the second tome of the HOLIE BIBLE FAITHFVLLY TRANSOVT AV TH ENTI CAL OF THE L A T I ». Diligently conferred with rhe Hebrew, Greet, and other Edition» in diners languages. Wí'r¿ ^RGVMENTS of the Zoo fes , and Chapters, eyÍNNOTATlONS, *TA B L E s, and other.helpes, for better vnderfl andino ofthe text for difcouerie of Co R R V P- TI ONS in fame late translations ■> andfor clearing CON­ TROVERSIES in Religion. By the English Coltedgs of Dowat. Spiritu Sanilo inspirati, locutifunifan ili Dei homines. 2. Pet. 1. The holic men ot’God fpakc, infpired with the Holic Ghoft. •Panted by lOHN Co VSTVRIER. ~~ mTdC. XXXV. aima. Duacen(t vniuerfitate Sacra Theologia Doiïores & “Profesores , hanc Pnglicanam ZJeteris Te(Iamenti tranflationem, quam tres di- delemjed propter diuerfa qua ei funt odiunita, naide vtilem fidei Catholica propaganda ac tuenda, & bonis moribns pro­ monendisfunt tefiati : quorum teflimouia ipforum Jyngraphis mu­ râta vidimus : Cuius irem Tranfationis, & Pnnotationum pu­ tiores nobis de fidei integritate ,& eruditionis prafiantia probe funt noti: hts rebus adducti & nixi ,fiutluofe cuulgari pojfe confuimos. Duaci. 8. “Nouembris. 16 op. GV u i s L mV s E T i V s Sacræ Theolegiæ Doûor, & in Academia Duaceniî ProFciTor. Doâor & in Vniucrfiutc Duaccnii Profcflbr. Cmcivs Colvenerivj S. Theologia» Doâor, & xiufdctn in Academia Duacena Piofcffor. 3 VPO N THE BOOK of Piai mes. H b authoritieof this Book waseuerauthenti- ihisbook cal, and certaine, as rhe aífured word of God, Todoubte butfgnifteth other things,either pertejning to the fame perfòns, or by Interpretation oftheir names,belonging to the present matter, as our Lordmfpircdhim. Like wile S.Chryfoftome reiolurely iudgeth, that only King Dauid was Authour of this whole Boók-e. Moued eipccially by this argument, for that Chrift and rhe Matt. n.v. Apollle's allcadging the Pfalmes, doe oftetimes name Dauid IÓ. as Authour,and ncueranie othcr.Alfo Origen,S.Bafil,Saint ^fct. Ambrofe, S. Hilarie, Theodoretus, Calsiodorus,"Beda,Euti- ’Re-*+• 4. The common mius,and moil: part of ancient and late writers, with the moil voice of Ch iRo.U (tians & fonie common voice ofChriftians, calthis booke the Pfalmes of * P. general Coun- Dauidrand the General Councelsaf arthage,Florence,and Heb. cels.calic Day.7. uidsPfalter. Trent, inthc Carologue of Canonical Scriptures recite this booke by the name ot DauidsPfalter. Moreoueritisclearc, ^/¿i.2.that the fécond Pfalme,though Proucd by o- it want his name,is Dauids. And other Scripturos, z.Paral.y. ihec Scriptu­ y.6.a.ndi.Efd.^.' plainely, that Dauid made rhe Pial­ res. óles,104.105. 106.117.135. beginning-.Confeffeto our Lord,bccaufeheis good,becaufe his merde is for cuer. Which heappointed the Leuitestofing, or playóninftrumenrs, i.Paral.i^. & 16. andyettheyhauenorhis name in theirtitles. Againe,a. Reg. 25.Dauid is only intitled theegregious , or excellent Pfalmifl of ifrael.Neither were Alaph,Eman,andIdithunaniewherecalIcd Prophets (as are al the writers of holie Scriptures) but only maiftersof mufike, 1. Paral. 25. And the fonnes of Core were only porters , 1. Paral. 2 6. Finally , S. lerome ( whofe iudgemétthe wholeChurch fingularly eilcemcth in al queilions belonging ro holie Scriptures (leemethas much incli­ ned,that only the Royal Prophet Dauid was Authour oí this S-Teromeattri- whole booke, as to the contrarie. For in his Epiftle to Pauli­ buteth the nas, prefixed before the Latin Bible,comptehcding the prin­ fumme of this book to Da­ cipal arguments of leueral books, when hecommethto the uid only. Plàlmes, withour mention of other Au thours, faith: Dauid our Simonides, Pindarus, and ulceus, Flaccus alfo, Catullus,and Cereñas, fiundeth out Chrtf,with harpe O ten fringed Pfalter, rifìng'Vpfrom hei: io attributing the fumme of this whole booke to the Royal Prophet Dauid,ns if he fuppofed no other Authour. The Pfalmes Touching theriore the argument or contents of this di- ue a lamine VPON THE PSALMES. nine Pfalter , al Catholike Docteurs vniformely agiee that it cf aI °'^'r is the abridgement,iumme,andiubftanceofal holie Scriptu- òcriptuies. ùcr,DtL1“‘ res, botholdandnewTeftament. As may fiift beprooably collected,by chat Chrift himlelfe often compiehcding al the old Teftament by rhe termes of the Law and Prophets,in one place ( l«c, 24..-Z'. 44.) leemeth notonlie to reduce al to the Law and Prophets iointiy,but alio t o rhe Pfumes alone , or leueral• ly. But whether this be our Sauiours dicline meaning or no in that place,out of this and manie other places, al the ancient Fathers teach -expt efly, that the Pialmes are an Epitome of al other holie Scriptures- For example,S.Denys,fi de £cc/e/)/Zrerar.contemplar. 2. aft er brief recital ofthe contents of other ho­ lie Scriptures, faithiTJw;facredoookeofdiuineCanticlesflothexhibit bothageneral fling, and expofltton of dittine things. S. Balli calleth rhe Pfaimodie of Dauid the common and nrofl plentiful flore-houfe ofai facred dottrine¿he treafure ofperfect Théologie S.Amoroie accountethit iheregifier ofthe whole Scripture.S.[eró­ me,s.Chryioiiornz,S.GteootteyS.Bernard,(^a&odo• rus, Eutimius, and others vie rhe fame.or very like termes. S. Auguftine particularly diftinguishing al the Scriptures inrofourc forts of oookes, sheweth that theP/almes conteyneal: They cóteine the fumme of 1 he La &"y(iaich he) teacherh fome things ,rhe Hift ariefonie things, Legal, Hi Itoti rhe Prouerbes alfo and Prophets teach fame things :but the Booke of Ifai­ cal,Sapiential, and Prophe­ mes teacheth al.Itpropofeth the layy/ecounteth things ofold,prefcribeth tical doctrine. rhe due ordering ofmens attios,andprophccieth things tocome.Briefly ,tt is a common treafure ofgooddottrine,aptly adminijtring that isneceffarie to euericone. And a litle after, exemplifying in particulai points: Is not here ( laith he ) algreatnesofyertue, ondú not here the right fjuare ofiufli ce ? is nor the comibles ofchaflitie/he conflammat ion ofprudence,is not 'yyhatfoeuer may be calledgood, learned in the Pfamesi H ere is the fnoyylege of G od,rhe cicare pronunciation of Chrift to come in flesh ,the-hope ofgeneral Bejurrection feare oftorments,tramile ofgio rie,reuelation ofmyfleries. Euen algood things are here, as in a common great treafure laid lip and heaped together. Gods prouiSee then and oblerue here (Chriftian reader ) t he admira­ dcncc ID draw­ ble wifdome andgoodnes of God. The mealies ot mans fa-! Gvietly ing oui conluation being io difpoied , that his owne free confent andp'coc & coopeof ficccooperanon is the ito neceftarily required, according to that"¡ration iv.-iI.which is moft approved dottrine ofthe lameS.Auguftine:Quicreauirte neceflarie co A 5. Valuation I* Proemial annot ations______ ¡ fine te, non iufiificat te fine te. He that created thee without thee,doth Str. 1 j not iujlfie thee without tbee : to helpe our weaknes ,and fweetly rodraw our mindes, other wife auerfe front rrauel and pai ne, the Holie Ghoft hath ordainedthat in frnal roome, and in's.gjjî. tpleafanr manner, we mayartaine ncceffarie knowledge of’"/”'’' God, S¿ our felues, eafily keepe the fame in memorie, and dayly put in praótife our chicfeft dutie,in feruing and praifing G-id,by tinging , reading , or hearing thefe dittine Pfalmes. Which one book (as euerie one shal be able to learne it, more ¡or lefle perfectly) openethand sheweth the way to vnderftád tal other Scriptures,and fo to find, & enioy the hidde treafures lof Gods word,in like manner as a key openetha lock.For the ■Holie Scriptu- ¡whole (acred Bibleis afialed Boo/./7eA.5."v.5.that the fecód Pfalme perteyneth to Chrift , impugned and perffcuted by diuers aduerfaries.Whichis the fife key."Thirdly jWhé greater things areaffirmed of anie persó,or4>eople,as of Dauid,Salomó,the lewish nation,or the like,thé câ be verified ofthem,it muft necefCarily be vnderftood of Chrift, or his Church,in the new Teftaruent.orin Heauen. So the conclufion ,oi the 14. Pfalme: He that doth, thefe things ,shal not be mouedfor euer ,can not be verified of the tabernacle,nor temple of the Iewes,but of eternal Beatitudein heauen. Which is the tenth key. Though the grea­ ter part of the Pfalme sheweth, that iuft and true dealing to­ wards our neighbours, is neceflarieforattayning of eternal Glorie. Fourthly, who both the title and Pfalme,or pat t therof íceme hard and obfeure, fome part being more cleare, the true fenfe of al may be gathered by that which is more etiident. According to S. Auguftins rule li. 2.0.9. &H.3. 2 6. DcEL thrift. So the title and former part of the fifth Pial me me,being more obfeure,are explaned by the laft veries,shew­ ta. fit. ing plainely that God wil iuftly iodge al men, both iuft and wicked,intheendofrhis world. Whichis thenrnth key.-By theleand Jikemeanes the principal "key being found,it wil more eafiiy appearc, what other keyes belong to the fame, and what other firings are alfo touched. At leali the ftudiotis may by thefe helps make fome entrance, and for more ex ad knowledge fearch the iudgement of ancient Fathers and other learned Dodiours. But befidcs this fingular ^ commoditie,of compendious handling much Diurne matter in Imai roome,thisbookehnth an other fpecial excellence,in the kind of Itile, and manner ofvttering, VPON THE PsALMES. 9 of vttering, whichis Mecter,and Verfe , intheoriginal He­ brew tongue. And though in Greeke , Larin, and other Ian! guages,the fame could not in like forme beexa&ly rranila-l ted, yet the number, and diftin&ion ofverfes is fo oblerued,¡ that it is apt for mufike,as wcl voices as inftrumenrs,and to al other vfes of Gods feruants. Neither is nautical mannerof A¡,ufe dero^avtrering Gods word and praifes leife robe eileemed,becaufe tethnotfrom profane Poetes hauc in this kind of itile vttered light, vaine, S00ilt-unosand falle things. For the abuic of good things, doth nor de-i rogare from the goodnes therof, bat rather commendeth t he [ fame, which others defire to imitate. And clearcitis, that Daui&Pralter this holie Pfaimodie was before ame profane poetrie now more ancient ¡extant. For Homer , themoft ancient of that forte, writ hisjnîn any pro" jpoeme ac leafttwo huddred and fourtieyearesafter the de- now esta;::, klru&ion of Troy,as Apolidorus witneíTeth-, others, namelySolinus, Herodotus,and Cornelius Nepos fry loger. Where-j as King Dauid our DiuinePfalmift,reigned within one hun­ dred yeates after the Troians warrs. There were indeed Amphion, Orpheus,and Mufcus before Dauid,but their ver fes either were not wiirtc,or shortly perished,only aconfufc memorie remaining of them , recired , altered, and corru­ pted by word ofmouthtbut before thé were the facred Hiiio■1 rieoi lob,almolialinverfe ¿.and the two Canticles of.Mov-i •">.4. !fes, Exodi 15. and Vent. ismoreouer recorded tirar lu--Mufit;c’very !:e very bal ( long before Noes flood) was the father Of them, that ancient, ¡fang on harpe, and organ. Muiiketherfore is rnnruelous an­ cient. But facred Poetrie is in manie other refpe&s moli ex''"pi. cellent,and moil profitable. Thisholie Pfaimodie (faithS. Au Sacred poetrie gufline) is antedecirte to oldfpirttualfores, ttbringeth prefent remedie'moizncc^eaztoney y vv wounds-. it maketh thegood to perfetter in yyel doings it cureth at once al predominating pafions, yy hich vexe mens foules.. A lit­ tle after: pfaimodie driueth away euilfpirits, itmitethgood Angels to helpe ys, it is a shield in night terrours, a refreshing of day travels, a guard to children, an ornament to yongmen, a comforte tooldmen, a mojí feemliegrace to y y omen. Vnto beginners it is an introduction,an attgme- ! fat ion to them that goe foryyard in vertue, a fable firmament to the perfeCl : Itcenioyneth the v whole Church militant in one voice, and is'thefpirtual eternal'fyyeet perfume of the celefiiaL Armies , al Saints and ^dndgels in he.inert. B To al 10 Proemial Annotations To al this we may adde other caufes, which mouedthe Why King Royal Prophet towrite this diuine poetrie. Fir ft,he had from Dauid writ . « • diainc poctrk his youth (by Godsfpeciàl prouidence)a natural inclination!i ■to Mufike > wherin he shortly foexcelled , that beforeal the he wasfelected to recreate King Saul, vexsd. And his skil, together with his, deuotion,had lucir effetff, that whenheplaydon the harpe, Saul Z~vas refreshed, and waxed better. For the culi fpirite departed from him, faith the holie rext. Wherfore he made tbefe Plaintes,1, ¡that himielfe and others mightby (inging them , imploy this', Iguift of God to his more honour. Secondly,ver le being more' Verfe more eafie to learne , more firmely kept in mind , and more eaiicS; more pleafant in pradlife (tor«7. uing obtained hçr prayer fora fonne.,gatte thankes to God i'? *1 Witha Canticle. Tire like did King Ezechias for reconcile d. 1 The firft caule hi* natural in­. Mufitians in Ifrael, clination to ¡whom an euil fpirite nnifikc. v p on the Psalme s. ■ ’> of health. The Prophets Ilaias , Ezechiel, lonas, Abacuc,|Çantld“J'’ thencw' Tefta'and the three children in the fornace: againe in rhenewTe- inenu ■" .j. (lament,the B.Wirgin-Mother , iuft Zacharie , &.'deuout Si' meon gaue thankes,& langprailes to God in Canticles. Fourthly , albeit the holie King was not permitted to buildthe gorgious Téple for Gods feruice,as he greatly deft- Botfidwine red to hauedone,yet he prouided both (lore of niufitians^èsÇn Gods ’’7 (foure thoufand in number, of which a 8 8. were mlifters to tempfe. iteach) & made thefe Plaintes as godlie ditties , for this holie purpofe,inal folemniries of feafts, and daylie facrifice,when the Temple should afterward be bui It. Fifrly, he made thele Pfalmes not only for his owne, & r. i others priuatx deuotion/ior yet fo efpecially for the pubhke Diuine feruice in the Temple and other Synagogues ofmesmtheCathe lewes,but moil principally for the Chriitian Ca:holike Church, whichheknew shoud ne fpred in the wholeearth. nillcl‘ Foreieeing the maruelous,great, and frequent vfetherof in rhe Chrillian Clergie,and Religious people of both 1’exes. As' he prophec.eth in diners Plalmes. 1 rhe earthJing totbee :f/.g n, Pfalmes to thy name. Againe , I wil /tag PÇalmes tothee ( oGod) inthe Gentiles, in al peoples and Nations. Which himfelfe ncuer did, but his Pfalmes are euer lìnee Chrift fong by Chriftians, conuertedfrom gentilitie,as we fee in the Churches Seruice. For rhe whole Plalreris diilributed ro be fong, in the ordì-The vholc narie office of our Breuiaiie euerie weeks.-And though ex--Pfa]terin tlie ordinarie of­ traordiaarily, forth? varietie of times, andfeafts , there is fice cuerie often alteration,yet ftil the greater part is in Pial. Cerrayne w'ecke. Pfal­ i M alio of the fame Pfalmes , are without change or inter- Certaine mes cuerie. ’ ’ million repeated euerie day. And fuchas haueooligationto day. , , V the Canonicial Houres muft at leali read the whole Office priuarely, if they be not prefent where it is fong.The Office Many Pfalmes alfoof Maife,ordinarily beginneth witha Plalme. In Lita ‘n other Ecclefiaftical of nies, and almofl al publike Prayers, and in adminiilra- fices. non of otherSacraments , and Sacramentáis, either whole Pfalmes, or frequent verfes are inferred. Likewiie the grea teftpart of the Offices of our.B.Ladie,and for the dead, are Pfalmes. Belides the leuen Penitential , and fiftcene Gradual Pfalmes, at certaine times. So that Clcrgie mens dayly office confifteth much in finging, or reading Plalmes. B ii And ti Proemial An notati o n s_____ I And therfore al Bysbops elpecially , are firiótly bound by a particular Canon (Di/Lj 8.cap. Omnes pfallentes') robe skilful in the PfalmesofDauid : and to fee that other Clergie men be wel inftruáedtherin. Accordingtothe I-íolie Gholis admo­ nition , by the pen of the fame Royal Prophet (Tp/. 46.) Pfallitefapienter,ot ,int elli¡renter, t hat is : Sing with know­ ledge ,-andynderJianding them. Not that cuerie one is bound to know,andbeablcto difcufleal difficulties,but competent­ ly, according to their charge vnderraken in Gods Church. Otherwife euerie one that is, or intenderli to a Priefi.may remember what God denounceth to him , by the Piophet Ofce (c. 4.) Becaufethott hajlrepelled fno'yrtege, Iwil repel thee, that thou doe not thefunflion of Prieflhoodvnto me. Thus much tou­ ching the Authour, the contents, the poetical itile, & finai caule of this hoiie Pfalter. Why this Asforthc name, S. lerome, S. Auguftine, and other Fa­ booke is cal­ thers teach , that wheras amongft innumerable muficalinled the pfalter. flruments, fix were more fpecially vfedin Dauids tune,men tioned by him in thelafl Plalme, Trumpet, Pfaiter , Harpe, Tim­ brel , Organ, and Cimbal; This booke hath his name oltbeinftrument called Pfalter,which hath ten firings, fignifying the ten commandements, and is made informe (asS. lerome, and S. Bede fuppole ) of rhe Greeke letter a delta, becaufe as that inftrument rendreth found from aboue,iowe should Other ‘inftru- attend to heauenlie vertuej, whichcome fromaboue : Likements make wife vfing the harpe , which fignifyeth mortification of the confort with flesh, & other iniiruments , which fignifie and teach other the Pfalter. AI vermes are venues, we mull finally referre al to Gods glorie,rcioycefpireferred t o Godsltonom. ritually in hart,and renderai praile to God. Bishops bound to be skilful inDauids Pfalter. Other Ptiefts to haue com­ petent know­ ledge thcrin. Concerning Concerning interpretation ofholie Scriptures. S Prophetic (f or other at anic time by mans Scriptures ire ether halle holie Scripture ) was not notat (Prophets ) holit hoht mcnot men of Godfpake, infpireüby the te he expounAwil,butthc Holic Ghoít : lo no prophec¡c(»orcxpbc4/ío» ) of Scripture,is made ^:dby“K:co?‘ ìt exytnation ; ui oiuuiuic, o uMuc ' • . . by priuate interrelation. z. Pet. 1.1but by the fame Spirit-wherwith it rhe"churd£ was written,which our Sauiour gaue to the Church,-^o abide for cuet, pot by priuate the Spirit ot truth, to teach a) truth./oa». 14; i<. Neither perteynethhuai. it toeuerie one , to difeeme the true ipirit, but tofome. 1. Cor. 12. Hohe Scriptures coníiñ not in reading, but in vnderfianding. 3. te­ They confift rne Dmlogo ndnerf. Luciferunos. in vnderftanThe words of holic Scripture arefotobevnderilood,as Eolie men, ding. . rhe Saints of God , haue vnderftood them. 3. ^íng. Ser. i8.Jc>rr¿. Holy Father» Domini. Mtn muñ learne of men, not exped know ledge immediately doÇheil“r r, „ . £ ' pound them, or God, nor only by Angels. Idem, tn Prologo Doit. Cbrtft. r There be fome things, mentioned in holte Scripture, which God wil SomeMyftehaue hidden, and thofc are not to be curioufly fcarched.J. yí 1. riesarehidc. 7. de ~\ocnt. Gentium. By thofe things, which to vs are hidden in belie Scripmrc,ourhumi- They prone litie is proued. J. Greg. ho. 17-fuper E^ech. our huniifiúe- OF PSALMES PSALME I, The Boyal Prophet Dauid placed this Pfalmeasa Preface to thereupon- The righe man­ teyning i. true happines, 'y'yhich confjleth in flying finnes^ and ner of feruing ÍGod.The 7. feruing God. 3. Thegood doe profper , 5. not the 'Yyic^ed ; 6. as key¡ 'y-yil appearein theendofthis-yyorld. At«. j. Lissid W >s the man, that "hath (b) not gone in the counici of -the impious, & hath (c) not"iloode in the way offiuners, and hath (d) not" fitte in the chayte of pefti.'encc: (a) He is in die rightway to eternal felicitie. (t)* not confented to enil fuggeftions. (c) not continued in finne. (d) not finally perfiftedin wicked life. lire i 7 2. But (e) his " wil is in'rhe way of our Lord, and in his lawbe wil meditate day and night. (e) He is wholly occupied & delighted in keeping Gods commandments. ;. And he shal be as a tree, that isplanu-d nigh to Y/J the ftreames of 1 waters, which shalgiue his fruit m his time. (f) To him that vfeth Gods grace wel, more grace is continually giuen. 4. Ana (g) his leale shai not fai: and (b) al things whatlocuerhe shal doe, shal profper. (j) Through Inch grace he shal perfeuer. (b) al things worke to die good’of ’ them that lone God fiuccrely. 5. The impirus not io,not ferbut («) as duff,which the windediiucth horn the face of the earth. (i)Tht V icked arc carried u ith every light tentation. 6. 1 httioic the impious shal (4) not rifeagaine in Judgement toot finners in the (f) Conned of the iuft. (I. Al rvfing .it the lafi day , the wicked shal not rife with hope nor comfort, hut in defoliation. (IJthehappiecongrcgationofthe-blcfled. y lor oui Lord (n>) knoweth the way otlheiuft, and theway of the •nipioix fn) shal perish. The Book lió ANNOTATIONS. PSALME. I They arc hapi. Hath nnegme , not fiool, imi fitte ) The Hebrew (tile and manner of difcourfc |>ic ( in hope) differeth herefrom other nations , in mentioning fir ft the lede euil, and thegrea-' due decline teftlaft. Whereas wc would fay in the contrary order : He is happie that hath not ' from euil. fitte, that is,hath not fctledhimfclfe in wickedncs, nor finally perfiftedobftinate:1 morehappie ,that hath not/bod,anie notable time continued in finne: and molt' happie, that hath not gone, not giuen anie content at al to euilfuggeflions. hill ice confii. Hisvvilm the way of our Lord.) As one part of happines confifteth in decli­ lleih in flying ning from euil : fo the other is in doinggood ; the wil defiring, and diligently cn-l •ml and doingdeauouringto 2_____ I..n— walkcin Ib-.-i the way of vertue, andlawofGod. Whichistrueiuftice,. and right forme of good life, propoted in dûs Pfalmc , for artayning eternal bea-: t trude. PSALME IL Of Chriíljthe Cbri/hglorie, the yyorld repining therut, 4. shut he propuguted in ul the yyorld. I kcv. Alio of 1. His diurne poyyer us Tw ipirituul in conuerting mem hurts, us exter ho Church, nui, in feuere iuflice, is prophesied. I lie 6. key. r T TT H y did the (4) Gentilesrage, and (¿) peoples meditate zAfl. y V vaine things? (a) Both gentiles (i) and lewes ftriuein vaine againft Chrrft. 1. Thf(c) Kings of the earth Hood vp , ano the (d) Princes came to­ gether in one againft our Lord, and againft his Chtift. (c) Pilate andHerod. (d) Annas and Caiphas.. ?. Let (c) vs breaice their bonds a-lunder : and let vs caft away their (/) yoKefromvs. (r) The voice of wicked men , (/) & efpccially libertines ftriuing to shake off al difciplinc. 4. Hethat dwelleth in theheauens shal (g) laugh at them : and our Lord shal (corne them. (¿) God for al this wil turne the hartes ofmanic. 5. Then shal he fpeake to them in his (b) wrath, & in his (») furie he shal trouble them., (k) feuerelyreprehcnd, ( i ) and iuftly punish the obflinate. 6. But ( 4; 1 amappoynted King by himouer Sionhisholie hil,preaching his precept. (k) Chriftshalreigneinhis Kingdome the Church. 7.. The ( / ) Lord iatdto me i.Thou art my (w) Sonne » I this day haue;-*31 Heb t ¿ S. begotten thee. (/) God the Bather fpeaketlrte-(m) God tire Sonne. 8. Aste OF P SALMES. 17 8. Asiccof inc,and 1 wilgiue (n) thee the Gentiles, for thync inheri­ tance, and thy poíG.ilion (o') the ends of the earth. (n) Chrift as man hath the Church for ills inheritance. («) Spred through the ’Thole world. ) a rod of yron, and." as a potters vcflcl (P thou shall breaKe them in piece;. (p) Gods inflexible wil& power. 10. And (j) now " ye Kings vnderftand : " taxe inftruótion you that iudge the earth. fy) A prophetic that Kings slial be concerted, and fubmit themfcluetio Chrift* difciplinc. 11. ¿eme our Lord in (r) fearc ; and "rrtoycc to him with trembling, (rj None is fecurc before death. it. Apprehend difcipline. (/) left Tomcrime our Wrath, and you perish out of theiuft way. ( f ) Some fai from the way ofValuation. ij, when his wrath (t) shalburne in short time, blefled are al that trufi in him. (i ) God wil iudge iuftly in the end of this shorrlifc both the cuil and good. So this Pfalmc conclude.h with the ninth key. ANNOTATI O.N S. P.S ALM E.-II.1 Art"?.1 and Prineti againft Chrift.yWhi Chrift,and his Apoftles preached the Gliof- Pefecution hinder pcl, both leves and Gentiles, with their Princes,Kings, and Empereurs moil fir- cannot luuuw rioiMiy refilled, but al in vaine.For they could not hinder the vil and power ofGod.l the glorie of But the more they perfccutcd, the more was incrcafcd the zeale and number of Chrift. Chrifiians. in hunc 8. The gentilei thync inheritance. ) "By thispromifeof GorHo Chrrft ,S. Auguftinç The Church PJal. conuinced the Donatiftes, & in them the Proteftants, that fay,the Church ofChrift ueucr failcth. faylcd,andbecame final, or inuifible; asthough Chrift the Sonne of God could fometimes lofe his inherirantc,wliichis the CatbolikeChurch,gpthcrelwaics defendethme, (y) giuing me viftoric, (g) & ¿confirming my Kingdoms. 5. With my voice 1 haue cried to our Lord ; and he hathheardmefrom his (h) holie hil. (fe) hcaucn. 6. " 1 haue (i)ilept, and haut (•.£} been at reft; and haue ( I ) rifen vp, becaufe our Lord hath ta Ken me. ( i ) Hay downe (k) and refted in expeñation of thy helpe. ( I ) Arid amkleliiiered. Chrift d yed,was buried, Scrofe againc. 7. Iwiinotfeare thoulandsof people compaffingme : (m) atife Lord, iauememy God. (>»yl know thou wilt help me, and fol bcfeech thee to doe. 8. Becaufe thou halt ftrucKcn al that are my aducrfaries without caufe thou haft broken the^(n) teeth of finners. '(") The ftrength and furie. 9 Situation (0) isour Lords : and thy ( p ) ’blciling vpon thy people. I (») health and fafctccommeth from God. (fJÀboundancc of grace promifed to Gods fontane», ANNO- OF r SALMIS. IS ANNOTATIONS, PSALME. 111. t .Pfalme of Danid ) Allnterpreters agrcably teach, that KingDanid made ,x>tfriclesof tjlc. I the titles, which ar:before the Pfalmes. Neuerthcles they arc amhentical, as en<',"ipfalnl-s addetti ted by the Holie Ghoft. Anditis moft probable Efdras added thole titles which are. pfdras and •in the Hcbrw : and die Seucntic interpreters writthcother,ÌAauid ,not-becaufe he is Wliy this is autiiour thcrofz,_____________ for he is alfoauthourof the former, where his name as not expref-' _____ ____ ______ ____ t________________ .___ ( (Called the Ted, as is euident by the of al the Apoftlcs, 4..». xj. but becaufe it Pfalme of Datreateth particularly andlicerally of him. •»_________________________________ aid. 1. 'Wbenhefledfom theface face of¿dbfalim.) ¿^óyá/om.) Here the time is lignified,when lignified, when thisTfal- The time and ■•linc “ic was made,to wit, immediately after the ouerthrow of his rebellious fonne Ab- occalion of Ifalom.mcmioned x. Reg. ri. before his retume to lerufalcm. For albeit of humane, making ibis na tural, and fathcrli a affection , he greatly lamented the death of his fonne, yet he Pfalme. rendred thanites and pr.-.ifcs to God, as reafon and dutie bound him. i. ! baneflept.arid haut been at refi, and bane ri!mvp.') King Dauidby his deeping KingDanid inncrfcctition , and'ibyhisrefting, and deliueriefrom his perfecutours, prefigured prefigured Chrifts Death, Bariaî.& Refurreâion.As appeareth.Idan.i. v. ax. Where the Euan- Ch rift. » elift faith : that after Chrifts Refurreftion^i/di/fipirx^eiirwodrfio fniptnre , co vit, this and other like prophccies.For othervife the oldTeftament doth not fo exprefly dcclarcf>ichMvfterics.astheGhofpcldoth:butonething intheproper and gram­ matical lignification ofdiewords,andan other thing inahadoves.andfigurrs,nnd both literal, Wereupon S. Gregory teacheth ( ii.iox. i. Maral. ) that holie Scripture The fame (amongftoiher incomparable excellencies ) furpaftcthalother.doftrinesj in the Scripture hath vcric manner of fpcaking : becaufeby one and the fame fpeach, it reporteth a thing diuers literal , done,and proclameth aMyfterieifo relating things pall ,xbat warhthc vcric fatrwjfcnfcs. words , it foresheweth things to come. PSALME. II IL Tie ' ode Prophet t‘4cbeib,l>\ his oyyne exumple^oflv to.God intitribulation:] Confidence, in God-noccflaiy, that other refuges áre infufficient, p. and Gods helpe mofl djjured. The 7.^kx;y. ■CiJ when 2.0 The book 1. Vnto "the end in (4) fongs, the-Pfalme (b) of Dauid. (4) In an inftrument apt forverfes.(i) This Pfalme petteyncth to thcbcloued, li­ gnified by die word Dauid.’S. Aug. li. 17. c. 14. ciuit. S. BedainPfal. 2. TT T7H e n (c) I inuocatcd, the. G od of my iufticeheard me : in V V (d) tribulation thou haft enlarged to me. (e) Haue mercic! on me, and heare my prayer. (< ) When Sani vniuftly perfecuted iuft Dauid,God heard his prayers. ( d ) feeing ftraitly befieged ( i.Reg. 13.1«.) (e) Likewifc hclpe mewhenfociicr I-shalfieede’. J.Ye fonnes of men how long are you of (f) heauic hart? why louei you (g ) vanitie, and feeke (¿J lying? £¡¡h. ( f ) why doe you ftil harden your harts ? falfe and deceiptful riches? ) honour, and tranfitorie glorie, (/>) 1 4. And Know ye that our Lord hath made his (») holie one (.¿) mcr( I) our Lord wil heate me, when 1 shal crie to him. ( » ) Every godly' foule. (I:) Rich with venues. ( I ) Eucri* iuft foule hath confi­ dence in God, that he wil hears his crie. 5. Be ye (m) angrie,and (n) fume not : the things that you fay in (o)1, uelous : your harts, in your (p) chambers be ye foriefor. (m) Iuft anger is good & necell'arie againft fine, e. (») butthen is moftneedeto beware not toexecede in pafsion. haue tnerforea continual purpofeneuer to finne. (0) Euil cogitations (p) bewaile& repent beforeyou fleepe. 6. Sacrifice ye the “ larri fice of (-j ) iufticc,-ana hope in our “Lord. Ma­ nie fay ; (r) Whoshewcth vs good things? (9) Not only external but moft efpeciilly'internal facrifice of iufticc,andobferuation of Gods commandments ismoftncccffarie. (r) Thefolide rewards promifed by God? 7. The (/) light of thy countenance, o Lord, is figned vponvsithou haft giuen (rjgladnefle in mv hart. (/) reafonand grace are freely giuen toman.wherby he may know that God wil reward the iuft.Hri. 11. x. 6. ( t ) Wherin a iuft man inwardly rcioyccth. 8. By the fruit of theff (T) come, and (TT) wine, anu (x) oile,they are multiplied. (y) (irv) (x) Por example and in figure of hcauenlie rewards, God gaue tem­ poral wealth in the old teftament. 9. In (y) peace in the icite fame 1 wil fleepe, and reft: (y ) In this confidence tlteiuft may reft contented. 10. Becaufethou Lord haft (^) Angularly ietled me in hope, ( X.) God fo protnifeth euerie iuftperfon in particular. annotations. P S A L M E. Illi. The lignifica­ tion of this bhrafCjTetfee •»>/ m the titles ofl’falmes. r. Petto the end. ) The Hebrew word l4»H»>4t/l«,Cgnifieth to him tinte onerromtneth. And fothe Hctrcwes interprete, that thePfalmes, which haue this word in their titles, were directed cither to him that excelled others in slcilof mufike; or had t. authoritieoucr other mufitians: or to him ,whofe office was to fing victories and f, triumphes. But the Latin , according to the Greche , hath In fincm , A'nro the end which or Psalm e s. « which ( molt commonly fignifying perpetuine,or continuance vnto the end or anie thiug)in the titles of the Pfalmes rather fignifieth, that the matter contcy ned in the Pfalmc,pcrteincth to future times,or perfons; efpcdally to thencwTeftatnent. And fo S. Auguftine expoundeth it here of thrift , who is the end ( or perfection ) of the ■Rom. io. law. Not tl^atthc principal contents belong to Chrift, in hisowne Perfon, but to hismyftical bodie theChurch , and faithful people, whom the Prophet here teachethto haue confidence in God, moderation in their afteftion*, & patience in tri­ bu lati on, which is the fcticnth kcy,propofing his owne example, & prophetically Chrifts. The fame wherto Chrift exhorteth,faying -.Ioan. if.v. vit. Hatu confidence, 1 haue ottenerne the world Signifying that his feruants, through his grace,may alfo oucrcome it. 6. Sacrift eft luftice. ) Not only external Sacrifice of diuers kinds wercneceflaricinthc law of nature, and of Moy fes , and one moft excellent and complement tual Sacrifices of al,inthenew Tcftament, but alfo fpiritual facrifice was euer, and is required, ncccflarie. and that of three forts.Firft,Sacrifice of forow, and contrition for (innes ( Pfal. yo.) Of pen ance, affltHedffñrit ir a ftacriftcetoGod. The Tccond is facrifice of luftice, here men­ luftice. tioned. The third is Sacrifice of praife ( Pfal. 49. ) Inmólate to God the facrifice of' Praife. prn/e.Conr-eming the fécond propofedin this place:Heoffcrethfacrifice of luftice, that rendreth to cuery onethatis due. Firft,to Godas our Creator, arcfignation What is due of our felucs, etici) our Hues, at his diurne pleafurc.; as to our-Maifter,we muft ren­• to God. der faith and belicfc, in al that he propofeth; ax to our father, hope, confidence , & reuerential fcare; as to our Lord and King, payment of tribute, that is obferuation of his law and commandments, as to our Captarne, the trauelof warfare in this life j as to our Phifitian, patience and toleration , when hectirethour wounds^ by chafticemer.t for finnes; as to our Spoufe,'chaftity of body and mind,flying al camal and fpiritual fornication ; as to our Freind , frequent conuerfation in alaâesof detiotion. We owe to ourfelues,tlut feeing we confi ft of foule and bodie, we keepe To our fclues. due fubordinat ion, that the foule and rcafon command, & the bodie, and inférieur appetite obey : as the fcruant muft obey hismaftcr,and the handmaid her miftris. We owe to our neighbour, loue from the hart, inílruñion alfo from the mouth,and To our neigh­ affiftancebyotn-helpe, according to his neceffitie, and our abilitici yea though bour. our neighbour be our encmie. But toother enimies contrary things are due. To To our ene­ the world, tcr.rtìnpt : becaufe the goods of this world are fmal, few, short, vneer- mies. tainc, dccciptful, not fatisfying the mind, and mixed with manic euils and dangers. The world. To the flesh we owe chafticcmcnt, anddayliecaie^ fo to feed it,that itferuethc The flesh. foule , & rebel not. To the diuel we muft render the shame , that commeth by finne, ThcdiucL acknowledgingourfaults , andai truths, andfo returnevpon him al nanttieand lymg, wherwiin hcallurethSc feduceth.Tinálly, to finne ir fclfe , w'e owe hate, and Tofinne. renenge, becaufe it is the only euil , that hurtethvs; and due punishment with reale of iufticc, becaufe it dishonourethGodUe that thus offcreth facoificeof nifiice, may itiftly ( as it folowethin thePfalme)hope(yetnot inhimfclfehut)in our Lord. And left anicshould pretend ignorance, faying : whorheweth (ortcacheth) yr good I ight of reathingr? as though they lacked inftruition,thePhropher preuenteththisvainexxeufe, ion sheweth faying: Theltghtof thy countenance, o Lord ( the light of rcafon, which is the ipijge there is a God of God, wherto wc arc created like ) ufigned -rpon-vr , fixed in our vnderftanding, that rewarded that wc may fee there is a God, that ought to-be fcrued , and-that he wil reward his feruants. Heb. ir. PSALME. The book PSALME, > r-neral fe’V.c,’»cnt. '9, key, V. ■ lift men in afflifhon appealc to God, the reuenger of miuriet, s. K'noll'i'n-r and I profejting that God hateth iniquity. g. Tnerfore remit their him, i i. recite certame enormintu "vices of the yvicl^ed, Ij. and expelí Gods final tudnement of the good and bad. (. Vnothc end, for (a) her that obtaincth the (t>) inheritance. Tlx Pfaimepf Dame. (j) The faithful iuft foule that oucrcommcth hcrcnimicsby vertuc. (i) eternal glorie. -■ T) Ectiv e, o Lord (c) my words with thine cares, vnderftanc IX my crie. (• ) The praicr of the whole Chnrqi,or of anic faithful ( eucr bcloucd ) foule. Attenuto the voice of my prayer, mv King and my God. 5. Becaufe 1 wil pray to thee : Lord in (d) the morning thou wilt heart my voice. (d) Godshclpc isprefenrlygrantcdof his part, though it be fometimes difterred for the more good of his feruants. s. In (r) the morning 1 wi> hand by theeandwil fee ¡becaufe thou art " not a God thar wilt iniquitie. (<■) Before al other afrayres wc muft pray to God. S. Cipriá.in fine orat.Dominica;. 16. Neither shai the malignant ( f) Uwel neer thee : neither shal thevn iuft abide (jr) before thine cies. (/") The wicked and wickedneshaueno conuerfation with God. (g) in the day of nidgemcnt. 7. Thou hateft al that workc iniouitie : thou wilt (t) deftroy al that ipeake lie. by (b) final fentence of eternal domnatiou. The bioudif and dcccitrui man our i_ord wil abhorre: 8. But 1 in the multitude of (i) thy mercy. 1 wil enter into thy houfe: 1 wil adore toward ( £ ) thy holie temple in thv ( I ) fcare. ( i) Not in mans power .but in Gods mercie muft the iuft truft. (k)ïn the Church of God. (I) with rcucrcntial fcare,as in Gods prcfencc. 9. Lord conduct me in thy iufticc ; becaufe of mine enimics dit eft my way in thy fight. 10. Becaufe there is (m) no truth in their moiith;their hart is (») vayne (m) No true nor folidegoodnesinthe wicked, (n) They thinke nothing but va­ nitie, and mifchicfc. 11. Their throte is an (0) open fepulchre , they did (p) deceitfully with their tongs, (q) ittdge them o God. Pfal. 1 3. (») ycalding lothfomeftinch,bittemes,and rancor,(p) vet thev flatter with feined; Rom. good words. (9) Albeit the iuft define the conuerfion of the wicked, yet if they wil not repent,then the iuft conforme their defiresro Gods iuft lodgement : which shal be manirefted in the end of the world. I 2. Let of Psalme s. 15 11. Let them ralle ot ihcir cogitations , according to the multitude i f their impieties expel them, bccaufe they baue prouoKed thee o Lord. 1 j. And let albe glad , that hope in thee , they shal reioycc for euer : an. ttroushalt dwelinthcm. And althatloue thy nameshal glorie in thee, be caufc thou wilt (r) bielle the iuft. (r) Thciuit shal receiuc fcntcnce of eternal glorie. 1Lora, as wtthashrtla of thy gooo wn, thou haQ crowned vs. ANNOTATIONS. PSALME. V. j Tty a God that-r vilt inìquitie ) Seeing Gid-roilnor mtqmtie, as thefc words tefìi-Godis notaU' ficin plaine termes , it folowcth neccíTarilv,that he is not authour.nor caufc or ante thour nor caufi Cime. For God doth nothing contrarierò his owne vil. Buthehateth iniquitie, of finr.e. □nd in refpedt thcrof baiali o’ thatviorkt iniqu ius , as the authours of iniquity, t.ioughhe loucththcm as his creatures,and of his part requireth their faluation. PSALME. V I. Dautd’ earnefl and hartte prater after he had grtettoufly finned. 5. Which being k pathetieal grounded tn filial, not feruti feare, ÿ. concluditi) yyiih affured hope, andPr3,cv 1i fir» ,ncr& the firft confidence tn Gods mercte. ■penitential I. Vnto (4) 'heend in fonos, the Pialme of Dauid" for the oñaue, (a) This Pfalmc perteyneth alfo to penitents in the new teftament. Plainte,the 7. key. P/â J 7 T i. Ord, rebuke me not in "thy furie; nor (c) chailife me ini " thy wrath. (A) condcmnc me not eternally.(c) Spare me alfo for port of the temporal painc,; which I dcfcnie. Hauemercieonme Lord, becaufel am weaKe : neraufe al (e) my bones be troubled. beale me Lord,) (d) Giue me the medicine of grace.(r) My forowhath inwardly pearced me etien' to the bones. 4. Anti my fouie is (/) troubled exceedingly -.but thou Lord (g)hosv' ■ Ong? (/) with feare of thyiuft wrath, (g) leaueft thou me in this calamities j (h) Turne thee, o Lord, ana ( thy mercte. 1 ) acliucr my louie : lauc me foi (h) Shew agnine thy fauourable countenance , (i) from this fearful affliftion. fk) Though my firmes hauedtrferuedthe-contrary yet shewthy mercy. ó.Becaulethcreis notin (I) death that is minaful or thee : andin (m) hel who shal confellc to thee» (I) This life is the time ofircpcntance,after death no conucrfion.(m) In hel nothing but blafphemie._____________________ I _____________________________________ c 4 7'1 24 the Book 7.1 (») hauc laboured m my fighing,! (o) wil cuctic night wash my □cd ; I wil (p) water my couch with my tcares. (n) I hauc in part lamented.(o') I wil adde more forow & penance, (f) I yt ¡ÍInerii ft in my penance, til I be throughly watered vidi thy grace. 8. My (^) tye is troubled tor furie:! hauc waxen (r) old (f) amono a. my nc enemies. (?) myna eyes arc dimmc with weeping, for feare of thy iutt judgement. (r) my! haires are gray v ith forrw (/) wherat myne enemies rcioyce. p. (t) Depart from me al ye that workeiniquitie : bccaufe our Lord («)'<»■“ r. bath heaid the voice of my weeping. Ithaj. (ir) After due forow the true penitent hath confidence ir.God,againfl his cnimics. il) ashamed, & very fore troubled : let them be conucrted and ashamed very quickly. fw) Thcfeare not imprecations, but tlireatnings, that the wicked may amend, or els predictions if they perfift in fume. ANNOTATIONS. PSALME. VI. The oclaue i. Forthroflsue )Literally it feemeth that the Pfalmes which haue For the oil sue flunificth the in their titles , were to belong on an infiniment of eight firings. So the Chaldee world to coineJ paraphafistranflateth; in tùberi/ oRichardarurr.tsn Citherns of right /trinar. But pro­ phetically S. Auguftine, & others expound it, to pertcine to the Rcfurreftion in the end of this world. So Dauid , and al penitent finners bewaile their finnes,and doe penancein this life, for the oclaue , that is for the world to come. i. In thy fury, nor in thy »»r.)By furie it lignified diuine iuflice , irreuocably |lr| for fome condemning the wicked to eternal damnati on : by »vr«rfc , Gods fathcrlre chafticcloners. ment correiling finners, whom he faucth.WheruponS. Gregorio tcachcth,that the Purgatorie faithful foule not only feareth furie, but alfo wrath : becaufe after the death of the-n -p^, |ui others. flesh , fame are deputed to . eternal torments , fonte paffe to life through the fire of } ? ourgstion. Which doctrine the fame holy father confirincth, by die iudgement ofj S. Auguftine more ancicnt.Wholikewife affirmeth , that al thofe which hauenoti laid Chrifl their foundation, arc rebuked in fiirie, bccaufe they arc tormented in eternal fire : and diofe which vpon right foundation ( of true faith in Chrifl ) hauel built wo d, bay.^nbif-.arechaftffed in wrath, bccaufcthcy are brought to reft of beatitude,but purged by fire. Let dici tore the faithful foule ( confidering what she luth done , and contemplating wlut she shal rcceiue ) fay : Lord rebuke me not, in thy furie: nor chafíice me in thy wrath. Asif she faid more plainely: This only with my whole intention of hart I craue , this inccfl'antly withal my defires I couetc, that in the judgement,thou neither ftrikc inc with the reprobate,nor afiiicl mewitlithofe, that shal be purged in burning flames. Thus S. Gregorie, in Pfalm. oenitent. _v, 1. T SALME. ’ OF P S A L M E S. PSALME 25 VII. pauid tn confidence of bu tufi caufe, and yniufi perfection , ptayetb for Codi Dau ids prayer; hclpe, and tufirenente ofbu enemies'. 15. difcribing their muliuouc inten­ in tribulation. tion , and ruine. The 8. key. 1 14. And in it he hath prepared the veifels of death: he hath made his arrowes for them that burnc. 15. Behold (p) he hath bred withiniufticc: he hath concerned forow,and brought forth iniquitie. (<) This Chuii defeated thecounfclof Achttopliel, as S. Aug.S. Bafil&S. Chi if. expound it. Others thinkc he fpeaketh of that Chufi (orChufai ) w ho reponedlo him the death of Abfolom. i-K’S- ¡S- 18.1 wiiconfefle to our Lord according to his iuftice: and veil /¡ng to the name of our Lord mo ft high. (w)Abfoló, or anie other enemie,if God doe not refift and hinder him.(c)mv life. (e) Let me not hauetheviftorie of them. 6. Let the enemicperfccutc my foule , and take it, and (/)treade downe my life in the earth,and bring downe my glorie into the duft. (f) Let me dye w ith ignominie. 7. Arife Lord in thy wrath : and (g) be exalted in the coaftsofmyne .enemies. (g) Shew thy power. 8. And arife, o Lord my God, in the (Z>) precept which thou haft com­ manded : anda (1) fignagogue of peoples lhal compaffe thee. (k)Sceing thou diddeft command to make me King,it bchouctb thee to proteit me. (I) manie vil Tenie thee the only true God. 9. And (4) for it returne on high ; our Lord iudgeth peoples. Ifa. S 9. lob. if. (p) The iniurious perfccutours purpofinginiufticc,conciuethenuic, andbringeth forth iniquitie. 1. The Pialme of Dauid which he fong to our Lord , for thcwordscf (4) Chuii the forme oflcmini. ii.peg. 16.) 4. Oi_ord my God if 1 haue done (d) this, it there be iniquitie in my hands: (d) Sucheuil as myneenemies fcync Be obieft againftme. 5. Ir I hauerendred tothem that repayd meeuils, let me worthily fai (e cmptic from myne enemies. Cy) Enuie& delire co hurt others turneth to the ruine of theenuiers. PSALME Vili. thrifts Incar- God is magnified (y praifid for his meruelot svorfe of creatures ,5. bul ejpecially Mtioil. of manind, ftngtdarly e.i ailed by the Incarnai ion of chrifl. rj he >. -key. 1. Vnto (a) theend(¿} for''preffes, the Pfalmc of Dauid. («) Belonging to the new Teftament. (i) suffering of Chriff, and of Chriftians. 2. L o R D fc) our Lord, how meruclous is thy name in the whole Vv earth ! Becaufe thy magnificnce is eleuated aboue (cPre//calonc. S. Augufiin alfo applieth it morally io the Church, where Chrift is the vine, the Apoftlcs arethc branches,& fpreadeis (that is preachcrs.of the Ghofpcl, Chrift'ans are the grapes, Chriftian venues are the wine. Namely patience, and fortitude in afflictions Wherby the good are purihed^üc feuered fró amiddes the reprobate,as wine is prefled out of the grapes,barreled, and laid vp in fellers,and' thehuskes andxarnels caft to hogs, or other bcaft>. PSALME ChrifuPaúió .Morally it lìg­ 'nifieth the tra|ucls of the Churchmili.'lar.t. IX. The Cburcbprayfeth Godfor’.an, 4. in repellinrtbe enemies force , 8. Godsprouimpunubing the 'wicked, and rewarding the iufl. ¡d^nce ‘n °ro~ 1. Vnto the end, for the (x) (ecrets of the fonne, the Pfalme of Dauid. mhtiiio eun° (.») Chrifts commino in humilitie, and Chriftians affli irons, arc hidden from rhe -rhc - 1.,,. world, in Gods prouidence. ’’ > ' 2. i Wi t(i) confeiTetothce, óLord,withalmy hart : I wil cel al thy JI meruelous things. (i) Giue thanites. 3.1 veil be (c) glad and (d) rcioyce in thee: I wil fingto thy name,ó moft High. (r;ín inind(¿)and bodic. 4-Infe) turningmineenemie'backward : they dial be weakned,and perish before thy face. f») God repellerli the enemie, wlicn man is nor able to refift. 5. Becaule thou halt done (f) my ittdgement and my caufe : thou haft litte vpon thethrone which iudgeft iufticc. (f ) A iuft man doth his endcauour, not of himfclfe,but by Gods grace ouercom. meth tiie enemie. 6. Thou halt rebuked the(£>Gentils,and the impious hath perrflied: their (A) name thou halt deftroyed for eucr, and foreucrand eucr. (&) Al finners, called Gentils , bccaufe they were generally accounted wicked. (b) The vaine glorious fame of finners partly decayeth in this world,but moft cfpccially in the world to come. 7. The fwords of the enemie haue fayled vnto the end : and their cities thou haft de ftroyed. 8. Their memorie hath periihed with a found : and our Lord abideth for cuer. Ft He 18 T U E B O O K __________________ He hath prepared his throne in (i) judgement p. and he wii Judge the whoie world in cquitic,he v. il iudge the people in initiée. (i) ludicial feats of men arc often corrupted,but Gods ncner. 10. And our Lord is made a refuge tor the poore : an helper ponunities,in tribulation. (kJ >n op- (kJ God doth not prcfently deliuer the good from afdicHons:but when it is to their fpiritual profite. 11. And let them hope in thee that know thy name : bccaufe thou haft not forfaken them that feeke thee.0 Lord. 11. Sin" to our Lord, which dwclleth in Sion : declare his (/) ftudies I among the Gentils. I (I) His precepts which men ought chiefly to ftudic. i Î. Becaufe (m) requiring bioud he hath rmxmbred them : he hath not I forgotten the crie of the poore. (mi God reuengeth the blond of Martyrs. i 14. Haue mercic on me, o Lord : See my humiliation(n) by my enemies. ‘ (nj Procured by mine enemies. ■ 15. Which exaltelt me from the gates of death,that I may declare al thy prayfesin 'ejthe gatesof the daughter of Sion. I I (»)In the publike view ofthc Church. 1 wilreioycc in thy ialuation : the Gentils are (pl faftited in the deftruction,which they made. In this fnare, which they hid , is their footc taken. 16. (p) The wicked are intangled in the fnares which they lay for others. 17. Our Lord fhal be knowen doing judgements : the Imner is taken in the wor kes of his owne hands. ! t8.(^) Let linnets be turned into hel, al nations that forget God. I (7) In zelc ofiuftice, not in defire of reuenge. i 19. Becaufc to the end there shal not be obliuion of the poore man :the I patience of the poore,dial nor perilh in the end. i io. Arife Lord,let not manbeltrengthncdilctthe (r) Gentils beiudged in thy light? (rlBy Gentils is often vnderftood al great finners. For the Icwes defpifed Gentils: as the Romans did al Barbarous nations. 21. Appoint Lord( f that they be men. Law-giucr ouerthem: that theGentils may know ( /"(Suffer a tyrant to rule ouer them,that thereby they may learne what it istovfe fccmcth to S.Auguftinc a Piophecie, that fnch as rcceiue not Chrift, shal bclieuc Anrichrift. The " i o.Pfalme according to (t) the Hebrew. (i) The later Hebrew Doftours. i. (T’)Why Lord haft thou departed farofT,defpifcft in opportunities, in tribulation? , ( r)In great pcrfccution it fccmcth to the weakc,that God differreth his afsiftance very long. a. Wn.ics the impious is proud, the poore is(w)ict on fyrc: caught in the counicis which they deuife (x) they arc (w) Extremely _________ OF P S A L M E S,_________________ 29 (w) Extrcmciy vexed à tormented.(x) ThcPhrophccanrwcrcth to die complain j oftheiuft, that indeed the wicked arc caught in their ownefnarcs. j. Bccaufe the linnet is pray fed in the défîtes of his foule : and the vniuil man is blefled. 4. The linnet hath exafperated our Lord, according ro the multitude of his wrath he ihal (?) not feeke. (y)Ñotfceke to recouer Godsfauour. 5. There is no God in his fighethis waiesare defiled at al timc.Thy iudgements are taken away from his face the fnal(^)rulc ouer al his ene­ mies. (x) The wicked doth dominier for a time,andthinkethheshaldoe To fill. 6. For he hath fayd in his hart: Iwil not be moued from generation vnto generation (x)without cuil. (<) And ncuer fai into any aducrfitic,but ftil remaint without miferie or anic cui'. 3 7. Whole mouth is ful of curfing , and bitternefle, and guile: vnderhis tongue labour and forrow. 8. He littethin waite with the rich in fecret places, to kil the innocent. 9. Hiseyes lookevponthe poore-. he lyeth in wayteinfecret, as aiyon in his denne. 10 He lyeth in wayte to take the poore man violently , violently to take the poore man whiles he draweth him. In his fnarc he vvil humble himiclte,and lita] tai when he lhal haue dominion ouer the poore. 11. For he hath favd in his han : God hath forgotten, he hath turned away his tace nono fee for cuer. 12, (¿) Arife Lord God, let thy hand be exalted : forget not the poore. . (b) The prayer of the iuft in trioulation. ij. Wheriore hath the impious prouoked God? for he hath faid in his hart: He wil not enquire. 14. Thou tech,that thou coníidereñ labour & forrow : that thou mayeft dcliucr them into thy hands. To thee is the poore left: to the orphane thou wilt be an helper. 15. Breakc the arme of the iinner and malignant-.his linne lhal be fought, and llial not be tound. 16. Our Lord Ibalreigne foreuer, andforeuer and euer : ye (rj Gentils ihal perish from his land. (c) Yevileftmen. 17.Our Lord hath heard the delire of the poore : thy rare hath heard the J preperation or their hart. (d) Thc tuft ought alwayes co be readie prepared in hart,to fuffer patiently al.that shal happen vnto them. 18. To iudge (e) forthc pupil and the humble, that man addenomore to magnifie himfclfe vpon the eat th. (e) As the firft workes of Chrift in al humility and patience were ftrange, and hidden to the world (».!•) fo his laft iudgement shal beiti maiefty and mauiteft to at in exalting the bleftcd and ftipprefsing tne wicked. D 3 an no- THE BOOK ANNOTATIONS. PSALME me diuide h PMme n two. a ,i note of llgc.or of l> i > mulikc, t.«her of at. “ttion. th; Pfalmcs Buft 150. ii. Afterthe z i.vcrfe the late Hebrew Doctours diuide this Pfalme, beginning there the tenth,without anie new title ; but only this word Stia: Which the Scptuagint,Theodotion,andSymmachnstranflate Diapfalma, that is,change of ineeter, or mufike,alfopaufeor reft in fine ing.Aquila, whomS.lerome ratherapproueth.traiiflateth Imper cuer.Some l-ngllsh Bibles omitte it,othersleaue it in the text,not trá- Ftift ai flating it into Engli>h.It fecmeth to moft Interpreters tobe added as a note to ftirre Mariti vp attention And it occurreth often, not only in the end of Pfalmes ,butalfoino- eytnno, ther places.For it is thrife in the third Pfalme. And therefore maketh no argument, 157 7 that this Pfalme should be diuided. And thofewhichdiuide this into two *, ioync Ifta. two in die 147.Pfalmc.S0 that al agree in the number of rjo. Pfalmes in the w hole I ÍOJ. Pfalter. PSALME 'I' protu­ li care of I iuft. J.kcy. IX. X, Damis fremis aluiinrbim to flic from the perfection of Saul , he anfcocre h, that bis trifi is in Godsproteclion. i.Thouph theper/ecHtoxr be y cry malicious, 4 jet Gol -ml ouertbroyo him, 5 .and deliuer the tufi. i. Vnto (4) the end the pfalme of DauitL. (a) S.Aug'.iltmcapplicrh it tohcrctikes,perruading Catholikcs to repaire vnto their feparate congregation,falfly calling it the monutayne. T rvst in our Lord, how fay (b) ye to my fouled5 affé ouer vnto the Imountainc as a fparrow? (A) Ye my freinds fay thus. L. For behold tinners■(c ) haue bent the bow,they haue prepared their arrowes inthe quiuer, that they may shoote in (¿) thedarkc, ar them that be righto! hart. (r) Perforators vfing al rigour and force, (d) falfly pretend other caufes againft the innocent todeftroy them. ■ .For they haue (e ¡ deftroyed the things,which thou didft petfte:but the iuft what hath he done; (») It is the manner of pcrfccutcrs, and efpccially cfheretike*, todeftroy and pul downe that othershaue built. 4.Our Lord is in his holietemple,our Lord his fcateisin heauen. 5.His eies haue refpedt vnto the poore;his(/)eye-lids examine the fonnes or men. •^bac.x. (f) Though Godfeemeto winkeorflccpc,yctliisprouidaiec ftil watcheth, and obferueth al mens adions. 6.Our Lord ff examineth the iuft and the impioustjbut Hethat (¿) lo­ ue: h iniquity,háteth his owne foule. (¿iProuethby rribulatiós.(/>; Continuate in finnebringeth damnatio ro tlie fonie 7. 1 He O F P S A L M ES. ;i 7. (1 )Hc shal raync filares v pon tinnersityrc and brinatone, andblad of (tonnes the portion of their cup. (i) God fparing for the time at laft muft needs of iufticc punish feucrely. 8. Bccauieour Lord is iuft and hath ioued indice: his countenance hath fecn equi tie. PSALME XI. r^e Prophet defcribeth the paucity of iuf men,andabotmdance of wicked, both at The Cate of ! Church ¡1 Còrifa fir ft camming tn fletb,6.andfécondtn mateftte,tn the end of the world. trhe ¡the firft and! laft times of I Chrift. The 6.key. I Vnto 'al the end for ftl theoótaue,the 'c]PfalmeofDauid. i. (a) 1. Chrifts firft \b) and laft comming/c) vil bring ioy to the eieâ. ÇAve ' d} me Lord,becaufe the holy hath favied (e~) bccaufc verities are diminiihed from among the children of men. fd > Chrift callcth ids mvftical bodie himfelfe. dealing hinder from true faith. 9. -j. 4. fe)Falfe and double They haue fpoken vaine things cuerie onero his neighbour ,deceitful lips,they haue fpoken in hart and"hart. 4. Our Lord deltroy al deceitful iips,& the tongue that fpeakcth^Q great ¡things. I Infolent 3: arrogant. 5 .Which haue laid.-We wil magnifie our tong, our lips are of vs, who is lour Lord’ 6. For the m’ferie ofthe needie,and mourning of thepoore, now will larife,faith our Lord : I wil put in (¿) a faluation, I wil doe confidently in him. 1 Tro. (i When finne moil abounded Chrift came into this world: and in like cafe vil come to iadge. ^.Words of our Lord be chaid words filucr examined by fire,trycd from jo the earth,purged leuen fold. 8. Thou Lord wiit(6) prcfcrue vs:and keepc vs from this generation for cucr. (A; Yet ftil there remainefomeiuft whom God prcferucth. p.Thc '' unpious walkeround abouttaccordingto thy highnes thou had (1) multiplied the children of men, (jjGod fometimesfuffereththe wicked to doe wltat euil thev delire. anno Nations. PSALME XI. V-Tbeiinfiour-rvalkf round ab u .)S.Auguftinexpoundeth this ofworldliemen deli¡ring temporal things,(ignihed by thefeuen dayes , vhcrin this whole life is turned labour , as in a wheeie.not providing for the eight day , which is etern tie, after the 4. »t.c. day an other placche sheweth alfo, that this fentcncc agreeth aptly tl.cni. jto the Piatoniftcs,who taught that this world neuer ended?, but paffeth tc returned! round Tcmporal de fires-hinder ¡the entrance :in.o hcaucn. I 3i T H E B O O K round about,in a reuolutton of manicyearesjfo that al things should happen againe euen as they did Ibeforc, contrariety this , and manie other Scriptures, affirming that God nil prrftrnt the iuft , and keep them from thirgeneration for tuer. Whereas the reprobate,who fet their whole mind on temporal things, or expect a reuolir.ion of al,shal eternally wal':e without the kingdo me ofhcauen,8cneuer enter in; though fomemay cal with the foolish virgins , faith S.Ieromc (or fome other learned autourjvpon this place: Lvrd lord open; the dotc'jio-vi.Buiheirrilmf^verahai I kpnr yonnti, M«r. ij. PSEAVME raver in illation, ly.kcy- XII. yt general prayer of the Church, tn tribulation, eithertemporal or fpirttuall I. Voto (4) the end,the Pfalme of Dauid. (4) Itmore.pcrteynethto the new teftament then tothe old. r TQw long/» Lord wilt thou forget me vnto the end.’How long doeft i- 1 thou turne away thy face from me’ z. How long shal I put (b) counfcls in my foule,forrow in my han (c) by day? (4)Carcful& almoft perplex cogitations by reafon of long perfccution & mans weaknes. (r) Very often euerie day. j. How long shal mine enemies he exalted ouerrne ? Regard and beare me, o Lord my God. ¿{..Illuminate minceies thatlfleepe nothin death at any timetleft fometime mine enemie fay : I hauepreuailed againft him. $. They that trouble me, wilreioyxreit I be moued ; but I haue hoped in thy mcrcie. (d) Fai not into mortal finne, 6. My hartshal reioyce in thy faluatio:! wil fingro out Lord,which giueth me (e) good things : and I wil (in? to the name of our Lord mofthigh.. («) Patience in tribulat ion,and reward for vici orie. P S A L W E. XIII. Chrifts Inlifter generalgraffe ignorance ani impiety in tbeyorld 7. Chrift shal bemcarsiion. natejhe ¡Redeemer of mankind. j.kcy. I. Vnto the end,a Pfalme of Dauid.. Ht‘(<«/foolehathfaid inhishart:There is no God.They are corrupt, Tand atv become (b) abominable in their ftudies: there is (c) not that doth good " no not one. PJ4J1. (4) Wicked men drowned in finneore at laftfo befotted in their vnderftanding, that they.thinke in their hart (though they dare not vtter it) that there is no God: that is,none that hath diuine prouidcnce in gouerning the world,nor that wil judge alintheend.(/>)Dcfiled withal forts offim e.(<)Notonly themoft wicked, but alfo Horn. j al mankind were vnablc without a Redeemer to doe good. . z.Oiu Ob ¡-SALME S, 33 i.Our Lord hath looked forth from heauen vpon the children of men, to fee ifthercbethatvnderftandcth,and feeketh after God. j. Al haue declined,they are become(¿)vnproíitable togethertthcre is nor that doth good,no not one. (J) Without faith m Chrift none had meritorious Works. Their throte is an open fepulchrc.wiih their tongs they did deceitfully, the poyfon of afpes vnder their lips. Whofc moutliis till of curling and bitternefie: their feote fwift-to fned bloud.* ’Thefe three verfes being not in the Hebrew .nor Greeke, yet arc in the English, an. r/1. f?. I S77.and arcthre: diftinâ verfes in other pfalmes. (.».&: j j. (e) Dcftruftion andinfclicitie intheir waies , and the way of peace L11 x. J •haue a *x ui x. •not • xze IX i1 xz , v XII, nixs < xz x x. tu x> xz x XZ XZ xa before Lz X, «V L X- ti ix ax x. a x. w» they knowen: thereX iisz •nofeareofGod their eies. (t) They are wholly occupied in vexing others. 4. f/)Shal not al they know that worke iniquhic, that dcuour mv people : (£] as foode of bread’ ¡ (J) The Prophet fpcakcth,this in theperfon ofGod.(g) With greedinesto hurt ' the good. 5. They haue not inuocated our Lord, (/>) there haue they trembled tor j feare, ( i where no fe arc was. (6) Not belieuir.g in God,they feared Idols,that is.diuels: (i)w ho indeed can not hurt Gods feruants. 6. Becaulc our Lord is in(4)the iuft generat ion,y ou haue I; confounded ; thecounfcl ofthe poore man: became our Lord ishishope. (k) Though innumerable be very wicked,yetfomc arc iuft (¿Mocked & derided thofethat tpjftinGod. 7. (i»)Who wil giue from Sion the faluationof ifrael’ when our Lord lhal haue (n) turned away the captiuitie of his people,(0) lacob lhal rcioycc,and (p) Ifrael lhal be glad. (m)The Prophet wisheth,and withal Prophecieth that Chrift our Sauiont wil come, who is promifed to Ifrael. (n) Redeemed man from the captiuitie of the diucl. (0) ' Thofc that fupplant vice(p)and contemplate God. ANNOTATIONS. PSALME XIII. i.Wonst o»e.)S.Paulby this place,& the likc(f/iryr fj.v.7. )có firmeth his doft vine) "J'ithout f Rom. j. ) that boththelewes and the Gentils ¡meaning al mankind ) were in that Chriits araci fiate,that not one without the grace ofChrift , were iuft , nor could be w- Ino man is 1 ftified,nor faced by thelaw'ofNaturc , nor of Moy fes.Which prouethrhe necefsitie lean be iuft. j of faith.But neither that only faith iuftificth.nor that the iufteft arc ful w icked , as I Caluin and Hczafahdy expound thefe Scri ptures.For the Prophets and S.Paul fpeake in thefe places of men beforethey be iuftified .teaching that al mankind was once ' in finne,and none could be iuftified but by Chrift. Neuerthelefl'c they tcachalfo chat I The lav: • bq men being iuftified muft and may feme mfitcevntoftnctificaiion. And that theirw oiks cd tic arc not then vnprofitable. ior being made from finne ( faith the fame Anofilc to the jcienciecf I Romans C.6. ) andbeiOmejcruantrtoGodjyouhjucyourfruit vnto fancliftuinm . and the I mans w il. 1 Tom, 1. E end THE 54 ir ire e .¡retti BOOK Which point of dottrine,how man is iuftified,S.Augultin excel­ lently ,& briefly explicitera (li. Spirituel lit.c.9.).in thefe words:Tne iuft arcw l'.icwil bein¡ Ftifted freely be Chrift hn gracr.they arc not before purified oy the law : they arenot iuW ed COODC- ft tiled bytheirprop r wil,but mrlifiedfreely by (~hrifi)hii¡r¿ce.Not that it is .done iGtli with without our wil,but by the law our wil is shewed weake , that grace might cure the trace. wil,and the wil being cured might fulfil the law,not being vndcr the law,nor needing the law. /cnial finnes \ netto we may hereaddefand Tofane labour of repeating this in other places)an •scinde not or’’er document of the fame Doctour,in the famebooke ' de fpirit, & lit.c.17./that r >m ncaucu. the iuft doe not liue without fome finnes ,and yet remaine in fiate of faluation : the Mood works . wicked __ doc __ fometimes ________ certaine_ o good workes,, & ft il romaine in________________ ftate of damnation. I die in mortal For euenasffaith hc)venial finnes,without which this life is notled,doe nor exclude the iuft from eternal life: fo certaine good works,withoar which the life of ¡he very innes II lile not to worft is hardly found , profite nothing the vniuft man to eternal faluatiun ,but in l.uuation. cuerlafting damnation,fome shal haue more and fome Ielle torment. end ielifeeiurl.efiinç PSALME Bf eternai irati tilde, r ne io.key X1111. For ¿turning etermtlglorie in beaten , it is necejfurie to fly from finnes ¿nd dot good worses. I. "The Pfalme of Dauid. O R D who shal dwcl in ( 4 ) thy tabernacle’ or who ihal reft in thy I-'holichil? (<) Inheauen,asappearethbythelaft verfe. He;hat walketh b) without fpot,and fc)worketh iuftice. i. ff>)One tequifitc thing is to be free or deanfed from finne. (c/Ihc fécond isto doc good. 3. Hcthat fpeaketh truth in his (d) hart, that hath not done guile in his (e) tong. Nor hath (fl) done cuil to his neighbour, and hath not taken fg) reproch againft his neighbour. () Glorie is the reward of good w orkes. 5. That hath not giuenhis money to (») vfurie , and hath not taken (fl) guifts vpon the innocent, (i) Vfurie cxcludeth from heauen. (I,) Likcwifc doing, wrong for bribes. He that doth "thele things,dial "not bemoucdtorcucr. ANNO- OF PS A LME S. 35 ! ANNO TATIONS. PSALME. XIII I. X. The Pfalme ofDauid.iKs the appropriating ofthe general name of Pfalme vnto forne, doth nor prejudice ,but that the reft are alfo Pfalmes , though they be called Prayers,Canticles,Teftimonies,and the like : fo the application of Dauids name to certaine Pfalmes , proueth not other A.ithours of the reft. But the name of Pfalme shewcthafpiritualfong,apt for mufical inftrument¡and the name of Dauid by inter­ pretation figuifieth, that it particularly perxeyneth to the helmed. J. Hr that doth theft things ) wheras this, or anie other place of holie Scripture, attnbutcth faluation to certaine good workes,neither faith , nor other workes¿ire therby excluded , but prcfuppofed as no lefle neccflarie , then thofe which are mcnHrA. li tioncd-Efpecially faith isalwayes requifite, without which icisimpofl.blc to plcafc God , and other venues cither in praâife, or in purpofc,and preparation of mind, when and where occafion requireth. f. Shal not be moued former. Al ftates ofthis world are mutable, and only eternal felicitic in heauen shal continue for cuer. Therfore this Pfalme can not be vndcrftood of the Tabernacle, nor temple of the old Tcftament, which were bur figures of eternal glorie. But if lb muchpurioe was then rcquifite,much more al fincerhie, and great fanditic are neccflarie for entrance into heauen. PSALME Vhv this and certaine others •arc called the ¡Pfalmes of |Dauid. ¡Both faithand ¡good workes neccflarie to 'faluation. •Only the frate iof glorie is ■ immutable. XV. Chriffy the mouth of Dauid, declarethhii future ~l:[iory and triumph ouer Of Chrifts viftorie. lite -world, 9. and death. . he J. key. I. The (4) infeription of the title (t) to Dauid himfelf. (4) Stylographiafignifictha thing moft worthie to be noted, to wit,Chrift cru­ cified: (A) and moft worthie of the Prophets confideration. reserve P (7) me, o Lord, becaufe I haue hoped in thee. (<) Chrift as man did often pray,as appeareth in the Ghofpel. 1. I haue Paid to our Lord : Thou art my God, becaufethou ( Sacrifices to idols shal ccafe in Gentils. (L Their names shal be changed from ! heathen to be called Chriftians. E 2 5. Our THE BOOK $. (k'i Our Lord "the portion of myne inheritance, and or my (I) cup; thou art he, that wil reitere tr.yne inheritance vntome. ( k) Eternal gJoiiccouiiitcih in feeing Coe. (!) God is the reward of fufferirm paines for Chrift. ° 6. (m) Cords are faEen to me in goodly places: t'or(/> imine inheritance is goodlie snto me. (m) Indiuifion oftcmporal inheritance '.ardis meafuredby cords, aslofne 10. fo portions in heauen are giucn w ith large mcafure.(>> iChrift alto teiceucd al nations for his inlieritancc. 7. I wil bielle our Lord, who hath (■>>} giucn me vnderftanding : more­ over alio cucutii (p~) night my haue rebuked me. (•) Wifedome to makegood cledion of fpiritual things rather then temporal, (p) Not only by day , but alfo by night. (5) Alfo my corporal pair.cs giuc me inftrudion. 8. I ( r forefaw cur Lord in my light alwaics: bccaufe he is (/) at my right hand , that 1 be not mound. r-ih I (r) Chrift had God continual!) before his eyes : cuerie man ought to thinke freI -quently of God. (/) For Cod ftiiprotcdeth the iuft. 9. For this thingmy hart hath been glad,and my tong hath rcioyced: morcouer alfo my flcih ih al reft in hope. 10. Bccauie thou wilt " not Icaue my foule in (<) hel : neither wilt giue ( "V) thy holie one to fee corruption. (i) In limbo Patrum, (v) Chrift body corrupted not in the grauc. Thou haft made;w)the waies of hfeknowen to me, thou /halt make me ful ofioy with (x) thy countenance : delectations on thy right hand, euen to (y ) the end. (w) Death and refurredion is the way to life. (*) Perfcd glorie coniiftethin fe’ing God. (y ) In eternity. ANNOTATIONS. PSALME XV. J. Our Lord the fortion of myne infcrrir«>rl,)How Caluinand Beza fometimes corrupt this text, alwayes peruert the fenfc , and moft abfurdlv oppofe themfelues againft al ancient holieFathers, concerning the Article of Chrifts defending in fotile into that part of hel called Lymbiu patrum , is largely noted Gen.yr.^ytn. i.r''- I 'Pct. j • tr- Only here we may not omit to aduertife the reader,that fomc Proteftant Bibles per­ mitting the word hel to remaine in the text, a latter Edition forhd, putteth^rawr, IJ77. with this only note in the former place, thath mm chiefly meant rf Chnfi , by u-ahofle 16OJ. Hçfurreëlion al hit membert haue immortality And they repeate their new text by this paraphraiis : Thou aitale not Leone mein the grant. W'refting that which perteineth to the bodie riling from the grauc , to the foule, ts hich was net at al in the grauc, al time the bodie lay there. " PSALME p-cllv to ferti e God, for God' itinifelfc not lor temporal profile. Proteftants ¡denying that IChrift dcfcei Ided into lim­ ibus,tronfiate Igrouc for hel XVI. iuft mans prayer in tribulation, » o. defcrtbmg lit enemies cruelty, 1.5. by vay Gods protúof imprecation foreslrwetb their deftruflion > 15. anddeclaretb that the itiji idencc prote­ sta/ be [àtisfiedmelone. Ictirgthc iuiJ J ¡The 3-key. 0 I. The " prayer of Dauitl. E a h e, o'Lord,my ra) iuftice: attend tny petition. H With thine earcs heare my prayer,/¿) not in deceitful lips. («) In my iuft caufe heare my petition (È) feeing I pray lineerei)' , not in feyned affection, a. From (c) thy countenance let my judgement proccedc: let thine eies ice equities. (c) Thou that feeft al things declare my right agamft mine aduerfaries. ;. Thou halt proued (¿) my hart, and viftted it (e) by night: ( f) by fire thou haft examined me, ( y ) and there is no iniquitic tcund in me. (d) My intention.