BASIC SERVERS Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri TRAINING MANUAL FSSP-MC-001 BASIC SERVERS TRAINING MANUAL Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 2 I. Solemn Vespers Page Coped Assistants............................................................................. 3 Master of Ceremonies ................................................................... 7 Thurifer .................................................................................. 11 Acolytes .................................................................................. 14 IL Sung Vespers Master of Ceremonies ................................................................... 17 Thurifer ...................................................................................... 20 Acolytes ....................................................................................... 22 III. Solemn Mass Master of Ceremonies ..................................................................... 25 Thurifer ......................................................................................... 33 Acolytes.......................................................................................... 37 IV. Sung Mass Master of Ceremonies .................................................................... 41 Thurifer ........................................................................................ 48 Acolytes ....................................................................................... 52 V. Sung Requiem Mass Master of Ceremonies ..................................................................... 56 Thurifer ........................................................................................ 62 Acolytes ........................................................................................ 65 VI. Low Mass Two Server ................................................................................. 69 One Servers ................................................................................. 74 VII. Exposition & Benediction Master of Ceremonies & Thurifer ................................................ 79 Appendix Chart for Solemn Mass (Ministers & Servers) ............................. 82 INTRODUCTION This training manual was written to train seminarians in the service of Our Lord at the Altar of Sacrifice according to the 1962 edition of the Roman Missal. It has been quite difficult to find a manual that contains the duties for altar servers according to the 1962 Missal with any detail. This manual describes the duties for service at the altar according with the liturgical books of 1962 as practiced by the Fraternity of St. Peter at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary. This manual was written for two purposes. The first and primary purpose for writing this manual is two-fold. Firstly, this manual exists to provide the seminarians of the Fraternity of St. Peter with a convenient reference guide to be able to prepare for service in the sanctuary. It standardizes all of the basic duties of the seminarian serving at the altar for the various ceremonies. Secondly, this manual exists as a guide to train altar boys once the seminarians are ordained to the Holy Priesthood. The secondary purpose of this manual is to provide the priests of the Fraternity of St. Peter and priests who use the 1962 Roman Missal with a convenient, specific, and standardized source in which to train altar boys. It is the intent to have this available for all priests who desire to have written instructions on how to train servers. May Our Lord Jesus Christ be served with the greatest reverence, honor, and glory that is due to Him. It is the duty of the seminarian to prepare himself to act in Persona Christi not only at the altar but in daily life. In God there is perfect order, and so in His service we must ever strive to achieve the greatest order possible. Let us serve Him in honor, in reverence, in self­ sacrifice, and in obedience. “Introibo ad altare Dei, ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam ”, I will go to the altar of God, to God, the joy of my youth. Head Master of Ceremonies Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary May 24, 2001 Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ 2 SOLEMN VESPERS COPED ASSISTANTS Solemn Vespers Preparation and Procession: - Arrive in the Sacristy 10 minutes before Vespers. - 1st Coped Assistant shall mark the Liber Usualis that is to be used for the Ceremony. - Ensure that the following are marked: ‘‘Deus in adjutorium... ” (p. 251), the 1st Antiphon, the Chapter, the Hymn, the Magnificat Antiphon, the Collect, and any commemorations. - Ensure that the Liber is reviewed by the MC. - Vest in cope (in the color of the day). - 1st Coped Asst shall be to the right of the Celebrant and the 2nd Coped Asst shall be to the left of the Celebrant in procession (both assistants shall hold the cope with the inside hand). The MC shall take holy water from the font to administer to the Celebrant and both Coped Assistants. - Arrive at the foot of the altar as indicated below. Genuflect, then kneel upon the signal from the MC. - Wait for the signal, then rise, and genuflect before going to your seats. Π E Π ’ A2 - Th - CA2 - C - CAI - MC - Al General Guidelines: - The 1st Coped Asst shall remain at the Celebrant’s right side while the 2nd Coped Asst shall remain at the Celebrant’s left side throughout the ceremony. - The MC shall signal to the Celebrant and coped assistants to bow to the crucifix by means of a low head bow at every: "Gloria Patri... " (At the end of the psalm), "Sit nomen Domini Benedictum ", and "Sanctum et terribile nomen ejus - The Coped Assistants shall sit only after the Celebrant has been seated. - The 1st Coped Assistant shall assist the Celebrant when standing and sitting by taking and receiving the biretta with solita oscula. - When the Coped Assistants sit, they shall bow to the Celebrant with birettas in hand (biretta is over the breast), then bow to each other, then sit. - Once seated, place the biretta on your head with middle “hom” to the right, then place the cope across the front of you (left side first, then the right side over). - When standing, remove the biretta, then the 1st Coped Asst shall assist the Celebrant. 1) Upon arrival at the sedilia: A. 1st Coped Assistant shall receive the Liber from the MC with a low head bow before and after receiving it. - The 2nd Coped Assistant shall then stand in front of the Celebrant and receive the Liber from the 1st Coped Asst (no bows), then face the Celebrant. B. The 1st Coped Asst shall point to the Liber so that the Celebrant intones the "Deus in adjutorium... " and the 1st Antiphon. 3 - The 1st Coped Asst shall then return the Liber to the MC in the same way that he received it (low bows before and after). C. Cantor 1 will intone the first verse of the first Psalm, after which all those in the sanctuary shall sit. - The Celebrant will sit first, immediately after which the 1st Coped Asst shall give the biretta to the Celebrant with solita oscula. - Then the Coped Assistants may be seated (as per general guidelines). - Bow to the crucifix with the Celebrant, upon the signals from the MC. D. Rise with the Celebrant after the Antiphon for the 5th Psalm has been repeated (taking the biretta first). - The 1st Coped Asst shall take the Liber from the MC as indicated above and give it to the 2nd Coped Asst. - The Celebrant will chant the Chapter and intone the Hymn. - After the Versicle and Response the Celebrant will intone the Magnificat Antiphon. The 1st Coped Asst will indicate these for the Celebrant. The Celebrant may sit. If the Antiphon is short (2/2 lines or less), the Celebrant should remain standing. - The 1st Coped Asst shall return the Liber to the MC. D. The MC will bow to the Celebrant for him to rise 3 words from the end of the Magnificat Antiphon, with the 1st Coped Asst remembering to take biretta with solita oscula. 2) Incensing of the Altar: A. When the Cantor has intoned the Magnificat, bless yourself, and approach the altar with the Celebrant. Genuflect, and then ascend to the altar with the Celebrant, and reverence it. - The 1st Coped Asst shall receive the boat from the MC for the imposition of incense. B. Hold the boat for the Celebrant, so that he may impose incense. - The 1st Coped Asst shall say the words, “Benedicite Pater Reverende”. - The 2nd Coped Asst shall hold the cope for the Celebrant, so that he may impose incense more easily. C. The 1st Coped Asst shall give the boat back to the MC, then receive the thurible from the thurifer. - The 1st Coped Asst shall give the thurible to the Celebrant, by passing it in front of him (the 2nd Coped Asst will be to the Celebrant’s left). - Hold the cope for the Celebrant as he incenses. - Genuflect with the Celebrant, every time you cross in front of the tabernacle. - The 1st Coped Asst shall receive the thurible back from the Celebrant, then he • will give it to the thurifer (who is standing in piano). - Both Coped Assistants and Celebrant shall go to the center of the altar, reverence with a low head bow, and then descend the steps. Genuflect at the foot of the altar, then return to the sedilia. D. Incensing of Celebrant and ministers. 4 - The thurifer will be standing to the right of the 1st Coped Asst’s seat upon arrival at the sedilia. - The 1st Coped Asst, with the thurifer, shall proceed to the front of the Celebrant, who is at the sedilia, to begin incensing. - The thurifer will give the thurible to the 1st Coped Asst and both shall profound bow, then incense the Celebrant with 3 double swings, followed by another profound bow. - Move back to your seat (the MC shall give the biretta to the Celebrant (solita oscula) after he sits.) - Wait for the MC to move to his seat before you return to your place. - The Coped Asst’s will then be incensed with 2 double swings, and with a low head bow before and after. - Once incensed, both Coped Assts may sit (with usual bows to Celebrant and each other). E. Stand with the Celebrant upon the signal from the MC (once the thurifer has passed in front of the Celebrant (after incensing the congregation)). - 1st Coped Asst shall take his biretta (with solita oscula). - Bow for the “Gloria Patri... " of the Magnificat. - Again, the Celebrant may sit. 3) Collect A. The Celebrant shall stand after the repitition of the Magnificat Antiphon. - 1st Coped Asst shall receive the Liber from the MC with usual reverences, then give the Liber to the 2nd Coped Asst. - The 1st Coped Asst shall open the Liber and indicate the collect to the Celebrant. B. The Celebrant will chant the Collect and any Commemorations. C. After the “per Dominum Nostrum.. ", close the Liber and give it to the MC. - The 1st Coped Asst shall take his biretta and the Celebrant’s biretta. - The 2nd Coped Asst shall take his own biretta. - If there is Benediction, the MC shall retrieve the birettas immediately following Benediction. 4) Procession to the altar: A. After the “Fidelium animae... ”, approach the altar to the positions indicated below, and wait for the signal to genuflect. ΓΊ E Γ A2 - Th - CA2 - C - CAI - MC - Al 5) On Days of Benediction: A. During the Exposition hymn (usually O Salutaris), rise with the Celebrant after a profound bow. - The Is' Coped Asst shall receive the boat from the MC and hold it for the Celebrant to add incense. - The 2nd Coped Asst shall hold the cope for the Celebrant. - The Celebrant will not bless the incense, since the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. 5 - Is* Coped Asst shall take the thurible from the thurifer, after having given the boat to the MC, and return to your position. - 1st Coped Asst will kneel with the Celebrant and hand him the thurible. - Profound bow with the Celebrant at the incensing of the Blessed Sacrament. - Is1 Coped Asst shall give the card to the Celebrant and take the thurible from him, and give the thurible to the MC. - Is* Coped Asst shall receive the card from the Celebrant and return it to the MC. - A period of silent adoration follows. B. During the Tantum Ergo, do a profound bow at the "Veneremur Cernui", then rise with the Celebrant after a profound bow at the words "Genitori genitoque - The 1st Coped Asst shall receive the boat from the MC and hold it for the Celebrant to add incense. - The 2nd Coped Asst shall hold the cope for the Celebrant. - The Celebrant will not bless the incense, since the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. - 1st Coped Asst shall take the thurible from the thurifer, after having given the boat to the MC, and return to your position. - Is1 Coped Asst will kneel with the Celebrant and hand him the thurible. - Profound bow with the Celebrant at the incensing of the Blessed Sacrament. - 1” Coped Asst shall give the card to the Celebrant and take the thurible from him, and give the thurible to the MC. - 1st Coped Asst shall receive the card from the Celebrant and return it to the MC. C. During the Benediction, both Cope assistants shall bless themselves. D. The Celebrant returns to the altar step and kneels. - The 1st Coped Asst shall receive the card from the MC and present it to the Celebrant (after the ringing of the bells). Receive the card back from the Celebrant, and return it to the MC. E. After the Benediction, the Celebrant will repose the Blessed Sacrament. Upon the locking of the tabernacle door, all stand. - The Coped Assistants will then receive their birettas from the MC. - Genuflect upon the signal from the MC. 6) Recession A. Process out after the genuflection. - The Coped Assts shall switch sides, so that the Γ' Coped Asst is on the right and the 2nd Coped Asst is on the left of the Celebrant. - The MC will wait until all in choir have processed out, then he will follow. - The procession will be led to the statio hall. The MC will signal the final bow to the Blessed Sacrament and the bow to the Celebrant. This having been completed, return to the sacristy holding the Celebrant’s cope. 6 MASTER OF CEREMONIES Solemn Vespers Preparation and Procession: - Arrive in the Sacristy 10 minutes before Vespers. - Check the Liber Usualis that has been marked by the 1st Coped Assistant. - Ensure that the following are marked: "Deus in adjutorium... ” (p. 251), the 1st Antiphon, the Chapter, the Hymn, the Magnificat Antiphon, the Collect, and any commemorations. - Ensure that this Liber is placed on your seat for the ceremony. - Ensure that the Sanctuary has all that is necessary for ceremony: 6 candles lit, altar cover removed, and thurible stand. (For Benediction: Candelabra, Throne, burse (w/ corporal), and veil, Monstrance with veil, bells, and the card, all on the credence table. The ambo with Humeral veil over it, and the key for the tabernacle on the altar) - Assist the Celebrant vest by placing the cope (in the color of the day) over his shoulders. - Ensure that all the servers and clerics in statio are ready. - Signal for the beginning of procession by a clap, and bow to the crucifix in the sacristy. - Follow immediately behind the Priests in choir, and take holy water from the font to administer to the Celebrant and both Cope Assistants. - Arrive at the foot of the altar as indicated below. Signal genuflection, then kneel. - Wait for the Acolytes to depart, then signal rise, and genuflect before going to your A2 - Th - CA2 - C - CAI - MC - Al General Guidelines: - The MC shall remain at the 1st Coped Asst’s right side when at the sedilia. - The MC shall signal to the Celebrant to bow to the crucifix by means of a low head bow at every: "Gloria Patri... ” (At the end of the psalm), "Sit nomen Domini Benedictum ”, and "Sanctum et terribile nomen ejus - The MC and servers shall sit only after both Coped Assis have been seated. 1) Upon arrival at the sedilia: A. Take the Liber Usualis from your seat, and hand it to the 1st Coped Asst, bowing both before and after handing it to him. B. After the Celebrant has intoned the "Deus in adjutorium... ” and the 1st Antiphon, receive the Liber from the 1st Coped Asst, with the same low head bow before and after. C. Cantor 1 will intone the first verse of the first Psalm, after which all in the sanctuary shall sit. - Signal accordingly (as indicated in General Guidelines) to the ministers as when to uncover, and bow to the crucifix. Bow to the crucifix with the ministers. D. Signal all to rise (with a low head bow) after the Antiphon for the 5th Psalm has been repeated. 7 - Hand the Liber to the 1st Coped Assistant as indicated above. - The Celebrant will chant the Chapter and intone the Hymn. - After the Versicle and Response the Celebrant will intone the Magnificat Antiphon. After the intonation, you will receive the Liber back from the 1st Coped Asst as indicated above, then the Celebrant may sit. If the Antiphon is short (2/2 lines or less), the Celebrant should remain standing. E. Bow to the Celebrant for him to rise 3 words from the end of the Magnificat Antiphon (this must be memorized). 2) Incensing of the Altar: A. When the Cantor has intoned the Magnificat, bless yourself, and approach the altar with the ministers. Genuflect, and then go to the epistle side and meet the thurifer in piano. - Receive the boat from the thurifer. After bowing to the Celebrant, approach him for the imposition of incense. B. Hand the boat to the 1st Coped Asst, so that he may present it to the Celebrant. - The 1st Coped Asst should say the words, “Benedicite Pater Reverende C. Receive the boat back from the 1st Coped Asst, and give it to the thurifer after he has given the thurible to the 1st Coped Asst. - Descend the altar via the epistle side and remain at the epistle comer in piano. - Remain in this position, until the ministers have descended from the altar (after having reverenced it with a bow). - Genuflect, then return to seats D. Incensing of Celebrant and ministers. - The Thurifer will be standing in front of your seat when you arrive at the sedilia. - It is your responsibility to avoid him. - When the 1st Coped Asst and thurifer proceed to incense the Celebrant, move to the 1st Coped Asst’s seat. Retrieve the biretta once you arrive. - Wait for the Celebrant to be incensed, and when he sits (only if the Magnificat has not concluded), hand the biretta to him with solita oscula. - Move back to your seat so that the 1st Coped Asst may return to his seat to be incensed by the thurifer. - On days of Benediction: - Ensure that the Acolytes take the Candelabra to the altar after the thurifer has incensed the 2nd Coped Asst. - Take the bells and the card to the comer of the lowest step on the epistle side. - The MC shall be incensed with one swing, bowing before and after. E. Bow to the Celebrant to get him to stand, once the thurifer has passed in front of the Celebrant (after incensing the congregation). - Bow for the “Gloria Patri... ” of the Magnificat, after which the Celebrant may sit. 3) Collect A. Bow for the Celebrant to stand, and retrieve the Liber and pass it to the 1st Coped Asst as indicated above. 8 B. The Celebrant will chant the Collect and any Commemorations. C. After the "per Dominum Nostrum.. ", receive the Liber from the 1st Coped Asst and place it on your seat. 4) Procession to the altar: A. After the "Benedicamus Domino ", approach the altar to the positions indicated below, and signal genuflection. - Genuflect upon the signal from the MC (if there is Benediction, then all shall remain standing in place. MC will signal all to kneel when the tabernacle door is opened to expose the Blessed Sacrament, MC kneels in piano). - If no Benediction, then process out in the same order as initial procession. 5) On Days of Benediction: A. During the Exposition hymn (usually O Salutaris), rise with the Ministers after a profound bow. - The thurifer will arrive at your right side, and will give the boat to you. - Open the boat, and give it to the 1st Coped Asst. - The Celebrant will not bless the incense, since the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. - Return to your position, after having given the boat to the thurifer. - Kneel with the thurifer. - Profound bow with the Ministers at the incensing of the Blessed Sacrament. - Give the card to the Is* Coped Asst and take the thurible from him. - Stand with the thurifer and give the thurible back to him. - Then kneel again simultaneously with him. B. During the Tantum Ergo, do a profound bow at the "Veneremur Cernui", then rise with the Ministers after a profound bow at the words "Genitori genitoque - The thurifer will arrive at your left side, and will give the boat to you. - Open the boat, and give it to the Is1 Coped Asst. - The Celebrant will not bless the incense (as indicated above). - Return to your position, after having given the boat to the thurifer. - Profound bow with the Ministers at the incensing of the Blessed Sacrament. - Give the card to the la Cope Asst and take the thurible from him. - Stand with the thurifer and give the thurible to him. - Immediately retrieve the humeral veil from the stand. - Wait for the Celebrant to kneel after concluding the prayer. - Place the humeral veil over the Celebrant’s shoulders. - Then return to your place and kneel. C. Ringing of bells during the Benediction: - The Celebrant will rise and retrieve the monstrance. - The bell shall be rung when the Celebrant elevates the monstance. Then again when the Celebrant goes to the left and then to the right. - Give the card to the Is* Coped Asst (after ringing of bells). D. When the Celebrant returns to the altar step and kneels, take the humeral veil from him and place it on the stand. E. After the Benediction, the Celebrant will repose the Blessed Sacrament. Upon the locking of the tabernacle door, signal all to stand. - Retrieve birettas of the ministers and distribute them to the Coped Assts. - Once the Celebrant has returned from reposing the Blessed Sacrament, signal the genuflection. 