MOST EVERYTHING IS IN PDF OR HTML. To open PDF you need an Acrobat Reader, which you can freely download on the internet, or the versions (exe.) on DVD 13. To Open the HTML files, look for the “start” / “index” . “home page” within each folder, (which you can then drag/ cut-paste to your desktop). I suggest copying the whole files you use most frequently to your computer, like the Latin-English Dictionary, Biblia Clerus, etc. Questions- email DVD 1- (1833): LANGUAGES Greeko Maximilliano Zerwick SJ- Graecitas Biblica (Standard Latin work on Grammar of Greek New Testament. 1955) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Latin: o o o o o o o Rife- A Beginning Greek Book: Based on the Gospel According to Mark. H.W.Smyth- Greek Grammar for College S. Green- A Brief Intro to N. T. Greek John Williams White- First Greek Book North & Hillard- Greek Prose Composition William W. Goodwin- Greek Grammar William W. Goodwin- Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb Alexander Souter- A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament Arthur Sidgwick- Easy Selections from Plato Links to Helpful Internet Sites Clyde Pharr- Homeric Greek- a Bookfor Beginners Conybeare & Stock- Selections from the Septuagint James Strong- Greek in a Nutshell: an Outline of Greek Grammar with BriefReading Lessons Sir William Smith- A First Greek Course Very handy DOS Latin-English, English-Latin Dictionary; Lewis and Short- A Latin Dictionary English-Latin Dictionary- Smith De Proprietate Sermonum vel Rerum- Uhlfelder- 1954- American Academy in Rome. The Latin Library- collection of lots of latin texts, classical, medieval, modem. Notes and Readings for Fr. Foster’s Lectures. Latin Grammar: ■ Allen and Greenough- .Veir Latin Grammar. ■ Benjamin L. d’Ooge- Latin for Beginners ■ Collar and Daniell- The Beginner’s Latin Book ■ Charles E. Bennet- A Latin Grammar ■ Charles E. Bennet- A New Latin Composition ■ Gildersleeve- Latin Grammar o St. Leo’s Sermons by Fr. Foster. Etymologies- St. Isidore Other: o Benjamin Davidson - Elements of Syriac o French for Reading Knowledge o Pastoral Spanish o Oxford 3-1 Dictionary (Spanish, French, German)- very useful. Fell out of reproduction 10 yrs. ago. DVD 2- (3160) PHILOSOPHY Philosophy: - o o o o o o o ο o o o o o o o o Aristotle- Basic Works; Plato- Basic Works: Aquinas- Principle of Nature; Rev. Conrad Hock- 4 Temperaments; C. de Koninck Laval philosophique et théologique 1945- In Defense of St. Thomas: a Reply to Fr. Eschmann's Attack on the Primacy of the Common Good; Norbertus del Prado OP- De Feritate Fundamentali Philosophiae Christianae; Card. Zigliara- Summa Philosophica; H. Gardeil- Introduction to the Philosophy of St. Thomas: .Metaphysics, Cosmology, Psychology. Joannis a Sancto Thoma- Cursus Philosophicus Thomisticus; Hugon OP- Cursus Philosophiae Thomisticae. Pirotta OP- Summa Philosophiae Aristotelico-Thomisticae Gredt OSB- Elem enta Philosophiae Aristotelico-Thomisticae; Nations- Constitutions and Laws, International and American Varia La distinction reele entre l'essence et Pacte d'etre Note epistemologique- Guerard des Lauriers OP- Rev. Thom. 1959 Actualité et originalité de ΓESSE thomiste- C. Fabro- rev. thom. 1956 DVD 3a- (4466): SCRIPTURE Cornelius a Lapide- Commentaria in Scripturam Sacram. All 20 vol's, plus the supplemental hard to find Indices, and the commentary on Job by Crampon. For the commentary on the psalms cf. St. Robert Bellarmine Opera Omnia. Douay-Rheims; Hebrew OT; Greek NT; Peshitta NT; Vulgate; Josephus- all searchable. Bible-Latin-English- Vulgate and Douay interlinear, with Douay commentary. Original Douay Psalmes- pre-Challoner DVD 3b- (2113) Calmet- Dictionnaire de la Bible- 4 vol's. French, from Migne’s Encyclopédie Theologique The Pulpit Orator- Zollner- material for homilies for all Sundays and principle Feast days. The Preacher’s Encyclopedia- Bishop Herrera, transi. Greenstock. 