they came to the faith they were catechized by this man named publius this physician named publius and very soon after they conceived a child and they wanted to name her lumina in honor of the light which is our lord jesus christ 00:06 who takes away the darkness of sin the darkness of idolatry and darkness of all kind of paganism she was born they named illumina and on the day of her baptism they called her phil lumina film being a greek word which means the son of or daughter of this in this case the daughter of the light who is our lord jesus christ philomena uh she's a beautiful little girl a very christian very catholic learned all her catechism loved god offered her virginity to our lord jesus christ at the age of nine smart little girl she had that all figured out at the age of nine she offered herself as the spouse of our lord jesus christ so uh greece is a very important place many city-states and we know that rome was a very very big large empire at the same time and rome would go around and uh defeat and colonize and make it part of 00:07 the empire etc and the emperor who was diocletian at that time we're talking about the year 250 again uh he wanted to um take over that part of greece where philomena's parents were the governors we'll use the prince and the princess and so this father of philomena said well let's go -- by seeing this little girl's face the parents were pleased they went home the same day they talked to the girl about the situation and she said absolutely not and she they said to her well this isn't just for you my darling this is for us your parents and also for your own country so he does not attack our country and she said you know that all sounds very impressive uh it all sounds very persuading and persuasive and all the rest of it but you don't understand one thing i am a bride of our lord jesus christ the one that you baptized me in honor of the light and daughter of the light 00:09 he's my spouse i'm his wife my virginity in this world is not something that i have power over it's not for me to dispose of it belongs to christ already i cannot renounce that without renouncing my lord and savior himself they tried all kinds of you know pressure with her pleading rewards everything and she said no absolutely not absolutely not so they brought the girl back with them to the palace of diocletian the next day to say i'm sorry maybe you can convince her but she does not want to accept your hand in marriage the emperor was inflamed infuriated he was angry he threw me into a dungeon i'm sorry this would be philomena talking he threw me into a dungeon of the palace he came to see me every 00:10 day trying to coax me into changing my mind -- 00:01 i will sing a hymn to our lady or queen of the holy rosary and then crown the statue and then sing one more verse of the same hymn o queen of the holy rosary o bless us as we pray and offer thee our roses 00:02 in garland's day by day while from our father's god and 00:03 with loving hearts and bold we gather white and red and gold o queen of the holy rosary each mystery blends within the sacred life of jesus in every step divine thy soul was his fair god and thy virgin breast his throne 00:04 thy thoughts is faithful mirror reflecting him alone you may have a seat so yes let's um take seriously this rosary crusade it kind of popped up out of nowhere for me just about a week ago and hopefully we'll all be faithful to it all of us will pray hopefully all of you will pray the rosary in your home and mark your tally sheet uh come kind of brings back memories of the bishop fellaia administration to me uh but we'll do that again and also here at the church as you know we'll be praying the rosary one more time than we normally do we normally play the rosary once a day -- saint in one century solely because she's a miracle worker and for all if practical purposes she was unsainted the next century because she was solely a miracle worker somebody's got problems in their heads up here unless they're purely malicious i wouldn't want to say that um so that was what pope gregory the 16th did for her and then pope pius ix during his pontificate just after um this young man was healed and became a priest about 1849 he gave saint philomena her own mass and her own proper office in the breviary on the feast day of august the 11th before that time they were celebrating her feast day but you had to use the 00:13 common of virgin martyrs to pray her mass and then he made her own introit ramon you know reading from the epistles etc just for her this had never been done before for a roman martyr with no historical record uh but as you know she had she had already been canonized by pope gregory 16th eventually pope pius and knife are met with some difficulty he was exiled from rome that's to say he had a flea roam to make sure that he was not kidnapped or held as a hostage in order to gain in order for some worldly power to gain some worldly advantage has that hope and head help has had happened with um i the the pope at the time of the finding of the relics of um saint philippine about the year 1805. i forgot which pope that was 00:14 -- the charity of god the mercy of god is so much greater than just what is required and our lord paid that debt to the last drop of his blood on the cross in order to fulfill that decree of his father that this payment must be only by the cross but keep in mind that he did not have to do that 00:15 it would have been a sufficient payment for our sins just any act as a human being to pay for our pray for our sins because of the huge condescension of our lord coming from above it's very important that we remember and that we emphasize that our lord jesus christ is god and therefore he can pay the price of our sin but he's also a man he belongs to our human family he was born of the virgin if our lord jesus christ had kind of come out of nowhere and become a man already at the age of what appears to be 30 years old kind of like adam and eve came into this world he would never have been a member of our human family our blessed mother is a daughter of adam which is she's a perfect daughter of 