6) Recession 9 A. Signal the genuflection, and then process out. - The MC will wait until all in choir have processed out, and he will follow. - The procession will be led to the statio hall. The MC will signal the final bow to the Blessed Sacrament and the bow from the Celebrant to the choir. This having been completed, return to the sacristy in procession leading the ministers. 10 THURIFER Solemn Vespers Preparation and Procession: - Arrive in the Sacristy 10 minutes before Vespers. - The thurifer shall ensure that everything is prepared for the lighting of the thurible. - The thurifer shall lead the procession into the chapel, and remain at the gospel side in the following order. I æ A2 - Th - CA2 - C - CAI - MC - Al - The thurifer shall genuflect upon the signal from the MC, then kneel. Upon the signal from the MC, rise, genuflect again and then go to your seat in the sanctuary. General Guidelines: - The thurible shall remain in the thurifer’s left hand when incense has not been blessed by the Celebrant (the boat remains in the right hand). - If the thurifer is holding the thurible he is not required to follow the rubrics of the servers, but must remain standing, except for Benediction. - When the incense has been blessed, the thurible is then to be held in the right hand (the boat is transferred to the left hand). - When incensing, hold the chain between the index and the middle finger, with the right hand as close as possible to the censer and the left hand at the end of the chain. - When walking longer distances (i.e. sanctuary to choir, or sanctuary to congregation) hold the thurible with one hand (right hand when the incense has been blessed) and with the chain fully extended. - When walking shorter distances (i.e. 1st Cope Asst to 2nd Coped Asst), the thurifer may hold the thurible with both hands as written above for incensing. - When presenting the thurible to have incense added, open the cover approximately 6 inches using the chain. Hold the thurible elevated enough so that the celebrants forearm is parallel to the floor (this way it is not too high or too low). 1) At the "Gloria Patri... ” of the 4th Psalm (or at the 14th verse of the "In exitu Israel.. ” psalm on Sundays) A. Go to the sacristy to prepare the thurible (be sure to genuflect to the Blessed Sacrament, and bow to the choir when leaving). B. · Return to the Sanctuary immediately following the Versicle and Response (with appropriate reverences to the choir). C. Cantor 1 will intone the "Magnificat ”, at this point the thurifer will approach the epistle side and meet the MC. - Hand the boat to the MC when he approaches your left side. - Bow and then approach the Celebrant with the MC. - Open the thurible and present it to the Celebrant. - The Celebrant adds incense, then he blesses it. 11 - Pass the thurible to the 1st Coped Assistant with the right hand, while taking the boat from the MC with the left hand. D. Descend the epistle side of the altar - Place the boat on the thurible stand and return to a position in piano on the epistle side of the altar below the steps. E. Receive the thurible from the 1st Coped Asst, then stand in front of the MC’s seat. 3) Incensing of the Celebrant, Choir, and Congregation. A. When the 1st Coped Asst returns to his seat walk with him (remaining on his right side) to a position facing the Celebrant. - Hand the thurible to the 1st Coped Asst, and hold his cope with the left hand. - Profound bow with the 1st Coped Asst before and after incensing the Celebrant. - After receiving the thurible from the 1st Coped Asst, follow him to his seat, and stand facing him. - Incense him with two double swings (2X2), doing a low head bow before and after. Then move to a position in front of the 2nd Coped Asst, remembering to do a profound bow as you cross in front of the Celebrant. - Incense the 2nd Coped Asst (2X2), then incense Priests. C. Incensing of clerics and congregation. - Priests: highest to lowest (1X2), Superior General (2X2) - Choir: gospel side first then the epistle side. (1 Center, 1 Left, and 1 Right) - Then return to the sanctuary to incense the MC. (1X1) - Then incense the ACs. A. He bows once to both of them. B. Then he incenses each one individually. (Each gets one single swing) - Finally, the congregation is incensed. (1 Center, 1 Left, and 1 Right) - Genuflect upon returning to the Sanctuary, profound bow as you cross in front of the Celebrant, then return to your seat. 4) Procession to the altar: A. Approach the Left side of the 2nd Coped Asst at the "Benedicamus Domino - Remaining on his left, process to the position indicated above at the foot of the altar. (On days with Benediction, the thurifer will be holding the thurible in his right hand, and the boat in his left hand. On days without Benediction, the thurible will remain on the stand and the thurifer will remain with hands folded.) - Genuflect upon the signal from the MC (if there is Benediction, then MC will signal all to kneel when the tabernacle door is opened; thurifer kneels in piano). 5) On Days of Benediction: A. During the Exposition hymn, rise with the Ministers after a profound bow. - Go to the right side of the MC, and give the boat to him. - Open the thurible, and the Celebrant will add incense as indicated above. - The Celebrant will not bless the incense, since the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, and It alone shall be incensed. 12 - Return to your position, after having received the boat from the MC. - Profound bow with the Ministers at the incensing of the Blessed Sacrament. - Stand with the MC and receive the thurible from him. - Then kneel simultaneously with him. B. During the Tantum Ergo, do a profound bow at the "Veneremur Cernui", then rise with the Ministers after a profound bow at the words "Genitori genitoque - Go to the right side of the MC, and give the boat to him. - Open the thurible, and the Celebrant will add incense as indicated above. - The Celebrant will not bless the incense (as indicated above). - Return to your position, after having received the boat from the MC. - Profound bow with the Ministers at the incensing of the Blessed Sacrament. - Stand with the MC and receive the thurible from him. - Then kneel simultaneously with him. C. Incensing during the Benediction: - The Celebrant will rise and receive the monstrance. - The Blessed Sacrament shall be incensed with three double swings. (3X2) - Every time the bell is rung by the MC, give one double swing (since he rings the bell 3 times, you will have incensed the Blessed Sacrament with three double swings). D. After the Benediction, the Celebrant will repose the Blessed Sacrament. Upon the locking of the tabernacle door, all stand will stand. 6) Recession A. Genuflect upon the MC’s signal, and then lead the procession out. - The procession will be led to the statio hall where you will await the final bow to the Blessed Sacrament and the bow from the Celebrant. This having been completed, return to the sacristy in procession leading the acolytes. B. In the sacristy, return the thurible to its place (on days of Exposition), you are now finished. 13 ACOLYTES Solemn Vespers Preparation and Procession: -Arrive in the Sacristy at least 10 minutes before Vespers. -Light candles 5 minutes before Vespers. -AC1 assists the 1st Coped Assistant to vest, while AC2 assists 2nd Coped Assistant to vest. -Line-up in sacristy for procession (AC1 on the right and AC2 on the left, so as to enter the chapel on the epistle side and gospel side, respectively). -Enter, following behind the Thurifer. -The candles of the acolytes shall be nearest the outside shoulder when walking as a team. (i.e. the acolyte on the right carries his candle nearest his right shoulder.) -Go to the positions at the foot of the altar, as indicated below, upon arrival in the sanctuary. —i----- œ i— AC2 - Th - CA2 - C - CAI - MC - AC1 -Genuflect upon the signal from the MC. - Then on the signal to kneel, genuflect again while placing candles on the lowest step, and extinguish them. Then stand and meet each other in the center, genuflect, then to seats. General Guidelines: -ACs shall have hands folded over breast when standing, and the palms of the hands resting flatly on thighs when sitting. -Both of the ACs shall follow the Coped Assistants as when to sit or stand, except where otherwise noted. - ACs shall sit after being incensed, but not before (Coped Assts will be incensed first.) 1) After the "Gloria Patri” of the 4th Psalm (or 14th Verse of "In exitu Israel”, 5th Psalm on Sundays): A. AC1 shall stand with the thurifer and light the procession candles. Light the candle on the epistle side first, then the gospel side. Genuflect each time you cross the center, and if crossing in front of the Celebrant, do a profound bow. B. Then return to seat for the remainder of the 5th Psalm. 2) After the "Gloria Patri” of the 5th Psalm: A. Acolytes stand go to the front of the altar, genuflect then retrieve candles. - Both acolytes shall genuflect while retrieving the candles. AC2 shall watch AC1, and coordinate his genuflection with that of ACL - Return to the front of the altar with the candles, genuflect, and turning towards each other, process towards the Celebrant. - Ensure that the candles are always held towards the outside shoulder. When both acolytes turn towards each other, they will need to switch the candle from 14 one side to the other. - Upon arrival, the Acolytes will ensure that there is enough room for 1st Coped Asst to stand in between (or if there is an ambo, the acolytes shall position themselves to either side of it), and face the Celebrant. - When the Celebrant stands, bow to him, then face each other. - Once facing each other, the acolytes will switch candles to other side (the candles should now be directed away from the direction of the Celebrant). 3) After the intonation of the Hymn: A. ACs 1 shall signal to AC2, with a nod, to depart. - Both acolytes shall then turn to the Celebrant do a low head bow, then switch the candles to the other side and process back to the front of the altar. - Upon arrival at the front of the altar, genuflect, then go to the edge of the lowest step. Place the candles on the lowest, while genuflecting together. - Then meet each other in the center, genuflect once again, and return to seats. - If you cross in front of the Celebrant, be sure to do a profound bow. 4) On days with Benediction: A. ACs shall light both candelabra immediately following the intonation of the Magnificat. B. Then the ACs shall place the candelabra, monstrance, and throne on the altar immediately after the thurifer has incensed the 2nd Coped Asst. - AC1 shall carry the throne in his left hand and the candelabra in his right hand. - AC2 shall carry the candelabra in his left hand and monstrance in his right hand. - Both approach the altar “in breviorum”, and bow to the crucifix. - AC1 shall place the throne in the center, in front of the tabernacle, and the candelabra on the epistle side. - AC2 shall place candelabra and monstrance on the gospel side, with the monstrance immediately adjacent to the throne. - Ensure that the candelabra are equidistant from the center, and placed on top of the cloths that are used to protect the altar cloths from wax. 5) Both ACs shall then be incensed by the thurifer upon return to seats. Do a low head bow to him before and after being incensed. 6) After the "Gloria Patri” of the Magnificat: A. Acolytes shall go to the front of the altar, genuflect then retrieve candles. - Both acolytes shall genuflect while retrieving the candles. AC2 shall watch AC1, and coordinate his genuflection with that of AC1 (same as above). - Return to the front of the altar with the candles, genuflect, and turning towards each other, process towards the Celebrant. - Ensure that the candles are always held towards the outside shoulder. When both acolytes turn towards each other, they will need to switch the candle from on side to the other. 15 - Upon arrival, the Acolytes will ensure that there is enough room for Coped Asst 1 to stand in between (or if there is an ambo, the acolytes shall position themselves to either side of it), and face the Celebrant. - When the Celebrant stands bow to him (with a low head bow) then turn and face each other. - Once facing each other, the acolytes will switch candles to other side (the candles should now be directed away from the direction of the Celebrant). 7) After the recitation of the Collect, at the words, "per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum A. AC1 shall signal to AC2, with a nod, to depart. - Both acolytes shall then turn to the Celebrant do a low head bow, then switch the candles to the other side and process back to the front of the altar. - Upon arrival at the front of the altar, genuflect then go to the edge of the lowest step. Remain standing with candles at outside position. 8) After the "Benedicamus Domino ”, the ministers shall return to their positions in front of the altar. A. Genuflect with them upon the signal from the MC. - On days with Benediction: remain standing until the tabernacle is opened, this is the signal to kneel. Once kneeling, place the candles on the floor in front of you. You will remain in this position throughout Benediction. After the Blessed Sacrament is reposed at the end ofBenediction, stand at the locking of the tabernacle door. Both ACs will stand with candles in hand. Then genuflect upon the signal from the MC. B. Follow the thurifer in procession into the statio hall. - Turn and wait for ministers. - Bow to tabernacle with them, then bow to Celebrant. - Return to the sacristy, and extinguish candles. 16 SUNG VESPERS MASTER OF CEREMONIES Sung Vespers Preparation and Procession: - Arrive in the Sacristy 10 minutes before Vespers. - Check the Liber Usualis that you have marked and place it on the ambo. - Ensure that the following are marked: ‘‘Deus in adjutorium... ” (p. 251), the 1st Antiphon, the Chapter, the Hymn, the Magnificat Antiphon, the Collect, and any commemorations. - Ensure that your Liber is placed on your seat for the ceremony. - Ensure that the Sanctuary has all that is necessary for ceremony: 6 candles lit, altar cloth removed, thurible stand, and ambo in front of the sedilia. - Assist the Celebrant vest by placing the cope (in the color of the day) over his shoulders. - Signal for the beginning of the procession by a clap, and bow to the crucifix in the sacristy. - Follow immediately behind the acolytes, and take holy water from font to administer to the Celebrant and thurifer. - The MC and thurifer shall hold the cope for the Celebrant, the MC to the right and the thurifer to the left. - All three shall reverence the choir by a simple head bow. Gospel side first then epistle side (without genuflecting in the center or turning your back on the Tabernacle.) - Arrive at the foot of the altar as indicated below. Signal genuflection, then kneel. - Wait for the Acolytes to depart, then signal rise, and another genuflection. - Go to your seats. _________ ______ A2 - Th - C - MC - Al General Guidelines: - The MC shall remain at the Celebrant’s right side when at the sedilia. - The MC shall signal to the Celebrant to bow to the crucifix by means of a low head bow at every: ‘‘Gloria Patri... ” (At the end of the psalm), "Sit nomen Domini Benedictum ”, and "Sanctum et terribile nomen ejus - The MC shall sit only after the Celebrant has been seated. - The MC shall signal for the Celebrant to stand, taking and receiving the biretta with solita oscula. 1) Upon arrival at the sedilia: A. Point to the Liber so that the Celebrant intones the "Deus in adjutorium... ” and the 1st Antiphon. B. Cantor 1 will intone the first verse of the first Psalm, after which all in the sanctuary shall sit. - Give biretta to the Celebrant with solita oscula. - Signal accordingly (as indicated in General Guidelines) to the Celebrant as when to uncover, and bow to the crucifix. 17 - Bow to the crucifix with the Celebrant. C. Signal for the Celebrant to rise (with a low head bow) after the Antiphon for the 5th Psalm has been repeated (taking biretta). - The Celebrant will chant the Chapter and intone the Hymn. - After the Versicle and Response the Celebrant will intone the Magnificat Antiphon. You will indicate these for the Celebrant. The Celebrant may sit. If the Antiphon is short (2/2 lines or less), the Celebrant should remain standing. - Remove the ambo after the Celebrant is seated. D. Bow to the Celebrant for him to rise 3 words from the end of the Magnificat Antiphon (this must be memorized). - Remembering to take biretta with solita oscula. 2) Incensing of the Altar: A. When the Cantor has intoned the Magnificat, bless yourself, and approach the altar with the Celebrant. Genuflect, and then turn to the epistle side and meet the thurifer in piano. - Receive the boat from the thurifer. After bowing to the Celebrant, approach him for the imposition of incense. B. Hold the boat for the Celebrant, so that he may impose incense. - The MC shall say the words, "Benedicite Pater Reverende C. Give the boat back to the thurifer after he has given the thurible to you. - Give the thurible to the Celebrant, by passing it in front of him. - Hold the cope for the Celebrant as he incenses. When he genuflects, hold his elbow for support. - Genuflect with the Celebrant, every time you cross in front of the tabernacle. - MC shall receive the thurible back from the Celebrant, then he will give it to the thurifer (who is standing in piano). - Both MC and Celebrant shall go to the center of the altar, bow, and then descend the steps. Genuflect, then return to the sedilia. D. Incensing of Celebrant and ministers. - The thurifer will be standing to the right of your seat when you arrive at the sedilia. - With the thurifer, proceed to the front of the Celebrant, who is at the sedilia, to begin incensing. - The thurifer will give the thurible to you and both MC and thurifer shall profound bow, then incense with 3 double swings, and then profound bow again. - Move back to your seat and give the biretta to the Celebrant (solita oscula) after he sits. - Return the ambo to its original position in front of the Celebrant, and remain standing. - The MC will be incensed after the choir. E. Bow to the Celebrant to get him to stand, once the thurifer has passed in front of the Celebrant (after incensing the congregation). 18 - Take his biretta (with solita oscula). - Bow for the “Gloria Patri... ” of the Magnificat. - Again, the Celebrant may sit. 3) Collect A. Bow to the Celebrant so that he may stand, then open the Liber and indicate the collect to the Celebrant. B. The Celebrant will chant the Collect and any Commemorations. C. After the “per Dominum Nostrum.. ”, close the Liber and move the ambo near the credence table. 4) Procession to the altar: A. After the “Benedicamus Domino ”, approach the altar to the positions indicated below, and signal genuflection. - MC will take the Celebrant’s biretta. - Signal genuflection. —------ Ξ Γ* A2-Th-C-MC- Al 5) Recession A. Process out after the genuflection. - The MC will process behind the acolytes holding the Celebrant’s cope. The Celebrant, MC, and thurifer shall bow to the choir as when entering. (MC and thurifer do not have to switch sides, since they are not vested ministers.) - The procession will be led to the sacristy. Upon arrival, the MC will signal the final bow to the Crucifix and the bow from the Celebrant and the servers to each other. 19 THURIFER Sung Vespers Preparation and Procession: - Arrive in Sacristy 10 minutes before Vespers. - The thurifer shall ensure that everything is prepared for the lighting of the thurible. - At the procession, the thurifer shall accompany the Celebrant on his left as he holds his cope with his right hand. - As all three cross the center of the choir, salute the gospel side first, with a low head bow, then the epistle side, then go to the positions at the foot of the altar indicated below. I fcl FT- A2 - Th - C - MC - Al - The thurifer shall genuflect upon the signal from the MC, then kneel. Upon the signal from the MC, rise, genuflect, and then go to your seat in the sanctuary. General Guidelines: - The thurible shall remain in the thurifer’s left hand when incense has not been blessed by the Celebrant (the boat remains in the right hand). - If the thurifer is holding the thurible he is not required to follow the rubrics of the servers, but must remain standing. - When the incense has been blessed, the thurible is then to be held in the right hand (the boat is transferred to the left hand). - When incensing, hold the chain between the index and the middle finger, with the right hand as close as possible to the censer and the left hand at the end of the chain. - When walking longer distances (i.e. sanctuary to choir, or sanctuary to congregation) hold the thurible with one hand (right hand when the incense has been blessed) and with the chain fully extended. - When walking shorter distances, the thurifer may hold the thurible with both hands as written above for incensing. - When presenting the thurible to have incense added, open the cover approximately 6 inches using the chain. Hold the thurible elevated enough so that the Celebrant’s forearm is parallel to the floor (this way it is not too high or too low). 