4 Vol. Outstanding sources for sermons. Original larger Spanish A'ersion (La Palabra de Cristo) in progress. Biblia-Clerus: Very handy· program to search all of St. Thomas and the Scriptures in original languages and prepare homilies and much, much more, with the ability to add documents. Various Languages. Read Word document in folder on how to install. ICTUS- previous version of Biblia Clerus (above), which is only better in regards to the Hebrew scriptural texts. Click on the ICTUS WIN icon to start it. Apologetics: o Christian Apologetics- Devivier & Sasa SJ O The Gospels Historical and True- Grasso SJ Fr. Williams- A Textual Concordance of the Holy Scriptures Chronique bultmannienne- M.Corvez OP- Rev. Thom. 1956 La pensee de saint Thomas sur le sens spirituel- Mailhiot OP- Rev. Thom. 1959 DVD 4a- (3784) POSITIVE Positive Theology: o Ecumenical Councils; o Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils- Tanner SJ. o Papal Encyclicals; o Enchiridions: Symbolorum, Asceticum, Biblicum; ,Patristicum, Historiae Ecclesiasticae; o o o Denzinger- English; Clericorum; de Statibus Perfectionis Early Christian Doctrines- Kelly 20 Ecumenical Councils of the Church- Raab OFM Dictionary of Papal Pronouncements- 1878-1957 o o Msgr. Parente Dictionary ofDogmatic Theology Vatican I- Mansi (clear pictures) and Vacant Etudes Theologiques sur les Constitutions du Concile du Vatican (La Constitution Dei Filius) Fathers: o o o o o o Migne- Patrologia Latina; Early Church Fathers; F. Cayre- Manual of Patrology; Enchiridion Theologicum S. Augustini- Moriones ORSA. 1961 New Advent selection of Fathers. Loeb- Apostolic Fathers- 2 vol. transi. Lake. Greek and English. De Traditione: o Theologiae Cursus Completus vol.l- Cano- De Locis Theologicis, Vincent of Lerins Commonitorium, Tertullian De Praescriptionibus Adversus Haereticos, Walenburch, Veronius, Montagnus. O Card. Franzelin- De Divina Traditione et Scriptura. o Cartechini SJ- De Valore Notarum Theologicarum DVD 4b- (3278) Mansi- Sacrorum Conciliorum- Collection of all the Ecumenical Councils. This was not scanned well (from, but hopefully is still of some use. c.f. previous DVD for clearer pictures of Vatican I. DVD 5a- (4175): DOGMATIC Dogmatic Manuals: o Spanish Jesuits- Sacrae Theologiae Summa; o Billot SJ- Opera Omnia o Praelectiones Theologicae- Perrone SJ o Herve- Manuale Theologiae Dogmaticae; o Zubizaretta O.Carm- Theologia Dogmatica-Scholastica; o Ott- Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma (not always the best translation from the German); O O O O O Franzelin SJ- De Deo Trino- Secundum Personas Theological Outlines for Theology Courses by Fr. Saguto FSSP. C. Boyer- De Deo Creante et Elevante Latin Roman Catechism Tanquerey- Synopsis Theologiae Dogmaticae DVD 5b- DOGMATIC, con’t: / DVD 6d- Thomism et alii (To be divided in future) Dogmatic (con’t): o Theologia Wirceburgen St. Robert Bellarmine- Opera Omnia. Del Prado OP- 3 vol. work de Gratia. (The best Thomistic Dominican defense of this point against the Molinists). Sentences of Peter Lombard DVD 5c- Ecclesiology and Mariology” Ecclesiology: o Schultes OP- De Ecclesia; o Cardinal Cajetan OP- De Comparatione Auctoritatis Papae et Concilii o De Groot OP- Summa Apologetica de Ecclesia Catholica- ad mentem S. T. Aquinatis o Dorsch SJ- De Ecclesia Christi