00:16 adam our divine lord is the son of the blessed virgin mary he belongs to the same human family he assimilates our nature in himself in order to pay in order to pay the debt of our nature i'm sure we worked out this way and our lord jesus christ was obedient to it there's there there's a magnificent expression of saint augustine right around the time of christmas where he says what was not assumed was not redeemed what was not assumed was not redeemed meaning as long as our lord jesus christ became a human being with a human intelligence with human suffering because adam caused it made it so that men would suffer hunger fatigue temptation towards anger our lord jesus christ had all that and 00:17 -- 00:06 with that i'll continue the story in the year 1805 which was uh three years after the discovery of the relics bishop to cesare went to rome he's a bishop of certain diocese called potenza he went to rome to congratulate the pope pius vii on his return to italy from france why was the pope in france he was there held captive under napoleon so we're talking about the french revolution and spreading the revolution to the rest of the world napoleon was conquering and occupying other countries he bishop de chester was accompanied by don francesco a priest de lucia from the parish of munyano italy near naples this priest wanted to bring back a full body relic of a virgin martyr to his parish which only a saint could convert his perish it had gone so worldly and indifferent and immoral because it was suffering so much from the french 00:07 revolutionary spirit his parish was infected with revolutionary ideas resentment against authority of the church unbelief and immorality father francesco went to visit the custodial generale that's a place where all the relics are kept in rome there were 13 such relics of full body saints only three of them were known saints including saint philomena for the past three years when he approached the relics he had an inexplicable joy in his heart and all the heaviness of the sad -- and then forgot to consecrate the other one or there was an earthquake and had to bend in the altar as i don't know what there would be the presence of christ but there would not be the sacrifice of christ that's how important is the two things are consecrated one after the other so we have uh the sacrificial gift which is the wine which uh water bread and wine made into the body and blood of christ then we have the sacrificing priest who is our lord jesus christ but through the minister that we see at the altar and since i'm on that point i better 00:28 stay there uh the priest has a great obligation to sanctify himself we might reflect who is the very first one who brought christ down from heaven to this earth and the answer is the mother of god the blessed virgin mary the blessed virgin mary had no sin the blessed virgin mary was always working on a greater or greater obedience to god's will and a greater submission of her own will just like her son eventually would do in his human nature our lady suffered greatly in order to unite herself with a passion all of this is very sanctifying in the blessed mother there was no room for not sanctifying so as the church fathers used to say it's true that the priest will always have the power 00:29 to draw down god from heaven and put him on the altar there's no doubt about that he is the ordained minister just as our lord gave that power to his own apostles and very likely judas himself just our lord gave that part of the apostles all priests have it -- rome with the relics of saint philomena and the relics of another saint the saint philomena's relics were placed on the in the seat under the seat of the bishop he felt raps on his legs three times in a row and even though everything was closed and sealed and secured secured he understood those striking the striking to his legs coming somehow from the box of relics of saint philomena so he put the relics on his lap and there was no more problem because feminina would be carried in the most uh dignified of ways and if you think of the reality you know just sort of pull down the curtain 00:08 of this material world in which you live one thousand five hundred years had passed since this this virgin had been [Music] giving her life completely for our lord jesus christ in at least three martyrdoms and she kept surviving or being kept being renewed to life again so that she'd go through another martyrdom but as you know with heaven with the supernatural life there is no time so even though 1 500 years had elapsed for her this was just like there had been a commercial break and now it's time to get back to the program something like that and what was her program the demons had tried to take from her the virtue of virginity the virtue of purity and the the vow of virginity that she had and she wrestled against all hell against all the demons to maintain that virtue which she did all the way to the end and now she goes to sleep for a few days 00:09 as far as she's concerned and wakes up a few days later brand new fresh and ready to carry on the battle again but not in herself but rather all these other members of the mystical body which were in munyano as far as she was concerned and then the rest of the world a point that was given to us in our retreat this past week was all this impurity unchastity if that's a word lack of innocence the whole lack of this virtue that we see in the world today is an attack against our blessed mother how is that because our blessed mother is the virgin if we just say the virgin we know we're talking about the mother of god and all of us are children of the virgin mary 00:10 in so far as we are brothers of her son and so when people go trying to attack purity in a sense virginity in the life the world that we live in that is the devil trying to attack our blessed mother maybe he couldn't make her be a non-virgin but he can make all of her children be a non-virgin that's what he's after it appears that he has great success but that's just numbers and he's lost that battle for many centuries saint philomena is coming back to win this battle