1) At the "Gloria Patri... ” of the 4th Psalm (or at the 14th verse of the "In exitu Israel.. ” psalm on Sundays) A. Go to the sacristy to prepare the thurible (be sure to genuflect to the Blessed Sacrament, and to bow to the choir when leaving and returning). B. Return to the Sanctuary immediately following the Versicle and Response (with appropriate reverences to the choir). C. Cantor 1 will intone the "Magnificat ”, and the ministers will process to the altar, at this point the thurifer will approach the epistle side and meet the MC. - Hand the boat to the MC when he approaches your left side. - Bow and then approach the Celebrant with the MC. 20 - Open the thurible and present it to the Celebrant. - The Celebrant adds incense, then blesses it. - Pass the thurible to the MC with the right hand, while taking the boat from him with the left hand. D. Descend the epistle side of the altar - Place the boat on the thurible stand then go to the Celebrant’s left side to assist him in incensing the altar. Genuflect when crossing the center. - Hold his cope with the right hand, genuflecting with him every time. - After the last genuflection (before doing the last 3 swings on the epistle side), descend the epistle side to receive the thurible from the MC. - Receive the thurible from the MC, then stand next to the MC’s seat. 3) Incensing of the Celebrant, Choir, and Congregation. A. When the MC returns to his seat walk with him (remaining on his right side) to a position facing the Celebrant - Hand the thurible to the MC. - Profound bow with the MC before and after he incenses the Celebrant. - After receiving the thurible from the MC, depart to incense Priests. C. Incensing of clerics and congregation. - Priests: highest to lowest (1X2), Superior General (2X2) - Choir: gospel side first then the epistle side. (1 Center, 1 Left, and 1 Right) - Then return to the sanctuary to incense the MC. (1X1) - Then incense the ACs. A. He bows once to both of them. B. Then he incenses each one individually. (Each gets one single swing) - Finally, the congregation is incensed. (1 Center, 1 Left, and 1 Right) - Genuflect upon returning to the Sanctuary, profound bow as you cross in front of the Celebrant, then return to seat. 4) Procession to altar: A. Approach the Left side of the Celebrant at the "Benedicamus Domino - Remaining on his left, process to the position indicated above at the foot of the altar. 5) Recession A. Genuflect upon the MC’s signal, and then process out. - Remaining on the same side of the Celebrant, the thurifer shall accompany the Celebrant (now on the left side of the thurifer) as he holds his cope with his left hand. - As all three cross the center of the choir, salute the gospel side first, with a low head bow, then the epistle side, then return to the sacristy. B. In the sacristy, bow to the cross, then to the Celebrant. 21 ACOLYTES Sung Vespers Preparation and Procession: -Arrive in the Sacristy at least 10 minutes before Vespers. -Light candles 5 minutes before Vespers. -Line-up in sacristy for procession (AC1 on the right and AC2 on the left, so as to enter the chapel on the epistle side and gospel side, respectively). Acolytes shall lead the procession. -The candles of the acolytes shall be nearest the outside shoulder when walking as a team. (i.e. the acolyte on the right carries his candle nearest his right shoulder.) -Go to the positions at the foot of the altar, as indicated below, upon arrival in the sanctuary. ΓΊ GS - AC2 - Th - C - MC - AC1 -Genuflect upon the signal from the MC. - Then on the signal to kneel, genuflect again while placing candles on the lowest step, and extinguish them. Then stand and meet each other in the center, genuflect, then to seats. General Guidelines: -ACs shall have hands folded over breast when standing, and the palms of the hands resting flatly on thighs when sitting. -Both of the ACs shall follow the Celebrant as when to sit or stand, except where otherwise noted. - ACs shall sit after being incensed, not before (when Celebrant sits). 1) After the "Gloria Patri" of the 4th Psalm (or 14th Verse of "In exitu Israel", 5th Psalm on Sundays): A. AC1 shall stand with the thurifer and light the procession candles. Light the candle on the epistle side first, then the gospel side. Genuflect each time you cross the center, and if crossing in front of the Celebrant, do a profound bow. B. Then return to seat for the remainder of the 5th Psalm. 2) After the "Gloria Patri" of the 5th Psalm: A. Acolytes stand go to the front of the altar, genuflect then retrieve candles. - Both acolytes shall genuflect while retrieving the candles. AC2 shall watch AC1, and coordinate his genuflection with that of ACL - Return to the front of the altar with the candles, genuflect, and turning towards each other, process towards the Celebrant. - Ensure that the candles are always held towards the outside shoulder. When both acolytes turn towards each other, they will need to switch the candle from one side to the other. - Upon arrival, the Acolytes shall position themselves to either side of the ambo, 22 and face the Celebrant. - When the Celebrant stands, bow to him, then face each other. - Once facing each other, the acolytes will switch candles to other side (the candles should now be directed away from the direction of the Celebrant). 3) After the intonation of the Hymn: A. ACs 1 shall signal to AC2, with a nod, to depart. - Both acolytes shall then turn to the Celebrant do a low head bow, then switch the candles to the out side shoulder and process back to the front of the altar. - Upon arrival at the front of the altar, genuflect, then go to the edge of the lowest step. Place the candles on the lowest, while genuflecting together. - Then meet each other in the center, genuflect once again, and return to seats. - If you cross in front of the Celebrant, be sure to do a profound bow. 4) Both ACs shall then be incensed by the thurifer upon their return to their seats. Do a low head bow to him before and after being incensed. 5) After the “Gloria Patri” of the Magnificat: A. Acolytes shall go to the front of the altar, genuflect then retrieve candles. - Both acolytes shall genuflect while retrieving the candles. AC2 shall watch AC1, and coordinate his genuflection with that of AC1 (same as above). - Return to the front of the altar with the candles, genuflect, and turning towards each other, process towards the Celebrant. - Ensure that the candles are always held towards the outside shoulder. When both acolytes turn towards each other, they will need to switch the candle from on side to the other. - Upon arrival, the Acolytes shall position themselves to either side of the ambo, and face the Celebrant. - When the Celebrant stands bow to him (with a low head bow) then turn and face each other. - Once facing each other, the acolytes will switch candles to other side (the candles should now be directed away from the direction of the Celebrant). 6) After the recitation of the Collect, at the words, “per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum A. AC1 shall signal to AC2, with a nod, to depart. - Both acolytes shall then turn to the Celebrant do a low head bow, then switch the candles to the other side and process back to the front of the altar. - Upon arrival at the front of the altar, genuflect then go to the edge of the lowest step. Remain standing with candles at outside position. 7) After the “Benedicamus Domino ”, the Celebrant, MC, and thurifer shall return to their positions in front of the altar. A. Genuflect with them upon the signal from the MC. B. Lead the procession into the sacristy. 23 - Tum and wait for Celebrant. Bow to the Crucifix, then bow to the Celebrant. - Extinguish the candles. 24 SOLEMN MASS MASTER OF CEREMONIES Solemn Mass Preparation and Procession: - Arrive in the sacristy at least 15 minutes before Mass. - Ensure that the Sanctuary is properly set up for Solemn Mass. - Ensure that the Evangeliarium is marked, and that the Deacon and Subdeacon have added their proper readings (if they have made their own copies). Then place the Evangeliarium on the credence table. - Ensure that the cards of intonation for the Gloria, Credo, and Ite Missa Est are on the epistle side behind the first candle. Also, know what Gloria and Creed is going to be used for the Mass. - Review the Epistle and Gospel to note any genuflections or bows (usually at the name of Jesus). Review the Alleluia or Tract to note where Ministers are to rise for the gospel. (This should be done 5 lines prior to the end of either the Alleluia or Tract, whichever the case may be). This should be done the evening before. - The MC is to help the Celebrant vest. - Ensure that all the servers are present. - Ensure that the ambo is not placed in the location where you intend to have the gospel read. - When all are ready in the sacristy, and at the time of the start of Mass, indicate (with a clap) the signal to bow to the crucifix and begin procession. Procession is in the following order when the Celebrant is in cope: [Otherwise, SD, D, and C are in a straight line (SD leading, followed by the D, then Celebrant)]. Th AC2-Cr-AC1 MC SD - C - D - Upon arrival at the main altar, take the birettas from the Deacon and Subdeacon. Place the 2 birettas that you received from the Deacon on the sedilia nearest the altar, and the Subdeacon’s biretta, on the sedilia furthest from the altar. Return to your place and signal genuflection, then kneel for the Asperges. General Guidelines: - The MC shall normally be positioned below the lowest step (no closer to the altar than the Subdeacon), whenever the ministers are at the altar. - If the D and SD are not at the altar, then the MC should be at the altar assisting the Celebrant with the Missal. - The MC never sits. His place, when the ministers are seated, is in front of the sedilia facing the congregation. This is so that he is in position to bow to the Celebrant, to assist, etc. - The MC shall know his duties as well as the duties of all the other servers. - Always remove the Missal during the incensing of the altar (at the Introit and Offertory). 25 1) Asperges (Sundays only) A. After the entrance procession, and once all have knelt (after the genuflection), then pass the Aspersorium to the Deacon. - The D will remove the Aspergillium and present it to the Celebrant. - Once the ministers bless themselves, signal the ministers to stand, then genuflect. - Cross over to the right side of the Celebrant as he sprinkles the choir and congregation. - Upon return to the Sanctuary, signal genuflection. As you are genuflecting, leave the Aspersorium on the lowest step, and retrieve the book of Altar Prayers. - Hand the book to the Deacon. As you are standing, the Celebrant will read the closing prayers to the Asperges. - When the prayer is complete, receive the book from the Deacon, and genuflect (as you do so retrieve the Aspersorium). - Go to the Sedilia and hand the book of Altar Prayers and Aspersorium to Acolyte 1 (AC1). - Take the cope from the Celebrant and give it to Acolyte 2 (AC2). 2) Prayers at the Foot of the Altar A. When the ministers have vested, approach the altar, signal genuflection (MC will then kneel). - Respond with the Deacon and Subdeacon, the opening prayers. B. Upon completion of the prayers, stand, and approach the thurifer who is now standing at the epistle side (in piano). 3) Introit A. Go to the epistle side of the altar, when the Celebrant, Deacon, and Subdeacon ascend the altar. - Receive the boat from the Thurifer (th), who is on your right side, and open the boat. - Bow, then approach the Celebrant with the Th. - Hand the boat to the Deacon (the boat should be open with spoon handle towards the Deacon). - The Celebrant adds incense, then he blesses it. - Receive the boat from the Deacon and return it to the thurifer, after he has given the thurible to the Deacon. B. Retrieve the Missal and descend the epistle side of the altar. - Stand in piano until the Celebrant has incensed the epistle side of the altar. - Once the Celebrant has genuflected in the center, after incensing the epistle side of the altar, return the Missal to the altar and return to position on piano. - Profound bow with the Deacon when he incenses the Celebrant. C. Point to the Introit in the Missal for the Celebrant. 26 4) Kyrie A. Bow to the Ministers when the Celebrant says the first "Kyrie 5) Gloria A. Retrieve the intonation card for the Celebrant so that he may intone the "Gloria ", - Return the card to the gradine after the intonation. - Then return to your place on the lowest step (epistle side, facing the altar). - Bow with the minsters and bless yourself with them during the verbal recitation of the Gloria. B. After the Gloria has been completed, the Ministers will descend the altar, genuflect, and then return to the sedilia. - Remember to bow at the "Adoramus te ”, "Gratias agimus tibi ", "Jesus Christe ”, "Jesus Christe ”, and “suscipe deprecationem nostram. ” - Get the ministers to stand at the "Cum Sancto Spiritu... - Approach the altar and genuflect. 6) Collect A. Go directly to the Missal. - Bow to the tabernacle with the Celebrant at the "Oremus B. Once he begins the Collect, get the Epistolarium, holding it with the opening to your right, and your right hand higher than the left. - Then stand to the right of the Subdeacon, facing the altar. - At the name of "Jesum ”, bow to the tabernacle, then hand the Epistolarium to the Subdeacon (low head bow before and after). 7) Epistle A. Lead the Subdeacon to the lowest step, by going around behind him (you should now be at his left). - Genuflect, then turning toward the subdeacon, go to the spot where the epistle will be chanted. - When the Holy Name is said during the epistle, take one step forward, bow to the Celebrant, then bow to the tabernacle, then step back. B. When the epistle is completed, return to the lowest step on the altar, then go to the epistle side, where the subdeacon will receive a blessing. - Stand behind him, and receive the epistolarium from him with low head bows before and after. - Return the epistolarium to the credence table, then return to the Missal (remaining at the Celebrant’s right). C. After the Gradual (or Alleluia) and Tract (or Alleluia), return to the sedilia per breviorum. - When the Schola has begun to sing the first of the remaining five lines of the Tract or Alleluia, get the ministers to stand (you should have picked up the Evangeliarium before this). 27 8) Gospel A. Approach the altar with the ministers, genuflect, and hand the Evageliarium to the Deacon with low head bows before and after. - Approach the thurifer who is standing at the epistle side in piano. - Receive the boat from him (same procedure as 1-A above). - Step down and wait (in piano) for the thurifer to return the boat to the thurible stand. - Lead the thurifer to the center as indicated below. - Once the Schola begins the final “Alleluia” (or the final line of the Tract), signal a genuflection. SD-D MC-th A2-A1 B. Gospel Procession. - After the genuflection,., go to your position for the gospel (following Acolyte 2). ttf ΓΓ A2-MC SD-D Al - th C. Gospel Reading. - Upon arrival at the above gospel position, face the thurifer. - When the D and SD arrive, turn to face AC2. - Turn to the right towards the Celebrant at the beginning of the gospel and bless yourself at the “Gloria tibi Domine - Continue the turn and receive the thurible from the thurifer. - Give the thurible to the Deacon with your right hand across the Deacon’s body. - Profound bow at the incensing of the gospel with the Deacon. - Receive the thurible from the Deacon with the right hand. - Turn to the right and bow to Celebrant for the Holy Name (if it is said), then continuing the turn, return the thurible to the thurifer. - If the Holy Name is not said, return the thurible to the thurifer. - Any time the Holy Name is mentioned, turn to the right towards the Celebrant, and bow, then return to position by turning to the left (not doing a full circle as 28 before). - At the completion of the gospel, go to the center, genuflect with the acolytes, then go to where the Subdeacon is standing (epistle side) and receive the evangeliarium from him. D. Procession to Sedilia - Once the Deacon returns, and the Celebrant has descended the altar, signal a genuflection (after the Celebrant has remove his maniple), and then lead the ministers to the sedilia for the sermon. E. At the completion of the sermon, get the ministers to stand and approach the altar. - wait for the Celebrant to replace his maniple, then signal genuflection. - Get the intonation card for the Celebrant (if necessary). - Return to your normal position at the foot of the altar after the intonation. 9) Creed A. Follow the Celebrant as he says the Creed, remembering to bow, genuflect, and bless yourself with the ministers. - Get the Ministers to kneel when they descend the altar at the "Et Incarnatus est... ” - Then get them to stand, genuflect, then return to the sedilia. B. Retrieve the Burse from the credence table. - Hold the burse at eye level with the opening away from you. - Approach the Deacon, and hand the burse to him with a low head bow before and after. - Approach the altar, and signal genuflection (SD should be to your left). - Go to your normal position at the foot of the altar. - Genuflect with the Deacon and return to your normal position at the sedilia. - Be sure to indicate to the ministers to bow at the "simul adoratur ”. C. Get the ministers to stand at the "Et vitam venturi seculi... ” - Approach the altar, and signal genuflection. 10) Offertory A. Genuflect when the Celebrant says "Oremus - Go with the Subdeacon to the credence table and assist him to don the humeral veil. - Take any ciboria that may be on the credence table (if any) to the altar. - Then return to your normal position at the foot of the altar. B. When AC1 removes the cruets and dish from the altar, approach the thurifer (in piano, epistle side). - Receive the boat from the thurifer and approach the altar (same as 1-A above). - After you have returned the boat to the thurifer, go to the gospel side by descending the epistle side, genuflecting behind the SD and stand in piano (gospel side). - Remove the Missal when the Celebrant begins incensing the epistle side. 29 - If there are any relics, remove the Missal immediately. - Once the Celebrant begins incensing the epistle side again, return the Missal to its “Canon” position. C. After the Lavabo, the Celebrant will return to the center and say “Orate Fratres.. ” - Respond with the “Suscipiat... - Point to the Secret. - Remember to look for the thurifer! D. Turn the pages of the Missal to the Preface at the completion of the Secret. - At the “atque" or “cumque" clause in which the archangels and angels are mentioned, bow to the Subdeacon and Deacon to approach the altar. - Immediately depart, via the long way to your normal position on the epistle side. 11) Canon A. Memento of the Living - Once the Deacon steps forward (after having stepped back), turn to the thurifer and receive the boat. - Impose incense into the thurible, then return the boat to him. B. Kneel for the consecration when the Deacon kneels. - After the consecration of the Precious Blood, stand with the Celebrant after his final genuflection. C. At the "Nobis quoque... ” - Go to the center (behind the SD), genuflect, and go to the gospel side and wait for the Deacon to genuflect. - When the Deacon genuflects, genuflect with him, and ascend the altar at the gospel side and stand at the Celebrant’s left. - Genuflect with the Celebrant and Deacon (upon removal of the pall from the chalice). Turn the page immediately after the genuflection - Genuflect once again when the pall is place back on the chalice. During the genuflections, you should be supporting the Celebrant’s elbow. 12) Pater Noster A. Bow to the SD to ascend the altar at the “et dimitte nobis... ”. - Then verify that AC1 is removing the humeral veil. 13) Pax and Agnus Dei A. When the Celebrant says the “Pax Domini...”, bow to the SD, then genuflect to the Blessed Sacrament and descend the gospel side, cross the center (genuflect), and go to your normal place at the foot of the altar, epistle side. B. The Deacon will descend the altar after having received the “pax”. - He will give the kiss of peace to the SD. - After doing so, signal the genuflection for all three, and depart with the SD to give the kiss of peace to the highest ranking cleric on the gospel side first, then the epistle side. - Return to sanctuary, genuflect, then receive the kiss of peace from the SD. 30 - Give the kiss of peace to the thurifer, then return to your normal position at the foot of the altar. - When all the servers have received the kiss of peace, signal all to kneel. 14) Communion of Priest and Faithful A. Indicate all to rise when the Celebrant has consumed the Precious Blood. The thurifer shall lead as indicated below. - Signal the genuflection, then kneel. ffl Π Th - ACI - AC2 - Cr - MC - After the SD and D receive communion, signal all to rise. - Then kneel on the footpace. - After receiving communion, rise, genuflect, and then return to the epistle side and kneel. B. Once all tonsuratii have received Communion, follow the ministers to distribute Communion to the laity. - Remain to the left side of the Subdeacon. - Upon return to the sanctuary, kneel immediately at your normal position. - Once the tabernacle door is locked signal all in the sanctuary to rise. 15) Communion/Postcommunion A. When the Deacon crosses the center with the Missal, follow him (after his genuflection) to the epistle side. - Point out the Communion Prayer to the Celebrant - After the "Dominus vobiscum... ”, bow to the tabernacle with the Celebrant, then point out the Postcommunion prayer. - Close the book after the completion of the Postcommunion prayer. B. Retrieve the intonation card for the Deacon ( "Ita Missa est ”). - Hold it for him in the center (if necessary). - Then return to your normal position and signal all to kneel for the final blessing. - Then rise for the Last Gospel. 16) Last Gospel A. Genuflect with the Celebrant B. When he completes the last gospel, go to the sedilia and retrieve the birettas. - Give the Deacon’s and Celebrant’s birettas to the Deacon. - Give the Subdeacon’s biretta to him. C. Signal all to genuflect. 