An Index to G. K. CHESTERTON Edited, with an Introduction, by Joseph W. Sprug Preface by the Rev. James J. Kortendick, S.S., Ph.D. The Catholic University of America Press Washington, D. C. 20017 ©Copyright 1966, by The Catholic University of America Press, Inc. Library of Congress Catalog Card No.; 66-30169 Dedicated in Memory of Eugene P. Willging 19094965 Librarian of The Catholic University of America 1946-1965 v Preface The person of Gilbert Keith Chesterton has, perhaps, been most succinctly described by a French critic, M: Las Vargnas, as exuberant. If the term is expressive of the Chesterton anecdote and legend, of the genial Fleet Street personality, the voluminous figure in a great cloak and broad-brimmed hat, the "G.K.” who could be found in the pubs and chop houses improvising ballads with Belloc or tossing off essays, talking, gurgling with good humor—the term exuberant is even more appropriate to his intellect and style. This intellectual exuberance and his passionate desire for truth has been aptly described by Hilaire Belloc: Truth had for him the immediate attraction of an appetite. He was hungry for reality. But what is much more, he could not conceive of him­ self except as satisfying that hunger; it was not possible for him to hesi­ tate in the acceptance of each new parcel of truth; it was not possible for him to hold anything worth holding that was not connected with the truth as a whole.1 The comprehensiveness of his grasp of so many aspects of reality, the depth of his insight into them, and the clear light of his presentation, raise his total output above considerations of mere quantity to a high level of instrinsic significance. Chesterton has been quoted on a vast variety of topics, perhaps more than any other English writer in this century. He was a much greater literary figure than his current reputation would suggest, and also a much greater man, one from whom there is a good deal to be learned today. If, indeed, his works are not now as widely read, if we find fewer references to him in the quarterlies and in the new books, the reasons are likely to be found in the great diversity of his work and the unmanageability of this almost unbelievable range since there has existed hitherto no index to his writings. He was a social and political theorist, a philosopher and historian, a literary critic, a poet, a journalist, a biographer, a religious thinker, an apologist, a writer of fiction, and a notable wit. In a library or bookshop he must be hunted through shelves marked History, Biography, Travel, Criticism, Essays, etc. It is impossible to put him in any one literary slot, because he had so much to say in so many Ways about so many things. In an age of specialists, or authorities in particular subjects, or in type of literary form, we find ourselves less comfortable with the "universal man." Furthermore, in spite of the fact that he is one of the masters of English prose, his prose style causes some difficulties. It is not that his diversity results 'Hilaire Belloc, "Gilbert Keith Chesterton,” Saturday Review of Literature, XIV (July 4 ' 1936), 4. vii in diffusiveness—quite the contrary, the difficulty arises because he is so con­ centrated. Some pages toll along smoothly and easily. But mote are filled with sentences that capture in capsule form a complicated and memorable idea. One doesn’t read Chesterton quickly or settle for the drift of the thing. The phrases and sentences demand savoring, and jotting down for future references and rewards. Joseph Sprug, long a Chestertonian himself, and an indexer of authority and experience, has in producing this index to Chesterton performed a notable service. The task has been a most difficult one, coordinating the individual work of his graduate students and filling in the gaps by his own indexing of Chesterton items not covered by them. An even greater challenge is presented to the Chesterton indexer by the immense variety of subject matter, the originality of expression, the versatility of the man, his interests and allusions. The user of the index will do well to avail himself of the helpful suggestions given by the editor in his introduction. It is fondly hoped that this tool will be of service to the librarian, student, preacher, llterateur, author, critic, in the discovery or re-discovery of the gems of acute perception and expression so peculiarly and gloriously Chesterton, James J. Kortendick, S.S., Ph.D. Head, Department of Library Science viii Introduction Some years ago I started collecting a thesaurus of Chesterton quotations with the ultimate goal of making a Chesterton synthesis. I soon came to realize that it would first be necessary to make a complete index. In the early 1950’s the oppor­ tunity came to make good progress on the work: teaching indexing in the Department of Library Science of the Catholic University; the encouragement and promotion of the idea by Mt. Eugene P. Willging, Director of Libraries; and the approval and suppan of the project by the Rev. James J. Kortendick, Head of the Department, under whose guidance this work is now being published. The value of a synthesis can perhaps be stated best in a paradox: The best book Chesterton ever wrote hasn’t been written yet. Chesterton wrote far too much for all of it to be good. A synthesis would show what might have been if he had been less generous with demands on his talents. It is my hope that this index will serve as an effective instrument for the propagation of Chestertons thought and that ultimately it might be a useful tool in the development of a synthesis. Scope This index includes all of Chesterton's writings in book form from Greybeards (1900), to the most recent posthumous collection, The spice of life, pub­ lished in 1965. It attempts to include all significant references to persons, places, things, and ideas likely to prove of interest to the student or the user of Chesterton’s writings. Length, or brevity, of a passage is no criterion for inclusion; neither is literary form. No titles of chapters, stories or poems have been listed; neither have key words from any titles unless the key word were really of subject form or content. Fictitious characters have not been listed, but selected ideas from the novels, short stories and poems are indexed. at Play Method Standard subject terminology is used when possible, but sometimes a con­ cordance-approach had to be used. For example, material is listed under both FREEDOM and LIBERTY even though in many cases the terms are interchange­ able. Again, MANIACS will be found in the index, but this will be understood as Chestertonian rather than scientific usage. Related terms are associated by means of see also references. ix No "form” headings are used with the exception of PARADOXES, which are collected under this term, and they are also listed under the subject of the paradox. In making the index, more attention has been paid to abstract subjects than to proper names. In searching for a compound term made up of an adjective and a noun, the entry is usually under the noun. References to titles of works by other authors (Dickens, Scott, etc.) are listed under the author’s name; no cross reference is made from titles. American spelling has been used in the formation of entries. Inclusive paging is usually given; always when the subject covers more than two pages. Entries are arranged in dictionary rather than classified form. The advantages of classification ate obtained through a generous use of cross references. The dictionary arrangement provides for direct access to the most specific term. For example, look for "Epic" under EPIC and not under POETRY. Style Most of the entries are composed of heading, code letter representing the book tide, page reference, and modification or subheading. Modifications have been left out when the wording could not avoid being obvious, redundant, or when it was impossible to be both brief and specific. Words taken directly from the text have frequently been used as modifications. However, quotation marks were not used unless the author was using a word in some unusual sense. Not all references to countries will be found under the name of the country; in general, the practice followed in the formation of Library of Congress subject headings was followed: many subjects should be looked for directly, with the name of the country as a modification, and not vice versa. The words used in subheadings may suggest other main entries in addition to those suggested by the cross references. In many cases the terms in the modifica­ tions were chosen deliberately as leads to other subject headings. A thesaurus of synonyms may also be useful to evoke an evasive heading. Use Articles about GKC appear regularly in both scholarly and popular journals. References under his name can be found in the indexes to many books on many subjects. This index will be useful to anyone making a serious study of this important and prolific writer; for the literary, political and socio-economic history of the late Victorian and early 20th century periods; for the writer seeking an illuminarivp or provocative passage to support or enhance his own prose; for the Chestertonian who wants co return to some favorite passage. x There are many editions of some GKC titles; tn most cases there are at least two publisher’s editions. Variation in pagination is therefore a problem. Many libraries will have editions of Chesterton’s works which differ from the editions used in this index. However, it is not too difficult to locate such a reference by using the algebraic law of proportions.· the page number in the index is to x (the page number in the edition not used) as the total number of pages in the edition indexed is to the total number of pages in the edition not used. (The bibliography at the end of this introduction gives the pagination for the editions here indexed.) In many cases this can be worked out in a quick estimate: if an edition not used has 20 more pages than the edition here indexed, a page refer­ ence half way through the book would be found by adding 10 pages to the citation given in the index. A cknowledgments Over the years many hands and hearts and minds have merited my gratitude for their support, encouragement and assistance. I have already mentioned Fr. Kortendick and Mr. Wiliging. About ten years ago The Catholic University of America made a grant toward the interfiling of some 40,000 index cards. In 1965 a grant from the Association of College and Research Libraries of the American Library Association made possible the revision of the filing and a complete retyping of the original cards. Of the 91 titles indexed, 54 were done initially by the following able and talented graduate students: Rev. Arthur Brown (AB, ACD, CP, CT, SD), Elizabeth Cashman (EE, H, OS, UU, W), Anna Correia (AG, CT, GKC, SL, TT), Joseph Dagnese (CD, GBS, RB, RS, VA), Herbert Fockler (AP, CE, EA, SE), Joan LeVeque (AD, AT, DE, GW, VT), Sister M. Francesca McLaughlin (II, NJ, RR, WS), Rev. Rudolph Miller (AIS, AS, AV, CL, CM, SS), Sister M. Kevn O’Dowd (C, FA, TA, WB, WC), Rev. Robert Stack (CC, CDU, EM, OR, TC), and Lois Sperks (FF, FT, MM, UD, WA). Completion of this work in 1965 would not have been possible without the backing of the Administration of Loretto Heights College and the cooperation of the Library staff. I have been especially fortunate in having the assistance of Miss Sharon Murphy, a student in the College. Finally, it is both a sorrow and a privilege that this work is dedicated to the memory of Mr. Eugene P. Wiliging, both for his outstanding professional accomplishments and for a dose personal friendship. JCkSBPH W. SPRU6 Loretto Heights College 16 October 1965 xi Bibliography After each tide is given the code used in the index, publisher, date and pagination. For a list of titles arranged by the code letters see the end pages. Alarms and discursions (AD) New York, Dodd Mead, 1911- viii, 501 p. Alli survey (AS) London, Methuen, 1933. vi, 233 Ρ­ ΑΠ is grist (AG) New York, Dodd Mead, 1932. vi, 280 p. All things considered (AT) New York, Lane, 1909. vi, 295 p. The appetite of tyranny ( AP ) New York, Dodd Mead, 1915. 122 p. Appreciations and criticisms of the works of Charles Dickens (ACD) New York, Dutton, 1911- xxx, 243 p. As I was saying (AIS) London, Methuen, 1936. vi, 227 p. Autobiography (AB) New York, Sheed, 1936. vii, 360 p. Avowals and denials (AV) New York, Dodd Mead, 1935. viii, 237 p. The baU and the cross (B) New York, Lane, 1909. 403 p. The ballad of St. Barbara, and other verses (BSB) London, Palmer, 1922. 83 p. [only material not contained in CP] The barbarism of Berlin [same as The appetite of tyranny, q.v.] The Catholic Church and conversion (CC) New York, Macmillan, 1929.115 p. Charles Dickens, a critical study (CD) New York, Dodd Mead, 1910. 300 p. Chaucer (C) London, Faber and Faber, 1932. 302 p. Christendom in Dublin (CDU) London, Sheed, 1933. 99 p. The club of queer trades ( CQT ) New York, Harper, 1905. 269 p. CoUected poems (CP) New York, Dodd Mead, 1932. 391 p. The coloured lands (CL) New York, Sheed, 1938.238 p. xiii Come to think of it (CT) New York, Dodd Mead, 1931. xiv, 272 p. The common man (CM) New York, Sheed, 1950. vi, 279 p. The crimes of England (CE) New York, Lane, 1916.173 p. The defendant (DE) London, Dent, 1901. 171 p. Do we agree? ( DW ) London, Palmer, 1928. 47 p. The end of the armistice ( EA ) New York, Sheed, 1940. 224 p. The end of the Roman road (ED) London, The Classic Press, 1924.60 p. Eugenics and other evils (EE) New York, Dodd Mead, 1922. 246 p. The everlasting man ( EM ) London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1947. 320 p. Fancies versus fads (FF) New York, Dodd Mead, 1923· 274 p. Five types (FT) London, Humphreys, 1910.69 p. The flying inn (FL) London, Methuen, 1914 (1954) 283 p. Four faultless felons (FR) New York, Dodd Mead, 1930. 298 p. G. F. Watts (GW) London, Duckworth, 1904. viü, 174 p. G. K.C. asM.C. (GKC) London, Methuen, 1929. xxii, 273 p. Generally speaking (GS) New York, Dodd Mead, 1929- 291 p· George Bernard Shaw (GBS) New York, Lane, 1910. 249 p. The glass walking-stick (GL) London, Methuen, 1955. 190 p. Greybeards at play (GR) London, Sheed, 1930. xi, 102 p. A handful of authors (HA) New York, Sheed, 1953. 214 p. Heretics (H) New York, Lane, 1905. 305 p. How to help annexation (HH) London, Hayman, Christy & Lilly, 1918. 16 p. xiv The incredulity of Fr. Brown (INC) New York, Dodd Mead, 1926. 270 p. The innocence of Father Brown (INN) New York, Macaulay [copyright by Lane] 1911. 334 p. Irish impressions (Π) London, Collins, 1919. v, 243 p. The judgment of Doctor Johnson ( JJ ) London, Sheed, 1930. 91 pLeo Tolstoy (LT) London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1903. iv, 40 p. London (LN) [privately printed] 1914. 7-15 p. Lord Kitchener (LK) London, 1917- 31 p. Lunacy and letters (LL) New York, Sheed, 1958. 192 p. Magic (M) New York, Putnam, 1913. 88 p. The man who knew too much (MK) London, Cassell, 1923. 304 p. The man who was Thursday (MT) New York, Modern Library [1917] 281 p. Manallve (MAN) Nelson [t.p. missing] 383 p. A miscellany of men (MM) New York, Dodd Mead, 1912. xii, 314 p. The Napoleon of Notting Hill (NA) New York, Lane, 1906. 300 p. The new Jerusalem (NJ) New York, Doran, 1921. 307 p. Orthodoxy (OR) New York, Lane, 1909.299 pThe outline of sanity (OS) New York, Dodd Mead, 1927. v, 259 p- The paradoxes of Mr. Pond (PAR) New York, Dodd Mead, 1937. 231 p. The poet and the lunatics (PL) London, Cassell, 1929- 281 p. The Queen of seven swords ( QSS ) New York, Sheed, 1926. 49 p. The resurrection of Rome (RR) New York, Dodd Mead, 1930. 294 p. The return of Don Quixote (RDQ) New York, Dodd Mead, 1927. 302 p. xv Robert Browning (RB) London, Macmillan, 1906. v, 207 p, Robert Louis Stevenson (RS) London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1929. 259 p. St. Francis of Assisi (FA) London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1923.185 p. St. Thomas Aquinas (TA) New York, Sheed, 1933- xii, 248 p. The scandal of Father Brown (SCL) London, Cassell, 1936.248 p. The secret of Father Brown ( SCT ) New York, Harper, 1927. 278 p. A short history of England (SE) New York, Lane, 1917. 284 p. Sidelights on new London and newer York (SL) New York, Dodd Mead, 1932. x, 261 p. The spice of life (SP) Beaconsfield, Finlayson, 1965.175 p. The superstition of divorce (SD) New York, Lane, 1920. 150 p. Superstitions of the sceptic (SS) Cambridge, Heffer, 1925. 50 p. The surprise (SUR) New York, Sheed, 1953. 63 p. Tales of the long bow (TAL) London, Cassell, 1925. 309 p. Tennyson (TE) London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1903- iv, 40 p. Thackeray (TH) London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1903- iv, 40 p. The thing: why I am a Catholic (TC) London, Sheed, 1929- 255 p. Thomas Carlyle (TM) London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1902. iv, 40 p. Tremedous trifles (TT) New York, Dodd Mead, 1909. vi, 325 p. The Turkey and the Turk (TY) Ditchling, St. Dominic’s Press, 1930. 116 unnumbered pages. The uses of diversity (UD) New York, Dodd Mead, 1921. 289 p. Utopia of usurers (UU) New York, Boni and Liveright, 1917. 217 p. Varied types (VT) New York, Dodd Mead, 1903- 269 p. xvi The Victorian age in literature (VA) New York, Holt, 1913.256 p. The well and the shallows (WS) London, Sheed, 1935. x, 277 p. What I saw in America (WA) New York, Dodd Mead, 1922. 297 p. What’s wrong with the world (WW) New York, Dodd Mead, 1910. 367 p. William Blake (WB) London, Duckworth, 1910. 210 p. William Cobbett ( WC) New York, Dodd Mead, 1926. 254 p. The wisdom of Father Brown (WIS) New York, Lane, 1915. 324 p. xvii Abbreviations for titles indexed AB ACD AD AG AIS AP AS AT AV B BSB C cc CD CDU CE CL CM CP CQT CT DE DW EA ED EE EM FA FF FL FR FT GBS GKC GL GR GS GW H HA HH II INC Autobiography. Sheed, 1936. Appreciations and criticisms of the works of Charles Dickens. Dutton, 1911. Alarms and diseursions. Dodd, 1911. All is grist. Dodd, 1932. As I was saying. Methuen, 1936. Appetite of tyranny. Dodd, 1915. All 1 survey. Methuen, 1933· All things considered. Lane, 1909Avowals and denials. Dodd, 1935. The ball and the cross. Lane, 1909. The ballad of St. Barbara. Palmer, 1922. Chaucer. Faber, 1932. The Catholic Church and conversion. Macmillan, 1929. Charles Dickens, a critical study. Dodd, 1910. Christendom in Dublin. Sheed, 1933. Crimes of England. Lane, 1916. Coloured lands. Sheed, 1938. The comman man. Sheed, 1950. Collected poems. Dodd, 1932. The club of queer trades. Harper, 1905. Come to think of it. Dodd, 1931. The defendant. Dent, 1901. De we agree? Palmer, 1928. End of the armistice. Sheed, 1940. End of the Roman toad. Qassic Press, 1924. Eugenics and other evils. Dodd, 1922. The everlasting man. Hodder, 1947. St. Francis of Assisi. Hodder, 1923. Fancies versus fads. Dodd, 1923. The flying inn. Methuen, 1914. Foui faultless felons. Dodd, 1930. Five types. Humphreys, 1910. George Bernard Shaw. Lane, 1910. GJC.G as M.G Methuen, 1929. The glass walking-stick. Methuen, 1955. Greybeards at play. Sheed, 1930. Generally speaking. Dodd, 1929G. F. Watts. Duckworth, 1906. Heretics. Lane, 1905. A handful of authors. Sheed, 1953. How to help annexation. Hayman, 1918. Irish impressions. Collins, 1919The incredulity of Fr. Brown. Dodd, 1926. xviii The innocence of Fr. Brown. Macaulay, 1911, The judgment of Doctor Johnson. Sheed, 1930. Lord Kitchener. London, 1917. Lunacy and letters. Sheed, 1958. London, (privately printed) 1914. Leo Tolstoy. Hodder, 1903. Magic. Putnam, 1913. Manalive. Nelson. The man who knew too much. Cassell, 1923. A miscellany of men. Dodd, 1912. The man who was Thursday. Modern Library (n.d.) The Napoleon of Notting Hill. Lane, 1906. The new Jerusalem. Doran, 1921. Orthodoxy. Lane, 1909. Outline of sanity. Dodd, 1927. The paradoxes of Mr. Pond. Dodd, 1937. The poet and the lunatics. Cassell, 1929. Queen of seven swords. Sheed, 1926. Robert Browning. Macmillan, 1906. Return of Don Quixote. Dodd, 1927. Resurrection of Rome. Dodd, 1930. Robert Louis Stevenson. Hodder, 1929. Scandal of Fr. Brown. Cassell, 1936. Secret of Fr. Brown. Harper, 1927. Superstition of divorce. Lane, 1920. A short history of England. Lane, 1917. Sidelights on new London and newer York. Dodd, 1932. Spice of life. Finlayson, 1965. Superstitions of the sceptic. Helfer, 1925. The surprise. Sheed, 1953. St. Thomas Aquinas. Sheed, 1933. Tales of the long bow. Cassell, 1925. The thing: why I am a Catholic. Sheed, 1929Tennyson. Hodder, 1903· Thackeray. Hodder, 1903. Thomas Carlyle. Hodder, 1902. Tremendous trifles. Dodd, 1909. The turkey and the Turk. St. Dominic’s Press, 1930· Uses of diversity. Dodd, 1921. Utopia of usurers. Boni, 1917. Victorian age in literature. Holt, 1913. Varied types. Dodd, 1903What I saw in America. Dodd, 1922. William Blake. Duckworth, 1910. xix WC WIS WS WW William Cobbett. Dodd, 1926. Wisdom of Fr. Brown. Lane, 1915, Well and the shallows, Sheed, 1935. What’s wrong with the world. Dodd, 1910. (for more complete identification see the bibliography at the end of the Introduction) XX INDEX 188-9 - absence of. 192 - civilization. WS 198-9-dying for. ACADEMIE Française GKC 215 WS 112 - Moüere; Richelieu; pur ABBEY RDQ WC 285 - England; ownership. 151-2, 173 - English history. 173 - vicarage. ABBEY Theater II 83 - Chesterton's debates in. ABBO C 127 - Siege of Raris. ABDICATION EM 151 - absolute. ABEL WS 171 - controversy. ABELARD VA 138 - St. Bernard. ABNEGATIONS SD 123-4 - sufferings. ABNORMALITY EM 191 - atheism. SD 52-3 - deteriorates normality. UD 73- attack on . 169-70 - modern preoccupa­ tion. ABORTION WS 272 - modern state. ABRAHAM EM 80 - Chaldeans. ABSALOM AV T89 ABSENCE of mind AB 156 - Chesterton's. MM 104 MT 252 ABSOLUTION CC 37-8 - given for any sin. ABSOLUTISM WS 239 - Thomas More and monar­ chy. ABSTINENCE, Total, see Temperance. ABSTRACTIONS CT 89 - the English. GKC 86 - fables. GW 23 - theology and. TT 91 - revolutions. 188 - universality. pose. 113-4 - Claudel. ACALDAMA NJ 64 - valley. ACHERON EM 168 - demonology. ACHIEVEMENT GKC 218-9 - recognition. ACHILLES CM 15-6 H 88 - as hero. 209 - repression of feeling. ACTION CT PAR TM ACTION WS 100 - reasons for actions. 9 - love of. 16 - Carlyle on. Française 133 - exaggerated reaction. ACTORS and acting FF 130-realism. LL 120 - the poor and. RDQ 156 UD 158-Wolsey. ACTUALITY C 36 - abyss. ADAM and Eve AG 145-in epic. CM 256-7 - love. CP 171-2 - paradise. LL 79 - naming the animals. 183 - Milton. UD 82 - Puritans, WA 292 WS 140 - dignity. ADAMITE heresy AG 14 - cult. 17 TC 186-7 - modem world. 1 ADDERLEY, James VT 04-9 - biography of Francis of Assisi. ADDISON, John GL 131 - nationalism. ADDISON, Joseph, 1672-1719 ACD 117 - Spectator. FT 28 - Pope's satire on. H 70 UD 228 - on Christmas. VT 53-55 - Pope’s satire on. WS 153, 154 - satire on. WW 122 - superior. ADDRESSES WA 67 - in America. ADMIRATION AT 73-4 - imitation. SL 167 ADOLESCENCE CD 66 - femininity. ADONIS EM 132-3 - death. 277 - Juggernaut. 287 - historical, MM 113-4 - symbolism. ADORATION LL 173 - medieval architecture, ADRIAN IV, Pope GL 14-5 ADULTERY AG 211-2 - in Pippa Passes. ADULTS DE 150-1 - children and conduct of. GKC 228 - moralizing. Π 176-7 - play. ADVENTURE ACD 147 - innocence. AT 36 - inconvenience. CD 94 - simplicity. CM 229-32 - youth and. CT 37-8 - defective stories. GL 138-9 - fiction. H 74 - paradox. 191 - of birth. 191 -definition. NA 25 - dull days. TT 312 - poetry of. 397-416 - necessity. ADVERSITY AT 32 - optimism. 80 78- French and English. ADVERTISING AV 8 - Christmas. CT 126 - age of. 126-7 - modem. PF 59-60 - fraud. 60 - feminists. 62 - deceit. NJ 81—2 — common people; the rich. OS 74-80 - psychology; Ameri­ cans; evil. 130—2 - truth. SL 10 - criticism. 84 - humility. UD 197 - vulgarity. UU 9 - art and. 203-4 - plutocrats. WA 33-5 - illiteracy. 38 - art and. 38- 41 - criticism. 39- 40 - reality. 40 - agriculture; intelligence; humor. ’ 41 - peasants. WS 108 - London; New York. 108-11 - color in. 149-50 - commercial tech­ niques; sensuality. 149-50 - family and. AENEAS; AENEID C 145 WS 212 AERONAUTICS PL 68 -crime and. WA 226-7 - international aspects. AESOP GKC 83-fame of. 84 - legend. 85 - philosophy and. SP 61 - fame; paradox. 61- 2 - historicity. 62- 5 - fables. WB 142 - Christianity and the fables. AESTHETICISM; AESTHETES; AESTHE­ TICS AB 134-6 - art and estheticism. AD 239-44 - nature and. AS 175 - artists; poetry and. AV 187 - asceticism and. C 36 - Chesterton's. CM 96 - Francis of Assisi. 2 116 - John’s revelations. 211 - impartiality. B 142 - Catholics. CC 30-1 - Chesterton. 57-71 - conversion from. 87-88 - narrowness. CM 93 - broadmindedness, EA 123 - modern politics, EM 135-43 - superstition. 212 - Christianity and, 263 - Unitarianism. FA 144 - ethics; philosophy. FF 194 - essence. GKC xii - in essays. GW 143-Watts. HA 163 - admirable, NJ 165-meaning. 165 - supernatural ism, 165 , 304 - Victorian. 173 - ignorance, OR 96-8 - ignorance. 154-5 - Chesterton. 236 - monism. 262-99 - truth without doc­ trine . RR 130-1 - Theology and. 131 - modern; Renaissance. TA 199 - man, theory of. 199-200 - the unknowable. TAL 141 - superstition. TC 53-science. TT 129 - the unknowable . WA 215 WB 99 -"water,” 184-5 - conventionality. 202 - the socialist. 203 - as simplification. WS 58 - science. 73 - Victorian. 78-9 - defeat, 80-2 188 - English. 189 - religion and. 202 - atheistic arguments. AGORAPHOBIA WS 160-3 - Protestants. AGRARIANISM OS 249 - possibility of agrarian war. TAL 282 WA 239 - industrialism and. AT AESTHETICISM; AESTHETES; AESTHE­ TICS (cont’d.) DE 35 - vows. 117-8 - ugliness. 123 - modern. EM 119-20 - anarchists. GR 71-102 - dangerous spread of. H 109 - hedonism; joy. 236 - modem. LL 94 - taste. 119 - definition. NJ 139 - vandals. OR 176-7 - anarchists. RR 136 - Rome. VA 187-9, 196 188-9 - Rossetti. 188 - Ruskin; Swinburne. 218 - decadents; Wilde. AFRICA AV 103-jazz. CP 158 EM 87, 91 - racial theories. HH 10-1 - Boer War. WS 170 - Rome and. AFRICANS AV 23-idolatry. AGE AC D 184 - depression. 192 - sadness. AG 56 - advantages. FF 65-6 - respect for, SL 5 - criticism and. 6 - wisdom. TAL 126 - youth and. AGED AG 51-7 - wisdom. AS 26-30 - World War I. AV 152-3 - fads. AGE of reason. see Eighteenth century. AGINCOURT C 88 - battle of. AGITATOR GKC 103 - nature of an. AGNOSTICISM AB 142-5 182 - the supernatural. AD 2 - natural. 5-6 - foith and. 115 - theology and. AG 63-4 - science. 76 - religious journalism. 3 ALBERT Memorial (London) FF 74 - description. ALBERT the Great, Saint 55 46-7 - on dancing. TA 46-7 - Paris 67 - founder of modem sci­ ence , 68 - reputation. 69 - professors hip. 70 - Aristotelianism; universal doctor, 73 - shrewdness. 74-6 - Thomas and. ALBI GENSIANS EM 295-6, 299 GS 183-4 - troubadours. 184-6 - origin. 186-7 - Battle of Muret. TA 33-4 - Dominicans. 34 - roots. 38 - conversion, 47 - defeat. 126 - danger. TC 76 - modem rejection, ALCESTI 5 C 135 - in Legend of good wo­ men. ALCHEMY C 74-avarice. ALCOHOL AT 231-2 - word origin. ALCOHOLISM, see Liquor problem. ALCOTT, Louisa May Little women. HA 163-7. WA 83 ALEXANDER I, Czar of Russia CE 52 ALEXANDER the Great EM 90 GBS 150 ALFRED, Duke of Edinburgh GL 81 ALFRED the Great AD 228 297-301 - Athelney. C 128, 291 - Boethius. CP 206-79 GL 51 - Arthur MM 269-70 SE 31 - great man. AGREEMENT PAR 87 - truth. SUR 30 - mobs. 106 - paradox of. AGRI CULTURE 88 - farmer as realist. AG 137 - subsistence farms. AIS AV 69 - nature. 69-70 - England. 70 - aristocracy. 47 - rotation of crops. CT GL 149 - Napoleon. 290 - Hardy, Thomas . GS 133 - the Irish. MM 121-9 - distribution. OS 146-55 - consuming. SE 107-13 - middle ages. 160-1 - social effects . 251-2 - mercantil ism. 252 - industrial ism. 40 - advertising and, WA 44-5 , 85 , 86, 96, 211-2, 240 - America. 85 - farms and cities . 86 - importance; Europe. 90 - equal ity. 92 - farmers; industrialism. 64 - Cobbett. WC 65 - salvation. 66 - farmer and yoeman, 194 - destruction. 236 - profits. Al N5WORTH, Wil liam Harrison 229 CM AIRLIE, Lord 9-10 AB AKHENATEN (Pharaoh) 149-51, 286 - religion and EM philosophy. ALARIC 17 - Rome. RR ALARMS (or Al arums ?) V AD ALBERT, Prince 228 - on the English. AV 151-3 - the Immaculate Con· CM ception. 272 - Tennyson. 125 GL ALBERT EMMANUEL, Prince 79-89 - memorial . NJ uu 4 FA ALFRED the Great (Cant'd.) SE 33 - paradox. 51-2 - character. VT 199-206 - meaning. 200-3 - fable. 202 - hero. 203 - character. 204 - self-effacement. 204 - modern England. 205 - accomplishments. 105-6 - revelation. 150-2 - St. Francis; miracle. AMATEUR PL 72 - typical. RB 84 - meaning. SS 27-8 - specialization. TT 27 - games. AMBIGUITY AS 201-2, 205-8 - verbal. AMBITION CM 39-40 - education. FF 272 - aristocracy. LL 172 - castles and cathedrals, algebra LL 128 - the word. ALl KE as two peas. FF 69-70 ALIMONY SD 56-7 - divorce. ALL in the same boat FF 139-40 ALLAH EM 109 - solitary. ALLEGORY CM 208 -symbolism. GKC 166 GW 83-114-in art. 84 - Rubens. PL 130-truth. SD 85 - of captivity. WB 141 - explanation. ALLEN, Arabella AS 64 ALLEN, Grant EM 24-5, 103 - idea of God. ALLIANCE SL 122 - friendship. ALLITERATION CP 24-5 WS 2-10 - defended. 3 - in proverbs. ALSACE-LORRAINE EA 99-102 - dispute, HH 3-16 - annexation by Ger­ many. ALTAR OR 239 UD 214-7 ALTRUISM CT 9 OR 67 ALVA, Duke of OR 159 - massacres. ALVERNO, Mount FA 12 - Arnold on. RB 48 - mind and. SP 44 - in Macbeth. AMERICA (U,S.) see United States. AMERICAN Literature CT 230-1 - realism. LL 35 - ranting in. SL 152-3 - novels. WA 75 - politics; fiction. 83, 204-5 AMERICAN mercury TC 11-20 AMERICAN poetry AS 158-9 - brevity in. RS 258 AMERICAN Revolution, see U.S. History - Revolution. AMERICANISM CT 230-34 -revolt against. AMERICANIZATION CP 23-4 WA 14 AMERICANS ACD xvi - savages. AG 215 -satire. AI5 46 - Prohibition. 60 - Voltaire 79- 84 - psychology. 80 - democracy. 80- 2 - competition, statistics. 81 - mountains. AT 286-7 - reasoning; Vandols. CD 141-2 - materialism. CM 182 - bigness. CT 11 - euthanasia. 224-9 - Ignorance, FF 128 - characteristics. GS 222-9 - morals. 230 - Dickens. 230-2 - self-conscious. 5 WA 119 - pleasure. 130 - Irish and. 138-9 - Japanese and. 158 - humour. 161 - uniformity; convention­ ality. 163-4 - social consciousness. 165 - morality. 177 -comradship. 182 - violence. 186 - ruthlessness; sentimen­ talism. 262 - energy. 264 - intelligence. 267 - duelists. 281 - public life. WC 16 - King George III. 58-9 - England and. WS 180 - behind the times. 222 - economic conditions. AMIENS (cathedral) OR 183 - Parthenon. AMIENS (city) 25 - World War I. NJ AMMON 130 - worship. EM AMUSEMENTS 114 - narcotics. AG 71 - distributism. AV 183 - value. C 2 - travel. WA ANACHRONISM AS 169-70 GS 195 MM 205 ANARCHISM AD 145-53 148- 9 - society. 149-52 - prototype. 32-3 - censorship. AIS 233 - inanity. AS CM 196-205 232 - names of men. CT 27-38 - misunderstanding. EE bet lion. 29 -i defined. 29-38 - properties. 36, 106-7 - eugenics. 145 - Aristotle destroyed EM GKC 202 127 - Victorians and. GL H 157 - Christianity and. AMERICANS (Cont'd.) GS 230-5 - Prohibition, 232-5 - patriotism. HA 13 - Stevenson. 14 - government. 15 - vices, virtues. INC 29 - encouragement of fame. 134 - work. JJ 48 - liberty. MAN 125 - simplicity. NJ 225-6 - World War I. OS 48 - optimism. 74-80 - advertising. RR 26 - Catholicism. 207 - English in Italy. SL 83, 90, 119 - character. 83 - error, 89 - paradox. 124, 132-4, 150-1 - English and. 128 - dreaming. 159 - homes. TT 247 - idealism. WA 3, 25 - courtesy. 14, 162 - patriotism. 27-8 - efficiency. 28, 98-99-dress. 48, 97-9, 102-6, 111-2, 116, 118, 119, 133, 158-60, 184-5, 243, 248, 261-2, 264 , 266 , 282 - and English. 77-8 - wealth. 82 - doll houses, rocking chairs, spirit, etc. 82-3 - and English literature. 85, 260-3, 266-9, 276 , 277 characteristics, 97 - canes. 98 - fur coats. 99 - living habits. 100-4, 107-10 - money. 102-3 - love of measurement. 106 - eating habits; cigars. 107, 112-6 - French and. 107 - materialism, 110-3- punctuality. 112-4 - business habits. 113 - speech. 114 - genius. 114 - stupidity. 116 - cleverness. 116 - practicality, 6 ANGLO-SAXON language C 82 ANGLO-SAXONS EM 85 H 172 NJ 22 OR 127 SE 57 ANIMALS AG 14 - mythical AT 134 - man; animality. 233 - intoxication; the beast. 287 - man and beast. C 199 - England's regard for. CM 96-8 - St. Francis. 207-13 - fairy tales. GKC 87 - mythical. GL 25 - kindness; Spain. INC 89 - literal. LL 37-religion. 90-1 - symbols of virtue. 147 - love of. 149 - cruelty to. 157 - fear of. NJ 14 - modem worship of. SL 74 - education of. SP 32 - imagination. 63 - worship, fables. 64 - in fables and foiry tales. TAL 92 - appreciation of. TC 31 - care for. TT 137 - tame. UD I - laughter 1-2, 210 - man and. 1-3 - seriousness. 3- 6, 97 - love of. 4- 8 - attitude toward; worship. ANARCHISM (Coned.) MAN 63 - weariness. MM 34 - in England. MT 6 - artist) and. MT 61 - belief of. 189-90 - the poor and. NJ 140 - antiquaries. OR 71-2 - artistic laws. 197 - conservatism. 227-9- [oylessness. RR 251 - authority. SD 138 - duration. VA 233-4 ~ Socialism. VT 147 - law-giver. 266 - spirit. WA 7 - Declaration of Indepen­ dence . 10 - English and; nationalism. WS 61 - Fascism. WW 67 - oppression. 209-16 - women. 210 - tact. ANCESTORS EM 204-5 - worship of; Christ Child. H 169 - pride In. 11 61 - lineage. ANDERSEN, Hans Christian CE 107-8 SP 67 69 - peasant. ANECDOTE RB 194 - truth in, ANGELICO, Fra C 265 - on paradise. GW 103 - mysticism; Watts. 149 - angels and. MM 174-5 OR 223 - levity. VT 206 - Beardsley. ANGELS AD 212 - mark of. AT 295 - turkeys and. GW 149 - Fra Angelico. TA 202-3 - St. Thomas. 8 - cruelty to. 23 - killing. 102-4, 250 - domestication. WA 280 - love of. WS 191 - sympathy for. ANNE, Queen of England SE 220 ANNEXATION of territory HH 3-16 - Germany and Alsace. ANGER H 148 - disappointment. SCT 138 - Latin people. ANGLICAN, see Church of England. ANGLO-CATHOLIC ISM CC 30-31 WS 178, 269 ANNOYANCES AT 33-6 - emotion. TT 52 - small. ANNUNZIO, Gabriele d' AB 260 DE 27 - morality. 7 AN NUNZIO, Gabriele d' (Cont'tJ RR 169-70 ANOMALIES AT 42-5-logic. ANONYMITY AT 161-nobility. 164-5 - in writing. MM 35 - in writing. ANSELM, Saint C 200 - on animait. CDU EM 63 98 - on animals. 294 - Averroes. TA 26 - man in school of. UD 187 - Wm Rufus. YA 217 - Voltaire. ANTHOLOGY AIS 58 - definition. 58-9 - critic». ANTHONY, Saint WS 94 - modernist» and. ANTHROPOID AG 33 - discovery. AV 90 - anthropo» and. ANTHROPOLOGY TA 196-7 - study. TC 84-92 - modem Darwinism, (see also Evolution; Man) ANTHROPOMORPHISM H 151 - misconception, ANTHROPOS AV 90 - anthropoid and. ANTI-CATHOLIC ISM CT 226 - ignorance. RR 132 - Popes. WS 78 - Sunday Express. 185 - Protestantism. 259 -false. ANTICHRIST CC 67 - Catholic Church. EM 252 - Catholic Church. GBS 150 -Caesar. OR 165 - Christ and. TA 103 - legend. ANTI-CLERICALISM C 255 - middle ages. EM 10-12 - attack on. RR 272 - bigotry; France. WB 171 - clericalism WC 105 - Church and, 172-3 - Cobbett on. WS 167 - De Valera. ANTI-POPES C 56 RR 110 ANTIQUARIES NJ 140 - anarchists and. ANTIQUITY AD 91-93 - democracy. AV 109 - customs. 154-6 - dress; fashions. CM 22-5 - of truth. CT 207 - humanity and. EM 82-3 - slavery; state and indi' viduaI. 247 - Christ's death. 290 - Christianity. OR 214 - revolt against. RR 90-91 - Rome. RR 117 -art. 155 - Catholicism. 281-6 - Catholic ceremonials TT 261-2 - in popular places. ANTI-SEMITISM AB 70-2 , 329 ACD xi-xiii - Dickens. NJ 130-1 - Christians; Moslems. 269, 285, 290 - Zionism. 272 - anti-socia I ism. SD 107 - Dumont. SE 129-Middle Ages. UD 239-40 WA 49-Russia. 136- 7 - Henry Ford. 137- 8 - in America. (see also Jews; Zionism) ANTITHESIS FT 18-9 - artificiality. VT 46 ANTONIUS, Marcus CM 256-9 - love. ANTS MM 99 - community life. APE AV 90 APOCALYPSE B 377 - dream and. APOLLO EM 108-9, 123, 130 OR 50-1 RR 124 APOLLONIUS of Tyana EM 220, 239-42 β 8-Mahdi. 9-11 - Kitchener. NJ 61 - Jerusalem. 94-5 - English language 97 - employment in Jewish colonies. 98 - English political suprema­ cy. 101 - colour and. 112 - Zionism. 198 - attitudes; practicality. 198-9 - habitats. 294-5 - Jews. 294 - Weizmann. WA 5-6 - liberty. 274 - characteristics. ARAM, Eugene SD 76 ARCADIA EM 184-8 - Virgil's Eclogues. ARCHEOLOGIST MK 75 - definition. ARCHER, William AB 237 ACD 223-7 - Drood mystery. CD 276 - Hardy. GBS 87, 93 , 98 - Shaw. 107 - Ibsen. OR 131 - suicide. RS 29, 47-8 - Stevenson. UD 231 - Drood. ARCHITECTURE AS 17 - in America. CT 42 - art; building. EM 79 - Babylonian. FF 16-classic. GKC 179-80 - medieval. 183 - religion. GL 98 - "alphabet of giants." 98- 101 - symbolism. 99 - message; size. 99- 100 - historical lessons. 101 - mediaeval in England. 102-3 - prejudices. 102-4 - romanesque, gothic, Victorian. GS 77-82 - electric houses. 248-53 - London churches. 253 - in America. HA 9! - medieval engineering, NJ 222 - false concepts. LK APOLOGETICS AV 163 - theology. B 1-403 - The ball and the cross. OR 154 -Chesterton. 264 - an ‘'arena". (see also Catholic Church) APOLOGIA GKC 260 - meaning. APOLOGY CM 120-1 APOSTLES 87 - selection. TT APOSTLES' Creed 20 - Christian theology. OR 242 - egoism. UD 14-5 - names in. WS APPETITE 55 - ethereal. AD APPLES 220-31 WS APPRECIATION 20 - paradox. FF 65 - humility. H 212-4 - essentials. MM 52-3 - isolation. TT 56 - loss. APPRENTICE 29 - the industrious appren AT tice; ideal. APRIL 164 - qualities. LL APRIL Foot LL 164-symbol. AQUINAS, see Thomas Aquinas, St. AQUINO, House of TA 54-5 ARA Caeli (church in Rome) RR 196 ARABIAN nights AD 200 - luxury. 70 - the English Milord. AG 62-4 - Ailadin and the Resur­ AIS rection , 106 - church ornaments. NJ SP 58 - size. 59 - richness of life. 60 - idleness in. ARABS 64-5 - magic; science. AIS 89 - Mediterranean influence. EM 9 ARCHITECTURE (Confd.) RR 31 - music. 91 - in Rome. 157 - effects of Romanesque 39 - Babylonian; morality. RS 101 - heathen and Christian SP TE I - poetry. 68 - symbolism; permanence TT 124-5 - poetry. UD WA 23-4, 26, 80 - in America. 141-2 - civilization. WC 149 - Renaissance. WS 162 - actualities. [see also Church buildings) ARCHITECTURE, Baroque, see Baroque Art and Architecture. ARCHITECTURE, Gothic AG 93 64 - Greek and Baroque. CC EM 41 - beauty. 295 - Mohammedanism. FF 16 53-4 - beauty. GL 102 - baroque. 102, 104 - romanesque. 103 - Victorian. 103-4 - medievalists. 254 - perspective. INN LL 51 - disappearance. 174 - didactic. 175 - cathedrals. MM 245-7, 250-1 70 - Jerusalem. NJ 182 - structural strength. OR 188 - prophecled. 274 - barbarians. 72, 157 RR 32 - birth of. TA 113 - northern France. TC 50 - revival. TT 138-9 - origins. 140-1 WC 142 - comparisons. 144 - Cobbett on. ARGUMENT (and argumentation) 170 - Jocular. AB 5 - metaphors. AIS 64 - analogy. 164 -68 - time and. 199 - moralists. 284 - Thomistic method. C GKC 68 - Johnson. 8-13 - fragmentary. 52-3 - quarrel and. 143-4 - principles. 30 - making bad worse. 53-55 - from distant prece­ dents . 27 - conviction. TA 108 - Thomistic method. 149-50 - nature of. WW iv-v - value. (see also Logic) ARGYLL, Duke of 9-10 AB ARIANISM 257, 263-5, 267-8, 291, 294 EM 296, 299 186 , 233 OR 95 UD ARIC1AN rite 166 EM ARIOSTO , Ludovico 87 - good and evil. AT 237 C 16 EM 84-5 - Orlando Furioso. SD ARISTOCRACY 9-10 - titles. AB 84-5 - democracy and. ACD 158 - artists and. 208 - Dickens. 128-37 - French and English AD concept. 195 - luxury. 287 - singing. 67 - in England. AG 128-9 - culture. AS 144 - Charles II. 65 - England. AT 76 - English vice. 92-3 - common people. 94, 142-3 - English. 97 - pleasure; tyranny. 168 - hate. 239- Whig. 240- 1 - mystagogy. 241- 2 - humanity. 241- 2, 150 - democracy and 242- 3 — plutocracy; a secret society. 70 - agriculture. AV 41 - evolution. C GS M PAR SD 10 SD SE ARISTOCRACY (Confd.) C 60 - military hierarchy in Europe. 197 - medievals on. 197-9 - in England, 198 - preservation of, 42 - pessimists. CD 115-6 - Nicholas Nickleby. 204-5 - Bleak House. 55 - liberal. CE 69 - paganism. 123 - prudent, CM - 8 - oppressors. 39 - culture. 274-5 - monarchy. CP 375 90 - »n England. CT 169 - democrats. 269 - novelty. 270 - revolution, 85-6 - ancient peasant. DE 141 - ancient. 141-2 - 19th century. 179 - eugenics. EE 141 - abjection to. FA 265 -6 - in England. FF 272 - ambition; monarchy. GBS 35 GL 87 - advantages. 171 - honor. H 197 - literature. 198 - in novels. 199-200 - idea of, 201 - ideals. 204 - wit. 228 - experts and. 269-70 - democracy and. 275 - evil, HA 131 II 61-3 - lineage. 62-3 - in England. 34, 37-41 - in England. MM 38 - democracy and. 60 - in politics. 143 - in modem times, tradi tion, 148-9 - characteristics. 190 - a human ideal. OR 215-26 - democracy and. 234 - original sin. 124 - conservati vlsm. OS 221 - Thomas Aquinas. RR SL TT UD 47 - family tree; sins. 162-3 - progress. 179 - Reformation. 231-2 - Whigs. 232 - virtue. 233 - democracy and. 247 - paganism. 248 - English ancestry; honor. 248-9 - paradox. 193 - America; England. 255 - essence. 133-6, 259-60, 265 - in Eng­ land. 135 - humanitarianism; philan­ thropy . 149-51 - satire; practical jokes. 259-60, 264 - in politics; England. 264 - democracy and. UU 159-66 - ignorance. 163-6 - ideas. VA 18 - English Revolution. 120-1 - Carlyle; slavery. WA 73 - Philadelphia. 74 - New England. 77-8, 193-4 - in America. 143-4, 277 - In England. 234 - internationalism. WC 69 - monarchy, 73-4 - Tory. 79-80 - spirit. WS 182 - English, 18th century, WW 86-90 - tradition; progress 90 - Socialism. 128-31 - European. 202 - a riot. WW 265 - slums. 288-90 - public school ARISTOPHANES CM 129 - sex. DE 64 - greatness. 123 - farce. EM 125 SP 26 - humor. 77 WC 111 -Cobbett. 111-2 - satire. WS 20 - jokes. ARISTOTLE AS 7 - unpopularity. AV 3-4 - modem mind. 11 ARISTOTLE (Cont'd.) c ,05 - Clerk of Oxford on. 126 - light of. 206 - Chaucer. 222 - poetry. 282 - universe of thought. 291 - Thomas Aquinas and. EM 91 - Mediterranean culture. 144-6 - philosophy and reli­ gion of. 205, 294 - Thomas Aquinas and_. 225-6 - on slavery. 235-Christ. OR 169 - balance. 192 - characteristics. SE 22 - on slavery. TA 14 - Christ. 15, 18 - St. Thomas’ use. 32 - Arabs. 61 - defense. 75, 78, 83 - revival. 80 - condemnation. 81 - debate. 86-9 - revolution of. 89 - philosophy. 93 - Mohamet and. 94 - prospects. 95 - defense. 96 - as Christian. 97 - baptism; translation. 100 - on magnanimity. 138 - Thomas Aquinas and. WA 280 - and the English. WB 113 - Thomas Aquinas and. ARKWRIGHT, Sir Richard WC 200 ARMAMENT AIS 70 - medievalism. EA 199, 212-6 - peace. FF 129 - attitude. {see also Disarmament) ARMENIANS NJ 281-2 - Jews and. ARMY H 45 - modem. MM 254-5 - object. 5D 99-100 - of industry. WW 129 - essence. ARNDT, Margaret GKC 59-62 - Meadows of plav. ARNOLD, Benedict OS 200 - Henry Ford aid. ARNOLD, Matthew AD 271 - seriousness. ACD xxviii AG 71 - world of. 72 - on Athens. AIS 29-Virgil. C 18 - on greatness. 19, 285 - Chaucer. 285 - Bums. CC 68 - Christianity. 79 - Catholic Church. CE 137 - Zeitgeist. CM 81 85 190-1 - culture. CT 231-2 FA 10-3 - on St. Frmcis. 12 - prejudices. 154 - on miracles. FF 174-philosophy of life. 257-8 on the episcopacy. GKC 19-services. 22 - humility. 23 - Carlyle. 25 - paradox. 26 - Europe and. 232-3 - culture. GL 126 GW 69 - Vicforiaiism. 160-3 portrait. H 94 - reverence. 133 - Moore. 287 - philosophy of life. OR 129-30 - despair. 172 - resignation. 235 - on miracles. RB 4T - Browning; clarity. 55 - Victorianism. 56 - Swinburne. SL 205 - Spirit of the Age. 5P 30 - popular. SS 8 - on Puritanism. TA 8 - complacency. 21 - free thinker. TC 32-3 - culture. 33-4 - chastity defended. VA 73-Mill; Ruskin. 73-9, 160 73, 74 - Carlyle; culture. 12 AT ARNOLD, Matthew (Cont'd.) VA 74-5 - knowledge. 74-6 - England. 75 - democracy; economic»; optimism; Catholic Church. 76- 7 - religion. 77 · agnosticism; paganism. 77- 9 - criticism; style of. 78 - satire. 85, 87 - Dickens. 87 - education. VT 250 - Tennyson. WA 279 30 - world of. WS 162 - on the Church. ARNOUX , Alexander 180 - Gothic churches. GKC ART AB 38 101 - predominance. 134-6 - and esthetics. 14-5 - and literature. ACD 168 - and morality. 7-9 - classical. AD 7-9, Ί3 - pagan. 7-15 - stages. 9-11 - romantic; medieval. 12-3 - and reality. 12- 4, 290-1 - modern. 13 - beginning. 13- 4 - zenith. 14 - decay. AG 15 - human nature. 18 - clothes. 26-7- intellect and. 140-1 - 19th century. 167 - buffoonery. 198-9 - monumental. 32 - spiritual authority. AIS 95 - disorder. 127, 132 - Bolshevism. 132 - Morris. 205 - and morality. AS 12 17-20 - "bigness." 23 - littleness. 24-5 - images. 25 - creativeness. 34-5 - Spanish; imagery. 189 - convention; and morali­ AV CC CD CL CM CT DE ty· 212-3 - inhumanity of. 13 84 - plastic. 177 - truth. 197 - sophist. 238 254 - fairies. 33 - primitive and modem. 60-1, 65 - French classical. 62 - French revolutionists. 64 - revolution and. 64-5 131-2 - psychoanalysis. 215-6 - Renaissance. 216 - Byzantine. 79 - Catholic influence. 17 - life and. 18, 49 - exaggeration. 122 - nature. 193 - Dickens; perfection. 79-83 - dreams. 57-9 - children. 100 - criticism. 100-7, 112-6, 144 105 - medieval realism. 106 - birds. 114 - childishness. 124 - sex and. 134 - Catholic. 162-3 - ethics. 186 - courage. 230 - respect. 230-2 - adventure. 264 - Mary Queen of Scots. ix - journalism. 27 - censorship. 42 - architecture and. 44 - progress. 70 - prophesy; sculpture, 70-1 - monumental. 70-80 - common sense. 72 - public opinion. 72, 74 - and religion. 73 - criticism; philosophy and. 73-4 - common man. 75 - falsely portrayed. 193-4 - Macaulay's era. 258 - mood. 262 - aim. 21 - brevity. 53-4 - outdoor. 68 - principle of. 117-8 - grotesque. 121 - defined; criticism. ART (Cant'd.) DE 160-1 - popular. 220 - proletarian. EE 31-43, 48-50, 68, 72, 195, EM 317 - prehistoric. 37 - "signature of man." 77-8 - paganism. 79-80 - Egyptian and Babylo­ nian , 108-11 - God in Jewish art. 116-33 - pagan. 121-2 - truth. 128 - Asiatic. 139 - Greek. 139-41 - South American per­ version . 150 - Egyptian. 150-200 - and reality. 199 - nativity in. 200 313 - popular. 3- 4 - fallacy. FF 4 - simplicity. 4- 5, 133-4 - and reality. 15-6 - popular. 20-3 - criticism. 33 - science and. 113 - infinity. 122 - essence. 130 - and morality. 133-5 - subjectivity. 255 - life and. 67 - restoration. FT GKC 7-8 - Boswell. 71 - justice. 177 - detective stories. 179 - medieval. 232 - culture. 63-9 - exaggeration. GS 91 -simplicity. 207 - unmoral comedy. 208-14 - taste. 17-22 - Watts, G. F. GW 24-33 - Celticism. 29 - materialism. 73 - philosophy and. 82 - priesthood. 119-20 - criticism. 120 - didactic. 121- 22 - allegorical; moral beauty. 122- 5 - technique. Gw H HA II INN LL 130 - Raphaelite; renaissance 18-9 - ideah. 19, 234-46 - and morality. 234 - ethic* and. 235 - permanency. 288 289-91 - dogma. 12 - excitement. 36 - criticism, 78 - inspiration. 93 - nature. 148 - a diminution. 183-7 - Gill an. 15 - Irish pugnacity. 213 - wonder. 90 - simplicity. 178 - Eastern. 40 - infernal and external merits. 90 - pigmy picture of creation, 91 - creatively human; limita­ tion. 113-medieval illuminations. 144 - more real than life. MM NJ OR OS RB RR 14 169 - pun os. 175 - and rel igion. 177 - limitations. 177-80 - in literature. 177-81 - criticism. 179-81 -and eulogy. 191-2 - oriental. 195 - sympathy. 247, 287-8 - Japan. 77 - Jerusalem. 204 - Moslem. 27-8 - paternity. 71-2 - limitation. 97 - wonder. 243, 247 - Buddhist. 128 - communism; peasantry. 98-9 - originality; convention. 32 - sensational. 46 - Byzantine. 72 - criticism. Ill, 136 - Popes and. 117 - of antiquity. 132 - Greek and Italian re­ vived . 136-7 - Saint John Laferan. 138-40 - Renaissance. 144-5 - magnificence and the Church. ART (Cont'd.) RR 145 -Moslem. 150-3 - religious art; critics. 152 - Byzantine and Christian. 159 - decay. 161 - Roman; moral nature. SO 148 - imagination. SL 166 -ugliness. 168 - Lincoln. 206 -atmosphere. 222 - progress. ■ 223 - criticism. 224-5 - interpretation. SP 43 - extravagance. 45 - lesson of. 79 - criticism, 80 - Italian. 169 - and sentiment. 170 TA 228-9 - objectivity. TC 56-63 - logic in modem. 57-61 - criticism IE 1-4 - Tennyson and. 3 - loveliness. Π 137 - Christian; expressions. 139-40 - Flanders. 102 - limitations. 269 - schools. UD 3 - Egypt. 26-7 - taste. 119-26 - in England. 122- 3 - fallacy. 123- 4, 126 - meaning. 124 - position. 154 - function; a mirror. 155 - representative. UU 3-8 - plutocracy and. 6, 24 - capitalism and. 9 - advertising. VA 210 - balance of religion and politics. 218 - Swinburne. VT 19-miracles. 126 - conception of man; re­ ality and. 126-7 - symbolistic, 131 - didactic. 152-4 263 - morality and; courage. WA 38 - advertising. 38-9 - signs. W8 16-7 - Flaxman on. WB 17-21 - Blake on. 57 - scientists on. 63 - morality and. WS 85 - primitive; modern revi­ val . 162-3 - reality and. 213 - youth and study. WW 151-2 - modern, and religion, (see also Censorship; Convention; Creation; Criticism; Form; Ornamen­ tation; Style) ART, Christian AD 5-6, 9-14 AG 139 - Gospel in. GKC 179 - middle ages. GL 60-64 NJ 204 - lions. OR 223-4 - levity. 243, 247 - Buddhist and. 277 - gaiety. RR 160 - Rubens. SE 80 - development. WB 135 - objective reality. ART, Gothic AD 9-11 GKC 178-9 GW 52 133-4 - light and. H 235 - Renaissance. RR 94 - in Italy. 141 - Puritans. 152 - Christianity. TT 236 - in Flanders. ART for art's sake CT x DE 68 FF 254-6 GW 119 H 16 RS 27-8, 39 VA 8 ARTEMIS OR 290 - virginity. ARTHUR, King AD 227 AS 197-8 CE 110 EA 65 FF 14, 196-8 GKC 83-4 GL 50 - Celtic gods; historicity. 51 - King Alfred and, 15 ARTHUR, King (Cant'd.) 52 - as persan; William of GL Malmesbury. 242-7 - as myth. GS 14 - as myth. HA 205 MM 15 - Badon battle. QSS 84 - tradition. RR 33 - paradox. SE 33-8 102 - legend: romantic or SP realistic. ARTIFICIALITY 14-15 - nature and. AG 2 - civilization and. FT 19 - non-existent. 29-30 - meaning. VT 36 - Byronism. 46 - antithesis. Î74-5 - romanticism. 178-9 - history. WW 178-85 181-2 - 18th century. 181-5 - women. ARTISTS 158 - aristocrats and. ACD 204 - symbolism. 139 - French. AG 159 - paganism. 31-2 - censorship. AIS 175 - aesthetes and. AS 212 AV 215 - progress; rationalism. 35 - self-satisfaction. C 108-9 - patronage. 72 - as anarchists. CT 73 - religion. 70-1 - truth. GKC 158-9 - spirit. 182-5 - communication. GL 182-5 - conformity. 183 - expression. 184-5 - individuality; intel­ ligibility. 55 - second-rate. H 242-6 - tempe rment. 289 - philosophy. 289, 92 - attributes. 77 - perfect. HA 138 - shape and. il 203 - sincerity. INC 92 - madman; self-portrait. LL MT RR 6 - anarchist and, 150-3 - Christian and Italian; RS critics. 26-7 - "states of mind 40 - imagery. 6-7 - advertisement. 7 - plutocrats and. 9-10 - individuality. VA 55 - poets and. WB 20 - intelligibility. WS 114 - atheistic. ARTS, Fine, see Art. ARTS and crafts 70 - industrial England. AV 71 - restoration, 76 - Masters of crafts. C 4) - combination. CT GKC 236 - objections to crafts. 72 - organization of crafts­ OS men. 183-91 - leisure. 118-9 - guilds; trade unions. SE ARYANS 85-7 - racial theories. EM 249 - Nazi doctrine. WS ASCENSION 55 - levitation. WS ASCETICISM 71-2 - woman. AIS 290-1 - anti-Christmas. AT 187 - aestheticism. AV 262-6 - Puritanism. C 263 - ideal. 265 - medieval. 114 - Greek; Jewish. DE 231 - modem world. EM 256-8, 266-8 - Christian. 13 - dislike. FA 14-5, 90 - clue. 33 - end of era of expiation. 91 - modem world. 123 - evils 8 - not understood. FR 10 - self and others. 57-8 - pagan; Christian. GW 155 - Christian and pagan. H 2 - Cheerfulness. HA 251 - Western. OR 14 - happiness. SP 30-2 - Middle ages. SS 118 - as pessimism. TA 119 - philosophy. UU Ιό ASCETICISM (Cant'd.) TA 120 - control. 122 - Oriental religions. TC 134-8 - Catholic practice. 231 - Christian. VT 59 - aesthetic; amatory; épi­ curien; essence. 59-61 - types. 60 - joy. 61- 2 - English athleticism. 62- 4 - Christian. 149 - Savonarola. WS 119 - Middleton Murry. 122 - misplaced. ASHTAROTH EM 41 ASIA AS 96-9 - psychology. 98 - simplicity. CM 235 - fatalism. EM 85-7/ 91 - racial theories. 90-1 - history. 89-93, 274-77, 290-313 Europe and. 115, 152-8, 269, 271-89, 290 - Christianity. 165 - Carthage. 249, 256-68 - dark heart of. 272-3, 295 - Mohammedianism. 310 - religion. GS 21-7- Europe and. 26-7 - despair. NJ 107 - Christianity. 164 - spiritualism. OR 248-50 - pantheism. TA 120 - religious enthusiasts. W6 202-4 - simplicity. ASIDE, the AV 183 - modem drama; novel, ASOKA, King of Magadha UD 64 - virtues. ASQUITH, Mr. AB 109, 118, 215, 239 M 52-5 ASQUITH, Mrs. WA 260-1 ASSASSINATION AG 120 - heredity. EM 273 - Eastern religion. ASSISI (town) CM 98-100 58-9 - Church of St. Damian. FA 18 RR ASSOCIATIONS 186 - America. 5L ASSYRIA 81 - built by nomad invasion. EM ASTARTE Ill EM ASTONISHMENT 174-5 - lack. FF 95 - ancient instinct. OR 95-8 - fairy tales. 149 - Beatific Vision. RDQ (see also Wonder) ASTROLOGY 74 - healing. C 261 - medieval; superstition. 85-6 - philosophy. TA ASTRONOMY 65 - Greeks AIS 226-8 - Copernicus; FulopAS Mtller. 73-5 - theories. DE 75-7 - Bible. 133 - progress. RR 181 - Cobbett. WC ATAHOCAN 101-3 - Australian god. EM ATHANASIAN Creed 49 - repetitions. NJ 250, 265 - God's complexity. OR 96 - attitude toward. UD ATHANASIUS, St. 264-5 - Christ's Divinity. EM 269 - Christianity and pagan­ ism. ATHEISM 145 - orthodox. AB 49-51 - cobblers. AIS 49-53 59 - effects. 29 - Bolshevists. AV 169 - optimism. B 309 - courage. CDU 40-5 - standards. 52 - opium of the people. CM 74 - Bolshevists. 198-9 CT 262 - thanksgiving. EE 59-62 - literary style. EM 127 - paganism. 17 ATHEISM (Cont'd.) 191 - abnormality; Roman Em· EM pire during decline. 88 - Rossetti on. FA 59 - universal negative; Ca­ FT tholicism. 72-3 - socialism. GBS 13 - modems. H 15 - toste. 119 - theists. NJ 175 - Christian tradition. 65-6 - modem dissolution. OR 257 - God and. 95 - stupidity. PL 272 - theism ond. RR 118 - evolution ond. SP 93 - believers and. TA 85-6 - scepticism. VT 86 - defined; Catholicism. 7 - Declaration of Indepen­ WA dence . 63 - in Spain. WS 68 - fashionable. 142 - logic. 168, 201 - Fleet Street, 202 - argument. 206-8 ATHELNEY (island) 297-301 AD ATHENE 123 - sacrifice to. EM 199, 268 - Christ and. ATHENIANS 256 - unknown God. CT ATHENS 29 - war. AS 286 - Socrates. EM 296 - theatre. OR ATHLETICS 59 - individualistic. AT 59, 60, 63 SL 34 - Greeks. 61-2 VT WA 263 - in America. 286-8 - public school and WW ATMOSPHERE AS 177 CD 170 - Dickens. 165-9 - education. CM ATOM EM 27 - creation. 191 - Lucretius on. 37 - capitalism. 54-5 - materialism » 57 - philosophy <. ATONEMENT 221 FR ATTILA 17 - Rome. RR UD 95 - influence. ATTITUDES 158 - manners and social CM feelings. GL 177 - feelings. 16 - immoral. H MAN 381 - man. ATYS 132 - death. EM AUDIENCES 69-70 MM 193-4 UD AUGUSTENBERG, Prince of 105 - claims on Denmark. CE AUGUSTINE, Saint 189 - pagan mind. AV 106, 140 CT 262 - character; ManicheanEM ism. GKC 221 - Catholic Church 133 - funerals. GL 118, 121 - funerals. GS 100 H 107 - free-will. 29 - fall of Rome. RR 16 - Catholicism. TA 26 - man in thought of. 85, 92 - Platonism. 90, 126, 239, 243 - Aquinas and Augustinian thinkers. 186 - “purple patches." 202 - City of God and Plato's Republic. 227 - prose poet. 241 - respected by St. Thoma*. 242 - philosophical emphasis. AUGUSTINE, Saint, Abp. of Canterbury 44-6 - in England. SE AUGUSTUS, Emperor of Rome, d. 14AD. 106 CT AUSTEN , Jane 192 - George Sand. AB 167 AIS 175 - The Canterbury Tales. C 242 - Dickens. CD SD WS 18 AUSTEN, Jone {Cont’d.) CT 195 - modem women, 196 - cynicism; sensibility. 197-200 - psychologist. J95-200-defense. GKC 140-1 - early works. 142 - family. 144 - psychology. 145 - artistry. 147 - exuberance. HA 165 - Alcott and. SE 248 -atheism. UD 127-8 - criticism; style. 131 - Shakespeare. 131-2 - the poor; greatness. VA 92 - Scott. 105, 109-G. Eliot; C. Bronte. 109-10 - treatment of men. 179 - E. B. Browning. VI WC WW 6 152-3 316 - George Eliot. Emma ■ UD 129, 133-5 Lady Susan, GKC 141 Lave and friendship, GKC 139-43 Northanger Abbey. UD 130-1 Pride and prejudice. AB 2, 246 CT 196-200 GKC 139 Sense and sensibility. CT 195 AUSTRALIA ACD 131-2 - colonization. EM 101-3 - aboriginal religion. WS 170 - Home and. AUSTRIA AP 5-6 - against Serbia. CE 47-8 - Prussia united. 47- 60 - Napoleonic wars. 48- 9 - as nation. 49, 53 - Christian. EA 21, 37-40, 46 - Prussia con­ trasted. 36 - Armistice. 38-40 - Russia compared. 39 - Polish people; Empire. 40 - Austro-Hungary, 46 - Germany and. 83 - Nazi movement. II 45 - Britain compared. 88-9 - philosophy. RB 176-World War 1. RR 190 - ally of Spain; defended SE by the Church. 93 - vs Prussia. SP 249-52 WS 250 - Austrians and Germany, AUTHORITY 355 - Catholic Church. AB 152 - necessity. AD 131 - quackery. AG 32 - art; spiritual. AIS 158-9 AIS 6-7 - criticism and. AS 135-43 - use. AT 135 - Germans. 34 - dependence on. C 240-1 - encyclopedia. CM 244 - private judgment and. 106 - kinds. CT 109-H.G. Wells. 161 - science of. 64-77 - eugenics. EE 107-8 170-1 - reason and. 52-8 - in religion. EM 312 - Catholic . 319-20 - accuracy and. 89 - dependence on. FA 76 - appreciation. FF 126-7 - children. 162 - education. 94 - skepticism. MK 292 - legal authorities. MM 149-50 - loss in government ll 72-3 - dignity. JJ 37 - value. LL 71 - symbol of. RR 35 - Byzantine power. 85 - papal. <30—1 - ecclesiastical. 249 - fascism. 251 - anarchy. 61, 68-9 - family. SD 73 - dogmas and. 56 - forms. SP 119-20 - religion. TA 234 - Thomas Aquinas. EA 19 261-2 - Trinity and. OR AUTOMOBILES 120-22 - futurist*. AD 27 - America. AIS 120 - France. 32 - Prohibition and. SL AVALON SE 36 - shrine. AVARICE 160-2 - money. AIS 25 - the rich. AT 74 - French peasant. 238 - greed and. FR 48 - insomia. MM 106 NA 81 - in society. UU AVERAGE man lx-x - talent*. WA 17 - justification. (see also Common man) AVERROES 294 - Anselm and. EM 202 - Thomas Aquinas. TA AVIATION, see Aeronautics. AVIGNON papacy, see Popes. AVOCATIONS 104-5 - English, WA AVON 136 II AYLW1N 20 CM AYTOUN,, William Edmonstoune 159 WC AZTECS 90 - history. EM 138 - civilization. 138-41 - demonology. 189 - religion. AUTHORITY (Cord'd.) UD 222 - parents. VT 135 - passive resistance. WA 296 - truth and. WS 29 - need of. 61 - fascism. 71 - reaction against. 79 - agnostics, 119 - M. Murry. 135 - moral. 143 - birth control. 150 - parental. 192 - ethics. 198 - need. 247 - religion. 252-9 - parental. ww 252-9, 260-7 - education. AUTHORS 332 - and characters. AB ACD 59-60 - truth. vi - publishers. AD 194 - material. AG 259 - classic; definition. AT 94-7 - critics and. AV 98-9 - reputation, personality; opinions. 31 - presentations of. C 116-7 - individualists. 163 246 - differences. 46-9 - morality. CM 145-6 - 19th century. CT MM v-viii 35 - anonymity. 41 - morality. SD 216 - modem. 12-3 - nature and. 167 - supernatural. fyee olso Novelists) AUTHORSHIP 191 - living and. AG 164-5 - anonymous. AT 66-7 - interdependence. CM 121 - meaningless. CT 22 - crime and non-lîterory. DE 287 - truth. H 34-42 - in France. UD AUTOBIOGRAPHY CD 196 AUTOCRACY 18-21 - eugenîsts as auto­ EE crats. SL TT BAAL EM OR BABBITT, CM CT TC 111, 168, 171, 173, 285-6 Irving 201 - Wordsworth. 231 - humanism. 12, 19 - T. S. Eliot. 19 - Catholic philosoi BABEL, Tower of 220 - tragedy. C 155 - tale of. SL 174 - ruin. UU 20 BABEL, Tower of (Cont'd.) WA 80 - New York City. BABY, see Children; Infancy. BABYLON WA 80 - America. ‘ BABYLON Hotel TT 154 - symbolism. BABYLONIA EM 63-93, 190 WS 234 BACHELOR TAL 30 - choice or chance. BACK (human) GW 136-40 - ort. BACON, Francis AB 85 - Shakespeare. CL 163 CT 1 - English history; the essay. 25 - criticism of Baconians; Shakespeare. GL 186 - essays. GS 254-60 - Shakespeare. OR 220 - bribes. SL 234 - Shakespeare. .TA 248 - as philosopher. TC 129-wealth. 218 - paganism. 239 - Descartes and. BACON, Roger FA 182 - father of science. BADGE UU 209-17 - symbolism. 21 i-4 - as poetry. BAGDAD C 292 - Dark Ages. BAILDON, H. Be I lyse FT 33-39 - Stevenson. VT 97-103 - Stevenson. RAIN, Robert Nisbet VT 130-1 - Tales from Tolstov. BAINES, Cuthbert WS 110 - London streets. BALANCE CT 58 - virtues and vices. OR 169-87 - paganism and Chris­ tianity. 188 - Stoicism. 261-2 - Trinity. BALDWIN, Stanley AIS 104-7 WS 64 BALFOUR, Arthur AB 213, 215, 269, 273-4 AG 68 MM ix TT 249 WS 64 BALFOUR, David SD 89 - Socialism. BALFOUR, Graham HA 1 - life of Stevenson. BALFOUR Declaration NJ 142 - Jewish reaction. BALKANS FR 227 Ml 176-World War I. BALLADS C 223 - border ballads; transla tion. FF 119-20 - love. H 90 - for the under-dog. HA 180 LL 182 - poem and. MM 272-4 - free will. WS 113 - Shakespeare. BALTIMORE, Lord SL 161 - toleration. BALTIMORE, Maryland CP 72 WA 68-72 BALZAC, Honore de AG 134-5 C 154-Chaucer. SD 40-1 VT 240 BANALITY II 23 - criticism and. BANK of England WC 108 - Cobbett's attack. BANKNOTES AV 6 BANKS and bankers AT 84 CP 371 TT 239-41 BANNOCKBURN, Bottle of (1314) GL 107 BANQUETS AS 214-5 - barbarism. BAPTISM SD 105 - burial. TC 34 — Rome; the Church. 21 BAPTISTS SD 108 - immersion. BARABBAS EM 246-Christ and. BARBARA, Saint CP 53-60 BARBARIANS AP 15-30 - Prussian and English views. 19-20 - Prussian definition. 21 - English definition. 21-2 - negative; positive. 26 - barba rite distinguished from. 31 - spiritual ■ 41-6 184 - culture. 183 - Troy and wars of. 67 - characteristics. 183-5 129 - unknown. BARBARISM AG 93 - return to. AP 17, 31 - defined. AS 214-15- banquets. AT 226 - definition; modem. 227-8 - materialism. AV 46 - recurrence. 112 - resurrection of. CM 36 - civilization. EA 83 - Prussianism. EM 70-93, 306 - civilization. 190 - Mediterranean world. 250-2 - Christianity. I) 137 - civilization older than. JJ 15-16 - test. RR 109-Papacy. Π 258 - relics. WA 186 - in America. BARBARITES AP 26 - distinguished from bar­ barians. 26-7 - use in European wars. BARBERS TT 170 - humanity. BARDELL CM 158 BARING, Maurice AB 15, 220, 233 , 260 AG 256 - on Swinburne. AV 182 - novels. C 289 - sonnet. AV CM EM NJ RB TT 53-55 34 - Trent’s Lent Cose. 46 - poet. BARKER, Granville GBS 140-1 - Waste; poet# justice. CM CT BARMAIDS CD 125 - popularity. BARNES, Arthur Stapylton CT 184-wealth. SL 253 - magic. BARNES, Bishop TC 7-8, 145-51, 166, 172-5, 202-8 BARONS C 41 - aristocratic alliance. BAROQUE Art and Architecture CC 64 - Gothic and. GL 102 - Gothic 104 - basis; England; France. 105 - as symbol. RR 6 - extravagances. 15 - tombs of Rome. 21 - spiritual source. 21-2 - reasons for. 36 - asceticism of Popes. 101 - papal tombs. 104 - monument of Leo XIII. 105 - prevela nee in Rome. 141 - classical and. 148- 9 - Roman Churches. 149- 50 - 18th century Protes­ tantism. 152 - Ruskinian tradition. 152-3 - saints; spirit of Ca­ tholicism. 154 - bold experiment. 155-7 157 - children and. 157- 62 - effects in the Church. 158 - style in Church. 158- 9 - Counter-Reformation. 160-1 - sensational. RS 39-morality. WS 161 - fear and. BARRES, Maurice AB 323 BARRETT, Arabella RB 119-death. BARRETT, Edward Moulton RB 58-60, 73-4 - character. 59-60 - Browning, E. B. 22 BARRIE, James Matthew A8 237-41, 289-90 AT 263 - Tom Jones (Fielding) CM 69, 207-13 211 - escapism; evil. RS 82 - Calvinism. TA 72-3 TC 231,233 - Knox's influence. (JD 206-7 - criticism. Peter Pon. CM 207 EM 231-2 GS 99-101 RS 29, 115-6, 227 UD 206-7, 221-2 BARSETSHIRE AG 65 BASENESS CT 165-6 - vulgarity. BASIL, Saint TA 84-5 - philosophy. BASLE (Council) RR 112 BASTILLE NJ 20 - freedom. SE 240 - fall. 254 - attack. TT 65-71 - symbolism. 66 - destruction. BATEMAN, Henry GKC 133-8 - A book of drawings. BATH, England GS 138 - ancient and modem. RR 7 - hills of. BATHING MM 225-6 BATHO, Edith C. AV 191-7 - The later Words­ worth. BATHOS GBS 115 BATHROOMS WA 26-7 - America. BATHSHEBA EM 89 BATTERSEA AT 31 GKC 31 BAUDELAIRE, Charles Pierre RS 41 - Poe and. BAVARIA WS 273-4 BAX, Belfort SD 62 BAY EUX tapestry SE 56, 63, 64- meaning. BAZAAR C 47 - charity; the papacy. BEACONSFIELD, Benjamin, see Disraeli Benjamin, BEACONSFIELD (city) NJ 17 - "ends" of. 307 - return to. BEACONSFIELD War Memorial AB 243-53 BEARDS AV 108 TT 143 (see also Whiskers) BEARDSLEY, Aubrey CD 18 - exaggeration. FT 10 - pessimism, RS 88 - commonplaces. VA 225 - the artist, 226 - Mort d1 Arthur. VT 36 206 - Fra Angelico. WB 189-96 - Blake. 190-96 - female in art. BEAST. see An imal. BEATIFIC vision AG 127 - Beatrice. RDQ 149 - astonishment. BEATITUDE, State of TA 167 - St. Thomas an. BEATITUDES GL 137 BEATRICE FA 76- of Dante, BEAUTY ACD 111 - joy. AD 13 - pagan art. 27 - fear. 34 - inequality. 35 - crookedness and. 253 - perception. AG 125 - Beatrice 128-9 - mystery. 241 - creation and. AS 9-10 - Stevenson. 134 - modem; ostentatious. 211-2 - fashion. AT 148 - immorality. AV 15 - publicity. 23 BEECH tree UD 101 - symbolism. BEECHEY AS 16 - English portraits. BEER AS 81 - the poor. AT 166 - politics. 232 AV 41 - beer-gorden; Hitler. SL 94 - brewing. 146 - Puritans. WB 98 - and religion. WS 259-61 BEERBOHM, Max AB 94-5 AT 12-4 - on laughter. CM 43 - puritanical. GBS 91 GW 3 - Victorian age. H 244 - whistler. 291 - aestheticism. HA 28-wit. II 100 -! on Irishmen. MM 235 - caricatures. RS 88 - piety. 140 - criticism. 140-1 - Stevenson and. VA 106-7 - George Eliot. 131; 229 - James. VT 218 - Ruskin. WS 18 - Chesterton enjoys. HapB/JjjÎPÇÇrite · FT 46 VT 74 Ichabod VA 106-7 BEES MM 99 - community life. BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van AG 134-5 BEGGARS AIS 211-20 211 - Christmas. 214 - individualism. 215 - socialism. FF 153 - organ grinders. 154 - definition. 154-6 - legislation, 156-7 - modem attitude to ward. MM 87 RR 206 - Italy. BEAUTY (Cont'd.) AV 56 - nature. 56-7 - proportion. 131-2 - psychoanalysis. 168-9 - pessimism. C 36 CDU 33 CM 116 - civilization, 231 - youth. DE 113-6 - physical. 116 - Oriental concept. 117- medieval concept; Rem­ brandt . 118 - conventional, EM 117-8 - the ugly as one branch. 120-2 - cosmos. FT 34 - Stevenson on. GL 3-4 - existence; interest. 38 - civilization, H 201 - aristocracy. HA 84 - pleasure. 96 - nature, II 21 - in Ireland. LL 19 - city and country. 20 - nature. 77 - civic. NA 226 - commonplace and. RR 138-9 - satiety. SD 114 - suffering. SL 130 - simplicity. 183 - of England. TE 1-4-poetry. TT 140-1 - environment. UD 26-7 - in poetry. 99 - horses. 99-101 - pigs. VT 23 - love. WS 124 - society. (see also Aesthetics) BEAUTY and the Beast OR 88-9 VT 22-3 BEAUTY shops SL 98 BECKET, Thomas, see Thomas a Becket, Saint. BED TT 72-9 - rest in. BEDE, The Venerable RR 46 - Byzantium. SE 31 - great man. 24 BEGGARS (Cont'd.) WW 299-300 - mendicity; hypocri­ sy. BEHAVIOURISTS AG 46 RS 252-3 WS 117 BEHUES, William GW 34 BEING LL 33 - substance and accidents. TA 121 - praise. 132 - reality. 179 - pragmatist; Hegelians. 179, 224 -Thomism. 184-6 - English word. 184-8 - Ens. 203 - hierarchy. 205-6 - existence, 207 - truth. 208-10 - fullnessof. 5 214- actuality. (see also Ens; Metaphysics) BEL EM 41 BELFAST (city) II 29 - optimism. 196 - superstition. )96-222 - Catholicism. 198-210 - bigotry, 199 - poverty, 200 - dress. 201 - vanity. 202 - Christian traditions; snobbery. 203 - Home Rule. 203-4 - claims to superiority. 206 - Calvinism. 207 - capitalism. 210-11 - Berlin and. BELFORT, France TT 222-5 BELGIANS TT 142 - characteristics. 1 230- on humanity. BELGIUM; German invasion, 1914 AP 2, 28 CE 160 SE 278 UD 16 UU 151-8 BELIEF and doubt AB 88 - youth of GKC. 142 - personal God. 144 - uniformity. AD 38 - laughter. 260-9 - allegory of king and archers. AIS 76 - religion; 19th century. AT 192-3 - science and, B 216 - strength and weakness. CC 52-6 - the convert. CD 18-9 - exaggeration. 19- religion of modems. CM 194 - Anglicanism. CT 44 - novelty. 120 - blood and. EE 109 - Established Church of Doubt. FA 155, 162 - credibility. H 20 - blasphemy. 101 - joy. 294 - modem writers. 298-9 - danger. 299 - bigotry. 304 - religion. HA 161 - positive. il 212 - doubt a form of faith. INC 193 - believe everything. M 62 - woman; madness. MAN 53 - beginnings of belief. NJ 214 - sacred things. OR 210 - doubt of self. 235-6 Tennyson. 256-7 - Christ in his passion. PL 128-9 - materialist and ideal 1st. SS 5-19 - credulity and skepti­ cism . VA 44 - gain and loss. 208 - psychology. WS 17 - belief promotes belief. (see also Agnosticism; Conversion; Creed; Dogma; Faith; Skepticism) BELL ringers CP 88-90 BELLAMY, Edward Looking backwards. AB 18 VA 200 BELLARMINE, Robert, see Robert Bellarmine, St. 25 205 - Wells and Keith. 221 - on domesticity. 32 - holidays. 35-on faith. 127 - Jews ond. Cranmer. AV 98 F «ays on bridges. AB 154-5 Eye-witness. GKC 120 The good poet and the bod poet. C 108 The leader. GKC 100 Party system. AB 203, 213 Poem in praise of wine. GL 177 The rebel. AB 304-5 The servile state. AB 306-7 AV 97 EE 26 SE 284 To the Balliol men still in South Africa. GKC 100 BENEDICT, Saint FA 112 - St, Francis and. TC 128 - rule of labour. BENEDICTINES CM 104 BENEVOLENCE H 197 - strong man. BENNETT, Arnold AB 256 - Lord Raingo. CC 28-Spain. CM 92 CT 145 - skepticism, 168 - on drinking; slavery. FF 101-2 - on dogma. 101- 2 - on condemnation. 102- 3 - humanitarianism. II 47 - political differences. NJ 173 - polytheism. RS 451 - novels. TC 209-11 - religious doctrines. BENSON, Arthur Christopher GKC 222 - on biography. TC UD UU WS BELLOC, Hilaire 108, 113-5, 126, 212 AB 153 - Robespierre. 163 - distributrst ideal. 219 - needs a Boswell, 261-3 - optimism. 298-9 - Republican Club. 307 - on socialism, 311, 12 - witticisms. 313-7 - sixtieth birthday. AIS 79, 151 AS 141 162 - on property. 182 - Haeckel. AV 97 - Shaw. 98 - prejudice. 158-9 - party system. C 267-8 - on medieval society. CC 57 - evangelizing energy. CM 153 - on snobbishness. CT 34 - Trent's Last Case, 46 - poet. 67 - sincerity. EE 26 - servile state. EM 94 - on modem research. 188 - Virgil. FA 43 - on courtesy. 82 GKC xviii 96 - description. 96-7 - conversion. 100 - revolutions. 101 - English and French in. 101-2 -Cobbett. 26) - on the French, GS 53 - Polish ideal. LT 3 - Tolstoy. MM 284 - on cats. OR 66 - modem philosophies. RR 179 - World War 1. 289 - on beauty. SE 284 - servile state. SL 49 - on beauty, 96 - machine guns. SP 33 , 34 - novelist. 103 - Westminster Abbey. TC 11 - adoration of money. 91 - Darwinism. 152 - Cromwell, 169-70 - Dreyfus, Lewis Car· roi I, etc. 26 BENSON, Edward Frederick RS 74 - Pr. Jeckvll and Mr. Hyde. 151 - novels of. BENSON, Robert Hugh RR 158 - on Gothic style. BENTHAM, Jeremy ACD 174 BENTHAM SP 96 BENTHEM, Jeremy TA 235 - Defense of Usury. VA 36 - Macaulay; Mill; Vic­ torianism ■ 41 WC 86 - Cobbett. BENTHAMITES CM 6 - oppressors. BENTLEY, E. C. AB 55-7,60-2 , 73, 99,112, 220, 313 CP 103-4, 328-9 CT 33 - Trent's last case. GR v - dedication to. UD 34 BERKELEY, George TA 176-7 - philosophy. BERLIN AP 87 - egoism. EA 175 -pagan city. II 206-7 - rival of Belfast. 210-1 - Belfast compared. BERNABO, Visconti of Milan C 111 BERNADONE, Pietro FA .40-1, 60-1 BERNARD of Clairvaux, Saint OR 173-4 - humility; penance. VA 138 - Abelard and. BERNARD of Quintaval le FA 66, 67 BERNARDIN de Saint Pierre, Jacques Henri CM 239 - Paul et Virginie. BERNARDINO, Saint FA 181 BERSFORD, J. FF 26, 29-31 - psychoanalysis. BESANCON Π 57 BESANT, Annie AB 148 OR 243-50 BESANT, Walter RS 229 SD 62 BETHLEHEM EM 195-214 - Christ’s birth in. 251-2, 265 - Christianity. GL 128-9 - description. NJ 90, 141 - snow. 108 - women. 209-10 - Church of Nativity. 211-2 - cave. 212 - star above. 214 - Christians and sceptics. 265 - Mountain of the Latin. SP 138 - experience of. BETTING, see Gambling. BIBLE ACD 13-4 - Creation; critics. AV 36-7 - prudery and. 37 - war; folklore. CC 29-32 - Catholic/Protestant attitude. 30 - Protestant worship of. 31 - Catholic tradition and. 40 - English religion. CT 28 - coarseness. DE 75-7 - astronomy. 76 - gravitation. EM 90 - Mediterranean culture. FA 68-9 - St. Francis' search in. GKC 40 - God in. H 222 - jokes. HA 98 - Darwinism. INN 305 - read everybody eise's. NJ 93 - countries; language. 95 - language. OR 123-4 - social contract. PL 71 - the Bible-smasher. SD 15 - marriage. 15-6 - brotherhood and. 24 - kissing, and perjury. SL 163 - Fundamentalism. TA 98-99 - St, Thomas on scrip­ ture. TC 29 - heretics* use. 70 - Protestant study. 195 - Jacobean translation. VA 57-60 - "Bible of History" idea. WS 183 - Protestantism. 205 - religious maniac. 27 BIBLE (Cont'd.) WS 253 - private judgment. 253-7 - Shaw; reading. BIBLE: New Testament EA 87-91 - Hitler. GL 163 - newness. NJ 174 - modem world. BIBLE: New Testament: Apocalypse AD 27-8 - monsters. OR 29 - commentators. BIBLE: New Testament: Gospels AIS 62-4 - fairy tales and. 63 - historicity. EM 215-30 - riddles. 215- 30, 233 - Christ in the churches. 216- 8 - wrath of Christ. 217, 241-2 - money changers. 218, 232 - Bethsaida; Sodom. 218, 241 - Christ and Jerusa­ lem. 218, 243 - Peter. 218-20, 226-7 - miracles. 219 - hidden life. 220 - faith and mountains; mysticism; needle and camel. 220- 30 - platitudes. 221 - rain on just and unjust; unjust steward. 221, 223-4 - care; birds of the air. 221, 233-4, 241 - war and peace. 221- 2 - meek inherit the land. 222 - Martha and Mary. 223 - eunuchs of the kingdom of heaven; turn other cheek. 223-7, 237-40 - Christ as teacher. 224- 7 - marriage in. 226, 233 - slavery. 226-7 - devil. 229 - Caiphas; brethren of Christ. 229-30 - claims of divinity. 230 - before Abraham was. 2 231- love of children. 231- 47-Christ in. 232- 3 - lilies in the field. 232-4 - style. 236 - prodigal son. 236-7 - wheat and tores. 237-8-Cana. 238 - foxes and birds; Son of Man. 240-7 - death of Christ. 242 - Garden of olives;Pilate. 243 - women of Jerusalem; the Good Thief; Mary as mother, FA 13 - crucifixion. 29 - original sin. NJ 192 - pagan aspects; socialism. 196 - devil. OR 271-2 , 298-9-Christ in. TA 23 - God-Man in. 32 - renaissance. BIBLE: New Testament: John EM 252 - composition date. WB 102-parody. BIBLE: Old Testament DE 76 - letter . .... ......... BROWNING, Robert (Cont'd.) Poems and plays: The two poets of Croisic RB 127 Youth and art RB 50, 109 BROWNING, Robert (father of the poet) RB 10-1 - character; Puritanism; humanitarianism. 