(e) Moft fccret cogitations. (/) By tribulations. ( g ) Whole confciencc is pure from gi icuous finne , may pray with this confidence, oiherwife repentance is firft neceffarie. But the whole Church may eucr pray in this manner, becaufe títere be alwayes fonte iuft and holy , in icfpcct of whom it is truly called holy. 4. That tny mouth fpeake not the vvorkes of men : lor the (fe) words of thy lips I hauc kept the («) hard wayes. (h) For thy precepts, (i) ’I he narrow way of verrue. 5 . (4) Perfile my pafes in thy pathcs,that my fteps be not moued. ( k) None can of thcinfelucs walke rightly, but by Gods helpe. 6. 1 hauc cried, becaufe thou halt heard me, o God : incline thyne earc ~ E J to ____________________ THE HOOK_________________ to me, and beare my words. 7. Make thy mercies meruelous, which faueft them that hope in thee. 8. From them that refi ft ( I ) thy right hand kcepmc, as the apple of the eie. (i)Aginftthy onwiporent power. 9. Vnder theshadow of thy wings protect me: 38. fromthe (m) faceof the impious,that haue afflicted me. (m) Frotn their cruel and furious countenance. Mine enemies haue compafl'ed my foule, 10. they haue ihut vp their (»)rat ; their mouth hath (poken pride. (n) Theyliaucshut out alpittie or commifcration. it. Catting me forth now haue they compafl’ed me : they haue fet their ties to bendthem (o) vnto the earth.. fo) They intend vtterly to deftroy me cuen to the ground. 12 They haue taken me as a lion rcadie tothepreyrand as a lions whclnc dwelling in hid places. n.Arife Lord,(p) preuenthim, and fupplant him : deliuer my foule from the impious, thy fword 14.. from the enemies of thy hand. (f) Except God preuent,mans induftry is not fufticient. (g) Reftrainc their power, which they hauc by thy permifsion , that they may not perfecutc fo much as they intend. Lord from (r) afewoutofthe land diuidethem, (J) in their life: their bellie is filled of (t) thyfecrcts. (r) This is a prophecy , that the wicked , which are many , shal at the day of iudgementbe.feparatcd from the cleft (/) which iudgement beginnethfometimes in this life.(t;The pleafures of this world,which God approueth not,nor acknowled­ ged! amongft good things. They arc filled with children: and they haueleaft their remnants to their htleones. 15. But ("y) I in iuftice ihalappeare to thy fight: libai be(w) filled when thy glorie (hai appeare? ( »)Thc iuft shal be approued. (w)Nothing doth fatiate mans mind, but the fight of God in eternal glorie. A N M OTAT1ONS. PSALME XVI. t. Tht frnyer tf'DanicT.') This Pfâlme of the matter conteyned is called a prayer. |h T’falme lint aPraier Which holic Dauid focompofcd, as was both conuenient for himfelfe, being mo■nth a leftedwith-vniuft afflifliojs by thewicked , and for anic other iuft perfon , or the *11 <1 St buck- whole Church in perfecution,feruing as a fpiritual fword to ftriketheenimics, and as a shield to beare off with patience and fortitude al their forces. finailli- PSALME. OF P S A L M E S. PSALM E XV II. Krr>£ Dauids thanfes to Godfor bis often deliuerie from great dangtrs .firfr in Dauid fing protc general,t). ehen more particularly dejcrtbttb Gcds terrible manner offg/. ting larly bv (rod. for Aim.lS. againfl hrs cruel.and otbervtje potent enimtes : zz. attributing t‘ e The «• kcl fame to Gods good plealure,and iufticeof lets cauje. y i.fraijetb God, $} only proteiiour,df \. and depreffer of bts enemies. 1. Vnto («sjthecnd, (¿)to theferuantof our Lord Dauid,-who fpaketo our Lord the words of this canticle, in the cay , that our Lord celiuered him out of the hand of al his enemies,and out of thehand of ( c,Saul,and he faid:' 2. i^eg.zz.') (ai Though literally tliisPfalme perteyned toPauid, yet in figure ofChrift , and of the Church, or euerie iuft foule. '¿|The Holie Ghoft infpired Dauid to render thcfethankes’for his often deliucric from dangers, (cj Saul is fpccially named,be-, caufe he was his moil potent worldlieenimic. wil " (d) loue thee ô Lord (e) my ftrength: z. Our Lord is my firma­ I ment , and my refuge,and my dcliucrer. fd) Thcfe firft words ( as alfo diuers others! are added , and many changed in this and other Pfalmes by the Septuagint,who often leaning the Hebrew text render the fenfe,and fo this agreethin fubftaucc w ith the fame 1'falmc recorded 2. Reg. n. (e) By whom I am ftrong. ;.My God is my helper,and I wil hope in him. My protedtour and the (f) home of my faluation, and my recciucr. (/.High &-firme faluation. 4. Pray fingi wil inuocate our Lord: & I final be fauedfro mine enemies. 5.The (g) forrowes of :h) death hauc ccmpaflcd me : and (j) torrents of iniqunic hauc troubled me. G?) This is aptly applied toni mankind after hisfal, declaring our fiate in finne, ■and rndt cing to penance,in the office of Mafie on Septuagcfima funda). (/;, Mortal Hcsh Tubici! to death.(>) Violent incurficnsef ter. tairons 10 finne. 6.The lorrowes of(/J hcl haue compafied me: the (I) fnarcs-ofdeath haue preuented me. (k) Exceeding great aflliilions of mind, like to tcrmcr.uoflxhvhichl alfofeare. Secret tentations haue dcceiued me. 7. In my tribulationi haue inuocatcd our Lord, and haue (m) cried to my God-. («») Eameft prayer is the beft remedie in al tribulutions. And („) he hath heard my voice from his holie temple : and my crie in his fight,ha th entred into his earcs. (n) As it is certaine tirar God heard Dauids prayers, fo he afiurcdly hearerh al that finccrcly Hye vnto him. S.Thc earth was fliaken & trembled:the foundations of mountaines were troubled,and were nroued, (0) bccaule he was wrath with them. (») Gods anger againft finne maketh high and loftic tilings to shake, cucii die moftobftrnate prci'uniptuous finners. 9. p) Smoke arofe in his wrath : and fire flamed vp from his face: coles were kindled trom him. THE 40 BOOK (p) Dia ine wrath is like to fmokeofthenofethrels, or flaming flrc,& bnntirg cola­ lo. Hc(y)bowcdthc heauens,and deicended: and (r; darkenefle vnder his fette. (9) Gods punishment fometimes commeth fo fwifcly , as if the heauens bowed towards the earth. (r)Gods fune is as a darkc defoiate night,or horrible mift. 11. And he ( f) afeended vpon the cherubs, and flew : he flew vpon the wings of winds. ( /") Yet when iinners repent,God moil fpeedily, as flying with wings of mercie, coinfortcth& protect cth them. 12. And heput darkeneflehis (r) couert, histabernacleisround about himzdarkefome water inthe clouds of the aire. (t) God being in himfelfe incomprehenfible,is alfo fccrct inhis determinations, and couert in his proceedings or actes. Ij. Bccaufe of the (19 brightneffc in his fight the clouds pafled, hayle and coles of fire. (v) Gods fplendoar opprefling mans fenfe , yet inftrufteth him by his meruelons W'orkes. Wnich myitically fignifieth , thatChrift illuminateti! the world bv his Apoitles, and other preachers denouncing his iuflice,peace, and his wil in al things perteyning to man. 14. And our Lord thundred from heauen, and the Higheft gaue his voice : halle and coles ot fire. 15. And he Ihot hisarrowes, and diflipated them: he multiplied light­ nings, and troubled them. 16. And the fountayncsof waters appeared, and the foundations ofthe world were reuealed. At thy rebuke, o Lord, at the blaft of the fpirit of thy wrath. 17. He fent from on high, andtookemc: and he recciucd me out of ma­ nie (w) waters. fw) From tribulations. 18. Hedeliuered me (x) from my moil ftrong enemies, and from them that hared me : becaufethey were made ftrong ouer me. (x) From Saul, Abfalon, Moabites,Ammonites,and temporal & fpiritual enemies. 19. They preuented me in the day of mine affliction : and our Lord was made my protectour. * * jo in the reft of this PfálmetheProphet fpeaketh for moft part in proper termes, without Métaphores or other figures. Yet in the myftical, fenfe of Chrifl and Clinicians. 10. And he brought me out into largeneficchefauedmc, becaufehe ( y ) would me. (7) Of his good pleafure without my deferts. 11. And our Lord wil reward me according to my iuftice,and according to the purity of my hands he wil reward me. 22.. Bccaufe 1 haue kept the waies of our Lord , neither haue! done impioufly from my God. 2". Bccaufe al his lodgements arc in my/0 fight : and his iuilicesl haue X ., 1 0 not repelled trom me. 24. And I fhal be immaculate ( with him, and £hal keepe me from i mineiniquitie. I (xl By his grace. ' 2 5. And __________________ OF P S A LM E S.________________ 41 25. (^) And our Lord wii reward me according to my iulticc : & accor­ ding to the puritieot my hands in the fight of his cics. (sjHerepaitcch tin n.vcri'e,i.icultating that God wil render to euerieone as they deferite. ; 26. With the holie thou (halt be holic, and with the innocent man thou I ihaltbcinnocent. i 27. And with the elect thou (halt be elect: and with the pcruerfe thou ' /halt be peruerted. I aS. Becaulcthou wilt faue the humble people : and the eies of the proud i thou wilt humble. 29. Becaufe thou do ft illuminate my lampe ó Lord : my God illuminate mv darkcneíTe. ?o. Becaufe in thee I ihal be deliuered from tentation, aadinmyGod I iival 'ajgocouer the wal. Piflcouer (a) al difficulties. I ji. My God his (¿) way is vnpolluted : rhe words of our Lord are exa­ mined by fire : he is protcCtour of al that hope in him. ft) Gods precepts. j2.1 For (c) who is God but our Lord? or who is God but our God? (t) 0 >e only God, Creatour and Sauiourof al girded me with Itrcngth : and made mv wav immaculate. j4.Tn.1t pertked my feeteasit were of harts : and letting me vpon high things. J5. That teachcth my hands to battel : and haft put mine armes {¿) as a bow of braife. jj. God that (d) Among!! otheraftesDauid killed alien,and abeare, & Goliath. 1.Reg.17. ;6. And halt giuen me the protection of thy faluation : & thy right hand hath rcceiued me. And thy difcipline hath corrected me vntofhe end : and thy difeipfine, the fame liial teach me. j 7. Thou haft enlarged my pafes vnder me:and my iteps are not weake­ ned: ;8.1 wil purfue my ne enemies , and ouertake them: and wii not retarne til they fade. jp. I wil breakc them , neither ihal they be able to ft and : they fn a! fai vnder my feete. 40. And thou haft girded me withftrength to battel: and haft fupplanted them that rife again!! me vnder me. 41. And (e myne enemies thou haft giuen me their backc, &: them that hate me thou haft deftroved. (<) AsGodgiuethftiengthto his fcruants, lohedimhiisheth die natural ftrength and courage of his enemies. 42; They cried , neither was there that would faue them, to our Lord, neither did he hcare them. 4j. And I wil break them to powder , as the duft before the face of winde: asthedurt oftheftreets 1 wildeftroy them. 44.Thou wilt deliuerme from the contradictions of the people : thou Tom. 2. F wilt 4! ______________ THE B O O K_________________ wilt appoyntmc to be head of t he Gentils. 45 .A people (/") which I knew not hath fcrued me : in the hearing of the care it hath obeyed me. (/ ) Conuerfion of Gentils to Chrift,as the Moabites Jduincans^md others were fubdu.d by Dauid.i.l'ar.i 1.14.18./ 9.10. 46. The (g ^children being aliens haue lycd to me, tlx children aliens arc inueteratcd.and haue halted From their pathos. (g) The reuniting and reprobation of the leves,prefigured by Abfoloms rebellion andothcrs.i.&rs.i f. t«. 47.Our Lord liucth,and blcflcd be my God , and the God of my faiuation be exalted. 48.O God (b)which giueft mercucngcs , Sc fubducftpcoplcs vnder me, my dcliucrcr from mine angrie enemies. (A) God ftilprotefteth the ChurchofChrift,as heprefcrued Dauid. 49. And from them that rife vp againft me thou wilt exalt me; from the ■ vniuft man thou wilt dciiucr me. jo.Thert'orcwill confedero thee among nations, ó Lord;and wil fay (i) a Pfaline to thy name. (>) Vfeof Pfalmcs is moft frequent in the Church ofGcntils.Secthc proemial An­ notation s.pjgt.i. Magnifying the faluations of his King,and doing merde to his Chrift Dauid, and to his feed for cuer. PSALME »l> ir it ion 4 4.'.itho• Cut h. lyi.key. XVIII. Gods petfeet goodnes and glorie is shewed by bisgreat worfces, and by bis ^ipof les,[ent with heauenhe commifsion to preach m al longues ioti nations. 6Chnjls camming into the world , and returne hull heauen : 8. bisimmaculate lavs: itj.wberin nofmftandingtbe infl sbal bauc neede to pray for remi]non offmallefl and daghe ftnncs. I. Vnto (4) the end,thcPfalmc of Dauid. {a) Pertcyning to the bcloued of the new T eftament. t. E (/>) hcauens fhew forth the glorie of God,and the firmament A dcclareth the workes of his hanas. (/>)]The filent workes of God declare hisMaiefticto them that confider therof, his Preachers declare the fame-by words,to al that vii beare. 5. (/) Day vnto day vttereth word: and night vntonight fheweth know­ ledge. (c) The conila nt courfc of times sheweth that the fame was difpofed by Gods power.and propagation of faith, efpccially of Chriftian doftrine,sheweth Chrifts power,St allured perpetuitie of his Church. Thereare 4. ( courfc througththis world, illuminating, comforting, and ■ ftrengthning the Church his tabernacle, wlierein he perpetually dwclleth.Cj)Chriit ! rhe bridegrome, & the Church his bride arc neucr diuorccd ¿his loue, wifdomc,and ) power, cucr confcriting het by his immaculutc law. He hath rcioyced as a giant to ninne the way , 7. his comming forth ’ from t he toppe of hcaucns And his recourse eucn to the top tlacro:; neither 1 is there that can hide himfelfe from his beate. 8." The law of our Lord is immaculate (¿) converting fotils .-the tefli-' moaie x>f our u.ord is faithful, giving wifedome to litieones. (A) The old law waslikcwifc pure in it-fc.lfc and.holy,butthcnew alfo maketh j ahoobferuers immaculate. "9. The iuftices of our Lord be right,making harts ioyfal : the precept of our Lord ligh’ orne, illuminating the eies. lOrThe fcareour Lord is holie, permanent foreuer and euertthc judge­ ments of our I ordbetrue, iultiriediathcmielues.. ii. To be defired above gold and much precious fione : and more • fwccte above honie and the honic-combe. Í it.For thy feruant (ijkeepeth them,in keeping them is (^)much reward. (1) How fweete the law of God is,hisfcruants fi.dcnot by reading, or bv hearing only , but by keeping ir. (k) Conformably to this text the Prophet profe (Tedi (P fa. 1 11 R. v.ii.j that he kept themfor reward, iu wliicn place the herctikes tra..flaiion is ; corrupted. ij.Smnes(/) who vnderilandeth ? from my facrct fames clsanfe me: 14.and from other mens fparc thy ■ eruant. (¡) None in this life kaoweth perfcdly his ovneeftate, '¡¡ hether he lt'i erthie cf Z«»r er bait, taele. p bur liopcth and fearcth. If (•») they lhal not haue dominion ouer me, then faal I be immacu­ late; and lhal be clcanfed from the greateft finne. (m) Ifmortalfinncsluucnotdominioninthcfoulcjitis iuft : and shalbcintime immaculate from alfinne. 17. And the words of my mouth (hai be fach as may pleafe-: and the mcditatiorsof my hart in thy fight alwayes. OTord (n) my helper, and my(«j Redeemer. (n) Gods helping grace r> ftil neceflaricto pcrfeuer,(s)as his firft-grace redeeming man is neccfi’ariefurcur fait conuerfion. Go ! comior ■ rcth and ANNOTATIONS. Psalme XVI1L X Tbelaf "f . foreshewetb by way ofprayer his pjjurreflion: 13.More tleerly the foundation and preps ganon ofhis Church ( 17. cr interpoling thefmgular foode of the mofl Blefed Sacramenrjenen to the ends of the earth in al nations. Vnto the end " for the (¿hnorning entrepriíé, the Pfalmcfi ) of Dauid. i. (a) Redemption of mankind vndertaken by Chrift,and performed by his death, beg in to shewed bv his Refurrection in the morning of the third day. S. ./ímju. (t)lil figure ofGhrift. the beiouedof God, i. /^O d (c)my God hauerefpcéì: tome: (d) why haft thou forfaken ! me ; (e) far'tom my faiuation arcthe words of my (innes. (<) God is God of al his creatures,but in more pe-uliar fort God of Chrift by per- : fonal vnion.fiOThouneither deliuereft mefromdyingmoryealdeft me fuch comfort I as thou vouthfafeft to other Saints.w6.jtf «.!•».(c)I am neither deliuered from dying, nor comforted in my pcfsion.hauing vndertaken to dye for the finnes. of mankind, & reputed them as myne ownc words or facts. ! $.My Godi shal crie(/)byday, i and (¿J not for follie vnto me. I thou wilt not hearc:and by night,, (/") Albeit I crieby day , (g) and by night,on thccroftc and in die garden,to hauethe chalice of death remo:;? 1 from me,& shal not beheard,(k)y et there is no follie, nor fault in this petition,which iswithfubmilConof mans wil to Gods wit 4. But(i) thou dwelleft in the holie place,(4) thepraife of I (rack (i)Thou from heauen wilt heure when it is conuenient. (k.) Whofc wifdomc and goodnes theChurch w orthily praifeth. 5. In thee [I) our fathers haue hoped: they hoped, and thou didft dcliuer them. (í) Patriar kes, Prophet», and other holy men praying intheir diftrefics obtained their requefts. 6 .They cried to thee,and were (n,) faued : they hoped in thee., and were 1 ») not confounded. (»>■) Were temporally deliueredbv thy mightiehand from theirpcrfecutours.¡n) Not fruftrate of thcirhumblc prayers. 7. 0 ) But 1 am a > p)v> orme and no man : a ( eutcaft of the people. reproch of men and (r) 1 (o)God that comfortcth his fcraants intheir tribulations,left Chrift without his or­ dinarie confolation, to fuffcr moie then euer any other did. (p; Wicked pcrfccutcrs Tefpectcd not Chrift as a man,but contemned him, as a very worme (y) as moft reprochfulofalmen (r) astiicbafeltof al the people. OF PSALME S. 47 8. (Í) Al that lee m: haue : they haue fpoken with the lip;, & wnggc d the head. ( f) Almoft al became Chrifts cruel enemies at the time ofhis pailion, afflicting, blafphcining>andfcorninghini ,as the Euangdiftes record. 9. (r) He hoped in the Lord, let him deiiuer him : lethimfauc him, becaufe he ( "> ) wil him. ft) The Euangeliftes write how al thefc tilings were fulfilled by wicked men, fpeakingthefe blafphemics , and reproches, (•») God feemed to bevel plcafed with Chrift,as with his o-.vuc Sonne: if it befo,let him deiiuer himfrom thefc afflictions, I fay thefe blafphemcrs. 10. Becaufe thou art he that (wl haft drawenmc out oft he trombe : my hope from the breftsof my mother. f w ) Diurne power w ithout man formed me in the wrtnbe of mv mother a Virgin. it. Vpon thee I (x) haue been cr.ft from the matrice : (_y) from my mo­ thers vvombe thou art my God, i a. depart net from me. f* jAs I haue no father but O God:fo w ithout intermisión fró mvne incarna­ to to this time,Il aue had theemy protcCtour:';, )lcaucmcr.ot row without c.'.fort feeingT mult dye as thou haft determined ,ar.dl freely confeuted : yet leaue me not in deathbutraifemeagainetolife. Pfal. Becaufe tribulationis verie nigh : becaufe there is help. (zi Almoft al arc become myne enemies, and thofc few that would, can not help me. .i;.Mame(x) calues haueccmpafled me:(¿ )fatte buls haue be/iegedme. f«) Delicate lafeiuious yong mcn,(k)and thcfcribcs,Pharifees,and elders of tire people haue al confpircdagainftnic. 14. They haue (c; opened their mouth vpon me, as alion rauening and roaring. (c) Condemning me and pcrfwad:r.g the people to crie: Crvrifit, crucifit him. ij.As(J) water I am powred out : and al f e ) my bones are difperfed. (dj$o wcaxned with paines of torments,as fluid water not able to confift. (r) My bones and ftrongeft partsofmy bodic arc weakned ,verified,when our Sauiour fcl downe vndcr his crone. ( / ) My han is made as waxc melting in the middes of my bcllie. I he part that firft and laft liucth is vcakned as foft weaxe by heat of the fire, and ready to failc. (f ) 16. My itrength is withered asa [g ) pot (hard, and. my tong (/.>) clea­ ned to mv iawes ; and thou haft ( i ) brought me downe into the duft of death. (g ) Al my powers and radical humidifie is dried vp, as a potters veflcl is baked in tiie furnace (h,Through exceeding great drought,W'hich our Sauiour proteffed cn the crofle faying: I thirft.(i') Thus thou O God haft fufFe-cdmc to come to rhe laft breath of life, next to death. ïet finally our Sauiour gauc vphis fpirit befoiehe should hauedied. v. it. Becaufe manic (4) dogs haue compaifed me : the counfel of the malignant hathbefieged me. cj. (K) Agayne this Royal Prophet recountetb by whom and how ourB. Sauiour should fufter, euen as cleere as the Euangclifts afterwards haue written the hiftorie. " ' l8. They _______________ TJ! E BOOK. They " hauedigged my hands and my feet : 18.they haue al my bones. (I) numbred: (i)Our Sauioursbody was To rackcdon thccroflc, tbathis bones might be feen and co unred. But thcmfclues haue (w)confidered and beheld me : 19.they haue (», i deuided my garments among thcm:and vpon my (0) vetture they haue| caftlot. (»i) The pcrfecutcrs wittingly determined al this crucltic : beheld it with their • cyes.and without alcbmpafsion perfiftedin malice, rcioyced ,and blaTphemed. (n) The fouldicrs that crucified our Sauiour,taking his garments for their prayc:(»)vet in mvfterieof his Church diuided not his coate. lo.But thou Lord (t>) prolong not thy hclpe from me: looke toward my defenfe. (f) Heprophecieth Chrifts fpecdy refurredion. ax.Deliuer,o God,(^) my foule from the fword: and inyne (r)onlifrone from ' f;the hand of the dog. (9) Chrifts foul was not feparated from his bodie by force of the torments,but he preuentiug death freely y ealdedvp his fpirite.Zoan. 10. v.9. ir 10. rrjThe moft pure, andfanâified foule.of whofe fülncs al other iuft foules areíanítified (f)Tnat it ftay not in bel,which dcuoured al other foules in the old Tcftament. ai.Sauemcout of thelions mouthtandmy humilitie from the homes of vnicornes. "! 23. wil (tl declarethy name to my brethren : "in themiddes of the Church I wil pray le thee, (r,1 The propagation of the Church of Chriftinal nations. ¿.4. Ye that feare our Lord praife him: al the (>) feed of lacob glorifie ye him. (»)Notthc carnal but fpi ritual childrenof lacob, Ifaac, and Abraham. Rem. 9. az.8. 25, Letal the feed of ifrael feare him : becaufe he hath not contemned nor defpifed the petition of the poore. Neither hath he turned away his face from me : and when I cried to him he heard me. 16. With thee is my praife in (withe great Church: I (x)wil render my vowes in the light of them that feare him. (•v»)The Church gahcrcd both ofTcwes and Gentils is very great and vniuerfal. (x)Our Sauiour promifed to giue his ownc bodie,the bread oflife.Iwn. 6. and per­ forine'! the fame at his laft Toper. zy/'Thc (j)pooreshal eate,andshal bcfilled : and they shal praife our Lord that feeke after him:tlicir harrsf^jshal line for eucr and cuer. (y) Thofe that be faithful,humble,and poore in fpirit participate the fruit of this moft excellent Sacrament.(x) Thecffeft of this B. Sacrament is the refurreftion in glorie,and lifeeuerlafting. i8.Altheends of the earth (4) sh al remember, and be conuerted to our Lord. . f«)GentiIs which haue been idolaters shal r-colleft themfelucs,when they heart Chrift prcached.and shal tumeto true Religion. ip.And al the families of the Gentils inai adore in his fight. 30. (b) Becaufe the kingdomc is our Lords : and he shal haue dominion oner OF P S A L M ES. 49 ouerthe Gentils. fi)’Although men can neither defame to be conuertcd , nor to perfeuer in iufticc; vet Chriftmeriteth to haue a continual Kingdom , which is the perpetual vificie Catholike Church. jl.Aitht (c) fat ones ot the earth haue eaten,and id) adored : in his fight shai al fai (r)that defeend into the earth. Not only the poore fortc.but alfothc mightieonesof the w orld shal be conuer- ! (c) ted toChrift, participate his B. Bodie in the Sacrament, (d; and religioufly adore; the fame, (tj Al that adorcGod, shal adore him in this Sacrament. Ji. And (J) my fouleshal liuetohitntand my ( f) feed shal feme him. I f /") Death being once ouercomc,it shal haue no more power.(g) Againethc Pro­ phet inculcateti! tlic continuance ofthe Catholike Church. j ;.The generation co come shal be shewed to our Lord; and the (¿)heaucns shalshcw forth his iuliicc to the people that shal be berne ,whom i our Lord hath made. (k, Apoftlcs,and other preachers of Chrift. ANNOTATIO NS. PSALME. XXI. r. for the morning entreprife ) In refpeft ofthe end for which Chrift fitfrerej, this Pfalme is intitlcd -.forihe morning entreprife : tha’ is, for Chrifts glorious Rcfurrc6ion,and other effefts of his Pad-on.Whichholie Dauid by the (pirite of 1 rophecy fo defcribeth here long before with diuers particular circumftances,as the ruangelifts haue fince hiftorically recorded,that it may not vnfitly be called , Th. Pajtior. Chrifts Rcfur reftion. The Pafsion of Chrift ac­ caldine to of Le fui Chrift according to Dauid. Dauid. •¡.Thoun-rilt not kr«n.)Our B.Sauiour feeing his moft terrible death imminet,prayd Chrifts con­ conditionally ,-ifit pleafed hie heauenlie father, to haue the fame rcmoued from him. & ditional pray­ was not the Pfahnift here prophecieth. Theprincipalreafon was ,'cecaufe er was not God of his diuinc charitie had decreed,that mankind should be redeemed by this .heaid. death of his Sonne. Chrift alfohimfelfc of his excellent charitie, confentedherevn- ] to,Sc therefore perfifted not in his conditional prayer,but added a bfolutely& prayed, | that not hisowne wiljbut his Fathers might be fulfilled. And in this he was heard, His absolute to hisownc more glorie and other infinite benefits of innumerable fouies, asir fo- prayers were lowcthjV. i ;.W*.rn I cryed to hm lx heara mc.S.Paul alfo v itneficth ( Heb.f.v. y.) that jaiwaies heardChrift offering prayere andfnpplicationi to him thatcculd faut him fr m deoil ,-ruae heard I forbii ««rcnccthat is. in refpeft of his ir.cftimable merite in humane nature uiittd ' in perfon to God.An other caufc,why Chrift was no: deliucrcd from violent death, ¡Chrift fuff c­ at manic ho.'ie perfons were ,whcn they cried toGud in diftreíTes, as S. At guftin red for our ex­ sheweth (Epift. tio.c.t t.) was for example to Chriftians, whom tod vil Iraue to ample. fuffcr temporal afflictions, and death,for the glorie of life euerlaftirg . according to S. Peters doftrine,Chriff {offered for vj,leaning an eatmple that you may f.lovv hit riepi. it. Th.y haue digged. ) Of obftinate malice the Icwes haue corrupted this piace The Hebrew (and God ktlowcth how manic others) in the Hebrew text of fome editions,reading text corrupted «aari.which fignifieth at a bon, without al coherence of the fcnfc,for caaruyhey digger. by the lev cs. or pennello auoidfo plaine aprophecic ofnailing Chrifts hands and feeteto the trofie. t^.l f'P'Hdrctare thy name to my brethren. ) Here it is euident that thisPfalme is of This Pfalme Chrift,not ofDauid,by S.Pauls allegation ( Heb. a.v.i i.n. ) faying: Hethatfanftj. is of Chrift. Tom..’. G fieth THE BOOK fieth ftowit Chrift) dfdained not to cal the fanitified his brethren. i;. lithe middle ofthechurch I vil praife thee. ) AftcrChrifts Pafsion and Rcfurrcciion, in the reft of this Pfalme, other two principal points of Chriftian Religion arelikewifc prophccicd.-His perpetual vifible Chur ch, and the B. Sacrament or his •rophecie of bodic. The former is here p qphecicd by way of inuiting altheieede eflacnb to glori ih: vif» ile and fie God (v.14.) al the /cede of I /rari tafeare him (v. 15.)to wit,innumerableChriftians, miuerfal the truclfraelitcs,thc vniuerfal Church in the whole world. As for heretical parts or Church. parcels in the World , fuch as the Donatiftes, which going forth from thcCatholikc Church fay ¡Chrift hath loft his great Church, the dauci hath taken the-whole world tromhim, and he remaincthonly in apart of Arrica, they doe not praifeGod f faith S. Auguftine) but dishonour God and Chrift ,as if God were not faithful in his pro- in hunt mife, as if Chrift were difpoilcfled of his Kir.odomc the Catholike Church Left Pfal. anic should replie, that Chrift is prai fed though the Church bedccaicd, or bevery fntal, theHolicGhofthath preuented fuch arguments , faying v. 16; His praife is in the great t Wei. Which could neither be verified in the part of Donatiftes in Afrike, 1. Auguftin nor now in the part of Proteftants fince Luther in Europe. Further S. Auguftin ex­ Honed» the plicated!,& vrgeth the verfes folowing in this Pfalme,againft the fame blind,deafc, Church to be and obftinate Donatiftes , who did not, or would not fee,nor heare, that al the ende ilwaies vifible of the earth chai remember, and be cmuerted to our Lord. The holie Scripture faith not, I'l.l great by theendt of tht earth, but al the ende Wcl goc too (faith this great Doftour) peraduenture there is but one verfe, thou thoughteft vpon forne thing cis, thou talkedftwith liis Pfalme. thy brother, when one read this; markc,he repeateth and knocketh vpon the deaf: cz/i the familier of the Gentile chai adore in hie fight : Yet the hcrctikc is deaf, he hearcth not, let one knock againe : Becaufc the Kingdom ic our Lorde .and he chalhaue dominion ouer the fintile. Hold thefe three verfes brethren. Thus and more S. Auguftin againft thofe that thinkc the true Church may faile , or become inuifible or obfcurc. And thoughit benot in like profperous frate at al times,and in al places ,yec it is alwayes confp caous. and more general then anic other congregation profcfsing,wharfocucr pretendedrcligion. 'he Eucharift 17. The prore chai eate. ) Seeing thisPfalme is of Chrift, as is proued by S.Pauls rophccicd in allegation of ij. verfe, and by the concordance thcrofwith theEuangelifts,it is neus place. ceflarily deduced, that the-v»»»/mentioned in the former verfe, and thefe words, the prore chai eate and be plied . can not be referred to the facrifices of the oldTeftamentjbut to the blcffed Sacrifice and Sacrament ofthe Eucharift, which ourSauiour promifed, after he had replenished the people with fiucloaues , and which he inftit-ted at his laft fupper in ptefcncc of his Apoftles."o S. Auguftin doubteth not to vnderftand it,and to teach,as wcl in his double exposition of thisPfalme as in his r.o. Epiftlc c. x7.The poore,that is the humble and poore in fpitite,shal eate & befilled: the fat ones,or the rich being proud, doc alfo adore and cate, but arc not filled. They leal prefence alfo are brought tothe table-f Chrifi, and participate his bodie& bloud. butthey . Chrift in ado-e only, arc nor alfo filled, becaufc they doe not imitate ( Chrifts humilitic 1 thev lie Eucharift. difdainetobc humble.Where it is cleerc,this holie father by Chrifts bodic and bloud mcancthnot bread and wine as lignes of his bodic andbloud , for bread and wine can not be lawfully adored: neither doth he mcaneour Lords bodic as it was on the erode, or is in heaucn , for foit is not eaten, but as it is in formes of bread and wine on C hr¡fíe table, the Àltar. PSALME. OJ P S A L M F. S. PSALME V XXI T. biforme of thanl{i-fituingfor alfpiritual benefit! ( deferibed vnder the metaphor iThanks-gioii |fo-Gods pro. oftemporal profperitie ) euenjroma ftnners frf conuerfion , to final perfeue- Ite.ftion. rance, and eternal beatitude. The 7. kev. I. The Pfalme of Dauid. V R ( a ) Lord rulcih me , and nothing shal be wanting to me: in place ( b ) of paliure there he hath placed me. O 1. (a. Chrift the good paftour, gouemeth, protedeth, (bJ and feedeth his faithful flocke. Vpon ( r j the water of refedtion he hath brought me vp : 3. he hath (d) conuettednty loule. (<> Baptifmc of regeneration (djwhich isthefirft iuftification. He hath conducted me vpon ( e ) the paths of iuftice, (f ) for his name. fr) Gods precepts which the baptifed muft obferue Mat Saluation is in the name and power of chrift,not in mans owne merit. 4. For although I shal walke in(f ) the middes of the shadow of death, ' 1 wil (/>) not ieareeuils : becaufcthou art with me. (g )ln great dangers of tentations to monal finne,(h)yet by Gods grace we may refill. Thy (i) rod and thy (^) ftafFc : they haue comforted me. (») Gods direction and law is ftreight, ( and Itrong 5. Thou haft prepared in my fight (l) a table (m) againft them that trouble me. (I) Chrift hath prepared for our fpiritual food theB Sacrament of the Eucharift. , J. cypnan,Epifi.Oi. Eaiim tnhanc "Pfal. (m) Againft al fpiritual enemies,the orld, the flesh,and the diucl. Thou (n) haftfattedmy head with oyle: and my (« ) chalice inc- ! briating how goodlie is it! (•) Chriftian foules are alfo ftrengthned by the Sacraments of Confirmation, Penance, holic Orders, Matrimonie, and Extreme Vnition. («) The B.Sacrament and sacrifice of Cbriftsbodic andbloud. 6. And thy mercie shal folow me(p) al the dayes of my life. (p) Continual and final perfeuerance is by Gods fpccial grace. And thatl may dwcl in the houfe of our Lord,(«) in longitudeof dayes. ( j, In eternal life. G i PSALME. THE , 51 PSALME BOOK XXIII. ift Lord of Chri/l u Lord ofthe whole earth, being Creatour, and Redeemer ofntan,^. Good ic world. life ( with faith in him) n the way to heauen: 7.-whither Chrift a]tending with I J. key. I. The (4) firftofthe Sabbath, the Pfalme of Dauid. (4 ) Chrift rifing from death the Jirft day of the wecke ,-had al power giuen him in heauen and in earth. ¿Í4M.8. H e earth is our Lords, and C!>) the fulnciTetherof: the round world, Tand al that dwel therein. (b) Not only the foilcit-felfe.but al the fruit.and al that dwcl therin arc Gods. 1. Bccauie he hath founded it vpon the feas : and vpon the nuers hath prepared it. 3. Who (c) ihal afeend into the mount of our Lord ’ or who filai hand in his holie place? (c) Though Chrift created and redeemed al, yctonly the iuft shal inheritc heauen. 4. The innocent of hands, and of cleanehart, that hath not taken his foule (d in vayne , nor fworne to his neighbour in guile. (d) Not occupied himfelfein vaine and vnprofitablcahings,but in commendable workes. 5. He fnal receiue blcfiing of our Lord 4 and (e) merde of God his Sauiour. f e) Gods mercy goeth beforeiuftification: iuft workes folow, and fo glorie is the reward of al. 6. This is ( the generation of them that feckc him,of them that feeke the face of the Godoflacob. (/"> This fort of people thus feruing God,shal receiue euerlaftingbli/Te. 7. Litt vp your gates (g) ye Princes, and be ye lifted vp,o eternal gates: and the King of glorie inai enter in. (¿;The Prophet contempiatingin fpirit Chrifts’Afcenfion , inuitcth Angels to receiue him, and (by profopopeia ) fpcaketh alfo to the gates of heauen, by which he is to enter. 8. (A) Who is this King of glorie; Our Lord (i) ftrong&mightie,our Lord mightie in battel. (h) Angels anfweradmiring,& demanding as in a dialogue,how Chrift is become fo glorious, (i) The Prophet anfwercth thatChrift by his power-hath oucrcome al enemies in battel. 9. (4) Lift vp your gates ye Princes, andbe ye liftcdvp,o-eternal gates: and the King of glorie shal enter in. (lx) Againehe willcth Angels to open the gates,and biddeth the gates to enlarge themfclucs. I (/) Whois thisKingof glorie?(»>)ThcLordofpowersheistheKing of glorie. (¡jThc Angels demand as bcforc:(m)Thc Prophet anfwet eth,That Chrift is Lord j alfo of Angels,and al heaucnlic powers vnder God. PSALME. OF PSALM E S. psalm e xxiin. -ni • -t < .. A priver of tin penerei fnrqtr ofthefaithful dgdtnjt el enemies, 4. will defrre to be direfled faithful. in the W4y 0/godlines,-}. end to beperdoned for famespdft, 9. etckflorol edging The 7. key. ■Cods meefaes, 17. oitr tceefnes, necejsitieof hclpe, end hope tn Cod: l z. contludet/rvith prefer for the-whóleChurrh. I. Vnto (4) the end,the Pfalme of Dauid. («) This Pfalme perteyneth more properly to the new teftawnt. And is artineially compeled : the vcrfcibeginning withdiftiuâ letters inorder of the Hebrew Alphabet, to the lift vcrfc. Otheï, O Lord,I haue lifted vp (t)myfoule: a. my God inthee T(b)is my confidence, let me (r) not be aihamed. My mind tobe attendue, (r) Not befruftratc of my petition. j. Neither let mine enemies feorne me tfor al (¿y that expefi thee, Dial not be confounded. That (d) patiently expeâ the time when God viladift. 4. (e) Let albe contoundedthat doe vniuft things in vayne.Lord ihew me thy way es : and teach me thy paths. (r) "This manner of prayingds frequent in thePfalroes.-fignifying as a prophecie, that fo it wil cometo paftc.and the conformine of the iuft to Gods lufticc. 5. Direâ me (f) in thy truth,and teach me : becaule thou art God my Sawiour,and thee haue 1 expected (g ) al the day. (f) In true faith and religion. knowledge of true doitrine. ) Alourlifcwemuft delire more and more 6. Remember, O Lord,thy commiicrations, and thy.mercics : that are from theheginning of the world. 7. The finnes ( />. ) of my youth , and ( i ) my ignorances doe not remember. (I>) From the firft yfeof reafon , at which time manic are cardes (•)'& .negligent to'lcarnehow to feme God. According to thy merde remember thou me : for thy goodndfe,O Lord. 8. Our Lord is (f ) fwect, and righteous ; for this caufe he wil giue a law to them that finneinthe way. ( k) As God is fwecte in giuing good motions : (I) fo he is feuere to them that refill his grace. 9. He wil direâ the milde in iudgement : he wil teach the meekc his wayes. 10. Al the wayes of our Lord be f m) merde and (n) truth,to them that feckc after his 1'0) teftament and his (p) teftimonies. I'm ) God mercifully preuenteth with his grace: (n) and iuftly rewardeth good workes. (0) Gods law is his coucnant wtth man : (p) and teftimonieofhis v il ii. For thy uame,o Lord,thou wilt be propitious to my finite : tor (^) it is much. (5) Siane in refpeft ofauerfion from God is great,& ncedethhis grace. G 3 ii.Who 54 _________________ THE BOOK_________________ ii.Whoisthe man that (r) fearc:h our Lord » he ( i. ) appoynteth him a alawin the way that he hath chofcn. (rjHj that feareth God,'which is the beginning ot' wifdome,receiueth fine fpiritual commodities here mentioned: t.God inftruftctli him by his law: i. bclioweth al necefiàries vpon him: ;. others shal imitate his good example. + God wil proteft him: J According to Gods coucnant be shalcnioy the manifeft fight or God tor his eter­ nal reward I?. His foule (i).shal abide in good things: and (;.) is feed fluì infierite the land. 14. OurLordis (4.) a firmament to them that feare him: & (5.) his te­ ftament that it may be made maniteft to them. 1$. Myneciesarealwaycsroour Lord: becaule he wilpluckc my feete out of the fnare. 16. Haue refpeft to me, andhauemercie onmetbecaufclam (J) alone and poore. (f) Mans wcaknes without Gods helpe. ij.The tribulations of my hart are multiplied : deliuer me from ( r) my neceflities. (>) Tribulations can notbe auoidcd,but m tftneceffarilybefuffered: therforc, o God^iuevs grace to palfc through them without finne. i8.Seemy(>) humiliation and my labour, and (w) fergiue al my firmes. MyneatHiciion.'w)Takeaway the caufe,and affliction wil be mitigated. 19. Behold mine enemies, becaufe they are multiplied , and with (x) vniuft hatred hated me. (x) Wicked men of hatred doe endeauour to draw others into finne. ao.Keepe my foule,and deliuer me : 1 shal (j) not be aihamed, becaufe I hoped in thee. (y) Titofc that hope in God shal nener be confounded. ai.The innocent and righteous haue cleaned to me : becaufe I expected thee. 11. (^) DeliuerIfrael,oGod,outof al his tribulations. ( c) Al The letters of the Alphabet being complete in this Pfalme,this laft verfe beginneth with praying God co redeems and deliuer Ifracl, due is, the whole Church,from tribulations. PSAI M PSALME. XXV. lidu'ul in btnitbemeni dtnong the P hili/tines, tru fleth in the iufiice of his ceife, o', ¿nd pr¿yet'o God earneflly so dehuer him ,th»t be nuy veitb more freedom ¿nd commodityferite him ¿e be defiretb. I. Vnto(<) the end the Pfalmeof Dauid. «This Pfalme is alfo aconuenicnt prayci' for anie Chrift! in in tribulation. VdgJ" me, o Lord.becaufe I hauewalked in my innocencie: and Ihoping in cur Lord I fhal not be weakned. (bj Be Jtou,o God,arbiter of the caufc between Saul and me,thou k noweft my ne innocencie in this behalfc,though I am vniuftly charged by Saul and his freinds. a. (c iProue me Lord, and tempt me : burne my reynes and my hart. (r) Left perhaps I be not fo innocentas! delire, and asinrefpc&of Saul I hope that I am,doc t hoi O God proue meas thou wilt by tribulations. j. Becaufethy mcrcic is before mine cics x.and lam wel pleafed in thy truth. . 1 ( J) haue not finen with the Councel of-vanitie : and with them that oevniuft things I wil not enter in. S Dauid (d) in confidence of a good confcience,andzcleagainft the wickcd.alleadΡeth his finccre proceeding, more then ordinarie men may doe, God foinfpiring lira extraordinarily. 5. I " haue hated the Church of the malignant: and with the impious I wil not fitte. 6.1 (e) wil waih my hands among innocents : (f) and wil compafie thy altar,o Lord: (r)Thercft of this Pfalme euerie Prieft recitethin Mafie,before he offer the holie Sacrifice, profefsing & putting himfelfeinmemoric,thathc muft only communi­ cate with the innocent,or of pure confidence, (f j and fo approdi to the A.tar. prefi¡¡•red Lxnit. 6.V.4. 7. Thatl (^) may heare the voice of praife, and (A) shew forth al thy meruclous workes. (¿) Shutting the cares of myhait from euiland vaine thoughts I wil attend to godileinfpirations , (h)and fo with mental prayer andextemal voice ( as the hoiie order of this facred office rcquircth)praifc thee, o God, in thy memelous works. 8. Lord 1 haue loued (») rhebeautieof thy houfe, and theplaceof (f) the habitation of thy glorie. (i)Ican nor but Angularly lone the excellende of this place dedicated to thy feruicc. where is true faith,vnitic.and cha ritte of thy pcoplc.the gv.-.rd of liolic Angels, theadininiftration or facred my fterics, or theHolie Ghoft,real prcfcucc of Chrift our Lordai replenished with Diuine maieftic. (k) ‘1 hisrcprcfcnteth vnton e the glorious hcaucnlic kingdom ofGod andai Saints. 9. (/) Deltroy not, o God,my foule with the impious,and my life w ith bloudic men. J Dauid s pray diftrefied in perfecution. The 8. key. THE 5*_____ BOOK (/) Suffer me not therfoie to be contaminate by the wicked, nor tobe dcuoured with them. io. In whole (w) hands are iniquities : their (») right hand is rcplenimed with guifts. (mJ They areftil readieto commit more and more iniquities. (») Themfelues being corrupted,endcauour by guifts of worldly commodities to corrupt others Ji. But (ej lhaue walked in mine innocencie: (/>) redeeme me, andhaue merde on me. (») Euerie one ought fo to purge his confcience , that he may be innocent or free from great firmes (p) Deliucr me from this ncceflitie ofdwelling among the wicked. n.My «’footchath flood in*hedircéì way: in (r) the Churches 1 wil bleffethceo Lord. (9) I intend to walke right, (r) I delire to praife thee amongft thy true faithful (eraants. ANNO TATIONS. PSALME IA lingular r, affliction . n<> behindeBcdjrom Gods [hue fcruicc. Chriftians Imuli abhorre, •nd abbaine from al con ■ Uenticlcs of |llerekes and odici Infidels. XXV. f. I hateehtnedihechtrrthefthemalignmt. ) Holie Dauid forced by reafon of perfecution to dwcl amongfk Infidels the Phili it ians ¡ after he had twife fpared King Saules life(i.Reg.i4.v.i.5c.c.a6.T.p.;lamcnted(v. 9.) howgreat afihdrion it was to him, to becaftcut, that he cauls mt dvrtl tn the inheritance of o»r Lord (where God was rightly ferued )andthat his enemies had done fo much as in them lay, to make him fai into idolatrie, by their fafl , as it were faying : (JveftirueflrangeGodj. Neuerthe les his zcle was fuch,that (ashehcre profefleth ) he hated the Church of the malignant: that is,the congregations of almifcreants : & his immaculate religious puritie was fo perfeit,that he would not fo much as in external shew conforme his actions to theirs,in matters of religion, nor veald hisbodilie prefence in their conuenticles,but faid : ith th: impiota I-evil mt pt. Inftruiting vs Chriftians < for the word to the end in the title sheweth that this Pfalme perteyneth alfo vs ) that we mud both hate the church or congregations of the malignant , to wit,ofPaynitns,Iewes, Turkes, and Hcretikes, and n»t ^r. nor peiTonally be prtfent with them in the excrcifc of their falfe pretended religions. P SALME XXVI. And other eon. paniJ being in great difreffe through persecution, and honing offered confidence in fc.lent prayer »f Dauid in God, defribeth the greatfecuritie of Gods prate ilion,;7. sheveth the fame ex­ tribulation. perienced in himfelf 11. prayethfor continuance thcrof 1 3. and encourageth bis The 3. key. erwnefoule, in hope of life euerlafltng, toperfeuerin ~>ertue.. I. The Pfalme of Daui¿ )*) before he was annoynted. (a) Before his fécond annointing, as is probable. 1. Reg. 1. V R Lord is (t) my illumination, and (c;my faluation , () decline not in wrath from thy leruant. • fo) In the meanc time, o Lord, grant me thy fauour, (p) leauemenot, though thou be angrie with me. Be (j) thou my helper : forfakeme not, neither defpife me,o God my Sauiour. ■ (^)He fpeaketh in the perfon oforphanes. 10. Becaufe (r) my father and my moth er haue forfaken me : but our Lord hath taken me. fr)Though carnal parents forfake the iuft man in tribulation, yet God hath then moft fpccial care of him. 11. Giuc me (J')alaw, o Lord,in thy way : (1) and direct me inthcright path, becaufe of mine enemies. (fi Eftablish my hart in thy law. (fiConferuemcin the right way, which thou haft already taught me: and it is the more necefiarie , becaufe myne enemies laoour to peruert me. H.Dcliuer me not into (A-) the foules of them that trouble me : becaufe (tr) vniuft witneffes haueriicn vp againft mcrand iniquity hath lyed (a) Tom. 1. H toi-fele. 5 8_____________________THE BOOK__________________ toit-fclfe. (v) Whewiis.(w) Falfc witnefies accufcdDauid , others accufed Chrift: Mat 16. others doc ftilaccufe the iuft Aiai. $. (a)The wicked plcafe themfclucs in lying, but the chief hurt finally turnethvponthcmfclues. i;.I (j) bclicue to fee thee good things of our Lord, in the land of the liuing. (/>The Prophet' and al iuft men arecófortcd by God,and hope of reward in hcauc. 14- (^,) Expeét our Lord, doe manfully : and (a) let thy hart take cou­ rage, and (¿) expeét thou our Lord. (Ç)The iuft'exhortcth his ownc foule to patience, (a) fortitndc, (b) anlonganimitie. PSALME An other prayer ofDa|lid for deliuenc from euils The 8. key. XXVII. Dauid prayeth to be defended from the eterniti deftrufiion of the wicked, 4. which ( byway of imprecation, or conformine to Gods milice ) he prophecieth. 6. F ce­ lino by mfptratton that bis prayer is heard, rendreth thankes to God, 9. and prayethfor al the people. I. Pi’alme to Dauid himfelfe. O thee, o Lord, 1 wil crie, my God (x) keepe not filence from me: Tleft at any time thou hold thy peace from me , & I ihal be like to them that goe downe into thelake. («) Omit nottocomfort inc. 1. Heare, o Lord, the voice of my petition whiles I pray to thee: whiles I lift vp my hands to thy holie temple. e. (b) Draw me not together with finners: and with them that worke iniqtiitie deftroy me not. (b) Suffer me not to be cuereóme : for God tempteth none to euil. lac. I. Which fpcake peace with their neighbour, but euils in their harts. 4. (c)Giuethem according to their workes,& according to the wickednefle of their ¡intent ions. (c) The iuft in zcle of iuftice pray that finne may be punished. According to the workes of their hands giuc vntothem: render them their retribution. 5. Becaufe they haue (J) not vnderftood the workes of our Lord, and in the workes of his hands thou ihakdeftroy them,& (r) not build them vp. (d, Ignorance doth not excufewhen men may and wil not vnderftand. (e) God faucth not without our cooperation with his grace. biefiedbeour Lord : becaufe he hath heard the voice of my petition. 7. Our Lord is my helper , and tny proteétour : in him my hart hath hoped, and 1 was holpen. And (f) my flesh flourifned againc: & with my wil I wil confefic to him. 6. (f Being comforted in fpirite my bodie is as it were refreshed.(gJFreely St gladly• S.Our Lord is the itrengthofhis people : and he is \li) the protecteur of (b) God OF P S A L M E S. 59 thcfaluations of his annotated. (h) God proteilcth and profpcretb the Kings good endeauours for hit people. 9. Saue (i) thy people, o Lord, and bleflethine inheritance ; and rule them, and extol them for euer. (>) AsPfal. 19.and often clswhere the CubieSs pray for their Supérieur cfomu­ tually thefuperiour prayeth for the fttbiefts. PSALME XXVIII. The Church J"-* royal Prophet feeing tn fpirit the moftfiicred Myfhries, brought by chrtff into lofChrift en­ this -world, inutteth al to offer their befi things , euen themjelues -wholly , asfi­ dowed v ith erfice of , for fo excellent benefits , preached with magnificence. 5. excellent my fteries. "Wherby innumerable aregathered into bis Courch,here replenished -withgrace, The ¿.key. and in heauen Toilbglorie. 1. The Pialme ofDauid,"inthe confummation (4) of the tabernacle. (a) l. Reg. *. ». I7. 1. Par. 16.V. 1. ANNOTATIONS. 1. In nnfanmatim of ibe tubemacle. ) The feuentic Interpreters teftifie by adding 104. tthis title,that _KmgDauid __________ made this Pfalme ( as hedid alfo fonie others ; when the loy.&c ArkeofGod was brought into the tabernacle, which hchad pitched for it inSion. i Rtj. (. i. “Paral. it. Whcrin hefaw by proheticalfpirite , and herevttereth other farre greater myfterics,& more excellent benefits, brought into the world by thrift, and preached by him , and his Apoftles, then agreed to the Arke , or the time of the oldTcftament ¡but are verified inthe admirable fruite of innumerable people ofal nations, and of manie great Potentates conuertedtoChriftianitic. Mvfterie' of the Cacho»1» i Church prophcciedin th; Plainte. T) R i N o (b) to our Lord ye children of God: bring to our Lord (c)the -^-'fonnes of rammes, Offer facrifice of thanites for the fingular benefits after recounted in thisPfalRammes were of the more principal things that were offered in the law of Moyfes.But the fonnes of rammes import in myftical fenfe better hofts then rammes. (t (e) а. Bring to our Lord (d) glorie and honour, bring to our Lord glorie vnto his name : adore ycour Lord (e) in his holie court. (d) The firft thing in facrifice is to glorifie, honour , and adore God in finceririe of fuirite, (e) in his holie Catholikc Church. î.Thevoice of our Lord (/) vpon waters, the God of (g~) maieiliehath (h) thundred : Our Lord vpon (i) maniewaters. 4. The voice ot our Lord (4)ta power: the voice of our Lord(/j in ma­ gnificence. 5. Thevoice ofourLord (m) breaking ceders: and our Lord fhal breake the (n) coders of Libanus: б. And heihalhreakethem in pieces as a (0) calie of Libant beloued as (j) the fonne of vnicorncs. y.The voice of our Lord (r) diuidingthe flame of fire. ——————jfj— S.The tío___________________ THE BOOK i 8. The voice of our Lord (f) fnaking the defect, and our Lord lira! I nioue (») the defert of Cades. Ip. The voice of our Lord (>) preparing * Harts, and he fnal difeouer - céricosthicks woods: and in (x) in his tempie al fnal lay glorie. 10. Our Lord maketh ( y ) to inhabité the floud: and our Lord (ffff ilia! lit King for cuer. Our Lord ( 4 ) wil giuc ftrength to his people : our Lord ( ¿ ) wil blcfle his people in peace. (f) Here is a greater matter intimated then happened in the bringing of the Arkeintoa taoernade prepared in Sion, when Dauid danced , and ottered hoftes ' tor facrifice, others loyning with him in that folcmnitic. But this-voice y our Lord vpon maters u rather verified or our Blcfi'cd Sauiours ownc preaching with (g; ma teflie f/i ) thundering, by his Apoftlcs vponfi j manie water s, manie nations.' ("/ing,as hxumg indeed yovver , net at the Scribes and Pharfes. Mat. 7,-r. »9. Cm ) Rreuhing cedars! among innumerable others, connecting higher!Potentates Çn)«f Liisnur, Empereurs,Kings,and greareft Prin­ ces or the world: (0) as a calfeof Linón arfo meekly fubmitting themfeluesto Chriits yoke,and fpiritualobedience of his Church, (p; Al which is done by Chrift our Lord the bcloued or God, (cy as thcfmne of -unicornes , is moi! tenderly beloued by the parents, (r) Tnis voice of our Lord diuiding theflame offire, The JHolic Ghoft procee­ ding from the Father and the Sonne, came vpon the Apoftlcs , as in diuided tongs of fire. (/■} Whcrwixh 'the deferì, the Gentils of the wide and wild world, were shaken and moued, (1) the de/ertof Cades, foineor the Icwes alfo compunct in hart witnremorfeof confcicncc ,hearingtthc voice of Saint Peter and other rtpofiles. ( -J) T he fame voice of our Lord preparing harts, infpiring the minds o. men with fpeed, like hynds and docs, to afeend the high hils of free and perred life, in contempla­ tine venues. (w) So our Sauiour shal difeouer the thickf -j-uoods, reucile rhe bidden Myftcrics of the old Law, by preaching Chriftian doftrine , and vfe or Chriftian Religion (x) in hit holic Temóle, theCatnolikc Church, wherin al true Chriftians shal glorifie Gul. (y ) Making the great aooundance of people, who arc like the fea when it ouerflovveth the land , to d wel ill the fame Chur ch. ( ¿i) Chrift our Lordfining, | & ruling King ouer al for euer: (a) by his grace gating ftrength to hie people, to palle ! through tire tentations of tliis life,(Íi)andí>íe¿fetheiuftwiíh eternalpeace in hcauen. PSALME Dauid rendeKing Dauid by "voice and inf rument rendreth lisantes to God for bit peaceable refn thankes Jiote in the Kingdom, 5. tnuiteth others to reioyce in Gods benefits , ten thing for hiseftablishment in by hit avene example that God fometimes gtuub more comfort, femetimes his Kingdorae. shewetbhit wrath, but alfor our good, The 8. ¡rey. I. A () fomerimes fuireiethvs ro ' our owne weakenes, < <¡ ) rheriore wc muft fill cn« anayraj for Gods helpc, (r) in manner here exprefled or the like. 10. (r) What profite is in my bloud,whiles 1 defeend into corruption5 Shal duft confcflc to thee,or declare thy truth5 11. Our Lord hath heard, and had mcrcic on me: our Lord is become my helper. n.Thou haft turned my mourning into ioy -vnto me : thou haft cut my fackdoth,and haft compafled me with gladnes. i^.That (/) my glorie may ling to thee, andlbenot compu net : Lord my God for cucr (r) wil I contefseto thee. ( f)I-in ally in this my good ftate (t)l shal alwayes coniche andpraife thee. ■H ; PSALME 6z THE BOOK PSALME low to pray liaffliiiion. he 7. key. XXX. sprayer of a tuf man exceedingly affliti ed, fill confident tn .Defending his mame calamities (in refpeft of his enemies ) yndefêrued, 18. prayeftfor hts owne delusene,and their tufi punishment. zo.Praifeth and thankyth Godfor htsgoodnes.zq.exhorteth al others to doe the fame. i.Vnro (a) the end,thePfalmeofDauid,for (t) exceflëof mind. (a; Perteyning to the new Tettamene: (ijefpecially to theiuft troublcd:& almoft diftraited in mind in great affliction.S«.».*j. N thee o Lord (c)¡ haueI hoped, (d) let me not be confounded for I euer.-inthy iufticc deliuer me. PA 70. (rjHtw grieuouíly íbeuer I am afflicted yeti truft in thee/djthcrforel pray thus. 3. Incline thine earc to me, make half: to deliuer me. Bevuto me fora God protedtour: and fora houfe of refuge.that thou may ft faue me. 4. Becaufe thou art my ftrength.and my refuge : and for thy name thou ! wilt conduit me,and wilt nouriih me. 5.Thou wilt bring me out of this fnare, which they haue hid for metbecaufethou an my proteôour. 6.1nto(r)thy hands I commend my fpirittthou haft (f) redeemed me,o . Lord God of truth. frjl offer and refigne mv fclfe to thee//';Thou haftoften deliucred me.This verfe ismoftaptly applied in al refignations of our foules to Gods'rii , namely whenfoeuer we recciue theB.Sacramcnt : likewife in the houre of death, and at manie other rimes. 7. Thouhaft hated them that obferue vanities,vnprofitably. ; But I haue hoped in our Lotd:8.Ishalrcioyce and be-ioyful in thy mer­ de. i Becaufe thou haft refpetfted my humilitie,thou haft faued my foule out 1 of ncceftities. ! 9.Neither (^yhaftthouihutmevpinthehandsof theenemie: thouhaft ; fet me ícete in a large place. lo.Haue merde vpon me,o Lord,becaufe I amintribulationtmyneeieis troubled for wrath,my ioule,and my bcllie; ll.Becaufe(t)my life is decayed for forrow : and my yeares for gronings. (h) Al my parts external and internal,body and mind are troubled. My ftrengrh is weakened forpouertie-, and my bones are troubled. ta.Aboue al myne enemies I am made a reproach,both to my neighboursexceedingly:and (i) afeareto my acquaintance. (>) My ireinds dare not conucrfe with me, left they incurre difplcafure for my fake. They that faw me,fled forth from me : 13.1 am forgotten, from the hart as one dead. 1 am ___________ OF PSALME S.________________ ój I am made as a vcifcl deftroyed : 14. becaufel haue heard the reprehen­ den of manie that abideround about: In that whiles, they affemblcd together againft me, they confulted to take my foule. 15. Butl haue hoped in thee.o Lordtl fayd,Thou art my lots are in thy hands. Deliucrme outof the hands ofmy enemies, and from them that petfecute me. 17. (k) Illuftratethy faccvponthy Ternane//) faue me in thy mercier (k)Makc thy light fo shine in my foule,that I may mderftand that is right//) And through tiiy mcrcic deliuer me from the forceof myne aduerfaries. 18. Lordlet me not be confounded,becaufel haue inuocated thee. Let the impious be ashamed, and brought downe intohel: ip. let the de­ ceitful lips be made mute. Which fpeakc iniquitie againft the iuft (m) in pride and (») abufe. (m)So proudly bchauing thcmfelues, as if they had no fuperiour. neither in earth nor in heauen,to whom thay shal at laft render account/») and abufing their prefent power and authoritie,which they haue of God. 10. How great is the multitude of thy fweetnefle,o Lord,which thou (o)haft hid for them that feare thee. Thou haft perfited it for them that hope in thee, (^) in the fight of the children of men, n.ThouV^ihalthidethem inthefccretof (r) thy face from the difturbance of men. fo) As yet in this prefent life the reward of, the iuft is hid : (p) but shalbemade manifeft in fight ofal men. (9) In the mcane time the iuft is in great eltimatioain the fecrct knowledge of God. Thou.-sbal protect them in thy tabernacle from the contradiction of tongs. 11. Bleífed be our Lord ¡ becaufe he hath made hismercie mcrueiious to me in the fenied citie. 13. But J haue faid in (f1 the exceifc of my minde: I am cafe away from the fight of thine eies. f f) In myne extreme affliction being almoft diftrafted in my mind, I fayd that in rea ion I would not haue fayd. Holielobfpake fome tilings in fuchftateof affliction. <«p.}.&4t. Thcrfore thou haft heard the voice of my prayer, whiles I cried to thee. 14. (r) Loueour Lord al ye his Saints : becaufe our Lord wil require truth,& wilrepay themaboundamly that doe proudly. (r)Thc Prophet,or other iuft perfon,exhorteth al the feruants of God (•») toconftancic. 15. Docye ("v) manfully, and let your (w) hart take courage, al ye that (x) hope in our Lord. (w, Longoniinitie/xJ and final perfcucrance to the end. P SALME THE 64 BOOK Psalme.. /.XXL Ill- fécond nìtcntiàl Forginenes offinnes is a happte thmgi^jvoberto manie are brought hy affli flion gl­ uing them ynderflandingfo moutng them to confefe their firmes,6 .pray for re­ misión,10.not défaire , bitt hope in Gods mersic, andfo reioycewtth jinctre hart. I. To- (a) Dauid himfelfe "vnderftanding.' (4) This Pfalme sheweth how Dauid wasbrought to vnderftand his fumes, to co.'.fciTe,bewaylc,and obtainc remillion of them. Lf. ssed are they,(¿)whofe iniquities are forgiuen: and" whofc fin­ Bnes c be couered. rç»m. 4. i.Pw.4. (inner is the forgiuenes of his'finnes. (c) By charitie, which couereth the multitude of finnes. i.Pet.4. (b) The firft blcfsing of a 2. Blcfied is the man, to whom (d) our Lord hath " not imputed finne," neither is there (<■) guile in his ipirir.. (d Satisfaction being madc.(r) When finners repent fincerely without guile, then God forgiuetli'.without which cooperation none is iuftified. *• ’. Bccaufe (f)l held my peace, my bones are * inuctcrated , (g) whiles I cried al the day.. WM- hhey f/jBecaufel acknowledged nottny grieuous finnes, I was ftil fore afflicted: (¡) •»» tr though otherwife I ceafc d not to pray ,but without any fruit or good effect. 4. Becaufe day & night thy hand is made beauie vpon me:l (h) am turned in my anguiih,whiles (i) the thorne isfaftned. old. (■fi^Thy diuine prouidence reducing me,(i)by remorfe of myne ownc conference, which telleth me that I deferite al this affliction. $.(k)I haue made my linneknowentotheezandmy iniuftice I haue not hid. (kjTherfore I doe no longer diffemble with men , nor am filent to thee, but exprefly acknowledge my finnes. I faid:1 wil confefle againft me my iniuftice to our Lord : and thou haft forgiucn the impietie or my finne. 6.For this (f) shaleuericholieoncpray to thee, in time conuenient. But yet (m)in the floud ofmanic waters, they lhal („) not approche to him. (I) Asl doe nowrecal my fel.'e being ftruckcn with Gods hcauic hand > fo muft cuerieonc that wil bepurged fromhis finnes and fan ft i bed prajnothte, whenheis affliftc.l/»1/Thoughcalamities be meruelous great like >» a deluge:(n)yet they shal not oppreffe him,that relieth vpon God.- 7. my reruge from tribulation,which hath compaffcd me : my exultation,deliuer me from them that compafle me. 8. I (0) wilgiuethee vnderftanding,and wilinfiniti thee in theway, that thou (halt goe: 1 (p) wil faften mine eies vpon thee. (0) Godfpcaketh , promifing by thefetribulations dmg and inftruftion: (p) with perpetual proteftion. togiuehisfernants vnderflan- 9. Doe (^) not become as borie and mule , which haue no vnderftan­ ding. _________________________ (?) Be I ----- - O F PS ALMES. () Be ioytul in our Lord and reioyce ye iuft, and glorie al ye right ofhart. (■v)Thccadof true penance is ioy,to- which therfore the Prophet inuiteth al ptnix ents. i ANNO TATIONS. PSALME. XXXI. r. f'nderflanding.') ’Sftten Dauid had finned and fomc-while neglcded to con- .Vexation gi fede his fault, Gods merde by aftliâion made him to vnderftand his owne cítate, luethvnderwho then rcpcndng.conft: ding,and forowing for his finnes,made this Pfaime: » hich Ttanding. is therfore intitled (■’nderftandinp or hftruliion of Dauid. It eiueth ss alio to vndcr- Sinne muft fund,and to know,faith S.Auguftin , that wc muft neither truft in our ownemerits, ¡punished, nor ptefume to efeape punishment of filine. Thy firft vnderftanding therdore 01 le (Ton,muft-be,to know thy fclf to be a finncr.Thcnext is,that when w ith faith thou Good works bcgsnncft to workc wclby lone, thou attribute not this to thyne owne ftrcngrh,but larcofgrace, grace of God. m epift. to the finnet arecouered.1.not imputed. ) Caluin and his complices gather pov - iProteftants «d c. fon i.vphefe of thefehoiic words,denying that finnes arc truly taken a way,but couercd. ¡expound thii and ftil remayne fay they in the iufteft.Which fenfe would make this Scripture con­ ¡place contra trarierò other places.Ifaie ó.Thvne iniquitie shal be taken away, and thy finneshal to mam oth be clean fed Joan. i.The labe of God which taketh away the finnes of the world.Ad. clccrc places j.Bcpenitent & conuert,that your finnes may be put out. 1.Cor. «. You arc washed, you arc fanSified,vou.arciuftified:& the like,which shew the true real taking awav offinncs.true fanâification and. iuftification. AsS.Ierome for feme other ancient authentical Authour)explicateth this place fayingiSinnes are fo couered by bandirne Contrarie to Sí penice,that they are not tobereuealed in the day of iudgemet, nor imputed in him the expofid that diligently purgethhimfclfe in this world,or by marry rdom.S.Auguftin teacheth lot ancient ia thcfameJayingtSinnes are couered,ate wholly couered,are abolished. Neither mail tilers. you vnderftandffaithhe)that finnes are couered, as though ftil thev were , & lined. Why then did the Pi ophet fayifinnesare couercdfThey are not to be punished. More cleerly li. i.c.i j.cont.dms Epift Pclag. The Pelagians calumniating Catholikes, as if they taught .that finnes are not taken away, but shaucn , ashaires are cut with anaforiche rootesremaining in the ftcsh:»vhxk fhe anfwereth ) none «ffirmnh but an infidel Likewife S. Gregorio teacheth , that a finner couereth his finnes welwhen with contrarie verrues he oiierwhehneth former vices,and with good deeds blottcth out. former cuil dccds.He couereth them eil, when cither for shame.or fcare,ort>b- God couerin ftinacic,or defperation.he conccalcth is finnes , omitting to confefl'e thcm.God co­ or not impu­ uereth finnes,as a phifition couereth applying medicinal plafter, which ting finnes indeed curcththem.Thus ancient learned holie Fathers expound this text.Further exdotiiquitc tai Tom. z. I plicacing, them away. THE 66 BOOK cheating, that albeit things couered,-and only therhy hidfiom men,* doc remainc , as thev were before they were hid, vet whatfoeuer is hid to God , is indeed vttcrly contrarie taken away,for nothing that is ,can be hid from God. And the contrarie -dottrine ine isin- ot Protcftantsis injurious cither toGod? power, if they fav he can not quite take ■ us to God finnes ; -or to his merde , if he wil not ; or to his iufticc , ir lie nouer punish ‘ finnes euer remavning > and to his truth,if he repute other» ife, then indeed the I Chrift.thing is. It is allo injurious to Chrift, to fay, his bioud and. death is not effetìual ■to take away finnes: injurious to innumerable places of holie Scriptui e, which affir­ me plainly that finnes by Gods grace arc vtterly taken aw ay: Finally,itis injurious turcs. to Saints in heauen , arguing them as ftil inreited whhfinnes , if indeed finnes yet To glorified remaine in them : which is moft abfurdc, andblafphemic to fpcakc. And yet folowSaints. cthby neceffarie confequcnce. For if the iufteftliued & died in finne, they should remaine eternally in finne. 1. Neither it there guile tn hit fpirit. ) In remiffion of finnes the penitent neceffarlly raneéis ane- muft fo cooperate, that he haue no guile in hisfpi it .or hart. For if hehaue , then ceflarie’difpo- hefaiiethot the forefaidbleffcdnes,and his iniquities are not lorgiuen, nor his fin­ tion to remil­ nes couered to God,buttobe imputed and punished. Yet the repentance of a finner be lion of finne. it ncuer fo fincere , hartie, and without -guile,doth not mente remifsion ot finne, After remiffió but o ily difpofeth thcrto.Bitt after remifsion it isfatisractorie for the paino due ¡or it is fati sfatto­ finnes,and meritorious of glorie. According as S. Auguftin here teacheth faying: ne and meri­ Good for meritorious ) workes goc not before faith and remifsion , but folow the fame. torious . PSALME XXXII. The pcrfecliú Toe Prophet exhorte th to praife G¡><¿,4. describing his power, providence,mercte, of Gods| wor ¿nd wifdom. t6.No filimi ion but by him : 20. ^índ therefore prajetbfor bis kes Idcfcribcd. helpe. ffhei. key. ThcPfalmeof Dauid. 1. D E i o y c e yeiuft {4) in our Lord : (A) praylingbecommeth the *■*> righteous. (4) Not in your fclucs.fiJPraifc is not comelie in the mouthof a finner. Fedi.: f. 2. Contefle ye to our Lord on (c)theharpc;on(¿) a pfaitcr often firings ling to him. (e) In mortification,offering your bodies a lining hofte , Korn. 11. (d)Ofthisinftrument this booke is called the Pfaltertand it fignifieth theobferuationof the ten commandments, without which no praife yleafctn God. j. Sing yeto him ( t) a new fong : ling wel to him in iubilation. (r) Praifing God for the grace of Chrift in the new teftament. 4. Becaufe the (/) word of our Lord is right, and al his workes are (g) in faith. (f) Gods rules and precepts are moft iuft and right.(¿)He performed! whatfocuer hepromifeth. y. He loueth (/;) mcrcie and iudgemcnt:Thc earth is ful of the mcrcieof our Lord. (b) God euer ioyneth thefe vertues together. 6 .By (i) the word of our Lord theheauens are eilablifhcd : and by the fpirit of his mouth al the power of them, f) Gods 0 F P S A LME S. 67 (1) Godsvord isomnipotcnt 7. Gathering together the waters ofthe fea, as it wer" in a bottel: putting the depths (4) intrcafures. (It) Vnlr nowen,as richeshid infecta places. &•. Let al the earth feare our Lord r and let al the inhabitants of the world be moued at him. 9. Becaufe he faid, and they were made : he commanded and they were created, 10. Our Lord(í) diilipateththecounielsof nations: and he reproueththe cogitations of people,and he reproueth the counfels of princes. (1) As in Babylon he confounded their tongues.' . ii. But the coumel of our Lord abydeth foreuer,the cogitations (»)of his hart in generation and generation. («•) His abfolutc vil is alvayes fulfilled. n.Blcfieuisthenation,whofeGodisourLordahe people whom he hath chofen lor his inheritance. (»)The people ot Ifraeliu the oldteftament : and Chriftiansof ai nationsinthc nev. t;.Our(o) Lord hath looked from heauen:he hath feeti al thechildren of men.. 14. From his prepared habitation he hath looked vpon al that inhabite the earth. 1$. Who (f.Jmade their harts feuerally ; who vnderftandeth al theirworkes. . (p)Gods wifdom infinit. 