THE Pulpit Orator CONTAINING SEVEN ELABORATE SKELETON SERMONS, OR, homiletic, dogmatical, liturgical symbolical, AND MORAL SKETCHES, FOR EVERY SUNDAY OF THE YEAR. ALSO ELABORATE SKELETON SERMONS FOR THE CHIEF FESTIVALS AND OTHER OCCASIONS. BY THE REV. JOHN EVANGELIST ZOLLNER. TRANSLA TED FROM THE GERMAN. WITH PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. AND ADAPTED BY THE REV. AUGUSTINE WIRTH, O. S. B. WITH PREFACE BY THE REV. A. A. LAMBING. Fifteenth Revised Edition VOL. I. From the First Sunday of Advent to the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany jfrebericfe ÿwstet & (£o„ Printers to the Holy Apostolic See and the Sacred Congregation of Rites RATISBON ROME NEW YORK CINCINNATI Copyright, 1904. B. STEINBACK, Of the firm of Er. Pustet & Co CONTENTS. Μ H—*▼ PREFACES............................................... ····.······.· FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT. 1. Homiletic Sketch.—Concerning the things against which the Apostle warns us, and the Things which he exhorts us to do . 17 2. Homiletic Sketch.—The Coming of Christ at the Judgment . · 22 8. Dogmatical Sketch.—The General Judgment.......................... . · 28 4. Liturgical Sketch—The Ecclesiastical Year. .·..... 35 5. Symbolical Sketch.—The Last Judgment......... 39 6. Moral Sketch.—The Sanctification of Advent....................................... 44 7. Moral Sketch.—Many Christians try to dissuade themselves from the Fear of Judgment .··········.··· 49 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT. 1. Homiletic Sketch.—Christian Unity.................................... 55 2. Homiletic Sketch.—What does Jesus say of himself and what of John?................................................................................................................ 60 8. Dogmatical Sketch.—Christ prefigured as the Redeemer in the Old Testament.................................................................................................66 4. Liturgical Sketch.—TheSignificanceof Advent..................................... 71 5. Symbolical Sketch.—How we are to prepare for our Redeemer a Dwelling in our Heart......................................................................... 77 6. Moral Sketch.—Rules of Conductinregard tohuman Praise. . 82 7. Moral Sketch.—Impenitence............................................... ····. 88 THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVEMT. 1. Homiletic Sketch.—The Picture of a true Christian ..... 94 2. Homiletic Sketch.—What does St. John say of himself, of his Baptism and of Christ?.................................................................... 101 8. Dogm vtical Sketch.—Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the World, foretold in the Old Testament.................................................... 108 4. Liturgical Sketch.—The Ecclesiastical Celebration of Advent . 113 6. Symbolical Sketch.—Many act in Confession as if they were Prophets, or Elias, or even Christ......................................................... 118 6. Moral Sketch.—Conscience............................................................... . 123 7. Moral Sketch.—Whjr we should always speak the Truth ... 129 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT. 1. Homiletic Sketch.—What we are, and how we are to behave to­ wards ourselves and others.......................................................................... 135 2. Homiletic Sketch.—How we are to prepare ourselves for Christmas 141 8. Dogmatical Sketch.—Jesus Christ is truly God ····.. 147 η CONTENTS. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT.—Continued. 4. Liturgical Sketch.—The Ordinance» of the Church for Advent . 159 5. Symbolical Sketch.—How we are to prepare the Way for Christ 157 6. Moral Sketch.- The small Number of true Penitents..................... 164 7. Moral Sketch.—We have many Preachers of Penance, but few 169 Penitents......................................... SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS. 1. Homiletic Sketch.—Man’s condition before the Coming of Christ, and what he has become through Christ...................... 2. Homiletic Sketch.—Simeon, Anna, and the Holy Family . . . 8. Dogmatical Sketch—The Necessity of Faith............................... 4. Liturgical Sketch.—The Crib in Christian Houses and Hearts . 5. Symbolical Sketch.—Christmas-Trees and Christmas-Gifta . . . 6. Moral Sketch.—The Obduracy of the Sinner.................................... 7. Moral Sketch.—Anna a beautiful Pattern for our Imitation . . 176 182 188 193 198 203 208 M SUNDAY BETWEEN NEW YEAR’S DAY AND EPIPHANY. 1 Homiletic Sketch.—Signs by which a childlike Mind is known . 214 2. Homiletic Sketch.—The Return of the Holy Family into their own country ,·····.·■■·■······· 220 8. Dogmatical Sketch.—The Qualities of Faith............................... 