31 17) Recession and Arrival at the Sacristy A. After the genuflection, lead the ministers to the sacristy. - Upon arrival, bow to the crucifix, then to the Celebrant. - Kneel for the blessing. B. Assist the Celebrant to unvest. C. Retrieve the chalice from the credence table and return it to the sacristy. 32 THURIFER Solemn Mass Preparation and Procession: - Light the charcoals for the thurible 10 minutes before Mass. - The thurifer shall lead the procession, and therefore he shall be positioned in front. - The thurifer shall walk in procession with the thurible in the left hand and the boat in the right hand. - The thurifer shall genuflect at the center upon arrival in the sanctuary, and then go to his seat. (the thurifer may place the thurible on the stand, or continue to hold it. If he places it on the stand, he must follow the rubrics of the Mass with the MC and acolytes.) General Guidelines: - The thurible shall remain in the thurifer’s left hand when incense has not been blessed by the Celebrant (the boat remains in the right hand). - If the thurifer is holding the thurible he is not required to follow the rubrics, but must remain standing. - When the incense has been blessed, the thurible is then to be held in the right hand (the boat is transferred to the left hand). - When incensing, hold the chain between the index and the middle finger, with the right hand as close as possible to the censer and the left hand at the end of the chain. - When walking longer distances (i.e. sanctuary to choir, or sanctuary to congregation) hold the thurible with one hand (right hand when the incense has been blessed) and with the chain fully extended. - When walking shorter distances (i.e. Deacon to MC, or MC to acolytes), the thurifer may hold the thurifer with both hands as written above for incensing. - When presenting the thurible to have incense added, open the cover approximately 6 inches using the chain. Hold the thurible elevated enough so that the celebrants forearm is parallel to the floor (this way it is not too high or too low). 1) Introit (immediately after the prayers at the foot of the altar) A. Go to the epistle side of the altar, when the Celebrant, Deacon, and Subdeacon ascend the altar. - Hand the boat to the MC when he approaches your left side. - Bow, then approach the Celebrant with the MC. - Open the thurible and present it to the Celebrant. - The Celebrant adds incense, then he blesses it. - Pass the thurible to the Deacon with the right hand, while taking the boat from the MC with the left hand. B. Descend the epistle side of the altar - Place the boat on the thurible stand and return to a position in piano on the epistle side of the altar below the steps. - Do not bow with the Deacon, SD, and MC when they incense the Celebrant. C. Receive the thurible from the Deacon, then return to your seat. 33 2) Gospel A. Go to the epistle side of the altar when the ministers rise after Gradual & Alleluia (or Tract). - Hand the boat to the MC (same procedure as 1-A above) - Celebrant adds incense to the thurible and blesses it. - Keep the thurible (in right hand) and receive the boat (in left hand) from the MC. B. Descend the epistle side of the altar. - Place the boat on to the credence table. - Follow the MC to prepare for the gospel procession. C. Gospel Procession. (See below) - Stand to the right of the MC and behind the Deacon. - Genuflect, then go to your position for the gospel, following Acolyte 1. D. Gospel Reading. - Give the thurible to the MC with your Right hand (after the MC blesses himself while facing the Celebrant). - Profound bow at the incensing of the gospel with the Deacon and MC. - Receive the thurible from the MC with the Right hand (after he bows to Celebrant for the Holy Name). E. Incensing of the Celebrant (after the gospel reading). - Tum towards Deacon and face the Celebrant. - Hand the thurible to the Deacon. - Profound bow with the Deacon before and after he incenses the Celebrant. - Process to the center in piano and wait for the Celebrant to descend the altar. - Genuflect with the ministers and return to your seat to add a coal during the sermon. 3) Offertory A. Go to the epistle side when AC#1 returns the cruets to the credence table. - Hand the boat to the MC. - The Celebrant adds incense to the thurible and blesses it. (same as 1A above) - Return the boat to the thurible stand and stand in piano on the epistle side. B. Go to the left of D when he incenses the Celebrant. - Move to this position when the Celebrant and Deacon do their final genuflection towards the Blessed Sacrament to complete the incensing of the altar. - Profound bow with the D at incensing of the Celebrant. 34 - Lead the D to the center (going behind the SD) and genuflect. - Commence incensing the Choir. C. Incensing of clerics and congregation (thurifer remains to the Deacon’s left.) - Priests: highest to lowest (1X2), Superior General (2X2) - Choir: gospel side first then the epistle side. (1 Center, 1 Left, and 1 Right) - The SD is incensed by the Deacon. (2X2) - The Deacon gives the thurible to the Thurifer. - The thurifer incenses the D. (2X2) - He then incenses the MC. (1X1) - He then incenses the ACs. A. He bows once to both of them. B. Then he incenses each one individually. (Each gets one single swing) - the Crucifer is then incensed. (1X1) - Finally, the congregation is incensed. (1 Center, 1 Left, and 1 Right) - Genuflect upon returning to the Sanctuary, then return to seat. *N.B. - Listen for “Gratias agamus..." (STOP incensing and bow at this point) - Before and after incensing each time, the thurifer must do a low head bow (unless otherwise noted). 4) Consecration A. Approach the MC when the D steps forward on the footpace after the “Memento” of the living. - Hand the boat to the MC, and present him with the open thurible. - The MC will add incense to the thurible. - Move to the epistle side of the altar facing the Celebrant and remain standing. B. Kneel when the D kneels (after he moves to the epistle side) and place the boat on the floor. C. At the elevation: - The Blessed Sacrament shall be incensed with three double swings. (3X2) - The Precious Blood shall also be incensed with three double swings. (3X2) D. After the D stands, pick up the boat and return to your seat. - Upon returning to your seat, return the thurible and the boat to the thurible stand. 5) Receiving Communion: A. The thurifer shall lead both Acolytes and the Crucifer to the communion position indicated below. This is done on the signal from the MC. Th - ACI - AC2 - Cr - MC - Genuflect, and then kneel - After the SD and D receive communion, rise upon the signal from the MC. - Then genuflect, and kneel on the footpace. 35 - After receiving communion, rise, genuflect, and then return to seats and kneel. 6) Recession A. After the Last Gospel go to positions indicated below. - Genuflect during the Last Gospel (with the Celebrant). - Genuflect upon the MC’s signal, and then lead the procession out. Π--------- s-------- Π— c. D AC. Cr AC, Mi B. In the sacristy, after the recession, bow to the crucifix with the ministers, then bow to the Celebrant, and finally, kneel for the blessing. 36 ACOLYTES & CRUCIFER Solemn Mass Preparation and Procession: -Arrive in the Sacristy at least 10 minutes before Mass. -AC1 assists the Deacon to vest, while AC2 assists the Subdeacon to vest. -Line-up in sacristy for procession (AC1 on the right, AC2 on the left, and Crucifer at the center, facing the ministers. (If there is no crucifer: line-up with the candles at a point closest to the sacristy crucifix). -Bow to the crucifix on the signal from the MC. -Enter, following behind the Thurifer. -The candles of the acolytes shall be nearest the outside shoulder when walking as a team. (i.e. the acolyte on the right carries his candle nearest his right shoulder.) -Go to the position in the sanctuary where the thurifer genuflected. (AC1 at right, AC2 at left, Crucifer in the center). Stop, then proceed to the credence, place the candles on the credence, and the crucifix on the stand, and go to seats. General Guidelines: -AC1 shall assist the Deacon with the Dalmatic, AC2 shall assist SD with the Tunicle when sitting -ACs and Crucifer shall have hands folded over breast when standing, and the palms of the hands resting flatly on thighs when sitting. -Both of the ACs shall follow the MC as when to kneel, and follow Deacon and Subdeacon as when to sit, otherwise, remain standing. 1) After Asperges A. AC1 shall take the Aspersorium and the Book of Altar Prayers from the MC to the credence table. B. AC2 shall take the Cope from the MC to the sacristy. 2) Gospel A. Acolytes move to position at the front of the altar - Both acolytes shall move to get their candles when the Celebrant imposes incense into the thurible. - The D and SD shall be positioned nearest to the altar - The MC and thurifer shall be positioned immediately behind the D and SD. - AC1 shall be positioned to the right of AC2, just behind the thurifer, and - AC2 shall be positioned to the left of Adjust behind the MC. - All shall genuflect at the signal from the MC. - All in the procession shall turn inward to the center and follow the acolytes to the gospel position (as seen below). - Upon arrival at gospel position, ACs face each other until D and SD arrive. - When they arrive turn and face the MC and thurifer (ensuring that the candles are always position nearest the outside shoulder). 37 B. After the gospel, and after the SD departs, the Acolytes shall go to the center of the sanctuary. - Genuflect with the MC, then return the candles to the credence table, then return to seats. 3) Offertory A. AC1 goes to the credence table with the SD and MC (after ‘Oremus ”). - He assists by placing his hand upon the burse while the SD removes the humeral veil. - He then folds the chalice veil in thirds and leaves it on the credence table. B. AC1 takes both cruets (still in the dish) to altar, (after the SD has ascended the altar with the humeral veil). - Once the cruets are no longer needed, and have been returned to the dish, AC1 shall remove the cruets from the altar, and return them to the credence table. - AC1 returns to his seat while the incense is being imposed. C. When the Celebrant finishes incensing gospel side, the ACs go to the credence table. - AC1 obtains the finger towel, while AC2 obtains the lavabo dish and the water cruet. - Wait in piano until Celebrant has been incensed by the D and thurifer. - Once the D and the thurifer depart, bow and approach the Celebrant for the lavabo. - Once the lavabo has been completed, bow and return the items to the credence table, then return to seats. 4) Canon A. At the “Sanctus", AC1 shall ring the bells three times, (each time the Celebrant says, “Sanctus.") - AC1 shall ring the bells once when the Celebrant says, “Hanc Igitur"(This is when the Celebrant spreads his hands over the chalice). B. Acolytes & Crucifer shall kneel when the D kneels for the consecration. C. Elevation of The Blessed Sacrament and The Precious Blood: - AC1 shall ring the bells at the moment of the first genuflection, the elevation, and at the second genuflection, for both consecrations. 38 - All rise after the Celebrant’s second genuflection after the consecration of The Precious Blood. 5) Pater Noster A. When the Celebrant says, "Dimitte Nobis ", AC1 shall go to take the humeral veil from the SD (at the epistle side of the altar), then genuflect with the SD before returning veil to the sacristy, then he returns to his seat. 6) AC1 rings the bell each time the Celebrant says, "Domine non sum dignus ”, before receiving communion. 7) ACs and Crucifer shall receive the “Pax”, then kneel. 8) Receiving Communion A. After the Celebrant receives the Precious Blood, all rise (with the MC) and follow the thurifer to the front of the altar to prepare to receive communion. - First genuflect, then kneel. - After the SD and D receive communion, rise on signal from the MC. - Ascend to the footpace and kneel on the signal from the MC. - Receive communion, then rise, descend to the front of the altar (in piano), then genuflect and return to seats. 9) After the distribution of communion, rise once the Celebrant locks the tabernacle door. A. AC1 immediately takes the cruets (with dish) to the altar for ablutions. - After the cruets are returned to the dish, AC1 removes the cruets from the altar and places them on the credence table, then returns to seat. B. AC2 takes the chalice veil from the credence, then stands to the right of the MC. - AC2 waits for the D to remove the Missal from the gospel side. - When the D descends with the Missal, AC2 crosses behind the MC and genuflects behind the SD, who is in line with the D. - AC2 shall proceed to the gospel side with the chalice veil, by going around the bottom step. - AC2 shall help the SD “build” the chalice. - Once the chalice is “built”, AC2 shall proceed to the credence table with the SD, genuflecting behind the SD when crossing the front of the altar. 10) At the end of the Last Gospel, retrieve the processional candles and crucifix. A. ACs shall go to the center of the sanctuary with the Crucifer in the center. - Turn inwards towards the Crucifer, after the ministers’ genuflection, and process out of the sanctuary. 11) Upon arrival in the sacristy, stand on either side of the Crucifer (candles towards crucifix) A. Bow to the crucifix, bow to the Celebrant, then kneel for the blessing (only if no crucifix present). 39 - If crucifer present, remain standing to either side of crucifer without reverences. B. Assist the Celebrant, Deacon, and Subdeacon to unvest. 40 SUNG MASS MASTER QF CEREMONIES Sung Mass Preparation and Procession: - Arrive in the sacristy at least 15 minutes before Mass. - Ensure that the Sanctuary is properly set up for Sung Mass. - Ensure that the chalice is veiled and on the altar (center). - Ensure that the cards of intonation for the Gloria, Credo, and Ite Missa Est are on the epistle side behind the first candle. Also, know what Gloria and Creed are going to be used for the Mass. - Review the Epistle and Gospel to note any genuflections or bows (usually at the name of Jesus). Review the Alleluia or Tract to note where the Celebrant is to rise for the gospel. (This should be done 3-1/2 lines prior to the end of either the Alleluia or Tract, whichever the case may be). This should be done the evening before. - The MC is to help the Celebrant vest. - Ensure that all the servers are present. - When all are ready in the sacristy, and at the time of the start of Mass, indicate (with a clap) the signal to bow to the crucifix and begin the procession. The procession is in the following order when the Celebrant is not in cope: [Otherwise, the acolytes lead the procession, and the thurifer and the MC are to the Celebrant’s left and right, respectively. They shall be holding the ends of the Celebrant’s cope)]. Th AC2-AC1 MC C - Upon arrival at the main altar, take the biretta from the Celebrant with solita oscula. Place the biretta on the sedilia nearest the altar. Return to your place at the Celebrant’s right and signal genuflection, then kneel for the prayers at the foot of the altar. General Guidelines: - The MC shall normally be positioned below the lowest step on the epistle side. - The MC never sits. His place, when the Celebrant is seated, is in front of the sedilia facing the congregation. This is so that he is in position to bow to the Celebrant, to assist, etc. - The MC shall know his duties as well as the duties of all the other servers. - When handing the biretta to the Celebrant, ensure that you kiss the biretta first then the hand. When receiving the biretta kiss the hand first. This is the same for handing and receiving the incense spoon and thurible from the Celebrant. 1) Asperges (Sundays only) A. After the entrance procession, and once all have knelt (after the genuflection), then 41 pass the Aspersorium to the Celebrant. - The Celebrant will remove the Aspergilium and sprinkle the altar. - Once the Celebrant blesses himself, stand, then genuflect. - Cross over to the right side of the Celebrant as he sprinkles the choir and congregation. - Upon return to the Sanctuary, signal genuflection. As you are genuflecting, leave the Aspersorium on the lowest step, and retrieve the book of Altar Prayers. - Hand the book to the Celebrant. As you are standing, the Celebrant will read the closing prayers to the Asperges. - When the prayer is complete, receive the book from the Celebrant, and genuflect (as you do so retrieve the Aspersorium). - Go to the Sedilia and hand the book of Altar Prayers and Aspersorium to Acolyte 1 (AC1). - Take the cope from the Celebrant and give it to Acolyte 2 (AC2). 2) Prayers at the Foot of the Altar A. When the Celebrant has vested in chasuble and maniple, approach the altar, signal genuflection (MC will then kneel). - Respond with the Celebrant, the opening prayers. B. Upon completion of the prayers, stand, and approach the thurifer who is now standing at the epistle side (in piano). 3) Introit A. Go to the epistle side of the altar, when the Celebrant ascends the altar. - Receive the boat from the Thurifer (th), who is on your right side, and open the boat. - Bow, then approach the Celebrant with the Th. - Hand the spoon to the Celebrant (with solita oscula). - The Celebrant adds incense. - The MC says, "Benedicite Pater Reverende - Receive the thurible from the thurifer and return the boat to him. B. Pass the thurible to the Celebrant by crossing the right hand in front of him with the thurible. This shall be done with solita oscula. - Stay to the Celebrant’s right while he incenses the altar. - Hold the elbow of the Celebrant every time he genuflects. - Once the Celebrant has incensed the altar, step down and receive the thurible from him (with oscula). - Stand in piano alongside the thurifer. - Incense the Celebrant with three double swings. - Profound bow before and after you incense the Celebrant. - Return the thurible to the thurifer C. Point to the Introit in the Missal for the Celebrant. 4) Kyrie 42 5) Gloria A. Retrieve the intonation card for the Celebrant so that he may intone the “Gloria - Return the card to the gradine after the intonation. - Then return to your place on the lowest step (epistle side, facing the altar). - Bow with the Celebrant and bless yourself with him during the verbal recitation of the Gloria. B. After the Gloria has been completed, the Celebrant will descend the altar, genuflect, and then return to the sedilia. - Remember to bow at the “Adoramus te”, “Gratias agimus tibi", “Jesus Christe ”, “Jesus Christe ”, and “suscipe deprecationem nostram. ” - Get the Celebrant to stand at the “Cum Sancto Spiritu... ". - Approach the altar and genuflect. 6) Collect A. Go directly to the Missal. - Bow to the tabernacle with the Celebrant at the “Oremus ”. B. Then go to the sedilia per breviorum. - Hand the biretta to the Celebrant with oscula. 7) EPistle A. When the Holy Name is said during the epistle: - Bow to the Celebrant, then bow to the tabernacle. B. When the epistle is completed, remain at the sedilia. C. When the Schola has begun to sing the remaining 3-1/2 lines of the Tract or Alleluia, get the Celebrant to stand (receive his biretta with oscula). 8) G°sPel A. Approach the altar with the Celebrant, genuflect, and approach the Missal. - Point out the Gradual (or Alleluia) and the Tract (or 2nd Alleluia). - These having been read, ensure that the Celebrant moves to the center of the altar. - Approach the thurifer who is standing at the epistle side in piano. - Receive the boat from him (same procedure as 1-A above). - Return the boat to the thurifer and retrieve the Missal. - Go to the Center of the altar (on the lowest step), as indicated below. - Once the Schola begins the final “Alleluia” (or the final line of the Tract), signal a genuflection. C MC A2 - th - Al 43 B. Gospel Procession. - After the genuflection, go directly to the gospel side (as indicated below). C. Gospel Reading. - Upon arrival at the above gospel position, leave the Missal on the gospel side, facing “liturgical north”. - Take the thurible from the thurifer and go to the Celebrant’s right. - At the beginning of the gospel, after the “Gloria tibi Domine”, hand the thurible to the Celebrant with oscula. - Bow with him, and then receive the thurible from him with oscula. - Give the thurible back to the thurifer and remain at the Celebrant’s left. - At the completion of the gospel, move the Missal to the “Canon” position, then go to the center, genuflect with the acolytes and thurifer, and get the intonation card for the Creed (if it is being sung). Otherwise go to your normal position on the epistle side. 9) Creed A. As the Celebrant recites the Creed, remember to bow, genuflect, and bless yourself with him. - Get the Celebrant to kneel when he descends the altar at the “Et Incarnatus est... ” - Then get him to stand, genuflect, and return to the sedilia. - Give him the biretta with oscula. - Be sure to indicate to the Celebrant to bow at the “simul adoratur ”. B. Get the Celebrant to stand at the “Et vitam venturi seculi... ” - Approach the altar, and signal genuflection. - Then go to your normal position in piano on the epistle side. 10) Offertory A. After the Celebrant says “Oremus ”, ascend the altar via the epistle side and take the chalice veil from the Celebrant. - Fold the chalice veil with a triple fold, and leave it on the epistle side of the altar. - Then return to your normal position at the foot of the altar. B. When the acolytes depart with the cruets, after the Celebrant has poured them into the chalice, approach the thurifer (in piano, epistle side). - Receive the boat from the thurifer and approach the altar (same as 1-A above). 