of virginity against the same demons one thousand five hundred years later not in her own person but now in members of the mystical body members of our lord jesus christ of which she is a member 00:11 so she had already worked a few miracles in naples we saw a few weeks ago the mother the woman don angela teres with her illness of 12 years the lawyer with his sciatica and the woman with the gangrene in the hand these people just prayed at her to him and then well the for the for the lawyer was for the lawyer was the next morning for the woman with the ganger in his hand the same the next instant for don notheres it had been a few weeks and now the pilgrimage if you will of the relics -- necessarily the pope which is the pope said 00:11 didn't say anything against it different theologians and priests got together to say that she's not truly a saint because we have we have no historical evidence well if a pope canonized her without any historical evidence how can you un-canonize her so to speak uh because you have no historical evidence that seems like we have um you know a contradiction going on in rome in any case soon after a mass and an office of the breviary were established just for her which is very special because that's unusual that someone who has no historical evidence in the church gets a mass in their honor usually they would say well just follow the mass of a virgin martyr the common of a virgin martyr but in her case there was a mass made especially for her it was placed actually on the date of august the 11th because you may know that the day august 10th is already dedicated to saint lawrence 00:12 and and also an office in the breviary was dedicated to her so that's pauline jerichot and she did the right thing by um following the order of saint curie of ours saint john vienne to go to the tomb of saint philomena very good last week speaking about the holy mass we were in the third purpose of prayer which is the begging of pardon for sins there were the two others adoration and thanksgiving which applied to god and now we were on the two last purposes which was the propitiation -- kind of her comeback or her return after 1500 years of being in the catacombs so you have stories of uh saint philomena 00:02 working out cures for people and they'll hear her voice kind of laughing in the distance or helping someone uh get through a forest completely lost some young girl of 13 years of age shows up and says well just follow me and they follow her until they get to a clearing or something like that and then she disappears and they hear her laughing in the distance but they don't see anyone anymore so there's something childlike and playful about her and what's beautiful about that is that if you were to take away her virginity or her purity and also her martyrdom then all of this playfulness would have no purpose anymore let me explain that it's because she was such a warrior for the virtue of purity to stay innocent and it's because she was so persevering in that virtue all the way to her death 00:03 that what you have in heaven is not just a person who arrived there after being battered and just going through a hard time in this life but you have a person in heaven who has never left their state of childhood and i don't mean that in a juvenile way you know there's also the the vice of being childish infantile juvenile etc what i do mean is that in a sense is a virtue that you have to be a warrior to preserve and she did and so she has this great victory in heaven she kind of has a win-win situation she gets to be a a warrior in heaven someone who really won the battle for our lord for his divinity because the practice of virtue is always a profession of the divinity of our lord in our own souls so she is a warrior in heaven 00:04 but she gets to be a child at the same time she's 13 years old but she's 13 years old and she has all the virtues of being a child but she also has all the virtues and all the merit of being a warrior so that's it i repeat the point if it weren't for her virginity and her martyrdom all of this playfulness and childlike behavior which is really quite refreshing would be pointless you might know this in the spanish-speaking countries i would guess also in the philippines they don't have what we call an april fool's day you know we usually play little jokes on people on the first day of april and it's all sort of justified in good fun because that's the first it's around the first day of spring or something like that i know they don't do that they have um in in the spanish-speaking countries they have the day of 00:05 day of the holy innocents the innocent children the 28th day of december in honor on all those thousands of children that were martyred that were put to death in the place of our divine lord they went to heaven like warriors also for the divinity of our lord jesus christ with all of their innocence as well so when you think of child child-like behavior and in a sense these children are the ones we celebrate on the 28th of july 20th of july 20th of december and uh they give a lot of glory to god in heaven and that's why in the spanish-speaking countries anyway the um that's a day for playing little games on your friends or tricks on your friend etc so that's a point that stands out kind of a encompassing point of saint philomena is that her virginity and her martyrdom are her claim to having this sort of 00:06 childlike refreshing behavior with other other souls i'm going to tell one serious story which is a lead into telling another story which has something to do with this childlike behavior saint philomena so you might remember that the priest from muniano who went to rome to get a known martyr for his parish was don francesco de lucio and so he came back to munyano with saint philomena her relics and then the miracle started happening and he became her main archivist the main the one who mainly recorded her history and uh he wrote books he wrote a book i should say about you know her history the finding of her -- that sounded like someone banging around up there you know moving furniture and joking around up there