SPIRITUALITY: Barbet - A Doctor at Calvary Benson - The Friendship of Christ Boylan: The Spiritual Life of the Priest This Tremendous Lover Crawley-Boevey - Jesus, King ofLove Escribano - The Priest at Prayer Fr. Faber: Allfor Jesus Bethlehem Growth in Holiness Notes on Doctrinal and Spiritual Subjects (2 volumes) Spiritual Conferences The Blessed Sacrament The Creator and the Creature The Foot of the Cross The Precious Blood Manning - The Eternal Priesthood Pesch - Our Best Friend (devotion to the Sacred Heart) Roche - A Bedside Book ofSaints Toth - The Great God: A Course ofSermons on the Divine Attributes Fr. Leo Trese: A Man Approved Tenders of the Flock Vessel of Clay Trevino - Rules for the Spiritual Life MORAL THEOLOGY: Connell - Outlines ofMoral Theology Halligan - The Administration of the Sacraments Mahoney - Priests' Problems (answers to moral, theological, rubrical, and other questions) McCarthy: Problems in Theology, vol. 1: The Sacraments Problems in Theology, vol. 2: The Commandments Davis: Moral and Pastoral Theology (in English, 4 volumes) Summary ofMoral and Pastoral Theology Reuter - Neo-Confessarius (great book on what advice to give various types of penitents) DOGMATIC THEOLOGY: Alastruey - The Blessed Virgin Mary (2 volumes, Mariology) Cardinal Billot: De Deo Uno et Trino De Immutabilitate Traditionis De Inspiratione Sacrae Scripturae De Novissimis De Personali et Originali Peccato De Sacramentis, vol. 1 De Sacramentis, vol. 2 De Verbo Incarnato De Virtutibus Infusis de Lugo, S.J. - Opera Omnia (8 volumes) Fearon - Graceful Living Kenrick - Theologia Dogmatica (3 vols., with emphasis on answering Protestant objections) Palmieri - Tractatus de Romano Pontifice cum Prolegomena de Ecclesia Pohle-Preuss Dogmatic Series (in English): God: Ilis Knowability, Essence and Attributes The Divine Trinity God: the Author ofNature and the Supernatural Christology Soteriology Mariology Sacraments, vol. 1 (in general, Baptism, Confirmation) Sacraments, vol. 2 (the Holy Eucharist) Sacraments, vol. 3 (Penance) Sacraments, vol. 4 (Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, Matrimony) Eschatology Van Noort: Vol. 1 - The True Religion Vol. 2 - Christ’s Church LITURGY: Anson - Churches, their Plan and Furnishing Britt - Dictionary of the Psalter (dictionary of the old psalter, explaining many obscure passages) Gihr - The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass Rituale Romanum (1947) O'Kane - Notes on the Rubrics of the Roman Ritual Schieler - The Theory and Practice of the Confessional MISCELLANEOUS: An Index of G.K. Chesterton Cavanaugh - Evidence for our Faith (apologetics) Darras - General History of the Catholic Church (4 vols.) Du Plessis - The Human Caravan: The Direction and Meaning ofHistory Hilkirt - Everybody Calls me Father (an amusing description of the parish priesthood) McGloin - I’ll Die Laughing (description of the Jesuit novitiate) Schulze - Manual ofPastoral Theology