16.The(y) King is not fatted by much power; and the gy ant shal not be faued inthe multitude of his ifrength. (<¡) No pover in earth is of anie force vithout God. 17. Thehorfefayleth (r)to iatctie,(/) andin the aboundance of his force he fhal not be faued. r) Of his mailer (f) or of himfelfe. 15. Bcnold the eics of our Lord be vpon them that feare him:and on them, that hope vpon his merde. 19. Th at he may deliuer their foules from death: and nouriih them in fa­ mine. 10. Our foule expeârthour Lord ; becaufe he is our helper and protctfrour. nJkcaufe inhimour han shalreioycetand we haue trailed in hisholie name. (i) Let thy merde,0 Lord,be made vpon vs,as we haue hoped in thee, (r jO God voichhaft alpcrxeâioa)shci»' thy morete in protoôing&fauing al that ituftinthcc. Ii, PSALME ______________ THE i 64 B O O K PSALM E Gods prouidcnce. The 3. key. XXXIII. King Dauidby bis t'wnc example, being deliuered from danger , exhort elb al men to render than bes for Gods benefits: 1 x. shewing wberm sufisee confifteth, Z6. and-Godsfpeccai prouidenceaowards the suf}. This Pfalmeis I. ToDauid, when "hechanged his countenance before fa) Abime- ilfocompofcd lech,and hedifmift him,and he went away (i.^yg.zt.) in order of the («) His proper name was Achis , 1. Reg. 11. but alKings ofPalcftina were called Alphabet. Abimcl} Contrarivifc thofc that accept of his grace, shal finally not offend. ANNOTATIONS. PSALME. XXXIII. I. Ht chtngtd bit countmtmt. ) S. Auguftin bv holic Dauids changing of his £ fecrer great countenance, and by changing the King of Geth his name, who in die booke of imifreriein the Kings 'where the hiftorie is recorded,. iscaUedAchis.andhercAbimelech, gathc- •titleof this reth that here is an hidden, and great Myfteric. Which he explicatcth partly by in- ¡Pfaimc. i terpneution-of the Hebrew names, but morcefpecially by.Dauids changing of his I countenance , which.prefigured Chrift , eternal God, becomming alfo man,and fo I malting great changes in the world. Foras Dauid killed Goliath, and for his good I aft got enuic, fo Chrift ktling the diucl, and humiiitic in Chrifts members killing i pride, arc perfccuted by the wicked. For Chrift was both to the ruine , and Refur- 'Some become ■ reftion pf manic. He changed Sacrifice and Prirftltood. The lewes bad facrificc 0»orfe, feme according to theorderof Aaron, in viftims of cattle, and this was in myftcric. better by .For there was not then thcSacrifice of-the bodie and bloud of our Lord : which the Chrift. faithful, and thofe that haue read the Ghofpcl doc know, which Sacrifice is now Sacrifice and fpread in al the round earth. A litlc after; The Sacrifice of Aaron is taken away,and Pricfihood the 'acifice according to the order of Melchifcdech began to be. He therfore, I changed. nor who, changed his countenance.1* Let it not be, I Unovr not who .for our ¡ Lord lefus Chrift. issknovenjde would haue our health tobe in his bodie and bloud.! From whence did he commend his bodie and blond f from his httmiiitie.! For vnles he were humble, he would neither be eaten nor drunke. beholdRÿod moft his highnes ; In the beginning was rhe Word, and the Word was withGod.Jhighisbcand God.rbr Word. Loe thecucrlaftingmeate,and Angclscatc it , fupcrnal powers comelow. cate it. celeftial fpirits cate it, and they cate , and are fatted, and the thing remai­ ned! whole, which fatiatethand rciovccththem. How then hath tire wifdome of HeisourfaGodfedvs with the fame bread?! he Word was made fiesh and dwelt in vs. It were cramcntal too Ion" to recite this great Doflours whole difcourfc. He further shewethtbat meate. I Chrift difmifr'cd thelewes, and went front them to the Gentils. Thou feekeft now Chrift left tht I Chrift Haith he} among thelewes , and findeft him not : becaufehe hath changed lew es & rectiI his countenance. For they {licking to the facrificc according to the order of Aaron. ued the octiis 1 ' ' ’ I—f ht I d THE BOOK held not the Sacrifice according to the order ef Melchifedech, and haue loft Chrift: and the Gentils haue begun to haue him. Againe, this holie father willeth vs to file real preremember the Ghofpel : When our Lord lefus Chrift fpake of his bodie , he faid: le»cc of Chrift Voles you cate the flesh of the Sonne of man, and drinke his bloud , you shaLnot (utile Sacra­ hanc Lire in you : occaufe he liad changed his countenance , this feemed as furie and mene, madnes vnto them, to gtue his flesh to beeaten of men , & his bloud tobe dnmkc, tnerforc Dauid was reputed madde before Achis , when he fáid : you haue brought rliis maddeman vntome. Dothit not feeme madnes: Eate yc myBesh, anddrinke my bloud t rie feetned tobe madde. Thus S. Auguftin. Neuer imagining the figu­ ratine interpretation of our new Sacramentarles: who fay Chrift gaue no more but a figure of his oodic & bloud, forthen it had been eafily snderftood by the Capharnai:ts, and-no fucn contradiction nor mur muring had happened. YetS. Auguftin iatech. faith more plainly , i. more plaine may be: Chrift caned bmfelfe in hu owne hand/. And'iow this can be done ' brethren ) in man, who can vnderftand c For who is c 3-j-1+ caried in iii .owne hands ? Aman mav by caried in the hands of others, no man is caried in his owne hands. We find not how it can be vnderftood in Dauid according to the letter: but in Chrift we find it. For Chrift was caried in his owne hands, when giuinghis verie bodie, he faid.: This is my bodie ¡.for he caried his bodie in his owne hands. Notonly faith, 14. 15. Stay thy ting , ¿re. ) Both thefe verfes , and frequent other places in the but good wor. Pfalmes, shew plainly that iuftice confifteth not only in faith, but in abftayning Ites with faith from cull and doing good : y et requiring and prefuppofing true faith, without which iuftifie. no workes arc auay table to iuftice, not to eucrlafting life. PSALME XXXIII I. Dauid in figure of chrifi , prophetically byway of ¡nuotatine Godshelpe ,feresbewetb bit perfection . and the tufi reuenge "Vpon hit per/lcutours, 9. with praife to God. 1 5. Hu charme towards hu cruel aduerfaries, 17. v:m neuertbeles God punts be th, 20.'/or pretending peace tn words, and tn fail perfecting : 2 3. rendring tóalas they defer uc. Chrifts perfccation. Die j. key. I. To (x) Dauid himfelf. ( Danid fignifiethbelouedjdcfirable, or ftrong of hand, that is Chrift, aboue al belouedofGod, defired of man , the ftrong conquerour of death and hcl. S. Aug in hunc locum. V D e e ( Z> ) o Lord them that hurt me : ouerthrow them that im­ Ipugne me. (fe) By way of imprecation he prophecieth that God wilouerthrow the perfecutours of Chrift,and ofChriftians. 2. Take ft) armour and (d) ihield : and rife vp tohelpe me. (cj Offenfiue Cd) Dcfcrrfiuc. ’ Bring forth the fword, and (f ) ihut vp againft them, that perfecute me: lay to my loule : I am thy faluation. 3. ' (ejFreoccupateand preuentthe maliceof rhe perfecutour. 4. Let them ( f) be confounded & ashamed,that feeke my foule. (f) Sucha punishment and confufion shal fai in theendvponal the malicious, after that the iuft shal haue ouercome tribulations. Let them be turned backward , and be confounded that thinke euil aeainft O F P S A L M E S. 7! againft me. 5. Bethey made as duft before the face of winde ; and the Angel of our Lord ftreitning them. 6. Let their way be made darkeneffe and flipperneife: and the Angel of our Lord pursuing them. 7. Becauíé they haue hid the deftru&ion of their fnare for me without caufetin vaine haue they vpbrayded my foule. 8. Let the fnare which he knoweth not come on him ; and the net, which he hath hid,catch him: and let him fai into the verie fame fnare. 9. But (r) my foule shal rcioyceinour Lord:and fnal be delighted vpon (/>) hislaluation. (j)In the time of trouble in hope,(A) after deliuerie,in eternal faluation. 10. Al my bones shal fay:Lord,who is like to thee? Deliuering the ncedie from the hand of them that are ftronger then he.the needie and poorefrom them that fpoile him. ;ii.(t)Vniufl witneflesryfing vp, asked methings that (£) I knew not. (i) Such falfc wimcifeedid rife againft Chrtft. Mat. 16. (^Things thatwerenot; for God himfclfe that knoweth al things, knoweth not that which neither was,is, nor can be. 11. They repayed meeuilthing for good, I) fterilitie to my foule. (I) They madepriuatiou of my lite.-verified in Clirift,not in Dauid, for he was killed by his enemies. 15.But 1 who they were troublcOrmeto me,(m)did put on cloth of haire. (»>) Al oar Sauiours life was penance for others .needing n oner for himfelf. 1 humbicu my loutc in taningtand my prayer shal be turned into my I bofome. 14. Asa(n) neighbour,as our brother, fo did I pleafe.-as mourning and iorowful io was I humbled. (n) Ghrift the good samaritane,that relieued the wounded man.Luc.10. 15. And they (c.) rcioyccd againlt me, and (p) came togethct:(j) fccur- 1 ges were gathered togethervpon me, andlwas(r) ignorant. (•P 1) Al this was lulhllcd according to the letter in our Sauiours pa(Fon.(r)Our Lord knoweth not ame iult caule,wny the lewesfo perfecuted him , for they had no iultcaufe but meerc malice. i4. They werediflipated, and not compund, they tempted me , they feorned me with fcorning : they gnashed vpon me with theirteeth. 17.Lord ([) when wilt thou regard? (?) reftorc thou my foule rrotn their malignine,my ne only one from the lions. (/.As Pfal.11.andMat.17.G0d why haft thou forfaken me? not deliuered me from temporal dcath^rot y ealded me fuch confola non ,as thou gaueft other Saints in their agonic? (<) AProphecieof thrifts refurrcâion. ib. I wilconfefictotheein (">)the great Church,in a graue people I w il pray fc thee. (v)Prophecic of the Catholike Church as Pfal.ii. 19. Let them nor reioyce oucr me that are my aduerfaries vniuñly. (w)that hate me without caufe,andtwinckle with the eies. (W) This place is applied by our Sauiour to r j. 20.Ee- 78_____________________ THE BOOK__________________ io. Bccaufe they fpake indecd(x) peaceably to me : and in the anger of the earth fpeakingthey meant guiles. (x) The PharifcesandHerodians laid : Mafter vc know that thou art a true fpeaker &c. meaning to iutraphim al. And they (y ) opened their mouth avvide vpon me ■ they faid, Wei, weljOur cies haue feen. - (y ) Thefame PharifeesandPriefts lodged himworthy of death,and procured the people to crie: Crucifie him. crucifie him. 22. Thou haft feen, o Lord, keep not fdence: me. Lord depart not from (*.} Againc his Refurreftion is propbccied. 2j; Arile and attend to my iudgement : my God, and my Lord vnto my caufe 24. ludgeme according to thy iuftice,o Lordmy God, and let them not reioyce ouerme. 25.. Let them not fay in their harts : Wei, wcl,to our foule: neither let thçm fay , We haue deuoured him. 26. Let (4) them blulh and be aihamed together, that reioyce at my euils. (x'j At the day of iudgement the wicked shal receiuc fentenccof damnation. Let them be clothed with confufion and fhame , that fpeake great things vpon me. ! 27. Let (¿) them reioyce and be glad,thatwil my iuftice: and let them fay alwayes : Our Lord be magnified, that wil the peace of his feruaut. (i) The Blcffcd in eternal glorie. 28. And my tong fnal meditate thy iuftice, thy pray fe al the day. P SALME Gods prolù­ dei! ce. The j. key. XXXV. The Prophet dcfcribeib the wicfed nudici of obfunate finrurs.6. ^igainfi which j heoppofetb Godi infittite goodnes, 9. withhis provident mrreu towards the worft' and ¡ufi reward of ihegead ; 11. praying to efcape the dangeroue gulft of pride. 1. (4) Vntotheend,to (¿) the feruant of our Lord Dauid himfelfe. f More fpecially describing xhe ftate of mea in the new teftament., then indie old. (4) Inftruction for Dauid,not as a King, or a Prophet, but as the poore feruant ■of God. 2. np H e vniuft hath faid within himfclfe, that he (c) would finne; X there is no feare of God before his cies. (c) Wittingly and refojutely preferring wicked life before vertu ous. j. Becaufe he hath done deceitfully inhis fight: (d) dut his illiquide may be found vnto hatred. ( J) God fo hateth finne committed of meere malice, that he commonly reieâeth fuch finners, and more often offcrcth new giace to thofc, that finne of frailtie or ignorance. 4. The words of his mouthare ini quitte, and guile : he (e) would not vnderitand I O F P S A L M E S.75 vn 1er. t and that he might doewcl. (r)Somc ignorance is inuincible, when one hathagoodwil to leame,doing Iiis endeuauour to know the truthin doârine , & his dutie in manners j but can not get knowledge therof. and then he is cxcufcd beforeGod, though he erre in opinion,or in fait ¡others arc negligent tolearne , and their errour is grolle ignorance, and is a iinne, greater or leffe,according to the importance of the thing , which they ought, to leno's. Others are morexi ilful, defiring tobe ignorant : that they may iinne with the lede rcmorfc.or repining of their owne confcience , and this is affcôed igno­ rance, and mod hainous and odious finne. For which God often leauing them de­ diture or ordinarie grace, which he giucthto others, they fai into reprobate fenfc, and into more horrible finnes. 5. He haxlt meditated iniquitic in his bed the hath fet himftift oheuery way not good , anti malice he hath not hated. 6. Lord(f; thy mercicis in heauen : and (’) thy truth euen to the clouds.. (f) God doth not vtterly shut vp his mercic fromthettioft wilful &wickedfinncn,but gi-.ieth them foinctimes good motions , and fufficient helpe, that they may iuftified ,3c faued ,ifthey dot not wittingly harden thtir owne harts , and ilil wilfullv rene! Gods grace.(g; For foGodpomifeth ( who is moft faithful; that he wil forgine finners,and recente them into his fauour againe, whenfocuer they refol.ii ig to ferae him, repent and ceafe to finne. 7. Toy iuiticc asthc hils of God : thy iudgements are great depth. Mcn’& (h) bcaftsthou wiltfaue,o Lord,8. as thou (i)haft multipliedthv mercies God. (h, Thou,o God,that haft care of al creatures , not only of men but alfoof brute beafu, art cucr readicofthy part tofaue both moderate men, in whom the light of reafonremaineth,and alfo grofle fenfcles perfons, which are become brutish like horfc and mule 01 other bcafts. (i) For fo our Lord multiplieth his merde. But the children of men (/) dial hope iu thecouettof thy wings, fk) If ct with condition that fendes or brutish men, muft become reafonable men, the children ot me i, not colts , whelps, pigs &c. (I) Sinners thus conuerted shal not oniv haue al neccfiarics in this lite,as al liuing creamres haue in this world, but. alfo shal hope of Spiritual, heauenly,& eternal gioric prepared for Angels,and chil­ dren ot men : as in theverfes folowing. 9. They fiial be inebriated with the plentie of thy houfe : and with the i torrent ot thy plcafurcthou (halt makethemdriiike. to. Becaufe with thecis the fountaineof life : and in thy light wefhalfce light. 11. Extend thy mercic to them that know thee, and thy iuftice to them, that are of a right iurt. i a. Let (m) notthefoote of pride cometo me ;and let not (nJ the hand ot a linnet moueme. (m)Lcft anie impediment hinder the obtayning and poffefsion of eternal reward, theiuft mult fpceially pray not to neinfefted with pride: (n) nor beouercomeby the forcible tentations of other finners ,by perfwafion , not euil example. ij.Thcrcf») haue they tallen that worke iniquttie tthey were expelled, neither could they Hand. (o'] Th-, firft finne,to wit of diuels, was pride, and mans finne was by perfwafion of the diuel. (p; Neither of which could efeape punishment. Tom. 1. K (fj neither PSALME XXXVI. \ii exhortatio ^tin exhortation net to enuie nor imitatet:e euil, who for moflpartproper in this ©contempt world , and are damned eternally : but to flye euil and doe good, did. confide­ ,i this world. ring that God diuerfly permitted) andpunished) t':e to itfed,and Itfewifc com­ the 7. key. forted) and affittirti) tlx tufi, al for tbetr good, This Pfalme is compofcdin order of the Alphabet, cucriediftick beginning vrith'a diners letter, to mone the reader to diligent attention, w hich may feme in piace of a larger commentarie. i A Piaimc (4) to Dauid himfclf. (4) ForDauids and cilery iuft mans inftrudiion. Ave (b) no emulation toward the malignant : neither enuie them H.hat doe iniquitic, (i)Neither be thou otrended that the wicked doc profperin this world, nor imi­ tate them that thou maift alfo prefpc:. 1. Becaufe (c) they ihal quickciy wither as grafie : and as the bloflbms 01' herbes they filial foone fai. (c )For al this li fe & confcqncntly the profperitic therof is short, and vneertaine. ?. id} Hope in our Lord and doc good : and inhabité the land , and thou (e) inakbefed in the riches therof. (di Put thy truft in God, liuing.content in this world: («) & he wil giucthee that is neccliaric. 4. Be delighted in our Lord: & he wil give thee the petitions of thy hart. 5. (fj Rcucalc thy way to our Lord, and hope in him : and he wil doc it. (fj Commaid althync affaires to God. 6. And he wil (?) bring forth thy iuftice as light : and thy iudgement as ; midday: y.bcfubicct to our Lord, and pray him. (g) Partlv making verrue appeare to the comfort o: the vertuous, and example of others in this lire, but efpecially in the next world. Haue no emulation in him, that profpereth in his way : in a man that doth iniultices. 8. Ceafe from wrath, and leaue furie : haue not emulation that thou be malignant. 9. Becaufe they that arc malignant, ihal be caft out : but they that expeâ our Lord, the lame Ihal infierite (fc) the land. (fey The land of the lining. io. And yet alide while , and the fin^r filial not be : and thou fhaltfccke his place, and Ihal not find it. it. But the mcckc final infierite the land, andfihal be delighted in multi­ tude of peace. tz.Tlie tinner shal obferuc the iuft: & shal gnash vpo him with his teeth. ¡-. But our Lord shal iconic him : becaulche forefectli that his day shal come. t «. Sinnershauedrawen out thefword : they hauebenrtheir bowe; -------------------------" That - -------------------------- O F P S A LM E S. 75 That they may deceiucthe poore and ncedie : that they may murder ; the right ot hart. I 15. Let (i) their owne fwords enter into their harts t and let their bowe ; be broken. ¡ (1) By way ofimprecationfasin manic other places' thePron'.-.ct foresheweth that wicked men shal fai into the euils. which thev prepare for others 16. Better is aiitleto the iuft, abouemuch riches of linnets. 17. Becaufethc armesof linnets ihal be broken in pieces : butour Lord ■comhrmeth the iuft. 1$. Our Lord knoweth thedaiesof the immaculate : and their inheri­ tance ihal be for euer. 19. They Ihalnot be confounded intheeuil time, anti in thedayes of fatninethey ihal be filled : 10. becaufe the finnersftial perish. But the enemies or our Lord forthwith as they fnal be honoured and exalted, vanishing shal vaniih as fmokc. it. The linnet ihal borrow, and not pay : but the iuft is merciful and wil giue; ax. Becaufe they that bleffe him dial inheritc the lád : but they that curfc him Ihal pcrilh. aj.Withour Lord the ftcpof man shal be directed : and he shal like wcl of his way. 14. When (/•'heshal fai, he shal not be brufed : becaufe our Lord putteth his hand vndcr. if U Though the iuft ral of frailtie or ignorance into venial finne . vet Gods trace shal ftay him tint he fai not into mortal. The iuft fallcth feuen times in the dà-. , & rifeth. Prou. 14. 15.1 hauc bccnyong,forl am old : and I haue not feen the iuft forfaken, (/) nor his feede lecking bread. , (1'SoKingDauidobferued : audit very rarely happeneth, that the iuft or their * ’’ children arc deftitutc of ncccil.i ie fuftenance in this world. If it chance in ,ir is to their greater mcrite.and is manitcftly rccompenfed in fpiritual gv.ifu.In which icnfc S. Balii expounded!, chat it is alwayes uerified. ForGod euer rewardeth good » or kcscitncr temporally, orfpiricuallv , or both waves. S. Auguftin aliotco.i. hunc Pfal. ) exemphfiethin Abraham,Ifaac,and lacob with,who were forced to goc into-other countries by rcafon of fami ne,and bv Gods prouidencc weie there fuftatned.-Gen. 11.16.46. andS. Paul among his othertribulations mentioneth famine and tlurft. 1. Cor. 11. v. a,. Seeing therfore thefe fo iuft perfens fought their bread in r.cccfsitie,hc expoundeththisholie Scripture in the Alk-norical fenfe, that the Church from her beginning i.i lerufalcm to tiie end of the world, neucr wanteth the true word of God, true raich and doctrine, which is the fpiritual bread wherwiththc foule is nourished. 16. Al the day he is merciful and lendeth : & his fecdeshalbeinblefling. 17. (m) Decline from euii, & doe good-.and(n) inhabité for euer & euer. (mjlnth.fe tw i princ pies,Declining from cuil and Doing good, true iuftice confi­ darli. (n)Andhcthat finali)’ obferueth thefe two points, meriteth and sha! poll-fie hcauen. 18. Becaufeour Lordloucth iudgcment,and he wil not forfake hi.faints: they shal be preierued for euer. KI T he i___________ ~f6 ___ ________ _____ T HE BOOK Thevniuft shal be punished; and the feed of (he impious shal perish, ip. But the iuft shal inherite the land : and shal inhabite for euer and euer vpon it. -o. The mouth of the iuft shal meditate wifedome, and his tong shal r/a.p. Ipeake iudgement. jl. The law of his God in his han: and his fteps shal not be fupplanted. j2. The linnet confidercth the iuft ; and fcckcth to (o) murder him. (o) Todrawhim to mortalfinnc, which is death of the foule. j;. But-out Lord wil not leaue him in his hands: neither wil he con­ donine him, when iudgement shal be giucn of him. 54. Expect our Lord.and keep his way: and he wil cxaltthee, that thou nnvft inherite the land: when the linnets shal peiishtbou shal: fee. je. I haue feen the impious highly exalted, and aduanced as the cedars o: Libanus. j 6 And 1 palled by, and behold he was not : and I fought him, and his place was not found. 57. Kccpe innoccncie, and fee equitic : becaufe there arc (p) remay nes for the peaceable man. (p) Rewards. 38, But the vniuftshal perish together : the romaines of the impious shal perish. jp Butthefaluationofthe iuftis i'ç) of our Lord : and he is their pro­ tecteur in the time of tribulation. ( thirdly the reft and peace of eternal fclicitie. 1. t Ord ( b ) rebuke me not in thy furie : ( c ) nor chaftife me in l_>.vrath. (éyCondenc me not to eternal painc:(dnor punish me in purgatorie fircjbut purge nie foin this life, that ti e purging fire bentft reedful. Ft which fire (faith S. Aug.) though fonte shal be failed; grauior tauten eri tille ignis,quam quicquid poteft l.omo pati patì in lue rtt.i; yct tl:at fire shal oc more grieuous, die wharfocucr a man can fuffer in thisHfc-S Gregory alfoe::poundcth this fame place,as if Dauid fayd thus.I know it vii come to pafle. that after the end ofthislife, forne shal be clcanfcd by purging Hames fome shal be vnder the fcntccc of eternal damnatio.But becaufe I doe eftceme that trafilerie fire more intolerable then al prefent tribulation , Idefiienot only not tobe rebukedin furie of eternal damnatior. ,butalfolfeare to be purged in the wrath of tranfitoric correption. Thou therfore , o Lord , whom I ferite in my fpirrtcjwbom 1 know tobethc Sauiourof al men,rebuke menor in furie of perpe­ tual damnation,nor chailice me in wrath of purging punishment.5« ^innnat.Pf.6. ;. Becaufc(¿)thy arrowes are fait flicked inni e:and thou hail (e) fait ned thy hand vpon inc. (d)Affii£honsofmindandbodic font by thy iuftiudgcment.(r}Thou haftftruck me with an heauiehand. Thert 4. is(/)no health in my flesh ad(g)thefacc ofthy wrath: my bones ( t) the face ot my fmnes. h*ue no peace at (f) I already feclc al my bones,and powers,great aff.iition,f^}confideting thy iufticc ffe; and my firmes. 5 .Bccau. e mine iniquities arc gone (») ouermyhead: tile burden arc become hcauic vpon me. and asa (¿) bea­ fiJiMChichareexceedingly incrcafed.almoft ouerwhelming my fpirit.fklSinnesnot washed away by pcnancc by their weight carie the foule into more and more wicitednes. 6 .My (7) Acarres are putrified and corrupted,becaufe of my foolishnes. (I) Stil corrupting thofc parts which were whole a pcftcrcd fore that is not cured. 7.1 an. become miferablc, and am made (mj crocked cuen to the end : I went forowful al the day. f n>? Not able to goc ftreight to doe anie good worke, being g trilli e of grieuous fiiuie. .8. becaufe (a) my Joyncs are filled with Ululions : and there is no health in my hcfii. (n^Concupifcence ftriuirg in me. 9. 1 am afflicted and am humbled exceedingly:! (0) roared for the groa­ ning o: my han. ,f-J From the forrowof my hart my voice hath broken out into clamour. 10.Lord (^) before thee is al my dcfirctand my groning is not hid from tiicc. (T) OGod thou know-eft my defirc,tobercftorcdtothy fauour. n. My hart is troubled,my Itrengih hath forfticn me : andthe light of mine óes,andthcíameisnotwith me. n.My(j)ffeinds, and my neighbours haue approched,&: flood againft me. fq)Thofc that v’ere my freinds an ¿companions in. finne are become myne ene­ mies,becaufe 1 forfakethem. And they that wcrenecre me , flood far oft : ij. and they did violence which (ought my toulc. And they that fought me cuils (r) fpakcvanitics:and meditated guiles al the day. (rzSoiigh: by al mcancs to intangle meagaine. 14. But 1 as (j) one diate did not heare : andas one dummc not opening ___________ K 3 his THE BOOK his mouth. 15. And I became as a man no: hearing*: and not bailing reproofs in his mouth. 16. Becaufe (t) in thee,ô Lord haue I honed,thou wilt beare me, 0 Lord my God. («) I Now. relie vpon thce,o God. 17. ( >) becaufe 1 faid; Left fotnetime mine enemies rcioyce ouer me,and whiles my ícete are moued,they fpakc great things vpon mc.¡ (-J For this caufclain returned to ilice and doc pray that mine enemies may net pre uail againft me. id.Becaufe I (nr) amreadie tor fcourgestand my forow is in my fight alwaies: ( w I refigne my felfc to thee. 19. B ecaufc (x) I wil declare my ini quitte : and I wil (y) thinkc for my lin ne. {.») Though thou knoveft al,yet with mmith confeiTion is madeto faluation. (y, And I meditate of that which my finne hath deferued. 20. But mine enemies line,and are confirmed ouer me: and they are mul­ tiplied that hate me vniuftly. 21. They that repay euil things for good, detractedfrom me: becaufe 1 folowed goodnes. fa 01: kind of detraction is in repealing tecret faults, an other in taming and imputi ig falfe crimes,the third (here mentioned)!!! calling vertue vice, as penance cypochrifie. 22. a; Forlake me not,o Lord my God,depart not from me. Attend vnto my help,o Lord the God ot my valuation. fapGrant me Lord final perteucrancc in thy grace.and teruicc. Gods proni' .deice. Tac: M'' PSALME XXX Vili. tuf man in remedies perfection refoluetb to juffer al -with peace and ¡ilence'. 5. praying God to take him from this v>otld,cenfefsmgtbe yanitie theroffi.and relying on Gods providence ( 1 I.yfiopvnishetb manfor bis finiti 1) prayetbfor releaJlé. 1. Vnto filthe end,to Idithun himfclfe,a canticle of Dauid. («) Somecxpound this Pfalinc of the leves in captiuitie in Babylon , but this title,a nd the matter conte;,ned shew,that it rather petcincthtothenev Tellament. (b, To befongbv Idi than and his teolers & fucceUours,or rather by Chri (Hans. 2. T (c)Have faid:Iwil keepemy waies,that I offend not in my tongue. 1 ('} Weake men in affliction, nor abietti delinei thcmfelues,feche reuenge , by murmuring and other euil fpeachcs, but the per left refoiue torule their tongues: I haue fet a gard to my mouth,when the finner ftood againft me. -, I was dumme and humbled,and kept filence() declared thy iufti-ee in the great Church, loe I w il not ftay my lips: Lord thou haft knowen it. (h) Againe Chrift inculcateti! the preaching and receiuing of his Ghofpel inthe | whole world. it. Thy iufticel haue not hid in my hart : thy truth and thy faluation 1 haue fpoken.l haue not hid thy mcrcie, and thy truth from the (i) great Councel. (i) In the greateftand wifeft congregations of this world , Chrift concealeth not his mcrcie and truth. So himfelfe profefled before Annas,Caiphas,Pilate, and their counfels. Saint Paul preached Chrift at Athens, and in manienations, and fo the other Apoftlcs. For their voice went intoalthecoafts of the earth. 11. (^) But thou, o Lord,make not thy commiferationsfarre from me: : thy merde,and thy truth haue alwayos receiued me. ffcj The Prophet now fpcaketh inthenamc of (Chrifts myfticalbodietheChurch: praving tobe made partaker of mercie ,and tobedeliurcd fromeuils. ij. Bccaufe euils haue compared me , which haue no number : mine iniquities haucoucrtakenme, & I was /) not able to fee. (l; The finnes alfo thofe which belicuc in Chrift are fo manie, that they can notbe fully feen in particular. They are multiplied aboue the haires of my head : and (m) my hart hath for faken me. (m)I ahnoftfaint i.i confiderinR fo manie andfo çreat iniquities amonzft thofe that profeíTe Chrift. ~ _________ O F P SALME S._________________ St may plcafcthcc,o Lordato deiiuer (n)mc:Lordhauc rcfpcct to hcipc inc. «The whole Chirchprayeth in thcnameoF.d ter the infirme members. nj.Lct (e)thcm be confounded and ashamed together, that iecke mv foule to take it away. (o) The Prophet foresheweth that the repróbete for their obiettiate malice,fecking to hurt others shal be confounded. Let them be turned backward,and be ashamed that wil me evils. 16. Let them forthwith rccciue their conflitto n,.that (f) fay to me-.Wcl, wcl. (p) That skornfully fay.Wcl,wclwishing al evil ro good men. 17. Let al (<¡) that Iecke thee rcioyce anobcgladvpenthee-.and let them that loue thy ialuation, fay alwaycs; Our Lordbc magnified: () thedayoutiLord hath commanded his mcrcietand. (-5) in the night a fong of him. (p)But God helpeth in opportunitie,not fu tiering his feruants to be tempted aboue | theirjircngth,giuingthcni fruit with tentations: (0) yea in thegreateft tribulation, i he giueth ordinarily moftcomfort, making them fing fpiritually in hart,if not allo I in voice. 'With me (r) is prayer to the God of my life: 10.1 wil fay to God : Thou ! an my defender. ft) One fpecial mean es to procure diuine confolation is prayer in diftrcftc. ‘■Why haft thou forgotten me’and why goe I forowful,whiles mine enerniie afflictethnie’ i i.Whiles my bones arc broken,mine enemies that trouble me haue vpibrayded me: Whiles they fay tome day by day ¡Where is thy God? n.Why art thou heauic , o my foule?& why doft thou trouble me? ( /) HopcinGodjbecaufcyetl wilcontcflcto him.-thefaluaricnofmy coun. tenance,and my God. / f) Stillile iuft foule taketh comforth in afluted hope of falnation , the eternal , vifionofGod. P S A L M E. line God the I • Trinitie. ¡: !:c ¡.key. I X L 11. The tuft ¡nuociteli Gods [entente upatnft the deceitful, thatferite his fintuii ouerthroxr,^.ick,noxvleedgtb bis /¡elpe,from ^ilmigbtte God the B.T rimile,in tvhofte yij'ton glorie confi ili th. I. A Pfalme 1 i) of Dauid. I (4) Holie Dauid often prefiguringChrift,herereprefenteth eucrie faithful feruant ■ of God,and particularly ■«■hen they begin a great and holie worke ; as when Priefts celebrate the diuine Sacrifice,they with their ofsiftants recite by interchangeable I verfes this Pfalme. [/■ VD g e (l>) me,oGod,& difterite my caufefrotn the nation not holie I from the vniuft and deceitful man (c) deliuer me. (i) After that we haueexamincd,and prepared our fclucs tothemoft holieSacri­ fice and Sacrament,according to s.Paul admonition (let a man prone himfelfe, and focate tiiis bread,& drinkc this chalice,t.Cor.t i.j we pray God,to iudge between our truc fincare intent ion,and the vniuft deceitful endcauoursot our enimie:(c) and loto deliuer and protect vs from futile malice. 2. Becaufc _______________ O FPS A L~M E S.__________________ g J 1. Becaufe thou art God (¿)my ftrength.- (e) why haft thou repelled me? and why goe iTorowful (/) whiles the enemie afflidteth me. (J) With thee I can doe anie thing, without theenothing, (rjthou feemeftfometimes not to regard me, (f) whiles tentations arc more fenfible then thy grace. Send forth (g) thy light and thy truth: (b) they haue conducted me, haue brought me into thy holy hi],and into thy tabernacles. and (g) As thou haft font Chrift the light and truth into this world, grant vs the fame now in particular. (h)Thefe two guirts of God,the lightof knowing our duties and truth, with fincerc i mention to perforine the fame^iauc brought vs into thy Church and vnto thy Altar. 4. And(i) Iwilgoein tothcaltarof God: to God, which(4)maketh my youth joy fill. (|) Actompaniedwithlightof truth, & fincereintention, we confidently approeh w thync Altar, o God, (k) who changed our old corruption intonewnesof life. 5.I wil confeiTe tothec (Z) on tne harpe (m) o God (n) my God : (0) thou ibrowtul,omy foule ? and why doft thou trouble me? why tn ft) But to this purpofe we praife God on the harpe, mortifying our aftefiions. (<") 'n) The former word isot the plural number in hebrew , Eloim,the other God wc haue heard with our cares : our fathers haue declared tovs. The (t) workc that thou haft wrought in their dayes : & in the dayes of old. (7) The particular calling of Abraham out of Chaldea, protefl ion of him , and Ifaac, and lacob, thedcliucrieof allfrael out of Acgypt, and eftablishing them in the promifed land of Chanaan, with innumerableÌ great, & ftrange things donc I for them. 3. Thy hand deftroyed the nations, and thou didft plant them: thoudidft iTî afflict The frate ot j^'Vcy. 86 THE BOOK , afflict the peoples, and expel them. 4. For( d ) not by their owne fword did they poffefle the land,and their owne arme did not faue them: (d) The Ifralitcs conquered not by ordinarie power, but by the miraculous hand or God. Scclofuc 13. But thy right hand, and thyne arme,and the illumination of thy coun­ tenance : becaufe (e) thou waft plealcd in them. it : Not that this people defcrued of thcmfclues.but of Gods free eleôion , al the world being wicked , he gaue peculia grace to Abraham , Ifaac , Iacob,and fonrc others,& then for their fakes protected the whoic people, in them confcruing a vifiole Church. 5. Thou art the fame my King and my God : which commandcft the faluations of lacob. 6. In ( f ) thee we shal turne out our enemies with ( g ) the horne, & in thy name we shal contemne them that ryfcvp againft vs. (f) Asin former exemplcs,foin Dauidstime, not mans ftrength , but Gods hand gaue them great victories. ( ¡¿ ) As ancxewith his.horne caiteth a final thing into the wind. 7. For I wil not hope in my bow : and my fword wil not faue me. 8. For thou haft faued vs from them that afflict vs: and them thathate vs thou haft confounded. 9 .In God we shal beprayfed althe day; and in thy name we wil confeilc tor cuer. 1 o.But(A) now thou haft repelled and confounded vs: and thou wilt not goe forth,o God,in ourhofts. , l-K«- I 17- »• 1 8- (h) The Prophet torctelleth that after profperitie God would fufferthe lewes to fai intácaptiuitic, & manie afflictions, which alfo lignified allegorically diuers flatesof Chiifts Church. 11. Thouhaft turned vs backc behind our enemies : and they that hated vs fpoyled forthcmfelues. ti. Thou haft giuen vs as (heep that arc tobe cate: ; and thou’(!) haft difperfedvs among the nations. (i) The lewes arc now mcrucloufly drfperfed and denrefled. 15. Thou halt fold thy people (^) without price : and there was (/) no multitude in the exchanges of them. . (k) In the deftruciion of Icrufalem the remnant of the people were fold for fmal, as it wree for no price. They had foldChrift for thirtie pence id) a id now no mul­ titude, nor number of money at al was giuen forthem, but thirtie of them were fold ior onepennie.Iofcphusde belloludaico. 14. Thou halt made vs a reprochto our neighbours , a fcorne and moc­ king ftock to them that are round about vs. 15. Thou haft made vs tor aparable to the Gentils: a wagging of the head among the pcopl es. 16. Ai.the day my lítame is againft me, and the confulion of my face hath couered me. 17. At thevoyceof the vpbrayder, and the reprocher : at the face of the enemie and perfecutour. 18. Al thefc things haut come vpon vs, (m) neither haue we fergetter tnce: _________________ OF PSALM E S._______ _________ 87 thee: and we haue not done wickedly in thy teftament. (m;Vntil Thrifts paffion the lewish people did not wholly fai from God and true religion. And of them 'rere chufen the Apoftlcs,and manie others,that founded and propagated the Church of Chrift. 19. And our han hath not reuolted backward : & (n) thou haft declined our paths from thy way. (n)Thc negatiue particle is here vndeftood bv zeugma, according to the hebrew, thus: Oar hart hath not reuoltcd backward, neither halt thou fullered our paths to decline from thv way. 10. Bccaufe thau haft humbled vs in the place of affliction, and the sha­ dow of death hath couered vs. it. (o') If vte haue forgotten the name of our God,and if we hauefpred forth our hands to aftrange God, fo) An other hebrew phrafe, if ve haue, for, we hauc not. 11. Wil not Godenquirc ot thefe things ? For he knoweth the iecrets of the hart. Bccaufe (p) for thee we are killed al the day : we are efteemed as fneepe of flaughter. fp) The Prophets and others, perfccuted partly before Chrift , muchmorethe Apoftles,and other Chriftians in the new Teftament. 23. (f) Arifc, why fleepeft thou, o Lord Arifc, and expel vs not to the end. (<¡y A prayer in afflidion. 24. Why dolt thou turne away thy face, forgetteft ourpoucnic and our tribulation? 25. Bccaufe (r) out foule is humbled inthe duft : our (f) belile is gley.ed in the earth. (r) V'e are at deaths dore, readieto become duft.ff) Lying asgroueling forowing on the earth: Arife Lord,hclpe vs.and redeeme vs for thy name, til thou deliuer vs iromthefc trioalati ons. ■PSALME X L H11. Dauid /tngularly moued to bart and tongue,] prof'tec.eth Cbrifls excellence,in- Chrift rroft dowmghis Church with mefl wort1 ie dowries ll -31 way of exl’ortatton excellently in fores-ewtng ber internal and external beautiesiy jOtuthferfeiua! juccefstonof dotting his Paflours flatly euen to worldsend. Church^, Pa flour: feeding tue toeflocl^euen 1. Vnto C4) the end, forthem, that shal be changed , te' to thefonnesot Core, (d) ‘orvndeftanding, (e) Canticle for the bcloued. (« Perteyning to the new Theftament, (b) Gentils conuertcd from paganifmeto Chriftia iitie : ft) and al others returning from fchifme.or other finnes. ( d; fortheir inftrudion. This Pfalme is a manage foug of the beloued bridgrome and bride, Chrift and his Church. 2. X 4 Y (f) hart hath vttcred (g ) a good word : I tel my workes (h) IVI to the King. (f) I haue 88____________________ THE BOOK________________ (/;! hauereceiuedby diuinehnfpiration in my hart and cogitation , (5) a moft high Myfterie. (I>) To the honour therforc and glorie of this King ( whom I fecrctly fee in my hart) Ivtter and referre al my works,and this particulari Craticie. Ny (¡) tongue is the penne of a fcribc, that (/<) writeth fwiftly. (>) Fromthc aboundance of my hart, my tonguealfo fpeakcth, (k}& without delay. 5. (i)Goodlyof bcautie abouethc Tonnes of men,grace is powred abrode in thy iips : therfore hath God blcffed thee for eucr.. (l)Dcfcription of Chrift. moft excellent in al internal and external guifts. 4. Be (■») girded with thy fword vpon thy thigh, o moft mightie. (m'j TheProphet feeingin fpirit the perfections which he wisheth in Chrift , in manner of congratulating, defcribcth his fortitude, fighting againft the diucl for 1 th : Clr.irch. 5. With thy beautieand fayreneííé (»)intend,(o)proceede profperoufly, and (p) reigne, (,n) Purpofing, (0) profectiting, (p) and perfecting the conqueft, and fo éftablishing thy fpiritual Kingdome. Becaufe of (^) truth, and (r) mildenefle, andÇfj iufticetand thy right hand fnal conduit thee merueloufly. (7) Not with warlike armourof this world ,but by aftaulting the aduerfarie with i truth, (r) defending thy felfe and thy foldiers with the shicldof mildnes , ff)and ; ftrixing the encmic with the fword of iufticc. Which right force of fpiritual fight ! hath meruelous good fuccefle. • i 6.Thy (t) iharpe arrowes, the ("k) peoples vnderneth theefhal fai into I the harts of the Kings enemies. I (1) Preaching of ChriftsGhofpcl,his grace mouingthe harts of the hearers , is ! liuclie and forcible,more pearcing then anietwo edged fword.('v)Thc example of people connected, shal moue the harts of theaduerfariesto come alfo the truth. 7. " Thy featc oGod (■») for euer and cuer: a rod of direction the rod of thy Kingdom. i (w)ChriftsKingdom shal haucno end.Luc. t.v: jj. I 8. Thou (x) haft lotted iuftice , and haft hated iniquitie: therfore God, ! (_>) thy God, hath annoy need thee with the oilc of gladnes (jabone thy tclowes. ( x ) Thou defendeft and rewjrdeft the good , finally forfakeft and punisheft the wicked. ( y ) More peculiarly theGod of,Chrift. by hypoftaticalvnion. rx) Diners Kings (as Dauid himfcltc, lofaphat,Bacchias, and lofi as,' were as godlie as Salomon, and perfeucred good to the end, which is doubted Salomon did not > but Chrift in­ comparably was annointcd,& indued-with al graces abouc alKings. 9. f 4) Myrrhe,and (¿)ATees,and (c) Cama from thy (¿) garments, from houfesof yuorie jout of the which 10.(e) the daughters of Kingshaue delighted thee in thy honour. , Mortification which confcrueth fró putrifying. (T>) humiiitic afwaging pride, being final in she fir ft fpring,growcth great, (d) Humanitic aflumpeed ,and fan-flirted perfons , in whom Chrift dwellcth as in clcane, shining , odoriferous houfes. Sincere faithful foules moro deare to their fpoufe Chrift, then daughters of I temporal Kings. (c j 111. The (/) Quecne flood on thy right hand in golden rayment: compnilcd with (^) varietie. (f) The Catholikc Church, in faithpurified as gold.’(g) w ith varietie of ftate<, as Clcrgic , Laity,anddiuers forts of religious Orders, andothcr prbfefsions,alvnited in the U >• I PS A LAl t .. Oy jal «nitedin thcfame faith,hope,and charitic. i (h) Hearc daughter,and ( ii fee, and (/;; incline thyne care : and forget I thy people,and the houle of thy father. Í (T) Carefully al that Chriftthy fpoufe fpeaketh to thee by his Spirit, (i)DiliI gently put the famcinptaftife: (kj withal obedience and teadiyncs,and returnenot I to former infidchtic,norto corrupt life. I a . And the King (I) wil couet tbybeautie: becaufe he is the Lord thy ' God , and (m) they fiial adore him. ; (l)Chrift loueth the Church adorned withhis guifts, (»>) and mutually hisxrue i children loue and fcrue him. 13 And the daugthers (») of Tyre with guifts,al the rich of the people ■ iiial befeech thy countenance. (n)Manie of al nations fubmit themrelues,and al that they haue toChrift. 14. Al the glorie ofthat daughter of the King is(o) within, in ,p) borders of gold,I5.clothed round about with varieties. <«) Internal vermes are moft fpecial ornaments : (p) exteriour are required to édifie others in diuers forts o. vertues. Virgins lhal be brought to the King after her : her(r) neighbours lhal be brought to thee. (<¡1 By this mcanes manic more areconuertcd to chriftianitieifr) and onecountrie i.iuiteth and draweth an oilier. 16. They shal be brought in ioy and exultation ; " they shal be brought into the temple of the King. 17. For (_f) thy fathers there arc borne fonnes to thee: thou (halt make them Princes otter al the earth. {fj As Apoftles came in place ot Patriarchs and Prophets : fo ftil Bishops and ( Priefts fucceede in the Church,Paftours,and gouernours therof. 18. They lhal (1) be mindeful of th} name in al generation and genera­ tion. (r)ThefePaftotirs shal ftil teach the true Chriftian doârine. Therfore shal (>) peoples confeife to thee tor cucr: and for cucrand cuer. (vj And ftil there shal be Chriftian people that wil folow andprofeffe the fame- ANNOTATIONS. PSALME. XLI1II. 7. Tfey/larrjO ÿodjfortuertndcuer.'Seeing S.Paul ( Heb.l.v. 8. ) alfirmethexprefly that thefe words are fpolcen of the Sonne of God, Chriftour Sauiour,and therby prouethhis excellende aboue Angelsdohn Caluin is wonderful bold toauouch that in the fimple Sc proper fenfe, Dauid fpakeof his fonne Salomon,and the daughter of Pharao,as ii that were the literal fenfe,and S.Paulonly expounded it myftically.But firft,the folemne preiacein the two firft verfes importeth farre greater things, then agree to anieterreftrial King Secondly,this excellent bcautie dcfcribed v.j )aboue the fonnes of men,can not be verified of Salomon: for Abfalom (x.Reg.14. ) and Ad ornai were alfo very beautiful ( j.Reg.t.v. 6. J As for Salomons wifdom,or other vertueSjhcperfeucrednot iherin , andfo he was not blcffcd for euer Thirdly , the Tcm.i, M Prophet Caluin ex[poundeth th ¡Pfalme con. ¡trarie tos. Paul 9o TH_E_BO O K Prophet here calleth the perfori of whom , andxow'honihefpeaketh,God.v.7.& i-a Fourthly, not only the ancient Fathers,and Doûours of the Church.but alfo the He­ brew Rabbins,and the Chaldee paraphrafis ¿expound this Pfalme literally of the promifed Melila»,and his kingdom die Church. 16. They iba! be brought mtotbt tempii if the King. ) The temple of the King,faith S. No faíuation Auguftin, is the Church,the tcmpleof the King is in vriity, the temple of the King out of the is not ruinous,not cut infunder, notdiuided: the ioyning or lining floncs ischaritic. i Church. Nothingis more cuident. Attend nowtheverie tcmpleof tl eKing ,for from thence he fpeaitcthjbccaufc of the vnitie fpread in the round earth. For tliofc that would be virgins ( faithful foiils) vnles they be brought into the tcmpleof thc.King ' tlicCatholikeChurch) they can not plcafc the bridegrome. J 7. -For tby fathers there are borne fonne¡'to tinte. )The Apofl les begot thee foChrift Perpetual fucccfsion of Bi­ and Church) they were fcnt.they preached , they arc the fathers. But could they be llhops in place alw aies corporally with vsfCould anic of them carie here til this time f could they tarie to the time yet to come? Burwas therfore the Church leaf: dcfolatc by their of the Apo­ dcparturefGod forbid.For thy fathers, fonnes are borne to thee. "What is this, for flics. thy lathers,fonnes arc bo-nc to thee fThe.Apcftles were fent fathers, in placed the Apoftlcs fonnes arc borne to thcciBishops arc appointed. For whence were the Bi­ sboos borne,that are at this day through the worldfthe Church herfelfe calleth them fathers, she begate them. & appointed them in the feats of the fathers. Doe hot therfo c thinkc thy felf dcfolatc (.o Chriftian Church) bccaufc thou feeft noti eter,fecit not I'aul; for thou feeft not them by whom thou waft borne,butof thyne ¡flue father­ hood is fprono to thee; Frr thy fathers,fonnes arc borne to thee,thou shale make the Pricces oucr al the caith. This is the Catholikc Church. Her children arc made 1 rinces oner al the eartlnher fonnes arc-conftittitcd lor fathers. Let them acknow­ ledge this that arc cut oft' let them come to the vnitie,be they brought into the tem­ ple of the King. Thus S.Auguftin. PSALME XLV. The Church Tne Courcb tn persecution acfnovledgeth Gods perpetual defence, 5. maftngber profperethalfo tl erbymore glorious, 1 co. fometimes grantmgref (11. God birnfdf (beefing Tir idee/'*0”' PerfeCM,ers J 4n^ eurrprott&i»¿ tfr- I. Vnto (4) the end, to the fonnes of Core,for fJ) the fecrets. (a) Belonging to the Church of Chrift. (k) As wclthe caufc, why God fufFereth his Church to be perfecuted, as his allured proteífion in difficulties, arc hidden fccrets to the world. i. V r Godis arefuge (c) and (Irength : an I'd') helper in tribulaVJ dons,which (e) haue found vs exceedingly. fe) Al refuge is not fecurc,for one man is not able alw'aycs to defend an other: but God is afureand ftrong refuge, fd) Euer able and in conucnient time willing to helpc. (e) This w hole world is ful of tribulations,but the Church fuffcred the greateftin the firft perfections,& shal fuffcr as great in the rime of Antichrift. English Catholikesfuffcr moft of al nations in tilts age,and can not bcfupprefted,butftiljncreafe in number and fortitude. Therfore wil we (f) not fearewhen (g) rhe-earth shal be troubled: and (fe) mountainestranfported into the han of the fea. (f, Therfore al Catholikes may afiurcdly knew, that the whole Church can not fade O F P S A L M E S. ________ 9‘ | failc (g ') though very manic,as now in England , ' ¡> ) and very eminent perfons, as 1 Pome noblemen, and forne Priefts haue reached, yet al wilnoc. 4. Their waters haue founded, and were troubled: the mountaines were troubled in his ftrengrh. 5. Theviclenceoftheriucr(i)makcththeciticofGod ioytulnhc Highcft hath fanâified his tabernacle. (>) Such bad examples make the good to recollect tiiemfclues more diligently,and to-reioyce in Gods grace, by which thy ft.-.nd faft. ó. God is in the middestherof, it flial nor be moued : God wil helpe it (4)in the morning early. C,) Before the hcatc of perfection shalinuadc al, for the cleft thedayes of tribu­ lation arc shomed. 7. Nations are troubled, and (/) Kingdoms are inclined: he gaue (m] his 1 voice,rhe earth was moued. (I) Sometimes one nation or Kingdom rcbcllcth againft the Church, but cannot 1 deftroy it. ( ui ) By the fpirit of Chrift, Amichrift , and al his members shal be deftroyed. 8. T1k Lord of hoftsis with vs : the God of lacob is our defender. p.Coinc ye,.&fce the of our Lord, what wonders he hath put vpon the earth : 10. (n) taking away warres euen vnto to the end of the earth. (n ) The Church fometimes hath great peace and tranquilitie. He fnal deitfoy bow, & breake weapons : and fhiclds he shal burne with fire. ii. (0) Be quiet, and fee that T am God:I shalbe exalted among the gen­ tils, and I shal be exalted inthe earth. (0) Godhimfelfe reftrayncththcwikcd, fudaincly abati ng their furie, or cutting oft' their forces. ii. The Lord of hoftsis with vs : the God of lacob is our defender. PSALME. XL VI. Gentili are railed, and minted to praife God for hit magnificence ! for Curifh Vocation of Gentils. ^ifeenftonand power. The 0. key. i. Vnto the end, for (a) thefonnesof Core. (o') For Chriftians that leaue the fumes of their fathers, and rcioy ce in Chrift cru­ cified. Sec Annotations. Pfa¡4 . 1. * I. y e Nations ( l> ) clap hands : make iubiiation to God in the voycc of exultation. (b) True ioy of the hart sheweth it-felfc botlrin voice ofextiltation, and alfo in geftareof body, by cl.ipyingofh.mds, lancing (a> King Dauid did before the Arltc a. Reg.6.) likew ifewith inftruments. Becaufe our Lord is high, (c) terrible: a great Kingcuer (d) al the earth. Mi (c) To ] ÿx TH E_B q O K (cjToal the wicked,(d ; not only o'onc or few kingdoins,butofalthc earth. r.He hath ma-ie peoples fubieét e) to vs: & gentils vnder ourfeete. («/When Kings and countries become Chriftians, they arc made fubiccts to the Jliurchthat was before,not heads and rulers therr'orc. 5. He hath choicn his inheritance in .vs : the bcautie of lacob which he loued. 6. (f) God is atended in (g) iubilation : and out Lord in the voice of trumpet. (f)ChriftGod& man , after his Pa(T>on,rofcfrom death and attended: (y)Not leaui.ig his Church dcfalatc,but making her ioyful by an other comforter,the Holie Ghofc. 7. Sing ye to our (Z>) God,fmg ye: Sing ye to our (1) King, fitigye. <7>;Thc fame Chrift is our God,by his Diuinitic.- (i) and our King by hisHumaInitie. 18. Becaufe God is King of al the eartlrfingye (^) vv ifely. (t.)Doeour cndcauour to vnderftand what you fing, read , or heare in Godsword. I-Atlcaft to know the principal Myfterics, and points of Chtiftian doitrine, euctie one according to their capacitic and ftate or profefsion. 9. God shal reigneouer the gentils: God iicteth vpon his holie fcatc. 10.Princes of peoples are gathered together with(/)the God of Abraham: becaulcthe ftrong (m) Gods of the earth are exceedingly aduanced. (I) The faithfulof the old and new Tcltament arc vnited in the feruice of one & the fame eternal God. ( m)In refpc fécond of the | Sabbath, (4. Voices beginning the inuiikc inftrumentsprofecutcd . (t) Efpecially for the i fécond day of the weekc,thcday afteithcfabbath,wliichis our Sunday, called Do, .uiinica,our Lords day. ~z->Reat is our Lord,and to"beprayfedexceedingly,in (c)the citie xj ot our God,in his holie mount. (c, Icrufalcm.and mount Sion were moft obliged to praife God , for greateft be­ nefits rccciued.-fo the Catholikc Churcn therby prefigured, & hauingreceiucd farre greater,is moft or al bound to be grateful. 3.Mount OF PSALM ES._________ _ _____ 93 Mount Sion is founded with the exultation of (¿) the whole earth, ( e) thefidesof the North, the citie of the great King. (d) This can not be affirmed of Sion ,orlerufalcm.but is only verified of tlieCatholikeChriftian Church : (') whofe coftes doe extend to the North,& to alsquarters of the round earth. 4. God-shal be knowen'in (f) the houfes therof, (r) whenheihal rc- ceiue it. (fjThe fame one God,one Chrift,oneFaith',& one Religió in al particular Churrhesof the whole militant Church, (?) And this Vniucrfalirie and Vniticshalbe, after that Chrift taking mans nature shal be afcendcd,and shalfend theHolie Ghoft, to tound & begin this Church. 5. For behold the Kings of the earth (¿) were gathered together.-they aifeinbled in one. fh/Fortheaftured ccrtaintieof that is foreshowed, the Prophet fpeaketh in the prcterrencc, as if it were already done in his time, which he then faw in fpirite. 6. They feeing it fo were in admiration, were troubled, were moued: 7. trembling tooke them. Their forowes(i) as awomantraueling. 8.In a vehement fpirit (4} thou fhalt breake the (hips ofTharfis. (l) Nothing more moueth the hart, & affefteth al the bodie and foule, then fpiricual cogitations of faith and religion, and therforeit is compared to awomantra­ ueling with child, who hath moft careful and grieuous paines. (k, In which great confitó of mans fpirit, God by his grace giueth force , to breake through the con­ trai ie aflauits of our entrate, to remouc al impediments, and to ouercomc the diffi­ culties. 9. (/) As we haueheard,fohaue we feen in the citie'oftheLordof hoftes in the citie of our God: God hath founded it for euer. (l_)Thisconfideration,That al isnowdone,thatwasofoldprophecied,i’s atneruelous confirmation toChriftians. 10. Wehaue receiued thy mercie.ó God,fm)in the middesof thy temple. (m) Grace and mcrcie is only granted to thofc that are within,or come vnto Catholikc Church. n.Accordingto thy name,o God,fo alfo is thy prayfe vnto the ends ofthe earth : thy right hand isfulof(n) iuftice. (•n) As God ispraifed for hisincrcie, foalfo lor his iuftice; which doc ncuer preju­ dice the one the other. IL.Let mount Sion be glad, andthe daughters of luda rcioy ce, becaufe ot thy iudgements, o Lord. 15. Compaifc Sion, and embrace ye her : (o)tcl ye in her towers. (0) Confidcrthcfortreflcsor xheChurch, which arethc holie Fathers , and DoAoûts, that watch and defend her wals. 14. Set yourharts (p) on her itrengfh : and (^) diftributeyc her houfes, that you (r) may declare it in an other generation. (pjSo reft you aifured lor al matters of faithin this pillarof truth. (ç)Obferue at.d markc diligently how manie particular Churches were fpcediiy ¡ounded in the world, (r) and declare this to other generations , that they may aito hold faftthe fame faith, or resume vnto it, n they be.rciapfed; orar lati embrace it , if fooner they haue ixit. 15. Becaufe (f) this is God, our God for euer, and for cuerand euer : he (1) llial rule vseuermore. {fl ChriftGod incarnate that worketh al this , is our very God and.Sauiour, not 94 T H E BOOK_________________ for a fewyeares,an hundred, fix hundred, or a thoufand,but for euer & euer. Ct He shal rule asa King, and confcquencly haue a Kingdom,his militant Church,euer more,to the very end of this world.As he siisi like wife haue his criumphantChurch in cternitie. PSALME X L V III. l.xhortati on The royal Prophet ¡nutting 4/ Hates and forts -of men to beare bimattentiuely,6. Io fi ve from sbrweth that al ought to feare eternal damnation, that hue wickedly, g.vatnh linne for fears m hel. and foolishly feeding ((3. euenlil^e brute beaftes) carnal plea Cures which they The 7.key. can not long entoy, nor lonç e/cape bel: 1 6. confidently animating ¡>imfelfc,and algood men, that trufinot in this world— I. Vnrotheend,(4)totheibnnesof Core aPfalmc. (4) In this anddiuers-other titles, bothbeforeand yet enfuing, is faid, To the Tonnes, or, for the fonnesof Core , a Pfaime, or Can ticle,or vnder Handing & the like ; but in no place, aPfalmc,Canticle &c. of the fonnes of Core : which no way proueth tint they were the aurhours of fuch Pfalmes, but rather the contrarie. 1. y yE a r E thefe things (¿) al yc Gentils : receiuewith your tares i-! al ye that (t) inhabite the earth. fi) Al ye nations and forts of people (cj that dwelvpon the earth,learne this lefibn ' which I wil teach you. 3. Al ye earthly perlons, and children of men : together in one the rich and the poore. 4. My mouth shal fpeake wifedom, and the meditation of my hart pru"dcncc. 5.I wil (J) incline mine eare vnto a parable : I wil (e) open my propolition (f.) on a Pfalter. (d) Holie Dauid harkened to God infpiring him , (e) and declared to-others that which he received tromGod, (f) not only by hispenneor tongue,but alfo for better inftilling it into chair minds he founded it vpon the inftrumenc called the Pfalter, which had ten fti ings,lignifying the obferuation of the ten commandments. 6. (g~) Why ihal 1 tcarc in the euilday ’ (h) the iniquiticox myheeie ihal comparte me. (g ■ What efpecialthing is there in this lite, why or for which I or anie haue caufe to day or lodgement ? (b? Marry this we muft feare,iniqui tic , by which any firppLanteth,derraudeth , opprclfcch ,or anie way wrongeth others, for that wil inuoluetlie offender in the fentcnceof eternal domnation. 7. They (i)jthattrull in their itrength : and glorie in the multitude of their riches. (>) Such be they that tro ft in their prefent power, riches, or othcr-wordlie things. 8. A i'4) brother dath notredeeme,.( I ) man ihal redecme : he ihal not giue vnto God his reconciliation. fA¿! A nuns owne brother can nothclp a finner in that day , (I) much Icíiéanie other man : focile Hebrew phrafc by zeugma, vnderftandeth an oilier- negaciuc txai'ciclc— 9. A rtd _________________ OF P S ALME S.________________ £5 9. And theprice of the redemption of his owne ionie : and he shal (m) labour for euer, io.and (n) shal liue yet vnto the end. (tn) Stilfiiffcr paint, (nJ and not dye , but liue in eternal tourments. H. He shal not fee death, when he shal fee ( o ) the wife dying,(f) the vnwife, and (y) the fooleshal perish together. (°) Alboth wifcand foolishdoedye temporally: but thewife lining in eternal ioy ,the foolish liue in eternal paine.(pjThofe that belieuc not anieother life after this, (q) and thefe thatbelieuing an other life, yet live badly in this,shal perish in eternal damnation. And they shal leauetheir riches to ftrangers ; 11. and their (r)fepulchers their (f) houfes for euer. (r) They shal neucr retumc troni their fepulchers (f) to cnioy againe their hou­ fes and earthlie poftefiions. Their Tabernaclesln generation and generation: they haue renowmed their (t ■ names in their lands. Which vaincly they labour to eftablish in their pofteritie. And (y) man when he was inhonour did not vnderftand : he was compared to beafts without vnderftanding, and-became liketothcm. ij. (•vyA mod pirhie and -brief confiderai ion , for nun to think e, hoir abfurdly , he being endowed-with reafon,vnderftanding , & tree wil, likevnto Angels, and capa­ ble of eternal glorie, fetteth his W'hole ftudie and care vpon corporal and temporal things, fo makinghimfelfe like vnto brute beafts. 14. This their way is (tv) a fcandal to them: and (x) afterward in their mouth they shal take pleafure. (w)This care of wordlie things is the (tumbling block ,and caufe of eternal ruine: (> ,yet they shalbeobftinate,and praife their owne defires,(til perfifting therin. 15. -As ( y") sheep they are-put inhehdeath shal feedevpon them. And the iuft Ihal rule-ouer them (^) in the morning : and their aide ihal wnaxe oid’in hel -from their glorie. (y) Among other creatures a shot p can h aft helpe her fclfe in miferie: euen fo the damned in hei are altogether vnable to deliuer thcmfelues trom thence, or to get any rclief.(x)Tn the generalrefurreftion they shalbcmoftofaiin miferie,aseuer dying and neucr dead: die iuft-whom they wronged , shal be their iudges ,al freinds shal faiteriicmptterthey haue pafied their glorie and pleafurein this world. 16. Ncuenhclcffe (n) God wil redeeme my ioulc out of the hand of hel, when he ihai take me, (») The confidence of the iuft. ly.'Fearenot when a-man Ihal be made rich.-and when the glory of his houfeshal be multiplied. 18. Becaufe when he shal dye, he shal not take (J) al things : neyther shal his glorie goe downe with him. (b) He shal leaue al worldlie things and take nothing with him. 19. Becaufe htsfoule in his lite shal be (c) bieffed : he wil confefie to thee ( as forow and repentance tor their Annes, which is a kind o. improper facifice ( mentioned in the next Pfalme; J the facrificeof iufticc,which rendreth toeuerieone that is due f Pial , and facrifice o: praife,or thanks-giuing.tor al Gods benefites receiued or expected; w hich kinds ol internal and improper facrihccs,doe nothing preludici, but rightly prepare men tc tlie fruit or externalfacrifice.euer vfed in the law of nature,me law or Moyfes, and of Chrift. This place alfohath an other higher and prop'nc ical fenico: ti e Tom. i. I\ ball. Sacrifice of praiiedifpofeth mento ¡ the fruit o; ex terntlfacrihce. p3 'tic Sacrifice of the suena i i ft prophetied. __ THE BOOK_________________ Sacr ificc of Chrifts bodic in the Eucharift,which is both propinatone, and Sacri­ fice of pi aife and thanks-eiuing.SoS.Auguftinforat.aduerfus ludios c ¿.Jteacheth, that here certainly is a plaine change of the old facrifices.Thc fame heatfirmeth Ep. i lo.c. i «.God foreshowing that the old facrificcs should be changed, which were offered in shadow or a facrificetocomc.l wil not take ( faith Codio Braci ) calucs nor goates atthy hand -&c. but appointed! that allfracl ( al nations trom die ryfing ofdie funne-to tliefetti»g> shal immolate the facrifice of praife , the fame Chrift whom old Simeon knew an infant, whom he recciucd into his hands. Likewifc li. contra aduerf. lcgis& Irophet.c. zo. The Church oft'ercth to God inthchodic of Chrift the facrifice of praife. PSALME The fourth penitential Pfalme. The 7. key. L. King Dauid in great forow forbii finnes^of.adulterio and murder, moll fenouflj pr.asetb God of his manifold mereie to remitte and purge al his offences , and pames due for them: 11. Io refore ~\nto him the grace of the Holie Gbof, loft by hi 1 finnes-, 15. that he may teach others (as indeed his fmgular example may teach the whole world true penance ) 15). contrtllonof hartjWortthly to offerfacri/iceffor the whole Church. I. -Vnto fa) the end, a Pfalme of Dauid, 2.w when ’Nathan theProphet came to him,after that he had finned with Bethfabce( ^/’.12. ) () onely haue I finned, and haue done cui! before thee xxhat thou mayft (i, beiuftified in thy word , and may ft (4) oucrcome whenthou art judged. (/^Principally (forfo this particle ,only , here fignifieth) the enormities ofmy /innes confifi in that I haue offended thy Diurne Goodncs and Maieftic , the King of the worlds,immortal,inuifiblc,oniie God,to whom is dueal honour and glorie for eueraideuer.i.Tim. (i)Thoit which haft promifed forgiuencs toalfinncrs that tpaly conuert,sha.herein beiuftified by rccciuing me againe to grace:and ouerthrow thy calumniatours,:hat judge wickedly ofthy proceedings,as if cither thy iuftice or inercie were perverted: 7. For behold "1(f) was concerned in iniquities: mother concciued mein finnes; (l) I&al are borne in original finne,the rei ikes wherof,concupifcencc and wcakcnes. incline vs toother finnes, which wc haue added.In regard of which our infir­ mine,thy mercic is readieto recai vs and help vs. 8.For behold thou (m) haft loued truth: (n) the vneertaine and hidden things of thy wifdome thou haft made manifeft to me. (m) Befides thou haftalfo giuen me knowledge of true faith . and right doârine, which thou euer loueft,and art accuftomed to reduce, and direi! fuch into the true way offpenance.fnJUea thou haft moreover shewed tome things vneertaine.o: vnknowen to manie others,ginèn me (lie gain and fpirit of prophetic,to know hidde myfteries,andtoeucrieoneGod ginethfome particular benefits , which hedoueth in him , and is ready of his part to confirme and maintainc the fame, that they be not loft. ^■Thoufhalrfprinkk.mewith'(a) hyilope,and 1 shalbe dented : thou ¡halt walh ine,andl ihal be made (p) whiter then fnow. (»j Moft merciful Lord thou wilt ( as 1 fee in thefpirit of prophecic ) fpriñkle me,and al men with thv blond from the Croflc, where they shal giue titee vinegre about hyflbpe to drinke ( Ioan.9.) (p)by which washing I shal be cleane from finne, and become in time pure , yea whiter then fnow. A figureof tiiis hyffope was obferuedin Moyfcs Law.Num.ii.lignifying the liuelie heat of Ch.ifts in­ finite charitie. 10.T0 (j) my hearmgthoushalt giue ioy and gladncs,and (r) thebones humbled shal reioyce. (^)'Vhen myne affeftions shalbe cleane purged,! shal take fingular great delight to heareofthee,(r) and al my powers of mind and bodie, which arciiow atHiûcd, shal reioyce. 11. (/") Turne away thy face from my finnes: and wipe away al mincin;quities. (/")Leaue off" thy cogitation which porpofefirfttakc away myne iniquities, lor otherwhe if-they romaine , Gods iuftice can not but punish them. n.(t) Create a cleane han in me,oGod ; and renew a right fpirit in my • (■>) bowels. (t) Create in me new grace, wherby my hartshaIbepure5oS. Paul callctha iuft' foul a new creature,Galat.6.v.i j. ( v) In my inward thoughts. 13. Call me not away from thy face : and thy HolieTpirit (•&>) take nor from me, (w; Suffer me not fo to fai againe,that thy grace depart from me. 14. -Render v-nto me x) theioyofthy faluation? and (y) confírmeme with the pri ncipal ipirit. (x.kWnich I had.before my fai, of Chrift proinifed of my feed , and alter not the Nt: fame I an THE BOOK fame lor my finnes.Dauid alfo and other penitents pray here , that God wil r.fiore vnto them the ioy,which they had in the ftatc of grace , of eternal faluation promifed. (?) Confirme & conferite in me hereafter a ftrong .conflant, and willing fpinte to perfeucre. 15. I (^_) wiltcachthevniuftthy waies: andthe impious shal be-conuerted to thee. (^J Noway can a penitent better shew him felt’ grateful to God,for remifiion of I his finnes,then by inftrufting,exhorting,Sc perfwadingothcifinners to repentance, . ■to leaue their former il way es,and turne to God. id.Deliucrmc (4) from blouds,o God, the God of my faluation: and my ¡ tongue ihal exult (/or) thy iuftice. (4) brom the guilt and punishment ofmurdcr,canTtng Vrias and others with him tobe ilaine. Other penitentspray tobe dcliuered from what finnes foeucr they hauc committed,by sheding bloud,or other wrongs fit iniurics, promifing to praife Gods iuftice,in offering and giuing grace , according to his promife to finners, that they may repair. 17. Lord thou (i>) wilt open my lips :& my mouthihal shew fonhthy prayfe. Thon,oGod,firft furring me vp, opening try lips ,whichofmy felfc I cannot (i) doe,then my tongue and mouth wil praife thee. 18. Becauie it thou (c)wouldeft haue had facrifice,! had.verily giuen it: with holocauftcs thou wilt ( his ruine, Vnto the cnd,vnderftandmgtoDauid, 1. whenDneg'«)the Idumeite came and told Saul : .Dauid is come into the houfeof Achimelech. (j)Ofthe race of Efau .halfalcw ,but cither an Infidel, or fautour of Infidels, a fpic for Saul, a perfecutour of Dauid, 8c a murderer of Innocents. a.Reg. n.v.v.18. eb) High Prieft, flame with 84. more 1-neftcs and others, becaufe they w- key. LU. i s in the thirteenth pfilme chrifls Incarnation tspropheticJ, after that finne abounded in the world :fo here is foreshewed that after general witkednes,^. Chriflwil come to ludge the bad, 7. and dehuer thegood. I. Vnto the end, for (4) Macleth , vnderftandings of Dauid. (a) Wealcencs, or mourning. (J>) S.Auguftin expoundcththis PCalmeas an inftruction to thofe that fuffcr perfection and injuries, efpecially neere the end of the world. H ï foolehathfaid in his hart : There is no God. T2. They are corrupt, and become abominable in iniquities: there is not that doth good. . ;. God hath looked forth from heauen, vpon the children of men : to fee if there be that vnderftandeth, or feeketh after God. 4. Al haue declined, they are become vnprofitable together:there is not that doth good, no there is not one. ; 5. Shalthey notalknow that worke iniquitie, that dcuour my people as ; food of bread? i 6. God they haue not inuocated : there haue they trembled for feare, I where no feare was. i Becaufe God hath (c) diflipated the bones of them(¿)that pleafe men: i they arc confounded, becaufe God hath defpifed them. I (c) God wil ouerthrow al the counfels and forces or worldliepolitikes. ; 7. (e) Wao wilgiucou: of Sion the laluationo’ Ifraelr when God shal i conuert the capiuitieof his people : lacob ihal rcioyce , andlftacl lhal be glad. (<; The true Church afHiâed defireth Chrifts comming to deliuer the opprefled. psalme' _______________ OF PSA LME S.