19-20 - R. Browning; Pope. 119 - death of. BROWNING, Mrs. Robert (mother of the BUCHMAN, Frank WS 137-8 BUCHMANISM. see Oxford Group Move­ ment . BUDDHA and Buddhism AB 147 - esoteric. AV 85 - cosmos. 86 - sloth. C 266 - Byzantine Christianity. CC 88 - narrowness. CM 93 - broadmindedness. 235-6 - fatalism. EM 41 - the mind within. 97, 99, 204 , 235, 239-40 Christ and Buddha. 99-100, 151-8, 279, 286 philosophy or religion. 153- 8 - reincarnation. 154- 8 - desire killed by. 155 - Lord of Compassion. 156 - wheel of Buddha; frus­ tration . 157 - creation. 204 - paradise. ■ 215 - St. Michael. 313 — God and. GS 110 - theosophy. 110-6 - nature. GW 66-Watts. MT 254 - doubt. OR 221 - penance without humili­ poet) RB 12 BROWNING, Sariana RB 14 BROWNING Society RB 129 BRUCE, Robert C 41 - crusades. GBS 44 - Blind Harry and. GL 107-11 - character. SE 131-2 BRUGES TT 136-42 - belfry tower. BRUNO, Giordano TC 104-5 - Dean Inge. BRUNSWICK, House of WC 69 - English crown. BRUSSELS TT 226 - Paris and. 227-8 - criticism. BRUTAL I TARI AN ISM ACD 86-Dickens. GBS 81-2-Shaw. BRUTALITY , EM 173 - intelligence. WS 147 - Brave new world (Huxley) BRUTUS, Marcus Junius SE 29 BRYAN, William Jennings FF 208, 214 - on evolution. WA 127 - political views. WS 267 - on alcohol. BRYANT, Arthur AS 140-4 - Charles II. BUCHAN, John AIS 151 AS 220 CM 207 RS 82 RR TA TC WS 41 ty· 241 - Christ and Buddha. 242 - mercy and self-restraint. 243, 247, 255 - saints. 243 , 247 - art. 244-50 - personality in. 247 - happiness. 119 - religion of recurrence. 119-20-Wells. 120 - influence on philosophy. 15 » salvation. 91-2 - wheel of Buddha and the cross. 133 - heathenism. 135 - Sorrowful Wheel. 117 - pessimism. 120 - philosophy or religion ; 161-2 - life. 118 - "uninterested." 190 - images and. BUDDHA ond Buddhism (Cont'd.) (see also Christianity and other reli­ gions: Buddhism) BUFFLE, Beniamin C 115-tomb, BUFFOONERY AG 167 - laureateship and. AV 26 - dignity. WS 1-22 - in literary style, BUILDING CT 42 - architecture and. FA 148-9 - Franciscans on. WC 153-4 - English history. BULGARS WA 36 - occupation, 37-8 - Americanization, BULL fights GL 24-5 - in Spain. BULLETS CT lx - metaphor. BULWER-LYTTON. see Lytton. Edward Bulwer. BUNYAN, John AB 89 AIS 108 GBS 47, 101 - Shaw. 101, 105 - Shakespeare. GW 58 - Puritanism; Watts. H 168 - humility. 212 - sentimentality. SD 41 - Balzac. TC 238-41 - Protestant influence, UD 187 - moral ideas. VT 110-1 - confidence and. Pilgrim's progress AV 38 FF 269-70 TC 152-7 BUONAROTTI. see Michelangelo, BURDETT, Sir Francis WC 101, 104 -Cobbettand. BUREAUCRACY OR 197 - conservatism of scienti­ fic . SD 74-5 - the home. BURGHERS GKC 131 - charter, BURGLARY WA 184-5 BURGOYNE, John CE 72 - defeat at Saratoga. burial EM 318 - prehistoric. SD 105 - baptism and. BURKE, Edmund AS 37-8 - Marie Antoinette; re­ actionary. 38 - Tennyson. CE 64 - American Revolution. 86 - English Revolution; French Revolution. CM 192-3 CT 83 - Whigs. 85 - chivalry. 266 GW 28 - Celticism. SE 234, 236 - American Revolu­ tion . 236 - democracy. 250 - French Revolution. TT 321 - masquerade. VT 170 - eloquence, WC 164-style. 241 - self-deception. WW 323-4 - Robespierre. 323- 5 - atheist; French Revo­ lution , 324- 5 - evolution. BURLEIGH, William Cecil. see Cecil, William. BURLESQUE, see Parody. BURNE-JONES, Edward GW 24-9-Watts. OR 223 - levity. VA 190 - Rossetti. 226 - Martin Chuzzlewit, WB 190 - Perseus. BURNEY, Fanny VA 93 - May Sinclair. BURNHAM, Lord AB 242 BURNS, John AB 310 BURNS, Robert AS 56 - literature and. 127-8 C 285 - Arnold on. 285-7 - Chaucer. 286- 7 - theology. 287 - irrationality. CD 41 - optimism. 247 - poverty. 42 BURNS, Robert (Cont'd.) CM MM RB RS TC VA VT 39 193 - Ίο o Held mouse. 169-70 - The bonks o' Doon. 170-1 - Browning. 145 - poetry; Stevenson and. 231 - John Knox's influence. 240 - Protestant influence. 25 - De Quincey. 47 69 - Francis of Assisi. 256 - dialect. 46 - liberty. WC BUS UD 10 - fraternity on. BUSINESS AB 36 - English and American. AG 87 - foundation. 214 - optimism. AV 53 - modem economics. CT 15-change. SL 121 - falsity. 214 - Business Government. TC 14 - modern virtue, WA 112-England. 112-4 - romance; America. 114 - fallacy. BUSINESS, Big. see Big Business. BUSINESS Education AG 21-24 - criticism. SL 115-fallacy. BUSINESS men AG 20 - practicality. NA 168 - qualities. WA 95-117 - England and America. BUTE, John Stuart CT 83 BUTLER, Nicholas Murray SL 42 ' BUTLER, Samuel AIS 199 - freethinker. GKC 46 - skepticism. BUTLERS CL 201-3 - phantom. BUTTER MM 238 - paradox. BUTTONS WA 171 -morality. BUTTS, Thomas WB 30 - patron of art. 3 30- Blake and . BUXTON, Noel AB 123-4 BUYING 99 - rule for. AT 224 - selling and. WS 231 - philosophy. BYRON, George Gordon, 6th baron 112 - enjoyment. AG 192 - realism. 93-4 - past and. AIS 226 - Greece. 37- 40 - revolutionary. AS 38- 40 - Swinburne. 172, 174-5, 186, 188, 220 67 AV 165 - pessimist. 191 - Wordsworth. 299 - Dickens. CD 135 CM 36 CP 82 - and Croker. CT 1-2 - description of his age. FT 4 - self-knowledge. 6-7 - popularity. 9 - love of the desolate. 13 - optimism. 199-200 - romanticism. GKC 268-73 - interpretation. GS 273 - Tom Moore. 33 - on boredom. H 208 193-6 HA 45 - reputation. LL 17, 143 - Browning. RB 33 - vanity, 43, 117 143 - Shelley. 29 - fall of Rome. RR 209 - fashion. SL 210 - rebellion. 1 - Joan of Arc. SS 45 - on dancing. 97-8 - St. Joan of Arc, TC 240-1 - Protestant influence UD 32 - misanthropism. VA 22 - aristocratic anarchism. 27-8 - superiority. 23 - sterility. 30 - Moore. 118 - Ouida. 154 - humor. 43 BYRON, George Gordon, 6th baron (Cont'd .) VT 23-39 29 - world of. 31-9 - pessimism. 33-5 - popularity. 36 - sincerity. 37 - prosody. 38-9 - character. 47 46 - liberty. WC 84 - vices. 5-6 - alliteration. WS 217 - melodrama. Don Juan. 4-14 FT 37 VT BYRONISM 4 - an artificial fire. FT 8 - on nature. 272 - Calvinism. MM 19 RB 30-1, 36 - artificiality. VT BYZANTINE Empire 266 - Buddhism and ChristianC ity. 52 - Judaism and Christianity; RR Moslems; Puritanism. 110 - scholars and the Renaîtsance. BYZANTIUM 272 - Mohammedan debt. EM 202-3 , 208 - Rome. NJ 203 - civilization. 40-70 - quarrel with Rome. RR 46 - Roman culture. 85 109 - Papacy and. 90 - influence. TA CAB GL 159-62 - French cabmen. TT 41-8 - accident. CABBAGES AD 54, 55, 240-1 TAL 305 CABOT Family (Boston) WA 74 CADBURY, George AB 117,121-2,214-5 178 - philanthropy. OR CAESAR,, Julius 291 - mythology. EM 149-54 - character. GBS 150 - anti-Christ; atheist. 151 - magnanimity. 154 - revenge. 99 - unhappiness. LL 139 - baldness of. 16 - on British. SE CAESAR (S) 51-2 - power. RR 82 - Western civilization and CAESAR1SM 269 - and democracy. H CAFES. see Restaurants. CAGLIOSTRO, Alessandro 143 TC 119, 124-5 WB CA1LLAUX, Joseph Marie 124 - anti-Catholic. EA 18 - Carnot and. WC CAIN 16-7 SD 171 WS CAINE, Sir Thomas Henry Hall 37 CT CALAS, Jean 114, 117 WB CALENDAR 133 - Protestants and. RR CALHOUN, John Caldwell (d. 1850) 146-7 - slavery. WA CALIGULA, Gaius Caesar 235 EM CALLES , Plutarco 126-7 - persecution. TC CALVARY 12 - Mt. Alverno and. FA CALVERLEY, Charles 154 - humor. VA CALVIN, John 146 - Chaucer. C 288 - error. 37-8 - character, CE 38 - his Kirk. 22-3 - truth. CM 109 - single Idea. CT 140 115 GL 193-4 - Rousseau. HA 192 OR 44 238 - true here*/. 254 - founders. 275 - fatalism. WW 229, 232 -Show. 230- 1 - life. 231- 3 - eugenics. (see also Fatalism; Predestination) CAMBRIDGE (town) GKC 128-9 CAMBRIDGE, University of AT 89-90, 93 WS 112 - Shakespeare. CAMEL and needle FA 68 - paradox. CAMELOT GL 50-4 - legend. 52-3 - civilization. CAMPBELL, R. J. OR 24 - sin. 249-50 -God. WA 144 - Ireland. 145 - prohibition. CAMPBELL, Thomas of Assisi. EA 191 - Hohenl inden. 300 - modem world. 192 - on Napoleon. 168 - Carlyle. CAMPION, Edmund, BL 170 - literature. EM 295 - martyr. 289-90 - Thomas Hardy. CANA, Wedding feast at 171 - modernism. SUR 25 - wine. 198 - in Ulster. CANADA 204 - salvation. 138 - Buchmanism. WS 272 - free will. CANDLEMAS 28 - Cowper. QSS 20 106 - modem world. CANDLES 186 - Christianity. WS 97 196 - 19th century. CANES 237 - predestination. WA 96-8 - use. 84' - Scotland. 97-8 - Americans; signifi­ 8-9 - society. cance. 123 - on evil. 98 - and freedom. 123-4 - Satan. CANNAE 124 - on intention. EM 170 - Roman defeat. 29-30, 234-5 - predestination. 65-6 - Catholicism. CANNIBALISM 76 - modem world. AIS 219-20 120 - theology. AV 18 128 - philosophy. CM 217-9 - Blessed Sacrament 186 - political influence. CP 168-9 - religious. CT 153-4 - vivisection. 187 - Cromwell. EM 137-8 - an art. 237 125 - sacrifice for. NA 17 - Zoppi. SS 17-8 131 183-4 - salvation. TC 184-7 - modern world. WS John (Cont'd.) 233 - Schopenhauer, 197 - theology. 26 - misuse of logic. 186-7 - anti-catholicism. 230-3 - predestination. WW CALVINISM 186 - evolution and. ACD 43 - Puritanism. AIS 37-8 - war literature. AV 133 - indifferentism. 285 - simplicity. C 286-7 - Burns. 51, 80-2 CC 95 - Ireland. CDU 39 - England; Germany. CE CM 7 237 - fatalism. 267 - Don Juan. 94 - Puritanism. CT 164 - Christianity. EE 206 - Bossuet; Pascal; Francis EM CALVIN, RS SE WS GKC GS II MM OR St SS TA TC UD WA WS 45 EA CANNING, George AV 196 237 WC CANTERBURY 46 - spiritual capitol of Bri­ SE tain. 87 - pilgrimage to. 70 - tradition. WA CANTERBURY pilgrims and pilgrimages C 64-5 - dress. 159, 161 - leisure. 161-3 - symbolism. 162 - purpose, 179-84 - brotherhood. 181 - common belief. 182-4 - goal. 44-5 - Blake's design for. WB CANUTE II, King of England and Denmark 53 SE CANVASSING 37-40 AT CAPEK, Karel 152-3 - on art. RR CAPES, Bernard 124 - Our Lady.of Darkness. GKC 124-7 - The skeleton key. 125 - The lake of wine. CAPITAL punishment 221-2- society and. AIS 206-7 - abolishment. ww CAPITAL sins 246 - pride and. CM CAPITALISM 72 - communism. AB 226-7 - guilds. AG 161-2 - centralization. AS 171-4 - individualism. AIS 172 - communism. 35 C 70 - employment in. 70-3 - guilds. 71 - logic; wisdom. 63 - guilds. CC 79 - Scott and Cobbett. 65 - collapsing. CDU 86 - England. CE 75 - God and. CM 224 - emperors and. 278 - England. 15 - socialism, CT 208-9 - Bolshevism. EE FF GKC II MM NJ OS 46 95 - Jews; communism. 172 - journalist, on; America. 186 - tragedy. 210 - liberty. 166-8 - tragic flaw; employ­ ment. 171-3 - the poor. 173-4 - eugenics. 211 - a prison; socialism. 212-4 - legislation. 215- 8 - eugenics and. 217-8 - divorce and, 40-1 - England. 182-3 - objectives. 182-7 - laws; faddists; social reform. 185 - food economy. 241 - liberty. 244 - parliament. 249-50 - labour reform. 258 - criticism. 30 - shortcomings. 4 32- Irish peasants. 33 - theories contradicted. 163 - Conan Doyle. 207 - Belfast. 83-8 - England. 115 - fallacy. 216- 7 - defense. 257-60 - evils. 266-8 - labor and. 18-errors. 19 - Bolshevism. 23 - collapse. 97-8 - Jews. 152 - Victorians. 3-22 - private enterprise. 5-7 - definition. 7 - proletarianism. 8, 10 - distributism and. 13 - growth. 27-39 - social responsibility; evils; socialism. 29-31 - public benefit, 30 - communism. 31 - incentive of gain. 32-3 - contradiction, 34-9 - distributi,t state and. 61 - socialism. 63 - ideal. 87-8 - break up; break down. 107-18 - danger. CAPITALISM (Cant'd.) OS 211-2 - birth control and. RR 209 - clerical denunciation. 215 - government; America; labour. 266 - small states, 37 - trade unions and; atom and. 37-8 - brotherhood; family. 47 - meaning. 79 - fami ly and. 115 - basic idea of. 178 - Protestantism. 270 - slavery. 188 - feudalism. 214 - criticism, 244 - stages. 125 - defense, 127-32 - English Reformers. gp jg gL fC gU VA WA 2 - lies. 2-3 - social policy. 6 - art and. 9 - kings of communities. 12-7 - literature. 24 - art; trade. 25-32 - holidays. 33- 7 - religion; as absolute community. 34- 6 - equality. 36 - definition. 36-7 - virtue. 37 - Pharisees. 49-52 - prisons. 51 - honor. 53-63 - corporal punishment and. 62-3 - physical discipline. 64-70 - socialism. 75-6 - shame. 81 - sanity. 121-2 - journalists and. 151-8 - Germany. 158 - manhood and. 170-3 - war. 206 - journalism, 236 -Shew. 250-1 - Victorian Age. 16, 45 - equality. 58 - crisis. 62 - evils. 123-4 - conservatives and. 123-4, 145-6 - America. 144-6 - labor and. 155-6 - Prohibition. 8 217- attitude toward. 229-30 - failure. 237 - error. 237-8 - Bolshevism; results. WC 18-22-Cobbett. 21 - Carlyle. 24 - profît-and-loss. 47 - the poor and. 100 - England. 193 - ruination of small. 202 - slavery; the worker, 202 , 203 - oppression. WS 119 - communism. 124 - abandoned old for new; foundation. 131 - effects. 132 - Shaw, 146 - machinery. 148 - parents and; divorce; family foe; sexes. 149- modesty; dignity. 235 - communism and. 264 - praise. 266 - congestion. WW 59 - property. 348-9 - socialism. (see also Big Business; Plutocracy) CAPITALS (state) GS 56-62 -new. SL 185 CAPONE, Al SL 107-9 - masquerade. CAPTIVITY SD 85 - symbols. CARACALLA NJ 22 CARDIGAN, Lord James Thomas WC 87 CARELESSNESS CM 11-2 - As you like it. 20-1 - Shakespeare. 21 - English. H 77 - health. CARELLI, Marie RB 38 CARICATURE AT 49 - English. AV 228 - English newspapers. GKC 134 - Victorian. LL 139 - humane use of. WA 47 HA II OR CARICATURE (Cont'd.) 234-6 - national. UD 195 - meaning. WB CARLSON , Avis D. 222-9 - on right and wrong. GS CARLYLE, Thomas 285 - polities. AB 83 - liberty of speech. ACD 165-6, 193-6 - Dickens. 167 - Middle Ages. 193-6 - French Revolution. 208 - Cobbett. 72 - Scandinavia. AG 75 - Zionism. AIS 61-3 91 - German literature. 55 - English language. AS AT 44 - pessimism; reformer. CD 2, 10-1 - greatness. 4 - Ruskin. 11, 233-6 - French Revolution. 227, 233-6 - Dickens. 100- 4, 108 - Germanic sym­ CE pathy. 101— 2 - French Revolution. 102 - on liberty. CM 66 - Dickens. 70- 2 - French Revolution. 71- 2 - mob. 79, 84 142 - Harriet Martineau. EA 66 - Teutonic theory. EM 82 - man. 6 - on labor in Hie fields. FT 8 - Byronists. GKC 6, 198 - Johnson. 23-4 - character. 26 - Europe. 167-8 - George Macdonald. 168 - bully; originality. 222 - Sterling. 40-1 - hero-worship. GL 109 - Middle Ages. 126 GW 149 - Watts; hero-worship. 150, 154 - portrait. 154 - portrait by Millais. H 166- 7 - humility. 167- 8 - aristocracy. 211 -sentimentality. 286 - man. 287 - philosophy of life, RB TM VA 48 131 - aristocrat. 157 127-8 - Norman Conquest. 220-6 - on government · 12 - Mrs. R. Browning. 17-8, 26-7, 56, 102, 115Browning. 27 - Tennyson, 55 - Victorianism. 87 - Germany. 2 - irrationali st. 8 - hero-worship. 17-8 - reverence for the strong man. 20-1 - Rousseau. 22 - patience. 25 - historical writing. 26 - moral defect. 36 - greatness. 40 - rationalism. 45 - mysticism. 49 - German culture; Scot­ land. 49-50 - Scotish peasantry. 49-60, 104, 157, 158, 188 50 - Danton; Robespierre. 50-1 - vision. 51 - the poet; Jacobins;Scott. 51, 53 - Cromwell. 52 - Goethe. 53 - Frederick the Great; philosophy. 53-4 - prejudice. 54 - Protestantism. 54-7 - Utilitarianism. 55 - Socialists; state. 57 - pessimism; Tennyson. 57, 60, 62-3 - Ruskin. 57, 72 - Kingsley. 58-60 - "Bible of History.” 59 - French Revolution. 60 - imperialism. 60-2 - Froude. 61 - Henry VIII. 62 - Queen Elizabeth. 64 - schism. 72 - influence. 73 - Henley; Kipling. 73-4 - Arnold. 78 - style. 83-4, 89-Dickens. 152 - George Macdonald. CARLYLE, Thomas (Cant'd.) VT 33, 34, 109-22 109 - tragedy. 109- 11 - failure. 110- 1 - egotist; faith; Ruskin. 111 - confidence. 111- 2 - humor, literature, philosophy, religion. 112 - irrationalism; Louis XV. 115- 7 - reasoning. 116 - responsibility. 116- 7 - mysticism. 117 - common sense, 117- 9 - hero-worship. 118 - human nature. 119- 22 - spiritual consistency. 120- 1 - aristocracy; slavery. 121 - political ethic. 122 - Nietzsche. 219 - simplicity. WC 21 - prof it-and-loss philoso­ phy. 21-5 - Cobbett. 22 - optimist. 25 - reactionist. WS 85 - reactionist. 103 - in society, 219 - poor and. Chartism ■ VA 56, 66 French Revolution. VA 21, 55 Heroes ond hero-worship. VA 56 Past and present. VA 56 Sartor resartus. VA 55 VT 109 CARNARVON, Lord EM 83 CARNEGIE, Andrew AT 180 EA 212 WS 124 CARNOT, Joseph WC 18, 82 CAROLINE, Queen of England GL 75-6 CAROLINE of Brunswick, Queen WC 228-31 - divorce case. CAROLS AIS 211-2 - singers; Christmas. CP 83-4, 320-1 EM 202-3 - Christ's birth in. GS 194-7 - qualities; hymns. CARPE Diem H 107 CARPENTER, Edward NA 16 - the future. CARPENTER CP 137-8 NJ 241 CARPETS TT 74 - design. CARR, Robert CM 277 - James I and. CARROLL, Lewis, see Dodgson. Charles Lutwidge. CARS, see Automobiles. CARSON, Sir Edward II 55 MM 215 UU 137-40 CARTHAGE EM 140-1, 169, 170, 179-81 CARTOONS WA 142-3-value. CARTWRIGHT, John WC 101 - Cobbett and. CASEMENT, Sir Roger II 57, 59 CASKET letters CM 262-4 CASTE EM 153 - guilds and. SD 93 - guilds and. 94 - vows. VA 80-1 - mob. CASTLEREAGH, Viscount CE 68-70 ED 54-5 WC 74 CASTLES LL 172 - ambitions and. TAL 256 - in the air. CASUALNESS AT 141 - English vice. CASUISTRY AT 292-3 CC 35-9 - modem world; Jesuits. EE 17-8 - eugenists. 49 CASUISTRY (Conf'd.) RB 193 SS 47 TC 99-100 - Jesuits. WS 193 - Catholic Church. CATACOMBS EM 210 - Christianity bom in. RR 9 - pagan antiquities . 10 - paradox. 48 - preservation of Rome. CATALONIA WS 62 CATASTROPHISM WIS 277 CATCHWORDS CM 112, 179 CT 121 CATHEDRALS FF 16 - medieval. GKC 178 - medieval. LL 172 - ambitions and. 174 - architecture. MM 246-8-Gothic. WS 160 - forgotten truths. CATHERI NE, Empress of Russia CT 203 CATHERI NE of Siena, Saint CC 20 - virginity. EM 222 - Mary of Bethany. OR 178 - the criminal and. RR 108-9 - humanitarianism; the Papacy. CATHOLIC action EA 85 - political reform. CATHOLIC Church AB 189-90 - corruption. 340 - Chesterton and. 355 - authority. ACD 78-9 - Dickens. C 250 - balance. CC 15 - a novelty. 15-9 - Protestant view. 15-23, 27 - a new religion. 20 - legend not myth. 21, 107-8 - reason defended by. 21-2 - tradition defended. 27, 68-70 - antiquity. 27-46. - errors about. 28 - Wells on the medieval Church. 32 29- Bible. CDU DE 50 30 - Higher Criticism; house with a hundred gates. 33-46 - sins of. 34 - slyness. 36-8 - attacks on; Protestant fiction. 41-6 - nationalism. 41-6, 51 - patriotism. 43-6 - nations her children. 44 - as Mother. 45-6, 93-108 - freedom of the individual. 46 - nations proceeded by. 49- 50 - prejudice. 50-2 - modem Protestant at­ tack. 51 - internationalism. 53 - a paradox. 55-7 - spread. 57 - terrors of. 58 - lying and. 62 - attraction. 63 - where all roads meet; medievalists broadened by. 64 - largeness Inside. 66- 8 - divinity. 67 - contempt; Antichrist. 67-8 - peril to non-Catholics. 66 - sentimentality. 69 - externals. 69- 70 - prehistoric monster. 70- 1 - greatness and militancy. 75-90 - Churches contrasted. 76 - Ecclesia. 77 - 19th century ideas. 78-90 - Protestantism's vitali­ ty from. 81 - common sense a step to: true humanism a step to. 84 - new ideas. 93 - man as child of his age. 93-108 - her correct teaching; new religions. 111- 5- 20th century religion and. 112- 5 - leakage. 36-49 - world peace. 50-66 - democracy. 53 - adventurousness. 83 - bridges ancient and mo­ dern world. TA CATHOLIC Church (Cant'd.) EA EE EM FA GBS GKC 100 - paganism and. HA OR 133 - a fighting thing. 84 - aristocracy attacks tradi­ tion of. 237 - freedom of the indivi­ dual . 253 - art of. 88 - St. Louis: Pius IX. 171 - indestructible. 87-88 - preserver of pagan rituals. 21-5, 109 - against slavery. 23 - social equality. 93 - authority. 108 - Middle Ages. 131 - Scotland's revolt. 143 - on medieval government. 180-2 - Mary Tudor. 190 - Austria defended. 212 - Tudor persecution. 47 - Holy Roman Empire. RB RR SD SE TA TC 80 - Nazi Germany. 220 - democracy defended. 97 - strength. 10-1 - on war and peace. 15 - novelty; practicality. 19 - all roads lead to Rome. 90 - Mediterranean culture, 97-115 - Paganism as rival. 124 - legends. 194 - hatred of. 220 - reason defended by. 248-68 - founded on "rock" and "keys." 252 - Antichrist. 256 - Mithraism. 302 - perduration. 306 - and other religions. 310-5 - growth. 139 - counsels of perfection. 176 - history. 41 - Irish and. 20, 186 - in England. 118- Ceci I Chesterton. 182 221 - Augustine on. 259 - universality, 264 - timeliness. H 84 - Platonism. 125-6 - attacks on. 67 - civilization influenced by. T1 VA WS 51 126 - in 17th century. 7-10 - 19th and 20*h century attacks on. 20 - Sinclair Lewis. 21- 34 - modem humanism op­ posed . 22- 34 - 20th century vitality from. 26-34 - brotherhood of man. 27 - democracy. 29- Bible. 64-9 - 20th century religion and. 71-7 - modem Protestant at­ tack. 81 - non-Catholic view a paradox. 83 - contempt and curiosity. 83 - attacks disregard facts. 93-100 - progressiveness. 103-4 - liberalism or progress. 107-12 - broadmindedness. 110 - foreignness. 113-8, 172-5 - Nordic racism. 119-20 - largeness and human­ ity. 124, 153 - death of. 132 - medieval ideal. 134-6 - intellectual pride. 139-44 - conspiracy. 158-63 - Inge on sacramentels. 166-7, 194 - reason defended by* 176-82 - Spiritualism attacks. 236-42 - English literature. 249 - in France. 43 - unrest. 33 - world progress. 35 - common sense in. 36 - true guidance of. 46 - reason defended. 62 - the world and. 64 - enemies. 77 - science. 97 - Psychic News attacks. 117 134 - need. 160-3 - description. 161 - fear of. FT GBS CATHOLIC Church (Cont'd.) WS 162 - worldly pomp; members. 168 - England. 177 - Mary associated with. 189 190 192 193 194 GKC - conservative. - enemies of; paradox. - new issues. -fields of speculation. - place in modern world. H 209 - rationalists. 275-6 - allegiance to. H 45-8 - medieval concept; success. 46-7 - failure. (see also Catholicism; Christianity; WW 59 - atheism and, 46 - humor. 103- 4 - Shakespeare. xv-xvi 53 - upper classes. 109, 111 - survival. ill - Ireland. 259 - Flemish. 128 - George Moore. 248 - ritualism. 142 - fundamental in Ireland. 143 - European continent. 198 - Calvinism. 203 - intolerable in Belfast. 204 - salvation and. - Yeats on medieval. Church; Conversion; for Catholic 212 teachings on specific subjects, see that subject, e.g. Miracles; So- NJ cialism; etc.) CATHOLIC Democrats (political party) RR 214 - Protestantism, 104- 6 - Greek and Roman. 105 - Greek ceremonials. 26 - Americans. 114 - saved from Islam. 139 - pagan. 142 - images; Protestantism. 142-4 - splendour and sim­ plicity. 152 - classical art. 152 - beginnings. 152 - spirit; Baroque. 155 - antiquity; change. 210 - internationalism. 2 30- Puritanism. 36 16 - mystical. 25 - mysteries. 85 - ancient philosophy. 118-9 - asceticism. 133 - optimist theology. RR 206-10 CATHOLIC Emancipation WS 178-95 179 - French Revolution. 180 - political effects. CATHOLIC Herald (newspaper) WS 262-3, 268 CATHOLIC who's who and year book, 1925 184-8 - introduction. GKC CATHOLICISM 152 - virginity. 8 261 - neo-pagans on. C 265 - 17th century worship of sorrow. 267 - as window. 288 - simplification, 289 - toleration; equilibrium. 290 - breakdown; medievalism. 31 - inmost soul of. CC 46 - faith of our fathers. 246 - Middle Ages. CD 93, 233 - broadmindedness. CM 95 - realism. 149 - intellectuals; progress. 169 - man. 234-7 236 - liberty and. 240 - encyclopedia. 245 - proportion. 255 - humility. 98-9 - Prussianism, EA SS TA TC UD VT WA WB WC WS 52 101-6 - Inge. 185-7 - historical influence. 278-9 - in literature. 66 - atheism; scepticism. 92 - Middle Ages. 215-6 - America. 295-6 - stability. 98 - wine representing. 208-9-Blake. 84 - realism. 142 - barbarism; civilization. 97-8 - muddled attacks on. 130 - modern England. 134 - social success. 157-8 - Dryden, CATHOLICISM (Confd.) WS 163 - world and, 176 - Puritan». 180 - political exclusion. 186 - resistance to. 189 - heresies and. 193 - rationalistic. 199 - Irish. 248 - freedom. 251, 256 - barbarianism. 258 - freedom. 26Û - controversy. 265 - tyranny. 266 - repressions. 267 - falling from. 268 - sects and. WW 230 - Calvinism. 230-1 - Puritanism. (see also Antf-Catholicîsm; Dogma; Theology) CATHOLICS B 142 - agnostics. C 250 - as critics. CC 112-5 - leakage. CD 101 - New Testament. CM 134-pagans. 153-4 - Immaculate Concep­ tion . 237 - pantheism; optimism. CT 229 -America. FF 198 - tolerance; Puritans and . GKC 185-7-England. 261 - French; Zola. H 93 - reverence. NJ 188 - reason. OS 215 - England. RR 60 - classical revival. 132 - Papal error. SS 29-30 - Renaissance. 34 - heretics. 37 - peace. TA 93-4 - God of. 125 - weakness of. UD 275 - in fiction. WA 71 - tolerance. 215-6 - Puritans and. WS 31 - view of world progress. 41 - defined. 46 - freedom. 159-bad. 208-9 - The Freethinker. 271 - official affiliations. CATO EM CATS AS 142-3, 169 - demonology. 80 - tax on. 100 MM 284-6 - nature of. 286 - worship of. UD 2-3 - worship of; seriousness. 5 - in poetry. 6 - love of. 148-9 - kings and. CATULLUS, Gaius Valerius C 144 - paradox, EM 176 - paganism. GL 178 - language; Lesbia. OR 295 - paganism. CAUCASIANS EM 86 - racial theories. CAULIFLOWER AD 240-1 CAVALIER poets AIS 94 AS 56 - fcrrtastic mystics. CM 242 FF 261-2 - moral earnestness. 261-3 - Puritan poetry and. 263 - Milton. VA 147 - style. CAVALIER (S) FF 263-4 - tradition; spirit. GS 49-55 - hatred of. 52-5-Polish. CAVALIERS (17th cent.) see Royalists. CAVE-MAN EM 195-214 - “God also was a if CAVELL, Edith CC 41-2 - patriotism and national­ ism. CAVOUR, Camillo Benso, Conte di 86 - diplomacy. 90 - heroism. 103 - death. CAXTON, William C 223 - on Chaucer. 280 - press. CECIL (surname) AS 47 CM 276 TC 128-9 - wealth. CECIL, Lord Hugh Richard Heathcote AB 268-72 R8 53 CECIL, Lord Hugh Richard Heathcote (Cont'd.) H 175 OR 197 WA 163 CECIL, Lord Robert Arthur Talbot Gas­ coyne AB 141, 274 CE 62, 127-8 SD 109 - Irish boycotting and, CELIBACY FA 36 - universal obligation. CELL, Monastic WS 161 CELLINI, Benvenuto RR 170 - Rome. SL 223 - criticism. CELTIC poetry Il 194 - reason. CELTICISM GW 24-33 - in art, CELTS II 94 - English attitude toward. 135- 44 - distinguished from Irishmen. 136- 9 - Teutons. 194 - poetry. CEMETERIES NJ 47-8 - Moslem. CENSORSHIP AIS 31 - films; theatre. 31- 2 - artists. 32- 3 - anarchy. 33 - irréligion. AS 79 - big business. AV 33 - Bolshevists. CM 124-31 - sex. CT 27 - art; literature; principles. FF GBS 27-8 - sex. 27-32 - distinctions. 31 - religion. 99-100 - the press. 134-6 - origin. 135, 136 -Walpole. 136 - Fielding; government. 136- 7 - Colman · 137- 41 - Mrs. Warren's Pro­ fession . 138 - morality. 138- 9 - prostitution. RB WS 154 - Hollis on; William of Orange and· CENTAUR 125 - natural and unnatural. PL 178-9 - nature of. UD 282 - existence. CENOTAPH 22-5 - unicom and. AS CENTRALIZATION 161-2 - capitalism, AS 5 - paradox. OS 193-4 - peasant; dependence 102 - guilds of Middle Ages. RR CENTRUM EA 174 CEREMONIALS 147 - Parliament, NJ 281-6 - Catholic and pagan RR antiquity. CEREMONIES 36-8 - Spain. GL 80-Γ- democracy. 94 - popular basis. 60 - reversal of the obvious. NA (see also Rites...) CERES EM 104 CERTAINTY, see Certitude. CERTITUDE 48-9 - moral; in history and AS sociology. GL 178 - paradox. 37 - foundation. LL 78 - manhood. TT 33-40 CERVANTES Saavedra, Miguel de 156 - romantic life of. C 290 - Catholic type. 39 - chivalry; paradox. GL 20-3 - description. HA 266 - crusade. NJ 28 - humor. SP 94 237 - as Catholic. TC Don Quixote ACD 117 156-7 - romance. C 17 - Bottom the Weaver. CM 46 - Smollett. 24-7 HA CEZANNE, Paul CM 114 - on children. 90-1 54 CHAIN AG 231 - paradox. H 67 - strength. CHALDEA EM 204 - star-worship. CHALDEES EM 80 CHALK Π 15 - in landscape. 118 - uses. CHALK Downs (England) UD 101 - symbolism. CHAMBERLAIN, Houston Stewart AB 129 AP 103, 110 RR 172 CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph AB 141 FT 26 H 54-6, 124 MM 72 CHAMBER'S Encyclopedia CM 232 CHAMBRUN, Comtesse de GS 254-60 - Shakespeare, qctorpget, CHANGE AIS 145-7 - economics; politics. 145-50 AS 211 - Shakespeare. AV 24 - evolutionists. 232-4 CM 108-12 257 - enjoyment. CT 14 - youth. 16 - actuality. 18, 47 - nature of. 30 - in language. 46 - theory. 47 - justification; progress. 102 - morality. 93-4 - world of changeability. 153-7 - improvement; evolu­ tion. 202 - Europeans. GL 165 - novelty. H 82 - paradox. 83-4 - philosophy. NA 292 - old things and new. OR 63 - worship of. RDQ 167 RR 45 - imperfection. RR SP TA 1Ύ WA WS CHAOS AS 155 - Catholicism. 124 - love and. 208-10, 218-9 - principle of. 216-9 - philosophers on. 221 - formless transition; flux. 222 - Aquinas on. 27 - progress. 67 - New York. 67 - paradox. 68-9-effects. 41-5 - in progress. 42-5 - in the home. 7-dullness. 61 - contradiction. MT SL CHAPELS NJ 85 - in Jerusalem. CHAPLIN, Charlie AS 219 CHAPMAN, George C 232 - Chapman's Homer; 19th century, CHARACTER C 176 - study, in fiction. CD 58-9 - strength and weakness. 256 - intellect and. FF 162-4 - education. OS 221 - imagination. UD 174-dignity. WA 10 - and creed. CHARACTERS (in literature, etc.) ACD 146-7 - modern novelists. AIS 201-3 - detective stories. C 171-2 - epics; novels. 172 - drama. 177 - Dante; Yeats. CD 122 - life. 206 - fiction. 206- 7 - rich and poor. 207- 8 - psychological change. CM 46-9 - fictional. FF 130-4-drama. SP 75 - realism. UD 281-2 - mythology. CHARING Cross NJ 17 SE 83 CHARITY ACD 59-Dickens, AIS 55 - political murderers. 73 - cynicism. 55 CHARITY (Cont'd.) cc 40-1 - paradox of love of enemies. 269 - Dickens. CD 143 - sexes. CM 142 - tramps. EE 103 - savages. EM 102 - judgment. FF 156-7 - modem attitude. GKC 161 - practice of. 129 - paradox. H 158 - modem society. 158-62 - definition. 159 - modem society. 161 - meaning. 208 - begins at home. HA 74 - effects. II 75 - benefits. 192 - Irish, 204 - philanthropy and. 77 - shrines in Holy Land. NJ 53 - Blatchford. OR 174 - paradox of love of ene­ mies. 174-5, 178 - Christian ba­ lance . 265 - human and Christian. SCT SD 88 - Homer. 31-2, 77, 164 - modem con­ TC cepts. 299-311 - the rich. ww (see also Altruism; Love) CHARLATANS 159 CT 236-7 GBS CHARLEMAGNE 227-8 AD 35-6 - Song of Roland. CM 105-H. G. Wells. CT 99 - victorious armies of. EM 196-8 - legend. FF 150 GBS 8Ï-2, 86 - Popes. RR 83-4 - Rome. 84 - historian and; chivalry. 85 - success. 86 - failure; Roman culture. 109 - empire. CHARLES 1, King of England 184-5 AG 189-90 AIS 203 - cavaliers' reproach. C CL CM 163 278 GL 105 269-80 MM 213 OR 201 - character. SE 202 - deposed. 16-7 - death TM 17-Whigs. WC 153 - modem critics. WS CHARLES II, King of England 140-4 - Bryant; James II. AS 130 - Scotch. AT 131 - Englishman. 192, 278 CM 57-60 - sceptic. FT 59- 60 - philosopher, 60- 1 - moral virtues. 64-5 - politeness. 68 - politician. 69 - despotism. 211 - sentimentality. H 204 - character. SE 211-3 - reign. 85-7 - sceptic. VT 85-94 - Restoration and. 87-91 - morality. 90-1 - politeness. 91 - George IV; Thackeray. 93-4 - politician. CHARLES;, Edwin GKC 208-12 - Some Dickens women. CHARLES Borromeo, Saint. 103 TC CHARM 263 - vigor. CM CHARTER 293 - misuse of word. MM 294, 296 - defined. 295 - modem concept. CHARTISM 297 - 19th century. EM 31 - Macaulay. VA CHARTRES (cathedral) 102 GL CHASTELARD 264, 265 CM CHASTITY 1-2 - nursery rhyme's. FF 25 - intellect and. GBS 33-4 - Arnold's defence. TC 14 - meaning. π 56 C CHASTITY (Cont'd.) WB 79 - lawlessness of the chaste. (ye alto Purity) CHATHAM, Eorl of. see Pitt, Williom. CHAUCER, Geoffrey ACD 68 - picturesque. AG 49 - expansion in. 142 - age and. AIS 133 - widows. AS 224 AT 10-Cockney. C 12 - writers and. 13 - father of English poetry. 37 13- greatness, 14 - patronization; sources, 14, 80-2 - name. 15 - glory; place in literature; novelist. 15, 21 - as maker. 15-17, 143-4, 236 - Shakes­ peare. 17, 92 - qualities. 17-9 - diction; spelling. 18, 165-6, 213 - language. 19 - dignity, style. 19-20 - seriousness. 20 - irony. 20, 27, 209-10, 227-30, 233-5 - humor. 21 - as creator. 21, 26, 169-71 - characters. 21, 154, 160 -style. 22 - common sense. 22, 285 - Arnold on. 3 22- judgments. 23 - Dante; illustrations. 26 - fancy. 26, 27, 95 - mind of. 28 - jokes. 28, 33-5, 59, 105, 241-2, 247-9 - philosophy. 28, 35-7, 278-9, 284-7 theology. 32 - gratitude; imitation. 34,-165 - originality. 34-5 - largesse. 37 - child of light. 38-79 - age of. 39 - bourgeois; chivairic. 39, 49, 256-7, 290 - as Catholic. 39, 186-216 - Englishman, 51 - invectives. 57-8 - Wycliffe. 63 - detail in. 64 - emblems of characters. 69 - Blake on, 79 - medieval types. 80-115 - private and public life. 82-4 - family. 86 - birth; parentage. 88 - prisoner; soldier in France. 88-9 - King's ransom. 89 - King's messenger. 90 - Scrape-Grosvenor case · 91 - reputation. 92 - knowledge. 92-5 - diplomatic missions. 94-5 - description of himself. 95 - code of honor; dates of poems; secretiveness. 96 - foreign travels; offices. 96- 7 - foreign influence. 97 - first important work. 97- 104 - marriage. 98 - misalliance, 99-100 - works from. 101 - biography, 101-4 - domestic life. 104 - abduction charge; moral behavior. 104-5 - Petrarch. 106, 111 - controller. 106-7 - business ability; wealth. 107 - hobbies; son. 109 - Gower's patronization. 110 - seriousness. 110- 1 - quarrel with Gower. 111 - second visit to Italy. 111- 2 - positions of. 113-4 - picture. 113-4, 121,252 - devotion to Mary. 113- 5 - death. 114- 5 - tomb. 116 - in literary history. 117-8 - French ballade on. 118- 30 - translator. 118-9 - translations. 120 - metre, 121-3 - poet. 57 C CHAUCER, Geoffrey (Cont'd.) C 122, 130-2 - chronology of works. 125 - poetry. 129-30 - Christian stoicism. 131 - religious paraphrases. 137-40 - daisy. 140 - brevity of description; Stevenson. 148 - comedy. 150 - Pollard on. 151 - Saints of Cupid. 151-2 - romance in works of. 154 - Balzac; Dickens; genius; paradox. 155 - inspiration. 159-62 - leisurely element. 160 - masterpiece; early works. 161-2 - purpose, 165, 166, 168 - childishness. 166 - quality. 9 167- plots. 169-71 - dramatic talent; im­ personation . 171 - quarrels. 175-8 - characterization. 181 - 20th century. 186-216, 214-5 190- 1 - Christianity. 191- 2 - nationalism. 192, 242-3 - mystery. 192- 7 - success. 193- 5 - Petrarch. 195 - official obscurity. 196-9 - social rank. 200-1 - sociability, 202-6 - politics. 205 - man's man. 206-8 - ideas. 207 - littleness; revolutionist. 208, 277 - characteristics. 211 - English heritage. 211-4 - nonsense. 213-4 - English touch; land­ scape. 216 - emblematic giant. 218-25 - modernization. 221 - paradox on translation CC CD CL CM EM GBS GL RB SP of. 221-5 - translation of, 223 - Caxton; elucidation. 226-7 - reading. 227 - literary value, 231 - praise. 232-3 - Dryden, 234 - logic. 235 - Renaissance. 236 - common sense. 237 - madmen in. 243 - Dark Lady. 246-9, 275 - Lang I and 246-75 - religion. 249 - on repentance. 249-52 - Lollard. 253-Wycliffe. 253- 4 - on monks. 254- 5 - on marriage; virginity 256 - on nuns. 267 - levity. 268-9 - poems of religion. 270- 5 - simplicity. 271- 5 - tolerance. 274 - as pardoner. 275 - charity; orthodoxy. 276 - historians on. 276-7 - world. 278 - pagan ladies. 279 - cheerfulness. 281 -3 - education. 285-7 - Bums, 287 - rationality. 288 - on medievalism. 293 - God's gift to. 79 - Morris. 162 - Dickens. 32-33 - Bob-up-and-down (a poem). 51-2 - patriotism. 266 - Scotland. 141, 319 - Child Martyr in. 44 - Robin Hood. 8 - Thomas a Becket. 130-1 - Dickens; nationalism. 117 27 - humor. 104 - burial. TC 236 - Catholic literature. TT UD VA 237 - spirit. 94 - characteristics. 13 - English Nationalism. 98 - Thackeray. 157, 161, 188 51-5 - characters. WB 63 58 - Blake an, C 199-200 - English lady. 199-200, 228-30 - Prioress. 215 - translation. 218-25 - changing language. 219, 220-1 - American ver­ sion. 227-30 - sly humor. 228 - fable of the Cock and Hen. 235 -Mrs. Haldane in. 237 - Cambuscan, 246 -portrayal of life. 6 255- Second Nun. 257 - Parson. 258, 260 - Parson's tale, 268-9 - postscript. 5Ê 87, 88 - meaning. 87-9 JA 4 - scholar in. VA 96-8 The complaint of Mars CHAUCER, Geoffrey Cont'd.) ABC C 119-22 - translation. Anelida and Arcyte C 132 Canterbury tales AG 93, 141-2 AS 12 - medievalism. C 15 - prologue to fiction. 20-2 - The Rime of Sir Topas. 7 23- cock, 25 - fox. 52-3, 63 - Summoner. 53 - Friar. 63, 33-4, 170, 212 -Wife of Bath. 63 , 92 - Yoeman. 63, 140, 164-5 - Prologue. 63, 140, 174-6 - Franklin. 63, 174-6 - Squire. 67-9 - Knight. 72-8 - Doctor. 92 - Miller. 99 - technique of scholars. 100-4 - biography; subjectivi­ C 131 The complaint of Venus C~ 131 The complaint to his lady. C" 131 ty105 - Clerk of Oxford. 105, 130 - tale of Griselda. Ill, 131, 169 - Monk's tale. 121 - Parson’s tale. 130, 132, 154-85 146 - brevity of description; humor. 148 - art; romance. 156 - Sir Topos. 163,- originality. 164-5 - style. 168 - Pardoner's tale. 168- 9 - Knight's tale. 169 - Miller's tale. 169- 70 - Doctor's tale. 170 - Confessor's tale; Friar's tale; Summoner's tale; Squire's tale; Prioress' tale. 171 - Cook's tale; Merchant's tale; Sir Topas1 tale, 171- 84 - novel, 172 - characters. 172- 3 - novelizing of. 173- 6 - psychology In. 185 - appreciation; mirror of Chaucer's genius. The death of Blanche the duchess. C 130, 131 133- 4 - love in marriage. An exclamation of the death of pity. C 100-1 - biographical signi­ ficance . House of fame. C 23 - Danteism. 130, 132 The legend of good women. C 130-1 - poems mentioned in. 132 134- 5 - nonsense in. 135 - as legend of bad women; Swinbumian hymn of harlotry. 136-7, 141 - personal element. Legend of St. Cicely C 130 Palomon and Arcyte C 132 The parlement of foules C 130, 132 135- 6 - proposals for a mar­ riage. 59 CHAUCER, Geoffrey (Cont'd.) The romance of the rose C 130 » in The legend of goad women. 141 - defense of. 215 - translation. Troilus and Criseyde C 130, 132 131 - allusion to comedy. 142-3 - mythology In. 142-3 - Criseyde. 142- 50 - story. 143- 9 - medieval version 145 - Theseus. 148-9 - literary value. CHAUCER, Philippo AIS 134 C 97 CHAUMPAIGNE, Cecilia de C 104 CHEERFULNESS C 278-9 - theology. HA 2 - asceticism. INN 319 - without humor. SL 128 - American. CHEESE AO 55-7 - moon. 70-5 - praise; poetry. 72-4 - universality. 73 - soap and. 75 - biscuits; bread. AT 14 - humor. CHEMISTRY C 74-5 - condemnation. CHEMISTS C 74 - alchemists. 76 - doctor and. 77 - change in. CHESS CM 197 CHESTERBELLOC AB 115 - Shaw's term. CHESTERFIELD, Lord FF 266 - greatness. GKC 64 - Johnson and. CHESTERTON, Captain AB 12-13 CHESTERTON, Cecil AB 165-6, 197-217 211-2 - Godfrey Isaacs. 264-5 - courage. GKC 113 - death. 114-birth. 115 - eloquence. RR 179 - on World War I, A history of the United States GKC 113-23 - introduction ta. The party system AB 203 GKC 120 CHESTERTON, Mrs. Cecil AB 190-8 GKC 202-7 - dramatization of The GKC mon who was Thursday. CHESTERTON, Edward AB 33-5 CHESTERTON, Frances (Mrs. GKC) AB 100, 151-5 CHESTERTON, Gilbert Keith AB 1 - baptism. 1- 2 - birth. 2- 5, 11-2 - parents. 8 - knowledge of Shakespeare. 8 24- earliest memories. 24-50 - childhood. 27 - Freethinkers and. 28-9 - relatives. 30 - wedding day. 49 - philosophy of life. 51-74 - St. Paul's School. 53-5 - boyhood. 67-9 - youth, 75-6 - conversion. 77-86 - spiritualism. 86-97 - art school. 96 - book reviewer; Slade School. 102 - telephone. 107 - socialist. 110-2 - Boer War. 117 - Daily News. 20 119- on Japaan. 129 - in Germany; interna­ tionalist. 134-6 - clothes. 142 - influenced by Yeats. 142-3 - religious background. 150 - Land of heart's desire. 151-5 - wife. 156 - absent- mindedness. 159 - doubts. 174 - dogmas. 178 - Christian theology. 183-4 - responsibility. 60 C CC 227 - Chaucerian authority. 28 - Maria Monk; family; Stopford Brooke and Unitari­ an preachers. 28, 36 - Catholic Church. 30-1 - agnostic; Anglicanism; Anglo-Catholicism. 38- 9 - Bernard Vaughan. 39- 40 - religious Influence on. 43 - Priestley and Martineau. 45-6 - patriotism. 56-7 - proselytizing. 62- 3 - conversion. 63- 4 - medievalist ideas. 77-8 - churches. 89 - paganism and agnosticism. 108 98- Socialist and Spiritu­ alist experience. 98 - distributism. 105-6 - optimism and pessi­ mism. 106 - loss of faith. CL 31, 113 - self portrait. 159 - socialism. CM 224-5 - on social reform. 241-5 - conversion. CP 302 - Dreyfus. CT ix-x - journalism. 14 - conservative; distribu­ tism; socialist. 82 - dislike of Tories. 168 - on drinking. 192 - boyhood. 224 - criticism; reactionary. 225 - admiration of America. 230-1 - criticism of America. EE 89 - paradoxes. 164-5 - patriotism. FA 16-7 - conversion. 66, 252-3 GB5 97 - Shawand. GKC vi-viî - prefaces. ix - the symbol G .K ,C. xiii - chronology. xvii - autobiography. xviii - Belloc and. xlx - introductions. xx - essence. 114 - Cecil Chesterton and. 270 - jokes on. GL 118 - 18th century. GS 236 - liberalism. CHESTERTON, Gilbert Keith (Cont'd.) AB 201 - liberal. 217 - purge of Parliament. 219 - second honeymoon. 227 - Wells. 229,231 - Shaw. 230 - justifiable war. 231-2 - causes defended. 237-41 - cowboys. 250-1 - religious convictions. 255 - illness. 264 - editor of New Witness. 266-7 - King George V. 268 -Wilfred Word. 271-5 - George Wyndham. 273 - Mariolatry. 273-4 - Be Hour. 277-8 - revolutionary sympa­ thies. 282 - leaves Liberal Party. 298 - novelist. 318 - accuracy of dates. 319- 20 in Palestine. 320- 1 - in America. 321 - Notre Dame University. 322-3 - Dreyfus. 325-6 - in Spain. 328 - in Ireland. 328-30 - in Poland. 331-2 - mystery writer. 335-7 - lecturing days. 339-Father Brown. 340 - conversion. AD v - moral phi losophy. 5 14- medievalist. 66 - Scott’s poetry. AG 475 -a pagan. AIS 104 - political convictions. AS 162 - on property. 210 - father of. AT 9, 16 - Cockney, 28 - on simple things. 33 - imagination. 78-80 - Paris theatre. 91 - irony. 94 — play. 113 - martyrdom. 188 - simplicity. 201 - controversy. 204-5 - on conversation. 254 - stupidity and. AV 165-6 - pessimism. 61 30 - early views on world; justice; materialism. 56 - scientific revolution and conversion. 59-60 - Liberal Party. 70 - religious convictions. WW 229, 232 - Shaw. AH things considered GKC v - title. The architect of spears GKC 178 Babe un bom AB 91 The ball and the cross AB 297 Barbarism of Berlin AB 258 The blue cross AB 339 Browning AB 95 Chaucer C 9-10 - purpose. Christian social union. AB 167-9 Crimes of England 259 AB The defendant AB 116 DE 5-8-purpose. 6-7 - criticism. The end of the modems WS 205-6 The escape UU 71-2 The flying inn. 282 , 297 AB G.K.C. asM. C. GKC vis - content, x - authority, xii - omissions, xiii Heretics AB 179 If I had only one sermon to preach WS CHESTERTON, Gilbert Keith (Cont'd.) H 218 - jokes. 218-20 -McCabe. 219 - seriousness. 220 - paradoxes. 287-8 - Shaw. HA 75 - Shakespeare. II 91-3-World War 1. 132 - French and Irish blood. MM 123-9 - journalism. 126-9 - writing habits. OR 14, 87, 117-8 - philosophy of. 86-7 - Christianity discovered. 153-87 - paganism and agnos­ ticism. RS 29 - literary acquaintances. 139-40 - criticism. SD 78 - socialist. SP 151-5 - comic constable. SS 17-8 - on cannibalism, on clothes. 44-7, 49-50 - Coulton. TC 8-9 - agreeabi I i ty. 9 - detective stories. 20 15- literary criticism. 51 - ordinary man. 74-5 - Unitarian preachers. 74-5 - Protestantism; family. TT 7 - methods. 8-16, 146 , 269 - artist. 17-24 -train ride. 64 - Walham Green. 80 - juryman. 112-8 - contents of pockets. 113 - tidiness. 130-1 - childhood. 146 - caricatures. 190-1 - in Germany. 242 - Post-Office Hymn. 317-8 - as Johnson. 320 - Paley. UD 242-3 - characters. VA 11 - Victorianism. WA 96-7 - personal habits. 126 - Democrat. 154 - on slavery. WC 5 - enthusiasm for Cobbett. 191 - business dislikes. WS 1 - egoism. 2 - reaction to criticism. 23 - post-conversion reaction. CT 136 The man who was Thursday AB 98-100 GKC 202-3 206 - dramatization. Monal ive AB 62 91 SD SP CHESTERTON, Gilbert Keith (Cont'd.) Napoleon of Notting Hill AB 106-7, 136 , 297 CC 98 - distributism. Orthodoxy AB 179 OR viï-vîîî, 13-21 Qptline of sanity CT Xi OS 240 Resurrection of Rome RR 16-26 St, Froncis of Assisi FA 7-17 TA 1 St. Thomas Aquinas TA ix - air»· x-xi - scope. 1 - origin. A shilling for my thought. GKC v - title. Sidelights on New London and Newer York SL v-vii ççna of swErds UU y-vl The two voices Π 206-9 Victorian age in literature WS 202 73 - modem world. 115 - atmosphere. CHILDBIRTH 176-180 - Feminists. FF 142 - paradox. OR CHILDHOOD 31 - wonder. AB 46 - evolution and. 46-7 - description. 151-8 - romance. AG 53 - psychology CD 76-7 - second. CP 58 - disease. FR 166 - aim of man's life. GW 306 - experience. MM 55-6 - Darwinism. RS 104-6 256-9 - literature and. 31 - pretending. SP UD 222 - reality and, CHILDREN 39-40, 103-4 - reality. AB 42 - R. L. Stevenson. 175 - charm. AD 23 - education. AG 193 - movie vamp. 257 - poetry. 1 -5 - plutocracy. AS 61 - nursery rhymes. 132-3 - mystery; nature. 162-4 - education. The wild knight AT AB 91 William Cobbett WC 12 CHESTERTON, Sidney AB 17-8 CHESTERTON (village) GKC 128 CHESTERTON family AB 35-6 - extraordinarily English. CHICAGO SL 96-100- crime. 107 - bootleggers. WA 76 - industrialism. CHICKEN WW 8-9 - and the egg, CHILD labor SS 12-3 CHILD martyr, The EM 141,319 CHILD psychology AB 25-7 AV B CD CL CM CT DE 63 32-3 - imaginative. 160 - reading of. 147 - family and. 154 - worship of; virginity. 34 - suffering. 123 - recognition of evil. 195 - Maeterlinck on. 222 - world. 55-9, 208 - fairy tales. 57-9, 114-art. 57-9 - imagination; truth. 89-90 - Stevenson. 141-3 - coeducation. 156 - laughter. 183 - destruction. 16 - conservatism. 149 - gravity; happiness. 149-50 - universe. 149-53 - influence. 150 - baby-worship. 151-2 - humanity and. RS CHILDREN (Cont’d.) DE EE EM FA FF GKC GL GS H HA JJ LL M MM NA OR OS RR SD 151-3 — adults and. 152 - paradox. 153 - physical appearance. 145 - oppression of the unborn child. 15 - doctrice and. 141- 3 - demonology. 142- 3 - Roman and Jewish love of. 142-3, 168-9, 174, 180 Punic demonology. 100 - and nature. vî-vii, 159-65, 204-6, 2259, 230, 235-6 - education. 4 - ort. 67-9, 236 - parent* and. 72 - moving pictures. 72-6 - fears. 78, 126, 160-5 - training and discipline. 125-6 - danger. 162-4 - personality. 164-5 - God and. 61 - Germany. 224 - poetry; normal children. 227 - morality. 229 - social transitions; cos­ tumes . 12 - nurses. 36 - Spain. 118 - 18th century. 10-11 - friends; education; religion. 70 - holy terror. 52 - loyalty. 139 - as guide. 42 - cosmos. 76 - enjoyment, 126 - truth. 86 24 - aesthetic education. 27 - earth not humdrum to; nonsensical universe. 102 - paradise of. 44 - definition. 67-8 - cruelty; neglect. 293 -Children's Charter. 13 - human race. 290 - worship of. 187 - capitalistic state. 157-8 - Baroque and. SL SP 93 - morality taught. 63-6 - parents. 67-8 - parental authority. 77 - intelligentsia and. 78 - state and. 120, 121 - natural 145 - Spain. 121, 128 - fairy tales. 128-9 - imagination. 129 - the unknown. 176-7 - play. 222 - boundaries. 28-9 - growth; world history. UD 160, 163-5 - education. 218-9 - Christmas. 167-8 - characteristics, VT 39 - dancing. WA 168- 9 - health cult. 169- 70 - precocious. 268-9 - in America; spirit. 110-1 - color and. WS 145-6- freedom. 239-41 - education. ww 248-9 - “save the children." CHILDREN'S literature 154 - limitations in nursery AG romances. 228-32 CM 24-8 - library of the nursery. LL 28 - moralising. CHIMERA 28 CM CHINA AV 84-5 - ritualism. 151 - family. C 244 - Confucius. 155 - Japanese invasion. EA EM 88 - civilization. 89 - virtues. 90 - Tartars. 104 - one God. 138 - civilizations of Aztecs and. 147-8 - philosophy. 276 - tortures. 134-6 - romantic notion. FF 135 - characteristics. 171 - courage. OR 202 , 276 - civilization. 55 - population. SD 68-9 - Victorian* in. SL 79-80 - government. TT 64 CHINA (Cont'd.) WA 252-3 - customs. WS 234 - fruitfulness of land. CHINESE AT 17-8 - England; labor problems. 00 - war. EM 19-20 - characteristics. GL 133 - sacrifice. TT 65-6 - Chinaman; symbolism. WB 202 - agnosticism. CHIVALRY C 11 - grades. 59 - Crusades. 89 - 14th century. 151 - Christianity. CM 34 - vassal. 276 CT 85 - European; Irish; Spanish. 223 - democracy. EM 16-meaning. 93 - Iliad. 173 - sentiment. 180 - Christian and pagan. 183-4- Troy. 244 - Roman heroism. GL 39 - Don Quixote. NJ 42 - Moslems. OR 171 - Europe. RB 88-virtue. RDQ 286 -root of. RR 84 - Charlemagne. 85 - defeat and. SD 88 - Virgil. 91 - vow and. 92 - knighthood; trades. SE 82 - definition. TC 52 - sexes. UD 66 - Japan. WA 295 - idealism. CHLOE WW 183-4 - coldness. CHOICE MK 294 - root of religion. MM 80-1 - history and. NJ 16 - freedom, SD 150 - need. SP 115 CHOLMELEY, R. F. AB 65 CHORUS AD 287-94 - values. AD 289 - purpose. 3 291- in tragic literature. AV 104-5 - popular song and. GKC 255 - tradition. CHOSEN race CC 41 - mankind as the. CHRIST, see Jesus Christ. CHRISTENDOM, see Christianity. CHRISTIAN antiques NJ 28 RR 9-10 - pagans and. CHRISTIAN art. see. Art, Christian. CHRISTIAN civilization, see Civilization, Christian. CHRISTIAN Commonwealth (periodical) CM 222-3 - Pierpont Morgan. CHRISTIAN Communisn SE 113 CHRISTIAN life CP 240-1, 261 FA 175 - Franciscan spirit. CHRISTIAN names, see Names. CHRISTIAN Science AB 147 AD 162 AG 74 - salesmanship. 84 - business men; Christianity. 84-6 213 - optimism. 214 - Hamlet, 215 - God and. CC CT EM OR OS SD SL 21 - tradition. 83 - Plato; intellectual sim­ plicity. 100 - motivation; murder and. 219 - miracles. 228-9 - Christ and. 250-1 - mental decay. 136 - miracles. 186 - a fad. 48-9 - American optimism. 108 - Mrs. Eddy. 177 - optimism. TC 68 UD 72-8 74 - hope; essence. 75 - fallacy. 178 - on the crucifixion. 190 - miracles. WB WS CHRISTIAN Social Union AB 65 167 CT CHRISTIAN unity 144 - defense. FA 92 - disunity; 17th century. SP CHRISTIANITY 157 - Nietzche. AB 240 - Dickens. ACD 2-4 - peculiarity. AD 113 - origin; rationalists. 72-3 - in newspapers. AG 81 - Prohibition. 157-63 - Renaissance. 162 - aesthetics. 210-6 - optimism. 215-6 - God. 222 - France. 35 - England. AIS 118 - nationalism. 117 - liberalism and. AP AS 98 - humbug. 135-9 - culture. 148-9 - Latins. 268 - Renan; Anatole France. AT AV 91 - Europe. 217, 222 - Ludendorff. 222 - universality. C 47 - discontent. 150-1 - power. 190 - old world of. 261 - conceptions. 292 - dying civilization; Cal­ vin . 292-3 - breaking away · 293 - evils within. CC 50-2 - broad bctsis; Protestan­ tism . 51 - Tolstoyanism. 75-6 - Rome. 80, 82 - Christendom: a con­ tinent. CD 89 - life and. CDU 29 - "larger than Europe." 58-66 - General Will. 84 - double aspect. CM 27 - Swinburne. 30 » virtue. 63 - detective story. 143 - sex. 190-5 - Anglicanism; disestablishmentarianism. 193 - English. 239 - modesty. CP 232 DE EA EE EM FA 66 50-1 - Shelley and dogma. 85 - mercantilism. 188 - Namse. 248 - Foch· 58-9 - publicity. 98 - spread. 132-3 - essence. 29 - beginnings: Pilate and Herod. 223-4 - life. 164 - Calvinism. 229 - household gods. 5, 11-3, 19-22, 97-100 religions. 126-33, 134-58, 186-94, 201, 205-14, 270-89 - mythology and philosophy united. 128-33 - reason. 152-8, 290 - progressiveness of Asia. 157 - common sense. 164 - Eastern feeling about T urkey. 175-6 - Punic Wars. 180 - nationalism. 183-4-Troy. 192-4 - birth of. 199 - little things. 200 - slavery. 204 - "larger than creation." 206-14 - syncretism and. 210-1 - despised and feared. 211, 248-68, 301 - Rome. 212 - heaven; Lucretius and Spencer. 248-68, 288-9 - key. 249, 256-68 - Manicheoiism. 252-4 - idealists1 movement. 255 - rise of. 257, 271 - Nestorianism. 277-8 - war and peace. 290 - antiquity. 290-303 - always a new reli­ gion. 291-2 , 295-6, 302 - Renais­ sance. 297 - a river. 19-20 - history. 24-5 - historical fact. 32-3 - conversion. 137 - practice. 139 - features; paradoxes. OR CHRISTIANITY (Confd.) FA 175 - St. F ranch. FF 49-52 - vegetarianism. 150-1 - liberty. G8S 198 - courage. GKC 17 - Holmes. 50 - paradox. GL 60 - hatred by Europeans. 62-3 - alive. 68-9 - mercy. 132 - England. GS 25 - historical contradiction. 27 - ideas. 53 - Marxism. 149-51 - worship and creed. GW 143 - Divine Comedy. H 15 - taste and. 69 - humility; hypocrisy. 94 - Huxley. 98 - joy. 129, 157 - paradoxes. 160 - Tennyson. 163 - hedonism. 167 - fools. 179 - family. HA 33 - humai body. II 221 -Ireland. LL 98 - medieval. 105 - dislike of. 109 - alive. 117 - reverent treatment of. 143 - enemies of. MM 197-8 - nationality. 220 - democracy. 220-1 - nature; the poor. 242-3 - Orientalism. 277-8 - injustice to. NA 275 - soul of Nazareth. NJ 28-9 - civilization and. 34 - Crusades. 82 , 84 - in Jerusalem. 107 - Asia; women of Bethle­ hem. 118-9 - historic in Jerusalem, 150 - dependence of Christen­ dom, 198 - Germany. 211 -a bridge. 215 - prejudice; rebuke of. 229-30 - Christendom attacked. 263 - politics. 303 - suzerainty. viii, 19-20, 118, 133-47, 150-87,202-3, 211-2 , 21529, 264-99 - end of al l wan­ derings. 9-14 - critics. 15-6 - "romance." 50 - centrifugal. 133-5, 168, 170-1 - martyr­ dom and suicide. 133-47 - modem problems. 135, 155-8, 164, 177, 181, 184-5 - optimism and pessi­ mism. 137, 148-87, 272 - paradoxes. 148-87 - virtues in. 150, 187 - truth. 158-60 - virility. 158-60, 177-8 - meekness. 160 -4 - objection: oneness. 163 - family; sex. 163-4 - women. 163-4, 182-3 - penance and lavishness. 164 - Jews; religious extrava­ gance. 165 - rationalists. 167-8 - Malthusianism attacks. 170-1 - courage. 171 - chivalry due to. 172-4, 177, 181-2 - humility. 174-5 - charity. 175 - justice; tenderness. 177 - compassion, protest. 178 - Indignation; secularist attack. 178-9, 290-1 - virginity. 180-1 - Tolstoyanism. 181 - mercy, 183 - nationalism and patrio­ tism. 184 - lion tamer. 184-7 - heresy and heretics. 185 - symbolism protected. 186 - Arianism; Calvinism; fads; Orientalism. 188-9, 247, 266 , 268-9, 2929 - happiness. 188-229 218-26 - environment and mars wealth. 220-6 - democracy akin. 67 CHRISTIANITY (Confd.) OR 233-4, 249 - "democracy's OS RR safeguard." 243, 247 - Buddhism and art; saints. 244- 50 - "purpose of God." 245- 50 - charity; liberty; humanity. 245-60 - transcendance, 246 - sword which separates and sets free. 247, 250 - wonder. 247-60 - ethics and social reform. 249 - vigilance. 252- 5, 259-60 - free-will and salvation. 253-5 - concerned with the instant; life and after-life. 262-99 - doctrine; reason. 271 -5 - Dark Ages. 273, 276 - Rome. 285-6 - Jewish origins. 287-93 - living teacher. 292 - original sin, hell, penance. 149 - decay. 40 -faults of; Gibbon. 43 - Constantine. 52 - Judaic elements; Byzan­ tine Empire. 53 - nature of eastern; images. 90-1 - Rome. 105 - monument of Pope Leo XIII. 119 - religion of Resurrection. 120 - materialism. 121 - origin. 152 - Byzantine art; Gothic art. 17 - divorce, 80 - a turning point. 87 - origins; critics. 90 - slavery. 107 - marriage. 20 - philosophy of government. 29-30, 46 - England. 36 - mystical materialism. 169 - creed for all men. 238 - equality. 247 - French Revolution. 84 - publicity. SD SE SL SL SP SS TA TT UD VA VT 147-8 - drinking and. 151 - Puritanism. 177 14 - expectations. 99 - Roman civilization. 109 - patriotism. 18 - tradition. 9 - approach to, 15 - in Christendom. 19 - Thomism. 32 - paradox. 47 - Crusades. 90-1 - Eastern and Western. 92 - an ti-corporea I i sm. 100 - failure; historians on. 138 - materialism. 46 - danger. 138 - savagery. 22 - Spiritualism. 215- 7 - the hearth and. 216- 7 - Fable; narrowness. 255 - criticism. 206 - French Revolution. 214 - Liberalism. 216 - 18th and 19th centuries compared. 62-4 - asceticism. 136-44 - Tolstoy. 137 - Neo-Platonists; Renais­ sance . 137-8 - negation. WA WB WC WS WW (see 151 - Democracy; Savonarola. 211 -foundation. 195-England. 291 -4 democracy. 292 - evolution and. 107-claim. 107-8 - supernatural ism. 108 - reason. 142 - Aesop’s fables. 180 - transcendentalism. 201 - mysticism. 204 - the personal in. 105-denial. 168 - the English history. 52 - masochism. 115 - prejudice. 163 - expansiveness. 232 - decay. 47-8, 56 - Christi» ideal un­ tried. also Catholic Church; Christi»*) CHRISTIANITY and other religions AG 162 - heathenism. NJ 175 - polytheism. CHRISTIANITY and other religions: Bud­ dhism CC 88 EM 213, 249, 259 GS 110-6 OR 50, 240-60 TA 135-6 CHRISTIANITY and other religions: Confucianism AD 5-6 EM 213 CHRISTIANITY and other religions: Mohammedanism C 292 CM 269-71 EM 97-100, 213, 271-2, 277-8, NJ 294-5 44, 255, 262 RR 111 SE 75, 79 (see also Islam) CHRISTIANITY and paganism, see Paganism and Christianity. CHRISTIANS AD 109 - primordial meaning. AG 157 - paganism and. 160 - medieval. AS 97-9 - mystery. AT 225 - peace and war. AV 85 - cosmos. C 44 - standards. CM 193-4 CP 216 CT 7 - money. GKC 38 - Old Testament. H 49 - world. MM 282 - Ideas. NJ 43 - pagan art. 68, 79, 122, 124 - in Jeru­ salem. 82-3 - persecution in Jerusa­ lem. 117 - Turks In Palestine. 130-1 -anti-Semitism. 134 - Eastern. 151 -Sir Herbert Samuel. 214 - Bethlehem. 264 - Victorian prejudice. RR 47 - Constantine. RR 127-8 - sun-worshippers. SD 52 - vagabond· 124-5 - definition. SE 32 - belief. TA 143-4 - wine; teetotallers. UD 107 - creed. WB 215 - cross. WC 230-1 - life and. ww CHRISTIE,. Agatha 34 CT CHRISTMAS 103 - and Scott. ACD 103-13 - Dickens. 108-11 - celebration. 211-2 - beggars; carol singers. AIS 177-8 - Chaucer. AS 283- 6 AT 284 - customs. 284- 5 - secrecy. 289 - Ouida; mankind; Shaw. 290-1 - asceticism. 8 - thing of the future; adver­ AV tisement; writing of stories. 8-14 9 - futurists. 10 - sacredness. 10, 13 - commercialism. 11-12 - pudding. 164-5, 177 - Dickens. CD 177 - poverty. CL 223 - tradition. 129- 30 - Virgin Mary. CP 130- 2 - Magi. 130-2 - Christmas Babe. 137-9 - Christmas Day. 153 198-214, 265 - meaning. EM FF 53 - comedy. 90, 149-50 - Dickens. GKC 151 - perpetuation. 1 $4 - reformers. GL 128 - tradition. 129 - Latins. 129, 131 - English. GS 193 - habit of observing. H 98-99 MM 199 NJ 13 - in history. SE 208 - Puritans. SL 160 - Puritans. TC 249-55 - family spirit. TT 134 - mythology. 69 39 - moderate. 53 - mercy. 55 - world and. 95-6 - modernists. 123 - pagans. 140 - Renaissance. 146 - extravagance. 151-2 - attitudes towards life. TA 7-8 - world and. 67-8 - science and. 103 - St. Thomas on. 104 - Si ger of Brabant. 125 - anti-Christianity within. 125 - corruption. WA 197-8 - republic and. WC 105 - eternity. WS 240 - Thomas More. 247 - persecution by. (see also Catholic Church; Sects; also names of religious aroups) CHURCH and state . CC 46 CM 190-5 CT 192 EE 95-97 MM 222 , 277-9 RR 108-9 - civil power and Hie papacy. WS 245-8 CHURCH architecture LL 110 - Normandy. 173 - medieval cathedral. RR 60 - classical realism; Roman churches. CHURCH buildings AG 40-1 - Christianity. EE 95-7 - State establishment. FA 63 - paradox. 65 - Francis of Assisi. GKC 105-6 - Cobbett. 106 - Ruskin. GL 23-4 - color in Spanish chur­ ches. 102 - church of St. Ouen. LL 43 - feeling of sanctity. 96 - use and meaning. 174 - restoration of. UD 130 - seizure (16th century). CHURCH discipline FA 36 - reform. CHURCH history C 53 - progress in. RR CHRISTMAS (Cont’d.) UD 214-5 - fireplaces. 217 - reality. 218, 220-1 -erqoyment. 218, 221 - adults. 218-9 - children. 226- 8 227- 8 - meaning; literature. 229, 232 - a feast of fools. 230 - paradox; seriousness. UU 32 - Shakespeare, (see also Jesus Christ: Nativity) CHRISTMAS cards AIS 11 NJ 90 CHRISTMAS carols, see Carols. CHRONICLES AG 183-4 - historian and chroni­ cler. AV 125 - newspapers. FA 156-7 - historians; use. CHRONOS EM 184 CHURCH AG 44 - conservatives. AS 215 - feasts. AT 277 - vice and. 278 - world and. B 87 - membership. 147 - progress. 148 - beyond the times. 150 - virtue. 379 - madnesses. 380 - world and. C 41 - monopoly. 56 - weakening. CC 77-8 - 19th century ideas. EM 215-30 - Gospels and. 302 - perdu rat ion of. FA 53 - age. 54 - orthodoxy. 65 - rebuilding. 123 - asceticism. 172 - wickedness. 179 - narrowing. 201 - a challenge. GL 83 - mourning and. 84 - death and. MM 277 - private detective. 278-9 - torture; pardon. NJ 220 - Russian; simplicity. OR 233-60 - freedom and tyranny. 70 CHURCH history (Cont'd.) (see also names of periods and coun­ tries, e.g., Frcnce; Middle Ages; Sli·) CHURCH membership EM 10 CHURCH militant CP 133-4 MM 250-1 - Gothic architecture and. CHURCH of England AS 1 - baptism. 163-5 AIS 224 - marriage rites. AT 151 - decadence. CC 16 - 19th century. 30-1 - Chesterton's early membership. 31 - Catholicism as attribute; High and Low Church. CD 220-1 - Dickens. CE 39-40 -clergy. CM 190-5 DW 13 - transubstantiation. EE 97 - strength. H 22 - persecution by Anglicans. 49 - world and. OR 196 - 19th and 20th centuries. SE 167, 212-4 - rise. WC 172-clergy. WS 26 - Founders. 187-8 - rulers. CHURCH reform C 47 - head and members. CHURCH times (periodical) AB 185 CHURCHILL, John, see Marlborough. CHURCHILL, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer FT 25-6 - satire; character. VT 51 WS 206 - GKC and. CHURCHILL, Winston Leonard Spencer AB 120 - on Japan. AIS 155-6 - Marlborough. AV 114 - John Churchill. CICERO GBS 216 - De amiticia. LE CID GL 97, 154 CIDER CP 174 - song of. CIGARS DE 27 - class privilege. TT 189 - Europe. WA 106 - Americans. CIMABUE, Giovanni CM 102 CINCINNATUS, Lucius Quinctius EM 167 WC 17-8 CINDERELLA OR 88 - the Magnificat. CINEMA, see Moving pictures. CITADELS NJ 58-Turkish. 59 - cities and. CITIZEN; Citizenship ACD 173-State and. AD 250-idea of. AG 22 - as reformer. CP 95 CT 223-South (U.S.) GKC 188 - Catholics. H 264 - holidays. HA 44 - democracy. MM 19, 23 - qualities. 20-2 - privileges. 99 - State and, NJ 20 - reality. 23 - equality. SD 47-9 - and state. 71 - family. WA 8-9, 16-7 - America. 16, 195-6 - England. CITY (cities) AD 16-7 - nature worship. 18-9 - Cockney. 147-8 - sternness. 161-7 - criticism. 162 - modem. 164 - inhumanity. AT 218 - civilization. 218-20 - policeman; polite­ ness and. " 72 · money and. 149-family; society. CL 197-nomadic life. DE 158-9 - poetry of. EM 188 - Roman family. 245 - mob. 246 - pagan devotion. GKC 29 - faults; poetry. 30 - personality; humanity. AV 71 AG CITY (Cont'd.) GS 249 — commercial and reli­ gious centers. 188 22-3 - poetry. 23 - flight from. 77 - dignity of. 78 - ugly. NJ 59 - citadels. OR 122-4 - love the source. OS 148-51 - causality. RR 7 - towns and. SL 199 - limitations. SP 140 - permanence. 141 - haunted. WA 38 - aestheticism. 45-6 - future. 4 63- building and construc­ tion. 63-78 - America. 69- life. 84-5 - England. 84-5, 95-6 - America. 87 - politics. WC 14 - Cobbett on. CITY and country AD 145-6 EM 185 LL 19 - popular notions. WA 85 - forms, fsee also Rural life) CITY companies SE 116-7 - trades. CITY state AV 112 - French Revolutionists. EM 82 - individual insignificance in Greek. CITY-STATES FA 34, 48-9-Italy. CIVIL war (U.S.) see United States: History: Civil War CIVILIAN WC 87 CIVILITY FA 108 CIVILIZATION AB 175-8 - modem thought. AD 30-7 - nature and. 72-3 - bad; good. Ill - vigilance. 145 - poetry of, AG 18-9 - crudities. AIS HA LL AS AT AV B C CM CQT CT DE EA EE EM FA FF 72 - philosophy. 81 90 - progress. 36 - fall. 64-7 - Oriental. 69-70 - war. 68-73 - sources. 29-30 - war. 135-6 - Germany. 135-9 181-3 - ephemerality. 218 - city ond. 225 - European. 226 - definition. 42 - culture and. 43 - self-curing. 45-6 - barbarians; barbarism. 195 - foundation. 216 - strength in modem world. 292 - dying. 36 - barbarians. 94-5 - spirits and. 108-17 - modem thought. 111-2 - modem bondage. 116 - beauty. 147 - Jomes. 196-7 - revolution. 234-7 - heathenry; fatalism. 236-7 - Catholicism. 275-7 - humanism. 278 - progress. 56 - slums. 98 - solitude. 110-Wells. 118 - criticism. 145 201 - centre of. 215 - liquor and. 219-Civil War (U.S.) 25 - truisms. 161-2 - romanticism. 67 - Catholic church. 115-6-Middle Ages. 116 - 17th and 18th centuries. 127 - modem. 63-93 - antiquity. 137-43, 168-76 - demonology 306 - barbarism. 95 - medieval: art, social virtues, etc. 81 - modem. 124 - fallacy of modem. 72 OS CIVILIZATION (Cont’d.) FF FT GKC GL GS H HA H LL 150—1 - pagan; slavery. 177-8 - revolutions; war. 211-2 - liquor and. 2 - artificiality. 20 - Alexander Pope. 104 - Cobbett; rural. 205 - breakdown. 253 - attitudes. 5-9 - English history. 37 - old CTtd new. 38 - beauty. 52-4 - history and. 68-9 - brutality vs. efficiency. 135 - funerals; joy. 103-9 - digestion and conver­ sation . 67 - superman. 70 - romance. 80 - conflict. 163 - humility. 26 - ancient and modem. 27 - institutional. 28 - Irish, English, Chinese. 137 - older than- barbarism. 144-5 - Ireland. 194 - Celtic and poetry. 211 - Irish; Belfast. 65 - indecency in. RDQ RR SD SL SP TE TM TT 109 - Roman. 150 NA 167 - spirit of the age. 18-9 - superficiality. 137, 231-2, 235-7 - scienti­ fic method. 231-2 - weakness. 235-7 - failure. 243 - western. ] 3-20 - 20th century prophets. NJ 148 - terribly quiet. 15 - Eastern and Western; MM UD - evolution and. 51-4 - commercial. 155 - unity. 183-91 - industrial. 168 - tangle of lies. 181 - crutch. 21 - centre. 37 - luxury. 42 - Eastern. 45 - new; and Constantine. 62 - Europe. 63-4 - morality. 82 - Nordic; Western and the Caesars. 84 - Charlemagne. 109 - Mahomet; the Papacy. 263 - protector of small things. 64-5-family. 13 - names and. 18 - decline. 87 - egoism. 205, 211 - spirit of the age. 96-18th century. 99-102 - Roman. 149-50 - the issue. 11 - nature and. 34 - moral system. 185-92 - abstractions. 2S-9 - advancement. 259 - torture. 62-3-modem. 196-8 - insignificance. 210-1 - fallacy of modem. VT 134-5 - vanity. 147 - heart of. 151-4 - modern and Renais­ sance. WA 62 - evils. WC 41 - meanness. WS 75-7 - basic ideas. 85 - reaction in favor. 227 - traders and. 252 - peril. WW 23-4 - Japanese. 53 - unfinished. 65-8 - sex. 125, 136-7 -democracy. 146-56 - ancient and modem things. (see also Barbarism; Culture; Modem Age; Society; etc.) types. 16 - cross-roads. 18-9 - riddle of Western. 29 - Christianity and. 37 - decay. 112 - diseased. 113 - Arabs in Palestine. 203 - Byzantium. 205 - North Sea. 205-6 - Mediterranean. 206 - Palestine. 73 CIVILIZATION, Christian AT 221 -9 - modem and. 222 - savages. 223 - strength, C 292-3 - adherence to. CE 22 - democratic spirit. EA 24 - forlorn hope. 69 - German civilization. 169 - Communist hatred; Nazi hatred. FA 38 GS 27 - superiority. II 142 - Irish separatism. RR 87 - 9th century. SE 125 - middle ages. WS 79-sanity. CLAN H 180-1 - clique and. CLAPHAM AB 131-8 GKC 130 CLAPTRAP CT 117, 119 CLARE OF ASSISI, Saint CC 20 - virginity. EM 222 - Mary of Bethany. FA 126-9 - St. Francis. 127 - vocation. 128 - foundress. 129-friendship. CLARION (newspaper) AB 186 OR 30-free will. CLARITY AV 141 - poetry. MM 176 - mental. RB 38 - obscurity. CLASS distinction AIS 107-8 - England. AT 92-3 - lower classes in Eng­ land. 96-7 - universities and upper classes. 102 - upper classes: woman, culture, common man. DE 24 - lower classes defined. FF 209 - America. VT 232 - Queen Victoria; lower classes. (see also Middle Classes) CLASSICAL education CT 57 - necessity. CLASSICAL literature CT 53-8 - study; value. 57 - balance. 58 - power. 258 - religion and. FF 12-3 - classicist as aristocrat. GL 30 - quoted rather than read. HA 80 - mythology. 113 - meaning of a "classic." RR 183-9 - Roman, influence. CLASSICISM AG 261 - America. AS 74-5 - humanism. AV 62 - romanticists; French Revo­ lution . C 127 - medievalism. EM 202 - Crashaw and Herrick. HA 28-35-W.W. Jacobs, RR 153-4 - fantasy. 183-6 - English literature. WB 16 - in sculpturing. CLASSIFICATION AV 89-diversity. C 262 - theories. TA 221 - nominalists. CLAUDEL, Paul AS 31-4 - Lindsay. 33 - Spanish culture. UD 105 - nationalism. WS 113 - French Academy. 114 - genius. The satin slipper AS 31-4 WS 115 CLAUDIUS, Appius EM 167 - death of. CLAUSTROPHOBIA WS 160 - conversion. CLAY, Henry WA 214 CLEANLINESS CM 123-4 TT 76 - godliness and. WW 296-7 305-7 - public education, 364-5 - saints; the poor; god­ liness. CLEMENCEAU, Georges SD 139 - religion. CLEMENS, Samuel Langhome AS 212-20 219 74 - Chaplin and. CLEMENS, Samuel Langhome (Cont'd.) AS 219-20 - Scott and. 101 - Shaw and. 10 - responsibility. 11 - wit. 13 - character. 14 - cynicism. SL 176 - Huckleberry.Finn. TC 98 - Joan of Arc. VT 182 - humor. 185 - parody. WA 83 - Huckleberry Finn. CLEMENT, St. EM 252 - papal authority. CLEOPATRA C 135 - Legend of good women. CL 156 - o girl guide. CM 256-9- love. CLERGY AB 171-2 - wild curates. C 51-4 - friars. 52-3 - in England; Chaucer's Summoner. 56 - Black Death. H 223 - jokes. WC 172 - satire on parsons. 173 - families; Anglicans. WS 212 - churchmen and modem youth. (see also Bishops; Popes; Priests) CLERICALISM CDU 49 - meaning. WB 171 - anti-clericalism. (see also Anti-Clerical ism.) CLERK OS 56, 61-3 - socialism. CLEVERNESS CM 15-6 - greatness and. WA 116 - American; English. WW 156 - wisdom and. CLIMATE AS 146 - suicide. GBS HA MM 146 - cowardice. CLiSSOLD, William EA 132-WorldWar I. CLIVE, Robert SE 227 -India. CLOCKS AIS 163-4 CLODD, Edward GBS 198 - Nietzsche. CLOOTZ, Baron de WB 184 - Danton and. CLOSED conspiracy, The CT 111-6 CLOTHING and dress AB 134-6-GKC. AG 15-use. 18 - necessity; symbols. 139 - 19th century. 237-42 - morality. AIS 115-20 - English. 117 - etiquette. AS 133 - ornament; modesty. AV 153 - artificial. 154-5 - absurdity. C 62 - ugliness. 64 - medieval rules. 5 64- significance. EA 51 - natural to man. EM 49-50, 59-60-use. FA 73 - St. Francis. FF GL 1 - luxury. 84 - male and female costume. GS 24-5 - Eastern and Western. II 200 -Belfast. LL 132 - St. Louis on. MAN 129 - of women. NJ 41 - Moslems. 275 - Jews. OR 166-7 - modem. PL 95 - dignity of man. SS 16 - modesty. TA · 115-Louis IX. VT 21 - beauty. WA 28 - dignity; America. WB 177 - modesty, WS 129 - Russia. WW 184-5 - of women, (see also Costume; Fashions; Skirts; etc.) CLOUDS AV 23—4 - evolution and. 5 224RR WA 210 - freedom. 165 64-5 102 - influence. CLIMAX FF 269-70 - importance. CLIQUES AS 90-4 91-4 - criticism. H 180-1 - clan. 75 VA CLOUGH, Arthur Hugh 56 - Swinburne. CLUBS 181 - narrowness. H COAL mines and miners 15-6 - owners and labor. CT 246-7 - nationalization. FF 257 - ignorance. MM COALITION 159-60 - political parties. AV COARSENESS, see Vulgarity. COAT of arms 224-5 - history and. AIS 60-1 - origin. C 89-90 - legitimacy. 46-7 - peasant. SD 101-2 - England. UD Isee also Heraldry) COBBE, Frances Power VA 91 COBBETT , William 208 - Carlyle. ACD 97 - yeoman. AG 94 AV 79 - Catholic influence. CC 6 - Walter Pater. CD 83 - on German mercenaries. CE 84 - imprisonment, 85 - pamphleteer. 87 - style. 88 - paradox. 89 - on Cranmer. 90 - Dickens. 91-2 - medievalism. CM 84 266 CT ED 55 271-2 -Whig aristocracy. FF 101-2 - Belloc. GKC 103 - character. 105-6 - Ruskin. 131 - nationalism. GL 171 - on monks as landlords. SE 250 - imprisonment. 251 - importance. 252 - on agricultural and industriol disputes. 98 - historian. SP 100 - camp and cathedral. ss 31 229 - literary position. UD 13 - English nationalism. VA 16-7 17 - democracy, rodi cal ism, RB WA WC etc. 18 - English Revolution. 38-9 - îoumalîsm. 88-9, 162 - Dickens. 151 « os character. 163 - Browning. 254-5 1-1B " Public apology. 3 - obscure writer. 4-6, B, II, - style. 5 - revival. 6 - a literary model. 6, 8-11 - abuse of language. 11 - a crank. 13 - criticism of. 13-4, 18, 133-68 - revision of. 14, 54 - paradox in life of, 15, 44 - in France. 15, 45, 62, 103, 104 - In America. 18 - Jefferson compared with, 20 - enemies. 21-5 - Carlyle. 22 - pessimist. 29- 30 - ideals. 30- 1, 36-7, 82-93, 241-2, 246-52 - characteristics. 30 - industry; sentimentalism. 31- 2 - birth. 31 - creed. 32- 3 - poor, defender of the. 33 - Christian exemplar; schooling. 34 - clerk; hatreds; impetuo·· ity; soldier. 35 - conscientious; English grammar. 36 - regimental accounts. 37 - vices. 38 - Barlow. 39 - wife. 40-1 - favour, 44, 48 - as husband. 45 - self-control; thrift. 45, 48 - as father. 47-8, 178-9 - demagogue. 48 - human respect. 49, 60-1,67-71 - Tory. 76 159-60 - paradox on writings of. 161 - controversy. 162 - paradox on cry of. 163 - paradox of obscurity of. 166 - on historical method. 171 - peace. 172-3 - anti-clericalism. 176-7, 195 - beliefs. 178 - paradox on patience of. 179 - ideas of. 179-85 - education and. 182 - dogmatism. 187-93 - on markets. 187 - on fairs. 193 - on justice. 193-5 - on thrift. 196 - charity of. 203- 10 - English virtues. 204 - Hugo, 204- 6 - provocativeness. 206 - capitalism; England, 208 - paradox on poetry in. 208 - philosophy of. 208-10 - mysticism. 212-5 - cross in life of. 219 - Parliamentarian; demo­ cratic deliverer. 220-3 - prosecution of. 221 - self-defense. 222 - love of the poor; aequital of. 22^7 - gridiron affair. 227, 244 - Johnson. 232 - working classes. 235 - factory acts; failure; police. 239 - death of. 245 - contemporaries. 247 - universality. 248 - paradox on quarrels. 251 - philosophy. 2)9 - on the poor. Cobbett's Register CE 90 WC 25 - revival. 63 - foundation. 78, 101, 224 Cottage economy GKC 103-7 English grammar WC 120-2, 186-7 WC COBBETT, William (Cant'd.) WC 49 - aim, intelligence, spirit, etc. 49, 98 - failure. 53 - caricatures; works. 53-93 - patriotism. 54 - tragedy, 55 - England, memories of. 57 - homesickness. 59-61 - Priestly and, 60 - Peter Porcupine (pseud.) 61 - pamphleteering. 62 - return to England. 63 - American triumphs. 67-7) ,81, 181 - as radical. 68, 73 - consistency of. 71 - love of England. 76 - public alliance. 79, 91-3 , 97-9 - imprison­ ment. 80-2 - Revolutionist. 81 - conservative. 83-4 - patriotism. 85-6 - courage of. 89 - heroism. 92 - rage of. 98 - Jingoism. 99 - humanitarianism. 99-100 - on war. 101 - on democratic reforms. 102- 3 - reformer's plot. 103- 4 - reform in America. 104 - quarrels. 106 - attack on Paine. 107-10 - political philosophy. 110-6 - Paine's re I ics and. 111 - Aristophanes. 112-4 - ritualist. 113 - Lincoln. 115-6 -O'Connell. 119 - political friendships. 121 - teaching methods. 122 - logic. 123-5 - controversial style. 126-8 - England, 2nd return to. 127 - self-queries. 135 - as educationist; publi­ cations . 153 - Austen. 154-5 - historian. 77 COBBETT, William (Cont'd.) History of the Reformation CE 89 WC 159, 166 Lott hundred days of English freedom WC 125 Letter to the Luddites WC 101 Rural rides WC 70, 1X2-4, 178, 184, 186, 197, 208 COBBETT, Mrs. William WC 44 - silence of. COBDEN, Richord AG 27 - speech. 71 - Philistine. C 187 - Disraeli. CT 253 - economics. SS 12—3 - child labor, TA 36 - Bright. 46 - internationalism. TC 90 - Liberal Party. WA 11 - patriotism. 288 - slavery. COBBLERS AIS 49-51 - atheism and. COCKNEY ACD 188 - description. 