o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Berry- The Church of Christ Ottaviani- luris Publici Ecclesiastici The Church- Papal Teachings, Solesines Fraghi- De Membris Ecclesiae- 1937 Franzelin- De Ecclesia Christi Journet- L'Eglise de Verbe Incarne- Journet; The Church of the Word Incarnate- 1- The Apostolic Hierarchy (English) Mazzella SJ- De Religione et Ecclesia Palmieri SJ- Tractatus de Romano Pontifice, cum Prologomeno de Ecclesia- 1891 Labourdette OP- Humani Generis- Ordinary Mag- Rev. Thom. 1950 Excommunication- It's Nature, Historical Development and Effects- Hyland. Hugon OP -Hors de 1'Eglise point de salut- 1927. Straub SJ- De Ecclesia Christi Passaglia SJ- De Ecclesia Christi Murray- Tractatus de Ecclesia Christi (vol 1). Abbe Bernard Lucien- L'Infaillibilité du Magistère Ordinaire et Universel de L'Eglise 1984 Chronique d'ecclesiologie- Labourdette OP- Rev. Thomiste-1963 Le Magistère pontifical ordinaire, lieu theologique- fr. P.Nau- Rev. Thom. 1956 Le magistère pontifical ordinaire au premier concile du Vatican- Fr. Nau- Rev. Thom. 1962 o Mariology: o Juniper Carol OFM- Mariology; o Scheeben- Mariology; o Merkelbach OP- Mariologia. ο E. Neubert- Life of Union with Mary o Akathist with notation o Enchiridion Marianum O Our Lady- Papal Teachings- Solesmes O De Rosario B.M. Virginis- Historia, Legislatio, Exercitia- Fanfani OP o Mariologie et Economie- a propos de la virginité in partu- Guerard des Lauriers OP- o o O Rev. Thom. 1962 a-L'Immaculee-Conception cle des privileges de Marie- Guerard des Lauriers OPRev. Thom. 1955 b-L'Immaculee-Conception cle des privileges de Marie- Guerard des Lauriers OPRev. Thom. 1956 Chronique de mariologie- Methode en théologie mariale- Guerard des Lauriers OPRev. Thom. 1959 DVD 6a- (4151): St. Thomas and Commentators Aquinas Opera- St. Thomas Aquinas- Opera Omnia, (down loaded from University of Navarre web site) Summa Theologica et Contra Gentiles- Leonine edition w/ Cajetan's and Ferrara's commentaries and indices, (not always the clearest picture but certainly readable. Adjust contrast and brightness). Salve-Regina- French Web Site. Among many things contains a Bibliography of GarrigouLagrange and some articles by him. Billuart OP- Summa Sancti Thomae sive Cursus Theologicae. Famous commentary on the Summa 10 vol’s, (obit 1757). Lots of historical supplements. Farrel, Walter OP- A Companion to the Summa. (Click on the 4 Table of Contents, and then open each chapter individually) Summa Theologica- English Paris OP- Synopsis Totius Summae Theologicae Thomistic bibliography 1920-40- Bourke Suma Teologica en Espanol. Lexicon Peripateticum- Signoriello Deferrari- Lexicon ofSt Thomas, 2 vol. Some Leonine Texts of St. Thomas Tabulae Systematicae et Synopticae Totius Summae Theologicae- Berthier OP. Summa Theologica- Indices et Lexicon DVD 6b- (3735): Capreolus- Commentary on St. Thomas ' commentary on the Sentences Cursus Theologicus- Salamanticensis Fr. ODC- 20 vol’s. DVD 6c- (3327) Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange OP: o Philosophy / Apologetic- Le Sens Commun: La Philosophie de l'Etre et Formules Dogmatiques; De Revelatione; God His Existence and His Nature; Realisme du Principe Finalité; La Nouvelle Théologie Ou Va; New Theology Where is it going; article against Idealism; Natural Object of the Intellect and First Object Understood. o Spirituality: Christian Perfection and Contemplation; The Last Writings; Our Saviour and His Love for Us; The Love of God and the Cross ofJesus; Priest in Union with Christ; Priesthood and Perfection; Three Ways of the Spiritual Life; Three Ages of the Interior Life. o o Summa