__________________icj , PSALME. LIU. Dttud tn diftrejfe eriethto God for helpe,6.Confidently trufltng-thrrin , S. and A praicr in diftreiie. promijingficrifice of ibernkyt-giuing. They. key. i. Vnto (à) the end, (¿) in fongs vnderftanding for Dauid i. when the Zipheites were come, and faid to Saul : (c) Is not Dauid hid with vs? (J. peg. I x<5.) (•') Though hiftorically thlsPfalme fi) was Tong by Dauid the authour therof, shewing how he prayd in danger, and rendered thanks tor his dcliuerie, (c) when vpon notice giue that he abode in the mountaincs Saul ftraiftly befieged. him,with a greatarinrc, but the Philiiliims inuading the countrie,Saul was forced to leaue Dauid,and to turne his forces againft them , t.Keg. xj. yet it perteyneth alfo lite­ rally to al iuft men in diftreffc, especially to the Church of Chrift , praying in like dangers, and God by his like prouidence dcliuering hisferuants in extremities. 3. r^Goo faueme(J) inthy name : and inthy ftrength(c) iudge K—J me. (d) For the glorie of thy name (r) for the iuftnes of my caufe defend me. 4. OGodhearc my prayer with thine cares : receiuc the words of my mouth. 5. Becaufe (f) Grangers haue rifen vp againftme, & the ftrong haue fought my foule : and they haue not fet God before their eies. (f) Barbarous highland menhauebetraide the place of myne abode to the perfecutcrs. jb. For (^) behold God helpeth me : and our Lord is the receiucrofmy foule. (g ) But I fcare them not, becaufelam in Gods proteition. 7. (/>) Turne away the cuils to mine enimies: and in (i) thy truth deftroy them. (b A iuft prayer, that God wiltumc intended mifehief vpon the deuifers heades, (jj according to his promife, that he wil defend the innocent. 8. (4 1 wil voluntarily facrifice to thee, and (/) wil confcife to thy name o Lord,becaule it is good: fk, Offering voluntarie facrifice, more then is commanded. (0 And praife thee,o God. (m) Becaufethou haft deliuered me out of al tribulation : and (») mine eie hath looked downevpon mine enimies. (my As lam bound (n) Ireioycein thy iuft lodgements againft the wicked. PSALME 10 4 THE PSALME BOOK LIIII. Gods proui- The Prophet ( as reelin his orane,4S other iuft mens perfon )' deferilsetbgreat calamitiesfufered , io. prayeih againft the viewed, 13. lamenting efpeciallj that il ■ icc towards llie goodland tboferrhich profeffefreindsbipe^re aduer/aries, i y. and dedareth Godsprouipod. dencein frroteihng the good, and defraying the had. The j. key. I. Vnto (4) theend(Z>) in Cotigs , (t) vnderftandingto Dauid. (a) A fong as wel for King Dauid himfelfe, as others of al times (b) tofing.Cc) and confidcr Gods prolùdente , in fuffcring one man to aifliil an ocher in this ufe. 1. f TE a R e my prayer,© God, defpife not my petition. 11 j. Attend to me andheareme. 4.1 am made Corowful in my (d) exercife : and am troubled at the voice of the enimie : and at the tribulation of the (inner. (d) This life is a warfare , anda continual combate. Becauiê they haue (e) wrefted iniquities vpon me: & (/) in anger they wererroubleiome tome. (e) Calumniated me, (f; and perfecuted me in great furie. 5. My hart is troubled in me:& (g) thefcareof death is faine vpon me. (g) So inwardly affiiited, asif death were athand. 6. Feare and trembling are come vpon me : and (h) darkenes hath couered me. (h) I haue fcarfe fenfc, or difeourfe of reafon , being almoft ouerwhelmed with trouble. 7. And I faid; (r) Who wil giue me wings as of a doue, and I wil fly: and reft? (>) Would Godi could flie,that in the fimplicicieofa doue , I might fpeedily part away fromthefe afflictions. 8. (k) Loe 1 haue gone far flying away : and I abode in the wildernes. (k)Ihaueflcdfo tarre as Icoidd from troubles: 9.1 (/) cxpe&ed him,that (tn) fauedmefrom (n)pufillanimitie ofipirit, and (0) tempeft. (7) For the reft I remitted to Gods wil and good pleafure, (m) and hefuffcredme not robeouerthrowne, (n) thoughl am weakc, (e> and the tentations aregreat. 10. (p) Precipitate, o Lord, and (q) diuide their tongues : because I haue feen (r) iniquitie,and (f) contradiâion in the citie. (f) O God abate the pride ot arrogant perfecuters , (y) fuffer them not toagree amongft themfelues. (rjThey are ful of al iniquitic, (f) they haue alfo conten­ tions among themfelucs turne the fame to our good it. Day and night ihal iniquitiecompafle it vpon the wals therof, and (t) labour in the middeft therof, and (y ¡ iniuftice. («) With their continual great iniquitie,they haue their troubles/v) but leaue not their iniuftice. ai. And there hath not ceafed out of the ftrects therof (w) vfurie and guile. (wj.Lncy (w) They arc ftilvfurers.and dcceitfuloppreffours oí the poorc. ij.Forfx) if myneenimic had fpokeneuilto me,I would vereily haue borne it. (.v) It is a greater griefe to fufter iniuries of thofethat feeme to be freinds. And it he that hated me had fpoken great things vpon me : I would perhaps haue hid my fclfe tiom him. i^.But (7) thou a man of the farne minde: my guide,and my fami­ liar. (y) A man that was, or feemed of the fame mind, faith, and religion, (z)whom I fo trufted, I would haue gone,whitherfoeuer he should haue led me. ! 15. Which' diddeft(rf)takefweete meats together with me:in the(¿zhoufc ¡ of God we walked with content. (a) Thou that didft participate the fame holie facraments with me,(J) in the Ca- 1 tholi ite Church. 16. Let (e) death come vpon them: and let them goe downe cjuicke into j he 1. (cjAs Core & his complices: fpoken of iuft zele, not of delire to rcuenge: verified in thoferh.-.t finne wittingly and knowing,for they dcfcend,as it wcre,aliuc into hel. ¡ Becaufe there is wickedncs in their habitations, in (J) themiddesof I them. (dj The whole crcwbf the wicked confpire in iniquitic. 17 Burl haue cried to God,and our Lord wil latte me. 18. In (e) the euening , and morning, & at midday,! wil * fpeake, and & declare, and he wil heare my voice. ! («; The Prophet alludeth to three morefpecially appointed houres of Diuine fer- 1 uice,thedaylie laetifice at morning,andeueniig¡, and other facrificescommonlv a-' bout midday. Which alfo are the three principal times of Diuine Seruice in the Church of Chrift :Mattins, Euenfong, and the Sacrifice of Malte. Which Eutymius and other Grecians cal Lyturgiam.S Clement alfo (li. 7,c.i f.cXp»i.Infiit.Jteftifieth thatthe Apoftles ordained titrée fet houres of common prayer euerie day. 91. He wil redeeme my foule in peace from them , that approchto me: becaufe among manie (f) they were with me. if) Minie enimies combined together approchcd vnto me , to ouerthrow me. 10. God wil heare , and he (¿) which is before the worlds vs il humble them. (gJEtemal God. il Forthere is(Z>) no change with them,& they feared not God: he hath 1 ftreached forth his hand in repaying. (fe)They wil neuerrepent of their wickednes. 11.They hauecontaminated his teftament, they are (;) diuided by the j wrath of his countenanccjand (4) his hart hath approched. (>) They harden their harts againft his threatned wrath: (kJ but Gods illuminateti] others to know and teach the truth,when it is impugned or comemned. (ZjHis words arc made otter then oile:and (m) the fame are dans. (I) Gods words, which in thcmfelues are meeke and Tweete , (m) arc hard to the 1 incredulous,& as darts that wound them. Chrift faid ( Ioan. 6. J Tnlc. one eate my j flesh,& drinke mv bload , he shal not batte life inhitn, which the Capnarnaites not ' vnderft tnding faid one to an other : Tiiis isa hard fpcach , who c.-.n abide it ? ss hich j S.Auguftin here faith was the firft he-efie agninftour Sauiours preachit’g. Ir was not 1 hard to S.Peter,who in the name or thereit,anfwcrcd, that Chrib had inc n ords of Tom. 1, O crei;.ai- toó_________________ THE BOOK__________________ _ -tenial lifc.Heyet vndcrftocdnot the fecrct of out Lords fpcach, but he pioufly bcicucd that the words were good, which he vnderftood not. 13. (n) Caft thy care vpon our.Lord : and he wil nourish thee: he wil not giue (0) fluctuation to the iuft tor cuer. ('•njThcrforein al doubtsof doftrine,in al diftreflesof pcrfecution,and other dif­ ficulties which furpaflethy wcaknes,caft thy care vponour Lord, and he wil nourish thee, o He wil not fuffer the iuft to remainealwavcs in fluctuation,that is, tn doubt, ful .dangerous,and wintering thoughts or perplexities ,as when a ship is tolfed in the waues of the fea, but wil giue quiet repoie of mind,as in a furehauen without dan­ ger of drowning. 14. But thou, o God, wilt bring (p) them downc into the pitofdeftruCtion. (fj Contrariwife the wicked and obftinateshal fai intodeftruftion. (<}) Bloudy and deceitful men shal not liue halte their dayes,but I wil hope in thee,o Lord. 1'7) Often or for moft part bloud-fuckers dye before thecourfe of nature requiicth,asSaiil,Abfolon,Achitopbel,Achab,Iezabel,and the like. PSALME L V. Ciuids prayer jyauid being in danger before ^fcbis King of Getb, confidently imploralo Gods I», danger. belpe.agmnjl the great malice and poroer of bis enimies ; 8 foretbrrocth their Ihc b. key. ruine,his atone exaltation, 1 z. and offer etti grafts and thanks. I. Vnto (4) the end , (¿1 for a people , that is made far from rhe Saints, Dauid in (c) the infeription of the title, (d) when the foteners held him in Geth (i.Reg.iz.v.n.) (a)This Pfalme perteyneth alfo to future times, (i) for the vfeofanie iuft perfon*s,or pcople.thatare againft their wilfeparated from the publike diuineberuice of holie Church : (a) moft worthie tobe noted with title, for perpetual memorie, (d) made by Dauid when the Philiftijms detected him to their King in Geth. z. T T Ave meacieonme,o God,becaufe (c)inan hath trodenwpon me: 1 1 (f) al the day impugning he hath afflicted me. (ej Now oneforteof i. difpofed men,now an other, (/") neuer ceafetofeekemy deftruftion. j.Myne enimies haue troden vpon me al the day: becaufe they are manic 1 hat v arre againft me. (g) Saul with his great armie.the Philiftijms,& other ftrangers, forne in manifeft hoftilitie, others detecting and betraying meto myne al that liue godly in Chrift haue maniecnimies vifibleandinuifible. 4. From (■') the height of the day I shal feare : (ijbutlwiltruftinthee. ('*) Of thefe moft eminent great dangers I am indeed atcard , fj) but fo that my cruft and allured confidence is in thee,o God. 5. In God 1 wil praifed my words,in Godhauel hoped: I wil not feare what flesh may doc to me. ( J<)'Words and promifes made to mejor the good which I fpcakeordoeby Gods grace. 6. Al the day did they (I) deteft my words^ againft me ( m ) al their cogiI — ~ ~ rations O F P S A L M E S. 107 cations are vnto etti 1. (I i They calumniate vhatfocuerifay ,(m) wrefting al my words to cuilfenfc. 7. They wil (n) inhabité and keepe fecret: they wil obferuemy heclc. (it) They mette together,, andfecrctly confpire to intrap me or catch metrip- ping. 8. As they haue expeéted (») my foule, 8.(p) for nothing /halt thou íaue them:(if) mwraththouwiltbreake peoples. («JTotakemv lire : (p) tor this their vaine purpofe to deftroy me,thoifuilt faite th. m,asthcy deferue,thatis,(çjthou wilt brake them in pieces. O God 9.1 haueshewed my life to thee : thou haft fet my teares in I thy fight As alio in thy shal mine enemies be turned backcward. , In what day foeucrl shal-inuocate thee rlocl haue knowne that thou art my God. il. InGod I wilpraife r) the word, in our Lord wil I praite thee faying: I haue hoped in God,l wil no: fcarc what man can doe to me. fr) I wilalwayes gratefully acknowledge thy promifes, and fayings , for they arc allured. ti. In me, o God( f) are thy vower, which I wil render, praifes to thee. (QI haue pur poled and vowed to ofi'er facrihce of praiic, and by thy hclpe wil perforine it. ij. Became thou haft deliuered myfoule fromdeath, and my fcetelfrom falling : thatl may (r) pleafe betore God, in(>)the light of the lining; (s) Doe that plcafcch God,(v) in truefaithand pious workes. P SALME L V I. The Prophet prayeth initril>utAeion,^.tefiifieth Gods belpe,6.praifetbl>if gnatnes: 8. promising and inumng 4/ nations topraife him. D.iuids great patience. 1. Vnto (4) the end, (t) deftroy not,toDauidin(c)thcinfcriptionof the ,ThtS. key title,(¿) when he fled from the face of Saul into the caue. (4j The heroical faffs of Dauid arc for example to al Chriftians. (i>;Innocent Dauidhailing opportunitie to kii his vniuft perfecutour ,obeyed the motion of God , fuggefting vnto him, not ro deftroy his encmie, contrarie to the counfelof his ficinds: (cj a tiling moft worthietobe recorded .or perpetual memo­ rie (d) being in fo great and vniuft trouble, as to lye in the caue of a mountaine, yet fpared tokii, or hurthim. that driuehim into fuch ftreits. Ste ihehiftorie 1 14. 2. fjAvt mercic on me, o God, haue mercie on me; becaufc my foule I 1 nath trufted in thee. And I wil hope in the shado w of thy wings,vnt il iniqùitiepafic. 3. I wil cric to God the higheft: God-that hath done me good. 4. Hc ftnt (e) from heauen,and dehuered me : he hath giuen into (/) reproch them that trodc vpon me. (1) Extraordinarie diuine helpe, pafsing mans power. tf) It ful reprochfullv to Saul,that Dauid might haue ft line him ihe would,yet did neither hurt him, nor in­ fuit vpon him,but meekly and p.o.ifly admonished him o f his errour,and iniurious. ! pcrfccution. G hath lent his merde and his truth, 5. and. hath deiiucrcd my (») fouie out of tl’.e tniddes of (h) Lions whelps:! flept troubled. (g My life (li) from moft inightic and rauenous pericenters. The fonnesot mcn,their(/)tccth arc weapons and arrowes : .and their (l{) tongue a sharpe fword. (!) Though they luuc not lions natural teeth,yer they cxercifccrucltie by artificial weapons,(IQ and with their cruel tongues incite their folowers to the fame ¿urie. 6. Be exalted abauc the hcauens.oGodand thy glorie vponal theearth. 7. They prepared.a fnare for my teeter and bowed dov.'nc my foule. They (/) digged apit before my late : and they are faine into it. (1) Saul endcauoured manie waves to ouerthrow Dauid,amongft other meanes prouoked him tofetvpon thePhiliftiims, thinking they should haue flainc him. i. Reg. 18.V.17-butthc fame Phiiifti jms ouerthrew Saul. 1.Reg.J1. 8. My hart is roadie, o God,.my hart is rcadic : I wil ling , and.fay ■ a Pfalme. i” iihChri'ilian ^r’^e m7 gpor,e, ar¡íc pfalter and harperl wil arifecarly. < 'mils.then >0.1 W*1 confefle to thee among (n) peoples , o Lord : andl wil fay :: a lhev werewith Pfalme to thee among (n) the Gentils. JtPfalmes the leves. Sec (m n) Gods benefits befto wed vpon Dauid,and vpon faithful Chriftians prcfi. Vpon which occafion Dauid made this Pfalme. As he alfo made others,for perpetual me­ morie of Gods like benefits , in deli-aering him in iminent dangers , when Saulfent three croups of fcricants to kil him , and folowed them himfelfe. 1. Reg. 19. v. 10. likewife when he was knowen and bewrayed before Achis King of Geth. t. Reg.t 1. alfo in Ccila, inthe deferts of Zi ph, and of Maon,c.t}. in Engaddi, c.14. in Bachila, c; t6. and againe amongft the Philiftians, c. 17. and 30. 1. J~xEt tver me from mineenimies,o my God and from them ■L^ that rile vp againft me defend me. 3. Deliuer me from.them that worke iniquitie : and from bloudymen fane me. 4. Becaufelocthey (¿) haue taken my foule: the ftrong haue faine vio­ lently vpon me. ft) They liaue fo flreitly befieged me, that it is now in their hands to take away my life. 5. Nevtberisdt mine iniquitie, nor my finne ,0 Lord : ( c) without iniquitic haue 1 runne, and gone directly. (c) Of my parti haue committed no fault againft myneenimies, for which they can haue anic iuft caufe to perfecute me. 6. Ryfe vp to meete me, and fee: and thou,o Lord^the Godofpowres, Godot I ft ael, attend to viike ()asif there were no God, ■ th it heareth, and wil punish it. 9. And _______________ OF PSALME S. nT ç. And thou, o Lord, wilt fcarne them: thou wilt bring to nought al the nations. 10. I wil keep my ftrength to thee : becaufe thou art my teceiuer: if, my God,thy mercie ihal preuent me. (^Through Gods grace the Church is ftil ftrong and the vertuous doe perfetier. 11. God wil ihew vnto me concerning mine cnimics, kil them not (/) left fometime my peoples forget. (I) God fuffcreth afflictions to t'ai vponliis fermants,to keepe them exercifed, left in profpetitie they forget their duties to him. Diipetfe them inthy ftrength ; and ( m ) depofc them my protedtour, o Lord. (»>)Depriuethemofpo\ver,that they may not doe Co much euil as they delire. Ij. The finne ot their mouth, the word of their lips: and let them be taken in their pride. Andfor(s) curling and lyingthey ihalbe (o)talked of 14. in confummation: in wrath of confummation and they shal not be. After that their iniquitic is complete (0) they shalbeaccufed and punished for •their blafphemies and lies. (n) And they shal know that God.wii rule oucr lacob : and ouer the ends of the earth. 15. They (p)-shal be turned at euening, and shal fufferfamine as dogs; & shal eompalfe the citic. (p) As V. -7. 1-6. They shal be ( j ) difperfed to eate : andjf they be not filled, they (r wil murmur alfo. (9) They shal in vaine feeke oylc for their lamps with the foolish virgins, repent ■withludas, and finding nohelpe, fry shal continually blafphemein he! 17. But I willing thy Itrength : and .wil exalt thy mercie in (J) the morning. ( [, In the refurreftion. Becaufe thou art become my receiuer, and my refuge in the day of my tribulation. My helper, I wil ling to thee, becaufe thou art God my receiuer : my God,my mercic. PSALME LIX. King Dauid After bif owne and the peoples manie tribulationi, 8. rendereth /han­ King Dauids thank es for selfor their renowmed ~in[loriei,l\. aicbiued by Godi only power. I. Vntotheendjfor them (a) that shalbe changed,in (l>) the infeription ofthetitle (c) to Dauid himfelfe, (d) for dottrine, 2. (e) when he fet fire onMefopotamiaofSyria,and in Sobal, and loab returned , and ftruck Idumxa in the valley of fait-pits twclue thoufand (2. 8. Strongly, with fortitude» P SALMI LX. A confident Faithful people ofthe tvhole earth pray , and acknowledge that God mercifully prayer for Chrifts Incar­ heareth their prayer. 6. Xxpeftthe eternal Kingdom of chrift, in which they nation. shal praife himfor euermore. The f. key. i. Vnto the end, (4) in hvmnes to Dauid. (*J Infongsof praifeand chankes to God. 1. 3. T IE a R s, o God, my petition: attend to my praier. Ilrrom the ends of the earth I haue cried to thee: whiles mv han hart was in anguish,thou (c) didft exalt mcon arock. (b) From al coafts of the earth faithful people pray to God. ( c}The Church btiildcd ypon an afl'urcd foundation,is exalted to great power and dignitie. 4 Thou haft (d) conducted me,becaufe thou art made my hope : a toute of ftrength from the face of the enimie. (d) God conducteth,dcfendeth,and deiiuereth'thofc that confidently truft in him. 5. 1 ihal inhabirein (r) thy tabernacle tor euer;l flialbc protected in the couertofthy wings, («) In the Church,a placeof afl'ured proteâion. 6. Becaufe thou my God haft heard my prayer: thou haft giuen inheri­ tance to thofe that feare thy name. 7.Thou wilt adde (ft) dayes vpon thedayesofthe King: his yeares euen vnto the day of generation and generation. (f) Chrjfts kingdome,the Church,perpetual to the end of this world, and eternal after the general Refurrcftion. 8. He is permanent for euer in the fight of God : his (g) merde and (b) truth who lhal require? (g) Who is able to vnderftand or explicate how ereat Chrifts mercie is in redee­ ming vs,(b) and his truth in performing his promifed rewards? p.So (j) will fay a Plainte to thy name for euer andcuer:that I may ren­ der my vowes (A) from day today. (») Forfo ineftrmable benefites Iwiíalwayes praife thee with Pfalmcs , CantixlcSjOr oilier thanks in this life: (JQ and eternally in die life to come. PSALME LX I. iuft man encouraged} Ins cxene Joule toferue God injincere ¡ umiline, 9. ex­ horted) alfo al others to truft in God > not in falje andvcrldhe polline, or Wealth,hecaujê Gods power er- mente wil render to euerte one as they dejerue. i.Vntothe end,for(«t)Idithun aPfalme of Dauid. (<) Direitedco Idithuiijoneof themaftersof mufike,to.fing it , or to make tune for it. i. çHal (¿'not my foulebefubiefttoGod’for of him is my faluation. J (6)The wicked treating tn ruinatcothcrs,Dauid,or anie iuft manicaretti them not,becaufe his foule is fubiect to God. j. porheismy God,and my fauiour:my receiucr,(r) 1 shal bemouedno more. (r) Therfore 1 firmely purpofeneuerto be moued from God. 4. (J, How long let you violently vpon a man: ( e) you al doekil, as it were vpon (f) a waithat isleaning, and a wal shaken. fd, In vaine doe you-myneaducrfaricsftil affault me , (c though ye be al confederate to kil me , (/)fuppofing me to be like a ruinous orskakenwal, that iscai.'ly throwne downc. 5. But (?) yetthey thought to repc! my price. (b) I ranne in thirft thej (1) blcflcd with their mouth,and curfeu with their hart. (g They think ltil to depiiue meofmy reward,thcpricc of my labours and m- Tom. i P rites tx hortation ogood life, ■nrefpeit of ¡reward or uur.ishmcnt. The 7-key. :i4____________ T H E BOOK_________________ rites j ' b) but I ninne fo much more diligently,as thniung after righccoufncs in this life,mfd glorie in the next,to finish my courte 'i j Arnott dangerous tentation, v: hen after threatsand crueltie, perfccutours endcauour by fwccte words and promiles to nerf-wade the iuft to fai into finne. 6. But yet my loulc bethoufubieét to Godtbecaufcmy patience is from him. 7. Becaufe he ismv God,and my helper(/<)! flial not rcmouc. (I;) I refolutely pnrpofcnot toyealdtoanietentations. 8.1n God is my Valuation,and my glorie: the God of my hclpe, and my hope is in God. 9. Hope in him (/) al ye the congregation of peoplcrpowre outyourharts before him: God is our helper tor euer. (I) Gods faithful feruantsj arc not only confiant tbemfclues, but alfo exhort and perfwa'de al others,as much as in them licth,to fcruc God and ttuft in him. 10.But yet the children of men are vaine , the children ot menare (w) liers in balances: t hat they may deceiue by vanitie together. (m Vfing falfc weightsthey defraud one an other. 11. Hope not in iniquitie, and couet not robberies ; if riches abound fet not your hart vpon them. 11. (n) Once hath God fpcken,thefe (o') two things haue I heard: (n ;God hauingonce fpoken it his moil affured.(o) Two cfpecial attributes of God. Alat.if. ij.That (/>) power is Gods,and (a) merde, o Lord,istothee ; becaufe K'». 1. thou wilt render to euerv one.according to his works. . Cor.j. (p. God is omnipotent, fo that he can both reward and punish infiniti)’; (y) and S-h.6. Merci ful, that he isrcadicto rcceiuc al finnersinto hisfauour, if they wil repent & turne vnto him. PSALME P.iuids deno­ timi in banish■Cnt. ÏI1C8. key. L X I I. D4uid in bamtbment Wi/bgreat affetrion dejiretb to y nite btmfelfe With God tn meditation 4 purpofing and promising euer to praife btm: 10. propbecieihthc yuine endeaHours,and condemnation ofbu emmies and bn owne aduancemeni. 1. A Pfalmc(4,)of Dauid when he was in the defert of luda, (/(.eg .22.) (a) Holie Dauid made this deuout medication when he was in the foreft of Haret, or defert of Ziph. iy. and could not comctothe tabernacleof God ,not tolerufalem, where hcefpeciallv defired co be,in the inheritance ofour Lord, which was tohiua a great affliction. AschelikeisnowtoCatholikcs ,-whcn they a-c putin clofe prifonfor their faith, or oche, wife hindred, that they can nor be prefent at the moft holie and day lie Sacrifice. Li which cafe we muft fupplic as we may, this great lode,and comfort oar felucs with this , or likcPfalmc, or prayer, faying: O God my thee I watch. 2. /'■X God my God to thee I watch, ( b ) from the morning light. Vz (c)My foule hath thirllcd to thçe,my flcih to thee very manic wayes. (ty Euen from the firft dawning of the morning, fc) my foule thirfteth a tier thee, (d) vea alfa mv very fiesh,and whole bodie teelctn great paincs,by this affiiitionof mind,and defirethrelcefcand reft. In _______________ O F P S A L M E S._______________ £]5 ;. In a defert land, and inaccinble, and without water, (r) foin the holie hauel appeared to thee, (/) thatl might lee thy ftrength, and thy gæ’ic. (t Being nor in cafe that I can not feme thee, o God, as 1 would , ve: I exhibite mv felrc prefent i.r fpirit, bctorc thy holie place, 'J) mediating- thy power,ana thy glorie. ^..Becaufe (j) thvmercie is better then Hues, my lippes fita! pray fe thee. (g.iThis confutation in banishment from thy diuineStruice,is Tweeter to inc then manie temporal lines, or anie worldlie profperitie. 5. (A) So wil l bielle thee in my lite : and in thy namel wil litte vp my hands. (h) For as the Pafsions of Chrift abound in vs ( faithS. Paul. a.Cor. Chrift our comrort aboundeth. 6. As with (i) marrow andfatneslet my loule be filled: mouthihal praife withlipsof exultation. fo alfo by and my («’^Replenish my foul,o God, with the aboundance of thy grace , (kJ fo shallby more able to praife thee 7. ( I) If 1 haue been mindful of thee vpon my bed, (m) in the morning 1 wii meditate on thee : 8. becaufe thou haft been my hcipcr. (7,'Seeing in-the night, alio m my bed I meditate on thce;(mz I wilmore dili­ gently doe the fame in the morning. 9. And in-.he coucrt of thy wings I wil reioice,my foule hath cleaned after thee : thy right hand hath receiued me. 10. But ( n) they in vaine haue fought my foule, (0) they ftial enter into theinférieur parts of the earth. (nJ My temporal and fpiritua! enimies: (oj and they shal be damned for their finnes. 11. They (p) shal bedeliucred into the hands ol the fword, they Hial be (j) the portions of foxes. (f) It happened literally to Saul, that he wasflainein battle, which he made agahift hisenimies-(q, and rus dead bodie was hung on a wal Reg. ji. ) cxpol'ed to wilde beafts, or birds, though it was afterwards burntand buried. iz. But (r) the King maireioice in God,al shal be prailed that f.veare by him: becaufe rhemouth is flopped of thole that Ipeake wicked things. (r) Dauid was prefently artcr Sauls death exalted to the Kingdome , in figure of Chrift, whofe name and glorie was exalted,after the deitruâion of the lewes by Pa­ gane ¿mper ours. PSALME LXI1I. prayer of the tuff repoiingtbeir-nhtle truf in God: J, and reitycing that the A confident prayer in tr enemies machinations are fruit rate, I. Vntothe end, a Pfaime of Dauid. z. v tE are o God my prayer whenl make petition : from the feare 1 lot* my cnimie dcliuer my foule. 5.Thou (4) haft protected me from the (t) affemblic of the malignant. bulation. They key. lib________________ THE BOOK troni the multitude of them that workeiniquitie. (4) By example ofthy former protc¿tioti,(¿) from theconfpiracieofwickcdmen, I truft molt afiuredly in thy helpe. 4>Becaufe they haue fharpned their tongues as a fword : they haue bent the bow a bitter thingy .that they may shoot in fecrets at the immacu­ late. . 6.Sodainely they wilshoot at him,and wil not fcaretthey (c)hauecon­ firmed to thcmfelues a wicked word. (r)They are refolded to intrap me. They haue talked to hide fnares:thcy haue faid, Who shal fee them? 7. They hauefearchediniquities: they () the out-goings of the morning and euening thou filale delight. (I) Thou wilt by thy omnipotent power moue the hans of-obdurate men,and fo conuert innumerable of al nations to thee, (m) Thou wilt draw manie to thee, with ioy and gladnes, from thevttcrmoftcoafts of the eaft and weft. to. Thou haft 'vifited theearth, and haft inebriated it : thou haft multi­ plied to inrich it. The (n) riuer of God is repleniflied with waters ,thou haft prepared their (e) meat : bccaule (p) fo is the preparation thcrof. (n) God wrought diuers miracles in waters(Gen.a.Exo.7.i4. is.Iofue. j.4.Reg.í.¿. & in prouiding meatc for his peoplcf Exo. 16. j.Reg.t-7.4.Rcg.4.7.&c.y which were figures of B.iptifme,Eucharift,and other Sacraments of Chrift, washing from fiemes, and augmenting grace, (pjfo replenishing the Church with moft facrcd Myftcries. it. Inebriate f herriuers, (r) multiplie her Fruits: in her drops ihe flial reioyce fpringing. (9) Endowing the Apoftles and other preachers with fpiritual grace and learning, (r) continuing the fucccfsion of paftours to waiter and fecde the faithful people II. Thou "wilt (J) blefic thecrowne of the yeare of thy goodnes:(t)and thyftelds ihal be replcnifitcd with piemie. (f) God blefi’eth the whole courfc, or circle of time.bfthe Church militant in this world,(t) and the crowne, or happie end ofeuericiuft portons life. 15. The (1) beautiful places ofthe defert ftial loe far : and the lulsftxalbe girded about with exultation. litle (v) Euen thofe which before had only a shew ofbeautie. but indeed were barren, zita! ycaldaboundant fruit, (w) Thofe which arc more eminent shal particularly re­ ioyce in their ownc and others fpiritual progreffe in venue. 14. The (x) rammes of the fneep arc clothed , and (7) the valleyes shal abound with corne : ( they wil trie, yea they wil iay an hymne. (x) The principal paftours shal in proportion rciovccaboue the reft for the grace and glorieof al thcirflock. ( y )The fubiefts alfo and inférieur people shalbefa. líate with their happie lot. (x) Altogether , prelates and people , higher and lover shal with vniformevoicefing praifes to God, and perpetual hymnes. PJ ANNO- ii8 THE. BOOK ANNOTATIONS. PSALME L X I ILL Ijerpetuitic of 11. Gol vvU'ble Tc the crovvne.') Vnder the Allegorie of the land of lurie, wherunto the Church. the people of God were tobereftorcd after their captiuitie in Babylon, rhe Pfalmift S. Aug here prophecicth greater tilings, then can be verified or the temporal ftate of the ; Eutym. Icwcs , that the militant Church,shal ftil be blelied from the beginning to the end Reward of the ■ yeilding expected- fruit; and al the inft , that perfeuer tothc.end of their lines , shal 1 receiue moft happie and glorious rewards of their labours As saint Paul after his (Utt. meritorious trauels cófidentlv expefted his glorious reward,when he faid( i.Tiin.4.) I haue foutghta good fight, I haue confummate my courfe , I haue kept my faith. ‘•aintscrownes Concerning the reft , there is layde vp for me a Crownc of iuftice, which our Lord >ii' of Gods wil render tome in that day , a iuftludgc. And not only-to me', but to them alfo that bcnignitie. loue his conuuing. And this is cabed the crowne oftheyeare of Gods benigniti e, occaufe God of his ownc benigniti:, without mans former defert giueth grace , and in the end for merite folowing , giueth a crowne of glorie. So our blefled Sauiour according to his fulnes of grace .which was in his forile, and infinite mcrite,recciued acrowne of glorie , in th: confummation of his temporal life , after the fpace of thirtiethreeyeares. And our Blefled Ladie.the Mother of God rcceiucd an anfweThe Corones rable crow.ietohcr excellent grace and merits , in the confummation of her lire .at our Lord,and theendot fixtiethrec yeares.In memorie of which numbers of ycares , deuout men lauepio.lfiy inftituted certaine formes of prayers, called the Crownes or Corones OUrLadie. of Sauioai, and of our Ladle. PSALME Gentils fuecrede the lewes. ' Thcd. key. LXV. T¿e Prophet innitet bell men to Prelift God for bis meruelous, And benefits donetothe lesees. 7. Wfeoifing ~i/ngreiteful, 8. Gentils strtceiUed, 16. And bring forth betterfruit. I. Vnto the end , a Canticle (4) of reíurreñion. (<) Myftical refurreftion, Gentils fuccccding in place of the lewes. Ake ye (¿) jubilation to God al-the earth, z. fay a Pfalme to his Mname: giue glorie to his praife. fikShew your internal ioy by external- words and deeds. j. Say yeto God: (c) How terrible are thy workes,o Lord ! inthe multi­ tude of thy ftrength thine enimies (. Therforehath God heard , and hath attended to the voice of my petition. 20. Bleifed be God who hath not remoucd my prayer, and his mereie from me. PSALME LXVI.. ^ops nation The Prophet prayeth for (and withal foresheweth ) the propagation oftheC'ourch >f the Church. of Cbrtft. the 6. key. 1. Vnto the end,in hymnes, a Pfalme (4) of Canticle to Dauid. (aj 2. This Pfalme beginning to befong by voices,inftruments 'sereadioyned. O d (i) haue mereie vpon vs, and (c)bleffevs: (d) illuminate his kJ countenance vpon vs, and < e) haue mereie on vs. ft) God firft remitte our finnes: rc)then giue vs thy manifold graces , ( d ) grant faithand repentance,rt¡ and fo forgiuencs of finnes. j. That we may know thy way vpon earth : in al nations thy faluatinn. 4. Let peoples, o G od, confeifeto thee; let al peoples confeife to thee. \f) Al nations shal beconuerted. 5. Let nations be glad & reioicerbecaufe thou iudgeft peoples in equitie, and the nations in earth thou doeft direâ. 6. Let peoples, o God,confeife to thee, let al peoples confeife to thee: 7. the earth hath ycalded her fruit. (g ) God,(fe) our God blcife vs, 8. (i) Godblelfe vs : and let al the ends of the earth feare him. (y ) God the Father, God the Sonne,fi)God the HolieGhoft ,faue the people ot al nations,by Euangclical preaching of thee, the moft Blefled Irinitie. PSALME The Chureh ftil conferued. The «. key. LX VI I. - Notwithflanding greatperfecutiom the Cbureh profpereth. i o. sfpcciaUy in the nrw teftament, by ¿Apofolictl funñion^ li.tnini/lerte of ^Angels , chrift 'Afcenfian, ctmnrmg ofthe Holie ohof, J i. connrming the faithful, repref ftngthe tnjolent, And tonnertingm true. j 5. For•al'whtchthe Prophet tatuitih •al nien to praife God. 1. Vnto the end, a Pfalme of Canticle, to Dauid htmlelf. 2. T Et (4) Godarife, and let his enemies be diipcrfed, andletthem •Lthathatc him(¿) flyefrom his face. (4 In manner of pray ing that God vil vouchfafe to defend the Church , the Pfalmift prophccicth that God v il arife, ft, and the enemies shal flye avay, not daring ,to abide the combat. ______________________ ?• As OF PSALM ES. i7r ¡ 5.As (moke vanisheth,kt them vanifii away:as waxe melteth at the prc~fenceoffire, folet finners perish at theprcfcncco’ God. 4«And (<) let the iuft make merrie.andrcioycc in the fight ofGodtand let them be delighted in ininh. (c) As God is terrible to the wicked: fo hets comfortable to the iuft. r.SingtoGodJayaPfalmeto his name: (d) makeway to him, who mounteth vpon the weft, (f Lord is his name. (e) (d) Refift not Gods infpiration,but receiueitwithioy and thanker.'rj Vho trium­ phetis ouer death Cod isloid,notonly 01 thefe or thofe nations, countries or other creatures,but abfolutcly and vuiucrfally of al. Reioyce ye in his fight, they lirai be troubled at the prefence of him: 6. the father of orphanes,and iudge of widowes. God in his (&) holie placety.God that maketh men to inhabite(t)of one manner tn anoufe. (gJThatisthe trueholieChurch,which hath'A_,vnitic in doctrine , touching faith and manners. S. Cypr.ep.76. That btingeth tonfi them (;) that be bound in ftrength, likewifethem that (/;) exafj crate,that cwtl (l) in kpuichcrs. (r)'Ihat be hound ii< firme,(1 ) cuir, rebellious wils are altered l y Gods mcrcic,& freely embrace his kv//). Ifo the dead ard drie harts that cared net tot fpirrtual thii gs.rcfofcned, and quickned v iih new grace. 8.0 God (m) vt hen thou vs ente ft forth in the fight of thy people, w hen thou didft pafe through the defert. (m) The benefits behoved on thelfraelites, are written in thebooks of Moyfes, Iofuc,and ludges. 2 .The earth was moved,andthe heauensalfo diftilled,at the prefence of the God of Sina,at the face of the God of Ifrael. 10. (n'j Voluntarie rayneihalt thcu feparate, o God,to thine inheritance: and it was (0) weakned,but thou hath perfiteth it. fs) Not mans deferuing,but Gods mere good wil, and free grace caufcd Chrift to come^nd by himfelfeand his Apoftlcsto preach the Euangelical doitrhie , which Watereth the whole world.(o^God chofe the w cake,but made them ftrong. U.Thy (p) liuing creatures slial dwei in it: thou haft prepared (^; inthy fwcetnes for the poore,oGod. (p) Thofewhom thou haft chofen,and lb made thyncowne peculiar people, shal cnioy this grace. () to the beautie of the houfe,to diuidethe fpovics. (r ; Some patent King,or(as it is in the Hebrew Kirfgs beine beloued of the bcloued or God,the only Sonne of God. shal vcald themfelues to the fame beloued Sonne of God: (v) which shal redound to the glorie and beautie of his Church, gjyning fuch fpiritual pray cs from the diucl. 14. It ye (w) lleepc among the middeft of the lots, the v mgs of a doue layde ouer with bluer,and the hinder parts of herbackein thepaicncs ol geld.______________ ______________________________________ j Tom. ziw)Jf ; 22 THE LOOT ( wj.lf you be in f-.ich danger , that the aducrfarics caft dice, or lots for your perfons,and goods,yetyou shal bcdeliucrcd, as if a-douc , with her glittering tethers, like-fihier and gold , flye away into afecure place , without lolle orduninution, but rather with increafc of vertues. 15. Whiles (x) theheauenbedifcernethKingsoucrher^ (j) withfnow they flial bemade white in Selmon. (x) When the hcauenlie King determincth thnsofearthlic Kings, (y ) thev shal be purged from their finnes ,.and made white likefnow , that falleth in mount fclmon, which isa shadowed hil,thickcwith trees, in mount Ephraim ncercto Iordan. 16. "The ( <0 mountaine of God a fat mounraine. (z) The Church of Godisvifible, and durable like to a mountaine. A mountaine (4) curded as cheeft;, a (fi) fattemountaine : 17.v/ why ( c) fuppofe you curded mountaines? (a) Combined , or ioyned together , as when mike is turned into curde, arid fo •into chesfe. (b) Fruitful,enriched by fpiritual guifts of the HolicGhoft.(c) l'e that are nor of this Church , doe in vainc and erronioufly imagine , that anie other mountaines arevnited. A mountaine, in which it hath wel pleated Godio dwel therin: for indeed our Lord.wil dwel cuento the end. t8. The ( ) Churches bleflc-ycGod out Lord , oT(w) the Fountaines of ifrael. (■») Andalthis in the particular "Churches of diuers Kingdoms , and world; (w) beginningwithchelfraelitesinlerufalcm , audio proceeding into al lurie, and Samaria, and to the vtmoft of the earth.Acl.i. 18. There (x) Beniamin a yong man,in exceiTe of mrndc. (x) S.Paul o.’Iacobs y ongeftfonne Beniamin , laft calledto Apoftleship, was chiefly fent to the Gentils. (7) The Princes of luda their leaders.- the Princes of Zabulon , the Princes of Nephthali. (y) Other Apoftlesor diuers tribes font firft to the lewes., fecondarily to-Gen tils. ap.Commandthy ftrength,o God.haft wrought in vs. confirme this,o God,which thou (yj As the Church began by the omnipotent power of God j fo by the fame only power it is conferned. jo. From thy temple in lerufalem,Kings shal offer guilts to thee. ji.Rebuke(amd. (■<)PertevningtothenewTeftament, (b) forGentilsconuertcdroChriftianitic, and from vice to vertuc,fc)prefigurcd in Dauid. 2. Ç A V e me, o God : becaufe ( d ) waters are entred into my <5 foule. (d) Vehement affliftions inuironemy hart. 3. 1(e) iticke fail in the myre ofthe depth : and there is no fure Han­ ding. (»)Tam as one intangled with quick-sand or quadmyre in the bottom ofagreat water. lam come into the depth of the feat and a tempeft hath-ouerw helmed me. 4. I haue ( f ) laboured erving, my iawes are made hoarfe : my eies haue -failed, OF PSALM ES. «5 failed,whiles I hope in my God. ( f) Our Lord fweat bloud for anguish in his prayer , and Vas not deliuered from his paflion, neither are hisferuants prefently deliuered from tribulations, but as is moft to eods honour and their owne good. íoaA.ip 5. They arc multiplied abouethehairesofmy head, that hate mewithout caule. Mine enimies are made ftrong, that haue perfecuted me vniuftly: (g) then did I pay the things that I tooke not. (g) Our Sauiour who had no finne, payd the ranfom for al Cones. 6. O God thou knoweftmy (h) foolishnes : and-(i) mine offences are not hide from thee. (h) O God thou knoveft, that this which fecmeth folie to worldlie men , is true wifdorn (i) and though men charge me with offences, thou knoveft that I am inno­ cent. 7. (4) Let them not be ashamed vpon me, which expeôed thce,o Lord, Lord of hofts. 1 Suffernotthewcaketobc feandalized in my paffons. . Let them not be confounded vpon me that feeke thee,o Godoflírael») 8. Becaufe for thee haue I fuftained xeproch , confufion hath coucred my-face. 9. I am become a forener to my brethren, and a ftranger to the formes of my mother. 10. Becaufe ( I ) the zelo of thy houfe hath cátenme : and the reproches of them that reproched thee,fel vpon me. (l) Thczcleof fecking Gods honour, in propagating and aduancing his Church, is the caufc of pcrfecution. As wc fee tbofe are leffc perfecuted, which haue leffe godlie ¿ele. it. Andlcoueredmyfoûleinfaftmg: and it (m) was madeareprcch to me. (m) The wicked doe reproch thofe that mortifie themfelues. 11. And I put haire-cloth my garment, & I became a parable to them. Ij. They fpake againft rne(n) that fateinthegate¡andthcy fong againft me that dranke wine. (n) The great men and iudges, alfo the drunkards and rafcalitie of the people. 14. But I (0) my prayer to thee,o Lorde a time of thy good pleafure, o God. ( 0 ) But I dirci! my prayer to thee. (p) In the multitude of thy merde heare me,in the truth ofthy faluatio. (f) Expeñing the time of thy good pleafure. 15. Deliuerme outofthcmyre,thar I Itick notfaftidcliuerme from them that hate me,and from the depths of (ij) waters. (5) Tribulations. 16. Let notthe tempeft of water drowne me, nor the depth fwallow me: (r) neyther let the pit ihut his mouth vpon me. (r) Though Chrift died and was buried, and in foule defeended into hel, yet he could not be holdcn in his fepulchre,norin limbo, bur rofc againe. 17. Heare me, o Lord, becaufe thy mcrcie is benigne:according to the multitude of thy commiferations hauc refpcót to me. 6 i 18.And izó T H E B O O K 18. And turne not away thy face from thy feruant : becaufe I am in tri­ bulation, heare me fpeedily. 19. Attend to my foule,and dcljuer it : ( f) becaufe of mine enimies deliuer me. (f) That they n.trftither be conucrted, or confounded,and fo doc no more hurt. 20. Thou knoweft-my reproch & my confufion, & my shame. 21. In thy fight are al they that afflidt me, .my han hath looked for reproch and miferic. And I ■expedted fome bodie that would be forietogether with meand there (j) was none: and that would comfort me,and I found not. (r) Not anie that could mitigate our Sauiours affliâion , would shew companion towards him. ioan.1,1 22. And they gatte (">) gal for my meate r&-in my rhírft they gaue me viaegre to drrnke. (») Bat contrariwife when he complained of thirft,they gaue him-gal and-vinegre to drinke. 23. {wfLet-theirtablebemadc afuare beforethem, & for retributions, and for a fcandal. (wj AProphccieofthedeftruflibnofthelewes, at the time of Pafch ,when they should thinketo eaterheir pafchal lamb with ioy. 14. Let (x)their cíes bedarkned that they fee not: and make (j) their • backe crooked alwaies. (*) They are alfo blind in hart, that they wil not fee the truth of Chrifts doftrine but bow themfelucs to cardili: tilings, and worldlie gaines euen to this day. (y) 25. Poure out thy wrath vpon them : and let the furie of thy wrath ouertake them. I 16. Let their habitationbe made deferttand in theirtabernacles let there 1 be none to dwcl. I I 27. Becaufe ( ^) whomthou.haft ftrucken, they haue perfecuted :and j vpon the forrow of my wounds they haue added. (t) Chrift, whom God of this merde defigned to fuffer death, for redemption of mankind, the lewes of mereenuic and malice perfecuted to death. 28. Adde thou (4) iniquine vpon their iniquitie : and let them not enter into thy iuftice. (*) A prophccie that Godwould fuffer them ,to fai from one iniquitie to an other. 29. Let them be put out of the book ofthchuing: and with the iuft let them not be written. (b) In-tbeendof their lines,they shal not be found in the bookeof life, where they ' fuppofe thcmfelues tobe written. 30. (c) I am poore and forowful : (¿)-thy faluation, o Gòd,hath receiued me. (c) The voice of Chrift, humbling himfelfe to death, euen ro death ofthe Croife: (dj from which he rofe agajne. 31. I wil praife the name of God with canticle : and wil magnifie him in prayfe. 32. And (e)it shal pleafe God more then a yongcalfe; that bringethforth homes and hoofs. (e) Deucut ' ' OF P S A L M t. 117 (r) Dcuout praifc and thanks-giuing pleafe God more then facrifices of the moft tcnderxalues,which were otherwife alfo grateful facrifices. 33. Let the paore fee and reioyce : fccke ye God , and your foule flial Hue. 34. Becaufc our Lord hath heard the poore: and he hath not defpifed (/) his prifoners. (f)God doth afiurcdly comfort alfuch, as are imprifoned for profeiling the truth. 35. 'Let (g jthe hcauens and earth praifehim, the fea,and al the creeping beafts in them. (g) Al the creatures of God. 36. (h) Becaufe God wil faue Sion : and (!) the cities of luda ihal be built vp. (h) God wilalwayes eftablish and procedi the Catholike Church ; (ij and parti­ cular Churches,members of the vniuerfal, shal alfo profper. And they shal inhabité there,& by inheritance they ihal get it. 3 7. And (4) the feede of his feruants Ihal poffeffe it, and they that loue his name fnal dwel in it. ( kJ Perpetual fucccffion of the-Catholike Church. T SALME LXIX. vX’n other prtjer of Diluid,when he yw perftouted ¡>j ^ihjalom-.mude in u Pfulme 4fter hu deluurie. 1. Vnto ( 4 ) the end, aPfalme of Dauid, in remembrance , that our (i) Lord fauedhim. (4} An apt prayer alfo for the afflifted in the new Teftament, (b) from the danger of Abfolon(a.Reg. 18.) or from any perfecutour. 2. y^s'God(c) intend vnto my helpe: Lord ( id ) make haft to helpe me. (c) Almen ar al times ncedeGodshelpe: (i) but moft prefent needc , in prefent dangers. The reft of this Pfalme is conteyned in the 39. Pfalme from the 1 j. verfe But there the whole Church prayeth for hclpe , the world being almoft drowned in finnes > here Dauid, or other particular perfons , or peoples pray in their feueral •dift refles. ’• 3. Letthem be confounded and be alhamcd, that feeke my foule. 4. Let them be turned away backward , and be alhamed that wil me cuils. .Letthembe turned away forthwith alhamed, that fay tome : Wei, WeL 5. Let al that feeke thee reioyce, and beglad in thee, and letthem fay alwayes: Our Lord be magnified : which loue thy faluation. 6. But I am needie and poore:O God hclpe me,thou -an my helper., and deliurcr: o Lord be not ftacke. PSALME- T HE 118 i A prayer for Ipoifcuciance In virtue, the 7. Key. PSALME BO O K L X X.. Xiwç Dauid,or ame other tufi perfori prayeth God to continu: -htsgrace and pr0tc Ilion againft the malice of theenimie. 5. pecounteth Gods merde in dehueTing'htmfromfalling into tentations: 6. prayethfor the fame tn old age , or ■Weak,enes of hodie andfpirite, zo. and promifetb perpetual gratitude and praifes. i.APfalme (4) for Dauid, (I) of the Tonnes of lonadab, and (c)the for­ mer captiues. (a) Though thisPfalme (as alfo diuersothers)is intitled ro,or for proucth not that fome other was the authour thçrof.but the Seuentie Interpreters in­ firmate hereby, thatit p.rtcyneth in more particular fort to Dauid , growing old; (b) they addealfo thefonnesot lonadab amoft holie fatnilie (c) who fortheir lingular picric, were fuffered tq.rcmaine in Icrufolem in the firft captiuitic. 1er. y ;. TN thee o Lord () al the day thy greatnes. (h ) A ncceffarie prayer for pcrfeucrance,which none can haue without fpecial and continual helpe ot grace. 9. Keiedt me not in the time of oldc age: (i) when my ftrength ihal faile, forlakc me not. (iy A.gainft this-Tpecial danger, and hft aflaults oftheenitnic.Chrift.hath htftituted die Sacrament of Extreme Vnâion. ic. Becaufe mine enimics hauc faid tome : and they that watched my toulc confulxcd together^ IX. Saying OF PSALME S. ^9 ii. Saying:God hath forfakcn him,purfue, and take him: becaufe there is none to deliuer. la. O God be not farre from me : my God haue refpeft to mine ayde, ij.Let them be confounded & fay le that detract from my foule: let them be couered wiihconfufion andJuamc.that feeke euils to me. imbuti wfl alwayeshope:and (4) wüaddevpon al thy praife. (fcJThebeft meancs to confarne vertue,is to exercife the fame,adding good works towards our neighbours,and praifes to God. 15. My mouth shal shew forth thy iuftice r al the day thy faluation. Be­ caufe (/) I hauenot knowne learning I m)I wil enter into the (»)powers of our Lordnó.Lord I wil be mindful of thy iuftice onely. .(I) Iproicfl’enot exaâ knowledge of natural, things; I'm) but I confidar and con­ template the infinite power of God, which appeareth in his works, fn^and his iuft iudgcments,as partly lune appeared in punishing, and rewarding fomcin this life, but efpecially wil be manifeftin the end of this world. 17.O God thou halt taught me from my youthtand vntil now I wil pro­ nounce thy meruelous works. iBjKnd vnto ancient age,andolde age: oGod,forfakeme not.! Vntil I shew forth thy arme to al the generation,that is to come. Thy might, ip,and thy iuftice, o God,euen to the higheft, great meruailes, which thou haft done: O God who may be like to thee! H0W great tribulations haft thoushesved me,manie and euikand tur20. ningthou(o) haft quicknedme : and from the depths of the earth thou halt brought me backc againe. (0) After tribulations recreated me. ai.Thou haft multiplied thy magnificence: and being turned thou haft comforted me. nJForl alfo wil confette to thee in the inftruments of Pfalme thy truth: O God,I willing totheeon the harpe,holie one of Ifrael. a^.My (p) lips Ihal reioyce when I ihal fingtothee; and my foule which thou haftredeemed. (f) I wil praife thee with mouth-and hart. 14. Yea and my tongue al the day shal meditatethy iuftice ;Whcn they shalbc confoundcd and ashamed that feeke cuils to me. Tom. 1, R tSALME 130 1 H.£B Q O.K P S A L Mt LXXI. 'Byway of prayer thelfalmifl propbeaeth CtifiJJt-comming/iUrT&ug ¿ndludgrC ¡hriftour king Kludge, ■4.the delinerer ofmankind from the thraldom of the diuel. 8 The greatnes of 'he fl key. his fpiritual kingdom m the G erudì, l6 -and bis continualglorie and praife. I. (x) Concerning Salomon. (<) ThisPfalme is of Chrift , perfigured by Sal omon/whofe Kingdom was tnoft glorious of al the Kings of Gods pcopìejforor King Salomon himfelfe manic tilings in thisPfalmc can not be truly vnderftood. S.Aug. God giue thy iud gement to (T) the Kingrand thy iuftice to (c) K-Vthefonneof the King. (■¿IO God moft bleffcd Trinicie, giue power and authoritie,to-theSonne of Man, God1 "carnate,King.oral Kings, (t) the Sonne of King Dauid,to iudge fo; mankind againft the diuel. To iudge thy people in (J) iuftice,arid thy poore inhidgement. (d) Chrift paying ranfom for al mankind, and fo man renouncing the diuel -arid feruing God,isiuftly,not iniuriouily dcliuered from captiiticie of finne, aniof the -diuel. 3. Let ' e) themountaines rcceiue peace-for the people; and (f) thé litle hil les iuftice. I ! (r)*A prophetic of the Apoftles receiuing power to preach Chrifts Ghofpel,of I peaceand reconciliation of men to God by penance ¿ ,(f) and of ocher ApoftolicaJ • men that folowtheir fteps. 4-He (^)shal iudge the poore-ofthepeople,and shal faue the children of ' thepoore;and he lha! humble the calumniatour. i (i>) Salomon in figure of Chrift wasfor a time aiuftand goodKing. , 5.And he ihal (b} continue with the lunne,and before theanoone in ge­ neration and generation. I (h) Bat only Chrift,not Salomon,nor jnieo:her Kingof that people,continueth or 1 reigneth tor euer. 6.He (t)ihal defeend asraynevpona fleece: and as drops diftilling vpon the earth. (i)The manner of Chrifts Incarnation moft filcnt,fweetc,and grateful. y.There ihal rife in his dayes iuftice,and aboundance of peace,;(4) vntil the moone be taken away. (¡■yj -Aghnc the Prophet inculcateti!,that Chrifts kingdom,his Church, shal con­ tinue for euer. S.And he ihal rule (/) from fea vnto fea: and from theriuer euen to the ends of the round world. (i) The Church is notonly vniuerfal in al times,but alfo in places. 9. Before him shal the Aedtiopians fai downe; and his cnimies ihallick Ifa.6o. the earth. 10. The(m) Kings ofTharfts.and (n) the Hands ihal offer prefents; the Mat.i. Kings of the Arabians,and of Saba shal bring guiris. (m)The _________________ O F P S A L M El rn (»»; 1 he three Sages or Kings,which adored our sauiour,and offered gold, frankincenfe, 3c myrrh, were the firftrhit fulfilled this prophecie;& after wards Con ila nt in the Greit,and other Emperoars.Kings,andPti.ic.-s. (n, Amongft other Hands Great Bryttannie 'the greateft of Europe> was eonucned to Chrift,according, to this pro­ phetic : firft fonie rev in the Apoftles time (Metaphraftcsapud Surium, Theodorct, Timotb-.Sophronius Ser. de Nat Apoft,& ali).; More in the time of Eleutherius.Laft)v,our ruglish r ation byS.Auguftin and others fent by S. Gresorie. ii. And al Kings otthc earth shal adore him : al nations shal ferue him. ia. Becaufc he ihal deliuer the poore from the mightie : and the poore which had no-helper. ij. He shal fpare the poore and needy: and he shal fauc the-fouls of the poore. 14. From vfuries and iniquitie he shal redeemc their foulszand their name shal be honourable before him. 15. And;; he shal Hue, and there ihal be giuen him ofthegold of Arabia, and they shal adore it alwaics.-al the day they shalbleffc him. tó.And there shal be a firmament m rhe earth in the tops of mountaines, the fruit therof ihal be extolled farce aboue Libanus.-andthey shal flou­ rish of the citie,as-the graffe of the earth. jy,Behis name bleflcd foreuer: bc.orc thefunne his name is perma­ nent. And althetribesof theearth ihal be bleffcd in him : al nations ihal ma­ gnifie him. iS.Bleiled be our Lord the God of Ifrael, (0) who only dothmeruelous things. o "How is this prophétie vé­ rifié except the Church bt ( 0; No miracles can-be done but by Gods power. 19. And blcffed bethe name of his maieltic for euer: and al the earth shal be filled withhis maieffie.fp) Bcit,beit. (p) Aboue al other defires the holt; Prophet wished Gods glorie,and praifes inai the earth,as it is m heauen. 10. ( j) Thcpraifesof Dauid, (r) theformeof Ieffe are ended. (5J Itfcemethby this appendix added by Efdras, thatthis Pfalme was-laft compofed,though notputin the lait place,but as it cameto his hands, (r) Dauid the na­ tural fonneot lefle, made no more Hymnes,that is,no more mufical praifes of God after this Pfalme,but:the prefigured Dauid Chrift our Sauiour,the Sonne of God,in hkbodiethe Church, fingerli itilnew enarrar. Pfal.fequcntis.71. PSALME bic. ______________ T H T ¡ BOOK____________ PSALME ffliílion in 4« world'is coinpenfed the end. he y key. LXXII. The royal Prophet,firft profefiing the^nfpeakablegoodnei of God, the perfif of the-meafe complameth, that the viewed profiter and. the iuft are affifted: * 5 .reprehendeth the murmuratton , for though xoe can not comprehend thefecret tudgements of God,\%. yet they are moft iuft. 2.5. Jo -with defire r> God,hepromifetb eater to praifi him. I.APfalme (4) to Afaph. (4JT0 befong by Afaph the maifter of mufike,andlûs compañía. H O w (¿) good is Godtolfrael,tothemthatareof aright hart! (b) God is fo excellent good,as no tong an expreiTe,no hart can concciue. j a. But fe) my fcctewere almoft moued,my fteps almoft flipped. (c) The peace and profpernie of the tricked tempted me to leaucthe right narrow way,and to goethe brode eafie way with them. 3. Becaufel haue had zele vpon the wicked, feeing the peace of finners. 4. Becaufe there is(¿) no refpefttotheir death: and (e) ftabilitie in their plague. They neuer thmke of death; (e) and if they fuffcr fome affliction,they quickly (d) remouc it from them. 5. In (f) the labours of men they ore not, and with men thy shal not be fcourged. (f) They trauel notfo much as good men doe,neither are they To often punished. ó.Therfore (gì hath pride helde them , they arc couered with their ini­ quitie and impietie. (g) Which maketh them proud,and fo they ninne into al fortsof iniquitie. 7. Their iniquitie hath proceeded as it were of fat; they haue paifed in­ to (h) the affcâion of the hart. (h) What foeuer nrifehief came in their tnind,they feared not to commit it in fad. 8. They haue thought and haue fpoken wiekednes : they haue fpoken iniquitie (») on high. Boldly (i) extollingtheirownewords and works,and dcfpiftng others. 9. They haue fet their mouth vnto heauen:and their tong hath pafled in the earth. to. Therfore wil my people (4) rcturne here: and (/) ful daiesflial be found in them. (k)Forthis profperitie of the wicked, fomeof Gods people wilfal from the right way, (1) and their dayes wil abound with calamities. it. Andthey haueiayd: (m) How doth God know,and is there know­ ledge in the uigheft? (m )The voice of the weake,inclining to diffidence, & doubt of Gods knowledge and prolùdente. 11. Loe the Goners themfelues, and they that abound in the world, haue obtained riches. 13. And O F P S Al Mï S. 15; ij.Andlfaid :ThenhaueI inftified my hart without caule, and haue walhed my hands amongft innocents: 14. And haue been fcourgcd al the day, and my chaftifing in the mor­ nings. 15. If I faid : I wil (peake this : behold (») I reproued the nationof thy children. (nl The|Prophct inhisownepcrfon anfwcreth, that if he should fay fuch things, he should reproue Godschildren as faultie, vnworthie of his proteition ,and to be neglefted ¡ wheras it is Gods prouidence to chafticc his children whom he loucth. 16.1 ( 0 ) thought to know this thing, it is labour before me: (•) In thislife we can not know the particular caufes, why die iuft are affiiâcd,& manie wicked profper in this world. 17. Vntill may enter into the fandluarie of God : and may vndcrftand concerning their latter ends. 18. But yet (p) for guiles thou haft put it to them : thou haft caft them' downe whiles they ~y) were eleuated. (piBut only in general we are taught, that euils ate prepared for the guiles , or deccts , () alwaies with thee. frj Charged with heauie burdens, without knowledge how long orto what end, (vj vet not deftitute of thy proteition. 24. Thou haft held my right hand : and in thy wil thou haft conduced me, and with glorie thou haft receiuedme. 25. For what is to me (tv) in heauen; and besides thee what would I vpon the earth? (wj Nothing to be defired in heauen nor in earth but God. 26. My (x) flesh hath fainted, and my han: God oí my hart, and God my portion for euer. (x)In bodie and mind Ithirft after thee, my true inheritance. 2 7. For behold, they (y) thatmake themfelues tarrefrom thee, fhal perilh: thou (^) haft deftroyed al that fornicate from thee. (y )Men by their frewil make themfeluesenimies to God. («) Determined their damnation, forefecing their final fini xs. 28. But it is good for me to cleaue to God : to put my hope in our Lord God. That I may ihew forth al thy prayfes, in the gates of the .daughter of Sion. R j P SALME THE I34 PSALME BOOK L X X III. A prayer in Faithful people preffed with perfecation lamentably complaytung, hefeechetb God long afflictio. torefpeflhis owneinheritance, cruelly afflicted, to. and left long without I'hc 7. key. bdpe, 11, wheras heretofore be reheued his people in like diftreffei. j 8. ^nd tberfore confidently hopcth he wil reuenge the blafphemers of bis name. I.-Vnderftanding (4) to Afaph. (a) Inftruition for the congregation of the faithful in diftreffc , not to (ceke temporal rewards and profperitic, but coox peft fpiritual and eternal. S. Aug. t T haftthou, oGod,(t' repelled thy furie wrath vpon the sheepe of thy paffute? r rH y V V (b) lulong perfecution the wcake begin to feare orfufpeft,that Godhathvtterly abandoned them. 1. Be (c) mindful.of thy congregation,.(/) which thouhaft poffefled from the beginning. (c) But the ftronger pray with confidence, (d) beine affured that God who hath '■conferued his Church hitherto,., om the beginning or cite world , wil confcrue it fill to the end. Thou haft (e)-redecmed the rod of thine inheritance : mount Sion , in which thou haft dwelt. (ej An other reaforrwhyGodwilconferuehis Church .becaufe he hath dcliuered it often ia a ftrong arine; as from bondage in Aegypt, from perfecuticn and op­ preflion in thcrimeot fudges, and Kings, and laftly redeemed it.irom thetyrannie of the diuel by Chrifts death. 3. Lift vp thy hands vpon (f) their prides for euer.- how great things hath the enimie done malignantly in the holy place? (f) Thirdly the prideof the enimies moueth God to reuenge their wickcdnes, & fo todcli.ierhisow. e people. 4. And they that hate thee haue gloried : inthemiddes of (g) thy iblemmtie. (¿i.They pretend tekeepefolemnc feaftsltketorbyne. Tneyhauefet (b) their lignes for lignes : 5. and hauenot knowne,(»‘) as in the ifTueon high-. (h) They fetvp altars againfte thvnealtars.or fome new deuifed external shew, againft the holie Rites of the Church :.(ij and that in publikc places, in the ends of high wayes ,or ports,and pinnacles. As if) in a wood ot trees they haue with axes 6. cut out -the gátcSihcrof together : in hatchet.and chip-axe they-haue caft itdowne. (\ The Prophet defcribeth the manner how perfecutours deftroy temples and al + Kf« f’ered things. ■5- 7. They haue burnt thy fanftuarie with fire: they haue polluted theta­ bernacle of thy name in the earth. 8. Their (/) kindred together haue faide in their bam Let vs make al the icltiualdaies of God to ceafe from the earth. Hi The OF P S A L M E S. (l'j The U5 whole crew or band of perfecutours 9. Our (m) lignes we haue not feen, there is now no Prophet: and he wil know vs no more. (m) The weake compiline that God shewethnot won red fignes , nor fendeth fuccourfc to his people, by railing fom c Prophet, or other meancs tohelpc them. Luc. 1. ». 70. 10. How long, o God, ihal the enemie vpbraid : the aduerfarie prouoke thy name for euer? 11. Why doeft thou turne away thy hand, and thy righthand, out of the middes of thy bofome for euer? 11. But (») God our King before the worlds:he hath wrought faluation in th-middesof the earn. (») The perfeâ doe anfrer, that God both hath, and-wil relietie his people. I'Thou in thy ftrength haft confirmed (0) the fca : thou haft (p) cruined the head of Dragons in the waters. (0) Made the red fca like wals/p)Drovned Pharao andhisltofte- 14. *Tbou haft brokenthe heads ot the dragon : thou haftgiuenhim for mcateio the peoples (5) ofthe Aethiopians. (ç) Of blacke diucls. 15. Thou haft (r) broken vp fountaincs, and torrents, thou haft dried theriuers (/) of Ethan. (r) Giuen water out ofrockes, (/")made paflage otter Iordan. 16. The day is thine,and the night is thine ; thou haft made the morning and the funne. ly.Thou haft made al the coaftsof the earthtther fummer andtheipring thou haft formed them. 18. Be mindeful of .his , the ^enimie hath-vpbraided our Lord: and a foolish people hath-prouoked thy name. ip.Deliuer nottobeaftsthcfoiiiesthat confeffc tothee : and the foules of thy poore forget not for euer. io. Hauerefpeét vnto thy teftament :becaufe they that are (1) obfeure ofthe earth, are filled with houfes of iniquities. (t/Ignorant, blind^nd barbarous infidels,lodge al Kinds of initjuiticin their confcicnccs. 21. (">) Let not the humble be turned away being co founded fthe poore and needy flial praife thy name. (v)And therfore it is vnmcetc,that faithful people should be in bondage ruder -them. 22. ArifeGod, iudge thy caufe .-he mindful of thofethy reproches, that ! are (w) from the foolish man al the day. (wj Thefe foolish audacious men doe continually blafpheme al holie things. 2j. (r) Forget not the voices of thine cnimies : the (j) pride of them that hate thee, hath afeended alwaics. (x) Omit not to punish them, (j) feeing they are obftinate & obduracein pride and in hatred. PSALME E PSALME encrai nlgcnient. lu- f>. key. B L XXI ILI.. Clnft ( -with ^tfleflburs ) ■wil iudge the -whole -world -at-the left day : in the meane time exhorteth finners to amend their Ufe ; 7, for none shal ejtofe tufi The witfed.shal be funisbed,, and thegood rewarded. I, V nto the end ,.(4) Corrupt not;a Pfaime of Canticle to Afaph. (j) Either this «yas the beginning of a fong, torbe turn: wherof this Pfaime was fong >a$ fome Hebrew Rabbins teftifie tor , asS. Auguftin and other fathers expli­ cate, the Septuagintdoe admonish vs by occafionofthisPfalmc,notto faile in our hope, forthat God wil in no cafe violate his promifenor purpofe, but wiLrcnder to eueric one in the day of lodgement, as they deferue.- z. V T \f - ( t) wilconfefle to thee,o God ; -(c) we wil confefle,.and V » wilinuocatethy name. (i) Chrift with his Apoftles, and otheraffeiforieiudges, wil praife and thanke God , forhis admirable good prouidence, and gouemcmentof this world. (c) This duplication ot thefame word,confiriueth vs of the allured perfbimance of that, which is here prophesied. We wil tel thy meruelous workes: 3. when (d) I ihal take a time, I wil iudge iuftices. (d) Chrift our lingular, principal, and proper lodge only, and no mere creature, knoweth the determinate time of general iudgement. 4. (e) The earth is melted, and al that dwel in it : (/) I haue confirmed the piliers thereof! (ej The earth at that time shalbe purged with flaming fire: (f)yet shalnotbe deftroyed,but changed in qualities. 5.1 laid to the wicked : (g~) Doe not wickedly, and to them’ that offend: (A) Exalt not the horne. (g) An epitome, or briefe fumme of Chrifts doârioe,to flye from finne. (fe)Benot proud, abufe not the power you haue, to doe what you pleafe. 6. Exalt not your horneen high .• fpeake not iniquitieagainft God. 7. Forxieither from the Eaft, nor from the Weft ,.nor from the defert mounraines : 8. (L becaufeGod is'Iudge. (i) When other fudges lit on tribunals, Tome may beabfent ,or efeape fromtheir fcntcnces: but al without exception shal de brought in petfon, when Chrift God and Man shal iudge. (/Q This man he humbleth, and him he exalteth : 9. (/) becaufe there isa cup in the hand of our Lord(w) of mere wine ful of mixture. (kJ Some shal haue fentence ot eternal paine in hel: fome ofeternal reward in glo­ rie, (IJ though (partly in thisworld, partly in particular indgement ofeuerie foule) God hath already , and wil before the laftday punish finners, yet there refteth more punishment, and no impenitent finners shal efeape, butai shal drinke of the bitter cup of eternal damnation, (m) strong wine not dclayde with water, .but mingled with bitter sharpe things, as gal, vinegre , brimftonc, &c. and fo powred into feftered wounds : fbthey shal fufter intolerable endles paine,mixed with the wormc of confciencc, lofic of glorie, rancour of hart,, and eternal defperation. Jkhd And he hath powred it out (n) of this into that, but yet the dregs t herofare not emptied : al the finners of the earth shal drinkc. (n) Varietieof hellish torments, from one extreme to an other; asi from fnowVltersto exceeding heatc. lob. 14.. 10. Butl wil (hewforth for eucr : I wilfmgtothe God of lacob. 11. And I wil breake al the homes of linnets : and (0) the homes of the iuft shal be exalted. (») The iuft forwel vfing their power of frecwil, and of al power giuen them in this lité, are rewarded in heaucn. PSALME LX XV. The fojo! Profhet fingetb Gods prttfes , for his psrtituhsr pnnidence Gods prolu­ toroords the 1 ews : 10. Further tobe extended to ¿libe meefe of the whole dente towar his people. eerth. The J. key. 1; Vnto the end, in pray les, a Pfalme (4) toAfaph,a Canticle to (¿)the Aflirians. (4) For the congregation ot faithful and godlic people. (b 'j Amongft others , one notorious example of Gods prouidence is recorded of an hundred fourcfcore & fine thoufand AlErians, flaine in one night by an Angel. 4. Reg. 19. 2. í "i O d is know ne ( c) in lewrie : in Ifrael hk name is great. (c) God was not only knowen in general, as to pagane Philofophers , and forne others, but mare particularly to the leves, the iffueot Abraham, Ifaac, and lacob, by his fpecial benefits towards them. j. And ( d ) his place is made in peace : and ( e ) his habitation in Sion. (d) God fuffering al other nations to erre for tlieit finnes, in their fond phantáfies of falfc Gods,referued the lii retires for hisChurch, (ej eftablishingthc principalitie therofin Sion. 4. (/) There he brake the powers of bowes, the shield, the fword, and the battle. (/) For obtaining and conferuing of Sion from wicked Infidels, Godouerthrew al forts of contrarie forces. 5. Thou [g ) doeft illuminate merueloufly from the eternal mountaines; <5. al the foolilh of hart (fi) weretroubled. (g ) God not only gauc his people temporal victories oner their enimies, but alfo illuminated their minds st ith knowledge of true religion: (fi) others are often troubled in mind, bearing the truth , but ar< not conuerted through their obftinate follie They (1) llept their fleepe : and al the men of riches found nothing in their hands. ( » ) Worldlie men in fupine carelefnes , as hi a fleepe paffe ouer this life, and afterwards find themfelues excluded from heauen, for lackc of merits , and good workes, with the foolish virgins. Tom. 2. S 7.At ij-8 T H E B O O K 7. At (^)thy reprehenden,o Godof lacob,they (l)haue al/lumbered that mounted on hordes. (kj God vndertaking the defence of his people.and threatning the aduerfe (I) they failed in courage,as men ouercomewirh dro'S'ííncs of fleepe. psrt, 8. Thou arc terrible, andwho ihal refill thee? m) from that time thy w rath. I The Prophets |d"r often Ifpcjkc in the |) was mindful of God and wasdchghted.and was exercifed ; and (i) my fpiriie fainted. Iwas (g) fometimes in fuch anguish that nothing feemed comfortable/h}but Irelied vpon God fo firmely,(>j that myfpirit came into an cxtcfic or trance. 