like a little kid uh raising a bunch of um ruckus so he went up to his room and he found still three stacks of books of 45 most of the stack of books of the other 45 and the floor just sort of littered with books all over the place and the chairs and the bookshelves and just everything sort of thrown around in there and um well what was happening same philomena had paid him a visit she had multiplied the books uh and she did in such a way that she was kind of a 00:10 nuisance to him with a good kind of nuisance and the situation was resolved so um that's saint philomena and i repeat the point if it had not been for her virginity her war for her virginity and her war for professing the divinity of our lord jesus christ all the way to the death she would not have had this right to share her glorious child-likeness with us and those are just some of her stories in that way you know how it is um when a person gets to a certain age and unfortunately not always but many times they lose innocence they may still laugh they must have a good time they might even be able to tell good jokes all the rest of it but their presence is not as refreshing as it used to be 00:11 there's some sort of a compromise they have made with the world or with the devil unfortunately that has um -- the dignified altar which we have and the vestments and the vessels though the chalice and the ciborium and the incense etc those are things we add to the mass because our lord deserves all that dignity but what is really drawing us is that holy sacrifice 00:58 um i just saw a um vocational video from night the year 1959 it was really well done now you can tell it's kind of a dramatization and they they uh they had actors doing it but in the because everything was so well memorized etc but uh so you have about a 13 year old boy who goes to his first kind of like a summer camp to be present in the seminary to find out what priests are all about and so forth and eventually that virgins into him um or blossoms into him going to the seminary one day and becoming a franciscan priest after about like 13 years something like that uh but so he's in this church and the years 1959 and uh he's a young teenager and he says uh i had never seen an altar so beautiful in all my life and he's a normal boy he likes football and he likes ice cream and he likes goofing off and studying sometimes but 00:59 when he went on that visit to the seminar with all the other young men he said i'd never seen an altar so beautiful in my life and i saw the altar in the film too it actually didn't look that great the year was already 1959 so some of those traditional looks were starting to disappear already -- it's actually saint john the boss saying john boswell said one out of every three boys has a vocation well leaving saint john bosco aside will go to father summer's um odds one out of ten boys should be a priest so that means we'd have thousands and thousands of priests going around in this country and we certainly don't so something's lacking there with people that are ready to give up all the attractions that this world has to offer because they wish to be more intimately 00:05 connected with our lord jesus christ and when these saints uh make big sacrifices and become martyrs and so forth uh the prayer for um the chord with saint philomena begins with um oh uh most holy virgin over almost fully virgin and glorious martyr saying philomena um when these people make these big sacrifices like that don't think that it's only a question of example you know saying filamino's was a great example and so we're going to follow her it is that but it's also much more and that would be that by their hard working life by their self-sacrificing life they are gaining merit for the rest of us so when you pray to a saint it can be any saint 00:06 you are gaining the merits or sharing in the merits which which they gained while they lived on earth and that's what you're praying for for from these saints so it was said to um or i should say st philomena said to sister luisa de jesus the sister that recorded her life -- uh useful and efficacious intentions eventually the holy ghost said well yes you're the one i'm going to overshadow you and you'll be the mother of the son of the most high when the priest is at the altar i know i know that it's not by the merits of the priest that this happens our lord comes down on the altar simply because of his dignity of order that's given to him by a bishop but 00:09 it makes most sense if the priest has a life which is very much like the life of our blessed lady insofar as it is a constant renunciation of self a constant separation from the world a constant separation from anything that makes us feel kind of comfortable and consoled in this world if a priest has a heart like that then he has a heart like the blessed virgin mary so when he says come down upon the altar which the words are this is my body it is fitting it's not only by the dignity of order he says that and it will always work by the dignity of order but it's also by this likeness to the mother of god so saint philomena is especially a friend of priests because they like her make this separation from the world and hers was very valiant 00:10 and also very violent you know we know about her martyrdom one step of the way it's as if um god kept saving her from one martyrdom after another so that he could make herself for another martyrdom and if you remember the words of our blessed mother to saint philomena in prison -- bring so much more merit to men especially in this in regards to this virtue of purity and also renouncing the world so those two points for sure i wanted to say which is saint philomena is the special uh friend of priests because she wants to separate them from the world and she wants them to live in a marian purity 00:15 and also saint philomena is working for our lady she and our lady have the same angel we can't say the same guardian angel but at least the same angel which is involved with their mission he's the strength of god to make sure that the incarnation happens he's the strength of god to make sure that all of this