44 - Incense the altar with the Celebrant, after having given him the thurible in the same way as at the Introit (same as 1-B above). - Take the thurible from the Celebrant (with oscula) and incense him with three double swings, remembering to profound bow before and after. - Return the thurible to the thurifer, and go to the Missal (which is in the Canon position), by crossing the center, genuflecting, then ascending the steps on the gospel side. C. After the Lavabo, the Celebrant will return to the center and say “Orate Fratres.. ” - Respond with the “Suscipiat... ”. - Point to the Secret. - Remember to look for the thurifer! D. Turn the pages of the Missal to the Preface at the completion of the Secret. - Remain standing at the altar after the “Sanctus", and continue turning the pages for the Celebrant. 11) Canon A. Memento of the Living - Step back at an angle to the gospel comer of the footpace and bow when the Celebrant folds his hands. - Return to your position at the Celebrant’s left when he “opens” his hands. B. Kneel for the consecration at the “Quipridie". - Hold the chasuble up for the Celebrant at the elevations of the Blessed Sacrament and the Precious Blood. - At the Celebrant’s genuflection, after the elevation of the Precious Blood, stand, then turn the page of the Missal. C. Memento of the Dead. - Step back at an angle to the gospel comer of the footpace and bow when the Celebrant folds his hands. - Return to your position at the Celebrant’s left when he “opens” his hands. D. Genuflect with the Celebrant when he removes the pall for the “per Ipsum.. ” - Genuflect immediately after the “per Ipsum... ”, then stand and turn the page of the Missal (remember to hold the Celebrant’s elbow for support). 12) Pater Noster A. Turn the page after the Pater Noster. 13) Pax and Agnus Dei A. Genuflect with the Celebrant when he removes the pall. - After the Celebrant says the “Pax Domini... ”, genuflect with him. B. Continue turning the pages for the Celebrant. C. At the “Domine non sum dignus ” of the Celebrant, genuflect, and leave the altar. - Descend in piano on the gospel side and face the epistle side. - Kneel with the thurifer (who is on the epistle side facing you, as indicated below). 45 KI <-Th MC-^ AC2 ACI 14) Communion of Priest and Faithful A. Indicate all to rise when AC 1 rises to return the bells to the credence table. - Wait for AC1 to return, and all meet in the center as indicated below. - Signal the genuflection, then kneel on the footpace. MC - AC2 - AC1 - th - You will receive the paten from AC2 before you receive Communion. - After receiving Communion, rise, genuflect, and then stand next to the Celebrant (on his right), while he distributes Communion. B. Once all of the tonsuratii have received Communion, follow the Celebrant to distribute Communion to the laity. - Upon return to the sanctuary, kneel immediately at your normal position. - Once the tabernacle door is locked, signal all in the sanctuary to rise. 15) Communion/Postcommunion A. When AC1 crosses the center with the Missal, follow him (after his genuflection) to the epistle side. - Point out the Communion Prayer to the Celebrant. - After the “Dominus vobiscum... ", bow to the tabernacle with the Celebrant, then point out the Postcommunion prayer. - Close the book after the completion of the Postcommunion prayer. B. Retrieve the intonation card for the Celebrant (“Ita Missa est"). - Hold it for him in the center (if necessary). - Return the intonation card to the gradine. - Then return to your normal position and signal all to kneel for the final blessing. - Rise for the Last Gospel and face the gospel side. 16) Last Gospel A. Genuflect with the Celebrant B. When he completes the last gospel, go to the sedilia and retrieve the biretta. C. Signal all to genuflect. - Give the Celebrant’s biretta to him with oscula. 46 17) Recession and Arrival at the Sacristy A. After the genuflection, lead the Celebrant to the sacristy. - Upon arrival, bow to the crucifix, then to the Celebrant. - Say the words, “Jube Domne, benedicere ”, the kneel for the blessing. B. Assist the Celebrant to unvest. 47 THURIFER Sung Mass Preparation and Procession: - Light the charcoals for the thurible 10 minutes before Mass. - The thurifer shall lead the procession, and therefore he shall be positioned in front. - The thurifer shall walk in procession with the thurible in the left hand and the boat in the right hand. - The thurifer shall go to the gospel side upon arrival in the sacristy (as indicated below). Upon the signal from the MC, genuflect, and then to his seat. ..... .. 1 I · ·■ ■ ■ ' ■ ' 1 ■ AC2 - Th - Celebrant - MC - AC1 (the thurifer may place the thurible on the stand, or continue to hold it. If he places it on the stand, he must follow the rubrics of the Mass with the MC and acolytes.) General Guidelines: - The thurible shall remain in the thurifer’s left hand when incense has not been blessed by the Celebrant (the boat remains in the right hand). - If the thurifer is holding the thurible he is not required to follow the rubrics, but must remain standing. - When the incense has been blessed, the thurible is then to be held in the right hand (the boat is transferred to the left hand). - When incensing, hold the chain between the index and the middle finger, with the right hand as close as possible to the censer. - When walking longer distances (i.e. sanctuary to choir, or sanctuary to congregation) hold the thurible with one hand (right hand when the incense has been blessed) and with the chain fully extended. - When walking shorter distances (i.e. Deacon to MC, or MC to acolytes), the thurifer shall hold the thurifer with both hands (the right hand closest to the censor, left hand at the end of the chain). - When presenting the thurible to have incense added, open the cover approximately 6 inches using the chain. Hold the thurible elevated enough so that the celebrants forearm is parallel to the floor (this way it is not too high or too low). 1) Introit (after the prayers at the foot of the altar) A. Go to the epistle side of the altar with boat and thurible, when the Celebrant ascends the altar. - The MC will approach you from the left, hand the boat to the MC. - Bow with the MC as you approach the altar. - The Celebrant will add incense to the thurible and he will bless it. - Close the thurible and give it to the MC with the right hand. - Receive the boat from the MC in the left hand. - Leave the boat on the credence table. 48 B. Go to Celebrant’s left (by going around the lowest step). - Genuflect with the Celebrant (while holding his elbow for support) as he incenses the altar. - Descend the altar steps on the epistle side and stand to the left of the MC. - Profound bow with the MC while he incenses the Celebrant. C. Receive the thurible from the MC, and return to your seat. 2) Gospel A. Go to the epistle side of the altar (with thurible and boat) when the Celebrant rises to read the Gradual and the Alleluia (or the Tract). - Hand the boat to the MC (same procedure as 1-A above) - The Celebrant adds incense and blesses the thurible. - Keep the thurible (in the right hand) and receive the boat (in left hand) from the MC. B. Descend the epistle side of the altar. - Place the boat on the credence table. - Go to the center of the altar and^stand between the acolytes (as indicated below). I _____ Ùù_________ i MC -AC2 - Th - AC1 C. Gospel Procession - Genuflect behind the MC. - Process to the gospel side of altar, following Acolyte #2. - You should now be between AC#1 and AC#2 on gospel side of altar. D. Gospel Reading - Give the thurible to the MC with the right hand after he blesses himself. - After the Celebrant incenses the gospel book, receive the thurible from the MC with left hand. E. At the end of Gospel: - Turn to the right and follow AC#1 to the center. - Genuflect at the center between both acolytes. - Return to your seat and add a coal to the thurible. 3) Offertory A. Go to the epistle side with the boat and thurible when both acolytes remove the cruets. - Hand the boat to the MC (same procedure as 1-A above) - The Celebrant will add incense to the thurible and bless it. - Pass the thurible to the MC with the right hand. - Receive the boat from the MC. - Return the boat to the credence table. B. Go to the Celebrant’s left, by going around the altar steps. - Genuflect with the Celebrant as he incenses the altar. 49 - Descend the epistle side, after incensing the altar, then go to the left of the MC. - Profound bow with the MC and incense the Celebrant. - Take the thurible from the MC with the right hand. - Go to center, genuflect, then commence incensing. C. Incensing of clerics and congregation - Priests: highest to lowest (1X2), Superior General receives two double swings (2X2). - Choir: incense gospel side first, then the epistle side. ( 1 Center, 1 Left, and 1 Right.) - Enter sanctuary, genuflect, then incense the MC (1X1). - Then incense ACs 1&2. Bow once to both acolytes and incense each with a single swing. - Genuflect before leaving sanctuary, then incense the congregation. ( 1 Center, 1 Left, and 1 Right.) - Return to the sanctuary, genuflect, then return to seat. *N.B. - Listen for “Gratias agamus...” (STOP incensing and bow) - Do a low head bow each time before and after you incense (unless otherwise noted). 4) Consecration A. Go to AC#1 when the MC steps forward after the “Memento” of the living. - Hand the boat to AC#1, and present him with the open thurible. - AC#1 will add incense to the thurible. - After incense is added, go to epistle side and remain standing in piano. B. Kneel when the MC kneels, and place the boat on the floor. C. At the Elevation: - Incense the Blessed Sacrament with three double swings (3X2). - Incense the Precious Blood with three double swings also (3X2). - Stand with the MC, pick up the boat, and return the thurible and the boat to the thurible stand. 5) Receiving Communion A. Go to the epistle side (in piano) with the paten at the “Angus Dei”. - Kneel when the MC kneels. - Rise with ACL - After he returns the bells to the credence table, he will return to the center of the steps. Thereupon, follow him in forming a straight line with the other servers as indicated below. Il | MC - AC2 - AC1 - Th - Genuflect, and then kneel. - After receiving communion, give the paten to AC#1. 50 - When all have received communion, rise upon signal, then genuflect, and return to seats. 6) Recession A. After the Last Gospel go to your position at the bottom of the steps. - Genuflect upon MCs signal, then the thurifer will lead the procession out. B. Once you arrive in the sacristy, bow to the crucifix, bow to Celebrant, then kneel for the blessing. 51 ACOLYTES Sung Mass Preparation and Procession: -Arrive in Sacristy 10 minutes before mass. -Line-up in sacristy for procession (AC1 on the right, AC2 on the left, and Crucifer at the center, facing the Celebrant. (If there is no crucifer: line-up with the candles at a point closest to the sacristy crucifix). -Bow to the crucifix on the signal from the MC. -Enter, (follow behind the Thurifer only if there is no Asperges). - If there is an Asperges (i.e. Sunday), Acolytes lead the procession. -The candles of the acolytes shall be nearest the outside shoulder when walking as a team. (i.e. the acolyte on the right cames his candle nearest his right shoulder.) -Go to the position in the sanctuary where the thurifer genuflected. (AC1 at right, AC2 at left, Crucifer in the center). Stop, do a “low head bow”, then place candles on credence, crucifix on stand, and go to seats. (N.B.- ONLY if there is a crucifer in the procession) -Go to positions indicated below in front of the altar at lowest step (AC1 on the furthest right, AC2 on the furthest left). Genuflect, go to seat. (N.B. - If there is not crucifer in the procession) General Guidelines: -AC1 and AC2 shall assist the Celebrant with the Chasuble when he sits. -ACs (and Crucifer) shall have hands folded over breast when standing, and the palms of the hands resting flatly on thighs when sitting. -Both of the ACs shall follow the MC as when to kneel, and follow Celebrant as when to sit, otherwise, remain standing. i) After the Asperges (If on Sunday) A. AC1 takes the Aspersorium and the Book of Altar Prayers from the MC to the sacristy. B. AC2 takes the Cope from the MC to the Sacristy. 1) Introit A. AC1 shall remove the Missal from the epistle side of the altar, and stand in piano during the incensing of the altar. B. AC1 shall replace the Missal immediately following the Celebrant’s genuflection after he incenses the epistle side. 2) Gospel A. Acolytes shall go to gospel position in front of altar (as indicated below), when the Celebrant imposes incense in the thurible. - AC1 shall be to the right, AC2 to the left. - The thurifer shall be between both Acolytes (MC is in front of the thurifer). 52 - Genuflect, with the MC. - AC2 leads procession to gospel side as indicated below. - The thurifer remains between both Acolytes. 4 I I I L B. After the gospel, the Acolytes shall go to the original gospel position shown above. - Genuflect with the MC, then return to seats 3) Offertory A. The acolytes shall take the cruets to altar, after the MC folds the chalice veil. - AC1 has the wine cruet, AC2 has the water cruet. - Bow, approach the altar and kiss the cruets - AC 1 presents the wine cruet, then AC2 presents the water cruet (after the Celebrant has blessed water) - Once the water cruet is returned to AC2, bow, and return the cruets to the credence table. - AC1 goes to the gospel side by going around the lowest step. - He shall remove the Missal during the incensing of the altar, once the Celebrant has proceeded to incense the epistle side. (N.B. - If there are relics, remove the missal immediately) - AC1 shall return the Missal to the altar, once the Celebrant genuflects before incensing epistle side, then goes back to the credence table to meet AC2 to prepare for Lavabo. B. When the Celebrant finishes incensing the gospel side, AC2 picks up the dish, water cruet, and finger towel and waits for AC 1 to return. - AC1 returns and takes the finger towel from AC2 and stands to his right - Both ACs Wait in piano until the Celebrant has been incensed. - Once the MC and thurifer have departed, both ACs bow and approach the Celebrant for the lavabo. - Once the Lavabo has been completed, bow, and return to seats. C. ACs are incensed by the thurifer. - Immediately after the ACs are incensed, they go to the center, genuflect, then they proceed to the comer of the lowest step and kneel (AC1 brings the bells). - Both ACs kneel for the entire canon. 4) Canon A. At the “Sanctus ”, AC1 rings the bells three times. - AC1 shall ring the bells once when the Celebrant says, “Hanc Igitur” (This is when the Celebrant spreads his hands over the chalice.) B. Elevation of Blessed Sacrament and Precious Blood: - AC1 shall ring the bells at the moment of the first genuflection, the elevation, 53 then at the second genuflection, for both consecrations. C. AC1 shall ring the bells when the Celebrant recites, "Domine non sum dignus ”, before he receives communion. 5) Receiving Communion: A. When Celebrant begins “scraping” the paten on the corporal, all rise with the MC. - AC1 shall return the bells to the credence table, then return to the center. - AC2 shall meet AC 1 at the center, (upon his return) - MC, Thurifer, and both ACs shall genuflect in piano, then kneel on the footpace. - Once all servers receive communion, rise and genuflect together, then return to seats. 6) After the distribution of communion, all servers shall rise when Celebrant locks the tabernacle door. A. The ACs shall take the water & wine cruets to altar for the ablutions (just as at Low Mass). - AC1 shall approach the Celebrant when he tips the chalice towards the Acolyte. - AC1 pours in wine until directed to stop, then returns to epistle side of altar where AC2 remains standing. - The Celebrant then approaches the ACs, and both shall bow. - AC1 shall pour wine over the fingers of the Celebrant and into the chalice, until directed to stop (or until the wine cruet is empty). - AC2 shall pour water over the fingers of the Celebrant and into the chalice, until directed to stop (or until the water cruet is empty). - Once the ablutions are completed, the ACs shall return the cruets to the credence table. B. ACs shall proceed to the center (in piano and in front of altar). (AC1 shall be on the right, with AC2 on the left) - Both Acolytes shall genuflect, then proceed to the altar (AC1 to gospel side, AC2 to epistle side), by going around the altar steps, remaining in plano. (AC2 goes behind AC1 when they cross) - AC1 obtains the Missal while AC2 obtains the chalice veil. - Both shall proceed to the center (in piano) by crossing directly across the footpace, and directly down the stairs (without going around the steps) - ACI (w/ Missal) proceeds first directly to the epistle side, and places the Missal on the altar. - AC2 shall proceed behind AC 1 directly to the gospel side, and places the chalice veil on the altar. Both remain on either side of the Celebrant while he “builds” the chalice. - AC2 assists the Celebrant to “build” the chalice (by holding the burse, while he places the corporal inside, then handing him the chalice veil, and finally handing him the burse) - Once the Celebrant takes the burse from AC2, then both ACs proceed down the adjacent steps, around the bottom step to the center (in piano) and genuflect, then 54 return to their seats. 7) At the end of the Last Gospel: - ACs shall retrieve their candles. - They shall then proceed to their places at the comers of the bottom step, without genuflecting when they cross the center, and face the gospel side. - They shall line-up as indicated below. - Both shall genuflect with the Celebrant (during Last Gospel) - Then genuflect upon the signal from the MC. - The recession shall be in the same order as the entrance procession. AC2 - Th - Celebrant - MC - AC1 8) Upon arrival in sacristy, the ACs shall hold the candles towards the crucifix, then bow to the crucifix upon the signal from the MC. Finally, all servers shall bow to the Celebrant, then kneel for a blessing from the Celebrant. 55 SUNG REQUIEM MASS MASTER OF CEREMONIES Sung Requiem Mass Preparation and Procession: - Arrive in the sacristy at least 15 minutes before Mass. - Ensure that the Sanctuary is properly set up for a Requiem Mass. - Review the Epistle and Gospel to note any genuflections or bows (usually at the name of Jesus). - The MC is to help the Celebrant vest. - Ensure that all the servers are present. - When all are ready in the sacristy, and at the time of the start of Mass, indicate (with a clap) the signal to bow to the crucifix and begin the procession. Procession is in the following order: Th AC2-AC1 MC C - Go around the right side of the catafalque before arriving at the altar. - Upon arrival at the main altar, take the biretta from the Celebrant (no oscula). Place the biretta on the sedilia nearest the altar. Return to your place at the Celebrant’s right and signal genuflection, then kneel for the prayers at the foot of the altar (there is no Psalm 42 in a Requiem Mass). General Guidelines: - The MC shall normally be positioned below the lowest step on the epistle side. - The MC never sits. His place, when the Celebrant is seated, is in front of the sedilia facing the congregation. This is so that he is in position to bow to the Celebrant, to assist, etc. - The MC shall know his duties as well as the duties of all the other servers. - When handing the biretta to the Celebrant, ensure that the middle “hom” is closest to the Celebrant’s right hand. - The crucifer will enter the sanctuary after he receives Communion. 1) Prayers at the Foot of the Altar A. Respond with the Celebrant, the opening prayers. - There is no Psalm 42. B. Upon completion of the prayers, stand, and approach the Missal on the epistle side. - There is no incensation at the Introit. 2) Introit A. Go to the epistle side of the altar, when the Celebrant ascends the altar. B. Point to the Introit in the Missal for the Celebrant. - Do not bless yourself at the beginning of the Introit. 56 3) Kyrie 4) Collect A. The Celebrant will go to the center and say, "Dominus vobiscum. ” - Bow to the tabernacle with the Celebrant when he says, "Oremus ”. B. Point to the Collect - After the Collect, you may go to the sedilia, if so, it shall be “per breviorum”. - Hand the biretta to the Celebrant. 5) Epistle A. When the Holy Name is said during the epistle: - Bow to the Celebrant, then bow to the tabernacle. B. When the epistle is completed, remain at the sedilia. - The Schola will sing the Gradual, Tract, and the Sequence (“Dies Irae”). C. When the Schola has begun singing the line, "Juste judex ultionem... ” of the Sequence (“Dies Irae”), get the Celebrant to stand (while receiving his biretta). 6) Gospel A. Approach the epistle side of the altar with the Celebrant “per breviorum”. - Point out the Gradual, the Tract, and the Sequence. - These having been read, take the Missal, and descend the altar steps directly to the center, as indicated below. - Signal a genuflection, when you and the acolytes are in position. E ~C ' MC A2-Al B. Gospel Procession. - After the genuflection, go to your position on the gospel side (as indicated below). A2 Al C MC C. Gospel Reading. - Upon arrival at the above gospel position, leave the Missal on the gospel side, facing “liturgical north”. - At the beginning of the gospel, after the "Gloria tibi Domine ”, bless yourself with the Celebrant. 