225 A Liturgical Sketch.—The three Kings’ Blessing.......................... 231 δ. Liturgic-Symbolical Sketch.—The Blessing of Houses on the Eve of the Epiphany................................................................... 236 < 6. Moral Sketch.—The particular Providence of God.... 7. Moral Sketch.—Children, love your Parents ...... —ri FIRST SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. •47- ·'* ·ςχΕΛΎ she; ·;£; ·* - * · ·* ■ -· • · ·*··· . .... · 1. Homiletic Sketch.—What the Apostle admonishes us to do 2. Homiletic Sketch.—Jesus, Mary and Joseph......................... J. Dogmatical Sketch.—The legislative Power of the Church. 4 Liturfical Sketch.—On Pilgrimages................................. K Symbolical Sketch.—What we need on our Journey to the heavenly Jerusalem................................................................................. 6. Moral Sketch.—Parents must not allow their Children to keep bad Company.................................................................................... · « 7. Moral Sketch.—The obedience of Children to their Parenta . < 255 262 274 279 a SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. 1. Homiletic Sketch.—Three Virtues which we are to practice . 2. Homiletic Sketch.—The Marriage Feast in Cana.................... . 8. Dogmatical Sketch.—Christian Marriage a Sacrament . . . • 4. Liturgical Sketch.—The Ceremonies of Matrimony .... . 5. Symbolical Sketch.—Trials in the married State.................... . 6. Moral Sketch.—The Necessity of a Divine Vocation for the married State................................................................................................... 7. Moral Sketch.—What those must observe who intend to enter the married State ..··········»·····< 284 289 300 306 312 317 324 832 CONTENTS. vii THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. 1. Homiletic Sketch.—Three Lessons on the Love of our Neighbor. 837 2. Homiletic Sketch.—The Cleansing of a Leper and the Healing of the Centurion’s Servant.................................................................... . 343 8. Dogmatical Sketch.—The Confession of Faith ....... 350 4. Liturgical Sketch.—The External Worship of God.......................... 855 6. Symbolical Sketch.—Leprosy, a Figure of Sin..................................... 359 6. Moral Sketch.—You should know for what you pray, and should earnestly desire it.................................................................... 366 7. Moral Sketch.—Who avoids Jesus? Who follows Him? .... 869 FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. Homiletic Sketch.—The Love of our Neighbor ...... 874 Homiletic Sketch.—The Tempest at Sea . .......................................... 379 Dogmatical Sketch —The Unity of the Church ....... 385 Liturgical Sketch.—Sunday.....................................................................390 Symbolical Sketch.—The Boat on the Lake of Genesareth a Symbol of the Catholic Church............................................................... 395 6. Moral Sketch.—Confidence in God.......................................................... 401 7. Moral Sketch.—What we need on our Voyage through Life, in order to reach the Port of Eternity in Safety.................................... 407 1. 2. 8. 4. 5. FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY. Homiletic Sketch.—Charity the Bond of Perfection.......................... 413 Homiletic Sketch.—The Parable of the Wheat and the Cockle . 419 Dogmatical Sketch.—The Sanctity of the Church............................... 425 Liturgical Sketch.—How the Primitive Christians celebrated Sunday............................................................................................................... 430 5. Symbolical Sketch.—Sin, a Sleep............................................................... 434 6. Moral Sketch.—Why God suffers the Wicked among the Good 440 7. Moral Sketch —Lukewarmness 446 1. 2. 8. 4. GENERAL INDEX See Volume VI., Page 473 '■* · * PREFACE. /^\ÜR Lord Jesus Christ having· come upon earth that man might 'J have life and might have it more abundantly, established his Church which should last till the end of time, in order that the fruits of the Incarnation and Redemption might be extended to mankind in all ages. He called the twelve Apostles, and having empowered them to rule the Church, to offer the adorable Sacri­ fice of the Mass and to forgive sins, he commissioned and com­ manded them to preach the Gospel to every creature, it being his will that all should come to the knowledge of God. “It pleased God,” as the Apostle says, “by the foolishness of our preaching, to save them that believe.”—I. Cor. 1:21. “For God so loved the world as to give his only-begotten Son; that whoso­ ever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life ever­ lasting.”— John 3:16. But