Commentaries: Christ the Saviour; De Christo Salvatore; Commentary of Grace; De Deo Trino et Creatore; The One God; De Eucharistia et Poenitentia; De Virtutibus Theologicis; Beatitude; Life Everlasting; Mother of the Saviour; Predestination; Providence; Reality; Le Sens du Mystère et le Clair-Obscur IntellectuelNature et Surnaturel; The Trinity and God the Creator Walshe- The Principles of Catholic Apologetics, (disciple of Garrigou-Lagrange, condensing lectures on De Revelatione) Hugon OP- Summa Theologiae- commenting on St. Thomas’ Summa Theologiae. John of St. Thomas OP- Cursus Theologicus- Theological commentaries on some questions of St. Thomas’ works, (incomplete) Ramirez OP- De Gratia Dei; De Ipsa Philosophia in Universum; De Analogia; De Auctoritate Doctrinali S. Thomae Aquinatis; De Hominis Beatitudine; De Habitibus in Communi; De Actibus Humanis; De Donis Spiritus Sancti deque Vita Mystica; De Ordine; De Passionibus Animae; De Vitiis et Peccatis. Banez OP- Commentary on the first 26 questions of the Summa (Notable for his commentary on the questions of predestination, contra Molina and other Jesuits) DVD 6d- Thomists, et alii: see DVD 5b DVD 7a- (4451): MORAL THEOLOGY Moral Theology: o Aertnys-Damen CSSR; o o o o o Komng CSSR; Wouters CSSR; Marc & Gestermann CSSR Prummer OP; Merkelbach OP; o ο o o o o Tanquerey; Bucceroni SJ Vermeersch SJ; Regatillo SJ et Zalba SJ (BAC) Noldin-Schmidt SJ; Peeters OFM DVD 7 b- (4245) The Casuist- various contributing authors (1906-1917). 5 vol. English. Answers to particular applied moral questions. Chanson- for good confessor (french); Kelly S.JMedico-Moral Problems-. 1959. Donlan and Cunningham Towards Marriage in Christ, 1962. College Text. Vol. 4 of 4 part series. Lehmkuhl SJ- Theologia Morals & Casus Conscientiae Gury SJ- Compendium Theologiae Moralis & Casus Conscientiae Sabetti-Barett SJ Ter Harr CSSR- Casus Conscientiae 2 vol. Palazzini & de Jorio- Casus Conscientiae 2 vol. Raus CSSR- De Sacrae Obedientiae Virtute et Voto, secundum doctrinam D. Thomae et S. Alphonsi Lumberas OP- Casus Conscientiae v.1-4. St. Alphonsus CSSRo Theologia Moralis, o Praxis for Confessors; o Homo Apostolicus; Sexdecim Linguarum Confessarius. Canon Mahoney- Questions and Answers- Casuistry. Davis SJ- Moral and Pastoral Theology DVD 7c- (420) added to DVD 8, to be divided later Bucceroni- Enchiridion Morale- 1900 McFadden- Medical Ethics- 1949 McFadden- Reference Manual for Medical Ethics Reuters SJ, Lehmkuhl SJ- Neo-Confessarius- 1910 Herron TOR- The Binding Force of Civil Laws Long, Steven- Embryonic Intactness of Marriage (2006 Thomist article on Embryo “adoption”). Chronique de théologie morale- Labourdette OP- Rev. Thom. 1956 DVD 8- (3639): SACRAMENTS Capello- Moral and Canonical treatise. 4 vols. Doronzo OMI- Very thorough treatment of the Sacraments. Incredible for historical research Gasparri- Tractatus Canonicus de Sanctissima Eucharistia; —Sacra Ordinatione; —Matrimonio De la Taille SJ- Mysterium Fidei. Halligan OP- The Administration of the Sacraments DVD 9- (3420): SPIRITUALITY Spirituality: o St. Alphonsus- Ascetical Works- complete set, with biography of his life. o An Exposition ofSt. Alphonsus Ligouri's Doctrine of Spiritual Direction- Sutton o A. Gardeil- La Structure de l Ame et I Experience Mystique (2 vol); o Carmel- Way ofPerfection for the Laity: A detailed explanation of the 3rd Order Secular ODC, by Father Kevin ODC; Carmel its Histon’, Spirit and Saints, compiled by Boston ODC Fr. Boylan OCSO- Difficulties in Mental Prayer; Priests Way to God; A. Rodriguez -Perfection and Christian Virtues. Paul-Marie of the Cross