57 - At the completion of the gospel, move the Missal to the “Canon” position, then go to the center, genuflect with the acolytes, and go to your normal position on the epistle side. 7) Offertory A. After the Celebrant says ‘Oremus ”, ascend the altar via the epistle side and take the chalice veil from the Celebrant. - Fold the chalice veil with a triple fold, and leave it on the epistle side of the altar. - Then return to your normal position at the foot of the altar. B. When the acolytes depart with the cruets, after the Celebrant has poured them into the chalice, approach the thurifer (in piano, epistle side). - Receive the boat from the thurifer, bow, then approach the altar. - Hold the boat open for the Celebrant to impose incense. - Indicate for the Celebrant to bless the incense by saying, “Benedicite Pater Reverende ”. - Give the boat back to the thurifer, and receive the thurible from him. - Give the thurible to the Celebrant, by crossing your right arm in front of him. - Each time the Celebrant genuflects, genuflect with him and hold his elbow for support. Remain to the Celebrant’s right side. - Take the thurible from the Celebrant when he finishes incensing the altar. - Descend the steps on the epistle side, and incense the Celebrant with 3 double swings, remembering to profound bow before and after. - Return the thurible to the thurifer, and go to the Missal (in the Canon position), by crossing the center and ascending the steps on the gospel side. C. After the Lavabo, the Celebrant will return to the center and say “Orate Fratres.. ” - Respond with the “Suscipiat... ". - Point to the Secret. D. Turn the pages of the Missal to the Preface at the completion of the Secret. - Remain standing at the altar after the “Sanctus ”, and continue turning the pages for the Celebrant. 8) Canon A. Memento of the Living - Step back at an angle to the gospel comer of the footpace and bow when the Celebrant folds his hands. - Return to your position at the Celebrant’s left when he “opens” his hands. B. Kneel for the consecration at the “Qui pridie - Hold the chasuble up for the Celebrant at the elevations of the Blessed Sacrament and the Precious Blood. - At the Celebrant’s genuflection after the elevation of the Precious Blood, stand, then turn the page of the Missal. C. Memento of the Dead. - Step back at an angle to the gospel comer of the footpace and bow when the Celebrant folds his hands. 58 - Return to your position at the Celebrant’s left when he “opens” his hands. D. Genuflect with the Celebrant when he removes the pall for the “per Ipsum.. ” - Genuflect immediately after the “per Ipsum... ", then stand and turn the page of the Missal. 9) Pater Noster A. Turn the page after the Pater Noster. 10) Pax and Agnus Dei A. Genuflect with the Celebrant when he removes the pall. - After the Celebrant says the “Pax Domini... ", genuflect with him. B. Continue turning the pages for the Celebrant. C. At the “Domine non sum dignus ” of the Celebrant, genuflect, and leave the altar. - Descend in piano on the gospel side and face the epistle side. - Kneel with the thurifer (who is on the epistle side facing you, as indicated 11) Communion of Priest and Faithful A. Indicate all to rise when AC1 rises to return the bells to the credence table. - Wait for AC1 to return, and all meet in the center as indicated below. - Signal the genuflection, then kneel on the footpace. Π 51 ΓΓ MC - AC2 - AC1 - th - You will receive the paten from AC2 before you receive Communion. - After receiving Communion, rise, genuflect, and then stand next to the Celebrant (on his right), while he distributes Communion. B. Once all of the tonsuratii have received Communion, follow the Celebrant to distribute Communion to the laity. - Upon return to the sanctuary, kneel immediately at your normal position. - Once the tabernacle door is locked, signal all in the sanctuary to rise. 12) Communion/Postcommunion A. When AC1 crosses the center with the Missal, follow him (after his genuflection) to 59 the epistle side. - Point to the Communion Prayer for the Celebrant. - After the "Dominus vobiscum... ”, bow to the tabernacle with the Celebrant, then point to the Postcommunion prayer. - Close the book after the completion of the Postcommunion prayer. - Return to your normal position on the epistle side. B. The Celebrant will say, "Requiescant in Pace". - There is no final blessing or Last Gospel. - The Celebrant will descend the Altar. - Wait for the servers to be in position, then signal the genuflection. - Lead the Celebrant to the sedilia. 13) Absolution at the Catafalque. A. Assist the Celebrant in removing the chasuble and donning the cope. - Lead the Celebrant to the front of the catafalque, and face the congregation (as indicated below). C-MC J' L th AC1 - Crucifer - AC2 B. Imposition of incense - The schola will begin chanting "Libera nos... ". - Remain standing, until the schola repeats the “Libera nos...”, then the thurifer will approach for the imposition of incense. - The MC shall turn his back to the congregation and take the boat from the thurifer. - Both shall bow to the Celebrant, and the MC will present the open boat to the Celebrant. - The Celebrant will bless the incense when the MC says the words, "Benedicite Pater Reverende - Return the boat to the thurifer. C. Blessing/Incensing of Catafalque. - The thurifer will return with the Aspersorium (after having returned the boat to the credence table). - After the last "Kyrie.. ”, the Celebrant will intone the "Pater Noster”. - At this point take the Aspersorium from the thurifer. - Cross between the Celebrant and the Catafalque and genuflect with the Celebrant. 60 - Hold the aspersorium while the Celebrant blesses the catafalque. - Then lead the Celebrant around the catafalque, until you arrive at the crucifix. - Genuflect in front of the crucifix, then continue around the catafalque. - Give the aspersorium back to the thurifer and receive the thurible. - Give the thurible to the Celebrant. - Cross between the Celebrant and the Catafalque and genuflect with the Celebrant. - Then lead the Celebrant around the catafalque, until you arrive at the crucifix. - Genuflect in front of the crucifix, then continue around the catafalque. - Give the thurible back to the thurifer and receive the Prayer book. D. Final Prayers - Face the congregation and hold the Prayer book for the Celebrant. - He will say, “Et ne nos inducas... - Then he will say the preces (V/R). - Then he will say the “oratio”. - The schola will chant the “Requiescant in Pace ". - The Celebrant says the final prayers, then goes to the foot of the altar. E. The MC returns the book to the sedilia and retrieves the biretta. - The MC joins the Celebrant at the foot of the altar and signals the genuflection. 14) Recession and Arrival at the Sacristy A. After the genuflection, lead the Celebrant to the sacristy (go around the right side of the catafalque). - Upon arrival, bow to the crucifix, then to the Celebrant. - Say the words, “Jube Domne, benedicere ", the kneel for the blessing. B. Assist the Celebrant to unvest. C. Retrieve the chalice from the credence table and return it to the sacristy. 61 THURIFER Requiem Sung Mass Preparation and Procession: - Light the charcoals during the “Dies Irae - The thurifer shall lead the procession, and therefore he shall be positioned in front. - The thurifer shall walk in procession without the thurible. - The thurifer shall go to the gospel side upon arrival in the sacristy (as indicated below). Upon the signal from the MC, genuflect, and then go to his seat. AC2 - Th - Celebrant - MC - AC1 General Guidelines: - The thurible shall remain in the thurifer’s left hand when incense has not been blessed by the Celebrant (the boat remains in the right hand). - If the thurifer is holding the thurible he is not required to follow the movements with the acolytes, but must remain standing. - When the incense has been blessed, the thurible is then to be held in the right hand (the boat is then transferred to the left hand). - When incensing, hold the chain between the index and the middle finger, with the right hand as close as possible to the censer. - When walking longer distances (i.e. when entering after gospel, or when walking around the catafalque during absolution) hold the thurible with one hand (right hand when the incense has been blessed, left hand when it has not been blessed) and with the chain fully extended. - When walking shorter distances, the thurifer shall hold the thurible with both hands (the right hand closest to the censor, left hand at the end of the chain). - When presenting the thurible to have incense added, open the cover approximately 6 inches using the chain. Hold the thurible elevated enough so that the celebrants forearm is parallel to the floor (this way it is not too high or too low). 1) “Dies Irae”: A. Go to the sacristy to light charcoals for thurible. 2) After the gospel A. Return to the sanctuary. - Genuflect with the Acolytes, then go to seat. 3) Offertory A. Go to the epistle side with the boat and thurible when both acolytes remove the cruets. - Hand the boat to the MC, then bow to the Celebrant. - The Celebrant will add incense to the thurible and bless it. - Pass the thurible to the MC with the right hand. 62 - Receive the boat from the MC with the left hand. - Return the boat to the credence table. B. Go to the Celebrant’s left, by going around the altar steps. - Genuflect with the Celebrant as he incenses the altar. - Descend the epistle side, after incensing the altar, then go to the left of the MC. - Profound bow with the MC as he incenses the Celebrant. - Take the thurible from the MC with the right hand. - Return to your seat. (No incensing of choir) 4) Consecration A. Go to AC#1 when the MC steps forward after the “Memento” of the living. - Hand the boat to AC#1, and present him with the open thurible. - AC#1 will add incense to the thurible. - After the incense has been added, go to epistle side and remain standing in piano. B. Kneel when the MC kneels, and place the boat on the floor. C. At the Elevation: - Incense the Blessed Sacrament with three double swings (3X2). - Incense the Precious Blood with three double swings also (3X2). - Stand with the MC, pick up the boat, and return the thurible and the boat to the thurible stand. Remain standing at seat. 5) Receiving Communion A. Go to the epistle side (in piano) with the paten at the "Angus Dei - Kneel when the MC kneels. - Rise with AC1 (but do not go anywhere yet). - After he returns the bells to the credence table, he will return to the center of the steps. Thereupon his return, follow him in forming a straight line with the other servers as indicated be QW Μ MC - AC2 - ACI - Th - Genuflect, and then kneel on the footpace. - After receiving communion, give the paten to AC#1. - When all have received communion, rise upon signal, then genuflect, and return to seats. 6) Absolution A. After the "Per Dominum Nostrum... ”of the Postcommunion: - Retrieve thurible and boat and lead Acolytes and Crucifer to the position indicated below. - Genuflect with the Celebrant and MC, after the "Requiescant in Pace. " - Go around the catafalque by the right side, leading the Crucifer and Acolytes. - Continue around the catafalque until back in front of the choir (on the epistle 63 side) B. The Schola will begin the “Libera me... ”. - At the repetition of “Libera me... ” approach the MC (he will signal you), hand the boat to him, and present the thurible for imposition of incense. - The Celebrant will impose incense and bless it. - Return the boat to the credence table and retrieve the aspersorium. - When the Celebrant intones the “Pater Noster”, hand the aspersorium to the MC. - When the Celebrant and MC return, hand the thurible to the MC and receive the aspersorium. - Return the aspersorium to the credence table and retrieve the Requiem Missal, and return to your position in front of the choir on the epistle side. - Receive the thurible from the MC and give the Missal to him. - Once you receive the thurible, go behind the Celebrant, genuflect to the crucifix, and go to a position behind the crucifer, as indicated below (staying to the right of the catafalque). I ' ~ 'L c mc ACI -Cr-AC2 Th - After the final prayer of the absolution, the Celebrant returns to the lowest step and awaits for the MC to return with the biretta. 6) Recession: - Genuflect upon the signal from the MC (ACs and Crucifer will not genuflect). - Turn, and lead the procession to the sacristy. 7) Upon arrival in sacristy, bow to the crucifix, then bow to the Celebrant, then kneel for the blessing from the Celebrant. 64 ACOLYTES & CRUCIFER Sung Requiem Mass Preparation and Procession: -Arrive in Sacristy 10 minutes before mass. -Line-up in sacristy for procession, AC1 on the right, AC2 on the left, facing the Celebrant, (line­ up with the candles at a point closest to the sacristy crucifix). -Bow to the crucifix on the signal from the MC. -Enter, following behind the Thurifer. -The candles of the acolytes shall be nearest the outside shoulder when walking as a team. (i.e. the acolyte on the right carries his candle nearest his right shoulder.) - Be sure to go around the catafalque on the right side (both acolytes). -Go to positions indicated below in front of the altar at lowest step (AC1 on the furthest right, AC2 on the furthest left). Genuflect, then go to seat. AC2 - Th - Celebrant - MC - AC1 General Guidelines: -AC1 and AC2 shall assist the Celebrant with the Chasuble when he sits. -ACs shall have hands folded over breast when standing, and the palms of the hands resting flatly on thighs when sitting. -Both of the ACs shall follow the MC as when to kneel, and follow Celebrant as when to sit, otherwise, remain standing. 1) Gospel A. Acolytes shall go to the gospel position in front of altar (as indicated below), when the Celebrant goes to the center of the altar after the "Dies Irae " (this will be done without candles). - AC1 shall be to the right, AC2 to the left. - Genuflect with the MC. - AC2 leads the procession to the gospel side as indicated below. I MC <----- AC2-AC1 B. After the gospel, the Acolytes shall go to the original gospel position shown above. - Genuflect with the MC, then return to seats. 2) Offertory A. The acolytes shall take the cruets to the altar, after the MC folds the chalice veil. - AC1 has the wine cruet, AC2 has the water cruet. 65 - Bow, approach the altar (do not kiss cruets). - AC 1 presents the wine cruet, then AC2 presents the water cruet. - Once the water cruet is returned to AC2, bow, and return the cruets to the credence table. - AC1 goes to the gospel side by going around the lowest step. - He shall remove the Missal during the incensing of the altar, once the Celebrant has proceeded to incense the epistle side. - AC 1 shall return the Missal to the altar, once the Celebrant genuflects before incensing epistle side the second time, then goes back to the credence table to meet AC2 to prepare for Lavabo. B. When the Celebrant finishes incensing the gospel side, AC2 picks up the dish, water cruet, and finger towel and waits for AC1 to return. - AC 1 returns and takes the finger towel from AC2 and stands to his right. - Both ACs wait in piano until the Celebrant has been incensed. - Once the MC and thurifer have departed, both ACs bow and approach the Celebrant for the lavabo. - Once the Lavabo has been completed, bow, and return to credence table. - AC1 will take the bells. Then both will go to the center, genuflect, then proceed to the comer of the lowest step and kneel. - Both ACs kneel for the entire canon. 3) Canon A. At the “Sanctus", AC1 rings the bells three times. - AC1 shall stand and impose incense into the thurible when the Thurifer approaches. - AC1 shall ring the bells once when the Celebrant says, “Hanc Igitur" (This is when the Celebrant spreads his hands over the chalice.) B. Elevation of Blessed Sacrament and Precious Blood: - AC1 shall ring the bells at the moment of the first genuflection, the elevation, then at the second genuflection, for both consecrations. C. AC1 shall ring the bells when the Celebrant recites, “Domine non sum dignus”, before he receives communion. 4) Receiving Communion: A. When Celebrant begins “scraping” the paten on the corporal, all rise. - AC1 shall return the bells to the credence table, then return to the center. - AC2 shall meet AC1 at the center (upon his return). - MC, Thurifer, and both ACs shall genuflect in piano, then kneel on the footpace. - AC1 shall take the paten from the thurifer once he receives communion. - Once AC1 receives communion he shall pass the paten to AC2. - AC2 shall do the same. - Once all servers receive communion, rise, genuflect together, and then return to seats. 66 5) After the distribution of communion, all servers shall rise when Celebrant locks the tabernacle door. A. The ACs shall take the water & wine cruets to altar for the ablutions (just as at Low Mass). - AC 1 shall approach the Celebrant when he tips the chalice towards the Acolytes. - AC 1 pours in wine until directed to stop, then returns to epistle side of altar where AC2 remains standing. - The Celebrant then approaches the ACs, and both shall bow. - AC1 shall pour wine over the fingers of the Celebrant and into the chalice, until directed to stop (or until the wine cruet is empty). - AC2 shall pour water over the fingers of the Celebrant and into the chalice, until directed to stop (or until the water cruet is empty). - Once the ablutions are completed, the ACs shall return the cruets to the credence table. B. ACs shall proceed to the center, in piano and in front of altar. (AC1 shall be on the right, with AC2 on the left) - Both Acolytes shall genuflect, then proceed to the altar (AC1 to gospel side, AC2 to epistle side), by going around the altar steps, remaining in plano. (AC2 goes behind AC1 when they cross) - AC1 obtains the Missal while AC2 obtains the chalice veil. - Both shall proceed to the center by crossing directly across the footpace, and directly down the steps, and then genuflect. - ACI (w/ Missal) proceeds first directly to the epistle side, and places the Missal on the altar. - AC2 shall proceed behind AC1 directly to the gospel side, and places the chalice veil on the altar. Both remain on either side of the Celebrant while he “builds” the chalice. - AC2 assists the Celebrant to “build” the chalice (by holding the burse, while he places the corporal inside, then handing the chalice veil to him, and finally handing the burse to him). - Once the Celebrant takes the burse from AC2, then both ACs proceed down the adjacent steps, around the bottom step to the center (in piano), genuflect, then return to their seats. 6) After the "Per Dominum Nostrum... ’’ of the Post Communion: - ACs shall retrieve their candles. - Crucifer shall retrieve the crucifix (the crucifer will have entered the sanctuary while receiving communion with choir, then going to his seat). - They shall then follow the thurifer, proceeding to their places in the center of the sanctuary facing the altar, in front of the thurifer (as indicated below) 67 AC2-Cr-ACI Th - When the Celebrant and MC genuflect, turn around and follow the thurifer to a position behind the catafalque, as indicated below. Go around the right side of the catafalque. (AC1 and AC2 will have switched sides). C me tA ACI -Cr-AC2 - After the final prayer of the absolution, the Celebrant returns to the lowest step and awaits for the MC to return with the biretta. - Do not genuflect upon the signal from the MC. - The recession shall be in the same order as the entrance procession. Celebrant MC AC1 -Cr-AC2 Th 7) Upon arrival in sacristy, the ACs shall hold the candles towards the crucifix, then bow to the crucifix upon the signal from the MC. Finally, all servers shall bow to the Celebrant, ACs and Crucifer do not kneel for the blessing from the Celebrant. 68 LOW MASS LOW MASS Two Servers Preparation and Procession: - The following shall be set up in the Sacristy before Mass. The numerical order is indicative of the order of setting up both the vestments and the chalice: Chalice Vestments 1) Chalice 1 ) Chasuble 2) Purificator 2) Stole (H) 3) Paten 3) Maniple (I) 4) Host 4) Cincture (S) 5) Pall 5) Alb 6) Chalice veil 6) Amice (cord - M) 7) Corporal (inside Burse) 8) Burse 9) Tabernacle Key 10) Biretta - Acolyte 1 assists the Celebrant Vest (hold cord for him after he has donned the alb, and hold the back of the chasuble as he ties its cord around him). - Porter shall ring the bell, if no porter, then Acolyte 1 (Al) is responsible. - In procession the acolytes shall be shoulder to shoulder leading the Celebrant (Al is to the right, and A2 is to the left). - Al shall retrieve holy water for himself A2 and the Celebrant. General Guidelines: - Acolytes work together as a team. Both Acolytes should always turn in towards each other. - Always turn so that you never turn your back on the Blessed Sacrament. If you are together, however, turning towards each other always takes priority. - Normal position is kneeling on the first step at the foot of the altar, (if there is only one step (footpace) then kneel in piano) - When going to the altar without anything in your possession, you must approach from the sides of the altar by going the “long way” around the lowest step. - When you are transferring something from one side of the altar to another, you may ascend and descend by going directly to the center (not having to go the “long way”). 1) Arrival at the altar A. Arrive at the foot of the altar, receive the biretta from the Celebrant - Genuflect (Al signals, with a clap). B. Al takes the Celebrant’s biretta to the sedilia. C. When Al and Celebrant are back at the foot, Al signals to kneel. 