188-9 - Shakespeare, AD 18-city. AT 9-19 - humor. WB 35-life. COCKTAIL comics AB 186 COCKTAILS AG 72 - prohibition, SL 29-40 - criticism. 35 - quarrels. 36 - origin. COEDUCATION CM 141-3 COERCION I) 28, 37 - in Ireland. SD 78-9 - socialism. WW 201 -3 - government. 203 - democracy. 204-8 - sufferage. 218-9 - voting. COINCIDENCES AD 217-22 INN 6 - in life. COINS TT 118 CO IT, Stanton AB 176 COLE, George Douglas Howard CT 34 WC 252 -onCobbett. COLE, King CP 43-5 FF 42-3 COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor AIS 75 - Wordsworth, 86-91 88 - Kubla Khan, 90-3 - The ancient mariner. GKC 214 - Royal Society of Liter­ ature , VA 20 - Danton; Kubla Khan. 23 - eccentric. 193 - Fitzgerald. 244 - Stevenson. WS 6 - alliteration. COLLECTIVISM II 33-English. MM 58 - politics. OR 197 - conservatism, OS 58 WW 95-7 - necessities. 157 - specialism. 339-42 - error. (see also Communism: Socialism) COLLECTOR WIS 169 - miser and. COLLINGWOOD, William Gershom VT 217 . 220-1 - The Life of John Ruskin. COLLINS, Dorothy AB 326 COLLINS, Wilkie CD 230 - Dickens. RR 203 - gentleman. VA 130 - moral and religious thought. 130-2 - mysticism. 132 - plots. Armadale SL 257-fantasy. TA 158-9 - St. Thomas' dream. VA 132 The Moonstone AIS 90 78 COLLINS, Wilkie (Cont'd.) The Moonstone VA 132 The Woman in white TA 144 VA 132 COLLUSION SD 135—6 - divorce court*. COLMAN, George GBS 136-7 - censorship. COLONIES; Colonization ACD 131 - Australien. GKC 55 - peasantry. GS 136 - national decline. HH 8-10 - plebiscite. OS 208-20, 247-8 - England. 227, 232 - stability. 232-6 - religion. COLOR AD 81-3-red. 141-4 - grey. AIS 109-11 - politics. C 65 - significance. CL 120 - material*. CP 305 CT 121 - creed and. FF 15-7 - medieval love of. GKC 200 - 1 8th century. GL 22-6-Spain. 83 - mourning. 85 - costumes. GW 92-4 - language. H 59 - truth; language. HA 179-82 - in literature. II 11 - effect*. NA 38-heraldry. NJ 101 - Arabians. 110-Crusader*. Ill - significance, East and West. 200 -Moslems. UD 191-5 - in dress. 194-96 - significance. WA 41 - symbolism. 7 65- New York. WS 108-9 -social life. 108-11 - advertising. WW 268-70 - London. 269- 73 - philosophy. 270- 73 - medieval meaning. 271 - as authoritative. 271 -4 - education. WW 272 - color scheme, COLOSSEUM (Rome) NJ 21-22 RR 29-30 COLUMBUS, Christopher CT 201 COLViN, Sir Sidney AB 93, 144, 292 COMBAT CD 285, 288 - Dickens. COMBINE AG 227 - capitalist competition. COMEDY ACD 8-10 - Dicken*. 41 - Shakespeare. AIS 187-film*. AV 155-6 - farce and. CD 247 - equality. 248 - 19th century literature. 248, 250-2 , 296 - Dicken*. CM 11 - Elizabethan. FT 44-8 - heroic. 46 - Shakespeare; a fragile GKC GS thing. 46-8 - seriousness; England. 47 - pessimism in. 54 - poetic; England. 55 - foundation, 66-Johnson. 202 , 205-6 - modem. 7 202- need for contrast. H NJ RR SL VT WS 205- - Sheridan and Con­ 6 greve. 208 - modem comedians. 43 - Moslem*. 257-8 - English and Continen­ tal . 110 - crime and. 73-82 - heroic. 242 - Thomas More family. COMFORT CD 165-Dicken*. 165-8 - England. 167 - cosiness. TT 256 - virtue and. COMIC, The; Comicalness AT 34 - worthwhile things. FF 53 - and the conservative. COMMANDMENTS, Ten. see Ten Com­ mandments. COMMAS CM 215 - Henry James. 79 COMMON man 76—7 - intel lege nee of. AD 7 - international relations. AIS 102 - culture; upper class. AT 49 - economics. AV 71 - agricultural England. 84-5 - medicine man. 119-20 - Stuarts. 121 - lunatic. 123-4 - news and. 149-50 - family. 215 - renaissance. 226 - war. 1-9 CM 73-4 - art criticism. CT 184 - avoidance. H 170 - literature. HA 115 - tragedy. LL 119 - cads stand for. 17 - patronage by the wealthy. UU COMMON sense 219 - religion. AD 149 - joke. AT 190 - Freudian ism. AV 22 - Chaucer's faith in. C 81 - Catholic Church. cc 218 - faith. CM CT 70-80 - art. 145 - sceptics. EM 33 - tradition, 225 - truth and. 157 - Christianity. 227 - civilization and. FA 70 - Middle Ages. 228 - prosperity. FF 193 - false progress. GKC 38 - Old Testament. WW 134-7 - despotism. COMMERCIAL art 83 - humanity. UU 5 - inferior type; Millais. 242 - biographies. COMMERCIALISM GL 21 - Latin people. H AV 13 - Christmas. 95 - rationality. C 38 - effect. 123 - yellow journalists. 124 - imperialism; ChamberMM 207-14 - modem society. 209-10 - Stonehenge. lain . HA SL 122 - criticism. 163 - woman. NJ 186-7 - states. 159-60 - modernism. 199 - Moslems. 187 - causes. 189 - Puritanism; religion and. 97 - in life. OR 133 - Protestant, and the Pope, RR UD 68 - Japan. 9 - judgement. SL WA 114-fallacy. 60 - emotions. 212-13 - America. 28 - specialist. ss WC 47 - the poor. 30 - In metaphysical distineTA WS 228 - complexity; intolerable. tions. 229 - property and. COMMERCE AB 3 - modem. AG 24 - commercio) training. 25 86 - confidence. 88 - romanticism. 215 - the commercial optimist. C 40 - guilds. CDU 63 - democracy. CI 85 - mercantile Interests. 127 - freedom of trade. EM 171-4 - materialism. 179 - oligarchies. 184-5 - antiquity. GS 136-7 - national decline. GW 109-13 - Mammon (Watts) . OR 198-9, 213-4 - freedom de­ feated . 260 - evils In. OS 34-9 - capitalism. 51-4 - commercial civiliza­ tion. SL 120 - man and. TA 235-6 - Thomas Aquinas. TC 41-3 - impersonal. UU 24 - capitalists. WC 99 - war and. 168 - principle. WS 196 - mercantile terminology. 223-31 - philosophy. 80 COMMON tense {Cont'd.) TA 175 - philosophy. 192 - argument for, 230 - essence, TAL 120 VT 117 - mysticism. 134 - Christ and. 134-44 - Tolstoy. WB 172-3 - mankind. COMMON things, see Things. COMMONNESS CD 108-9 - Dickens and the com­ mon mind. COMMONPLACE FF vii t 225-30, 235-6 - extra­ ordinary. UD 9-17 - romance. 12-4 - imagination. 15-7 - heroic use, 174 - extraordinary and. WA 116 - English attitude; genius. COMMONS, House of. see Parliament. CM 75-6 - God and. CT 14 - distributism; ideal. 97 - paganism. 209 - capitalism. 52 - followers. 95 - capitalism; Jews. 169 - international character; Nazism. 210 - idea of liberty. 60 - formless thing. 71 -2 - evolution and. 258 - crimes of. 145 - property. 195 - disregard for history. 245 - strikes and Parliament. 31 - free will. 197 - conservatism. 3, 22 - private enterprise. 10 ~ distributism. 30 - capitalism. 59 - property. 63 - ideal. 65 - in monasteries. 127 - peasantry. 128 - art. 220 - piracy. 213 - Fascism. 247 - Italians. 25-loyalty. 203 EA EM FA FF OR OS COMMUNICATION AV 146 - confusion. C 279-82-Middle Ages. GL 182-5 - artist. 183 - expression and art. 184-5 - individuality. MM 139-40 - creed and. COMMUNION, Holy B 226 COMMUNION of Saints EM 281 - founded on suffrages. COMMUNISM; Communists AB 72 - capitalism. 162 - ideal. AIS 107-8 129 - 19th century. 172 AS 5 - humanitarianism. 44 - in the home. 101 - Murry. 101-4 - fatalism, 229-30 - appeal. AV 87-8 - German. 196 - 19th century. 197 - fascism. 199 - utopia. CC 82 - Catholic doctrine and. CDU 52 - state in. 58 - general will. HR SD SL 42-3 - gate-crashing , SS TA TC 15 86 - monism. 68 - Catholic Church; resem­ blance . 73 - Franciscanism. 127-32 - English Reformation. 63 - in Spain. 69 - private property. 105 - compulsory. 105-6 - hermits and. 116-20 - Middleton Murry; necessity. 118 - attractive. 125 - distributism, 126 - Victorian. 128 - labour party; perfect. 134- reaction. 142 - against wrongs. 148, 151 - family and. 150 227 - co-operation, WS 81 - comradeship. COMMUNISM (Cont’d.) W5 235 - sin and. 238 - heresy. (see also Bolshevism; Collectivism; Marxism; Russia; Socialism) COMMUNITY H 180 - advantages, UD 245-6 - place in society. COMPANIONSHIP AB 272 - masculine. COMPARISON AIS 157-62 CT 20, 25 - literary parallels . SP 66 - depreciation. COMPARATIVE re I igion. see Religions. COMPASSION OR 177 - Christian. COMPETITION AG 227 - nature. Al S 80-2 - Americans, AV 196 - 19th century. OS 62 - socialist state. SD 98 - modern age, COMPLAI NT SCT 120 - and silence. 139 - never complain. COMPLETENESS FF 220-1 - utility and. COMPLEXITY CM 164 - humanity. EM 79 - variety and. FF 16 - ignorance; simplicity, 46 - effects. 147 - simplicity. 129-30 - simplicity, 4 133- humility. (see also Simplicity) COMPROMISE AS 100 - in politics. FF 182-7 - in legislation; social NJ RR VT reform, M 16 NJ 146-7 - English. WA 116-English. COMPULSION RR 54-5 - prohibition. COMRADESHIP AD 181 - ideal number for. CD 300 - eternal. CM 203 - communism. FF 67-9 - families. GL 72-3 - English national an­ them . SL 18 - nature, WA 177-8 - America. WW 113-4 - philosophy, 113-8 - elements; men. 113- 8, 172-3-women. 114- 5 - bodily brotherhood; equality. 116 - defined. 116-8 - characteristics, 25 119- democracy. 130-7 - imperialism. COMTE, Auguste EM 94-6 - religion of humanity. 212 - Aquinas and, H 93, 95-7 NJ 46-7 TC 33 - "humanity"as God. COMYNS-CARR, Mr. AB 138 CONAN-DOYLE, Arthur, see Doyle. Arthur Conan. CONCEIT AT 47 - paradox. RDQ 53 - talk and. CONCENTRATION CM 219-20 - perfection; reality. SL 59 - men. CONCESSIONS FF 80 CONCILIATION boards MM 261-8 CONCORDATS WS 245-6 CONDIMENTS AG 203-9 CONDORCET, Marquis de WC 82 - Cobbett and. CONDUCT of life LL 73 - starting afresh. MM 82-3 - weather and. PL 94 - role of theory. RB 99 - convention. TM 16 - action, (see also Life) CONFEDERATE States of America WA 218-22 - Ireland and England. 238-9 - industrialism. CONFESSION CT 59 - psychoanalysis. 82 CONFESSION (Cont'd.) WIS 300 - little sins, (see also Penance) CONFESSIONAL CP 118-9 CONFIDENCE AG 86-7 - commerce. CONFORMITY GL 182-5 - in artists. CONFUCIUS and Confucianism AD 5-6 - Christianity; fireworks. 244 - China. 97-100, 104, 148, 204-5, 212-3, 235, 239, 286 philosophy or religion; Christ. 204 - family. 212 - Aquinas and. 275 - Stoicism. 313-God. OR 240 - philosophy. WB 203 - agnosticism. CONFUSION AG 237 - modem girl. MM 176-7- mental clarity, SL 61 - logic. CONGREGATION CT 137-sermons. CONGREGATIONALISM CC 79-19th century. CONGREVE, William CT 37 - Alexander Pope. G$ 205-6 - comedies. CONJURER AT 174 - congregation of. M 39 - tourna 11st and. CONQUEST, see Victory. CONRAD, Joseph CM 90 CONSCIENCE AIS 199 - conviction and. AV 85-6 - cosmos; spiritual life. RR 63 - dogmatists. RS 72-3 - Jekyll. TA 200 - authority. UD 141-2 - modem attack on. 142-3 - Kant; function. WW 152-ethics. CONSCIENTIOUS objection EM 253 WA 11 C EM CONSCIENTIOUSNESS WW 221-2 - of women. CONSCIOUSNESS AV 100-1 - thinking and. CONSCRIPTION AIS 113-4 - press and. FF 63 - women. 11 125, 131 -of Irish. MM 158-9 - France. SD 72 - state. TA 53 - coercion. WS 123 - modem notation. CONSERVATISM AG 43-4 - Church and. CT 14 - of ages. 18 - af youth. 84 - commercial. 269 - monarchy. FF 53 - comic. 250-1 - progressives. GBS 60-France. GS 73-6 - industrialism. H 76-Wells. II 80-1 - English and Irish. LL 62-cynicism. OR 197 - 20th century. 212-5 - corruption In things, OS 103-18 - in society. 123- 4 - Englishmen. SL 194 - American Revolution; Deism. WA 123-4-Harding. 124- 5 - liberals and. CONSIDERATION GL 92 - kindliness. RDQ 123 - man lives by. CONSTANCE, Council of RR 112 CONSTANCY C 135 - in The legend of good women. 119-22 - in literature. 190-1 - need. NJ 82-critics, CONSTANTINE the Great EM 262-4, 291 - Arianism. NJ 211 - Church of Nativity. 217 - followers, OR 273 RR 40-52 41 - Catholicity. FF 83 CONSTANTINE the Great (Cont'd.) RR 42 - oriental influence. 45-7 - oriental experiment. 46- 7 - Byzantine world. 49-50 - Eastern nihilism. 109 - the new Rome. SE 19 - proclamation. WS 175-defense. CONSTANTINOPLE RR 52 - Christian state. 109 - empire. 110-fall. CONSTITUTIONS WS 197 - authority. CONTEMPLATION H 25-6 - on perfection. VT 125-6 - simplicity. CONTEMPT AD 90 - vulgarity, AIS 7 - unfam i liarî ty. RDQ 257 CONTENT; Contentment MM 299 - mathematical meaning; dullness. 299-301 - moral meaning. 300 - working class. 302 - virtue. 302-3 - definition. WA 254 - as virtue. CONTINGENCY CM 178-9 CONTRACEPTION, see Birth control. CONTRACTS SD 95 - respect for. 98 - bargaining. UU 169-73-war. CONTRADICTION TA 206-7 - theory of. WS 174 - principle of; God. CONTRAST GS 69- principle of art SL 57 - law. CONTROVERSY AT 8 - values. 201-7 - discussions. GS 211 - liking for absolute OR PAR TC WS WS 260 - Catholicism. 270 - harm from religious dis putes. WW 24-6-creed. CONVENIENCES FF 243 - privi lege. OS 73-4 - big business. CONVENTION AG 1 - un conventionality. AS art 189 - morality. B 213 CM 44 - tradition. CT 29-morality. FF 88-9-speech, GBS 178 - democracy. 178-9-Shaw and. GKC 67-Johnson. GL 86-8 87 - creed and; Edward VII and. H 76-Wells. HA 173 LL 62 - cynicism. RB 98-9-art. 99 - conduct and. RDQ 163 - in dress. SL 16-names and. 30 - fashion, TAL 36 - Bohemirms. TC 42-3 - modem pursuit. UD 270-1 - dignity, WA 161-2 281-2 - democracy. WS 178 - truisms and The pres*. WW 260 - in education. (see also Tradition) CONVERSATION AT 106 AV 101 - jazz and. 181-2 - letters; the novel. CM 125-6 - sex. CT 66 - egoism. CQT 55 - top of tram-car. FT 50 - song and, GKC 17 - Holmes. GL 19 - strong silent man. GS 103-7 - at meal*. H 28-realism. 204-5 - aristocrats; poor. INC 65 - talking and listening. 120-1 - hypnotism. things. 189 - logic lacking in. 80 - impartiality. 14-9 - modem subjectivism. 47- 50 - logic lacking in. 11-2- puns; ugly words. 84 CONVERSATION (Ccnt'd.) PAR 73 - broken. TAL 232 - understanding. TT 187 - in traveling. VT 144-Christ. WW 122-3 - equality, (see also Talking) CONVERSION AB 340 CC 15-23 - modem world, 16 -23 - as revolt. 17 - as dissipation. 20 - virginity. 23 - a children’s crusade. 27 28-46 , 49-50 - slander. 44 - convert called pervert. 49-71 - obstacles. 52 - virtue feared in. 52-66 - fear and doubt. 53 - Penance. 54 - will and responsibility. 55-7 - proselytizing. 57-9 - detachment; 1st stage. 57-71 - stages of mind. 59-61 - 2nd stage. 61- 5 - 3rd stage. 62 - love affair. 62- 3 - a trap. 63- 4 - mind broadened. 66-8 - divinity of the Church. 77-90 - sects and the Church. 84 - Mrs. Eddy or Mr. Home. 84-90 - balancing of ideas. 85 - intellectual adventure. 86 - learning how to think. 86-90 - convert's repentance. CDU 77-80 - reason and sentiment. CM 241 FA 142 - military force. 142, 145-8 - Franciscan method. 145 - Dominican method. FF 250 - decisiveness. GKC 118 - Cecil Chesterton. 182 186 - principle. NJ 146 - spiritual. 227 - purpose of Crusades. 228 - conquest and. TA 8 - paradox. TC WB WS 212-8 - intellectual activity, 208 37 - occasion. 59 - egoism; recognition of truth; paradox. 130 - mind and. 172-7 - Mary. 174 - personal, 181 - persecution and. CONVERTS CP 90 WS 23 - post-conversion reactions. 46 - freedom. CONVICTIO NS(S) AB 200 - defined. AD 148 - moods. AIS 199 - conscience. CM 122 - prejudice. CT 119-20 - creed. H 58 - absence. 59 - sanity. 294-7 - bigotry. OR 152-3 - defense of. PAR 80 - impartiality. CONVICTS TT 253 - description. COOKING AG 16 - artificiality. 17 - culture. WW 341-an art. COOPER, Duff AB 313 COOPER, James Fenimore CM 229 CO-OPERATION WS 227 - communism and. CO-OPERATIVE movement CT 189 COPERNICUS AS 226-7 - astronomy. COPPER PL 53-gold and. COPTS EM 91 -racial theories. COPYRIGHT lows, American CD 139-44 - Dickens and. CORINTH EM 180-1 CORN laws SE 252 - repeal. CORNELIA AV 189 85 CORNERING OS 111-4- crime. CORNWALL EM 291 -2 - I rish martyr» . CORONATION GL 81 - democracy and. MM 89-90 - England. 186 - tradition; Middle Age». 187 - religious aspect». CORPORAL punishment UU 53-63 - revival. 62 - physical punishment and. CORPSE GL 97 - as body. CORPUS Christi TA 168-9 - Office; Thomas Aqui­ nas. CORRUPTION AV 234-5. C 287 CM 174 II 149-52 - political, 153 - Sinn Fein method of cure. OR 212-5 - conservatism and pro­ gress. RR 229 - liberalism. 242-3 - government. 246 - treason. WA 84-America. 134- 5, 199-200 - politics. COSINESS CD 167 - and comfort. COSMOLOGY AG 148 - theory of recurrence. COSMOPOLITANISM AIS 57 - patriotism. AT 73 - Internationalism. CC 42 - patriotism. H 46-53 - Kipling. II 182 - imperialism. NA 40-1 SP 143 - nationality and. COSMOS AV 85 - conscience and. CL 114 - Grotesque (a poem). EM 120-2 - beauty. 135- 43 - superstition and laws of. 161 - strange vision. 204-14 - Christ and the new. MM 195 - union with. 39 - "smallest hole that a man can hide his head in." 101, 107, 110-7 - wonder. 117 - meaning. 47 120- patriotism. 141-4 - God distinct. 194, 204-5 - modem view». 244-50 - individuality. 295 - pagan views. 297 - as idiot. TA 30 - Creator. (see also Universe; World) COSTUME C 61 - exaggeration. 62 - Middle Ages. CM 58-9 - pantomine. CT 258-9 - moods. GKC 229 - children. GL 85 - colors. MM 200-1 - purpose. UD 191-2 - medieval, 191-5 - color; modem. 199-207 - theatrical. COTTAGES WC 139 - in England. COULTON, G. G. SS 26-37, 44-50 COUNCILS EM 264 - democratic tumult. NJ 216 - democratic. OR RR 62 - history of Europe; prac­ ticality. 111 - and the Papacy. 142 - images. COUNTER-REFORMATION EM 292 , 295-6 - Renaissance and. RR 158-9 - a resurrection; Baroque. SP 93 - inconclusive. TC 105 - reform in the Church. COUNTRIES. see Nation*. COUNTRY and city, see City and coun­ try. COUNTS AV 200-1 - 19th century. COUPLET FT 15 - classical. 16 - antithetical; discipline. COURAGE AB 264 - national. AD 90-1 - reverence for. 219 - religion and. 86 COURAGE (Cont'd,) AS 231-2 - modems and; stupidi­ tyAT 198-9 - paradox. δ 17 - detachment. 309 - the atheist. CM 186-art and. CP 365 - women. FF 176-7 - men and women. FT 19-fear and. GL 4 - amusement. GW 13, 17 - to preach. H 30-virtue. 43 - opinion and. 44 - decline. 45 - Middle Ages. 76 - Wells. 87- law. 116 - journalism. 201 - aristocracy, II 69 - Irish; The Easter Rebel­ lion . LL 155 - moral. NA 288 OR 123-origin. 170-1 - Christian balance in. 171 - Chinese. 256-7 - God and. 259-60 - orthodoxy guards. RDQ 170 - heart of a man. RS 132 SP 49 - in Macbeth. TC 164-6 - modem misuse. TT 84 - paradox. UD 265 - meaning of. VT 263 - art and. WB 22-virtue, WW 40 - genuine. 286-7 - public schools and. (see also Bravery) COURT jester UU 136-42 - revival. COURTESY AG 5 - conventionality. JJ 43 - humanity and. SL 51 - culture. WA 3, 25 - America. 56-7 - reporters. WS 215 - Macaulay on, 215 - Broadstone of Honour (Digby). (see also Pol I teness) COURTIER CD 152 COURTLINESS SP 102 - Christian and barbarian. COURTS FF 170-2 - poor and. MM 66 - Eastern. bb-7 - English. COUVADE EM 60-1 - sex and. COVENANTERS CC 58 - religious liberty. COVENTRY mystery cycle UD 145-9 COVERLEY, Sir Roger de ACD 103 - Christmas. COVETOUSNESS, see Avarice. COW CL 17B-9, 187 - Moon and (poem). MM 78-9, 80 - history and. COWARD, Noel AV 155-6 COWARDICE AT 197-8 - defense of. CM 250 EM 10 - journalists and priests. H 45 - armies. MM 146 SL 38 - cocktails. SP 50 - fear of women. TT 267 - modern. WW 33-4 - ideals and, COWPER, William AS 87 OR 28-insanity. TC 239 - Protestant influence. TT 321 - masquerade. CRACOW, Poland G$ 60 - culture. CRAFTS (-men). see Arts and crafts. CRAIGIE, Pearl Mary Teresa Richards FT 47 - comedy of serious emo­ tions . H 200 - aristocracy. VT 75 - A sentimental comedy. CRAM, Ralph Adams WA 196 - architecture. CRANE, Walter CM 231 CRANMER, Thomas AV 98-9 - Belloc 8. Macaulay on. 87 CRAMMER, Thomas (Cont'd.) AS CE 89 - Cobbett on. 180 - Oxford martyr. 128—9 - wealth the goal of, 88-90 - Macaulay on. 90 - Cobbett on. CRASHAW, Richard AIS 94 AS 56 EM 202-3 FF 261-3 CRAWFORD, Francis Marion RR 9 - The heart of Rome. CREATION ACD 13-4 - Bible. AV 2 - mysterious. C 37 - as revolution. CM 241-3 - religion and. CT 262 -crisis. EM 27 - evolution; the atom; the solar system. 42-3 157 - Buddrst idea. FA 88 - dependence. GKC 234 HA 19, 184 - human and divine. MAN 63 - happiness and. MM 98 - liberty. 194 - ecstasy. NA 295 - fools' paradise. SE TC WC OR 61 - evolution; the atom; the solar system. 142 - as separation. OS 241 - a division. RR 80 - the schoolmen. 118-9 - curiosity, TA 30 - Christian idea; cosmos and. 2, 121129, 141 -Thomism. 163 - offering. 211 - need. 214 - meaning. 216 - evolutionist on. TE 12 -chaosand. Π 167 UD 251 - design in. VA 44-5 WW 57 - divine and human. CREATION (literary, artistic, etc.) AS 25 - art and. 76 - Shakespeare. 76-7 - elements; imagination. 77-8 - modems. 91-5 244-6 - criticism; Dickens 297-9 - Dickens. 180 - poetry. GL 78 - image of God. HA 40 - artist and. RS 238-40 - literature. VT CREATIVE evolution TA 218 CREED(S) AG 162 - intellectual value. CD CP 349 CT 66 - egoist. 119 - race; meaning. 119-20 - convictions. 121 - color. 138 - dogmas; preachers. 258 - religion. EE 100-4 - of Eugenists. GL 87-8 -‘ convention. H 36 - progress. MM 139-40 - communication; free­ dom. 147 - prejudice, 310-2 - validity. NJ 45 - religious complexity. 143 - minorities. 144 - diplomats, 306 - Eastern mentality. SL 190-America. TA 128 - salvation in. UD 184-7-ideas, UU 33-7 - positive. WA 7 - America founded; defined. 7-8 - Spanish Inquisition. 10 - character, WW 22-8 - social unity. 243 - faith. 275 -9 - choice. (see also Aaostles* Creed; Belief; Con­ version; Dogma; Faith) CREMATION WC 6 CRETE CE 137 - English against. EM 87, 91-3-Greece. CREWE, Lord GKC 213-4 CRIME and criminals AD 99-105 - criminologists; criti­ cism. 88 CRIME and criminals (Cant'd,) AD 101 - the wealthy; the poor. 102 - Robespierre. AG 190 - experience. 204 - pepper and. AIS 200 - detective story. AS 181 -Wells. 182 - Lombroso. AV 171-4 - criminology; the poor. 188 - Puritanism and gang­ sterism . CT 169-70 - lunacy; virtue. 212-3 - reduction. 213 - Hoover on. EE 33 - lack of definitions; poor. 43-7 - lunatic. 45-7 - law. FF 55 - a disease, 103-6 - punishment. 108 - in America. 171-2 - innocence. GKC 243 - Dickens on. H 167 - possibility. INN 306 - meaner and meaner. MT 58 - most dangerous criminal. OR 254-5 - as disease. OS 114-5 - the rich. SCL 181 - the worst criminal; SCT paradox. 12-self. SL 96-100,- Chicago. CRISIS 262 — creation and. 71 - in France. TT CRISPIN, Saint 50 AIS CRITICISM 51-2 - function. ACD 23 - necessity. AG 207 - self-assertion. 110-4 - press. AIS 6-7 - authority. AS 8-9 - matter and manner. 76 - Huxley, CT AT AV CD CM CT DE EM FF 97 - society of. 98-9 - racketeering; beauty shops. 100 - advancement; states­ men. 103, 110, 212 - prohibition. 110 - comedy. SP 16 - textbooks for criminals. 51 - woman. TT 214-wealth. 256-7 - punishment; senti­ mentalism. 272 - heresy. UD 35 - In fiction. 130 - religion and. UU 187-92 - theories. WA 184 - America; wealth. 184-5 - social status; in Eng­ land. CRIMINOLOGY. see Crime and crimi­ nals. GBS GS HA II LL NJ RB RS SD 76-8 78 - decalogue. 91-3 - friendship. 91-4 - cliques. 199-200 - of poor. 261 152-3 - custom. 16-7 - symbolic school of. 104 - popularity and. 118 - Dickens. 244-5 - creation. 100 - art and. 206 20 20, 25 - literary parallels. 232 - America. 116, 121-3 242 - words about words. 20 - pleasure; qualities. 110-1 - classical; rules. 265-8 - 19th century. 269 - standards. 167-8 168 - Shaw. 1-7 - detective stories. 272 - appreciation and depre­ ciation . 91 - ideas and forms. 23 - banality. 200, 202 - Belfast. 119 - uncultured people. 38 - self-criticism essential. 138-9 144-5 - aesthetic. 11-2 - "depreciations" and. 139-40, 142 210-6 - psychological critics. 13 - destructive. 27 - necessity. 89 CRITICISM (Cont'd.) SL VI 3-10 - of criticism. 124 - international; national. 223 - art and. 224-5 - interpretation, 79 - theory. SP 166 - age and youth. 14-9 - Mencken. TC 21-34 - Foerster. 25 - modern. 55-63 - destructive. UD 26 - taste and. VA 241 - historical. VT 251-2 - nature of. 19 - American, too traditional. WS 152 - techniques. (see also Li te rature) CRITICISM, Higher, see Higher criticism. CRITICISM, Personal 122 - praise and blame. SL CRITICS AD 117-8 - artistic. 125 - on Dante. AG 183 - truth and. 192 251 - Swinburne. 58-9 - anthologies. AIS 185-6 - history. AS 12 - originals. AV 25-8 - in England. UD 131-5 - historical fact and. WC 152-9 - criticised. WS CROCODILES 287 MM CROFTS, Freeman Wills 34 CT CROKER, John Wilson 81-4 CT CRO-MAGNON man 317-8 - art. EM CROMEK , Richard Hartley 44, 64-5 WB CROMWELL, Oliver 46 - religion. AIS 189 136 - a Puritan brewer. AV 202 - Marvell's ode. C 10 - strength. CD CE 38 CM 51 258 - “an accident of great­ FF GBS GL 94 - effect C CM CT FF GKC GL MM NJ OR RR ness" 259-60 - Milton. 259 - moral Ideas. 260 - on enjoyment. 150 18-9 40 - character. 40 - Frederick the Great; No pal eon. 94-5 - Shelley. 94-9 95 - eccentricities. 249-50 - heretics and. 227 - bigotry; Eliot. 238-9 - extremes. 21-2 - of poetry. 34-5 - psychoanalysis. 36 - the sub-conscious. 37-8 - morality. 218 - specialists. 175 - function. 167 - stale. 175 - of classical period. 178 - function. 179-81 - modem. 77-8 - In Jerusalem. 212-3 28 - madder than poets. 150-3 - religious art. 151 - Michelangelo. H MM OR SE TC TM UD 167 - humility and. 211, 212 - sentimentality. 239 159 - massacres. 206 - Puritanism. 207 - the Irish. 152 - Belloc on. 12, 14, 15, 21. 166 - leadership. 187 - Calvinism. 51, 53 - Carlyle and. 169 - history and. VA WS CROMWELL, Thomas 172-3 - tyranny. SE 129 - wealth. TC CROOKES, William 81, 122 AB 184 - Celtic movement. NJ CROQUET TT 25-32 90 SD CROSS AB 248-9 - or crucifix. 280 - Union Jack and. 10 - globe and. 207 - defeat. 68 - knight fighting for. C 265, 267 - crown and. 124 - Samuel Johnson. EM 155-8 - Eastern religion. 184 - Trojan Horse. 211 -Cnraades. 30 - saved. INN 16 - cross roads. NJ 57 - symbol. 106 - Greek and Roman. 259 - Crusaders; the true cross. 50 - symbol. OR 128 - obelisk and. RR 190 - on flags. SL 91-2 - as pattern. TA 54 - swords. TY 81 - healing power. WA 212-5-Cobbett. WC CROSS of St. George 9, 14 - national flag of Eng­ CDU land. CROTCH, William Walter 53-8 - The cottage homes GKC England. CROWDS 206 - revolution. FL 255 - liberty. CROWN 265, 267 - cross and. C CRUCIFIX 248-50 - or cross. AB 240-3 - meaning. RS 161-4 - in St. Thomas* life. TA CRUCIFIXION 115 - comical. NA CRUCIFORM NJ 241 - pattern of carpentry. CRUELTY AT 52 - sin; intellectual. 53 - reality. 197 - sophist. 277 - to man and animals. CD 155-8 - laughter. CM CT 88 - English. 105-6 - punishment. FF 162 - unmasculine. HA SD 75 - society. AT B 117-8 - divorce. 20 119- - social classes. CRUMMLES, Vincent UD 152 - theatrical literalism. CRUSADES c 40-1, 56 - failure. CC 23 - children's. CP 19-20, 106-11, 115-7 EM 99 - Germans. 160 - materialist theory of history. 211 - cross and. 265- 8, 272, 294 - Mohamme­ danism. FA 8-ending. 21, 23 - understanding. 36-7 - nature. GS 158^0 - character; use of term. NJ 34-purpose. 55-6 - Jerusalem. 104 - Franciscans. 110-1, 218-43 209 - meaning. 223 - German Emperor. 224 - Vlllehardouin on. 224- 5 - Teutonic theory. 225- 7 - purpose. 227 - rationality. 228-9 - philosophy, 230 - critics. 231-45 - First Crusade. 233 - popular movement. 234 - martyrdom. 235 - usurers. 236 - participants. 254 - poetry. 264 - hypocrisy; Victorian prejudice and. 266 - Gibbon · 266- 7 - truth. 267 - later ages. OR 59 - reason defended. SE 73-5 - significance. 84 - organization. 126 - paradox. TA 33 - purpose. 47 - Christianity. TC 113 - Jerusalem. TT 155 - results. UD 185-6 - Catholicism. WW 31 - purpose. 91 CM CRUSOE, Robinson SE CULT 243 - notional psychology- SD 34 - of death; af divorce. CULTURE AG 17-cookery. 160-1 - medieval Christian»· 164 - Laureateship. 172 - democracy. 201 - museums. AIS 128-32 - machinery. 221-2 - human sacrifice. AS 31-5 - Spanish. 33 - V. Lindsay. 33-4-Claudel. 125-9 - poetry; rural life. 126 - politics. 128 - aristocracy. 135-9 - Christendom; conti­ nuity. 145-9 - suicide. 213 - fashions. 219 - tradition. 219-23 - Scott; literature. 233 - inanity. AT 102 - common man; upper class. 104- 5 - meaning. 105 - criticism. 105- 6 - women. 106 - paradox. AV 25 - evolution. 42 - civilization. 70 - agriculture. 77-9 - insensibility. 82 - inheritance. C 82 - language. 116 - communism. 225 - medieval England. 282 - limitations; middle ages. CC 45 - nationalism. 79 - Catholic influence. CE 17-8-German. 18 - definition. CM 39, 79-81, 125-9 40 - religion. 66-73 - Dickens. 116 - tradition. 157 - laughter. 174 - philosophy. 181 - destruction. CT FF GKC GL H HA NJ OS RR 184 - barbarians. 1 190- Matthew Arnold. 190-4 - Anglicanism; letters. 264 - Mary Queen of Scab; 20th century. 269-71 - Islam. 273-4 - war. 41 - separation. 45 - psychology. 57 - balance; madness. 117 - thinking. 177 - corruption. 221, 231 - America. 3 - and progress. 199 - essence. 232-4 149 - Latin; Napoleon. 182 - escape. ' 81 - European pessimism; American optimism. 30 - in Egypt. 32 - French; Roman and the East. 116-7 - Palestine. 208 - Western; Christendom; Eastern; Islam. 267 - byzantine; Moslems; Romoi. 230 - religion and. 38 - image-breakers. 39 SD SL SP TA - îmagîsts. 46 - Byzantium; Roman. 63 - dogmatists. 141 - Catholic; Puritanism. 145 - Moslem. 86 - medieval. 11 - breakdown. 51 - courtesy. 79 - human, 88 - America. 187 - decline. 140 - empires and. 238-9 - decline of clerical ■ TC 33-4 - religion substituted, UD 157 - English; literalism. WA 90-1 - America; Europe. WS 124 - impoverishment. WW 275-9 - selection in. (see also Civil ization) CUMMINGS, Waiter ACD 223-7 - Edwin Drood. 92 CUNEIFORM EM CUNNINGHAM, Graham AB 160 - Byways of Belief. 276-9 CUPID C 135 CUPID and Psyche SL 54 CURATE, see Clergy. CURIOSITY AG 26 - intellectual. CM 111-2 - modems. 242-3 - truth. RR 118-9-creation and. WA 267-8 - dignity; American. CURRAN, John Philpot WA 203 CURRENT events EA 43-4 - ignorance of. CURZON, George AB 267-8, 281 OR 249-India. CUSTOM houses GL 156-8 CUSTOMS AD 72 - good and bad. AS 187-8 - modem. AV 71 - distributivism. 76 , 79-80 - morality. 109 - antiquity; progress. 110 - history. 110-1 - restoration. AV 152-3 - criticism. GKC 150-revival. GL 5, 8, 9 - local English his­ GS II NJ VT WA ACD 75 - truth. AIS CM H HA LL RB TA WA 68-73 - youth. 71 - woman. 72-3 - home. 73 - charity. 105-6 - modem poet. 184 - sensitiveness and; youth. 45 - hero and. 18 - De Wet. 14 - definition. 62 - conservatism. 124 - definition. 138-9-dirt of. 259 - Americans. WS 230 - Oscar Wilde; optimists 197 79 - symbolism. tory. 35- 6 - fashion. 36- 8 - Spain. 37 - timelessness. 118-origin. 48 - fashion. 66 - ancient and modem fashions. 257 - sanctity. 193 - American. 252, 274-5 - national. CYBELE EM 104 OR 207 CYNICISM AB 40-2 - moralizing. AV - Dickens. CZECHOSLOVAKIA EA 41 - formation. 126 - schism in. DAGON EM 111 DAILY Express (newspaper) TC 70, 73, 126 DAILY Herald GKC 267 DAILY Mail (newspaper) AB 109, 264 OS 55, 58 TC 171 TT 263 DAILY News AB 117, 185 ACD 140 CC 58 MM 122-31 OS 223-4 WS 60, 61 DAISY C 137 - symbolism. 137-40 - Chaucer. DAMASCUS NJ 65 DAMASCUS gate NJ 65 DAMNATION TT 133 - belief in. DANCING AIS 72 - modem youth. C 157 - symbolism. 93 H DANCING (Cont'd.) C CL CM GS H 88-9 - Ghibelline; politics. 151 - critics. 41 - universe of. SD 20 - on the Crucifixion. SE SP 99 53 - feudal strife. TA 187 - St. Thomas' influence. UD 81 - Milton; women. 104 - Stevenson. VT 126 - allusiveness. WB Divine comedy. 68 - as philosophy. ACD 124 - Beatrice. AG 12 - medievalism. AS 144 - Francesca de Rimini. C 241 - Chaucer's ethics. 143 - Christianity. GW 29-30 - realism. H 153-7 - Pilgrim's Progress and. TC Paradiso. 125 - Beatrice. AG 157 - dancing. C Vita nuova. 124 - Beatrice. AG 150 - love. C 279 - religion. FA 76 - Beatrice. DANTON, George Jacques AB 201 173 ACD CM 63 72 - Republicanism. OR 20 - Kubla Khan. VA 50 - Carlyle. 184 - conventionality. WB DANZIG 39-44 - dispute about. CDU D'ARCY,. Martin Cyril 177-9 - on St. Thomas. TA DARIEN 244 - Spaniards in. C DARK, Sidney 7-10 - on Stevenson. AS DARK Ages 91 - effect of. AG 63 - French painting. AV 125 - before Middle Ages. C 292 - Bagdad. 101-2 - art. CM 4 - thesis. CT RR 159 - joy; order. 54-6 - jazz. 137 35-8 - art; golf and. 229-33 - specialism. 231 - religion. 232 - seriousness. 127-popular. 149-divorce. 29 - freedom. 30, 45-50 181 - modesty. 39 - Imitation. OS SD SL SS TC WA DANES CE 106 DANGER FF 124, 127 - modem idea. 125-6 - children. H 140 - simplicity. JJ 70 NA 47 - caring for only one thing. TT 44-5 - effects. D'ANNUNZIO, G. see Annunzio, Gabriele d'. DANTE Alighieri AD 29-hell. C 23 - Chaucer; illustrations; 19th century. CC CM EM FA GBS GL GW 19-20, 107 - freewill. 107 - Hedonism. 158-01 - life; philosophy. 51 - invectives. 106 - Chaucer's admiration. 158 - on heaven. 177 - on character; comedy. 225, 226 - reading. 240 - spaciousness. 240, 241 - Shakespeare. 282-3 - universe of thought. 79-Wicksteed. 237 - on liberty. 258 - love. 139 8 - Franciscan inspiration. 73 - Franciscan habit. 76 - ideal woman; Trouba­ dour's influence. 178 - mythology; Virgil. 57 106 - Ibsen; pessimism. 178 - language; Beatrice. 66 - Watts. 94 DARK Ages EM 183 - Troy. 293-4 - Christianity, 25- 6 - emancipation. 26- 7 - end. 33 - men of. 37 - heresies. 51 - legend. GL 53 - daylight. 20 - sanctity. NJ 85 - Byzantine ritual. 271-5 - Christianity. OR 21 - theology. RR 61 - sculpture. 81 - history and. 86-7 - nature of. 94 - Italy. 24 - oath-taking. SD 104 - Protestantism and. TC 114-7 - Nordic invasion. 231 - Reformation returned to 202 - optimists. UD (see also Middle Ages) DARKNESS 9-10 - psychological attrac­ FT tion. 71 - exhilaration of. LL DARNLEY, Lord (Henry Stuart) 262, 265 CM DARROW , Clarence 221 -3 - life after death . TC DARWIN,, Charles Robert 29-30 - popularity. AG 117-8 - ideas. 194, 195 AIS 30 - reading of. CC 72 - humility. H 282 - missing link. UD VA 38 - Newman. 39 - utilitarianism, 206 - Huxley. 206-7 214 - Bismarck. 184 - evolution. WB 73 - Darwinians and. WS 73 - Victorian agnostics. 74 - theory wrongly inter­ preted. Origin of soecies 175 CT 25 EM 292 WA FA DARWINISM AB 106 AD 78 - summation. AIS 194-9 CP 25, 34 CT 100 - motivation; murder and, 147 - survival; Malthus. 147-8 - nature and. 149 - selection in. FF 208, 214-5, 222 - attack on. 217 - decline. 218-23 - logic. 222 - geology. 223 - plausibility. HA 98-Bible. MM 115 239-40 - Cecil Rhodes. NJ 161 - travesty. RS 55-6 - childhood and. SP 116 - as science. TE 6 - Scripture and. VA 207 - religion; democracy. 209 - rationalism. WS 25 - evidence. 74-5 265 - Dawn ism and. (see also Evolution) DAVID, King of Israel EM 88 UD 161 DAVID, Jacques-Louis VA 20 - French Revolution. DAVIDSON, John AB 92 CM 89, 91 EM 1B5 - Fleet Street eclogues. OR 68-71 -the will. DAVIS, Jefferson WA 251 DAWN CT 151 - metaphor. DAWN ISM WS 265 - Darwinism and. DAWSON, Christopher AG 148 - Progress in Religion. AIS 65, 66 - an magic. AV 82 - evolution of religion. 83-6 - development of Chris­ tianity. TA 90 - on Byzantium. DAY, Thomas VA 19 - Rousseau. 95 MK DAY, Thomas (Coat'd.) WC 38 - Roman virtues. DAY-DREAMS 28-9 - reality and. M QSS 8 - sin. 32 - manhood. SP DAY of rest 206-11 - necessity. CT DEAD 130 - living and. AV 163-4 - a ballad. CL 221-3 - whitewashing· CM 313- dignity. INN 29-30 - sacred. LL 15 - alive in Rome. RR 26, 184 - prayers for the. WS MT NA OR PAR QSS SD SP TA TT TY UD DEAD Sea NJ 180 DEARMER , Percy AB 164-5 DEATH 67 - tragedy. ACD 155 - in Dickens. 170 - life. AD 55 - definition. AG AS 28 - war. AT 160 - dignity. 86 - nirvana. AV 221-2 - man. CM CP 237-8, 279 277 - and slavery. 47 - medieval and Renaissance DE ideas of. 55 - mysticism. EM 131-3 - pagan ideas. 163-4 - the absolute and. 141-2 - animal kingdom; re­ FF alization; equality. 142 - tragedy. 175 - immortality. 74 - Johnson on. GKC 84 - church; world. GL 146 - decay and mummies. GS 209 - Johnson. H 265 - acceptance. 10 - comic. HA 16-7 - value. LL 72-a time limit. 95 - jokes about; every man. 136 - attitudes towards. 157 - fear of. MAN 226 - youth and. VA VT WA WB WS ww 160 - knowledge. 169 - fear of. 173 - man and Satan. 247 - consent. 293 83 - tragedy. 89 - Sleeping Beauty. 134 - martyrs. 170-1 - courage. 15 - fact. 26 - of brave men. 32-4 - divorce. 34 - in fiction.. 104 - Westminster Abbey 161 - spice of death. 200 - finality. 156-7 - victory. 27 - the early bird. 20- 2 - spiritualism. 21-2 - Christian idea. 22 - sin and. 98 - democracy. 81 - love of. 18 - and equality. 179 - dreadfulness. 226 - change. 108-9 - thought on. 309-13 - poor and. DEBATE 169 - rules; clubs. ACD 122 - modems. CM 239-41 - digression. OS DEBS, Eugene Victor 162-3 - pacifist. WA DEBT 90 - paradox. FA 91 - riddle. 192 - civilization, π 124 - payment. uu DEBUNKING 250-60 - art of. CT DECADENCE; Decadents 88-9 AB 158 - nonsense. 34-5 - unreality. DE 114-5 - progress and. GL 17 - characteristic*. H 230 - specialism. 41 MM 91 - levity. RS $2 - Nihilism. 92-3, 110-1 - Stevenson % DECADENCE; decedenti (Cont’d.) YA 218 - aesthetes; Wilde. 218-21 - art of. 224-6 - style. VT 36 - affectation, 94 - despotism. 176 -Scott. DECALOGUE, see.Ten Commandments. DECENCY AV 74-80 - dialects and. CM 125-6 - expression. EM 61 - family. DECEPTION GKC 174-5-art of. DECISION SP 46 - morbid. UD 180 - eternity and. DECLARATION of Independence SE 237 - equality. WA 7 - cnarchism; atheism and. 16 - British Constitution. 147 - Prohibition; slavery. DECORATION LL 68 - universality. DECORUM AG 11-2 - meaning. CM 126 - sex. LL 64 - modesty. OS 221 - disadvantages. WB 177 - convention. DEDUCTION TA 188-91 - conclusionsand premises; induction and. DEFEAT EM 183-dignity. NA 227 - attitude. RR 85-chivalry, DEFECTIVE classes EE 169-70 DEFENDANT DE 16 - need. DEFENSE AIS 22-3 - pacifism vs. GL 180-1 -patriotism. SD 45-6-family. DEFIANCE OR 209 - haughtiness. DEFINITION AIS 18-defined. 18-20 - clear thinking. CD 1 - the indisputable. RR 63 - Thomas Aquinas. SD 18-9 UU 36 - capitalism. DEFOE, Daniel AV 178 - modem fiction; Moll Flanders. VA 244 - Stevenson. Robinson Crusoe AB 104 AD 300 AG 154 - limitations. AV 178 195 - society. GL 138-9 - adventure; shipwrecks. 143 - impiety. OR 115-8- poetry of limits. DE FONSEKA, J. ?. CT vii DEG RAD IT ION AV 78 - progress and. DEGUILEVILLE, Guillaume de C 122 DEISM CM 8 - oppressors. NJ 191 - 18th century. 263 - Moslems. SL 194 - conservatism. SS 11 WA 195-6 - America. 296 - democracy. DEITY, see God. DELACROIX (painter) AV 63 - impressionists; art control. DELAFIELD, Mrs. FF 159-60 - bimntas · DE LA MARE, Walter AB 293 CM 206-13 207 - Peacock pie. 210 - Seatons aunt. 213 - A kiss for Cinderella; The tree. CT 39-41 GKC 221 - on Christina Rosseti. SL 258-fantasy. DE LA RAMEE, Louise (Ouida, pseud.) AD 200 - luxury. AT 289 - Christmas. VA 116 - E. Bronte. 117 - M. Oliphant. 118 - Byron; French Revolu­ tion. 97 AIS DE LA REY, Jacobus Hercules TT DELAY 179 - Methuen and. AP AS 24 - American spirit. WA DELIGHT 8-9 - greatest human. VT DELL, Ethel May 72 - independence of women. AG DELOS 212 EM DELPHI 212 EM DELUSION 83-9 - idealized conceptions. DE 202 - egotistic. II DEMAGOGUE 237 - success. AT 199 - politicians. CT GKC 24 - Carlyle, 103-4 -Cobbett. 7 - defined. MM 201 - dictator and. RR 236 - demagogy and. 250 - poet. VT 18 - buffoon. WS DEMETER 104, 131 EM DEMIURGE 261 - pessimism's. EM DEMOCRACY 52 - language of. AB 216 - failure of. 302 - despotism and. 40 - gloom and. ACD 83 - in America. 84-5 - aristocracy and. 104 - tradition. 173-4 - Englishmen. 204-5 - types, 217 - education and. 34-5 - telephone poles. AD 76 - defense. 79 - British. 87 - fields and. 91-3 - antiquity. 94-5 - sanctity and. 188-93, 251 - meaning of, 287 - singing and. 12 - distinction in. AG 178 - Napoleon. 58-9 - Voltaire. AIS 80 - Americans. AT C CD CDU CE CM CP CT DE EA EM FA FF FL GBS 98 123- 6 - optimism. 124- 6 - mortality and . 126 - fallibility and. 62 - Prussian ism. 115 - 19th-20th century. 115- 7 - original sin. 143-4 - parliament and. 165-6 - romanticism and. 168-9 - God; religion. 14-5 - joking. 16-7 - future af. 116-8 - industrialism. 150, 241-2 - aristocracy and. 158 - instinct of. 168 - modem society. 176 - achievement. 44 - ideal, understanding of. 9 - great men. 13 - exaggerations. 133 - Europe. 70, 299 - Dickens. 246-8 - roots. 252-3, 278 63 - commercialism destroys. 4 63- least worthy should rule. 22 - spirit. 51-2 - French Revolution. 114-5 - France. 116 - America. 123 - England. 1 -9 - the common man. 312 - million masks of God. 169 - English; aristocrats. 203 - America; Whigs. 223 - chivalry. 260 - Whitman. 260 - danger. 109- 10 - heraldry. 110 - self-abasement. 220 - scepticism. 220 - Church as defender of. 66-83 - prehistoric govern­ ment and. 148 - China; intelligentsia. 149 - pagan philosophy. 181-94 - Roman. 110- 2 - St. Freicis. 115 - despotism and. 167 - feeling af. 60-2 - progressivism. 61 - skepticism. DEMOCRACY (Cont'd.) GBS 84 - republicanism. 178 - convention. GKC 56 - peasantry. 117 - Cecil Chesterton. 132 - medieval. 217-Shelley. GL 80-1 - ceremonies. SI - coronation rite and. 122 - in antiquity. 122-3 - 20th century; pluto­ cracy; wealth. H 267-84 - characteristics. 272-3 - emotion. HA 37 - conquest. 44 - citizen. 47-8 - Dickens. 130 - literary style. 137 - modem decline. HH 16 - France as teacher of. II 63 - family spirit. INC JJ LL MM NA NJ OR RR SD SE SL TC TT UD UU VA VT 246 - rich and poor in the U.S. 89 17 - true. 115-6 - in Shakespeare. 118 - opinion of the best WA people. 158 - French Revolution. 34 - advantage of. 38, 60 - aristocracy and. 51-2 - two party system. 54-5 - England. 148 - rationality, 310 43 * despotism. 20 - industrialism. 142 - smallness and. 145 - self-determination. 72-3 - French Revolution, 82-6 - liberalism; tradition. 83 - principles. 190 - human ideal. 215 -226 - aristocracy; the poor. 220-6, 233-4, 249 - Chris­ tianity and. 279 - miracles. 53-4 - prohibition and. 100-Leo XIII. 101 - capitalism. 99 233 - aristocrats against. 236 - America, 236-7, 239 - France. 135 - meaning of, 180, 184 - American. 27 - Catholic Church. 27 - Mencken. 31 - St. Paul, 244-5 - internationalism. 44, 255 - meaning of. 94-5 - revolution and. 255 - English. 12 - vulgar. 31-2 , 264 - England. 212-4 - domesticity. 264 - aristocracy. 10-1 - England, 180-2 17 - Cobbett. 98 - oblivion of. 130 - England. 151 - Savonarola; Christiani­ ty232 - basis. 232 - monarchy. 6, 231-4 - despotism and. 8, 125-6, 148, 295 - Jeffer­ sonian , 31 - France. 44-5 - industrialism and. 76 - enemies. 92, 110, 276, 280-1 - Amer­ ica. 110 - dottars and. 161- 2 - convention. 162- 3 - intolerance. 167-8 - fads. 170- 2 - puritanism, 171 - progress. 171- 2 - minorities. 184 - wealth. 220, 291-9 - Christianity. 233-4 - internationalism. 254-5 - England. 285 - ideal, decline of. 286-7 - 18th century. 289-91 - decline of. 291-4 , 296 - Catholicism and. 293 - dogma and. 293 - basis of. 293-5 - idealism. DEMOCRACY (Cont'd.) WA 2% - deism and. 296 - future of. 15-6 - early idea of. 19 - ancient; oligarchy. 59 - England . 60 - Cobbett on. 72 - industrial progress. 73-4 - Whig party. WS 31 - human desires and. 34 61 - fascism and. 62 - Robert Bellarmine. 71 247 - fai lure. 264 - despotism and. WW 53 - success. 58 - property and. 119-25 - equality. 124 - happiness. 125 - machinery and. 125, 136-7 - civilization and. 203 - coercion. 284-90 - education and. 361-3 - voting. (see also Aristocracy; Equality; Fran­ chise) DEMOCRATIC party WA 124-7 - policies; principles. DEMONOLOGY AIS 222 - human sacrifice, CL 60-77 - Half-hours in Hades. EM 88 - Mexico and S. America. 100-2, 112 , 309-God and. 102 - spiritualism and. 136 - original sin. 136- 43 - mythology. 137- 43, 168-76 - civilization. 140- 3, 159-76 - Roman gods and Carthaginian demons. 141- 3 - children. 180 - children sacrificed. 182 - Virgil. 208-9 - Christ's birth. 276 - Christianity. NJ 182-3 - Huxtey. 185 - psychology and. 187 - Christian; heathen. 193 - Christ. (see also Devil) DE MORGAN, William CM 86 WC DENMARK CE 105-9 - Germany; England. DENTATUS, Manius Curius EM 181 DEPENDENCE AS 42-5 - the home and. 44 - in marriage. FA 88 - reality. 90 - pleasure. DEPRAVITY AT 191 - doctrine of original sin DEPRESSION (psychology) ACD 184-age and. DEPRESSION, 1929 EA 26, 170 - causes. DEPRIVATION LL 16-value. DE QIANCEY, Thomas AIS 90 - Confessions. SD 55-6 VA 23 - Toryism. 23- 5 - eccentric. 24- 5 - prose. 25 - Bums; art for art's sake; Poe. 65 - Ruskin. 242. DERBYSHIRE insurrection WC 103 DEROULEDE, Paul AB 217, 322 CP 152-3 DERVISHES EM 276 DES BOROUGH, Lord 272 AB DESCARTES, Rene GBS 57 TC 239 DESCENDE Coelo CT 23 DESCRIPTION AS 189-93 - conventual ism; wo­ man. HA 38-9 - in literature. TT 162-3 - in newspapers. DESSERTS NJ 35 - Egyptitm. 36 - monotony. 37-8 - contemplation. 163 - Moslem movement; realists; romastlcists. 100 DESSERTS (Cont'd.) NJ 200-Eastern. 237 - WQrs in. DESIGN UD 251 - in création. WB 196-8 - obscurity; details, WS 108 - color end. DESIRE EM 154-8 - Budefiîsm kills. H 140 - simplicity. DESMOULINS, Camille AB 187 AT 52 DESPAIR CM 204-5 - modems. EM 179-ioyand. GS 26-7 - Asia. H 154 - paganism. HA 81 - classical literature. SD 31 - counsels of, TC 16-Dreiser. UD 46-7 - in literature. WIS 41 - drink and daggers. (see also Hope) DESPOTISM AB 302 - democracy and. AD 194 - benevolent. CT 202 - 18th century. 203 - reform. EA 40 - age of. FF 115 - democracy. FT 69 - Charles II; slavery. H 268-70 - democracy. LL 87 - Russian. NA 43 - decay of democracy. NJ 142 - mobs and. 263 - Moslems. OS 243 - monopoly. RB 30-1 SE 224 - Bolingfcroke. UD 70-1 - Oriental; Japanese. 165 - success. VT 94 - slavery. 151-4 - modem. WA 5 - liberty and. 6, 231-4 - democracy. 6 - Oriental '. 122 - Woodrow Wilson. WS 61 - Fascism'. 196 - dignify. 264 - tragedy. (lee also Tvrann^ D'ESTERRE (surname) WC 116-death of. DESTINY H 263 - denial of. WS 117-9 - Middleton Murry. DESTITUTE, see Poor. DESTRUCTION CM 181-4 - vandalism and. WA 42-nobility. 64 - architectural. DETACHMENT CC 57 - preliminary to conver­ sion. EM 286 - purpose of life. DETAIL WB 196-8 - design and; obvious­ ness. DETECTIVE and mystery stories. ACD 219- Dickens. 7 226- novels and. AIS 200-10 203 - moral in; shock. 5 203- clues in. AT 116 -paradox. AV 182-3 - letter form. C 98-9 - nature of. CM 60-3 - phi losophy. 63 - Christianity. CT 33-4 - authors. 33- 8 - kinds. 34-8 - as masterpieces. 37-8 - adventure stories. 179-80 DE 157-62 - value. 158 - as art. FF 112-4 - qualities. 114 - and the home. GKC 124-B. Capes. 126 - content. 173 - paradox. 175 - function. 176-7 - faults; cliches. GS 1 -7 - reviews; technique. MM 277 - nature of. RS 173 - excitement. SP 15-21 - how to write. 16 - aim. 17 - simplicity; climax. 19 - a game. 20 - principles. 20 - ideal. 20-1 - idea; truth. 101 DETECTIVE and mystery stories (Cont’d.) UD 34-5, 145-6 38-41 - subject matter, 38-42 - national prejudice. WA 180 - America. DETECTIVES AG 105-6 - reason and. UD 35 - in fiction. WA 180-1. DETERMINATION NJ 145 - and self-determination. DETERMINISM AB 181 AS 102 - science. AT 227 - scientific. CT 62-3 - free will. LL 127 - modem punishment. OR 30-51 - limitations. 5 64- inhumanity. 105-10 TA 106 - de term! ni sts on. UU 183-92 (see also Calvinism; Fatalism; Free will; Materialism; Pessimism) DE VALERA, Eamon AV 87 CDU 60, 65 WS 165, 167 DEVELOPMENT TA 13-meaning. DE VERE, Lady Clara Vere WC 150 DEVIL AB 76 AD 3 - drama. AT 233 - intoxication. B 279 -Christ and. CC 83 - spiritualism. CD 286 - Dickens. CM 248-9 - pride. CP 375 CT 177 - existence of demons. EE 28 - anarchist. 81-2 - existence of. EM 174,213 - revolt. INN 257 - heart of man. LL 175 - gargoyles. MM 175-6 - art; worship. MT 173 - man and. NJ 179 - Christ and. 196 - gospels; theologians. OR 203 - revolt. SCT TA 274 - renouncing. 103 - proverb. 123-4 - Manichéens. TT 7 - joy. 132 - belief in. WB 107 - Christianity and; pagan gods and. WIS 190 - the unknown god. (see also Demonology) DEVI L worship AV 221 - Hitlerites, INN 159 - Scotch. 160 - a genuine religion. DI ABLERIE ACD 63 VT 151 - the jaded and. DIABOLICAL possession NJ 184 - Gladstone; mysticism. DIABOLISM CE 97 - definition. CT 68-egoism. NJ 186 - argument against. TT 268-76 - nature of. ( see also Demonology; Diabolical possession) DIALECT AIS 38 - state education. AV 74-80 - decency and. DIANA EM 123 DICKENS, Charles AB 13-4 - characters. 333 ACD vii - popularity; prefaces, viii-x - Thackeray. x - socialism and individual­ ism. xi - Jews. xi-xiii -anti-semitism. xiîi - socialism and. xiîi-xiv - modem; Thackeray, xv - appraisal. xvi! - modem social reformers; the individual. xx - last cry of merry England; Stevenson. xxvii - memories; talents, xxvii - ghost stories; defects. 1- 3 - Thackeray's first works. 2- 4 - independent of time. 4-6 - biography. 7-8 - power to create. 102 ACD DICKENS, Charles (Cant'd.) ACD 103- 13 - Christmas. 8-10 - comedy; humor. 104- 5 - tradition. 17 - man, 23-5 - pathos. 29-30 - sketches. 31-2 - novelist. 32 - heroes. 33 - modern education. 36 - comic characters. 38 - Stncl lett. 38-9 - originality. 38-40 - energy. 41 - tragedy, 43 - supernaturalism. 44 - problems of civilization. 44-5 - social oppression. 46 - social revolt. 50 - soul and. 50, 92-3, 90, 197-203, 2189 - Thackeray. 53-4 - pathos. 56 - love tn. 57 - comic and serious char­ acters. 59 - charity. 62 - unity of novels. 65- 6 - tireless writer. 66- 7 - picturesque. 71 - history and. 75 - character. 117-8 - original novelist. 119-20 - schools. 125 - description of gentle­ man. 129-30, 135-6 - fatigue. 132 - imperialism. 138, 153 - criticism. 140 - unwritten books. 140-1 - founder of newspa­ pers. 144-5 - Shaw. 148 - maturity. 148-9 - Napoleon. 157 - defect as novelist. 158 - social thought. 161 - and history. 164 - St. Dunstan. 164- 5 - bigotry. 165- 6 - Froude; Carlyle. 166 - Henry Vlll. 167-8 - historian. 169 - humanitarianism. 175 - political affiliations. 178 - modernity. 178-9 - novels compared. 183-4, 188-92 - personal life. 186 - evolutionist. 76 - optimism. 7 186- Calvinist, 76-86 - visit to America; quarrel. 78 - paternalism towards Amer­ ica. 78-9 - Catholic Church; Church in Italy. 83 - liberty of speech. 84 - Scott. 85 - American Indian. 86 - brutal itarianism; humani­ tarianism. 86- 7 - Irving. 87- 9 - correspondence. 91 - hospitality; vanity, 92-3 - satirist. 94 - pamphleteering. 94-5 - repartee. 96 - philosophy. 98 - humanity. 99 - expressions of hate. 99-100 - humorist. 193-6 - French Revolution; Carlyle. 197 - cynicism. 197-8 - heroes. 208 - aristocracy. 210 - humor. 2)2 - satire. 217 - education and. 219 - death of. 228 - immortality. 235 - shyness. 240 - Christianity. 243 - minor writings; plea­ AD AG AIS 103 sures. 177 - poet. 234 270 - Vernon-Smith. 65 - Victorians on. 111 - dullness. 133 - widows. 167 CD DICKENS, Charles (Cont'd.) AS 66-7, 181 AT 10 - Cockney. 44 - optimist; reformer. 85 - Shakespeare. 247-50 - satire. 252 - humor. 154 - Chaucer. 187 - Englishman's novelist; Trollope. 209- fun. 3 - a great man. 7, 271-5, 284-6 - reform. 14, 15 - characters. 17 - art like life. 18, 118 - criticism. 24-42 - boyhood. 26-8 - infancy. 28 - early reading. 30 - precociousness. 30-1 - family bankruptcy. 32 - factory and. 35 - worldly child. 36-9 - pride. 40-2 , 49-51, 266-7, 271-2, 280-1, 285, 288 - optimism. 44-6 - citizen of tie street. 47-8, 183-5, 193-5 - realism. 49 - art and exaggeration. 51 - public-house. C CD 104 - artistic critic. 107- 8 - the public and. 108- 9 - common mind. 109- 11 - horror. 109-11, 243 - humor. 114 - Hogarth, 118-9 - ambition. 123 - girls in his works, 127-54 - America. 130-1, 299 - democracy. 134-5, 235-6 - French Revo­ lution. 156 - humanitarianism; jus­ tice. 156-9, 252 , 298-9 - English­ man. 157 - French life. 159-60 - Latin life. 162 - Chaucer. 162- 4, 175 - medievalism. 163- 5, 177 - Christmas. 165 - comfort. 168 - Italy. 168-9 - joy. 170-1 - atmosphere. 174 - philanthropy. 174-7, 279 - poverty. 181 - Daily News. 182 - restlessness. 183, 255-6 - caricaturist. 52 - beef-house. 184 - Eliot. 54 - father of. 55-6 - Wellington House Academy. 58 - antithesis in his charac­ ter. 58-60 - reporter. 4 61- radical. 66-7, 215-6 - marriage. 71-2 - quarrelsome. 80-3 - as novelist. 82-3, 87-90, 149, 191-2 use of characters. 83, 87-90 - mythology. 83, 183-4, 242 - Thackeray. 90 - tradition. 100 - place in history. 101 -4 - popularity of charac­ ters. 102 - Kipling. 103 - Conan Doyle. 184- 5 - superiority of novels, 185- 6 - melodrama. 185-6, 192 - farce. 187-8 - unreality. 190 - love. 190-2 - grotesqueness. 193 - artistry. 194-5, 209-10, 228 -charac­ ter of. 195 - romance and reality. 207 - irresponsibility. 207-8 - psychological change in characters. 209-10 - moral psychology. 212-4 - physical characteris­ tics. 214-15-dress of. 216- 7 - comedy of his life; harlequin. 217- 8 - letters. 104 CM DICKENS, Charles (Cont'd.) CD 218 - prolificness. 218-20 - teetotaller. 1 220- Church of England. 220- 1,224 - religion. 221- 2 - contradiction. 222- 3 - literary genius. 223 - Rabelais. 224-8 - political attitude. 227, 233^ - Carlyle. 228-9 - public readings and lectures. 230 - Collins. 231 - individualism; liberal­ ism . 231-2 - humanity; socialism. 232, 256-7, 279 - Gissing. 236 - Lytton. 240 - death. 240-1 - popularity. 242 - Austen. 244-6, 297-9 - creation. 248, 250-2 , 296 - comedy. 250-3 - Scott. 254 - equality of characters. 256 - intellectual characters. 257 - amusing characters, 257-9-fools. 260 - multiplicity of charac­ ters. 264-5 - lesson of. 269 - charity. 272 - sociology sts and. 278 - Gorky. 279 - Christ and. 281-4 - dullness. 284- 5 - evil and. 285, 288 - combat. 285- 9 - villains. 286 - devil and. 289-90 - eccentricity, 293 - Swinburne. 294-6 - bad work. 296-7 - exaggeration of char­ acters. 298-9 - universality. 299 - Byron. 300 - return to. CE 90-1 - style. CM 18 - Shakespeare. 44 - Thackeray. 44-5 - Huxley on. CT EM FF GBS GKC GL H HA LL RB SL 105 65 - Tennyson. 65-73 70 - Michelet. 144-5 - greatness. 30 - traditionally Christian. 250-52 - debunked, 250-60 - defense of, 252 - portrait. 253 - humanity of. 255 - Whitman; fame, 254 - private life. 237 - democracy. viü-sanity. 44-W.W. Jacobs. 228 - humor. 236-7 - demagogue. xii 81 -2 - Thackeray. 82 - charity. 238 - biography. 238-9 - genius. 239 - art; caricaturist. 240 - correspondence; per­ sonality. 241 - person. 243 - originality. 130-1 - Chaucer; nationalism. 158-charity. 207, 210 - sentimentality. 215 - gentleman; the poor. 29 - humor. 45-55 - Victorianism. 46 - biography. 47 - works. 47-8 - democracy. 49 - humor. 49-50 - Scott. 50 - rhetoric. 52 - poetry. 62- 3, 209 - Thackeray. 63- 4 - poverty. 67 - Meredith. 77-Milton. 107 - popularity. 203 - criticism. 141 - Pickwick's baldness. 142 - comic illustrations. 16 38 - Maeterlinck. 93 187- Stevenson. 207 - Thackeray. 165-Penn. DICKENS , Charles (Cont'd.) 247-52 - popularity. SL 249 - appearance. 251 - caricaturist. 257 - ghosts. 28, 33 SP 75-8 - characters. 76-8 - joy. 77 - best characters. 78 - Ireland. 79-84 - criticism. 80 - mood. 6 - vulgarity; gentleman. TH 96-103 - modernity. TT 101-2 - humanity. 251 - English; ivy. 304 - Father Christmas. 36 - style. UD 226-8 - Dickenstans at Christmas. 228 - Christmas. 229 - popularity. 230-2 - study. 107-8 - criticism. uu 9, 79-89, 118-30, 213 VA 13 - nationalism. 40 - rationalism. 45 - emotionalism, 72 - Kingsley. 79-82 - mob and. 80 - Poe. 82 - Arabella Allen; economics; Utilitarianism. 82-6 - revolution. 83 , 86, 89 - Newman. 83-4, 86, 89 - Carlyle and. 84, 129 - Ruskin. 84-5 - economics and, 85 - Latin life. 85-7 - Arnold. 86 - Age of Reason; good taste. 86-7 - as fighter. 87 - education, 88, 124-6 - realism. 88-9, 162 -Cobbett. 96 - inequality. 100 - Fielding; moral tone. 105-6 - Victorian seriousness. 106 - the people; Swift; Eliot, 106, 118-9 - Smollett. 107 - glamour. 118-9 - Sterne. 119-21 - art of enjoying every body. 119-2), 124-6 - use of cheracters. 121-3 - sympathy. 123 - brotherhood of men; as caricaturist. 123-30 - Thackeray. 124 - truth. 127 - style. 129 - anti-individualist. 129-30 - as radical; Victorian Age. 130 - Collins. 140, 148-9 - Meredith. 159 - St. Dunstan. 160 - Renan. 232 - Morris. 6, 188 - conviviality. VT 161 - Scott, 249-50 - neglect. 169 - Infant Phenomenon. WA 246 - art of. 246-9, 278 - on America. 247 - method. 248 -fallacy. 251 - humor. 277 - moods. 21 - jokes. WS 113 - Cambridge. 219-Digby. 103 - imperialism. WW AjL the year round ACD 141 228-9 - editorship. CD American notes ACD 76-86 137, 147-8 CD Barnaby Rudge ACD XXV 65-75 72-5 - Chester. 74 - Sim Tappertit. 126 - Sim Tappertit. CD 69 CM 71 - mob. Bleak hase. 148-59, 179 ACD 154 - John Jamdyce; Richard Carstone. VA 156-7-Caddy Je II by. 106 232 32 , 202-3, 269-70 - Micaw­ ber. 81, 192, 195-203 197 - characters; realism; ro­ mance. 198 - exaggeration. 198- 9 - realism. 199- 200 - David Copperfield. 201-2 - factual basis. 270-1 - Dora. CM 18-Micawber. 69 CT 125-Fagin. H 207-Micawber, VA 124-5 - Betsy Trotwood. VT 191 - Micawber. Dombey end son ACD 114-28 120 - Major Bagstock. 122, 127-8-Toots. 122-6 - Cousin Feonix. CD 181-2, 185-92 185-6 - Nicholas Nickleby. 188-9 - Bagstock. 190, 260-4 - Toots. 251 - Susan Nipper. 297 - Capt. John Bunsby. CM 69 Dr, Marigold GBS 237 - demagogue and mystogogne. Great expectations ACD 51, 170, 178, 197-206 199-202 - Pip. 202-5 - Trabb's boy. 204-6 - Joe Gargery. AT 263-Pip. CD 236-8 255 - Pumblechook. DICKENS, Charles (Cont'd.) Bleak house ACD 157-8 - Harold Skimpole. CD 203-4 - artistry; realism. 204- 5 - aristocracy. 205- 8 - Skimpole. 239 CM 70 CT 251 - Skimpole. A child's history of England ACD xiv, 70, 160-8 CD 161 WC 17 The chimes ACD Hl-2 CD ACD CD 173-9 174 - a Christmas war-song. 175 - Toby Veck, VA 84 Christmas books ACD xxtv 103-13 Christmas carol ACD 112 - Scrooge. CD 21 - essence. 168, 170, 171-3, 177-8 172 - dream. 172-3 - Scrooge. GKC 93, 152-4-Scrooge. 149-55 151 - importance. SL 257 - fantasy. VA 84, 131-2 - supematuralism. A Christmas carol and other tales GKC 90-5 - introduction to. Christmas stories ACD 140-7 145-7 - Mrs. Lîrrîper. 146 - Miss Wogenham. Cricket on the hearth ACD 111 CD 178-81 179 - failure of. VA 84 David Cooperfield ÂCD xiv, 118-20, 129-39 CM 69-70 VA 137- Lytton. Hard times ACD ix, xv, 178-9 169-77 CD 230-1 - exaggeration of char­ acter. CM 70 GKC 151-2 - morality of. 152 - Grodgrind. VA 83-4 - Grodgrind. 129 xxiii - Peggotty; Aunt Betsy; Mundstone. 131 - Emily; Peggotty. 131, 134, 139, 180-2-Mr. Micawber. 134 - Dora. 107 DICKENS, Charles (Cont'd.) Haunted houle GKC 211-2 - Miss Bates. Household word» CD 228-9 - editorship. Little DorrIt ACD xv, 178-87, 211 180-1 - Dorrit. CD 81, 232-3, 236 160, 170—1 - character». 232-3 - sadness. CM 70 Martin Chuzzlewit ACD 76-7, 212 96 - Jefferson Brink; Mr. Choi lop; Mr. Scadder. 96-7 - Elijah Pogrom. 101 - Mrs, Gamp; Pecksniff. CD 149 - Sairey Gamp. 149- 50 - Pecksniff. 150- 1 - on America. 136-7, 151-4, 192 280 - Mark Tapley. CM 69 GBS 176 RB 139 VA 120 Pecksniff. WA 246, 248 - Jonas Chuzzlewit. 246, 248, 249 - Pecksniff. 246-7, 249-50, 251 - Elijah Pogrom; Hannibal Chollop. 247, 278 - Martin Chuzzle­ wit. 248, 249 - Jefferson Brink. 255 - Mark Tapley. Master Humphrey's clock ACD 70, 229-38 CD 119-20, 179, 181 VA 133 Memoirs of Grimaldi CD 114-5 Muaby junction VA 85 Mystery of Edwin Drood ACD 3, 178-9, 211 220 - Neville Landless. 222-4 - Bazzard. 222-7 - Datchery. C 163 - experiment of. CD 193, 239-42 242-3 - Mrs. Sapsea. GKC 210, 292-3 GS 261-7 - theories. UD 231 Nicholas Nickleby ACD 56=37 33-4 - Mr. Squeers. 35 - Madeline Bary. 62, 118, 229-30 CD 14 - French Revolution > 80-1 -as novel. 6 115- aristocrats. 115- 9 116- 7 - Mrs. Nickleby. 117- 8 » Mantalini. 120 - Master Humphrey. 185-6 - Dombey and son. 217 - Dickens and. 283-4 - Mr. Squeers. CM 69 GKC 211-2-Mrs. Nickleby. VA 84 - Sir Mulberry Hawk; Kate Nickleby. 120 - Mantalini. Old curiosity shop ACD 50-64 56-8 - Dick Swivel 1er. 60-2 - Mr. Chuckster. 63 - Sally Brass; Sampson Brass. 63-4 - Qui Ip. CD 81, 120 121 - title. 122- 5 - Little Nell Trent. 123- 5 - Swivel 1er. 7 286-Quilp. 268-9 - Nubbles. CM 69 VA 83-Nubbles. 120-Quilp. Oliver Twist ACD 38-49 42 - Bill Sikes. 63 CD 111-3 - illustrations; horror. CM NJ WA 1« 111-4 283-4 - Mr. Bumble. 295 - Ae Jew in. 69 282-Fagin. 282 - Sikes 246 - Fagin · DICKENS, Charles (Cant'd.) Our mutual frrend ACD x-xi, 207-17 93 - Mr. Podsnap. CD 80,191,238-9 238-9 - psychology; Wraybume. 295 - the Jew in. 297 - Podsnap. GKC 211 - Mrs. Wilier. VA 120 - Silas Wegg. 120-1 - Mrs, Reginald Wilfer. 129-30 Pickwick papers ACD xx, 13-25, 212, 218 18- 9 - Mr. Winkle. 19- 20 - Snodgrass. 20- 2 - Sam Weller. 235-6 - Pickwick. 235-7 - Sam Weller. AT 245-6 - The Eatansvllle Gazette. 245-52 - town of Eatansville. C 147 - character of. CD 72-9 - quarrel about. 79-80 - as novel. 90-1 - supernatural story. 91 - originality. 91 -9 - change in. 91, 94-9 - Pickwick. 111 - humor, 187 - reality. 187 - reality. CM 48-9, 68-9 FF 169 - Sam Wei 1er, GBS 130 - You never can tell. H 107 - Pickwick. HA 169 - Sam Weller. SL 247 - Victorianism. 251 - Sam Weller. SP 34 82-4 - formlessness. VT 187-8 - Tony Weller. WA 105, 160-1 160 - Sam Weller. 249 - Pickwick. Pictures from Italy CD 155-6 Sketches by Boz ACD xiv-xv 1-12 8-9 - Horatio Sparkins. CD 65-70 69 - vulgarity. Somebody's luggage ACD 141-2 Sunday under three heads ACD 243 Tale of two cities ACD xxv, 171, 179, 188-96 xxv, 187, 196 - Sidney Car­ ton. 14 - French Revolution. 81, 233 CM 65-73 MM 6 - Charles Danton. VA 84 The uncommercial traveller ACD xxvii DICKENS, John CD 24-6, 31-2, 54-5 5-51 -Marshalsea. 60 - reporter. DICKENS fellowship GKC 208-9 - society; activities. DICKINSON, Lowes H 153-70 - Christianity and paganism. 1ώ - humility. CD 287 - philosophy of life. DICTATIONS AV 177 CT 201 - Mussolini. 201-5 - defense. RR 201 - demagogues. 270 - new. WS 247 - success, 263, 267 - suppression of newspapers. DICTIONARY CT 134 - Johnson's. GKC 64, 68-9, 197 - Johnson's. DIDACTICISM GL 172 - in heroic couplet. GW 120 - science; true. 121 - in poetry. DIES Irae FA 178 - David; Sybil. DIFFERENCE H 82 - paradox. MM 286-7 -delight. DIFFERENTIATION H 80 - tendency to. 109 DIGBY, Kenelm Henry WS 215 - Macaulay. 215-7 - Broadstone of honor. 218 - on the rich. 219 - on industrial movement DIGESTION 103-9 - music; conversation. GS 9 MT 180 - happiness. RB DIGNITY 133 - aristocracy. AD 18-9 - man and woman. AT 157 - self-sacrifice. 160 - death. 26 - buffoonery; reserve. AV 236 - progress. 239 - modesty. CM 169 - humanity. CT 46 - desire for. DE 85 - peasant. 107-9-decline. 115-6 - Greek sense of. 19 - law and. EA 68-9 - parental. FF 29 - false mirth. HA 59 - Scott. 72-3 - civil authority. JJ 108 - women of Bethlehem. NJ 226 - Ezra Pound. 283 - gipsie women. 254-9 - human rights. OS 95 - clothing and. PL 25 - laughter. SP 49 - in ftobtih· UD 270-1 - convention. VT 132-3 - Tolstoy. 28 - dress. WA 267-8 - curiosity. 149 - capitalism. WS 196 - in despotism. 200 - in government. WW 168-75, 186-91 - women. 184-5 - modesty. 185 - skirts and. DIGRESSION 239-41 - and debate. OS DIJON AD 109-10 - cathedral; rose. DIMNET, Abbe 117 - Art of thinking. CT DINING 102 - music and. AV DIOCLETIAN EM 301 - persecution». DIOGENES CD 12-3 TA 138 WS 103 DiONYSIANS EM 275 - dervishes and. DIONYSIUS of Halicarnassus H 111 -drink. DIONYSUS EM 109 DIPLOMACY CT 265-6 - politics. EM 162 - secret. WA 223-5 - English. WS 197-new. DIPLOMATS C 92-3 - in literature. NJ 267-8 - Jerusalem. DIRT WW 364-5 - reverence. DISAPPOINTMENT II 148 - psychology. DISARMAMENT EA 62 - Nazi defeat of. 151 - after World War I. 160 - means to peace. 212-6 - on verge of war. SP 142 - readiness for. WS 123 - a modem notion, (see also Armament) DISCIPLINE AD 152 - necessity. AIS 161 - effect. EA 35 - anarchical. FF 126-7 - of children. FT 16 - in rhymed couplet. H 45-7 - Kipling's idea of . UU 62-3 - corporal punishment; capitalists. WW 127-31 - equality. DISCONTENT AV 169 - pessimism. MM 300-1 - nature of. DISCOVERY FF 174-5 - surprise. DISCUSSION, see Controversy. DISDAIN OR 210 - for things outside us. DISEASE EE 70-2 - prevention and cure. I1O DISEASE (Cont'd.) H 26 - morality and . 25-6 - beauty of. 254-5 - crime a*. DISESTABLISHMENTARIAN! SM CM 190-5 - Christianity; Inge. DISGUISE MM 201 -4 - purpose. MT 266 - revealing. DISHONESTY. see Honesty. DISINTERESTEDNESS WS 118 - Murry on. DISMUS CD 13 - an honest man. DISPUTES. see Controversy. DISRAELI, Benjamin AB 242 AD 200 - luxury. 280 - imperialism. AT 196 - phrase maker. 237 - mystagogue. C 187- Cobden; Englishman's statesman. CT 82 - and Croker. 267 - Gladstone. H 203 - flattery. NJ 289 -England. OR 284-5 - arrogance and con­ tempt. SD 137-3 - divided England. OR SE DISTRIBUTION OS 60-7 - utopian. 241-59 - misunderstanding; big business. 242 - socialism. WW 350, 357 - of property. 366-7 - necessity. DISTRIBUTISM AB 163 - ideal of. AIS 172-4 - individualism. AV 11-12, 67-73 52 - suffrage. 71 - custom. 72 - psychology. CT 14 - communism. 111 - nature; socialism. 112-3 - enclosures. DW 7-47 - Shaw-Chesterton de­ bate . 23 - absolute, imperfect. EA 72 - Germany. 101 - nationalism. FF 149 - ΐη society; marriage, GKC 117-8 - Cecil Chesterton. 258 - encouragement. 267 - support. 270 - unfamiliarity. II 78 - philosophy. OS 8, 10 - capitalism. 10 - communism; defined. 61 266 - enfranchisement policy, - revolutionary. 63 - ideal. 64-7 - perfection; proportion and. 92 - aids in the process of. 94-5 - criticism. 121- 9 - in agriculture. 122- 3 - composition. 130-44 - volunteers; sacrifice. 132, 141-4 - education for. 132-44 - individual action; agriculture. 167-9 - machinery. SL 128-9 - reality. WS 122, 125 - Communism and. 144 152 - parliamentarism. 159 - secular. DISTRIBUTE state OS 34-9 - capitalist state; pro­ blems. 275 - English character; Turkish policy. UU 93 - on suffrage. VA 42 - Melbourne; mystical cynicism. 135 - novels; politics. WC 68 - Cobbett. 117 - O'Connell. WS 126-Marx. 153 - on bores. DISSENTERS CE 28-9 DISSIPATION TT 270 - men. DISTINCTION AG 12 - democracy. AV 189 - philosophy. TA 105 - contradiction and. DISTRACTION AV 100-meaning. Ill DISTRIBUTE state (Cont'd.) OS 81-93 - establishing . 90 - guilds; outline; profitsharing . 91 - investment; dividends. DIVERSITY TA 216 - Nominalists on. 222-3 - St. Thomas on. DIVINE Right of Kings C 42 - depreciation; Richard II; Shakespeare. SE 67 - theory. 141-56 - in English history. 167 - modem doctrine. SP 56 - King Lear. TC 76 - modern rejection. 234-5 - 16th and 17th centur­ ies. WC 17 - Whigs, WS 26 - Anglican founders. 130 - Reformation. 239 - heresy. 239-43 WW 198 DIVINITY CDU 92 - humanity and. SD 143 - preserves humanity. TA 24 - humanization of. DIVISION OS 241-2 - constructive. DIVORCE AG 1 - threats of. 172 - posterity. AIS 33 CT 43 44 - in ideas. EE 217 - capitalism. FF 145-6 - Journalism. 148-9 - attitude toward. GS 98 - sentimentalism. JJ 34 - causes. SD 12 - domestic liberation. 14 - absence as cause. 15 - Conan Doyle; a social disease. 17 - world; Christianity. 23-4 - superstition. 32-4 - death and. 34 - cult. 35-a disease. 35-6 - freedom. 36 - advocates aS dupes. SL 48 - domesticity. 50 - grass widows; social re­ form. 51, 101 - slavery, 51 -8 - arguments for. 54-5 - America; England. 56 - paradoxes. 56-7 - alimony. 97 - Miltan. 98 - spread. 100 - cover for sexual freedom. 106 - fashion 108- 9 - meaning. 109- 10 - polygamy and. 110 - definition; respectabili­ ty; legal and social status, eta. 115-21 - limitations. 117 - reality. 117-8 - cruelty; drink. 122-3 - tragedy. 122-4 - release and re-lease. 123 - remarriage and. 127 - arguments for. 127 - multiplicity and rarity. 128 - the guilty party. 129 - hilarity. 129- 30 - free-love. 130- E.S.P. Haynes. 134 - frivolous. 135 - courts and collusion. 137 ~ modem civilization; Catholicism and. 138 - Naquet. 143 - the supernatural. 149 - dance of. 72 - companionate. UD 76 - psychology. 80 - Judge Parry. SD 81-2 - Miltan. 174 - common man. WC 228-31 - Queen Caroline. WS 37-44 - Catholic Church. 41 - negation of marriage. 41, 43 - Victorian ideas. 43 - exception become the rule. 148 - capitalism. DMOWSK1 AB 328 DOCTOR of Divinity (term) EM 299 112 DOCTORS, Medical, see Physicians. DOCTRINE, see Dogma. DOCUMENTS EM 162 - history stiff with offi­ cial. DODGSON, Charles Lutwidge AS 53 C 211 - poetry. CM 211 - escapism; evil. DE 65-67 - nonsense literature. GL 17 HA 12-Twain and. 121 - Lear and. LL 26 - adult reading. SL 20 - on words. SP 67-Victorian. 67-8 - logic, VA 153 - nonsense literature. Through the looking gloss AV 71 - Victorians and. Alice in wonderland HA 112-9 OR 172 - humility. DOGMA AB 174-5-sects. ACD 77 - and argument. AG 131 - quackery. 189 - experience of philoso­ phy. AV 137-Germans. C 250 - Catholic on. 258 - Parson's Tale. CC 28 - Wells on medieval. 35-6 - definiteness. 36 - disgraceful. 78-85 - sects. 97-108 - reasonableness. CT 29 - suppression. 138 - creed and. 139 - a prayer and. EM 15 - children's grasp. 206-14 - breadth. 249-68 - like a key. 279-89 - liberalizing. 312 - definiteness. FF 11-2 - expression; rhyme. 101-2 - acceptance. GBS 19-20 H 285 - mental progress. 285-305 - necessity. 286 - mon and. 288 - literature and. 302 - modem world. 153 - bigotry. MM 144 - necessity. NJ 168 - scientific. 135-47, 150-52 - 20th cen­ OR tury. 136 - philosophy and. 144 - harmony. 160-2 - ethical societies. 262-99 - agnosticism; truth without. 151-87 - complexity. 184-7 - Christianity guards. 233-60 262 - the poor. 129 - sceptics. RR 73 - authority; superstitious. SD 77 - harshness. TC 78-83 - attack on Church's. 124-5 - popularization needed definiteness. 189-97 - restatement needed. 213-8 - intellectually in­ spiring. 68 - architecture and. TT 43 VA 293 - democracy. WA 10 - phonetics. WS 117 - metaphor; Murry, 221 - loaves and fishes. 21 - prejudice. WW 242-6 - education. (see also Creed: Theology) DOGMATISTS 23-4 - conscious and uncon­ GS scious. 22 - holiness. H 17 - disliked. WS IB - demagogues. DOGS AD 106-8 - roses and, 108-9 - tame. 52 - behaviorisms. AG AV 90-1 - man and. CM 136 - poetry. 148-50 - troubles of dog-ow­ CP ner. FL 136 - good or bad. INC 65 - ’dog* spelt backwards. 88 - nervous people and. LL 148-50 - on keeping a dog. MM 285-6 - love of. H LL 113 TA DOGS (Cont’d.) NJ 14, 307 - symbol of West. 2 - seriousness; stealing· 7 - in poetry. 102-3 - domestication; pigs. 248 - breeds. 252 - breeding. DOLL houses WA 82 - Americans. DOLLARS WA 110 - symbolism, DOLLFUS, Engelbart EA 38, 80-0 - and Hitler. 47- 8, 80-6 - murder of. 84 ~ Socialist rising. 37 - rosary · 38 - conversions. 38-9 - miracle of. 40 - revolution. 47 - Albigensians. TC 103 - Protestantism. VT 206 - Bradlaugh. DOMINICANS C 53 - friar representing. TA 33-purpose. 33-4 - Albigensians. 34 - as philosophers: in Eng­ land. UD WS 11, 35 - St. Francis. 34 - intellectual independent standards. 13-6 - donkeys and. 2 41— revolution. 149-50 - assassination. DOLLS TT 178 - symbolism. DOM DANIEL Cavem EM 31 DOMESTICITY AD 169-73 - adventure. SD 48 - divorce. 48- 9 - decay of. SL 64 - Victorian Age. 70 - English; revolt against. UD 208-10 - adventure; attack on. 212-4 - democracy. 213 - defense. 221 - appreciation. 222-4 - advantages. WC 47 - destination. WW 56-60-ideal of. 157-67 - defense. 159-67 - as broadening. 186-91 - inherent. 91 188- history of; primitive times. 345 - the poor. (see also Family: Marriage) DOMETT, Alfred RB 21 - Browning. 77-8 - mysticism. DONKEY AD 2Q2-10 - humility; humor. CP 308-9 NJ 13 - symbol of East. 13-6 - dogs and. TA 18 - St. Francis' body. DONNE, John TC 154 - living ideas. DOOR SL 41,50 DOOR-KNOCKER LL 66 - significance. DORE, Gustave C 23 - illustrator of Dante. DOROTHY, Saint SCL 248 DOUBT, see Belief and doubt. DOUGLAS, James AB 91-2 CT 101 - on sex literature. 101-2 - on changing morality· OR 180 - courage. TC 153—7 - Dante and Bunyan. DOUGLAS, Stephen Arnold WA 289-slavery. DOUKHOBORS AB 162 - Conrad Noel. DOMINIC, Saint DOVER (England) 250 - murderers of. C CDU FA OR 49 - Albigensians. 24, 27 - papal wealth. 9, 143-4, 168-9 - St. Francis. 143 - practicality. 173-4 - humility and penance. 114 TT 246 - appreciation. WC 175-6 - fortifications. DOWNS TT 10 - of England. DOWSON, Ernest CM 91 DOYLE, Arthur Conan AB 81 156, 288 - Sherlock Holme). AG 106 - Sherlock Holme*. CD 103 - Dickens. CP 47-9 GKC 173 - Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson. GS 6 - best detective stories. HA 168-74 - Sherlock Holmes. II 159 - spiritualism. 161 - on the state of the world. 163-5 - crimes against Irish. NJ 184 - Celtic movement. PL 68 - solutions of Holmes stories. SD 15 - on divorce. TC 177-83 - spiritualism. UD 40-1 - Sherlock Holmes. VA 245 - Stevenson. DRAGON CP 80-2 - hunting of. NJ 195-6 - of St. George. DRAKE , Sir Francis CM 267-8 DRAMA AV 155-6 - age. 156 - modem theatre. 156, 183 - soliloque in modem. 157 - play and. 183 - revival. 186 - Freudian. C 172 - characters. 237 - Renaissance dramatists. CT 259 - Elizabethan. FA 98 - St. Fronds. FF , 5 - simplicity. 111-2 - unities in. 114 - of the family. 130-2 - realism. FT 49 - Maeterlinck. GBS 165 169-70 - problem play. 182 - unity of. 183 - Shaw; romantic. 184-5 - marriage and. 245-6 - realism. GKC 174-5 - art of dramatics. 206-7 - nature; stories. GL 187 - logical purpose. 139-40 - problem plays. 39 - Ibsen ism. 39-44 - a festival. 43 - as lecture. 114 - modem. OR 290 - Elizabethan; virginity. SE 186 - Elizabethan; Shakes­ pearian . UD 49-50 - comic characters; in Ireland. 50, 4955 - nationalism. 49-50, 145-9, 152-9-Eng­ land . 145-8 - religious. 147- 9 - medieval. 148- 9 - satire. 152-9 - literalism; plutocra­ tic tendency. 155 - representative. 158-9 - money and. 199-207 - costume. 204 - meaning. VT 76-8 - in verse. (see also Melodrama: Theater) DREAMS AG 153 - imagination. AIS 1-4 - wish-fulfillment. 4 - psychoanalysis. AS 218 - religion. AV 127-32 - psychoanalysis. B 377 - apocalypse. C 25 - cock's oration. 74 - divination by. CL 79-83-art and. CM 14-5 - Midsummer night's dream. CT 23 - poets. 183 - religion, EM 52-8 - religious source. 55 - mysticism. FF 24-5 - psychoanalysis. 24-8 - interpretation. LL 29-33 - meaning of. MM 114-5 QSS 8-sin. DREARINESS AG no DREISER, Theodore HA 61 - pessimism, TC 15-9 - criticism. 32 - brotherhood of man. HA LL 115 DRESS. Me Clothina and dress. DREYFUS, Alfred AB 322-3 302 CP TC 169 DRINK to me only with thine eyes 119 C DRINK, we Lîauor problem. DRUGS 208 AG 187 EM DRU1DISM 292-3 EM DRUMMOND, Flora 50-1 AV 244, 246 FF DRUMONT, M. 107 - anti-Semite. SD DRUMS 247 - significance. FF DRUNKENNESS. we Liquor problem. DRYDEN,, John 56 - literature. AS 218-9, 231-3 - 19th century C on » 219 - The Canterbury tales. 226 - experiment of. 231-3 - popularization of Chaucer. 24 - satire. FT 25 - Shaftsbury. OR VA VT WS 29-30 - great wits. 157 50-1 - satirist. 152-9 156 - Macaulay. 157 - conversion. DUALISM 158 - philosophy. EM 283-4 - evil and. 123 - theory. TA DU BELLAY, Guillaume 294 - Rabelais. CD DUBLIN 10, 219 - statues. II 29 - bitterness. 