OCD- Spirituality of OT. A. Tanquerey- Spiritual Life St. John of the Cross- Ascent ofMt. Carmel, Dark Night of Soul. Various Spiritual Classics in html format. Espanol: ■ Sta. Teresa de Jesus; ■ Sta. Teresita del Nino Jesus ■ San Francisco de Asisi ■ San Alfonso- Visitas al Santisimo Sacramento y Maria Santisima ■ San Juan Crysostomo- Libros sobre el Sacerdocio ■ Ketnpis- La Imitacion de Cristo ■ Padre Alonso Rodriguez SJ - Ejercicio de Perfeccion y Virtudes CristianasRecordings- mp3 of Cassian’s conferences and St. Bernard on loving God. Minor Orders & Major Orders, Fr. L. Bacuez. Great treatise on all 7 orders for meditation. o o o o o o o DVD 10a- (4233): CANON LAW Canonical Decisions of the Holy See- Waywod OFM, 1933. Like above. Interpretatio Authentica CIC 1916-47- Coronata. Like above but up to 1947. Latin texts. Canon Law- 1983. English, Spanish, French, Latin. Collectanea SC de Propaganda Fidei vol. 1&2. Decisions from SCPF on various questions up to early 1900’s. Subsequent decisions contained in the AAS. Many liturgical questions handled. Deals with many exceptions or unusual situations encountered in missions. Sylloge- Praecipuorum Documentorum Recentium Summorum Pontificum et S. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide- 1939. Codicis luris Fontes: collection of canonically pertinent statements from Popes and Councils. 9 vol. Set - CIC 1917 Institutiones luris Canonici- Coronata Leges Ecclesiae post Codicem Juris Canonici Editae. Voi s 1-5 (1917-1978)- Seemingly every document from Rome, minus the Rota decisions- Ochoa Sanz DVD 10b- (1729) Canon Law Digest- vol. 1-7, 12 (1917-72, 86-90). Important interpretations given from Rome, both public and private, regarding all the canons (particularly helpful for liturgical rulings). Codigo de Derecho Canonico- con el commentario del Opus Dei de Navarre. Wernz-Vidal- Ius Canonicum DVD 11- (4409): LITURGY Liturgical: o Problems in the Liturgy- Montague o De Herdt- Sacrae Liturgiae o Haegy-Afanwe/ de Liturgie et Cermonial o Sterky- Manuel de Liturgie et Cermonial o Moretti- De Sacris Functionibus o Stehle- Manual of Episcopal Ceremonies o Handbook of Ceremonies- Mueller SJ o In Sacristy and Sanctuary- Rev. O’Brien o The Altar Boy’s Ceremonial- Rev. Kavanagh o The Rites of Holy Week- Rev. McManus o Bl. Ildelfonso Schuster- The Sacramentary o Decreta Authentica CSR- 1588-1962 o Documenta ad Instaurationem Liturgicam Spectantia- 1903-1963 o o o o o o o o o o o o Matters Liturgical- 1959 ed. Rubrics for liturgy. The New Liturgy- Documentation 1903-1965, English. The Liturgy- Papal Teachings- Solesmes. Compendium Sacrae Liturgiae- Wapelhorst. 1931 Enchiridion Liturgicum v. 1&2- Rado. Updated with John XXIII rubrics. Missale Romanum 1962 & 1920 (1920 ed. is searchable, and able to be cut and pasted)· Oppenheim- Principia Theologiae Liturgiae- Institutiones Vil; Walsh- Liturgy in the Theology of St. Thomas- Thomist 1974. O'Connel- The Celebration ofMass- 1940; 1962 Sacred Ceremonies of Low Mass- Zualdi CM & O’Callaghan, CM Per Signum Crucis- exorcism against lightning and hail Roman Breviary- St. Pius X edition, w/ English translation. Virtually complete, cf. website for more updates. Go to the second set of months on the bottom of the page of Kalendar to flip throughout the year. o o o o Propers for the Liturgical Year in English Various Documents Catechism on the Litugry OLGS- works in progress on liturgy in seminary DVD 1 lb- Liturgy (con’t) Enchiridion Documentorum Instaurationis Liturgicae 1963-1993 Roman Breviary- St. Pius X edition, w/ English translation. Virtually complete, cf. website for more updates. Go