5. Mync eies (/<) preuentedthe watch : I was (/) troubled & fpakenot. (A) I arofe early before the ordinarie time of awaking, (I) my hart being atten­ tine inwardly,! Altered nothing with my tongue. 6.1 thought vpon old dayestand the eternal yeares I had in minde. 7. Andi meditated in the night with my han, and I was exercifed, and I (m) fwept my fpirit. (m) I diligently examined my confcience. 8. Why , (n) wil God rcietft for euer.- or wil he not ad'de to be better pleafed as yet? (nJ, Afi’uredly God wil not reieff for euer,but he wil be pleafed with his Church. 9. Orwilhecut offhismercie for euer , from generation vnto genera- . tion? lo.Or wil God forget to haue mercie?or wil he in-his wrath keepe in his mercies? n.Andl fayd-.(o) Now hauel begun; (p) this is the change of the right hand oftheHigheft. (o> Whiles I thus thought,I erred greatly ,nowlfee and confefle that God fuffereth al calamities for the good of his feruants.\p)and this I knew not by my felfc, but by the infpirationofGod,m. king this change in me by his gracious hand. lì. 1 haue been naindtul of the works of our Lord : because-I wil be mindful from thebeginning of-thy meruelous works. 13. Andi wil meditate inai thy works : and in thy inuentionsl wil be exercifed. S~2 14. O 1140__________________ THE BOOK_________________ 14. - O God in the holie is thy way: what Gadis God-’ 15. thou arttheGod that docft meruelous 'things. Thou haft made chy power knowne among peoples : i6. thouhaft with thine arme redeemed thÿ people, the children of ( ) lacob, and lofeph. (flJ.Thc progenie of lacob , rccciued and nourished in Ægypt for lofephs faire, as his adopted children. 17. ."The waters (r) fawthec, o God, the waters faw thee r and they were afrayd,and the depths were troubled. (r) The red fea, and lordm feltxhy «buine power, and obeyed thy wil. 18. A (f) multitude of the founding of waters : the clouds gaue a voice. (/> Noifeof waters meeting after the Ifraelites were -palled ,.^thunders and lightnings alfo hapncd,to theterrourof theperfecutours, thoughnot mentioned in Exodus. For indeed arrowes doe palle : ip. the voice, of thy thunder in a wheele. Thy lightnings ihined to the round world r theearth was- moued and troubled. 20. Thy way in the fea, and thy paths in many, waters: and thy fteps lhal not be knowne. 21. Thou haft conducted thy people as ihcep : (<) in the hand of Moy fes and Aaron. Exo. 14 - (r).By theminiftcrieof Moyfes and Aaron. PSALME LXXVII. Ciods great Jlcncfits be­ llowed rpon I The Ifoyitl Prophet exhorting the people to titend, 5 .reciteth manie great bene­ fits of Cod towards their forefathers ( vhofe ingratitude, often rebellion, |licl ewes, and and-chatifement he fid -noteth) 9. as in their entrance into the land of their ingrati­ tude. Chantan : 1 2. alfo before the fame in ^fegypl ,tnd in the defert. 42. fíoro The 4. key. Godplagued the Egyptians : $2. frotefed, and condufed his people into the promijëd land. $6.Where Ithewife they often ofended, vere punished: ■6j. yet vere fill conferued .-4p. and the tribe of Juda, exalted-in JCing Dauid. j. Vnderftanding (x) to Afaph. *(«) Commended to Afapha cliiefe mufitian, that the people might rnderftand aud conCder Gods benefits. Y people attend ye to(J) my law: inclineyour care vnto the words Mof-my mouth. (b) Neither the law,nor the people was Dauids, but prefer.tingGods perfm, he. IMtt.i i. fpcakethin his name orauthoritic,with whofe infpiration he was replenished. S Greg. Prêtât, in lob. c. »._______________________________________ a. I wil O F P S A L M E S. 141 I wil open iny mouth in ( c ) parables : I wil fpeake from the beginning. z. propoGtions (c) Albeit the Prophet recitethhiftorieally things Hone ,yet the fame were para­ bles,fimilitudes,and figures of other things : (d) yea of fecret hidden My fteries, obfeurely lignified in theoldTeftament,andreuealed in the new. 3. How great things haue we heard and (e) haue knowne them, and (/) our fathers haue told vs. (») Which partly we know by written holie Scriptures (/) partly by Traditions. 4.They were not hid from their children,in an other generation. Telling the pray fes of our Lord, and his powers, and his meruclous works which he hath done. 5. And he if) raifed vp ateftimonie in lacob : and (t) made a law in Ifracl. (j)Godofhis mercie without precedent-meritc ,'raifcd vp a peculiar people of Abraham,-Ifaac,and lacob,(b)and gaue them a particular law;firft o f ircutncifion, & more largely by Moyfes. How great things he commanded our fathers, (i) tomake thefame knowne to their children: ¿.that (/<) an other generation may know. (i) So Abraham inftruâedhis children & his houle after him, Gen. 18 .(1^. in like Ion others taught their children. The children that shal beborne,and shal rife yp,and shal tel their chil­ dren. 7. That they may (1) put their hope in'God,and may (1») not forget the works of God: and may (n) feeke after his commandments. (Z)For three caules God gaue his law,that his people may haue confidence in him, he shewing his care to inftrud and gouemethem: (mJ that they remember his bebenefits:(ti, and keepehis commandments. 8. That they become not as their-fathers: fo) aperuerfe generation and exafperating. (oJThe-Iewish nation very often,andin great numbers’murmured.rebclled , and committedothcrgreatfinncs,andtherforeDauid exhortedthe peopleof his time, not to doe the likc.And this exhortation pciteyneth more elpccially to Chriftians. asS.P-aul r.Pxr. y.t>. »1 A generation, that hath not direñedt their hart, their fpirit hath not been faithful toward God. 9. The (p) children of Ephrem bending, and shooting with bow : were turned in the day of battel. (p) They firft (trufting in their owne ftrength ) without Gods commandment (Num. 14.) went forth to bade and wereouerthrowne.t.Par.y.v.ii. 10. They kept not theteftament of God ; -and in his law they would not walke. 11. And they forgat his ber efits, and his meruclous works , which he shewed them. iz.Before their fathers he did meruelous things in the land of Aegypt, in field (j) of Tanis. (îJ Tanis thejprincipal citic in Aegypt , ncere the riuer Nilus , where Moyfes wroughthis great miracles. tre. 14 ij.Hc diuidedthcfca& brought them through; and he made the wa­ ters to fraud as in a bottle. S 3 14. A nd 142 T HE BO O K “ 14. And he (r) conducted chem in a cloud by day : and al che night by light of fire. (r) This cloud shadowed them from the hcate of the funneinthe day, and the fire shinedin tho night; althctiniethat they were in the defert. 15. He ilrucke therocke in(/)thedeiert:and gaue them water to drinke as in agreat depth. (/") In mount Horeb : and there was continual water in al the campe,which occu­ pied ncere toute miles in length and breadth. 16. And he brought forth water out of the rocke : and made waters runne downe as riuers. 17. And they added as yet to finne vnto him : they prouoked the Higheft to wrath in the place (t) without water. («,) Which naturally wanted water: but by miracle had aboundan ce. 18. And they tempted God intheir harts : foxhat they asked (>) meatsfortheir liueSi (v) Not content with Manna, they demanded to haue flesh. 19. And they fpakc euil of God, they faid : (w) Gan God preparca table in the deferti(w)Stil incredulous, not belieui ng Gods omnipotencic,they thought that, albeit he had giuen them manna and water, yet he could not giue them flesh. io. Becaufe he ftruck the rock and waters raime, & torrents flowed:Can he alfo giue x) bread, or prepare a table tor his people? far) By bread tn general is vnderftood al competent meatevfual fora table. 21. Therfore our Lord heard,and(y) made delay: and (7.) fire was kind-led in la-, ob, and wrath afeended vpon Ifrael. (7) For this incredulitie, murmuring, and other finnes,God keptthe children of Ifrael f< urtie yeares in the defert, til al that were of age when they came from Aegypt, were dead, except only lofue andGaleb. In the meane time-amongft other punishments, manie murmuren-were burnito death with ftráge fire. Num. u. 22. Becaule they belieuednotin God, nor hoped in hiyfaluation. 23. And he commanded the clouds from aboue, and opened the gates of hcauen. 24. And he rayned them Manna to eate , and bread of heauen he gaue to-them. 25. Bread ( << ) of Angels did man cate.-: he fent them victuals in aboundance. («J Manna made by Angels.- He (t) tranfportedthe South-wind from heauen : and in his power he brought in the South-weft-wind. (i) God fo changed thewind , that it brought aboundance of quailes audXrther birds into their campe. Exo. i6.Nu. it. 2 7. And he rayned vpon them flesh'as duft : and as the fand of the fea tethered foules. ag.Andthey fel in the midd es ofth'eir campe :about their tabernacles. 29. And they did eate and were filled exceedingly , and their defirche brought to them; JO. They were not defrauded ot their-defite. (c) As yet their meats were in their mouth: • Im- 6 F'KS A T tá~fc~g.~" — 17Î7 (e) Immediately after a month f forfo longthey hadaboundance of thefe birds, ibid.v.aojthcy were ftrucken witha plague,& manic died for their concuptfcencc. ji. And rhe wrath ot God atcenaed vpon them. And he killed their fat ones, and (¿) the chofen oflfraelhe hindred. (J)The moft fresh ftrong men died, and fo were hindred from pofieffing the promifed land of Chanaan. 32. In al thefe things they tinned as yet : and they belieucd not in his méruelous workes. 33. And their daies failed in vanitie: and their years (e) in haft. (t) In fourtie ycares aboue fix hundred thoufand died. 34. When he flew them , they fought him: and they returned, and ( f ) early they came to him. ( / J They offered morning facrifice. J$. And they remembred that God is their helper; and the high God is their redeemer. 36. And they loued him (g ) with their mouth, and withtheirtong they did lie to him. ) But were not fincere in their bars. 37. But their hart was not right with him : neither were they counted faithful in histeftament. 38. (h~) But he is merciful, and wil be propicious to their finnes ; and he wil not deftroy them. (h) Howfoeuer multitudes of people commit great finnes, and arc feuerely puniilishcd , yet Gods mercic preferueth fome by his cffeftual grace ,'and neucr fuffcreth the whole Church to talk, nor to be deftroyed. And he abounded to turne away his wrath : and he kindled not al his wrath. jp. Ad he remembred that they are flefh : ( i) fpirit going, and not returning. fi) Mans life is like the wind, that ftilpafieth, and die fame returneth not. As Ariftotlcteacheth. Here the Hebrewes note the middes of the Pfalter,in n6|. verfes , and fo manie in the reft. 40. "How. (4) often haue they exafperated him in the defert: prouoked him to wrath in the place without water. ( kJ The people of Ifrael murmured fo often in the deferì, that itwasnot eafie to tel howoften. See the Annotation. 41. And (/) they returned, and tempted God: and the holic one of Iliaci they exafperated. ft) For eftfoons repenting they offended God againe and againc. 42. They did not remember his hand : in they that he redeemed them from the hand ofthe afflictEr. 43. As he put (1») his fignes in Aegypt, and his wonders in the field of Tanis. (jn) The firft ligne was in turning a rod into a ferpent , which was a miracle, but no plague: the other fignes were alio plagnes to the Ægyptians. 44. And he turned (») their riuers into bloud, & their (0) showers that they might not drinke, (n) The firft plague. (0} Pooles, lakes,and al forts of water, yea showers,or raine Water which feldome happencth in Ægypt. 45-Hc___ THE 144 T HE BOOK__________________ . 45. He font vponthem(p) a * fwarmeof flics, and it cate them: and () Egyptians alfo tended from Cham,by his fonne Mefraim.Gcn 10. v. (. 51. And he (c) tooke away his people as flieep ; and led them as a flock in the defert. (c) After that Aegypt was thus plagued, Godbroughtlfraelout of their fcruitude, as a shepheard ieadeth his shcepc, ar.ddefendcth them. 53. And hc brought them forth in hoptr, and they feared not: and the fea coucrcd their enemies. 5 4. And he brought- them into the mount of his (e) íanétificarion, the mount, which his right hand purchafcd. (J) ludeaa hillie countrie. (t) Into chat countrie which God chofc, and endowed ■ with manie blcffings. And he caft(y) out the gentils from their face : and by lot he diuidcc the land of them in a cord of diftribution; 5 5. And he made the tribes of Ifrael to.dwel in their tabernacles. 56.And Qj) they tempted, and cxefperatcd God thehigheft, and they kept not his teftimonies. fj; After the conqueft and quiet poffeifon, the Ifraclitcs often fel into grofle finnes, efpecially in the time of ludges. 5 7. And they turned away themfelues,& kept notthe couenant: euen as their fathers,they were turned as a (/>) crooked bow. (fe) A crooked bow deceiueth the archer,fo this people failed to fcruc God,and dccciucd thcmfclues. ★Scat, 58. They inceniedhim to wrath in their (j) hils : and in their *grauensptiiithey btu. OF P S A L ME S.________________ 145 they prouoked him(ki to emulation, (i) In their altars crofted in iiils to Idols, (k, By granen images of Idols , they prouoked God co indignation. 56. God heard , and contemned : and he brought liraclto nothing (!) exceedingly. (Í; Not absolutely torothing,but punished them exceedingly , til they repented; I and then fpared and deliuered them from tribulation, as appeareth in thebookeo: | ludges. 66. And he reiected the tabernacle (m) ofSilo, his tabernacle, (n)whcre j he dwelt among men. (m'i The Arke of God fometime kept in Silo . lofuc 14. irrthe tribe of Ephraim, | was taken by the Philiftijms. i.Reg. 4.and nener returned thither againe.fn/But wherfocucr the Arke was, there God more efpccially heard their petitions , and gane anfwers. 61. And he deliuered (0) their force into captiuitie : and their beautie into the hands of the enemic. (•j Fortheir finnes God fufieted die Arketo betaken, 6 z. And he (p) lliut vp his people in the hvord ¡.and he diipifcd his in­ heritance. (f) And the Ifraelites to be fore a fili fled by theirer.imies. 65. (^) Fyre deuoured theiryong men : and their virgins were not la­ mented. The zele and infl wrath of Godfuffcred thefe calamities to happen. 64. Their (r) Prielis fcl bythe fword.-and their widoweswere not wept tor. (r, Ophni and Phinees the formes of Heli fiaine: and Heli himfelrèbcaring that the Arke was taken,tel from his ftooieand broke ins neck. 1. Reg. 4. 65. And ([} our Lord was railed vp asonethat fieepethtas atnightieman hauing Turfited of wine. (f) NcucrthelcsGod plagued the infidels, and conferued his Church. 1. Rrg. f. 66. And he ii.ruck.ehis enimies on the hinder parts : an cuerlaiting reprochhe gauetothem. 67. And he rciedted the tabernacle (1) of lofeph : and the tribe of Ephraim he choie not. ft) As before. V. to. 68. Buthe choie the tribe(T) of luda,mount Sion which heioued. (nJ After a time the Arkewas brought into the tribe of luda. 69. And hebuilt (t»j his fandtuarie as or vnicomcsin theland , which he hath founded for euer. (w, The Church was firme, and euer preferite! in the old teftament til Chrift,and from Chrifts time to the end of the world. 70. /And (x ) he chufe Dauid his 1 eruant, and tooke him from the flocks • of fheepe: troni after the ewes with yong he tooke him. (*} Gods particular grace in choofing and exalting Dauid, was a fpccialbcnefite. to the Ifraelites. 71. To (; ) feede lacob his feruant, and ifraelhis inheritance. (7; To rule and gouerne the people of 71. And he fee them in the innoccncic of his hart : and in thevnderitandingsof (^) his hands he conducted them. (ZJ P rudctnly vfiog his-poweMad. authorise. T ANNO- 146 THE BOOK A N EN O T AT 1 O NS. PSALME The people of Jlraeloften itiurtnuredin the deferì. Ten times' more notori- LXXVIL 40.Titvv •fiin'btm they txtfptrtud} )Moyfes ( Deu.y. V.-7, ) repeating whathad palled in the defert, chargetb the people that they had ftil prouoked our.Lord to wrath, from the day, that they came out of Aegvpt,and alwaycs-contcndcd againft him. And our Lord himfelf cxpoftulating .their ingratitude & often murmuring faith ( Num, 14. v. Jin the beginning of the fécond venie , that they had then tempted him .ten times; either by this certaine number fignitying an vnceriainc, or els chiefly ten times • forfooften we find recorded that they tempted him, and murmured within that final time more notoriouily. Firft, neere vnto the red fea (Exod. 14.3’. it. ) where fccin^theTfegyptions purfuing tliem , they-murmured againft Moy fes ; for bringihgtnemeat-ofAegypt,faying: It had been much better to haue ferued the Agyptians, then to die in the wildcrnes. Secondly, for want of fweete water, Exo. 1 J. Y.14. Thirdly,for lack of meate,Exo. 16.v. ¿.Fourthly,keeping 'Manna forche next day,contrarie to Gods commandment, ibid. v. 10. Fifthly,going on theSabbath day, alfocontrarie to Gods commandment, to gather.Manna.Ibid. y. 17. Sixthly, tor wantof water in Raphidim._Exod. 17. v„ 1. Num. it.’y. s.Seuenthly in Horcb,adoring acálfe & the image therof.Exo.ji. Eighthly,repyning for their trauels in the wildenrcs.Num. 1 t.v.i.-Nitrthly, loathing Manna, and burning with defire to eate flesh. Ibid. v. 4. 6. Tenthly , defpairingto pofl’efle theprotnifed land of Chanaan, after that th-, difeouerers had reported the difficulties , with the forceof the.people,and of the cities againft which they muftfight.Num. 14.V. U.A1 which and the reft, faith.S, Paul, happened to them in figureof vs: and arc written for our correption (or admonition ) chat we murmur not as they did- 1. Cor. 10. PSALME. PSALME LX XVI11. The Prophet, in Perftn of the Church , lamenteth the crueltie of perfecutours ( hath tn the old and nexo teftament ) 5 ..frajetbfor releafe, vith iuft reuentre againft Gods enemies, that blafpheme his name, ¿ ..andpromijeih to be grateful in diurne praijts^ The Church fuffcreth veri great peí recu­ lions. The 6. key. I. A'Pfalme (4) toAfapH. (a) Tobefung by Afaph and his companie, inthebehalfc of people vnited in firth. God ft) the Gentils are come intorbine inheritance, they (r) haue Opolluted thy holretemple:rhey hauc made Icrufalem (J) as aw atchtowre of fruits. (A) CnielinSdels haucinuadedthofe things , wh'iclí perteynetothv Church: (*} euen poflefl’ed&prophined the holie temple of thelewes,& Churches of Catholikc Gltriftians. Fulfilled bv Antiochus in Icrufalem, by aheVandaliin Afrike, by Pro­ cédants, and Puritans , in diuers parts of Europe, and w il be more-vniuerfallv by Antichrift rnal Chriftcndom: f.d/Inftcad;of great and faire Churchos,Gods feruants arc faine to vfe meant houfes, vea poore cotages. a. They hauc made (e) the carcafes of thy feruants, meats For the foulés oftheaire: theflefhofthy Saints forthebeaftsof the land. (»J Some pcrfecutours fuffer not Martyrs bodies to be buried , but hang them on poles and pinnacles, where birds may eate them. 3. They haue poured out their bloud as water round about Icrufalem: and there was none to burie them. 4. We are(/-)become a reproch to our neighbours : a fcorne and mocke to them that areround about vs. (f) Chriftians Gallileans, Catholikes Homoufians, and now Papilles, in fpite and reproch. j. How long, o Lord,wilt thou kindled as a tire? be angric for euer : Ihal thy zele be (g) Sinnesprouoking Gods wrath are one caufe why he fuffcreth his people to be perfecuted. 6. Powre out thy wrath vpon the Gentils , (b) that haue not knowne thee: & vpon the Kingdomes, thathaue not inuocated thy name. (5) Though the faithful commit fome finnes , yet in refpeft that they belieue rightly , haue cele in Gods caufe, and denie not God, they areneerer to grace and fauour. 7..Becaufe they haue dcuoutxd lacob :and bis place they haue made defedate. i48 ____________ THE BOOK__________________ 8. (>) Remember not our old iniquities, ¡ct thy mercies ouickly prcuent vs : bccaufe we arc become exceeding (4) poore. fi; Efpecially when they repent , and confeAc their finnes; then trrfe that neither know' nor wil know God , but obftinately impugne and refift the truth, f k) So much afHiétcd,and defpifed , that none wil regard the truth which wc profeffe. 9. Help vs , o God our Sauiour : and for the glorie of 'hy name o Lord deliuer vs : and bc propicious to our finnes for thy names fake. 10. Left they fay perhaps amongft the Gentils •. (1) where in their God? and (m) be notified in the nations before our cies. The reuenge ofthe bloud of thy feruants , which hath becn.flied: 11. let the groning of the fettered enter in thy fight f/J Albeit,oLord, thou fuffer vs to be punished, yet fuffer not thincenimies to infult, as though thou were not our God ; and confcquently thou haddeft no people at al in the world. ( «1 ) Therfiore we pray , that the reuenge oLthyTentants bloud may befo notified , thatit can nor be denied, nor doubted of. Which is alfo here prophecied,that it wil fo come to pafl'e in the end. According to the greatnes of thine arme poffeffe thou (») the children of them that are put to death’. (it) Preferite alfo, oGod, the jeiikes of chv .feruants , the fuccefTours of thy .Martyrs. 11. And { 0 J render to our neighbours feuenfold in their boibmc: their reproch wherewith they haue reproched thee, o Lord. fo) This alfo isa proplœcie, that God wil moft feuerely reuenge the blafphemie of perfecutours. 12. But ( j> ) we thy people, and the flieep of thy paliure , wil con felle to thee for euer. (p) Gods people deltuerèd from perfecution , and perpetually confcrucd, wil ■alwayes praife G08 for the Tame. Vnto generation and generation wc wil shew forth thy praife. PSALME. S A L M E S. PSALME 149 LXXIX. The Prophet prtty et h far therelenfi of /fruel tngrett tribulation.Foresbeveetb the camming of Chri/l to redente nun from finne , tend from thrnldome of ibe diucl. i. Vnto (4) the end, for (¿) them that ihal be changed, teftimonieto (c) Afaph, a Pfalme» (<•) Perteyning tothenewTeftament, (b) efpecially to Gentils that shal be cobuerted to Chrift. (c) For perpetual memorie to the congregation of faithful. 2. ’T' H o V that ruleft Ifrael, attend : that ( d ) conduâeft lofeph as A a sheep. (J) By lofeph the Prophet vnderftandeth allfracl; becaufe the firft-bir-thright being taken from Ruben vas giuen to him , to wit double portion of inheritance, two tribes of twelue. ' Which fitteli vpon the Cherubs (c)bemanifeft f/) 3 .before Ephraim, Beniamin, and Manafies. (<) A ppeare and shew thy mightie hand before thy people: (f) wherof E phraim, Beniamin , and Manafies folowing the Atkc, when they marched or camped, should moftdircftly fee what appeared therín,«he-other nine tribes being placed before it, and on bothfides.Num. a. Raifevp ( g ) thy might, and come toiauevs. (g ) Thou which slwayescan helps vs,now vie thy power in deliueringvt from this temporal miferie. 4. O God (¿) conuert vs : and shew (») thy face, & we shal be faued. (i)Sctvsinaberterftate. (i) Shew thy benigne countenance and fauour. Myftically , fend the promifed Moflías, Chrift, the eflentiallmageof God. a. Cor. 4. v. 4. Collof. t. V. i f. 5. O Lord theGodof hofts, how long wilt thou be angrie (4) vpon the prayer of thy feruant; ( kJ How long wilt thou differreto beare-our prayer? 6. Thou wilt feede vs with the bread ofteares : and giue vs drinke with reares (Z) in meafure. fO Thou doft iuftly puuislrrs, but thou tempereft the fame with meafure,char it exceed not to our ruine. -7. Thou haft made vs te-be a^contradietton to our neighbours : and our cnimies haue fcorned vs. 8.0 God of hofts (ns) conuert vs : and shew thy face, and we (n) shal be faued. (m) God firft preueming withhisgracej(n)man may cooperate therwith to his iuftification and faluation. 9. Thou didft tranfport (o)thevineyeardoutof Acgypt: thou didft caft out (p)theGentils,and plantedft it. (a) Thy Church and people, (p)(the Chananites. 10. Thou waft the guide of theway, (^) in the fight therof :thou didft T J ■Chrift our ‘Redeemer from finne and captiuitic. The f. key. 150 THE BOOK plant the roots therof, and it fr) filled the earth. fo )Thc cloud and pillar of fire were And it multiplied mightily. it. (f) The fhadow of it couercd the mountaines : and the boughs of it the ceders of God. (/") Hyperbolical fpeach,to fignifiethc great multiplication of theIfraclites. Ii. 11 extended her branches eucn to (r) the lea; and her boughcsvnto (■>) the riuer. (¡1 From the mediterranean fea of Palcftine., ( -j ) to the riuer Euphrates. Exod. 1 ¡. v. ?r. Dent. 11 .v. 14. 15. Why naff thou de (troy ed the hedge therof: and al that palfebythe way doe pluck it. 14 The (w)'boareofthe woodhath deftroyed it : and (x) theftngular wilde beali hath eaten it. fw) Cruel enemies more like to moft'cruel beafts then to men. ( x ) 'tei fo cruel, as none els in the world arclike vnto them. 15. O God of hoaftsreturne: regard ( j ) from heauen, and fee, and vifite1 this vineyeard. (y) The Prophet now prayeth fortlie comming of Chrift , which he faw in fpirit. 16. And ( perfite it, which thy right hand hath planted : and vpon (i)the tonne of man whom thou haft confirmed to thee. fx ' The Church of die old teftament in her beft ftate wanted the perfection which the Church of Chrift hath. (4) Chrift our Moflías moft commonly called by this title : The lionne of man. 17. (¿) Things burnt withfyre,an• The devout snalbeproiecled,and the negligent friualdayes leftm dijfrejfe. dcuoutly. The 7. Key. I. Vnto ( 4 ) the end , for (b) wine preffes,a Pfalme to {c} Afaph him­ felfe. (a) This Pfalme pertevneth nor only to the old teftament,but alfo to the nea- . (b) Gods feruants oppreffed with tribulations, (c ) Tobe long by Afaph a ciiicfmafterofmufike. 1.TJ Eieice toGod ourhelper:make lubilation to fhe God oflacob. Ax j. Take ye Pfalme, and ( d ) giue timbrel: pleafant Pfalter with the harpe. (d; Make readieal thefe ratificaiinftruments. 4.Sound ye with trumpet in ( e ) the ble day of yotirfoicmnitic. new moone., in (f ) the •" nota­ r - The feaft ol J^eomenia. f t. In the Calendes, or firft day of everte month, in remembrance of Gods pro- 't: Feaft of uidence,and perpetual eouerncmert of al creatures : ( J') and moft efpccial folem- trumPCLSi nitic in the firft day ot the feuenth month,in memorie ot Ifaac conferuedfrom ¡ death), in whom God promifed Abraham to multipie his feede, and to bielle al na­ tions. Gen. i-> .v.«lx.»i.v.>i.c.aa.v.ii. 5. Becaufe it is a precept in Ifracl, rtid iueganent to the God of lacob. 6 He put it for a tcftimonicin (g) I ofc ph, when he came out of rhe Land ot Acgyptthe heard a tongue which he knew-' not. (X j The people of Ifracl fignified by lofcph,as Pfal. 7». v.W 7. Hen turned away hisbacke (/?) from burdens: his hands feruedin :jn memorie baskets. cfthis bene-1 C h ) God deliuered the fame people from their vntolerable bondage of carymg fite P afeli was burdens in baskets,from gathering ftraw,making bricks, and other feruitudc. Éxo. inftituted. I l.V. l4.C.f.V.7-. 8.In (j) tribulation thou dideft inuocare-me, and I heard thee: I heard i thee in the fecret of the tempeft : I (4) proued thee at the water of contradiâion. (i) The admonition ofGodtothe people:(\) yet after fo great benefits thou didft murmure,and contradidi mc.Exo.r p.Heare, omy people, and I (/) wil conteft thee: Ifrael (m) if thou wilt heare me. (0 Scrioufly admonish thee, obey or no. (m) Man by free wil may choofe whether he wil Tl'.cfc.ifto 10..“There shal be (») no new God in thee,neithershalt thou adorea fP^tecoftiti ftrangeGod. memorie of ° the law. 5-They xp.________________ the book______________ (n) This was an other, great benefits, to giue an exprcffc law , for their inftruftion. II. For i am the Lord thy God, which brought thee eut of the land of Aegypt: (0) dilate thy mouth and I wil £1 it. (•) Obferuing my commandments,astee whattlxxivüt^ndl vil giue it thee, lx.And my People heard not my voice: and Ifrael attended not to me. Jj. Andi let thcm-alone,according to the delires-of their hart,thcy shal R*». > goe in their owne inuentions. i4.If my people had heard me, if Ifrael had walked in my wayes.i$.Ihad (p) tor nothing (a) perhaps humbled their enimies : and had laide my hand vpon thofe that affiiét them. myfrecviland liberalitie , without rtoccïTitie or obb’ga- t(p) Very cafiiy, ion. lé.The emmiesof our Lord haue lied to him :and (r) their time shal be for euer. (r) The wicked that promife to ferueGod , and .doe it not,shal be in -eternal tor­ ments. 17. And (f) he fed thanofthe fat of cocaeiandout ofthe rock with honie he filled them. (f) In the mcane timeGod beftowed thefe,benefits vpon them , for the iuft* fake. PSALME Admonition K'Magiftrats. The 7. key. LXXX-L- The Prophet declareh, 1. that Goâreprehrndetb ynitift /ndgttnrul Mjtgiflratei' fremennheththeenofhis feutre (y- eternal pausbnónts-ì.yNbertotht Peofht* tanfomunghis toil prtjelhfor tbefane. i r A Pfalme to Afaph. O o flood in theaffemblie^) of Gods , and in the middes he (ty Giudgeth Gods. (*) The words ofthe Prophet, admonishing al Magiftrates,that when they Ct in" judgement,or determine anie caufe , God who is there and euene-where prefent, {b) ■attendedrfheirproeeflesandthetfbreit-behouctHthemtobeathrifed what they doc : euetvas-if they heard God fpcaking as here foloweth: x. (c) HoW long iudgeye iniquities and accept yetheperfons of fin­ ners. ft JThe word* of God, though not vttered-fenfibly,yetJn effeit intimated by hi* law according wherto he wil proceed iniudgerp.nt agaiuft vniuft judges. 3. ludgcjye tor.thcnecdica»! thcpupikiuftiiieyethehumble, and the pooe. 4- Take away the poore and deliuer the needie from the hand ofthe li nner. î-'îhçÿ 5- They (dyknew not, neither did they vnderftand,they walkc tn darkneffe: (e) al the foundations of the earth shal be moued. (d) Such judges proceeded grolle ignorance, not carine to rnderftand,butcontent to ’«'alite in darknes. (c) Ye are fo euil difpofed , that y ou would turne al vpfidc downc, the wicked ,and condemning the mil. 6. 1 faid : Ÿ(w are (f) Gods, and the Lonncs of the higheft al. (/) For your office which you participate of me , you are certaine Gods vpon earth. 7. Qr) But you shal die as men : and fai (fe) asoné of the Princes. (g) Bat warn you die you shal find that yotuare men, fubicâ to Gods judgement: (fe) yea your punishment wil be gricuous, and importable: for the mightic sitai mightily fuffer torments. (r) Arile, o God, iudge the earth : (4) becaufe thou (halt inherite in al the Gentils. (> ; Againe the words of the Prophet praying God ,(k) diax feeing he is Lord of al, he veil iudge al. PSALME LX XXI I. Tie Church impugned hyal Carts of eiu-mts io. praye.-h g >1 to confound them, ¡ostie oath done diuiri thelihe'.\j. wherby fomeshalhe Conner ted. I. A Canticle of Pfalme to Afaph. 1. z~\Gód(x)who shal be like to thee’(fe)hold not thy peace, (c) neither x_x.ue thou appeafed,o God: (ai Seeing none is like to thee,oGod,fi>)shew thy power andmaieftie,^r)benot filent. j. For behold (¿) thine enimies haue-made a found ; they that hate thee (e) hauelifted vp the head. (dy The cruel perfecuters arc moft infolent fr) and proud. 4. They haue taken malignant couniei vpon thy people : andtheyhauedeuifed againft thy Saints. 5. They haue faid : Come, and let vs deftroy them out of ( f ) the nation: • and let ) the name of Ifrael be remembred no more. (f) That there be no more anic faithful people, (¿j anie Catholikcslett aliue. Becaufe they haue deuifed with one confent;they haue together mace acouenant againft thee. 7. Thetabemaclcsof(b)thcrdurnti.ins,and(:)theTimahelites,(4)Moab, ■ and (J) the Agarens. 6. (fe_. The progenie of Efau, ( i ) the feed of Ifmael ( l\) defeending from the elder fonne-of Lot. (I;The iffue of Aoraham by Agar,who*aMy cal themfeiuess Saracens,. asifthev were of Sara. 8. (m) Gebal,.and (n) Ammon, (o) Amalee; (p; the fermiers, with. ( j- the inhabitants or Tyre. (m) PcopleofGebala citie of Syria, (n) of the other fonne of Lot. (0) Thofcthat firit oppugned the Kraclites, after they were parud from Egypt Exod. 17. fpjThc Mriliftians, fy and Tyrians , al neere neighbourSyand 1'ohk 01 them acere a kine to thf Ifraeli tes, were their great enimies. Tom. 1. V 9. Yea Perfecuters the Church confounded connected. The <• key. xy4 THE BOOK _____________ -9. Ycaand(r) Afluralfo is come with them : they are made an aide to th^ children of Lot. (r) Others alfo comming further offjioyned againft Gods people, in figure that al 'herctikcs , and other infidels confpirc together againft Catholikcs. 10. Doetothem as (J) to Madian, and (t) Sifara: as to (">) labin inthe torrent Ciflôn. (f) The Pfaimift therforeprayeth (andwithal prophecieth )thatGod wilatlaft deftroy them, as he did Madian. Num. 31. Iudic.«.& 7. (»; Sifara,Captaine general, (v) for labin King of Afor neere Ciffon. ludie. 4.V.7. S: 13. 11. They perished (•») in Endor: they were made as (x)the dung of the ■earth. (w) V'ithin the territorieof Manaflesflof. 17. ) which they inuaded. (x)Slaine ■and not buried. II. Put their Princes as (j) Oreb, and Zeb , and Zebce, and Salmana. fy) Thcfe fourc Ptinces of the Madianites were flaine by Gedeons forces. lud:c. 7-& 8. Al their Princes: 15. which haue faid : Let vs poifefle the San&uaric of, God for an inheritdiice. 14. My God putthem as a wheeletand as ftubble before the face ofthewinde. (a} By foure fimilitudes the Prophetdefcribeth the punishment that shalfai vpon perfecuters. 15. Euen as fire that burneth a wood : & as a flame that burneth the mountaines. 16. So/halt thou purfue them in thy tempcfl : and in thy wrath thou fnalt trouble them. 17. Fil their faces with ignominie : and (4) they wilfeckethy name, o Lord. •(«JGodby punishingfcekeththcconuerfion of finners, not .their eternal death. 18. Let (b) them be alhamed , and troubled lot euer and cuer : and let them be confounded, and periib. (b) But fuch as be ftil obftinate, and finally impenitent doe perith for euer. 19. And let them know that(r) Lord is thy name,thou onlie the Higheft in al the earth. (•) God only rhe Creatourof heauen and earth, is properly called LORD. Whofe eflential and incommunicable name is : V' HI C H IS. Exo. j. v. I4.&6.V.). PSALME LXXXIIL Iternalglorie. Deuout perJons feruently ¿efire eternal glorie, 6. accounting it in tie meane I he jo. key. time, 4 bappiefiate to be tn the militant church, 11. where Godfrfl gluing grace, wil giue glorie tn the triumphant. i. Vnto the end, (4) for wineprefles,to (¿)the children of •Core , a Pfalme. («) For men afflicted in this vale of miferie. (b) Bythcchildrcnof Coro not being mufitians (but porters in the temple, r.Par. Au&uftin here andin other titles ot Pfalnies.vnderftandcth the faithful Children of Chrift. 2.How OF PSALME S.______________ *55 I 17 » wOw beloued are.( c ) thy tabernacles, o Lord of hofts! 3. my I Fl foule coueteth and ( and ioytully retarne to God, S. Shew vs, o Lord,thy mereie and giue vsthy faluation. p. 1 wtl (i) heare what our Lord God w il Ipeake in me: ( 4 ) becaufe he1 wil fpeake peace vpon his people. (i) The words of the Prophet, (kJ lignifying that God hud reuoaltd vntohimthe j redemption of mankind. And vpon(/)his faintstatrd vponthem, that arewntrcrted tothehart. ( I ) Not al men arc iuftified, and faued, but tlsofc that are hartily and fincerely ' ■connected. 10. But yet his faluation is nigh to them that (m) feare him : that glorie I may inhabite in our land. j (mJ Though __________________ O F PSA LM ES. _______________ 15 7 (m) Though al be not fauci (brcaufe manie wil not cooperate to Gods grace) yet verv manic hauing the'feare of God, which is the beginning of godlic wifdom, freely accept of Gods mercie,and fo the Church is glorioufly propagated. n.fniMercieandtruthhauemctcachother: (ojiuftice and peace haue kiifed. (n)Wheras Gods merde would faue al,andhis truth or iuftice requiresh that Runes be duly punished,by CtrriftsPafiion and deathfttffieietft Tatisfaftiox is offered for al Annes and thofe thatwil be partakers by penance , and conformine to Gods law, mar batte retnifsion : ( • ) and fo iufticeis oMeroei^and peace tnadebetwctn God and his fubieéts. lx. (f>) Truth isrifcnourofthe-earth:(j^ andiuiiiceb xh'nakeddowns, from heauen. (p)llntcgritieof confcieace reigneth in good ■ en front heauen tofaue them. (j) God-fending iuft meares •i;.For (r) our Lord cenes wil giue bénignité; and (/) our land ihal giue hertruit. fr) God giueth grace, (J) and formen yeald fruit. 14. (i) 1 liltice shal wàlke before hitntand ihal fct his Heps in the way. (rJYcathey walke iniufticc,and right path of Godslaw. T S A L M E lw LXXXV. A prayer for c&ifidrrtttio* ofbis crome insftftftâtons,rf* royal Proffer,nr other faithful prr- continual fo* pratesi} God.y .accotdengsoiis tnereseandgoodnrs>g.sbevtedin cmuerrrng grace. Gemila, 3 -and tn-delntmner^efHppl-reatn bimfttf frmtheflatt -of irrnna- The .7. key. lion, 16 that be toil (hl direct and defend hrmtwau/ft al tntmtts. I. A j rayer (4) to Dauid himfelfe. (a) A tc-me of prayer kotKing Dauid,andfora"iefaithfulperfon. ncitine thine eart,o Lord,& (i/heartmt: (r) becátífel amnetdie Iand poore. -(^)TheiT beftm'drie iuft cittfcs which moue God to heare-our prayers : (c) -firft our fteedfcme rttfnfrethtjoch tóìpé. 1. Kcepe my fouie,becaufc ’(¿) I amholiedaue thy fcruànt my Go’S,that (r) hopeth in thee. (d)Secondly,becaufc we profeffe,and promifeto lead aholie life. («)Thirdly,bccaufe we truft and hope in God. j.Haue mereie on mc,oLord,becaufel haue cried to thee (f) al the day: makc ioyfulthe foule of thy feruanc,becaufc to thee,o Lord,haue 1 (¿) 4. li fed vp my foule. (/■.Fourthly.becaufc weperfeucre in prayer. of mind. Fifthly,ifVe pray with attention 5. Becaufethou, o Lord,art(/>) fweete,and (i) milde:and (^) ofmuch I mercic to al that inuocate thee.(/) if 8__________________ THE BOOK__________________ Sixtly,becaufc God of his owne nature is benigne, rcadieto beftow benefits. (»)Scuenthly,hc is rnxeke to remitte offenccs.fkJEightly he is merciful to mitigate the punishment,to thofc that make rccourfc vntohim.¡(Q For thefe caufes-we pray as foloweth. (h) Recciue,o Lord,my prayer with thine ears:and axtend to the voice of my petition. 7. In .the day of my tribulation I haue called to thee : becaufc thou haft heard me. 8. There is not the like to thee amongft.Gods, o Lord : and thereis not according to thy works. 9. (»») Al nations what foeuer thou haft made, (half») come,and Oral adorebefore thec,o Lord: and they shal (0) glorifie thy name. 6. •f»») Vocation ofGentils. (n> They shal come by faith, (0) and glorifie t^od by good works.Mat. f.v.17. 10. Becaufc thou art great and doing • mcruelo'is things' : thou onlie art God. it. Condudi me, oLocd, in thy way,and ? wil-Walkc in thy truthdet my hart reioyce that it may fcare thy name. 12.1 wil (p) confefleto thee, o Lord my God, withal my hart, and wil ; glorifie thy name tor euer; (pj Confit.lion of praife. ij.Becaufethy merde is great vpon me: &ihou haft deliuered my foule out of ) the lower hel. fj; From the ftate of eternal damnation. 14. O Godthe wicked ate rifen vp vpon me, and the fynagogue of the mightie haue fought my foule:and they haue not fer thee in their fight. 15. And thou,o Lord, the God ofcompaffionand merciful,patient, .and of much merde,and (r) true. (r) In performing al promifes. id.Hauerclpeéttomeand haue merde on me, (f) giue thine empire to thy feruant: and iaue thefonne of thy handmaid. (f) A digrefsion (vfual to Prophets) of Chrifts Empyre & Kingdom the Church, giuen to him,being thefonne ofan Immaculate Virgin,the handmaid ofGodd 17. Make with me (r). a ligne vnto God , that they ,may fee which hate me,and may be confounded:("v)'becaufe thou,o Lord, haft holpen me. (>) The chief and principal figne of Chrifts, and his Churches glorie, is his Refurreetton , prefigured in lonas, (y ) Wherby al enimies arc conxoundcd , cither to their conucrfion,or to eternal damnation.Sec.SA.uguftin. PSALME O í P S A L M E S. PSALME LXXXVI. The Chtreb of Chrif beginning in lerufdem, j .if extended to-ed Nations, 5. glo­ rious, 9 .¿nd permanent 7. in holie toy. i. To the children of Core,a Pfaime of Canticle. H b foundations thereof in the holie (a) tnountaynes: 2. our Lord Tloueth the gates of Sion aboue al the Tabernacles of lacob. fjyChrifts Church wasfirft founded rnlerufalemon whitfunday,aft.i. in mount Sion,which hath two tops , in one of which the Temple ftood , in the other Dauid towreor palace. j Glorious things are faid of thee,o citie of God. ('b, 1 wil bemindefulof (c) Raab,and Babylon knowing me. 4. (ii)TheProphet in the pcrfonofChrift faith he vil commend vnto his Apoftles, and other Apoftolical men,that they conucrt al nations'as our Sauiour gatte exprefie commifsion and commandmenr.Math.1d.Luc.s4.v-47.Aft.i.y.8. ) (rj naming here Raab (which is Ægyptj and Babylon: Behold ^d) the torcners,andTyre, & .the people of the Aethiopians, thefi' r) were there. (d) The,Tyrians,Ætb.iopiansif») & the reft,shal be regenerate in this Church?which for rhe allured certaintie therof (after the Prophets manner of (pee­ king; is affirmed in the preterente,as i. itwere then done. 5-Snal irnot be faid of Sion:(/)Man, and man is borne inher-, and (g) the Higheil himfelfe founded her? (f) It shal be reponed,or one shal fay to an other : loethis and that man.althefe andai thefemen are regenerate by Baptifme in the Churchof Chrift.(¿)God himfclfc;Chrift God and Man, founded this Church. 6. Our Lord wil declare (t) in fcripturcs of peoples,and ( »)of Princes: of thole that haue been in her. (bjThe multitude of the eleft is fo great,that only God Jrnoweth the number, (i) and the qualities of al fortes,ofPrinces,Prélats,and Peoples. y.The (4) habitation in thee,isas it were of al reioycing. (k) Great fpiritualioy with peace of conscience, is in trueChriftian Catholikes in the militant Chnrchj but the blcfied haue the moft abfolutc Bi fccurc ioy of al, in the Church triumphant. PSALME like Chux glorious. The 6. key. T HE róo PSALME prayer in ii', amiAioo. he 7 key. BO O K LXXXVII. ^4!faithful ¡¡erfonfare and. Long afflifled, lamentably compLùntb,praying God-, 15. not ftil to repel him , bemglefl defilate 19. -çtuljoKt al consolation of freinde. 1. A Canticle of aPialme, to the children of Core, vntothe end, for{a} Maheieth (b) to anfwer, ( c) of vnderftanding to Eman the Ezrahitc. (a) An inftrumcm of mu/ike apt for lamentable fongs. Not exprefled i&thc title or .tuie ocher Pfaime. Perhaps becaufe this Pfalmemjtcxli nor anac coufol.aion with mourning, as other Pfalmes doe, which arcalfo prayers iaafflidtirn. As the to. I fj. 6i. zj (i Neither is this word in anic.othei title. It isadde here toJjdiuonash vs, that as this Pfaime and fome others ■«ere fono by two.quxes , one anfwermg the other .Co we muft in anfwer and imitation o-t Chrift, fuffer long and cteat affli­ gions w iih patience .feeing he in.his paflion was left v ithout ordinarie confolation, 'c) By fome interpreted (his brethren} For Chrift ( faithS. Auguftin ) voutchfafetli to make them his brethren, whichvnderftaud the myllerre ot hit Ctoflc,and not only arc not ashamed therof, but alfo iaithfully glorie therin. 2. Lord the God of my faluation : (d) in the day haue I cried, and VJin the night before thee. (d; I haue cried co dice very often both by day and by night. 3. Let my prayer enter iathy light : incline thine care tomy.petition. 4. Became ray foule is-repkniwed wkbeuils :& (e) nay like hath approc hed to hcl. (t., Lamalmoftflead. e. \(f) am accounted with them that dcfcenàintothelake. (f A ccounted as dead , and rcadie to-be buried. ] am.become as a man without heipc,6. (g) free among the dead, asthe wounded Beeping in the fepulchres, ot whom thou art mindful no more : and they are caft-off from thy hand. (5; If I were dead,I shouldbefree from thefe-aiHiftrons. Efpecially it agreethto ! thrift, who was free, yeaof infinite power amoogft the dead. •7. They hawe put mein (to) the lower lake : in the da»ke places, and in thclhadowof death. (b) Myne cnimics haue endeauoured not only to bereaue me of temporal life, wherby I should goe into limbus , but alfo to kil my foule fpiritually , wherby I should defeend into the low er bel of the damned. S. Thy (») furie is confirmed vpon me : and al thy wanes thou haft, brought in vpon me. filThy iuft wrath alfo, o God,hath exceedingly afflicied me. 9. Thou haft made my familiars far from me : they haue put me abomi­ nation to themfelues. Lwas dcliuered and came not forth : to. myne cies languiihcd for poucrtic. I cried O F P SA LUES,_______________ 14T j 1 cried to theeo Lord al the day.I Wretched out my hands to thee. thou (4) doe mcruels to the dead: orfiial philîciansraifetolife, and they confciTetothee? ii.Wilt (IJ O God dcliuer me whiles! am yet liuing, for I mav not loote for extraordi • «arie and miraculous helpers tobe raifed againe after death. Shalany ix. dition? (I) in the fepulchre declare tay metete,and thy truth in per­ (I) When Ishalbe dead & buried,! cannot denounce thy praifes,as now I can, to mortal men. ty.Shal thy meruelons works be knowne ( m iuftice in the land of obliuicn. (my ') in darkenes: and thy Much lefle shal the damned praifethee in eternal perdition. 14. And 1 o Lord haue cried to thee ; and in the morning shal my prayer preuent thee. ¡15.Why doeft thou,o Lord,reie or beftowbenefits , as with the right hand,al is to his gloric.and according to mercie aad truth. Mercie and truth shal goe before thy tace:i6.(^) bleffed is the people that knoweth iubilation. fkjJThcy are fpiritually happie,that doc thus confider of Gods meruclous procecdings,praifethe fame,and reioyce therin. Lord they shalwalkc in the light of thy countnance , 17. and in thy name they shal reioyce al the day: and in thy iuftice they ihal be exalted. 18. Becaule thou artthe glorie ot their itrength : and in thy good pleafurc shal our ( I) horne be exalted, (II Power,and kingdom. Thus God promifcd to citabhsh the Kingdom of ip.Becaufe our protection is of our Lord; and of the holie one of ifrael our King. . lo.Then didft thou fpeake in vifion to thy Saints,and faidft :: I haueput helne O F PSA L Xi E,_________________ £6? !the lewes in helpe on the mightic onc:& haue exalted an elect one of my people. ai. I haue found Dauid tny leruant : with myne holie oyle haue I ■Dauid and his j familie.t.Reg, anointed him. >6. i.Reg.f. ] 22.Formine hand ihal helpe him/and niyne arme ihal ftrengthen him. and other pla­ 13 The enimie ihal nothing preuaile in him: and the ¡Tonne ot iniquitie ces. Which «'as pcrformCC ilial not adde to hurt him. 24. And I wil cut downe his enemies before his face : and them that a?in figure, but more fully hate him I wil put to flight. in Chrift. Ad 25. And mv truth, and my merde with him : and in my name ihal his tj.v.aa. home be exal-ed. 26. And 1 wil pur his hand in the Cea : and his right hand intheriuers. 27. He ihal inuocate me : Thouart my Father ; my God, and the proteftour of my faluation. 28. And I w il put him the fitft-begotten., highaboue the Kings of the earth. 29. I Wil keepemy mercie vnto him for euer.-and my teftament fai.hful to him. ?o. 1 wil put his feed for euer and euer : and his throne as the daics of heauen. J »... But it his. children ihal forfake my law: and wil notwaike in my lodgements. they ihal profane my iuftices: and not keepe my commandments 33. I wil vifitetheir iniquities with a rod : and their linnes « i h itripcs. 54. But" my merde I wil nor take away from him: neither will hurt in my truth. 35. Neither wil I profane my teftament : and the words that proceede from my mouth 1 wil no. make fruitrate. 36. Once I haue fworne inmy holie, * if 1 lie to Dauid : 57. his feede *I -nil ihal continue for euer. ■or lit. 38. And (m) his throne as the Sunne in my fight , and as the Moone perfect for euer : and a faithful wimefie in heauen. (mj Chriftian iuftfoulcs as thefunne, t'njjandat the perfeA , or fid moone, See the firft Tome, page.716. S. Auguitin alfo espoundeth this verfe in toc Anagogi­ ca! fenfc ,0: the iuft alter the Rclurreftion in glorie, where the foule shal bciike rhe funne, and the bodie, Which now is mutable,shal be like the moone, notas now alwayes changing, but as the ful moone, alvavcs perteA. 39. "’But - thou halt repelled and difpiied : thou (0) haft differred thy ::God haurngpromifed .d I Chrift. (o, Amongft manic penfiuc things, this one word d ith comfort-vs,Thy promife the a.orcCi.l,. theProphc: in renuineth, tnou haft not denici co lend Chrift, but differred him. 40. Thou halt ouerthrowne the rcltament of thy icruant: thou haftpro- rhe perlon j tbeweakc, la-1 raned hisfandtuarie onxheearth. menreth that 41. Thou haftdeftroyed al the hedge&therofrthou haft made thefirma- the contrarie , ment ther of feare. shal happen as 4 2. Al that palle by the way haiiefpoiled him ; he is become a reproch we! 111 me temporal to his neighbours. ’Kingdom ,W 2 4. Thou I 164 opprefled by the Adrians, llabylonians, Perii ans, Grecians, and Romanes : as In the Church impugned by innumerable forts or Hercnkesand other Infidels. The Pfalmift |n aycthand prophecieth that God wil refpecf the Wcaknes of nun, main­ inole his I Church in ' m inie nations, I& fane manie I foules. THE BOOK 4;. Thou haft exalted rhe right hand of them that oppreffe him ; thou haft made al his enimies ioyful. 4?. Thou haft turned away thchclpc of his fword: and haft notholpen him in battel. 45. Thou haft deftroied him from ( p )-emundation : and his feat thou haft broken downe to the ground. (p) From the vfe of Sacrifice and Sacraments , «'herby finners were wont to be dean fed. 46. Thou haft leffened the dates of his time : thou haft ouerwhehned him w ith confufion. 47. "How long., o Lord,doeft thou turne away for.euer : ilial thy wrath burne as a fire48. Remember what my fubftance is: for haft thou made al the children of men in vaine? 49. Who is the man that shal liue, and shalnot fee death :. shal deiiuer his foule from the hand of hel? 50. Where arc thyne old mercies, o Lord, as thou fwareft toDauid in thy truth? 51. Be mindful, o Lord, of the reprochof thy feruants (which I haue held in my bofome ) of manic nations. 51. Which thine enimies haue reproched , o Lord, which.rheyhaue reproched(ÿ) the commutation of thy Chrift. (g) Although Chrift were changed and turned from vs. 55. Bleifed be our Lord for euer: (r) Be it, be it. (r) So we wish and pray that almay by: fie and praife thee. Amen. ANNOTATIONS. T SA LM Î LX X XT I II. S 4. My merde I wil not take avvey-from him.) Although Chriftians, figuified by the children or fucceffours of Dauid , finne moft gricuouily , yea fuppofe they wil finite with defperation ( faith Saint Auguftin ) and obftinately perfift in finne , that they offend the eyes of their Father , & dcferuc to be difinherited &c. Kct for thefc Chrift shal not romaine without inheritance , die corne shal notalfo perish tor the chatc, fonie fishesshal be gathered out of the nette into vefl'cls, notwitftanding the cuilfishes are caft sway. And alide after the fame Doftour difeourfing of eter­ Hard places explicated by nal glorie both in bodie and foule, of chofe that dye in Gods fauour, faythiThefe things are promifedconcerning Chrift , very certaine, very-firme, very plaine, and the clears. Gods promifes vndoubted. For albeitfome things are couered inmyfterics, yet fome things are To 10 Dauid were manifeft, that by them tltcobfcurcthings may moft eafily be cleared. ot fulfilled in hut thou heft repelled &c. ) AgaineSaint Auguftin addeth vpon tliejicxt verfes Salomon, but felowing; God perlon,ed not theft- promifes in Dauid , that when thou feeft they ■were not fulfilled in Dauid , which neceffarilymu ft be fulfilled, thou ma.'ftfeekean in Chrift. other, in whom it may be shewed that they were fulfilled. Godpromifed fome thing Though Chrifi ¡as doc finne,1 yet Chrilt loferh not his Church. (a Kingdom) OF PSALME.S. 165 fa Kingdom Jfbr euejof Dauids feed : and Salomon was borne : and became ot' fo greatwifdom, and fogreat prudence, that Gods promifcconcerning Dauids fccde leemed to be fulfilled in him. But Salomon tel , and gaue place of expecting Chriftj that becaufe God.ieithcrcan be deceiued , nor decente, hc put not his.promifc in him , whom hc knew would fai ; but chou shouldcft relic vpon God , and exact ¡Defefts in his promifc. A litlcaftenThou feekeft the Kingdóof the I ewes, it is not : thou feekeft |thc lewes fup the altar of the lewes, it is not .thou feekeft the facrifice of the lewes, it is not: thou ; plied in the feekeft the Priefthood of the lewes, it is not.Whercpon be concludcth:Al thefe de­ Gentils. ficits came to the lewts : yet was not Chrift taken; from them ,butdifferred. Some lewes belieued in him , and manie Gentils. As the Pfalmift prophccieth from the 47. verfe to the end of this Pfalme. PSALME L XXXI X. Pnder the forme of the firiyer, the Pjalmifl defcribeth the ¡borines of mint life Ct- other cilimitie: : Gods frill iudgement, 13.but firft its comfortable merae, 16. And perpetual regird ofhis ovnetoorfie. Man rightly created fel by :finne into mi feries. The i. key. I. A prayer (4)ofMoyfes the man of God. fa') Some f xpofitours thinkc Moy fes was the authcur of this Pfalme , and of ’the tenne next foiowing. But others hold that Dauid was Authovr of al, andthat Moyfcs fistiarne is here put in the title by Titiras. becaufe this pfalme is like to the prayer ofMovfcs .'¡then tire people prouoked Gods wrath by their finnes in the defert And becaufe mans creation, fai* punishment, and Gods mcrcie tow ards him, atc.herc described : which Moyfcs fii ft w ritte, as going before the written law . And that Moyfes maderot this Pfalme is probably gatheicdby the >0. verfe , where the ; ordinarie age of men is defcribedto be ( in ftrength and vigour j ferentie yeares, or of fomc tourfcore : and the greater part ( ofthe one or the other J is in labour and forow. And it is euident (Deut. 54.) that Moyfes lined in al an hundred and twentie yeares, and his eve was not dimmc,neither w ere his teeth mooed. So Aaron, lofue, and others commonly liued longer then is here mentioned."But Dauid was old and impotent at feuentie yeares. ;. Rcg. 1. Saint Hilarión , liuing necre feuentie yeares in hisheremitagejS.Rcmigius gouerning the Church of Bl ernes feuentie •yeares,and the like are accounted tobaste been ful of dayes,and fveh as lined longer are reputed extraordinarie. Againe it is more euidcntly ptoued that Moyfes vasoot a uthour of the y 4. and 4 ¡. Pialases. Ocd, thou art made a refuge for vs : neration. L (h) Alwayes from generation voto ge­ from the beginning of -tbeyorld to the end. a. Before ( c) the mountaines were made , or the earth and the ■world formed, ( d ) from cuerlai'tmg euen vnto enerlafting thou jrt God. (c) The Propilei sheveth-that the iworldyas createti in and with time., not eter­ nal. (d) And that only Grd is eternal. w 3 Î. Turne OF TÓ6 PSALME S. 3. Tume not away man intohumiliation ijhoufaidft: Be conuerted ye children of men. ( e) God hath often-faide , that he would not the death of finners,but rather that they be conuerted and Liuc for euer. 4. Becaufe (/ ) athoufand yeares before thine ties,are asyefterday that is paft. (f) Though tame liued long f none for al that did reach to a thoufand yeares) yet it is nothing before God,and in refpeit of eternitie. And asa watch-in.thcnight, 5. things that are counted, nothing shal their yares be. 6. In (g) the morning as an herbe he ihal paffé , in the morning he shal flourish,and paiTe : _in. (h) thceuening he ihal fai , be haruned , and wi­ thered. . (g) The youth of man quickly pafiexh: (h) old age can notdaft long : where f commeth our English prouerb : A youg man may dyefoone , an old man cannot line long. . 7»Becauie we haue fay med in thy wrath,and in thy furie we are troubled. 5. Thouhaft put (j) our iniquities in thylight ; our* age. inthe light ot thy countenance. . (>) Jitmc the caufe of shorrnes ofmins life) $).Becaule al our daies haue failed,and in thy wrath we haue failed. Our yeares shal be confidered (4)asa.fpydcr:io.thedayes of our yeares in them are (/) feuentie yeares. . ( K) Mans lileas brickie as a fpiders web ■ : or mans life wafteth continually j. as a i fpidcrw.iftcxhhcr.fclf by fpinning,and containing her owne fubftance. And ifjn-ftrong ones (m)eightie yeares-.and the more ot them,labour & j for row. I ( lm )Thefe numbers lirerarly shev’theshortnesof the longer fort of'mens lines. Myftically, feuen lignifie the reft after laboursof this world , and pertcyne¡to the oldteftament: eight lignifie the reward in the refurreâion , pertcyningtothenew teftament. Which multiplied by tenne, a perfect number, make feuentie and eightic. Which ioyned. together.inakc an. hundred and fiftie. The nutnbcr thefe . Piolines. Becaufe (n)mildnes is come vpon vs: and we ihalbe chaftifed. is ofGods mildc prouidencc., that mans life is short, for that manic if they ' were tare, or had probabilitictoliue longpxould prefume to finne more. ( n) It ii. (O'Whoknoweihthepowerottliy number thy wrath? (o) Seeing God of his iuftice punished al mankind for one finne of eur-firft pa­ rent , his wrath muft needs be very great to euerie finnei,for his ovne proper fin­ nes. So make thy right hand knowne; and menlearned in hart, in wife­ dome, ij. Turne, o Lord , how long ? and be intreated for thy’fer­ uants. 14. We arereplenished in the morning with thymercie: and we haue reioyced, and are delighted al our daies. ( f-) The hope of glorious- refdirect ion turneth our calamities into fpiritual ioy. (¿'J OPC-1 ________________ OF P S A L M E S.______________ 167 »5. (f) We hauc reieyced for the daieswherin thouhaft humbled vs:t^e yeares, wherin wehaue feen euils. (ÿj V'ea the more we fuffer in this life for the truth , the greater is our comfort iu hope ot reward. 16. Lookcvpon (r) thy feruants,and vponthy workestand their children. direct (r) Not only in that tre are thy creatures,but alfo in that We arc thy feruants, we are thy proper worke:therlore in both thefcrefpelts,o God,looke vpon vs withclemencie. (/; Lead alfo our poileritie into the right way , and make them thy feruants. 17. And (r) let the brightnes of our Lord God be vpon vs, and (■>)dirc<5t thou the workesof our hands ouervs: and (tv) the worke of our hands doe thou diretì. (') O God illuminate our vnderftanding, (v) make our allions by tiw grace pro­ fitable to vs : (w) & make perieli in vs the worke of charitie. In which one worke al good workes are included, and to which al other are duelled. For then workesarc right ( fayth S. Auguftin; when they are direñed to this one end. PSALME X C. iNhofoetter fruitfully ond firmely trufeth in Gods prouidente, is fecure from el drngers of/ecrel,futile,end open enimies. ~ .His eduerjenes sbtd come to ruine. 1I- ■^n^s defend bun: 13. no kind of ferpent, nor herd sbnl hurt bun. Gods prov­ idence. God bimfelfrffuretb hm of hisprotetiion, -and of eternel frlueuon. The y k'î(4) Prayfeof a. (¿) Canticleto Dauid. («) Praife erf Gods prouidcnce , withthankes, (b) which Dauid fang with voice. T ~TE (c) that dwellethjn the helpe-of the Higheft, ihal abide in the 1 1 protection of the Godot heauen. (c) Hethat firmely rclicth and refteth vpon Godsprouidcnce , is affurcdly prote­ cted by him. i.TIe flial fay to our Lord : Thou art my protc&our , and my refuge: my God I wil hope in him. Becaufe he hath deliucred me.from (¿) thefnax of the hunters, and from e) the fharpe word. (y long torments, cuen to death, except Gods feruants wil relent, and denie the truth , which they aflurcdly bclieuc,and know in their confeiencc.thar they are-bound to profetò: it. y.Af^jthoufand ihal tal on thy fyde, & (!) ten thoufand on thy right hand:but tothce it shal not approch, (kJ On thy left fide,in adnerfitiemanie fai from God, (Z) & on thy right £dc,dn profperitie manic more forget and forfake God. I 8.Butthou ihalcconfider withthinecies: and ilialt ice the retribution o i íinners. j 9. Becaufe (m) thou o Lord art my hope : thouhaft made the Highcftf thy refuge. (mjln fincerely faying Thotiarr my hopetthou makeft God thy refuge. lo.Thcre shal no euil cometo thee : andfeourge ihal not approch to thy tabernacle. it. Becaufe he hath giuen (») his Angels charge of thee : (0) that they keepethee in al thy wayes. (n) Angels haue protection of men by Gods ordinance. (0) The diucl corruptly alleadge this fcripture (Mat.«.) omitting the latter part of this verfei which shew­ ed! when Angels proteAiuft men, to wit, when they walkc in aright path,obferuing ordinarie courfe io their adiós,not in gcuingthemfciucs headlong into needles danger,as the fame diuel propofed to our Sauiour , tocafthimfelf downe from the pinnacle ofthe temple.Such falling is not the wav ofthe iuft, but of Lucifer, that tel from beau en.So S.bemardnottthSer.i f. inhuncPfal, n.Intheirhandstbey inai beare tlice: left perhaps thou knock thy foote againft a itone. ij.Vpon the afpe and rhe bafiiifcus thou fhalwalke : & thou shaft tread . vpon the lion,and the dragon. 14. (p) Becaufe he hath hoped in me, I wil deliuer him : I wil protede him,becaufe he hath knowne my name. (f ) God fpeaketh the reft that foloweth in this Pfalme. 15 .He'shai crie to me,and 1 wil heare him-, with him. I am in tribulation: I wil deliuer him,and wil glorifie him, (fljin-eternal faluation. 16. Withlengethof dayesl wilreplenifhhim: and I wil shew him my faluation. PSALME ANNOTATIONS. PSALME NC. {.-rbwshalt nit be afraid. S.Auguftine here obferueth foure manners of tempting the faithful to fai from true Religion. Sometimes with tentation that is but light and obfeure, which the Prophet herecalleth fearein the night: when ignorant men are tempted by fuggeftion , or apprehenfion of temporal affligions , not know, ing that they fai into eternal damnation,'by flying from worldlie , or bodilie calamities. Sometimes the tentation threatneth prefent death to-them that arewel inftrufted in the truth , and know that they muft confefle it euen to death, whichthc Prophet calleth an arrow flying in the day : when the faithful clcerly feetli what danger hangeth ouer him, to-wit prefent death , if he ftand confiant, and damnation if he denic his faith. Sometimes the tentation is more vehement, butvet obfeure,which hecalleth bti finnes walking in darknestwlien by fattlecndcauonrs, framing arguments in excufeof filine,men are perfwaded that thev mav law­ fully takefome oath, or doc fomc other thing.which indeed is not lawful : and foby earneft and futile perfwafionsthev ignorantly decline from Catholikc Religion .or commit othergricuous finnes. Buttne greateftand manifeft tentation is calledinuafion it midday diucl : when pcrfecuters feeing neither more cafie petfwafions can deceiue God. fcruants,nor prefent death force them to denie the truth , they then .'.fl atilt them more vehemently,and more dangeroufly, with long and continual affli­ ctions,nor remitting their crucltie til the afflicted eithcryeald to their wil , or dye in long torments. And bv thefe two latter kinds of perfecution manie are oiicrthrowne.which were confiant in the former. For whiles tyrants propof d dangers to Ample people,and decerned feme , yet threatning prefent death to others, that were better infinteteli. andconfirmcd in Religion.innumerable perfeuered, & giorioufly died in contcfflon-of Chriftian Cafflolike faith.But by futile arguing ofhard points of Chriftinn doftrine or praftife ; and by long torments manic lune been fcduced, blindly falling into errours^md maniewittingly haue denied the truth, which they deerlv beliencd in their harts , to auoide this midday dinel, theextremrtte of long, manifeft,andgrieuous afflictions.Neuertheles inai thefe tentations God protecieth them that firmely trnft in him.Thofe (faiththisholicFatherhauefailed.wfrich pre­ fumed of thcmfelues,which dwelt not in the hejpe-of'thcHigheft,and in prnteftion of the God of h—auen: which faid nottoour Lord: Thou-apt my Protecteur,and my refuge , which trufted not vnder theahadow,of hrs wings,but relied, or attributed much to their owns- ftrengih. . Tom a. X PSAI ME ¡Foure forts of perfecutioi itor the Catho like failli. ' 1 | • God leaucrh none but thofe firft leaue him. r7° 1 H E B O O K PSALME X CI. God is byal manner of "'notées and inlirnments to be praifed tn his admirable The works of 'toorl^s-.y .which thefoolish not doing arepunished', 11 .£7" the wfe dre rewarded I of GodadmiI. A PLaltne (x) of Canticle, (t) in the fabbath day. 1 1rabie. The i. key. (x) Voices beginning inftruments profetine this fong : (b) when we reft from worke,thcn efpccially we ought to thinks vpon Gods works,praife and thankc him ■for the fame. a.IT is good (c) to confefle xo our.Lord : and to-fingto thy name , o * Higheft. j.Toshew forth thy merciein (d) the morning: and thy truthin (e) the night. (d) In profperitie. (e) inaduerfitie. 4-In(/) the infiniment of ten firings,in (r) Pfalter : with Canticle , on (/;) the Harpe, (//On euerie infiniment of tenne ftrings.fignifyingthe obferuation of thetenne commandments: (g) namely onthcPfaher (b; alio on the harpe , which fignifieth mortification. 5. Becaulethou hail delighted me,o Lord,in thy workemanfhip : and in the works ot thy hands I wilreioyce. 6 .How are magnified,0 Lord ! fhy cogitations are made very profound. 7. .The («) vnwife man wil not know ; and the (4) foole wil not vnderftand thefe things. ( Carnal andfenfualman ,(k) hethat thinketh only of prefent things,'not of future. 8. When Cnners shal fpring vp asgrafle:andal thatworke iniquitic shal appeare. That they may perish for euer: 9.but thou the Highefl for euer,0 Lord. 10. Becaufe loe thine enimies, 0 Lord, becaufelocthineenimiesshalperish:and al thatworke iniquitiefhalbe difperfed. II. And (/) my horne shal be exalted, as the vnicorns : (m) and my old age in plentiful mercie. (1) The iuft inconfidente of a good confcicnce cxpe&cxaltation of their power: (m) and great confojation in the end of their life. ia. And (n)mineeic hathlooked vpon mine enimies : and the malignant ryfingvp againil me,mine earcs fhal heart. (nJThen shalthe iufticc their enimies deprefled: and themfclues flourish,like the palme and ceder trees as folowctb: i^.The iuft shal flourish asapalmc treetas the ceder of Libanus-shal he be multiplied. 14. They that are planted in (») thehoufeof our Lord, shal flourish in (p) the courts of the houfe ot our God. (e) Militant Church: (p) triumphant. 15. Asyctshal they be multiplied in plentiful old age : andthey ihal be. wcl affected,16. that they (^) mayihew forth: (^) Publikc. ----------- 4 O_F__ P S A L M E S, (q) Publikcly _____________ 171 profcifcGods praifes,as in the words folowing: That the Lord our God is righteous, and there is no iniquitie in him. PSALME X CH. Chri/Freignetbfor tutr tn his church: 5. notvithftunding munie undgreutyer- Pcrpetuitie of the Church. fccuttons ugutnfi the fuiihful. Thctf.key. ¡ Prayfe (4) of Canticle (J) to Dauid himfelfe, in.(c) the day before thefabbath, when the earth was founded. (a)Praife to he fon g with voice: (i)compofed by Dauid: (r) the fixth dawof the wecke, which is our Friday, (d) in which day the Church of Chrift was fouhded by hn-bloud shed on the crofl'e. i. V R Lord (e)hath reigned, he f f) hath put on beaut ic : our 1 V-X Lord hath tg} put on ftrength , and nath girded himfelfe. Our Sauiour founding bus Church by his death began then to reigne therm (/"} ! glorioufly defeending mfoule into limbus,and in bodietO his grane :(g; he then put 1 on al armour of ftrength to reformethc world, andto inlarge his Kingdom , accor­ ding prediction wherehefaid: If Ibc exalted from .theearth , I wil ! draw al things vnto mv felfc.Ioan. ii;v. j r. For he Rath eftabliuied (fe) the round world, which (i) shal-not be moued. (1>) Not only ; mie and Samaria, but the whole earth : (>; and the fame Church ¡ shal not be ' yed. Thy x. feat 1$ prepared from thattime ; thou (4) an from euerlafting. (k) Chrift being eternal, hath an euerlafting Church. 5. The- [I) riuers o Lord haue lifted vp :the riuers haue lifted vp their voice.(I; Al forts of perfeenters, the High priefts f whofometimes watered thefpiritualland, like riuers; with bexihes ,Pharifees,and other incredulous lewes, alfa Pa­ gans, Turkes, and Hcrctikes haue oppugned the Church. The riuers haue lilted vp their wanes,4. (m) aboue the voices of manie waters. (mj With more force then anie perfections in thcold Teftament. Thefurges of the fea are meruelous ,. (») meruelous is our Lardon high; (n) But though althefc affaults be great and meruelous, yet Chrift in protecting his Church, is more meruelous. $.Thv teltimonies are made (0) credible exceedingly : (p) bolines bccommeth thy houfe,o Lord tor length of daies. (o) Articles of faith arc noreuidcntly apparent to knowledge, but euident tocredibiiicie , to thofe that arc difpofed bv Gods grace . illuminating their vnderftanding. and mouing their tree v il, to giue confer.: of belcefc if they wil. (fr 1: behoucth therforeal members of the C nurch to conuerfc piouily, and icligioufly in inis life,-feeing she hath fo excellent a fpouse, protcitour, and -inftructour/j; eucn to the end of the world. X 1. PSALME lyi T H E PSALME B O O K XCIII. Eternal falua- The faithful feruentof God^/furedlj profeffeih, that el the-pride ,5. erudite, tionand dam­ 7.foolish imaginerions,end ftcrettbougbts of-tbe viewed,ere manifef to God. nation. IJ.. ^ichnovlereth h'tmfelfhappie, that he ts betier inf rutted ofXi od: toberas The to. key. he had otberwife been damned, 10. sherplj reprehendetb thofe that confider not of Gods tudgemenls : «including thet the tufi shal be glorified , end the Voiched damned. To (4) Dauid himfelfe, in (i) the fourth of the fabbath. (4} The Hebrew letter Lamed , which ordinarily is prefixed to the datine cafe, or fignifiethto, being fet before proper names isa ¡igne of the generine cafe. Get the Septuagint exprefle it by the datiuc , and fo doth the latin , i pii Dauid, and confequently our English hath, ro Daoid himfe.