Genealogies from Adam to Abraham*

*The author does not mean to imply that these genealogies represent consecutive life spans.
+Terah was the father of Abraham, Nahor, and Haran.
Name Age at Birth of Son Years Lived After Birth of Son Total Years Genesis Reference
Adam 130 800 930 5:3-5
Seth 105 807 912 5:6-8
Enosh 90 815 905 5:9-11
Kenan 70 840 910 5:12-14
Mahalalel 65 830 895 5:15-17
Jared 162 800 962 5:18-20
Enoch 65 300 365 5:21-24
Methuselah 187 782 969 5:25-27
Lamech 182 595 777 5:28-31
Noah 600 at beginning of flood 950 7:11; 9:29
Shem 98 at end of flood 600 11:10-11
Shem 100 500 600 11:10-11
Arpachshad 35 403 438 11:12-13
Shelah 30 403 433 11:14-15
Eber 34 430 464 11:16-17
Peleg 30 209 239 11:18-19
Reu 32 207 239 11:20-21
Serug 30 200 230 11:22-23
Nahor 29 119 148 11:24-25
Terah+ 70 135 205 11:26-32