66-8 - English garrison in. 93-4 - Chesterton visits tn World War 1. 176-82 - street names. 193 - paradise of poets. 164 - climate; hatred; slander. 164-5 - London and. 168 - Eucharistic Congress. DUBLIN Review 268 AB TA 88 DUBLIN Theatre 77 - Chesterton lectures at. li DUDLEY, Owen Francis 156-62 - Will men be like GKC WS gods? DUEL AIS AP 39 36 - defined. 37-8 - Prussian idea. AV 76 139-40 - Sheridan’s the rivals. GS 269-70 - French. 108 - honor. WA 267 - in America. DUFFY, Sir Charles Gavan RS 187-8 DUKHABORS 206 - St. Joan of Arc. EM DULLNESS 171 - jokes and. AB 114 - a stimulant. AG 281-4 - Dickens. CD LL 57- no dull subject. RR 3 - books on. SL 63 - excitement. DUMAS, Alexandre 38 - praise; prolific. CT 202-4 - criticism. HA 87 - the Russian Court. LL UD 36-7 - style; Scott. 37 . 276-7 - The three musketeers. 276 - historical novels. 161, 165-Scott. VT 184, 185-Bret Harte. DUMB Ox 71, 74 - St. Thomas as. TA DUNBAR , William 224 AS DUNBAR , Battle of 207 SE DUNDASi, Henry 13-4 AS DUNDEE , Viscount 229 WC Hé DUNSTAN, Saint ACD 164 - Dickens. AD 112 - Joseph of Arimathea. SE 31 - great mon. DURER, Albert WC 212 - Cobbett. DUST CP 339-40 DUTCH, see Netherlands. DUTY AT 157 - violence and. AV 236 - progress. H 231 - modems. MT 214 - the rich. VT 135-6 - Christian, and Qua­ kers. WW 297 -defined. DWIGHT, Professor AIS 196-7 DYBOSKI, Roman AB 328 DYERS C 78 - in modern times. DYERS, Guild of C 71 - dye industry. 3 72- disappearance. 77 - concern of. DYNAMITE MT 89 - anarchism; symbol. EAGLE NJ 200 - double; emblem. RR 195 - symbol of swiftness. WA 95, 296-7 - symbolism. EARNESTNESS AT 158 - desirability. EARTH AD 258 - rule of, AT 96 - task garden. AV 232 , 237 - utopia; paradise. CP 169-70 - vigil of. DE 12 - prophets and, 9 73- conceptions of. EM 104-as god. 133 - pagan idea of death. NA 293 - a suburb. fsee also Universe; World) EAST (Far East; Orient) AS 96-9 - mystery. AT 226 - cruelty; weakness; wis­ dom. MM NJ 217-8 - laboring classes. 32 - French culture. 101, 111 - colours in. 105 - Catholicism. 118 - armed peace. 118 - war and religion. 156 - speed. 188 - the occult. 216 - awakening. 305 - changelessness. RR 42 - mysticism. 109 - patriarchs. TA 91 - land of the Cross. UD 66-7 - nature of. 69- 70 - democracy. 70- 1 - despotism. WW 331-4 - the hive. fsee also Orientalism; Orientals) EAST and West GS 21-7 - interchange of ideas, MM 190-8, 217-20, 240-4 NJ 111-2 - imitation. OS 216 - theology and philoso­ phy. UD 67-71 EASTER MM 112 - spring. EASTER Rebellion (Ireland) II 69 - fallacy, courage. 70-1 - Irish labor. 101 - error, 108 - rebels. 109 - British blunders. 139 - prehistoric Celts and. EASTERN Churches CDU 90-2 - Incarnation in. TC 78-82 - Uniats and Church law. EATANSWÎLL (Pickwick papers) AT 246-52 EATING AD 54-60 - imagery. 55 - metaphor. 59-60 - religion and. CT 153-4-flesh. NA 178-lifeand. SL 39 - liquor and. E81ONITES EM 251 ECCENTRICITY AIS 52-3 - Victorian literature. AS 52-8 - in literature. 117 ECCENTRICITY (Cont'd.) AV 94-5 - literary critics. 121-2 - vulgarity. 4 123- news and. FF vi-vil - orthodoxy. SP 23 VA 23-5 - English literature, 27-8 - French Revolution. WA 55 - of nations, 165, 275 - English, ECCLES, Francis Yvon AB 300, 313 RR 179 ECCLESIASTIC ISM VT 229 -revival. ECONOMICS (conditions, policy, theo­ ry, etc.) AIS 104-8 - English politics. 145-7 - change. AV 49 - common man. 1 50- suffrage. 53 - small business. C 35 - temporality. CM 4-5 - gambl ing. EA 187 - modern and medieval. EE 177-9 - eugenics. EM 159-76 - materialistic history. FA 70 - modem and medieval. FF 47 - simplicity. 155-6 - conditions in England. 249-50 - reform. H 34-5-Wells. MM 79 - biology and. 83-8 - conditions in England. OS 47 - original sin. RR 102 - guilds. SS 12-5 - 18th century. TA 235 - Thomas Aquinas. TC 46-7 - logic in. TT 93-4 -England. WA 91-2 - American freedom. WS 128 - materialism. 220-31 - over-production. 222 - conditions in America and England. (see also Capitalism; Distributism; Finance; etc.) ECONOMISTS TT 108-9 - ethics. WC 196 - work of. ECONOMY GBS 147-Shaw. HA 99 - definition. OR 115 - extravagance and. TE 9-meaning. WC 188-92 - markets and. (see also Thrift) ECSTACY OR 97 - wonder. EDDINGTON, Sir Arthur Stanley WS 55 - agnosticism. 77 - science. EDDY, Mrs. Mary (Baker) AG 84-6 SD 108 UD 72, 74, 77-8 VA 91 EDEN, Helen (Parry) UD 5-7 EDEN AD 71 - rivers. AG 145 - Pardise lost. AT 191 - evidence for. AV 232, 237-8 CM 256-7 CP 171-2 - Adam. DE 13 - location. OR 203, 207, 213 - man's place in. WS 226 - economics. EDINBURGH LL 75 - beauty of. 76 - motto. RR 7 - terraces. EDINBURGH, University of GL 119 - debating societies; motto. EDINBURGH review VA 82 EDINBURGH rack AS 21-5 EDISON, Thomas Alva GS 14-20 - on the soul. EDITION DE 5 - advantage of a new. EDITORS AG 243 - titles. AT 167 - newspapers. 167-8 - technique; importances EDMUND, Saint, King of East England SE 51 - defeat by Guthrum. EDUCATION AB 7-8 - social classes. ACD 33-4, 217-Dickens. 118 FF EDUCATION (Confd.) 63-4 - advanced. AD 63 - boys. 283-4 - value· 22 - meaning. AG 202 - maieu mi. 38 - dialect and. AIS 175-80 - English; history. 183-4 - imagination. 86 - compulsory in Germany. AP 13 - medievalism. AS 49-50 - modern and medieval. 162-4 - State and. 184 - woman. 69 - object. AT 69 - paradox. 69 - simplicity. 70 - French . 70-1 - English, 98 - pleasure. 74 - dialect. AV 281 - middle ages. C 28 - medieval church; Wells. CC 125 - the uneducated and. CD 199 - society. 38-40, Ï65-9 CM 200 - modem. 91-9 - songs of. CP 80 - materialistic. CT 181 - criticism of. 168-71 - English. DE 171 - basis; language. 120 - reform. EE 32-3 - prehistoric man. EM 196-7 - modem and Chris­ tian . 72-3 visual instruction. FF 159-65 - England. 160-1 - progressive. 161-2 - Victorian. 162 - authority. 164-5 - morality. 204-6 - experience. 225-6 - State. 225-7 - importance. 225-9 - emancipation. 225- 30, 235-6 - children. 226 , 228-9 - narrowness. 226- 30 - in the home. 226- 9 - private. 227 - liberty. 227- 8 - specialization. GBS GKC GL GS H HA II LL MM NJ OS RDQ RR SD SE SL SP TA TC UD VT WA WC WW 229 - parental authority. 235-6 - illusion. 173-6 - Shaw. 203-4 - progress. 233 - modern. 11-2 - the individual. 12 - nurses. 8-9 - purposes integrity. 129-30 - leisure. 33 - goodness and. 82-3 - meaning of modem. 51-2 - Christian names. 47 - truth in. 118 - particular. 137 - work and play in England. 59 - two—party system. 143 - minorities. 132, 141-4 - for distributism. 40 - world as source. 41 - neglect. 135 - popes. 72-3-family. 75-6 - parental cruelty. 76-7 - systems. 276 - compulsory. 277 - German influence. 74-5 - necessity. 88, 116 - America. 218 - Lawrence. 15 - teaching what can’t be leamt. 112-8 - religious aim. 113 - secular. 53 - coercion. 38-45 - parental function. 61 - Ireland. 160, 163-5 - children. 163 - history and. 228 - prudence. 2 - in travel. 135-6 - respect for. 179-85 -Cobbett. 215-6 - woman, 232-3 - prenatal. 239-41 - children. 242- 6 - dogma and. 243- 51, 256 - meaning of. 244- 5 - tradition. 244-6 - method. 248 - State and. 249-51 - method; purpose. 252-67 - authority. 119 EDUCATION (Cont'd.) 255 - experimenti. VW 262 - essence of. 262-7 - experience. 263-7 - the poor. 271-4 - color and. 275-9 - public. 277 - drink and. 280-320 - England. 284-90 - democracy. 308-13 - parentt. 314-20 - ideal of. (see alIso Public schools; Religious education) EDUCATIONAL psychology 196-7 - modem; Christian. EM EDUCATORS 131-2 AS 22 H 256-9 - authority. VW 275-9 - creed. EDWARD , the Confessor, d. 1066 159 - meekness. OR 56 - character. SE 57 - paradox. 108 - William the Conqueror. SP EDWARD 1, King of England AD 39 55 - Crusader. NJ 83 - wife. SE 123, 127 - Parliament. 126-31 - reign. 128, 130-Jews. 130-1 - Scotland. 131 - death. TA 50 - Crusader, 203 VT EDWARD III, King of England 88 - battles. C 94 - victorious age. 204 - court. MM 81 - wars. 132 - reign. SE EDWARD VI, King of England SE 175 - reign. EDWARD VII, King of England 73 - friend of France. CE 265 - diplomacy. CT 79, 83 - death. GL 79-88 - eulogy on. 80-3 - popularity. 81 - leader; ordinary man. GL 81-2 - philanthropist. 82 - libera!. 83-6 - mourning for. 84-8 - conventionality. EFFICIENCY 148 - immorality and. AT 16-8 - political weakness. H 45 - Kipling. 55 - population and. SD 244 - rule of inefficiency. SL 13-4 - modem. TC 27-8 - American. WA WW 10-7 221-2 - women. EGOISM 17 - Shakespeare; Meredith. CM 251-5 9 - altruism; in the family. CT 65 - definition. 65-9 68 - hysteria; dogmatists; madness. 136 - deadly danger. 131-2, 137 DE 134-5 - philosophy. 233-4 GBS H 164 - enjoyment. HA 147-56 - Ruskin. II 202 - dissipation and. OR 67 - Nietzche. PL 255 - paradox. SCT 136 - worse than murder. UD 241 - arrogance. 242 - dogmatic. WS 15-7 - in literary style. 59 - conversion and. (see.also Pride, Selfishness) EGYPT 84-5 - ritualism. AV EM 63-93 - antiquity. 89-93 - Mediterranean culture. 138 - civilization. 147 - religion. GS 6-7 - Kitchener and British LK occupation. 11-2-Army. NJ 30-culture. 30-2 - French in. 31-3, 96 - English in. OR 276 - civilization. SP 161 - the dead in. UD 2-3 - religion. 120 EGYPT (Cont’d.) UD 3 - ort; jeriovine»!. EGYPTIANS AIS 121 - power. NJ 34-5 - Moslems and. EIFFEL Tower CT 131-2 WC 140 EIGHTEENTH Century ACD 72 - Europe. AIS 94-6 - 20th century and. 110-2 - industrialism. 113-4 - conscription, AS 126-9 - peasants. 156-7 - epics. 221 - Scott. AV 153 - 19th century. 180 - romance. CM 4, 8-liberty. 5 74- God. TJ - rationalism. 95 - sentimentalism. 182 - idolatry. EA 30, 229 - description. EE 116 - civilization. EM 291-2 , 296 , 302 - Christianity. 292, 299 - 20th century and. GKC 200 - color in. 200-1 - religion. GL 116-23 - age of reason. 116 - fashions. 117-8 - fairy tales. 118 - children. 1Ί8-9 - ideals. 119 - religion. 120-21 -20th century and. H 18-ideals. 193 - fiction. 212 - sentimentality. II 16-dynasty. NJ 191 - Jesus Christ. OR 123-4 - social contract. RR 149 - religion in England. 267-8 - authors. SP 90-7 - anti-religious thought. 92 - causes. SS 9-12 TA 9 - age of reason. TC 28 - poverty, 33 - humility. 98 - culture, history and the age of reason. 216 - politics; skepticism. 216 - 12th century and. WA 190 - age of reason. 195-6 - religion. WB 7 - supernatural ism. 24 - rationalism. 105 - mood. 105-6 - French Revolution. 108 - age of reason. 108-13 - civilization. 112 - affectation; art; sin; virtue. 113 - Christianity. 114 - paganism. 114-8 - humanitarianism. 119-30 - thaumaturgy. 123 - Church control. 183 - revolution. 183, 186-9 - conventionality. 190 - exaggeration. WC 38-stoicism. 105, 106 - T. Paine. 211 - soul in the age of rea­ son . WS 74 - rich and. 115 - preachers. 220 - age of reason. WW 181-2 - artificiality. EIGHTH Century AD 227-spirit, EINSTEIN, Albert AB 102 AG 29-30 - popularity. AIS 139 AS 81-2 CT 20 NJ 168-gravity. RR 98 - on space. ELAM, Mr. AB 62-3 ELDORADO AG 53 - in America. ELECTIONS AT 41- promises as bribery. 42 - persuasion. MM 22 ~ in England. WC 105 - equality. WS 63-Spain. ELECTRICITY AIS 176-7 GS 77-82 VA 121 AV CM CT SP TC WS ELECTRONS WS 57 - philosophy and. ELEN, Gus SL 227, 232-3 ELEPHANT CL 114-poem. SS 28 ELEUSINIAN Mysteries. EM 133 - Christianity and. WB 24 - Blake, ELEVATORS WA 25 - religious cult. ELF CP 230-6 ELFLAND OR 81-118 - ethics of. ELGAR, Edward AB 239 ELIAS EM 142-3 - demonology, FA 169-70 - successor: St. Francis. 170 - tragedy. ELIOT, George (pseud. of Mary Ann Evans) ACD νΐΐΐ 203 - Dickens. AT 263 - Daniel Deronda. CD 184 VA 92-3, 181 - George Lewis. 93 - The mill on the Floss. 103-4 - rationalism. 103-9, 157 104 -Mill. 105 - Victorian seriousness. 105, 107 - Jane Austen. 105, 114-5 - Charlotte Bronte. 106- 7 - Silas Marner. 107 - Daniel Deronda. 107- 8 - glamour. 108- 9 - treatment of men · 109- 10 - Brontes. 112 - Victorian industrialism. 113-5 - Bronte. 7 116- Margaret Oliphant. WW 316 - Jane Austen. ELIOT, T.S. AG 123-9 - Dante. 258-9 - Swinburne. 259- 60 - political ideas. AS 84-5 174 - Chaucer. 206 227 - critics. 44 166 12, 19-Babbitt. 2 - on alliteration. 91 94 - skepticism. 133 - Whitman. ELIZABETH I, Queen of England, d. 1603 AG 186 - portrait. AIS 189 AS 47 CE 36 - spirit of, CL 163 - paem, CM 263 - Mary Queen of Scats. 263 - Protestants. GL 106 OR 213 - patriotism, SE 183-7 VA 62 - Carlyle. VT 203 - spirit of service. WC 160 - Cobbett on. ELIZABETHAN Period C 232 - ambition. 238-9 - characteristics. HA 73 - woman in. ELOPEMENT FA 127 - modem world. ELOQUENCE GKC 115 - reason and, 17 - in parliament. 168-70 - modem literature. 168-75 - Sir Walter Scott. 170 - Burke; Grattan. 170- 1 - politics. 171- 2 - bombast; essence. 174 - Shaw; James. EMANUEL, Paul VA 111 EMBARRASSMENT AV 78 - natural. EMERSON, Ralph Waldo OR 207 - nature and. RS 93 - Stevenson and, TC 2) - appreciation of. H VT EMIGRATION OS 168 - préjudice against. 209-20 212 - necessity. EMMET, Robert AT 122 52 EMMET, Robert TA 21 - death of. EMOTION AS 94 - imagination. AT 127 - large. 197 - sophist. AV 205-10 - metre and. 209 - free verse and. CM 125-6 - sex. CT 91 - English. GKC 169-Scotch. 11 vi 109 - hedonism. 145 - rationality. 209 - repression. 194 -Celtic poetry. LL 122 - mood and modems. GR H NJ OR SL SP 237 -Crusades. 176-7 - free of fine. 60 - enjoyment. 11 - passion and sentiment. 80 - art and. 7 86- reasoning power. TA 128 - religion of feeling. TT 82-3 - of Chesterton. VT 7 - truth. WW 183-4-women, (see also Mood; Sentiment) EMPERORS CM 224 - capitalists. EM 192-3, 310 - worship. 208 - demonology. EMPERORS, German NJ 223 - Turks; Crusaders. EMPERORS, Greek RR 57 - sculptors and. EMPIRES SP 140 - culture. TT 230 -meaning. EMPLOYEES MM 253-6 - loyalty. EMPLOYER UU 14-7 - in current literature. 53-63 - discipline. EMPLOYMENT AIS 52-3 - industry. AV 52 - unemployment. CT 216 - Prohibition. EE 166-8 - capitalism. WS 121 - state and. ENCHANTMENT CE 96 - definition. MM 73-6 - England. SL 254-5 - contradiction. ENCLOSURES CT ill-6 112 - meaning. 112-3 - distributism. ENCOURAGE AT 217-meaning. ENCYCLICALS CDU 26-7 - injustice fought by. CM 240 - encyclopedia and. TC 199 ENCYCLOPAEDISM CM 240 - anti-Cathoiicism. ENCYCLOPEDIA CM 240-1 CT 129-34 130 - hustlers. 130-1 - out-of-date. 134 - controversies; history. OR 275 - sceptic's belief in. ENCYCLOPEDISTS CT 134 - purpose; partiality. END AV 116 - justifies the means. GS 35-41 - meansand. TA 38 - as fulfillment. TT 108 - means and. END of the world 8 377 - actuality. CP 209 EM 177-94 SP 166 - not with a bang. TT 62 - Le bout du monde. ENDURANCE TY 68 ENEMY H 240 - satirists. NA 274 - victory over. ENERGY ACD 64-suicidal. AT 140-use. OR 209 -need. RR 45-fatigue. 120 - conservation; modem philosophy. ENGLAND AB 19 - industrial 251 - Jewish financial power. ACD xxv - French Revolution and. AD 53 - free man in. 138-40 - weather. 123 92 - Merry England. 100 - Teutonic fantasy. 123 - democracy. CM 19 - Midsummer night's dream. 21 - English. 7 226- bigotry. 271 -2 - Shakespeare. 276 - Milton; Muggleton. 278 - capitalism. CT 15-6 - capitalists. 8 87- praise. 94 - self-sufficiency. 94-7 - society. 226 - nationality. 231 - journalism. ED 21 - a great might-have-been. EE 30-8 - anarchy. 94-5 - modern age of super­ stition . 117- impenitence. EM 85-6 - Anglo-Saxon. FF ix-normalcy. 40-1 - capitalism. 96-100 - journalism. 130- 6 - theatre. 155 - success. 155-6, 205, 239-50 - econo­ mic conditions. 159-65 - education. 166-8 - social conditions. 166-8, 234-43 - laboring classes, 246-8 - nationalism. 247 - industrialism. FT 22 - satire. GL 24-5 - fox hunting. 46-7 - heraldic lion; unicorn, 65-9 - Saint George. 70-1 - enemies. 70-3 - national anthem. 104 - baroque architecture. 129-32 - national spirit. 131- 2 - liberty. 132 - Christianity. GKC 53 - upper classes. 55 - peasantry. 99 - Belloc. 107 - freedom. 112 - future. 134 - satire. 186 - Catholic Church. CE ENGLAND (Cont'd.) AD 252-9 - White Horses. AG 53 - prosperity. 67 - Trollope on. 68-9 - parties in. 140-1 - 19th century; ugli­ ness. 6 - metaphorically hoggish. 35-6 - Victorian virtue. 120 - railroads. 7-8 - Prussian opinion. 25-6 - refusal of Prussian pro­ mises. 70-2 - Teutonism. 73 - Navy. 99 - German attitude. 126-9 - gentry. 224- 5 - climate. 54 - social conditions. 58-61 - strength. 60 - worship of athletics. 65 - democrats. 84 - literature. 84-5 - amateurs. 98 - love of. 140-1 - faults. 141 - public life; paradox. 247 - Eatanswill. 69-70 - agriculture. 70 - culture. 71 - common man. 200-1 - English. 228 - internationalism. 42 - tragedy. 78 - shopkeepers. 82 - cultured class; French language. 194 - literature. 196 - social rank. 203 - Chaucer on the realm. 204 - disruption. 225- 6 - culture. 231 - poetic inspiration. 133 - democracy. 165-8 - comfort in. 234 - French Revolution. 22 - democratic spirit. 24 - social conditions. 25 - crimes. 37-9 - Luther's influence. 40 - Puritanism. 86 - capitalism. AIS AP AS AT AV C CD CE 124 SL ENGLAND (Cont'd.) GS 132-7 - dying nation. 288-9 - agricultural decay; pessimism. H 47 - Kipling. 256 - happy. 265 - war. HA 205-14 - literature and. II 45 - Austrian Empire. 74 - socialists and the Irish poor. MM 10-1, 38-9, 71-4, 105-7de scription. 21 - urbanization. 21-2- land ownership. 37-41 - nobility. 41-2 - decadence. 43-4 - peasantry. 65-8 - social conditions. 75-6 - tradition. 83-4 - class distinction. 85-8 - the poor in. 87-8, 150-3 - laboring clas­ OR OS RR SD SE. 141 - paradox. 172 - merit». SP ss TA TC TT UD ses. 89-90 - customs. 100-3 - liberty. 199-206 - Christmas customs. 217 - working conditions. 225-6 - climate. 259-60 - economic conditions. 295-6 - foundation. 127-8 - partiotism; AngloSaxon , 26-39 - degeneracy. 212 - rural redistribution. 205- journalism. 44 - revolutions. 97 - sympathies. 137-8 - Disraeli. 138 - survival. 14 - geography. 71,73 - St. George as pa­ tron . 103-23 -Merry England. 106-7 - guild system. 138 - historical tradition, 138-9 - hero-worship. 175- revolt of the rich. 242-3 - nationalism. 276 - compulsory education. 277 - German influence. 281 - origin. UU VA VT WA WB 125 173 - Americanization. 176 - game laws. 178 - praise. 183 - beauty. 279 22 - eccentrics in. 128-9 - attitude toward for­ eigners. 8-9 - Puritanism. 8 - St. Francis. 175 - home of paradox. 113-8 - Anglo-Saxon. 131-2 - wealth as ideal, 42 - hansom cab. 145 - landscape. 206 - optimism. 208 - praise. 221 - lamp-posts. 244-51 - description. 247-8 - enthusiasm. 281-2 - tragedy. 31-2, 264 - democracy. 49-50, 145-9, 152-9 - drama. 61 - education. 91-2 - wars. 101 - description. 101-2 - coat of arms. 132, 135-6 - philanthropy. 133-5, 262 - social condi­ tions . 190, 193-4, 199-207-thea­ tre. 259-60, 264 10) - in English novels, 28 - Victorian. 48-9 - failure in war. 6 204- Alfred the Great. 269 - Browning. 10 - nationalism. 44 - democracy, 132 - pity for. 156-7 - laboring classes. 142-4 - class distinction. 194-5 - tradition. 210 - living conditions. 273-4 - characteristics. 282-3 - uniqueness. 3 - nation of poets; shopkeep­ ers. 165 - name. ENGLAND (Cont'd.) WC 5 - Cobbett's praise; revival. 25 - Cobbett's revival in. 31 - Industrial progress. 32 - pride of peasantry. 54 - individualism. 59 - democracy. 60-1 - Cobbett’s defense. 63 - defense. 66-7 - game laws. 97 - language. 99 - salvation. 118 - destruction. 138-40 - hamlets. 144 - population. 145 - truth. 161-2 - Cobbett on. 192-3 - shopkeepers. 194-5 - utilitarian effects on. 201 - oligarchies; the poor and. WS 156 - past and. 198 - ideals. 263 - corruption; hypocrisy; pride. 263-4 - delusion of economists. 272 - national culture and Prussia. WW 91-7 - economic conditions, 280-320 - education. 325-34 - evolution and. (see also English) ENGLANDS Army CE 22 72 - German mercenaries. LK 19-21 - Kitchener. SE 259 WC 37, 44 ENGLAND: Constitution AD 182-7 183 - anomalies. AT 42, 142 GKC 190-failure. UD 31-2 - Tennyson WA 15-6 WC 37 - swindling In. ENGLAND; Empire AB 259 - sins of. AT 128-9 - the Commonwealth. C 212 - consciousness. CC 40 FL NJ 261 - destiny. 33 - extension. 33-4 - rights. OR 127-India. OS 208-20 - colonies. SE 235-6 - American colonies. WC 201 ENGLAND: Foreign relations AT 125-6 - Scotland. AV 227-8 - ollies; isolationism. CE 35 106-9 - Denmark. 109 - insularity. CT 90 98 - isolation. EA 54 - isolationism. 135 — break with Russia, 1927. GL 89 - insularity. GS 132-7-Holland. NJ 34 - Near East. 146-7 - Palestine. 152-3 SE 243 - insularity, SL 178 - imperialism. TT 207 - imperialism. UD 92-3 - Spain. VA 22 - isolationism. WA 135-India. 139 - Japan. 220 - the Confederacy. (see also; Germany and England; Ireland and England; United States and England) ENGLAND: History ACD 161-2 AP 2-12 , 30, 85-6 - World War I. 112-BoerWar. AV 224 - European war; peace. C 41 - 14th century; Plantage­ nets. 42 - quarrels in the Court. 45-6 , 61, 204 - wars of Roses. 189 - Medieval Christianity; France. 281 CE 126 - medieval; poor man. 38 - Cromwell's victory over Royalists. 45-6, 50, 55-60, 65 - Napo­ leonic wars. 55 - Jacobin influence. ENGLAND: History (Cont'd.) CE 84-5 - Holy Alliance. 113, 14 - Victorian Age. 121-3 - Garibaldi. 142 - Boer War. 161-73 - World War I. CT 1 - Francis Bacon. 218-9 - civil war. FA 21-2 - justice to. FF 265 - Revolution of 1688. GL 5, 8, 9 - local customs; popu­ lar associations. 5- 9 - in architecture. 6- 7 - Henry VI. HH 3-16 - Alsace, OR 213 - Elizabeth and Charles I; radicalism and socialism. RR 107 - Roman tax. SE 16-27, 29 - Roman influence. 28-39 - age of legends. 73 - Crusades. 76, 80 - Islamic influence. 101 - Magna Carta. 103 - early. 103-23 - medieval society. 146 - Black Death. 147-8 - Peasants' Revolt. 178-9 -World War I. 179 - aristocracy; Reformation. 204, 216 - Stuart reign. 4 223- Mercantilists. 232 , 233, 240-1 - Napoleon. 243 - Napoleonic Wars. 263 - Victorian Age. 264 - French Revolution. 272-3 - Socialists. 273 - social reforms. 280-1 - turning point. SL 69 - 19th century homesteads. SP 72 - naval power. 107 - Norman conquest. SS 27 - Goldsmith; Hume, UD 90-1 - Reman origin. 93 - Roman Empire. UU 89-97 - economic history. VA 17-9 - revolution: aristocracy, literature, Cobbett. 30-1 - middle class; Victorian age. WB 38 - French revolution; reign of terror. 100 - Napoleon. 137-8 WS 170 - Roman rule. (see also nomes of royal families, kings, places, etc.) ENGLAND: History: Restoration AG 70 FF 16 - medievalism. FT 61-7 - Puritans. 67 - Renaissance; art. 69 - artificiality. 70 - paradox. GW 3-4-spirit. SL 197 - criticism. VT 85-94 - Charles 11. 92 88- Puritanism. 90 - politeness. 92 - essence. 94 - artificiality, (see also Charles II, King of England) ENGLAND: Kings and rulers AT 125-33 - "King of England." C 41 - role in Chaucer's time. 42 - monarchy; tragedy. CE 37, 41, 64 - Hanoverian rule. WC CP CT GL II 60 263 - monarchy. 89 - monarchy: George V. 12 - White Horse ofHanover (statue) ENGLAND: Parliament, see Parliament ENGLAND: Politics AD 182-7 - anomalies in govern­ ment. AG 70 - democracy. AIS 105-6 - plutocracy. AT 123 - paradox. 128-9 - Commonwealth and. 141 CD 63 CE 25 - political errors. 37, 63-75, 77, 95-100, 157 - German influence. EA 75-6 - Prussian Imperialism. FF 152-8, 183-7 - laws. 197-8 - imperialism. 244-6 GL 105 - a state. H 18-9 II 93 - revolt against. 117 - mistakes. 127 AIS ENGLAND: Politic* (Cont’d.) )) 122 - statesmanship. MM 20-3, 34, 51-60, 188-9 291-2 - law enforcement. SE 273-6 - German influence. UD 258-65 262 - laws. WA 124-5 234-5 - imperolism. WB 111 - constitutional revolu­ tion . WC 69 - the Great Seal, 208, 209 - legislative repre­ sentation. WW 84-5 ENGLAND: Religion AIS 35-6 - future; morality. C 255 - anti-clericalism. CE 39-Calvinism. CT 97 - paganism. 193 - sects. MM 144-6 OR 66-Christianity. OS 215 - Catholics. RR 149 - 18th century, 277-Pius XI. SE 213 - Protestantism. TC 70-7 - Protestantism. TT 216-7-vices. VA 204 - Christianity. WC 154 WS 130, 168-Catholicism. 178-9 - Protestantism, ENGLAND and France; Ireland; etc. see France and England; Ireland and AS AT AV England; etc. ENGLISH (people, the Englishman) AB 206 - innocence of the citizen. 309-11, 324-French and. 324 - types. ACD xvi - French and. xix - puritanîsm. 61 - characteristics. 173-4 - democracy. AD 104-5 - weakness. 139 - French and. 260-9 - falsehood. AG 106-7 - logic. 217-23 - French and. 222 - French culture. AIS 60 - Voltaire. C 128 105 - understanding. 107-8 - classes. 115-20 - dress. 20 118- prejudice; national­ ism. 155 - Puritans. 190 - Lytton Strachey. 211-2 - beggars. 105 - history and. 199 - Latin and. 5 224- climate. 6-7 - Mohamedanîsm. 42 - illogicality. 58 - Anglo-Saxon superiority. 60 - Asiatic. 73-80 - French and, 78-80 - adversity. 81 - delicacy. 84 - bankers; literature; phi­ lanthropists; sculpture. 90 - realism. 94 - aristocracy. 30 - machinery. 53 - littleness. 101 - Hindu; Yogi. 163 - revivals. 200 - England and. 200-1 - foreigners. 200- 1,204-wealth. 201- 2 - Prussians and. 218-9 - religion. 218-9, 228 - Germans and. 220 - paganism. 221 - levity. 222 - muddleheaded. 228 - French and; Russians. 13 - boasting; character; on Chaucer; eccentrics. 186 - 19th century version. 186- 9 - national type. 187- 8 - characteristics; com­ mandments. 188- 9 - 14th century. 190 - emergence of. 201 - as companion; sociabili­ ty of. 205 - casualness. 208-9 - sense of humour. 209 - exhibitions. 211 - heritage. 215 - character. ENGLISH (people, the Englishman) (Cant'd,) CC 40 - the "Chosen Race"; Bible. 40-6 - nationalism. CD 155-7 - on foreign countries. 252 « Scots and, 298-9 - Dickens. CDU 7-27, 50-1 - patriotism and religion. 66 - newspapers. CD 20-1 CM 19-20 - folk-lore. 21 - carelessiess; England and. 50-2 - patriotism. 79-92 - tribalism. 31 124- sex. 149-50 - Catholicism. 193-4 - Christianity; pagan­ ism, 267 - foreign rulers. 268 - Dutch; nationalism; re­ ligion; Spaniards, 273 - French and. CP 163-6 CT 11 - euthanasia. 87- 92 - study of. 88 - cruelty; emotional; na­ DE EA EE EM FA FL GBS GBS 31-2 - politics and. GKC 20, 193 -pride. 24 - Carlyle. 27 - moods. 54 - colonies. 77 - injustice. 108 - Irish and. 112 - Joan of Arc. 193-4 - morality. 216 - academic method, GL 17-21 - paradox. 20 - artistic nature; practical. 21 - French and. 65 - modesty. 65-6 - romantic. 70-1 - King as a symbol. 112-3 - probability and. 126 - self-satisfaction. 129 - Christmas. 147 - Napoleon. 152- 5 - Rostand. 153 - heroes. 153- 5 - French and, 159-60 - French cabmen. 162 - liberty. GS 42-8 - nationalism. 43-8 - foreign influences. 230-5 - patriotism; America. H 72 - strength. 101 - religion. 135 - boasting; simplicity. 172-8- Irish. 177 - poetry; fairies. 209 - repression of feelings. HA 49-laughter. 205 - patriotism. II 27 - Irish politics. 28 - civilization. 35-7, 61 - on Irish Home Rule. 64 - emancipation. 75 - socialism in Ireland. 97, 99 - Teutonism. 105-7 - views on Ireland. 118-22-Sinn Felners. 131-4 - Irish attitude. LK 28 - tyranny and. LL 80 - the French and. LN 12-5 - love of liberty. MM 12 - living habits. 38-9 69 - modesty. ture. 88- 90 - criticism of. 09-90 - perfidy. 91 - boredom; emotions. 96-7 - solitude. 98 - humor. 169 - democracy. 218-9 - compromisers. 246 - Foch and. 165-72 - patriotism. 168-9 - intellectual heritage. 171-2 - self-appreciation. 140-3 - ignorance of Poland. 204 - French; Germans; Irish. 98 - restlessness. 183 - Trojan descent. 219 - miracles and. 21 - treatment of the Irish; Napoleonic war. 26 - type. 17-8, 26-8, 126, 195-6 Irish and. 29 - Kipling. 129 ENGLISH (people, the Englishman) (Cont’d.) MM 185 - French and. 225 - ideas. NJ 31, 96 - Egypt, 75 - idolotry. 98 - Arabs; Turks. 146-7 - compromise. 152 - failure in Ireland; suc­ cess in India, 158 - Moslems. 271 - Teutons. OR 123 - Bible. 6 225- aristocracy. OS 123-4 - conservative. RR 17 - Rome and, 174-5 - French and. 2)1 -self-righteousness. 212 - superiority. SD 43 - home. SE 15 136-40, 245 - patriotism. 258 - paradox of formol plans and principles. 259 - humor. 260 - strength, SL vi - criticism of. 13 - Irish and. 87, 124, 150-1 - Americans and. 123 - optimism. 139 167-8 - Lincoln and, SP 7) - complexity. TA 8 175 - paradox. TAL 185-joke. TC 126-33 - anarchy of mind. TH 1-2 - simplicity and wellmeaningless. TT 92-4 - poverty. 141 219 - French villages and. 250 - belivers. UD 56-61 - Irish and. 90-1 - national origin; Teu­ tons. 92 - Prussian War. UU 10 - democratic imagination. 77-8 - drinking. 159-66 - ignorance, VA 167 VA VT WA WB WC WS 130 188-9 - Ita 1 ians and. 203-4 - spirit of service. 226 - optimism; sense of se­ curity. 2 - pleasures; foreigners. 10 - anarchists, 11, 48, 97-9, 102-6, 111-2, 116, 118-9, 131-3, 134, 158-60, 184-5, 243, 248, 264, 266, 279, 282 - Amer­ icans and. 11, 224, 273-4 - patriotism. 16 , 264-6, 275-80,282-3 48, 50-3, 129-30, 222-4 Irish and. 56 - temperament. 75 - American fiction and politics. 83 - American literature, 98-9 - fur coats. 103 · money. 103- 5 - leisure. 104 - Robin Hood. 104- 5 - avocations. 114 - business habits. 115 - obstînancy. 116 - cleverness; compromise; stupidity. 116-7 - success. 158-9 - humor. 186 - snobbishness. 214-6 - American history. 253 - French and. 253-4 - faults. 264-6 - relaxation. 271 - narrow-mindedness. 280 - Aristotle. 282 - living habits. 5 - logic. 56 - nationalism of colonial. 57 - in America. 78 - foreigners and. 100 - definition. 110—I - burial. 116-7 - on public penance. 139 - characteristics. 203 - virtues; paradox on cruelty. 206-7 - superficiality. 113 - defeat. 168 - history and. ENGLISH (people, the Englishman) (Cont’d.) 168 - Ireland, political and WS religious hostility. 182 - logical in the past. 188 - religion. 222 - economic conditions. 106 WW 294-300 - truthfulness; hypocrîsy. ENGLISH drama: 19th century 114-5 - Victorian. GBS 186-93 - Victorian novelists. RS 90-155 VA ENGLISH language 55 - Carlyle, AS 199 - Latin language and. 81-2 - Chaucer's developC ment of. 82 - existence of; forms. 120 - Johnson. CM 94-5 - Scripture and. NJ 90-1 - Latin and. UD 128-9 - obsoleteness. WA 59 5-6 - Cobbett's use. WC 6 - style. 7 - Billingsgate; effectiveness. 9-11 - abuse in. 180-1 - Latin and. (see also Middle English) ENGLISH language (Old English) 14 - Pidgin English. C ENGLISH literature 8 - knowledge of. AB 56 AS 204-5 - after Chaucer. C 211- nonsense. CT 87 - Irish politics. 230-1 - realism. 260-3 - religious aspects. FF GKC 171 130-2 - nationalism. GL HA 205-14 - England and. 54 - Victorian age. LL 140 - caricature in. 260 - Victorian novels; bias. NJ 183-6 - classicism. RR 67 - Victorian. SP 236-42 - Protestant influence. TC 35-8 - French and. 43-4, 273-9 12-3 - European and. VA 13-4 - classic literature. 13-6 - nationalism. 14 - Renaissance. 19 - Reformation. 20-1 - French Revolution and 21-2 - Individualism. 21-5 - French Revolution. 22 - Rousseau. 23-5 - eccentrics. 99-102 - moral tone of Victorian novels. 100 - compromise. 102-3 - women; Victorian novel. 73 - hero In. VT 73-6 - comedy. 82-3 - Americans and. WA 2 - alliteration. WS ENGLISH martyrs, see Martyrs. ENGLISH men of letters 117 AB ENGLISH poetry: 19th century 164 - novelty. GL 156-203 VA ENIGMAS 219 - reason and. M) ENJOYMENT 127 - humility. ACD 11 - Christmas. AV 69 - of nature. 137-8 CM 252 - egoism. 257 - change. 85 - secret of. FA 165-71 - elaboration. GS 170 - pride. H 76 - children. HA 10 - shyness and. VT (see also Joy) ENLIGHTENMENT 144-5 - Christians; Jews: NJ Moslems. 295 OR WS 58 ENNUI 56 - sin. LL ENS 184 - in Thomism. TA UD 131 ENS (Cont'd.) TA 184-8 - being and . 186-8 - Latin ward, fitness. ENTHUSIASM AG 166 - popular. CM 229 - youth. FT 53-4 - in comedy. LT 2 - happiness. SL 83-American. WA 261-4, 276 - American, 264-6 - English. ENVIRONMENT AS 121-4 - poetry and. FF 163-4 - personality. OR 217 - Blatchford on. 218-26 - man. TT 92 - morality. 140-1 - beauty and. WW 239-41 - effects. EPHEMERA critica VT 97 - Stevenson. EPIC AG 146 - nature of. AS 156-7 - 18th century. C 171-2 - character in, CDU 68 - modem authors. CT 257 -Milton. EM 90 - Mediterranean culture. FF 262 - quoiities, GKC 35 - growth. 49-50 - art in. OR 88 - supernatural ism. EPICTETUS EM 220 OR 162 EPICUREANS HA 159 - highest type. VT 93 - time and. EPICURUS OR 296 - cosmic content. EPIGRAM AD 76-83 - popular. GBS 20 GL 67 - St. George. 174 HA 144-5-Wilde. EPITAPH CM 221-4 EPSTEIN, Jacob CM 112 CP 27, 70 CT 70 711 74-5 - his Night. SL 166, 223 EQUALITY ACD 81 - social familiarity. 81-2 - democracy. 175 - Dickens. AO 34 - beauty; ugliness. 87-8 - fields. AP 44-9 - German idea. AS 26-7 - woman and. 168-9- God. AV 50 - labor and. B 296 - answer to, CD 8 - French Revolution. 8-9 - great men. 9 - superiority. 10 - religion. 247-8 - comedy, tragedy. 253-4, 291-2 254 - Dickens' characters. CM 203 - modems. EE 132 - medieval inequality; slaves. 134 - modem workman. 208-10 - socialism. FA 108-meaning. 144 - agnostics on. FF 63-4, 176-7, 180 - of the GBS GL GS GW H II MM NÀ NJ 132 sexes. 64 - government. 70-1 - philosophy. 137-8, 142-4 - Edward Moore on. 137-40, 144 - men. 180 - of sexes. 202-3 - democracy; politics. 161-2 - French. 94 - America and England. 119 - oligarchists. 245 - superiority. 167 - doctrine; original sin. 218 - political and religious. 43 - peasant ideal. 85 - inequality in England. 297 - inerpality. 313 - basis; physical character­ istics . 43 - democracy. 23 - economic; political. 23-4 - citizenship. EQUALITY NJ OS RDQ SE SL TM UU VA WA WC WS WW 24 - mystery. 38-40 - Moslems. 15-8 -of pressure: stones (n an arch. 197-200 - machinery. 109 - masculine men. ] 96 - democracy and. 237 - defined. 238 - Christian idea. 136 - in America, 136-8 - example, 6-7-Carlyle. 8-9 - superiority. ] 9-20 - image of God. 34-6 - capitalism, 43 - eugenics. 95-6 16 - Declaration of Indepen­ dence; the American citizen. 17 - dignity; moral basis. 28, 89 - American. 45 - capitalism. 151 - Prohibition. 167 - fads. 290-1 - distortion. 19 - inequality, 105 - in a Republic. 199-200 71 - reaction against. 111 - weather. 114-5 - comradship. 115 - "all in the same boat." 123- 4 - handicap. 124- 5 - objection. 127-31 - discipline; military subordination. 130-7 - Imperialism. (see also Democracy) EQUIVOCATION CC 34-9 ERASMUS, Desiderius C 235 - The praise of folly. GL 115 SP 94 TC 104-5 - Dean Inge. WS 186 - liberality. ERASTIANISM CM 190-5 ERIN Go Bragh GKC 108-12 ERNEST, Duke of Cumberland GL 81 EROTICISM 233 WS ERVINE, St. John II 218 - The mixed marriage. ESAU 22 - hair. SL ESCAPE 104-5 - Jazz. AV 210-3 - fairy tales. CM 234-5 - public life. FF 182 - modem society. H ESCORIAL (palace) 31 - St, Laurence. GL 31, 33-4 - Tom Jones. 31-3 - Philip II. ESPERANTO 87 GL ESQUIRE 113-4 - the term. SE ESSAY 115 - form. ACD 244 - judgment. AG 70-1 AS 1 - Francis Bacon. CT I - like the serpent; meaning. 3 - theory; thesis. 4 - quality. 4-5 - and travel. 5 - essayists as philosophers. GKC 213-23 186 - serpent and. GL 187 - nature of. 187-8 - theses and. 189 - philosophy. 9 - literary form. SP v-vi - subject of. π ESSENES 251 - Christianity. EM ESSEX 45 SE ESTONIA 146 - Finland and. EA ETERNAL City 15 - meaning. RR ETERNAL life 175 - demonstration of. LL ETERNITY 52-3 - and the soul. ACD 89-90 - popular religion. CD 133 ETERNITY (Cont'd.) H 233 NA 192 - fear of nothing happen­ ing. OR 47-51 - serpent eating its tail. 194, 202 - cosmos and. UD 180 - effect on man. VT 112 - Carlyle on. ETHAN DUNE AD 223-30 - English mirage; ci­ vilization. 228 - epic battle. CP 252-86 ETHICAL societies EM 220 - platitudes. OR 160-2 - creeds andmorals. WC 183 - education. ETHICS AD v - Chesterton's moral philo­ sophy. 284-5 - defined. AG 163 - medieval artists. 208 - Puritans. 239 - Christian and pagan. AIS 34-society. 199 - doubts of Victorian moralists, AT 151-2 - public-school. 256-7 - essence; teaching. 257 - Commandments. AV 125-6 - moralists and journa­ lists. CD 200-1 CM 2-3 - the rich and the poor. 162-3 - art. CT 12 - necessity of principles. 102-3 - nature. 104 - permanence. 125 - disappearance. EM 38 - evolutionary. 101-3 - Australian aborigi­ nals. 124-33 - worship and. 139-41 - South American persersion. 159-76 - materialist theory of history. 182 - Virgil's themes. FF 48-9 - vegetarianism. FR 217 - high moral code; reli­ gion. GS GW 238 - abstract. 17-22 - art; 19th century; Watts. H 16 - immoral attitudes. 234 - art. NJ 252 - German philosophy; Reformation. OR 20 - theology the root of. 73 - modern confusion. 103-4 - joy in. 123 - origin, 171, 178, 182 - Christian key to. 178 - millionaires; prison re­ form; supernatural religion. 3 191, 200-3 - changing. 247-60 - Christian and pan­ theistic . 261 - orthodoxy. RR 250-1 - fascism. 263 - small communities. SL 22 - hair. SP 118 - evolution and. 170 TA 235-Thomism. TC 56-63 - art. 76 - morality and. WB 99 - ethical movements; sodowater. WS 192 - a universal philosophy. 226 - economic conditions and. WW 152 - conscience, (see also Moral i ty) ETHNOLOGY GBS 159-61 SD 91 ETIQUETTE AIS 117 » dress and. RDQ 123 - man lives by. RR 286 - ritualism, (see also Manners) ETON College GL 6-7 - Henry VI . SE 55-Henry VI. ETRURIA EM 89-93 - Mediterranean cul­ tures. EUCHARIST C 58-Wycliffe. CDU 56-7 - tremendousness. CM 217-Wells on. EM 252 -Wells. 134 EE EUCHARIST (Cont'd.) TA 7-8 - Bishop Barnes, TC EUCHARISTIC Congress 7-21, 28-49, 57-66 - in CDU Dublin. 100 - respect for. WS 168 - in Dublin. EUCLID 114-5 - logic. VT EUGENICS 53-9 - fallacy. AV 54-5 - Wells. 55 - physical features. 147 - defined; family. 162 - college of. CT 4-13 - evil. EE 5-13 - moral basis; essence. 8 - honor. 10-1 - incest. 12 - slavery. 13-4 - defined. 22- 3 - individualism; social­ ism. 23- 6 - the Eugenic State. 56-8 - love. 64- 77 - authority. 65- 8 - feeble-mindedness. 81 - witchcraft. 102-4 - experimental religion, 105 - a new morality. 106 - objective moral. 106-7 - anarchy. 107- 8 - authority. 173-4 - capitalism. 177 - platonic friendships. 179 - aristocrat, 215-7 - capitalism. 236- 7 - World War 1. 237- 9 - Prussia. 60 - English attitude. ΊΙ TC 183-4 - Dean Inge. 251-2 - fallacy. UD 38-44 - plutocrats. 41-2 - defined. 43 - equality of men. WS 142 - pseudo-science. 143-4 - logic. 266 - Puritanism. 231-3 - Calvinism. WW EUGEN ISTS EE 14 -type». uu 15-7 - euphemists. 17- 8 - cosuistt. 164*5 * St. Thomas. 18- 21 - autocrats. 21-2 - endeavourers. 39-58 - extentior» of lunacy. 61-77 - passivity. 67 - free will. 77 - restriction. 98-104 - persecution. 100-4 - creed; truth. 112 - native. 146-61 - history of a. 175 - employer and. 53-4 - In America. SD EULOGY AT 180 - modem. DE 53-4 - unconscious. EUPHEMISM CT 123-8 127 - publicity. EE 15-7 - Eugeni sts. EUPHRATES River EM 80 EURIPIDES CM 185 - E. 8. Browning. EM 125 - Bacchae. H 94 - reverence. OR 296 - Giotto. VA 180 - E. B. Browning. EUROPE AG 81 - America. AP 86-93 - German plan. AS 96-9 - mystery. AV 87 - national ism. 93 - tradition. 111-2 - division. C 39 - centre. 40 - centralization. 255 - anti-cleri cal ism. CM 269 - Turks; Huns. 271 - Don Juan of Austria. CT 105 - unity; world peace. 187 - Namse. 201 - wars. 246 - Foch. EA 189 - allied theory in W W I. EM 85-7 - racial theories. 89-93, 274-7, 290-303 Asia and. 139-41 - explorations from. GKC 26 - admiration. GS 56-62 - capital cities. 135 EUROPE (Cont'd.) Il 142 - seperatism in Ireland . OR 73-4 - weakening of revolu­ tionary. 171 - chivalry. 224-6 - social classes. 248-50 - energy from western theology. 252 , 255 276-7 - self-renewal. RR 68 - papacy and western Eu­ rope. 110 - nationalist split. 258 ~ Southern, dignified gaiety. SL 179 - imitations. SP 143 - unity, TA 175 - home of paradox. TT 189-cigars. UD 68-9-Japan. VT 238 - Kaiser Wilhelm. WA 86 - American agriculture. 139 - Japan and. 190-1 - politics, 235-6 - contributions, 236 - United States of. 240 - civil war in. WW 47 - unity; the Reformation. EUROPE: Civilization AT 225 AV 91 91 21-7 - borrowed from Asia. 56-62 OR 262 SL 238 - Shaw. WA 91 EUROPE: History AS 135-9 AV 224 - European War. H 70 - humility; medieval Europe. RR 62 - councils of Hie Church. WS 245 - religion ond. EUROPEAN literature SP 26 - humor. EUROPEAN War, 1914-1918. see World War I. EUROPEANS AT 225 - peace; war. CT 202 -change. EM GS WB 106-7 - heritage. WS 251 - characteristics. EUTHANASIA AIS 217-8 - human sacrifice; med· icine. 218-22 CT 11 - England; nature of. EVANGELICAL Counsels FA 139 - counsels of perfection. EVANGELICALISM TC 30-sin. EVE. see Adam and Eve. EVENING AD 33 - definition; test. CL 86 - poem. EVERYMAN C 249 SL 242 EVERYTHING H 13 - paradox. EVIDENCE AB 1 - human. 1-2 - hearsay. OR 265-99 - Christianity. EVIL AB 76-7 - relativity, AD 23-9 - symbols. AG 74-5 - modern, 213 - in experience. AIS 198 - Puritanism. AT 88 - hatred of. AV 188 - self-contradictory. B 101 C 247-8 - Langland. 293 - cure of. CD 6, 287-8 - optimism. 284-5 - Dickens. CM 20 - occultism. 28-9 - monsters. 94-5 126 - sex. 127 - desire for. 208-12 - symbolists. 210-3 - fairy tales. 246 - source. CT 89 - theory. 175 - problem. DE 14-6 - goodness mistaken for EM 212 - in Christianity and moral philosophy. 283-4 136 FF EVIL (Cont'd,) FL 172 - fighting as fun , GKC 205 - nature of, 227 - children and. GW 87-92 - basic idea. H 32 - Ibsen, INN 116 - road goes down and down. TA 123 r Calvinism. 126 - Church and. TT 130 - children and. 275 - nature of. 275-6 - practice of. (see also Good and evil) EVOLUTION AB 46 - childhood. ACD 186 - Calvinism. AIS 142-4 - hypothesis. 194-9 - Victorians. AS 55-6 - in literature. AT 190 - fall of man. AV 23 - identity. 23- 4 - clouds; trees. 24 - change. 25 - culture. 83 - theory. 128 B 1 - elusive world. C 186 - emergent. 261 - Catholics on. CD 278 CM 133-4 - Hound of Heaven. 175 64 - Freud; Huxley. 149 - accident and natural selection. 153 - philosophy. 153-7 - change. 154 - morality. 9-320 - idea of God. 13-21, 23-73, 255 - man in. 14 - impartiality. 24- 5 - meaning. 26-8 - Wells. 47 - missing link. 191 - Lucretius. 296 - Christianity. 305-15 - errors. 194-5 - beliefs; the future; prehistory; history. 208, 214 - in America. CT EM EF 212-5 - religion. 213 GKC HA LL NA OR OS RDQ SP TA TC TE UD - economic aspects. 213-4 - natural selection. 213-4, 219-23 - evidence. 219-21 - fallacy. 73-Johnson. 97 - impact of idea. 78-denial of. 150 - civilization and. 21 - revolution and. 60-1, 65-6 - thought destroyed by. 94 189- argument in a circle. 206-10 - morality. 207 - essence. 266-9, 277 - man in. 255 - progress. 236-finality. 117 - teaching of. 118 - ethics and. 215-6 - on cosmos. 53, 224-9 - modem retreat. 84-92 - soul. 203-6 - Inge and Barnes on. 4-6 - psychological effects. 6-7 - morality. 31 -Tennyson. 179 - error. 248-9 - origin of species. 248-9, 282-4 - theory. 1 250- - satire. 282-4 - missing link. UU 45-7 - definition. 46 - revolution. 48-52 - error. WA 287-8 - slavery. 291 - democracy. 292 - Christianity. WB 162 - on nature. 184 - Darwin. WS 137 - Holy Rollers. WW 26-7 - oppression. 324- 5 - Edmund Burke. 325- 34 - England. (see also Anthropology; Creative evo­ lution; Darwinism; Missing link) EWING, Mrs. Juliana Horatia VA 118 EXAGGERATION AD 10-1 - right. CD 18, 49 - art and. 137 EXAGGERATION (Cont'd.) CD 18-9 - belief end seriousness. 18-22 , 49, 198, 230-1, 2967 - Dickens. 297 - Homer; realism, 126 - truth. HA WA 26 - American attitude. 196 - fantasy. WB EXALTATION 179-80 - praise. GL 180 - gods; patriotism. EXCEPTION 212 - proves the rule. FF 51-2 - alters the rule. SD 172-4 - difficulty of. UD 288-9 - attitude toward. EXCESS AT 50 EXCITEMENT 112 - mind and. AG 63 - dullness. SL 164 - in life. SP EXHIBITIONISM 232 - in antiquity. WS EXILE 287 - as bondage. NJ EXISTENCE 241 - religion. CM 284 - Thomas Aquinas on EM 182 - miracle. FA 98-101, 116-wonder. OR 214 - dependence. TA 17 - adventure. π 32-3 - pessimists. VT 46 - paradoxical nature. 162-3 - realism. (see also Life) EXORCISTS 192 - poets; prophets. NJ EXPANSION WW 257 - paradox. EXPENSE accounts UU 68-70 EXPERIENCE 45-53 - theory. AD 189-95 - philosophy. AG 91 - notion and. AV 67-8 - egoist. CT 163-4 - personality. FF 204-6 - education. 101 - learning by. GR 147 - better than theory. 303-6 - absorption; lack, 306 - love. TT 25 - supematuralism. WW 262-7 - education, EXPERIMENT AV 17 - diversity; human nature; science. SD 53-4 - in America, EXPERT H 228 - aristocrat and. RDQ 173 - exception, EXPLANATION C 259-Chaucer. CM 218 VT 88 - paradox of satisfactory explanations. EXPLORATION EM 139-41 - Europeans in South America. 160 - materialist theory of history, H 51 - concept of the world, EXPRESSION AS 91-4 - literature, CM 125-6-sex. GL 183 - communication and art. MM 174-6, 179-81 - intelligibili­ LL MM ty· EXTERNALS C 264 - ascetics; Puritans. EXTRAORDINARY, The FF vîî - paradox. UD 174 EXTRAVAGANCE OR 115 - economy and. RR 146-8 - Church and. SP 33 43 - classic art. EXTREMES CM 238-9 - critics. EXUBERANCE RR 21 EYE witness AB 62, 195-6, 203-7 205 - Marconi case. GKC 100 - Belloc. 120-Cecil C. EYEBROWS AS 209-10 - lovers; poets. 209-12 138 FACTORY FF SD π FACTORY II SE TA WC FACTS CQT EYES AS 190-3 - in novels. EM 161 - those strange windows. FABER, F, W. VA 46 - Oxford Movement. FABIAN Society AB 143 158 - heresy. 229 - imperialists. GBS 82-6 82-3, 86 , 219 - Shaw. G KC 116 - Ceci I Chesterton. SD 44 - Fenians. VA 232 - Morris. 235-6 - Shaw. FABIANISM CC 99-100 CM 63-politics. EM 145-6 - Plato. NJ 47 - Islamism. OS 10 - Distributism. RR 57 - frigidity. FABLES AG 183-4 - historians and. C 24-7 - inChoucer. CM 26-30 208 - the fabulist. 13 209- fairy tales and. EM 199 - Christ’sbirth. GKC 83-4 - examples. 85-9 - man in. 89 - morals, HA 17-facts. OR 88 - supernatural Ism of epic poetry. SP 61 - universality. 62 - fairy tales. 63 - idea of. 64 - animals. 65 - moral. UD 178-9-truth. 285-6 - basis. VT 200 - fact and. 201 - history and. (see also Fairy tales; Folklore; Mytho­ logy) FACE DE 116 - ugly. TT 37 - humanity in. CT 84-5 - discipline. 77-8 - enemy of family. 169 - girls in. acts 63 - England. 252 - significance. 36 - evils of. 235 - Cobbett's defense. 28 - obscure the truth. 61 - impresstons and. 30-1 - versus fiction. 56-7 - reality. 57 - beget madness. 218 - logic. 196 - facing. 100-1 - truth. FF NA WA FADDISTS 13 - seriousness. AG 127 - authority. FF 182-3 - objectives. 182-5 - freedom. 182-7 - capitalists; social re­ form . 184 - Prohibition. FADS AS AT CM SD WA WB FAILURE ACD CP CT FF 172 - society and, 156 - duration. 22-3 - heresies. 148 - faith. 167 - equality; democracy. 168 - the State. 172 - feminism; patriotism. 174 - women. 167-8 - meaning. 187 - the saint and. 223, 227, 239-40 237, 244 - Lincoln. 231 -4 - repetition. 233-5 - the individual. 256-60 - success and. MM 293 - effect. NA UD 211 - social. WW 44-53 - lost cause. FAINTING CT 195-6 - in novels. 139-40 - in Jane Austin. GKC FAIRIES AB 149 139 Π FAIRIES (Cont’d.) AT 253 - Yeah. 254 - art. 255 - journalists. 176 - the Irish. 10-1 - seeing. 289-90 - trust. H M MM FAIRS WC 187-Cobbett on. FAIRY tales ACD 136 -happiness. AD 199-life. AIS 62-4 - Gospel and. AS 180-2 - monsters. AT 253-8 - morality; reality, 256 - basia idea. 257 - Commandments. AV 35 - prudery. CM 55-9 - child psychology. 206-13 EE 38 - the supernatural. EM 120 - fancy needed. 285-6 , 313 - popular source. FF 23 - Montessori. 241-2 - scientific. GBS 155-8 - Shaw. GKC 85-9 - man in. 86 - personality in. 167 - reality. 197 - Johnson. 119-35 - praise. 121, 128 - children . 125 - rationality. 130 - value. UD 206-7 - fallacy. 216 - qualities. UU 18-20 - truths; tyrants. VT 22-3 - moral truth. (see also Fables) FAIRYLAND CM 13 - Midsummer night's dream 220 - infinity. UD 207 - characteristics. FAITH AD 1 - English Protestants. 5-6 - agnosticism. AV 23 - fetish worship and, B 19 - resignation. C 261 - light of. 270 - St. Thomas. CL 142 - religion. CM 149-54, 218 194 - Anglicanism. CP 216 DE 70 - nonsense and. EM 14 - impartiality. 229-30, 314 - act of. 282-9 - religion and. FA 121 - from friendship. 160 - truth. GL 117-8 - 18th century. GW 101 - survival, GS H 246 - ideal of the human soul. 85 - giants. 192 - family. 304 - belief. 105-faith in. 88 - end by coming true. 195-6 - life. 26-7 - endure forever. 87-118 - Importance. 121 - attractiveness. 209 - beauty. 194-truth. 83 - historical facts. 155 - philosophy. 27-fun. 61 - collections. 62 - fable and. 63 - personality. 64 - animals. 119 - criticism. H 97 - fool and. 104 - joy. 158-62 - definition. 159 - society. 5 - definition. 74-5 - Irish; English socialWà 212 - strengthened by doubt. 99 - the modems. 122 - mood and. 191 - anti-religion. 312 - justification. 84 - fashion. 174 - future ages. 58-60 - reason. 188, 210- improve life. 280-4 - miracles. 126 - humanity and. 294 - vitality. 148 - fads. 90 - reason and. LL M NJ OR RB RR RS SP TT HA II LL MM NJ OR RR SD SP 140 FAITH (Cant'd.) 90 - reason and. SP 113 - as explanation. 20 - business. TA 21 - spiritual duty. 105 - truth. 7-10 - progressive. TC 111 - jest and. VT 40 - general will. WS 66 - doubt and. 70 - attacks on. 71 - Chesterton. 162 - conspiracy. 163 - boundaries enlarged. 176 - Virgin Mary. 257 - attacks on. 243 - creed and. WW (see also Belief and doubt) FAITH healing FA 161 UD 76 WS 190 FAITHFULNESS, see Fidelity. FAKIRS 137 - Moslem. WS FALKLAND, Viscount 203 - Charles 1. C FALL of man 145 - in Pargflse lost. AG 190 - science and. AT 256-7 CM 50 - Shelley. CT 136 - demonology. EM 158, 163 - maltreating words; GS symbol. H 13 - dismissed. 32 - knowledge of good and * evil. 137 - Christian origin. II 100, 117-8 - as fairy tale. OR 145-6 - Christianity and. 173-4, 203, 212 , 215, 293-4 268 - universal tradition. QSS 9 80 - schoolmen. RR SS 17 121-2 - Thomism. TA 187 - Adamitism. TC 226-9 - view of life. 226 - economics. WS (see also Sin, Original) FALLACY, see Logic. FALLIBILITY AIS 126 - democracy, FALSEHOOD AT 179-paradox, CT 124 - fickleness; modem. TA 103-paradox. (see also Lies and lying) FALSTAFF C 147 - character. CD 29 - Dickens. CM 10-Puck. FAME WA 17 - temporary quality, FAMILIAR, The GKC 269-70 - humor. II 24 - things unknown and. FAMILIARITY CM 171-2 - vulgarity. EM 15 - Catholic Church. 180-1 - illusion. FF 112-4 - in literature. FAMILY AB 139-Ireland. AG 172 - posterity. AIS 137-8 - privacy. AS 67 - Dickens. AV 146-8 - Germany. 147 - children; eugenics. 148 - religion. 148- 9 - Socialists. 149 - social change. 149- 50 - state and. 151 - liberty. CL 198-9 - wi Idness. CT 9-money. 95-6 - Victorians. EE 12, 13 - adventure. 222-8 - industrialism. EM 60-2 - beginning of man's record. 61 - decency. 61, 167 - state and. 188 - Roman. 204 - Confucius. FA 117 - dependence. FF 114 - drama. 114-5 - liberty. 149 - ownership. 149-50 - attack. 178-80 - feminism. 141 FAMILY (Cont'd.) Gt 148-51 - Napoleon. 1 150- Napoleonic code. H 179 - Christianity; society. 180-95 - defense. 189 - anarchy; commonwealth; congeniality; humanity. 190 - romantic. 191 - adventure. 192 - fairy tale. 11 51 - corporate conception, 62 - sense of. 63- 4 - legislation in England. 73 - Irish. 186 - significance In Ireland. JJ 86 - a reality. LL 60 - quarrel, MM 145-6 - religion. 218 - Oriental. OR 84 - control. 163, 179 - Christianity ac­ cused of attacking. SD 27 - loyalty. 37 - capitalism. 38 - plutocracy; servile state. 42 - society. 45-6 - defense; state. 46 - feudalism, 48 - social grouping, 61 - authority; love. 61-3 - most ancient institu­ tion. 64- 5 - civilization. 66-7 - eternal triangle. 68-9 - nation compared. 70-1 - liberty. 71 - state and, 72-3 - education. 77-9 - and factory. 78 - feudalism; socialism. 79 - capitalism; fear; freelove. 80 - and the Trinity, 132, 148 - state and, SL 66 - pagans and, 77 - marriage. TC 36-45 - modern attack. 37 - Ibsen on. 38-45 - parental function taken by State and school. 249-55 - Christmas the feast of. 5 - revival. 44 - domestic traditions. WS 147-51 - foes. 148 - capitalism. 150-1 - Hitlerism, 236 - sex. 239 - state and. 242 - freedom. WW 62-8 - legislation, 333-4 - the hive. 335- 42 - renewal. 336- 47 - socialism. 343-7 - essentials; preserva­ tion; Tory. (see also Domesticity; Holy Family; Marriage) FAMILY names, see Names. FAMILY tree. Genealogy. FAMINE GL 10-1 - Ireland; Lord Russell. WW 222 -Ireland. FANATICISM AG 13-marks of, AT 213-servile. AV 137 - religious. CT 221-2 - In America. GKC 24 - Arnold. H 251, 299 - ideas. 296-8 - definition. 296-9 - bigotry. It 210 LT 5-6 - definition; religion and NJ 39 - Moslems. 134 - Eastern. 142 - Jerusalem; religion. RR 39 - Church and, 51 - Eastern. SL 104 - Prohibition. WS 266 - Protestant reforms. FANCY AV 79 - mon. CL 142 - science. CM 206-13 GKC 13 - physical science. GL 17-21 - the English, politics and paradox. RR 153-4 - classicism and. 256-7 - Italian and English farce. 5L 256-7 - in literature. y/B 196 - exaggeration. WC 142 WS FARCE AV 155-6 - comedy. 185-6 - melodrama. 185-6, 192 - Dickens. DE 121-7 - defense. 123 - art of, 124 - justification. 125 - anarchism. 6 125- essence, RR 256-7 - English, and Italian fantasy. UD 147-8 - in drama. VT 163 - soul and, (see also Comedy) FARM, see Agriculture. FARR, Florence. UD 168, 175 - Modem woman. FARRAR, Dean H 283 - realism, FASCISM AG 261 - classicism. AIS 107-8 AV 160, 162 - coalition. 197 - communism. CDU 43 - Italian; the Church. 58 - Italian; General Will. CT 202 - revolution; origin. RR 204 - cause. 7 205- travel lers in Rome, 1 210- French and Irish revo­ CD FASHION AS 209-13 - women. 211 - beauty; pleasure. 213 - culture. AT 100 - value. AV 156 - antiquity. 8 148 - insanity. CT 30, 103 - morality. 97 - philosophy; religion. 103 - morality. 268 - women. FF 254-5 - morality. GL 35 - wealth; custom. 37 - novelty. 116 - 18th century, 163 - narrowness. II 48 - Christian names; custom. NJ 84 - faith; progress. 107-8 - women of Bethlehem, SL 9-10 - comparison. 11 - objections. 30 - conventionalism. 30-1 - essence of. TA 82 - rebellions in. TC 42-3 - pursuit of. UD 128 - qualities. 138 lutions . TC WS 213 - communism; English con­ stitutionalism . 213-9 221-9 - liberalism, 237 - press. 240-7 - liberty, 247-51 - case against. 248 - Mourras on. 249 - authority. 250-T - ethics; logic; truth. 143 - secret societies in Italy. 60 - secret societies and. 60-72 61 - authority; legitimacy; power. 64 - enemies of the Church; liberalism. 134 199- Italy. 241 - economic justice. 244 - fashionable. 259 - British Broadcasting Com­ pany, 262-3 - Catholic Herold . - subjectivity. 161-2 - history. 252 - breeding. WS 67 - freedom. (see also Clothing and dress) FAST (usage and "quick') AV 81-2 - condemnatory word. FASTIDIOUSNESS H 184-5 - vice and virtue. FASTING AS 215-6 - feasting and. RR 36 - Popes. 59 - West. WS 122 - mediaeval men. FATE and Fatalism AB 182 AG 90 - pessimists. AS 101-4 - freedom; communism; history. 104 - Victorians, AV 87 - nationalism. 143 FATE and fatalism (Cant'd.) AV 172 - criminology. CM 235-7 - will. CT 62 - free will; Oedipus Rex. 63 - Greek religion. 168-73 - morality. 172 - Macbeth; free will. 173 - of men. EM 107-God. 286 - destiny. GS 137 - necessary. INC 223 MM 242-3 NJ 100-Moslem. OR 43-51 - materialism. 252-5, 259-60 - free-will and salvation; progress killed by. RS 97 - philosophy. SP 48 - In Macbeth. 49 - superstition. SUR 59 - and will. TC 16 - Dreiser. 117, 223 - Islam. UU 187 - argument for. (see also Calvinism; Determinism; Free will; Materialism) FATHER Christmas TT 297-306 - immortality. 301 - description. FATHERS AG 3-6 - the term; slang; attitudes. SP 145-Spanish. FATHERS of the Church TA 84 - Renaissance scholarsand. FATIGUE ACD 129-30, 135-6 - Dickens. CT 45 - psychology; relativity. FATNESS II 98-9 UD 100 - humility. 100-1 - value. FAULTS WA 251-2 - national and personal. FAUST (legend) AD 38-44 - medievalism. 41-4 - irony. FAWKES, Guy CM 277 - James I. WC 12 - ideas of. WS 180 - CatholicEmancipation. FEAR AD 26 - nightmares; terror. 27 - beauty and. 28 - taies of terror. CC 52-66 - convert's. CM 260 - love and. DE 54 - reverence. EM 173-4 - Force. FF 72-6 - children. 75- 6 - correction. 76- 7 - modern attitude. LL 155 - spiritual. MT 121 - fighting. NJ 294-5 - Arabs and Jews. OR 209 - wonder without. 266-9 - primeval religion. SD 79 - family. TT 129 - children. TY 49 VT 8 - joy and terror. FEAR of God NA 143 - root of. FEASTING AS 215-6 - fasting and. M 14 FEASTS AS 215 - Church and. EM 126, 134 - paganism. 313 - popular element. GS 188-93 - human habit. MK 300 OR 239 - all religions. RR 37 - Puritans. SL 58 - pleasure. TC 134-8-Catholic. FEEBLEMINDED, see Mental retardation. FEELINGS, see Emotions. FEMINISM AS 108 - Rome. 165-6 - romanticism. CT 195 - femininity. EM 71 - matriarchy. FF 54 - spread, 55 - aims. 61-2- masquerade. 178-9 - tyranny. 230-1 - fallacy. NJ 46 - movement. SO 63-4 - movement. UD 82 - Puritans. 118 - priests; Ireland. 168-70 - literature. WA 87, 281 172 - fads; American. AD 144 FEMINISM (Cont'd.) WA 173-4 — tyranny. WS 129 - Victoria! fad. WW 223 - definition. FENELON, Francois CC 78 - Quietism. FENIANS OR 100 - rebellion. SD 44 - Fabians and, FERTILITY WS 233 - ancient sin; modem eroticism, FESTIVAL AT 283-4 - essence of, FESTIVITY AV 26-7 H 103-12 - drink and. (see also Joy) FETISH AV 23 - worship. EM 125 - mythology. FEUDALISM AS 222 - honor. 222-3 - Scott. AV 61 - French Revolution. C 60 - production. CD 162-3 - Victorian revival. CM 34 EA 186 - definition. EM FA 301-2 - Catholic Church. 116 - system of dependence . 58 - modem. 219-20 - recognition. NJ 234 - medievalism. OR 197 - neo-feudalîsm. SD 46 - family. 78 - loyalty of families. 90 - slavery. 90-1 - vow. SE 25-origin. 7 65- definition. 67 - England. SL 186-7 - America. . TC 50 - England. (see also Serfdom) FEUDS TA 53 - peace. FEZ NJ 42 - significance. FICKLENESS CT 124 - falsehood; freedom. GKC FICTION (novels, etc.) ACD 114-7 - study. 114-3 - modem form. AG 73-religion. 96 - belief in. 96-101 - modem philosophy. 99 - novel with a purpose. 105 - logic. 240 - newspapers. AS 189-93 - women. 190- 3 - eyes. 191- 2 - the heroine. AV 178 - modern; Defoe. 178-83 180 - letter form; romantic roots. 182 - Richardson's C larissa. 183 - soliloquy and aside. 186 - Freudianism. C 15 - definition. 38 - Victorians on. 167 - moderns on; plots. 171-2 - characters. 178 - future of. 184 - end of. CC 36-8 - Protestant; facts about the Church. CD 83-7 - folklore and. 196 - reality and. 206 - characters. CM 32 - philosophy. 9 4246-9 - morality. 91 - T. Hardy. CT 2-3 - criticism. 30-1 - facts and. 31 - morality. 196 - modem. 234 - the world in. 250 - purpose, DE 20-1 - necessity. 21 - length. EM 28-33 - prehistoric man in modem novels. 83 - elements. FF 159 - 20th century. 225 - criteria. FR 27 - boyish heroines. GL 55 - realism. 187 - purpose. H 60 - truth. 145 FICTION (navels, etc.) H (Cont'd.) 161 - charity. 192 - romance. 193 - 18th century; life. 194 - Thomas Aquinas. 196-215 6) - philosophy. HA 67 - morality. 235-6 - truth and. NJ 260 - bias. 26-7 - psychological novels. OR 96 - realistic. 253-4 - popular. 252 -psychological. RS 253-4 SP 30-6 - as food. 33 - favorite novelists. 34 - Chesterton's taste. 35 - a moral story. 36 - melodramatic. 33 - reading history and novels. 119-25 -Catholic propaganda. TC 122-3 - modern. TT 125 - falsity. 35-8 - scientific method. UD 101 - truth in. UU 90 - definition of novel. VA 91-5, 99, 104 - woman. 93 - personalities. 94 - study of human nature; sympathy. 98 - variety. 99-102 - moral tone. 104 - 19th century. (see alIso Detective and mystery stories; Historical novels; Novelettes) FICTION , American, see American Literature. FICTION , Juvenile, see Children's Literature. FIDELITY 82 - in marriage. JJ 112 - to a symbol. SD 40 - Cobbett. WC FIELDING, Henry 167-8 AIS 261-2 - morality. AT 266 - severity, 131 CM 136 - censorship. GBS ss GL 31 - Holy Roman Empire. H 212 - sentimentality. VA 100 - Dickens and. Tom Jones AT 259-66 - morality. 263 - Barrie; Kipling; Zola. 263-4 - complete man. GL 30-4-Gibbon. 31, 33 - Austria. 31-4 - the Escortai. FIELDS AD 84-5 - description. 84-8 - symbolism. 87 - democracy. 87-8 - equality. FIFTEENTH Century C 67 - cynicism. H 16 - immoral attitude. FIGHTING ACD 28 - loving, AV 35 - prudery and, CD 285, 288 - Dickens and com­ bat. CP 220 H 264 NA 195-6 - understanding. FIGURES of speech AT 281 - religious Imagery. RR 39 - Europeans. FILMER, Robert SE 141 - divine right of kings. FILMS, see Moving pictures. FIN de siecle VA 215 FINALITY RDQ 236 FINANCE AT 183 - financiers and politi­ cians. CM 174 - metaphysics. EA 170 - pro-German American financiers. UD 244 WA 75-6 - modem evil. WC 31 - denouncement. 108 - Cobbett on. WS 180 - internationalism and patriotism. (see also Economics) FINANCIAL crash. see Depression. FINES UU 146 58-60 - as punishment. FINISHING schools AS 184 FINITE, The CM 220 - perfection. MT 268 - love of the. FINLAND EA 146 - Western notion. FIRE AG 15 - necessity. FR 182 - mon. MM 27-8 - nature. 90-4 - description. 94-5 - types; waste, 95 - paradox. UD 209-10, 211 - romance. 210- 1 - symbolism. 214-7 - localization. WW 147 - purpose, 158-9 - women and. FIREPLACE UD 208-10 - romance. 211- 7 - adventure. 214 - Christmas; significance. FIRESIDE II 24-domestic. FIREWORKS AD 1-6 - significance. 4 - levity. 5-6 - aesthetics; agnosticism; Confucianism; origin. WA 41,43 . FIRST principles AG 104 - modern mon and. CT 106-7 - necessity, FF 87-8 - disregard for. FISH AS 179 - green-blooded. GR 47-70 - proper place. UD 251 - tropical, FISHER, H, A. L. AIS 151 FITZGERALD, Edward (d. 1883) (For references to his Rubaiyat.. .see Omar Khayyam) FF 175 RB J16 - Browning. VA 191-2 - Swinburne. 191-6, 239 192 - Tennyson. 193 - Coleridge; Keats. 194 - skepticism. VA 195 - pessimism. FITZGERALD, Lord Edward (d. 1798) CE 69 - Irish leader. FITZGERALD, Percy AT 249, 252 - Dickens critic. FITZHERBERT, Maria Anne WC 230 - repudiation of. FIVE-YEAR plan WS 126-7 - Russia; England. FLAG(S) CDU 7-27 - meaning. 12-3 - royal standard. GS 89 - simplicity, 89-92 - French Revolution. 91-3 - international relations, SL 190 - American. WA 18, 45 - American, 18, 45, 95 - symbolism. FLANDERS TT 136 , 232-3 139-40, 236 - art in. FLATTERY AT 179-85 - modem method, 180 - ordinary mon. H 203 - Disraeli. 203-4 - praise. MM 172-3 - misers. FLAUBERT, Gustave GBS 106 - on art. SP 79-critic. FLAXMAN, John WB 15-7, 27 - Blake. 16 - classicism. 17 - art of. FLEA WB 155-ghost of. FLECKER, James Elroy EA 200 - torture in Hassan. EM 273-4 - Eastern religion in Hassan. FLEET prison AT 68 FLEET Street AB 185 - journalism. AT 68 - national spirit, CP 172-4 WS 68 - atheists on. FLIRTATION SP 45 - as marriage. FLOGGING TT 258 - paradox. 147 FLORENCE OR 296 FLOWËR(S) FA 86 - poet and saint on. PL 72 - startling. FLUX. see Change. FOCH, Ferdinand AB 311 AG 220 - French and. CT 246-9 - eulogy. 247-8 - tradition. 249 - greatness. SD 139 - a Catholic. FOERSTER, Norman TC 21-34 - American Criticism. FOG CD 168-9 - Dickens. WS 167 - London; (ourna I ism. FOLK-WANDERING (term) EM 99 FOLKLORE AV 37 - Bible. CD 83-7 - fiction and. CM 19-English. 20 - Puritanism. 96 - peasants. EM 116-33, 186-7 184-6 - Virgil, GS 123 - error of science. H 142, 147-51 - study. TT 125 - nature of. (see also Fables; Fairy tales; Mytho­ logy; Paganism) FOLLY CM 253 - imprudence, FOOD FA 72-3 - St. Francis on. GKC 25 - lunatics and. FOOD supply FF 185 - war profiteers. FOOL AD AS 125 - devil; usefulness. 234 - seriousness. 214-7 - superstition. AT 74-5 - French and. CD 257-9, 264-5 - Dickens. 258-9 - gentry and; poor. 9 171-2 - vulgarity, 108-essence. 110 - democracy. CM DE EA GBS H 64 - mark. 116 97-faith. 167 - Carlyle; Christianity. 214 - sometimes right. PAR TA 178 - priests and, 7-8 - glory of; Thackeray. TH 173 - bragging. VT 115 - in book of Proverbs. wc FOOTE, George William H 27 - ethics. FOOTMEN 232-3 FF FORCE AT 138 - soldiers. 172 - influence. CT 214 - improvement. EM 173-4 - feor. 62 - abolishment. SD (see cilso Coercion) FORD, Flenry 33 CP 209 - individualism. CT OS 194, 199-204 200 - Benedict Arnold and. 135-7 WA 136 - pacifism. 136-7 - anti-Semitism. 124 - epoch of. WS FORD car OS 195-204 - collectivism; freedom; individuality; standardized. 251-2 - in Distrïbutîst State. FORDHAM, Edward 59, 73 AB FOREIGNERS 13-4 - laughing at. AT 200 - Englishmen and. . AV VT 193 - nation of; paradox. 2 - in England. WA 35 - in New York City. 158 - definition. FOREL, Auguste Henri 139-42 UD FOREST 34 - primeval; civilization. AD 304 - hide a leaf In. INN 164 - philosophy. TT FORGERY AG 148 95 - law. FORGERY (Cont'd.) CT 125 - homoeography. FORGETFULNESS AS 138-9 AV Ill 227 - war. GL 142-3 - memory. FORGIVENESS AB 163 - of sin; theosophy. EA 26 - swiftness. II 192-Irish. MM 280-1 - pardon and compre­ hension . SCT 265 - of crimes. WB 13 - paradox, FORM CM 115 - in art HA 92 - literary; grotesque. RB 136-8 SD 11- reform and. TA 194-5 - Thomistic meaning. UD 269-70 - misconception. VA 170-poetry. FORSTER, John CM 65-6 - on Dickens. GKC 238 - biographer. 238-46 - The life of Charles Dickens: introduction, 239 - talent, 242 , 244 - criticism. 245 - praise. GS 262-7 - Edwin Drood. RB 26, 187-8 - Browning. FORSYTH, David WS 52-6 FORUM (Rome) RR 34 - travellers and. FOSSILS AIS 45 - ideologies. 47 - Nazism and. AV 133-8 135 - definition. WS 25 - definition; liberal theo­ logians; new religions. FOUNTAINS RR 11- Roman. FOURTEEN points EA 152 - significance. FOURTEENTH century C 67 - chivalric civilization. 78 - understanding. 188-9 - Englishman. 238-9 - Elizabethan Age and. 242 - philosophy. 249 - Catholicism. 274 - moral mood. 276 -7 - estimate of. FOX, Charles James AB 201 ACD 77 - English tradition. AP 83 - on Napoleonic war. CE 45-6 - England and Napoleon. CT 266 WB 118 - speeches. FOX hunting GL 24-5 FRANCE, Anatole AB 260 AIS 188 AT 267-8 - Jeonne d'Arc. 268 - Christianity. 268-70 - miracles. OR 77-9 - Jeanne d'Arc. TC 98 - Joan of Arc patronized by. FRANCE AD 128-37 - aristocracy. AG 222 - intellectual focus. AIS 120 - automobiles. AT 74 - fool and. 85 - battlefield of Christen­ dom . AV 64 - Oxford movement. B 205-6 C 47 - Papacy. 225-6 - culture. CE 39 - lifluence on Scotland. 61 - heraldic wars. 114 - Bonapartism. 114-5 - democracy. 124 - Second Empire. 126 - Garibaldi. 134 - contrasted with Germany, 159-60 - German invasion in 1914. CM 273-4 - Mary Queen of Scots. 274 - Spain and. CT 247 - Foch. EA 21 - atheists at Armistice. 125 - religious quarrels; Po­ land. 160 - super-state. 167 - united Europe. EM 99 - Army; peasant. 164 - Prussia. C 149 FRANCE (Cont'd.) EM FF FT GBS GKC GL GS H HA HH LK MM OR RR SD SE SP TA TT 167 - politics. 296-7 - Catholic Revival. 97-8 - Turkey and, 45 - drama. 60 - conservativism. 260-1 - Catholicism. 24 - Spain and. 104 - baroque architecture, 105 - state. 146 - victories. 57-8 - capital city. 115 - journalism, 166 - humility. 42 - 19th century. 3-16 - Alsace, annexation by Germany, 15 - European War; self-de­ fense . 16 - democracy. 2 - Prussian occupation. 3 - ideal of civilization. 34, 188-9 - politics. 157- 8 - description. 158- 60 - army. 128 - partiotism. 213 - monarchy. 107 - nationalism. 272 - anti-clerical ism. 40 - Christian country. 44 - revolutions, 138 - peasant ideals. 138-9 - parliamentarism. 133, 135 - nationalism. 190 - Protestantism. 204-5 - 17th century. 236-7, 239 - democracy. 129 - atmosphere. 49-50 - monarchy; St, Louis. 113 - nation; 13th century. 114-5 - court; 13th century. 115 - irony. 116 - courtesy. 59-60 - trinity; sounds; heights. 71 - crisis in; youthful, 219 - villages. 219-25 - spirit, 220 - streets. 221 - lamp-posts. 223 - realism. TT UD 249 - defenses. 94-Germany. 274-9 - literature. UU 101 - in English novels. VA 44-creation. VT 74 - comedy. WA 87-8 - on monarchy. WC 16 - monarchy; republic. 9 58- and America. WS 179 - Rome and the Royalists. 197 - monarchy; manners. 198 - ideals. 205 - freethinkers. (see also French Revolution; Gaul) FRANCE and England AG 217-23 - unity; thoughts in Canada. C 82 - England a part of France. 189 CE 41 EA 153 GL 104-5, 113-4 SE 218, 239-40 UD 91-3 VA 19 FRANCESCA Da Rimini C 144 - Dante on. FRANCHISE UU 90-7-history. (see also Voting) FRANCIS Borgia, Saint RR 36 - virtues. FRANCIS de Sales, Saint RR 152-3 - baroque and. FRANCIS Joseph I, Emperor RR 177-9-World War I. FRANCIS of Assisi, Soint AB 43 - Brother Fire. AD 293 - Brother Giles. AIS 174 212 - beggar. C 200 - love of animals. 244 - poverty. CM 35 96-9 100-6 - grotto. EM 34 - love of animals. 74 - wolf. 107 - happiness. 156 - birds in form of cross. 205 - the Bambino. 150 79 - psychological change; spiritual revolution. 80 - blackest hours; motive. 81 - humiliation; vanity; con­ version . 81-3 - as fool. 84-5, 98-112 - nature. 85 - mystic. 92, 118 - asceticism. 92-3, 176 - personality. 93 - happiness. 94 - anecdotes; character. 96 - eccentricity; as Francis­ can. 96- 7 - influence. 97 - description. 97- 8 - gestures. 98 - founder of medieval dra­ ma . 100 - mysticism; realist. 101-2 - dramatic character; poet. 104 - founder of new folklore; mythology. 105- 6 - broken man. 106- 7, 153 - blindness. 107 - living his poetry. 108-9 - deference. 108-10 - brotherhood. 109 - courtesy; reverence, 110 - individuality. 110-1 - personal interest. 115 - Franciscan life. 119 - trust; optimism. 120-1 - tact. 126-9 - St. Clare and. 131-2 - passions. 132 - temptation. 133-41 - Christ and. 135-9 - as explanation of Christ. 137 - on Providence; generos­ ity; meekness. 137- 9 - saying. 138 - extremist. 138- 9 - spirit. 139- 40 - self-denial, 139- 40, 184-5 - inspiration. 140- 1 - servant. 141 - sufferings. 141- 8 - search for martyrdom. FRANCIS of Assisi, Saint (Cont'd.) EM 206 - Calvinism, Utilitarian­ ism. 240-1 - poverty. 262 - St. Augustine. 313 - optimism. FA 7, 45 - characteristics, 7-8 - historical figure, 8 - cscetical theology; birds; hero of humanism. 9, 143-4, 169- St. Dominic. 10 - attractiveness. 10, 11-2, 13 - Arnold on; Renan. 10-1, 15-6 - understanding. 11, 94 - consistency. 13 - man of sorrows; rational­ istic admirers. 13, 134-52 - mirror of Christ. 14-5 - troubadour. 15 -earthly lover, 23-4 - historical background, 40 - name. 40- 1 - father of. 41- 2, 143 - popularity. 43- 4, 111 - manners. 44 - biographers; charity; vows. 44- 5 - ambitions. 45- 6 - swiftness. 46, Ï18 - practicality. 47, 110-2 - democracy. 47-8 - stories about. 48 - paradox. 50 - in prison. 50-1, 139 - charity. 52 - sickness, 55 - soldier. 55- 6 - dream. 56- 7 - courage; lepers. 58- 73 - as builder. 59 - stealing. 59- 61 - rift with father. 60- 1 - trial. 62- 3 r French song. 63- 5 - St. Damian's Church. 66-7 - companions. 68-9 - biblical texts. 71- 2 - vocation. 72- 3 - beggar. 78 - truth. 151 FRANCIS of Assisi , Saint (Cont'd .) GW H 143-4 - faith. 145-6 - patron of stowaways. 147-8 - failure. 150-2 - vision. 152-3 - stigmata. 154-67 - miraculous powers; supernatural experiences. 9 158- myth. 163-4 - tales. 166- 7 - supernatural ism. 167- 71 -death. 175 - Christendom and; foun­ der. 176 - on book-learning. 177-8 - Virgil and. 177-8, 183 - poetry. 180-1 - sanity. 181 - followers. 182-4 - gratitude to. 183 - precursor of great ar­ tists; dramatist; giver of gifts. 184 - medieval civilization; socialism, 37 - Stevenson and. 22 - humility. 161 - love. 58-Watts. 273 - democratic emotion. HA 14 LL MM NJ 98 - Little Flowers. 285 - love of animals. 75-charity. 217 - followers of Constantine. 251 - times of. 177 - optimism. 207 - nature, 165 26 - Irish Franciscans. 93 - middle ages. 113 - Innocent III. 143 - simplicity. 31-2 1-2-life. 2- 6 - description. 3- 4 - paradox. 4 - book-hater; simplicity, 4, 14 - poetry. 5 - adaptability. 8 - Victorians and . 11, 35 - St. Dominic. FA FT GKC OR RDQ RR SS TA 15 - nature. 18 - body and · 22-3 - Christianity. 23 - appeal to Gospels. 24 - humanism; pagan Renais­ sance . 25 - orthodoxy. 38 - conversion. 40 - revolution, TC 36 - appreciation. 148 - sympathy. 103 - Protestantism. 145-51 - modem views. VT 59-70 9 64- biography by Adder ley. 65 - success. 67 - asceticism. 68 - poet. 69 - Robert Burns. 69-70 - common sense. 101 - Stevenson. 110—1 -confidence. 192 - San Francisco. WA 295 WS 218 - Middle Ages. Canticle of the sun ED 45 -happiest of human songs. FA 103 - dramaticquality. 103-4 - sex. NJ 112 TA 22 FRANCIS Xavier, Saint EM 12,20 - missionary methods. FRANCISCANS C 53 - friar representing. 54 - movement; the Pope. CM 104-5 EM 223 - virginity. 294-5 - Mohammedanism. FA 65-6 - plan. 69 - singularity. 71 - understanding; originality. 73-habit. 74 - troubadours. TA 78 - tumblers of Our Lord . 87 - song. 90 - morality. 92 - asceticism. 104 - revival of paganism. 112 - nature of. 113 - membership; growth. FRANCISCANS (Cont'd.) 114 - name; vows. FA 114-5 - distinction from monks. 119 - economy. 120 - paradox; purpose. 121-6 - foundation, 112-6 - Papal approval. 123-5- Rule. 125 - Gospel ideal; growth. 133 - movement saved, 148 - development in Italy, 172 - discord. 172- 6 - controversy. 173 - property ownership. 173- 4 - poverty. 174 - papacy on property. 175, 179-spirit. 179 - movement as religion. 181-2 - fruit of. 182 - spirit. 101 - poverty and pleasure. LL 104 - Crusades and. * NJ 218, 221 - gardens at Geth­ semane. 222 - Mount of Olives. 26 - Irish. RR 282 - in Vatican City. 31 - movement as liberation. TA 33 - foundation. 34 - poets. 41-2 - revolution. 77-8 - mysticism, 167-8 - on love. 269 - men without ties. TAL 73 - Communism înîtotes, TC 128 - wealth and. 38 - Salvation Army and. WA 156 - sons of Joachim de Flor. WB (see also Friars) FRANCISCANS: Second Order 126-9 - foundation·. FA 129 - as memorial. FRANCISCANS: Third Order 126 - Franciscan movement. FA 130 -a lay order. 130-1 - members. FRANCO-PRUSSIAN War GKC 20 7 - Alsace. HH 123 - Irish sympathies. II 239 - results. WA 273 - Prussianism. WS FRANKLIN, Benjamin ACD 77- American tradition. OR 72 - ascetic Republicanism, FRANKNESS CT 124-freedom. FRANKS RR 69 - Iconoclasts and. 82 - the Pope and. FRATERNITY ACD 175 - in Dickens, CM 203 - moderns. GL 162 - Russians. H 267 - doctrine. FRATICELLI FA 133 - idolatry. 80 179- - birth. 180 - Franciscan extremists; mystics. FRAZER, Sir James AV 83 CM 26 EM 118-21 - Golden bough. FREAKS UD 286-7 - medieval and modem attitude, FREDERICK II, called The Great, King of Prussia AIS 56 - Teutons. 56-60 - Voltaire. 57 - atheist; humanitarianism. 59 - tyranny. 60 - Protestants. AP 3 - Maria Teresa. CDU 42-3-Poland. CE 25, 43 - England. 28-44 - character. 29 - religion; Voltaire. 29, 34, 44 - Poland. 33-4 - achievements. 34 - pacifist. 34 , 42 - Silesia. 