2 Prophecy Tone 1 The Prophecy Tone is used for the Lessons at Matins for Christmas/Tenebrae, etc., they are not used for Epistles, even if the Epistles are from “Isaiae Prophetae." There is only One Tone for the Prophecy. The Introduction and the Full Stop have the same pattern: do down tofa (descent of a perfect fifth). The Flex is a half-step descent from do down to 5/, and used in the middle of a sentence. However, if the sentence is short, the./7ex is omitted. If the sentence is quite long, the/Ze·* may be used as many times as needed providing the textural sense allows for it. The/7ex is sung by descending to si on the last syllable only, regardless of the type of word, or where the tonic accent falls. There is no Metrum in this tone. Note a lengthened note on the reciting tone may be used as a resting place in long sentences rather than using many flexes (of course depending on the textural sense). For the Full Stop, the voice descends following the tonic accent of a spondee (spondiac word, spondiac long-word) or dactyl (dacty lic word, dactylic long-word). The interrogation pattern can be adjusted to fit short sentences, even using just one word. It must never be used at the Conclusion unless the Tu autem is to follow. If the Tu autem does not follow, the regular Conclusion pattern must be used. Examples: [Isa. 58. 1-9] Introduction Lec-ti- o I-sa- i- ae pro-phé-tae. Haec di-cit Dô-mi-nus De-us: Cla-ma, ne ces-ses, qua-si tu-ba ex-âl-ta full stop Flex y a_ ■ ■ ■ * 1 ■ ■ ■■ ■ “ “ ······ ■■ ■ ■ —B ■■■ ■ ■ ■ H Μ ^B ^B ™ ® 1· W ^B M vo-cem tu-am. et an-nun-ti-a ρό-pu-lo me-o scé-le-ra e-ô-rum, et dô-mu-i Ja-cob pec-câ-ta e-o-rum.... interrogation F. ^B · m ^B ^B ^B H ^B ^B a a ■ ^B >■ ^B -----“ ^B “ ■ “ BB * ■ ■!■■■■■■■ B · . ■ fl ■ 3• Num-quid ta- le est je-jû-ni-um, quod é -le-gi: per di-em af-fli-ge-re hô-mi-nem à-ni-mam su-am?.... 3/3/2003 3 conclusion Qui-a mi-sé-ri-cors sum, Dô-mi-nus De-us tu- us. Variations: Use ctî flex with monosyllable or Hebrew word. (Two versions) ..... ad Per du-cant Je- ru- saDo-mi- nus te. te lem est Dedo-mus Je- ruDo- mi- us Dasanus est vid lem est Use oifuH stop with monosyllable or Hebrew word. (Two versions) / * ■ ■ a ....ad te. Per du-cant te Je-ru- sa- lem est Dô-mi- nus _____ e π Dedo-mus Je- rûDô- mi- . ■· us Dasanus- est vid lem est Interrogations Quid vis fi-li? Endings ) 3/3/2003 In tri-bu-la-ti-o-ne? Quid vis? Quae9 4 Dô-mi-nus De-us tu-us. Dô-mi-nus ex- au- di- et. .............. O- pe-ra Dô-mi-ni. In the case of the Lesson which isfollowed by a special Tract, e.g. the Canticle ofMoses after the 4th Lesson on Holy Saturday, and the Canticle of the Three Children afterLesson Von Ember Saturdays, (as well as prior to "Tu autem Domine " [unless a question J,: the ending is recto tono. Et ad fi-nem us-que com-plé-vit: in for-nà-ce di-cén-tes: Epistle Tones Tone 1: [recto tono] This tone is entirely recto tono, with the exception of the interrogation which is done in the same manner as for the Prophecy. Tone 2: [ad libitum] The ad libitum tone includes the metrum and thefid! stop. Interrogations are made in the same manner as for the Prophecy. There is no use of the flex. The metrum may be used several times in long sentences providing it fits the meaning of the text. If the sentence is short or the textural meaning has no place for it, the metrum is omitted. For monosyllables and Hebrew words there is no special rule. Endings have a particular pattern, even if the final sentence is an interrogation. Introductions: [note: the metrum is used only for the Epistles of St. Paul and for the Apocalypse as follows.] /_____________ /____________________ L •.. ■. Léc-ti-o E- pi- sto- lae be-à-ti Pau-li A-pôs-to-li ad Ro-mâ-nos. Ad Ga-la-tas. 3/3/2003 Ad Ti- turn. 8 ad Co-rin-thi-os. Lec-ti- o li-bri A- po- ca-lyp- sis be-a-ti 5 ο ·. Jo-ân-nis A-pôs-to-li. Also:: Léc-ti-o Àc-tu-um A- pos-to-Iô-rum. Léc-ti-o I- sa- i- ae Pro-phé-tae. Whenever the text In diebus illis begins the Lesson it is always sung in the following manner: In di- é- bus il- lis: Examples of the metrum'. Q ■ Glo-riSi- cut deMe- os ca- ris- simur-mu- ra­ con- ti- nu- am ne- ces- sâab Je- ni- sa- lem suae et Chris-tus 3/3/2003 fl­ càmus. eet sanctos mos mô- ne- 0 ti- ône ha- béntes ri- a est in gazam in spé- eu·• lo di-• lé-xit nos 6 Examples of thefull stop: •________ a___ ! 