-fc , to shew a difference between facrcd and profane writers. For in humane books the writer and authour is al one,but in diuine, the Holie Ghoft is die proper authour , and a’ man is the writer. To fignifie therfore the principal authour , Dauid is fometimes named as the inftrutnentalcaufe, to whom the Holie Ghoft infpired this and other Pfalmes , and by whom they were written. And when the titles expreffc otherwife : A Pfalme of Dauid,yet it is fo to be vnderftood , ¿hat the Holie Ghoft is alwaycs the principal authour, and Dauid the inftrumcntal, minifterial, or fecundarie authour But when other names are exprefled, cither inxhc genetiuc or datiuc c.-.fp, or howfoeuer, it proueth not that.thofc men were the writers of the fame Pfalmes, but imported] fome other thing, as by S. Auguftins iudgementwe noted in the proemial Annota­ tions, page 5. & 4. Whcrby is pi oued that this Ffalmc was not written , nor compofed byMoyfcs , as Hebrew Rabbins fuppofe, but by the Royal Pfalmift Dauid (ó J Made and ordinarily fong inthe fourth day of the wecke, our wenefday,in which day ludas the traitonr fold oariSauiour Chrift to his cnimies. The reuengeof which wickcdnes, andof al other finnes, as here prophecicd. I. AAV R Lord God ft) ofreuenges: the-Godof reuenges hath done Id) freely. (cl God more commonly Called the God of metric ( which vertue in him isabouc alhis workes,Pfal. 144.)is alio the God ofreuenges, according to his iufticc.fd^ He procecdcth-in lodgement refolutcly, not depending, nor fearing,nor refpefting anie perfon, power.dignitiCjWifdotne or other like quali rie,but their iuft merites. K pray» of tuft zclc. 1. Be ¡.exalted thou that iudgclt the earth: render retribution to the proud. j. How long shal finners, o Lord : how long shal linnets glorie? 4. Shal they vttcr, and fpeake ini quitte? shal al they fpeakc (r) that worke iniuftice? (e) Shal moft wicked men ftil befuffcred to fpeake fo infolentlyf 5. Thy people,© Lord,they haue humbled: and thine inheritance they A defcripI ton of heath- i haue vexed. nish and here- 1 6. The widow, and the ftranger they haue flaine : and the pupils they lica! crueltie. haue killed. 7, And i75 OF PSALME S._________ " Scarceanie Athciftcs arc fo blind as thus to think c, but manie finners fo bebaue chcmfclucs,as if God faw not,knew not, or at leaft cared nor what (f) So vnpoflible is it that God should be ignorant, or careles what men -doe, they-doc. that he alfo knoweth and obferueth moft fecret thoughts. 7. And "they haue faid: The Lord shal notfee, neither shaltheGod of lacobvnderftand. 8. Vnderftand ye foolish in the people : .'.nd ye foolesbe wife at fometime. p. He that planted the care, shal he not heare» Or hethatmade-che-eie de. n he not coniider? 10. He that chaftifeth nations, shal he not rebuke : he that tcacheth man knowledge» 11. Our Lord knoweth( /)the cogitations of men: that they be vaine. ia. Blefled is the man whom thou shall inftrucf, o Lord , and shall teach out of thy law. 15. Thatthoumaift {g ) giuehimquictnesfromtheeuildayes: tilapittc be digged for the finner. (g) Mitigate and temper his afflictions , that by patience and fortitude -the iuft may perfeuere, and not be ouerwhelmed. 14. Becaufe our Lord (/;) wil not rcieót his people: and his inheritance he wil not forfake. (h) The whole Church shalneuerbe reieftcd,nor forfaken. 15. \ntii iuftice (1) be turned into judgement : and (4) they who are necce it,are al that are right of hart. fijluftice is conucrted into iudgement, when iuft meaning is put inworkeand praftife,that it may appcarc in iudgement. Alfo God who doth & fuft’erech al iuftly,! wil conferue his inheritance the Church, euen vnto the day of iudgement. ( kJ The fenfe is calle by tranfpofing the words :-al that are right of hart, are neerc it, that is, shallike and approue Gods iuftice, when the wicked shal repine,and blafphcme it. 16. Who shalrifefor me againft the malignant.» or who shal ftand with me againft them that worke iniquitie? 17. But that our Lord hath holpcn me : within very litle my foule had dwelt in hel. 18. If I faid: (/) My foote is moued; thy mereie, o Lord,did help me. (I) When I felt and complained that I was in danger,thou didft afsift me. i) labour in precept? (m) Onlie faithfufficeth not, but careful labour, in keeping Gods command­ ments is required. 21. They wil hunt after the foule of the iuft : and wil condemne inno­ cent bloud. 22. And our Lord became my refuge : and my God thchelpe (n) of my hope. (n) 1 he iuft doehopefor eternal faluation,to which God wil bring them. 23. Andhe(o) wilrepay them their iniquitie: and intheir malice he wil deftroy them.-the Lord our God w il dchroy them. (o)AndGod,thereuenger of wrongs, wil at laftcaftthe wicked into eternal torments. -PSALME. THE 174 BOOK PSALME X CI I IL Chrift our tLord and King. ^ininuitation to ferue and adore Chri/l our Lord and Méfiai, $. as wcl for the The y. key. he nefts of creating al things, 7 .asforbii Incarnation, and ¡sotto harden our ' harts auhe lewes duL. This àuuitatió Praife (x) of Canticle, to Dauid himfelfe. lis moil fitly (a) Praife fong with voices; (b) infpired to Dauid, & written by him. lordayncd by the Church for the proeme or 1« z~>O M E , let vs (c) reioyceto our-Lord : let vs make iubilation to beginning of V_>God (d) ourfauiour. Mattias. fr) With greasand folemne exultation: fd) God our Creatour-, is alfo our Proteftour. & Sauiour. . 2. Let vs (e) preuent his facein confeffion : and (f) in Pfalmes let vs make iubilation to him. (e) Let vs be more diligent, and preuent our accuftomed time. Porno man can preuent Gods grace with anie good worke,who firft preuenteth vs,els we can neither doe, northinkc aniegood thing. (f) Not only in finging his praife with voice, but alfo with mafical inftruments. 3. Becaufe our Lord is a great God ; and agreat King aboue al Gods.' 4. Becaufe in his hand arc the ends of the earth : and the heights of the mounraines be his. 5. Bccautcthc fea is his, and he made it :and his hands formed, the dric land.. 6. Come let vs adore, (g) and fai downe : and weepe before our Lord, that made vs. (g) So-alfo I:aiasfc.+t.v.i; jnd S. Paul (Philip.i.)teachthat kneeling or bowing tlie knees,asan external religious ceremonie,is acceptable to God. 7. Becaufe he is the Lord (h) our God; and we the people of his pafture, I and the iheepe (1) of his hand. (fi) It is moft iuft and ncceflùric that wc adore God, bccaufo.he mode vs , and ai , this world rbr vs,-hath alfo redeemed vs, and made vs his people, as sbepc .ot his pafture, and as a Paftour feedeth and gouemeth vs. (i) O- his making. 8. (4) Today if y clhal heare his voice, "harden not your harts. (kJ Thoughrfome haueoften repelled, and refilled Godrgrace, yet if they receiue it being offered againe,it.wil auaile them to remifsion of finnes. 9. As in the prouocatron according to the day ( I ) ofthe tentation-in the defert: where your fathers tempted me , proued me, and faw my workes. (I) The Israelites in the defert tempted God , by defiring water,and flesh, ofvoluptuous coucupifcence without necefsiiic. For Manna did both-extinguish their tnirft , and tailed vniothem- whatfocuer they defired : Lxod. t<. "That alfo which was left vngatheredwhen the funne waxed hot,'melted.( ,)andi erued their cattel for drinke. So this-tentation was a figure ot thofe , which require to communicate I voder both kinds, as if one did not conteine as muchas both. TO. (mJ __________________ O F P S A LME S.________________ 145 10. (1») Fourtie,ycarcs wasl (n) offended with that generation,and faid: "Ihcfe alwaics erre in hart. (■» )Bv this mention of theoffenceof feuttie yeares, as long before pafted, is conuinced that Moyfesvrit not this 1 falmc . who died in the ver' fourtith yc.'.re of their abode in the defert. And Sain: Paul citing the words of iliis Pfalme ' Hcb.4. ) manifcftly acknowledgeth Dauid tl.e ’writer therof , and that it Vas written hang after Moyfes time in thefetx ords:( v r. ) Againe he limitetha certaineday: Today, in Dauidfaying afterfo longtime »si> «boue faid. Today if you shal heare his voice, doe rot obdurate sour harts. 1 >r ifltfus ( that islofue) had^iuen them refi, he would neuerfpeake of an other da;. afterward. ( n ) Being greatly offended, lanprochcd necre vnto them, in punishing the offenders. 11. And thefe haue not know.ic my waies : as I fware in my wrath: (0) if they dial enter into my reft. ( <1 JThofe that murmured died in .he defert, and er.tred rot into the prctr.iftd land , euen fo thofc that-finally offend Chrift , shal rot enter into eucrlaftirg reft. Heb.j.&4- ANNOTATIONS. PSALME X CI III. 8. HtrJtnnot your htrtj. )'Xi hatfoeuer God propofeth by preaching or infpiration toa finner , it refteth (til in the power of bis freest il, to harden his hart, andrò reicftalfuch ecod motions, and fo he doth not only fruftratc Gods grace, and hinder his owne iuftafication , but alfo increafeth bis lormer f.nres. Burby not refilling, when deliberating therupon be could refift ,hcdifpofethhimfelfe and ccoperateth tofirft iuftification. And therfore the Royal Prophet here admonisheth , and earneftlv exhort eth al men, to doe this which God hath put in our pow er. netto harden our owne harts, w hen we heare his voice, by refifiing and rcieûing hisgrace freely offered, without al inerite of ourpart. PSALME. It is in mans freewil to refift good 'motions. THE BOOK PSALME diuí ne ;. key- XV C. peoples■Cf' nations are invited topraife tbekleJTed Trinitie, 3>-for chrifts In­ carnation, and spiritual kingdom inài the world, io<. enen/en/les acatares acknowledging hismanjlte, i j. andtuduml power. i-A Canticle (-<) to Dauid *himíélfie,(í»)when the houfewasbuilt-after the captiuitie. iO.-v. "(«) Infpired to Dauid , and written byhimrffi) prophecyin g the recantation of the temple , after the future captiuitie. And that in figure of the vniucrfal redem­ ption of mankind by Chrift, from the captiuitie of thediuel. I n e yeto ourLord (c) anewdong :fingto our Lord al the earth, Si, d) Sing yeto our Lord, and blcffe his name: ihew forth his faluation f e) Fora new benefitc, farre greater then the deliuerie of Ifracl from Aegypt. from day co day. fd) The fame wordes (Sing to our Lotd)thrife repeated,"lignifie theBlefied Trini­ ne, as fome Fathers note.Likewife v.7. St d. Bring ye to our Lord &c. in both places concluding in the fin guiar-number, blcffe hit name, bring to his name , importing one God. 5. Shew forth his glorie-among the Gentils, his meruelous workes iiral peoples. 4. Becaüiê our :Lord is great, and exceeding laudable; he is terrible aboue al Gods. -Becaufe al the Gods of the-Gentils are(e) diucls, but our-Lord (f) ’ made the heaucns. (e) What creatures foeuer fpiritnal orcorporal/yifibleorinuifilethePagans ferae for Gods, ftil they be diucls that deceiue them, and diuerswayesvfurpe dittine ho­ nour, making fuch idolaters to thinke, that there is diuine power, where none is. (fj He only is true God, who isCreatour ofheauen,and of al creatures. For no creature can create aniethingatal,that is.make ante thing ofnothing,but only God. 6. Confcflion and beauty in his fight : Jiolinefic and magnificence in his fandtification.7. Bring to our Lord ye families of Gentils , bring yeto our Lord glorieand honour: 8. bring to our Lord glorie vnto his name. Take vp holts , and enter into his courts : 9. adore ye our Lord in his holie court. Let al the earth be moued before his face: 10. Say ye among the Gen­ tils that our Lord (g) hath reigned. (j) Diuers ancient DoCto'.irs read more in this place : Our Lord hath reigned from the wood, to wit, Ciirift by his death on the crofl’c conquered the diuel, finne, and death, and thence began to ceigne. S. luftinus Martyr,dialogo aduerf. Triphonem, Tertnllran li. aduerf. ludxos.c.9. & -t 5-& aduerf. Marcioncm li.j.c. 1 j. & it. '.Aug.iftin in this place, according tothcold Koman Plalter. Betbre him Arnobius, and- For he hath corrected the round world, which Inal not be moued: he wil iudge peoples in ecp.iitie. it. ' />) Let the heauens be glad , and the earth reioyce, the Cea be moued, and the fulneííctheroñ ix.the ficldes shal be glad , and al things that are in them. (b, The Pfalinift in aboundanceof fpirninuitexh alcrcatures to praifeGod,as Daniel in his Canticle, c. t. Then Inal the trees of the woods reioyce I?. before the face of our Lord, becaufc he commcth : becaufe he cqmmcth to iudge the earth. He(i) wil iudge the round world in equitic, and peoples in histruth. (i) Chrilt i.idgcth no's-in the ix-orld by his minifters, difeeming and deciding caufcs, rewarding and punishing, but efpecialiy he wil iudgeal in the laltday. PSALME XCVI. .sil the earth is ¡nulled toretojee in Chr¡ft s Kingdom, ;. with d'eicription of the Lift iudge fignes commingbefore t¡’e day of iudgement. 7. idolaters shal be confounded. The nient. 8. H.he .Angels and tuft men ¡bal adore chrift, and reioyce. They.Ley. j I. Tofu) this Dauid, (¿)whcn his land wasreftored againe to him. f1 ' In figure of Chrift, whofe bodie rofe the third d ‘V artyr his death : to whom m.-.nie returned beiiet-.i ig in him after his refurred: ion, wl ich tel from him in ; hispiGion : and to w hom al things shal be fubdued , as to their true Lord, in the I day or iudsement. V r Lord hath reigned, let the earth reioyce : let (r) manie Hands, | Obe glad. fc) Holie Dauid and other Prophets hauing-great iov to fee long before infpirit only Chrifts K ingdom extended in the whole earth, vea to the Hands , w e Landers itane great cattfe to be glad, that GoXhatii not only fo bk-fied vs long fincó -but as vet conferucth fecde, w herby wetruftthe whole Hand shal be ascine rcftorcdvnto him. x. (t/) Cloud and mift round about him.- iufticc and iudgemcn:(e)the correction of his feat. fd; As in a cloud with terrour God gaue his law- to the lewes : fo in a cloud | with greater terrourand inaieftie,hc wil iudge thcwo:ld;(r not as manic corrup ted feats of lodgement in this world, but as corrected tribunal, where iufticeand right i-adgement shalbe praCtiied. j. Fire inai goe before him,and shal infrante his cnimies round about. 4. His lightnings =.- ihined tc the round world , the earth fa\v : and was :: There thin­ gs are de­ moued. nounced as if 5. The mauntatnes melted as waxe, before the face of our Lord ¡before they were al­ the face of our Lord al the earth. ready done, 6.The heauens haue thewed forth his iufticet.and al peoples haue ícen, forthealiuhis glorie. ¡’cJ certaiatid 7. Lerthem albe confounded, that adore (f) fcuiptils : and that glorie i_7fi____________________ THE BOOK_______________ _ ff)As wcl the worshippers of grauen or painted images oí lupiter,Mars,Bacchus & the like,as the Worshippers of the fame imagined falfe Gods shal be confounded. Adorehim al ye his Angels: S. (g) Sion hcard,and was glad. (g) The Catholike Church. And (/a) the daughters of luda rciovced, becaufeof thy iudgements, o Lord. (b; And al particular Churches,members ófthe vniucrGL ; -9.Becaufc thou. Lord molLhigh ouer al the earth: thou an exalted exceei dingly aboue alGods. i io.You that loue our Lord, hate ye euil, our Lord keepeth the foules of his faints,out otthc hand of the {inner, he wil deliuer them. it. Light is rifen to the iuft,and ioy to the right of hart. II. Be glad ye iuft in our Lord:and contcffeyc to the memorie(i) of his -anctification. (i) 1’raifeour Lord Chrift,who is fuiâicie it-fclfc,and faniftifieth others. -SALME T’e Church I?-3' nations. i ‘ne6.key. X.CVJL lAl men art againe inuited iofully to celebrate the meruelous ctnejueft of Chrift inai nations, q.witb hart,^oice,and inftrumenf.'è.al creatures acknowledging his camming to iudge the world. 1. APfalme (4) to Dauid"himfelfe. (a) Prefiguring Chrift,who hath madchis fàluation knowen in al nations. >CT n g ye toour'Lord (A) a newfong:becaufe he hath done meruelous ’ ^things. fi) A newbenefite of grace, making men new in fpisicc , requiretha ne«"fbng ■of gratitude. His right hand hath wrought faluation (c) to himfelfe : and his arme is holie. (c)R.ifedvphimfelfe from death. •i. Our Lord hath made knownehisdaluation : in the fight of the Gentils he hath reuealed his iuftice. (i) Made his grace etfcdtually knowen by railing men from finne, aud duliuering them from the power of the diuel. 3. He hath remembred his merde, and his truth to (r) the houfe of Ifrael. (e) Some of the Icwes.conuerted to Chriftianitie.Rom.r 1. Al the ends of the earth hauefeen the laluation ofourGod. 4. Makeyeiubilationto-Godalthceanh: (f) chanty and (g) reioyce, and (/>) ling. (/) Invoice, (g) In In inftruments. 5. Sing toour Lord on harpe,on harp and voiceof Pfalme : tf.onlong drawen trumpets,and voice of cornet of home. Make iubilation in the fight ot the King our Lord: 7. let the fea be ---- ------------ ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- moued O F PS A L M E S.179 moued,and the fulnes therof: the round world,and they that dwel therm. S.The nuers shal clap with hand : themountaynes together shal reioyce 9. at the fight or our Lord: (i) becaufe he commeth to iudge the earth. (■¿.iChriftdireitethanddifnofeth al things rightly-inthisWorld. (4 He wil iudge the round earth in iulticc,and the peoples in equitie. And wil accordingly giuc iuft fcntcncc in tile end. (kJ PSALME XCVIIL. ■Chrift our Chrilf reignet^notwittyhinding Bit enimtes npine,is.¡‘,.AugllftÍB. eondemne me that made heauen & earth.Agline,! feare not to adore the foot ftoolc of my Lord,becaufe the Pfaime faith to me : Adorehis foot-ftoole:Ifecke what is his foot-ftoblc,and the Scripture ( Ifaia: 66. ) tellcth me, the earth is foot-ftoole. Doubtfull turne my felt vnto Chrift, becaufe I fecke him here, AT finde how with­ out impictie the earth may beadored, without impietichis foot-ftoole may be adored.Forhe tooke earth or earth,becaufe flesh is of earth,and the tooke flesh ofthe flesh of ( theB. Virgin ) Marie And becaufe he walked here in the fame flesh, and gaue the very flesh to vs tocate,vntofaluation,& no man eateth thatflesh , vnles he The rcceiuers firft adore irit is found howfuch a foot-ftoole of’our Lord may be adored : and not , ofpraife. i. \ A A K Eye iubilanon to God *V1 gladneiTe. (b) al the carthtferue ye our Lord in (i)Not only lewcs,but alfo al Gentils. Enter ye in ( c ) before his fight,in exultation. (c) God euery where prefent,y et more peculiarly, hcarcth his fuppliants,praying m the temple,or places dedicated to hisferuice. 3. Know ye that our Lord (^)he is God-.he made vs,& notweourfelues. (d) He only whom weferuc as our Lord,is the only God, and there is no other. His His people, and the sheep ofhispafture: 4. enter ye into (e) his gates in i contciïion.his courts in hymnes, confeiTe ye to him. ( e) Peculiar dedicated place, as v. a Praife ye his name: 5.becaufe our Lord isfweetc,his (f) mercie fcr euer, and ( £ ) his truth euen vnto generation and generation. ( f ) As God is alwayes mercifulin giuing and promifing: [¿>10 he is cuer&idiful in ptrforming.. PSALME C. I ^ftrri^^xoo King Dauid gratefully celebrateti the tro ogen eral diuine yertues, Mercie and ¡to„ollCTne bis mnt example exbortetb al, ejpecially Supérieurs . io el¡reil The 7. bey. tbeir wayes tnfmcerity, 4. and to feparate the wickedfrom conuerfation ofthe A Pfalme to Dauid himfelfe. 1. liEncit (a) and judgement I willing to thee , o Lord : I wil IVI ling,2.and 1 ihal vnderftand in the immaculate way,(c)when thou liialt come to me. '«) Thefe two capital diuine venues areeuer ioyned in al Gods works , for both which experienced towards himfelfe , the Pfalmift rendereth thanites andpraifes. (i, I wil doc myne endeauour to know the immaculare way , (c j which I can not doe,but by thy grace commingvntomc. For by helpe therof I did as foloweth: I walked through in the innocencie of iny hart , in themiddes of my houfe. 3.I did not propofe before mine ejes any vniuft thing :1 hated them that doe prcuarication. 4. A peruerfe han hath not cleaued to me : the malignant declining from me I knew not. 5. (dj One fccretly detracting from his neighbour,him did I perfecute. One or a proud eye, and vnfatiable hart.with him I did not eate. (d'y That is,al and cuericonc thus wickedly difpofed I abhorred. ó.Mineeies are towards the faithful ofthe earth that they may fit with me. A man thatwalketh in the immaculate way (e) he did miniftet to me. (ej I kept fnch vnder,as a feruant or flatte. 7. Hethat doth proudly fnal not dwel in themiddes ofmy houfe: hethat fpeaketh vniuft things, hath (f) not directed in the fight cimine cies. (f) Profpercd not, got no benefice by me. 8.In (g) the morning did I kil al the finnersofthe earth : that J might deltroy (b) out of the citic of our Lord al thofe that worke iniquitic. (5) Speedily and without delay I cut offal difordcred people: might not be corrupted by them. Y ? (h) that others PSALME. 134_________ THE B O O K PSALME The fifepenitawialPfalme. The 7. key. CI. [inner tn affliction ofmind prayeth Godio deliuer him,lo. defedate ofal other helpe. 13. Conceiueth com]ort in Gódícternal-goodnes, andfingular mercie, in redeeming mankind , and propagating the Church. 24. Pranethrobe made mature in yertue before he dye . t^athemay huevnth God : 16. Vhbo only and-wholly being immutable,eflakilsheth hn J truant tfor euer, I. The prayer of rhe poore, whenhefhalbe anxious, and ihalmakehis petition before out Lord.. 1. r O’R D K'care my (4) prayer : and let my(£") crie cometo Lathee. (o') Eueric petition is a prayer , (b- and that which proceedcth from more feruent affeftion , is called a eric, though It burft not outinto clamour, not perhaps into anievoice at al. For God faid to Moyfes, p.aying in ineere filcncc , butwitnvehe' mencieoffpirit f Exod.i-f., Why crieftthouto-me? I 3. Turne (c) not away thy face from me: in what day foeuer I ana in tr ibulation, incline thine care to me. ( c j Though finne prouoke Gods wrath , becaufe we by (inning turne from him, and not be fir it from vs:yer we pray God not fo to lcaucvs,but to giue vs new grace, • that by humilitie, andpenance we may returne to him , and not die in finne. I In what day foeuer I ihal invocate thee, hearemefpeedih. 4. Becaufe my day es haue vanished as ( d ) Imoke : and my ( e ) bones are withered as (f) adrieburnt firebrand. (d) Mans dayes, andai his workesarc nothing worth . but vanish like fmoke , fo long as he is in mortal finne: (»J yea his beli workes, as if he giue almcfe, raft,pray, and dyeforrhe truth, y et al thofeauaile nothing. i.Cor. tj. but arc (/> likedryed ftickes, or chips, fit to kindle the fire. 5. I(¿) amitrucken as grafie, and my hart is withered : becaufe (t )I haue rorgptten to eate my bread. (X ) My foule feparated by fihnc from God, withereth as grafie that is cut from th"e rootc:(b) oecauf.: I haac loll al fauour andappetite tofpiritud meate. 6. For(i)the voyceof my groning,my (^)bone hath daued to my fieih. fi) In this mifcrable-ftate fkj lamas bones and flesh cleaning togethe! without moy fturc, or radical humour. 7. I am become like (/) a pcllicanc-of the wddernes :•-! am become as (m) a nightcrow ¡rrrhe houfe. (I) 1 fled frana conucrfatioa of men for (brow and shame of my finnes : f nr) as a crow that only flieth by night : or as an owle or batte. 8. I haue watched , .and am.become as ( n ) a fparow foiitarie.inthe . houfe-top. (•<) Alio, asa fparow hxting loft-her mate,remaineth.mourning.-andfolitarie in. the accuftomcd neft, or neerevnto it. 9. Al the day did mmecnemies vpbrayd me : and they (0) thueprayied i me fw are again It me. (») T'nofc taaewere wont to praife or flatter me, now areasfwornc enimies ag .¡nft me. ________________________________________ jo. Be caule ------------------------------- O F 'PSALM ETI: ¿o. Becaufe I did (p) eate allies as bread, & mingled (j) my drinke with weeping. (p) Bread fauoured to me no better then ashes, (j) And drinke gaue me no com­ fort, but frill wept. ri. At (r) the face of thy ssrath and indignation : becaufe ( j") lifting me vp thou liait throwne me downe. (r) I am moft especially atBifrcd,becaufe thou artangrie.f/)In that thou didft fomtime aduance mcinprofperitie , (i) my fai is fo much greater, and more gricuous. la.My daieshaue declined (f) as afhadow : and 1 am withered (w) ai. grafie. f»; Asa shadow deciineth to nothing, & al becommeth dark nes, when tliefunnc, and other light dcpartctli, euen fo I, that am but a shadow, decline to meere darknes when thy tauour parteth from me: (wj and I loft my beautic, as graffe cut from the ground withereth. n. (x) But thouo Lord endurcit for euer : and (j) thy memorial in ge­ neration and generation. (xj But I am mcrueloufly comforted, confideringthat thouour Meffas;the Sonne i of God. art immutable tor euer- (y)and thy memorable promifc orredeeming mákind, wil haue effedtin al generations. 14. Thcu riling vp ihal haue mercieon S-on: becaufe it is (/J time to haue merde on it,becaufe( the time commeth. (z, Thou riling to help ,who feemed ft to haue forgot,w ilt proteft the Church,and eucrie faithful foule, (xj Becaufe thou haft differred long : (¿J and becaufe die time by thee dtfigned feemeth to approch. 15. Becaufe (c) thefioncs therof haut pleafed thy feruants: and they ihal haue.pittic.on W) the earth (r) thcrof. Ic) Men that shal heure thyi.e Apoftles preach , shal proue good and fitte matter, forthc building^f thy Church ; (d) and thefimplcfi poore"people , as it were the earth or duft ,(ez* shal participate-ot this-mercic. 16. And (/) the Gtntilslhal Icare thy nameo-Lord, and al (g) the Kings ot thcorth thy glorie. (f, Befidcs thofc lewes that shal belieuc in Chrift , much more the Centilsshal feare and ferae him. (¿,üis glorie isfo cuident that al Kings know it, though albe not conucrtcd. 17. Becaufe our Lordhatbbuilt Sion : and he ihal be feen in his glorie. 18. He hath had refpeit to the praycrfh/of the humble : and he hath not defpifed their petition. (h, Of holie Patriarches, Priefts, Prophets, and of al true p*ni tents. 19. Let thefe things be written vnto another generation: and the people that fliai (i) be created ihal praife our Lord. (i) That shal be made a new creature in Chrift. 20. Becaufe he hath looked forth from his high holie place: our Lord from heauen hath looked vpon the earth. 21. That he might heart the gronings of the fettered ; that he might loofe the children of them that are flayne: 2X.That theymiay (/jjihew forth the name of our Lord in Sion: apd his praife lerufalcm. ! fk; The faithful people of the Church, accordine to their habilitieendcauour to , ferue Chrift. ""Tflf'BO'OK 184 z;. In the affcmbling of the people together in one, and Kings tofcrue our Lord. 14. He anfwcred him in the way of his ftrength.: Shew me the fewnes of my dates.. 25. -Cal me not batke (I) inthehalfeof my daies: thy yeares are vnto generation and generation. (I) Granrmetimeand ineanes robe mature in vertue inthislife. 26. In the beginnings Lord,thou didit found the earthtand the heauens are the workes of thy hands, 27. They (m) shal perish , but thou are perni anent •„ and they shal al waxe old as a garment. (m/ Be changed in qualitie. And as a vetture thoushalt change themr and they shalbe changed: 28. but thou art the lelfc-fame,,and thy yeares shal not faile. 39. The children of thy feruants shal inhabitée and (n) their feede shal be directed for euer. (n.> The Church of Chrift-perpetual. P.SALME CII. Gratitude for Thankes to God for priuate 6. andpublrftebeneftts. I 7. Hit merde, iuftice, and other proprieties tire immutable. 2.0. ^fngels and alotber creatures are Gods benefits. They. key. limited to praife him. i. To f a ) Dauid"himfelf, (a) Inrpired to Dauid, and written by him. Y foule } bleffe thou our Lord: and ( c) al things, that are within M me, his holie name. (6)Shew forth praifesand thankee : (c) al my cogitations, affections, fenfes, and powers. 2. My foule bielle thou our Lord : and forget not al his retributions. a. Whois () replenished! thy defirc in good things : " thy youth («) shal be renewed as the eagles. (b;Th:fifth,rogrant al lawful petitions temporal and fpiritual, which are good for the foule, (i) ene fixtii, rçfurrcâion 01 flesh in glorie. 6. Our OF Our Lord ( wron g. 6. PSALME S._______________ 185 . ) doth mercies : and ( I ) iudgement to al that luffe1, (JO Oar Lord,whofefpecial propertie is toshew mercie , ( I) when the fame is neglected ; he reuengeth flic wrongs, delivering the opprefíed, and punishing theopprefiours. 7. Hemadchiswaies (ro) knowne toMoyfes his his wilstothe chil­ dren of ifrael. (m) By giuing them a written law. 8. Our Lord is (n) pitieful,.and (0) merciful: (p) long fufferingand very merciful. (») God is naturally pitt i Ful to relieuetheaffiiftei. (0) Merciful rewards dinners. Loath to be angrie,or to punish. (p) 9. He wil a ) not be angrie alwayes: neither wil he threaten for euer. (5) God punisheth not penitents with eternal painc, but with temporal : for though (as in the next verfe ) our finnes of their owne nature deferue eternal punishment, yet Chrift-paying or ranfomc, true penitents areonly punished tem­ porali,’. 10. He hath notdoneto vs according to our linnes: neither accordingto on-iniquities ¡.¿th he rewarded vs. it. rcr tcr.orJu.g to the height of heauen from the earth : hath he I ftreiigtr.iKc. ms mercie vpon them that fcarchim. 'it As : r ) astr.c Eaitis ddtant from the Weft ; hath he made our ini­ quities far frotr vs. ■ : See nere tie netted! washing away, and reparation of finnes. : 1;. ,4.- a father hath companion of his children, fo hath our Lord com: paflitin on tnem that reare him : 14. became, he hath know en (/) our making. ( f) In renard of ottrfrailtie hehath companion : yet his mercie only auaileth , to them that reare him: as in the next words before, and v. 17. Heremcmbredthat weare dufttjç. man, his daies are as graffe, as the ! fiour of the field, fo foal he flourifo.. 16. Becaufe the fpirit foal paffe in him > and he foal not frand : and he ihal know his place no more. 17. But the metcie of our Lord from euerlaftingr and vnto euerlafting vpon them that feare him. And his iuftice is vpon the childrens children ,.to them that kcepe his teftament. ; 8. And are mindful of his commandments to( t )doe them. (tjAiuftnun not only knoweth,&remcmbreth, but alfo doththe cómandments. 19. Our Lord hath prepared his frate in heauen : and his Kindom shal haue dominion ouer al. 20. Bleffe our Lord al ye his Angels : mightie in power, doing his word, that frnrcthevoiceof his words. 21. Bielle our Lordalycliishofts: you his minifters, that doe his wil. 22. Bieffe ye our Lord(>)al his workers: in euerie place (w) of his domi­ nion, my foule bleffe thou our Lord. (v) Al creatures, though naturelle fcnfcles ,yet praifeGod, becaufe they arc his vorke,( w) and becaufe tuey arc in his dominion. Tcm“T Z /.KN0* - ,186 T H E B O O K ANNOTATION S. PSALME CIL y. Thy youth ihal bereneyyed , at the Eaglet. ) Ariftotle and Plini e write , that an An Eagle fresh "Eagle decayethnot, norcuer diethby old age, but the vpper part of her bcake ftsl in old age as growing , at laft hindereth her from eating, and fo she dieth of famine Saadias, in youth. and other Hebrew Rabbins rcport , that an Éagle Euerie tenne yearec washeth her felfe in the fea as in a bath, & then flying very high burncth her tethers in the-clcniental fire,&new fethers growing she becommeth fiesh , as in her firft youth , til at laftaboutan hundred yeáres old,-she is not able to rife tromthe .water, and fois drowned. Saint Auguftin more probably aftirmeth, that in long time her beake growing long , and ftepping her mouth that she can notearc , she breaketh the vpper hooked part therof againft a itone , and fo recciucth mcate and recouereth ftrength, asm her vouth. But whatfoeuer is the natural propci tie of this kindlie bird , the Royal Prophet here inftruScth vs by the fimilitude of her long life, or by xhe renouation of her ftrength , that iuft men , Gods feruants, arc fpiritually Renouation of renouated in Chrift, the principal rockc , on whom the Church , & al the faithful a {inner by are built,either by receiuing new ftrength by his grace in their foules, after they are grace. weakened by finite, as Saint lerom and Euthymius expound this place: or by reftauration of.thcir bodies glorified in the refurreiftion,as Saint Auguftin tcacheth: or by piuerfe fenfes both, as moft Catholike Dottours vnderftand it. Foronefenfe of holie Scripture cxcluricth notan other. Efpecially when is fubordinate to theother. As here thefe of rhe fame two fenfesdoevery wel concurre, feeingtht ftatcofthcbodie alter the refurreftion, I ¿capture. dependeth vpon the ftateof the foule,at the timeof death. p. He veil not be angrie alvvayet. ) Origen mifunderftood this place, and fome I Origcns here. lie,that al shal other like,holding an erronious opinion,that al, euen the moft wicked finners, both men and diuels.shal at laft be faued , and not eternally damned: whichisa condem­ I befaued. ned herefic, contrarierò cuident places of holie Scriptures. Pfal.p.v.6. The impious hath perished: their name thou haft deftroyed for euer, & for cuer& euer. Mat. ly. The wickcth shal goeinto fire euerlafting,-into euerlafting punishment. Apoc. to. Thebeaft and the falfe Prophet f and-the fame rcafon is for al the wicked ) shal be tormented day and night, for euer and euer. Neither are thefe words ( God wil not be angrie alwayes) fpokcnvniuerfally, touching al finners whofoeuer,but are limi­ ted, v. i J. & thofe that feare him,and keepe his teftament: wheras al thofe that The damned dye in mortal finne, are ftil obftinatc in malice, and can neuer rightly repent, nor can neuer re­ rightly feare God, not keepe his commandments. pent. PSALME. OF PSALME S. PSALME CUI. Tie pfalmif muitetb bimfelf and albereto praife God, for his meruelouevaries ods workes inthe beaueni, 5. the earth, and water, 9. Ismittngtbeir bonds, producing leruclous. he s.key. al things neeejfariefor al hutng creatures,in conuementfeafons. 27. With con­ tinual proludente of al, I. To Dauid himfelf. Y foule bleffe thou our Lord : o Lord my God thou-art magnified Mexceedingly. 2. Thou haft puron /x ) confeffion and beautie : being clothed with light as with a garment. (<) Thou poffefleft al raaieftie, and matter of praife. Stretching out the heauen as a skinne : 3. which couereft the higher parts therof (i) with waters. (J)Thou haft compailed the fphere ofthe fixed ftarres with afphereof criftaliinc fúbftance; which is as water congcled. Which ( c ) makeft the cloud for thee to afeend on : which walkeft vpon the wings of winds. ft) According to our capacitie the Prophet defcribcth the fpeedie comming, or working of God',asifhecameinafwift cloud,or with wings of the'wind, to figuifie that he worketh what and when he pleafeth without delay-.Hc faid,and things were made : he commanded and they were erected, Pfal.ji. 4. Which makeft fpiritsthine(¿) Angels: and thy (e)miniftersa bur­ ning tyre. (d) Thy meffengers to executed™ wil : (t) & the fame Angels are as aborning fire in operation, yea they difpatch more cafily , and more fpecdily then we can conceiue. 5. Which haft founded the earth vpon (/) the' ftabilitie therof : it ihal not be inclined for euer and euer. (f)Moft firmely eftablished by natural weight, inthe center of the world. 6, The (g) depth (b)-as agarment is his clothing: vpon the'mountaines ihal waters ftand. (g) The water (h) should naturally couer alche earth. 7. At(i) thy reprehention they ihalfiye: at the voice of thy thunder I they ihal feare. (») But by thy commandment the waters arc comeincd in their limited jrlaces. 8. The (4) mounraines alcend : and the plaine fields defeend into the place, which thou haft founded for them. ( k) The waters being conteyned in their appointed chañéis , both hils and fields appearc,which otherwise would be couered. 9. Thou haft fet abound,which (/) they ihal not paile oner : neither ihal. they returne to coucr the earth. (!) The waters. 10. Which fendeft'forth Fountaines in the valleyes: between the tniddeft of mountaines shal waters pafle. Z 2 11. A! 188____________________ THE BOOK 11. Althebeafts of the fieldihaldrinke : the wildc aiTes ihal_(w) expeâ in their thirft. (m)Hopc ibr and receiue. 12. Ouerthetn ihal the foules of the ay re inhabite-, out of the middes of rockes they ihal giue forth voices. 13. Watering themountaines from his higher places : of the fruit of thy worke fltal the earthbe. filled. 14. Bringing forth grafie for beafts, and herbe for the ferai ce of men. That thou mayft bring forth (n) bread outof the earth: ij.&fo) wine may make the hart of man ioy ful. That he may make the face cheerful with(p) oile : and bread may con­ firme thehart of man. (n nf) Bythefe three principal kinds of foode, breade, wine, and oyle, al forts of nutriment arevndcrftood. 16. The trees of the field ihal be filled, aud the ceders of Libanus, which he hath planted : ly.rhere fparowes ihal make their nell. The houfe ofthe bearne isthe leader of them: 18. the highmountames for horts : the rocke a refuge for the Irchins. 19. He made the moone for fealons : thefunne knoweth his going downe. 20. Thou didft appoint darkenes, and night was made: in it ihal al the beafts of the wood pafle. 2t.Thc whelps of lionsroaring,to rauen,and to feeke of God meate for themfelues. 22.The funne is rifen,& they are gathered tegethenand in their couches they shal beplaced. 2j. Man shal goe forth to his worketand to his working vntil euening. 24. How magnified arc thy workes, o Lord! thou haft made al things in wifedom: the earth is filled w ith ( thy pofleflion. (q) With thy creatures. 25. This great fea,and very large, there are (r) creeping beafts, wherof ( f ) there is no number. (r) Fishes,ferpents, formes, and al liuing crearuresthatlacke fette. (/) No kind .there shipsshal pafle. This (») dragon , whom thou madeft to (">) delude: 27. al expedí of thee that thou giue them meate in feafon. (t) A moft huge fish called Lcuiathan.Iob. 40. v. 10. (v) Albet in the water he •pafleth mans ftrength,-yet depriued of water he is not able to defend himfelfc.v.ay. 2 8.Thou giuing vnto them, they shal thou opening thy hand, ai fnal be filled with bountie. ap.But thou turning away the face,they ihal be troubledtthou (halt take away their fpinte , ’and they ihaljfaile, and ihal returne into their dull. jo. Thou ihalt fend-forth thy fpirit, and they shal be created ; and thou 1 halt renew the face of the earth. ___ ___________________________ _______________ ji.Be ________________ OF PSALMËS,_________________ 189 31. Be rhe glorie of our Lord for euer : our Lord wilreioice in his workes. 3 z. Who looketh vpon the earth,& maketh it to tremble: who touchcth the mountaines.and they fmokc. 33. I wil chant to our Lord in my life : 1 willing to tny God as long as I am. 34. Let my fpeach be acceptable to him; butlwil take delight in our Lord. 35. (tv) Let finnersfaile from the earth, and the vniuft, fo that they be not-, my foule bieffe thou our Lord. (v) A prediftion that impenitent finners shal be damned , wherin-the Prophet conforming his wil to Gods, rucrethir informcof a prayer. PSALME CII II. The jfiaelites are exhorted to fmg praifes to God, 5. for hie meruelous benefits towards ^ibraham, ifaac, and Jacob. 11. Whoft particular famihe , being then final, went from chanaanmto ^/iegypt. ( 17. W¡either I oftph by Gods proludente toot caned before ) there increased in number vat perfecuted , 16. dehueredby Moyfesand ^aron,workingmaniegreat miracles, j6.protected, and fed m the defers, 4 4. andfinally /ojfejfed Chanaan. Gods fpecial benefits to­ wards the leves. The 4. key. ( a ) Alleluia. (a) Alleluia fignifteth more then Laudate Dominum, Praife ye our Lord. Por by thefe twohebrew words, Alleluia,the Prophet inuitethal men to praife God, with gladnes, and iubilation ,withhart, voice, ondgefture , with inftruments , and howfoeuer we arc able. And therfore S. Icrom,S. Auguftin ,and al Catholike wri­ ters kcepe the fame words,and tranflatcitnot, neither in the titles of Pfalmes ,nor ordinarily in anie place or holieScripture. This is the firft Pfalme thus titled, and is the fame Pfalmcin fcrifc, and in good pan of the words , which the Royal Prophet made , and caufcd to be fung , when brought the Arke of God from the houfe of Ooededom into hisowne houfe. 1. Par. 16. v. ». I. ztOnfesse ye to our Lord, and inuocate his name (¿) £hew forth For an expo- ; fition of tills ! his workes amoug theGentils. (b) How much grateful is it now to G od, that we celebrate the greater my Series Pfalme read the places of thenew Tcftament. quoted in the ' z. Chaunt to him, and fingtohim: tel ye al his meruelous workes. inner margen. 3. Prayfc yehiminhis holic name ; let the hart of them reioice that feeke our Lord. 4. Seeke ye our Lord, and be confirmed : feeke (c) his face alwayes. (cj His prefent helpe. 5. Remember ye his meruelous workes, which he hath done: his won­ ders,■*,and the iudgements of his mouth. O Z 3 6. The THE BOOK 6. The feede of Abraham his feruauts : the children of lacob his eleót. 7. He is the Lord our God: in (d) al the earth arc his Judgements. (.}7. V. IS. Gen. j p Aegypt, pofiefied by Mefraim Chams fécond fonne. Gen. 10. v. : 3. 24. And he increafcd his people exceeding! y ; and ftrengthned them oucr their enemies. 25. He (i) turned their hart that they hated his people: and to worke guile toward hisferuants. v. 7, (i) May it be vnderftood,or belieued f faith-S. Auguftin ) that God turneththe hartof man to committe finnes f Or is it-no fiunc , or is it a final finne, ro hate the people-of GodfOr to worke guile towards his feruants i Who wil fay this f What tuca, is God authour ot theft lo-gncuous finnes, who is not fuppofed the au— thour or a moft final finne.-’Tins learned Father fhcribre anfwereth, that God pcruerted nor-a right hart, but tnrncd-that was of it-fclfc peruerfe , to the hatred of his people,where he might vfe that cnil wel,not by making them euil,but by beftowing vpon iiisowne people good things., which’the euil might eafily enuic. Which hatred | of theirs how God vfed both to the exercifc of his people ( which is profitable to vs) j & to tue glorie of his owne name , the things thns folow doc teach vs-, which are ■ here rememored ro his praife. l£xo. j. .zó.-Hc fent Moyfes hisferuant .- Aaroir(4) himfelfewhom-hecholc. 4-7-s-’-----' ÓHn'°- “• *a puv»rmtof fliei. Exod. I I. V. if- Ex,d. IJ.V. ii. Exid. 16. V. *iExod. 17. v.f. Gm. 11. Itftu 6. ipAî- OF PS ALME S. ip: (1J In whom God eftablished the Priedhood of Moyles law. 17. He did put inthern the words of his (ignes, and of his wonders in the Land of Cham. 18. He fent ( I ) darkenes, and obfcured : and did (m) not cxafperatc his words. (1) The ninth plague oTthe Aegyptians. (m)'God willingly , not .as one loath or vnwilling, performed al that he threatned. 19 . He turned their '») waters intabloud : and killed their fifties. (u) The foil plague. 30. Their land brought forth (o)Lrogs in nthe.inner chambers of their Kings. (0) The fécond plague. Ji.He fayd , and (p) the * cænomyia came: and the (^) cinifesinal al their coafts. (pjThe fourth plague. (3 ) The third plague. 31. He made theyrraynes (r) haile : fire burning in their land. (r) The fcuenth plague. 33. And he (truck their vines, and their fig-trees : and he dcftoyed the woodoftheir coafts. 54.He faid,& Í f) the locuft camc,& the (/) bruchus wherof there was no .number. (f)The eight plague.(t)A worme that fpoyieth corne, graffe, andfruit. 35. And it did cate al the graffe in their land : and it did cate al the fruit of their land. 36. And heftruck euerie (>)-firft begottenin thcirland : the firftfruits of al their labour. (■») The tenth plague. TheCfth &fixt of peililenceandboyles are omitted. 37. And he brought them forth with gold and fduer,and there was not in their rribes a feeble perfon. jS.Aegypt was glad at their departure-.becaufe the feare of them lay vpontnem. 3 9. He fpred a cloud for their protection, and fire to (hiñe vnto them by night. 40. They made petition, and the tjuaile came ; and he filled them with the bread of heauen. 41. He diuided the rock, and waters flowed .- riuers ranne in the drie ground. 41. Becaufe he was mindful of his holie word , which he had vttcred to Abraham his feruant, 43. And hebrought forth hispeople in exultation., and his eleft in ioy. 44. And he gaue them the countries of the Nationsand they poffeffed the labours of peoples. 4<,. That they might keepe his iuftifications, and (ceke after his law. TSALME. Dauid knew this by reucla tian, or bv tra­ dition, fo: it ii not in Exodus T91 T ETE BO o K PSALME ’ CV. The Ifraelites The Prophet exhortetb tbe-peaple to render tbonkes tndpnifesto God,6.forreoften finned; rrutting their mtrufold ftnnes, in the defert, ; 4 .«nd in the conefuerd land: j 8. and were mer­ foreshewing likeftnnes to come , Gods wroth end punishment for the fume, cifully puni44.O-TÍ* he wil giue¡roce of repentance to fame 4.7. farwinch heprtyeth llied. The 4- ie7ond proifetb God. Alleluias Z“> Onfessï ye to our Lord (4) becaufe he is good: becaufe his merde V>is foreuer. (0) God is of himfelfe and effentrally good. Al other goodnes is participated of him. a. Who fhalfpeake the powers of our Lord, shal make alhisprayies to be heard? (b) No creature can fully exprefic Gods perfeâions. j.(í)BlcíTedarethey rthat keepe iudgement,& (d)doe iuftice atal time. (c) It is a happie flate in this life , either to Iceepe Gods lav: (d) or co repent and doc worthic penance for tranfgrcfsing. 4, Rcmember vs,o Lord (e) inthe good pleafure of thy people: vifite vs in thy faluation: (t) According to they wonted bencuolence,promifed to thy people. 5. T0 (/)fee inthcgoodnesofthyneele&jtorcioyceintheioy ofthy natiomthat thou mailt be pray fed with thine inheritance. f/JThat vc.tnay fee and enioy tlx; benefits prom ¡fed to thyne eleâ. ó.Wehaue (g) finned without fathers,: wehaue (b) dealt vniuftly, we haue (i) done iniquitic. (¿¡We haue erred and hurt our felues:(b)wchauewrongcd our neighbours-/») we haue offended ag-inft God. 7. Our fathers in Aegypt did not vnderftand thy meruelous workes: thy were not mindful of the multitude of thy merde. And they prouoked theçto wrath going vp vnto the feaT the Red fea. S. And he faued them (4) for his name fake; that he might make his power knerwen. Ck? Albeit the people bytheir murmuring deferued more punishment,.yet God for the glorie of hu 0» ne name faued them from vtter deftrudion. 9. And he rebuked theRedlca^and it was made dric: and he led them in the depths as ima defert. 10 And he faued them from the hand oflthem that hated them: and "he r.-decmed them out ofthe hand ofthe enemie. ri. And water oucrwhclmcdthofe that affiidted them: there did not one ot them remaine. 11. And they belieued his wordszand they fanghis praifes. Ij-Tlny ludifh l/.V. iz . £x»d. 14. V. II. O F PSALM £ S. i$r; n. They had (f; quickly done , they forgot his workes : and they expeiftcd nothis counfcL (m\ (f)Thev perfeuercdnot long in their dutie towards God . Teeing his omnipotent poorer by his mcruelous workes : I'm) nor vete contentwith his prouidcnce, but carnally coueted things not necefiarie. Ex¡>. 16 • tí >7- 14. And they coueted concypifcence in the defert : and tempted God in the place without water. 15. He gaue them their petition : and font faturltie into their (n) fouies. (n) According to their carnal delires. Jî». 16 . 16. And they prouoked Moyles in the campe : Aaron the (0) Eolie of our Lord, (0) Holieby his function. Ex».ij 17. The earth was opened , and i'valowed Dathan, and ouerw’neimed tire congregation of Abirort. 18. And a fire flamed vp in their finagogue ¡the flame burnt thefinners. 19. And they made a calie inHoreb : and they adored (p i the (culptil. (pjThey adored the irtiagetha: reprefented a calf,not God. 2 o. And they ( j ) changed their glorie into the funilitude of a calfe that eateth graffe. (4; God being their true glorie, they changed him for a falfeGod ofthc Ægytians ' whoefpecially honoured a calfe called Apis)making and imagethcrof, and attribued their dcliueric from Ægypttothis iniagned God.Exo. u.v.4. 8.Of which andthelike foolish and abominable idolatrie S. Paul writeth, Rom. i.v. 15. They changed the glòrie of the incorruptible God into a fimiiitude of the image ot a corruptible man, and of foules, and of fourc footed beafts,and of them that crecpc. Where we fee what manner of.images holie Scriptures condemno,and not the images of Chrift and his Saints. it. They forgat God, which faued them , which did great things in Aegypt, 2 2. meruelous things in the land of Cham, terrible things in the Red lea. •Exo.jx. 23. And (r) hefayd to deflroy them : if Moyfeshiseleâ had not flood in the way before him. Nm.I4 . To turne away his wrath that he fhould not deflroy them : 24. and they efteenred lor naught the land that was to be de tired. 25. They did not belieue his word.25.and they murmured in theirtabernaclestthey heard not the voice of our Lord. Nw». 2ó.And'he lifted vp his handouer therm to ouerthrow them itithe defert: 14.T. 2 7.And to cafl downc their feede among the Nations:8c to diipcxfe them 11. IXin the countries. Ktan. 28. And they were profefled to (f) Beelphegor : and they did care the Sa­ *1 crifices (i) of the dead. (/) The Idol of Moabites, an'dMadianites. (It ) As God h indeed the lining God, that liv.eth of himfelfe,and giueth lire to othcrs.To falfe Gods arc called dead Gods, that can not giue life to anie ,but doe kiial that fonie them ; at leaft fpiriiua!ly,and often corporally. 29.And they prouoked him in their inuentions : & rume was multiplied on them. Tom 2. Aa 30. And T H E BOOK *94_______________________ ________________ _ 30. An.i Phinees flood, and ("y) pacified: and the (laughter ccafcd. (■»)Phinees mojedby thezeleofGod(as theholie text witncileth,Num.ij.v.ii.) in killing the adulterers pleafcdGod,and merited reward. 31. And it was reputed to him vnto iufticc, in generation and genera­ tion euen for euer. 32. And they ■prouoked him-at the waters of contradiétion-: and^ib-''0, (-w)Moyfeswas vexed for thcm:33.becauie they exafperated hisfpirit. (V) MoyfesafBiftedinfpiritjby the murmuring of the people,doubted whether God would giue them water out of the rock or no: not doubting of his his power ,but of his wil : and fo when ne should haue fpoken to the rod:. Num. 10. V.8. he fpoke to the incredulous people, v. 10. and therin offended God : for which he was temporally punished, v. 11. |.v. 16. t.4. Andheplaynely affirmed in hisiips^. they deftroyednot the nations, Dtut. 1. of whi ch our Lord fpake to them. 35. And they were mingled among the nations, and learned their workes : 36. and they ierued their fculptils : and it .became a fcandal to Indici. them. 37. And they immolated theirTonnes, and théìr daughters to diuels. 58. And (x) they lhed innocent bloud :thc bloudot their fonnes and of lu ,c'}" their daughters, which they facrificcd to the fculptils of Chanaan. ' (x) Somelewesoffered thefe rnoft cruel, vnnatural, and abominablefacrificcs; ilerc.ip. perhaps in the times of lodges, when they were mingled with idolatrous people, and > ¡, ferued their Gods. Xud.t.v. 11. c. is more expreilc aiter LJauids time, wlicrof hcherc prophecieth , and was veri fied by Achas. «. Reg. 16.V.3. and by Minifies. 4. Reg it. v. 6. AJ^hich with.other idolatrie King lofias dfftroyed. 4-Reg. ij.v. 1. And the land was infedted with bloud,3 9.8c was contaminated in their workes: and they did fornicate in their inuentions. 40. And our Lord was wrath with tune vpon his people: and he abhor­ red his inheritance. 41. And he dcliuered them-into thc.hands of the nations : and they that hated them had the dominion ot them. 42. And theirenimies afflicted them, and they were humbled vnder i their hands: 43. he did otten dcliner them. But they exaiperaxed him in their counfel : and they were humbled in their iniquities. 44. And he(y)law when they were afflidted:and he heard their prayer. (y ) God refpefted them with his merciful eye,and gaue them grace to repent. 45. And he was mindful of his teftament :and it repentedhim according to the multitude of his mercie. 46. And he gaue them into mercies in the fight of al, that had taken them. ( (z) Here the Pfalmift concludeth both thehiftorie and prophecie of thisl’falme, with prayer and praife,as foloweth. :: Averie fit 47. :: Saue vs, o Lord our God : and gather vs out of the Nations. prayer in time That we may confefle to thy holie name:& may thy prayfe. uf fchifme. 48. BlcfTed be our Lord the God of Ifrael from cueriafting vnto eucr- lafting; and al the people shal fay : Beit, be it. ANNO- ANNO TATIONS, PÍALME C V. The red fea io. He reJeemeJ them. ) What price ( or ranfom) faith S. Auguftin,was giuen in a figure of this redemption ?Or is it a prophecic , that this was done in figure of Baptifme, Bapuf-nc. where we are redeemed from the hand of the diuel by a great price , whichjis the bloud or Chrift? Wherupon it was more conueniently figured , not by what fea fbcuer , but by the red fea : For bloud hath red colour. And touching the effe'Sof Baptifme deftroyingal former finnes , he reacheth m the-expofition ofthe next' Pfalmcfand either die fame holie father , or fame other good authour, Ser.' 41. de 1Al former tempjthat as the Ifraelites pafi'cd fa fely through the red fea, and al the Aegy priant finnes deftroy­ going in with them were drowned :fo thebaptifed arc faued inthe watenof Baptif- ed in Bap.tifinc. mc,and al their finnes arc deftroyed. PSALME CVI. igeine the Pfalmilt muiteth al men to render tbanfes to God for their deliuerie from dangers,or etuisin general: ^.Particularly from dangers in lowney, 1 ¿cnc J.v. io. butshortly after was burnt with fire and brirafton, Gen i v. v. >4. fubuerted, and turned into a dead and fait fea. j5. He turned xhc defen into pools of waters : and the land without water into iffues of waters, j 6. And he placed the hungrie there , and they built a citie of habi­ tation. jy. And they fowedfields and planted vineyards: and they made fruit (») of natiuitie. (n j Made aboundance of fruit to grow. j 8. And he bleffed them, and they were multiplied exceedingly : and their beafts he leflened not. jp. And (o)they were made few : and were vexed by the tribulation of euils,and with forow. (") Againe fome countries punished for fiimes. 40. Contempt was powred out vpon Princes: and he made them wander where was no way,and not in the way, 41. And he (/>) did hclpe the poore out of pouertie : and made,families as iheep. (f) An other change in releeuing the poore being humbled. 41.Theiuft (bailee,andlhal reioyce:& aliniquitieihal ftophermouth. 4j. Who is wife and wil keepthefe thingsianu wil vnderltand the mer­ cies of our Lord?_________________________ 1* b A L M E Aa j THE ip8 PSALME BOOK CVU. Dauid fingeth Theroyal Prophetpromifeth,^. ¡end rendereih praijes to God,y .forbii deliuerie prayfes for from troubles,andaduMcementintbe/yngdom,Ipraying God fld to helpe benefits remans infirmitie. ceiued. The 8. key. A Canticle (4) of Pfaimeito Dauid himfelfe. (a) This Pftlmc was fong with iuftruments beginning the mufike and voices folowing. The farmer part of this Pfalme to the 7.verfe,isthc fame in fenfe, and almoftin words, with Ithe Litter part iofthe ri. from thci.vctfc. :: The reft of this Pfalme is the fame with the latter part of the y ». from the 7.verfe. Y h ar t is readie, o God,my hart is readic: I wilchaunt and PA is. M wil fing in my glorie. j. Arifemy giorie,arifepfalter and harpeil wil arile early. -U.8. 4.I (A) wil confeffe co thee in peoples , 0 Lordrand I wil. fing to thee (c) inthe Naions. . fi) - , King Dauid fubdued nor only fome parts ofChanaan,not fubieit to thelewes Reg. f. I. Par. 11 .)but alfo brought the Philiftiims, Moab ires, Ammonites,before) 1. i.Reg.f. Idumcans,Amalechites,the Kings of Soba,Syria,& Emath,to pay tributc.i.Reg^.i. ' * Par.i8.-fc) Yetal thefc viftorics & conquefts-werc but a figureof Chrifts power and dominion in al nations.And therforc the reft of this Pfalme,by S.Auguftin & other fathers iudgement, was rather prophetically vtteredby Dauid, inthe perfon of Chrift,St more perfedly performed by Chrift in his Church,then hiftorically auerred of Dauid himfelte. 5.Becaufe thy mcrcie is great abouethé heauens:& thy truth cuento the clouds. 6.Be ex alted aboue the heavens o God,and thy glorie outr al the earth : PA7. ;; that thy beloued maybe delivered. •»-7Saue with thy right hand, .and heare me-. 8; Godfpake in his hohe: I wil reioyce , and wil diuide Sichem, and I wil meafare the vale of tabernacles. 9. Galaad is mine-, and Manaffes is mine : and Ephraim the-proteâionof my head. ludáis my King.- ro.Moab the pot of my hope. Vpon Idumea I wil extend my shoe : the ftrangers arc made my freinds, ii. Who wil conduit me intera fenfed citie? who wil conduâ meinto Idumea; 12. Wilt not thou, o God, which haft repelled vs, and wilt not thou goeforth, o God,in ottrhofts? ij. Giue vs helpe out of tribulation : becaufe -mans faluation- is vayne. 14. In OF P S A L M E S. 14. InGod weshaldoe ftrength; and he wil bring our enemies to no­ thing. PSALME CVin. Chrift ( by the mouth of Dauidjretjuefteth of God to be tuftly declared innatent, and his enimies punished, 6. particularly describing ludas the traitours malice, 11.and his ovme temporal affiliions: 16 .prayetb^o.and praifeth God for his dtltuerie. Chrift perfccuted & his enimies pu­ nished. The key. I. Vntothe end, a Pfalme of Dauid. God conceále not my prayfe:becaufe the mouth of the /inner, and the mouth of (¿) the deceitful man is open vpon me. (4) The Words of Chrift. (4) ThcPharifees and Herodians (Mat.11. > 'with their mouth acknowledged Chrift a true fpeaker,& a teacher of the way of God in truth, therby to draw liim into danger,and loghead his blond. j. They (c) haue fpoken againft me with deceitful tongue , and with words of hatred they haue compared me.: andthey haue impugned-me without caufe. (c) At other, times they accufed him ofgreat crimes ,laftly of treafon againft Cefar. 4. For that they should loue me, they backbited me:"butl prayed. 5. And theyfet againft me euil things for good : and hatred for my loue. 6. Appoint (J) a (inner ouer him: and (e) letthediuel ftand on hisright hand. (d) A prediaion that ludas would not make recourfe toan ie good counfeller , but complaine of his miferable tormented confcience to the wicked , whogaue him no comfort at al , (e) and fo defpairing, the diucl perfwaded him to hanghimfdfe. Kl 6. 7. When he is iudged,lec him come forth condemned: andlet his prayer be turned into Ènne. 8. Let his dayes be made few : and let an other.take his (/ ) bishopricke. (/) The office o: Apoftleship. 9. Let (g) his children be made orphans : and his wife a widow. (g) The pofteritie or fucceffours of wicked perfecuters profper not long in this world. 10. Let his children be tranfported wandering, and let them beg :and let them be caftoutoftheir habitations. 11. LetthcvfurerfcarchalhisfubftanCe : and let ftrangers fpoile his la­ bours. 12. Let there be none to helpe him’: neither let there be anie tohaue pittic on his pupils. 17. Let zoo__________ THE BOOK___________________ 13. Le: his children conic to dcftruâ (fc) one geueration let hsi his name be cleane put out. (h) Arch-heritikes that dcuife new opinions,are shortly forlakcn,their folowcrs ftil coining new herefies oftheir ownc,differing from their Life mailer. 14. Let the iniquitie of his fat hers returnc to memorie in the fight ofour Lord: and let not the finneof his mother be blotted out. 15. ' Let them be before our Lord alwayes, and lerthe memorie of them perish out of the earth : 16. For that hercmembrednottodoe mercic. 17. And he perfccuted the poore , and needie man.and the compunft in hart to kil him-. iR. And he (j) loued curfing, and it shal cometo him: and he would not bleiling,and it shal befar from him. (»j Let them obfesue this,thac vfe mote fwearing andblafpheming , then praying or meditating. And he put on curfing as a garment, and it entred as water into his in- net parts,and as oile in his bones. ’ 19.Be irto him asa garment, wherwithheisceucrcd :and as agirdle, wherwith he is alwayesgirded. 10. This is theworke of them that detradb from me before our Lord: and that fpeake euils againft my foule. at. And thou Lord, Lord, doe with me for thy names fake.-becaufc thy mcrcieisfweete. Deliuer me z a.becaulê I am needie and poore : and (4) my hart is tronbled within me. ( l\) thrifts fonie was pen fine when he prayed in the garden, and he did workes ofpenance for our finnes al hislife. ij.Asashadow whenitdeclineth,atn-I taken away': and Lam shaken as locufts. 14. My kneesare weakened with-failing: and my flesh is changed by reafon of oile. 15. And I am made a reproch to them.-they faw mt T and wagged their heads. z6, Helpeme, o Lord my God : ( I ) fane me according tothy merde. (l)Hc prayed alfofor his refurreitron,and g.orification. ay.Andlctthem knowthatthisis thy h*nd:& thou,o Lord,haft done it. 18.They wil curfe, and thou shaft bleflcdet them that rife vp againft me be contounded:but thy feruautihalreioyce. 29.Let them that detraâ from me, be clothed with shame: and let them be couered with their confufion, as w-ith-a (m) double patched doke. (mywithal-poflible confufion. jo. I wil confefle to our Lord wcecdiuglywith my mouth : and ¡¿the middesof manie 1 wil praiie-him. 31. Becaufe he hath ftood on the right hand of the poorc,that he might láuemy fouledxomthc perfccutours. PSALME. OF P S A L M E S. SALME 201 CI X. CvriFt rifìng and afèendin* into heauen fìtteti) on toe right bandof God: 1 le- 'Cl-yfts exil ginning tn /eruQlem retgnetb intbe Church ofthe whole earth: q.yjeth ike 'i-y Pnefìooodof Melcbiftdecbs order to the end of theworld. 6 ^fnd shalmdoe i theworld. j.&pfalmc of Dauid. Ha. it. i>tn. i. I.'Cor. V R (4) Lord fayd (J) to my Lord: Sit on my tight hand : (c) til O1 make thine enemies, the foot-ftole of thy irete. (*)God the Father/ b ) To God the Sonne,the Lord of Dauid.and of->l mankind, yet the fonneof Dau’d,according to his humanitie.(r) He limitcth not the time,but iC 10. excLideth altimejvherin the enimie might imagine, that Chrifts kingdom should 'ceafc.-ligni tying that Chrift shal rcigne , til al h:s enimies befubdued , mudi more afterwards inai eternitie. ¡2. Our Lord wil lend forth thcrod ofthy ftrength thou inthe middes of thine enemies. from Sion : rule fd) The Church of-Chri ft beginning inlerufalem on whitfunday , the fiftrhday fromhis Resurrection,continuerà euermore. . •3. Withthee (e) thebeginning in the day If) of fhy'ftrength tin (g) the ibrightnesof holiethings: :rom the wombe(b) before the day itane I ! begat thee. (e) Thou shal haue principahtie, f f ) in the day of thy powerf.:! conqneft,a-.d I tiling ¡rom dcath.jg In excellence ofholiefpiritual myfteries and graces : (h, he ¡ caufe I God the Father, of my fubftancc begat thee God the Sonne in etcrnitie.The fame which Micheas faithfe. y.v.t., His coinmingforth from the beginning,from the idayes of eternitie. H'b J. 4-OurLerd (i)fware,and it shal not repent h:m:Thou art "aPaieft (4} for euer " accordingto (I, theorderof Nicichifcdecb. (<)God moft firmely,and vnchangeably atfirmed : that thou (Chrift ov.r Meifas) ■ art not only a King,bur alfo aPrieft/k) not for a time , as Aaron was,but for euer, (I) neither of Aarons order, but according to the order of Melchifedcc. 5. -Our Lord on thy righthand (m) hath broken Kings in theday of his wrath. (>") Kings that foraetimes perfccute C'nriftans,arefubdued with other people to j Chrift. 6 He (») shaliudgt in nations,he (0) shal fil ruines,he (/>) shal crush the heads in theland of manie. (nj He shal indge and punish the incredulous people, fo) make great daughters amongft thofe thatrefift ; fp) and bring 1 rinces with their populous kingdoms to nothing. 7. ( e¡ ) Of the torrent in the way he shal drinke: (r) therfore shal he exalt thehead. f^JHe shal in them ne time ( and alfo his beft feruants )' fuffer much tribulation in this life (r) and dor die fame be highly exalted in life euerlafting. Tom. 2. Bb ( 101 THE BOOK ANNOTATIONS. P SALME CIX. ChriftsPriefthood tor euer both in fun— ¿lion and in cftcâ. «.»>/ Prieft fer tuer ) Inc W'o rcfpeôs Chrift is a Prieft for eucrtin that from the firft ■ iuft mt of hi»Incarnation he was ,and remaineth a Pr.eft,now alfo in heauentand al other Priefts are his miniftcrial Vicars, not fncccflours.So that alPrieftlie functions, which they doc,he by them doth the fame, as the principal Pricft.Whcrupon faiths. Paulf i.Cor. 4. ) Solet a manthinkeof vs as of the mir.iftcrs ot Chrift , and ■dil’penfcrs of.the myfteries of God. Secondly thrift daÿivoffcnng Sacrifice by the hands of his Priefts,doth continually pacific Gods wrath, in behalfof thofe finners, for w'hoin it is duly applied , euentotheend of the world. W'heras the Pticfthood of Aaron,and of al othersán the old Teftament , ccaflcd by their deaths, both in the .office,and in the effetì. |Thcrcfem4-eyfccordiny to the order of Melàiifrdcth }AsMelchifcdcch,King of peace and iuftice, |bl.inceof without father,mother, or genealogie exprefled in holicScriptures , orothciwifc Thrifts and 1 knowen to the world, was Prieft ofthe Higheft , offered bread & wine,an vnbloudic iMelchifcdechs facrifice,communicating wi.hboth Chanancitcs and Hebrew es, blcficd Auraham, I'ricfthood. and tooke tithes of him& his fubieds : fo Chrift the true King of peace & iuftice, W'irhout father of his humanity,without mother of his THuinitie, the Sonne of God, of ineffable genealogie,borne of a Virgin in his humani tie, the Prieft of God , offereth Sacrifice ( nor only bloudie on the Greffe,but alfoj vnbloudic in the formes of breadand W'ine,continucththcfanieby the minifterie of other Priefts, maketh al nations partakers therof,blcflcth them and rccciucthof them al dutiful & religious feruiceasof his fubicits. PSALME CX. Graces giucn Praife of Godfor benefits, 4. efpectally for the B. Sacrament of the Eucharif, torne Church? 6.with othergraces imparted to the Catbolike Church, 1 he 6.Key. Alleluia. This Pfalme inthe Hebrew is compofed V itheuerie s'crfcand mid die of verfe, beginning w ith a diftinâ letter, inorder of the Alpha­ bet. I. I Wil confedero thee,o Lord,with al myhart.-infx)thc counici ofthe •* iuft,and (¿ ) the congregation. Iw il praifeGod both infecret for difehargeof mync ownc conference.$(i) and in publikc foredificationofothers. a. The workes of our Lord arc great: exqui (ite according (c) to alhis wils. (e)Gods wil is the whole caufe of al his workes. 3. (d) Confeftion and magnificence his worke : and his iuftice conti­ nued! for euer and euer. (d) Eucric worke of Ills is praife-worthie and magnificai. 4. He hath made fe) a memorie of his meruelous workes; a merciful & pittiful Lord ¡'5. he hath giucn (f) meate to them that feare him. (r)God OF ___ PSALME S. ffff (f) God hath left onemoft fpecial and beneficial memorie of al other benefites, liisownebodieand blood, in memorie of hisPafsion , ardour redemption ,(f) the fpiritual foodc ofal the foulet that rightly feare him. He wil be mindful for euer of histeltament : 6. (h) the force of his workes he wil shew forth to his peoples; Ofhis promife to conferee his Church perpetually, (fc) The powrabie opera­ tion ofhis death , and of al his myftcries. To giue them the inhcritance of the gentils: the workes of his hands 7. truth and iudgement. 8. Al his commandments’(») arefaithful: confirmed for euerand euer, made in truth and equitie. (») Gods commandments doe iuftifie al that keepe them.- 9. He fent (1^) redemption to his people : he commanded his teftament for euer.’ (I\) He alfcro fiais mercie redeemed man, that he might be able to keepe his pre­ cepts. Holie and terrible is his name :-io.(Z) thefeareof our Lord is the be­ ginning of wifedom.' (1, Beginning with feare of God ,bringeth at laft by other degreesto truewifdom, which two are the firft and laft o. thefeuen guiftsof theHolie Choft. il. Vnderitanding isgoodto al that doe n;hisprayferemainethtor euer and euer. PSALME CXI. True happines confttfeth tn fearing Gtrd keeping hit commandments ,5. and »» The meanes tobeh appiè doing worses of merae. 10. The contrarie br.ngetiitemifene. The 7. key. Alleluia, (4) Of the returne of Aggeus and Zacharie. The Septuagint Interpreters added this mention ot Aggens and Zacharie, re­ turning from captiuitic, to fignifie that this Pfalme was very proper. & mette to be cô mended to the ptxrple at that time, wherby they might learne , that their finne. were thecaufeof their captiuitic,-and ofal their mil'eries; and it they-defired tern poral or fpiritual profperitic , they muft-obfesue the meancs here preferiteci to< obtayneehc fame. (a) Pfa.1. i. ÓL e ssiD is the man that feareth our Lord : (b) he shalhaue This F Lime is Ugreat delight in his commandments. alfo compofed (I) He thatfincerely feareth Godpril take great de’.igbt in keeping his command-1 by the Alpha, bet , as the 1 ments. z.