42 - William Pitt. 3 42- Marta Theresa. 103 - poetry. CT 203 EA 30-5 - Voltaire. 32 - scepticism. 31 - character. 34 - influence. 35 - Protestant admiration. 47 - Austria invaded. 105 153 - Hitler's methods. FREDERICK II, called The Great, King of Prussia (Cant'd.) 115 - war guilt. EA 175 - ambition. 150 GBS 40 - Cromwell. GL 40-1 - hero-worship. 41 - Louis XIV. RR 89 - Christendom. 171 - Frenchman. 172 - Voltaire. 96 - humanitarian. SP 37 - persecution. TA 44, 47-9 - St, Thomas. 48-9 - reputation. 49-50 - statesmanship. 49-51 - philosopher. 50 - ruin. 50-1 - Thomistic philosophies. 52 - internationalism. 53 - anti-Christ, 55 - Monte Cassino. VA 53 - Carlyle, 190-1 - Prussian empire. WA FREE love 15 - priggishness. AT CT 125 - euphemism. DE 36-7 - controdition. 119-22 - literature. FF 150 - freedom. SD 20 - marriage and . 23 - heresy. 78 - socialism. 79 - family, 129-30 - divorce. SP 45 - marriage and. TC 52-63 - sentimentalism. 273 - profligacy. TT 61-2 WW 69-70 FREE silver (policy) 127 - Bryan. WA FREE speech 79 AS FF 88-9 NA 149 173-4 RB WA 149-50 FREE thought 146 - progress. B 86 - free thoughtlessness. CC 223-7 - Christ and morals. EM 36-7 - modem science; an­ cient religion. 65-6 - present dissolution, 154-5 - Chesterton brought to orthodox theology by. 198-9 - freedom defeated, 232-60 - materialism, TC 219-23 - materiel ism, WS 77-8, 201-9 (see also Freethinker^) FREE trade AB 202 - liberalism. AT 40 - tariffs. CM 8 - oppressors. CT 127 - versus freedom of truth. II 35 - unionism In Ireland. SE 252 - mercantilist thesis. WS 182 - English logic. FREE verse AV 205-10 CM 215 - metre. FF 21-2 - originality. 22 - pride. 88-9 - error. FREE will AB 181 - responsibility. ACD 80 - success. AV 195 CC 54 - convert'suse, CT 62 - fate; Freud; Greek tra­ OR gedies. EE EM H MM OR TA 154 62-3 - determinism; pagans. 172 - fate; Macbeth. 67 - Eugenists. 279-89 19-20, 107 - Dante. 107 - Augustine. 193 - 13th century. 97 197-8 - desire. 271- 2 , 275 - medieval mind. 272 - Calvinism; science. 272- 4 - ballads. 43-5 - materialism destroys. 252-5, 259-60 - fatalistic views. 28-9 - St. Thomas. 29 - effect. 200 - question. 201 - Monish. 204 - determinists. 238 - Scholastics. FREE will (Cont'd.) TC SD 16 - Dreiser, 26 - Church'* defense. 293 - self-direction. 77-8 - free thought and. 82 - belief. (see also Choice; Determinism; Fatal­ ism; Freedom; Liberty; Materialism) FREEDOM ACD 85 - manners; morals. AG 12-choice. AS 101-4 - fate and. AV 176 - sociology. 195 - human will. C 146 - Dante. CC 45-6 - Catholic Church. CE 52 - since French Revolution. 135, 139 - German Idea of. CP 364 - absolute. CT 115 - elbow room. 115-6 - property. 124 - fickleness; frankness and, 194 - religious unity. DE 35 - definition. FF 88-90 91 - meaning. 100 - essence. 150 - free love. 184-5 - social reform. 210 - dress. WIS WS GKC GL H MM NJ OR OS SD SL SP SUR VA WA WS 242 - family. 248 - liberalism. 248, 258 - Catholicism. 259 - Protestant view. WW 40-3 - restoration, (see also Free Will; Independence; Liberty) FREEDOM of religion, see Religious Li­ berty. FREEDOM of speech, see Free speech. FREEMAN, Edward EA 66 - Teutonic theory. OR 127-8 - Norman conquest. FREEMAN, John 105 - Cobbett; property. 107 - England. 111 - Middle Ages. 165 - man limited. 14-5, 19-modern. 100 - in England. 139-40 - creed. 2% - God and. 296-7 - charter. 296-8 - authority and. 16 - choice. 198-9 - commercialism; free thought; revolutionary liter­ ature. 78-9 - private enterprise. 195-204 - Ford car, 31 - before World War I. 31-2 - English political par­ ties. 35-6 - divorce. 66 - women. 72 - family 95 - self-respect. 112 - fight for. 114-5 - marriage. 29 - dances. 175-6 - game laws. 121 - choice of servitude. 131 - the peasant. 15 - God's miracles. 30 - obedience. 183 - worship and. 98 - America; canes. 149, 195 - temperance. 67-truth. 116 - Middleton Murry. 131 - effects. 187 - modem spirit. GKC xvil - criticism. FREEMAN, R. Austin CT 34, 37 FREEMASONRY AB 295 - Are you a Mason (drama) RR 225 - politics. 228 - England. TC 14) - secret. WB 119-23 - society. 123 - Catholic Church and. FREETHINKER (newspaper) WS 202 - Lunn. 204-5, 208 207 - blasphemy. FREETHINKERS AB 27 AIS 199 - Darwinism, AT 271 - democracy, AV 166-7 - pessimist or optimist. CP 150-2 EA 220 - philosophy. SL 237- an life. 155 FREETHINKERS (Cont'd.) WS 67 - fashions and. (see also Free thought) FRENCH AP 41 - treatment of women. AT 57-8 - in England; sports. 66-7 - London street names. 74 - military courage; rude­ ness; vices; virtues. 5 74- admiration; paradox. 75 - industry; respectability. 78-80 - adversity. 81 - impatience; indelicacy. 90 - idealism. C 201 - courtesy. CE 23 - attitude towards Germany. CM 88 - patriotism . CP 338 CT 247-genius, EA 70 - Hitler on the. 112 - patriotism. GBS 29- Irishand. GKC 21 - humility. 25 - intelligence. 137 - satire. 261 - Belloc on. GL 153-hatred. 154-5 - heroes; nationalism. 159- 62 - character. 160- 1 - noise, 161 - impatience; insolence; politeness. 161- 2 - equality, H 135 - boasting, LL 81 - qualities. NJ 30 - on rights of man. 31 - political creed. PAR 64 - speech. RR 173-5 - World War I. SD 43 - Frenchman's home his castle. 139 - domesticity; religion. SL 70 - home. 87 - Americans and. TT 58 - description. UD 37-8 - characteristics. 239 - sensuality. VT 180-1 - humor. WA 47 - wine. 107 - materialism. 107, 112-6 - Americans and. 156 WS 113 - defeat. FRENCH Academy, The. see Academia Française. FRENCH and English AB 309-11, 325 ACD AD AT AV CM EA EE GL LL MM RR FRENCH OS xvi 139 73-80 228 273-4 153 204 21, 104-5, 152-5 80 185 174-5 Canadians 215 - birth control. 217-20, 223-7 - colonists. 225 - happiness. FRENCH language C 82 - in England. HA 16 - description. UD 106-7 - clarity. WC 7-8 - English and. FRENCH literature CD 294 - Renascence; Du Bellay. CT 247 RR 174 - defeat in. UD 35-8 - English and. WS 113 - Cardinal Richelieu. FRENCH Revolution AB 186-7-Philip Gibbs. ACD xxv - English revolution. 9 48- poor. 71-2, 193-6 - Dickens. 171-3-ideal. 193-6 - Carlyle. AG 11 - religion. 178-9 - effects. AIS 60 - conservative force. AV 61 - civilization. 112 - City State, Thomas Aqui­ nas and Scotus. 112-5 - society. 194 - Wordsworth. CD 6 - philosophy. 8 - equality. 11, 235-6 - Carlyle. 14, 235-6 - Dickens. 132-3 - effects. VA FRENCH Revolution (Cont'd.) CD 134-5, 234 - England and. 234-5 - truism. 234-4 244 - 19th century. 249-50 - Scott. CE 47 - Prussian demands after. 51 -2 - democracy. 52 - France after. 101-2 -Carlyle. CM 4 - liberty. 70-3 - Tale of two cities. CT 89 - cruelty. 202 - origin. 204 - misrepresentation. DE 109 - religion. EM 301-2 - Catholic Church. GBS GKC 58-9-reform. 20 - English. 262 - Cure d'Ars. 157 - Christianity. 43 - epigrams. 158 - symbol of. 182-3 - songs. 189 - justification. 21 - Rome. 31 - success. 232-3, 238 - Crusades. 72-3-heroic. 73 - created a solid franco, H HA LL MM NJ OR RB RR SE SP SS TA TC TM TT UD 202 - principles. 15-optimism. 230 - ideals. 247 - Christianity. 250 - English Whigs. 264 - England. 33 11-2 - liberty. 40 - popularity. 24 - brotherhood. 31-4-Carlyle. 155 - results. 14-5 135 - England; Jane Austen. 276- 7 - misconception. 21-5 - English literature. WB WC WS WW 27-8 - eccentrics. 59 - Carlyle. 118 - Ouida. 158 - Tennyson. 206 - Christianity. 213 236 - Shaw. 37-8, 166-Blake. 38 - England; reign of terror. 2 111183-4 - characteristics. 15 38 - stoe ism. 63 - Cobbett. 179 - Catholic emancipation; Rome. 187 - freedom. 246 - loyalty. 35 - background. 48- 52 - success. 49- 50 - honorable poverty. 50- 3 - publicity. 55, 323 - ideal. 323-5 - Burke. FREUD, Sigmund AIS 1 - wishes. AV CT EA NJ SP FREYA EM FRIARS C 58 186-90 59-60 61 - symbolism. 62 - free will; Oedipus com­ plex, 64 - evolution. 33 - baby defined by. 137 - reason. 145 126 11 - treatment. 47 - Papacy on. 2 51- Chaucer; opposition. 51-4 - clergy and. 52 - Shakespeare. 54 - innovators. 55 - popularity; Rome's sup­ port. 57 - rebellion against. 113 - Chaucer's quarrel with. 277-8 - in fiction. UU VA 21-Carlyle. 98-106 - misconception. 17 - English history. 19 - Rousseau. 20 - Blake; David. 20-1 - English romantic poets. 157 FRIARS fCont'd.) CC 64 FA 116-8 - freedom. 119 - monks and. 124 - poverty. 126 - wanderings. TA 61, 79-80 - defense. 79 - freedom. 81 - as popular movement. FRIDAY WA 81 - superstitions. FRIENDSHIP ACD 135-choice. AD 253 -silence. AIS 55-6 - in history. AS 91-3 - criticism. CM 249 - pride; sin. EA 29-30 - history, FA 121 - faith. GR v H 185-choice. 209 - conversation. MK 116 - stable society. OR 124-candid. PAR 57 - time and, 58 - men. RB 43 - love. WA 229 - source. 243 - Americans and English­ men. WS 104-5 - society and . WW 118 - physically dirty, (see also Comradshlo) FRIVOLITY ACD 122 - good and. AT 2 - difficulty. CM 137-40 CT 19 - youth. GKC 9 - paradox. H 216-33 FROG DE 46 - good temper. FROISSART, Jean C 41, 89 UD 94 frontier WA 229 - war; friendship. FROUDE, James ACD 165-Dickens. 166 - Henry VIII, CM 81 EA 66 - Teutonic theory. GL 109 VA 46 - Oxford Movement, 60-2 - Carlyle; hero worship. 61 - Henry VIII; Tudors. 62 - Kingsley; Macaulay. FRUIT CL 116 - song of wild fruit. FRUITION AG 99 - medieval sense; novels. TA 225 -fulfillment. FRY, Roger AV 60 - French classical art, FRYATT, Captain CP 84 FULFILLMENT TA 225 - relativity; fruition. FULOP-MILLER, Rene AS 226-8 - astronomy. FUN AD 234-6 - essence. WA 146 - workers. WS 104 - solitude. FUNDAMENTALISM AG 58-64 - Mencken. AV 163 - America and. SL 163 - Quakers. WS 183 - English Protestantism. FUNERALS AT 183-5 - journalism and. GL 94-7 - kings; lying In state. 133 - St, Augustine on. 136-7 - ritual. GS 117-24 - customs; modem studies. LL 135 - the poor. FUR coats WA 98-9 - Americans: English; significance. FURNITURE FF 237-8-allegory. SL 67 - Victorian. TT 288-9 - misuse. FUTURE AG 171 - duty to. AV 198-sterile. CT 155 - changing. FF 194-5 - evolutionists and. GBS 232-3 - living In. 233 - past and. GS 153 - description. 158 FUTURE (Cont'd.) 154-6 - a dead thing. GS 154-7 - past and. 13-20 - 20th century prophets. NA 16 - foretelling. RR 134 - Papacy. 134-5 - fashion. 14 - a fog. WC 39 - trust in. WS 30-43 - cult. WW 328 - religion of. (see also Past) FUTURE-LIFE 252-5, 259-60 - Christianity. OR 221-3 - materialistic ideas. TC (see also Heaven; Hell) FUTURISM AD AV CM FF UD WA 119- 27 - criticism; declara­ tion. 120- 2 - automobile. 123 - morals; politics. 124-5 - Italy. 126 - essence. 9 - Christmas; happiness. 34 - Christianity. 35 - morbidity. 38 - bigotry. 40 - Puritanism. 87 - nationalism. 109-10 - utopianism. 199 - communism . 196-205 4 - aim. 119- 22 - progress. 120- 6 - failure. 285 G. K. GKC 271 - meaning of. G. K .‘s Weekly GKC 265 GAIETY 113 - fallacy. AG 147-8 - Latins, AS 25-6 - religion. GL 258 - Southern European. RR 34-6 - Puritanism. SS GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas SE 246 - artistry. GALE, Norman CM 91 GALILEI, Galilee AS 226-8 UD 119-20 GALSWORTHY, John CM 92 OS 207-10 - English politics. RS 208 - Garvice. GAMBLING AB 206-7 - Lloyd George. AS 194-5 - philosophy; Puritan­ ism. CM 4-5 FF 121 - constancy; vows. GW 54-7 - Watts. GAME laws SL 175-6 - England and America. WC 66 - rural life GAMES C 183 - in society. GS 129-30 - organized; effects. PL 103 - enjoyment. SP 162 - enjoyment. TT 26-7 - professionals and ama­ teurs. 28 - love of. GANDHI, Mohandas K. AG 83 AV 19-20 GANYMEDE EM 180 - cuit. GARDEN of Eden. see Eden . GARDENS and gardening AD 54 - kitchen gardens. MM 43-7 SS 10-Voltaire. GARDINER, A. G. AB 121-2 GARGOYLES LL 175 - Gothic cathedrals. TT 139 - Christian temples. GARIBALDI, Giuseppe CE 121-3 - England. 126 - France. OR 248 - Swinburne. RB 14 - background. 86 - militarism, 89 - heroism. GARI BALD IAN AP 80-122 - letters to. “GARN" CM 247 159 GARRICK, David UD 199, 200 - Macbeth. GARVICE, Charles RS 208 - Galsworthy. GARVIN, James Louis AB 242 WA 226 GASKELL, Elizabeth VA 94 GASQUET, Cardinal Francis Aiden WC 159 - History of the Reforma­ tion. 166 -Cobbett. GATE-CRASHING SL 41-52 GATES NJ 61-2 - of cities. SL 47, 49 - beauty. 48 - paradox ■ GATTY, Charles T. UD 258, 261, 263 - George Wynd­ ham. 258-9 - The nation. GAUL EM 87 - Italy invaded by, 89 - Mediterranean influence. 170 - Hannibal's army. GAUTHIER de Brienne FA 52 - Sicilian crown. GAY Science, The FA 75, 77 GAZA NJ 156 - loss of. GEDDES, Jenny SE 200 - legend. GENEALOGY SD 47 - aristocracy; family hee. GENERAL will CDU 58-66 - Christianity. WS 39 40 - weak without faith. GENERALIZATION FF 76-7, 219-21 - error. GL 116 - details. GENEROSITY CC 53-4 - confessional use. CD 257 FA 137 - St. Francis. WS 235 - Bolshevist. GENIALITY H 238 - definition. GENIUS AS CT LL PL RB SP WA 220 - popularity. 247 - French, 182 - importance of. 9 - eccentricities. 47-8 - youth. 34 - works of art. 114 - America. 116 - commonplace; utilitari­ anism . GENTILES 302 - Jewish problem. NJ GENTLEMAN (-MEN) 125-6 - Dickens. ACD AG 165 - dress. 99 - Brahmin. AS 238 CD CT 166-7 199 - politics. FR 100 FT 65 - definition. GKC 16-7 - Holmes. 202 - fiction. H 205 - Stoic. 214 - modern. 215-Dickens. HA 130 MAN 69 - definition. RR 172-3 - English weakness. TH 6 - Dickens. TT 210-8 - Englishmen. VT 91 - definition. WA 103-4 - English. WIS 279 - spitting. WS 216-9 - Digby on. GENTLEMAN'S magazine GKC 64 - Johnson. GENTRY AS 126-9 - England. C 46 - government by. CD 258-9 - fools. GEOGRAPHY CP 93-4 128 - study of. LL 141 - national characteristics π GEOLOGY 222 - Darwinism. FF GEORGE 1, King of England 267 - Don Juan. CM 268 - foreigner. SE 219-20 - character. 160 GEORGE 111, King of England CE 36-7, 64 - character. 64, 72 - American revolution. 258 - mistakes of ministers. 76 - George IV and. 184-5 234-5 - American revolution. 193 - Americans and. 16 - American Idea. 69 - English crown. GEORGE IV, King of England 65 - Charles II. FT GKC 214 - Royal Society of Litera­ ture , 74-5 - hero. GL 74- 8 - leslîe, biography; char­ acter. 75 - radical. 75- 6 - wife of. 76 - George til and; as Prince Regent. 77 - mercy. 77-8 - liberal, 91 - Charles II and. VT 203-4 - Duke of Wellington. 230 - divorce, WC 231 - first marriage, GEORGE V, King of England 266-7 AB 261-72 CT EM GL MM SE SL WC 264 - sociality, GL 267-8 - personality. 268, 271 - symbolism. 271 - popularity. 89 - death; English monarchy. 89- 93 - character. 90- 1 - luxury. 92 - Sailor King; stolidness; vivacity. 92-3 - considerateness. MM 183-4 - coronation. . GEORGE , Saint AS 180 CE 92 - patron of England. CP 185 EM 16, 18 - symbolism, 156 - self-devouring monster. GL 30, 66 - Gibbon and. 65, 66 - St. Patrick and. 65-9 - England. 67 - epigrams. 68 - Christian character. 68-drama. 68 - soldier. MM 196-7 - the dragon, 202-3 - the Turkish knight; miracle play. NJ 176-7 - Moslems. 176 - birthplace. 186 - dragon. SE 71 - paradox, 71, 73, 187-8 - historical position. TY 13 GERARD of Bideford NJ vi, 259 GERMAN language TT 189 GERMAN literature AIS 91 - Carlyle and. CE 96 - The three huntsmen. VA 52-3 - humor lacking in clas­ sics. GERMANISM CE 97- definition. GERMANS AP 28 - "mood motivation." 32 - patriotism. 41 - treatment of woman, 60 - "satisfied with the sword." 74 - music of. 75 - rudeness. 82 - treaty of Teutonlsm. 95-6 - culture. 110-1 - pure breeds. AS 185 - love and, AT 135 - authority. AV 41 - overemphasis. 41-6 - characteristics. 44 - ethnical; supremacy. 44-5 - sentimental. 45 - barbarians. 46 - civilization. 87-8 - communism. 137 - dogma. 200- 1, 228 - English. 201- 4 218- 9 - religion. 219- 20 - unlike English. 220 - paganism. 221 - serious. 222 - muddleheaded. 224 - praise, CE 97 - diabolism. GL 161 CDU CE GERMANS (Cont'd.) CE 98-? - Shakespeare. 101 - children. 135 - irresponsibility. 135, 139 - on freedom. 136, 137 - socialists. CM 236-9 - nudism and. EA 17, 20, 23 - characteristics. 56-8 - hysteria. 61 - Hitler. 96 - mysticism. 96, 112—4 - religion of race. 98-103 - racial theory. 103 - pride. 173-4 - Prussians and. EE 204 - English and, GKC 21 - humility, H 135 - boasting . 177 - legends. LL 108 - conversation. NJ 40 - racism. 67 - barbarians. SE 72 - nationalism, SL 87 - Americans and. 6 235- Shaw. TT 223 - Belfort, France. UD 106-7 - obscurity, 125 - in England. WS 251 - Catholicism, GERMANY Al 129 215 - versus England. 259 - sins of the Empire. AIS 47 - after Thirty Years War. 9 - praise. 10 - science. 11-3 - mythology. 13 - herd instinct; unity. 14 - tribalism. 15 - myth. AP 2, 28-9- Belgium invaded by. 18 - Emperor termed barbarian. 34 - authority of Emperor. 73 - artificial Navy. 81, 101 - Triple Alliance. 86 - compu Isory education. 86-93 - Europe. 98 - diplomacy failed. 99 - policies toward England. AS 135-6 - civilization. 148-9 - pessimism. EA EM GKC H HH 162 39-44 - Danzig, 13-26, 41, 154-60 - policies towards England. 17-8, 97 - culture. 21 - foreign policy; world politics. 23 - English attitude; French attitude. 37, 63-75 , 77 - England in­ fluenced by, 39 - Calvinism; Lutheranism. 40 - breeding ground for princes. 41 - kingdoms of. 46 - Napoleon's rise. 47 - united, 95-100, 157 - England influ­ enced by. 100 - charm. 105 - Bismarck. 105-9 - defeat of Denmark. 133-5 - democracy, 136 - Teutonic imperialism, 137, 151 - Turkey, 143 - allied with England. 159-60 - invasion of France. 160 - invasion of Belgium. 163-73 - World War I. 45-8 - definition. 46 - Austria. 57-8, 83 - Prussian influence* 64-9, 111 -tribalism. 69 - civilization. 75-6, 93 - imperialism. 80 - Third Reich. 91 - modernism. 91, 99- Protestantism. 93 - militarism. 94-7 - persecution of Jews. 105-7 - treaty policy. 173-4 - Prussia and. 210 - youth movement. 85-6 - racial theories. 98-9 - emigration. 99 - Crusades. 164 - French attitude, 60 - England and. 61 - children. 47 - discipline. 2 - occupation of France (1870ή. GERMANY (Cont'd.) HH || LK NJ SE TM UD UU WA WS (see 3-5 - nationalistic imperialism, 3-16 - Alsace. 210-1 - Northern Ireland and, 18 - fighting methods, 23 - hand of iron, 198 - Christendom. 191 - Thirty Years War. 240 - policies towards England, 273-6 - social reform; England influenced by. 276 - compulsory education. 278 - invasion of Belgium. 21 - 18th century. 91-4 - England and. 94 - France and. 151-8 - Belgium. 44 - democracy. 27-8 - Luther's time. 140-1 - Oxford Group Move­ ment. 245 - concordat. 250 - Austrians and. also Austria; Germans; Nazism; Prussia) GERMANY and England AB 215 CE 13-26, 143 25, 43 - Frederick the Great. 36, 65 - Prussian alliance. 41, 154-60 GKC 60 RR 171 - imperialism; Prussia. SE 240 UD 91-4 GESTURES AG 48 - soul. GL 134 - ritual. GET an or get out TT 266-7 GETHSEMANI (Olivet) NJ 218-9 - Franciscan gardens. GHEON, Henri GKC 259-64 - Secret of the Cure d'Ars: introduction. 261 - apologetics. 263 - exaggerations, GHIBELLINE, see Guelphs and Ghibel­ lines. GHIRLANDAIO, Domenico TA 145-6 - portrait of St. Thomas. GHOST stories ACD xxviii - Dickens. GHOST towns WA 69 - paradox. GHOSTS EM 103 - savages. FF 32 - psychoanalysis, II 20-1 - Ireland. SP 141 - haunt cities. VA 228 - belief in. WA 75 - historical. WB 73 - madness and. 74 - dogmatism, 172 - common man. 173 - belief in. GIANTS AS 181 H 84-91 - Wells; fairy tales. GIBBON, Edward AS 106 - St. George. CM 78-9 GL 30 - St. George, 30-1 - Decline and fall of the Roman Empire, 30-4,- Tom Jones. 66 - St, George, NJ 266 - first Crusade. RR 40 - fault* of Christianity; pq_ gan virtues. SE 24 - Roman Empire. WB 118 - sniggering. GIBBONS, James, Cardinal WA 71 - death of. GIBBS, Philip AB 186-7 - French Revolution. G1BEON (battle) CP 340-4 GIDDY-GO-ROUND AG 257 - Swinburne. GIFFORD, William CT 77, 81-2 - on Keats. 84 - Conservatives. GL 176 - Keats; poet. GILBERT, Sir William Schwenck EM 10- Bab ballads. GKC 191 - Victorian age . 194 - intelligence. H 206 HA 125-9 - thought of. RB 144 UD 70 163 GILBERT, Sir William Schwenck (Cant'd.) VA 154 - Bab ballads. 154-5 - human. WB 92 - Bab ballads. GILBERT and Sullivan GKC 190 - popularity. 193 - Mikado. 195 SL 109-comedy. UD 70 - Mikado. VA 218 - Patience. GILDAS (British chronicler) SE 44 GILL, Eric AG 162 - originality. AIS 170 AV 211-6- Beauty looks otter herself. 216 - Giotto. CC 57 - evangelizing energy. GL 60 - League of Nations Peace Memorial. HA 163-7 - philosophy of art. RR 136 - school of. 140 - Virgin Mary. 157 - on sculpture. GILPIN, John OR 28 - Cowper's sanity. GIOTTO di Bondone AV 216 - Eric Gill and. CC 79 - Ruskin. CM 96-107 - St. Francis. FA 8 - Franciscan inspiration. GW 130 - Rubens. MM 174-5 OR 296 RR 98 - in St. John Lateran. 99 - Byzantine mosaic. GIOVANNI di San Paolo, Cardinal FA 123 - defense of Franciscans. GIPSIES EM 98, 100-nomads. NJ 282-4 - Jews and. 283 - dignity of women. 284 - millionaires, GIRLS CM 141-3 HA 164 GIRONDE, France VA 51 - Carlyle. GIROUARD (engineer) LK 14 GIRTON College, Cambridge WS 2)1,213 G1SSING, George ACD xlx - Little Donrtt. 182, 185 AT 44 - reformer. CD 5 - novels. 5, 232 , 256-7, 279 - Dicken 7 - reform and pessimism. 279 - the poor. RB 165 RS 213, 228 - Stevenson. GLADNESS H 105 - Omar Khayyam. OR 121 - love. GLADSTONE, William Ewart AB 83 AG 28 - speeches. AIS 194-5-Huxley. 226 - Greece and. AT 237 - demagogue. CM 151-3 - Immaculate Concep­ tion . CT 90 - policy in Egypt. 190 - religion. 267 - Disraeli. GW 165-6-Watts. H 43 - political hysteria. HA 131-Newman. NJ 181 - orthodoxy. 184 - diabolical possession. 30 - Home Rule. 117 - Browning. SE 257 - on freedom . UU 11-4 - aristocrat. VT 110-1 - confidence. 218 - simplicity. 225 WB 185 - derision of. WC 68-9-Cobbett. WS 169 - Irish and. GLAMOUR CM 55 GLASGOW MM 133-4, 136 GLASTONBURY, England AD 112-8 - Joseph of Arimathea, RB SE 36, 46-Grail. WA 77-8 - Abbey, GLENCOE CP 117 164 CM GLOBE B 10 - cross and. GLOBE-TROTTER H 49 GLORIA hominis ratio et oratio GL 119 GLO R1 OUS Revol uti on AV 120 - Wil I iam of Orange. GLORY AP 40 - German idea. AT 259 - negl ect and. HA 108 - meaning. RR 146 - si mplîclty. GLOUCESTER C 111-2 - palace revolution. GNOSTICISM EM 257-61 295 - Mohammedanism and. OR 186 - fad. RR 74 - Christ and. WB 120 - supematuralism. 156 - belief. 178 - the Crucifixion. GOALS TT 278 GOATISHNESS AG 14 - symbol. GOBINEAU, Joseph Arthur EA 94 WA 287 GOBLINS GKC 165 - household. GOD AB 142-belief. 172- 3 - existence. 173- 4 - fatherhood. AG 75 - newspapers. 125 - Beatrice. 212 - Browning. AS 168-9 - democracy; equality. AT 253 - science and. . AV 28-9 - museums. B 43 C 22 - irony. 110 - MacDonald. 146 - love. CC 69 - diminutives. CDU 51-2 - State and. CE 54 - man in godless universe. CM 62-3 - paradox. 74-6 CP CT DE EE EM FA FF GBS GKC H li MM NJ 165 133*6 - Hound of Heaven. 139-40 - frivolity. 161, 201 - nature and. 198 - Hardy. 198-9 - Bolshevists. 200 - D. H. Lawerence. 263-7 - liberty. 241-3 - creation. 244 - servant. 350 - search. 109 - Coventry Patmore. 147 - selection and, 184-8 - wealth. 186-7 - Mammon. 210 - rhythm. 270 - King and. 12 - modem poetry. 76 - health. 9-320 - Idea of. 24-5 - Grant Allen. 42-3 - Creation, 95-115, 190-4 - paganism. 106-8 - presence. 107 - Socrates. 137 - demons among the sava­ ges. 280-1 - free will. 307-11 - universe and. 89 - dependence on; direct vision of, 52 - characteristics of deity. 164-5 - children and. 223 - modernism. 14-5 - Holmes. 38-40 - Old Testament. 43 - in Job. 44 - scepticism. 46-7 - riddles. 47 - world and. 48 - secret of. 49 - optimism. 75, 161 - love of. 159 - belief in. 168 - Carlyle; MacDonald. 65 - appreciation. 107 - scepticism. 46 - grass and, 174-5 - art. 153 - mockery. 172 - Wells: deity. 189 - Prophet. GOD (Cont'd.) OR 109-10, 117-B - fairy tales. HO, 141-4 - image of God. 203 - under the feet of Satan. 204, 210-2 - Nature's de­ sign. 7 236- liberty. 245-60 - personality and. 245-61 - immanence and trans­ cendance . 249- 50 - R. J. Campbell. 250 - Athanasian Creed. 250- 1 - Unitarian ism and Islamism. 252 - Trinity. 261 - matter preceded by. 285 -6 - Baal. QSS 23 - goad to gods. Rd 127-8 - justice. 145 - Moslem art, SD 63 - creator of sexual attrac­ tion, SL 146-Puritan. 218 - Lawrence. 261 - magic. 7A 16, 31 - Incarnation. 29 - man and. 93 - belief. 141 - names. 163 - generosity. 210 - complete being. 213 - perfection. 219 - the Great Being; poten­ tialities. TC 13-service. (JD 46 - in literature. 188-9 - Mormon conception, 216-7 - liberty. 255 - Christian concept; modern concept, VA 58-9 - Victorianism. 144 - Meredith and Hardy. VT 111 - jest. WA 7 - government and. WB 66 , 69, 148-9 - Bloke. 142 - goodness, 209 - Orientals, WS 77 - will and science. 92 - ways of. 137 - search for. 174 - mother of; worship. 234 - will and property. WS 240 - liberty and. 254 - Old Testament. WW 57 - Creator. (see also Atheism; Jehovah; Jesus Christ; Religion; Theism; Trinity) GODDESS SD 63-4-belief, GOD-FORSAKEN (term) GS 161 ‘GOD within” OR 138-9 - worship. GODFREY de Bouillon EM 268 - defeat of Islam. GL 42 - hero. NJ 62 - gates of Jerusalem. 224 - truth. 235-^ - historical novels. 240-3; 256 - first crusade. 243 - wall of Jerusalem. 251 - medievalism. 257 - Letters of the sepulchre 258 - social experiments. GODIVA, lady CL 156 CM 239 GODLINESS TT 76 - cleanliness. WW 364-5 - cleanliness. GODS AD 26 - dolls and. AT 206-7 - religion. 219-20 - Nordic; Ludendorff 211 162 - twilight. 165 - household. 50-1 - Celtic; King Arthur. 61 - hatred. 135 - saints and hope. 180 - exaltation, MM 119-20 - God and. RR 58 - household; Italy. 131-2 - Renaissance. WS 254 - primitive; Shaw. fsee also Mythology) GODWIN, William AT 44 - reformer. VA 23 - eccentric. WB 30 - Woolstonecraft. GOERING, Hermann AIS 61 EA 35 61 - German acceptance. AV CP CT GKC GL 166 GOERING, Herman (Cont'd.) EA 64 - bully. 105 - on Prussian treaties. Johann Wolfgang von 91 220 101 - sentimentalism. 26-Arnold. 184-5 - Faust; sources. 92 - Prohibition; Eggst· 92-3 - Mephistopheles. 236 - nature. VA 52 - Carlyle. 154 - humor. GOGARTY, Oliver St. John II 82 GOING the whole hog VT 119-22 - Carlyle. GOETHE, AIS AS CE GKC LL SL GOLD MAN 81 - glitter of (verse). PL 53 - color. GOLD standard C 244 GOLDEN age NJ 244-5 - progress. GOLDEN Fleece EM 30 - prehistoric man. GOLDEN Gate (Jerusalem) NJ 64 GOLDEN mean RR 146 - Church and. GOLDEN rule CT 143 - Shaw. H 13,31 - Shaw. 61 GOLDSMITH, Oliver ACD 38 - Dickens. AG 69 - loyalty, C 119 - sentiment. CT 83 - Samuel Johnson, FF 264 - rebel. 266-7 - Deserted village; aristocracy. . 273 - Vicar of Wakefield; peasantry. GBS 38-9 RB 169-70 - Song: when a lovely woman stoops to folly. 170 - Browning. 224 - significance. 28 SE SP SS 27 - Deserted village. WB 94 - Blake. 69-70 - English crown. WC 103 - Vicar of Wakefield. WS GOLF GS 35-8 - dancing. GOLGOTHA FA 140 - sermon. GOLIATH 91 GKC GOMORRAH. see Sodom and Gomorrah. GOOD and evil 41-2 - bribery. AB 122 - frivolity. ACD 155 - in man. 127 - Dante. AG 207 - necessities. 87 - Ariosto; Rabelais; Shake­ AT speare. 157 - delicacy. 265 - literature. 170 - optimists. AV 137- definition. CM 215-6 CP 57 - being good an adventure. CQT 11-6- defendant of. DE 14-6 - evil mistaken for good­ ness. 32-3 - products. EA 34 - Stevenson. FT 155 - ewencà of goodness. GBS GKC 3 - Fragments. 227 - children. 144-5 - dual personality. GL 92 - understanding. H 95 - philanthropy; religion, 169 - pride. 294 - scepticism. 25 - conflict. HA 174-6 - ideas and, MM 256 MT 203 - belief in evil. PL 264 - concrete. RR 12 - personal knowledge of. SCT 93-5 - in Prohibition. SL , 144 - knowledge. 47 - evil as prison; in Macbeth. SP TA 124 - Catholic doctrine. VA 59 - rational acts. 246 WB 142 - God and. 167 GOOD and evil (Cont'd.) WS 194 - good beyond . 218 - enthusiasm. 226 - modern mercantile ideas. (see also Ethics; Evil; Morality) GOOD Friday AD 3 - hot cross buns. GOOD taste, see Taste. GOOD will SL 123 - praise and. GOOD works TA 21 - social duty; Thomism. WS 183 - salvation. 184, 185 - Protestantism. GOODNESS, see Good and evil. GOODS WS 225 - modern usage. GORBLIMME CM 247 GORDON, Charles (soldier) LK 8-9 RB 90 GORDON riots ACD 72 - Protestantism. GORE, Dr. Charles AB 167, 171 GORKY, Maxim ACD 85 CD 275 - reform and pessimism. 278 - Dickens. 278 - Creatures that once were men. 279 - the poor. GOSPELS. see Bible: New Testament: Gospels, GOSSE, Sir Edmund AB 93 AG 245 - Swinburne. RS 29 251 - on fiction. GOSSIP AG 183 - historians and. AIS 153 - biography. CM 248 -poor. EM 308 - truth and Falsehood. FF 14 - oral tradition. INN 209 - friendly silence. GOTHIC SP 99 - the word. GOTHIC architecture, see Architecture, Gothic, GOTHIC art. see Art, Gothic. GOTH1CISM GBS 60 - progressivism. GOTHS WS 251 - Austrians and. GOULD, Francis Carruthers AT 49-50 - English caricature. GOURMETS AB 113 GOVERNESSES FF 228-9 - parental substitutes. GOVERNMENT AV 236 - progress. CT 260 - difficulty. EE 30-2 - rights. EM 38-tribal. 66-83 - prehistoric; tyranny and democracy. 72 - prehistoric; universality. 162-5 - soldiers. FF 64 - equality. GKC 58 - peasantry. GL 90 - ideal. 90-1 - luxury. H 80 - kinds. 264 - greatness. II 149 - moral authority. 149-50 - corruption. 174 - militaristic. MM 34 - forms. 38 - decay. 258 - failure. NJ 147 - wrongness. RR 215 - capitalists; labor. 216 - modem capitalist. 222 - representative. 8 237- democratic and Fas­ cist. 242 - corruption. 272 - onti-clericalism; secu­ larist . SE 20,21, 93 - authority. 106, T42-3 - middle ages. SL 92 - Prohibition. 98 - murder. UU 19 - a spiritual thing. WA 7 - God and. WS 34 - type and trust. 60 - representative; political liberty. 199-200 - modem knperalisH. 168 GOVERNMENT (Cont'd.) WS 200 -dignity. 247 - opposition. WW 198-203 201-3 - coercion. 210-6 - society. 213-4 - eugenics. 213-5 - marriage. 219 - methods. (see also Democracy; Politics.) GOVERNMENTAL investigations ACD 33-4 - Dickens, GOWER, John C 108 - Chaucer's friendship. 109 - Shakespeare on. 109- 10 - Chaucer on. 110 - seriousness. 110- 1 - Chaucer's quarrel with. GOYA y Ludentes, Francisco de GL 23 GRACE CC 66 - unfathomableness. GRAHAM, John, 1st Viscount Dundee WC 229 GRAHAM, Kenneth ACD xxîii CM 207 GRAIL, Holy GS 242-7 - legend. SE 36 - Glastonbury shrine. 37 - Arthurian legend . GRAMMAR AS 204-6 - logic. MM 308 - correct. GRANT, Ulysses Simpson CT 238 - drunkard. 241 - Hollis. 242 - defense. GRANTLY, Archdeacon AG 66 - class character. GRANVILLE-BAKER, Harley SD 43, 48-9 - Yoysey inheri­ tance. GRASS II 46 - God and. GRASS widows SD 50 - divorce. GRATITUDE AB 353 - sin of ingratitude. AV 69 - to nature. C 33 - Chaucer, poet of. 320 262 85 - self-love. 88-9 - joy in, 182 - St. Francis. 24 - taking things for granted. II 98 - test of happiness. OR 117-8 - humility and restraint 173 - sin against. RB 72 SE 52 - heaven. SP GRATTAN, Henry 85 CM 120 - eloquence. VT 203 - Ireland. WA GRAVE-OFFERINGS 103 EM GRAVITATION 76 - Bible. DE 150 - miracles and gravity. RR GRAY, Thomas 120-1 - journalists and. AS Eleay in a country churchyard » 120-9 AS 56-Wolfe. GL 124 - misquoted. MM GREAT Britain, see England. GREAT men 175 - listing. AG 8, 9 - equality. CD CP CT FA 9 - democracy♦ 11-2, 258-9 146 - sanity. 89 - sensibility. 240 - satire. 246 - equality; qualities. 269 - weakness. 156 - common man. VA 209 - mutilation. VT 310 - poor and. ww also Greatness; Heroes) GREAT Year, The 148 AG GREATNESS 18 - smallness and. ACC) 142 - in literature. 54 - Wells. AV 18, 19 - Arnold. C 31 - poetry. CD 2-23 CM 15-16 CT H 169 GREATNESS (Cont'd.) CM 145-6 - Ideas and. CT 249 - motives. FF 199-201 - imagination. FT 32-3 - qualifications. H 74 - humility. II 201 - dishonesty. NA 138 - common or extraordinary. 291 - feeling. NJ 89-humility. TE 8 - honor. TT 161-7 - nature. 166-7 - in men. UD 48 - qualities. 174, 175 VT 109 - moral necessities. WC 248 - definition. WS 159-religion. (see also Great men) GREECE AIS 64-7 - Greek thought. 226 - Islam; Gladstone; Byron. AS 136-8 - Europe and. 137 - literature and. CT 63 - religion; fatalism. EM 82 - individual insignificance. 87, 91-3 - Cretan culture. 93 - self-commanding man. 108-God. 125 - in ancient poetry, 169 - Carthage■ 94 180- Rome. 270-1 - religion and philoso­ phy. OR 88 - supernatural ism. 188 - resignation, 290 - virginity shown in Arte­ mis, RR 54 - images forbidden in. 57 - Christian. 59 - Rome against. TT 237 - carving. GREED, see Avarice. GREEK alphabet AB 51 GREEK civilization CT 63-fall of. GREEK drama CT 62 - tragedies; free will. SP 35 - madness andslaying. GREEK fire NJ 240 - Crusaders. GREEK key TA 91-2 - the Cross and. GREEK language WW 285-6 - public schools. GREEKS CT 63 - Romans; tragedy. DE 114 - asceticism. 114-6 - beauty. 115 - dignity. FA 28 - history. NJ 147 - Orthodox. 271 - Jews and. RR 55 - statues. 55-6 - Romans and. 122 - Renaissance; Egyptians. SL 34 - athletics, 60 - psychology. UD 57-Irish and. GREEN, John Richard AG 68-Trollope. SE 9-historian, 27 - Danish invasion of Bri­ tain . 43 - Teutons. GREEN (color) II 113—6 - English-Irish relations. GREENWICH Village SL 182 GREGORY 1, The Great, Pope SE 22 - Angles. GREGORY III, Pope RR 70 - iconoclasm. GREGORY VII, Pope CT 106-Rome. FA 36 - reforms. RR 87 - Simonists. 87-8 - greatness. GRESHAM, Squire AG 66 GREY, Edward, 1st Viscount AB 215 CE 20-Shaw. VA 31 - Macaulay. GREY (color) AD 141-4 - praise. 144 - hope. GRIEF GL 136-7 - ritual. OR 297 - concentration. GRIFFIN, the CM 29-30 170 GRIMM'S Fairy Tales CE 95-7 - German fantasy, 106 - authorship. GKC 84 OR 92 , 98 - reason; jay. π 123 131 -2 - “Boy who could not shudder." GRIMM'S law OR 92 - alphabet. GRIN and bear it OR 188 GRISELDA (legend) C 168 GROCERS CP 186-8 - song against. GROOVE CM 108-12 - change; the new groove. GROSJEAN, Beaumont AB 101-2 GROSSMITH, George CT 34 - Diary of a nobody. GROSVENOR, Sir Thomas C 90 - trial. GROTESQUE, The ACD 70 - in Barnaby Rudoe. 110 - Joy, AT 203 - seriousness. CD 190-2 - Dickens. CL 114-5 - poem. GS 197-8-art. RB 149-energy. 151 - character. 153 - symbolic use. GROVE, Agnes Geraldine, Lady AT 239 - The social fetich. GROWTH AG 113 - artificial. FF 3 - definition; progress. GRUB Street GKC 255 - singing in. GRUNDY, Mrs. AV 39 WW 261-2 - education. GUELPHS and Ghibellines RR 88-9 GUESSING AS 195-8 - philosophy; literature. GUIDE books AIS 8-9 - international relations. GUIDES NJ 76, 81-2 GUILD socialism CT 37 - contemporary movement. SD 99 - broken contracts. GUILDS C 11 - existence. 40, 69 - trade affected by. 70 - idea. 70-1 - employment. 70- 3 - capitalism. 71 - benefits. 71- 2 - nature of. CC 63 - capitalism. CP 85-90 ED 47 EM 153 - Indian caste system. FA 70 - solidity. GKC 132 - British Constitution. II 87 - agricultural laborers. NJ 248-9 - modem, outgrowth of medieval. OS 90 - distributive state. 101-2 - small shops. 167-9 - machinery. RR 102 - return to. 104 - trade unions. SD 92 - vow of guildism. 93 - castes. 97 - destruction. SE 106 - England. 107, 114-22 - description. 117 - social justice. 118 - craftsmanship. 119 - definition. 120 - Local government. 121 - heraldry. 122 - charters; religion. 176 - destruction. TC 50 - modem usage. 129 - wealth condemned. UU 95 - destruction. WC 167-8-spirit. GUILDSMEN GKC 132 - King John. NJ 251 - decay of medievalism. GUILLAUME de Lorris, and Jean de Meung C 123-5, 130 - Chaucer's trans­ lation of The romance of the rose. 171 GUILLOTINE ACD 196 - solution of a calamity. 14-5 - lamp-posts. UD GUILT 207-10 - detective stories. AIS 103 - punishment. FF GUIZOT, Francois 297 - Christianity. EM GUSTAVUS Adolphus AIS 47 AV 137 GUSTO 105 - Victorianism. AV GUTHRUM 230-40 CP 51-2 - ruler of East England. SE 53 - baptism. GUY Fawkes Day 1-2 AD 41-2 WA GUY of Lusignan 258 - character; Moslems. NJ GWYNN , Stephen 82, 91 II GYMNOSOPHISTS AG 13 EM 40 GYPSIES., see Gipsies. HABBERTON, John (d. 1921) WA 83 HABEAS Corpus 101 - in England, MM HABIT 148 - health. EM 77 - freedom. TT 77-8 - virtue. 23 - human quality WA HABIT (religious garment) 165 - monk and. AG 194-5 - color. UD HAECKEL , Ernest (d. 191^ AG 60 - monist. 54 - morality. AIS 71-2 - Teutonism. AP AS 182 - Belloc on. 161 - heraldry. NJ 40-1 - materialism, OR 89 - fatalism. 56 - materialism. WS HAGIOGRAPHY TA 111 - cose against. 160 - readers on. HAGIOLOGY ACD 239 - hero worship. SD 132 - of married persons. HAIG, Douglas CT 246 HAIR SL 19-28 - symbolism. 24 - bobbing. 25 - styles. HALDANE (surname) AB 269 C 235 HALF truths HA 155 halfpenny TT 297-8 HALLAM, Henry TM 33-4 WA 271 HAMILTON, Alexander WC 58 - popularity. HAMILTON, Cicely CM 238-9 - Modem Germanies nudism. HAMILTON, Lady Emma CM 221-Nelson. HAMLET, see under Shakespeare. HAMMOND, J. L. AB 116, 118 HAMON, Senator WA 182-3-trial. HAMPDEN, John SE 200, 202 HANDICRAFT WS 123 - industry and. HANKIN, Sir John AB 145-6, 151 HANNIBAL EM 170-4 RR 17 HANSOM cab LL 124-5 - appreciation of· RDQ 119 TT 42 - description. HANWELL OR 22-6, 37, 40 - asylum. HAPPINESS ACD 105-7 - in literature. 172 HAPPINESS (Cont'd.) ACD 108-11 - Christmas. 194 - singing. AD 21 - art of. 215 - beginning. AG 126 - in literature. AS 107 - simple way of life. AT 153 - truth and. 256 - conditional. AV 9 - futurists and. 110 - modems and. C 153 - source of. 184-5 - progress of. CD 268-9 - poverty and. CM 11 - As you like it. 11 - Elizabethan comedy. 12 - mysticism. 74 138-9 - frivolity. 201-2 - Aldous Huxley. 250 - pride. CP 71 CQT 182 - of scholars. FR 151 - Forbidden Tree. FT 9-10 - melancholy. GKC 156 - humanitarianism. GS 114 - English Buddhist. 274-5 - Stevenson. H 108 - mystery. HA 3 - sorrow. LL OS 225 - French Canadians. 243 - standardization. 44 - radiant. 129 - surprise. RS 234-6 - primitivism and. 236 - childhood and. SL 62 - imagination and. SP 163 - enjoy life. SUR 28, 54 - surprise. TC 148 - St. Francis of Assisi. TT 29 - love and. 315 - nature of, UD 246-7 - singing. VT 68 - monks and, WC 82 - Cobbett on. WS 128 - economic comfort. WW 124 - democracy. (5££ali£. Joy) HARCOURT, Sir William FT 27 VT 52-3 HARDING, Warren Gamaliel, Pres. U.S. WA 123-4 - normalcy; conserva­ tism . HARDY, Thomas AB 173, 174, 285-7 291-2 - Housman. AIS 100-3-Meredith, AS 54, 151 PL AV 107 - fairyland, CD LT 2 - enthusiasm. MAN 63 - creation and. 372 - Innocence and. MM 112-3 - pleasure. NA 289 - clinging to something. 293 OR 98 - gratitude the test. 101 - bright and brittle. 121 - love and sadness. 188-9 - Greek and Christian ideas. 210 - perfect. 247 - Buddhism and Christiani­ OS 176 - machinery and, CM CT GS HA TC UD VA ty266, 268-9, 292, 294-9 Christian. 298 - of Christ. 47 163-9 - efficiency and; goal. 165 - poverty and. Tess AB 173 167-8 - pessimism. 276 - Wm. Archer. 276-7 - reform and pessimism. 84, 198 91-2 - fiction. 144 - pessimism. 285-91 - tragedies. 288 - pessimism. 289 - Housman. 68 - paganism. 99 - casuistry. 45 - qualities. 46 - style, 137-49 - Meredith. 139, 144 - nature. 143 - pessimism. 145 - depression. 145-6 - style. 236-7 - Shaw. of the d'Urbervilles. 285 HARDY, Thomas (Cont'd.) Tess of the d'Urbervîlles. VA 115, 145 HAREM AS 96-7 HARMSWORTH, A. C. W. see Northclîffe, A. C. W. H. HARLEQUINS CM 53-7 RR 255 - Italian origin, 255—60 - Papal Guard > HARNACK, Adolf Von AP 69-72 - on Teutonism. HAROLD II, King of England CP 230-2 SE 62 HARRELL, Sir David MM 265, 266 HARRIS, Joel Chandler Uncle Remus. EM 74-BrerWolf. FA 17, 159 - characters, GKC 85 - philosophy. HARTE, Bret CM 158 214 - Heathen Chinee. EM 86 - race struggle. VT 179-95 - humor. 183 - reverence. 183-6 - parody. 184, 185 - Charlotte Bronte; Dumas; Hugo, 186 - Poe. 186- 95 - short story, 187- 91 - characters. 192 - San Francisco. HARVARD University CM 227 - Eliot. HARVEST AV 85-religion. HARVEY, Gabriel GBS 182 - dramatic unity. HASDRUBAL EM 172, 174 HASTE WW 126 - despotism. HASTINGS, Battle of GS 180-3 - Tat liefer the Jongleur. HATCH, Colney VA 139 - nature and. HATLESS Brigade CT 214-5 HATRED ACD AG CE CP EM FF 99 - Dickens. 222 - modem and medieval. 119 - beauty. 364 164-76 -war. 50 - beauty. 253-4 - influence, 167 - love and. 153 - French, 49 - psychology. 185 - of mankind. 90-1 -Cobbett. FL GL GS H WC HATS NJ 274 - Jewish ritual. RDQ 146 SL 152 - Americans and English­ men, HATT IN NJ 223, 260, 264-5 - Crusades. HAUGHTINESS OR 209 - defiance, HAWKINS, Sir Anthony Hope H 200-1 - aristocracy; Prisoner of Zenda. HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel AS 16 - The great stone face; sculpture. SP 77 WA 207 - The scarlet letter. HAYLEY, William 108, 110 - Blake. 13-4-Blake. 35-6 - Triumphs of temper. HAYNES, E. S. P. SD 130-divorce. 131 - marriage, HAZLITT, William C 243 - on Shakespeare, CT 5-6 - essays. 82 - Croker and. GL 189 - radical; Scott. 189-90 - essays. 190 - dieses. RS 54 - childhood. 141 - Stevenson. SL 205 - spirit of the age. VA 23 - an eccentric; Rousseau. HEAD INN 76 - losing one's. SP 158-60 - on losing one's head. C WB 174 HEAD-DRESS NJ 110 - Jerusalem. 275 - Jewish ritual. HEALING C 74 - art of. UD 74 - spiritual. 76 - symbols. HEALTH AD 219 - religion. AG 233 - laws. AS 108-life. CM 263 - execution for. CT 54 - unhealthy topic, 55 - instructions, and youth. 57 - culture. EE 70-5 - expert. 76 - definition. GS 103-9 - morbid concern. H 17 - disease end. 77 - curelessness. 78 - necessities. 103-4 - drink and. 136 - talk about. 141 - rationalization. OR 140 - pursuit of. 292 - modern science. PL 103 - hygiene and. RS 19 - search for. TT 79 - lying in bed. WB 97 - mysticism; spiritualist. WS 191 - worship of.. WW 304-7 - ideals of cleanliness; schools. HEALY, Timothy Michael H 174-5 - nationality. HEART DE 106 - reason and. HEARTH GS 45-7 - idea; custom. UD 214-7-altar. HEATHENS AG 90 - fatalists. CM 235-7 - fatalism. GKC 171 -sad. MM 218 - ideas. WS 232 - decay. HEATING UD 215 - in America. HEAVEN AD 279 - fitness for. AT 73 - love and. AT C CD CP CT EM H NA OR SP TA WB 96 - playground. 158 - conceptions of. 263 - Puritans; ascetics. 300 - tavern a symbol of. 215 - gates. 49 - Shelley on. 211 - pagan desire for. 212 - Lucretius. 232 - Christianity and pagan­ ism. 30 - vision of perfection. 288 194, 202 - cosmos and. 52 - humility and gratitude, 221 - St. Thomas' way to. 210 - transcendentallsts and . HEBRAISM RR 53 - Hellenism. HEBREW poetry HA 43 - turgidity. NJ 116 HEBREWS, see Jews. HECTOR EM 92, 114, 182-3 HEDONISM AD 290 - Omar Khayyam. H 104 - English literature. 163 - Christianity; contradition; paganism and. VT 152-4 - modem. HEGEL, George Wilhelm TA 176-7 - philosophy. 178-9 - paradox; St. Thomas. TC 232 - Scottish Presbyterianism, WS 193 - paradoxes of, HEIGHT LL 156-fear of. π 153 HEINE, Heinrich CE 103 - on Prussia. HELEN of Troy AS 193 EM 89, 92 HELENA, Empress RR 40 - Catholicity. HELENA, Saint SE 39 - of Colchester. HELL AD 29 - looking up at. 43 - humor. C 241 - Dante. 175 HELL (Cont'd.) CC 51 - Protestantism. CM 147 - pride. FF 32 - psychoanalysis and. H 30 - vision of failure. LL 157-fear of. NJ 196 - liberal theologians. Ol 292 - results of doctrine. HELLAS. see Greece. HELP SL 175 - term for'servant,' HEMANS, Felicia Dorothea VT 262-3 - E. B. Browning. HENLEY, William Ernest AB 90, 144-5 CM 88-9 EA 160 - struggle for life theory. FT 21 - political satire. H 89-Wells. 291 - aestheticism. HA 159-62 - poetry. RS 27, 126, 132 - Stevenson. 91 - Wells. VA 73-Carlyle. 181 - E. B. Browning. 247-8 - Stevenson. 248 - femininity; suffering. 249 - adventure. VT 47, 53 - satire. 194 - lower classes. HENRY I, King of England CDU 49 - Beauclerc, HENRY II, King of England AS 46 GL 8 - Thomas a Becket. OR 178 - publicity shipped. SE 90-1 - reign. 95 - paradox. WC 117 - scourging. HENRY IV, King of England (Bolingbrok^ C 41 - Crusades. 109 - patronage. 202 - Chaucer's ballade on. 203 - usurper. 205 - revolt of. SP 109 HENRY V, King of England SE 134 - in Shakespeare. SP T10 HENRY VI, King of England GL 6-7 - history. GL 7-Eton. SE 55 - accomplishment*. HENRY VII, King of England GL 9,33 HENRY VIII, King of England ACD 166 - Dickens; Froude. CE 32 - character in youth. 37 - Luther. 37-8 - Council of Europe. GL 105 MM 269-70 SD 97 - vows. 110 - divorce. SE 162, 165-77 - reign. 165 - marriages. 174 - weakness. TC 102 - suppression of people. VA 61 - Carlyle; Froude. WS 38 - rejection of Rome. 39 - more Popish than the Pope. 42 - results of divorce. 237 - Thomas More. 275 - State-Church relation. HENRY IV, King of France UD 274-5 - fiction. HENTY, George Alfred CT 38 UD 273-4 - historical novels. HERALDRY C 11 - medieval. 40 - society. 61 - exaggeration, 62 - justification. 66 - extremism; symbolism. 67 - Chaucer. 89 - vividness. 91 - nonsense. DE 105-plebian. 105-10 - value. 107 - disappearance.. 109-10 - democracy. EM 21 - impressionism. 73-5 - Egyptian. 162 - psychological history. 183 - Hector. GL 44-9-lion. LL 91 - aristocracy. NJ 109 - Jerusalem. Ill - significance. SD 92 - of rich and poor. SE 121 - guilds. 176 HERALDRY (Cont'd.) UD 191-2 - medieval. (see also Coal· of arms) HERBERT, Auberon AB 313 234 OR 197 - conservatism. VA 233 WA 10 - anarchist. 11 - aristocrat. HERBERT, George AS 71 FF 261, 263 - religious poetry. OR 30 - unworldly visionary. 207 - nature and. HERCULES EM 240 HERD instinct AIS 13 - Germany. CT 98 - America. WA 163-7 - America. HEREDITY AG 116-22 131 - quackery. AT 227 - retrogressive. AV 57 - insanity. CT 168 - Dean Inge. EE 49-54 - judgment. 81 - existence. 83-8 , 103-4 - students of. 83-92, 108-9 - knowledge. GW 33 - science. 116-9 - pseudo-scientists. II 60 - social reform. INN 147 - Scotland, OR 217-Blatchford. WB 6 - knowledge. WW 232-3 -knowledge. 235- 8 - mystery. 236- 8 - ignorance. 237- 8 - savagery. 237, 241 - environment. HERESY and heretics AG 46 - orthodoxy and. 78 - definition. 207 - Mahichees. C 47 - Middle Ages. 249-50 - critics. 283 - truth, CC 18 - élimination of. 52 - Catholic Church. CC CM CT EM FA H MT NJ OR RR 5CL SD SL SP SS TC TT WB WS 82 - mark. 22-3-fads; truth. 105 - St. Francis. 234 - narrowmindedness. 168-73 - humiliating. 248-68 - witness of. 150 - popular beliefs. 23 - understanding. 179 - effort. 11 -24 - society ond. 12, 22 - definition. 275 - law and. 59 - punishment. 190-modern. vii, 13 - Orthodoxy and. 184-7 - Christianity avoids. 139 - Iconoclasts. 162 - and morality. 142 - hundred mad dogs. 84 - in America. 160 - losing one's head. 34 28-31, 78-83, 233-5 - Catho­ lic Church. 28-31, 233-5 - source of ideas. 76-7 - common sense. 85 78272 - crime. 156 - doctrine. 53 - sadistic persecution of. 81 - self-destruction. 189 - contradictory. 191 - paganism. 238 - truth. 239 - Divine Right of Kings. HERMITS CT 111 - life; solitude. OR 251 - Western monks replace Eastern. WS Wl-6 102 - modem attitude. 103 - sociability. 105 - Communism. HERO AG AIS AS CD CM CT 177 167 - buffoon. 192 - patriotism. 62-3 - poets and. 9-religion. 45 - cynicism. 45-7 - Victorian fiction. 235 -Lincoln. HERO (Cont'd.) 244-5 - judgment. CT 245 - qualities. 203 - heroism of soldiers. EA 36 ED 44-5 - modern concept; in FT tragedy. GKC 39 - Old Testament. 91 - punctuality, 41-3 - history. GL 42-3 - romance, 55 - in fiction. 74 - King George IV. 100 - character. 153 - English, 154-5 - France. 245 - legends and myths. GS 88 - superhuman. H 264 - national. 72 - In literature. HA 302 - paradox. NJ 79-80 - love and hatred. OR 32 - barbaric times. SE 153 - American; English. SL 94 SP 122 - condition for. 8-9-Carlyle. TM 125 - modern. TT 125-6 - fairy tales. 161-2 - in history. UD 162 - religious education 251 - in America , WA 88 - common man. WC HERO worship ACD 239 - hagiology. DE 132 - humility. GL 40-1 - Carlyle; Frederick the Great, 66-7 - saints-worship. GW ,49 - Carlyle; Ruskin. H 88 - definition. 89 - heresy; Wells. 166-7 - humility, RR 58-Italy. SL 248 - Dickens. VA 60-2 - Carlyle; Fraude. VT 117-9 - Carlyle, HEROD AIS EA EM 55 29 208-13 - Holy Innocents. HERODOTUS EM 83, 88 HEROIC couplet CT 77-8 GL 172 - didacticism. 172-3 - epic qualities. 172-4 - Alexander Pope; qualities. HEROINE AS 191-2 - the novel. CT 196 - modern, FR 27 - boyish. HEROISM, see Hero. HERRICK, Robert EM 202-3 - Christ's birth; Virgil. 237 - humanity. HERRING SL 74-5 - nature. HERTFORDSHIRE TT 198-201 HESELTINE, George Coulehan AV 67-73 - Town to country; dis­ GKC tributism . 231 - authority. 231-7 - The change: essays art the- land. 235 - on thatching. HESIOD TC 241 - Milton's Paradise Lost. HESPERIDES EM 30 - prehistoric man. 140 - Swinburne. HIAWATHA EM 117 - simplicity. HIBBERT journal NJ 193 - Christ in, HIDE-AND-SEEK AT 115 - game. HIEROGLYPHICS EM 72 , 75-9 - Egyptian alphabet. HIGHER criticism CC 30 - Protestant bible-worship. CDU 87-90, 93 - the Incarnation, i’ 14 - impartiality lacking. 181 - Christianity. 149 - modem use. 232 - Scottish Presbyterianism. HIGHER thought EM 177-9 - de Rougemont and. HILARITY DE 123 - aesthetics. EM NJ TC 178 ACD HILDEBRAND, see Gregory VII, Pope. HIMSELF II 184-6 - Irish usage. HINDENBURG, Paul von EA 116 - on German restoration, HINDUISM AV 101 - the English and. CM 97 234 - Catholicism and. EM 86 - Nordic racism. 277 - Greek mythology. OR 221 - mildness. TC 172-5 - Nordic racism. HIPPOPOTAMUS AG 240 - beauty. DE 46 - happiness. GL 47-8 - Mandeville, AD AG AIS AS HIRST, Francis AB 112, 118 historians 183-truth. 24 - absent-minded. 48-9 - pet theories. 84 - Imagination. 162 - courses. 166 - consistency. GL 112 - probability, LL 45-9 - plea far partiality. 129 - history versus. 129 - impartiality. NJ 215 - bias. 260 - Jews; Moslems. 260-1 - Saladin; Tancred. 261 - Eastern heroes. 261, 264 - prejudice. RR 80 - imagination. UD 162-3 - function. HISTORICAL novels CT 250 HA 197-200 - history and, NJ 260 - Jews and Moslems in Victorian fiction. UD 273-9 - material; characters. HISTORIOGRAPHY AT 268-70 - method; miracles. FA 155-8 - method; logic, GS 180 - methods. HA 111 - Macaulay, TM 33-4 - impartial. AG AIS AS DE FA AT AV C CE CM CP CT EA HISTORY ACD 160 - Scott; Thackeray. 161 - Dickens. 161-2 - of England. 167 - morality. 98 - scientific method. 112 - myth and. 119 - tradition. 150 - repetition. 158 - difficulty. 55-6 - friendships in. 110-4 - press and. 151- 3 - biography and. 152- 3, 189-90 - prejudice in. 175-80 - education. 188-93 - films and. 224-5 - coats of arms. 17 - disagreement in. 36 - prophets in. 46-51 - theories. 48-9 - moral certainty in. 49- 51 - progress. 101-4 - fatalism. 105 - perspective; the English. 135-9 - Europe and. 138 - Spengler. 138-9 - forgetfullness. 185-6 - critic. 221-2 - progress and. 60 - illusions tn. 110 - customs; humanity. 111 - forgetful Iness. 214 - of thought. 216 - Renaissance and. 231 - H. G. Wells. 38 - completeness; Victorians. 46 - medieval and modern. 69 - identity of historical figures. 126 - paradox. 66 - popular. 33-6 - vitalism. 35 - philosophy of. 82 - racial theory. 181 - Vandalism and. 91-2 76 - falsely written. 105 - Wells. 249 - greatness in. 259 - transition in. 29 - Christian. 43 - current. 104-9 - Importance of knowledge of. 179 HISTORY (Cont'd.) 5-6 - H. G. Wells. EM 38 - Creation and. 60 - original sin in, 83 - tradition. 159-76, 181 - materiallsh theory. 160-76 - psychological. 247 - buried with Christ. 302 - Catholic Church buried by. 18 - journalism. FA 19-20 - defect in. 24 - Rome in. 157-8 - authority. 162 - method in. 194-5 - neglect of. FF 194-5 - evolutionists and. 196-7, 198-200 - distortion. 196-7, 198-204 - truth and. 202- 4 - intellectual indepen­ dence; objectivity. 203 - limitations; prejudice. 203- 7 - study and teaching. 204- 7 - reality and. 204-7 - contents. 205-6 - ignorance and. 206-7 - object of. 207 - man and. 129 - local; universal. GKC 149-50 - Dickens and. 39-43 - romance of. GL 41 -3 - heroes. 50-4 - myth. 52-4 - civilization and. 55-9 - realism; romanticism. 112-5 - probability. 117 - understanding of. 134 - necessity. 154-7 - predictions of future. GS 156 - study of surprises. 68 - problems of. H 197-200 - historical novels HA and. 112 - English ignorance. II 129-30 - a road. 206 - Protestant Reformation and. 48 - teaching fairly. LL 128 - teaching to children. 129 - actual text of the times. MM NJ OR RR RS SD SE SP SS TC TM TT UD 33 - importance. 77, 79, 83 - materialism in. 78-80 - cows and. 78- 81 - economics and. 79-81 - man and. 156-7 - writing. 269-70 - stereotyping. 20 19- progress of. 118 - Christianity and. 120 - Jerusalem; historic sense; responsibilities. 235 - materialists. 245-6 - writing. 251 - medievalism. 42 - materialist theory. 84-6 - tradition and Hie ex­ pert. 19, 33 - Popes and. 55-6 - Roman, Italians and. 64 - Western theology. 79-object. 81 - realization. 83 - fable and. 124 - Rome in. 267 - definition. 255-6 88 - saner view. 9-13, 262 - popular. 30 - beginning of modem. 86 - reading of. 280 - perspective, 98 - truth. 125 - epochs. 28-9 - G. G. Coalton. 32 - Puritanism. 33 - fiction and. 199-201 - narrowness of mind 25 - Old Testament and ·' Carlyle, 34 - value. 94 - economic theory. 28-30 - repetition In. 90 - paradox. 90, 160, 163-5 - study and teaching. 160-2 - object. 160-2, 166-7 - universality οί 160-4 - legends and. 161 -2 - fashion and. 163 - politics and. 164-5 - truth and. 180 HISTORY (Cont'd.) UD 185-7 - theological theories. 101 - novelsand, 34-6 - Macaulay, 57-60 - "Bible of History" idea. WC 150-fact in. 155 - book of. 155 - partisan influence. WS 67 - philosophy, 87 - modern conception. 127 - religion in. 155 - natural. 168 - English and. 170 - Utopias and. 170 - unity of nations. WW 178-9 - artificiality, HITLER, Adolf AV 16 , 41, 203, 220 87-Pilsudski. 146-8 - family, EA 38, 00-6 - Dollfuss. 61 - German acceptance. 70 - French and Poles. 70, 74, 77 - policies. 70-4 - Prussian ism. 72 - rise to power, 87 - New German Protestant Church. 87-91 - Bible, UU VA HOBBIES AB 36-7 - permanent things. HOBSON, J. A, AB 278 HOCKING, Joseph CC 36 - Protestant fiction. 58-9 - attack on Rome. HOGARTH, Mary CD 114 - Dickens. HOGARTH, William ACD 42 - morality. AIS 95 HOHENLINDEN EA 191 HOHENSTAUFEN, House of TA 47 - duels; Popes. HOHENZOLLERN, House of AP 92 - founder. CE 27-3 - on kingship, EA 26 -defeat. SE 191 - rise. HOLBEIN, Hans OR 29 - physical exhaustion. HOLIDAYS AT 218 - religion. CT 209-10 -need, H 99 - definition. 264 - citizens. OR 236 - definition. OS 184-91 - capitalist state. 101 95- 104 - Locarno Treaty. 105 - Frederick the Great. 115 - war guilt, 192 - crimes. 209 - All quiet on the western front. WS 245 - concordat, 250 - murders. 273 - Catholicism. 274 - heir to Bismarck. HITLERISM and Hitlerites AV 219-20 - Nordic gods. 22) - devil worship. EA 92-4 - Jewish origin. WS 134 - reaction. 150-1 - enemy of family, 262-3 - Catholic Herald. HOBBES, John Oliver, see Craîaîe, P. M. T. R. HOBBES, Thomas AIS 155 TA 176-7 SP UU - big business. 125 - revolution. 126 - educational aspects. 127- loneliness and liberty. 25-32 - war on; capitalists. 27-32 - immortality, 103-5 - in England. WA HOLINESS AD 26-7 - essence of. 94-5 - democracy. AT 96-7 - extreme. CM 139-40 - frivolity and. CT 163 - the scientist. DE 54, 58-9 - secrecy. EM 313 - Catholic. FA 86 - transition to. H 22 - dogmatists and. NJ 20 - dark ages. SD 23-4 - marriage ceremony. 80 - necessity. TA 136 - theology and. 168 - secrecy. 181 HOLINESS (Cont'd.) WS 238 - Thomas More. HOLLAND, Henry Scott AB 167, 16? HOLLAND, see Netherlands, HOLLIS, Christopher CT 241-2 - on Grant, TC 170, 200 - The American hfirgiy. WS 56 - apologist, 152-8 - Dryden. 154-5 - defended. 242 - Thomas More. HOLMES, Oliver Wendell AS 60 GKC 11 - profession. 12 - Sir Thomas Browne. 12-3 - similes. 15 - philanthropy in Elsie Venner. TA 176 - paradox on luxury. WA 205-0, Henry. The autocrat of the breakfast table. GKC 11-8 - introduction to. WA 204-5 HOLMES, Sherlock, see under Doyle, Arthur Conan. HOLMES, 1. Rice AB 64-5 HOLY Alliance CE 84-5 - effect on Ireland and England. RB 89 VA 213 HOLY City, see Jerusalem. HOLY Eucharist, see Eucharist. HOLY Family EM 62 - the new Trinity. 195, 204 - at Bethlehem, H 179 HOLY Ghost C 218 - the term. HOLY Grail. see Grail, HOLY Innocents EM 208-13 - Herod and. HOLY Land, see Palestine. HOLY of Holies CP 327 HOLY Rollers CP 34-5 WS 137 HOLY Roman Empire AV 202 - Prvsiianism . EA 90 - Prussia. GL 31 - Henry Fielding . RR 83 - power. TA 43 - St. Thomas. 47 - Catholic Church. WS 249 - barbarians and, 251 - little known. HOLY Sepulchre NJ 76-7 HOMAGE CM 34 - feudalism. SD 90 - means manhood. SE 66 - meaning. HOME, Daniel RB 93-7, 113-4, 190-1 HOME AD 168-73 - stopping at. AIS 72-3 - cynicism. AS 42-5 - society; chaos; depen­ dance . CL 108 - wonder. CM 141 - school and. CP 129-30 CT 95-6 - library and. FF 114 - detective stories. II 24 - leisure. 26 - Irish meaning. 219 - definition. SD 74-5 - bureaucracy, SL 65, 67 - Victorians. 79 - culture; State. 95 - creation. UD 62-3 - drama, 224-5 - romance. WS 241 - Thomas More. WW 71-4 - liberty, (see also Domesticity; Family; Mar­ riage) HOME-BREWING SL 94 - in America. HOME rule II 26 - England; not understood. 35-7, 43, 61, 64 - Irish, Eng­ lish viewpoint on. 148-9 - Irish on Ims of. 203 - Belfast and. MAN 74 SD 101 - marriage and. HOME work (education) SP 126 - holidays. 182 CT HOMER AD 282 AG 145 - greatness. AIS 212 - a carol singer. AT 176 29 - Shaw. C 30 - greatness. 127 - medieval ignorance. 143 - postscript to Iliad. 231 -2 - translation , 297 - exaggeration. CD 91-3, 182-3 - story of Troy. EM GKC 35 - creation of Iliad. 50 - art in Iliad ■ 34 - Watts, GW 101 - lliod. 28 OR 173 - Christian humility. 176 - home limits in the Odys­ sey. 172 - the Odyssey, RB 88 - charity. SD 156 - appreciation. TC 157 VA HOMOEOGRAPHY 125 - forgery. CT HOMOOUS ION H 21 HONESTY 158 - desirability. AT 266 - ethics. 103 - of savages. EM 44 - Irish peasantry. II 201 - intellectual dishonesty. 305 - worship of dishonesty. INN 190-1 - of Chesterton, TT 283-4 - politics. 66 - failure. WW HONG Kong 95 AS HONOR 168 - the Laureateship, AG 39 - German definition, AP 222 - feudalism. AS 222-3- Scott. 223 - 20th century. 189 - effect. B 76 - Honors List. C 221-3 - white-washing. CM 239 ~ nudism. 222 - tack. CT EE EM H SD UU WC HOOD, HOOD, EM GBS HOOD, LL VA WS 222-3 - Southern, 8-9 - eugenics. 62 - family flag. 171 - aristocrats. 209 - conversation. 42 - society. 123 - patriotism. 51 - capitalists. 41 - oligarchal society. 43 - industrialism. Robin. see Robin Hood. Thomas 105 - separation of earth and sky. 116 Tom 83 -wit. 25-6 - Calvinism. 26 - Voltaire. 26-7 - puns. 27 - Hugo. 172 - Browning. 8 - puns. 219 - on the poor. HOOD 165 - as window. RDQ HOOD'S Annual 109 - puns in. UD HOOVER, Herbert Clark, Pres. U.S. 185 - appearance. CT 213 - on Prohibition. 228 - election of 1928. 105 - Alfred Smith. SL 105-6 - on Prohibition. HOPE AB AD B CD CP DE EA EM GL GW H 183 342 40-1 - jokes. 144 - grey (color) 19 - resignation. 5-6 - 19th century. 22-3 - modern poets. 35 - middle age; youth. 210 123 - aesthetics. 224 - Christianity. 172-4 - Roman. 278-9 - virtue. 135 - gods and saints. 8 - 19th century. 94-7, 103 - definition. 90 - man. HOPE (Cart'd.) H 119, 129 - paradox. 158-62 - definition. 159 - society. 298 - necessity. INC 184 - devils and hopelessness. OS 236 - travel hopefully. SE 185 - genuine. UD 74-5 - Christian Science. HOPE, Anthony, see Hawkins, Sir An­ thony Hope. HORACE CT 21 - Odes. 21-4 - Keats. FF 19-Odes. 110 - critic. GL 119 VT 119 - optimist; pessimist. WB 126 -Bloke. HORIZON TAL 226 - distance. HORNE, Richard Henry RB 26 HORROR AG 110 - love of. CD 109-13 - Dickens. HORSES EM 16-9 - nobility UD 2 - seriousness. 99 - beauty. 99-100 - pigs and. HORTON, Robert Forman CC 58-9 - attack on Rome. HOSPITALITY ACD 91 - in Dickens. CD 267-8 - optimism. CM 188 - definition. TC 44 - modem need. UU 30 - virtue. WA 131 - in America, HOSTESS PAR 72-3 HOSTILITY FT 20-cult. HOT cross buns AD HOTELS WA 3 - Good Friday. 19-32 - American. 21 - English inns. 23 - public use. 28 - symbolism. HOUGHTON, Baron (R. M. Milnes) RB 26, 100 HOUSE(S) AD 16 - country. 140 - Englishman's. 168-9 - skeleton. 168-73 - living in. FF 230 - paradox. GKC 166 - paradox. MM 106-9 - deserted. UD 224-5 - ownership. WA 80-2 - construction. 2, 8095-6 - in America. 84 , 95 - wood. WW 69-76 - proprietorship. 74-5 - elements. HOUSEHOLD gods EE 228-33 - materialist. SL 66 - pagan. HOUSEHOLD words (periodical) ACD 141 HOUSEMAN, Alfred AB 291-2 - Hardy. GKC 247-8 - Shropshire tod; Webb., GS 289-Hardy. HOWELLS, William Dean RS 228 HUGG, Dr. AV 18 - on cannibalism. HUGH of Lincoln, Saint CM 98 - animals. EM 141 - children. HUGHES, Thomas VA 72 - Kingsley. 73 - Bov's own pacer. HUGO, Victor ACD XXVÎ AS 220 AT 196 - a phrase-maker. AV 63-4 CE 118-9 - Châtiments. CM 135 HA 36-44 39 - descriptions. LL 82 - wit. RB 17 TC 27 » brotherhood of man, 240-1 - Protestant influence. TT 57 - birthplace. VA 15-6 - Shakespeare. 27 - Hood. 184 HUGO, Victor (Conf d.) VA 28 - poetry. VT 184-5 - Bret Harte. WC 204 - Art of being □ grand­ father! educational methods; Cobbett. HUGUENOTS UD 275 - in fiction. HUMAN being. see Man. HUMAN body AG 13 - glorification. 159 - In art. 240-1 - beauty. CT 54-health. 57 - equilibrium. EM 148 - health; habit. FF 51-2 - deification. 52-3 - attitude toward; humor. GL 97 - corpse. HA 33 - ugliness. OR 134 - martyrs' hatred, RR 123 - Resurrection; Renais­ sance. TA 139 - exaltation; Plato. TC 183-8 - modem ideas. HUMAN life, see Life. HUMAN nature, see Man. HUMAN race. see Man. HUMAN relations FF 233 - immensity and intimacy. LL 67 - grave matter. MM 253-4, 289- trust. HUMAN rights CT 267 - Parliament. H 13 - dismissed. NJ 30 - French view. OS 254-9 - dignity. RR 250 - Jefferson. WA 148 - definition. 148-9 - Prohibition. 149 - Jefferson. WW 350-7 - protection. HUMAN sacrifice, see Sacrifice. Human. HUMAN will, see Will. HUMANE SP 96 HUMANISM AG 18 - symbols, 261 - Fascism. AS 74-5 - classicism; elements; humanitarianism. CDU CM 58-General Will. 116 - American tradition, 275-7 - civilization. CT 231-2 - Babbitt. EM 94-6 - religion of humanity, 96 - “nearer mankind to thee." FA 8 - St. Francis. RS 155 - insufficiency. SE 168 - Thomas More. SL 237 - sceptics. TA 24-5 - Christian. 26 - materialism; modernism. TC 21-34 - criticism. WA 295 - decline. (see also Life; Man) HUMANITARIANISM ACD 86, 169-Dickens. AIS 57 - Frederick II. 118 - industrialism. 217 - human sacrifice. AS 5 - communism. 74-5 - humanism versus; ele­ ments. AT 34 - sport. 225 - strength. AV 89 - diversity of man's rela­ tionships. CC 88 - narrowness. CD 7-8, 156-Dickens. CDU 87-90, 93 - Incarnation and. CM 98 - medievalism. GBS 74-7 80 - Shaw. GKC 156 - happiness. 157 - limitations. H 91 - magnanimity. NJ 191 - Jesus Christ. OR 53-pity. 205 - morals. RB 11 - 18th century. Ill RR 108-9 - Catherine of Siena. SD 25 - loyalty. 5L 256-7 - fantasy. TA 196 - humanists on. TC 21—2 - humanism and. 117 - humanity, UD 135 - aristocracy. 253 - religion, (see also Philanthropy) HUMANITY. 55a Man. 185 HUMBUG 98 - Christianity and , A5 189 - English. GKC 249 - English. TT HUME, David 153-6 AIS 44 - reformer. AT 27 - history and. ss 159 - Cobbett; Macaulay. WC 131 - Scottish Sabbath. WS HUMILIATION 24 - pleasure. B 116 - simplest. WC HUMILITY 127 - enjoyment. ACD 215-6 - happiness. AD 280-6 - heights. 284-6 - high. 47 - conceit. AT 279 - humble and humbled. B 64 - Magnificat. CDU 64-5 - governments. 157-8 - laughter. CM 240-1 - encyclopedia. 250 , 309 CP 13 - mankind. DE 131 - social. 132 - vice. 132-3 - Christianity; essence. 133 - joy. 134- 5 - metaphysical virtue, 135- 6 - knowledge. 136 - definition. 136-7 - universe. 218 - pagan and Christian. EA 127, 129 - sacrifice. EM 149-50 - fighting. 81 - vanity. FA 101 - heraldry. 217 - of the talkative. GBS 19 - Arnold, GKC 21 - French; Germans. 82 - Thackeray. 65 - appreciation. H 67 - Shaw. 68 - hypocrisy. 69-70, 162 - Christianity. 70 - virtue. 71 - paradox; practicality. 71-2 - scientists. 73 - Wells. H 74 - greatness. 130 - pride. 162 - paganism. 163 - civilization. 164-5 - nature and. 165-6 - nations. 166 - Japanese; Prussia. 166-7 - Carlyle. 239 - Whistler. HA 152 - talkativeness. 204-5 - Protestantism in BelII fast. INN 255 - mother of giants. LL 99-102 - paradox. 119 - fame and. 12 - talking. MT 230 - man of science, NA NJ 89 - greatness. 210 - Church of Nativity. 54-6 - Church and modem OR world. 88 - Cinderella; Magnificat. 117-8 - gratitude. 172-4, 177, 181-2 - Christian balance. 173-4 - Sts. Dominic and Ber­ nard , 209 - wonder needs. 221 - Buddhist. 224 - effort. 4 - philanthropy. SL 84 - advertisement. SP 24 - humor, 52 - heaven. 69 - lovable. 98 - the learned man. 138 - materialism. TA 33 - 18th and 20th centuries. TC 77 - Church and modem world. 129 - English reform. 100 - fatness. UD 117 - exultation, VT 133-4 - complexity. 215 - courtesy. WS 112 - Incarnation. WW HUMOR,. see Wit and humor. HUNEKER, James Gibbons 147 - Puritan. SL HUNGARY 21, 41 - Armistice, EA HUNGER CT 22 - in literature. 1&5 HUNS CM 269 - Europe; Yellow Peril. EA 176 - term in history. HUNT, James Henry Leigh CT 77 251 - Skimpole. RB 26 - Browning. VA 23 - eccentric. WC 77, 101, 104, 119 -Cobbett. HUNTING WA 280 -poetry, HUSBAND and wife AD 40-4 140 - variability of women. AIS 134 - jokes about wives. AS 43-5 - economic independence; dependence, JJ 11-91 - passim, (see also Marriage; Woman) HUSTLERS CT 130 - encyclopedia. HUTCHINSON, Arthur Stuart-Menteth FF 224 - on the family. 229 - emancipation of women. HUXLEY, Aldous AB 143 AIS 95, 102 AS 67-8 - morality, 76-8 AV 82, 169 CC 114 - nature's cruelty. 44-5 - Dickens; Smollett. 196-204 CT 174 - on original sin. 176 - medieval religion. RS 249 -realism. SL 58 - on pleasure-seeking. 219 - modernity; realism. 220 - evil and; on original sin. SP 165 TC 25, 27 - brotherhood of man. WA 271 288 - slavery, WS 44, 91 93 - pessimism. 94 - half-truths. 133 - Wells. Brave new world. AIS 96 - Gulliver's travels. CM 196 CM 33, 147, 150, 205 WS HUXLEY, Thomas Henry 52, 153-4, 198 AIS 194-5 - Gladstone; Darwin­ ism . 86 - heathen and heretical CC thinking. CM 95 64 - evolution. CT 68-9 GBS 72 - humility. H 94 - Christianity. 181 - genius; sceptic. NJ 187 - method. 55 - humility learned from OR nature. 154-5 - orthodoxy. 158 - virility. 198 - agnosticism; St. Thomas TA 86 - soul's existence. TC 39 - rhetoric; utilitarianism. VA 39-40 - Macaulay. 39-40, 205 - religion. 74 - Arnold, 206 - Darwin. 208 - evolution; justice; ra­ tionalism. 234 - Spencer. 235 - Shaw. 74 - fallacy. W8 55 - agnosticism, WS 73 - evolution. HYDRA 28 CM HYGIENE 98-9 CP 207 - fear. H 76 - morality. TT HYMNS 11 - medieval rhyme. FF HYPNOTISM 158-63 - morality. CT 120-1 - in conversation. INC 164 - natives and. NJ 178 - quacks and confession. TC HYPOCRISY 99 - India. AS 184 - writers. AT 163 - definition. AV 129 - sex. CM 189 - humbug. GKC 187 HYPOCRISY (Cont'd.) GKC 228 - children; adults. 55 - strong men. H 68 - sincerity. 197-8 RB 43 - English home. SD 35 - cocktails. SL 271 - impartiality. WA 18-9 - religious. WW 294-9 - Englishmen. 299-300 - mendacity. HYPOTHESIS 141-4 AIS HYSTERIA 68 - egoism. CT HYTHE (canal) WC 175 IBSEN, Henrik AD 62 - women and. 169 - modem drama, AG 75-Brand. C 163 - When the dead awoken; CD CM EM GBS uniqueness. 68 160-1 - nature and. 296 - Christianity. 105 - Shakespeare. 105-12 - Shaw. 106 - Dante; pessimism. H HA OR RS SD SL TC VT 107 - Archer; didacticism; morality. 183 - Little Eyolf; The doll's house; and Shakespeare. 28-33 - realism. 29-31 - Ghosts. 54 134-42 - philosophy. 138 - democracy. 131 - suicide approved. 220 - Stevenson. 34 - Hedda Gabler. 42 - women. 41 - the New generation. 37 - The doll house; family ideas. 99 - casuistry. 128 - simplicity. 219 - Ibsenites and; pessimism. IBSENITES GBS 183-Shaw. GBS 183-4 - marriage. VT 219- Ibsen and. ICONOCLASM CM 182 - Puritans. EM 14 - impartiality. RR 51 - Byzantine. 54 - Moslems. 58 - fury. 69 - Franks. 70 - Gregory III. 109-10 - Mohamet and the image-breakers. 110 - Mohamet. 139 - heresy. 145 - church decoration. TA 91 - Islam. TC 76 - modem rejection of. 152-7 - ancient and modem. ICONS NJ 138 - inn-signs and. RR 50, 59, 74 IDEALISM AD 58-60 - false. 61-9 - reality and. 128-37 - the French. AG 22 - politics. 173 - compromise. 174 - posterity. AT 24 90 - the Irish. 158 - perfection. 272 - aims of man; realism. C 284 - purest form of. CM 148 - woman. CT 215 - prohibition and. DE 20 - necessity. 86-8 - occupations and. FF 161-2 - Victorian era. FL 163 - kinds of idealism. H 28-9 - in literature. 247-66 250 - universal. NJ 191 - modem. OR 45-51 - simplicity, 60 - thought and. 231 - confusion. PAR 9 - man of action and. PL 129-doubts. RR 57 - the real and. 264 SL 6 - realism and. 207 - modernism. 188 IDEALISM (Cont'd.) SP 115— groping . π 122 - necks of idealists. 247 - American. 212-3 - love and. 16 - England, 16, 196 - America. 109 - instinct. 293-5 - democracy. 295 - chivalry. 201-4 - movements of. 17 - motion of the future. 10 - meaning of. VT WA WB WC WW IDEALS c CT DE ED FF GL H NA OS RR SD WC WS VA WW IDEAS AG AT C 188 - influence. 61-2 - Freud. 84-5 - Arcadian. 8 - post-world war 1, 190-3 - necessity; progress. 118 - history and. 181 -defense. 16 - in literature; politics. 55, 61 - Shaw. 80 - conflict of civilizations. 251 - fanaticism. 252 - paradox. 298 - necessity. 79 - dreams. 245 - capitalism. 230 - French Revolution. 138 - French and Irish pea­ sants. 38 - secular. 198 - national. 28 - Victorian England. 27-8 - social conditions. 33-4 - cowardice. 34 - invention. 36-8 - silence about, 54-60 - fulfillment. 56 - untried. 304-7 - of elementary schools 79 - disconnexion. 214 - power. 82 - immortality of. 280-1 - complex. 58-9 - practice of; theory. 69-70 - middle ages; and modem. 206-8 - Chaucer. CC 84 - dangerous. CM 22-5, 145-6 48-9 - taste and. 145-6 - Henry James. 187 - Elizabeth Browning. 215 - metre and. 20-1, 25 - poets. CT 44 - divorce in. B0, 85 109 - Catholic system. 83-7 - largeness; greatness. EM 120 - subtleness. 145 - Platonic. 42 - Stevenson. FT 13-6 - control of fancies. GL 122 - order of occurrence. GS 84 ~ change and. H 297 299 - fanaticism. 199 n 174-6, 179-81 - expression. MM 192 - alarming. OR 126 - Christian and pagan. RR 131 - doctrine and. 25 - nature of. SD 27 - novelty of. SL 132-3 - government by. TC 184-7 - creeds and. UD 12 - explosion of. WC IDENTITY 23 - evolution and . AV 217 - place. CM 20-1 - originality. CT 10-1 - in literature; rhyme. FF 116-7 - black magic; loss of. UD IDEOLOGIES 45 - fossils. AIS IDIOM 208-9 - American and British. WA IDIOTS MM IDLENESS AT SP TT 147, 148, 154-5 - intellectual. 197 - the sophist. 60 - as vice. 114 IDOLATRY ACD AIS AT AV CM 189 239 - superstitions and, 160 - definition. 48-9 - worship and. 23 - African. 182 GKC IDOLATRY (Cont'd.) xîv CT 74 - imagery « ILLUSTRATIONS LL NJ 12 - examples. 75 - English. 162 - Moslems. 65 - imagery. 145 - Moslem avoidance. 290 - Catholicism. 90-1 - American, 124 - danger. ACD 69 - in writings. UD 161-2 -fashion and, IMAGE® (RY) AB 46 - meaning. AG 127 - Dante. AS 24-5 - art. 158 - poets. AV 140 - Blake. 143 - imagination. CM 185-7 - Elizabeth Browning· CT 39, 74 - idolatry. 48 - in poetry. 74 - idol. EM 198 - colorful Catholic. FT 67-8-poetry. RR 39 - literature. 53 - graven. 54 - forbidden in Greek Em­ pire; prohibition by popes. 65 - idolatry. 74 - Church; symbolize certi­ RR SL SP IDOLS NJ 263 - Church and. 306 - Asia. 53 - pagan. RR WA 188 - worship. 68 - perishable. WS (see also Gods; Images) IGNOMINY 67 - and ignorance. AD IGNORANCE 67 - ignominy. AD 178 - innocence and. 116 - revelations of life. AT 117 - sex and, 211 - impartiality. AV 158 - misunderstanding and. 227 - war and. FF 16 - complexity. 61 - voting and. 205-6 - history and; danger 24 - ef the omniscient. FR GKC 233 - nature of. 173 - agnosticism. NJ 173 - creative. 266-9 - primeval religion. OR 114-5 - prejudice. RB 3 - seriousness and. SL SS 11 - 18th century. 279-80 - of statesmen. π 168 - England; Catholicism. WS ILLITERACY 33-5 - advertising. WA ILLUMINATION 113 - medieval art. LL 116 - tragedy in. WB 135 - Christian art. ILLUSION 60 - in history. AV 180-1 - familiarity. EM 157 - reality and. SL ILLUSTRATED London News vii CT tude. 133-4 - condemnation. 142 - Church councils. 290-1 - worship. RS 40 - artist, (see also Idols) IMAGE of God LL 122 - modem man. IMAGINATION AB 33 - games, 103-4 - limits. AG 111, 153 151 - theory. 152 - dreams. AIS 87-8-poetry. 183-4 - education, AS 76-7 - creativeness. 94 - emotions, AT 225 - enemy. AV 140 - inspiration. 143 - image in poetry. CM 55-9 - mysticism, 145-6 - greatness. CT 262 - aim. DE 77 - Copernican. 33-9 - idealized conceptions. 84 - function; historian. 97-100 - popular. EA 190 55 - nature of. IMAGINATION (Cont’d.) EM 15 - wildest. 128-33 - reason and Christianity. 134 - paganism. 199-201 - greatness. FF 16 - pretense. FT 13 - science. GKC 126 - Capes, 166 - novelty. GL 120 - brotherhood of man. GS 220 - logic. 27-51 - mental medicine. OR 55 - pleasure. 67 - mental ruin. 90-118 - fairyland's test. 39 - image-worship. RR 80 - historians. 148 - in art; poetry. SD 62 SL 30-1 - necessary for human SP beings. 32 - animals. 37 - poetry and pantheism. 158 - materialistic, 228 - Thomism. TA 128-9 - of children. π 12-4 - the commonplace. UD 43 - wit. VT 113 - logic. 241-3 159-60 - Blake. WB 161-2 - nature and. 166 - outline. IMAGISTS CT 39-40 - criticism. IMITATION 92-7 - literature. AIS AT 73-4 - admiration and, 26 - fables, CM FF 47-8 - deception. SL 179 - international. WA 225 - understanding. IMMACULATE Conception CM 151-4 RR 288-91 - Roman festival. IMMANENTISM OR 238-60 - errors of. IMMIGRANTS 126-7 - Irish in America; Eng­ 11 lish tyranny. WA 35 - nationality; tradition, IMMORALITY, see Morality, IMMORTALITY FF 175 - belief in. GKC 74 - Johnson. 223 - achievement of. 99 - Tennyson. HA 232-60 OR 238 - Shaw, 120 - Christianity and. RR 120-1 - Thomas Aquinas. 8 - life greater than. TE 71 - of France. TT 181 - meaning of. 27-32 - holidays. IMPARTIALITY 209-13 - meaning. AT 211 - agnostics; ignorance. 134 - encyclopedists. CT 14 - religion. EM 216-21 - meaning. GS 271 - hypocracy. WA IMPENITENCE, see Repentance. IMPERFECTION, see Perfection. IMPERIALISM 107 - socialism. AB 116 - jingoism. 128 - patriotism. 145 - morality. 132 - Dickens. ACD 245-51 - sentimentalism. AD 247, 251 -T. Roosevelt. 280 - Disraeli. 37 - Kipling. AG 71 - liberals. 36 - failure in industry. AIS 69 - Victorianism. AS 96 - Shaw. AV 136 - Teutonic. CE 89 - literature. CM 267 - Don Juan. 75-6 - England; Prussia. EA 93 - German. 107 - Italy. 118-9 EE GKC 54 - upper classes. 98-9 - attacks on. 99- Belloc. 124 - common sense. H 182 HH 3-5 - German nationalism uu 191 INCARNATION TA 16 - reaffirmation. 25 - belief in. 31 - God. 91 - Eastern Christianity. 