Concerning the Dedication or Consecration of a Church, if one or more altars should be consecrated at the same time. Although the consecration of Churches is able to happen on any day by law. It is more fittingly done on Sundays or the solemnities of Saints. When however the Church will have to be dedicated, the Archdeacon ought to announce beforehand to the clergy and the people, for whom the Church must be consecrated, so that before it is consecrated, they might fast. For the consecrating Bishop and those who ask for the Church to be consecrated ought to fast on the preceding day. At a reasonable time on the night before the dedication, the Bishop prepares the relics to be included in the altar(s) to be consecrated, placing them (for each altar) in a fitting and clean container with three grains of frankincense. He also places in them a small note, written under this form: MM... etc., die N. mensis N. EgoN. Episcopus N. consecravi Ecclesiam, et altare hoc, in honorem sancti N. et Reliquias sanctorum Martyrum N. et N. in eo inclusi, et singulis Christ fidelibus, hodie unum annum, et in die anniversario consecrationis hujusmodi ipsam visitantibus quadraginta dies de vera indulgentia, in forma Ecclesiae consueta concessi. (In the year.. .day.. .month.. .1 Bishop N. consecrated the Church and this altar in honor of saint N. and I enclosed in it the relics of the holy Martyrs N. and N. I also conceded in the customary form of the Church, to each of Christ’s faithful, a one year indulgence to those visiting it on this day, and in the day of the anniversary on this consecration a forty day indulgence). Sealing the container(s) carefully, and placing them in a honorable and clean place, or under the tentorio (tent/canopy) prepared before the doors of the Church to be consecrated, he arranges them becomingly upon a decorated bier, with two lit candelabra. The vigils are to be celebrated before the very relics, and the Nocturns, Matins and Lauds, are to be chanted in honor of the saints whose relics are to be concealed (in the altar). The images however, as well as the crosses and the rest remain that night in the Church to be consecrated. Also prepared in the Church are those things which are necessary to for the dedication of the very Church and altar, namely the Holy Chrism in a container, and bottle; the Holy Oil of Catechumens also in a container and bottle; two pounds of incense, the medietas of which is in the grains; the thurible with the boat and the spoon/cochleari; the container with the burning charcoals; the container with the ashes, for the quantity of the Church; the container with the salt; the container of wine; the aspersorium made from the grass/ herb (herba) of hyssop; the mantilia from a thick web (tela grossa), to clean the mensa(s) of the altar, as many times as it will be expedient.