(c) His feed shal be mightie in the earth: the generatio of the righteous next before. stai oc bleffed. (c) So doing he and his shal profper. 3. Glorie ’and riches in his houfe : and and euer. hisiuftice abideth for euer1 (d) The iuft shal not only profper in this world but alfo in the next. 4. (c) Light is rifen vp in darkenes to the righteous : he is merciful,, and pitiful, and iuft. f«) God wil alfo comfort the iuft in tribulations._________________________ B b z 5. no. ept able 1^7____________THE BOOK._____________ ; 5. Acceptable isthe man,that irmerciful and lendcth, that (jf) illaidii"- ! porchis words in lodgement: 6. Became he ihal not be moued for euer. ! (/ ) That shal giue difcrectand rehollóme counfel to the afflicted. 7. The iuft iiial be in eternal memorie : he ihal not iearc at the hearing ' of euil. 8. His hart isreadieto hopcinonr Lord,his hart is confirmed: 9. he fnal notiae moued til he looke ouer his enemies. 10. He deftributed , he gaue to the poore : (r) his iuftice rcmaineth for euer and euer, (l>) his home ihal be exalted inglorie. (g) Workes of merde arealfo called iuftice, becaufe they concurre to mans iuftifleation, (h) and to his faluation. 11. The (inner ihal lee, and wil be angrie , he ihal gnaili his teeth and pine away : the delire of iinners ihal perish. PSALME (Gods proui,dcncc. ■'The j. key. C X I Ï. God is to he praifed, Vfho being high, regurdeth and prouideth for the needie in this World. Alleluia. I. -psR Ayse our Lord ye (4) children : praife ye the name of our X Lord. AlGods fcruants. a. Be the name of our Lord bleflcd, from henceforth now and forcuct; 5.From theriiingofthc funnevnto the going downe, thenameof our Lordis laudable. 4. Our Lord is high aboue al nations, and his glorie aboue the heauens. 5. Who is as the Lord ourGod, that dwcllethon high,6. and beholdcth the low things (J) in heauen and inearth? (b) In refpeit of God al creatures arcloxr, though they be in heauen. 7. Raifingvp the needie trotn the earth, and lifting vp the poore out of the dung: 8. (c) To place him with Princes, with the Princes of his people. 9. Who maketh the (¿J barren woman to dwelin a houfe, a ioyful mo­ ther of cl.ildren. (cj Sec the example of lofeph fo aduanccd. (d) of Sara, Rebecca , Radiaci, and other v emeu made rruitiul. .PSALME or ì>S 1 ME s. I PSALME CX III. For die meruelous paflhge of ifrael sut of Aegypt, 5. tilt rei fia, thè riuer of ìor dan, -¡. and the hdsgtutng them place , 8. the roefsyealding d em vater, 9. God, not themielues, is to bepraifed. 11. idols and idolaters are vaine , and shal be confounded.i f. T'ne faithful truji tn bleffed,andfor euer praife God. The meruelou: pafl'age of Ifacl from Aegypt. The 4.key. Alleluia. I. tN the corcming forth of Ifraclout Aegypt: of the houfeof lacob Ifrcm (4) the barbarous people. (4) People of falfc religion counted barbarous, cfpecially fochasalfoperfecutc the true Religion ; tor other wife the Aegyptians were both ciuil in manners, and learned in manie fciences. 1. ( t) lewrie was made his Canòrification, Ifrael his dominion. (k)‘Thc people of lewes w ere more notorioufly renowmed in thcworldfrom the rime of then dcliucrie out of Aegypt, for the peculiar people , whom God fanftiüed,& in whom,as in his ele&ed enheritance or dominion , he dwelled and reigned, I4' ■taint !■ j.The f c) fea faw, and (d)fied ; Iordan (ej was turned backcward. (cjThePfalmift writing in verfe doth often deferite things in poetical manner, ("dj when thclfraclites wentforth-of Aegypt, (¿) whenthev entredinto Ghanaan, but more truly then prophane poets: for that in very-deed alxrcatures , orherwife fer.ilcs, as the fea, doe in a fort tecle the power of their Creatour , & obey his wil. 4. (y) The mountaims leaped as rammes :and the litle hils asthelambes of she epe. ( f) Either there was an earthquake, or fomeother mouing of hils, not mentio­ ned by Moyles .or els the Pfalmift fpcaketb ot the rocks of the torrents, which bowed, that the Ifraelites might reft in Ar, and he in the borders-of the Moabites, Num. n.v. 1 f. $, (g) What ayleth thee o fea that thou didft flye : and thou olerdan, that thou waft turned backeward. (g) By the figure Apofttophe he fpeaketh to thefea, riuer, and hils : vfingalfo Profopopceia,as if fenfles things vnderftood , and should anfw er. 6. Ye mountaincs leaped as rammes, and ye litle hils as the lambes of sheepe. 7. At the face of our Lord was the earth .moued, at the face ofthe God of lacob, 8. Who turned (t) the rocke into picóles of waters , and ilcnie hil into fountaines of waters. (4»; An other miraculous benefite , that rocke yealded them water inthcirneceffitie. *1not to vs o lord, N o t t o v >s : but to thy name giue ’’Here fome the glorie. ebiew 10. For ( i ) thy mercie, and (If) thv truth ; left at any time (/) the Gen- Kat,alns bc• u • L j tils lay : Where is thcirGod’ i ' ' ginucanotht Pfaime but Bb ; (1) Thou________ To6 T H E B 0 -0 K____________ _ (>j Thou didft al this.oGod . of meerc mcrcefe towards thy people : ( k. ) forth? truths fake, feeing thou didft promife to protect them : ' I ) that the Gentils should not takcoccaiton to blafphcmc. by thccohcI- enee of the I natter Saint it. But our God is in bcauen : he hath done al things what foeucr he I Auguftine Ipro'ieth that would. If is but one ii. ‘"The idols of the gentils are filucr, and gold , the workes of mens H'fjlme, where 11. shewed that hands. j' lerrue inni— ij. They haue mouth., and dial not fpeake: they haue eies, and ihal not fee. libleGod is 14. They haue earcs, and ïhal not heare :xhey haucnofthrcls and ihal | II nowen by fuch wo. kes not fmel. is are here 15. They haue hands, and shal not handle : they haue fecce , and Ihal recited : and cantr.iriwife, I not walke: they shal nor crie in their throtc. that the g en.ils 16. (m) Letxhem that make them become like to them; and al that.haue ! idols are not confidence in them. Gods /becaufe. Cm) This is a iuft prayer ofthe reloas , conforming their defires to Gods wil. But • they arc made , if.God giucidolaters grace to amend . then al the iuft wilalfo reioice in their con- ' of filucr, gold,: uerlion. or other 17. (n) The houle of ifrael hath hoped in our Lord : he is their helper matter, by and their protecteur. mens hands, (n) Though manic lewes fel to idolatrie, yet there alw.tves remained fomanic in ! hailing refem- | Gods true feruice , that ttmight ftil be truly faid : The houfe of Ifrael hath hoped ! blance of li- i uing things are in our Lord, as is hcreauerred. 18. The houfe ot-Aaron hath hoped in our Lord: he is their helper and i altogether their proteñour, fenfles. to. They that Rare our Lord haue hoped inour Lord : he is their helper and their protedtour. 10. Our Lord hath been mindful of vs: and hath blcifcd vs. I He hath bleflcd the houfe of Ifrael. : he hath bleifed the houfe of Aaron. a I. He hathblefled al that feareour Lord, the litle with the great. z z. Our Lord adde vpon you: vpon you, & vpon your children. 23. Biefied beyou of-our Lord, which made heaven and earth. 14. (ojThe hcauen of hcauen is to our Lord : but (j>)the earth he hath giuenro the children of men. (0) This in effect al worldlie poiitikesfay in their harts: as it were quitting their intereft of hcauen to God , (pj) ami contenting themfclues with carthlic pofleil ons, 25. (j) The dead shal not prayfe thee, o Lord : nor al they (rj that goe downe into he);(y) But when f.ich prophane men arc dead , they make no shew at al of praifing God:(rJ lor.parting from the earth, .they, defeend intohcl, and-thcre eternally blafphemcGod. 26.. but we(y”) thatliue doc bielle our Lord, from this time, and for ■ euer. (I") Contrariwife the iuft, afpiringxo hcauen, which "is thc.proper Kingdom of God, & \ ling this world as they ought to doe, for a mcanes to afeend into hcauen, shalblcdic and praife God toje-ucruiorc. ANNO- OF PSALME S. i«7 ANNOTATIONS. PSALME CXI IL i». ThcIJob >f the Gentili are fîlurr andgM. ) Al Catholike Diuineragrce in this The definition authcntical definition of Idolatrie, that isdiuinc honour giudi toante creature, ofidolatric. ■ as to God. Of thediuers íbrtsalío of Idolatrie the ancient learned Doitours haue | . I written much. Namely luftinus Martyr in his Orations againft the Gentils,Ter- ' crTV I tullian in Apologetico, Arnobius Orat, ad Gentes. Laitantius, lib. x.c 17. Diui-i°‘ 0 u Inilit. and manic others. But molt copioufly and profoundly Saint Augnftin, cfpeciaUy in hh ten firft books de Cimiate Dei. Into which ci tour & crime the Aneelshorou- I Piatonifts fel, holding that fpitirual inv.ifiblc created fubfiances ,to vit, Angels re¿asGo¿j I good and euil, w horn they called Intclligentias feparatas . had diuine pow er, & fo | gane to them diuine honour. Others honour dead men, and fonte before their death, men ljujn£ or ' as Gods, for their notable añes atebiued in this life , as Saturne, luppiter, Her0 I cules, and the -ike. Someycald diuinehonour to metre corporal creatures, lilting G'Orroral or without life , as to beafts, and ferpents , the fnnne, the moone , fire , Water, |Crea,urcs earth , the whole mtrhineof the world ,as if it were animate,and that wiihdittine fen/5|,je anj fpirit or foule. thefe haue been worshipped as Gods. not only in them- ’ w ,jlout fcnfe I fellies but alfo in tlwirImages. But to omite other diuetfiiies, the moft grofle forte Images of lalfc I ofaljis the Idolatrie which the Pfalmift here defer ibeth, when Images made by Gods ll mens hands arc immediately honoured as Gods in thcmfclues. for fitch Gods the £nu<>es them- 11 Gentils had , and of them thç Prophet here fpeaketh. Comparing thefe vifible fclues reputed I fenfles imagined Gods, tiththeone eternal inuifiblc God ¿who is made notorious Gods ‘ by his diuine confpicuous w orkes, wheras thefe idols, by l ow much they aie more . vifible, fo much more they arc contemptible : becaufe being fashionedw ith mouth, eyes, earet, nofe .'hands ,feetc , throtc, and other members , they ate altogether fenfles,not able to fpeakc with their mouth,and therin more bafe in nature then the men that madetheni; nor able to fee, hearc,fmel .taift, fecle,towalkc, toanoue, nor to eric ,al which beafts candoe. And therfore tltofe that make them,.or,haac idolaters are confidence in them ( astheProphcthere fignifiethtltat fonte haue,v. 1«. J are moft voideofrcaabfurde ; becomming lake to the fame idols., in their vnderftanding and internal foc cogitations , as thefe idols are voidcof external fenfe. And al Idolaters are moft , wicked, giuing diuine honour toanie creature , & arc therin fcruants of diucls: 1 Whether they immediately , honour diucls , as when forcerers and witches, making And feruants pail with thediucL adore him , and he for the fine dothfome thing which they ot diucls. demand . or that they honour feme other creature, wherin by the diucls falfc per- j fuafion,they thiukethere isdiuine power Both which waits diucls vfurpe Cods | honour : and therfcrc the fame prophet faid in an other Pfalme : Al the Gods of I Gentils are diucls. F SALME. zof> THE BOOK PSALME CXI1II. A prayer,with Toe prayer of a lufi man in tribulation ,Tottb confidence am praife of God. God. The 7. key. Alleluia. i. T (a),haue loued, becaufe our Lord (¿) wilheare the voice oFmy ‘ J-prayer. (a) lam induced co loue God, ( b) becaufe he alvayes heareth my pray ers. z. Becaufe he hath inclined his earc co me : and (c) in my dales I wil inuocate. (c) So long as 1 shal line. 3.. Theiorowes (d) of death haue compaifed me : and (e) the perils of hel haue found me. ( d ) When I erred like a ftray sheep from thee ,the paints of death , («) and the danger 0/hel tormenes, both due for finne, inuironed me, and I was not ware tirerò f. (f ) I haue found tribulation and forow: 4. arel I ( g ) inuocated the name of our Lord. (f) But by tribulation fallingvpon me, ( g ) turned to the : and prayed as foloweth- I came to know my dangerous eftate: O Lord deliuer my foule.- 5. our Lord is merciful, and iuft, and our God doth mercie. 6. Oúr Lord keepeth li tie ones : (i) I was humbled, .and he hath deliuered me. (h) AffiiAed'with tribulations. 7. Turneo my foule into thy reft : becaufe our Lord hath done good to thee.. 8. Becaufe hehath deliuered my foule-from death.-mine eies from reares, nay fette from Aiding. 9/ I (f) wilpleafeour Lord in the countrie of the liuing. ( » ) I wil endeauout to plcafe God, in the congregation of thofe that liue here in grace, andiahcaueu is glorie. P SÀLM'É. OF P S A L M E S. PSALME 20p CXV. ut iuft man acfnoxoledging that ^initial life begmnetb by faith , and by publiée profefton therof, 4. gratefully accepteth of Chrifts Redemption , .5. dedicatelb hit life and albe hath to Godsferuice. Thankes. pjuing for our kcdeimer. The j-kcy. Alleluia. 1. T(x) belieued, (¿) for which caufe I fpake : but I (c) was humbled This in the I exceedingly. Hebrew'is (a) I belieued that God would helpe me : (i) therfore I freely profefled that I ¡ovnod to thd trailed in him. Forthen indeed faith is pencil, when weconfelfe with mouth, that 1 Gime which we bclieue in hart, (c) I was vehemently afflicted in tribulations. before. 2. I laid d) in mine excelle : Euerie man is a Iyer. (d ') In the middes of mv great affliction I profefled, that al mans helpe is vaine, ! falfe,deceitful,and dcreftiue, and therfore our trufr muftbein God only. 3. What ( e ) ihal I render to our Lord , for al -things that he (/) hath rendred to me? ( e f) Confidering thatGod hath notonly giuen, and beftowed manie great bene* fitsvponmc , and aï mankind, but alfo hath rendred good for euil, mercie for our finnes, wc hauing rendred euil for good : what now shall render, fay th a true peni­ tent, for al that he hath thus rendred to mc,deferuingfoel ? 4. I (?) wil take rhe chalice of faluation : and (fe) I wil inuocatc the I name ■ f our Lord. (g) Seeing I am not abletorendcraniethingworthieof Gods favour tome , yet I wil doc that I canti wil gratetuily accept his great benefit,the cup of chrifts pauion, , which he drenke for mankind, "b; and wilpraife , and cal vpon his nani:. 5. I wil ( i ) render my vowes to our Lord (/; ) before al his people? 6. (/) precious in the light of our Lord is the death of his Saints. (>) I wil pay voluntarie vewes, ( 1Q f°r Gods glorie , and edification of othersr fl, yea I wil offer my life, and fuffer death , when Gods glorie shal require it, in whofc fight the death of Saints is precious, and moli highly eftccmedi 7. O Lordbecaufe (m) I amthy feruant: I am thy feruant, and (n)the fonne of thy handmaid. (m) Alwayes vnderftood, that fuch as fuffer pcrfecution, be in good (late of their fouls, the true ferUantsof God, (n) the children of the Church his handmaid. Thou hañ‘(o) broken my bonds: 8. I wil iacrifice to thee the hoir ofpraife, and I wil innocatethenameof our Lord. (o)Deliueredme from captiuitieof finne. 9. I wil render my vowes to our Lord in the fight of al his people : 10. in the courts of the houfeof our Lord, in the middes of (f ) thee, o lerufalem. In the Church of the faithful. Tom. 2. Cc PSALME. THE Z!0 BOOK PSALME CXVI. I (' 'i-ifthi ten- f Go^smtrc‘f is l*r£ely extendedlo al Cemils byChrifl.and his promijevitbal is , nions" ' ¡ performed to the leves. The 6. key. Alleluia. I.TjRa y si our Lord (.a) al ye Gentils: prayic him (b) al ye peoples. fC-rr.iJ 1 ( Not only fome,but al nations or the Gentils: (b) and allcwes( Chrifts Re- ». it. I demotion being ab.oundantly fufficient tor abare inuitcd to praife God. ■ z. Becaufe ( c ) his mercie is coniirmcd.vpon vs:and his ( the people, folemnely celebrate Godspraife. Alleluia. C ONFissE-ye to our Lord becaufe he is (u) good:becaufe ( I )'his Pfal. lot. mercie is for euer. 106. (a) Let vs prayfeGod , for his eoodnes,in making vs dfnotliina.oiuinc vs manie if SL.. r at 1 \ J D ocnçhts,(») and remitting our linces. 2 • Let Ilrael (c) now iay that he is good :that his-mercie is for euer. (e) Let the Church of the new teftament efpecially -confcfle his goodnes, which hath recciued more mercie and grace. J. Let the houfe ofAaron (d) now fay: that his mercie is. for euer. (d) Let al thcClergie praife God now in the timcof more grace, and of greater fpiritual functions. 4. Let them now fay ( e) which feare our Lord : that his mercie is for euer. Yea let the whole bodie of the Church, al that feare and ferue God, praife his mercie. 5. From (f) tribulation I inuocated our Lord ;and our Lord heard me in largenes. If) As wcl fpiritual as temporal. 6. Our Lord is my hclpertl wil not feare what man can doe to me. 7.0ur O F P S A LME.\ zii 7. Our Lord is my helper; and I wil lookeouer mine enemies. 8. K isgood to hope in our Lord,rather then to hope in man. 9.It is good ro hope in our Lo d.ratherthen to hope in Princes. 10. (^).Al nations haue compafied me; and in the name ot our Lord am I (h) reuenged on them. (?) Though innumerable oppo fe,and endeauourtohurt me (faith the Church , or anieiuft perfon) (fc) yet by Gods power,not by myneowne,Iamdefendcd,and they punished.and fo the iuft hath the viitorie.and triumpheth. 11. Compafling theyhauc compafied me: and in the name of our Lord I wasreuenged on them. 12 .They compafied me as (i) bees,and were inflamed as (A) fyre in thornes: and in the name of our Lord! was reuenged on them. (») In great troups,and furie,(k; with sharp though short force, and with fpecial ' noifc,to terrific me,but in God I overcame al. 13.Being thruft (/) I was ouerturnedtoial: andour Lord («) receiued. me. (I I was fometimes by vehemencie of tentation declining to finnetfm^burGods grace al'-fted and ftrrnathncdme. 14.Our Lord is my ltrength,and my prayfetan 1 he is mademv faluation. 15. The voice ciexul'a:ion,and or faluation in the tabernacles of theiult. 16. The right hand of our Lord ha h wrought ftrcngth:the right hand of our Lord hath exalted me,'(n) the right hand ofour Lord1 hath wrought ftrengrh. (nyThe fame word (right hand) thrife mentioned,fignifieth thcB. Trinine. Alfo ; ( Our Lord) fignitving Chrift in his humanitie,the chief inftrument or God,is here ' often repeated,to fignifie the (ingoiar efficacie.thcrof. 17.1 shal not die,but shal liuc;and I wil tel the workes of our Lord. 18.Our Lord (0) chaltifing hathchaftifed me : and (p) to death he hath j not deliuered me. j (o)God chaftifeth hischildren/p)becaufe he would not that they shonld dye eter- i nally.So he punishethas a father,notas an eninve. 19. (ij) Open ye the gates of iuliiceto me , being entred into them I wil conieiié to our Lord; 20. this is the gate ot our Lord , the iuft shal enter into it. (ÿ) ThcProphet nowfpeaketh in the perfon of iuft foules, requiring fpiritual do­ ttrine,and food,(r J andproinifingtoferue God. 21.1 wil contefleto thee becaufe thou haftheard metand art become my faluation.. a.2. (j) The itone,V» hich the builders reiedted; the fame is made into the head of the corner. (f> An etiidentProphecieofChriftvttercdby the Royal Pfalmi ft , and nowconfefted by eucrieChrifnan,that our bauiour reieéted by the neuerthclcs thebuilder of hi. Church,by ioyning tlic two peoples of lewes and Gentils,as two waitinto oneheufe. 23 This was done by our Lord; and it is meruelous inoureics. 24/rhis is the day,which our Lord made : let vsrcioice,and be glad therein. (ryGod orday ned this acceptable time of grace. Cc 2 2<,(")')O THE BOOK 25. ( T) O Lord fauc me, o Lord giue eood iucccflc :Blcflcd behethttt commcth in the name of our Lord. (v\ The long ofthe Hebrew children, when Chrift entredicrufalcm with palmes of triumph.and ecclamations. ! 26. (tv) We hauc blcflcd you of the houfe of our Lordny. our Lord is i God, andhc hath giuen light to vs. 1 (w)Thevoiceof Chrift , andhis Apoftlcs.and other Ciergicblefimg the people as they delire. ¡ Appoint a folemne day with (x) thickcbowcs,euen to (7 ) the home i of the alt ar. (x.) This was fulfilled when Chrift was brought with bowes of palme , and other I fignes of triumph,from Bethania, (yjthiough the whole cit;c,euenintothcTemple and vntotñc Altar. Mat. it. aS. Thuu art my God,and 1 wil confedero thee : thou art my God, and 1 wil exalt thee. I wil contefle to thee becaufe thou haft heard me : and art become my faluation. 2y. Contefle ye to our Lord becaufehc is good:becaufe his mefcic , is for euer. ( s.) Gur firft, chicfc , and final dutic is to praife God. v. t. & vit. PSALME CX VIII. I Pcrfeft iuftice Xperpetual recommendation of the [incular excellendet alfolíete necefiitie, and eternal heauenhe profite of Gods laro : rotthfrequent affirmions to perfeíiion, I is in keeping (iops lav.". hatred offinne,loue of yertue, andferuent defire to refi in God. ¡ The r- key GENERAL ANNOTATIONS Vpon this CX-V1IL. Psalme, The obfcnritie' A $ this Pfalme is the longcft in the whole Pfalter, fo it feemeth to the ancient of this uro- 1 AX Fathers moft profound in fenfe. And fo much the harder to be vnderftood, i lound Pfalme ¡ becaufe alfo the very hardnes thcrof lieth hidden , which in diuers other Pfahncs .inneareth not and parts of holic Scripture , cafily appeared) <0 the reader. But here the words to the vulgar 1 being cleerc , and the fenfe alfo plaine and e.ifie in fome points of doftrinc ,yct the ' H eader. I more diligence is implovcd, the more difficulty is found in fearching the whole . j fenfe and meaning of cilene word andfentence , with the manner obferued in comI poling it, and the frequent repetition of the fame or like words Al which maturely Aimufiin I conflicted caufcd that great Clcrkc , and light of the Church Saint Auguftin, to ditferred the 1 °mite this Pfalme, when he explicated al the reft. And when at laft he addedalfo explication of | 'h‘s • he wittingly omitted one fpccial difficultic , which he doubted not to be ihis Pfalme. conteyned in the manner ot compofing it , not only by order of theHcbrew AlphaOmitted to j bv: as diuers more Pfalmcs, and fonie other parts of hclie Scripture , but more jfeu/ie ene I artificially then anie other , the firft eight verfes al beginning with the firft letter ifficuitie. ¡Aleph; the next eight, with the fécond letter Beth: and foto the laft of thetwoand I twcntieletters. Or which omifsion he vealdcth this only rcafon, becaufe he found ______________ nothing Ma i Aci OF P S A L M E S. nothingfas he humbly afnrmeth) that might properly pertcync thcrunto. Contemn; At laf: mane alfo exprefly,that w henfoener he applied his cogitations to expound the text it-feif. ti. fermons it alwayes exceeded his habilicic. But finally to fatisfie the often and earneft requeft explication of hisbrethren and frcinds,trufting (asalwaycsyin Gods fpecial hclpe, he largely ' lns>o.. expoundeth it,in thirtie two di It in ci Sermons. S. Ambrofcalfo moued with like pietic, made two and «lentie Sermons in expo- • $ Ambrofe fitionof this Pfalme. Affirming in his Prologue, that amongft other Pf.lmes, .dritte it. fer. efpecially this sheweth how great a matter King Danid was of moral good lite. For , l))ons VpOn thi al moral dottrine , being of nisowne nature fwcctc , yet moft dclighcethchc cares, ¡Pfalme. and gently toucheth the mindc , being vttcred , as here it is, with pleafantnes of King Dauid a verfe , and fweetnes of Cong. Againe whereas this Royal Prophet in manic places orc3t mafter ol of this book powcrthoutfcntcnces of moral Pfalmes or fongs, as bright ftartes, moraldoctrm. that shineand glifter to al the world, here moft excellently he produceth a more ■ fingular mirrour, as the funne , of ful light, burning with meridian heate. And Why this forche profit of al, the better co draw our attentions , to learnc that we may, P falmc was though we can not attaine to al that wc would, he difpofed this Pfalme through al compoCeii in the Alphabet tthat as children beginning with the firft letters , make entrance to ■ order of the further knowledge ; fo by the fame beginnings wc should lay the firft foundation, and therupon procecdc in our fpiritual building .towards perfection in good life, ■ Alphabet. the true fcruicc of God. Which is yet further infinuated ( as the fame Doftour hv ,„l teacheth) by the eight verfes continually beginning with the fame letter, and fo ' other eight in order through the whole Alphabet, to fignifle that after feucn daves “ are. trauelin this temporal life, we may cometo that vnitic .which we expected in the ' £ / ¡ ' eightdayof rcfurrcction, when we hope to rifcrcuiuedii* our Lord lefus. in newnes ' r -e.. or eternal life. LidkcwifcSaint Bafil in the Argument of thisPfalme admcnisheth,that wheras Saint F.'fils holie Dauid , according to diuers ftates , w hich he pafi'ed, writte diuers Pfalmes: iufocmcnt as when he fled irom hisenimies .when he lamented his diftrefles , mourned in thatrt’nis penfiucnes, cnioyed peace and comfort, ranne a right courfe of venue, fel from pfa]me conGod by firme , & againe returni ng obferued Godslaw cs> in this one Pfalme he com- ¡tevncth ,|,c prehendethal his prayers made to God at fundrie times , & here propoferh the fame, |arnurnent of acórtame profitable moral doftrinc , to al fortsand ftatesef men. Neither doth he )manjz. Pf3]_ pretcrmitcdoftrinal pointsoffaith, but interpofeth them alfo with moral docu- .;me,. ments , in fuch force , that this one Pfalme may fu fi ce to teach the wel difpofed, howto attaine to perfeftion in venue , to ftirre vp the fiouthful vnto diligent care of theirfoules, to recreate the dcfolatc with fpirinial confolations , & briefly it adminiftreth al'kind of medicine to the diuers pafsionsot mortal men. For the like iudgementsof other Fathers weremitte thclearned reader, to Sail,t « , - 1 Hilarle, Theodorct, Profpcr, Arnobius, Cafsiodorus, Beda . Euthymius.and others. • '. ° '?■"" I but cannot wcl omittca brief inftruftion of S.Ierom. Who in hisEpiftlcto Paula p' US ' Vrbica: not only sheweththe interpretation of thetwo and tw emit letters. but alfo ¡ U me‘ explicatcth their fenfein this place, by connefting them into certaine short fentenccs, in this manner: * Aleph Beth Gimcl Daleth, S. Icronis I Doitrina Domus Plenitudo Tabularum, incr; rotation, I Dottrine. Ofthchoufe Fulncfi’e Oftables Which is the firft connexion, fignifyingthat the doftrinc of the honfe, that is the and explica- ij cion of the ¡ Church of God, is found in the fulnes of diuinc books. Hebrew The fécond connexion is: Alphabet. Zain Heth. Van He Hare Vita. Et Ifta This Life. And This thing For what other lite can there be without knowledge o. Scriptures fwherbyF alfo , Chrift is knowcn,w ho is the life of them that bclicuc in him. c-_ The ii4 THE B O ■ Idem The third connexion is: Prvem. Tech lod lamen. Bonum Principium Good Beginning Albeitwc now could know» al things which arc w ritten ,yet we know but in part, l.Co. IJ and in part we prophecie : for w'e fee now’ by a gialle, in a darkc fort, but when wc shal be worthie to be w ith Chrift , and shal be like to Angels, then doftrineof, books shal ccafe,& then wc shal fee face to face: the * Good Beginning,cue as he is. • ;s' ine fourth connexion is: Mift of thefe himfelj.1 Lamed Caph letters haue Difciplinx, fiue cordis Manus alfo other figThe hand Oi difciplinc, or of hart hificationc. Thehandsare vnerftood in workc, hart and difciplinc arc vnderftood in fenfeor And are diti'.xlly cxplica- meaning,becaufe wc can not rightly doe anie thing,vnles wc firft know what things I tdbyS. Am- are to be done. The lift connexion is: brofe, S. Beda, Nun Samech Mem and others. Ex i pfis, Sempiternum Adiutorium I W herby we Euerlafting Helpc O> them [ Inay learnc This needeth not explication, for it is manifeft as the light, that from Sriptures h thouch we vnderftand no I are eternal helps. The fixt connexion is: imore) [I13X that ! Phe Sade Ain, lliolic ScripÍ , Oris Iitftitis " • oil Eons, line Oculus, Iturcs are ful # Of themouth Of iuftice Fountaine ,or Eye l|n.ftcries(as S.j ■ leeoni invvi, thceffaith i unii this tuia holie uvjiv L/ueivu. Doti our y) aa is alieni morev. facred w then this j •• myfterie, < j » • • «> j j what morcpleafantthen this delight f What meate,& what honey are Tweeter, then ! i to knowGods w'ifdom; to entet into his fecret cloflet ¡ to behold the fenfe ot our j C reatour; and to teach the words of thy Lord God, ful of fpiritual wifdom, which are derided by the wife of this world. We muft alio aduertife the reader of the like difeourfesof ancient Fathers (ouer G of slaw ofre­ long to bchererecitcd ; concerning the manifold high praifesof Godi Law.concí ¡llv comtcyned in this Pfalme, with Frequent repetition of certaine Synonyma words figniimtnded in this' fvinuthe fame thing, in allouiteen .to wit : TheLaw of God,his Waves, TeftiPfalme ! monies, Commandments, Precepts,Statutes Jt’ftrfica:ions,lodgements.Iuftice, 11 a.Svmonvm a : Equitie, Vcritie Wordcs , Speeches, & Sermons:of which thereis commonly one, .ñjniñ'ino thc: in eueric verfe,& fomctiincs two or three in the fame verfe.But our English tongue law of God. iiirdlv fiimcingrightly jto ditti.iguish the three laft, which in latin arc Verba Eloquia, Sermones, wctronfiate Wo k d-s only, adding in the margen , Eloquia, ind Sermones, w'hen they occurre. Leaning therfore larger commentaries to otliets ; wcshal profccutc onr wonred in inner cfbricfc glolfcs. Only here.premonishing the diligent readers, cfpecially Clergiman (ourfelucs and our brethren ) w ho eueric day ling or read this w hole Pfalme O F Pl S ALME S. ______ I Pfalme in the Canonical houres , to obfcruc two particular points of Chriftian I doctrine ,euidcntly protied by manic places of this Pfalme. The one againft the Gads grace Pelagians herefie, denying the necertitic of Gods fpccial grace in meritorious . necciiaric in workes. For the Pfalmift often here inculcateti! mans infafticúncie, that of him- ¡euerie good fclfc, andby natural'forccs, he can not keepe the commandments of God, but ¡volite, necdeth alwaves the particular grace of God, as wcl to belieue in him , to repent I for finnes , and to begin good workes > as to proceede , and pcrfeucrcin good frate I roxhecid. Theother againft theherefieof our time . denying merite by grace& It enablcth freewil. For here it is alfo manifcft,that Gods gracemaketh man able, to keepe his ¡trccwil to commandments , and by keeping them to become iuft in this life , and foto merite merite, eternal glorie. Simdrie other principal Articles of Chriftian Catholtkc Religion are likewife comprifedin this onePfalme: but especially Moral doârine. Alldúja. Aleph. This title was added by the ISeptuaeint, to admonishes j chat this Pfal- Doítrine. (4) are (i) the im immaculate in the way : which (c) «onteyneth I. TjLtt sstD (a) ' that Angular < D walke in the law of our Lord. exception, defire to be happie . ;(a) Whereas , al without ,• . • ■ 1 ■ and - . .blefled :• (J) - they are ' ipraifing God, jthat are immaculate: . fl„n¡/¡¿j gv the indeed happie ( acordine acording tothe perfecteft pertecteft happines ot this life li.teythat (c) and , that andthey theyare areimmaculate immaculate , thatwalke walkeininthe thelaw lawofofGod. God.Where Wherethe theholie holiePfalPfal-¡t^0 pjcbrc^mift prefuppofeth, that fonie can and doe keepc the law of God, and foare imma- lx<7ords Alleluia culate, and blefled in the way of this life. |as betorcPíaL * I' I A ■ ’ A •— A * r"V J\ A W ■ A A •• II < A A 1 W • • V . .. ■ A A • * I A ► / \ 1/, A ■ .*” A A 2. Blcfled Aare theyV t(d) thatfcarchhistcftimoniesi.that (r) feeke after 104. a a him with al their hart. (Jj Thofc that arc immaculate,.are againe blefled, by fearching Gods teftimonics, that is, his law,tcftifying that the good shal be rew arded , and the w icked punished : bur fearching thefe teftimonies , whiles one is contaminatewith finnes againft Gods law, maketh not blefled: («) neither doth euerie fuperficial careles fearch bring thisblefling, but fearching with true atfedtion ot the hart. j. For (/) they that worke iniquitic, hauenot walked in his wayes. (/) Contrariwife they that worke iniquitie are not blefled; (g) becaufe they haue not walked in the wayes ot God, to wit, not kept his commandments and last, which are the way to happines. 4. Thou haft ( h ) very much commanded thy commandments to be kept. Ch) Formans owne good, that he may come to true happines, God hath moft ferioufly commanded vs to keep his commandments, that is, to obferuc his Law commanded by moft fouueraine dittine authoritic. 5. Would God my waits ( i ) might be direded, to keep thy ( /; ) iuftifications. (i) Thcrrorethe faithful feruant of God,knowing his owne infufficiencie,defireth thar God ry. hk grace wil direil and ftrengthen him, fly) to keep his law, called luftifications, becaufe therby man is made iuft. 6. Then inai I (/) not beconfounded, when libai looke throughly in al thy commandments. (I.i They shal be fafe from eternal confufion, when they shal keep not only part, butai thy commandments:becaufebreach of anicbringethconfufion. ii6________________ T HE BOOK__________________ 7- (w) I wil confefletothee (») in direction of harttin that I haue [ear­ n'd the (o) judgementsofthy iuftice. fm) So shal I praife thee,and render thankcs,(n)with finccrcnot fayned affection, (0) tor this great bcncfitc,that lhaue learned,that thy law is according to moft iuft judgement. 8//>) I wil keepe thy iuftificationsr() judgements of thy mouth. (bj Gods law is alfo called his iudgements,becaufe fixing in judgement he giueth fcntence according to his Law. 14. I am (;) delighted in the way of thy teftimonies, as inai riches. (>) As the iuft profefleth by mouth . fo he delighteth in hart. 15. I (^) wil be exercifed in thy commandments : and 1 wil confider thy waies. fklPraâifethin workc. 16. I (I wil meditate in thy iuftifications: I wil not forget thy * words. (I) And diligently meditatethGods Law. . Gime). Fulnes. 17. Render (4) to thy fcruant, (b ) quicken me : ( c ) and I ihal keepe thy * words. (<) OLord liberally giue rrre-that which Iherecraue , ft) quicken me with fpi­ ritual life , thy grace. (<) fol shal keepe thy law, which other wife lean not. 18. (d) Rcuealemineeics: (e) and I lhal confider the meruelous things of thy law. (d) illumi- ________________ O F P S A L M E S.__________ 21? (J) Illuminate mme vnderftanding by thy grace,(e)that I maybe able to fcc the meruelons great and iuftreafonsof thy law, inftructingal, threarning the peruerfe, encourging the wcl di fpofed, punishing the wicked , rewarding the good, doing right to al. I am-afciournerinthcland , (g) hide no: thy commandments from me. (f) I that haue but a final time in this world, 'g) defire to beinftruSed in thy law, what is therein commanded. io. My fouie hath coueted to defire thy iuftifications, at altime. 2i. Thou haft ({>) rebuked the proud ; curfed are they that decline from thy commandments. (h) I consider that thou, o God, doft sharply reproue the proud contemners of thy commandments: fiy laying curies vpon them for declining tromthync obedience. 21. Take from mc-reproch, and contempt : becaufe I hauefbught after thy teftimonies. 2?. For (4) Princes fate, and they fpake againft me : but (/) thy feruant was excrcifed in thy iultifications. (kJ Though pcrfecutours were very potent,fijyet rhe faithful ferüant of God perfeuered in his feruice. 24. For both (m) thy teftimonies arc my meditation : and (n) thy iufti­ fications my conn'd. (m 'j In time of pcrfecutron and tentation we muft thir.keand meditate, that Gods law teftifieth eternal reward .or punishment, zn) and i.. our deliberation orconluli ration,we muft confidcr that keeping Gods law maketh iuft: & confcqucntly meri­ ted! reward. Daleth. Of Tables.25. My foule (4) hath clcaued tothepauement.- (¿) quicken me accoding co thy word. -fa; This alio is vttered inthe perfon of the iuft, who is often brought to great diftrefle: as it were, cucn necre to death,(¿J in which cafe he confidently prayeth to be rclieucd, according co Gods, and promife. 26.I haue vttered my wayes, and thou haft heard me : teach me thy in ftifications.. 27. Inftrudtme the way of thy iuftifications: and I shal be-excrcifed in thy meruelous workes. 28. My foule (c)hath (lumbered for tedioufnes: confirme me in thy words. ft) Being in fo great anxietie that my minde is ahnoft diftraâed oroucrcome, (d; I cal to thee God , that thou wilt confcrue me, that 1 ftil kcepe thy law, vttered by thy words. 29. (e) Remoue from me the way of iniquitie ; and according to thy law, (/) haue merde on me. (c; P roteò me that I fai not to iniquitie. (f) And of thy mercic confcrne mein ftateof grace 30. 1 haue chofen the way of truth : I haue not forgotten thy lodge­ ments. Ji. I haue cleaned to thy teftimonies,o Lord: (g)doe not confound me. (g) Suffer me not to be confounded. Tom.2. Dd 32. (7;) I -lo THE BOOK (.bj! rannethe.way ofthy commandments:(i) when thou didft dilatemy h. irr. .(h) Man is able,dud doth runnc in the Tight way of Gods commandments ,(i) yet not of liimfelfc, but when God rcp.lcnisheth.his hart with grace. He. This thing. $;.(«) Set me alaw,o Lord,the way ofthy iuftifications: and I wil feeke after it alwaycs. (<«)Imprcirc,o God,thy law itimyne affert ion .make me to,loue it,and to defire to be iufiificd,{i) foshallhartily and alwaycs feeke it. 34. ( c ; Giuemevnderftanding, (d) and I wil fearch thy law: and I wil keepe it with my whole, hart. (r) After thou liaftgiucn me a defirc to keepe thy law,giue me alfo vnderftanding, then shill fruitfully fearchit. For this is the right order ( as before in the firft; and fécond verfes) fir ft to loue Gods law,to be iuftified, and to become immaculate, and then to fearchto know the law,and fo it is more cafily learned. (d) 35. ( e ) Conduct me into the pathjofthy commandments ; (/^'becaufe I would it. Ce.) Gods grace firft draweth and leadeth, (f) then frcewil inflamed with defire ef­ fectually concbrreth. ;6.(g) Incline my hajt into thy teftimonieszand (Z>) not into auaricc. (gj Stil the Prophet inculcateti! the neccfsitieof Gods grace , as wcl to make vs delire that is good;'/) j as to fly from cui!. 57. («) Turne away inyne eies that they fee not vanitie: (4) in thy way ken me. (Ï) It is neccflarie alfo to pray that God wil take away occafions , which might moue to finne: (k)and ft il to grant his helping grace in progrcfl’c cf vertue. * eZo- 38. (/) Eftablishthy * word to thy (cruant,in thy feare. (I) Againe the iuft praycth for confirmation in grace,to be eftablished in the feare of God. 39. (m) Take away my reproch,which 1 hauefeared .: (n)becaufethy judgements are plealant. (m, To be deliueredalfo from al the offerts of former finnes , (n) for finne istherforereprochfuland odious,becaufe it is contrarie to Godslaw , & true judgements, which are moft pleafant. 40. Beh: Id I haue coueted thy commandments : in thine equitie quicken me. (0) (0) Being thus aft'erted with delire to keepe the commandments, the foule praycth tobe ftilquickncd , more and more with good fpirite , and fo toperfeuere to the end. Vau. And. 4>.And(,í)letthy mercic come vpon me, o Lord:(¿;thy faluation accor­ ding to thy * word. * elo- (ajAgainc confidering that without Gods grace prcucnting,mancan not doc anic ' ijuiurx. good thing, the Prophet reneweth his prayer, requeftingGods mercie, (b) and his helpe freely promifed to al that aske it. 4a.And(c) 1 shal antwer a word to them chat vpbrayde me:(if) becaufe j I haue hoped in thy * words. * Çenr.o- (r)Whcrwith being afsifted and ftren gthncd,he that before was weake wil boldly mbm. j anfwer al calumniato-.irs,thatrcprochiully fay : God wil not helpe him: (d) thatinI deed he hath not invainetrufted in Cods promifedhclpc. 43.And OF PS A LME.Ç. zrp 4;. And (e) take not away out of my'mouth the word of truth vttcrly: (/) becaufe! haue much hoped in thy judgements. (e) He alio prayeth,though he be fometimes fearcfiil,that God wil not fuller him wholly to emitte manifeft profelfion of faith and true religion, (f) feeing by thy former grace I haue already repofedmy truft inthy promil'cs, made to them that are refolued to keepe thy law. 44. And (£) I wil keepe thy law alwayes : for euer, and-for euer and euer. (g )I For doc Srmely purpofe euerand alwayes to keepe thy law: 45. And (b) 1 walked in largcneflc : ( i) becaufe I hàUe fought after thy commandments, fb) In this I haue had great toy and comfort ofmind : ft) becaufe Ididindeed feckcafterthy commandements, which is fpecially vttered ' as alfo the three next verfes) irithé peifon of thofc,that are in trial of perfecution for their iaith: 4i5.And(-4) Ifpake of thy teitimonies in the light of Kingsrand was not confounded. ( kJ Who boldly in time of perfecution, euen before perfecting Kings and Em perours, profcfleChrifts true Religion. Vcrvhcdin innum< rabie glorious Martyrs, yea alfo of the fraile fexc, in S. Gatharin, S. Cecilie, S. Lucie ,S. Margaret, S. \\ enefrede, S. Vrfula, and hcr relou es , and manic more. moft confiantlyanfweri-g al words of reprochobieâed,as i. it wcreabafe or contemptible thing to beCbriftiás,) Alfo shewed the fame in external workc, not diffembling by lilence, by « ord, no: rail. (nj cuerieway cxercilingGods law, which maketh the obferuers iuft. Zain. This. 49. Be (4)mindcful of thy word to thy fcruant, wherein thou haft giuen me hope. (a.) That which God hathdccrced and promifed, being in it-fc'fc moft certaine and allured, yet includerli the mcanes, w herby it shal be put in execution: and therforetheduft, hiseleâ,doe pray for the performance of his wil. *) rayruing poffeffed me , becaufe of dinners forfaking thy Law. (fe) Odicrwifeif Ihadnotfeenthy iuftice, my zek againftzonteniners of thy law would haue killed me. 54. (») Thy tuhifications were fong by mç,in the place of .my peregri­ nation. (i) In this placcasi my peregrination fromheauen, I am,comforted by remembring, celebrating ,and finging thy iuft commandments and lawes , which make thy fcruants-iuflt. 55. I haue been mindful in ( ^) the night of thy name., o Lord : and haue kept thy law. ( In perfecution, and in al tribulation, I kept thy law, becaufe I would not dishonour thy name: 56. This was done to me: (/) becaufe I fought after thy iuftifications. (I) And my tribulation cfpecially tel vpon me , bceaufel fought to be iuftified by keeping thy law. Heth. Life. 57. My (4) portion , o Lord, I fayd tokeep thy law. («) The Prophet proceedethfpeaking intheperfon ofthe-iuft tending toperfeftion ,and faying ¡This is my happicchoifc,that I defire no other inheritance,nor poiTcifion, but to keepe Gods Law. 58. (b) Ibefougntthy face, with almy hart; haue mercie on me accor­ ding to thy* word. I rl»- And feeing this exceedcth my proper fttength, I prayed God of his mercie quium. to make able to keepe it. (b) <9 1 (c) thought vpon my wayes : and conuerted my feete vnto thy teitimonies. (c) Pondering my former aítions, I turned my pathes to obferue more perfectly the Law, which God hath teftifiedtobe the right way. Ó0. I ( d ) am prepared, and am not troubled : to keep thy command­ ments. (d With promptnes.of mind, and without hesitation I refolued rhe keepethe com­ mandments. 61. The(r) cords ofiinners haue wrapped me round about: and (f) I haue not forgotten thy law. (r) The wicked.laid cords, nets, orinares, to intrap and hinder me , (f) btttl kept thy law fresh in memorie. 6z. At (r) mid-nigth 1 rofe toconfeifeto thee , for the iudgements of thy iuftiheation. (¿)Thatahisisnotvnder£tood only miftically in time of affliction, but alfo literally and prophetically , that fomc fpecial fentants of God should obferue a godlie profefsion of praying atmid-night, theword fl rofe ) maketh ir probable. Saint Paul de Silas, either ofaholiecuftomc ,orat leaft vpon fpecial occafion ( and ^.1« fuch occafions were to them , and others frequent ) prayed, and praifed Godat mid-night. Andnow in theChurch of Chriftfome religious men pray, and praife God continually at mid-night ¡ bcfidcs.other hourcs , mentioned more diftlnctly /. n>4- ——“ O F zìi PS ALM ES. 6;. (i) I am pattaker of al that fcare thee : and that keepethy com­ mandments. (h ) A great benefit, and a fingular confolation, thatal true liuing membersof Chrift , are partakers of al the prayers , good workes rand merits, of the whole Church militant and triumphant.Which in our Crccde is called, The Communion of Saints. 64. The (j) earth, o Lord,is ful of thy mer-cic-: ("4) teach my thy iuftifications. (i) So great is the merde of God, extended, communicated, and multiplicdin the whole earth. ( kJ Inftruft me, and direft metherfore, oGod, that y may learne and obferue thy law , and fo be iuftified, and made participant-of fo great merci e. Tcth. Good. 65. Thou haft (a) donebountie with thy fcruant, o Lord to thy word. according (4; Dealt very bountifully (6) as thou dift promife. Teach me goodnefie, (d) and difcipline, and ( t ) knowledge; became I haue belecued thy commandments. ■66. (f) (c) He that hath bountifully receiued grace at Gods hand,pray eth for mere grace, that he may be beneficial to others in rebcuing the needie , ( d ) in inftrufting the ignorant,r«) in perfwading to keep the lavi of God : ( f ) bccaufe he hath learned and beleeuethxhe commandments,by which he is bound to loue,and haue carcofhis neighbour. *tb¡jutum 67. Betorel * word. was humbled I offended: (Z>) therfore haue I kept thy (gj Before I was afflifted, I often fcli.uo finnet.(i) but vexation gaueme vnder­ ftanding , therfore now 1 keep thy law, 68. Tnou art good: and in thy goodnefie teach me thy iuftifications. 69. The iniquitie of ( 1) theprowd ismultiphedvponme.- (4) but linai my hart wil iearch thy commandments. (n Contemners of thy law haue endeauoured to intanglcme, (Jjbut I perfiftin keeping thy commandments. As before. V. yr it. 70. Their hart is (Z) curded together as milke ; (m) but I haue medi­ tated thy law. ((; Though the wicked combine themfelues together againft me, (m) yet I con­ sider, that it is nccefl'aric to perfeucr in thy law. 71. It is good for me that thou haft humbled me : that I may learne thy iuftifications. 71. The law of thy mouth is ( n ) good vnto me, aboue thoufands of gold andfiluer. (a) A cleerecomparifon,that it is better to keep Gods law', which bringethlife cuerlafting, then to haue al the riches & Kingdoms of this V'Orld. lod. Beginning. 7?. Thy handshaue made me, and formed me.ding, and I wil learne thy commandments. giue mevnderftan­ (4) God being our Creatour , we may with confidence pray him to illuminate our minds, that we may learne what is his pleafure, and foendeauour to fulfil it. 74. They that feare thee(¿) ihal fee me ,& ihal reioyce : becaufc I haue much hoped in thy words. Cc 3 (¿) Others THE Z2'2 (b) BOOK Ocher i that loue God vil be glad to fee me alfo fcrucdiini. 75. (r)Iknow,o Lord,that thy Judgements arc equitier and in thy truth thou halt humbled me. (d) (c) The iuft being afflicted, and not feeing the particular caufe theref,yet knoweth and conteflcth, that God doth it formoft iuftcaufe. (d) Andthcrforc with patience praveth for controre, as foloweth: 76. Let thy merde be done to comfort me , according to thy * word * c/«quium. vnto thy fcruant.. 77. Let thy commiicrations come to me., and l (e) fhalliue : becaufc thy law is my meditation. (r) Who am almoft demi in tribulation. 78. Let the proud ( f )bc confounded, becaufc they haue done vniuftly toward me: burl wil be exercifed in thy commandments. (f) The fu'ft alfo-pray eth that the w icked may be ashamed , and connected, for fo the Hebrew voi d here iùnifiech,though it isalfo lavfulto delire the iuft punihsmene of ooinaacc tinners 79. Let them;' g > be conucrtcd to me that fearethee: and that know thy celtimonies.. (gj He.prayeth agline for conuerfion of the wicked,and to haue peace with them. 80. Let my hart be made immaculatein thy iuftifications, chaclbcnot confounded^ Caph. Hand , or Palme of the hand. 81. My foule hath faintedior (4) thy faluation: andl haue much hoped in thy word. (a) Manic iuft of the old teftament mod ferucntly defired the comming of Chrift ourSauiour, as our Lord himfelfe teftifieth,Mat. ij. v. i7.Andnowthc iuftdefirc his commingin glorie. 2. Tim. 4. v. 8. 82. Myne eics hauefayled for thy * word, faying: (h) When wilt thou comfort me? [h) Delayed hope afflifteth. 83. becaufel am made (c) as a bottcl in the hoarc froft : I haue not for­ gotten thy iuftifications. (c) As a leather botte 1 made of a beafts skine, congealed vith the froft,and after partchcd in fniokc, fo is the bodic of-the iuft mortified by diuersforts of afflictions, made a ncvbortel fitte to receiue nev vine,that is perfeit doctrine of Chriftian life, as of lafting, and other auftcritic, vherofour Sauiour fpcakcth.Mat.j.v. 1 7. 84. How manicare (d) the daics of thy fcruant : when wilt thou doc lodgement on them thatperfecuteme? (d) Such is mans infirmitre,ycaof the iuft, that he apprehendeth tribulations to' be very long, and therfore defireth confummation > and that without finne, fo he ftil fuomit his wil-toG ods vils. • 85. The vniuft haue told me (e) fables : but not as thy law. (r) Friuolous idle railes, which arc not accordinolo Godslaw. (help me. 86. Al thy commandments are truth : they haue vniuftlyperfecutcd me, 87. They haue web neere(/") made end of me in the earth: but 1 haue not forfaken thy commandments. (/■) I was in great danger ,• but am not ouerthrovne. 88. According to ( r; xhy mer-cie quicken me : and I ihal keep the tcftlmoniesofthy mouth. (gi And by thy merciful grace shal perfift.. ____________________ Lamed. * eloquium. ■113 OF PSALME S. Lamed. Difciplinc. 89. Foreuer Lord (a)thy word is permanent inheauen. («) The praife of Gods workes, which arc firme and permanent in the order, wherin he fetthem. 90. Thy truth in generation and generation: thou haft founded the. earth, and it is permanent. 91. By thy ordinance the day continueth:becaufe(f ) al things ferue thee. (b) Al things of this world,man excepted, doc cods wil. 91. (c) But that thy law. is my meditation:! had then (2) perhaps jserished in my humiliation. (c) Man, except he meditate Gods law, -and therby be holden vp, is in danger, (d) perhaps ineuerie tentation to perish eternallv.For he can neucr rife out of monal finne, by his owne power, and al should perish if Gods mcrcic did not fparefomc, and giue them new effectual grace to repent. 93. I wil not forget thy iuftifications for euer : becaufe in them thou haft quickned me. 94. I am thine,faue me: becaufe (e) I haue fought out thy iuftifications. feJAlwaves vnderftood, that Gods grace preuented, els no mm caufccketo obferue the commandments. 95 .Sinners haue expected me to deftroy me:I vnderftood thy teftimonies. is exceeding large. (f) Al worldlie things haue their confummat ion and end: (g)Gods commandment continucth euer. Forwe are perpetually bound to loue and ferue God: to loue our neighbours, yea and enimies.The rew ard alfo for keeping Gods commandments, & punishment for breaking them,are eternal without end. Mein. Of them. 9 7. (4) How haue I lotted thy law, o Lord'.al the day it is my meditation. (a) It is merucl to a perfect iuft man , that he hath fo much loued andobferued Gods lav. By acknowledging wherof,he yealdeth praife and thankes to God, whofe guiftJtis. 98. Aboue mine enemies thou haft mademe wife by thy command­ ment: becaufe it is to me for euer. (b) The fruits of -obferning cods law are manie and great. Amongftothers, it maketh the obferuer wifer then his enimies. 99. Aboue (c) al that taught me haue I vnderftood: becaufe thy teftimonies are my meditation. (c) It maketh the obferuer wifer then his temporal maifteys ,that thaught him, to wit,then thofexhat teach wcl,aud doe not performc the fame. 100. Aboue (2) ancients haue I vnderitood : becaufe I haue lought thy commandments. (d. Yonger in yeares that keep cods commandments , arc wifer then .die more ancient that keep them not. 101. I haue itaied my feete from al cuil way : that! may keep thy words. 102.I haue not declined fró the iudgemets:becaufethou haft-fet mea law. 103. (<) How fwecte are thy * words to my iawes, more then hemic to my mouth! (e) An other fruit is the fweetnes .-which the iuft fccleth inhis owne foule. By thy commandments I haue vnderftood : thertorehauel (/J hated alxhe way of iniquitie. , (f; It brideth alfo iuft hatred to finne. Mun. THE w-4' Nun. BOOK Euerlafting. 105. (4) Thy word is a lampe to my feete, and a light to my paths. ¿4J The word or lav ofGod declared by Prophets, Pa Roars, or other Preachers, is the ordinarie mcanes for others to lcarnc,how to direi! their wayes and aft ions. 106.1 (¿) fware,and haue determined to keepe the iudgements of thy iuftice. (b) Such profefsion Gods people made in the oHTav,in Circumcifion, or at other times: Chriftians make it in Baptifme. 207.1 arnfc) humbled exceed ingly,o Lord:quicken me according.tothy word. (c) Al that wil Hue godly in Chriftlcfus , shal futfer perfccution.i. Tim. j.v.ia. 108. The (¿/voluntaries ot my mouth make acceptable, o Lord: and teach me thy iudgements. (d ,1 Befides the commandments, the iuft alfooffer voluntarie workes of fupercrogatiom, acceptable co God 109. My.(c) foule is-in my hands alwaies .- and I haue notforgottenthy law. (»jBy thisHebrev prouerbis lignified, that a iuft mans temporal life is in con­ tinual danger, asthething that is in oneshand, is rcadie to be laid by,put out of his hand, orto be by and by difpofed of, or may forthwith fai from his hand, no. Sinners laid a fnare for me : and I haue not erred from thy com­ mandments, in. For inheritance I haue purchafed thy teftimonies foreuertbecaufe they are the ioy of my hart. 112.1 haue inclined my hart todoe thy iuftificationsfor euer, (/) for re­ ward. (/_) A moft euident place, that the keeping of Gods commandments merite re­ warded arc rightely obferued inrefpeft- of reward. Samech. iij.Ihaue/x) hated the vniuft : and Ï haue Helpe. loued thy law. (4) Not aniemortal man is to be ha ted, in his perfon, but his iniquitie,by which he is an cnimieto Gods lav, which euerie iuft man loueth. 114. Thou art my helper , and proteótour : and vpon thy word I haue much hoped. 115-(r) Depart from me ye malignant: and Iwilfearchthe command­ ments of my God. (c) Whofoeuer wil ferioufly andTecurcly fcarchthe law ofGod, muft auoide the conuerfacion of-eail men. 116. (¿) Receiue me according to thy * word, (e) and I shal line : and (/) confound me not of mync expectation. (d) A general and very fit prayer, when we addift our felues by a firmerefolution to ferue God,bcfeeching hiintoreceiuevs into his proteftion: (e jwherby fpiritual lite is conferred: (fj which we pray with great confidence, becaufe he hath promifed to beare thofe that fceke.askc,and knock at the dore of his grace. 117. (^) Helpeme,andl shalbe faued : and 1 wil meditate in thyhiftications alwayes. * eb■ U.iet... OF P S A L M E S. np C<¡) Wc ma ft pray alfo that he fuffer vs not to be confounded . or made fruftratc of the reward which we expeñ ; for hope confoiindeth not, ifeharitiebe powredin i our harts,by the Holie Ghoft which is giiten vs. Rom. f. v.i. 118. Thou haft (h) defpifcd al that reuolt from thy judgements: ( i j be­ caufe their cogitation is vniuft. (6) God reiefteth finners : Ci) folong as they thinke peruerfly : that is , vntilbv his grace, fome retume to abetter mind , which of thenifelues they can neucr doc. 119. Al the finners of the earth I haue (4) reputed preuaricatours: : herfore haue I loued thy teftimonies. fk) As God.-.ccountethof finners, do the iuft alfoeftcemcth them., conforming his iudgement to cods. 1 20. (/J Pearfemy flcih with thy fcare : for I am afrayd of thy Judge­ ments. (I ) Sentii fearc is profitable as this place maketh euident: though perfect charitie afterwards fucceeding, expellcth that feare, and moucth to doc wcl For the loue of God , not for fcare o, punishment. . Ioan. 4. Aio. A fountainc, or an eye. raí. I (4) haue done iudgement and iukice: (b) deliuer me not to them that calumniate me. (a) The iuft againe in ferttentzeale, not arrogantly, but confidently profefsing his innoccncic, (by praycthto be defended from calumniatours. ill. Keceiuc thy ieruant (c) vnto good : let not the proud calumniate me. * elo­ quium. (c) Grant therfôre, o God, the good and lawful requeft which I demand 12;. M ine cies haue fayled ( d ) after thy faluation : and tor the* word of thy iuftice. (d; By long expefting tobe dcli'.'.rcd and faued from tribulation. 114. Doe.with thy ieruant according to thy mercie : and teach me thy ¡unifications. 125. I amthy fcruant : giue me vnderftanding, that I may know thy teliimonies. 126. (e) It istime to doc, o Lord: (f) they haue diilina-ec thy law. (e) It is time, and high time, faith feruent reale of the iuft man , that God delirer theinnoccnt: ( y') when rhe wicked haue not only perfccuted the good, but hauealfo contcmptuotifly made houokc of-Godslaw andtruc religion. 127. ( g) Therfo.e haue I loued thy commandments , aboue gold and topazi us. For-this reale ofGods law fo defpifedand diifipated, theiuft more and more loucth, that which the vrickedfo deadly hate. ri 28. (fe)TherforewasI directed to al thy commandments:(i)al wicked way I haue hated. (h¡ Euen by the mortal hate of the wicked I faw that Gods law is moft excellent, and thertorc addicted my felfe fo much the more to lone it,(ijand to hate al wicked wayes. Phe. Mouth, 129. Thy ( 4 )~teftimonies are meruelous: ( I ) therforc hath my foule fearched them. (4) Gods meruelous power and wifdom , tefrified by hisworkes and command­ ments, (i; worthily inuite iuft foules to meditate and contempi te the fame. Tom.2. Ee 13'0. inc izó T H E B O O K ijo.The (c) declaration of thy* words doth illuminate:and giueth vnderftandingto litle ones. I *Srrmonum. (t)Firft entrance iuto'knowledgc of holie Sciipture,illuminatrch the vndcrftandingo: th: humble,'«’herbythey proceed:to know more. iji.I ( J ) opened my mouth , and drew breath . becaufe I deftred thy commandments. () whofchart being poflefled with the true feare of God.they .perfift in keeping Gods commaudmens. i6z. I (c) wil reioyce at thy * words.-as he that findeth manie fpoyles. (c) Yea they alfo reioyce in keeping the commandments', with fuch difficuitic, as thofe doe, that gaining the viatorie ouer their enimies , carie away great and rich fpoyles. 1'6?. I haue hated initjuifie,and abhorred it: but thy law I haue loued. Seuen times in the day I hauifayd prayleto thee, for the judge­ ments of thy iuftice. (d) Eueric dav the iuftpraife God often,lignified bv thy number of feuen. From hence alfo-the Church of Chrift tookc example to inititutc the feuen Cano ‘InOitution ni cál Heures,which is the ordinarie Ecclehaftical Office; confining , asS. Ifidorus, ,,<>! Canonical IHoures by the and manie other Fathers teftihe,of Hymnes,Pfalmes,Canicies, Antiphoncs, Lef- fons,Refponfories,& other Prayers,& Praifes,diftributcdintodiftindt times,begin­ -IChuich. ning in the night, wherof that part is called the Noil urne ( one or three according to thediuerfitie of tile Office) and perteineth to one or more of the fome Vigils', into which fouldiers diuicc the whole night.V'herto alfo-the Laudes .ire added.Thé Primejin rhe morning. Afterwards , theThird hourc,Sixt,Ninth, & in thccuening, Euen fon g, and Com pl i ne. Agai.ift which moft ancient and religious Conftiiution,efpccially againft the part This religious called Vigils,or Notiurnes,certaine Heretikes repined,& calumniated the Churches jnliitution cuftomc,as fupcrfiuousandvnfruitful to fpiritual workc , violating of Gods ordi­ reprehended nance, the night for reft , and the day for labour. For which caufe by Drowfic they were called Nyftazoittcs.Somr.icolofi, Drowfy hcrctikcs. As the fameS.Ifidorus teftifieth li. i.c. Offi. Ecclef. S. lerom Rjpaiitim, noteth the Hercti kes. fameherefiein Vigilantius , calling himXformitantius , becaufe he reprehended Vigilantians. holie Virgiis,as if itwerebetter tofleepe, then wake in time of Diuine fcruice. IV icliffifts. V'icli ff.alfo raifed vp the fame liercfie as wit nefleth Thomas Waldenfis,T-o.;. Tit.;. Lutherans. c.n.Laftly Luther and al his brood. Butthe holieobferuation of Canonical Hourcs is proued by manic anciét Fathers-to bea ¡together agréable to the holie Scriptures, Approued) both of die old and new Teftament. SoS. Bcda in 18. Luc.& IÌ.4.C.7. Hi ft. Angl.S. |bv S. Leda, Gr.-gorie the (.Dialog, e. ■*. S. Auguftin ( Ser. f temp. ) exhorting the S.Gregorie, 1 people to rife early to the Vigils ( orNoturncs) and in aniewife to come to the S.Auguftin. Third houre,Sixt,and Ninth.Lct nonetfaith he ) w’ithdtaw himfelfe from the holie worke,but whonveithcr ficknes,cr publikc vtilitic . or perhaps fome great neccf[S.Icrom. fitieholdeth backç.S lerom.Epift. 11. ad Euftoch.&in Epitaph. Paulae c. lo.makcth exprefle mention of the Third hourc,Sixt,Ninth,Norning,St Eu’ening; alfo of Mid­ night, adding that no Religious is ignorant that fometimesthey nwft rife to Diuine S.BafiL Scruice,twife,yea thrift in the night.S.Bafil in Regulis Interrog. & de Inftit Alonachorum, firft sheweth this ordinance to be agréable to rhe holie jS.Cyprian. Scriptures,& namely to this place of the Pfalmift.S C ypria in fine cxpofitiOrat.Domin. affirmeth that befidesthethreehoures in which Daniel and his felowes prayed, ‘-.Clement. the Church of Chrift hath added more.And (as manie fuppofej S.Clement li.8-Conftitur.Apoftol.c. 40.sheweth the Cette Honres of prayers.& the rcafons therofiM.ike vour prayers Early in the morning,at theThird hourc , Sixt, Ninth , Eueni vg , & at the Time of cock; crowing. Early giuing thank es,becaufe our Lord hath illuminated the O F P S A L M E S.________________ 219 vs, the night being pafied,& the day comtning in ; the Third, becaufe that honre our Lord recciucdl ilats fentecs: ¡the Sixt houre,becaufe thé he was Cruci tied ;thc Ninth, becaufe althinges were moued, when our Lord was crucified, abhorring thcjudacitic ofthe wick cd, & not bearing the ignominie of onr Lord ; ai Euering, giuing thankes, for that God hath giuen vs the night for reft of daves labours : at the Cocke crowing, becaufe at that time the commingof the day is denounced, to excrcifethc workesof light.Thus S.Clement.Tonchingthediftinft and fettetimes of publixe prayer .the continual praftife by tradition teacheth , that Martins with Lauds were faid in the night,about the firft Cockcrowintt.Prime early iiuhe morning. The other partes in the day time. Ateucning Euenfong,& lati of al Compline. And touching the place : If for the infidels (faith the fame holie Father ) there be not accefieto the Church, the Bishop muft gather the Af.'emblicat home, thatthegodlie may not enter into the Church of the wicked: for the place doth not fanftifie man ,but man the place. Wherforcif the wicked occupietheplacc, that place is to be shunned,becaufe it is prophaned by them :for as Priefts doc fanctifie holie things , fo the wic ked doe contaminate them.If neitherat home, nor in the Church Afl’emblies can be celebrated, let euericoneby himfelfc fing, read, pray, or two or three be gathe­ red together. For where two or .three are gathered in my name ( faith Chriftjthere A/M.!» ami in the middes of them. Let not the godlie pray with an herexike , no not at home. For what focietic is there of light with darknes? x.Cor.í Why rublikc prayer is con­ formed at thefe heures. Not lawful to goe toChurcl inor to pray with Infidels. Norwich hen itikes. 16$. There is (e l much jeacctothem thatloue thy law: & (J") there is no fcandal to them. («) Amongft other benefits, it isafpecral-commoiitic.thatthofe which perfeâlv loue cods law hanealwayes peace in their owneconfciencc; (f ) and are neucr fcandalized, chatis, doc not fai nor commit finne , by anie occafion whatfoeuer giuen them by others. For it is a general afiured doftrine, that theperfeii are not fcandalized, becaufe they axe confiant in verrue, and not moued by anie example, perfwafion , prouocation,or other mcanesto offend Godtbut only the weakc and vnperfeci are moued and drawee to finne by occafi ons giuen them, who otherwife would not haue fin ted. Neither is he cxcufed-that fallcth by fuch occafions', becaufe he ought to be confiant. 166.1 expected thy faluation,o Lorckand hauelotted thy cómandments. 167. My foule hath keptthy tefiimonies: & Qz) .hathloued them excee­ dingly. (g. Not of feruile fcarc.but of true charitieS: filial loue. ió8. I haue kept thy commandments , and thy teftimonies : becaufe al my waies are in thy fight. (bj Becaufewhatfoeuer 1 doels inthy ficht.vhom I vii inno cafcoffend. Tau ~ Signe. 169. () Al mankind, and vniuetfally euericone,hath heenjas a loft sheep, (>') & Chrift came into this world |to feeke andfaueal : (k)but effectually findetli andfaueth thofeonly , that forget not-to keep his commandments. A. BRIEFE NOTE CONCERNING rhe Gradual Pfalmes. IW'hy the 1 f. Ipfalmes fo­ llowing arc hilled Gradual Canticles. Hcrefolowin order fifetecne Pfalmes intitled Gradual Canticles. The Hebrew word Mahaloth fignitieth Steps, or Afcenlions.The rcafon wherof Aadias, and fome other Rabbins yeald, for that they were fong with higheft denoted notes, that can be in -Mufike. arc — fo called, werefong - - - _ - The — Talmud --------- --faith they —j — -------- , becaufe — ------ -they - ------ j, in the .fifteen ftepsgoing vp into the Temple. But S. A nguft in, S. B.ifil, and other Chriftian Fathers expound them according to the hiftorie, and immediate prophetical lhehiftorieal fenfe , ofthe deliuerie of the lewes from captiuitie of Babylon , afeending intolcfenfe. rufalem : which is fo fituated on mountaines, that the way from al parts was by af­ eending vnto it. According to-the My ftical fenfe, of afeending fpiritually by venues The myftical to perfection,and to eternal ’felicirie.Fortheway tendingto venue ( faithS.Bafil ) fenfe. is like tocenainc fteps (ordegtees ) by litle and litle bringing the man thatloucth wifdome vnto heauen. Thefe Canticles therefore arc prayers , mixed with confolations, for the ioyfai deliuerie of Gods people,from that great captiuitie in Babylon, which the Pfalmift King Dauid faw in prophetical fpirite, and which his pofteritic felt ,and fometime indured. Which againeas a figure fignificth the rcturne and af­ eending of mankind from finne to grace, andfromthcmiferable ftateof this world Whenipon interpreted! this:... prophccieof theafeenfion, Thefe Pfalmes jintohcauen. . . S. Attguftin o . . - , or — are confolato-1 eleuation of the hart, from the vaile of reares. In the mcanctime, whiles we are in tic prayers and . this world , thefe Pfalmes are confólatorie prayers, and prophetical afliirancc , that Gods people ,Catholikc Chriftians,shal be deliuered from thraldom and pcrfecution piophecies. of Pagans , Turkes , and Herctikes. As partly we fee by the deliuerie from the Ro­ mane perfecting Empcrours , from the Vandals, Gothes, and Hunnes : & therfore with afiured confidence we hope and expect the like deliuerie from Turkes, and al Heretikcs ofLuchers brood. PSALME OF PSALMÏ1 PSALME C XIX. The leves m captruitieof'Babylon, Chrifiians in perfection,or ether great tribu­ Prayer in tri lation,pray with confidence tobe deliuredjrom danger,andfclander afwcfed bulation. The 7, key. tongs, 5. lamenting their long indurante. 1. A gradual Canticle. VT XT Hen I was in tribulation I cried to our Lord-, and ( * ) he » » heard me. (a) Former experience of Gods mercie in hearing the prayers of thofethat inuo■cated him, giueth hope that he wil heare in like cafe. 2. O Lord deliuer .my foule from (t)vniuft lips, and from a deceitful tong. (b) Nothing is more dangerous then vntrue and deceitful tongs, nothing more damage then to diminish, and detrai! from the good fame of the iuft: and therfore this isa moft neceffaric prayer, that God wil deliuer vs from the wicked tongs ot Turkes, Heretikes, and other wicked men. j. (c) What may be giuen thee., or what may be added vnto thee to a deceitful tong? ft) What punishmenfis great enough for wicked tongs? 4. ( d ) The lharpe arrowes of the mightie , with coalet -of defola- tion. ■ (d) Surely the malice of wicked tongs deferueth slurpeft punishmentsto be aflli¿tedby ftrong hands. 5. ( e ) Woe is to me, that my feiourning is prolonged : I haue dwelt with the (f} inhabitants of Cedar : 6. My foule hath been long a feiourner. (e) Icwes lamented their long abfence from the holie land, efpeciaUy from lerufalem and theTemple. Chriftians mourne fortheir reftraint from cods feruice, and long peregrination froinheauen. (f) Ot Cedar the fonne of Ifmael, came Mahomet, the Turkes falfe Prophet, whofe tyrannie it great and long. The name Cedar is interpreted, black enes, and obfeuri tie,which iignifieth darkenes of errour,. and Anne. 7. With them that hated peace I was peaceable : when I ipakc to them, they impugned me (?) without caufe. (g) The wicked affiift thofe that giue nocaufe of-offence. THE BOOK PSALME ion. j. Key. C XX. The iufl reioycethat their prayer is heard , and that God continually proteð them. I. A gradual Canticle, I H Av e lifted vp mine eiesvnto {a) themountaines , (£)’ from ■* whencehelpe shal cometo me fa) Towards leiufalem, and towards Alhclpe commeth'fromheanen, thatis , from God, who of hisdiuinc cfpccially heareth prayers made in holie places. 5.Keg. 7. а. My helpe is-from our Lord, who made heauen and earth. 3. Giue he not (c) thy foote to be moued : neither doe he (lumber that keepeth thee. (cj The iuft fpeaketh and wisheth wcl to hisowne foule. Efpecially the whole Church reioyccthin Gods afl’urcd protection. 