do we really believe in it we know that it's the truth 00:42 we have to be identified with the sacrifice of our lord in order to bring his redemption to the rest of the world the church the catholic church remains the moral ruling power of the world you might think i'm speaking a little bit abstractly the catholic church remains the moral ruling power of the world well yeah maybe until about the year 1970 i was just a little baby uh catholic church led down regard you know uh no more insisting on sacrifice and more no more being different than the rest of the world uh believe it or not even protestants depended on us the catholics to stay faithful to the church so that they had someone behind them to say no to this no to that because you know no to this vice no to the other vice know the other sin because the 00:43 catholic church is behind us but um i don't know i don't hear the catholic church on the level of hierarchy talking against evil things anymore and that's because she is no more no longer the moral ruling power of the world and why is she not the moral ruling power of the world anymore it's because she's given up her mission of sacrifice it's as if the people that are in the church got tired of waiting for the next life to see our lord all glorious and recognized it's a little bit the judas problem you know judas um he was avaricious and he was probably a man more of money than a man of work 00:44 and he really did think that our lord was going to become a big shot just by his miracles and judas would be standing next to him and they'd be very important in this world but time after time our lord tried to give the message to judas and the other apostles that you know you know not of what spirit you are or the son of man must be um turn over the jews and crucified and he'll rise again the third day time after time our lord was making known to the apostles that this is not about becoming powerful in this world we have to be we have to renounce ourselves in this world wait for the next kingdom or a moment of victory it seems like the church got tired of waiting any longer and just wanted that victory right here in this world that acceptance right here in this world well now they have it but they've lost all their substance no one's going to confession anymore i think people are still going to holy communion but from what i hear in the churches 00:45 around us there's more of an emphasis on observing all the rules of hygiene and distancing and all the rest of that that's more important than just receiving holy communion so they may be receiving holy communion but i don't think it's because they're uniting with the sacrifice of our lord uh the images of our lord such as the sacred heart uh you might have seen them crowned once in a while uh with the crown maybe on the feast of christ the king or in processions and so forth but in general it is from popeye's tenth he didn't he did not want the images of our lord to wear a crown and why is that he said because the crown the proper crown which our lord wears in this life is a crown of thorns and the proper crown which we wear in this life is the crown of thorns and one day that will be changed into a 00:46 crown of gold and the crown of glory etc but first it has to be the crown of thorns in this life and that is what makes the church the moral ruling power of the world is that kind of renunciation and separation from the world a separation from reward in this world in this type of persecution from the world against us um in this type of persecution there is a uniting with christ that is not otherwise possible there was also in the letter of our superior general we look at the church of today and we see so very little hope we look in the government's governments of today same thing so very little hope this is not just to be a pessimist this is on the other hand to understand that this is the way that christ is calling us now he wants 00:47 us to make he wants us to become conformed to his image in a way now uh more powerful than ever and what is the image of christ it is the image of suffering he unites us that image today now more than ever you know that on the altar um there are necessarily relics and we're fortunate to have this altar made of stone here which is called a fixed altar i'm sure you all saw a very impressive scene event by a bishop i don't know when it was uh some years ago when this altar was consecrated there are five uh crosses on that altar one in the middle and one at each of the four corners they represent the five wounds of our lord jesus christ in the very center cross there is what's called a sepulcher 00:48 it's probably a little box about oh five inches by five inches a square and in that box are three relics and they're literally buried in that sepulcher the relics are at least two of a martyr and one of another saint and then there's certification of those martyrs in there as well all sealed with the bishop's ring wax seal and covered over why is that so important that relics be on an auditory in an altar and the answer is they are chiefly relics of martyrs but it can be other one one one can be a different one a confessor or a virgin something like that but they are all people who have lived the crucifixion of our lord well you might say that it's sufficient of the crucifix of our lord above the 00:49 altar or on the altar and because it's a sacrifice of our lord and yes you're right yes you're right it would be but by the tradition of the church and from the very beginning the christians saw that the more they united to the sacrifice of our lord and the altar the more they were singled out to be persecuted and then they were you know tortured and martyred etc and finally they made the connection that the way to be a true christian is to be martyred and usually at that time was to be martyred by blood in their own blood so it became um there came to be this identification between the sacrifice of our lord and the altar and the sacrifice of their lives the quite often not always but i think more often than not the mass was celebrated on the tombs of christians and these christians were usually martyrs 00:50 so