0 ■ . O ■. “ H,------------------- Jesu Christi. cym- bâlum tinni- ens. com- pre- hen- dâtis. glô- ria cae­ lésti co- gi- tà-bam ut pâr- vu- lus. su-per te or- ta est sa- lu- tis adju- vi te. Examples of the Conclusion: MemMen- dà- cihoc di- xisa-bun-dé- tis in Tri- a Ho- mi-niIn i-pse bra................ Je-su Dô-mi- no nostro. um....... ... sunt au-te thro-num Dei. ob- do-mi-vit in Dô- mi- no. sit, cti. spe....... ..................... spi- ri- tus sanhaec...... ........................ho-rum est câ- ri- tas. bus....... ...................... nos sal- vos fri- e- ri. spe....... ....................... Spi- ri- tus san- cti. es.......................................... non de- fi- ci- ent. I Also-4V-·» sUrt Ji — fl O in - r 3 □ ■ Qui- a non sunt. Sors ilΙό- rum est. Pe- ténti- bus se. Mel- chi- se- dech. In sâe- eu- la. Amen. 3/3/2003 ’■ ■ ■ r5 « LC • • Qui- a non sunt. il- Ιό-rum est. pe- tén- ti- bus se. Mel-chi- se- dech. A- men. 7 Gospel Tones Tone 1 This tone is composed of a reciting tone, full stop, interrogation and conclusion. There is no flex. The full stop simply moves down from do to la on the fourth syllable from the end of the sentence. The interrogation is done in the same manner as in the Epistle and Prophecy Tones excepting when it appears at the conclusion. Here the Gospel conclusion pattern is used. The conclusion begins on the second to the last accent. " ««**«** j—----- ■■■ ■■■ ■ W ■ Λ ■ Μ " Μ “ Μ ■ Μ ■ M " Do-mi-aus vo-bk-cuiiL R. El cum spi-ri-tu tu-o. {full stop) Beginning: ImmI-------------- «— S— W 1 ---- ■ ■ B —- ----- ■ ■ ' 1' —■ ■ Sequentia sancti Evangélii se-eûn-dum Mat-thâe-umA R. Glô-ri-a ti-bi Dô-mi-ne. Mar-cum. ( ôr Lu-cam. ' . 1 er Jo- an-nem. J Full stop In il- lo tem-po- re: Offerebant Jesu parvulos ut tan- go- ret il- los. Interrogation .........Magister bo-ne, 10/05/03 quid faciam ut vitam aeternam per- cii- pi- am? ------- .V· 8 Conclusion 0 λ' \n X' Tone 2 [ad libitum] The metrum, interrogation and conclusion patterns are the sanie as for the Epistle. Dô-mi-nus vo-bis-cum. R. Se-quén-ti- a sanc-ti Et cum spi-ri-tu tu-o. E- van- gé- li- i se-cûn-dum Mat-thâe-um. R. Glô-ri-a ti-bi Dô-mi-ne. Mar-cum. Lu-cam. Jo- an-nem. In il- lo tém-po- re: Full Stop Metrum Erant propinquantes ad Jesum publicani et pec10/05/03 ca- to- res. utau-di-rent il- lum. 9 Interrogation ......... Magister bo-ne, quid fâciam ut vitam aetémam per- ci- pi- am? Conclusion 3l·01 Et habebis thesaurum in cae- Bl ■ lo; Et ve- ■ ■ ■ ni, sé- que- re me. Additional Ending Patterns (Full Slop)’. " “ “ “ W M ■, □ ,· Nésci- o vos. Ùngerent Jesum. Non sum. Fac- ta sunt. Is- ra- el. re- spôn-dit: Non. 10/05/03 J a ■ ■ ■ a 1W Nésci- o vos. Ùngerent Je- sum. Non sum. Fac- la sunt. Is- ra- el. Respon-dit: Non. -- 10 Tone 3 [more ancient] Do-mi-nus vo-bis-cum. R. Beginning: fl MM ■ ~ ~ β 4^- ■ —------- Et cum spi-ri-tu tu-o. {full stop) (metrum) (a _____________ ' , z *■■■■■---------j—j—a—»4—· ·—■—■ Se-quén-ti- a sanc-ti E- van- gé- li- _______________________ _ — se-cùn-dum Mat-thâe-um. R. Glo-ri-a ti-bi Do-mi-ne. Mar-cum. Lu-cam. Jo- an-nem. Full stop i In il- Io tem-po- re: Metrum i H ~ — - P· Erant propinquantes ad Jesum publicani el pec- ca- Full Stop 0«· 1 ■ ÔT 1 res, to- _______________ z_______________ a tn a 1 ul au-di-rent il- Interrogation ---------------fl-2_______ MM _____________________ ■ .........Magister bo-ne, 10/05/03 μ a m ---------- Μ Μ M—M---- jj— r— quid fâciam ut vitam aetémam per- ci- pi- am? □ ■· lum. ’——--------------------- Il Conclusion El habébis thesâurum in cae- lo; Et ve- ni, sé- que- re ______________________ * * a R Ml K Μ M • ■ □ ■ 1 J 1 Full stops for monosyllables or Hebrew words. __ H · ■ Nésci- o vos. Qui-bus da-tum est. Tri-bus Is-ra- el. Non fii-it sic. De-té-ri-us est. 10/05/03 Nésci- o vos. qui-bus da-tum est. Tri-bus îs-ra- el. Non fti-it sic. De té-re-us est. me.