to the second set of months on the bottom of the page of Kalendar to flip throughout the year. Histoire du Bréviaire- Baumer / Biron L’Annee Liturgique-Gueranger Ceremoniale Episcoporum- 1906 Cermonial des Ordinations- Vavasseur, Haegy- 1911 The Ceremonies of Holv Week- Solemn Rite and Simple Rite- A Commentary by J.B. O'Connel1957 Communicationes-1980- Actus Commissionis de mutatione CIC quoad permissionem Diacono benedicendi.pdf De Benedictionibus (praecipue S. Supellectilis)- Periodica 1927 De Benedictionibus- Rituale Romanum-1985 De Sacris Ordinibus, Pius XII- Cum commentario a Hurth SJ- Periodica 1948 Documents on the Liturgy 1963-1979 (Conciliar, Papal, and Curial Texts)- ICEL De Novis Ministeriis Instituendis- SCSCD (27 Oct 1977) SSPX_official_letter- French- French Superior of SSPX encouraging TLM in vernacular facing the people. De_la_Roque_English- French Superior of SSPX encouraging TLM in vernacular facing the people. Jus Musicae Liturgicae- dissertatio historico-iuridica- Romita, 1947 Liturgical Law- A Handbook of the Roman Liturgy- Augustine OSB- 1931 Sacramenta acatholicis nonnisi condicionale conferenda- Umberg SJ- Periodica 1948 DVD 12a- (4390): ENCYCLOPEDIAS Dictionnaire Théologie Catholique- vol s. 1-12 (A-PRE). French for Reading Knowledge. DVD 12b- (3287) Dictionnaire Théologie Catholique- vol s.13-15, Indices, 3 vol s. HLI - pro life and ecclesiastical resources. Catholic Encylopedia 1913. DVD 13: La Palabra de Cristo- 12,000 pages of homily material for every Sunday and major feast! In Spanish, c.f. 3b above- “The Preachers Encyclopedia.” DVD 14- (1221): Traditionalist Controversies: Miscellaneous Etiquette: o American Catholic Etiquette, Fenner o Social Manual for Seminarians- Casey and Gainor. Trad Controversies- (various positions and their arguments, for research into what different groups hold) o Fr. Fahey- The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism; The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation; o Handouts for ecclesiology class- some comments and texts concerning application of ecclesiological principles. o New Mass: ■ Cardinal Ottaviani- Ottaviani Intervention ■ Silveira- La Nouvelle Messe du Paul VI, Qu 'en Penser? ■ Fr. Meuli- Res Sacramenti- (unconvincing) argument for the invalidity of the new mass- pro multis. ■ notitia on -“for all” o new rite of ordination- debate and texts. A locus of arguments against can be found at o Nouvelle Théologie- various articles covering the debate, between Thomists and Jesuits. o Feenyism; o SSPX ■ US web site ■ Asia web site ■ Argentina web site ■ Protocol ■ Ecclesia Dei ■ Hawaii 5 ■ Attendance at Masses ■ 62 Reasons against N.O. ■ Treatise on the Sacrament of Penance in SSPX chapels ■ Study concerning the 88 consecrations o Sedevacantism: ■ Bishop Sanborn’s w ebsite ■ Bishop Dolan and Fr. Cekada ■ Abbe Lucien- Cassiciacum Thesis- former sedevacantist Abbe Lucien’s presentation of Guerard des Laurier OP’s thesis. o Traditio- website with info on traditional masses in US o Cardinal Siri- Gethsemane; o Index of Forbidden Books- 1948 o profession of faith and oath against modernism. Contains accents for public profession. o Pour Qu’il Regne- Catholic Social Teaching o “Le phenomene humain” du Pere Teilhard de Chardin- Guerard des Lauriers 0PRev. Thom 1956 o Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II- Vorgrimler (Rahner, Ratzinger, etc.). Electronic Books- Confessions- St. Augustine; Itinera Hierosolymitana crucisignatorum; englishgospels Acrobat PDF reader Web Stripper- free software to download whole web sites, and view offline, like many above. Index AND MORE!