[The Copyright ix reserved.] NOTES ON DOCTRINAL AND SPIRITUAL SUBJECTS. BY FREDERICK WILLIAM FABER, D.D rirntST or tub oratory or st. miLir neri. “ Defunctus adhuc loquitur."—ΗΛ. xi. 4. VOL. I. MYSTERIES AND FESTIVALS. SIXTH EDITION. LONDON: BURNS & OATES. Limited. NEW YORK. CINCINNATI, CHICAGO BENZ1GER BROTHERS TO ANNE, DUCHESS OF ARGYLL, Gbeec Volumes ARK RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED IN REMEMBRANCE OF HER FRIENDSHIP FOR THE AUTHOR AND WITH A GRATEFUL SENSE OF HER MANY KINDNESSES TO THE CONGREGATION OF THE ORATORY. PREFACE. During the two years which have elapsed since Father Faber’s death, the question has been frequently asked, whether any manuscripts had been left by him for publication. Although no completed works were found among his papers, it has been thought advisable that a selection should be made from them, and published in continuation of the works which have already appeared. The extensive circulation to which his writings have attained in England, and still more upon the continent, seemed to warrant the hope that the publication of such of his manuscripts as would admit of it would be welcome to those who have found in his former works a source of spiritual profit. The contents of these volumes have consequently been selected from a large mass of miscellaneous papers. It is not, however, without some diffidence that the results of the selection are now published, as they consist entirely of notes, which in their present form were not meant to be made public. They have viii PREFACE. been left for the most part in the unfinished state in which they were found : as it has been thought bettor to let them appear incomplete than to give them another form by alterations which might expose the Author's meaning to misinterpretation. They will be judged, not by themselves alone in their fragmentary character, but in connection with the many complete and finished volumes which were published in the Author's lifetime. The notes are of two kinds,—those which were made by the Author in preparation for his sermons or lectures, and those which contain materials for works intended for publication. With regard to the latter, it was his custom to cast in several forms, each advancing a step nearer to completion, the works which he proposed to publish, and to keep them by him, sometimes for years, before he sent them to the press. The notes of the treatises on the Holy Ghost and Calvary, which are included in the present volume, were prepared six years before his death, but, with the exception of a few pages of Calvary (p. 223), no further progress was made. If they do not present the attractions of a finished work, they give at least the outlines of it, and the form in which he meant to treat it. The arrangement of subjects which was adopted by the author in his volume of Hymns has been followed as nearly as was practicable. Of the seven Parts which make up the whole Collection, three are pub­ lished in this volume : the first, treating of God, His PREFACE. Attributes, and the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity ; the second, of the Sacred Humanity of Jesus, including the Mysteries of the Passion ; and the third, of our Blessed Lady and the Saints. The second volume will contain the fourth and fifth parts, re­ lating to the Church, the Sacraments, Controversy, and the Spiritual Life, together with the sixth, which is of a miscellaneous character, concluding with the seventh, which treats of the Four Last Things and Purgatory. A column has been added to the table of contents, for the purpose of giving, when it could be ascertained, the date of each sermon. With a few exceptions they were all preached in the Church of the Oratory, at King William Street, Strand, from 1849 to 1853, and at Brompton after that date. It only remains to say a few words concerning the object of the present work. It is intended to serve as a collection, wherein may be found considerations in a short form upon the chief Mysteries of the Faith and the Spiritual Life, and from which religious com­ munities and those engaged in missionary labour may draw materials for meditation and instruction. To many it will be interesting as an illustration of the methods of thought and work which were habitual with Father Faber : and it is believed that those who heard his sermons with pleasure and profit, will be glad to have some record of them, however imperfect; while those whose privilege it was to live within the circle of his love will rejoice that his words should not x PREFACE. be lost, but should continue the work of increasing upon earth the love and honour of Almighty God, our Blessed Lady, and the Saints, which he strove so successfully to promote. John E. Bowden. The Ora tort, London, Feast of the Purification, Eighteenth Anniversary of the English Oratory, i860. CONTENTS. part S. GOD AND THE MOST HOLY TRINITY. SECTION I. THE DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. FAGS 3 5 7 8 10 12 14 18 ao ai aa J'S usn XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XV11I. VIAU The Three Epochs of the Holy Trinity ............. 