after three centuries of doing that it's a long time 300 years after 300 years of doing that it finally just became the custom there is unity between the sacrifice of our lord on the altar and the sacrifice of our of a martyr there is unity between a martyr and their tomb and the sacrifice of our lord let's keep this going these relics of martyrs more than non-martyrs are our connection to the sacrifice of christ therefore they must be in the altar so before the year 1965 perhaps 67 by that time in 1960s before those years it was always necessary that there be martyrs relics either in the altar or on the altar they've let it go since then but we've lost this great connection 00:51 they have lost this great connection with the sacrifice of our lord priests and religious break off and cast aside all worldly ties for this purpose of being united to the mass active religious and contemplative religious have their substance in the eucharistic sacrifice where there is no blessed sacrament there is no inspiring power of love that creates saints i have to repeat that where there is no blessed sacrament there is no inspiring power of love that creates saints you know we might think when we come into the church if we ever get to do this again we come to the church to visit the blessed sacrament for 5 10 or 20 minutes we might think that there's no prayer going on so it's not really that important to be saying prayers right now by myself with 00:52 the blessed sacrament but you know it is really important it is really important you know uh miraculous things happen as a result of time that people will spend with our lord in the blessed sacrament i can think of more than one case huh where uh it's been rough or difficult for a religious or a priest uh because of a certain assignment because of a certain superior because a certain um you know mission or uh what their activity was in the religious life there have been difficulties and humanly and justifiably so but that person can learn to spend time before the blessed sacrament just identify with the life of our lord just keep company with him just recall the mystery was his life without even necessarily making all kinds of petitions 00:53 if the person could just sit there stay there in front of our blessed lord with a certain amount of comfort not in the sense of being lazy but comfort in that he's my shepherd i'm a sheep he's my lord i'm his servant he's my brother i'm his adopted brother my brother is the you know yeah survivors as a human nature if we can somehow identify with our lord in that way we can do miraculous things uh like i just said about priests and religious but the same thing would be in the married life or the life of being the mother of a family the father of a family or the the in our careers just that time before the blessed sacrament identifying with the sacrifice of our lord does miraculous things so where there's no blessed sacrament if you take it away there is no inspiring power of love oh gosh inspiring power of love that would mean our lord shedding his blood for us and 00:54 we willing to shed our blood with him to create saints the eucharistic sacrifice has made of millions um living holy sacrifices pleasing unto god we should make of ourselves the same young virgins young ladies have sacrificed their charms and youth to the service of god rather than themselves you know i suppose it's especially inviting for inviting for young ladies to think that they're going to marry going to have a family going to have a house 00:55 and that's all virtuous to think that and it's hard to do that but also a young girl who's between 15 and 20 who's saying that she wishes to give those things up in order to live exclusively for lord jesus christ that person is really giving up a lot and they're they want to give up their youth for the service of god rather than themselves and it's the holy sacrifice of the mass which inspires that and makes it possible they will not look for anything in return for themselves only to sacrifice themselves with him the weak and sorrow-stricken may look to the high priest our lord jesus christ 00:56 who has compassion on our frailty he is invisible he is invisible to us yet he is visible to our eyes in the results of the life of sacrifice with him the soul receives resolution and strength to emulate her herself with him mankind beholds its model in our lord jesus christ and as a result he gives us joys and sorrows which will bring us to our crown in heaven so there's a life of sacrifice that the holy mass gives us that's what should especially inspire us about the holy mass is that all the holiness of the life of our lord will become our holiness if we only stay faithful to the mass and i would also advise and recommend 00:57 try to spend time before the blessed sacrament also i remember the director of our seminary he once told me uh one on one we were talking he said maybe it's difficult for catholics to meditate maybe not all catholics can go on a retreat but if you can get them to love to come to your hours of adoration or your benediction to the blessed sacrament you know when the blessed sacrament is exposed and just be in the presence of our lord whom we know is only present because of his sacrifice he said that will convert your perish just get them to love our lord and his sacrifice and that's especially when we see him exposing the blessed sacrament but also during the holy mass he said that will convert your perish that's what we all need the converted parish the parish which is not living 00:58 in in a way to be conformed to the world but rather in a way to be conformed to christ in his sacrifice so let the mass do that for us that's the main reason for the mass to make all of us live this renunciation the blessed virgin mary this renunciation of our lord jesus christ and let our lord continue his life of grace through us very good next time we get together i'll start to talk with you about the liturgical um necessities of the mass we'll say our prayer now name the father and the son of the devil come in america will praise the lord and blessed is the tribe of god jesus 00:59 name the father and son you