4. Loe he Ihal not (lumber nor fleepe,that keepeth (d) ïfrael. (d) The militant Church. 5. Our Lord keepth thee, our Lord is thy protection, vpon thy right hand. б. By day ( e ) the funne ihal not burne thee: nor (/) themooneby night. (e) Profperitie, (f) nor aduerfitie can ouerthrow the Church. 7. Our Lord doth keepe thee from al euil; our Lord kcepc (£) thy foule. (í) Spiritual life. 8. Our Lord keepe thy comming in , sndthygoing out; from hence forth now, and forcuer. PSALME OF PS AIMES. ~ ‘mT' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------- _ PSALME CX XL tender the fifftrt ofreturne to lerufttlem, yebemently defired by the I ewe; in C) Our feetc were (landing, in thy courts,o lerufalem. (bj The lewes conlíder that fomerimct they were iovfiil in the Templeoflemfjlem : Chriftiansrciovce in the comfort they hauein the militant Church. 3.lerufalem, which is built as acitic: whofe (r) participation is together in it- felt. (c) Communitio and participation of fpiritual graces , is a great ioy to Catholikes, wnerof the fame Prophet fpeaketh, Pfal. andotten elfwhere. 4. For (d) thither did the tribes a.cend, (e) the tribes of our Lord; the tctlimcmic of Ifrael to confefTe vnto thtf name ot our Lord. Al (d) the tweine Tribes frequented lerufalem, (r; and al nations of the world doe come to theCatholikeChurch. 5. Becaufe ieats (/) fate there in iudgement, (£) feats vpon thehcufe (h) of Dauid. (/y Seats of Iudgement were placed in Icrufalem , fg) and feats of Iudgement in theCatholike Church (b,. ot Chrift. 6'. i) Aske yethe things that are for the peace of lerufalem : and (4) aboundance to them that loue thee.(i) Chrift exhorteth to aske, ( l\) and promifeth to giue that is rightly askcdjChrL ftians alfo inulte each other to pray for the Church. 7. Peace be made in thy ftrength ; and aboundance in thy towers. 8. (/) For my bretheren, and my neigbours faites, (mj i fpake peace of" thee: (0 Chrift prayeth for his Church, (m) and gaue his peace to the Apoftles, andin them to their fucceû'ours. 9.For thehoufeof our Lord God, I haue fought (») good things to ‘ thee. (nJ Por in hcauenlic lerufalem, al good things are prepared, & are giaco to-Saints reigning there for euer. Tom. 1, F f PSALME- THE *3.4 BOOK PSALME /V prayer in aftliftion. The?, key. CX XII. feruent andattentiue prayer, to be deliueredfrom captiutUt, or ante other affitclion. -I. A gradual Canticle. O thee haue I lifted vp mineeies, which dwellcR in theheauens. TBehold as the eies (4) of feruants, are on the hands of their ma­ ilers. .( « ) Seruan's expefting tteceflaries at their matters hands arc commonly very attentine to receiue that which they hope for : fo muft the faithful praying God, be very attentine, and not.diftraited in their prayers. As the eies (b'i of the handmaid on the diands of her miftreffe : fo are our eies to out; Lord God vntil hc hauc-mcrcie on vs. (b) An other example of handmaids, who generally arc more diligent then men. 3. Haue mcrcieon vs, o Lord , haue merde on vs : bccaulc we are (r) much replenished with contempt. (c; Though mod fuffer his feruants to fnftainefome afflidion and reproch,yet he hcareth and deliucreth them before they be opprefied. 4. Becaufe our ioulc is much replenished : reproch to them that abound, and contempt to the proud. (d, Seeing pet fccution ftil incteafe, or continue long, the faithful are.thc fpecially to conceiue hope of fpcedie reliefc. PSALME. ■Gods prote­ ction. The j. .key. C XXIII. The whole Church, and euerie tufi perfon,gratefully confejfeth , that by Gods pro­ testan they arejecure, without which none could efeape ruine. i. A gradual .Canticle. V t that our Lord (4) wasinvs, let Ifrael now fay , 2. but that our B Lord A as in vs. (a If God had not fent hishelpc-and defence to vs. (b) When men rofe vp agiinit.vs, 3. (c) perhaps they hadfwalowed vs ( d ) aline; (/,) Wc could not haue efeaped the forced our enimics. ( c ) The word (perhaps) doth not here import a doubt,or vncertaintic.but in-nlodcft miner of afleucration, leaueth the iudgement of the citent that should hapen ( ir God didnot pioted his feruants ) to their ownc confidcration : which is an vfual phrafe in moft languages. td) So fudaincly should the wcakc, withoutGods protedion be deftroyed , as men aredcuoured & fwalowcd vpby raueningwild beafts,eucnbeforf they be throughly ¿i—d. So "-'aslonas fwalowed into the whales belile. 4. When OF P S AL MES. 235 When their furie was angrie againft vs, 4. perhaps ( e ) water had fwalowed vs. (») Furious pcrfccution 5. Our ioule hath pafled through (/) a torrent : perhaps our foule had paffed through an intolerable water. (f) Suddainc great troubles. Blefled be our Lord which hath not giuen vs for a pray to their teeth. 7. Our foule as a fparow is deliured from the fnare of the fowlers: The fnare is (g) broken, and we are deliucred, 6. (£ ) Mans fubteltie often dcceiuech an other man , but there is no counfel able to circumuentGod. 8. Our helpe is irwhe name of our Lord, who made heauen and earth. PSALME CXXIII. The c'nutcb , and balie members therof, are alwayes protetteti by Goil : ^.J~oe Gods projteflion. Viewed betng/ufferedfor a while, are at lajl punished, The 5. key. i. A gradual Canticle. H e V ( a ) that tntft in our Lord, as mount Sion : he faal not be moued"for euer (b) that dwelleth 2. in lerufalem. r (a) Thofe that confidently iruftin God , arc in fuch fecuntie as is mount Sion, which is a hil, defended alfo with is other hillcs roundabout. ( b ) An other thing required to this fecuritic, is to dwel within lerufalem , not the teweftriai citie . for f as S. Auguftin obferueth) the lewes that dwelt therin are deftroyed 01 made captiues, and hitherto rciected of God, burin Cacholikc Church. Mountaiucs round about it : and oiir Lord round about his people, from hence forth now and for euer. 3. Becaufe our Lord (c} wil not leaue the rod of finners vpon the lot of. the iuft .• that the iuft reach not their hands to iniquitic. (c) God wilnot alwaycs, nor finally leaue his feruants intribulation , but only a while for their good. 4. (d) Doe wel,o_Lord,to the good, and right of hart. (d) This prayeris alfo an affeuer ación , for it is certaine that God wil defend, and reward the good, and right of hart: 5. Butfe) thofe that decline into obligations , our Lord wil bring with themthat worké iniquities (f) peace vpon Ifrael. (r) And no leffc affuredly God wil punish not only the notorious wicked , "and principal Authoursot wicnednes, but alfo al thofe that for feare or for commoditie, or for anie othcrcaufe , decline into obligations, bonds, coucnants , or anic way confent inextemal shew with the kicked againft God: as in outward piofefion of Hercfie , or Schifine, thonghfuch temporizers doe not thinke in their hart, that the pretended religion is true,-whe co they aredrawne toyeald external conformine. For, as the Pfalmift here tcacheth, our Lord wil bringal fuchacccffaric offenders, tothe fame judgement and punishment, with the principal workers of iniquitic. (f) Al which being punished, then lerufalem , the Catholikc Church, shal haue peace. F f 2 PS ALM E. \'ÌÌ6"'~ T H E BOOK PSALME CXXV. Tlic deli'ired from captiuitiereioyce. The 7. key. ifraelttetreleafed from captiuitie of Babylon,much morethrbleffed both ofthe o/) The people-alfo thcmfelucs gratefully confcfle that God dealeth magnifically W'ith them. 4. (c,asaiorrcuttlut runneth in the fouth part of the world,is commonly wery great,much defired,but fearfc expected. 5. (/)Tkcy that fow in teares(jr) lhalreape in ioyfulneflc/ (y, This is the ordinarie difpofition of God, that his fcruants shal make their feeding,which is, doe good workes (faith y.Auguftin) with teares , in tribulation ' vpon earth: (g) and reapea plentiful harueft, the reward oftheir fnffcring and wel working,in the next litc.Inaflured hope wherot the Pfalmift,and the wholeChurch joyfully conclude this Pfalme with the t»o verfes folowing. 6 .Going they went and wept,calling their feeds. 7 .But comming they fhal come with exultation, carying their sheaues. PSALME CXXVI. Neither houle nor title cun he built, or kept without Godsfl>eci/tl prolùdente ¿nd helpe, j. thofe thett tru/t in him j¿ fo they that patiently fuft'er much in this world, (»-) doe multiplie good workes. (n) Bleffed is the man that hath filled his delire of them : he ihal ( 0 ) not be confounded when he ihal fpeake to his enemies (p) inthe gate. (n) Such shal be very happie , ( 0 ) & very eaiily anfwer al that can be obie&cd againft them (j) in the day of lodgement. 5. F f 3 PSALM^j, THE BOOK PSALME Feare of God the way to ¡hippines. The 7. key. CXXVII. ffjppmes both of this I'ife etnei ofthe next,is obtajnedbyfearing,and fineerely feruing God. I. A gradual Canticle. Lessen are al that feare our Lord,that walke in hiswaves. ¿.Becaufe thou shalt eate the labours of thy hands : blcifcd art thou, B and it shal be wel w ith thee. J-Tny (4} wife as a fruitful vine,in (5) the lides of thy houfe. (<«}Ir fuch feruants of God be maried.they shal ordinarily haue iflue,& fuccefsion in their familicjbutcfpecially the foules of fuch shal brino forili manie meritorious workes,(,b) in the bofomc or the Cath'olike Church, which was foundid in'Chrills fide. (r) Thy children as yo ng plantsof oliue-trees; round about thy cable. (<) Children alfo fignifie good workes; - ^..Behold fo shal the man be blclTed,that feareth our Lord. 5. Our Lord out of Sion bielle thee : and that thou may if fee the good things of lerufalem al the dayes of thv life. And thatthou may ft leethy(d) childrens children,peace vpon lirael.. (d)Reward in heauen for good workes in earth. PSALM E The Church fill firme in perfecution. The 6. key. CXXVIII. rhe Church often ( and much ) impugne'd, is not ouercome. 4. tier perfecutersare defroyed,6.contemned,S. andcurfed. i. A gradual-Canticlc. F ten haue they impugned me fb) from my youth,let Ifrael VJ now fay: (ajlfrael which is. the.ChurchofGod,rcioycing faith:that enimies haueoften,(b) euen from the beginning of the world,perfccuted mc,as when Cain perfccuted Abel, other wicked pcriecuted Seth,Enoch, Noe : theChaldcas perfccuted Abraham: the Ægyptians pcrfecuted the Ifraclitcs: and fo in other generations. a.Oiten'haue they impugnedme from my youth: ( c ) but they hauenot preuailed againft me. (c) But they haueneuerouercome me.So thePfalmift teftifieth for al times paft,& prophecieth the fame for times to come. ‘ j. Sinners(J) haue builded vpon my backe: theyhaue (e) prolonged their iniquitie. (d¡ Perfecuters not beingabletoouerthrow or fupprefie the Church’, hauelaide great wcightic bu-densof tribulations vpon her backe,wbichshc hath patiently and ftrongly OF. PSALME S. 2Í9 I ftrongiy"borne,(e) they haue ftil pcrííftcd, onc.fortc after an other ,-but with longanimitie the Church luth flood fait , and eonflantly paffed through al diftreffes. In ; moral fenfe Iinners build iniquitie vpon the back of the Church,yea and vyon Gods back,when they prefume tofinne,truftingin theendtobeabfolued by vertueofholieSacraments left in The Church. Likcwifc when they excufe their finnes, impu­ ting the caufe to other creatures of God , wherby they are allured. Which is in efteft f faith S.Auguftin J co accufc God,and co build iniquities on Gods back , who made thofe creatures. 4. (f) Our iuft Lord wil cut the necks of iinners ; 5. let them al (g) be confounded and (h) turnedbackward,that hate Sion. (f) God therfore who is iuft, wil at laft caft fuch prcftimptuous iinners from his back,and breaketheir ftiffe necks:f¿> then shal they be confounded, (h) feparated. eternally from God,become like fruitles and withered graffe, caft away,defpife4, yea curfed of alpnd bleffed by none,as the Prophet denounceth in the next verfes. 6. Let them brmade as graffe in the toppes of houfes : which is withered before it be plucked vp. 7. Whcrof the reaper hath notilled his hand,and he that gathereth the sheaues his bofome. 8. And they faid not that paffed by : The bleilingj of our Lord bevpon you: we hauebleffed you in the name of our Lord, PSALME CXXIX. the /ewes,or other people in tribulation forjinne,or temporal captiuitie, trie to God to be dehuered.a,trufling and encouraging ech other in Gods Jtccujlomed mercit,aJ]~uredlj hoping that beytil redecme deiiuer them. I.A gradual Canticle. R OM (4) the depths I haue cried to thee, o Lord: 2. Lord hcare my Fvoice: («JThis prayer agreethto al true penitents, crying to God for helpe,being either in depth of forow fot.finnc,and fo it is one of the Penitential Pfalmcsjor the depth 1 offeritene delirerò afeend cowards perfeilion in vertue. and from this vaile of mife 1 rie’into heauen,andfoit-is a Gradual Pfalmc;orin the depth of temporal paines,and foitis a fpccial prayer for foules in Purgatorie , offered by the Church in their bchalt'e. Let thine cares be intent to the voice of my petiti on. ¿.If thoushait obfetue iniquities,© Lord: Lord (b) who shalfufteine it? (Ir) None is able to abide the rigour .of Gods iuftice. 4. Becaufe with thee there is (c) ptopiciation:and for (J) thy law I haue expeétcdthee,o Lord. (c) But al muft relie vpon hismercic. (d) For thy promifes made in the law,that hou wilt remit finnesuothe penitent, giue mote grace to them that feeke it , and tmitigate alfothe painesduefor finnes. My foule* The' fïxth p nitential Pfalme. They. key. ______________ THE 2»> BOOK____________________ My foule hath expected in his wordtç.my foule hatWhopedin our Lord. 6. From ( e) the morning watch euen vntil night : let Ilracl hope in our Lord. (r) The hope of penitensislike to the watches of the day time, from morning vntilnight, which are more comfortable then watches of the night: 7. Becaufe with our Lord there is mercie:and with him (/) plenteous re­ demption. (fj The greateft comfort is in Chrift our Redeemer ,whofe plentiful Redemption bringeth moreaboundanceof grace. 8. And he shal redecme (?) ifrael,from al his iniquities. (g) Chrifts Redemption being fufficient for althc world, is cffeâual only to true liuing members of thc-Catholike Church. PSALME Confidence innocence. The?, key. CX XX. ^fnte iuft foule in humble confidence offerer!) his innocencie , as 4 fpintuol ¿nd¡ruicfulfucrifice to God, yexhortingol Godsferuants euer to hope mhim. A gradual Canticle of (4) Dauid. I. (¿J Dauid by Gods fpecial grace hauing a fincere minde towards almen , euen to­ wards his enimies^mdan humblehart,not defiring anie thing ambicioufly>but al to -die honour ofGod,propofeth his owne example,for others to imitate: that they may with him offer the facrificc of liuuulitie and innocencie vnto God , from whom al good things proceed. Ord my hart is notexalted : (¿) neither are mine cies loftie.Neither LhaueI walked in great mattersmor in meruclous things aboue me. (b) Al this with a thankful mind to God who gaue this grace. i.Ifl was not humbly minded:but exalted my foule:As (c ) the weaned child is toward his mother, (d) foretribution in my foule. (c) As children after they arc weaned come ftil willingly to their mother , fo doth •thechildeot God relie vpon Gods helpe, though he alwaycs feele not the famefweetnes:(d)&according to his dcnianeur herein, he expefteth reward. j.( e) Let ifrael hope in our Lord,from henceforth now and for euer. (e) King Dauid,or anie other,being for his verrue aduanced, & rewarded by God, is agood cxamplcxo-mouc others todocthclikc/o shalthey rccciuc like reward. PSALME. OF P S A L M E S. PSALME CXXX1, The Pfûlmif eurnefliy pruyet God togiuebim leuue, er to she-tv bim vtbert to Chrifrscombuild a. Temple.But more efpecially prtyethfor,*nd prophecietb the camming of nl‘n& to , e' Chrifl, the promifed Sonne of Dauid: L^.ftgnifjing Gods promife therof, tnd í-0'? of e/tiblis hing his Church. U- t- u .. I. A gradual Canticle.. D Emewber (a) Dauid,o Lord,andalhismeekenes: IX. (») It is an vfual thing that Dauid, Moyfes, & other Prophets fpeakc of theinfclues in the third perfon. а. As he (ware to our Lord,( b ) vowed a vow to the God of lacob. (b) King Dauid dciiring, andfo farre as lay in him,promifing to build a Temple to God, with great inftance prayeth that he might perrorme the fame. But God dlf-, ling otherwife,that not he,but his fonne should build it,he neuertheles prepared the : matter , workemen, and money, shewed the forme, and difpofed the Lcuites how to ferue therin. 3. (c) If I shal enter into the tabernacle of my houle, if I fnalafccnd into thebed of my couch. I Moreouer by vow depriued himfelf of entering into his owne houfe, or ta- ! (e) king his ordinarie reft, til he might ( if it fo pleafed God ) know tire place where ir ; should be built. 4. If I shal giue lleepe to mine eies,andilumbeting to mine eie liddes: 5. And reft to my temples: vntil I Ende aplace for our Lord,a tabernacle, forthe God of lacob. б. Behold we haue heard of it in Ephrata: we haue found it in (ej the fields of the wood. (d) It was reueled toDauid,that the Temple should be built in that part oflerufalcm,which looketh towards Bcthleem ( other wife called Ephrata; where ourSauiour was borne, (e) Within lerufalem , which is compared with woods. Io this viiion alfo the whole forme of the Temple was reueled vnto him,as he teftifieth i.Par. 18.v19.Al things,quoth he,came written with the hand of our Lord vnto me ■ that I might vnderftand al the workes of the paterne. 7. (p We wil enter into his tabernable-.we wil (g) adore in the place where his feete ftood. (f, Holie Dauid moued with exceeding deuotion, repared to the place, where Gods Temple should be built,(g; & adored God,where the Propiciatorie,as a fuo:ftoolereprcfenting Gods prefcnce,shonldftand.V lut meruelihen if deuotion moue Chriftians to vifite the holie places,where our Sauiour God and Man was Incarnate, was borne , fuffered death,was buried, afeended xntoheauen, or anie other place where his feete ftood. 8. (/> ) Arife Lord into thy reft,thou, and (i) the arke ofthy fandtification. (h.O God,leauing Silo,Gabaon,andxhe like places,come into thy holieTcmplc, (i)with the arke of couenaut, where thou fanitifieft thy people. And here againe the Proper illuminated with a higher Myftcrie,and inflamed with more deuotion, prayeth for Chiftscomminginto tire world, and prophecieth that after hisPafsion Torn. i. Gg he wil F141 the b o o k he wil rifc,not only in gioì ico fibule, but alfo of bodic, prefigured by the Arkeof tcftimonic,which was in the tabernacle, and after in the Temple. I 9. Let thy Pricfts be clothed with ( {) iultice : & let thy ( I ) faints reiovce. (k; Grant therforerhatxhy Pricfts,which muft affer.Cicrificcjn.this facred place, i be indued with vertues, and good life worthieof their degree: (I >and thcLcuires j who arc ordained co ferue there , be likewifc made fitte for their diucrsfunftion% ■ both in the old and new Teftament. ■ 10. (m) For Dauid thy feruantsfake I Chrift. turne not away the face of thy I (m) And feeing thou haft giuen fuch mceknes,deuotian,zcalc,Gncerie,and other r venues, making;him aman according to thync ovne hart,and therupon promifed io i eftahiishhis recd/n^differ notxofcnd thy promifed Mcfsias,Chrifcour Redeemer. i ri. OurLord(o) hath iwometruth to Dauid , and (pj-hewiluotdifapointitt (^) Ofthe fruitofthy wombel wil I'etvpon thy feate. i («) Hence forth to the end of this Pfalmc the Prophet cclatcth Gods reuelation . to him .That he 1rs th truly promifed with an oath, (p)and wil performc,(y)to fette ’ one of Dauids fonnes vpon bis Throne-’ which was not only fulfilled iu Salomon, j who reigned in great peace, and biiilded the Temple , but cfpccially in Chrift the Sonncof Dauid, to whom our Lord God gaue the featc bi Dauid his father, & he ( shal reigne in the houfe of lacob for euer . and of his Kingdom there shal be no end. Luc i. v. 51. jj. By this promife Saint Peter alfo proucth Chrifts Refiurreftiou. Aft. 1. v. jo. 11. ( r ) If thy children fbal keepe my teftament4 and thefemy teftimonies which I wil teach them: (r) Concerning the children of Chrift , members of his Kingdom the Church, the promife is conditional,! f they obferue Gods commandments , they shalfitvpon his feate: be coheyres of his Kingdom. Rom. 8. v. 17. Their children alio euen for euer, fhal fit vpon thy feate. i 5. Becaufe our Lord hath chofen Sion : he hath chofen it for an hahira­ tion to himfelf. 14. This is my (y) reft for euer and euer: here wil I dwel becaufe J haue chofen it. ( f) Sion,the Catholike Church , is a perpetual place where God dwelleth. 15. Bleffingl wilbieife hcr ( t ) widow : her ( T ) poore I wil fi] with breads. (f] The Church wanting Chriftsvifible prefence, is replenished with manieblefings,fv) andai herhumblechildren arereleeued withholie Sacraments. 16. Her (w) Pricfts I wil clothe with faluation.- and her (x) faints fiial rcioyce with ioyfulnes. (w) TheChurch hath alwayesfome hoHcPriefts (x) ard fióme holie people. 17. (y ) Thither wil I bring forth a horne to Dauid , I haue prepared ( ^) alampe to my Chrift. (7 ) Of this Chuth,elcftcd by God, Chrift is theProreftour, and ftrong defence, fit; And the fame Church shal be a perpetual lampe, w'hcrby others may come to I him. 118. His enemies I wil cloth with confufion : but vpon him fhal myfanidiificaticn fiourilh. PSALME. OF PSALM ES.t4T PSALME CXXXIL FrJteriul cantori is commended to «/ «a the Church « [elf, Anibleffed of Gol. i. as necefttrie And dcleú¿l>le 3tjerna^ con- The'7. key. Agradual Canticle (4) ofDauid. ( » ) Dauid being a moft peaceable man, euen toward'his enimies, is added by Efdras in this title, as au example for others to imitate. Ehqld (¿) how good and how pleafant a thing itisx.for brethren B(b)¡.odwelinone. That concord is both good and pleafant ,needethno other proofe , but only to Conlíder & to bcnold the rruiutherof in eueric communitie , and efpecially in the Church 01 God. X. (c) Asoyntement on (d) the head, which.ranne downe vpon the beard,(e) the beard of Aaron, which ranne downe vnto (/). the henttne of his garment. (c) Tne ointment, wherwich Aaron and other High Pricfts.were confronted, was precious,and moft odoriferous,fignif/inggrace bought by Chriits blood, and producing vermes,which make fwectfauour: (d; was powred vpon the High Pricfts head, who being head of the Church, («) vnitie and concord descended from him to other Prielts, ) and fo to the people, euen to the lowcft and Gods Church. 3. As the dew of Hermon,, which runneth downe vpon mount Sion. (gj An other iimilttudetodeclarexheexcellencieofconcord:Asthc dew ofnaount Hermon , which is perpetually coueref with fnow, that falleth from the heauen, thence defeending refresheth & rrudificth the hilofSion : fo mutual concord . and fraternal charitie amongft the faithful, nourisheth each other, making them fruitful, in al good workes. Became (b) there hath our Lord commanded blefling, and life euen ■foreuer. (b) Where there is vnitie Godgiuethaboundanceof grace, as where the Apoftles with other faithful were g ithered, and continued in prayer, the Holie Ghoft came vpon them al. And the multitude of bjciicuersf then increa£ng,had one barrandone foule. Ad. 1.. & 4. v. ji.. PSALME CXXXIIL. ^íl, Ani tfpeciAlIr clergte-men thAt Jerue the Church ^rt Matei t* prnife eoi GtxTcontîa bj dny Ani bj nielli}jo^hAl tbeT/be blefed of God,. nualiy tobe praifed. The I. key. I. Agradual Canticle. O e L Lord: (4 ) now bleïTc our Lord , al ye the. feruants of our («> This laft Gradual Pfalmes,as aconcluííón exhorteth alto praife God. G g a. Which i- 144 THE BÓ O K Which ftand in the houfe of our Lord,in the courts.of the houfe oí our God. t.In the nights lift vp your hands vnto the holieplaces, and bleifcyeour Lord. j.Our Lord out of Sion bielle thee,who (¿) made heauen and earth. (b) Tor to this end he made al creatures in heauen PSALME Gods perfe­ ct ion and coodnes. The i. key. & in earth. CXXXini. Godvóho only is omnipotent,and fountaine of ¿Igoodnes ,uof al to be praifed. Hets thefpecial prete flour ofhis defied people. i’j.Contrarrvdfe falfe Gods are impotent,yaine,and can not'belpe thofe thatferite tljem.iQ.Only the Church doth rightlj praife him. I. Alleluia. RAYse yethenatneof ourLord,(i) yc'fcruants praife our Lord. P 2. Ye (¿) that ftand in the houfe of our Lord, in (c) the courts of the (a) Gods feruants. houfe of our God. (b) Clergiethat feruein the Temple, (c) andyeLaitie that attend to his feruice, niuft praifehim for thefe caufes. ;.Praife ye our Lord,becaufc our Lord is (; Mide the waters aboue nature to retnainc within their bonds , & not to couer the earth. 7. Who made the great lights: bccaufe his mercie is for euer. 8 The futinc to rule the day :becaufc his mercie is for euer. g. The moon" andftarresto rule the night: becaufe hisincrcic isfor euer. ro.Whoftruck. Aegypt with their firft-begotren .- Bccaufe his mercie is £OT. n. for euer. n.Who brought forth ifrael out ofthe middes of them: becaufe his mcr- | eie is for euer. n.In amigúe hand andloftic arme:becaufe hismercieis for euer. £xo.i). 13. Who diuided the Rea fea into diuiftons : becaufe his mercie is for euer. 14. And brought forth Ifrael through the middes therof : becaufe his mercie isfor euer. 15. AndheouerthrewPharao, and hishoftintheRed fea: becaufe his Ext.14. mercie is for euer. 16. Wholedhis people through the defert: bccaufe his mercie is for euer. Na». iy.WhoftruckgreatKings:becaufchis mercicis :or euer. 11, 18. And Hew ftrong King>:becaufe his mercie isfor euer. 19. Schon the K ingot the Amorrheites:becaufehis mercie is for euer. 10. And Og the King of Bafan: becaufe his mercie is for euer; 11. And hegaue their land for an inheritance : bccaufe his mercie isfor euer. . 21.For an inheritance to Ifrael his fetuant:bccaufe his mercie is for euer. 23. For in our humiliation he was mindful ot vs: bccaufe his mercie is for euer. 24. And he redeemed vs fiuiu our enemies : becaufe his mercie is for euer. xç.Whogiueth foodeto fi) al flefh: becaufe hismercies is for euer. (>) Al Gods benignirie,as wel of particular benefits towards his people, as gene­ ral to them and alothers,proceededifrom his mercie. ló.ContelIe ye to the God of heauen: becaufe his mercie is for euer.. Confcffe yc co die Lord, of Lotds.hccaufc his mercie is for euer. PSALME' PSALME CXXXVI. The Prophet dej'cribeth how lamentably the people tn captiuitie of Babylon roil Theleweslabewaile thewant of meanes to Jerne God , and of their » at tut'Joy le : 7. with mentation in tujldejire oftheir enimies pumihment. ¡captiume. ATfalme of Dauid (4) fbrleremie. (a) By adding to this title (forlcremiejtheSeptuagintlnterpreters fignifie that thisPfalme created»ofthefame captiuitie, ia whichleremias writte his Lamenta­ tions. Pon theriuers (£) of Babylon, there we (c) fate and wept : whiles Vwe (d) remembred Sion. (é/Nerc theriuers in Chaldea, wherof Babylon was the head citie, ft) the lewes remained mourn:ng , fdj remembring theholie rites andferuice of God,which had been in òion,whcror they wheredepriuedin thee,',pciuitic. z.Onthc willow cs in the miudes therot , we hanged vp (<•) ourrnftruments. (•) Al their mufical inftruments,as hauing no vfe of them. Becaufe there they that led vs captiue, (/) demanded of vs words of fongs. (/, Either in earneft or m fcorne the Chaldees willed them to fing, as they were accuflomed in their counttic. And they that ledits away: Sing ye an hymne to vs ofthe fongs of Sion. 4. (g) How ihal w e tingrhe .ong of our Lord in a ftrange land: (^)They excufcd themfelues,and refufed to fing facredPfalmes before prophane people,neither had they mi- d to fingjn that "mourning ftateof captiuitie. 5.(/J If I shal forgetthce, o leruiaiem,let my right hand be torgotren. th) The people shew not only their feruent prefent defire toferucGod inlerufalc, but alfo their èrme purpofe ftiito defire the fame, wishing that if they forgetit, or lofe this afte¿tion,their right hands , or what focuer is moft deare , or ncccfiaric for them,may be forgotten,not conferued,but fuffured to perish. ó.TjLct my tongue cleauetc my iawcs,if I doe not remember thee: r>; If I iofe this affection jet me alfo lofe the vfe ot my tongue. Ifl shal not fet lerufalem in the beginning 01 my ioy, 7. Be mindful, o Lord,of (4) the childremof Edera, in (!) the day of i lerufalem; (k JThe Idumeans incenftd the Chaldees to be cruel againft the lewes,wherofthey pray for iuft reuenge^nd V ithal thePfalmift prophecieth that it wil be reuenged, whichIfaias alfo P’ 1 (7jfor their reioycing in Ieri; fajes miferic. (m) That fay:R afe it,rafe it,euen vnto the foundation therot. (tn) Tiies oicc ofthe Idumeans,inciting the Babylonians vttcrly to deftroy leru■Talem. 8. (n) Daugthercf Babylon mifcrr.ble; biciied is he,that shal repay thee thy payment,whichthou haft payed vs. («,) Á Prophccic that the peoples: Babylon should alfo be punished, for their crueltic againft the lewes,wherof Ifaias likew ife prophecieth c. 15. 9 .Blefled IJ»____________________ the book______________ 9. Blefledis he to) that shalhold, and (p) shal daihthy liete ones againft the rock. (•) God wilbleflcjOr reward them that shalfcuerely afflift theBabylonians,(p)not fparing their children. Morally he isbleiTcd, that mortifiethhis ovne pallions, cutteth off firft il motions,or punisheth venial finnes, that they grow not ftrong within his foule, and fo draw it to commit mortalfinne. S. Aug. hic, & S. Greg, in fine expof. Pfal.4. pznit. PSALME Cx^rxVII. The‘while Church , or ante tuft perfon, rendreth tbankes to God for his benefits Thanites to jGodtor bene4. faying that al Kings and Kingdomes may doe the fame, 4. becaufe God ‘¿ts. being h igh refpe Eleth and aduanceth the hu mble. jTbey.Key. I. To (4) Dauid himfelf. (a) This Pfalme is a fitte forma of thank es for Dauid, or anic other fcruant of God. wil confeffe to thee, o Lord, in my whole hart : (c) becaufe thou I haft heard the words of my mouth. (t)iwil render thankes andpraife. (c) God euer heareth the prayer that is rightly made, forwhichthe fuppliant istlwrforciu giucilsaukcs. î. Cor. In (d) the fight of Angels 1 wil fing to thee : z. I wil adore (e) toward •V. io. thy holie temple, and wil confeffe to thy name: To¿. lx. (d) Angels are prefent where the faithful pray , obferue our prayers , and offer UiTio. them to God, if they be fincere, as the prayers of Tobias, and.Cornclius. (e) When Pyü.14. there was notacccffe to the Temple, yet the lewes praying in captiuitie, turned j>. ie. themfclues towards the Temple. For thy mereie, and thy truth : becaufe thou haft magnified aboue euerie thing (f ) thy holie name. (f) The Name and Maieftie of G o n, The W o R d ( which is the Sonne of God) alfo the name of 11 s v s, is magnified aboue al names , or temporal things. 3.1 n what day foeuer I shal inuocate thee, heare me; thou wilt multiplie ífrength in my foule. 4. Let (_ç) al the Kings ofthe earth, oLord, confeife toxhee: becaufe they haue heard al the words of thy mouth: (g) Sooner orlaterKings and Princes of alKingdomes and nations, haue been orshal be connected to Chrift. 5. And let them fing in the waves of our Lord: becaufe great is the glo­ rie of our Lord. 6. Becaufe our Lord is high, and he bcholdeth low things : and high things he knoweth (h) far off. fh) God knoweth proud men , not as his freindsor fcruants ,but farce off, as ftrangers and enimies. ■7. It Ishalwalke in the middes of tribulation, thou wiltquikenme: and vpon the wrath of mine enimies thou haft extended thy hand, and thy right hand hath faued me. 8. Our OF P S A LM E S. ______________________________________________________ *49 8. ü ar Lord wil repay tor me: o Lord thy mercie is for euer : deípilc no the of thy hands. PSALME CXXXVI1I. Gods knowledge,7 .andprefence' I i.without the helpe,or ’indoranteofantething) extendet 't to a! things.times,and places. ' 7 .fie giuetli exceeding great '.onour to to his{ed, as ententes to God,areiuftlybated, zj. the tufi pray for God perpetual direction. Gods fpecial prouidence of ibis fcruants. | The >. key. I.Vnto (4) the end,a Pfalmeof Dauid. (al By this part of the tide ( to the end ) is fignified ( os is noted Pfal.4-) that the nutter conreinad indiePfaiinc,perteyncth.tothc newTeftament. O r d thou (J) haft proued me , and haft knowen me : 2. thou haft Lknowen my fitting downe,and mv riling vp. (bj God «'ho kr.oweth al things moft abfolutely and peifcilly,without di l’eoa-fc or [ fearchiog, yet a, i; \vcrc,makcth experimental trial of hisferuants, to make them in | fomeforc to knoa7him,.-nd to kno-.vthemf.lucs. And fo here holie Dauid or other fa iti.f.-.l man , acknowledged! GodsOmnifcience, that is.ported knowledge or al things,without exception,paft,prcfcnt.&7 to cometal workes, wordes, thoughts,and what foeuer can be,though it ueuerwas nor siul be,in general.and in particular. 3. Thou halt vneerftood iny cogitations far off : my path , and (c) my corde thou haft fearched out. (c) Tiievttermoft meafureand reach ofmvne intention. 4. And thou haft forefeen al my wayes: became there is not a word in my d ) tongue. (d Tne word holder, in by the tongue, and not vttcred by mouth , isnothidden from God. 5.Behold,o Lord,thou haft knowen al rhclaft things,& them ofoldtthou haft formed me,and haft put thy hand vpon me. 6.Thy knowledge is (<•) become meruclcus of me: it is made great, and I can no: reach to it. (r) By experience « fee thatGods knowledge exceedcth our reach. 7-Cf) Whither shal I goc from thy fpiritiand whither shal I flyefromthy face? (f) As Gods know ledge comprehendeth al things,fo his prefence extcnòeth it felle tool places,neither is contained in place , but exceedcth al place, in his diurne immeniitie. 8. It 1 ihal afeend into heaucn,thou art there : if I delcend into hel, thou art prefent. 9.It' shal take my wingsearly ,and dwel in the extreme parts ofthe fea. 10. Certes thither alfo shal thy hand conduct mc:and thy right hand fnal hold me. it. (?) And I fayd: Perhaps darknes shal tread e ouer metand the uight is mine illumination in my dcïights. —Tom- *• Hh (¿, The THE BOOK j 50________________________________________ (g) The Prophet .tifo in the porfon of anic curious imagination man , examined .and findeth that no darknes nor couer can hide anic thing tromGod. Ti. For darkenes fhal not be darkened from thee, and the night ihal b lightned as the the darknes therof, fo alfo the light therof. 1;.Becaufe thou haft pofieffed (A) myrey neszthou-haft rccciued me iron (1) my mothers wombe. (h) Nothing feemeth mote hildcn,then a mans entrails, (>)or a child in the mothers wombe. 14.I wil confeffe to thee,’becaufe thou an terribly magnified : thy workes are meruelous,& my foule knowethexceedingly. 15. My (4) bone is not hid from thee, sybichthoumadeftinfccrcrr and my fubftancein the lower parts of the earth. (k) Orbonesin the flesh. 16. (/) Mine* imperfeftionthine eies haut Teen, & in thy book * alftial * Colem, be written; (m)daics ihal be formed, & nomaninthem. (l) Or mansbodilie imper feft ion before his birth,(is, dayly formed by God ,not,» or by»o:v.8.t.rM3c.7.v.x^.ij. 17. (n) But to me thy :: freinds, o God,are become honourable exceeding­ ly :their principalitie is exceedingly ftrengthned. Newtranflaters peruert-this placearan flaring .'thoughts} for'friends) contrarie to the'Hebrew, Greekc , and Latin ,and al ancientFatheis,only illy pretending that the fame word in the Chaldee tongue alfe lignificali Aboue al confideratiós it inoli cxceedeth,that God fo high and infinite , honoureth his humble poore feruantsfo exceedingly, that it feemeth to thcmfelucs farre more then can bcduc.Fur he revardetheuenouer & aboue merites; which merites alfo arc founded in Gods met I xie chien without merite. 18. (o)l wil number them , and they filial be multiplied aboue theiand: (p'l I rofevp and I am yet with th-e. (•) The number alfo of SainrswhomGodhath chofen,called , iuftified and vil glorifie,cxceede mans conceit. Apoc.7. fp) Inccnfcd with this excellent glorie, and defiring to be of this innumerable multitude , by thy graced haue rifen from finne, and in confidence of thy pcrpctualhclpc,! (land and hope to perfeuerc in thy feruicc. 19. (j) Ifthou (halt kil finners,o God; (r) yc men of blood depart from me. () Did not I hare them that hate thee, o Lordzand (tv) pyned away becaufe of thine enemies? (v) This hate of fuch finners the iuft sha^onfidertfly plead , and happie are they that shal be able truly to allcadge for themfelues in the-day of iudgement, that they hated al,whom God hateth , (w) yea hated them with feruent zelo , that are Gods cntmics. 2 2. (x) with perfedt harted did I hate them : they are become (j) ene­ mies to me. fx) Stil the Prophet inculcateti! this necefiarie perfeft hatred (yj and cmnitie towards Gods enimics. Iknovi , know- I ■ OF PSALME S. 151 23 Proue me, oGod^md know my hart:examine me,and know my paths. (z) For that none in this life (without fpecia! ani extraordinarie reuelation} knoweth certainly their ovne ftatc,whether they be worthie.of Gods loue or hatred' (Eccle.y.ltheiuft fubmit themfclues to Gods examination ofthcit hart and actions: X4.And (4) fee, if the way ofiniquitie be inmc- (t) and conduct me in the euerlafting way.. («) Humbly praying God , that if they be in the way of iniquitie,(£} he wil voutfafeto teduccand guidihem into the right way of euerlafting life. psalme CXXXIX. Eterna! paine Toe iu(f diuerfly afflicled by the wicked, pray to be defended,7 .repofe their confi­ odie f wickcdj dence tn Gid. to.NVIio wil adiudge the reprobate to eternal punishment, Ij. I and ioy of the ilelfcd. and reward the good with the fruition of himielf. Tiic 10. key. i. Vhtatheend,a Pfalme ofDauid^ 1. TXElivir me, o Lord, fromtheeuilman : from thevniuftman ■*—'.efeue me. 3. Which (4) haue deuifed iniquitie inxheir han: (¿) al the day they did appoint battels. (a ) Vnquict eu:l dtfpofed• men ftil dcuife wicked plots(b) and neucr ccafc to make difeord and debates. They haue whet their tongues as that of aferpent: 4. the venóme of afpes is vndertheir lips. ç.Keepeme, 0 Lord, from the hand of the finncr:.and from vniuft men dcliuer me. 6, Who hauc.deuifed to fupplant my fteps: 7.the proud hauehid afnare for mt.-: 'l*SecMn Andtheyhaueftteched ont rapes for a fnare:they hauelayd* a Rum­ bling block forme neere the way. 7. (c) I (ayd to our Lord : Thou art my God : heare, 0 Lord,the voice of. my petition. (c) In timeof tentation prayer is moft neceffarie. 8, 0 Lord, Lord (d) the ftrength of my thou haft ouerihadowed my head in the day of battel. (d) Man is not ableto refift centauras, (« jvnlefTcGod by hisgracc^sby-a helmet, defend him from yealding confent. 9. YealdmenotjO Lord,from(f)mydeliretothefinner: they haue-deuifed againft me,forfake me not, (g) left thy perhaps be proud. (f) Suffer me not to fai fromxhat which I now delire (which is to-be con ftant in vertuc} not to nonfeat to finners ¡ytrfwafions. (¿) Who then would triumph ouer me. H 1 IO.'¿)The J 1 10. (h) The head ot their compafe: ( » ) the labour of their lips ( couer them. ) fnal (fe)Thc fummc of their mifchicuousdeuifes,) as 1 thegroifenes of the earth is broken out vpon the earth. 1! (I) They shal then heare and vnderftand , that the prayers of tire Church fm) arc " effectual,obtaining grace of conftancie to her children,not to feare anic perfecution, noranickind of death ;-obtayning alfo mftific-cion of their caufe , when the per- | fecuters shal fee that the words and doârineoftbeCh-.trchare true, and prcuailein true Judgement,as truc,modeft, peaceable , not fcdicious , turbulent, nor aeainft the commonwealth, (n; As much earth flicking together is made fruitful by brea­ king it into fmal mould, fo the children of the Church by perfecution bring forth more fruit then before, S. Aug. life. Our (oj bones are ciflipated (p) neretohcl: 8. (^) forto thee, o Lord, • Lord are mine eics ; in thee haue 1 hoped, take not away my * foule. | (0) Some perfecuters arefo cruel as to rage againft the bones , and other rclikes ■ of Martyrs, p; cafting them into the vileft places they can , willing if they could to 1 tiirow them into hcl,( g j but the Church and al her members repofc confidence in ¡ God 9. Keep me from (r) the fnare, which they haue fet for me : and from I (f) thefcandais of them that worke iniquitie. fjvTnet-fore she prayeth that her children be not entrapped by guileful deceits, nor ouerthrowne bv anie {tumbling block caft in their way. ( [j 10. Sinners ihal fai in his net: (■>) I am alone v mill palle. ft In the end al perfecuters and other wicked shal be caught in their owne net ! of perdition, (v) the Church is Angularly protected euen to the end. PSALME CXLI. Holie Dauid being fled into* caue, and-befteged round about by Saul) armie> Dauids prave in extreme explicating bis dijlrejle^ó. prajetb to be dehuered. I. Of vnderftanding to Dauid, when he was in the caue, a prayer. diftreife. The S. key- ] j. Reg 2.4. ( a; This Pfalme in forme of a prayer, sheweth what cogitations Dauid bad in extreme danger. T7t tI th my voice I (b) haue cried to our Lord .- with my voice I j V V haue prayed to our Lord: , (b) Not with extérieur voice, for fo he should haue detefted himfelfe, but with fcruour of fpirit. TFrTf THE BOOK a5 + j. I power out my'prayer in his fight, and I pronounce my tribulation before him. 4. (r) When my fpirk faileth of my felf, and thou haftknowne my paths. (è) When by reafonofextremitic I was not able tothinke how to helpe my felle, (dj thou o God knowing my aftions and demeanour,didft deliuer me. In this way .which I walked, they hid a fnarefor me. 5. I looked toward (e) theright hand, and “(y ) faw : and (g) there was none that would know me.. («) Hooked for helpe, (f) and diligently looked about me, (¿) but none would fcerne to know me, when I required their help. (b) Flight hath failed me : and there is none to require my [bule. (h) Endeauouringto faue my felfby flight,! foundno fccurc place, for being m a caue or hole of a mountaine, the whole armie befieged me; al feeke to take away my life,none to faue it. 6. (i) I haue cried to-thee, oJLord, I haue iayd: Thouart (4) my hope, (l)my portion (m) in the land of.the liuing. (>) Thus left defolatc of al mans-halpc., anddeftitute of al worldlic shift, I cried to thee,o Lord, (k)my only hopefulrcfoge,.(l} neither doe Ideil e toliue for anie ; worldlic refpeft , but hauing cnofen thee, o God,for my portion , and inheritance,. (mjldcfire tobeont of thisdefert place,and tobe in tholand, where is right.vfc of religious diuine fcruicc. 7. Attend to iny petition: becaufe I am (n) humbled exceedingly. (n) Afflicted. ( from.them.that perte cute me:.becaufe they are madeilrong ouer me. 8. Bring forth my foule out of prifon, (0) to confcife vnto.thy name:. (p) the iuft expeit me, ( to befpeedily dehuered, 11 .and. confidently ajfuretb himfelfe tberof, The feuenth penitential Pfaime. The 7. key. i. A Pfaime ofDauid,when Abfalom his fonne perfccuted him, i. Rmy fpirit is in anguiih vpon me, within me my han is troubled. (g) 'l am preft’ed-with great calamities , temporal or fpiritual. 5. ( b ) 1 was mindiulotold dayes, 1 haue meditated in al thy workes: in the faits of thy hands did 1 meditate. (h) In this cafe 1 conlider, how God luth hertoforc shewed his goodnes towards me and others. 6. I haue (») ftretchcd-ferth my hands to thee : my foule is without water vnto thee. as earth (i) Stretching forth hands a cerimonie in prayer, wherby the fuppliant is made more attendue,and alfo indureth fome paine for part of fatisfaftion. (kJ Mans mind without Gods illumination is dricand barren. 7. Heare me (/) quickly, o Lord: my fpirit hath faynted. fi) In great tentations Gods grace and helpc is more prefently needful to preuent ■ our weaknes, left wey eald confent. Turne not away thy tace tromme : defeend into (n) the lake. and I shal be like to them that (■») If God leauc man without fpecial and continual grace, be wil fai fnjinto finne,as into deep lakc,fiom whence withouthelphecannotrifcvpagainc. 8. Make me heare thy mercie fo) in the morning : becaule 1 haue hoped in thee. (») In thefirft affault of tentation. Makethe way knowentome, whereinl may walke: (p) bccaufel haue lifted vp my foule to thee. (p; Seeing by thy grace I haue begun to pt ay vnto thee. 9. Deliuer me from mine enemies,o Eord, to thee I haue fled : 10. teach I me to doe thy wil, becaufe thou art my God. 1 ----------~ ' ÏUThy i^6__________________ T HE___ BO O K ThyJ.fXgOPd Ç trite wil conduit me into the right way : ii, for thv name iake,o Lord,thou wilt quicken me in thine equitie. (ÿ>The penitent thus humbling himfclfwand praying may alhircdly truft that God doth remitte his Hanes by tire holie Sacraments.and luftificthhim, protcctcth him, and wilbnnghnn out of al dangers of' fpiritual or temporal enemies. Thou wilt bring for. b my foule out ot tribulation:! a. and in thy mercie thou wilt deftroy mine enemies. And thou wilt deltroy al that affiiiimy feukt becaufe I am thy feruát. PSALME. K ing Dauid buifeth God ‘or hisvifto- I'hcS.key. CXLIII. The royal Prophet than/^eth God for al b.syiflorieSfC^poJTefsitn of the kingdom. $.sidminng Gods benignine towards man .'¡•fray eth lobe ftil defended ¡ron xZ enimies, 9. promiftth a new fong of prayfé , 11. dejiribeth the yamile o] worldlie men,l¡ .concluding that true filicine is inferuing God. i. APfálmeof Dauid, (a) againft Goliath, («) Becaufe this was Dauids firft ,and a very notable viftorie, the Septuagint In­ terpreters make mention of Goliath in this title. Lbssed be our Lord my God, who (A) teacheth my hands to battel, Band mv fingers to warre. (b,1 God made Dauid a warier, and viâorer againft Goliath , without anie former tra ining in armes. 1. My nier cie,and my refuge: my defender,and my dcliuerer. My prote ¿tour, and I haue hoped in him, who (c) fubdewethmy peo. pie vndprme. ( c) Made him afterwards King of a great people. Lord (d) what is man,that thou art ( e ) madeknowneto him’or the fonrie of man, (/) that thou efteemeft him? ( « ) Al mankind was vnworthie before Chrift, (e) that God should be reuealcd vnto them, (f? efpccially tha- he should haue care of the progenie of men,alter their finne. 4; (r) Man is made like to vankie:his dayespafTe asa fhadow. Indeed man in himfclf,in his owne nature and trailtic, is but avaine and tranfitorre Creature , palling from lire to death , as a shadow that can uot confit.of itfelfe,neither can man without God. (b) Lord indine thy heauens, and defcend:touchthe mounts) nes,and they wilfmoke. fb; By a poetical defcription he prayeth for Godshelpe, as if God should nuke the heauens to bow,andfodcfcend;or make the mountaines fmokc,as when Moyfes receiucd thelawjor declare himfelf by Meteors,as foloweth: 6. Lighten lightning, and thou shalt di'.pcrfe them : shoote outxhine arrowes,and thou shalt deftroy them. 7. Send forth thy hand from on high,take me out, and deliuer me from manie(i) watersrfrom the hand ot children (/) lirangers. (i) Tribulations orientations. (k) Children of the Church, (I) butofeuil life. 8. Vv hofe __________________ OF PSALME_________________ 257 I 8 .Whofe mouth hath fpôken (mi vanitie:and thcr right hand is the right , hand of iniquitic. (m) They fptakc in vanitie that promife to keepe Gods law,and perform: it not. 9.0 Godi wil ling to thcc anew Tong : in (n) the pfaltcr of ten firings, I wil fingto thee. (n) In that principal inftruntent.apt for a new fon g, and for extraordinarie benefits. 10. Who giueft faluation to Kings: who halt redccmcdDauidthy feniani from the malignant fword:ii deliuerme. And refeue me out ofthe hand of (o) children ftrangers, whofe mouth hath fpoken vanitic:and their right hand,is the right hand of i ni quit ie. (o) Bo.h lewes & Criftians that iiuc not wcl, arc as ftrangers tliat frame to thernfc.ues Cucir a fiilfc felici: tc, as is herede ferì bed.: making riches or worldlie pleafurcs their God. * tranr WiijTAñon. n.Whofe Tonnes,arcas-new plants in their youth. Their daugthersxomely trimmed ¡decked about after the fimilitudcof a a temple. ij.Their ftorc-houfes ful,flowing cut of this into that. Their ewes ful of yong,abounding in their going forth: 14. their oxen arc fatte. There is no ruine of wal, nor * paflagc.nor crie in their ffreets. 15 Theyhauefaid,thatit is ahappiepeople, which hatnthefe things:Q>) bicifed is the people,whofe (^) God is our Lord. (p) True happines confift: th not in worldlic things, (j) But in preferring God before al. PSALME CX LI1II. God is.andfor euer ought to bepraifed, ; .forhis immenfiue infinite glorious Huleftie,meruelous roorps,merciful benefits forhis fowe¡-w¡fdom,iufí¡ce:l$.Tfho Gods Maicfti |excelleth al red reroar d the good and defray the reickfd. ¡thinas. Thcnkey. I. (<)Prayfing,toDauid himfelfe. (a ) By this title Efdras fignifieth that theHolie Ghoft.who indited al the Pfalmes to Gods praife,morc fpcciafiy in theft: feuen laft fugnefted toDauid, & by him to al Gods Cerna' ts,that al their otherferuice muft tend and be directed to the nraife of Godtand that therin we mjft continue , and finally reft , as in the ffobath ofthe feuenth day .lignified (asS.Bedafuppófcrh J bv thefe feuen laft Pfalmes of prayfe.eter nally praifijigonr Lord God.For which principal endbothAngels and Men,yea and al other creatures were made. " Wil exalt thee my God (¿j the Kingrandl wil blefie thy name (r)fcr Ieuer and (J) foreuer. (b) King is the proper epitheton of Chrift,hhe Sonne of God, to whom,in his humanitie.God 'he Father promifed the Church of al nations for bis kingdom. Pfal. a. i 1 whom alfo the whole Blcll-d Trini tie is praifed .‘(c) Al the time of this world thev prayfe God,(d & after in eremitic. 2.Euerie day wil I bielle thee : and wil prayfe thy name foreuer, and for euer and euer. 1 om. 2. I i t.Great _________________ THE___ B O Q K________________ •$. Great is our Lord and exceeding laudable, and of his greatnes there is no end. 4. Generation and generation ihal prayfe thy works: and they shal pro­ nounce thy power. y.They shalfpeakethe magnificenceofthe glorie ofthy holines:andshal ') of al words: and thy dominion in al generation and generation. (h] Ch ri (Is kingdom the militant Church is magnificai,but much more the trium­ phant which is eternal. 14, "Our Lord is faithful in al his words,and holie in al his works. 15.Our Lord (i) lifteth vp al that fai: and fetteth vp al that arc bruifed. f-ij God is readme of his panto lift vp al. j 6.The cies of al hope in thee,o Lord.and thou giueûtheir meate in time conuenient. 17. Thou opened thy hand: and filleft (/-J euerie lining creature with blcffing. (k) He giueth neceflarie things to alliuing creatures,euen to brute beafts. 18. Our Lord is iuft in al his waves: and holie in al his workes. ip. OnrLordisnecretoal that inuocatchim ; to althatinuocatehimin , truth. ■ ao.He wil doe-the wil of them that feare him, and wil beare theirprayer, , and faue them. I ai.Our Lord keepcth al that loue himtand he wil deftroy al dinners. •2. a.My mouth shal fpeake the prayfe of our Lord: and let al flesh bit fie his holie name for eucr,and for euer and euer. I ANNO- OF PSALM ES. ANNOTATIONS. *59 ! PSALME CXLIIII. I. Wil exalt thee. ) As thisPfalmc is the fit ft oLthe feuen ,-which contevnc mere particular inftrudion of perpetually praifing God:fo it is the feuenth of thofe,which arc compofed in order of the Alphabetic wit, then. ito. tn. 118. and this 144.0. which thethrcc former want fome letterstiignitying asCafsiodorus interpteteth) fuch in Gods Church,as ling his prayfes , but with fome imperfeftions: the other fourehaue the perfeft Alphabet,lignifying thofe’, that fingGods praifes v: ith perfeft deuotion. Which only foure S. lerom calleth Alphabetical Pfalmes. EyiriadPaulam Prbicam,^ Lamini.¡erem. 14.Our Lord ir faithful.This verfe is not now in the ordinarie Hebrew text,and therforc either the fame is defedtiue, or cis this Pfalme should feeme not to be con.pofed with a perfect Alphabet in the fountaine tongue.For here it wanreth the letter Nun. But feeing S.Icrom counteth this one of thefonre Alphabetical Pfalmes , omitting the other three, which-conlsft of vnperfed Alphabets , it is very probable that tins verfe was once in the Hebrew text, as it is both tn Grckc & Latin. Whcrby amongft other places appeaœth , that there is no certaintie to corred thcGrcke or Latin Bible by the Hebrew,which is now cxxant;but rather by them,that maybe fupplicd, which the Hebrew wanreth. PSALME CXLV. Tie Pfalmifl exetteth himfelfe,end al others to praife Godfor bis ftngular regard, S'- providence of al that truft tn him: shewing that nntber Princes,nor other men are able to help, 5. but God can and doth continually relieve al forts of necefsities. I. Alleluia (4) of Aggæusand zacharie. Thefeuen laft Pfalmes pcrtcyne more fpccialiy to prayfes. This Pfalme and other fix are compofcd in order of th< Alphabet, lit is probable Ithatthe Heibrewtext jnow wanteth ¡a verfe in this Pfalme. And therfore is not more certaine then the Greke orLatin. (a) TheScptuagint added the names of thefe twoProphets, for the likeieafonas as they added lercmie, Pfal. 1 jS. becaufe Aggæus and Zachariasprophccying in the reduftion of the people from captiuitie,exhorted them,as here the Pfaimift doth. to truft in Gods Prouidcnce^nd preferrehis feruicc be torre world lie cares. 1. \ 4 Y foule prayfethou our Lord , I wil prayfeour Lord in my life: IVI 1 wjl fing t0 niy God as ]ong as I (hai be. A1 are exhortée io praife God & truft in his Put not confidence in Princes : 3. in j the Tonnes of men: in w bom allured f-rou:there is no Taluation, dence. In one Sonne ot ManfChriftJ is fahiation (faith S.AuguftinJand in him,not be­ The j. key. (i) caufe he i s the fonne ofman,but becaufe he is the Sonne ot God. 4. His fpirit (nal goc forth, andhe lhal returne into (c) his earth : in that day al their cogitations ihal perish. (cjHe faith not that thefpiritor foule shal turne imo the earth , butthe foule shal depart irom the bodic,"and fo eueric one (in whom vorldlie men put their trvft, shal according to die bodic,returnc into his earth. 5. E!eCcd is hc,wholc helper is the God oflacob, his hope in our Lord his God:6.who made heauen and earth,the fea,and al things thatarein thé. 7. Which keepeth truth lor euer, doth iudgement for them that fuffer wrong: giueth foode tothehungrie. Our Lord loofeth the fettercd:8.our Lord illuminateth the blind. Our Lord lifteth vp the bruifed,our Lord loueth the iuft. p.Our Lord keepeth ftrangers,the pupil and widow he wil receive : and the wayes offinners he wil deiiroy. lo.OurLotd wil teigne for euer thy God,oSió,in generatici & generatio, j i PSALMËS- 260 THE BOOK PSALME ÇXLVI. Gods excellcn- God if alfo to be praifedby bis peculiar people, for particular benefits, 4. çr for bis Icic in creating omnipotent power, tvifdom , goodnes, tn creating and governing this viole ¡and governing Vorld, I r. and moflfpecial benignitietevards ¡bofe that truft tn him. I the world. 1. Alleluja. The 1. key. V)RA yse ye our Lord becaufe Pfalme(4)is good : to our God let there Vbepleafant and comelie praife. (a) Icisgood-to fingPfalmes of praife to God. 2. Our Lord building vp lerufaiem : (t) wil gather together the difperfions of LfraeL (4) A prophecieofthereftauraxion of lerufaiem after the captiuitie. 3. Who {c, hcaleththe contrite of hart r-and bindeth vp their fores. (c) Remitteth finnes to the penitent. 4.Who(d)nubreththe multitude of ftarres:& (e)giueth names to the al. ( d j Befides experience of eueric one that shal behold the firmament in a cleere night,the holicScripturefGen. i-j.v.f.) sheweth, that the ftarres are innumerable toman. For albeit Ptolomey and other A ftronomers numbretli certaine more noto­ rious ftarres, which fcrue cfpecially for fome knowledge in the feience of Aftrono. mie, nutnbring jxy.fuch in theZodiach; j tt'.in the South part therof; and the North part, which are in al lois.Yet al ackowlcdgc that no man can comeneere to anic probable conieiture of the whole number, noris able to attuine anie perfeft knowledge of their natural influences , and fpecial proprieties. And therfore the Pfalmift propofeth here the admirable and vnfearchable knowledge of God: who both moft exaftly knoweth the number, ( «) and fo pcrfeftly their nature, that his diuinc Omnifcience giuethxo eueric ftarre a proper name,accoi ding to their fingular differences and proprieties. 5. Great is our Lord, and great is his ftrength : and ofhis wifdom there is no ( f ) number. (f) Things fubicift to Gods knowledge and wifdom arc innumerable. 6 .Our Lord receiuing themeckc:8c humbling finners eue to the-ground. 7. Sing yeto our Lord in confcilion : fing ye to our God on harpe. 8. Who (g) couercth the heauen with clouds : and prepareth rayne for the earth. (g) Al thefe and the like benefits doe shew Gods incomparable greatnes,wifdom, and goodnes. Who bringeth forth grafie in the mountaines : and herbe for the feruiceofmen. 9. Who giucth to beads their food : and to (¿) the yongrauensthat cal vpon him. (I>) Both facredand prophane attfhours tefti fie, that rauens feeing their yong ones, either without tethers, or to haue whitish vnlikc to theirs , asfufpeâing that they .arc not their ownc birdcs, but of fome other .kind, Icaue them deftitutcof meatei therforeGod the authourof nature, apd conferucr of al kindes of creaturct, by his fpecial pro’.tidcncc, feedeth them : either by a certaine dew hanging licere them in xheayrc ,as ifidonisfuppofethjorby Gtle beafts,orflyes, fent by Gods prouidencc. which theycatching into their mouths,arc nourished and brought vp as b. Chryfoft teariicth,fcr.inHcHam ; or by what other meanesfocuer,al agree that yong racens are neolc&cd by their parents,and arc fed mcrucioufly by Gods ordinance; by which example the Pfalmift sheweth , that much mure God hath careof men : efpecially of iuch men 'faith's. Chrifofton-. as honour him with hymnes and praifes, whom alfo Ho. in hun, he hath called to be his peculiar people,and his owne portion or inheritance, jo. He Pfabn. OF 261 PSALME S. 10. He inai no: haue pleasure in the ftrength of an horfe : nor in the legges of a man shal he be wel pleated. 11. Our Lord is wel pleafed toward them that feare him : and in them that hope vpon his merde. PSALME. CXLV li. Gods proui- dígame God is to be praifed for bis goodnes towards bis peculiar people, 4. yea dcnce efpecially covarci» towards al the world: buttnofl aboundantly towards bis Church, 1. the Church. The 6. key. Alleluia. /"A 1'4) lerufalem praife our Lord: praife thy God, o Sron, The Hebrew’s '0' (a) lerufalem in the latter parrot Dauids time, al the tunc of Salomon, ioynethis and part of other Kings rcignes til the captiuitie,had peace & profpered. Againc Pfalme with after th: captiuitie, the Citie vas repared, the Temple reedified, and the vhole land the precedent. receiued and cnioyed manie bleftings But al this was no more then a figurcofthe excellent benefits here prophecied, andanorccuidently verified in Chrifts Catholike Churchtpartly here militât in the vhole world,& efpecially in the glorious lerufalc, and Sion, the perfect sifionof peace,and contemplation of God in eternal lite. 2. Bccaufc he (¿) hath iïrengthned the locks of thy gates : he (cy haih blefled thy children in thee, (i; In companion of other cities and peoples of the world , the- gates’of lerufalem vere ftrongly fenfed, ( < ) and thecitizens blelfcd : much more the Church of Chrift is built vpon a furcrock,her faithful children indued with al fpiritual graces; and moft ofal, heauen it-fclfc is free from al danger of calamine,and the Saints are moft feettre & moft happie , enioying eternal fruition of God. ;. Who/ d) hath fet thy borders peace : and filleth thee with of corne (e ) the fat (d) Hath giuen peace in thy borders,(e) and the very beft corne,and al other fruits; vine,oyle,milke, honey, and the reft. Allegorically in theChurch , reconciliation vith God,by remi iron of finnes,& peace of confcicnce,in the Sacra met» of Baptifme & Penance ; vith the moft fpiritual food of Chrifts Bodie & Bloud iu the Eucharift, and graces of other Sacraments. In heauen moft aftured peace and ioy w ithout end. 4. Who fendeth forth fwiftly. )(hisfpeach to the earth : his word ) runneth (f; This perteyneth moft fpecially to Tuan geli cal dottrine, preached (g ) and quickely receiuedin althc world. Rom. 10. v. 18. c. Who giueth (h) fnow as wool: fcatereth (i) miff as aihes. (fi; Snov nourished the earth , making it varme by Antipcriftafis , as is euident in natural Philofopliie, (i) and noyfome ayre is changed into clecrc veather In the Church by penance & autiere life men are purged from finnes and rices, euil fpirits arc alfo driucn avav. If vour finnes shal bcasfcarlct, they shal be made white as fnc';.",and if they be reddeas vermilion,they shal be white as wool.Ifaie i.v.iS. 6. Hecafteth (kJ his cry ítalas monels : before the face ofhiscoldf/) who fnal endure? fk) Tea fome that arc hardned in finnes , as yfc or chryftal, shal be melted, bro­ ken, or made fitte to be ingrafted in Gods Church So S.Pcter was admonished by a vifionf Act. 10.V.13. jto ki'l and eate.Otherwifc without Gods grace giuing remorlc and forow,no man can ouercomc his owne vices. 7. He (m) shal fend forth his wor’d, and shal melt them : ( n ) his fpirit shal blow,and(o) waters shal flow. Ii 3 \ m j But 262_________________ THE BOOK fm) But Gods word preached, (n) and his grace touching mens harts,(0) innume­ rable are conuerted. 8. Who dcclareth his word to (p) lacob .• his iuilices and judgements to Ifrael'. The Church only enioyeth thefe fpiritual benefits. 9. He hath not done in like manner to anie nation : and his iudge-! mentshe hath notmademanifeftto them, (r) Alleluja. (<¡ j Confidering that al man kind was in the mafie of finne, and that God letteth manie uifily perish,thofe to whom he giueth his grace to iuftification , arc fpecially bound to praifehim. (rj And thcrfore.thcProphct concluderli this Pfalnac, and the refi .olowing, with Alleluia. PSALME CXLVIII., Our Creor our to be praifcd vXZ creatures fpiritual and corporal, are nutted io praife God,their Creatoicr and hvoi creatures. Conjeruer, < 3 . m incomparably excellent.. The i.key. I; Alleluia.. R a y s a ye our Lord ( a ) from the heauens : praife ye him in the Phigh places. («) À1 ye heauenlie fpirits praife God for the exccllencieof your nature. 2. Ptayfe ye him al his Angels: prayfe ye him (b) al hishofrs; And for your innumerable multitude. 3. Pray 1 e ye him (c)funneand moone:prayfe him al ye frarres,and light. (c) alcreaturcs, wantingfenfcor reafon, shew torth theMaicftieand excellende ■of their Creatour. 4. Prayfe him ye heauens of heauens: and the waters thatare aboue the heauens, 5. let them praife the name of our Lord. Becaufe he.fayd,and they were made: he commanded,and they were created. 6. Heeftablished themfor euer, and for euer and euer : he put a precept, and it ihal not paife. 7. Pray le our Lord from the earth : ye dragons,and al depths. 8. Fyre,baile,fnow, yfe, fpirit of ftormes : which doe his word; 9. Mountaines, andai litle tails : trees that beare fruit, andai ceders. io.-Beafts,and al cartel; ferpents,.and fethered foules: •it. (d) Kingsof the earth,& al pcoples:Princes,and al iudgesofthe earth. (d) Againc God is tobe praifcd. for the diuerfitic of fiâtes jamen, wheibythe whole communitis is confcrued & gouerned. 12. Yong men and virgins : old with yong let themprayfe the name of our Lord: 13 becaufe t he name of him (e) alone is exalted. (e) Godonly,& no falfe imagined God made & difpofed al things in order. 14. The contcilion of him aboue heauen and earth-, and he hath exalted (/) the home of his people. (f) More efpecially for that God hath fo fortified his Church. An hymne to al his (£-) faints : tothe children of Ifrael apeople (A) approching vnto turn; (t) Alleluia. (y ) SanÀified children, f i>) that by grace and free wil, which hegiutth them, approch vnto him.(i,AlthisconfidCrcd the Pfalmift concluding with Alleluia,inuiteth al to praife our Lo-d. PSA IME. OF PSALME S. PSALME 4ÓJ CXLIX. The church is mojí fnrularl) hound to praife God, 4. for the grate ,fanRitie, yiHorce,glorie,-¡.and iudutalpower, wbicbhegiuetbto hu Saints. I. Alleluia. çIng yeto our Lord a new fong: let his .pray fc be in (<) the Church Uof faints. The Chord» muft euer praife God. The 6. key. (a) God our Lord whom al creatures are bound to praife , only accepted» thofe mens praifes,that Hue in his holie Church. 1. Let Ifrael be ioyful in him, that made him : and let the children of Sion .reioyce in their King. j. Let them praife his name in quire : on rymbrel and pfalter let them fing to him. 4. Becaufe our Lord is wel pleafcd in his people : and he wil exalt the meckevnto faluation. 4. The faints ihal reioyce in ¿lorie : they shal be ioyful in (hf) their beds. (4) Eternal reft. 6. The(c) exaltationsofGodintheirthrote:and(¿) two edged fwords in their hands. (c) Higheft praifes of God shal becontinually vttered by Saints in glorie: forili] as praifes-pafle by their tongs and mouths, more like praifes shal fucceede from their throtc, and hartie affeftion, fo out ofthe aboundance of the harttheir mouth shal ftil fpeake Gods praife. (dj Glorified Saints shal alfo haue iudiciarie power. Firft,al i:i generaLshal like and approue Gods iuftice in punishing the wicked. Se­ condly, the wicked shalbciuftly condemned in compariteti of thcblciTcdywhopcflcd through and ouercaiji°thc likc.yca and greater tribuíanos and tentations then thofe InPfal. by « hich the damnée Vere ouercome.Thirdly .certainemore excellent Saints,namely the Apoftles andai thofe that forfakingpreprietie of temporal goods,giue that they l'LÌ.V. haue the noore,as feme religious Orders docjorinto aC on.muniticas the Apoftles, xur.l?. and manic primitiueChrift»ansdid(Mat.4.v so.cap. tj.v a?. Aft. 4,v. 34.1. Cor.6. V. }.)shal-fi', in iudgement feats,affefToriciudges withChrift , and iudge thofe that ho in render account of wel or euil fpending the temporal lands cr goods, which they pofT^tt. S feiTcdin this world. So teach S. Angultir..S.Ierom,S.Bcda,andothcrs. Htned. 7. To doe reuenge inthe nations : chaftifements among the peoples. 8. Tobindethcir Kings in fetters: and their nobles in yron manicles. 9. That they may docin them theiudgcmentthatis(e} written: (f) this glorie is to al h'ts taints. Alleluia. (•_) Decreed by God. (/] This iudicial power is part of Saints glorie. PSALME CL. God ahfolutelj mof excellent is to he praijed, 5. with alforuof inf rument s, and God moft ex­ cellent and Lj al other meanes. moil laudable. ■ Thcfirft key. j. Alleluia. Dr ay s e ye our Lord (4 ) in his holies : pray fe ye him in (h) the fir* marnent of his itrength. >; Al a*4 TH E BOOK («) Al ye Angels and men that arc in the holie andhigheft heauen praife our Lord. fi)Al ye creatures thatarcin andvnderthcfirftmoueable firmament, praife our Lord. i. Prayfe ye him in (c) his powers : prayfe ye him (■ By the way thePfa’.mift interpofeth againe two efpecial things , which mike per.'eâ harmonie ,« ithout which no inltrumcnt-is grateful toGod : Vnitie amorgft hisferuants, lignified by the Quire of confonant voices : (h) and mortification ot pafsions,lignified by Strings, which are made of dead beafts bowels. 5. Prayie ye him.on wel founding cimbals : prayfe ye him on cymbals ofiubilation: 6. let euerieff) fpiritprayfe our Lard. Alleluia. (i)Man created of corruptiblebodieand immortal foule, is finally admonished to praife our Lord,ouer and aboue thepraifes of al other corporal creatures; who alfo is morecfpecially bound therto then Angels,becaufe God hath vnutfafféd tomaie bimfelfc nnn,to redecme man that was loft by finne, endow him with new grace, and fo bring him to eucrlafting gloiie, wherewith holic Angels men alfo for euer & euer shal praife our Lord,with hart,voice, and iubilation of fpirite , fingingas the. Pfalreift concluderli,Alleluia. ANNOTATIONS. PSALME CL. S.Auguftin inthe condufion x>f his Enarrations or Sermons vpon the Pfalmes, cxplicateth a myftcriein the number of an hundred and fiftie, figniryingthc concord ofthe two Teftámenu.For in the old teftament they kept the Sabbath , which is the feuenth day: in the new we keepe our Lords day , afterthe fabbath.that is.thc eight: which feuen and eight (.making fifteen j multiplied by un, fignifying the Law of ten commandments,rife vnto 1 to. Againe,feuen multiplied by feuen make 4 p.wherro one ( to wit the eight ) being added make fiftie, which multiplied by three, fignifying the B.Trinitrc, make 1 jo. Neitherfeemed it without caufe to this great Doftour, that the firft fiftie end with a Three fifties Pfalme of Penance ,crauing mercie & rcmifsion of finn es : the fécond wiihMcrcic& Rgnifie Iuftice,whichGod ioyneth in the Redemption,luftification, and Sahiation of men: Penance. the laft withDiuine Praifes, fignifying, that by condemning finnes in ourfelues, Mucic throughGods mercie wemay be iuftified , andfobegin in tisis life , which istobe vitliiuftiee, pcrfctìcd in the next, to prayfe our Lord , asS Paul admonisheth with Pfalmes, fo/Zo/1. «ml Prayfes of Hymnes,audSpiritual Songs.Concluding with the two verfes , appointed by S.Da- 3. Circa Gal. mafus Popc,tobeadded in theend ofal Pfalmes,and is obferued eucrfince histime An. T>0' by tradition inthe whole Church. I So. Gloria Patri Glorie to the Father, and to the Sonne, and to the Hol ic Ghofi.’As it was added by tra­ in thebeginning, and now,and euer,into worlds of worlds. ( in eternine dition. I’falmes flguificth the •‘trement of llie old and new Tefta­ ment. w.tboutend. ) Amen.