1858 The Spirit of Adoration. Trinity Sunday ... 1853 Devotion to the Omnipotence of God .............. i860 The Delight of the Incomprehensibility of Ood ... i860 The Preparations of the Divine Works. Chrütmas Eve ..................... 1854 The Mercy of God ................................................. God Who is rich in Mercy. Featl of the Preciou» Blood ..................... i860 The Mercies of God .................... The Divine Forbearance ..................... ... 1856 God’s Patience with us .................................. —■ ■ “Knowest thou not that the benignity of God leadeth thee to penance?” Fourth Sunday of Lent ..................... 1863 “ The bruised reed He shall not break, and smoking flax He shall not quench ”......................... 1861 God our Father............................................................. ........... The joy of being the property of God ............... 1856 God’s love of single souls ............................................ The strangeness of God’s love for us ........... ....... “Be not deceived : God is not mocked " ........... 1861 God so little loved ................................................. ........... CONTENTS. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. More for God. Low Sunday Will you coine to God now? ... A taste for God...................... Our home in God .......... ΤΒΛΒ ... i86t — -----... 1859 ... i860 PAOR 37 39 41 43 SECTION IL ΠΙΚ BOLT OHOST. I. The Holt Ghost...................................... Chap. I. The Procession of the Holy Ghost II. The Holy Ghost and creatures III. The Holy Ghost and Jesus IV. The Holy Ghost and the Soul ... V. Devotion to the Holy Ghost ... II. Pentecost ................................................. HI. God a God of Fire...................................... IV. Docility to the Holy Ghost ............... ............... ................ ................ ................ >857 i860 1858 1857 47 55 70 78 87 toi «03 »°5 part δΠ. THE SACRED HUMANITY OP JESUS. SECTION I. ODB BLESSED LOUD. I. Π. III. IV. V. VI, VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. Advent Meditatione ............................................... 1848 Christmas Day................................................................... 1855 Chrietmae Day. For the children......... i860 New Year’s Eve................................................................... 1849 The Epiphany. Arundel ........................................1861 The Epiphany the Feast of Converte ........... 1856 The Epiphany............................................................... 1849 Feast of the Name of Jesus............................................1855 Devotions for those who wish to lead an interior life, in honour of the Eighteen Hidden Years of Jesus .................................................................... 1852 The Person of Jesus Christ. Spanish Place ... 1848 Our Lord’s choice of Poverty........................................ 1852 Poverty the choice of Jesue........................................ 1849 Our Lord’s Prayer ................................................... 1857 in 114 1x6 117 119 120 121 123 124 126 127 129 130 CONTENTS. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVI1L XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. The Mystery of Jesus being thought mad The Weariness of Jesus at the well .............. Easter Sunday ................................................. The Victory of the Resurrection......................... The Easter joy of Jesus ..................................... “ Die» quam fecit Dominut ” .......................... The Resurrection a Mystery of calmness Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi ... The Lent Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament The Lent Quarant' Ore ............ The Sacred Heart ................................................. The Sacred Heart. London Perpetual freshness of Jesus .......................... The Life of Jesus a Life of love ......................... Our Lord's love of us ...................................... "Come unto Me all ye that are weary.” Ex­ potition .................. The Tears of Jesus................................................. Without Jesus iu the World. Ezpotition * * There is now therefore no condemnation to to them that are in Christ Jesus ” The first sight of the Face of Jesus. Exposition xiü 1850 — 1855 1849 i860 1861 »854 i860 1856 »855 185» 1848 »857 ■ 1861 131 •33 »34 «35 »37 »39 »43 ■45 «47 «49 «5° * *5 «53 «55 *56 .856 »854 «856 *57 »59 160 i860 1856 16a 163 SECTION II. THE PASSION. L Oalvart ................................................................. »857 Chap. 1. The Passion ; its historical, doctrinal, and mystical character . II. The Excess of the Passion .......... HI. The Bodily Pains .................................... IV. The Mental Sufferings ...................... V. The Shame.............................................. VI. Outward demeanour and inward Die­ positions ..................................... *89 VII. The Solitariness .................................. VIH. The Circle of Evil................................... IX. His Divinity in the Passion .............. X. The Spectators of the Passion ............... XI. The Shadows of Calvary........................ XII. The Abyss ............................................. «69 »75 »79 «®4 »93 »97 ■«* CONTENTS. γλοκ aa^ 23a 241 245 246 248 250 254 256 260 262 264 266 ÎH *n TK Π. Calvary, Chap. I. beginning of ........................... 1859 1Π. Meditatione on the Crucifix ...................................... IV. Our Lord's Innocence. Lent................................... 1861 V. The Face of Jesus .............................................. »859 VI. The Desertion of the Apostles. Paetion Sunday ... 1861 VIL Judas .............................................................................. VIII. “His Blood be upon us and upon our children.” Lent ........................................................................... 1861 IX. “He saved others: Himself He cannot eave.'' Lent ......................................................................... 1861 X. Our Blessed Lord’s complaints in His Passion. Lent ...............................................................................1861 XI. Our Blessed Lord bowing His Head upon the Cross. Passion Sunday ........................................................1863 XII. The Passion our devotionthe whole year round ... 1854 XIII. The Legacies of Jesus. London .......................... 1848 XTV. Setting up the Stations ............................................. 1854 XV. The Pain of Jesus from our little devotion to His Passion. Lent .................................................... 1861 XVI. The Seven Journeys ................................................... ............ XVH. The Five Trials of Jesus .................................................... part IEÎ. OUR BLESSED LADY AND THE SAINTS. SECTION I. OÜR BLESSED LADY. i mm3 Devotion to Mary the great gift of Jesus. May ... i86x Mary the Mother of Sinners................................................ Mary the safety of souls. Islington ................ 1853 Dependence on Mary. Lent............................................ 1856 More love of Mary ................................................... i860 Mary magnifying God................................................... 1859 Mary the likeness of God ................................... 1859 The Delight of God in the Perfections of Mary. Octave of the Immaculate Conception ............... 1859 IX. The Immaculate Conception. Triduo and Feast ... 1854 1. The Mother and the Son ... ............... 2. The Mother and her many Sons ............... 3. The Mother of the Immaculate Queen 4. The Immaculate Queen ........................... I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. CONTENTS. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. Praying for Sinner·.May ..................................... i860 The Assumption ... 1851 The Assumption ....................... 1857 Rosary Sunday............................................................... 1851 ‘‘The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life." To the Enfante deMarie. Roehampton ............... 1851 XV. Memorials of Mary and her sixty-three yean ... -XVI. The Joys of our dear Lady .......... xv jot 304 305 307 308 309 31a SECTION IL THE SAINTS. I. Meditations on the Holy Angele .............. ... ----II. Motives for a peculiar affection towards our own dear Guardian Angel................................................ ........... III. Devotional practices in honour of our Guardian Angel ................................................................................... IV. St. Joseph ............................................................ ........... V. Meditations on St. Joseph : I. His seven Dolour· ... ... ·* ... a. Hi· seven Joy·................................... .. 3. Other considerations about him .......... VI. St. John the Baptist ................................................. 1849 VII. The Three Kings ................................................. i860 VIII. St. Thomas of Canterbury. Fulham ........... *848 IX. St. Charles. Bayswater ......................................tVbt X. Novena of St. Philip, x. Sketch of the Saint’s Life ......... ι859 a. The look of commonplaceness with such a supernatural life ............................. 3. His spirit of liberty..................................... 4. His reality ................................................. 5. His sphere ................................................. XI. First Vespers of St Philip ......................................i860 XII. St. Philip’s Day............................................................. »86* ΧΙΠ. St Francis Xavier. Church of the Immaculate Con­ ception, Farm Street .... ,857 XIV. The Fear of the Saint·........................................................ 3*5 3»5 S’? 33’ 332 389 335 336 338 360 363 3