2) Prayers at the Foot of the Altar A. Say the responses with the Celebrant 69 - Confiteor (profound bow immediately after the Celebrant’s confiteor) - Tum towards the Celebrant for "misereator... ” - Turn also to Celebrant when saying "et tibi Pater" and "et te Pater". - At the "Amen "just before the "Indulgentiam ” return to normal kneeling position (no longer profoundly bowing). - Bless yourself at "Indulgentiam B. Rise when the Celebrant ascends the altar. - Go to your normal positions on the comer of lowest step and kneel together. “ΊΠ S3 Γ- <—A2-C-Al—> 3) Introit A. Bless yourselves when the Celebrant begins the Introit of the Mass. 4) Kyrie A. Respond alternately with the Celebrant. 5) Gloria A. Do not recite the Gloria with the Celebrant. B. Bless yourself when the Celebrant blesses himself. 6) Collect A. Respond "Amen ” after the Celebrant concludes the Collect. 7) Epistle A. When The Celebrant places his left hand on altar respond "Deo gratias - A2 is in a better position to see the Celebrant’s hand being placed on the altar. B. Al then rises and goes to the epistle side (by going around the lowest step) where the Celebrant reads the Gradual/Tract or Alleluia (or Sequence). 8) Gradual and Tract/Alleluia (or Sequence) A. When the Celebrant finishes reading the Gradual and Tract or Alleluia (or Sequence), Al will retrieve the Missal and transfer it to the gospel side. - Go directly to the center in piano and genuflect when crossing the center. - A2 shall rise when Al genuflects with Missal. B. Al shall place the Missal on the gospel side at an angle (facing “liturgical north”). 9) Gospel A. Al waits on the gospel side of the altar for the Celebrant to begin the Gospel. - Al and A2 bless themselves with the Celebrant. - Al waits for the name of "Jesus " before departing the altar (or if the holy name is not in first sentence, he leaves after 1st sentence). 70 - Al returns to his position on the epistle (after crossing center and genuflecting) and remains standing facing the Missal. B. When the gospel is over, both Acolytes kneel immediately. 10) Credo A. Bless yourselves with the Celebrant (at the “et vitam venturi saeculi" towards the end of the Creed) 11) Offertory A. After “Dominus vobiscum...Oremus” both Acolytes shall rise and go to the center and genuflect. - A1 immediately goes to the credence table - A2 ascends the altar via the epistle side to take the chalice veil from the Celebrant and fold it in thirds. B. Prepare water/wine - Both Acolytes approach the epistle side of altar and kiss the cruets, then present the water and wine cruets to the Celebrant (with low head bows before and after). - Al will have the wine cruet and A2 will have the water cruet. C. Prepare water/dish/fmger towel - After returning to the credence table, Al will take the finger towel and unfold it, while A2 takes the water cruet in his right hand and the dish in his left. - Approach the Celebrant via the epistle side (with low head bows before and after. - Once Celebrant has completed the lavabo, do a low head bow and return to the credence table. Al shall retrieve the bells before returning to positions on the lowest step. - Return to your normal position on the lowest step, remembering to genuflect together in the center. 12) Secret A. Respond to “Orate fratres... ” and the other responses. 13) Sanctus A. Al rings bells 3 times at the “Sanctus", then bless yourselves with the Celebrant at the conclusion. 14) Canon A. At “Hanc igitur.. " (when the Celebrant places his hands over the chalice) Al rings the bells once. - both Acolytes shall rise, then meet in the center (no genuflection), then ascend to the footpace, remaining on either side of the Celebrant, and kneel. B. at the Consecration - Al shall ring the bells 3 times (at the Celebrant’s: genuflection, elevation, and second genuflection). This shall be repeated at the consecration of the Precious 71 Blood. - Both acolytes elevate the Celebrant’s chasuble at elevation of the Blessed Sacrament and Precious Blood. C. After the consecration, both Acolytes shall rise together and descend to the center, genuflect, and return to your normal places on the lowest step, and kneel. 15) Pater Noster 16) Agnus Dei 17) Communion A. Al shall ring the bells 3 times for the Celebrant’s recitation of "Domine non sum dignus... ” B. When the Celebrant begins “scraping” the paten on the corporal both Acolytes shall rise. - Al places the bells back on the credence table, and retrieves the paten. - Both Acolytes come together in the center, genuflect, then kneel. C. Receiving Communion - Al receives Communion, then passes the paten to A2 - A2 receives Communion, then both stand, and genuflect. - A2 stands to the Celebrant’s left and holds the paten for him. - Al goes to the epistle side and remains kneeling until the Celebrant and A2 return. - When the Celebrant returns to the altar, Al and A2 kneel at their normal positions on lowest step. 18) Ablutions A. When the Celebrant locks the tabernacle door, both Acolytes stand, then come together at the center and genuflect, then go to the credence table to prepare for the ablutions. - Al retrieves the wine, while A2 retrieves the water. - Approach the altar. - A1 pours wine into the chalice when the Celebrant tips the chalice towards him, and stops upon the Celebrant’s indication to stop. - Al returns to epistle side where he stands to the right of A2 - Al then pours wine into the chalice (over the Celebrant’s fingers). - Then A2 pours water into the chalice (over the Celebrant’s fingers). - Acolytes return the cruets to the credence table. B. The transfer of the Missal - Both go to center, genuflect, then proceed around lowest step. - Al goes to the gospel side to retrieve the Missal - A2 goes to the epistle side to retrieve the chalice veil. - A2 goes behind Al when they cross. 72 - Both come together in the center, after retrieving the Missal and the chalice veil, and genuflect. -Al goes first to the epistle side followed by A2, who approaches the - A2 assists the Celebrant to “build” the chalice. C. Return to normal positions on the lowest step, and kneel. 19) Stand after the blessing for the Last Gospel A. Bless yourselves with the Celebrant. - Al faces the gospel book for gospel. B. Both acolytes shall genuflect with the Celebrant during the Last Gospel at the '‘et verbum caro factum est. ” C. Al shall get the biretta for the Celebrant after Last Gospel. - Al signals genuflection. - Al hands the biretta to the Celebrant, then all depart. 20) Return to the sacristy A. Bow to the crucifix with the Celebrant, then kneel to receive the blessing. B. Assist the Celebrant to un vest. 73 LOW MASS One Server Preparation and Procession: - The following shall be set up in the Sacristy before Mass. The numerical order is indicative of the order of setting up both the vestments and the chalice: Chalice Vestments 1) Chalice 1) Chasuble 2) Purificator 2) Stole (H) 3) Paten 3) Maniple (I) 4) Host 4) Cincture (S) 5) Pall 5) Alb 6) Chalice veil 6) Amice (cord - M) 7) Corporal (inside Burse) 8) Burse 9) Tabernacle Key 10) Biretta - Assist the Celebrant Vest (hold cord for him after he has donned the alb, and hold the back of the chasuble as he ties its cord around him). - The Porter shall ring the bell, if no porter, then the acolyte is responsible. - In procession, the acolyte leads the Celebrant. - The acolyte shall retrieve holy water for himself and the Celebrant. General Guidelines: - The acolyte shall always be on the opposite side of the Missal (i.e. If the Missal is on the epistle side, then the acolyte is on the gospel side, and vice versa). - Always turn so that you never turn your back on the Blessed Sacrament. - Normal position is kneeling on the first step at the foot of the altar, (if there is only one step (footpace) then kneel in piano) - When going to the altar without anything in your possession, you must approach from the sides of the altar by going the “long way” around the lowest step. - When you are transferring something from one side of the altar to another, you may ascend and descend by going directly to the center (not having to go the “long way”). 1) Arrival at the altar A. Arrive at the foot of the altar on the epistle side, receive the biretta from the Celebrant, - Genuflect (signal, with a clapj) Celebrant - Acolyte B. Take the Celebrant’s biretta to the sedilia. 74 - return now to the gospel side (since the book is on the epistle side). C. When the Celebrant is back at the foot, kneel when the Celebrant bows. 2) Prayers at the Foot of the Altar A. Say the responses with the Celebrant - Confiteor (profound bow immediately after the Celebrant’s confiteor) - Tum towards the Celebrant for the “misereator... " - Turn also to Celebrant when saying “et tibi Pater" and “et te Pater”. - At the “Amen ’’just before the “Indulgentiam ” return to normal kneeling position (no longer profoundly bowing). - Bless yourself at “Indulgentiam B. Rise when the Celebrant ascends the altar. ^ospe/ - Go to your normal position on the comer of lowest step on epistle side and kneel. 3) Introit A. Bless yourself when the Celebrant begins the Introit of the Mass. 4) Kyrie A. Respond alternately with the Celebrant. 5) Gloria A. Do not recite the Gloria with the Celebrant. B. Bless yourself when the Celebrant blesses himself. 6) Collect A. Respond "Amen ” after the Celebrant concludes the Collect. 7) Epistle A. When The Celebrant places his left hand on altar respond “Deo gratias ’’. B. Rise and go to the epistle side (by going around the lowest step) where the Celebrant reads the Gradual/Tract or Alleluia (or Sequence). Genuflect when crossing the center. 8) Gradual and Tract/Alleluia (or Sequence) A. When the Celebrant finishes reading the Gradual and Tract or Alleluia (or Sequence), retrieve the Missal and transfer it to the gospel side. - Go directly to the center in piano and genuflect when crossing the center. B. Place the Missal on the gospel side at an angle (facing “liturgical north”). 9) Gospel A. Wait on the gospel side of the altar for the Celebrant to begin the Gospel. - Bless yourself with the Celebrant. - Wait for the name of "Jesus ” before departing the altar (or if the holy name is not in the first sentence, depart after the 1st sentence). - Return to your position on the epistle side, after crossing center and genuflecting 75 (the Missal is now on the gospel side), and remain standing facing the Missal. B. When the gospel is over, kneel immediately. 10) Credo A. Bless yourself with the Celebrant (at the "et vitam venturi saeculi ” towards the end of the Creed) 11) Offertory A. After "Dominus vobiscum...Oremus ".rise and ascend the altar via the epistle side to take the chalice veil from the Celebrant and fold it in thirds. B. Prepare water/wine - Approach the epistle side of altar and kiss the cruets, then present the water and wine cruets to the Celebrant (with low head bows before and after). - The wine cruet shall be in the right hand and the water cruet shall be in the left hand. C. Prepare water/dish/finger towel - After returning to the credence table, take the finger towel and unfold it and place it over your left forearm. - Then take the water cruet in your right hand and the dish in your left hand. - Approach the Celebrant via the epistle side (with low head bows before and after. - Once the Celebrant has completed the lavabo, do a low head bow and return to the credence table. Retrieve the bells before returning to your position on the lowest step (epistle side). 12) Secret A. Respond to "Orate fratres... " and the other responses. 13) Sanctus A. Ring the bells 3 times at the "Sanctus ”, then bless yourselves with the Celebrant at the conclusion. 14) Canon A. At "Hanc igitur.. " (when the Celebrant places his hands over the chalice), ring the bells once. - Rise, then go to the center (no genuflection), then ascend to the footpace, remain on epistle side of the Celebrant, and kneel. B. at the Consecration - Ring the bells 3 times (at the Celebrant’s: genuflection, elevation, and second genuflection). This shall be repeated at the consecration of the Precious Blood. - Elevate the Celebrant’s chasuble at the elevation of the Blessed Sacrament and Precious Blood. C. After the consecration, rise and descend to the center, genuflect, and return to your 76 normal position on the lowest step (on the epistle side), and kneel. 15) Pater Noster 16) Agnus Dei 17) Communion A. Ring the bells 3 times for the Celebrant’s recitation of “Domine non sum dignus... " B. When the Celebrant begins “scraping” the paten on the corporal, stand and go to the credence table. - Place the bells back on the credence table, and retrieve the paten. - Return to the center, genuflect, then kneel. C. Receiving Communion - Receive Communion, then stand, and genuflect. - Stand to the Celebrant’s left and hold the paten for distribution. - Returning to the Sanctuary, kneel at the epistle side in your normal position on the lowest step. 18) Ablutions A. When the Celebrant locks the tabernacle door, stand and go to the credence table to prepare for the ablutions. - Retrieve the wine and the water. - Approach the altar. - Pour wine into the chalice when the Celebrant tips the chalice towards you, and stops upon the Celebrant’s indication to stop. - Returns to epistle side of the altar. - Pour wine into the chalice (over the Celebrant’s fingers). - Then pour water into the chalice (over the Celebrant’s fingers). - Return the cruets to the credence table. B. The transfer of the Missal - Go to center, genuflect, then proceed around lowest step to the gospel side to retrieve the Missal. Go the short way to the center and genuflect, then place Missal on epistle side. - Then retrieve the chalice veil. Go via the short way to the center and genuflect. - Take the chalice veil to the gospel side and place it on the altar. - Assist the Celebrant to “build” the chalice. C. Return to your normal position on the lowest step of the epistle side (genuflecting in the center), then kneel. 19) Stand after the blessing for the Last Gospel A. Bless yourself with the Celebrant. - Move to the epistle side after you bless yourself for the beginning of the gospel. 77 - Face the gospel book for the Gospel. B. Genuflect with the Celebrant during the Last Gospel at the “er verbum caro factum est. ” C. Once the Last Gospel is complete, get the biretta for the Celebrant. - Signal genuflection. - Hand the biretta to the Celebrant, then depart. 20) Return to the sacristy A. Bow to the crucifix with the Celebrant, then kneel to receive the blessing. B. Assist the Celebrant to unvest. 78 EXPOSITION & BENEDICTION MASTER OF CEREMONIES & THURIFER Benediction & Exposition Preparation and Procession: - Arrive in the Sacristy 10 minutes before Vespers. - The thurifer shall prepare the coals. - The MC shall ensure that the Sanctuary has all that is necessary for ceremony: 6 candles lit, altar cover removed, Candelabra, Throne, burse (w/ corporal), and veil, Monstrance with veil, bells, and the card. The Humeral veil over the sedilia and the key for the tabernacle on the altar. - The MC shall assist the Celebrant vest by placing the cope over his shoulders. - The MC shall signal for the beginning of procession by a clap, and bow to the crucifix in the sacristy. - Thurifer is first followed by the MC then the Celebrant. General Guidelines: - No blessing of incense while the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. 1) Exposition A. Arrive at the foot of the altar as indicated below. The MC shall take the biretta from the Celebrant, and signal genuflection. - take the biretta to the sedilia. Th-C - MC C. During the Exposition hymn (usually O Salutaris), rise with the Celebrant after a profound bow. - The thurifer will arrive at MC’s right side, and will give the boat to the MC. - The MC shall open the boat for the Celebrant, and the thurifer shall open the thurible for the Celebrant to add incense. - The Celebrant will not bless the incense, since the Blessed Sacrament is exposed. - Return to your positions, after the MC has returned the boat to the thurifer. - The MC shall kneel simultaneously with the thurifer. - Then the MC shall pass the thurible to the Celebrant. - Profound bow with the Celebrant at the incensing of the Blessed Sacrament. - The MC shall give the card to the Celebrant and take the thurible from him. - The MC will stand at the same time as the thurifer and return the thurible to him. - Then both kneel again simultaneously. D. Recession - The MC will signal to stand after a profound bow. 79 - Then signal for a double genuflection, then depart in the same order as the procession. 2) Benediction A. Arrive at the foot of the altar as indicated below. The MC shall signal a double genuflection, then kneel. τη gj p— Th - C - MC B. During the Tantum Ergo, do a profound bow at the ‘‘Veneremur Cernui”. Rise with the Celebrant after a profound bow at the words ‘‘Genitori genitoque - The thurifer will arrive at the MC’s left side, and will give the boat to the MC. - The MC shall open the boat for the Celebrant, and the Thurifer shall open the thurible for the Celebrant to impose incense. - The Celebrant will not bless the incense (as indicated above). - Return to your positions, after the MC has returned the boat to the thurifer. - Kneel together, then the MC will pass the thurible to the Celebrant. - Profound bow with the Celebrant at the incensing of the Blessed Sacrament. - The MC shall give the card to the Celebrant and take the thurible from him. - The MC will stand at the same time as the thurifer and return the thurible to him. - The thurifer shall kneel, while the MC retrieves the humeral veil from the stand. - Wait for the Celebrant to kneel after concluding the prayer. - The MC will then place the humeral veil over the Celebrant’s shoulders and take the card from him. - Then the MC will return to his place and kneel. C. Ringing of bells and incensing during the Benediction: - The Celebrant will rise and retrieve the monstrance. - The MC shall ring the bells when the Celebrant elevates the monstance. Then again when the Celebrant goes to the left and then to the right. - The thurifer shall incense the Blessed Sacrament with a double swing each time the MC rings the bells. - When the Celebrant descends, the MC shall give the card to him and take the humeral veil from him and place it on the sedilia. D. After the prayers, the MC shall take the card from the Celebrant, and the Celebrant will repose the Blessed Sacrament. Upon the locking of the tabernacle door, the MC will signal all to stand. - The MC shall retrieve the altar crucifix and place it on the tabernacle, and then retrieve the biretta of the Celebrant - Once the Celebrant has returned from reposing the Blessed Sacrament, the MC will signal the genuflection. 3) Recession 80 A. After the MC signals the genuflection, process out. - The thurifer will go first followed by the MC and the Celebrant. - The MC will signal the final bow to the Crucifix in the sacristy. 81 APPENDIX Solemn High Mass OïLÏkiKlflncfl-IaJaa •Chalk» prepared for Mass. Humoral vofl covering chalice/fcbolce veil to ekJo). burse & corporal (on humoral veil). Aljfli Six lighted candies. flowers (as appropriate) Reliquaries between candlesticks Altar cards. Ciborium w/vefl (M necessary) Communion paten (if another priest or deacon It to give communion. Missal (open at proper place) Preparation for Mass •Sprinkler ■cruets, Anger bowf. (ingof towel. • EvangoUvium with Epistle and Goepol marked. Bobs (@ AC is position). Frontal (color ol Mass) Tabernacle conopaeum either white or color of Mas· Gûloixam Action Taking Place Aspersorium (wjboty water). Booh with the prayers (Placed on 1st step where M.C. can hand to Deacon). vests amice. alb. cincture, (w/cope II Asperges), stole, chasibule. Subdeacon DpacQQ. Al Serkta Chasuble. •3 MwMpies (M Subdeacon It not *ln sacri·* (a deric), then 2 maniples MasifliJiLGaasnoolaj. Thurifer Acotyta 1 AooMe 2 • Ensure candle Is lit •Ensure candle is lit ■Ring belt upon entry. •When arrive In •Process ln(eee Fig. 1). •When arrive In •Process in(»ee Fig. 1). Sanctuary genufled, go to place. Sanctuary, make medium heed bow with Vests: •arntee, alb. cincture, maniple (M no Vests: •Ensure preparation ol Altar, credence •light charcoal In •amice, alb. cincturo, maniple (if no asperges), tunide. table, vestments at sedila frf Asperges). •Ensure servers are ready and ministers thurible. asperge·), stole, dalmatic ■ Incense boat w/tocense. are ready. Procession In Form procession as loltows. (Nq Asperoea) iw/Asoeroes) Th Th AC2 CB ACl AC2CB AC1 TB2 TBl TB4 TB3 MC SD D Process in (see Fig. 1) •Process In (see Fig 1)) •Signal alt to bow to cross & process in. TB2 TB1 TB4 TB3 MC SD Cel D •When arrive In Sanctuary, make medium head bow with CB and AC2, ptoce candle on credence, go CB and AC1, place candle on credence, go to place w/AC2. to place w/ACI. (SD&O hofd edge of cope (Figure 1.) • Remove biretta give to D. Cel Arrival at Attar Genuflea *ln piano.* • Remove biretta, take Pt, hand io MC. •Genuflea *ln piano* when MC signals. •Remove biretta. hand to MC to your left •Genuflea 'in piano* when MC signals. -Receives birettas from 0 w/o reverence. •Go to loft of SD & gel bketla. no genuflections when crossing center. •Ptace birettas on correct seat at sedita -Return to right of Deacon, signal minis tors to genufled. Asperges ■Kneel on 1st step.signal by MC. Take sprinkler from 0, Intone -Kneel on 1st step, signal from MC. Receive sprinkler from MC, then to P. P sprinkles altar, P presents to you. Asperges, etc. •Kneel on 1« step. signal from MC • Signe! al to kneel for start of Asperges. •Kneel when MC signais. •Kneel when MC signals. •Kneel when MC signals. -Give sprinkler to 0, when minister· have (tl hokfng thurible then •P presents sprinkler to you, bless blessed themselves signal all to rise bless yourself wA/hoty water. • Rhe.genufled. switch sides w/SO. hofd yourself w/hofy water. switch sides, sprinkle people. cope while Priest sprinkles people cope while Priest sprinkles poopio. •Signal P. D. SO to rise, to genufled. cross over be in front of D.right of P. At rear ol Church, turn. & back • Stop and bow during ‘Gloria..