140 - materialism. WW 112 - humility, (see also Christmas; Jesus Christ) IMPERIALISM (Cont'd.) II 138 - nationalism. 182 - cosmopolitanism. MM 31-2 , 57, 100 - England. 238-44 - the Orient. 238 - defect. 304 - experience. OS 214-20 - advantages. RR 85-6 - Rome. 171 - Britain and Prussia. 264 RS 93 - Stevenson. SL 178 - criticism, SP 124 - boundaries and. Π 207 - England. VA 60-Carlyle. 60, 231, 250 - Kipling. 60 - Shaw. 239- 40 - Victorianism. VT 266 - spirit of. WA 165 - American women. 234-5, 271-3-England. 271 - hypocrisy. WC 98 - jingoism. WW 101 - Caesarean. 101- 7 - popular. 102— 3 - English softness. 102—3 - sentimentality. 130-7 - comradship; equality. 130 - specialism and. IMPRESSION CQT 61 - immediate. WA 99-100 - error. IMPRESSIONISM AB 87 AV 63 - Delacroix. EM 21 - heraldry. GW 40 - Watts. LL 114-meaning. MT 188 - skepticism. WB 17-9 - art. 137-8 - skepticism. IMPROVEMENT CT 153 - by changes. 214 - force. SL 34 - appreciation. VA 12 - progress and. IMPUDENCE CM 253-4 INAUSPICIOUSNESS AT 62 - paradox. INCAS EM 189-90 - religion. INCENSE WS 176-Puritans. INCEST EE 10-1 - eugenics. INCIDENTS NA 177 - collecting. INCOME AV 172 - criminology and. INCONGRUITY CM 156 - laughter. INCONVENIENCES AT 31 -6 - overcoming. 32 - imaginative; romanticism; sentimental. 36 - adventure. 86 - in literature. INDECENCY CM 130-sex. INDEPENDENCE AG 229 -guild idea. AS 42 - laborer. 44-5 - dangers. AT 95 - loss. CT 111 - individuals and. FF 202-4 - intellectual. GKC xiv - of essays. II 132 - Irish, threatened by perversity. MM 18-24 - loss. UD 270-1 - traditionalism. WC 38-9 - Cobbett on. (see also Dependence; Freedom) INDETERMINATE sentence EE 44-7 INDIA AS 99 - hypocrisy; tyranny. NJ 146 - English rule. 147, 152 - English success in. OR 127 - English rule. 224-6 caste. 249-50 - pantheism in. 192 INDIANS,, American ACD 85-6 - Dickens. 102 - religion. 138 - civilizations of Egyp­ tians, Chinese. 138-41 - demonology. 195 -religion. SL 154, 258-9 WA INDIANS , Asiatic 60 - English and. AT INDIFFERENCE 209 - impartiality. AT 133 -Calvinism. AV 145 - unanimity in Jerusalem. NJ 250 - social. OR INDIGNATION OR 178-Christian, INDIVIDUAL ACD xvii-xviii - Dickens, FF 232-5 - the mob, 233-5 - modem society; fail­ EM ure, 240- - freedom, 1 GL 11-2 - English education; nurses, NA 293 - relations. OS 108-18 - importance. INDIVIDUALISM AB 19 - English, AD 162 - Socialism. AIS AV CD CM CT EE GBS GKC OS SL 36 - failure. 171- 4 - capitalism. 172-4 - distributism. 214 - beggary. 30 - machinery. 231 - Dickens. 85-6 - Victorianism. 97 - Puritanism. 209 - factory system. 22-3 - eugenics and. 82-5 - Shaw 154 - Scrooge. 216 - Roya] Society of Litera­ ture. 55 - socialism. 132-44 - agricultural distri­ butism. 195-204 - Ford car. 30 - dance. 43 - gate-crashing. 188-9 - in America. SL 213 - poetry. SS 2-6 214-5 - poetry. 77, 164 - America. 164, 281 - individuality and. INDIVIDUALITY EM 82-3, 201, 246 - paganism. 95-6 - paradox. GL 140-1 - people. 184-5 - artists; communication. SL 14 - of names. TA 86 - communism. 217 - St. Thomas. VA 9-10 - the artist. WA 164, 281 - individualism and. (see also Personality) INDO-EUROPEANS EM 85-7 INDO-GERMANS EM 86 INDUCTION, see Logic. INDULGENCES C 50 - distribution. INDUSTRIAL Revolution HA 157 WC 100 - effects. 194-5 - Utilitarians. INDUSTRIALISM AIS 110-2 - 18th century. AS 116-8 - democracy. 118 - humanitarianism; inhu­ manity. 161-2 - property. C 78-9 - system. 187 - English. CM 85 - Victorianism. 200 - intellectualism. EE 220 EM 96 - monotonous. 160 - economics. 187 - servility. FF 84-5-evils. 247-8 - causes; in England. GS 72 - definition. 73-6 - conservatism. II 34 - problems. 87 - in Ireland. MM 133-5, 138 - in Scotland. 150-4 - In England. 223-4 - religion. NJ 20 - democracy. UU WA 193 INDUSTRIALISM (Cont'd.) (MJ 246 - success. 258 - medieval codes. SE 252 - agrarian attacks. 253 - Reformation. SL 69 - 1?th century England. 116 - villages. UD 212-4 - religion. VA 232-3 - Victorians. WA 44-5 - modem society. 76 - American cities, 90 - decay. 92 - farmers. 98 , 211-2 , 294 - in America. 221-2, 288 - slavery. 239, 240 - agrarianism and. 241 - future. 2 241- world state. WC 43-honor. 46 - Cobbett against. 72-3 - symbol. WS 119-Murry. 223 - industrial society; para­ dox. WW 69 - poverty. INDUSTRIALIZATION SL 198-England, INDUSTRY AG 226 - middle ages, AIS 53 - employment, CP 161-3 - Song of the heels (poem). EE 220 - proletarian art. FF 204-7 - as historical criteria. SD 99-100 - army of. SP 51 - of woman. TC 13-4 - modem. WA 16 - inequality. 16, 89-90 - American. WS 223 - 19th century. INEFFICIENCY, see Efficiency. INEQUALITY. see Equality. INFALLIBILITY H 36 - progress. INFANCY FF 230- importance. H 17 - exuberance. INFANTICIDE GKC 224 - nature of. II 60 - eugenics. WS 242 - government. WS 272 - modem State. inferences AG 108 - first principles. INFERIORITY AT 223 - superiority and. SL 56 - complex; definition. WA 2-3 - attitude toward. INFINITE AG 153 - imagination. SP 123 - shapeless. INFINITY CM 220 FF 113-art. LL 34 - Insanity and. SP 124 - degradation, INFLUENCE CT 172 - force and. 220 - American. INFORMATION CM 240-1 - encyclopedia, CT 129-30 - content. DE 93-6, 100-1 - useless. 93-101 - literature. INGE, Dean William Ralph AS 199-203 AV 82 CM 190-5 CP 28 CT 87-92 - on England. 88 - always misses the point, 92 - hatred of Ireland. 168 - on heredity; moral sla­ very , 213-4 - Prohibition. EM 253 - Christianity. MM 216-24 - "the Gloomy Dean." 219 - on Oriental life. OS 213-6 - prejudice. TA 211, 213 - end of the universe. TC 7, 9 - Catholic Church. 101-6 - Protestantism and Catholicism. 158-63, 176, 183-8 -Catho­ lic Church attacked. 202-8 - Manichean ism. WS 24 - reverence for science. 211 - modernist movement. INGERSOLL, Robert Green AS 168-9 OR 154-5 - GKC's orthodoxy. WA 250 194 INHIBITIONS FF 29-30 - freedom from . INHUMANITY AD 164-5 - of cities, INJUSTICE, see Justice. INNER light OR 137-9,261 - Puritanism, SL 163-4 INNOCENCE ACD 22 - knowledge. 147 - adventure. AD 178 - ignorance. FR 23 - dangers of. MAN 47 - sensualities. J12 - the inanimate, 372 - happiness. QSS 20 - impenitence, INNOCENT III, Pope CM 105 - St. Francis. FA 123 - dream of, RR 93, 100-1 - middie ages. 94-5 - Philip Augustus; Plan­ tagenet . 100 - Leo XIII; monument in St. John Lateran. 100-1 - tomb. 106 - medieval strength. 113 - dream. INNOVATION AG 6 - conventions. CC 27 - Tantum Ergo. CM 112-5-art. WW 260-3 - conventionalists. INNS FL 9 - names. GS 47-8 - custom, NJ 138 - ikons and inn-signs. WA 20 - saloons and. 21- 2 - hotels and. INQUISITION EE 98-104 - persecution and. GS 185-origin. H 16 - 19th century. TA 47 - Christianity. WA 5 - America. INQUISITION; Spain CT 27 - censorship. FA 20-1 - origin; understanding. 22- 3 - justice concerning. SP 95 WA 6-9 - American Constitution and. 7 - distortion of creed. 8 - nationality. 247 - origin. WS INSANITY 26 - sanity and. AD 57 - heredity. AV 153-4 CD 211 - mathematical, and CT monotony. 11 - symbols and examples. LL 34 - prosaic people. 61-4 - nature of. MM 64-5 - of nations. 66 - madmen serious. NA 105 - the humorist. 126 - modern novels. TT 264 - the real madman. WI5 (see also Lunacy; Madness) INSECTS 233 AS 327-34 - adoration. WW INSIGNIFICANCE 195-6 - the word. UD INSOLENCE 285-6 - superstition. AT 161 - French, GL INSOMNIA 190- Irish. II MM 48 - avarice, INSPIRATION 140 - Blake; imagination and AV 216 CM 78-81 - Blake. HA INSTALLMENT plan OS 116 - as crime. INSTINCT 158 - woman's. AT 139 - demonology. EM MM 2-5 - sex. 233 - animal, and Crusaders, NJ WA INSTITUTIONS 19 - journalism. FA 146-8 - stability. FF 149 - modem attitude. 47 - conditions for survival, GBS GKC 150 - intellectuals and. 188 - Catholic. HA 27 - institutionalism. RR 230 - impenitence. SD 26 - attachments to. SP 95 - machines. UU 48-9 - growth . 195 INSTITUTIONS (Cant'd.) WA 276 - în America. INSURANCE CE 138 - compulsory, in Europe, INTEGRITY WS 147 - extremes and. INTELLECT ACD 94 - detached, AG 26 - world and. 163 - medieval artists. AIS 4 - metaphors. CD 10 - piety. 142 - worship of. CM 15 - cleverness. CT 54 - health, 57 - equilibrium. 58 - classics. EM 38-9 - a mirror. GBS 25 - chastity, H 58 - freedom. 160 - innocence. 169 - pride. 245-6 - qualities of the great mind. 285 - advance. 11 190-1 -Irish. LL 35 - insanity and. OS 187 - machines. RR 58 - Greek. SL 215-paradox, SR 32 - reflection. SS 7 - scepticism. TA 104 - Srger of Brabant. 181 - reality. 199 - Platonists on knowledge. 229 - object; sufficiency. 230 - activity; creativeness; receptivity. TC 54-63 - worship of. UU 8 - virtues. WS 130 - conversion. (see also Intelligence: Reason) INTELLECTUAL life AG 26 - curiosity. FF 202-4 - independence. HA 95 - middle ages. NJ 221 - pride. RB 37-8 - vanity. INTELLECTUALISM CM 200 - industrialism. GKC 116 - Fabian Society. OR 75-6 - will-worship leads to. SS 7 - Renaissance. 54-5 - intellect distinguished from. TT 231 - in humanity. INTELLECTUALS AD 177 - definition. 174, 177-8 - common people 178 - insensibility; politics. AT 213-error. CM 149 - Catholicism, CT 141 - timid thinkers. GKC 150 - customs. 257 - incompleteness. H 14 - in Dublin, SCL 25 WS 84-5 - reaction. 135 - progress, INTELLIGENT! A AB 157-8 II 82 - paradox. TA 151 - St, Thomas. TC 54-63 - condemnation. INTELLIGENCE ACD 17-8 - significance. AIS 28-progress. AT 148 - immorality. CM 180 - mystery, CT 10 - millionaires. EM 173 - brutality and. TC WA 40 - advertising. 115 - characteristics; success INTELLIGIBILITY, see Understanding. INTEMPERANCE, see Temperance. INTENTIONS TA 124 - way to hell. INTERESTING things GL 3-4 - beauty; existence. INTERNATIONAL relations AIS 7 - common man; paradoxical reporters. 8- 9 - guide books; travel. 9 - basis. 9- 10 - statistics. CE 12-6 - controversy. EA 34 - Latin and Teutonic influ· ence. 54-8 - understanding needed. 164 - cynicism after WW J. 164-5 - sins, FF 97-9 - journalism. 196 INTERNATIONAL relations (Cant'd.) GS 91-3 - flags. SL 122 - alliance without friend­ ship. WA 2 - sneering; laughter. 201- 3, 244, 274 202- 3 - estrangement. 226- 7 - aviation and. 227- 8 - communication. 229 - Frontiers in. 260 - humor. INTERNATIONALISM AIS 69-70 - medievalism. 177-80 226-8 - marriage. AS 21-2 » World War I. AT 73 - cosmopolitanism; natio­ nalism. AV 88-religion. 91-2 - artificiality. C 47, 55 - Papacy on. CC 40-6 - brotherhood of nations; Socialism as. 51 - Church blamed. CDU 46-9 - priests. CM 255 -pride. 274 - war. CT 106 - conditions for. 106, 112-3 - the Open Con­ spiracy (Wells) 107 - Bolshevist; patriotism; Prussian arrogance. EA 166 - definition. FA 52-3 - medieval republics. GL 105-6 113 - hating the French. II 38 - world of. 39 - Irish peasantry. RR 210 - Catholicism. TA 45-6 - Thomas Aquinas. 52 WA 14 - Americanization. 44-5, 233-4 - democracy, 160 - humor. 235 - paradox. 276 - nationalism and. WS 180 - finance; patriotism, (see also Nationalism; Race) INTERVIEWING AT 40 - refined persons. 41 - simplicity; sincerity. 57-fallacy. 60 - America. 61 - misconception. INTOLERANCE, see Toleration. INTOXICATION. see Liquor problem. INTRODUCTIONS GKC xvîîi-xîx - purpose, xx - art of. INTROSPECTION OR 250 - immanence of God. INVALIDS EE 56-8 - lunatics and. INVENTIONS AIS 183-6 - society. OS 187-paradox. INVENTORS OS 179-80 - and sculptors. INVESTITURE RR 89 - war and the papacy. INVISIBLE, The TT 104 - belief in. 10 NI DES, Constantine GW 45-8 IPHIGENIA OR 268 - sacrifice. IPSWICH, England AT 246-52 - Eatanswill. IRELAND AB 139-family. 213 - Orangemen. 328 - Chesterton In. AG 53 - prosperity. AT 127 - nationalism. 127-8 - patriotism. CC 28 - George Moore on Catho­ lic . CDU 7-27, 94-9 - Catholic Church. 36 - soldiers. 58-66 - General Will. 81-99 - mission. 94-9 - Incarnation defended. 95 - Calvinism, 97-9 - craftsmanship. CE 84 - Holy Alliance. 141 - Prussian attitude. CP 259-60 CT 85-6 - Toryism. 86 - independence; Johnson, Swift, Pitt. 92 - Inge. EA 85 - Chesterton sympathetic. WA 197 IRELAND (Cont'd.) EA EM GBS GKC H 11 MM OR 101 - notional Ism. 224 - rise; Christian culture. 69 - clan system, 85, 98 167 - domestic rigidity and politics. 271 - Catholicism, 291-2 - missionaries. 35-6 , 45 - Protestantism. 44-5 - Puritanism. 109 - murder of. 109-10 - revival. 112 - future. 259-60 - Catholicism. 115 - Journalism. 174, 178-nation, 175 - nationality; Normans; Scotch; Spaniards. 176 - science. 16-7 - paradox; progress. 19 - miracle. 28, 64 - emancipation. 30 - trusts. 31 - trade unions, 35 -nationalism. 37 - Coercion Acts; Land Acts. 51 - Christian names; family. 59 - every word a household word. 68-71, 101-2, 108-10, 139 - Easter rebellion. 74 - English socialism; poor of. 76 - social organization vs. domestic. 80-1 - conservatism. 87 - industrialism. 89-96, 122-30 - World War I. 96 - France and. 114 - European society. 122 - Franco-Irish Entente. 138 - product of Christendom. 142-6 - separatism. 144 - as nation. 144-5 - civilization, 163-73 - crimes against. 198 - religious history, 265-6 - oppression. 99-Christian lawlessness. 111 - Unionist insolence. 271, 274-6 - Christian influ­ ence. RR 212 - resurrection. SB 110 - religion of peasantry. SE 138 - peasant ideals. 139 - religion, 46, 47 - Golden Age, SP UD 47 - Christianity. 207 - Cromwell. 255-6 - Pitt. 78 - Dickens. 49-50 - drama. UU 61 - education, 61-2 - home life. 118 - Home Rule. 263-4 - restoration; Wyndham. 104-6 - revolution; party sys­ WB tem . 86 - agriculture. 218-22 - the Confederacy and. 4 - mystics. WS 79 - virgins. 164-climate. WA 170 - Roman rule, 222 - famine. (see also Irish) IRELAND and England AB 213 - Parliament. AT 126 - English rule, CDU 25 - English subjection of. CE 61—3 — persecution. 67 - massacre of the innocents. 198 85, 67- CM EA GL H II 142 - persecution. 78-9 - English attitude toward famine. 50-2 21 - after World War I. 127, 144 - persecution. 10 - Irish famine. 256 26-7, 34, 55, 64-5- union­ ists. 35 - Lord John Russell. 37 - rule by England. 44-5 - lack of faith in Eng­ land. 55 - Ulster propaganda and. 107 89105 - reconciliation with England. 108-30 - blunder of England,* conscription. . 113-6 - wearing of the green. 122-30 - World War I. IRELAND and England (Cant'd,) II 148 - Home Rule, 174-5 - Irish grievances, NJ 147 - English failure. OR 111 274-0 SE 207, 217, 255 - persecution. UD 49-50, 55, 59-60 56-7 - America. 58-9 - Shaw. VA 22 - English understanding, WA 50-2 52 - Unionists. 133, 202-3, 221, 276 WS 168, 170-1 IRISH AB 128 - nationalism, AD 99 - success, AT 90-idealism. 142 - fairies and poor; saints, AV 96 - nationalism; Shaw. CDU 7-27, 50-1 - patriotism and religion. 31-2 - the Boyne remembered; Stuart adherence. 65-6 - intellectual justice. 94-9 - religion and crafts­ manship. 9 96- devotion to Mary. CM 150-1 CP 256 - laughter. CT 229 - in America. EE 204 - English and. FA 21 - English treatment. GBS 17-8,21-2 17-8, 26-48, 126, 195-6 English and. 25 - intellect, 26 - wor. 26-7 - geniality; sentimental­ ism; unreasonableness. 27 - realism. 28- 30 - logic. 29 - French and. 29-30 - life and literature. 30 - charm; oratory. 31-2 - politics, 35- 6 - Protestantism. 36- 7 - peasants. 41 - Catholic Church. GKC 108 - English and. INC LL MM OR OS 199 48 - patriotism. 133 - pugnacity. 172-8 - races. 177 - poetry. 27 - English politics; Union­ ists and freedom. 28 - civilization; Chinese; English. 29-33 - peasantry, crops. 31 - bourgeoisie; proletarians; servile state; Utopia. 31-44 - peasantry. 32 - labor; capital. 35-7 - English on Home Rule. 39- internationalism. 40 - Jewish Socialists. 40- 1 - Bolshevism. 42-4 - peasantry, financial bargaining. 44 - honest peasantry, 53 - man in the street, 57 - surnames. 69 - courage in Easter rebel­ lion. 70 - characteristics; Easter Rebellion. 71 - peasantry, labour agita­ tion , 74-5 - faith and English so­ cialism. 81 - more Irish when English; opinions provocative. 89-95 - World War I. 101 - error. 128 - Prussian sympathies. 131-4 - attitude towards sym­ pathetic English. 135 - insularity. 139 - young Ireland movement. 174-5 - grievances. 195 - bitterness. 216-7 - peasantry defended. 172 - religion. 141 - Swift as type of. 133 - agriculture. 133, 135 - characteristics. 133-5 - Scotch and. 274 - patriotism and religion. 274-6 - practicality. 275 - professions. 215 - birth control. IRISH ICont'd.) OS 218-20 - colonists. PAR 58 - poetry. SD 43 - Irishman's home. Ί40- women; mammals. SL 3 - English and. SP 87 - temperament. SS 37 UD 56-^1 - English and. 57 - Greeks; poets. 57, 234-5 - characteristics. VT 180-1 - humor, WA 48, 50-1, 52 - America and, 48, 50-3, 129-30, 222-4 English. 53 - misconception; position. 126 - politics. 130 - Americans and. WB 5 - logic. WC 56 - nationalism of American, 117 - habits. WS 169 - self-expression, and the English. 199 - Catholicism. 222 - emotion; logic; realism, (see also Ireland) IRISH bull II 27 WS 221 IRISH language II 176 - not Irish. 182-9 IRISH poetry li 190-6 » quality. 191-2 - bitterness. 192 - rhythm, IRISH question, see Ireland and England. IRISH sweepstake WS 260 - liberty. IRONY AB 311-2 - French. AD 40-1 - medieval. AT 91 - Chesterton's. CM 149-50-English. GKC 76 - Book of snobs. II 191 - national; Irish. IRREVERENCE, see Reverence. IRRITATION SP 165 IRVING, Sir Henry GBS 219 IRVING, Washington ACD 84 86-7 - Dickens. ISAAC OR 268 - sacrifice. ISAACS, Godfrey AB 71, 207-8 211-2 - Cecil Chesterton. GKC 121 - Marconi scandal. ISAACS, Rufus AB 71, 207 NJ 297 ISAIAH EM 88-9 - closeness to. ISIS CM 217-9 - Mary and. EM 131-2 - death in pagan ideas. 150 - worship of. OR 207 - worship of. ISLAM AIS 226 - modem Greece and. AP 60-religion. AT 6-7 - Englishmen. 236 - drinking. AV 88-religion. 92 - a way of life. C 60 - invasions. CDU 86 - Incarnation denied. CM 105 - St, Frmcis. 234 - Catholicism. 235 - fatalism. 268-9 - papacy. 270-1 CT 206 - day of rest. EM 90 -Mediterranean culture. 100, 97213, 271, 277 , 294 Christianity. 205 - Blessed Virgin. 265-8 - Crusades fought. 312, 314 - monotheism. FA 122 - conversion. 141-8 - St. Francis. FL 66 - crescent. GL 28-9 - Spain. 100 - ornamentation. 100-1 - Brahminsand. LK 5-6 - Kitchener. 7-8 - theology; paradox. NJ 34 - Crusades. 34-5 - Egyptians. 36 - religion. 200 SE ISLAM (Cont’d.) NJ 37, 45 - simplicity. 38 - belief in God. 38-9 - equality of man. 39 - fanaticism; morality· 40 - racism. 2 41- clothing; male superi­ ority. 42 - chivalry. 44 , 200, 262 - Christendom OR RR and. 44 - literal minded. 68, 83, 118 - in Jerusalem. 93 - snow and. 98 - English benefits; politi­ cal morality. 100 - fatalism. 109 - political interference. 118 - legends; prehistoric. 126 - ministers of religion. 130-1 - anti-Semitism. 142 - Zionists. 144 - modernists. 151 - Herbert Samuel. 155 - Turkish rule. 158 - English sympathy. 163 - idolatry. 176-7 - Saint George. 199 - common sense, 199-200 - paradox. 204 - lion of Saint Jerome. 230 - attacks on Christendom. 242 - first Crusade, 254 - modem wars. 256 - Renaud of Chatillon: Raymond of Tripoli, 260 - historians; Victorian historical novels, 262 - Blessed Virgin Mary; Purgatory; Protestantism. 262-3 - religious mistakes, 263 - deism; despotism; mon­ archy; monotheism. 267 - empire. 271 - Jews and. 303 - Christian suzerainty. 240 - marriage; modern prai­ ses. 250-1 -monotheism. 54 - iconoclasm; Prohibition. 111 - invasion of Christendom; peril of Christendom. SL TA TC π VA WA WS 75, 79 - creed. 76, 80 - influence in England 77 - Saracen civilization. 126 - Crusades weakened; paradox. 22 - hair. 4 - conversion. 38 - Saracen conversion. 91 - spread. 93 - creed, 93-4 - god of. 94 - paradox; philosophers. 117, 223 - fatalism. 194-5 - observance. 44 - Oxford Movement, 141 - Prohibition. 29 - perseverance♦ 52 - sadism. 190 - purgatory. 271 - Mormons and. ISLANDS 31 - poetry. AT 138-40 - desert islands: life, GL philosophy. 122 - poetry. SP ISM'S 88-90 - religion. AV ISOLATION OR 250 - of self. 49-56 - advantages, π 52-3 - appreciation. (see also Solitude) ISOLATIONISM 227 - England. AV 229 - war. CT 98 - England. 152 - America. EA UD 58 22 - England. VA 130-1, 136 - American. WA ISRAEL. see Palestine; Jews. ITALIAM literature 96-7 - Chaucer's enthusiasm C ITAUANATE SE 161 - the term. ITALIANS 201 - courtesy. C CT 193 - unity of religion. RR 181-3 203 - gentlemen. 247 - communism. SS 37 201 TT ITALIANS (Cont'd.) VA ITALY AD AG AP C CD CE CT EA EM FA H OR RR 124-5 - Futurism. 10 - liberty. 81, 102 - Triple Alliance. 100 - German danger. 111 - Chaucer's second visit. 225-6 - culture. 155-7 - travel. 168 - Dickens. 120-1 - Napoleon III. 122 - English paradox. 190 - creative soul. 191 - medievalism. 3 192- festivity; patron saints. 201 - dictatorship. 107 - imperialism. 167 - united Europe. 87 - Gauls. 33 - city-states. 34, 48-9 - city-states. 174 - nation. 248 - Swinburne. 34 - spirit of; Popes. 58 - hero-worship; Iconoc lasts. 94 - moral world; rebirth of civilization. 99 - a living country. UU VT WS (see IVY TT 150-3 - artists. 212 - resurrection. 214 - government. 5 - civilization. 268, 269- E. B. Browning. 269 - R. Browning. 199 - Fascism, also Fascism; Rome) 247 - of England. JABBERWOCKY EM 136 - nonsense. JACK and the Beanstalk AT 269-70 EM 129 - imaginative law. OR 88 - pride. JACK the Giant-killer H 85-90 157-60 158 - stature of giant. 9 158- chivalry. 188-9 - English. WC 168 JACKSON, Andrew WA 75 - financiers. 76 - politicians. 120 - despotism. 234 - president. JACOBINS CE 55 - in England, CT 86 - Jacobites and. EM 297 - 19th century. OR 72-3 - French Revolution. 88 - tradition. RR 225 -poverty. VA 44 - Oxford Movement. 51 - Carlyle. WC 19 - anti-Jacobins. JACOBITES CT 83 - Tories. 86 - Jacobins and. MM 183-4 - songs. OR 88 - tradition. JACOBS, William Wymark AD 202 AG 98-reading. AT 10 - Cockney humor. GBS 44 - Dickens. HA 28-35 - wit and humor. NA 87 JACOPONE da Todi GKC 220-Underhill on. JAFFA Gate NJ 66 , 99 - Jerusalem. JAMES 1, King of England CM 267 - Mary Queen of Scots. 277 FT 66 - court. JAMES II, King of England A5 141-3-Charles II. AV 116 - John Churchill. CM 278 SE 216 - expelled from throne. 216-7 - in Ireland. 218 - founder of British Navy· SL 197 - Restoration. SP 73-4 - Pepys' Diary. WC 229 - Dundee. JAMES, Henry AB 222-6 202 JAMES, Henry (Cont'd.) A8 74 - power, 109-10- Dickens. 31-2, 144-8 215 - commas. 266 - spirit. H 93 - obscurity. HA 52 - verbal precision. OR 29, 102 RS 214, 229-30 - Stevenson. 227- 31 VA 228 - spiritualist. 228-9 - characters; Meredith. 229 - Maeterlinck. 229, 231 - Beerbohm. 229- 31 - style. 230 - Kipling; novels; Wells, 230- 1 - short stories, 231 - Wilde. 245 - Stevenson. 174 - eloquence. VT 219 - disciples. 207 WA 129-30 - obscurity. WB The awkward aae. 219 VT The great good place. 230 VA A kink in space. VA 230 Mark of the beast. 230 VA Turn of the screw. 77 AG 147 CM 134-5 TT 231 VA The two rnaaics. 259 SL What Maisle knew. 224 AB JAMES, Willaim 31-2 CM 176-7 TA JAMESON, Mrs. RB 75 - E. M, Barrett. JANSENISM 276 CM TC 76 - modem rejection. JANUS 167 EM ACD CD CM JAPAN 227 - Wells, AB J ] 9-20 - Churchill. 120-Ï - Charles Masterman. 249 - mistake. 225, 227 - war and peace, 155, 159, 161-5 - aggression. 182 - background. 270 - become European. OR 66, 71 - morality. UD 68 - commercialism; militarism. 68-9 - Europe and. 70-1 - despotism. 71 - characteristics. 139 - England and; Europe and. WA 127 - industrializing. WS JAPANESE 181-2 - copyists. EA 166 - humility. H MM 287-8 - art. 289 - characteristics. NJ 85 - society. 13, 129 - problem. WA 138-9 - prejudice against; in California. 274 - customs. 202 - socialism. WB 204 - patriotism. JASON 240 - Christ and. EM JAURES, Jean Leon 79 - Liebknecht. AT JAZZ AV 100-6 CL 54-7 JEAN de Meung 123-4 - satire. C 123-5, 130 - The romance of the rose. JEANNE d'Arc· see Joan of Arc, Saint JEANS, Sir James 51 - theist. AIS 51-4 - religion. 53 - knowledge. JEBUSITES 62 - Zion Gate. NJ JEFFERSON, Thomas 175 - Macaulay. ACD AS 168 78 CM EA 18-9 - on civilized man. GKC 122 - patriotism. AD AV EA RR 203 250 - human rights; majority , NJ JEFFERSON, Thomas (Cont'd.) SE dence . 194 - deism. 147-8 - on government. 149 - human rights. 195-6 , 287 - deism. 287 - Lincoln; slavery. WA 290 - democratic ideal. WC 18-83 - Cobbett. 19 - Carnot. 59 - democracy. WS 74 - slavery. JEFFRIES, Richard CM 86 JEHOVAH GBS 151 JELLY fish CL 86 JENKINSON, Robert Banks WC 230 - divorce case. JEPSON, Edgar AB 157-8 JEROME, Saint NJ 204 - lion and. OR 177 - pessimism. WS 103 - lion and; sociability. JEROME, Jerome Klapka MM 279-81 - The passing of the third floor back. 81 - commonplace. 81-2 - guides. 85 - worship, 91 - besieged; climate 97 - light of nations. 102-3, 289 - Jews. 107 - contrasts. 109 - heraldry. 109, 118 - Moslems. 110 - head-dress. 119 - groups; English travel­ lers; tradition. 120 - history. 120- 1 - patriotism. 121- 2 - frontiers. 121- 2, 189-90 - conflicts. 122- 4 - Western cities and. 123 - bigots; peace. 123- 4- life. 124 - nationalism. 125-6 - American Consul. 127-8 - military governor. 131 - Christian suzerainty. 140-1 - British policy. 141 - impressions. 142 - fanaticism. 145 - masses; religions; unan­ SL WA imity and indifference. JERUSALEM AG GL NJ 34-5 27-8 - Toledo (Spain) and. 128-9 - description. 51 - desert. 53- 4 - cosmopolitanism. 54 - pilgrims; travellers. 54- 5 - first impressions. 55 - city on a hill; poradox. 55- 6 - Crusades. 55-63, 115 - walls. 56, 79, 82-3, 109, 118-9, 122, 124 - Christians. 58-9, 61-5 - gates. 60 - staircases. 60-2 - hills. 61 - Arabs. 64 , 68, 83 - Church of the Holy Sepulchre. 71 - snow. 73 - great Pyramid. 73-86 - shrines. 77 - religious art; worship. 8 77- critics. 237 - Declaration of Indepen­ 147 - English government, 158 - Nile River. 222 - moral elements. 239, 256 - Crusaders. 247-68 - medievalism. 252 - medieval decay. 253 - fall of; failure of Cru­ sades. 267 - diplomatists. 270 - anti-Semitism. SP 136 - first impression. 141 TC 113 -Crusaders'. WA 79 - description. (see also Palestine) JESUITS AV 116-ethics. C 54 - Pope and. CC 34-9 - defended. EM 14 204 JESUITS (Cont'd.) RR 159 - Baroque. 160 - Ruben». SE 2)5 - English Protestant view. TC 9, 99-100 - casuistry. 103 - Bollandists. WS 161 - culture; English Tories. JESUS Christ AG 159 - Renaissance art, 219 - statue of. AS 161 - sceptics and. B 279 - Satan and. CD 275 - reform and optimism. 279 - the poor; Dickens and. CDU 68-80 - Phoenix. 84-99 89-99 - dual nature. CE 101 - German art. CM 29 - griffin and. CP 373 - Christ-child. EE 28 - as anarchist. EM 5 - as myth 19-21 - as Chinese hero. 97, 99, 204, 235, 239-40Buddha. 97, 234-5 - Mohammed. 97-100, 234-42 - founders of religion, 132-3 - paganism. 157 - temptations of. EM FA FF GBS GKC H LL MM NJ OR 184 - Troian tradition. 192 - death, resurrection and ascension. 195-303 198-9, 203, 205 - Mary and. 199, 268 - Pallas and. 201 - shepherd. 204-5 - Stoicism; ancestor­ worship. 204 , 207 - Plato; Pythagoras. 215-30- in churches and Gospels. 227- 30 - rationalism. 228 - as Millenananist; os Socialist. 228- 9 - spiritual heeler. 228, 272 - Pacifist. 234-7 - insanity. 235 - Zoroaster. 237, 239-40 - Socrates. 239 - the Peripatetics and. Q5S RR SE TA TC TT VA 205 240 - Jason. 264-5 - divinity; St. Athana sius. 281-2 - divinity. 13 - wounds. 133-141 - St. Francis and. 134 - continuity of authority as model. 136-7 - sayings. 261 - Milton. 150 - Caesar. 217 - conversation. 45 - scepticism. 89 - sensibility. Ill - drink. 245-6 - equality and. 144-Passion. 113 - scientists. 179-Devil and. 189 - old religion and. 190 - influence. 191 - 18th- 19th centuries; humanitarianism. 3 192- demons. 77-80 - Renan's Vie de Jesus 79-80, 139 - modem views. 165 - anti-Christ and. 169 188-9 - Gothic architecture. 219 - on wealth. 241-2 - Budctia. 256-7 - dual nature during passion. 270 271-2 - literary style. 271-2 , 275, 298-99 - virility 298 - shyness. 14 - birth and infancy (poem) 58 - household god. 62 - peace. 95 - modernists and. 75 - Islamic objection. 7 - on saints. 14 - Aristotle. 23 - in the Gospels. 25 - divinity. 161, 165 - St. Thomas. 149 - modem views. 214-6 138 - noisiness and, 241 - John the Baptist. CT DE EA JESUS Christ (Cont'd.) VT 110-1 - confidence of. 134 - common sense. 142-3 - brotherly love, 144 - conversation. 210 - greatness. WA 81 - carpenter. WB 144 - in Blake. 178 - agony in the garden. WS 117 - Murry on. 242 - Thomas More. 254 , 256 - Shaw. (see also Bible: New Testament Gos­ pels: Incarnation) JESUS Christ: Crucifixion CP 304, 345-7 EM 271 FA 13 - in Gospels. H 98 - mourning. OR 262 SE 20 - Raman soldiers, WB 178-9 - Christ's weakness. JESUS Christ: Nativity CDU 53 - effects of belief. 84-99 CP 127-9, 139-41 EM 138, 208-9 - demonolgy and. 195-214 - Bethlehem. 199 - art; Mithras. NJ 90-1 - snow. 211 -stable at Bethlehem. OR 169, 264 SP 138 - Bethlehem. WB 107 (see also Christmas) JESUS Christ: Resurrection AG 159 - Renaissance and. AIS 62-4 - Alladin and. RR 20-1 - Renaissance and. 121 - key to Christendom. JEWELS NJ 105-6, 110 - Greek Patri­ archs. JEWISH problem, see Jews. JEWS AB 70-2 251 - financial power. ACD xi - in Dickens. AIS 16 - German Mythology. AT 60 - characteristics. B 51 - names. EM FF FR GKC MM NJ 206 - day of rest. 114 - asceticism. 94 - racial supremacy. 94-6 - German culture. 94-7 - German persecution. 95 - capitalism; communism; thinkers. 90 - Mediterranean culture. 271 - Mohammedan debt. 58 - characteristics. 238 - greed. 251 - art of pleasure. 50-1 - Job. 131 - charters. 82 - in Egypt. 211-2 - trippers. v - in Palestine. 39-40 - racism. 97-8 - capitalism; wages. 98 - political subtlety. 102-3 - Jerusalem. 113 - money-lenders; restless­ ness in Palestine. 133 - Jerusalem rioters; na­ tionalist group. 135, 276 , 299-Arabs and. 144 - materialists; monothe­ ists. 148 - chosen race. 189 - uniqueness. 260 - historians; Victorian historical novels. 269 - fear and criticism. 271 - Greeks; Moslems, 271-2 - problem in Palestine. 273-4 - ritual. 273-5 - Eastern origin. 274 - Orientals. 275-6 - dress. 277- 8 - name-changing. 278 - faults. 278- 9 - Shakespeare. 280 - usury. 280- 1 - real problem. 281- 2 - Armenians. 282 - international agreements, 282- 4 - gipsies. 285 - patriotism. 287 - characteristics. 288 - manual labour. 289 - Jerusalem; patriotism. 2M JEWS (Cont'd.) NJ 289, 297 - citizens. 292 - reputation. 3 292- power in Palestine. 295 - Palestinian fear. 296 - virtues. 298 - peasants. 298-9 - soil and. 299 - labour and. 300-2 - alternatives to a Palestinian nation. 301 - right to temple of wor­ ship. 303 - Christian suzerainty. 304 - outside of Zion; Vic­ torian agnostics; solution to problem. SD 52 - pilgrim: the wandering Jew, SE 128-9-Middle Ages. TA 45 - St. Thomas. UD 238 - Welshmen, 239-40 - as traitors; tyranny; characteristics. WA 48-50 - persecution. 49-50 - nation, 86 - agriculture. 137 WC 176, 177 - prejudice. WS 126 - Egyptian War; South African War; Victorian peri­ od, 127 - treatment in Germany. (see also Anti-Semitism: Judaism) JEZEBEL SL 28 - modem girl and. JINGOISM AB 116 - imperialism. AD 81 - seif-admiration. AT 59 - admiration; scorn. DE 167 EA 73, 75 - parody of patriotism. 77 - English. VT 127 - return to nature. JIX TC 166 JOACHIM de Flor WB 156 - sect, JOAN of Arc, Saint AG 221 - England and France. AIS 57 - Voltaire. AT 267-73 - rationalists. 272 - common sense; mysticism. AV EA 35-6 - prudery. 74 - German claim. 112 - on royalty. EM 206 - Quakerism; Dukhobors; Tolstoyans. FF 63-soldier. GBS 149 GKC 112 - English and. GL 111, 113 NJ 251 - times of. OR 77-9 - Anatole France; Tol­ stoy; Nietzsche. 180 - courage. RR 110 - Papacy and. SE 139-40 - English and. SP 88 - C . Bronte and. SS 1-6 - Shaw. TC 36 - appreciation. 93-100 - Protestant views. UD 161-2 - historical heroine. WS 62 - nationalist. 9 98- in Psychic News. JOB, Book of. see Bible: Old Testament; Job. JOCOSITY CM 126 - sex and. JOHN (the name) II 52 - meaning. JOHN, King of England 51 294 - Mohammedan threat, 131 - burghers. 96 269 - whitewashing of. 270-1 - characteristics. 273 - in ballads. 273-5 - contemporary thought on. 295 - Magna Carta. SE 99-errors. WA 122 - despot. JOHN, Saint, Evangelist AD 113-4 - Gospel. AT 116 - agnosticism. RR 47 - New Jerusalem. JOHN Bull GL 126 - caricature of English. NJ 205 - significance, 206 - origin. CM EM GKC GL MM 207 GKC JOHN Bull (Cont'd.) WC 210 - history. JOHN Chrysostom, Saint TA 84-5-philosophy. JOHN of Austria, Don CM 259-79 - Mary Queen of Scots. 267 - George I. CP 107-11 JOHN of Gaunt C 57-8-Wycliffe. 93 - Chaucer. 109 - patronage. JOHN of the Cross, Saint CC 20 - appeal to the mystic. JOHN the Baptist, Saint VA 241 -Christ and, JOHNSON, Brimley CT 251 JOHNSON, Lionel CM 91 JOHNSON, Samuel AB 65,141,280-1 219- Belloc. AG 69 - king and. AIS 156 AV 3-4 - modem mind. 94 CC 79 - Catholic influence. CD 7 - pessimism. CM 78 118, 121 - Boswell, CT 53-4 - disease. 58 - versus Chesterton. 67 - sincerity. 83 - Goldsmith; politics; Radi­ cals. 83, 134-Whigs. 86 - Irish independence. 134 - dictionary. EM 123-4 - superstitions. 124 - Cross. FF 264 - rebel. 271-2 - Whig aristocracy. GKC xix - contemporaries. 4 - Boswell. 6 - humanity; Carlyle. 8-9 - conversations. 10 - Scotchmen; Johnson's Club. 63 - birth; education; marriage. 64 - London ; Irene. 64 , 70 - Vanity of human wishes. 65 - Idler; Lives of the Poets; Rambler; friends. 65, 196-201 - Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia. 66 - character; soul. 67 - contradictions. 67-8, 196 - paradox. 69-70 - temperament. 75 - death. 241-2 - biography, GL 117 131 - nationalism. H 208 - conversation, 209 - death; religion. 212 - sentimentality. HA 107 - popularity. 152 - humility. JJ 11-91 - political thought; con­ jugal virtue. LL 45 - reputation. RS 14 - on Scots. SE 224 - on Whig rule. TA 201 - lexicographer. TT 283 - Toryism. 318 - description. VA 13 - nationalism. 151 - character. 163 - Browning. 214 - Jahn Wilkes, WA 105 - immorality. 165 - morality. 275 289 - slavery. WC 69 - English crown. 70- 1, 227-Cobbett. 244 - remembrance. WS 6 - puns. WW 121-2 - equal. JOHNSON, William Ernest AG 102-3 - logician. JOINVILLE, Jean de LL 131 - historian. JOKES AB 171 - dullness. ACD 15 - laughing, AD 40-1 - basic; mankind. 232-3 - definition. AT 12-9 - vulgar. 14^ - democracy; marriage. 208 JOKES (Cont'd.) AT 149 - common sense. CD 117 - defensibility. CL 200 - nature of. CM 242 - Cavalier poets. GL 174 HA 29, 171 II 18 - prophecies and. LL 95 - sacred subjects, % - subject and occasion. 117 - about Christianity. NA 51 - victory of. RR 117-Scots. SD 135 - marriage. UD 149-51 - aristocracy. WS 21-2 - in literary style. 238 - Thomas More. (see also Wit and humor) JONES, Jack WC 10 -speeches. JONES, Mary Evelyn Monckton GKC 128-32 - Life in old Cambrldge. JONGLEUR CM 33, 35 FA 77 - jester; juggler; tumbler; troubadour. JOHNSON, Ben C 109 - Shakespeare. 119 - pedantry. CM 272-3 - Don Juan. TT 305-6 - Father Christmas. WA 278-9 - Every man in his humor. JOSEPH, Emperor of Austria CE 48 CT 203 SP 96 JOSEPH, Saint SD 94 - patron of carpenters. WS 217-Digby. JOSEPH of Arimathea AD 112-8 - legend. SE 35-6-Avalon. JOSHUA MM 97 - revoluntary. JOUBERT, Joseph MM 1-2 - on God. JOURNALISM AB 185-6 - Fleet Street. AB ACD AD AG AIS AT AV B CT EM FA FF GKC H 209 187 - Bohemia. 242 -duties. 45-53 - power. 73 - religious. 119 - suggestion. 84-5 7 - anonymous. 41 - insincerity. 42, 176 - vulgarity, 141 - public opinion. 148-50 - immorality. 155-61, 163-8 - reform. 166-7, 174 - politics. 169-77 - fallacies. 174 - mistake. 175 - obscurity; American; paradox. 177 - life; truth. 205 - prophecy · 122 - on vulgarity and eccen­ tricity. 60 - interest. ix - Chesterton. ix, x - religion, x - Oscar Wilde. 61 - psychoanalysis. 65 - misprints. 181 - modem. 230 - American; English. 233 - morality. 10 - cowardice. 28 - Creation, 28-9, 32-3 - prehistoric man distorted. 18 - history; stories. 18-9 - biography. 19 - defect. 56, 96-7 - evils of. 65, 145-6, 153-4 - in Eng­ land , 97-9 - international relations. 145-6 - divorce. 76-7 - periodical. 77 - The Book of Snobs. 217 - Keats. 265 - titles. 113 » influence. 114 - definition. 115 - sensational; France; Ire­ land . JOURNALISM (Cont’d.) H 116 - courage; surprise. 119 - wisdom. HA 202 - definition. II 22 72-3 - English, and the past. M 39 - conjurer and journalist. MM 42, 55-6 - in England. 55-6 - politics. 122-3 - problems. 122-31 - mistakes. 156 - functions. OR 213-4 - tyrannies. RR 205 - England; Italy. TC 9 - lying. 47-50 - logic. 91-2 - one-sidedness. TT 161-2 - criticism. UU 107-14 - British government; plutocracy. 115-22- political parties. 200-8 - tyranny, 201- 8 - public opinion. 204-6 - British monopoly. 208 - dullness of British. WA 54-6 - in England. 61-2 - evils of. 62 - the rich. 134-5 - in America. 253 - France. WC 55 - literary genius. 276 - American and English. 165-7 - London. 210 - wit. 255 - modem thought. (see also Newspapers; Press;Yellow press) JOURNALISTS AB 187 - Bohemian. AG 103 - logic. AT 7-8 - aggressiveness. 101 - nuisance. 175 - yellow, 255 - fairies and. AV 125-6 - moralists. CT 138 - on prayer. EA 49 - on Prussia. 166, 172 - wor-mongers. 173 - ignorance of Germany. 198 - on peace by fear. 214 - on disarmament. WIS WS H UU 278 - missionaries and. 107-14 - British. 143-50 - misinterpretation. WA 58-9 - tactics. WS 186 - Protestantism. JOURNEY . see Travel. JOWETT, Benjamin RB 118 - Browning and. JOY AB ACD 218 - af nothing to do. 110 - grotesque. Ill - ugliness and, AD 85-enjoying. CD 6 - 19th century. 300 - eternal. CL 209-10 - of science (poem). CM 139 - religion and. CP 118,218 DE 124-5 - literature of. 133 - humility. FA 88-9 - gratitude. GL 134-5 - sorrow and. H 98 - Christianity and. 101 - belief in, 107 - Dante. 110 - religion. 206 - frivolity and. 231 - modern. LL 101 - humility. NA 289 - possession. SP 76-8 - Dickens. TT 7 - Satan. VT 8-terror and. 60 - asceticism and. 61-2 - sense of. 220 - seriousness and. (see also Enjoyment; Festivity; Happi ness) JOYCE, James AS 52, 84 SL 216-7 - Ulysses. JOYNSON-HICKS, William CT 27 - censorship. JUAN, Don, feq John of Austria. JUDAISM AV 85 - cosmos and. CDU 86 - Incarnation. EM 69 - Jubilees. 80, 106, 108, 110-5, 314 monotheism. 98-100, 110 - international 210 JUDAISM (Cont'd.) 141 -3 - demonology. EM 191 - Roman Empire’s end, 164 - Christianity and. OR 285-6 - Christianity's origins. (see also Jews) JUDAS Iscariot 114 - John Churchill; films. AV 290 - history and. NJ 291 - Jewish history. 18 - treason. PL JUDAS Maccabeus 291 - Jewish history. NJ JUDE, Saint 290 - the obscure. NJ JUDGMENT 213 - indecision and impartialAT ity. 241-5 - private. CM 244 - authority. 252 - critical. CT 101, 103 - moral conduct. FF 102 - charity. 9 - common sense. SL JUDGMENT Day 3 CP JUGGERNAUT 277 - religion, EM JUGGLER; Juggling 33, 35 CM 167-8 FF JULIAN rhe Apostate 14 - sympathy. EM 263-4, 291,293, 296 - Arianism » 290 - historical habit. NJ 140 - pantheism. OR JULIAN the Hospitaller, Saint 30 - innkeepers. UU JUMBLIES 136 - nonsense. EM JUNKERS 76-7 - characteristics. EA JUPITER 104, 108-9 EM JURY 41 - female. AIS 209 - impartiality. AT 210-opinion and. 78-9 - male and female » AV 160 - seance. CT SP TT JUSTICE AG AT 154 80-7 - selection; composition . 255 - Swinburne. 43 - origin. 43-4 - maintaining. 95 - human institutions. 86 B 6-7 - optimism and injustice. CD 156 - Dickens. 52 - necessity. CDU FF 167-8 - reactions to injustice. 71 - in arts. GKC 77 - injustice in England. 227-8 - simplicity. 158 - definition. H 115 - defenders of liberty. II 149 - England: loss for Ireland. 165-73 - British miscarriage of. 99 - degraded. LL 102-3 - political injustice. MM 175 - Christian. OR 127-8 - sun-gods. RR 118-9 - snobbishness. SD 24 - wit. SP TT 230 - progress. UD 69-70 - distortion. 87 - law; nature. 144 - Prohibition. WA 1 93 - Cobbett on. WC 164 - Dublin. WS 56 - political. WW JUSTIFICATION RB 188-9 116 - Murry on. WS JUSTINIAN, Emperor 257 - Code; Palestinian social NJ experiment. 46 - Roman law. RR JUVENILE delinquency 21-2 - novelettes and. DE KALEE EM 276 KANT, Immanuel AIS 91 TA 176-7 UD 142-3 - on conscience. WS 193 - paradoxes. 21Ί RB KANTARA NJ KAYE-SMITH, Shelia FF 230 - emancipation of women. KEATS, Jahn AG 128 - imagination. C 232 - Chapman’s Homer. CM CT EM GL RB SL TE UD VA 135 21 - Horace. 21—4 - Ode to a nightingale. 22 - defense. 23 - on dreams. 24 - Horace. 25, 39 70-7 - criticism. 77, 81 - Gifford. 81 - Croker and. 82 - death. 122 - Ode to a nightingale. 176 - Gifford; poet. 15-optimism. 19 - Browning. 137 - Ode to a Grecian iim. 142 - poetry. 231 - method. 1 - Tennyson. 27 - St. Agnes eve. 3 112- Ode to a nightingale. 20 - French Revolution. 23 - eccentric. 193 58 - E. B. Browning. 5 74- Barrett. 157 - Fitzgerald, KEBLE, John VA 11 - religion. 45 - Oxford movement. KEENE, Charles VA 154 - humor. KEITH, Sir Arthur TC 84-92 , 205 - Darwinism. KENNEDY, Ramm MM 281 -3 - Servant in the house. KENSINGTON AB 9 KENSINGTON Gardens NJ 78-81 - Jerusalem. KENSIT (surname) AB 270-1 H 249 KENT SE 44 KENYON, John RB 21-2, 58, 69, 76 - Browning. KER, W. P. AB 96 KETTLE It 58-9 - household word in Ire­ land. KETTLE, Thomas Michael Il 154 - greatness. 156 - English politicians. 158 - betrayal. 171 KEYS EM 248ff - Church founded on. WS 265 - of Peter; the English poor. KILLING UD 23-4 - spiritualist belief. WS 108 - military. KILLING time FT 67 VT 93 KINDNESS GR 70 H 197 - strong man and. SL 4-purpose. UD 101 - power. WB 22 - fundamental virtue. 99 - milk representing. KING, Basil UD 20-3 - The abolishing of death 21-4 - spiritism. KING Cole. see Cole, King. KING(S) AIS 121-2-power. AS 143-4 C 41 - popes and. 46 - Lords and. 202 - nobles and. CE 27-8 - hereditary. CM 175-6 CT 269, 272 - society. GL 94-7 - funerals; lying in state 95 - owned by people. 95-7 - accessibility. 96 - popularity. LL 88 - medieval. MM 243 - title; position; England. SD 95-6 - slave. TA 112 - saints and. VT 232-3 - conception. 212 KING(S) (Cont'd.) WA 118-20 - position; England. 118-23 - President and. 119 - popularity. WS 203 - objections to. (see also Monarchy) KINGLAKE, Alexander CE 118-9 - on Napoleon III. KINGLINESS NA 112 KING'S College GL 7 - Henry VI. KINGSFORD, Anna AB 82-3 AIS 149 KINGSLEY, Charles CM 28, 81 EA 6ό - Teutonic theory. GL 109 - middle ages, HA 199 - history and. RB 8 - Water babies. UD 27 - Yeast. VA 40 - rationalism. 57 - "Bible of History." 57, 72 - Carlyle. 62 - Froude. 64 - schism. 70, 138 - Newman. 72 - Dickens; Water Babies; Ruskin; Tennyson; Thackeray. 72, 176 - Browning. 72-3 - Hughes. 73 - Maurice. 74 - Arnold. 134 - boys' books; Westward hoi 135 - Hypatia. 160 - Renan. 181 - E. B. Browning. 205 - religion. VT 219 - simplicity. kipling, Rudyard AB 179 ACD 74 - power. AD 255 AG 37 - on Canada. 137 - modernity. 141 - on romance. AIS 99. AT 82 - burial place. 83 263 - Tom Jones. 179 102 - Dickens. 149 - British Army. 88 29 - English; France; Maupassant. GKC 223 - humility; Royal Society of Literature. 22, 38-53 - heretic. H 42 - poetry. 48 - philanderer. 213 - sentimentality. 259 - young nation. 283 - realism. 287-91 - philosophy of life. 289-90 - poet. 292 - purpose. 28 - Jacobs, W. W. HA 213 - Belfast poetry. II 100 - Recessional. MM 163 - The mark of the beast. NJ 165 - on gods. 142 - poetry. RB 172 - influence on William II RR 24 - on English history. SE 5-6 - literary theory. TT 60, 231, 250 - imperialism. VA 73 - Carlyle. 230 - James. 243 - Stevenson. 249 - Indians; Jingoes; jour­ nalists. 249-50 - Victorianism. 194 - lower classes. VT 212 - Virgil. WS 104 - genius. WW KIRKUP, Seymour 103 - Browning. RB KIRKWOOD, Mr. 11 - on capitalists. WC KITCHENER, Horatio Herbert 1 - symbol. LK 2 - mathematics. 3 - French soldier. 4- 5 - Palestine. 5- 6 - Mohammedans. 6-7 - Egypt. 9-11 - Arabs. 15 - engineer. AT AV CD CE CM GBS - short story; Moore. 17- Boer War. 213 KITCHENER, Heration Herbert (Cont'd.) LK 19-21 - English army. 23-4 - silence. 25-8 - trade unions. 30 - Russia, MM 241-2 254 - loyalty. KITCHENS AT 99 - communal. WW 340-2 - wash-room. KNIFE TT 117 - contemplation. WW 146 - purpose. KNIGHTS and knighthood C 67-8-glory. 68 - crusader; religious wars. 69 - significance. NJ 235 - Godfrey de Boui I Ion. SD 79 - bought and sold. 92-3, 100 - vow. KNOW-NOTHING Party CT 226-9 KNOW Nothingism TC 142 - Catholicism attacked. KNOWLEDGE 22 - innocence. ACD 53-4 - Sir James Jeans. AIS 233-4 - infallible. AV 166 - education. CM 56 - dangerous. CT 135-6 - humility. DE 216-7 - well-rounded. FF 81 - existence. H 50 - certainty and sincerity, LL 50-1 - tricking and misleading. 8, 40 - know too much. MK 160 - death and. 185 - reality of the unknown. NJ 114 - desire for. SP 199-200 - agnostics; the un­ TA knowable . 129 - the unknown. TT (»e_al.5B Omniscience) KNOX, John 266 - plainness. c 20 - influence. CC 48-9 - Puritanism. GBS 115 GL 231 - Scott. TC 231-3 - Scotland. 28 - paradox. WS WS 187 - liberality. KNOX, Ronald 57, 99 65-Trollope. 112 -Church leakage. 34 - detective story. 36 - praise; Reunion all round. TA 84 - on Mencken. WS 56 - apologist; miracles. KOEPENICK AT 135-6 - affair at, KORAN WA 141 KOSCIUSKO, Thaddeus EA 191 KOWERDA, Boris EA 140 KREUGER, Mr. AV 172 , 235 KRUGER, Stephanus Johannes Paulus AB 109 TT 143-51 147 - description. 150 - identity. KRUPP, Alfred CE 149, 152, 168 UU 167-73 KU KLUX KLAN GS 229 - directed against anybody TC 141-4 - conspiracy. WA 155-6, 181, 223 AB AG CC CT LABOR and laboring classes AG 170 - legislation. AIS 169-74 - dignity. AS 42 - independence. 201 -3 - praise. AT 17-8 - England , AV 51-2 - sexes. CT 15 - claims. 15- 6 - English coal-owners. 16- 7 - railways. 208 - value. 209- leisure. EE 132 - security. 134 - inequality. 172 - conditions. FF 166-8, 238-43 , 246-7 - Eng­ land. 238-9 - treating man as furni­ ture. 214 LABOR and laboring classes (Cont'd.) FF 249-50 - reform. II 32 - Irish peasants. 86 - agriculture and trade unions. 87 - guilds. 262-4 - characteristics. 268 - rights. 19 - controversy. 22-3 - problem in London. 23 - slavery. 25 - liberty. 288 - Jews and manual. 299 - Arab; Jews. 105 - monument of Leo XIII ■ 215 - capital; government. 98-9 - contract bargaining· 99 - slavery. 1 IB — revolt. 238 - Wales. 262 - England. 53-63 - punishment. 89-97 - British history. 151-8 - Germany, 58 106 - dignity. 156 - oppression. 106, 145-6 - America, 32 - English agricultural. 42-3 - Cobbett on. MM NJ RR SD UD UU WA WC (see also Trade unions) LABOR Party (England) WS 128 - communism. LABOUCHERE, Harry TC 169 - Dreyfus case. LABYRINTH EM 91 - of Minos. LACEDAEMON RR 56 - methods. LACORDA1RE, Jean Baptiste AV 64 LADY, see Woman. LAFAYETTE, Marquis de SE 239 - expelled, VA 51 - Carlyle. LA FONTAINE, Jeon de CM 208 - fairy tales. LAITY CC 55-7 - proselytizing. LAMA OR 241 -2 - tearing robe of. LAMB, Charles GBS 45-6 - humor. LL 168 - the pun. RS 141 - Stevenson. SD 83 - on valentines. VA 23 - eccentric; Rousseau. LAMB (animal) WB 137, 141 - Blake. 142 - wrath of. LAMBETH Report WS 37 - birth control. LAMP UD 10 - definition. LAMP-POST TT 221 UD 9-17 LANCASTER, House of C 45-6 - York and. LAND AB 254 -England. CM 163 - Tolstoy. CT 112 - enclosure, II 37, 133 - tenure in Ireland, 172 - Irish Land League. OS 80 - campaign in Ireland; boy cotti ng, SE 249 - Parliament and common land, TAL 269 - struggle for. WA 37 - loyalty. 85-6 - value. WC 102 - nationalization. WS 232 -love of. 233-6 - love of, and sex. LANDLORDS MM 259-60 - failure. SE 110, 161 - medieval. 169-70 - abbots. WC 64 - leases. WS 261 - system. LAN DOR, Walter Savage AS 56 CM 135 RB 26 , 56, 101-3 - Browning. 56 - Napoleon III, 102-3 - character. 103 - E. B. Browning. VA 23 - eccentric. LANDULF of Aquino TA 54 - feudal fighter, LANDSCAPE AD 88 - dicipline; equality. 215 LANDSCAPE (Cont'd.) AS 17-9 - painting and portraiture. 201-3 EM 11, 145, 200-1 - of England. TT LANE, John 92 AB 193 CT LANG, Andrew 223-7 - Edwin Drood. ACD 260 - Don Juan and Queen CM Mary. 119 - reading and culture. EM 2 - on detective stories. GS 98-9 - fairy tales. OR 4 - gossip. VT LANG, Elsie M. GKC 29-33 - Literary London. LANGLAND, William 57-8 - Wycliffe, C 226- knowledge. 246- 9, 275 - Chaucer. 247- 9 - philosophy. 152-3 - appreciation. TC 242 - Reformation. VA Piers Plowman. 246 - life. c 249 - prophetic; theme. 152*3 - Bunvan’s Pilgrim1* TC progress. LANGUAGE 52 - of democracy. AB 215-6 - modern. AT 217-8 - modernization of an­ C CM CT DE FF GL GW OR RS SL TA TC WA cient. 206 - criticism. 29-30 - changeability. 103 - vulgar. 118 - confusion, 200 - of politician. 145-6 - lower classes. 171 - education, 51 - paradox. 87 - convention. 87-92 - fallibility. 91- 2 - nature. 92- 4 - of colors; symbols. 230-2 - modern. 144-6 - literature. 19 - logic. 183-8 - Thom ism. 164-71 - meaning. 59 - differences. WC 6 - paradox; abuse, (to· also Speech; Words) LANSBURY (surname) AIS 112 LA LANTERNE (newspaper) 15 UD LAPSED Catholics 112-5 CC LARES 125 - mythology. EM LAS Casas , Bartolomé de 100 - Justice to aborigines. TC LATIMER, Hugh, Bp. 164-5 AB 295 - Protestant martyr. EM 180 - Oxford martyr. SE LATIN language 199 - English and. AS 205-6 - grammar; clarity. 82 - England. C 61 - in the Mass. CC 48 CDU 53 - in life. CT 109, 164 - in the Mass. TC 191-7 - conversion and. 90-1 - English and. UD 180, 181 - English. WC LATIN peoples 147- 8 - gaiety; suicide. AS 148- 9 - Christianity. 202 - impatience; Teutons. CT 21 - common sense. GL 129 - Christmas. LATITUDINARIANISM 57-60 - authority in religion OR 136-47 - Christianity. LAUD, William, Abp. 44 - Book of soorts. AIS 133 - Puritans. . AV LAUDER, Sir Harry 233 - Scottish character. TC LAUGHTER 24 - sorrow. ACD 51 - dignity. 38 - belief. AD 43 - luck. 233 - duty. 12-4 - causes. AT 125 - unpracticed. B 12 - spiritual. CM 155-9 216 FF LAUGHTER (Cont'd,) CP 218-skull). 249 DE 49 - skulls. 117 EM 314 - Puritanism, FF 143 - human quality; equality. GS H GL GW H 153-5 - French. 166 - disease. 94-belief. 208 - hearty. 239 - Whistler. 239-40 - Browning. HA 28, 29, 31 - description. 49 - English. MAN 284 - soul and. NA 161 - infrequent. 300 - respect and. RDQ 271 - refuge. SCT 194-alone. SP 24-5 - origins. UD 1 - animals. 79 - poverty. VT 67 - Francis of Assisi. 75 - abandonment to. WA 2 - international relations. 5 - incomprehensible. 18 - equality. LAUNDRIES WW 340-2 - kitchens and. LAUREL AG 164 - uses. LAURENCE, Saint GL 31, 33 - E scoria I Palace. LAVISHNESS OR 163-4, 182-3-Christianity. LAW(S) AB AD CL CT EE EM FA FF 192-4-libel. 195 - reign of terror. 187 - commercial. 199 - human. 12 - legality. 159 - in England; science. 160 - mediums. 45-7 - lunatics; criminals. 00 - necessity. 200-1 - Christ, 137 - wickedness. 152-3 - failure. 152-8, 166-7, 183-7 - in England. II INC LL MM NJ OR OS RR SD SE SL TA TT UD VT WA 154-5, 158-abuse. 166-7 - paupers. 172 - criticism. 182-7 - bow mod laws are made. 236 - piracy and plutocracy. 61 - liberty. 275 - democracy. 150 - lawgiver. 64 - equality. 105 - of nature. 63, 86-88, 292 - in England. 144 - liberty. 149 - fictions of. 112 - definition. 46 - peasantry. 132 - distribution. 240 - oppression of the weak, 74-5 - of nation and nursery, 142 - society. 20 - test of validity. 95 - making. 100 - crime and. 234-5 - St. Thomas. 215-6 - logic; in England. 84-8 - standard. 87 - nature; justice. 262 - in England. 257 - sanctity. 155, 254 - United States. 157 - inequality; in England. 34-Cobbetton. ‘ 211-6 - human functions. 214-5 - marriage. LAWRENCE, David Herbert AV 108-beards. 9 206- The Argonauts. CM 196-202 SL 217-8 - character. TA 26 - praise of body, 127 - Platonic philosophy. WS 205-cult. 208 - mysticism. LAWSON, Wilfred AB 281 LAWYERS FF 59-60 - women and. WB 111 - head-dress. WC 34-Cobbetton. 88 - duty. LAY orders FA 130 WC WW 217 LAZINESS H 197- strong mon. SP 51 - of mon· LEAD LL 161 - in windows. 158-62 - love of metals. LEADERSHIP CM 6-9 - democracy. 202 - modern. CT 267 -social. UD 165-6 - crises; revolutions, LEAGUE of Nations AIS 48 - tribal! sm. AV 138-basis. EA 152 - significance. 179 - failure. 202 - pacifism, GL 60 - Peace Memorial; Gill. LEAR, King of England GL 18 LEAR, Edward CM 210 - Nonsense rhymes· 211 - escapism; evil. DE 64-7 -nonsense literature. GL 18 HA 120-4 LL 24 - re-issued. 26 - nonsense literature. VA 153 - nonsense literature. VT 136 - persuasion. LEARNING and scholarship CM 190-4 - Anglicanism. FF 16 - ignorance and. 16-7 - simplicity. GKC 233 - culture, SP 98 - humility. TT 85 - paradox. UD 166 - important things. WA 230-1 - academic and scienti­ fic . (see also Scholars) LEATHER AIS 49-50 LEBLANC, Maurice UD WA 216-7 LEE, Vemon SP 37 LEGALISM TT 85-6 - professionalism. LEGALITY, jee Law. LE GALLIENNE, Richard CM 91 135-6 - Francis Thompson. RS 88 - self-effacement, LEGENDS AD 115 - essence, AG 182-8 - truth in. AS 130-2 EA 65 - definition. EM 83 - common sense . 124 - Catholic Church and. 13-4 - reality; value, 22, 119196-8-truth. 196-8 - history. GKC 90 - about Dickens. GL 50 - ancient and modem. 51 - Dark Ages. 55-9 - James Wolfe. GS 242-7 - myths. H 177-Irish. NJ 118-Moslems. OR 84-6 - history. 268 - creation. SP 39-40 - allegories, UD 160-4 - history. 162 - purpose, 164 - value. (see also Mythology) LEGISLATION. see Law, LEGS Π 54-5 LEHMANN, R. C. AB 117 LEIGHTON, Frederic GW 77-Tennyson. 81-2 - Browning. WB 49-50 - Stothard, LEISURE FF 34 - A. Lupine; G. Lerous. LECKY, William E. H. TM 1 - history of rationalism. LECTURERS WA 19 - limitations; sight-seeing. Ill - Americans. CT 209-labor. GS 125 - liberty. 125-31 - nature of. 127-8 - social system. 23-34 - law. 184-91 - capitalism; liberty 60 - Oriental literature. II OS SP LEE, Robert E. CP 73 126 - food. 218 LEISURE (Cont'd.) TT 287 - misuse, WA 103-5 - English. WW 69-false. 133-7 - big business. 158 - universalism. LENIN, Nikolai CDU 50-2 - religion. CT 143 - teaching. 227 - influence. LEO XIH, Pope C 54-5 - advancement of labor. CC 99-100, 104 - rights of labor. RR 100 - democracy; Pope Inno­ cent 111. 100, 104 - monument In St. John Lateran. 103-4 - trade unions. 106 - pontificate. TA 125-6 - Rights of Labor. WS 62 - Popular Party. 246 - French Republic State. LEONARDO da Vinci AG 161 - Christianity. MM J 77 - Mona Lisa ■ RR 118-genius. LEOPOLD II, King of Belgium Il 163 - Conan Doyle. LEPANTO C 156 - Cervantes. CP AV 190-4 - culture. CM 72 - of cranks. SCL LEVITATION 223 OR 224 - pride and. TA 160-1 - St. Thomas. WS 55 - Ascension. 96 LEVITY AD 4-5 - mystical. 221 - English and. AV MT 249 - strength. 150 - Latin, and frivolity. RR LEVY, (3 scar 225 - aristocracy. OR LEWES, George 92-3, 181 - G. Eliot. VA LEWIS, Percy Wyndham 67 - morality. AS LEWIS, Sinclair 232 CT 119 - Main street. SL 12) - justification. 130-1 142 - The man who knew Coo· lidge: paradox. 147 - Puritan. 19-20 - criticism. TC WA 106-11 - battle. EM 89-battle. HA 23 - battle. NJ 266 - last Crusade. RR 111 - peril of Christendom. LEPRECHAUNS UD 280, 284-5 - existence. LEROUX, Gaston UD 34 - Leblanc and, 34-5, 38-41 - The yellow room. 41-2 - Rouletabille chez Kmpp. LESAGE, Alain Rene AV 173-9- Gil Blas. CM 46 - Gil Blas. LESLIE, Shane GL 74-8 - George IV, biography. LESSING,, Gotthold AIS 91 LETTERS AT 167 - to an editor. 178-83 - novel and, 182-3 - de tec five stories and. 38-9 - Main street. LEWIS, Wyndham WS 133 -Whitman and. LI Hung Chang EM 88-9 LIARS. see Lies and lying. LIBEL 192-4 - laws. AB 195 - definition. 89 - law and distributism. OS 53 - satire. VT LIBERAL 267 - definition. VT LIBERAL Party (England) 22 AB 188 CM LIBERALISM 202 - free trade. AB 117 - Christianity and. AP 117-8 - democracy. AS C 43 - prejudice. CC 40-6 - internationalism. 219 WA LIBERALISM (Cont'd.) CC 42 - patriotism. CD CM EM 231 - Dickens. 186-9 - E. and R. Browning. 279-89 297 - Oxford movement and French Catholic Revival. WC WS LIBERTY ACD 14 - heresy. 304 - belief and. 223-4 - religion. MM vi - obscurantists. NJ 73-4 - modem weakening. OR 82-6 - democracy. 232-60 86-7 - Browning. RB 202 - faith. 221-9 - Fascism. RR 228 - secret societies. 229 - corruption. 240 - liberty. 105 - viewpoint. SD 106-9 - inconsistencies. 17 - names. SL 47-8 - gates. 237 - free-thinkers. 25 - in theology. TA 74-7 - Protestantism. TC 74-7, 103-4 - Catholic Church. 90 - Cobden and Bright. 212 - rationalism. VA 213 214 - Christianity. 265-9 - E, B. Browning. VT 267 - ideal. 267-9 - R. Browning. 106 - aristocrats. WC 59-65 WS 64 - Fascists; Spain; socialists 179 - Daniel O'Connell. 244 - in politics. 248 - freedom, LIBERALITY ACD 73 - tyranny and. LIBERALS AG 71 55 - Tories and. AT 128 - credulous. AV 27 - attitude towards Irish, II 23- belief. TM 17 - Cobbett. VA H AG AS AT AV CC CD CE CM CT DE EA EE EM FF FL FR 220 124-5 - Conservative» and. 16 - English and American. 64 - enemies of Church. 83 - of speech; Carlyle; Dic­ kens. 115 - definition. 175 - Dickens on. 7 - sceptics. 9, 169-74 65 - decalogue. 99 - mystery. 168-9 - Republicanism. 75 - origin of British. 103-4 - popular songs. 151 - family. 210 - free verse. 58 - religious. 107 - sacredness and value. 107-8 - Church protects. 145 - Dickens on American. 102 - American Revolution. 1-9 - man. 109-12 - thought. 203 - modems. 236-7 - Catholicism; God. 237 - Dante. Ill - religious orders; the soul. 111-2 - society. 173 - moral. 190 -4 - religious; modem*. 141 - oligarchy. 34 - Frederick the Great. 210 - capitalist Idea; commu nist idea. 192-205 - scepticism. 196-205 -sex. 210-1 - socialism. 62 - family. 66 - vigilance. 96-7 - variety. 77-8 - attack on. 94, 203-11 - Prohibition. 94-5 - nonconformists. 100 99- standards. 114-5 - family. 150-1 - Christianity. 255 - crowds. 102 223 - in monasteries. UU 199 - appetite for. FT 16 - literature. VA 214 GKC GL GS 188 - localism. 131-2, 162 - England. 125 - leisure. 290 - Puritans. 13 - modems. 15 - religion. 17 - ideal. 61 - law. 195 - romance. 227 - materialism. 263 - soul. 137-8 - democracy. 218 - life. 219 - economic. 48 - flourishing. 184 - veto in Eden. 97 - religious notion. 98 - creation; moral substance. 98-100 - political. 100-3 - loss; in England. 144, 296-7 - law. 297 - equality. 16 - limitation. 176-7 - mental and emotional. 213-5 - tyranny. 236-7 - mon and God. 245-50, 261 - Christianity guards. 9 - socialism. 189-91 - leisure. 63-4 - limitation. 233-4 - 19th century. 240-7 - Fascism; problem. 70-1 - family. 110 - profligacy. 110, 127-8-divorce. 132 - principle. 134 - license. 45 - lunacy. 126 - food. 127 - the sea. 146 - Spaniards. 7-8 - religious, 16th century. 11-2 - French Revolutionists, 13 - paradox. 29 - Reformation. 37-8, 41-4 - family. 22 - definition. 94 - attack on. WA 5 - American interference; LIBERTY (Cont'd.) H HA II JJ LL MM NJ OR OS PL RR SD SL SP SS TC TM UD despotism. 5-6 - Arab*. 128 - in thought. 148 - loss. 153 - State. 254 - attack on. 279 - in England. WC 5 - revival. 45-6 - Wilke*. WS 60 - representative govern­ ment. 123 - luxury. 124 - society. 131 - vision. 187 - modems. 240 - God. 241 - Thomas More and. 261 - plutocracy. 262 267 - Protestantism. WW 337-42 - socialist*, (see also Democracy; Equality; Freedom) LIBRARIAN 18, 156-7 RDQ LIBRARIES 95-6 - home. CT 11 - madness in. LL 87 - cataloging. TT LICENSE 134 - liberty. SD LIEBKNECHT, Wilhelm 79 - Jaurès and. AT LIERRE 313-6 - ballad of. TT LIES and lying ACD 58 183 - historians. AG 34-9 - Protestant. CC 34-9, 58-9-Jesuit. 58-9 - Catholic Church. 168-9 - truth and. CD 160 - truth and. CP FR 43 149 - the real liar. PAR 9- Jesuit; journalists. TC WA 26 - Americans. LIFE AB 49 - Chesterton's philosophy of. 221 102 - return to simplicity. 15-20 - origin; Edison. 115-6 - Buddhist; Christian, 13-4, 35 - value. 89 - sensibility. 137 - plain living and high LIFE (Cont’d.) AD 170 - death and. AG 101 - literature, 195 - experience. 241-2 - theories of. AJS 218-human. 218-20 - pagans. AS 108-health. AT 16-7, 135 - literature. 96 - play. 116 -ignorance. 198-9 - worship. AV 130 - the living and the dead. 166 - optimists and pessimists. B 18 - readiness to lose. 320-1 - sacred. B5B vii - not void. C 157 - Christian concept, 158-61 - dance; race. CD 17-art. 201-2 - personal view, 265 - psychology, 273 - religious concept. 288 - war, CM 133-4 - Hound of Heaven. 168 - religion. CP 53, 217, 289 121-2 - great minimum. 175-6 - love of. CQT 91 - small things made war on us. 19 - changes. CT 53 - battle. 58 - classics in battle of, 68, 123-5 - literature. DE 158-61 - poetry; human, 164-5 - philosophy of; impor­ FF tance . 255-art. FL FR FT GBS GKC GL thinking. 192-3 - novel. 194 - free will. 233 - a riot. 265 ~ acceptance. 301 - object. 6 - cycles. 9 - warfare. 25 - conflict. 94 - poetry. 150 218 - liberty. 6 - coincidence in. 18 - paradox. 36- 7 - essential goodness. 37- 8 - divinity of. 95 - awful. 96 - joke; paradox. 146 - preference for, 78 - pleasure in. 286 - thinness of this world. 0R 54-5 - expectations from. 151 - Forbidden Tree in. 19 - paradoxes. 185 - paradox. 188-9 - Shaw. 79 - making fun of common life. 3-4 - beauty; interest. 56 - facing beauty of. 84 - tragedy. 140 - dullness; literature; pessimism and romance. 222 132 - poetry. 178 - eating. 192 - nothing happening. 196 - facing facts. 289 - happiness. 295 - thanksgiving. 300 - laughter and love. 138 - poetry. 195-6 - fairy tale. 229 - paradox. 245 - in a man-trap. 16 - romance. 96 - fairy tales. 97-8 - emotion. 47 120- loyalty. 148-50 - trap for logicians. 209 - mastery in. 209-10 - reverence and dis­ dain. 253-4 - Christianity. 151 - whole and parts. 52 - purpose. 29 - pattern; freedom. 31 - romance. CT LIFE (Cont'd.) SP SUR TA TAL TE TM TT UD WA WIS WS WW fsee 45 - continuous-coherent, 47 - lawlessness, 59 - richness; Arabian nights. 76 - literature. 161-7 - spice of life. 163 - enjoyment. 164 - excitement. 7 166- end with a bang. 52 - words and deeds, 131-2 - belief in. 133 - Catholic theory, 30 - choice or chance. 4 - in Tennyson. 1-2 - rationalism and irration­ alism. 17-8 - reverence for the strong man. 17 - perplexity. 84 - paradoxes. 180-1 - immortal moments. 69 - cities; definition. 37 - progress. 33 - a seesaw. 70 - battle 127 - purpose. 193 - Catholic Church and. 232 - poetry, 230-1 - Calvinists; Christians. olso Existence; Mon; World) LIGHT H 82-3 - quality, LL 71 - exhilaration of. MM 229-30 - rain. LILLEY, A. L. AB 172 LIMERICK, Battle of SE 217 - English defeat, LIMITATION AB 103 - imagination. AG 153 - childhood. AV 189 - paganism. MM 308 - necessity. SP 122 - choice of. TT 182 -art. 183-4 - toy theatres. LINCOLN, Abraham CT 219-Civil War; newspapers. 220, 221 - the Union. 235-6 - hero. 235-45 235-45 236 36 - a fight. - Puritans. 238 - modern philanthropists. 238-9 - vices. 240-1 - progress. 240-3 - drunkenness. 244 - failure. SL 166 - in London; statue. 166- 71 - praise, 167- 8 - Englishmen and. 169 - ugliness. 170 - description. 171 - character, WA 120 - despotism. 147, 217-8, 287, 289, 290 slavery. 217 - qualities; the South. 222-55 290 - industrialism. WC 113-Cobbett. LINCOLN, England MM 248-9 - description. 249, 250-2 - Cathedral. LINDSAY, Vachel AS 31-4 - General Booth enters heaven; Claudel, 33 - Spanish culture. WA 126 - Sryan, Èryau, Bryan · LINE (in art) CM 115 WB 165-6 LINEAGE II 61 LINGARD, John TC 98 - Joan of Arc. WC 156 - prejudices. 156-7 - History of the Refor­ mation . 156-9 - Cobbett. LINNELL, John WB 65-6 LION GL 44-9 - heraldry. 45 - characteristics. 7 46- shield of England and. NJ 204 - Christian art; shield of Crusaders, 205 - emblem; significance. OR 180 - and lamb; paradox. LION of Belfort TT 224-5 223 LIPPMÀNN, Walter SL 147 - Purîtan. LIQUOR problem ACD xviii AD 55-8 - imagery. 279 - pride; intoxication. AG 118 - heredity. 232 - desire for drink. AS 112-3 - journalism and drun­ kenness . AT 228, 231-6 233 - intoxication; beast; devil. 235 - prevention. 236 - sanity; Moslems. 292 - tee total ism. AV 105 - poetry and. C CC CM CP CT 64 - prohibition. 113 - Catholic Church. 123 26-7, 185-202 166 168 - Bennett on. 215 - civilization. 240-3 - Lincoln. 156-8 - Catholicism. 187 - staleness. 211-2 - misunderstanding. EE EM FF GBS GKC H INN MM SD SL SUR TT UD UU 55 169-Scotch. 102-12 - morality. 274 - the rich and the poor. 332 - alcoholism and the tee­ totaler . 59 117-8 - divorce. 118 - definition of drunken­ ness. 118-9 - social classes. 34-5 - philosophy. 37 - America, 39 - eating and. 94 - government. 147-8 - Christianity, 149 - morality. 150 - intoxication in America, 47 - drunkard's fate. 93 - socialists. 266-7-evil. 73-8 - curtailment. 77-8 - England. WA 142-4 - middle classes; the rich. 155 - Negroes. WB 98-9 - religion. 108 - sacrament. WS 69 - prohibition. WW 277 - education and. (see also Cocktails; Prohibition; Tem­ perance .) LITERALISM UD 152-9 - in the theatre. 155 - narrowness. LITERARY criticism, see Criticism. LITERATURE ACD xvii - modem; and the poor. 14-5 - creative art, 50 - soul and. 74 - tedium. 106-7 - happiness in. 114-5 - form. 142-3 - might-have-beens. AD 28 - imaginative. 291-3 - tragic. AG 50 - paganism, AIS 3-4 - irresponsible. 92-7 - imitation in. AS 52-7 - eccentricities. 53-4 - Victorian Age. 55-6 - evolution. 82-3 - pedantry. S3 - tradition. 91 - cliques in. 91-4 - expression. 137 - Greece and Rome. 155 - brevity. 196-8 - guessing. 214-8 - science and. 219-23 - culture; tradition. 221 - rhetoric and, AT 1-8 - frivolous. 16-7, 135 - life and. 86 - indecency in. 196 - meaning. AV 37 - Bible and. 94 - prejudice in. 183 - revival. C 185 - perfection in. CD 105-6 - popular taste. 248 - comedy; 19th century. 274 - popular. CM 3 - obscenity and. 224 GL LITERATURE (Cart'd.) CM 22 - uses. 77-92 91 - mood and. 129 - sex and. 216 - favorites. 226 - bigotry. 30 229- juvenile. CT 2 - 20th century; criticism. 2-3 - distinction of forms. 5 - essay in; paradoxes. 6 20- criticism. 75 - principle of. 232 - attack on. DE 19 - ignorance. 19-20, 25 - the educated class, 19-27 - defence of popular. 21 - fiction and; luxury. 24 - romantic, 68 - allegorical; life. 75 - Copernican. 93-101 - information and. 99 - definition. 100-evil. 116, 121 - criticism, 7 121- comic. 123-5 - life and. 157-8 - popular. 161 - the city. EM 5 - Catholic. 107-8 - pagan. 118- 9 - originality. 182 - perversion; Greece and Rome, 196, 199 - foundation.of Christian, FF 31-3 - psychoanalysis. 33 - appeal. 112-3 - qualities. 112-4 - unities in. 119-21 - lave in. 224-5 - plausibility. FT 55-6 - modem war of. GKC 2-3 - selections; justifica­ tion. 170 - Calvinism. 172 - mysticism. 182-3 - religion. 223 - immortal. 234 GS H HA II LL MM OR OS RR RS SL 5P TA 225 138 - criticism. 140 - life and. 140-1 - separation. 163-7 - novelty. 166 - revolutions in. 177-8 - feeling in. 188 - essays. 1-7 - criticism. 280-1 - comparative. 16 - ideals. 17 - politics. 20 - theory. 23 - commercial. 28-9 - morality; 19th century. 196-215 - sentimentality. 260 - the nation. 276 - democracy. 288 - dogma. 24, 170 - common man. 26 - impartiality. 91 - form. 1T3 - meaning of 'classic.' 158 - modem. 201-4 - criticism. 22-purpose. 83 - purpose. 182-7 - good stories spoilt by authors. 177-81 - art in. 74-80 - modem bankruptcy. 176 - anarchistic. 198 - freedom and. 213 - romance. 253 - battle in. 222 - prohibitions. 170, 183-6 - English and. 144-6 - language and, 210*6 - psychological. 247 - joy. 256-9 - childhood and. 205-21 - spirit of the age. 206 - syncopation. 209 - fashions. 215 - modem. 256-7 - fantasy. 11-4 - sentimental. 30 - luxury. 44 - destruction of. 58 - bulk . 76 - life. 150 - argument in. LITERATURE (Cont'd.) TC 119-25 - propaganda . 123 - racism. TT 5-6 - theory. UD 28-31 - science and. 137-9 - pseudo-science. UU 12-7 - capitalism and. VA 7-11 - treatment. 8, 37 -chronological order. 12-6, 21-5 - English and. 37-8 - moral order, 107 VT 64 - devotional. 81-2, 152-4 - modern. 116 - Puritan, 162-3 - realistic. 70, 168174 - eloquence. WS 19 - criticism. 206, 208 - blasphemy in. (see also American Literature; Censor­ ship; Characters; Classical literature; Criticism; English literature; French literature; Tragedy) LITERATURE, Juvenile, see Children's literature, LITERATURE, Medieval C 156-7 - length of. 176-7 278 LITTLE Bethel CC 79 LITTLENESS AS 23 - liveliness of. LIVE wire TA 5 LIVERY FF 232 - dignity. LLOYD George, David AB 206-7 - gambling. AG 27 - Cobden and. CE 138 - compulsory insurance. EA 201 - publicity seeker. MM 216, 275-6 TT 143 - Pro-Boer. UD 237 - importance. UU 66-9 - private property and. LOAVES and fishes WS 220 - miracle. LOCAL government SE 120 - guild system. SP 154 - Parish constable. LOCALISM GKC 188-liberty. LOCALITY NJ 160-2 - mystery. LOCARNO, Treaty of EA 104 - Hitler's violation. 124 - significance. LOCH Ness 2-3 - monster. AV LOCKINGTON, W. 1. 108-12 - The soul of Ireland. GKC LODGE, Sir Oliver 57 - religion. AG 294 - catechism. OR 28 SS 77 - science. WS LOGIC 159 - modern man and. AB 102-8 - modern man and. AG 148 - theory of recurrence. 204-6 - grammar. AS 42 - cause and the Church. AG 42-3 , 67-8 - English i 1 logicalAT ity. 43 - danger. 287-8 - modern illogicality. 1-7 AV 4, 6 - modern man and. 2 - literature. CT 4 - the essay; modern man and. 134-5 - truth in similarities. FA FF 218 - fact. 218-23 - Darwinism. 114 - Cecil Chesterton. GKC 48 - middle ages. GL 220 - imagination. GS 214 - wisdom. II 148-50 - life a trap for deducOR RDQ RR SL SP TA 226 tion. 235 - woman. 155 - Middle Ages. 250-1 - Fascism. 19 - language. 67 - Victorian. 130 - value. 188-91 - deduction and induc­ TC tion. 46-50 - rejection; modem man TT VT and. 215-6 - of English law. 112-3 - defense weapon. LOGIC (Cont'd.) VT 113 - argument; imagination; logicians. 113- 4 - fallacy. 114- 5- Euclid; limitation; process; rationalism. WA 16 - Déclaration of Indepen­ dence . WS 174 221 - the nonsense age. WW 239-41 - science. (see also Argument) LOGICIAN AB 200 - description, AG 106 - romance. GBS 94-6-music. 95 - poetry, OR 29 - poet and. VT 113-logic. 114-5 - fallacy, LOGOS EM 261 - pessimism. TC 212 - sublimity of doctrine. LOLLARDS C 47, 287-8 - heresy. 250 - ideals. 251 - doctrine. 266 - Lutherans and. TC 76 - modem rejection. LOMBROSO, Cesare AS 182 AV 172, 173 LONDON AD 146-7 - Marble Arch. AT 11 - humor. 65 - capital city. 65-6 - streets. 65-71 - Paris and. 65-6 - names. 70 - riddle. CM 21 CP 16-7 - buried city, GKC 31 - romance. 32 - suburbs. 33 - incongruity. 131 - charters. GL 146 - Waterloo Station. GS 248-53 - churches. HA 188-92 - names. LN 7-15 - history. 10 - medieval term. 126 17-9 - symbol of industrial world. 18 - impressions. 149 - heraldry. SE 173-4 - New York and, SL 179 - Americanization. 175, 186-7 - Cobbett's nick· WC name for. 252-4 - development. 108 - advertisements, WS 164 - fog. 164-5 - Dublin and. LONDON Mercury (newspaper) 205 WS LONDONERS, The 20 CM LONELINESS 218-gift. AB 93-8 CT 95-6 - humanity. EM 215 - literature. SL 127 - the sea. SP LONG, Wolter 145 CP LORDS 46 - conquest; Kings and. C LORDS, House of. see Parliament. LORRAINE 74 - Germons claim, EA 117 - controversy > LOST Waters (Rome) 8-9 RR LOUIS IX, Saint, King of France 39 - middle ages. AD 258 - love, CM 205 CT 132 - on sin. LL 180 - characteristics. OR 49-50 - Frederick II and; TA statesmanship. 109 - argumentation. 111-2 - 5t. Thomas and; characteristics. 115 - on vanity. 296 WA LOUIS XI, King of France 39 - middle ages. AD 33 GL MM 167 - madness, LOUIS XIV, King of France CE 47 - Prussian demands. NA NJ 227 EA EE LOUIS XIV, King of France (Cont'd.) GL 41 - Frederick the Great. 95, 106 VT 112-Carlyle. LOUIS Napoleon, see Napoleon III, Emperor. LOURDES CM 154 WS 55 - challenge. LOVE ACD AG AS AT C CD CM CP CT DE FA FF 28-lust. 134 - eternal. 125, 127 - Dante. 253-6 - Swinburne, 167-8 - literature; Romanti­ cism; sex. 184-7 - woman. 184-8 - Byron. 209-10 - lovers; eyebrows. 26 - worship. 34 - comic aspect. 73 - heaven. 139 - danger. 133-ideas of. 133-4 - in The Death of Blanche the Duchess. 144-5 - Shakespeare, 144- 6 - Chaucer. 145 - lovers in literature. 145- 6 - religious idea, 149-50 - seriousness. 152, 153 - reaction against. 152-3 - Victorian revival. 190 - Dickens. 216 - tragedy. 253 - divides. 125 - sex. 142-3 - sexes. 172 - reticence. 256-9 - love story. 258 - Dante; man; Nelson; St. Louis. 260 - fear. 207 186-8 - of money. 8 - improvement. 7, 36165-7 - nature of. 93 - interest in love-making. 132 - humility. 165- 6 - patriotism. 166-7 - essence. GBS GKC GL GS H HA II MM NA OR PAR RB SD 228 29-30 - politics. 11 — trustworthy· 56-8 - eugenic»· 38 - chivalric. 75-6 - troubadours. 90-1 - romantic; reality; destruction. 92 - meaning. 126, 128 - critics; divine and human. 68 - filial. 119-20 - ballads. 119-22 - literature. 118, 180-2 - monogamy. 181-2 - Shaw. 228 - duty. 159 - paradox. 161 - God; mystery. 149-51 - Napoleon. 179 - in modem poetry. 180 - psychology. 101 - result: incarnation. 47 - reason. 49 - world. 69 - lovers and humility. 108-9 - hedonism. 191 - adventure. 94 - realism. 95 - extent. 160 - temporal. 193 - romantic. 138 - artists and lovers. 195-6 - separateness. 281 - heroism. 285 - definition. 306 - experience. 8, 292 294 - God's love. 300 - everywhere. 83 - poetry. 88-9 - Beauty and the Beast. 121 - gladness; sadness. 127 - reason. 128- 9 129- blind. 244- 50 - requisites. 245- 50 - Christianity; personality. 57 - great moments; time and. 65 - folly. 62-3 - eternal contract. SD SP TA TC TM TT UD VA VT WA WS 91 — science. 115 - sex. 146 - universal. 11 - passion and sentiment. 124 - change. 145 - Spanish fathers. 157, 167-8 - St. Thomas on. 65-9 - religion. 34 - history. 28 - perfectionism, 29 - happiness. 53-4 - poetry 56 - loss. 168 - humanity. 3-6 - animals. 50- 3 - of neighbor. 51- 3 - proximity, 175- 8 - vows. 176- 8 - characteristics; tradi­ tion. 176 - realism. 23 - beauty; ugliness. 142-4 - brotherly love; Christ and Tolstoy. 212-3 - idealist; realist. 112 - business and. 147 - flrave new world. 191 - worship of. 199 - patriotism. 232 26 - sinking ship. 27 - family; nation. 28 - involuntary; voluntary and natural. 72 - liberty. 78 - servitude. 136 - definition. SL 186 - in America. WS 199 - to country, fsee also Fidelity) LUCAS, Edward Verrai I AV 182 - novels. SD LOVE (Cont'd.) - land; woman. WW 112-3 fsee also Charity; Free lave; Friend­ ship) LOW Church, see Church of England. LOWE, Robert Chopin UU 16Ï - on workman. LOWELL, James Russell TC 21 - appreciation. LOWER classes, see Class distinction. LOYALTY AT 139 - in misfortune. AV 20 - human noture. 138 - race and. 151 - family. MM 253-5-duty. OR 128-9 - woman's great. RDQ 190 - social order. SD 21-2 - flag; government; trea­ son. 25 - Communist; humanitarian; patriotism. ix 2 GKC v - titles. GL 186 - essays. WS 18 - Chesterton enjoys. LUCE, Morton VT 249 - Tennyson. 