persecution against the church and the holy virgins etc that all of this turns into virtue for the next generations you know saint gabriel made the incarnation possible through our lady and now he makes this uh translation or this passing of all this virtue and grace through these holy virgins that suffered so much before the year 300 and now that i'll pass it to all the christians afterwards so that's why it's fitting that saint gabriel is the um protector of uh saint philomena and then i'll go through a few more stories of 00:16 saint philomena talking about people that give testimony to her to her miracles there was a saint john nipple machine newman or neumann in pennsylvania he's not saying john nipple messine of the middle ages that died a martyr for not telling the secret of the confession of the queen but he's someone named after him i think he lived from 1811 until 1860 he joined the priestly congregation of the most holy redeemer the redemptorists -- 00:17 wherever she went she brought along a tiny statue of saint philomena in her journeys and she was always propagating devotion to saint philomena in the americas padre pio who is now a canonized saint living from 1887 to 1968 he was born on the day of the translation of the relics of saint philomena may 25th 1887 so the relics would have been translated from a smaller altar to a larger altar but in the same place in munyano he was born on that very day a sister of his was named philomena and um he had an art and devotion to the saint as you know saying to padre pio receive the stigmata and guides the faithful to the intercession of saint philomena and one more saint or there's a blessed bartolo longo 1841-1926 he penned the life of saint philomena virgin and martyr 00:18 based on mystical experiences of sister maria luisa and he blessed bartolo founded the seminar seminary of pompeii so we are very holy and very you know active saints who swear by or give their total confidence to this saint i'll continue with where we left off a few weeks ago and the holy sacrifice of the mass we're going to be switching soon from talking about principles and what is adoration what is sacrifice what is propitiation uh we're going to be switching soon from these big principles to how this all looks in real life on the altar talking about candlesticks and the missile stand and things like that -- four corners they represent the five wounds of our lord jesus christ in the very center cross there is what's called a sepulcher 00:48 it's probably a little box about oh five inches by five inches a square and in that box are three relics and they're literally buried in that sepulcher the relics are at least two of a martyr and one of another saint and then there's certification of those martyrs in there as well all sealed with the bishop's ring wax seal and covered over why is that so important that relics be on an auditory in an altar and the answer is they are chiefly relics of martyrs but it can be other one one one can be a different one a confessor or a virgin something like that but they are all people who have lived the crucifixion of our lord well you might say that it's sufficient of the crucifix of our lord above the 00:49 altar or on the altar and because it's a sacrifice of our lord and yes you're right yes you're right it would be but by the tradition of the church and from the very beginning the christians saw that the more they united to the sacrifice of our lord and the altar the more they were singled out to be persecuted and then they were you know tortured and martyred etc and finally they made the connection that the way to be a true christian is to be martyred and usually at that time was to be martyred -- religious but the same thing would be in the married life or the life of being the mother of a family the father of a family or the the in our careers just that time before the blessed sacrament identifying with the sacrifice of our lord does miraculous things so where there's no blessed sacrament if you take it away there is no inspiring power of love oh gosh inspiring power of love that would mean our lord shedding his blood for us and 00:54 we willing to shed our blood with him to create saints the eucharistic sacrifice has made of millions um living holy sacrifices pleasing unto god we should make of ourselves the same young virgins young ladies have sacrificed their charms and youth to the service of god rather than themselves you know i suppose it's especially inviting for inviting for young ladies to think that they're going to marry going to have a family going to have a house 00:55 and that's all virtuous to think that and it's hard to do that but also a young girl who's between 15 and 20 who's saying that she wishes to give those things up in order to live exclusively for lord jesus christ that person is really giving up a lot and they're they want to give up their youth for the service of god rather than themselves and it's the holy sacrifice of the mass which inspires that and makes it possible they will not look -- benediction to the blessed sacrament you know when the blessed sacrament is exposed and just be in the presence of our lord whom we know is only present because of his sacrifice he said that will convert your perish just get them to love our lord and his sacrifice and that's especially when we see him exposing the blessed sacrament but also during the holy mass he said that will convert your perish that's what we all need the converted parish the parish which is not living 00:58 in in a way to be conformed to the world but rather in a way to be conformed to christ in his sacrifice so let the mass do that for us that's the main reason for the mass to make all of us live this renunciation the blessed virgin mary this renunciation of our lord jesus christ and let our lord continue his life of grace through us very good next time we get together i'll start to talk with you about the liturgical um necessities of the mass we'll say our prayer now name the father and the son of the devil come in america will praise the lord and blessed is the tribe of god jesus 00:59 name the father and son you