* ■At rear, switch w/SO as at attar. Stop and bow during ‘Gloria.* •SpinMer from P, hand to MC. genuflect •At rear, switch w/D as at altar. Stop and bow during ‘Gloria..* •At rear, switch to front of 0 again. -Stop and bow during ‘Gloria..* •Genuflea on 1st step, remain standing, hold prayer book while P sings prayers. •Sprinkler from 0, signai genuflect, put down aspersoriumAsprinWer. hand prayer book to D, stand tor prayers. ' Rise, genuflect, tum, D & SO •In Sanctuary. sprinkler lo 0. genufled. Genuflea, to sedilia. ■Genuflect to sediilia. •Rise, genuflect, switch sides w/D. hold Genuflect, to sediRa. •Receive book back, signal genufled. to sedilia w/asperoriumAbook,glve to ACl. remain standing throughout). ■Rise w/P, 0. SO, MC, Stand while Priest sprinkles people. •Rise w/P, D. SO. MC. Stand while Priest sprinkles people. •Rise w/P, 0. SO. MC. •Stand while Priest sprinkles people. •Receive heme from MC. 1. Solemn High Mass Action Taking Placo Cfiifibfanl Vest for Mas». Prayers at Foot of Attar Turn, go to altar. genuflect, say prayers at foot of after. Ascend and reverence (Wee) SuMcaccn. responses w/DASO. Rise and proceed to Epfstie side of altar, boat from Th. of Altar w/thurfbtoAboet. •Turn, go to anar on Ps left, genuflect, stand and say prayers, bow. sign of stand and say prayors. bow, sign of genuflection, kneel, make usual cross as usual. Ascend w/P bokJ aft) ao P doesn't trip. cross as usual. •Ascend w/P hold alb so P doesn’t trip. •Boat to MC, bow •Look on while Incenee Is being imposed. When P turns to Eptetie side, slight bow, ascend steps. Hott up A open thurible while ascend steps (See Rg. 2). Boat to 0 (See Fig. 2)) spoon to priest, say ’Benertidte. Pater incenee being imposed, and hokl/tum thuribfe lor P. reverende*, epoon beck from P. beet A hand to 0 w/your right Boat back from 0. wait tor Thurifer to spoon to Me, thurible from Th. hand to P. hand holding top ring. 0 hand thurible to D. hand boot to Th. (Top ring of thurible tn right hand.) •Receive Incenee boot from Me, hand Incenee Altar Formation » Impose Incense: Anar Cet Thuri!» Acofyie 1 Acolyte 2 Assist 0 w/maniple. •Assisi SO w/manipio. •Kneel when MC signais •Kneel when MC signals •Kneel when MC signals genuflection. genuflection. genuflection. (stand If have thurible) •Rise when MC does. Rise when MC does •Rise go to Epistle side •Receive cope from 0. put away. •Turn, go to/altar on D’s right, signal •Help P w/chasuble. put on maniple. attar. I MastXr erf Caromonita Deacon •Help P w/chasuble, pul on manipfe. •Turn, go Io altar on P's right, genuflect, ) Th •Incense altar, s*ghtiy support P's right elbow wrieft hand when P genuflects. SO D MC (Figure 2.) -Incense altar, slightly support Ps left elbow w/righn hand when P genuflects. Immediately remove Missal from altar and stand ’in plano’ Epistle side. Ministers return to center of attar & genuflect, place Missal on altar. receives w/ right hand. -Take bom from MC. return to pavement on Ep%ile side. Walt here •Step down to top altar step, wait tor Incensing of Priest Hand thurible to 0 •Receive· thurible from P w/soffta oscula. •Incenee altar, after genuflection coming Introit A Kyrie, ( Altar ) MC _________ CM Say Kyria. eleison. ____________ Q ____________ SJZ •It only a cleric then stand ’in piano' (Figure 3.) Gloria In Exoelsis (If to be said) Ascend altar step· to be at D a right Fottow 0 from Gospel side, go to top attar step to when SO moves to top step. D’s left. Fottow 0 when he bows during Inconsation ol P. and SO w/bows during Incantation. bow. thurible to Th. -After Inceneation proceed to 1st altar step, tumig to your left. Sign ol cross. (See Rg. 3) •After Incensa ton proceed to 2nd altar stop, turning to your left. Sign of Cross. (See Fig. 3) •Upon signal from MC make responses to Kyrle, eleison. •Upon signal from MC make responses to Kyrie, eleison. Down to top altar step, profound bow. Incense P w/3 double swings, profound •Step up. reach w/right hand, take thurible from D to hie right, back to normal position. After inconsation proceed to footpace, to If don't have thurible, r»ght of P. point to Introit for P. Sign Sign of Cross at Introit •Sign of Cross at Introit Sign of Croea et introit. ol Cross. (See Rg. 3) •When P bogins ‘Kyrie, eteisorf, signal D A SO to begin making responses •Lay Intonation card *1Gforte on the altar in front of the P. After he Intonation, Return to center and Intone •Turning to your left, move to center •Turning to your left, move to center remove and place on gradine. Move to pavement on Epistle tide, wait Gloria in Excelsis, after return sedilia. Inline w/P on 1st altar step. At ’..Deo· medium bow. go to right of P say rest w/P A SO. Bow and sign w/P. •Reverence after, genuflect on footpace turn to left, go w/P A SO to eedifia. •Assist P to eft. Inline w/P on 2nd altar step. •At '..Doo' medium bow. go to left of P for ministers to descend. •Sign yourself wfth P.O.SO. •Remove biretta A bow upon •Sit down w/usual reverences, etc. Remove biretta A bow upon signal from signal from MC. MC. say rest w/P A D. Bow and sign w/P. •Reverence altar, gonufloct on lootpace turn to right, go w/P A SO to sedilia. •Assist P to sit. •Sit down w/ueuaJ reverences. etc. •Remove biretta A bow upon signal from MC. Make sign of cross if -Make sign of cross. •Make sign of cross. w/o thurible. .Sft when AC1/AC2 aft If •Aaafsi 0 w/daimatic. • Proceed ministers to eodl&a. stand ■Assisi D w/ tunfae. facing the down church to the right of the w/o thurible. •After both 0 and SO «ft, •After both 0 and SO eft 0. This Is your normal position at the AC1/AC2 th. AC1/AC2 Sil sodilia. •Signai ministers to remove bkettas A •Make bow· w/P. •Make bows w/P. bow when choir ting·: Adoremus te. Grebes egimus Obi, Jesus Cbrtste. Jesus Cbrtste. suscipe depreceticnem nostrum. Solemn High Mass Action Takino Place Celebrant Collects A Epistle Sgn ol cross at *Cum Sancto...*. emove biretta. rise, to center of 1 Altar J MC altar Genuflect and ascend. _ Cel Read Coftoct(s) D emove biretta, rise, receive P's biretta. go » center of aftar w/P & SO. Genuflect, ascend inkne w/P. SuMoaCQQ. •Sign of cross at ‘Cum Sancto. remove biretta. nse. receive P's biretta. go to center ol aftar w/P & D. -Genuflea signal from MC. Hc*d P's ato as he & you ascend.(Fig. 4) •Hold P’s alb as he ascends .(Fig. 4) To Epistle side w/P (Fig. 5). •To Epistle side w/PA 0 (Fig. 5). P reads Coftodfs). SD (Figure 4 ) 1 Aftar ] MC Deacon S«gn o! cross al ‘Cum Sancto...*, ■Towards middle of last Collect MC hands A you receive Epistolary as After Col tod(s) return to sedifca & After the Coo your righL descend to pavement, hand Epistolary to MC. After SD has received hrs blessing, point Go to normal position (Fig. 5) as P out the Gradual Allelula/Tract » Pnest reads Gradual & Allelula/Tract. •Go to sedilia by short way after P done, Go to sedrtia by short way after P done, sit. sh -Rise w/signal from MC. to aftar Genuflea. Turn to your right receive Evangetarium from MC -Genuflect, go straight up aftar steps w/SO. place Evangetarium on center of 0 MC Th AC? AC1 (Figure 6.) Rise w/sgnal kom MC. to aftar lor Gospel Procession. Formation »3: 1 Altar J Cel SD Thuriier Accfylfl-J. tofyie 2 . Make sign of cross. rise Make sign of cross, rise •Make sgn & cross, rise w/P if not holding w/P. thurible. Towards middle of tost Cottod get Epistolary from *mj credence tab*·, to the right of SD. Hand Eptototory to SO. • Face SO he wit turn and face you. •Sit w/AC1 & AC2 if thurible on stand. Assist 0 when arts, sit w/AC2 Asset 0 w/P to srt. sit w/ACi • Hand over (he Epistolary such that opening is lacing to your right. ' Bow again to SO. While not coming between SO & after be to left of SO at middle of after. Signal genuflection, turn right, lead SO w/MC. go to place where Epistle is to be to where Eptotto Is to be sung, face aftar w/SD(S0 on right). Indicate to PA D to sung, face altar ( MC on your left). Return to aftar. Gradual. Sign ol cross at ’Cum Sencfo . *. remove biretta. rise, receive P's biretta. go to center of after w/P A 0. •To altar (right of 0). atgnaf genuflection Go to beside Missal (Fig. 4). impoee incense. the aftar w/opening to Goepel side. Impose incense, boat w/spoon to MC. ■Genu fl oct., ascend aftar steps just after P to Missal on Epistle side, bow to cross, take Missal, turn to youf left, descend steps to be to the left of 0. -Genuflect, go straight up attar steps remove bkottas when required. *0eo graOas* after Eplstto Lead SO to after on his right side ■Signal genuflection, lead SO to Epistle side lor his blessing. •Rise w/ P & 0. ensure •Rise w/P & 0. thurible ready for Gospel Rise w/P & o incensa tons. Receive Epistolary from SO.. Place on credence table (or) K Gradual & AJIelula/Track are short keep it Go to usual position to the right of SD on pavement for Gradual. Afutoto/Trad Proceed mrwsters to sediRa. stand in usual position Remain standing w/thurible To bottom of Epistle At approx. 5 lines before end of Allelula/Tract signal al! to rise goto aftar sid· step·, gKe MC incense boat when •Signal genuflection with Evanpelarium arrives, thurible In your Turn io loft, hand Evangetarium to 0. right hand loco altar •Signal genuflection when SO at foot of w/D. place Missal on after next to where altar w/Mtosal. go to the right of the Th P will use it for (he Offertory. on the Epistle side of the Altar. Impose Incense, boat from D. hand to •Impose incense, after P blesses go Th (left hand). down, wait for 0 (See Fig. 6). Descend Episflo side stops w/Th.w»t for Th to put boat away, go w/Th to in front ol the aftar. (See Fig. 6.) Assisi ministers to srt and then sit. Asset ministers to srt and then sit -Rise with Priest, 0. SO and go with AC2 to get candle. and go with AC1 to get candle R«e with Priest, 0. SD • Hand Incense boat to MC. ■Impoee incense. thurib*e in right hand, boat back wfleft. Boat Pickup candle, process -Pickup candle, process w/AC1 to position in w/AC2 to position In from of aftar.(See Fig. 6) front of attar.(See Fig. 6) Solemn High Mass center. say 'Munda cor maum.'. rise. p«ckuf) the Evangetadum from altar Kneel before Priest A say 'Juba domna. Bless 0 Grve hand to be kissed banedieare.* After P’s blessing, kiss P’s hand. rise, turn left, descend slope to right of SD (See Fig.6) •Genuflect w/signal from MC. turn to Wrth Evangeiartum. genuflect, tum to left, walk behind SO » where Gospel rs right, walk behind Th/MC to where Gospel is to be sung to be sung Turn to where Goepel is to be correct place (See Rg. 7) | ____ Gfll - AC2 Reverence Goepel Incensation by Deacon MC ACl •After Gospel 0 places right hand fingers to beginning of Goepel. walk direcfly to P. -Turn w/Th toward P. after P reverences •Hold book lor P to kiss, shut book, stand aside to right, medium bow to P. book, profound bow, incense P w/3 double swings, profound bow. tnunble to genuflect on footpace to Cross. Descend, book to MC at loot of attar. Th (See Fig. 8) Go io center of altar, wait tor P to 0 descend. to left w/ACl to lace MC. Change candle to left side bow, receive thurible •When D comes, go behind him to loft of center, wait lor P to descend. attar (see Fig. 8) •Signal genuflection. ■To normal position on Epistle side, wait "m piano* for SO A book ■Book from SD Move to normal position beside D. •After Goepel foffow MC to foot of altar. After Goepel beside AC1 to foot of anar •Genuflect w/signal from •Genuflect w/sgnal from MC. turn right, candle on credence, back to normal position MC. turn left, candle on •Turn w/D toward P. after P reverences book, credence, back to normal position. profound bow. incense P. profound bow, thurible back (See Rg 8) ■To altar w/D. stand behind MC. Descend and hand maniple to Go to pulpit. Receive maniple from P MC signals genuflection, turn left, walk w/SO to -Genuflea w/D A MC. turn right and walk •When 0 has Ps maniple, signal genuflection, go to usual spot by sedifta. w/D to sedifta. sit sedilia, Srt. Creed Upon arrival, stop inline to right to face Th. Change candle to right w/MC. thurible to MC. side. profound bow, incense, As SO goes to P. signal ACa forward, turn to left, lead infront ol AC1 to toot of Th (Figure 8.) Sermon -Genuflect w/signal by •Genuflect w/signal by MC. turn left, go w/AC2. MC. turn right, go Swrtch candle when you w/AC1. Switch candle when you turn turn. Upon arrival. stop, turn ■Upon arrival, stop turn back. Jesus's name continue to turn, hand back to Th. Indteete to P any reverence. beginning of Gospel (After Gospel) I Altar ] Upon amvai. stop. 0 is on your left Recerve thurible from Th behind 0 Hand to D.profound bow. bokj open A rest top of book on forehead. Romain in this position until 0 incense, profound bow, receive back, turn right to P.intScate bow to P at finished with the Gospel. -Sing Gospel After Gospel place right hand of SO to (Figure 7.) •Al flat ol ‘Afiatuia*. signai genuflection. Genuflect w/signal from turrmg to right, walk beside Th & behind MC. turn left, beside MC AC1/AC2 to where Gospel is to be Sung, io where Goepel is sung w/right hand. ■Sing* Dominus vo&scum...'. receive thunbie from MC. bow. incense book w/3 doutée swings, bow. t>uriô*e back to MG AC1 Upon arrivai, hand Evsngelsrlum to SO ■Upon arrival, turn to right, face 0 in between AC 1 /AC2. receive book from D. Open it to after he slope & turns. sung. (Duong Gospel) 1 Altar Acotyte 1 Kneel on edge of footpace to ng hl of Processton (con't) Gospel Thurifer Master of Cefomontoa Deacon Ceieixam Action Taking Place Gospel intone Greed After sermon, indicate to D. SO to rise, •After sermon, riso. to altar, genuflect, move to be mime with DAP. At 'Deum' to attar, signal genufleaion after D has put on P's maniple. Go to usual spot medium bow. ascend to loft ol P. say Genuflect w/P. signal kneel at sung *Ef of P. say rest of Creed. Genuflea & bow rest ol Creed. Gonufloa A bow w/P. w/P Reverence altar, descend to foot ol Reverence altar, descend to loot of altar, incarnatus...*, signed rise, genuflea, to sodilia kneel at Sung * El incarnatus.. *. riso, altar, kneel at sung *S incarnatus.. *. genuflect, to sedilia DO NOT STT ose. genuflea, to sedika. DO NOT STT After sermon, rise, to altar, genuflea, ascend to normal altar slop mime w/P. At 'Daum' medium bow ascend to right DOWN DOWN. Genuflea, to seat. •Assist 0 in usual mannsf.slt w/AC2 •Sit A rise with 0 A SD. •Sri A nse with 0 A SO Rise.ensure coats reedy • Rise, genuflea w/P when saymg Creed, tn thurible tor Offertory. kneel at *Et incarnatus*, •Rise, ensure coals ready in thurible lor Offertory. -Assist SO in usual manner. sftw/ACi Sit A nse with 0 A SD •Rise, genuflea w/P when saying Creed, kneel at *Et incarnatus' rise. rise. Remain standing until 0 ■Remain standing until 0 returns from attar returns from altar Solemn High Mass Celebrant Creed (coni) Offertory of Cross, nee. to attar, fleet, ascend Oomrnuj vo&scum. corporal, to center, genuflect, ascend, Master ot C&famonres, Get burae from credence, hand to D at la. Hokl at eye level & open tor D. spread corporal out. arrange Missal, genuflect, return dkecOy to sedika. •Be ready to bow io attar for 'simul adoratur' sit D to center, signal genuflection. Genuflect w/D. lead to eedHia. Signal reverences for ’afmuf adoratur*. to attar, etc Deacon •Receive burse from MC.check lor MC signals sign of cross, rise, to attar, genuflect, ascend to normal attar step inline w/P. Al ’Oremus". mednjm bow. ascend to nght of P Subdeacon. Be ready to bow to attar tor ‘simul adoratur'. s»t w/0 •MC s^na»s sign of cross, rise, to attar, genuflect, move to be inline w/D and P •Al ‘Ofemus’. medium bow, genuflect w/MC. to credence for chalice. •Hokl pail down when humeral veil removed, receive on shoulders from toMe 2 Thurtfg Signal sign of cross, rise, to after, genuflection. then to foot of after Epistle side. At * Oremus', signal genuflection, leaf* SO to credence for chalice. ✓ Assist SD w/bumeral veil. Make sure veA covers the chalice •Do reverences also. •Assist 0 and sit *1*02 •Do reverences also Assist SO. sit w/ACt •Sign of cross, rise w/0 •Sign of cross, rise w/SO ■Go to credence table. -Go w/ACl to credence table. waft there. ACt. Tie or clasp veil. •Right hand on pan. w/left cover chalice Remove pall put near corporal. paten and lift up. Remove paten, kiss it then P’s hand. (Take the Nd off the dborium.) •After Offertory prayer cover dborfum. chailice in left hand (w/purtfleator over thumb on stem of chalice). •Pour wine into chalice. -Wine cruet back to SO. ■Wipe away any drops on sides of chalice, take stem w/right & hokl foot w/teft hand. Lift up the chalice. Chalice on attar Incenaatlon of Impo·· incene® Offertory Incense ottata Incense attar cross Incense altar Incense P w/bu moral veH. MC to assist w/vei. Pick up chalice w/left hand below knob, bring directly to attar, place beside D. •Wipe inside chalice w/purtffcator. hand chalice to 0. •To Th on Epistle tide. •Incense boat from Th. Accompany P. support P under right boat .Incense boat to MC. •Pickup finger towel, dish, cruets, to Epistle side of after, ascend, put cruets on attar on towel. •Turn right, descend to pavement •Take wine cruet from attar, hand to 0. -Receive cruet back from D. Holds water cruet up. say 'flenecic/te. Pater reverend^ to P A P blesses. •Pour a little water into chalice, cruet back on attar •Pick up dish, cruets, towel A return to credence table. •Kiss foot of chalice. P’s hand, pass to P •Touch w/right the toot of chalice as P otter·, look up to crucifix. say ’Offerimus Bbl..." vt/P. Take paton w/right hand (thumb not in •Cover w/palt. hand SO paten, told center), cover w/bu mer al veü (right then purificator and place next to corporal left sides), turn left descend to center, genuflect, hokl paten before face. -Ascend w/Th, Imdose Incense. When P Impoee incenao. General rme: n you walk, kneel, bow, make responses, always lower the paten blesses turn rig y descend by Epistle •Place right hand on toot of chalice steps, genuflect/al once ascend A to your breast when doing so. •Move chalice toward Epistle side of remove Missal from attar, stand ’In corporal then back in middle of corporal. elbow w/teft hand when P genuflects Receive thunde from P. incense P •To Epistle side, w/thuribie A Incense •Get finger towel. •Go w/AC2 A stand on pavement on Epistle ■Take water cruet, ftnger dtsh when ACt returns side. side. -Go w/AC1 to Epistle piano.’ When PAO genuflect at center, put Missal beck on aftar A remain there white p is incensed A washes hands. ρ·9· I Solemn High Mass Deacon Celebrant Action Taking Place Incertseîjon (conT) Clerics (1 double) SO (2 doubles) Do Λ right of SO. Wastw>g at Hands Subdeacon Wash hands. ■Thurible to Th. ascend to be Inline w/p. Say Orate, fratres -Reply ^rSusoptat..* Acotyte 2 -After P incensed lead D lo incense clerics. SO. ■Lower paten, turn right, bow. get Turn right bow. incense by Th. bow. Incensed, bow. face altar. farse paten. assist P again. Turn to right, incensed by Th. OfrSe. frrtres Acolyte 1 Thurfer Master of Ceremonies ■Follow Th & incense: Thurible from 0. incense 0 w/2 doubles. -Genuflect at center. When D & Th leave, ascend steps, wash P's hands. Return finger towel to incense MC w/1 sngla credence table, to seat -Genuflect ncense each Bow before and after AC1/AC2/C8 w/1 wngie beog incensed by Th. Genuflect turn righft. to Remain standing sanctuary entrance. bow ■ft D not back m place, lower paten. reply Si/scp*tt ‘ -Ascend after steps w/ACt. wash P’s hands -Return cruets, etc to credence table, to seat -Bow before and afte* being inceneed by Th Remain standing to congregation. incense Sacret Preface/Sanctua Say Secret prayer Sing Preface Say Sanctus Memento tor Living Memento for Living -Make responses, ascend to right of P (MC signale), bow w/P. say ‘ Sancti/ sign of cross w/P To left of P. genuflect at center. Ass’rsl P by pointing out/lurning pages. -Make responses, ascend to left of P [MC sgnals). bow w/P. say ' Sanctum. sign of cross w/P. -Signal Di SD to ascend for Sanctu* Λ Words ‘Angeli afque Archangel) ’ -When D arrives to left of P. descend by -No genuflection, descend to usual place Gospel side steps, genuflect at center. at foot of altar stand al usual spot on Epistle side. w/1 single (mid/left/right). Turn left, genuflect return to position. After P raises hand*, impose mcenee in ■P raises hands, take thurible (3 spoon·). Hand Incense boat back to Th. thurible & boat go to MC. impose incenee. Receive boat back. -Stand two steps back, medium bow. etum when P raises hands. Hanc igtm Saying ‘Hanc Igftuf ’ Hands Rmg belle when P pul* extended over oblaia -tends over oblaia Saying 'Ouam obiabonem ' ■O to right of P genuflect Λ center. It ciborium on corporal, remove covet. -Kneel. -Kneel w/D. Consecrate Host Genuflect Eleveie Sacred Host -Bow. -Bow. -Lift chasuble, look @ Sacred Host -Pise immediately after, cover ciborium, -Look at Sacred Host. Genuflect Consecrate Precious Blood uncover chalice, kneel, bow. Bow Genuflects Elevates Chalice Genuflects •Signai all to kneel, kneel on pavement (not on 1«t step) w/Th to right ■Kneel, put boat down Kneel. pick up bell* ■incense Hoel w/3 doubles while elevated Ring bell once. .Ring befl three times Ring bell once. Incense Blood Blood ■Bow •Lift chasuble, rise when P starts to lower -Look at Chalice w/Precious Blood chalice, cover chalice w/pall, -Genuflect w/P •rise w/D after genuflect on -Move to P’s left, genuflect on left (not at center), assrst P w/3 doubles eleveled. Signals all to rise w/D & SO. Rise, take boat go to postion. put thurtole on stand. No longer needed for rest of Mass. Ring bell Ring bell Ring bell put bells w/MC. once. three times. once, down, rise -Kneel w/ACI. Rtse w/ACl. Solemn High Mass Action TakmQ Place Memento of Deed Nobis qvioqua. Celebrant Memento of Deed Deacon Subdeacon -Take two steps away. bow. return when P raise· hands again. '*■' Acolyte 1 MoM« 2 Master