256 - theory of poetry. LUCK AD 43 - a leveller. LUCRETIA EM 167 - Sextus Tarquinius. LUCRETIUS EM 191 - evolution. 212 - Christian philosophy; heaven. LUCULLUS, Lucius Licinius H 182 - self-indulgence. CT LUDDITES WC 200-21 - machine-smashing. LUDENDORFF, Erick AV 217-23 - on Christianity. LULLY, Raymond FA 142 - St. Francis. 181 - conversion. LUNACY and lunatics. AB 75-100 AV 121 - common mon. 123-4 - news. CT 169-70 - crime. EE 40-3 - definition. 43-7 - criminal. 45-7 - law. 8 47- unanimity of men. 51-4 - medical specialists. 56 - essence. 56-8 - invalids. 107 - extension. PL SD 229 65 - definition . 121 - divorce and. LUNACY and lunatics (Cont'd.) SL 45 - liberty. WS 103 - hermits. WW 161 - poet. LUND, Robert MM 29| - on English police. LUNN, Arnold WS 56 - apologist, 202 - Flight from reason. LUSITANIA CE 13-4 - German explanations of sinking. LUST ACD 28 - love. DE 165-6 - nature of. TC 53 - free-love. WS 233 - exalted. LUTHER, Martin CE 37 - Henry VIII; Lutheranism. 9 37- character. 37-9, 63 - England and. CT 4 » medieval! in; thesis. GL 188-theses. HA 37 RR 111 » peril of Christendom, SE 189, 197 - theology. TA 242 - emphasis, 244 - theology. 244- 5 - achievement, 245- 6 - personality; St.Thomas. WB 246 208 78 - health. RR 37 ~ civilization . 14B - simplicity. 225 - liberty. 226 - government; politics. TA 176-of life. WS 123 - liberty. LYCURGU5 EM 312 - Mohammed. RR 57-Republic. LYDGATE C 231 - Chaucer. LYING, see Lies and lying. LYING-IN-BED TT 76-9 - morality; justification. LYING in state GL 94-7 - funerals of Kings. LYND, Robert AV 4 - monster at Loch Ness. 5-6-modern mind. CT 2 GL 186— essays. WS 18 LYRIC ACD 194 LYTTON, Edward Bulwer CD 236 - Dickens and. RB 91 - Browning. VA 135-7 136 - Thackeray; Wilde. 7 136- Victorian Age; Ten­ - destruction of reason , nyson. 137 - adventurer; Dickens' Great expectations; The Caxtons; etc. WS 27-Christ. 27-8 - race religion. 140 - doctrine. LUTHERAN Church CE 39-Germany. TA 21 - Thomism. 244 - reality, LUTHERANS C 266 - Lollards and. LUXURY (-IES) AD 194-201 - nature of. 195 - English aristocracy. 196 - relativists. 198 - human nature, 200 - weirdness. AG 207 - defense. 209 - necessity. GL 1 - necessities. 1 90- government; George V. H MACAULAY, Thomas B. 175 - Rousseau; socialism. ACD 68 - Trollope. AG 145-6 - Faerie Queene. 154 - Puritans; William of AIS Orange. 3 - Frederick the Great. AP 42 - as Englishman. AT 42-3 - anomalies. 98 - Belloc's Cramer. AV ] 17 - John Churchill. 179 - Richardson's Clarissa . 257 - joke on. C 102 -Carlyle. CE 230 MACAULAY, Thomas B. (Cont'd.) CM 43 - an romances. 84 CT 45 - description; progress. 67 - sincerity. 81 - Croker and. 83 - Tories. 189 - middle ages; Victorian age. 192 - religion. EM 297 - Christianity. GBS 182 - dramatic unity. GKC 4 - Boswell. 72, 196 - Johnson, HA 107 - style. 108-11 - historian. LL 45 - reputation. 45-7 - partisan. RB 27, 53-4 - Browning. RR 35 - Roman antiquities. SL 164-5 - on Penn. TA 49 - on Frederick II. 51 - philosophy. TC 132-3 - utility; Thomas Aqui­ nas' logic. UD 229 UU 93 - on the Chartists. VA 28-36 , 41, 209 28-30, 33-4 -Whigs. 31 - romantic; Chartists; Lord Grey. 31- 2 - Victorianism; Mackin­ tosh. 32 , 34 , 36 - Scott. 32- 3 - politics. 32-4 - philosophy. 33 - toleration. 34- 6 - history. 35- 6 - Homeric quality. 36 - Bentham. 39 - utilitarianism. 39-40 - Huxley; religion. 62 - Froude. 82 - Malthus. 240 - progress. VT 249-neglect. WA 271 WC 23-Carlyle. 25 - progress. 86-7 - political critic. 87 - Secretary for War. WC WS 88 - fortitude. 89 - Cobbett. 84 - reform bill. 88 - on progress. 128 - philosophy. 152-3 - critic. 156 - Dryden. 215 - on courtesy; omnisci­ ence; superficiality. 215-9- Digby. Essays. AB 9 CT 45, 189-93 Gladstone on church and state. CT 190 McCABE, Joseph H 216-33 OR 39-42 - materialism. WS 67 - free-thinker. MacDONALD, George AB 37, 173 AIS 112 C 110 - on God. CC 39 - influence on GKC. FF 20 - on God. GKC 163-72 - Georae MacDonald end his wife. 164 - The Princess and the goblin. 167 - Carlyle. VA 152 - fairy tales; Carlyle. WB 100 MacDONALD, James Ramsay AB 275 AV 50 - militant socialist. NJ 143 - prestige. 144 - diplomatist. 254 - pro-Germonism. UU 181-2 WS 67 - socialism. 166- London journalism. MACEDONIA EM 181 McGREGOR, Archie AB 144-5 MACHINE gun SL 96 MACHINERY AB 195 AIS 128-32 - culture; 19th century, 129 - Bolshevists, 231 MACHINERY (Cont'd.) 183-6 - man and. AIS 30- English; individualism. AV 54 - man and. 65-6 - Bolshevistic art. 30 - worship of. GS 33 - Irish peasants. 11 OS 45 - peasantry. 47, 48 - man. 99-small proprietors. 162-71 - capability of destruetion. 163-9 - happiness. 167-9 - distributism. 171 - distribution. 171 -82 romance. 176 - happiness, 183-91 - leisure. 190-1 - standardization. 192 - destruction. 192-204 - defense. 251-3 - usefullness. 198-9 - in America. SL 171-3 - in war. UU 23 - limitations, WA 226-9 - man. 101 - destruction. WC WS 126 - communists. 125 - democracy. WW (see also Invention) MACKENZIE, Compton 62-3 AB 230-2 - influence. TC MACKINTASH, Sir James 31-2 - Macaulay. VA 86-7 - political critic. WC MACKINTOSH (garment) 228-9 - romance of. MM MACMILLAN (publisher) 95 AB McQUILLAND, Louis AB 157 MADNESS and madmen AD 78 1 - universality. AP 56 - facts and. CT 57 - culture. 68 - egoists. 170-3 - Shakespeare. 215 - minorities. 235-6 EM 198 - logical. 26 - contemplation. 59 - conviction. MAN 84 - cause. 166 - state. MM 313 - abilities. 25-7 - attractiveness. OR 31 - cause. 32 - reason. 33 -signs. 77 - definition. 177-8 - meekness and. 124 - beside himself. PL 33 - martyr and. SCL 168-9 - in America. WA 73 - ghosts. WB 84 - definition. 102 - solitude and. WS 201 - religious maniacs. (see also Insanity; Lunacy) MADRID 56 - European civilization. GS MAETERLINCK, Maurice 176 AT 263 - Tom Jones. 109-10 - Dickens. CD 195 - children. CL 53-5 CM 161 - nature and. FF 110 - critic. FT 49 RB 139 - criticism. 164, 184 RS 38 - Dickens. SP 80 - mood. 220-1 - Pelleas and Militande. VA 223-Wilde. 229 - James. 77 - political plays. VT 128 - simplicity. 209, 21 ] - Thoughts from Maeterlinck. 209-14 - importance. 211- 4 - reality. 212- Zola. 214 - fanatic; materialism; realism; scepticism; subjec­ tiveness. 329, 331 - insects. WW MAFFICKING 80-1 - seif-flattery; sinfulness. AD FL H 232 MAFIA 142 TC MAGAZINES, see Periodicals. MAG] 130-2 - Christmas. CP 203-14 - Christ's birth. EM 252 - ritual. 312-3 - Mohammed. 37 - St. Nicholas and. GL 37-8 - in Spain. MAGIC 64-5 - Arabians. AIS 64-7 - science. 185-6 - a luxury. 84 - medicine man. AV 189 - decadent Roman. EM 185 - antidote to block magic. INC 118 - sword as magic wand. NA 253 - definition. SL 253-61 254 - mysteries. 260 - criticism. 261 - Mass, 116 - nature of black magic. UD 120 - history of black magic. WB MAGNA Carta 131 GKC 295 - King John. MM 101 - significance. SE MAGNANIMITY 173 - sordidness. EM 19 - meanness. FT 91 - humanitarianism; war. H 51 - of woman. SP 101 - smallness. TA 48 - satire. VT MAGNIFICAT AIS 124 64 - revolutions and. CDU 88 -Cinderella. OR MAHOMET. see Mohammed. MAHOUND. see Mohammed. MAID (th.b word) 82-3 - dignity. FF MAIL boxes 18-9 VT MAïN Street 118, 130, 180, 182 SL MAITLAND, Samuel Roffey 166 WC MAJORITY 144 - protection of the. NJ RR 247-51 - rule by. MAKING good AS 199-203 - the poor. 199-208 SL 87 - the term. 108-9 - English attitude. WA MALLOCK, William AB 13B MALORY, Sir Thomas 223 - translation. C 216 - spirituality. CM 172-3 - Morte d'Arthur. RB MALTHUS , Thomas Robert 147 - Darwinism. CT GKC 93 - influence. 57 - utilitarianism. VA 82 - Macaulay. MALTHUSIANISM 167-8 - anti-human. OR MAMMAL 140 - woman as. SD MAMMON 186-7 - God and. CT MAN 232 - sacredness. AB 256 - virtues. 98-9 - Dickens. ACD 12 - "ape upside down." AD 26-7 - sanctity. 35 - ugliness. 40-1 - jokes. 53 - free. 161-2 - instability. 174-81 - classes. 198-201 - luxury. 211-6 - wheels. 4-5 - expression of humility. AG 14 - artificiality. 15 - metaphysics. 17 - culture. 18 - clothing. 20 - practical. 107- rationality. 142 - imagination; 19th cent 157 - heathen antisjuity. 164 - the Laureateship. 168 - honor. AIS 135-6 - biography. 145-50 - changes. 169-74 - work. 171-4 - mob. 183-6 - machinery. 233 CD man (Cont'd.) AIS AS AT AV 189 - monster. 15 - motors. 90 - cliques. 228 - mystery. 12 - boost. 13 - superiority. 4 33- comic creature. 47 - conceited. 101 - worry and , 104 - human nature and, 115-6 - secrecy. 158 - morals. 204 - absurdity; dignity. 224-5 - civilized and savage. 227 - definition of civilized. 232 - image of God. 234 - animality. 238 - bias against the popu­ lace. 241-2 - aristocracy. 266 - morality. 287 - beasts and. 289 - Christmas and mankind; humanity as unhygienic. 290 - loyalty. 2 - monster. B 17 - experiments. 20 - loyalty and. 54 - machinery. 79 - fancy. 88 - religion. 89 - relationship to animals. 90-1 - ape; dog. 109 - the past. 110 - history and, 128 - evolution, 176 - sociology. 186 - modern philosophy, 232-4 - change. 234-5 - corruption. 10-1 - contradiction in terms. C 138 - every man. 216 - belief in. 44 - 14th century on. CC 258 - explanation. 272-3 - Chaucers'* understand­ ing. 43 - Roman Republic, CL CM CP CT DE EA 67 - natural. 81 - Catholic Church. 234 108-9 - common qualities. 231- - Dickens. 2 263 - fools and. 291-2 - equality. 142 - origin. 1-9 - liberty, 15-6 - greatness. 22-3, 240-5 - truth. 26 - fables. 37 - reaction. 40 38- education. 60-4 - religion. 60-4, 173-80 - philosophy. 147-8 - Henry James. 155-6 - primitive and. 155-9 - laughter. 164 - complexity, 169 - Catholicism. 176 - thought. 186-9 - Elizabeth and Robert Browning. 201 - nature, 201-2 - Aldous Huxley. 221-2 - death. 222 - manhood. 235-7 - fatalism. 243-4 - original sin. 258 - love. 31-2 80-2-life. 129 - homesick. 64 - Freud. 66 - egoist. 74 - metaphysics. 162 - twilight. 169 - dignity, 207 - antiquity; needs variety. 208 - dehumanizing. 252 - description. 253 - Victorians and. 263 - expression of humanity. 270 - tradition and. 11-6- pessimi sm. 13 - humility. 33 - weakness. 101 - science and; needs. 107 - mistakes. 107-9 - Victorian idea. 151-2 - children. 200 - machinery. 218 - knowledge. MAN (Cont'd.) EE 5-6 ~ ethical responsibilities. EM 13, 18, 21, 28, 39, 43, 215, 306 - animality. 13-21, 23-73 , 255 - evolu­ tion. 93 - self-commanding, 94-6 - Comtism. 95 - personality. 145 - political animal, 180-1 - Greek and Roman wor­ ship. 195 - in the cave. 212 - Christianity and philo­ sophy. 255 - Christianity’s rise. 14-lover. 28-9 - paradox, 29 - Christian appeal; primal FA FF FR FT GB5 GL GS 239-4 - philosophy behind GW H 158 - classical. 14 - nature. 15 - importance, 50 - unity. 52 - concept of the world. 54 - misunderstood. 61 - generalizations. 62 - Shaw. 63 - worship. 64 - strength. 65 - surprises. 66 - progress. 67 - described. 77 - health. 88 - superman. 90 - songs. 96 - worship. 107 - scepticism. 120 - strength. 142-3 - study. 184 - misanthrope. 186 - duty. 233 - frivolity; as humorist, 247-66 - idealism. 268 - sublimity, 286 - Carlyle; dogmas. 298 - hope. 72 - origin. teetotalism. element, 30 - deterioration. 20-3 - separation from art· 87-8 - first principles. 40, 137144 - equality. ]44, 212 - nature. 205-6 - knowledge. 207 - history and, 182 - fire; miracle. 24-satire on. 113 HA 73 - sanctity. 122 - quadruped. GKC GS 101 - vanishing. 158 - middle ages. II 219 - hero of the home: every­ man . INN 252 -a miracle. LK 22 - bend or break. LL 21 - spiritual nature of. 36 - tn nature. 74 - fresh starts. 78 - certainty. 79 - king in disguise, 90 - pigmy picture of God. 103 - forgotten who he is. 140 - limitations. J49 - on keeping a dog. MAN 379 - woman and. 381 - desirable attitude. MK 173 - trees walking. MM 26-7 - nature of. 79-80 - economic motive. 227 - ridiculousness. 23-Arnold. 30 - understanding. 37-41 - Old Testament idea. 83 - Aesop, 85-9 - in fables. 88 - animals and. 150 - Dickens. 157 - paradox. 157-8 - humanity a religion. 158 - spirit. 160 - corporate; mystery, 266 - in G, K ,'s Weekly. 48-9 - and beast; middle ages; modem science. 81 -ordinary. 122-3 - democracy, 140-1 - individuality. 144 - good and evil. 39-40 - end. 235 MAN (Cont'd.) MM MT NA NJ OR OS PL RB RDQ RR RS SCL SD SD 76 - weakness. 80 79- 79-81 - history and. 98 - as creator. 118-9 - nature. 7 - magician. 13 - children's games. 14 - paradox. 47 - dangerous. 239 - agony of. 291 - power of soul. 13 - destiny. 161 - origin. ,6 - act; Western man, 26 - exciting life of common man. 31 - actions. 42-8 - materialism and ideal­ ism. 54 - appetite. 82 - paradox. 82-6 - democracy. 96-7 - forgot who he is. 110-1 - God and. 120-47 - cosmos. 173-4 - humility. 189 - natural. 218-26 - environment. 236-7 - liberty. 245-50 - Christianity and philosophy. 250-2 - Trinity and. 261 - perfectibility. 266-70 - animal. 288-9 - woman's domination. 47 - machinery. 103 - well-meaning. 129 - creature. 132 - only a man, 43 - lave of humanity. 186 - Browning. 170 - heart of. 182 - doing the expected. 240 - more than a symbol. 53 - inhumanity. 126 - faith. 166 - effect of spies on. 234-6 - search for happiness; simplicity. 50 - all men matter. 28 - participator in society. 41 - fundamento is. SL SP S5 SUR TA TAL TC TE TT TY UD 236 - survival of. 87 - pre-Christian. 95-6 - slave. 143 - preserved by divinity. 80 - marriage and. 184 - villages. 221 - philosophy. 12 - weakness, 25 - spiritual immensity. 46 - unity. 50 - masculinity. 119 - natural. 17-8 - tradition. 18 - modern, 45 - as monster. 25-6 - study. 29 - dignity; God and. 157 - self-love. 199, 203 - St. Thomas on. 200-1 - science of. 92 - appreciation of animals. 13 - service. 19-20 - religion a help. 23-32 - Walt Whitman's idea­ lization. 116-8 - Protestant and rations· list ignorance. 122 - perfectibility. 187 - divinity. 12 - vanishing. 53 - society. 86 - on trial, 2 101- Dickens. 104 - metaphor. 137 - wild animal; art. 168-75 - humanity of factory girls. 170 - barbers. 226-35 - triumph of. 1 230- Belgians on. 231 - intellectualism; science. 234-5 - discovery. 243 - limitations. 270 - observations on. 68 - endurance. 1-2 - animals and. 51-2 - characteristics. 115-6 - miracles. 163 - wisdom. 165-6 - greatness. MAN (Cont'd.) UD 179-80-nature of. 248-9 - as creator. 252-3 - superiority. UU 10-7 - praise. 28 - utilitarian. 28-32 - complete. 158 - protection from self. 210 - animats, VA 94 - novels and. 96 - individuality. VT 110-1 - belief. 119-22 - going the whole hog. 136 - Quakers and. 266 - E. Browning; Swinebume. WA 1 - travel. 268 - affectation. WB 142 - sanity. WIS 133 - unreliable machine. WS vi - fighting. 17 - superiority. 19 - requires sacrifice. 34 - proper attitude; not to be trusted. 171 - unity. 227 - production; consumption. WW 8-17 - purpose. 35 - definition. 38-9 - progress. 57 - as creator. 59-60 - limitations. 64 - quadruped. 82-3 - last his way. 130 - specialist. 169-75 - thrift. 175-7 - dignity. (see also Anthropology; Average man; Brotherhood of man; Common man; Dignity; Evolution; Fall of man; Humanism; Imagination; Individual; Labor; Life; Modern age) MAN, Fall of. see Fall of man. MAN, Prehistoric or primitive AD 255-9 - drawings of white horses. AG 94 - progress and savages. AS 216-7 - marriage. 216-8 - science. 218 - sleep. AT 224-5 - civilized man and. AT AV 227 - definition of savage. 32 - 19th century materialists and. CM 83-4 - Victorians and. 155-6 - humanity. CT 154 - savages. 28-43 EM 31-43 32 - naturalist. 44-62 - professors. 63-93 - prehistoric man and modem savages. 101-3, 117-8 - Australian aborigines. 101-15 - religion. 137 - god and demons. 138 - Australian cannibalism. 317-8 - science. FF 194-5 - evolutionists and prehistory. OR 268 - science. TC 100 - justice to aborigines. 729 - the unknown and. TT MAN Friday 21 B MANCHESTER, England 130 - history. GKC WA 94 - Industrialism; MlnneapoIls and. MANCHESTER School 173 ACD EM 206 12-5 SS 77 TC 75 - Pitt. WC MANCHURIA 155 - Japanese annexation. EA MANDELL, C. Creighton 96-102 - Hilaire Belloc: the GKC man and his work. MANDEVILLE, Jehan de 190 - physical science. CT 47 - hippopotamus. GL MANAGAN, James Clarence 13-9 - statue in Dublin. II MANIAC . see Insanity; Madness. MANICHAEANS AG 207 185 - cynicism. AV 188 - paganism and. CDU 91 - Incarnation denied. 237 MARCO Polo, see Polo, Marco. MARCONI, Guglielmo (the Marconi case) AB 205 - Eve witness. 210 - Parliament. AIS 120 GKC 120-1 - Cecil Chesterton and. 11 151-2 - politics. 156 - Chesterton. WA 134-5 - America. MARCUS Aurelius EM 107 - God and. 149-51 - philosophy and reli­ gion. 220 - platitudes. OR 137-41 - Inner Light. TC 206-8 - Ing· and Barnes. RR 41-2 - religion. 231 - Reformation, MARIA Teresa, Empress WB 159 - evil of nature. AP 3 - Frederick the Great. MANKIND, see Man. CE 42-3 - Frederick the Great; MANNERS character. ACD 81-2 - in America. 47-8 - decline. AT 148 - immorality. MARIE Antoinette, Queen 158-9 AS 37-8 239 - mystagogue. CE 47-8 AV 217-8 - England and Germany. MM 6 CM 158-feeling. MARINETTI, Mr. GBS 247 -essence. AD 119, 123-5-futurist. H 249 - ritual. MARIOLATRY. see Mary, Blessed Virgin WA 56, 193 - American. MARITAIN, Jacques WS 197 TA 231 - Theonas; external fact. MANNING, Henry Edward, Cardinal MARKETS AB 50, 79-80 WC 187 GW 163-4 - portrait by Watts. MARKHAM, Mrs. HA 130 - democracy. AB 114 - History of England. RB 91 - Browning. MARLBOROUGH, John Churchill, Duke TC 168-9 - eccentricities. of VA 159 - Browning. AV 114-20 WS 266 - hell. 117 - Macaulay and. MANOR CL 163 WC 146-7 - history. FF 266 - reputation. 148 - squire house. GL 2-3 - character. MANTALINI, Mr. OR 220 - bribes. EM 28 SE 221-2 MANUFACTURE MARLOWE, Christopher OS 252-3 - term. EM 295 - Reformation. MAORIES MARNE, Battle of EM 138 - cannibalism. CE 164-73 - significance. MAP-MAKER CT 247-Foch. CM 233 MARQUIS, Don MARAT, Jean Paul AIS 71 WB 166 MANICHAEANS (Cont'd.) CP 6-8-modem. EM 21-2- Roman Empire. 157 - philosophical simplicity. 249, 256-68 - Christianity. 295 - Mohammedanism. RR 53 - Byzantine Empire. SP 43 - matter and spirit. TA 34 - Albigensianism. 117 - Thomas Aquinas. 122 - origin. 122- 32 - philosophy, 123- 4 - Satan. 125 - in the Church. 239-40 - settlement. 238 JJ MARRIAGE ACD AG AIS AP AS AT C CD CM CP CT 133 -in David Copperfield: origin. 134 - partner. MAN 136 - peace. 172 - posterity. 209 - murder. 224 - Anglican rite*. 8 226- royal; international­ ism. 40-1 - in America, France, Germany, 44-5 - dependance, 67 - Dickens. 166-8 - romanticism. 216-7 - primitives. 14-6 - joking. 83-4 - Chaucer's family. 103, 254 - allusions in Chau­ cer. 133—4 - ideas. 264 142-3 - sexes. 258 263-4 - Mary Queen of Scots. 123-5 - song. 10 - murder. 43 - union. 123 - Anglican service; senti­ mentality; social use. MM OR RB SD 123-8 - companionate. 128 - revolt of youth. DE EE EM FA FF GBS 35-6 - vow. 6 - aim. 228 - religion. 260-1 - Christianity and heresy. 127 - medieval times. 120-1 - necessity. 8 146- institution. 148 - sentiment; stability. 149 - society. 149-50 - Servile State, 121-3 $L 5 184- drama. GL H HA 156 - compromise. 57 - Show. 76 - Wells on. 78 - reasons for. 139 - literature. 141 - monogamy. SP SUR 239 57 82 - separation; divorce. 95-6 - prudent. 340 - duel. 4-5 - nature. 71, 103-4, 203, 226-9 - obli­ gations . 84, 103-4 - ordinary men must control. 240 - Mohammedanism. 92 - ideal. 12 - divorce presupposed. 13-4 - critics. 15 - Bible; mystical Idea. 19-20 - vows. 20 - re-marriage. 21 - affair of honor; a fight, 28-9 - voluntary and natural. 29 - contract. 45 - Serbian people. 57 - divine institution. 58 - necessity of vow, 69-70 - modem life. 86 - medieval profligacy. 96 - monastic vow. 97 - destruction; sacrament. 100-1 - state within a state. 101 - home rule. 106 - in churches. 107 - Christianity; religious argument for, 109 - obligation. 113- 4 « unsentimental defense. 114 - war. 114- 5 - freedom. 115 - tragedies. 116 - separation. 121 - unhappy. 128 - abuse; laws. 131 - Haynes; indissolubility; monasticism; sainthood. 135 - jokes. 142-3 - of Cona. 148 - philosophy. 65 - monuments. 72-80 - modernity. 73, 80 - humanity. 77 - meaning. 45 - flirtation. 50-2 - the Macbeths. 37 - love and. MARRIAGE (Cont'd.) TA 127 - Catholic doctrine. 128-9 - sin, TT 132 - meaning. UD 80 - vow. 172, 175-6 - indissolubility. 245-6 - society. WS 4] - Catholic view, 42 - social substance affected by divorce. 80 - mood. 1 80- agnostics. WW 61-8 - necessity. 62 - anarchist institution. 62-8 - State. 65-8 - Christian; civilization; security. 67-8 - compatibility. 190 - by capture. 213- 5 - government. 214- 5 - law; women. (see also Domesticity; Family; Mono­ gamy; Wedding) MARRYAT, Frederick RS 230 - Treasure Island. MARSEILLAISE TA 40 - effects. MARSHAL, Archibald AB 117 MARSHES AD 295-301 - praise. MARTELLO Towers WC 175 MARTINEAU, James CC 43 - influence on G.K.C. MARTIN, Hugh OS 224-6 - on French Canadians. MARTINDALE, C. C, AV 82 MARTINEAU, Harriet CM 142 - Carlyle. MARTYRS and martyrdom AT 107 - persecution. 107-14 - modem. 109 - true. 110 - secularists. CM 58-truth. DE 58-9 - publicity. EM 163 - money. 4 193- early Christians. 291-2 - executioners. 141-8 - St. Francis' search for, 10 - first, and Westminster. II 133-5, 168-71 - suicide and OR 277-8 - English. RR 281-6 - beatification cere­ monies. 33 - madman and. SCL 68 TY 84 - saint and, WC 88 - perfect. 240 - Thomas More; ancient WS gods. MARVELL , Andrew 202-3 - Horati an ode. C MARX, Karl 129 - Morris and. AIS 109 - single idea. CT 31 - in Ireland. II 233-4 - Rousseau. NJ 192 - characteristics. OR 197 - conservatism. 192 - influence. SL 117 - Murry. WS 126 - lineage; Victorian. 127 - British Museum; Wells. 128 - philosophy. MARXISM 108-Wells. CT 143 - Bolshevism, FA GS 53 - Christianity. 77 - theories. MM 212-4 - lack of poetry. UU (see also Communism: Socialism) MARY, Blessed Virgin 250 - honor. AB 273 - Mariolatry. 37 - Our Lady of the Snow*. AG 113-4, 252 - Chaucer's devo­ C tion . 119-22 - alphabetical address. 121 - malady of Mariolatry. 96-9 - Ireland's devotion. CDL1 32 - Our Lady of Victories; CE Napoleon. 153-4 - Catholics. CM 217-9-Isis. 13-4,67, 73, 213-8, 305-6 CP 129-30 - Christmas. 280 - seven swords. 198-205-Christ and. EM 240 MARY, Blessed Virgin (Cont'd,) EM 205 - Mohammedanism. NJ 262 - Jews; Moslems. QSS 8 - The white witch (poem). 9 - return of Eve (poem), 41 - seven swords of sorrow. RR 33-4 - Papal intercession in World War I. 58 - household god. 140 - artists and. 151 -art critics. SS 34 - Puritanism. TC 216-7- modem views. UD 82 - Puritan attack. WS 26 - Protestant war against. 172-3 - Protestants and re­ spect for. 172- 7 - conversion. 173 - mania against Mariolatry. 173- 4 - cult of. 174 - love of God and. 176 - pre-conversion. 204 - litany and Swinburne. 217 - Digby. (see also Immaculate Conception) MARY, of Bethany EM 222 MARY I, Queen of England (Mary Tudor) SE 179-83 - reign. 180-2 - Catholic Church, 183 - marriage. WC 160, 165 - Cobbett on, MARY, Queen of the Scots (Mary Stuart) AG 184-5 AIS 189 CL 156 CM 259-79 - Don Juan of Austria. 267 - James I, 273-4 - France. INN 148 - lies about. LL 178-9 - Thackeray, 180-1 - Puritanism and pagan­ ism. WC 153 - Jane Austen. 165 - Scott on. MARYLAND GKC 188-founding. SL 161 - religious toleration. WA 71 - religious toleration. MASCULINITY AT 197 - sophist and. MASEFIELD, John CM 90 179-82 - colors. HA MASOCHISM 52 - Christianity. WS 53 - great religious. MASONRIES WB 180 MASS 227 - long· B 61 - Latin. CC 58 - modern mind. CDU 67-80 - magnificence. 83 - contradiction. 138 - Black Mass. EM 145 - in Jerusalem. NJ 144 - ceremonials. RR 281 - antiquity. 261 - magician. SL 109 - Catholic attendance. TC 206, 208 - materialism and. 212-3 - doctrine. 213, 218 - Mithraism. 109, 164 - Latin. TT 20 - intelligibility. WS 97 - purchasing. 159 MASS (matter) 152-60 - defeat of. TT MASS production 191 - markets and. WC MASSACRE B 379 MASSINGHAM, H. W. AB 209 MASTER SE 114-5 - meaning. MASTER of ceremonies GKC xi MASTER of Lovat MM 136 MASTERMAN, Charles AB 120-1 - on Japan. 125, 128, 165, 171 258 - government propaganda. TT 144 - pro-Boer. MASTERMAN, Walter S. GKC 173-7 - The wrong letter: in­ troduction. MASTERPIECE CT 36 - definition. 241 MASTERS, Edgar Lee SL 131 - The Saoon River antholo­ gy; on village*. WA 93 - pessimism. 204 MATCHES GKC 136 - war-time. MATERIALISM and materialists AB 143, 178 AG 44 - service of. 46 - thought. 59 - Mencken on. 61 - rejection. AP 57, 63 - Prussian tyranny. AS 101 - Murry. 145-6 - 19th century. 153-4 - modem youth. 166 - romanticism. 2Q1 - making good. AT 193 - religion and. 8 227- barbarism. 270 - miracles. AV 30-2 - Bolshevists; 19th cen­ B CT EA EE EM FA FF GS H II NA tury. 32 - primitives. 132 - psychoanalysis. 178 - metaphors. 401 - facts and. 54 61 - Freud; mysticism; reli­ gious wars. 147- 52 - mythology. 148- 9 - nature. 173 - moral liberty. 181 - political attraction. 97-104 - State establishment, 165 - supernatural. 83-4 - Victorians, 76, 159181 - history and. 226-7 - miracles, devils and marriage. 286 - morality dissolved by. 160 - atheist’s belief. 209-10, 213, 215 - abuses. 14 - mystic. 106 - modem civilization. 99 - spirituality and. 138 - pleasure. 227 - restraint. 254 - delusion. Ί60 - miracles. 247 - death and. NA 247 - death and. NJ 172 -Wells. OR PL RR RS SD SP TA TC TT UD VA VT WA WB WS (see 186 - sensuality. 235 - history. 39-51 - simplicity. 60 - reason. 95 - sentimentalism, 136 - miracles. 231- 2 - meaning, 232- 60 - freethinker, 237 - freedom of God. 261 - failure. 279 128 - doubts. 265 - influence, 272 - mysticism. 223-4 - in Stevenson's age. 141 - advantages. 160 - on losing one's head. 26 - humanism. 106 138 - Christianity; paganism. 84-92 - soul's existence. 161 - view of life, 219-23 - freethinker. 67 - buildings and, 92 - morality. 110-1 - results. 18 - spiritualism. 254-7 - new religion. 204-6 - spiritualism. 55 - political fallacy. 85 - scepticism. 214 - Maeterlinck. 107 - France. 100-10 - in America. 99 - cocoa representing. 183 - Blake's defiance. 30 - Chesterton's early view. 52 - bigoted, 52-8 - collapse, 73 - Darwin’s theory. 77-8 - effect*. 117 - Murry. 128 - economic ethics. 194 - the soul. also Determinism; Fatalism; Free will) MATHEMATICIAN GW 65 - madness. MATHEMATICS CC 242 22 - higher. MATHEMATICS (Cont'd.) CP 96-7 -higher. EM 147 - Pythagorean mysticism. LL 58 - thrilling. MATHEW, Theobald TC 169 - temperance. MATHEWS, Elkin CT 193 LE MATIN (newspaper) AB 208-9 MATRIARCHY EM 61 - family. 71 - feminism. MATTER AG 84-5 - money. SL 120 - Americans. TA 194 - Thom istic meaning. MATURITY ACD 148-meaning. AG 51 - advantages, CT 19-change. DE 150 MAUGHAM, William Somerset H 278 - sensationalism. SD 136 - Home and beauty. MAUPASSANT, Guy de GBS 29-Kipling. H 28 - realism. MAURIAC, Francois GL 127 - an Victorians, MAURICE, Frederick Denison AIS 86 VA 40 - rationalism. 73 - The Hibbert journal; Kingsley. MAURRAS, Charles CT 260 - democracy. RR 248 - on Fascism. MAXTON, Mr. AIS 112 - socialism. MAY (month) AS 224 MAYFLOWER (ship) CT 220 - Americans. FF 196-9-myth. SL 161 - legend. 162 - Quakers. MAZZINI, Giuseppe RB 89-90 - heroism. MEADOW NA 126 - street and . MEALS AS 214-6 MEANING AIS 4-6 - metaphors. 85-9 - sound. PAR 137 - paradox. MEANNESS FT 19 - magnanimity and. MEANS GS 35-41 - ends and. MEASUREMENT WA 102-3 - in America. MECHANISM EM 286 - moral tests and. MECHLIN, Flanders TT 307 - description. MEDEA SL 256 - magic and. MEDICI CT 71 - monuments. MEDICINE AIS 217-8 - euthanasia. CT 53 - medical fussing; Steven­ son. 55 - medical knowledge. 56 - medical mania in students. EE 51-4 - specialists; lunacy. EM 28-9, 32-3 - psychological. TC 84-92 - soul's existence de­ nied. TY 64-healing. MEDICINE man AV 83 - spiritual life. 84 - magic 84-5 - common man. MEDIEVAL civilization, see Civilization; Middle Ages. MEDIEVALISM (-ISTS) AG 224-meaning. AS 12-3 - press. 13 - education; parliamentarianism. 165 - romance. CC 63-4 - Church's influence. CD 162-4, 175-Dickens. CT modernism and. 50 - Shelley. 189 -Macaulay, GL 102 - Renaissance and» 103-4 - gothic architecture, 187-8 - modernism and. 243 MEDIEVALISM (-ISTS) (Cont'd.) NJ 245-6 - modernism and. RR 90 - Rome, 94 - modernism and. TT 237 -activity. VA 70-1 -Pater. 71 - Christianity; paganism. 190-1 - Rossetti. 196-200 - Morris. WA 92-3 - >n Chicago. Mediterranean area EM 89-93 - history. 90, 143, 188-94-civiliza­ tion. 202 , 206 , 251 - religions. GL 27 - the Sea. NJ 205 - civilization, 206 - Western culture. OR 273 - Christianity; civiliza­ tion. TT 141 - characteristics of peo­ ples. MEDIOCRITY AD 239 RR 146 - artistic. MEDIUMS CT 160-law. 1 160- mesmerists. MEEKNESS ACD 62 AG 170 - inheritance; the meek, FA 137 -St. Francis on. GW 69 - paradox. OR 158-60, 177-8 - Christian. 177-8 - madness. 221 - Hindu mildness. WB 142 - Blake on. MELANCHOLY GKC 197 - Johnson. H 48-Kipling. OR 296 - interlude. TH 11 - greatest Joy. MELBOURNE, 2d Viscount (Wm Lamb) VA 42 - Disraeli; religion. WC 236-7 - rule of. MELODRAMA AV 152-7 153 - Victorian. 156 - the aside. CD 185-6 - farce; Dickens. H 54 - soul of. 282-4 - life. H 282-4 -life. MELODY CT 40 - poetry. MELTING-POT WA 8 - metaphor. MEM UNG, Hans SE 84-art. MEMORY AB 24-32 - reality. AIS 4 - metaphors. CD 46 - psychology. GL 142-3 - unreliability, MEN AG 51 -7 - wisdom of old men, 138 - respective ages. AT 16 - as head of the house. 18-9 - dignity. 26 - in love. 106 - conversation; delibera­ tive; democratic, C 69 - classification. 77 - ambitions. CT 46 - novelty. 156 - mechanical; future. FF 176-7 - courage. GKC 218-9 - famous. PAR 58 - friendship. TT 166-7 - greatness. 270 - women and. WS 217 - brave; honest; respect for women. MENCKEN, Henry Louis AG 58-64 - science. 61 - materialism. CT 260 - pessimism. SL 147-Puritan. 207 - democracy. TA 84 - Knox on, TC 11-20 - criticism. 25, 27, 28 - brotherhood. MENDEL, Gregor Johann AG 117 - heredity. MENDICITY WW 299-300 - hypocrisy; virtue. MENTAL disorders CT 56 - medical mania. MENTAL retardation EE 24-6 - legislation. 65-8 - eugenics. 88 78MERCANTILISM $E 223-4 - in England. 244 VA MERCANTILISM (Cont'd.) SE 251-2 - agrarian attack on . MERCHANTS C 41 - aristocratic alliance. UU 5 - civilization and. MERCIA SE 45 - kingdom, MERCURY EM 117 MERCY CM 98 - Francis of Assisi. LL 99 - degraded, OR 181 - Christian. 242 - Buddhism. RR 53 - Catholic Church, TT 14 - meaning. MEREDITH, George AB 174, 287-8 AD 179 AIS 99 - woman and. 100-3 - Thomas Hardy. AS 54, 85 AT 176 AV 167 - optimism. 169 170 - lolly pagan. CM 17 - on egoism; Evan Harring­ ton , 81 90 - Love in a valley. FF 167 - the poor. HA RB RS TT UD 66-71 - moral philosophy. 156-7, 165 102, 154, 212 55 - on human grace. 43-4 - Victorian. 45 - Thomas Hardy. 46 - simplicity; Shakespeare. 46-8 - greatness. 47 - qualities. 48 - on nature. 115 - Diana of the crossways· 137-49 - Hardy. 138 - pagan. 139 - pantheism. 140, 148 - Dickens. 140-2, 148 - women and. 142 - paganism. 142-3 - Victorianism. VA 143 - optimism. 144 - nature. 145 - comedy. 145-9 - style. 147 - prejudices. 148 - Ruskin; Swinburne. 149 - Evan Harrington; Horry Richmond. 228 - characters. 9 228- James; materialist. 186 236 - on sex. VT WS MERGERS SL 245 - inefficiency. MERIT AT 47 - false; real. H 44 - personal. 69 - humility. MERMAIDS UD 178-9 - humanity. 282 - existence. MERRY England AS 107 - St. George, C 189 - name. CM 20 MESMER, Franz WB 124-power. MESMERISTS CT 160-1 - mediums and. MESSAGE C 29 - Shaw; Nonconformists. METAPHOR AIS 2-3 - reality, 4 - memory; mind. 4-5 - reporting. 4-6 - meaning. 5 - argument. AV 178 - materialism. CT 150 - mythology. 151 - dawn; poetry. DE 146-slang. FT 67-in poetry. SP 159 - materialistic. WA 188-90 - fallacy. WS 88 - in modern world. 117 - dogma. 237 - Thomas More, METAL LL 159 - love of lead. TT 117-8 - history. METAPHYSICS AG 15 - in man. CM 174 - finance; society. 245 METAPHYSICS (Cont'd.) CT 74 EM 259-60-Oriental. NJ 45 - Arabs; Chinese. PAR 87 SP 170 TA 31 - Thomist movement. WS 55 - physics and, 117 - metaphor. 193 - Catholic Church, 224 - economics and. (see also Being) METAURUS EM 172, 181 METHODIST Monthly AB 186 METHODISTS CM 44 WC 173, 177 METHUEN, Paul Sanford, 3d baron TT 179 METHUSELAH ISM AT 195-6 METRE AV 205-10 - emotion. 209-10 - poetry. CM 215 FT 12-3 - pessimism and. VT 37 - poetic meaning, fsee also Rhythm) METTERNICH, Prince Klemensvon CM 79 MEXICO EM 86 - ancient civilization. TC 126-7 - persecution. MEYNELL, Alice AB 295-6 CD 109-Dickens. CM 91 - Thompson. HA 175-8 - biography. LL 176 - contradicting Thackeray. 180 - historical women in. M'HARDY, George VT 154 - Savonarola. MICAH, the Prophet NJ 182-Huxley. WS 254 - Shaw. MICHAEL, Saint, Archangel CM 217-8 - Mithras. EM 205 - Buddhism. GL 14 - Michelangelo. MICHAEL (the name) Il 52 - meaning . MICHELANGELO AG 157-8-name. 161 - Christianity. AP 88-91 - claimed as Teuton. AT 238 - frescoes. CT 71 - Night. GL 14 - name. NJ 112 - statue in snow. RR 32 - Saint Peter. 151 - critics. TT 75 - inspiration, VT 150 - Savonarola. WB 17-art. 113 - Renaissance. WS 139 - thinker. MICHELET, Jules CM 70-Dickens. MIDAS AT 27-8 - failure, MIDDLE Ages ACD 115 - age of reason. 163-4 - history. 167 - Carlyle. AD 38-44 - humor; spirit. 39 - modem idea. 39- 40 - Faustus. 40 - essence; Tannhauser. 40- 1 - ideas; irony. AG AIS AS AV C 165 221 - English and French. 226 - industry. 69-70 - internationalism. 70 - armaments. 11-5- modernism and. 12 - art; Dante; Thomism. 107 - medievalism in Merry England. 12 - money. 66 - concept of nature. 10-1 - Chaucer (Chesterton) 11 - details. 12 - characteristics; philoso­ phy. 14 - prejudice. 39- 79 - conditions. 40 - Black Death. 40- 1 - Crusades. 46 - schools after Reformation. 59 - Christian philosophy. 246 MIDDLE Ages (Cont’d.) C CC CD CDU CM CP CT EA EE EE 59-60 - standing army; mili­ tarism . EM 60 - militarism. 62 - costume. 66 - symbolism. 69-70 - ideas. 125- 7 - light. 126- 7 - philosophy. 127 - classicism. 129 - mysticism; fanaticism, 148 - romance. 153 - virility. 157 - morality. 196 - logic; opportunity. 197 - governing class. 234 -backbone. 237-8 -truth. 244 - intellectualism; simpli­ city. 245 - Renaissance and. 258-9 - systems, 259 - exposition. 259-60 - paradox. 261 - forces in. 267 - duality of outlook, 267-8 - Belloc on; Catholi­ cism; paganism. 270 - simplicity. 274 - morality. 278 - literature. 279-82 - communication. 282-3 - books. 288 -Chaucer on; St. Thomas on; roots. 290 - Catholicism; satire on. 293 - equilibrium. 79 - Protestantism; Romantic Movement. 246 - Catholicism. 47-9 - priests. 26-30 - monsters. 35 - war. 98 - humanitarianism, 102-3 - art. 266 - Scotland. 77-9 3-4 - thinking. 189 - Macaulay. 185 - serfdom. 115-6-civilization. FA FF GBS GKC GL GL GS H HA It LL MM NJ 247 129- 33 - security. 132-3 - inequality. 291-6, 302 - Catholic Church. 34- 5 - rise of civilization. 35- 7 - monastic character; religious movements. 37-8 - purification in move­ ments. 52-3 - republics. 70 - common sense. 98 - drama; St. Francis. 13-6 - contribution. 15-6 - mystery; vividness. 28-9 - superstitions. 59-60 - progressivism. 248 - asceticism; 20th century. 179 - Christian art. 7 - Henry VI of England. 48 - logic. 9 48- man and beast in. 103 - variety in unity. 107-11 - romance. 110-1 - chronicles. Ill - freedom; religion. 113, 115 170 - Renaissance. 170-1 - Shakespeare. 187-8 - thesis in. 87 - punishment. 12 - burning of philosophers. 45 - courage. 279 - soul and; natural his­ tory. 27 - heirs. 95- intellectual life. 151 - civilization. 158 - man. 48 - Victorian age and. B6 - in Russia. 88 - kings of. 130- 1 - modem view. B4-5 - living conditions. 186-7 - coronations. 271 - philosophy; social sys­ tem . 296-7 - freedom, 202 - misconception. 234 - feudalism; military or­ ganization. 245 - return to; modem world, 246-68 - decay. MIDDLE Age» (Cont'd.) NJ 247-08 - Jerusalem, 248 - arts undeveloped; poten­ tialities of, 248-9 - guilds. 250 - imperfect; age of pro­ gress. 251 - Bouliion, Godfrey de; history and. 3 251- cause of decline. 255 - failure. 259 - first Crusade. 260 - modern politican and. OR 277 - barbarism. 295-6 - happiness. RB 24-5 RR 87 - Roman resurrections. 96 - Church of St. John Lateran. 100- 1 - Pope Innocent III. 101- 2 - modernism and. 102 - social thought. 103 - social institutions. 103- 4 - trade union movement and. 113 - Rome. 119 - Renaissance, 134 - Thomas Aquinas; vices; virtues. 134-5 - Papacy. SD 88-9 - age of vow. SE 10-2 - in popular histories. 30-1 - modem times and, 78 - religion. 104- 5 - significance. 105, 106, 142-3 - government, 106- 7 - guild system. 107- 13 - agriculture. 108 - slavery. 108- 9, 143 - Church influence. 110 - landlords. 111 - common land. 112, 117 -social justice. 125 - Christendom. 129 - anti-Semitism, SL 185 - republic. SP 107 - main concern. SS 30 - Puritanism and. 30-2 - asceticism. TA 8 - mystery. 31 -2 - Nascence, 51-2 - Victorians. 63 - riddle. 69-70 - student life. 129-critics. 130 - explanation. TC 132 - Catholic Church. TM 34 - Carlyle, TT 237 - spirit. UD 191-2 - heraldry; dress. 194-7 - modern age and. 196-7 - symbolism. 286 - beliefs. UU 92 - democracy. VT 21 - costumes. WA 91 - vitality. 92 - Catholicism. 92, 211 - democracy. WB 136-7 - metaphysics. WC 166 - Cobbett on sociology of. WS 87 - the Pre-Raphaelites. 116 - Murry on. 218-K. Digby. 239 - divine right of kings. WW 278-9-schools. (see also Dark Ages; Medievalism) MIDDLE classes AB 2-3-English. 5-10 - description. AG 66 - Trollope. TA 67 - rule. GKC 53-ideas. RB 15-6 - optimism. TT 280-1 - in politics. WS 181-2 - wealth. MIDDLE English C 82 - in English language. 219-20 - as foreign language. MIDDLE West WA 28 - standards. 86 - Puritanism. 93 - medieval spirit, 174-5 -fads, MIDDLETON, Thomas RR 40 - faults of Christianity. MIKADO UD 71 - divine nature of. MILDNESS QR 221 - Hinduism. MILITARISM AT 138-9 - effects. 248 MILITARISM (Cont'd.) AT 139-40 - German. C 59-60 - middle ages. CE 40-1 - Puritan attitude, EA 40 - age of, 93 - German, 188 - modern attitude. FF 231 - moral emotion. 231- 3 - fallacy. 232- 3 - mobs. GKC 100 - Belloc. GL 71 - masquerade. H 43 - Kipling. 44 - evil. 11 173-6 - rule. LL 85 - modernity. SD 113-4 - cannot tame man's soul. SE 67 - paradox. SP 96 UD 68 - Japan. VT 229 - politics. WC 22 - Cobbett. WS 108-murder, MILITARY Science NJ 234 - feudalism. MILITARY service WW 127-31 - subordination in. MILL, John Stuart ACD 174 RB 26, 56 - Browning. 56 - Ruskin. VA 11 -politics. 36 - Bentham. 7, 36209 38, 57 - utilitarianism. 73 - Arnold. 104 - Eliot. WC 23-Carlyle. 188 - on markets. MILLAIS, John Everett GW 40 - Pre-Raphaelitism. 77 - Tennyson. 82 - R. Browning. 154 - Carlyle; Watts. UU 4-5, 8 - commercial art. MILLENNIAL Dawnists WS 201, 203 MILLENIUM WS 265 - Prohibition and. MILLIONAIRES AG 69-70-Whigs. AS 146 CT 8 - money; endowments. 168-73 170-2 - power. NJ 130 - Jewish; Zionism. 284 - gipsies. OR 178 - attack on. 182 - love of wealth. OS 251 - property. WA 77-8 - America. WC 191 - markets, (see also Wealth; Rich) MILNE, A. A. CM 207-8 MILNES, Richard Monckton. see Hough ton, Baron. MINORITIES 144 - constitutionalists. NJ MILSAND , Joseph Antoine 119 RB MILTON, John 49 - expansiveness. AG 85, 86 AS 176 AT 16 - on Shakespeare. C 222 - translation. 83 - Christian science. CC 39 - on clergy. CE 85 - Stilton and Milton. CL 276 - England. CM 39 CT 257 - last of the epic poets. 257-8 - Shakespeare and · 6-9, 12 - on rhyme. FF 95 - on liberty. 256, 259 - artist. 256-7 - style. 256- 9 - greatness. 257- 8 - on religion. 259-60 - Cromwell. 259- 61 - moral earnestness. 260 - on enjoyment. 260- 1 - Christianity. 261 - Christ. 263 - Cavalier poets. 95 GBS 131 - nationalism. GL 173 - language. 19-20 - freedom. H 211 - stoic. 75 - praise. HA LL 183 - use of stories. MM 249 MILTON, John (Cont'd.) RB Ί4 - background. SD 97 - on divorce. SL 229 - Sitwell and. SS 9 - Puritan. TC 102 - Catholic influence. 239-41 - Protestant influence. UD 81 - Dante and. 2 81- on divorce; women. 124 - on poetry. 228 - Christmas. L vc idos. GBS 204 Paradise lost. AG 144-5 FF 6-9 - rhyme. 257-9 - criticism. 258 - religion. 260- 1 - religious poem. 261- 2 - emotion. 269 - climax. GBS 204 TC 241 - criticism. Samson Agonistes. SL 242 Sonnet on his blindness. RB 137 MIND, see Intellect; Reason, MINIMUM wage, see Wages. MINNEAPOLIS WA 94 - Manchester and , MINOAN civilization EM 91-3 - glories. MINORITIES NJ 143 - education; power; wealth; World War I. 144 - constitutionalists; ma­ jorities, RR. 248-51 - rule by. 250 - truth. WA 171-2 - democracy, 241 - power. WS 247 - rule by. MINOS EM 91 - civilization; labyrinth, MINOTAUR CM 28 MIRABEAU, H. G. V. R., Count de TM 12-5 VA 51 -Carlyle. MIRACLE plays, see Mysteries and mira­ cle plays. miracles AT AV CM EM FA <1 INN M NA NJ OR RR SUR TC TT UD VT WS MIRROR UD SCT MIRTH H 250 268-70 - Anatole France; 1 tori cal method; Renan. 270 - materialism. 6 - banknotes; monsters. 176-80 178 - contingency. 212 - moral philosophy. 280-1 - God, 154 - prejudice, 154- 67 - actuality, 155 - acceptance. 155- 7 - historical method. 158 - sceptics. 160 - rationality. 161 - rationalization, 166 - belief in. 160 - materialism. 192 - and mystery. 53 54 - science and causes. 86 - explain or work. 25 - effect. 166-71 - science. 170 - natural law. 136 - Christian Science on 41, 136 - materialism, 223 - levitation. 232-8 - freethinkers. 235 - Arnold; science. 235-8 - new theology. 236 - meaning. 237-8 - Shaw. 277-84 - evidence. 150 - gravity. 15 - freedom and. 9 - Dean Inge; Catholic Church. 122 - 20th century, 207 - science. 120 - possibility. 18-9 - murders and. 115-6 - man. 19-art. 54 - reality. 96 - Chesterton's belief. 220 -disbelief. 154 - function. 45 208 MIRTH (Cont'd.) SS 30-2 - middle ages. MISANTHROPES H 184 - humanity. MISER (S) AIS 159-62 FR 238 - avarice and greed. LL 11 - a madman. MM 168-73 - millionaires; tradi­ tional; modem. 172 - flattery. WIS 169 - collector and. MISFORTUNES CD 41 - effects on man's philoso­ phy. MISNOMERS MM 215-6 MISPRINTS CT 65 - in journalism; reasons. MISSIONARY (-IES) EM 269-70 - Christianity and mo­ dern. GS 21-7 - meaning. H 278 - eternalist. II 222 - Ireland. MISSING link CP 34 EM 47, 255 UD 282-4 WA 288 MISTAKES RDQ 75 - every man. WA 237 - modem man. MISTER (the term) SE 114 - origin. MITFORD, Mary Russell GBS 136-7- Our village. MITHRA (-ISM) CM 217-8 - Michael and. EM 21-2 - Ramon Empire's end. 157 - philosophy. 199 - births of Christ. 256-7 - Christianity and, TC 213, 218 - the Mass and, MOB (S) ACD 85 AD 176 - ideas. 239 - virtues. AG 116-7 - morality. 170 - meekness. 196-7 - monuments. 58-9 - democracy. 171-4- man. CM 71 - Barnaby Rudge. 71-2 - Carlyle. 71-3 - Tale of two cities. 203 - Whitman. CQT 148 EA 33 - rule by. FF 232-3 - intimacy; militarism; psychology. 232-5 - individuals. H 55 - chivalrous. LL 39 - prejudices. NJ 142 - despots; fanaticism, 143 - Jerusalem. 232 - virtues. 237 - Crusades. 238 - vices. OS 249 - morality. SE 254 - ritualism. SUR 30 - agreement. VA 80-1 - higher castes. WC 112-3 - mysticism. 230 - paradox. WS 92-morality. MOCK Turtle EM 117 - Mad Hatter's. MODERATION CP 372 RR 39 - the Pope. VT 255 - a passion. MODERN Age (includes references to Modernity, Modems, Modernism, Modem Man, Modem Mind, Modem Thought, Modem World, Modernists, Modem AIS Life) ACD 178-Dickens. AG 55 - paradox. 89- physical jerks. 225-guilds. 237 - modern girl; confusion. AIS 43-religion. 142-4 - relativity. 149-50 - slavery. 218 - human life. 218-2 - euthanasia. AS 11 - psychology; turnpikes. 11-5- medievalism. 67-8 - morality. 77-8 - creativeness. 251 CM MODERN Age (Cont'd.) AS 104 - fatalism. 133 - nature and. 133-4 - ornament. 134 - beauty. 3 181- ephemera I ity of thought. 187-8 - custom. 201-2 , 205-8 - ambiguity. 229- 33 - thought. 230- 2 - truth. 231 -2 - courage. AT 3-4 - snobbishness. AV 3 - reason and. 3-4 - Aristotle; Dr. Johnson. 4 - impressionistic. 5-0 - Robert Lynd. 4,6- logic. 8-14 - Christmas. 12 - forefathers. 27 - festivity. 68 - nature and. 71 - crafts. 77 - morality. 81 - "fast"; textbooks. 81-6 - heir of all the ages. 110 - happiness. 127 - superstitions. 128 - dreams. 167-8 ~ pessimism. 169 - discontentment. 180 - 19th century romances. 188 - life. 210 - poetry. 213-4 - Gill's Beauty looks to herself. C 46 - medieval history and. 69-70 - ideas, CD 19 - religion and pessimism. CM 6-9 - leaders; poor and. 28 - monsters, 47-8 - fictional characters. 94 - witchcraft. 98 - St. Francis and, 101 - Botticelli; Guido. 16, 108175, 196-205 111-2 - bondage of modern thought. 122 - debate. 155-9 - laughter. 165 - modernism; modernity. CT EA FF GBS GL GS II MM NJ RB RR SD SL SS TA TT UD VA WA WS 252 168-9 - education. 176-80 - miracle; supernatur­ al . 217-9 - religions. 221-4 - epitaph. 227 - bigotry, 233 - truth. 250- 1 - pride. 251- 2 - egoism. 256-7 - foil of man. 3 - medievalism and. 4 - logic. 145 - meaning. 91 - in Germany. 239-41 - self-complacency. 128 - error. 129, 241, 244 223 - God. 165 - attitudes. 187-8 - medievalism and. 103-9 - trouble with. 171 -Calvinists. 115 - fallacy. 275-6 - middle ages and. 171 - paganism. 174 - Bible. 232 - attitude towards Cru­ sades. 246 - disease. 142 94-5 - medieval mind and. 95-6 - the Church and. 96 - St. John Lateran. 101-3 - medievalism. 135-6 - Popes and. 98 - age of contracts. 28 - Jezebel. 77-8 - children. 206-7 - isolation. 17 - sentimentalism. 18 - on man. 5 - metaphors. 26 - humanism. 86 - influenced by ancients. 130 - emotions and moods. 96-103 - Dickens. 194-7 - middle ages and. 216-7 - mysticism; paganism. 26 - moral problem. 10 - supressed puns. 35-6 - Church for guidance. MODERN Age (Cont'd.) WS 87 - revolt. 90 - rebellion against. 114 - "musical instrument" of. 156 - mystified. 157 - a jungle. 211 - Inge. 220 - nonsense. 233 - eroticism. 253 - Puritanism. WW 147-56 - ancient things and. MODERN Churchman's Conference WS 211 - on youth. MODERN civilization, see Civilization. MODERN Man. see Modem Age. MODERN Mind, see Modern Age. MODERN World, see Modern Age; Twen­ tieth Century. MODERNISM. see Liberalism; Modem Age; Rationalism. MODERNS, see Modem Age. MODESTY 133 - clothing. AS 182 - simplicity. AT 124 - sex. CM 239 - Christianity; dignity. 64 - roots of. LL 108 - Moslem women. NJ 56 - psychology. SL 178-83 TC 177 - trait. WB 40 - external, and the Gener­ WS al Will. 149 - capitalist*; commercial advertising. 184-5 - dignity; women. WW MODELS 98 - use. GL MOHAMMED 158 - on heaven. C 288 - error. 111-3 - mountain. CP 109 - single idea. CT 81 - nomad invasion. EM 97, 234-5 - Christ and. 224-5 - compromised with his times. 312 - Lycurgus. 255, 262 - Christianity. NJ 53 - in Greek sculpture. RR 109 - civilization; influence. 144-5 - Church decorations. 107 - polygamy. 76 93 - Aristotle and. 44 - creation. 104 - Stevenson. 27 - shrewder than the Pro­ testants . MOHAMMEDANISM, see Islam. MOLESWORTH, Mary Louisa 118 VA MOLIERE,, Jean Baptiste ACD 38 CD 96-7 - characters. 123 - farce. DE 104 GL 105 - Wycherley. 154 - Misanthrope. 239 - in French literature. TC 21 - jokes. WS 112 - French Academy. MOLOCH 111 - monster. EM 142-3, 168-9, 174 - children sacrificed to. 168 - Saturn. 168, 171, 173 - Baal. 208-9 - Herod and. 276 - Levantine worship. MONARCHY 132-3 - British. AT 288 - modern. 46 - restoration. C 60 - beginnings. 267 - English. CM 274-5 - aristocracy. 219 - plutocracy. CT 261- 72 - tradition. 262- 4 - England. 263 - popularity. 269 - conservatism; leader­ RR SD SE TA VA VT WS EM FF NA OR 253 ship. 270 -God and. 74-8 - in Egypt. 147-58 - philosophers. 210 - Christ's birth and. 222 - monasticism. 272 - aristocracy. 45 - alphabetical. 197 - 20th century conserva­ tism. MONARCHY (Cont’d.) 213 - France. OR 214 - constitutional. 250-1 - Eastern. 221 - Thomas Aquinas. RR 142 - medieval. SE 242-3 - Shaw on. SL 149-51 - satire. UD 229-30 - Queen Victoria. VT 232 - basis; democracy. 119- 20 - constitutional. WA 120- 1 - America. 121 - duties. 232 - oligarchy; value. 69 - aristocracy. WC 34 - trustworthy. WS (see al so Divine Right of Kings) MONASTERIES 96 - role in history. SD 97 - destruction. 112 - suppression. 169 - controversy. SE MONASTICISM 112 - enjoyment. AG 104-5 - St, Francis. CM 222 - Western. EM 35 - counsels of perfection. FA 119 - economy. 124 - contributions. 223 - liberty. FR 122 - Thackeray. HA 251 - Eastern hermits replaced. OR 277 - industry. 96 - critics; marriage vow. SD 131 - marriage and. 48-50 - meaning. SE 128 - corruption. TC TOO - emaciation. UD 194-5 - garb. VT 66 (see also Friars; Monks) MONCRIEFF, Scott 33 - Song of Roland. CM MONEY 126 - politics. AB 84-5 - matter and. AG 160-2 - avarice. AIS 202, 207-8 - making good. AS 26 - mysticism. AT 12 - Christmas pudding; medie­ AV valism. 12-3 - old and new value. 72 - towns. 7 - use; pagans; philanthro­ CT pists , 8 - millionaires. 186 - truth, 186-8 - love of. CT 188 - Parliament; worship. 169 - pride. H HA 63-5 - in literature. 11 - symbol. LL 48-9 - power. MM 222 OS 140 - money. SL 140, 143-4 - America. 140-1 - paradox. 11 - Britain's adoration of. TC 157- 8 - politics. UD 158- 9 - drama and. 42 - spending. WA 100-4, 107-10 - American attitude. 102 - love of. 103 - worship; English attitude. 20 - paper and gold. WC 30-1 - honest. 64 - value. 38 - collecting. WIS 234 - property. WS {see also Millionaires; Wealth) MONEYLENDERS 131 - station of. CT NJ 113 - Jewish. 281 - Armenians. MONGOLS 50-5 - in Russia. AP 86 - racial theories. EM 90 - influence on history. MONISM 61 - rejection. AG 280-1 - monotheism. EM 233-8 - Church and. OR 236 - agnosticism. (see also Materialism) MONK, Maria 28 CC MONKEY-GLANDS 183-6 TC MONKS 165 - dress. AG AV 254 MONKS (Cont'd.) AV 214 - Republic. C 56-7 - rebellion against, 253-4 - Chaucer's satire. 253 - Protestantism on. CM 130 - sex. CT 111 - slavery. FA 35 - practicality; severity. 118 - song. 119- friars ond. 124 - economic affairs, NJ 104 - Orthodox priests and. SD 100-vow. SE 169-70 - landlords. TA 241 - quarrels. VT 68 - happiness. WS 123 - tonsure. MONMOUTH Rebellion SE 213 MONOCLE SL 26 - criticism. MONOGAMY ACD 134 GBS 181-2 - love. SD 83 - monogram. 130 - divorce. 131 - medals for. MONOPHYS1TE Heresy CDU 86-7 NJ 106-7 RR 63 TC 214-6 MONOPOLY MM 171 - wealth. OS 3-4 - private enterprise. 72 - of big business. 77-80 - growth; property. 80 - free will. 83-8, 91, 170-1 - resistance, 107-18 - destruction; indivi­ duals . 243 - despotism, 244 - America. UU 23 - arguments against. WC 191 - markets. WS 277 - poor and, MONOTHEISM EM 80, 106, 108, 110-5, 314 Jewish. 101-3 - Australian aboriginal, 112 - world survival. 245-6, 265 - Pharisees and Sadducees. 280-1 - monism and. 312, 314 - Mohammedan. NJ 134, 144 - Jews. OR 250 - liberal. 250-1 - Mohammedan. VT 126 - sensational. MONOTONY AD 295 - definition. AG 109 - youth. AV 102-3 - jazz. CT 211 - mathematical insanity; men. EM 96 - industrial. NA 25 - adventure. OR 107-10 - life in. TT 286-96 - criticism. MONSTER (S) AD 27-8 - Apocalypse. AS 180-2 - fairytales. AV 1 - at Loch Ness. 1-7 6 - miracles. CM 26-30 EM 17-8 - meaning. MONSTROSITIES UD 283-4 - modem and medieval. MONTAIGNE, Michel de SP 94 SS 8 TC 240 - scepticism. WS 186 - modernism. MONTALEMBERT, Comte de (Charles Forbes) AV 64 MONTCALM (de Saint-Veran), Marquis AG 219 MONTE Cassino (abbey) TA 55 - sacking of. MONTENEGRO AP 56 - Russia aided. CE 146-52 - against Turkey. MONTESQUIEU, Charles SD 42-family. MONTESSORI, Maria FF 23 - fairy tales. MONTESSORI School WC 204 - Cobbett. MONTFORT, Simon de AS 13 - parliamentarianism. EM 255 MONTFORT, Sîmon de (Cont'd.) C 08 - in Crusades. RR 107 - Roman tax. SD 100-1, 123, 127 - founder of Parliament. TA 47 - Albigensian}. MONTGELAS, Count EA 116-7 MONUMENTS AG 1% - mobs. AT 68-9 - communication. 83 - French; Germon. 83-4 - English; paradox. DE 53-5 -public. GL 146-7 - victories. MOOD AD 148 - convictions. AP 28 - Germon motivation, AS 177 CM 15 - dreams; tragedy. 2 91- poet; literature. CT 258 - art. RR 54 - origin, TA 130 - value of moodiness. MOODY, Dwight Lyman TA 36 MOON AD 55-7 - as cheese. 57-8 - virescence. AT 65 - education on. CL 178-9, 187 - cow and. MM 70, 73, 74 OR 51 - mother of lunatics. MOON-CALF RDQ 186 MOORE, Edward FF 137-8, 142-4 - on equality. MOORE, George ACD 147 AS 156 AT 83-Kipling. C 155 - on Morris. CC 28 - Catholic Ireland. FT 32 - criticism of Stevenson. H 75 - inconsistency. 100 - Irish paganism. 128 - Catholicism. 129 - Pater ond; Stevenson; Thackeray. HA 154-egotism. NJ 182 - freethinker; on the vir­ tues. NJ 183-4 - Irish mysticism. R$ 142-3 - Stevenson. SD 42 - Balzac. VT 97 - Stevenson. MOORE, Thomas GS 273 GW 28 - Celticism. UD 128-9 - poetic language. VA 30 - Byron; Whigs. MOORS GL 28-Spain. MORAL law AT 149-50 - necessity. MORAL order VA 37-8 - literature; chronologi­ cal order. MORAL philosophy, see Ethics. MORAL theology CT 233 - sex; psychology. MORALITY AB 145 - imperialism. ACD xix - English people. 42 - Hogarth. 167- and history. 168 - science and. AD 123-Futurism. AG 8 - subjectivity. 116 - in medicine. 205 - requisites. 231 - paradox. AIS AS AT 256 40 - sensibility. 45 - Puritanism. 54 - Haeckel. 187 - fi Ims. 205 - art, 207 - pragmatism. 64-6 - prohibitions. 65 - Puritanism. 66-8 - progress and. 67 - Huxley; Wyndham Lewis; Stevenson. 78 - murder. 6 115- democracy; politic*. 189 - convention; art. 201-2, 207 - making good. 145 - English. 147 - object of. 148 - excuse* for immorality. 148-50 - journalism and im­ morality. 151 - inadequate. 158 - enforced. FF MORALITY (Cont'd.) AT 253-8 - of ferry tales. 258 - enjoyment. 259-06 - conceptions of. 259-66 - Tom Jones ■ 264 - optimism. 265 -old and new; scepticism. 266 - human nature; objectivi­ AV C CD CM CT DE EE FA ty 75-6 - society. 76, 79-80 - custom. 77 - modem age. 77-9 - insensibility. 115-6 - progress and. 135-7 - Puritanism. 184-5 - cynicism. 36 - eternity of. 157 - appetite for. 270-1 - Protestant and Catho­ lic. 236-7 - paradox. 46-9 - authors; fiction. 95 - Huxley. 123-4 - cleanliness. 162-3 - moral ism; Tolstoi. 169 - education, 250 - pride. 7- 13 - scientific. 12 - practice of, 28-9 - confusion. 31 - modem society. 99-104 101 - Douglas on. 101-3 - unchangeable. 102 - right and wrong, 103 - motives; sexual selfcontrol; vulgar language. 125 - love. 127 - publicity. 153 - Shaw. 154 - in evolution. 168-73 - fatalism. 170 - idiocy. 233 - questions of, 4 233- novelists. 6 - authors. 25- 6 26- 7 - conceptions of. 162 - conspiracy. 105-6 - eugenics. 141 - practicality. GBS GKC GL GS GW H HA LL NJ RR RS SCL SD SL TA TE TT UD 257 36-8 - Shakespeare. 37 - principles. 37-8 - critics. 77-8 - absolute. 101, 103 - conduct and judg­ ment. 130 - and art. 164-5 - education. 259-62 - earnestness in poetry; Milton. 138 - censorship. 122 - Cecil Chesterton. 151-2 - A Christmas Carol (Dickent) 226-7 - moralizing in rhymes. 227 - children. 228 - moralizing by adults. 71-2 - of war. 222-9 - American morals; smoking and drinking. 121-2 - art. 25 - motive. 25-7 - wholesome religion. 25-37 234 - stability. 234-46 - art. 66 - modern hatred of. 67 - fiction, 94 - taste and. 39 - Moslem. 63-4 - civilization. 93-4 - paradox. 94 - Stevenson. 162 - heresy and. 41 - authors. 115 - militant. 137 - different standards; new. 7-8 - sentiment. 11 - of name-calling. 146 - Puritan. 149 - drinking. 181 - American. 218 - Laurence, 31 - Franciscan movement. 201 - Huxley on. 6-7 - evolution and. 11 - conflict with science. 76 92 - precedence. 274-5 - reasons for. 66, 71 - Japan. C MORALITY (Cont'd.) UD 64-6, 71 - in the Orient. 140-4 - attack on; and pseudo­ science. 144 - norm, VT 87-91 - Charles II. 263 - art. WA 147 - abstract; Prohibition. 165 - Americans. W8 57 - scientist on. 183 - alteration. WS 69-70 - problems; Prohibition. 94 - ïmmoralîsts as non-thtnkers. {see also Ethics; Good and evil; Sin) MORBIDITY H 54 - modern. OR 48-51 - mystery's destruction, SP 46 MORE, McCollum AB 10 MORE, Thomas, see Thomas More, Saint. MORGAN, John Pierpont CM 222-4 MORLAND, Catherine WC 152 MORLEY, John AB 117-8 Π 143-Pro-Boer. WS 204 - on Swinburne's Dolores. MORMONS SD 108 - tolerance. UD 182-4 - polygamy. 188-9 - beliefs. 189 - Oriental influence. WS 254 - tenacity of founders, MORNING post (newspaper) AB 208 II 56 MOROCCO CE 152 - Germany, MORONS CM 9 MORRIS, William AB 143 ACD 107 - happiness. AIS 127-32 129 - Marx. AS 40 187 - Shaw. C 139 - on roses. CC CM EM GW GS H HA 11 MM RR RS SP TE VA VT 258 152 - Love is enough. 155 - The wood at the end of the world; The earthlY_pgrg· djje: Glittering plain. 155-6 - Chaucer's Influence. 156 - The life and death of Jason. 79 - Catholic influence; Chai cer's influence. 82 87 - Pre-Raphaelites. 21] - escapist, 31 - mountains. 74-Watts. 150, 153-4 - portrait. 153-4 - art, 100 - dark ages. 99 82 - Russell. 254 - shopkeeper. 103 - influence. 93, 203 - Stevenson. 100 - camp and cathedral, 8-rusticity. 196-200 - medievalism. 196-9 - Rossetti; Swinburne. 197 - craftsman; poetry. 198- 200, 231-3 - socialism. 199 - The Roots of the moun­ tains; The Wood at the end of the World. 199- 200 - anarchism. 199 - capitalism; Richardson; Victorianism. 200 - News from nowhere. 232 - Fabians; the Revolu­ tionist . 15 - beauty; Victorian era. 15- 6 - workmanship. 16- 7 - decorative technique; human nature. 17- 22 - aesthetic revolution. 22- 6 - reforms. 23 - modem life. 23- 4 - exhibitions; 19th cen­ tury, 17-9, 24 - ugliness. 25 - incompleteness of his work, 25-6 - prophet of art. 59-60 - asceticism. MORRIS, William (Cont’d,) WC 166 - historical procedure. 188 - on markets. MORRISON , Arthur H 278 MORTALITY AIS 122-6 - politicians. MORTON, John B. AB 313-4 MOSAIC RR 99 - Byzantine; Giotto. MOSCOW RR 102 - centralization. MOSES ACD 13 - Pentateuch. EM 106, 112 - monotheism. 234 - Christ and, RR 37 - statue in Rome. 53 - in Greek sculpture. MOSLEMS. see Islam, MOSQUES 49 - inscriptions. NJ MOSS H 51 MOTHER-IN-LAW (jokes) 179-80 AD AT 15 WW 110 MOTION 215 - theory. TA 77 - will of God. WS MOTION pictures, see Moving pictures■ MOTIVES 99—100 - importance. CT 103 - morality. 38 - importance. FF 39 - moral tests. MOTORING, see Travel. MOTORS 15 - men and. AS MOUNT of Olives, see Olivet, Mount. MOUNTAIN climbing. 282-3 AD MOUNTAIN of the Latins (near Bethiehem) NJ 265 MOUNTAINS 81 - Americans and. AIS 56 - romantic. H MOURNING GL 83-4 - colors; church; for­ mal customs. TT 23 - ritual. MOVEMENTS GKC 186-7 - Forward Movement. NJ 45 - mood, 46 - modern; fashions. MOVING pictures AIS 31 - censorship. 187-9 - educational films. 191 - monopoly. AV 114 - Judas Iscariot. FF 72 - effects; children. GS 63-9 - exaggeration of speed. WA 86 - taverns. 91 - passive quality. WS 144 - birth control, MOWGLI EM 35, 74 - evolution. MUD AS 107 - merriment. MUFTI NJ 123, 131-2 MUGGLETON, Lodowicke CM 276 MULBERRY bush C 158 - art; symbolism. MUMMERY AV 26 CT 148 - religion and. H 97 - Compte. MM 199-202 - instinct. 200 - paradox. 202 - religion. 204-6 - essence, 172-3 - common sense. WB MUMMIES GS 145-6 MURDER AG 120-1 - motives. AIS 25 - psychological basis. 55 - political murderers. 209 - marriage; society. AS 78-morality. B 96 - bloodshed and. CT 10 - philanthropy. 10— 1 - marriage and. 11- 2- apologies for. 126 - social justification. 170, 171 DE 93-4 - interest. EA 29 - solidarity among murder­ ers. GKC 206 - in drama. 259 MURDER (Cont’d.) 77 - prejudice against. GS 38 - suicide and. LL 56 - use of words. 79 - moral right to. PAR 5CL 33 94 - by government. SL 97 - Chicago; murder of murderers. 107 - bootlegging; humor. 18-9 - miracles and. UD WIS 106 - as news. MURET, Battle of 186-7 - Albigensianism; war GS of philosophies. MURET (France) TA 38 - miracle, MURRY, Middle ton AIS 127 100-4 AS 139-45 - Blake. AV 143 - on imagination. 204 - intellectual dispair. CM 116-21 - on communism. WS 118 - Necessity of communism. 121 - on Parliamentary labour. 123 - on culture. 124 - private property. MUSCLES 45 - mind and, AG MUSE SUR 37 - poets and. MUSEUMS 200-1 - age of. AG 28-33 - Bolshevists. AV 29 - God and * MUSIC 102 - dining. AV 105 - modem. CT 39 - poetry and, 119 CP 153-4 - street music; law. FF 94-6 - logicians. GBS 195 - satire. GKC 103-9 - meals. GS 165-7 - meals and conversation. 193 - poetry. II 31 - architecture. RR 12] - expressiveness; function. UD 121-2 - painting and. 14-5 - German and English. VA MUSICAL instruments. 219-20 FF MUSSET, Alfred de 67 AV MUSSOLINI, Benito 87-8 - De Valera. AV 229-30 - Lord Russell. 199 - demagogue. CT 201 - dictators and. 227 - influence, 87-8 - corruption. RR 197-208 - impressions of. 200 - personal appearance. 201 - humor. 201-3 - Chesterton interviews 207 - in England. 230-6 - reactionist. 233, 236-7 - liberty and. 235 - socialists. 246 - censorship. 270-1 - papacy; type of new dictator. 144 - description. TA 63 - socialists. WS 245 - Concordat. 263 - Catholic Herald, 267 - suppression of press. MUSTARD seed 107 - symbolism. GKC MYRES, J1. L. EM 319 - Egyptian monarchy. MY5TAGOGUE 237 - success. AT 237-43 - modem society. 239 - manners. 240-1 - aristocracy. 235-7 GBS 14 - definition. GS MYSTERIES, Religious 41 - soul in every legend. SP MYSTERIES and miracle plays 157 - modem drama and. AV 103 - St. Francis. CM 202-3 - Christ's birth. EM 199, 202-4 - revival. MM UD 145-8 MYSTERY 95-9-Asia. AS 96 - America. 96-9 - Europe. 260 MYSTICISM MYSTERY (Cont'd.) AB 146 - concrete. AS 97-9 - of the Christian. 350 - human. 99 - Christianity; liberty. AT 26 - money. 132-3- child. C 143 - Troilus and Criseyde. 228 - man. CC 22 - higher. AT 117-8 - secrecy. 20 - John of the Cross. AV 2 - in creation. CE 101 - immoralism. 2ό - mummery. CM 55-9 CM 156-7 - laughter. 208 - De la Mare. 178-9 - 20th century. CT 61 - materialism. 189 - intelligence. 68 - egoism. 213 - symbolism. 151 EA 87-8 - Biblical. EE 163-5 - natural; 19th century. FA 85-6 - mystic on. EM 55 - death and dreams in. FF 15-6 - medievalism. 121-2 - transcendental truths. INN 192 - and miracles. 147, 259-60, 275 - Oriental. NJ 188 - reason. 154 - transcendence. OR 48-51 - morbidity and. 157-8 - Persian. SL 254 - magic. FF 262-3 - in poetry. WB 131 - mystic. GKC 169 - of MacDonald. WIS 190 - rule by. 172 - literature, WW 235-8 - procreation. 251 - of rustics. (see also Miracle; Supernatural) 252 - opposition. MYSTERY stories, see Detective and GW 102-3-Watts. mystery stories, 103 - Fra Angelico; Blake and; MYSTIC (5) virtues. AD 273 - true. Fl 95 - rationality. AG 44 - service. HA 38 - meaning. CE 110 - vows. 70 - Meredith, CM 58 - truth. 173 - preciousness. 212 - fairy tales. LL 34 - shrewdness. FA 85-6 - on mystery. LT 6 - sanity and. 87 - appreciation. MM 194-5 - Oriental and Occiden­ FR 10 - self and others. tal . GW 58 - pleasure. NJ 138 - power of mystical ideas. RR 50 - Eastern. 183-4 - Moore; Yeats; Butler. TA 77 - sensation in doctrine. 184 - diabolical possession. WB 4 - qualities; English. OR 48-51 - sanity. 5 - Irish. 94 - physical laws. 73 - madness. PL 131 - reality and. 97 - health. RR 42 - of the East. 123 - Freemasonry, 74 - icons. 131- 2 - characteristics. 98 - St. John Lateran. 132- 7 - color in symbolism, 272 - materialists. 155 - magnifying quality. SL 192 - Marxism. 159 - authority of Nature. SS 3-5 180 - oligarchy. TC 49-50 - medieval; rationalism. 203 - simplicity. VT 117 - common sense. 204-7 - traditions, V/B 108 - reason, 208 - Plato's school. 131 - vagueness. MYSTICAL Union 138 - reality. FA 128 - reality of divine relations. 261 MYSTICISM (Cont'd) WB 201 - types. 204-7 - Christianity; Orien­ talism. WS 208 - D. H. Lawrence. MYTHOLOGY AD 112 - history and. 114-6 - attitude. AIS 11-7- Germany. 12 - fascination. 14 - propaganda vs. 16 - Jews. AS 130-2 214-7 - meal and. 217-8 - sleep. CD 83, 87-90 - Dickens. CT 147-52 - materialists; scien­ tists . 150 - theology, 150-2 - metaphor. 151 - reason. EM 38, 116-33-man and. 100-15, 308-11 - God and the gods. 104, 108-9, 122-3, 130-1, 211-2 - local gods. 109-15 - a "pool." 33 116- imagination and art. 120-1, 166 - nature personi­ fied . 123-33 - sincerity of worship. 124 - a mood. 125- 6 - o mighty and branch­ ing tree. 126 - feastdays. 126- 33, 186-94, 269-89, 306 - distinct from religion. 128-33, 134-58, 186-94 , 201, 205-14, 270-89 - Christi­ anity and philosophy. 127, 129-3) - emptiness of worship. 134 - original sin. 135- 43 - superstition. 136- 43 - demonology. 153 - Brahminîsm; Eastern. 159-76 - Roman gods and Carthaginian demons. 76 161- psychological his­ 201-3, 207-14 - Christ's birth. 201-3 - popular source. 201-3 , 206 - rationalism. 202 - a search. 245-7 - Christ's death and. 261 - pessimism. GKC 251 - of rustics. GL 50-4 - history, H 143 - study. 150 - kinds. HA 80-truth. MM 113-4 - scientists. 116-20 - nature, RR 65 - pagan Rome. 129 - dogma; metaphysics. 130 - theology. 131-2 - Renaissance. SP 41 - meaning of. UD 281-2 - characters in. (see also Fables; Fairy tales; Folklore; Legends; Paganism) EM NAILS NJ NAMES C GL SP 81 - origin. 14-6 - suit the person. 58-9 - in narration. 41-2 - poetry. 47-52 - Christian, 48 - meaning lost. 49 - historical meaning of surnames. 50-1 - family. 51 - Irish Christian names and surnames. 52 - knowledge of meaning. 53 - industrial society; pride in surnames. 56-7 - English and Irish sur­ names . 85 - terms of abuse. 34 - respect for, 35-7 - pseudonyms, 215-6 - fitness, 133 - national poetry. 11 - morality of name-calling. 11-8- Christian. 53 - in Shakespeare. WA 73 - cities. H II LL MM NA SL tory. 180-90 - Lotin, Greek and Carthaginian. 262 139 NAMSE (god) CT 184-8 - of wealth. 187 - cult; titlei. NAPOLEON I, Emperor of the French ACD 148-9 - and Dickens. AD 39 - character, AG 177 - Shaw. 178 - accomplishments. 180 - punishments. AS 29 - war. AV 83-Whatley. CD 9-great man. CE 32 - character. 6 45- England. 46 - Germany. 47-60 - wars. 50 - paradox of leadership. 114 - Bonapartism. CT 105-Wells. 201 - English and Spanish nationalism. 204 - misrepresentation. 255 - Dickens. EM 99 - victories. 170-6 - Hannibal. 279 - Christianity. GBS 149 GKC 92 - timeliness. GL 2 40 - Cromwell. 147 - English tradition. 147- 51 - character. 148 - freedom; common sense. 148- 9 - laws; public aspect; respectability. 148- 51 - the family, 149 - agriculture; Latin cul­ ture . 149- 50 - as Satan. 149- 51 - love. 150- 1 - family. H 18 - sentimentalists. RB 88-9 - optimism. RR 268-9 - religion. 271 - papacy. SE 232 , 240, 241 - English atti­ tude . 241 - military genius; person­ ality; Russia; Spain. 3 242- Wellington. TA 144 - description. π UD WB 266 166 - leadership. 3 - on England. 66 - France. WC NAPOLEON III, Emperor of France 113-26 - reign. CE 119 - Napoleon I. 120-1 - Italy. 124 - democratic. 56 - Landor. RB 56, 121-2 - Browning. 245 - concordat. WB NAQUET,, Alfred Joseph 138 - divorce. SD NARROW-MINDEDNESS (narrowness) 233-4 CM 254 - pride. 163 - of fashions. GL 163-7 - novelty. 165 - proportion. NASH, Beau 139 - on wearing swords. GS NASH'S magazine 161 - Conan Doyle. II NATION , Carrie 268-9 - fanaticism. UD NATION (periodical) 209 AB 258-9 - Gatty. UD NATIO N(S) AT 62 - national health; paradox AV 89-90 - reality. 92 - religion. 43-6 - Church's children. 43 , 45 - Reformation brought separation. 110 - meaning. 262-3 - unity. 156 - compromise; efficiency 134-5 - happiness of small nations. 17 - efficiency. 165-6 - humility. 174 - spiritual product. 264 - greatness. 148 - soul. 187 - undefinable ■ 188-9 - Ireland. 288-9 - patriotism. 68-9 - family. 69-70 - mediaeval schools. CC CDU CT GL GS H II NJ SD TA 263 NATION(S) (Cont'd.) TA 143 - types. TT 141 - characteristics. 187 - nicknames. 230 - meaning. VT 227-8 - destruction. WA 149 - rights. 158-9 - humor. WW 2-3 - biological metaphors. NATIONAL characteristics. AT 60 SD 61-3 - animosities. TT 141 - geography. WA 251-2 -faults. (see also names of groups: Americans; English; Germans; Irish; etc.) NATIONAL review AB 208 NATIONALISM AIS 48-religion. 118 - Christendom. 118-20 - English. 177-9 AT 52 - Nelson, 57-63 - English sports. 73 - internationalism. 125 - independent nationali­ ties. 127 - Ireland. AV 46 - barbarism. 87 - Europe. 90-2 - reality. 138 - religion. C 39 - Rome’s recognition. 55 - internationalism. 56 - process. CC 40-6-English. 41-2 - Edith Cavell. 41-6 - Catholic Church. CDU 46 - priests. CE 50-freedom. CM 268 - English; religion. CT 201 - English; Spanish; Napo­ leon. 247 - European. EA 100, 166 - meaning. 152 - after World War I. 166 - meaning. EM 180 - pagan and Christian. GL 129-32 - England. 130 - English literature. GL 154-5 - French satire, 42-8 - English. H 80 - European. 176 - Ireland. HH 3-5 - German imperialism. II 35 - Ireland. 90 - Irish war volunteers. 134 - patriotism; Irish. 134-5, 138 - implications. 153 - Irish Home Rule. 153-4 - Sinn Fein. 175 - nature of. NA 41 42 - superstition. NJ 56 - war, 120 - patriotism in Jerusalem. 120-1 - in the West. 124 - Jerusalem. OR 183 - Christianity and growth. 274 - Britain and Ireland. OS 212-20 - colonies. RR 89 - religion, 107 - popes. SE 131, 135-6 - development. TA 69-70 - medieval and modem, TC 230-5 - John Knox. UD 89-90 - England. VA 13-6 - English literature. WA 10 - anarchism. 10, 273-4, 282 - England. 11 - national types. 14 - America. 230 - science. 251 - international relations. 276 - internationalism. WC 55 - spirit. 56 - intensity. WS 199 - Poles. 247 - economic. also Internationalism; Race) NATIONALITY 173-8 - race. H 174 - spiritual product. 252 - race and. MK 197-8 - Christianity. MM 285 - patriotism. NJ 263 - Vatican City. RR 143 - human. SP 8 - Spanish Inquisition. WA 263 - religion. GS NATIONALIZATION 246-8 - coal-miners; England FF 264 NATURAL history 279 - Middle Ages. H NATURAL law 170 - miracles. NJ NATURAL philosophy 167 NJ NATURAL. selection 142-4 AIS CQT 241 147 - God and. CT 149 - accident. 213-4 FF 209 VA 73 - Darwin; religion. WS 82 - supernatural sense. (see al so Darwinism) NATURALISM (natural religion) 74-5, 160-4 CM 32 - prehistoric man. EM 140 - unnatural. OR 246 RS 161 TC 4 - paradox. TE NATURALNESS 139 - false types. H NATURE 30 - sameness. AD 30-7 - civilization. 31 - repetitions. 86 - weakness. 145 - plain. 239-44 - aesthete; rustics. 14 - man. AG 147 - He!lai (Shelley) 102 - religion. AIS 132-3-child. AS 133 - poet. 56 - beauty. AV 69 - agriculture; magnificence. 186-7 - Freudianism. 131 - interference with. 8 122 - art. CD 55-7 - mysticism. CM 161 - tails. 161-2 - Tolstoy. 178-9 - contingency. 200-1 201 - God and man. 219 - choice in. 219-20 - specification. 265 - Mary Queen of Scots. CT 147-8 - Darwinism; myth. DE 47-9 - beauty; value. 4B - ugliness. 118 — drama. 150 - the supernatural. 201-3 - mythology. 306 - man. 27-8 - guide. 38-9 - purification. 86-7 - saint's familiarity. 98 - lover of. 98- 112 - St. Francis. 99- 100 - individuality. 99-105 - dramatis personae. 100 - child's understanding. 8 - Byronists. 87 - in fables. 1-42 - oneness of philosopher with. 110 - pleasure. 93 - art. 96-7 - Tennyson. 20 - beauty. 106 - laws as magic. 173 - restoration. 116-20 - myths. 118-9 - man. 128 - In poetry. 286 - cats. 148- 9 - materialism. tM FA FT GKC GR H HA LL MM MT NA OR OS PAR RB RR SD TA TE TT 265 242 - jokes. 21 - revolutions. 130 - speaks to man. 88 - ancient and modern views. 189-91, 204, 207-8 - princi­ ple. 11 - law. 175, 185, 199 - lowness. 53 149186 - optimism. 126 - science. 63 - purpose. 15 - St. Francis. 123 - as evil. 1-4 - in Tennyson. 3 - loveliness. 7 - sin. 11 - civilization, 12-3 - writers. 20, 163-4 - description. 120 - change in natural order. NATURE (Cont'd.) TT 201 - peace. VA 144 - Hardy. 144 - Meredith. VT 127-9 - return. 128-9 - tail. 129 - grandeur. WB 159-mystics, 161-2 - imagination. WS 233 - ancient sin. WW 178-9 - artificiality. NATURE worship AD 16-7 - the city. 21-2 14 226-7 145 - Aristotle, 180-94 - Greek and Roman. FA 28-9 MM 116-20 OR 139-40 SE 16 - results, WS 191 - betrayal. NAZARETH NA 275 NAZISM AIS 47-8 - fossils; tribalism. AV 137 - religious fanaticism. EA 40, 83 - in Austria. 62 - rearmament. 62-4 - blunders. 64 - meaning; self-praise; Swastika. 67 - on Christianity. 67-9 - literature. 80 - principles, 80-6 - Dollfuss. 81 - Catholicism under. 113-4 - racial theory. 169 - Communism; nationalist character; paganism. 174 - against civilization. 175, 204 - danger. WS 27-Christianity. 28-9 - early Lutheranism. 249 - Nordic type. NEALE, Ralph GKC 202-7 - dramatization of The man who was Thursday. NEANDERTHAL man EM 318 AG AT EM NEBUCHADNEZZAR CP 190-1 NECESSITY (-IES) AG 207 - good. GL 1 - luxuries, GR vîii H 78 - health. OR 233-60 -Church. TT 187 NECKTIE RDQ 163 NECROMANCY CM 94-5 NEGATION AG 176 - heritage. NEGLECT AT 259 - glory. TT 294 - overwork, NEGROES C 281 - In America, CM 83 RR 243-voting, SL 174 - names. 176 - America, UU 5 - commercial art. VA 29-Whigs. WA 155 - alcoholic beverages, 156 - emancipation. 274 - song. NEIGHBOR H 184-dislike. 185 - choice. 186 - duty toward. TA 157-love. UD 50-3 - love. NELSON, Horatio (Admiral) AG 218 AIS 192 AT 52 - mildness; nationalism. CD 298-9-Wellington. CM 51-2 - patriotism, 221 - Lady Hamilton. 258 - love. FA 21 - death. GBS 150 GL 43 - hero. NJ 264 - historians. SE 243 - defeat of French navy. 243- 4 - hero of England. 244- 5 - symbolism. SP 105-burial. 266 NEOLITHIC mon AG 91 - drawings. NEOPLATONISM VT 137 - and Christianity. NERO/ Emperor of Rome CE 25 - admired. CM 170 - vulgarity. EM 181 - Metaunjs. 276 - Christianity. FA 29 MM 166-7 NJ 290 - deeds and history. WS 246 - Church and. NESTORIANISM EM 257, 271 NETHERLANDS CM 268 - the English and the Dutch. GS 132-7 - England; decline. 133 - grandeur. SE 190 - rise os national power. TT 141 - Dutch characteristics. NEUROSIS OR 36-7 - cure. NEVINSON, C. R. W. AV 129-30 -death. 130 - superstitions. 130-1 - dreams. UD 121-2 - futurism. WS 133 - futurist painter. NEVINSON, Henry Woodd WS 133 - humanitarian, NEW, The AV 156 - and the old. NA 291 - tiring of. NEW Bastille SE 267 - English workhouses. NEW England EM 271 - Puritanism. FF 197-8 - colonization. WA 216 - the South and. WC 58 - Old England. NEW Leaders AG 169-70 - working classes. NEW Statesman (periodical) EA 143-5 - on Poland. NEW theology and applied science (pam­ phlet) AT 188 NEW witness AB 190, 208 GKC 100-Belloc. 120 - Ceci I Chesterton. NEW world (the term) SL v NEW Year resolutions. LL 73 - value. NEW Year's Day LL 72 - value. NEW York SL 59-boredom. 173 - and London. WA 33-5, 63-8, 80 - description. 35 - cosmopolitan nature. 64 - theatrical quality. 65-7 - color; construction. 67 - restlessness. 68, 210 80 - Tower of Babel. WS 108 - advertisements. NEW Zealand H 257 - a young nation. NEWBOLT, Sir Henry CM 88 UU 132-4-poet. NEWMAN, Ernest FF 216-7 - knowledge of music. NEWMAN, John Henry, Cardinal AG 72 - on Rome. AS 40 AV 221 - on good and evil. CC 16-7 - spirituality. 61-3 - Bianco White; Catholic Church. FA 134 - on Anti-Christ. GL 16 HA 108, 130-3 - style. 130 - democracy. RB 193 TC 159-60 - sacramentels. 236 - on English literature. VA 9, 104, 159 38 - Darwin. 40, 42 , 45-8 - Oxford Move­ ment. 46 - Rome. 46- 7 - compromise, 47- 8 - triumph. 48, 78 - style. 48 - logic; Patmore; Thompson; Victorianism. 70 - Pater; Ruskin. 267 NEWMAN, John Henry, Cardinal (Cont (Cont'd.) VA 70, 138 - Kingsley. 83 , 86 , 89 - Dickens. 159 - Browning. 160 - Taine. 205 - religion. Apologia pro vita sua. HA 132 OR vii VA 47 Lectures on the present position of English Catholics. VA 47 NEWS AV 123-4 - common man; lunatics. 8 69 - picture of exceptions, DE 98-100 - desire for. WIS 106 NEWS-CHRONICLE (newspaper) WS 138 NEWSPAPERS AB 202 - sensationalism. ACD 140-1 - founded by Dickens. AG 73-religion. 240 - novels. AP 34 - journalists view. AV 123-5 - common man, 125 - chronicles. 126 - sagas. CDU 66 - English mind fogged by. CT EE EM 129-make-up. 93-4 - confusion. 83 - outdated. 246 - scares and scoops. 18-news. 82 - honesty. 124-French. 81 - French. 213-4 - popular opinion. 275 - belief in. 71-2 - big business. 210-1, 221,238-9 - unreli­ able . 246 - capitalist countries. 243 - monopolist. 50 - philosophy needed. 121-5 - Catholic propaganda. 123 - racism. 162-3 - descriptions in. 264 - tradition. FA FL GL LL OR OS RR SL TC TT WS 164-5- English politics. 7 196- new terminology. 213-4 - laboring the obvious. 251 - Austrian history. 263 - suppression of news. 274 - history. (see also Journalism! Press) NEWTON, Isaac AV 142 - Yeats. TA 69 - denunciation. WB 160-1 - portrait. WS 229 - gravitation. NIAGARA Falls EE 30 HA 12 NICE SP 66 - the word. NICEA, Council of NJ 216 - Wells. NICHOLAS, Saint GL 37 - Three Kings. SL 255-6-magic. NICKERSON, Hoffman EA 198-9 - future peace. GS 184 - The inquisition. NICKNAMES TT 187 - nations. NICOLL, Sir William Robertson. UD 231-2 - Drood mystery. NiCOLSON, Harold GKC 222 - Baudelaire; Swinburne. NIETZSCHE, Friedrich W. AB 144 157 - Christianity. ACD 28 - romance. AG 62-Mencken. 72 - on chaos. 149 - on recurrence. AIS 160 - Prussianism. AP 42 - on woman. AT 140 - German army. CM 23-4 - Richard III. CT 173 - superman. DE 135 - philosophy. EA 160 - struggle for life. FA 95 - scorn. GBS 196-200-Shaw. 196- 7 - rhetoric. 197- 8 - morality, 198- E. Clodd. 198 - pity. 266 NIETZSCHE, Friedrich W. (Cont'd.) GBS 199-200 - superman. H 37 - progress. 64 - Shaw. 85, 89- superman, 185 - fastidiousness. 197-8 - strong man. II 213 - Nietzscheism. OR 62-4 - morality, 67, 70, 75-7 - egoism, 193 - weak thinker, 197 - conservatism, 209 - evolution. 225 - Oscar Levy. SD 16-nonsense. SP 12 - sentimental, TA 133 - heathenism. 135 - joyful wisdom. TC 31-2-pity. VT 122 - Carlyle. WS 85 - reactionist; ethics. NIGHTMARE AD 26 - essential of. GKC 204 - modem. NIHILISM CT 142 - modem. RR 50 - Eastern; Romans. SD 148-9 - in the world. TC 12 WS 116-20, 123 NILE River EM 73, 79, 89 NJ 158 NINE Worthies C 68 NINETEENTH Century ACD 115 - age of romance. 116 - romance. 177 - politics. AG 139 - clothing. 140-1 - art, AIS 76 - doubt. 93-6 - 17th century and. 123-6 - optimism, 128-32 - machinery. 129 - communism. 9 194- science. AS 115 - democracy. 145-6 - materialism. 160-2 - property. 230 - science. AV C CC CD CM CT EE EM GBS GW H NJ OR 30-1 - materialism. 67 - sentimentalism; helpless­ ness. 153 - 18th century and, 180 - the novel. 196 - competition; communism, 200 - Englishmen, 200-1 - Counts. 178 - the novel. 231-3 - Dryden. 22 - tradition. 77- 8 - churches in ideas of. 5 - 20th century and. 5-6 - hope. 246 - French Revolution, 292-3 - Dickens. 293 - novelists. 8-9-liberty, 50 - patriotism. 78- 92 - race. 95 - optimism. 106 - Giotto; art; St. Francis, 122 - prejudice. 134-6 - trends. 169 - education. 134 - philosophy. 175 - thought in. 256 - prophecies. 163-5 - mysticism. 85-7 - racial theories. 296-7 - Christianity, 58-60 1-3-spirit. 7- 23 - Watts. 8 - agnosticism; faith. 8- 12 - skepticism; paradox. 11 - nobility, 12-7 - didacticism. 17-22 - aesthetics; ethics. 16 - moral attitude. 93 - religion. 68 - Jerusalem. 191 - revolutionists. 18-9 - ambitions. 119-47 - optimism and pessi­ mism. 148-87 - Christianity, 158 - skepticism. 196-7 - politics, 213 - radicalism. 235-8 - materialism. 269 NINETEENTH Century (Cont'd.) 284 - goodness. OR 233-4 - liberty. RR 267-8 - authors and religion. 270 - 20th century and. 9 - common sense. TA 105-6 - science. 7-10 - religion. TC 33 - humility. 105-6 - pessimism. UD 123 - normalcy. WA 188 - belief tn. 190 - 18th century and; exagWB geration in. 74 - the rich. WS 89 - change. 90 - progress. 114- rationalism, 238 - Utopians. (see also Victortan Age) NINEVEH 61 - nomad invasion. EM NINTH Century 227 - spirit. AD 87 - Christian civilization, RR NIRVANA 86 - death. AV NO POPERY (slogan) 39-40 CC NOAH; Noah's Ark AB 105 154 AG CP 185 NOBILITY 142 - English poor and, AT 76 - Honors List. C 202 - king. 247 - Chaucer on. NOEL, Conrad 157-62, 166, 172, 220 AB 144 - Pro-Boer. π NOEL, Roden 52 - poetry. LL 52-3 - Livingstone in Africa. NOISE CT 40-1 - In poetry. 160-1 - French and. GL 95 - liking. LL 138 - Christ. TT NOMADS f-ISM) 60 - a formless thing. EM EM 70-2, 80-2 - evolution. 98-100 - Jews. NJ 199 - Arabian. UD 222-3 - disadvantages. NOMINALISM 86 B 293-4, 299 - 12th century. EM 216-7 - doubt. TA NONCONFORMIST (S) 180 - Napoleon, AG 109 - martyr. AT 157 - refinement. FF 94-5 - liberty. 22 - persecution by. H 29 - realism. SL 104-5 - Prohibition, 147 - conscience in America. 167-8 - intellectual indepenTC dence. 70 - William Penn. WA 188 - nonconformity. WS NON-RESISTANCE 159, 179-81 - monastic. OR 180 - Puritan. 272 - Christ's. (see a Iso Pacifism) NONSENSE 53 - 20th century. AS 81 -2 - taxation, 211-4 - in Chaucer. C 63-70 - values. DE 64 - satire. 69 - religion. 70 - basis; faith. 189 - humbug. GKC 13-6 GL 17-21 - fancy and the English 206 - modern. H 199 - sense. 11 19-21 - English. SL 29 - English humor. SP 142 - sense and. WA 221 - logic and the nonsense WS age* NONSENSE literature 17-8 - Lewis Carrol; Edward GL Lear. 25 - 19th century discovery. LL 55 - Shakespeare. SP 67 - Victorian. 153 - Lewis Carroll; Edward VA Lear. 270 NORDIC man AS EA RR 145-9 - suicide. 88, 93, 95 187-92 - Teutonic theory; error. WS 249-50 (see also Race; Teutonism) NORMALITY AV 187-8 - modem psychology. FF 211-2- temperance. OS 257-8 - politics. SD 52-3 - deteriorated by abnormality. SL 121 -falsity. NORMAN Conquest OR 127-8 - Carlyle and Freeman. SE 63-4 - strategy. NORMANDY LL 110 - churches. NORMANS H 175-Ireland. SE 58-62 - historical position. NORSEMEN NJ 2Û - sanctity. NORTH, Lord Francis CE 64 - American Revolution. NORTH, The (U.S.) CT 221 - the Union. NORTH Sea NJ 205 - civilization . NORTHCLIFFE, Viscount (A.C ,W. Harmsworth) H 113-5 - journalism. NORTHUMBRIA SE 45 NORWAY RR 94 - material world. NOSE CP 189-90 DE 116 FL 160 - song of Quoodle. NOTE-BOOK CT vii - in Illustrated London news. NOTION AV 91 - experience; nation. NOTRE Dame (Cathedral) FF 200-1 - greatness; symbolism. NOTRE Dame, University of AB 321 NOTTING Hill RR 260 - Vatican City and. NOVEL. see Fîetton» NOVELETTES 100 - goal, AG 22 - theory. DE 22-3 - juvenile. 24, 93-4 - popularity. 12 - sentimental fiction. SP NOVELISTS 146-7 - characters and. ACD 190 - experience. AG 166 - realism. AIS 167 - Puritanism, 293 - 19th century. CD 32 - function. CM 233-4 - as moralists. CT 196-215 - smart novelists. H 115-6 - women. VA (see also Authors) NOVELTY 15 - Catholicism, cc 27, 68-70 - Church's antiquiiy· 44 - belief in, 45 - necessity. 46 - progress. 269 - aristocracy. 15 - Church. EM 37 - fashion. GL 163-7 - literature; narrowness, 163-7, 175-6 - tradition. 214 - revolt against. OR NOYES, Alfred 101 - Dickens. ACD 152-5 - Bunyan. TC NUBIAN Blacking 102 AB NUDISM 14 - cult of nakedness. AG 18 - wrong philosophy. 247 - nobility. 40-1 AIS 16 - dubious origin. AV 110 238-9 CM 49-51 - in Prussia. EA NUMEN EM 135 - invoking. 184-6 - Virgil. NUMIDIA EM 170 - in Hannibal's army. NUNS C 256 - Boccaccio on. CT NUNS (Cont'd.) OR 277 - cheerful nets. RR 56 - motherly. SUR 35 - happy. WS 123 - hair cutting, NURSERY LL 24 - library of. NURSERY rhymes AS 61 - children. EM 83 - Babylonian and Egyptian element. FF 1-2 - chastity. 2 - characteristics. 3 - poetry. 6 - origin. 4 42- modem society; reform. 44-5 - scientific spirit. NURSES GL 11 - individual. 12 - English education. NYMPHS EM 184 - Virgil. OATES, Titus AV 119-Stuarts. OATHS SD 24-dark ages. 129 - violations, OBEDIENCE H 46 - Kipling. OR 118 - to Creator. 173-4 - Sts. Dominic and Ber­ nard. SUR 30 - thrilling, (see also Authority) OBELISKS RR 123*4 OBERAMMERGAU RR 18 OBJECT of thought, see Thought and thinking. OBJECTIVES FF 190-3 - necessity. OBJECTIVITY FF 202-4 - in history. MM 258 - conditions for. UD 117 - importance. OBSCENITY AB 323 AT 74 - French. CM 3- literature. NJ 186 - the occult. OBSCURANTISM NJ vi OBSCURITY RB 38-9, 157-8 OCCIDENT and Orient, see East and West. OCCLEVE, Thomas C 113-4,231 OCCULT CM 20 - evils. NJ 186 - obscenity. 188 - East. WB 123 - freemasonry. OCCUPATIONS C 69 - types of trades. DE 86-8 - idealism. SD 92 - chivalry. O'CONNELL, Daniel CT 266 - king, SE 257 - emancipation leader. WC 83, 115, 116, 118, 239, 240 - Cobbett and. 116-7 - duel. 117 - penance. WS 179-80 -Catholic emancipa­ tion. O'CONNOR, John AB 334, 338 TA 169 ODIN ED 17 EM 126 OEDIPUS complex CT 62 SL 56 OFFICIALISM SD 77-8 - family and. WA 5 - America. OFFICIALS SD 76 - ordinary man and. OKLAHOMA WA 91 - culture. 177 - qualities; tradition. OLD AV 156 - the new and. OLD age AG 53 - meaning. 189 - experience; philosophy. CD 68 - youth and. MAN 47 - crisis of youth. fee also Age; Aged) 272 OLD Man (chiei) see Tribes. OLD Sarum WC 175,208-10 OLD Testament, see under Bible. OLDERSHAW, Lucian AB 58-9, 72-3, 112,125, 128, 142-3, 232 OLIGARCHY AD 238-weakness. DE 141 - definition. FF 272-3 - England. GW 119-equality. H 168 » description. 214 - self-repression. 228-33 - specialism. 272 - democracy. 62 - sense of. 118 - meaning of. 115-6-error, 232 - value. 232 - monarchy; world state. WC 201 - England. (see also Aristocracy) OLIPHANT, Margaret VA 116-Eliot. 117 -Ouida; The beleaguered city. OLIVE trees NJ 218 - Gethsemane. OLIVET (Mount of Olives) NJ 64-wall, 65 - Gethsemani. 218 - Western work in. 220 - Greek Orthodox church. 220-1 - German Hospice. OLYMPIC (ship) CT 220 OLYMPUS, Mount EM 104, 106, 111, 125, 184,210 OMAR (Mosque) NJ 63 , 68, 84, 135, 198-9 II Ll MM WA OMAR Khayyam CP EM FT 252 - on motoring. 290 - hedonism. 23 273 - religion and ethics. 6-cellars, H OR 102-12 - drink. 250 - lonely God. RS 95 - hedonist despair. AD 8 - Byronists. VA VT T92 - Fitzgerald'^ translation. 192-5 33, 34 60 - asceticism. 141 - Koran, WA OMENS 11 - Dublin statues. II 113 - snow in Jerusalem. NJ OMNISCIENCE 233 - human. AV DE 96-7 - humor. 194 - Hibbert Journal. NJ ONIONS AS 156-8 - in poetry. ONTOLOGY PAR 175, 185, 199 - low in nature. (see also Being) OPERA 258-9 - tragic and comic. RR OPINION 109 - intellectual. AT 209-10 - prior. 99 - reputation and. AV 81 - trish. II 85 JJ 161 - opinionated. SCL 47 - books and. SS 110 - predilection. VT OPIUM AIS 89-90 - poetry. OPPENHEIM, E. Philips 113 AB OPPORTUNISM AD 86 - theory, 143 - Shaw. CT 13 - impractical ity. SD OPPOSITION (politics) 9 - liberty; property. OS OPPRESSION 168 - in the past. AT 233 - orthodoxy and, OR 133 - Tolstoy. VT 263 - Fascist Italy. WS OPTIMISM AB 89-90 261-3 - Belloc. 342-5 - pessimism, ACD 48 - Qliver Twist. 76 - Dickens. AD 226 AG 73 - religious Journalism. 273 OPTIMISM (Csnt'd.j AG 73-4 - cheeriness. 87 - origin. 89 - mood, 210-6 - Christianity. AIS 123-6 - democracy. AS 104 - Murry. 104 - Victorian. AT 32 - in adversity. 44 - Rousseau. 44-5 - reformers. 264 - morality, AV 165-70 CC 105-6 - pessimism. CD 6 - pessimism. 40-2 51 49- paradox. 113 - horror. 266 - vulgar. 266- 7, 271 - Dickens. 267- 8 - hospitality, 271-2 - reform; Dickens. 273-5 - reform. 275 - Christ, 277 - triumph of reform. 280-1, 288 - Dickens. 287 - boredom. 287-8 - evil. 287 - pessimism. CM 95-19th century, 237 - Catholic. CT 156 - progressive. DE 13-4 - beliefs. EM 158 - philosophy. 283-4 - evil. 313 - self-sacrifice. fp 254 -outlaw. FT 8 - popularity, GBS 247-8 -Shaw. GKC 42-3-of Job, 49 - God’s. GW 146 - Watts. HA 135 LL 122 - faith and mood, OR 119-47 156-8, 164, 177, 181 Christianity. 172 - Arnold. 177 - Whitman; St. Francis. OS 23-39 48 - American. 48-9 - Christian Scientists, 15 - French Revolution, 179-89 - Browning. RS 91 - Philistine. 129-30 - Stevenson. SL 123 - nature of. 126 - commercial. 8, 127177 - America. vi - vanity. SS 10-1, 14 - 18th century. TA 131 - the word. TT 250-English. 315 - false. UD 202 - dark ages. VA 57 - Carlyle. 149 - Victorianism. VT 63 - Christianity. 119 - modern. 226 - decadence, WS 230 - cynicism. 255 - heresy; Voltaire, (see also Hope: Pessimism) ORANGEMEN AB 213 CE 71 II 56 UD 117 - Home Rule. WS 155 - theory of history, ORATOR (-Y) H 55 - aim. MM 7 - demagogue. SL 226 - poetry and. ORBIS Terrarum EM 89 - Mediterranean area, 226 - Roman Empire. ORDER C 159-dance. GR 47-70 - proper place for a fi*h. OS RB H 17-ideal. OR 261 - guard. SL 186 - American, ORDER of the Garter CE 30 - symbol. ORDINARY, The CT 146 - enjoyment. H 103-ecstasy. ORDINARY things OR 82 - paradox. ORGAN grinders FF 153-4 ORGANIZATION AIS 26-7 - traffic. 274 ORGANIZATION (Cont'd.) EM 187-servility. 188 - Roman family. H 45-Kipling. II 33 - English capitalism. OS 72 - craftsman; paradox. 72-3 - fallacy. TC 21-2-modem. ORGANIZATIONS. see Associations. ORIENT, see East. ORIENTALISM FA 54 -appeal, MM 238-44 - imperialism. TA 16 - Catholicism. WB 201 - mysticism. ORIENTALISTS UD 66-8 - fallacy. ORIENTALS AD 247-51 - European attitude. H 106 - atheism; materialism. MM 217-8, 240-4 - characteris­ tics. NJ 93 - snow. 93-4 - Westernizing. UD 64-6, 71 - morality. ORIENTATION RR 68-paradox. ORIGINAL sin. see Sin. Original. ORIGINALITY ACD 38-9 - Dickens. AV 11-2- copies and. CT 20 - in poetry. 20-1 - identity and. 176 - thinkers and truth, R8 98-9 -art. RS 101, 236-7 TC 148 - Francis of Assisi. ORLANDO of Chius! FA 150 ORNAMENTATION AS 133-4 - clothing. NJ 70 - architecture in Jerusalem. RR 145 - Moslem. WB 171 - in religion. ORPHEUS CL 56 - jazz. EM 133 - wisdom. ORR, Alexandra RB 92 - Life of Browning; spiritu­ alism. ORRERY, Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of AS 70-2 - Swift and. ORTHODOXY AB 179-heresy. AG 46 - heretics. AS 151-2 - modem youth. AT 277 - poets. FA 54-5 - dullness. FF vi~vîi - eccentricity. 8-necessity. 11-2- atti hide toward. 11 -24 - society and. OR 20 - Apostles' Creed. 7, 185230-60 - romance of, 188-229, 257 - revolution In, 233 - oppression. 249 - vigilance. 258-60 - attacks on. 261 - as guardian. TA 80-menace. 9 138- Thomism. TT 272-3 - reasons for. (see also Truth) OSIRIS EM 131, 150 OSTRACISM PAR 146 - the word. OSTRO-GOTHS, see Goths. OSTENTATION AS 133-4 - beauty vs. OUIDA. see De La Ramee, Louise. OUIJA board AB 77-86 WS 98 OUTLOOK (newspaper) AT 89-98 OVERBURY, Sir Thomas CM 277 - James I, OVERSIMPLIFICATION WIS 119 - stick pointing straight. OVID C 127 - as poet. 206 - Chaucer's cependence on. OWNERSHIP, see Property. OXFORD Group Movement WS 136-41 136 - Oxford Movement and. 138 - in Canada. 140 - Lutheran pessimism. OXFORD martyrs SE 180 OXFORD Movement AV 64 - Franca. GBS H EA 275 219 - significance. OXFORD Movement (Cont'd.) EM 296-7 - surprise. VA 40 - Victorion rationalism. 40, 42, 45-8 - Newman. 43 - dogma; Ireland; religion; Rome. 43- 4 - Victorianism. 44 - Jacobins; Moslems. 44- 5 - consistency. 45 - rational movement; utili­ tarianism. 45- 6 - Keble. 46 - Faber; Froude. WS 136 - Oxford Group Move­ ment and. OXFORD University A8 268 - philosophy. AT 89-90, 93 CM 227 WS 112 - Shakespeare. OXYMORON GBS 173 - paradox and. OYSTER FL 146 - tear of. WS 69, 123 -war and. (see also Non-resistance) PADEREWSKI, Ignaz Jan RS 102 PAGANISM AG 14 - symbol. 50 - in literature. 157 - humanity. 159 - artists. 239-40 - philosophy. 241-2 - theory of life. AIS 218-20 - human life. AS 109 - 20th century. 147-8 - suicide. 150-4 - modem youth. AT 196 - Methuselahism. AV 62 - Renaissance art. 187 - devil. 188 - Manicheanism; pessimism. 189 - limit; crisis. 217-23 - Prussian. 220 - English; Germans. 236 - after Renaissance, 261 - medieval respect for; prestige of antiquity neo­ pagans . 267-8 - as wall. 269-70 - Chaucer on. 67-8 - man and Church. 88-90 - pantheism and Catho­ licism. 87 - Pre-Raphaelites. 135-6 - 19th century; poetry. 171-2 - vulgarity, 4 193- English. 236 - pessimism. 236-7 - fatalism. 7 - money. 62-3 - free will. 63 - pessimism. 97 - Communism; England. 216 - slavery. 89, 179-81 - Roman and Car­ thaginian . AV C PACIFISM 108, 216-7 AB 181 - mood of. AG 18-9, 22 AIS 20-2 - illusions. 21 - moral basis. 22-3 - national defense. 10-1 - attitude of pacifists. AP 11 - definition. 199 - utopio. AV 158 - heaven. C 22 , 25 - definition. EA 142 - England. 151 - age of. 178-83 - post World War I. 188-9 - danger. 202 - League of Nations. 207 - warlike potentialities. 208 - France. 209-11 - Prussia. 210 - idea of peace. 253 - Christianity and. EM 181 - defense and. GL 143 - minority. NJ 162-3 - American; patriotism. WA CC CM CT EM 95-115, 190-4 - God, 123-3 - sincerity of worship. 127 - atheism. 34 128- imagination not rea­ son. 177-94, 201-3, 206 - end. 180 - nationalism of Christian­ ity. 276 PAGANISM (Cont'd.) 186- poetry the life of. EM 200-1 - slavery. 313 - Puritanism. 27 - culture; nature worship. FA 30 - wickedness. 31 - conversion. 31-2 - purgation. 60-4 - art and symbolism. GL 133 - Puritanism; sacrifices. GW 102 - sad. H 111 - joy. 153 - Pater; Swinburne; defi­ nition. 154 - despair. 163 - hedonism. 33 - human body. HA 109 - enemies. 105 - dislike of. LL 180 - Mary Queen of Scots. NJ 171 - modem mind. 211 - remains. 157-8, 167 - Swinburne's. OR 171-87 - virtues. 290-1 - virginity. 125 - Centaur. PL 40 - Middleton, Gibbon, ond RR virtues. 53 - idols. 122-3 - Renaissance. 127-8 - gods. 129 - theology. 88-9 - age of status. SD 89 - slavery. 247 - of English aristocracy. SE 66 - family. SL 10 - 18th century. ss 138 - materialism. TA 31-2 - Neitzsche. TC 45 - danger. TT 139 VA 111 - neo-pagans and humor. VT 107 - death of gods; devils. WB 120 - magic. 142 - barbarism. WC 191 -2 - modem. WS 233 - new, and sex. PAGANISM end Christianity AG 158 32 - poets. C 90 CC CM EA EM FA FF GL GS GW H HA MM NJ OR RR 134 217-20 - foe of Christendom. 78 - no pagan truly human. 97-115 - paganism as one real rival. 180 - chivalry. 232 - children. 269-89 - escape from paganism. 25 - pagan customs; reaction. 32-3 15, 150 60-4, 135 149-51 - prehistoric. 130 154-70 68 218-9, 223-4 43 - art. 269, 294-9 - preserves its happiness. 123 - Church and. 125 - forerunner of Christiani­ ty125-9 - pagan heritage. 280 Ί SD 87-8 88-9 - age of status; age of vows. 213-8 - Christian mysteries TC foreshadowed. 180-1 WB 192 - Catholicism and. WS PAGEANTS 278, 281-6 - Christian. RR 324 TT PAGING (summoning) 29-30 WA PAIN 124 - life. DE 188 - intolerance. OR 130 - as cure. PL UD 169 - reverence. PAINE, Thomas 77 CM 154-5 - Chesterton. OR WB 28 - Blake. WC 61 - Age of reason. 61, 211 - Cobbett. 68, 104 - relics. 105, 108 - on the Church. 105-7 - beliefs. Ï77 PAINE, Thomas (Cont'd.) WC 106 - English radicals, 109 - writings. 118 - England, PAINTERS and painting. ACD 111 - Arcadian, AD 138-40 - English; weather. AV 63 - French; 19th century. CP 138 - Christmas. GS 132-3 - poetry and patriotism. GW 63 - paradox. RS 39-40 - the personal in. TA 227 - subjects. UD 121 - function. 121-2 - music and. WB 58 - sentimentalism. (see also Art) PAINTING the town red AD 79-83 PALESTINE AB 319-20 - Chesterton. AD 113-4 - in Christ's time. Il 114 - Jewish commonwealth, LK 4-5 - Kitchener. NJ vî - colonial development, 90 - seasons. 110-1 - Crusaders. 115 - description. 116-7 - culture. 117 - racial difference. 135 - boundaries. 141-2 - importance of con­ trasts. 146 - Western groups and politics. 146-9 - English government. 150 - dependence. 176 - fields. 180 - pictures. 206 - civilization. 256-7 - social experiment. 292-3 - Jewish power. SP 136 (see also Bethlehem; Jerusalem; etc.) PALEY, William TT 317-25 - masquerade. 325 - symbolism. PALGRAVE, Francis RB 117 - Browning. 168-9 - Golden Treasury. PALMERSTON, Henry John Temple, Vis­ count CE 121 - Peace of Villafranca, 123 - pacifist. 253 - foreign policy. 223-4 - Crusodes. 90 - politics. 239 - socialism. 240 - imperialism. PAMPHLETS 94 - Dickens. ACD 52 - Catholic and Protestant. CC 81 - English; 17th century. LL 147 - soon out of date. SD FAN 76 - novelists on. AG 104, 108-9 - as primitive god EM 184, 188-Virgil. 201,287 - legend. 32 FA 95 WS PANDARUS 146 - humor. C 146-7 - age of. 146-8 - Chaucerian version. 147 - Greek version; Shakes­ peare's version, RANGE Lingua 169 - translation. TA PAN-GERMAN ISM 176 - World War I. RR 128-33 - definition. SE PANIC CE 101 - pessimism. PANKHURST, Emmeline AT 108-12 PANSLAVISM 176 - World War |. RR PANSY 54 - cabbage and, AD PANTALOON 54 CM PANTHEISM 248-9 - Swinburne. AG 54 - Meredith. AS 88-9 - narrowness. CC 33-4 - opposite of poetry. CDU 235, 237 CM 130-1 - poets. EM 191 - attitude toward. MM 191-2 - in the Orient. 197 - meaning. 160 - modems. NJ OR 139-40 - errors. 207 - essence. CE CT NJ TC VA 278 PANTHEISM (Cont'd.) OR 233-00 - the Church. 247 - wonder lost. 247- 60 - ethics and social re­ form . 248 - Swinburne. 248- 50 - Asia. 273 - Christianity's rise, SP 37 - meaning; poets. UD 215-6 - vagueness. VA 139-40 WB 148 - impersonal god. WS 192 - moral philosophy. PANTHEON EM 109-15 - pagan world. NJ 263 PANTOMINE CM 53-9 DE 124 - justification. SP 128 - philosophical. PAPACY. see Popes. PAPAL Guard AT AV c CC RR 255-60 - significance. 259 - humor. PAPAL states RR 22 - reappearance. PAPER TT 9 - brownness. PARABLES TT 33 - use by GKC. PARABLES, Gospel, see Bible, New Tes­ tament, Gospels. PARADISE. see Eden. PARADOX , _ (here are listed paradoxes by GKC; 'of' or 'on' is ta be understood with the keyword; for writing about paradox, see below; Paradox (theory)) AD 214-5 - wheels. AG 5-6 - innovators. 55 - proverbs; moderns. 83 - contraction and expanSion. 231 - Victorians. AP 62 - Prussia. AT 13 - man, 47 - conceit. 62 - national health; propitiousness; inauspiciousness. 69 - education. 74 - French vices and virtues. CD 74-5 - admiration for the French. 83-4 - English monuments. 106 - culture. 116 - mystery stories. 117 - sex. 123 - England's government. 139 - soldiers. 141 - English public life. 175 - American journalism. 179 - falsehood. 198-9 - courage. 167 - pessimism. 47 - the Pope, 126 - history; primitive socie­ ty· 154 - Chaucer's style . 217 - meaning of words. 221 - translation of Chaucer. 242 - Renaissance. 259-60 - medievalism. 15, 18, 27, 46 , 57, 62 , 64, 67, 69, 70, 71, 75, 84 Catholic Church, 35 - casuistry, 40-1 - love of enemies. 52 - heresy and heretics. 53 - faith. 53- 4 - confession. 54- 5, 61, 87 - conversion. 67 - bigotry. 94, 106 - religion. 96 - truth. 107 - Adam. 7 - pessimism, 17 - art. 49-51 - optimism. 188 - Dickens. 236-7 - morality. 249 - common things. 259 - earth. 260 - spirituality. 20 - Christ. 43 - controversy. 52 - Lenin; religion. 55 - Catholic Church. 61 - General Will. 85 - Christianity, 32 - Our Lady of Victories. 50 - Napoleon’s leadership, 86 - capitalism in England. PARADOX (Cont’d.) 122 - England and Italy* CE 62*3 “ God * CM 174*5 - practical man. 212 - 20Hi century· 250-1 “ pride. CT 44 - union. 56 - facts. 69 - truth. 124 - birth control. 152 - children. DE EE 154 - the poor, 162 - stories. EM 95-6 - man. 107 - sky, 112 - God. 157 - thought, 195-6 , 20(2 , 210 - Christ. 244 - Good Friday. FA 28-9 - man. 48 - St. Francis. 63 - Church building. 68 - camel and needle. 90 - debt. 120 - Franciscan purpose. vii - of the extraordinary. FF 17 - simplicity. 51 - fundamental truth. 7 - pessimist. FT 13 - Byron. 19 - space. 70 - Restoration. 175 - raising children. G8S 176 - Christianity; marriage; patriotism, 179-80 - Shaw. GKC 51-2 - Job. 67-8, 196 - Johnson. 124 - Capes. 149 - A Christmas Carol (Diekens). 157 - humanity. 159 - love. 173 - detective stories. 272 - successful people, 1 - practical politics. GL 16 - things worth believing. 17-21 - politics and the Eng­ lish. 19 - strong silent man. 39 - Cervantes. GL GW H HA II LL NA NJ OR 280 112 - things that never hap­ pened. 178 - certitude. 231 - imperfection of perfec­ tion. 8-12 - 19th century, 63 - painters. 69 - meekness. 13 - everything. 21 - success. 65 - truth. 74 - adventure. 82 - change; difference of things. 87 - the weak. 119, 129 - hope. 120 - strength. 129 - charity. 129, 157 - Christianity, 158- Christian virtues. 252 - ideals. 1Û6 - sorrow. 187 - plain talk. 16-7 - Ireland. 81 - Irish. 82 - intelligentia. 18-life. 68 - things seen every day. 96 - joking about life. 14 - man. 23 - sight. 25 - adventure. 291 - sameness. 292 - old things. 63 - tradition. 177 - religion. 229- life. 302 - heroes. 18-9 - orthodoxy. 22 - world. 23 - self-confidence. 26 - insanity. 49 - mysticism. 55 - humility. 56 - scepticism. 80 79- hero. 82, 293 - man. 82 - ordinary things. 115 - economy. 129 - love. 137, 177, 272 - Christianity. PARADOX (Conf d.) OR 140 - health; natural religion. 142 - of childbirth. 147 - homesick at home, 174 - charity. 180—1 - lion and lamb. 188 - dissatisfaction. OS 5 - centralization. 71 - truth. 72 - organization. 187 - inventions. 230 - progress. PAR TA TAL 31 - women. 70 - responsible people. TC 137 - says what he means. 175, 185, 199 - the low in PL QSS RR SCL SD SE SP SS 18 - State of service. nature. 187 - the deceptive shadow. 231 - too tail to be seen. 255 - the egotist. 20-religion. 68 - orientation. 79 - history. 181 - the worst criminal. 56 - divorce. 79 - pragmatism. 83 - Valentine's Day. 101 - divorce and slavery. 20 - Roman Empire; Christ TE TT killed by divine right. 33 - Arthur and Alfred. 35 - past and present. UD 47 - unworldly things. 57 - Edward the Confessor. UU 69 3-4 - St. Francis. 8 - mass conversion, Ï5 - spirituality. 32 - Christianity. 53 - war, 94 -Moslem philosophers. 103 - falsehood. 134 - respect. 175 - English; London clerks. 176 - luxuries of life. 178-9-Hegel. 226 - soul filled with empti­ ness. 10 - being right in controversy. 11 - quarrel. 12 - nihilism. - weakness of strong kings. 71 - St. George. 95 - Henry II; strong men. 110 - serfdom. 67 - militarism. 126 - Crusades; Saracen civi- VA VT lizatlon. 160 - agricultural improve­ ment. 225 - tod king. 248-9 - English aristocracy. WA 258 - English formal plans and principles. 61 - fame of Aesop. 80 - built to last forever. 123 - religious. 13-liberty. 281 28 - Reformation. 36-7, 44 - family. 40 - truth. 51 - man; orthodoxy. 53-4 - Intellect. 56 - art. 56 - intellectuals. 81 - Catholic Church. 82-3 - Catholic philosophy. 184 - 20th century. 4 - natural religion. 84 - life. 85 - learning. 245-6 - travel. 90 - history. 177-8 - vows. 104 - unity. 106 - agreement. 124 - public schools. 124 - private soldiers. 210 - the practical. 148 - woman. 46 - existence. 88 - explanation. 183 - Bret Harte. 193 - nation of foreigners. 253 - Book of Jab. 67 - change. 69 - ghost towns, 176 - travel. 176 - understanding, 235 - internationalism. 249-50 - America. 270 - broadmindedness. PARADOX (Cont'd.) WA 279 - sociability. WB 13 - forgiveness. 142 - lamb's wroth. WC 6 - language. 10 - House of Commons. 14, 54 - Cobbett's life. 113 - ritual. 159-60 - Cobbett's writings. 162 - cry of Cobbett. 163 - Cobbett's obscurity. 178 - patience of Cobbett. 194 - Utilitarians. 203 - English cruelty. 208 - Cobbett as poet. 230 - the mob. 250 - Cobbett quarreling. WS 29 - Islam. 59 - conversion. 89 - progress. 118 - Necessity of Communism (Murry) 190 - Church's enemies. 222 - economic production. 223 - industrial society. 276 - critics of Chesterton. WW 108 - common things. 257 - expansion. 309 - sorrow. PARADOX (theory) B 16 - nature of. CE 88 - definition. CT 5 - in literature. 69 - truth. EE 89 - Chesterton. GBS 172-3 - meaning. 173 - oxymoron. 173-7 - Shaw. 177 - life. H 225 - truth. 232 - seriousness. 233 - philosophy. 11 78-Hugh Law. OR 17 PAR 63 - definition; defense. RB 48-life. TA 175-7 - orthodoxy. 176 - use. TM 19 - theological. WS 271 -C. E. Douglas. PARALLELISM (literature) CT 20, 25 PARAPHRASES VT 141-2 - quotations and. PARDON. see Forgiveness. PARDONER C 50, 55 PARENTS AG 5 - ceremony and. 4 133- child and, AS 1-5 - socialism, FA 128 - defiance of. FF 65-7 - slang. 65-9 - children. 226-30, 235-6 - as educators. H 34-5 - Wells on. SD 63-6 67-8 - authority, 6 75- education; cruelty. 77 - love. UD 222 - authority, WS 148 - capitalism. WW 308-13 - education. PARIS AS 169 AT 65 - street names; capital city. 65-71 - London and. 68 - Voltaire. 70 - an explanation. CT 132 - Eiffel Tower. EM 166-7 - Rome and revolution­ ary. 189-92 - literary names in. 61 - St. Thomas in. 112- 3 - as Sunrise in the North. TT 226 - spirit. 227 - pain. PARISH churches WC 141 - in England. 143-4 - size, 145 - hamlet; origin. PARISH priests C 56-7 - sympathy with, PARKER, JohnC. AG 21 PARLIAMENT AB 210 - Marconi Case. 213-4 - Irish Question. 217 - government of the rich; purge. AD 182-7 - criticism. AIS 111-4 113- 4 - politicians and. HA TA 282 PARLIAMENT (Cont'd.) AS 142-4-Charles II. 143 - democracy. AT 141 173 - speeches in. AV 159-61 - two-party system. CT 199-200 - and politician. 205 - Reform Bill ■ 267 - rights of man. FF 244 - capitalists. 245 - corruption; Soviets. GKC 100-Belloc. H 17-decadent. II 119-20 - English performance in Ireland. 120 - German theatricality, LL 86 - a medieval thing. NJ 127-armies, 147 - ceremonials. 149-50 OR 274 - Irish nationalism. SE 122-3 - Guilds. 127 - development. 149-50 -medieval. 149-50, 281-2 - aristocracy. 230 - 18th century. 249 - Enclosure Laws, 265-7 - Reform Bill of 1832. TT 281 - elections. WC 238 - ridicule, WS 48 - Book of Common Prayer. 61-2 - democratic. 242-3 - poor laws and the new Parliament. 261 -Chesterton and. PARLIAMENT; House of Commons AT 141 - debates. SE 122-3-origin. 282 - Empire created by. TT 279 - speaking in, WC 10-paradox. 145 - Whig revolution. WW 132-3-rules. PARLIAMENT: House of Lords H 270 TT 24?-Balfour. PARLIAMENTARIANS WS 64 PARLIAMENTARIAN ISM AS 13 - medievalism; Simon de Montfort. 69 - Victorianism. 204 - criticism. 152 - plutocracy. 138-9 -English, Charles Stuart 221 32 40-1 - Irish and. 41 - Shaw. 44 II 58-9 - puns. 61 - English and. 46 - the Kettle. SD 257 SE 80 - exposition. WC 169 - Irish and. WS PARNELL Commission 161-2 RB PARODY 53-4 - satire and. CM 195 - Irish conversation. U 183-4 - reverence. VT 183-6 - Bret Harte. 183-6 - humor, . 184 - technique, 185 - Mark Twain; American humor. 186 - definition. PARRY, S ir Edward Abbott. 79 - on sex. UD 79-80 - on poverty. 79-81 - Law and the woman. 79-88 - beliefs; characteristics; criticism. PARTHENON 203-4 - locality. NJ 183 - Amiens Cathedral and. OR PARTISANSHIP 18 AV PARTY system (politics) 213-7-fall of. AB 153-4 - English. AT 160 - one-party system. AV 45 - beginning. C 60-6 - General Will opposed CDU to. 51 -9 - two-party system. MM 251 - popularity. SE 266 - definition. 124-5 - American; English. WA PASCAL, Blaise EM 206-Calvinism; Utilitarianism AS CT WS SD PARNELL, CM GBS 283 PASCAL, Blaise (Cont’d.) GBS 57 TA 201-2 - Jansenism, TC 99-100 - Jesuits and. PASSION (S) AS 186-8-woman. CC 113 - prevents return to Faith. CT 128-youth. H 109 - hedonism. LL 144 - poetry and. RR 151 - pagan. SP 11 - sentiment and. PASSIVE resisters AT 108 PAST AD 38-9 - knowledge. AG 137-43 - modernity and. AIS 92-7 - poetry and. AV 82 - inheritance of culture. 198 - present and; real. 199 - Utopia. GBS 233 - future and. GL 110 - attitudes towards. 5 134- present and. GS 154-7 - a living thing. VT 199-200 - human perspective; present and. WS 124 - sentimentalists, WW 29-43 - fear of. PASTON letters C 223 - translation of. PASTORAL poetry EM 185-6 - convention and. WW 182-3 - women and. PATER, Walter AS 40 CD 6 - Cobbett. CM 86-7 H 107, 109 - hedonism. 109 - style. 129G. Moore. 153 - paganism. MM 177-8 - Mona Lisa. RR 151 - Botticelli. RS 102 VA 69-70 - Ruskin. 70 - emotions; Newman; The Renaissance; Swinburne. 70-1 - aestheticism; medie­ valism. 71 - Mona Lisa; philosophy. PATHOS 23-5, 53-4 - in Dickens. ACD PATIENCE 54 - a natural thing. CD 202 - Latin impatience. CT 161 - French impatience. GL 22 - Carlyle. TM PATMORE , Coventry 350 AB 94 AV 64 - artistic ideas. CC 91 - Thompson. CM 136 - on dogs. 109 - definition of God. CT 177 - Al ice Meynel 1. HA 27 - appreciation. UD VA 48 - Newman. 149 - Shorthouse. 201 - Browning. 202 - Victorian age. 205 - religion. 210 - God in. WB PATRIARCHS 105-6, 110 - Greek; jewels. NJ 202-3 - Greek and Roman confused. RR 59 - Popes and. PATRICIANS EM 181 - plebeians and usury. PATRICK,. Saint CDU 73-7 - his bell. FA 158-9 - reality. 65, 66 - Saint George. GL 9 - Saint George's Channel. II RR 84 - tradition. SE 73 - Irish patron saint. 199 - breastplate. WS PATRIOTISM AB 128, 145 - imperialism. 145 - religion. ACD 80 - victory. AIS 47 - Prussianism. 57 - cosmopolitanism. 191-2 - hero. 32 - German understanding. AP 84 - virtue. 127-8 - Irish; Scotch. AT 87-8 - Poles. AV C 39 - Prussianism. 41-2 - Nurse Covell. CC 41-6 - Protestant. 284 MK MM MT NA PATRIOTISM (Cont'd,) CC 41-6, 51 - Catholic Church. 42 - liberalism; cosmopolitans. 4ύ - morality. 49 - Protestantism. CD 152-4 CDU 7-27, 50-1 - Irish and English. CE CM CT DE EA EM FA FR GBS GKC GL GS H HA II JJ 142 - criticism. 34 - feudalism. 2 50175 - modems. 9 186- E. Browning. 255 - pride. 107 - examples. 165-6 - decay of English; love. 165-72 - English weaknesses. 167 - pettiness. 169 - French; German. 31 - cosmopolitanism. 112 - definition. 182-4-Virgil. 241 - Christ's lament over Jerusalem, 49 - medieval wars, 23 - false optimism. 182-Shaw. 122 - Cecil Chesterton. 193 - Victorians. 126 - Victorians. 170-1 - Shakespeare. 180 - exaltation, 180-1 - defense. 133-duty. 6 135- national decline. 5 230- Americans and Prohi­ bition . 47-8 - Kipling. 48 - ignorance. 80 - meaning. 169 - pride in one's country. 304 - unbelief. 128 - nature. 206 - English. 111 - Irishmen and England. 134 - nationalism. 138 - patriots as lovers. 139 - mid-Victorian writers. 175 - practical. 188 - Ireland. 77 NJ OR SD SE SP VT 149 - virtue. 134-5 - Scotland. 5 112 133 - songs of. 134 - boasting. 137 - heart of. 243 120 - in Jerusalem. 264 - infamy. 285, 288-9 - nationality. 120-47 - cosmic. 127-8 - misguided. 128 - Fronce; politics. 176 - Henry V. 183 - Christian. 274 - Irish and English. 25 - loyally. 28 - English joke. 123 - honor. 136-7 - definition. 245 - beauty. 109 - medieval Christianity. 124 - boundaries. 170 115 - cosmopolitan; national­ ist. 268-9 - E. and R. Browning. 11 - England. WA 151-3 - Prohibition. 160 - virtue. 162 , 222 - America. 162-3 - pacifists. 172 - fads. 282 - England. 54 - industrialism. WC PATRONAGE 108 - irony. C GKC 217 - criticism. 4 - sainthood and. SL PATTERNE, Sir Willoughby 259 RR PAUL, Saint 140 CT 127 - "unknown god" and. EM 29 - opinion re-formed. LK 169 - letters. SE 31 - mystical democrat. TC 215 - revelation of. WC WS 232 - on sex. PAUPERS.. see Poor. 285 PAVING stones SP 168 PAWNBROKERS CT 131-3 - symbol; princes. SD 92 - symbol. PAX Germanica AP 115-defined. PAX Romana NJ 131 - decline. PAYNE-TOWNSEND, Miss GBS 219 PEACE AG 236 - republics. AIS 19, 22 - pacifism versus. 55 - political murderers. AT 73 - international. 225 - Christians; Europeans. 228 - definition. 228-9 - human rights; princi­ ples. AV 224-30 227, 230 - philosophy. CDU 36-49 - Church's power; peacemakers. CM 250 -pride. CP 142-4 - a word (poem) . CT 105 - Europe; Wells. 118 - Peace and Progress throughout the World. EA 25-6 - prayer for. 155-8 - by militarism. 198-200 - fear of destructive weapons. 210 - pacifist idea. EM 10-1 - Church and agnosti­ cism . 206 , 211 - Christianity; war. GL 60, 62 , 64 - symbols. H 46 - Kipling. NA 162 - cause of trouble for. NJ 118 - armed, in the East. 123 - Jerusalem. SP 142 - readiness for. SS 37 - Catholics; Quakers. TA 53 - feuds. TC 168 -meaning. TY 43 WA 135-6 - Peace Ship of Henry WS Ford. 233 - world state. 107 - killing and. PEACEMAKER CP 113-4 VT 199 PEACOCK, Thomas Love VA 23 - eccentric. PEARL of great price RR 264-5 - Vatican City and. PEARSON, Sir Arthur H 113-5, 122 - journalism. PEARSON, Karl EE 50-1, 65, 83-4 PEAS FF 69 - proverb. 70 - differences. PEASANT (-S; -RY) AD 93 - tradition. AIS 160-2 AS 126-9 - 18th century. 127-8 - Bums and. AT 74 - avarice of French. C 44 - status. 45 - renaissance on. CM 96 - St. Francis; folklore. CT 111 -2 - distributism. DE 85 - dignity. 85-6 - aristocrats ond. EE 187-8 - past and. EM 99 - France. 184-5 - Merry Peasant in opera. 201-3 - mythology; slavery GKC 55, 250 56 - condition. 56-7 - disappearance, 58 - improvement. 110 - Ireland. 2 231- Heseltine on. 236-7 - conception of. 247 - literature, 248 - revelations. 249 - pessimist and. H 49 - world and. 202 - English. II 32 - proprietors. 143 - Catholicism. MM 43 - essence. 43-4 - England. OS 12 - survival. 45 - machinery and. 46 - character; laws. 124-9 - tradition. 286 PEASANT (-S; RY) (Cont'd.) OS 125-9 - cose for. 126-9 - conservatives. 127 - communism. 128 - art. 138- 42 - existence. 139- 44 _ potential existence. 151-5 - ignorance. 218-20 - private property. SD 46-7 - coat-of-arms. SE 108 - beginning . SL 126-7 - reality. 181 - in America, SP 128-31 131 - free man. TAL 271 290 - Russian Bolshevism, WA 35-6, 41 - Broadway. 37-8, 89 - American. 41 - advertising; ritual, 245 - dignity. 253 - France, WC 64 - security. WS 261 - liberty and. WW 88-90 - English. PEASANTS' revolt (1381) C 42 SE 147, 163 PEASANTS' war C 45 - Shakespeare. PEASE, Edward GBS 86 PEDANTRY AS 82-3 - in science and litera­ ture. CM 118 - definition. 118-9 - Johnson. PEDIGREE II 61 - pride of. PEEL, Robert CT 85 - school of. 266 WC 74-6 - Toryism; political poli­ cies. 115 4 232- Cabbett. 234 - Peellte citizenship. 237 - rule. PEERAGES, Sale of AB 205, 263 C 76 SD 79 PEGUY, Charles Pierre 105 - nationalism. UD PELAGIANS C 266 - Puritans and. 178 - modem world. WS PELICAN 69-70 - symbol. CDU PENANCE (sacrament) AB 340-1, 353-4 53-4 - the convert and. CC SUR 16 73 - psychoanalysis. TC 77 - candor's. 178-9 183 - attack on. WS 184 PENANCE (virtue) FR 221 163-4, 102-3 - Christianity OR condemned for. 173-4 - Sts. Dominic and Bernard. 221 - Buddhism. 292 - Christianity. 96 - medieval England. SE 116-Catholic life; ridicule. WC 176 - Puritans. WS PENDA,, King of Mercia SE 45-6 PENDULUM 161-2 - swing, AD PENN, William 160-5 - praise. SL 100 - justice. TC 270 - conventions. UD 69-70 WA PENNY Dreadfuls 121 - morality, OR 154 - Christianity. PENNY Readings 283 AB PENGUINS 188 AIS PENTECOST 253-4 - Christianity's found­ EM ing. 97 - wind in St. John Lateran RR PENTY, Arthur Joseph OS 164, 172, 194, 197 - on ma­ chinery . 287 PEOPLE. see Man. PEPPER AG 204-5 - criminals. PEPYS, Samuel SP 71-4 - James II; the Diary. PERCEVAL, Spencer WC 66 - Farmers. PERFECTION CM 219 - concentration. 220 - finiteness and. GS 231 - paradox; imperfection of Americans. H 25-6 - in morality. RR 45 - change and imperfection. TT 28 - love and. 29-30 - croquet. 109 - imperfection and. PERFIDITY CT 90 - English. PERIODICALS AT 284 - Christmas editions. TC 121-5 - propaganda. PERIPATETICS EM 239 - Christ and. PERJURY SD 24 - Bible-kissing. PERSECUTION AIS 150 - politics. AT 5 - essence. AV 39 - modern religion. CM 1-9 - progress. 1 -9, 223-4 - poor and. EE 98-104 - eugenists; Inquisi­ tion . II 64 - English in Ireland. NJ 82-3 - Christian in Jerusalem. OR 59 - reason defended by. TA 37 - belief in. WA 48-Irish. 48-50 - Jews. WS 246 PERSEUS AS 180 PERSIA EM 89-90 - Babylonia and Salamis. 157-8 - philosophy. 204 - sun-worship. PERSIANS NJ 210 - Church of Nativity at Bethlehem. PERSON AV 58-9 - abstraction. PERSON AV 58-9 - abstraction. il 187 - undefinabie. TA 220 - purpose. (see also individual; Self) PERSONALappearance WW 309 - jests about. PERSONALITY AG 89 - Christian Science; Amer­ ican men. AV 98 - writer's reputation. 181-2 - letters and. CD 49-50 - tragedy and comedy in. CM 254 - pride. EM 95-6 - man's need of. 201-3 - a story's soul. FA 176 - limitations. FF 162-4 - nature; development. 163 - environment; influences. GKC 86 - fairy tales. LL 93 - strong. NJ 168-9, 185 - dual personality. OR 245-50 - Buddhism and Chris­ tianity; God; love desires. SP 63 - in fairy tales. TC 61-2 - place of. UD 132 - philanthropy. WA 164 - Americans; worship of. 281 - ideal of. (see also individuality) PERSPECTIVE AD 204-6 - comic element. AS 105 - history and · WB 16 - in art. PERSUASION VT 135-Quakers. 136 - Edward Lear. PERVERSION EM 182 - Rome and Greece. PESSIMISM AB 90-1, 291-2 285 - of Hardy. 324-5 - optimism. ACD 26-7 - religion. AD 226-7 AG 255 - Swinburne. AIS 43 - Puritanism. AS 54 - Hardy 148-9 - Germany; suicide. AT 44 - reformers. 45 - evil and. 288 GKC GS 249 - peasant and. 284 - Stevenson. 288-91 - Hardy. GW 103 - hope and. H 14 - conversational. 165 - humility. HA 61 - Thackeray. 81 - European culture. 85 - Influence. 104 - description. 106 - sorrow. 136 LL 58 - the rich and the Idle. OR 47-51 - Eastern. 119-47 - errors. 155-8, 164, 177, 181 - Chris tianlty accused. 172 - Arnold. 177 - St. Jerome, Schopen­ hauer. 184-5 - Christianity. 296 - emotional half-holiday, RB 130 - in literature. RS 90-1 - culture. 129 - Stevenson. 233 - Puritanism. SD 35 - fashion. TC 62 - insincerity. 117 - Buddhism. TT 45-6-danger. 55 - object. UD 105-6 - 19th century; Prussia VA 57 - Carlyle. 149 - Victorianism. 6 195VT 31-9-Byron. 32- 3 - existence. 33- 4 - popularity. 80 - wealth. 98-9 - Stevenson. 119 - modem. 219 - Ibsen. WB 207 - oriental. WS 118 - uninterested. (see also Determinism; Materialism; PESSIMISM (CWd.) 133 - Puritanism. AV 165-70 167 - modem man. 168 - beauty and . 169 - discontentment. 170 - pleasure. 188 - paganism. 105-6 - optimism. CC 7 - 19th century. CD 23 - Dickens. 40-1 42 - aristocrats. 273-5 - reform. 275 - Gorky. 276-7 - Hardy; reform. 276-8 - failure of reform, 285 - Dickens. 83-4 - Victorianism. CM 87 - Pre-Raphaelites. 137-8 - frivolity. 204 - modern. 236 - paganism. 237-Catholic. 310 CP 142 CT 144 - Hardy. 7 - improvement and. DE 11-6 - humanity. 12 - piety. 13 133 - current literature and phi tosophy. 179 - international. EA 158 - philosophy. EM 179 - tired of good. 256-60, 266-8 - Manichean. 283-4 - evil and. 295 - Mohammedanism. 313 - Catholic self-sacrifice. 80 - man's futility. FL 4-14 - Byron. FT 6 - creation and. 7 - popularity. 12-3 - metre; poetry, 34 - Stevenson. 47 - artificiality of comedy. 246-7 CBS GKC 42 - in Job. 204 - modern; orthodoxy, 205 - resistance. 249 - peasant and. Optimism) PETER, Canon FA 66-7 PETER I, the great, emperor of Russia WA 190-1 - Russian empire. PETER, Saint, Apostle AB 355 289 PETER, Saint, Apostle (Cont'd.) 112 - martyrdom. AT 67 - foundation of Church. H 115 - crucifixion, NA 27 - crucified upside down, PL 32 - splendors of Rome. RR 49 - symbol of the living Church. 85 - as martyr. WC 265 - the poor and. WS PETER the Hermit 225 - Ezra Pound on. NJ 234, 237 - first Crusade, PETERLOO, Battle of 90 CE 251 SE PETER'S pence English discontent. C PETRARCH, Francesco 23 - Chaucer; greatness. C 51 - invectives. 105 - Latin version of Griselda. 105-6, 193-4 - Chaucer and. 193-5 - fame, 108 - Papacy and. RR 119 - optimism; pessimism. VT PETS GKC 59 - ownership of. PETTINESS 20 DE PEWTER 160 - lead and. LL PHALLIC worship CM 131 177-9 - de Rougemont. EM PHARAOH 149-50 - the heretic Pharaoh. GS PHARISAISM 94 - English society. CT 265 - England, WS 296 - public school aristocrats. WW PHILADELPHIA 162 - reflections in. SL 68-70 - description. WA 73 - traditions. SL À “ criticism. cc CD CM CP CT 55 - 73-4 - aristocracy. FA H II OR PAR 4-5 - objections to. 84 - English. 105 - millionaires. 64 - friars. 174 - Dickens. 174, 177 - poverty and. 279 - progress. 68 7 - money and. 10—1 - murder and. 222 - American. 14 - meaning. 95 - object. 204 - charity and. 178 - modern. 81 - meaning. AT TT UD WA WW (see PHILIP 170 - of trippers. 132 - dangers; personality. 135-6 - aristocracy. 229-evil. 308-13 - traditions and. also Humanitarianism) II,, King of France (Philip Augus- tus) 94 - Pope Innocent Ell. RR 74-5 - crusader. SE PHILIP II , King of Spain 31-3 - Escorial; Puritans. GL PHILIPS, Stephen AB 93 PHILISTINE 183 - artist and. GL SCT 89 - definition. PH ILLIMO RE, John Swinnerton 10-1, 299-300 AB 266 CM 149 EM PHILLIMORE, Robert Joseph (Lord Justice 9-10, 210 AB PHILLIPS , Alison 104-7 - against Chesterton's II views· PHILLIPS , March 306 - Form and color. NJ PHILOSOPHERS AG AT C CT EM PHILANTHROPY 270-9 - spiritual pride. AD 1-4 - private property. AS 4-5 - reform. 4 - teetotal ism. AT 290 149 - on'theory of recurrence. 275 - scientific. 29-30 - originality. 5 - essayists. 100, 113 - God and. PHILOSOPHERS (Coat'd.) JJ 66 - rore , 67 - magnanimity. TA 10 » need. 130 - emotional outlook of modern. PHILOSOPHY AB 86 269 - opium of politician). ACD 96- Dickens. AG 83 - science and, 189 - of experience. AIS 73 - science and, 91 - German; Coleridge. AS 194 - of betting. 195- 8 - of guessing. AT 187 - science and. 196- books. 203 - test of. AV 189 - distinction, 214 - history. 227, 230 - peace. C 125-7 - of medieval men, 242 - Christian, and common sense. 270 -character of medieval. 290 - contentment in Catholic. CC 106-8 - Catholic as universal. CE 135 - freedom of. CM 32 - novel and; William James. 60-3 - detective stories vs. 60-4 - man and. 6 74- God and, 93 - broadmindedness. 167 - education. 13 207- fairy tales. 229-31 - of youth. CT 12 - immoral. 73 - art; public. 97 - fashion; religion. 107 - Bolshevist; Prussian. 121 - thoughtless. 134 - 19th century. 142 - Schopenhauer, 143-4 - Shaw. 145 - atheistic, 146 - inhuman. 153-6 - future. 156 - false senses. 247 - French. EM 38 - Creation and. 126-33, 134-58, 186-94, 201, 205-14 , 270-89 - Christiani­ ty and. 147-58 - Oriental. 157 - temptation of simplicity. FA 14 - religion. 160 - truth. 48-9 - vegetarianism and. 237-8 - common man. 2 - selections. 41-2 - cosmic. 46 - in Job. 198 - Johnson. 140-4 - war and rationalism. FF GBS GKC GS GW H HA LL NJ OR OS RR RS SD $p TA 87 - basis. 114 - art. 167-8 - democratic nature. 12-3-value. 15 - importance. 23 - function. 1 80- Wells. 239 - art. 105-poetry. 171 - apocalyptic. 163 - senses and, 215 - theology and, 15 - problem, 136 - basis for creed. 253 - the present. 216-7 - Eastern and Western, 42 - religion, 111 - Popes. 120 - immortality. 250-1 - Christian. 20 - German. 85 - sex. 148 - marriage. 116 - secularism. 86-7, 247 - histories of. 136 - theology. 166 - Thomas Aquinas. 176-7 - paradox. 193-5 - changes in terminolo­ TC TM 291 gy19 - Catholics: Babbitt and T. S. Eliot, 3 82- modern neglect of Catholic. 134-5 - richness of Catholic. 28 - Carlyle's defect. PHILOSOPHY (Cont'd.) TT 164 - of the forest. 174-5 - of shoving. TY 41 - comfort In. UD 109-ends. WA 270 - vision and. WS 57 - science and. 67 - history and. 69 - change. 128 - begin with Being. 213 - youth and study of. (see also Free thought; Logic; Meta­ physics; Theology; Thomism; Thought) PHILOSOPHY, Ancient AG 23 - Pythagorean. EM 203-14 - Christ's birth and. 220-30 - platitudes in, 245-7 - Christ's death. 309-11 - God and. TA 85 - Catholicism . 89 - tradition. PHILOSOPHY, Modem AT 195-200 -fallacies. 2 211- impartiality. AV 186 CDU 42-3 - modem confusion. 48 - modern breakdown. CM 199-205 EM 28-33 - prehistoric man distor­ ted by. FF v-vli - narrowness. 50 249- progress and. H 16 OR 65-6 , 77-80 - suicidal mania. 245-50 - a chain. SD 16-7 TA 232 -doubt in. TC 56-63 - art is arbiter of. UD 109-10 - puns and. 123 - failure. 170 256-7 - fallacy. VT 152-4 - politics. WS 66 - shallow, 70 - Catholicism. 156 - modem mind and. PHILOSOPHY of life, see Life. PHOENIX CDU 68-00 - Christ as. PHOENIX Park, Dublin CDU 67-80 - Eucharistic Congress. PHOTOGRAPHY CM 115-art. HA 185-7-art. MM 232-7 - error in, PHRASES AT 215 - pictorial. PHYSICIANS AG 228 - tn guilds. C 72 - type. 73 - organization. 73-4 - character. 75 - guild principle of. 7 76- chemists and. CT 140 - General Practitioners. GKC 11-2- description. UD 78 - priests and. UU 1 - triumph . PHYSICIST AG 59 - use of tem. PHYSICS WS 55 - metaphysics and. PHYSIOLOGY AV 172-3 - criminology. CT 50 - medieval. 54 - teaching. 55 - in the nursery; men and. PICARESQUE ACD 152 - in biography. PICASSO, Pablo CM 112 CT 227 - Influence. MM 180 - art. PICK IE, James NA 16 PICTS SE 27 - invasion of Britain. PICTURES RR 74 - statues and. 144-5 - church decorations. WS 149 - versus printed word. PICTURESQUE ACD 66-7 - in Dickens. 66- 70 - meaning. 67-8 - in Shakespeare. 68 - Choucar. PIERROT (character) RR 257-8 PIES FF 45 - philosophy. 47 - paradox. PIETA EM 217 - sentimentality. 292 PIETY AD Π CD DE EM WW PIGS AIS 6 AS AT DE FF UD CL CT 156-8 - in poetry. 217-meaning. 48 - grunting noise. 133-4 97-8 - care of. 99 - horses and. 99-101 - beauty. 101 - symbolism. 3 102- dogs; domestication. 103 - breeding. PILATE, Pontius AIS 55 EA 29 PILGRIMS (colonial America) SL 160-1 PILGRIMS and pilgrimages AG 199-200 C 162 - mockery. 3 162- Simon of Sudbury. 165 - tales; reality. RR 4 - Chesterton as. SE 172 - Pilgrimage of Grace. PILLORY GS 84-8 - as punishment. PILSUDSKI AB 328-9 AV 87 PINDAR AT 260-1 PINK (color) AIS 109-10 PIONEERS GL 182-purpose. OS 230^5 - religion. WS 88-9 - practical. PIRACY GS 236 - plutocracy. PITHECANTHROPUS Erectus EM 38 -art. 46-7, 57 - science. 255 - evolution. PITT, William AS AV CE - essential. ΙΟ - intellectual greatness. 12 - pessimism. 182-4-Virgil. 305 - virtue. 13-4 - the modem politician. H SE TA WC PITY CD GL OR TC 196 - the revolution. 35 - national policy; foreign policy. 42 - Frederick the Great. 64 - on America. 67-70 - Ireland. 163 84 - Conservatives. 85 - school of. 86 - Irish independence. 212 - sentimentality, 226-8 6 234- on America. 255 - and Catholics. 255-6 - Ireland. 255 - end Napoleon. 52 - statesmanship. 66 - farmers. 74- 6 - Toryism. 75 - peerages; Manchester School. 75- 6 - political policies. 76- 7 - Cobbett. 92 - law under. 164 - diction. 240 - death of. 277-8 - poor ond. 82-sympathy. 53 - humanitarianism. 31-2 - humanistic and Chris­ tian . PIUS IX, Pope WS 179 - Catholic emancipation. PIUS XI, Pope RR 274-8 PLACE CM 217-20 NJ 160 - spiritual essence. 161 - mystery. PLAGIARISM ACD 38 CT 20-literary. RR 172-World War I. PLANE AD 280-1 - the high planes. PLANTAGENET (family) C 41 - break in history. 82 - France. RR 94 - Pope Innocent III. SE 86-102 293 CP CT PLATO and Platonism 141-2 AIS 85 - cosmos. AV 83 - Christian Science. CC 12 - Shaw. EE 37 - cave of the speculations EM 145-6, 310 - philosophy and religion. 202 - transcendentalism. 204, 207 - Christ and. 220 - platitudes. 200-2 - Shaw. GBS H 43 83 - truth; ideals, 287 - teacher. OR 57 - poets; Republic; Shaw. RR 15-6 - salvation from. TA 16 - Catholicism and. 83-4 - blunder about. 92 - correction of. 126 - Augustinians; miscalcu­ lation . 199 - on knowledge. 202 - Republic and Citv of God. 147 - remarkable mind. TC 156 - philosophy. 211 - foundation. VT 208 - mystic. WB PLATONIC friendship 177 - birth control. EE PLATONIC love 126-8 - meaning. TA PLAY 94 - Chesterton and, AT 96- life. 56 - English philosophy of. EA 136 - the poor and. LL 44 - definition of child. M 176-7 - business of. TT PLEASURE AD 238 - failure. 288 - men of. 118-9 - of alcohol, AG 207 - morality. 232 - desire for. 211-2 - fashion and. AS 157 - violence, AT 170 - pessimism; society. AV 183 - in society. C 183 - in destruction. CM DE FA FF GKC GS H HA LL M MM OR 375 35 - reasons for. 114 - separation of. 37-8 - modern. 80 - Franciscan view. 2-6 - in poetry. 177 - defense. 209 - Dickensians. 165 - denunciation of. 168-9 - art of seeking. 77 - health. 109 - spirit of. 138 - materialism. 84 - beauty. 155 - material. 78 - choice of. 112-3 - happiness. 53- 4 - realism kills. 54- 5 - pleasure lost by asking for. 188-9 - levity. 186 - self-made. OS 53 - age of. SL 58 - modem seeking. 60 - leisure and. SP 42-3 - modem pursuit. TC 84 - paradox. TT 181-2 - fullness. 79 - of travel. WA 119 - Americans. 145 - enslaving. WS 234 - property and, 66 - pain and. WW PLEBEIANS 181 - patrician usury. EM PLEBISCITE 8-10 - annexation after colo­ HH nization. PLINY 199 HA PLOTS 167-9 - middle ages. C PLUNKETT, Sir Horace 35, 91 II PLUTARCH 33 - Shakespeare on. C PLUTOCRACY 215-7 - evil of. AB 105-6 - England. AIS 1-5 - the child; the poor. AS 89-90 - Oxford and Cambridge. AT 294 92-3 - eccentricities. 7 92- past and, AS 58-63, 92-3 - bad. 88 - physiology. 88-9 - experiments. 121-4 - environment; compo­ sition . 125-9 - culture. 155- 9 - brevity. 156- 8 - onions. 174-5 - Byron, 175 - aesthetes. AT 277 - greatness in. AV 105 - liquor and. 2Û5-8 - free verse. 205- 10 B 1 - science and. C 102 - nature of. 118-9 - translation. 137 - flowers; types. 138-9 - critics. 219-20 - translation. 222 - Aristotle on. CDU 33-4 - Pantheism. CM 135-6 - paganism. 18 185-7 206- 13 207 - scepticism. 220 - infinity. CP 40-2-modern. CT 20 - originality; parallelisms. 21-2 - critics. 39 - music and. 39-52 - criticism. 40 - first principles; melody, 43 - Separatist school; sound and sense. 45-6 - style. 51 - revolutions in. 2 51- traditionalism. 151 - metaphor. 192-3 - Macaulay's era. 262 - aim. DE 12 - profanity and. 66-7 - nonsense literature. 77 - Copernican theory, 78-9 - science and. 158-9 - modern life. EM 107 - pagan. 116-33 - pagan myths. 117 - poetical. AIS PLUTOCRACY (Cont'd.) AT 168 - socialism, 242-3 - aristocracy. CT 219 - English; monarchy. GL 123 - democracy. GS 236 - piracy. OS 42-3 - a poison. SD 38 - family. UU 3-8 - art. 7 - modem. 38-44 - eugenics, 65-70 - private property. 80-8 - Chesterton's cause. WA 31 - cafes and. WC 194-thrift. WS 152 - parliamentarism. 261 - liberty and. 263 - British. PLYMOUTH Rock WA 214-5 POCKETS TT 113 - picking of. POE, Edgar Allan GS 1 - on detective stories. 279-84 - R. L. Stevenson. OR 28 - morbidity. RB 144 RS Ή-**! - Stevenson. 40 - imagery. 41 - Baudelaire, VA 25 - DeQuincey. 80 - Dickens. VT 186 - Bret Harte. WA 207 - The Raven. POET laureate AG 164-8 - modern unfitness. UU 132-7 - appointment. POETESS (the word) VT 261 POETRY AD 23-4 - decadent. 27 - essential. 66-7 - boys and. 70-4 - cheese in. AG 127 - irrelevancies in. 144 - people and. 250- 1 251- 2 - criticism. AIS 74-9 - modem; style. 87-8 - imagination. 89-90 - opium and. 295 Il POETRY (Cont'd.) 125 - gods as dreams. EM 130-1 - pantheism; localizing die gods. 186 - paganism lived on. 2-3 - mistaken notion of, FF 2-6 - enjoyment. 3 - nursery rhyme. 5-6 - rhyme. 7-8 - recurrence in. 19- 20 - song and. 20- 1 - background. 21- 2 - anarchy. 88- 9 - emancipation. 89- 90 - freedom of expression. 91 - prose and. 92-3 - attack on. 260 - religion in. 261 - emotion. 262-3 - mysticism. 50-1 - naturalness. FT 51 - language. 95 - logician and. GBS 125 - of Capes. GKC 158-9 - spirit. 224 - children. 225 - verse. 177-8 - feeling in modern; GL language. 178 - feeling in classical; language; modern and classi­ cal . 179 - modem and classical: love, praise, sex. 180 - creation; destructive­ ness. 132-3 - painting and partioG5 tism. 194 - religious. 121 - didacticism. GW 39-42 - inclusion in. H 99 - ritual. 177 - English; Irish. 32 - populace. HA 52 - Dickens. 88 - revolutionary. 91 - criticism. 94- life. 102-3 - analysis. 105 - philosophy. 18 - distribution of property. II 77 - and property. LL LT MM MT NA OR RB SGT SD SL TA TC TE TT UD UU VA VT 296 77 - and property. 193 - music and, 194 - an institution in Ireland. 196 - dreams and. 212- 3 - progress and. 51 - art for art's sake. 63 - metre in. 103 - man remembers who he is. 144 - passions and. 182 - ballad and. 6 - sonity and. 192-3 -universalism. 9-digestion. 132 - life and. 133 - national, 27-30 - sanity. 83 - love more poetical than. 88 - naturalism of minor. 99 - matter of. 134-5 - scientific analysis and. 185 - prose and. 38-9 - creation of. 148 - Imagination, 207 - idealism. 211-2 213- 4 - politics and. 222 - criticism. 222-33 ’ middleman in. 225 - interpretation. 226 - oratory and. 229 - paradox In. 187 - philosophy in. 228-9 - strangeness. 26-7 - modern. 1 - architecture and. 12 - Tennyson's influence. 312 - of adventure. 112 - extravagances. 112-5 - reality in. 124-5 - architecture and. 128-9 - language. 253-4 - essential quality. 209-17 - need for. 28 - English middle classes; Hugo. 170 - form and. 77-8 - in speech. 240 - reality and. 249- 57 - Tennyson. 250- ] - commonplace senti­ ments; democratic nature. POETRY (Cont'd.) VT 251 - religion and. 261-9 - E. Browning. WA 279-80 - the American and the Englishman. 280 - hunting and. WB 3 - slackness in English . 144 - understanding. WS 199 - practicality. (see also American poetry; Epic; Free verse; Heroic couplet; Metre; Pas­ toral poetry; etc.) POETS ACD 10 - originality of modem. 111 - Arcadian. AD AG AS AT AV C CL CM 176 - definition. 170-81 - common people; po­ pular sentiments. 177 - politics and. 178 - sensibility. 123 - Faber and Faber on. 59-63, 92-3 - bad poetry. 62-3 - heroes and. 133 - nature and. 158 - imagery. 209 - eyebrows. 209-11 - metaphysical. 275-6 - obscurity. 277 - Christian orthodoxy. 278-81 - religion and. 68 - sands; 19th century. 105-6 - cynicism. 141 - clarity. 14 - medieval word for. 29 - philosophy. 30 - influence. 31 - great. 31, 37 - business of. 31-2 - concern of things. 32 - Christianity and paganism; traditionalists; theories. 35 - eternal things. 36 - indifference to morals, 37 - sons of God. 45 - Renaissance exaltation of, 51 - infallibility. 110 - grave vs. cheerful. 236-7 - Renaissance. 266-7 - pleasure in pagan. 196 - medieval child and. 91 - moods. 20-1, 24-5 - originality. 23 - dreams. 39 - music. 48 - tradition. 54-5 - darkness and modem. DE 86 - saint and. FA 87 - praise. 101-2 - happiness. GKC 219-20 - feudal. 65 - madness. GW 51 - patience. H 86 - traditional. HA 91 - totality. 147-8 - as mountains. 160 - love. 195 — Irish attitude towards. 11 51 - "knowledge" of. LL MAN 281 - mission. 268 - love of the finite. MT 130 - nature and. NA 192 - exorcists and. NJ 149-50 - prophet and. OS 57 - Plato. RR 208 - of revolt. SL 228 - public and. 230 - purpose; criticism. 37 - pantheism. SP 37 - muse. SUR 215-6 - narrowness. UD 238-40 - meaning; practicali­ VT ty241 - essence, 250 - demagogue and. 253 - a Ptolemaist; science. 3 - environment. WB 4 - qualities. 55 - artist and. 161 - lunatic and. WW POGROMS 26 SD POISON 177-8 - sin as. CT POKER 28 MM POLAND 328-30 - Chesterton in. AB 330 - Russian atrocities. 39-44 - Germany's claims to CDU Danzig. CE 29, 34, 44 - Frederick the Great. CT 297 111 - meaning. POLAND (Cont'd.) WW EA POLITICAL parties 4$ - journalistic treatment. 109-14 122-3 - Catholic culture. AIS 190 - English. 125 - France and . 158-64 - two-party system. 137 - Bolshevism. AV 159 - Parliament and. 140-3 - English ignorance of, 159-60 - coalition. 143 - enemies. 143-4 - Irish, and Celticism; 19 143-8 - as a nation. insu larism. 143-8, 205-7 - hated. 124 - Jerusalem. NJ 147, 169, 171 - Russia against. 147 - England. 157, 169 - Prussia against. 208 - Italy. 170 - lies about. RR 31-2 - English, and freedom. SD 171 - wall of Christendom, 184 - paradox. 205-7 - German liberals SL 98-106 - Great Britain, against. UU H5-22 - journalism and, 224 - after World Wor 1 » (see else Government) 279 - Christianity and révoluPOLITICIANS tion in. 269 - opium of philosophy. AB GKC 259 - Catholicism. 104-5 - politics and. GS AIS 49-55 - romantic. 122-6 - mortality. 174 - as a nation. H 174 - journalism. AT 176 - nationalism. RR 183 - financier. POLES 199 - demagogues; requisites. CT AV 87 - Bolshevism. 199-200 - Parliament and. 87-8 - patriotism, 200 - language. EA 70 - Hitler's invective against. 221 - American; Civil War. 116 - Prussian policy toward. 38 , 42-4 - ignorance. 204 - nature of. EA 135 - liquor. 53-5 - chlvalrlc tradition. GKC GS 233 - education. POLICE 254-5 218-20 - city and. AT H 150 - modern. 219 - politeness. II 156 - English; Thomas Kettle 54-5 CM 161-2 - conception. and. DE 266 - modern and medievalism NJ 47 - French discipline. H 225 - integrity. 265 - Ireland. RR MM 243 - corruption. 291 - peril. 205 - promising. 57 - philosophical, MT SCT 143-50 - misinterpretation. SCL UU 50 210-1 VA WA 186 - tn America. 76 - A. Jackson and. 233-4 - slang names: Peel and, WA WC 115, 118 - In America. 235 - Cobbett's opposition. 118 - In England. POLISH Corridor 155 - hypocrisy. 328 AB 217 - white washing. POLITENESS 224 - English spirit. 218-20 - city. AT 183 - education. WC 219 - policeman, 198, 199 - the poor and. 64-5 - virtue. FT 60 - populace and. WS 161 - French. GL 224 - muddlers. 89 - In America . SL 251 - knowledge of Austria. 90 mystical; Restoration and. VT 90-1 -Charles II, 298 16-ideals. 17 - literature and , 18-9 - ethics in England. 20 - theories. II 27 - Irish and English. 35 - Chesterton and. 70 - Irish sense. 147 - Irish leaders. 149 - Irish Home rule. JJ 11-91 - passim. MK 1 MM 55-6 - journalism and. 101- 2 - liberty. 102- 3 - liberty; the normal man. 308 - limitations. NJ 98 - Moslem morality. 146 - Palestine. 148 - theology and. 228 - religion and. 263 - Christianity. OR 30-madness. 2 81- practical. 128 - patriotism. 195-7 - 19th century. 249 - Western vigilance. 259 - orthodoxy guards. OS 257-8 - normality and. RB 28-32 - dramas; characters. RDQ 240 - feminine. RR 102 - guilds of middle ages. 225 - Freemasons and. 226 - luxury; professional. 244 - people and. SL 101 - Prohibition and. 102-3 - political Drys and Wets. 164 - Wm. Penn. 197 - American Revolution. 213-4 - poetry. 243 - falsity. TC 87-92 - science imitates. TT 144 - Chesterton. 277-85 - honesty. 282-4 - earnestness. UD 117-8 - objectivity. 8 157- money and. 6 165- leadership. UU 13-4 - capitalist influence. 143-7 - political speeches. VT 170-1 - eloquence. H POLITICS AB 107 - contemporary. 125, 128, 251 - Chesterton. 126 - money; political candi­ dates . 204-5 - English corruption. 264 - truth and. ACD 169 AIS 104-8 -economics. 107-8 - Europe. 11 109- colors in. 111-2 - Continental. 121-6 - power and. 145-7 - change In. 150 - persecution and. AS 100 - compromise. 115-6 - morality. 126-9 - culture. AT 39 - discussions. 40 - canvassing; corruption; hypocrisy. 42 - vulgarity. 115-23 - finance; secrecy. 155 - bribery, C 10-1 - Chaucer (Chesterton) CDU CM CT EA EM FF FR FT GL GS 36 36-49 - Church's power for peace. 60-1 - General Will and. 1 -9 - poor and. 63 - Fabianism. 87 - Irish; English literature. 94-5 - Chesterton. 112 - philosophy. 239 - Lincoln. 265- 6 - diplomacy. 266- 7 - seriousness. 121-3 - agnosticism. 152 - Christianity and. 159-76 - materialist theory. 60-1 - as a profession. 172-3 - vagueness. 23 - political innocence. 234 - modem principles. 30-1 - materialism. 1, 20 - paradox. 120 - 18th century. 121 - 20th century. 30-1 - utopia as monarchy, 84 - safety for the governing. 136-7 - national decline; causes. 299 POLITICS (Cont’d.) VT 229 - ecclesias tic ism; mili­ tarism. POMPOSITY HA 207 PONTIFEX (the word) 75 - American and English; fiction. 87 - cities. 87, 186 - corruption. 118-9, 123, 125, 128 - Amer­ ican . 118-20, 125, 271 - English. 172 - women in. WS 60 - ideals of Chesterton. 168 - debates. 180 - American Catholics, 244 - liberalism. WW 10-6 - social ideals. 23 - social unity. 49- 50 - honorable poverty and. 49 - French Revolution. 50 - wealth and. 50- 3 - publicity. 5 293- English system; truth­ fulness, (see also Anarchism; Government; Nationalism) POLLARD, Professor C 103 POLO, Marco AG 33 - reports. POLONIUS RR 96 POOR AB 284 - English. ACD xvii - modem literature. xviiî - problem. 21, 204-5 - English. 40 - gloom. 62, 181 - Dickens. WA AD AIS AS AT AV C CD EM 122 POLYGAMY FF 122-3 - boredom. II 60 - eugenics. SD 55 - population, 106 - practice of. 107 - Mahomet, 109-10 - divorce. TAL 270 UD 182-4 - Mormons. 184 - status. POLYTHEISM NJ 171-3 - modem world, 175 - Christian tradition and. CL CM (see also Gods; Mythology) POMP DE 54 - monuments, EM 313 - popular element. RR 149 - pomposity and. POMPEII AG 158 - Renaissance. CT DE 300 146 - cheer. 40 - rich and. 208 - secrecy. 57-Voltaire. 169 - snobs. 1-5 - plutocracy. 81 - beer; tobacco. 199 - slums. 199-200 - criticism. 199-203 - Dean Inge; making good. 12 - humor; social problems. 29 - temperance; work. 92-3 - English. 171-2 - criminology. 281 - instruction. 52 - pleasures. 258-9 - fools and. 277 - pity. 279 - Dickens; Gissing; Gor­ ky; Jesus Christ. 223 -Christmas. 1-2 - sectarianism. 1-9 - politics; rich versus. 1-9, 223-4 - persecution. 3 - books. 4-5 - gambling; economics. 6-9 - modems. 8-9 - Socialists. 24-5 - sin of. 38-40 -education. 123-4 - cleanliness. 123 - liquor. 170-1 - vulgarity. 235 - fate. 246 -50 - pride. 248 - gossip. 8 - the deserving; millionaires and. 27 - courage. SD POOR (Cont'd.) DE 88-9 - realistic study. EE 33 - crime. 154 - paradox. 159-60 - the rich and the des­ titute . 160 - Protestantism. 169 - sexual pleasures. 171-3 - capitalists and. 175-91 - eugenics and, 184-5 - race. 214-18 - In servile State. 107-tyranny. 107-8 - punishment; socialism. 166 - bribery. 166- 8 - status; law; tumblers. 167- 8 -Meredith. 170-2 - courts and. 90 - Dickens. 248 - treatment. 249 - suffering. 1-3 - treasures. 45 - traditions. 8 83- punishment. 123 - "ha'penny" for. 203 - rich and. 204 - wit. 205 - sentimentality. 273- 4- sins. 274- 84 - democracy. 276-84 - In literature. 277 - knowledge of. 281 - In slum fiction. 282-4 - realism. 63 - Dickens. 74 - charity. 246 - democracy. 116 - tragedy and frivolity. 120 - actors and. 134 - right opinions of. 136-7 - work and play. 44 - laughter. 85-8 - in England. 220-1 - Christianity. 283 - secrets. 189-90 - anarchism. 78-dignity. 142 - religion and. 253 - parti culari sts. 29 - capitalists. 215, 239-rich and. FF GKC GL GS H HA Jj INC LL MM MT NJ OS RR SL SP ss SUR TA UD UU VA VT WC WS WW (see 92 - heraldry. 98-9 - rich and. 180 - in America. 120 - natural. 12-4 - Manchester School. 45 - dancing. 25 - surprise; wages. 156 - St. Thomas. 79 - laughter. 88 - respect for. 131-2 - Jane Austen. 149-50 - satire. 36 - pleasures. 38-44 - Eugenics. 161-4 - knowledge of. 163-6 - ideas. 46-Faber. 81 - heaven. 133 - Tolstoy, 32-3 - Justice. 41 - self-respect. 47 - helplessness; virtues. 91-2 - State persecution. 194 - thrift. 196-200 - sympathy. 200 - Cobbett. 182 - English treatment. 218-9-Digby. 264-5 267 - liberties. 277 - gratitude; monopoly. 94 - progress. 263-7 - education. 297, 364-5 - cleanliness. 305 - generouslty. 308- 13 - traditions; vulgarity. 309- 13 - death; personal ap­ pearance. 345 - domesticity. also Beggars; Poverty) POOR laws 129-45 - English. EE 268-9 - principles of. SE 207, 224, 239, 242 - Cobbett WC the new Parliament, the new poor law. 351-7 - Injustice. WW POPE, Alexander AB 96 231 - translation of Homer. c 231-2 - 19th century. 301 RR POPE, Alexander (Cant'd.) 37 - on Swift; Congreve. CT FT GL H RS SE SP VT WB WS POPES AI5 C 8 77- couplet. 15-31 - satire. 20 - greatness. 28 - on Addison. 2? - hatred. 172-4 - heroic couplet. 174 - Shelley. 241 - laughter; satire. 38 - Whitman. 141-2 - an monarchy. 91 43-55 - satire. 44-5 - couplet. 46 - irrationality; antithesis. 47 - poet of civilization. 53-5 - Atticus; satire on Addi­ son. 16 - Homer; Flaxman's Illus­ trations. 154 (papacy) 179-80 - middle ages; interna­ tionalism . 41 - kings; monopoly. 47 - Catholics; English; France; paradox. 47- 8 - after Reformation. 48- 51 - middle ages. 33 - criticism of tombs. 34 - Italian spirit. 34-6 - orators in stone. 36 - ascetics; England's ignor­ ance. 37 - patrons of sculpture. 39 - moderation. 51 - Eastern fanaticism; tem­ poral power. 54 - prohibition of images. 59 - patriarchs. 61 - sculpture. 65 - idolatry. 69 - Roman Empire. 72-3 - in sculpture. 81- 2, 86 - Charlemagne. 82 - Franks. 82- 3 - the Caesars. 87 - barbarians; scandals. 88 - the people. 89 - War of the investitures. 106 - power and the Reforma­ tion; decline. 107 - nationalism. 107- 8 - civil power. 108 - Avignon; degradation. 108- 9 - Catherine of Siena. 109 - barbarism; Byzantium; civilization; civil power. 110- 1 - East-West interregnum. 111 - art, Imperialistic author­ ity; philosophy; scandal of rivalry. 111- 2 - wickedness. 112 - nationality; politics. 112- 3 - end of middle ages. 132 - anti-Catholics; Byzan­ tine art; error. 133 - statues. 134- 5 - the future; medievalism and critics. 135 - education and; progress. 135- 6 - modernists. 136 - art. 139 - Renaissance. 143-4 - splendor. 144 - ceremonials. 235 - political power. 260-3 - temporal power. 50 - money collections; publi­ CDU CM CT EM FA OR 19, 33 - history. 30—I — In Rome. city experts. 51 - critics of Avignon popes; Petrarch. 52 - quarrel about. 53-4 - progress under. 54 - arbitration, 55 - Protestants on. 56 - captivity. 74-5 - on chemistry. 23-4 - papal flag. 24, 27 - wealth. 268 - protestantism. 268-9 - Islam. 108 - H. G.Wells. 227- in the White House. 228- 9 - Alfred Smith. 14 - attack on. 252 - St, Clement. 174 - saints. 165-Infallibility. 302 POPES (papacy) (Cont'd.) RR 26? - thing of the futurs. 270-1 - Mussolini, SP 141 - removal from Rome. TA 34-5 - wealth. 47 - Hohenstaufens. TC 243-8 - Catholic doctrine on. WS 138 - pagan phase. 162 - Roman trophies; Servant of Servanti. 176 - Puritans and. 186 - modem spirit. 221 - papal bull; Irish bull. POPISH plot SE 213 - Protestantism. POPOLO, Piazza Del RR 124 POPULAR, The FF 15^ - art appreciation. POPULAR movements TA 39 -popularity. POPULAR places TT 261-2- preservation. POPULARITY AS 220 - genius and. AT 107 - Impressive. 108 - how to gain. CD 100-1 7 positive and negative. CE 116 - governmental. CT 271-2 -vulgarity. FT 7 - pessimism. 8 - optimism. GKC 190 - maintenance. GL 80 HA 107 - unpopularity. RR 236 - tyrants. VT 33-4 - pessimism. POPULATION AV 72 - ihlftlng. GKC 152-4 - surplus. 153 - removal. OS 254 -problem. SD 55 - China; test of progress. 55-6 - need of. PORNOGRAPHY CM 126-7 - sex and. 126-131 - emphasis. WS 232 - In antiquity. PORTER, Eleanor AS 189 PORTER, Jane GL 108-9 - Scottish chiefs. SE 138-9 - an Scot heroism. PORTER, William Sidney HA 176 - criticism. WA 186, 204 - short stories. PORTIUNCULA FA 143, 167 PORTRAITS AS 17-20 EM 128 - Egyptian and Assyrian. GW 157 POSING ACD 74-5 - meaning of. POSITIVISM H 93-7 - error. MM 29-30 OR 97 - a dead level In life. POSSESSION GKC 59 - meaning. POST (the word) UD 10-1 - use tn poetry. POST-IMPRESSIONISM AB 87 AV 63 - Delacroix. POST Office TT 241-2 - singing in. POSTERITY AG 172 - living for. POSTJUDICE (coined term) RB 115 POSTMAN DE 109 - carries men's souls. POTATO AD 54 - beauty. FF 90-1 - poetry. POTENTIALITY TA 215^ - explanation. POTSDAM CE 36-piracy. POTTS, Peveril C 115 - tomb of, POUND, Ezra CT 44 NJ 225 - on Peter the Hermit. 225-8 - theory of Crusades. POVERTY AT 271 - society. AV 204-English. CD 174, 177 - philanthropy. 174-7 - Dickens. 177 - Christmas. 268-9 - happiness. EM 200-1 - Christ's birth. 303 POVERTY (Cont'd.) EM bride. 172-4 - vow. FA 192-3 - Show. GBS 199-200 - In Belfast. II 101 - Franciscan. LL 170—1 - wealth and. MM 215-26 - democracy and aris­ OR tocracy. 262 - protest the poor. 165 - happiness. OS 225 - Jacobins. RR 96 - 18th century. SP 129 - English Reformers. TC 93 - Incentive to. π 214 - crime. 42 - rewards. WC 42-6 - Cobbett on. 101 - machinery and. 201-2 - attitudes towards. 217 - Digby on, WS 55 - Ideal of. WW 69 - Industrialism, (ttt ol so Poor; Wealth) POWELL, Yorke 139 AB POWER 121-6 - passing; political. AIS 110 - appetite for. GW H 171-2 - science and. 254-9 - right. B5 - Byzantine and Roman au­ thority. 187 - In history. 263 - pontifical. 101 - kindness. UD 61 - Fascism. WS PRACTICALITY 11 - thoughtfulness. AG 20 - the theorist. 43 - reason; the practical man. 126 - sentiment. AT 18 - partisanship. AV 19 - theory and the practical man. 174-5 - paradox of the practi­ CM cal man. 250-1 - pride. 152-3 - misconception. FF 21 - Ideal. H OS RR H 240-1 - St. Franci* of Assisi's 23-4 - example. 254 - delusion. OR PL TC UU VT WA WS WW 97 17 - the unpractical man. 14 - modem virtue. 19 - the tyrant. 210 - paradox. 238-41 - poetical. 240 - Balzac; Shakespeare. 116 - Americans. 197 - failure. 11-7 - need of the unpractical man. PRACTICE 184-7 - theory and. UD PRAGMATISM 207 - morality. AIS 31-2, 173-4 CM 314 - Catholic Church. EM 64-6 - reason destroyed by. OR 79 - paradox. SD 151 - reason. TC PRAISE 237 - of the unpopular. AT 259-60 224 - of Germans. AV 37 - duty. C 206 - criticism. CM 87 - poet. FA 179 - in classical poetry; mo­ GL dem poetry. 179-80 - exaltation. 203-4 - flattery. H OR 296 - permanent. 122 - blame and. SL 123 - good will. PRANKS 147 AT PRAYER 244 - enjoyment. B 106 CP 138 - journalists on. CT 139 - dogma; foundations. 25-6 - for peace. EA 129-31 - pagan. 130 - a liberty and an enlarge­ ment. 280-1 - God and. 108-10 - mechanical repetition. TC PRAYER books WS 47 - journalese. 304 PRAYER books (Cont'd.) WS 49-50 - vulgarisation. PRAYERS for the dead WS 26, 184 - Protestantism. PRAYING boy (stata·) EM 130 - emptiness of paganism. PREACHERS (-ING) AG 27 - liveliness. CM 139-40 - blasphemy. CT 135-40 138 - professionalism; creed and dogma. 139 - criticism. 140 - tradition; advice. GW 14-pose. H 237 - morality. PRECEDENT UD 86-8 - exploitation of. WW 223-5, 302-3 PRECEDENTERS EE 21 PREDESTINATION SS 34-6 - Puritanism. WW 230-2 -Calvin. PREDICTION AV 174-sociology. 177 - dictators and. PREDILECTIONS VT 110-opinions and. PREFACES GKC vl—vll - of Chesterton. 185 - reading. PREHISTORY. «£Man, Prehistoric. PREJUDICE AIS 152-3, 189-90 - In history. AS 48-9 AV 94 - In literature. 9 98- reputation and. 229 - war. CM 122-4 179 - modems. CT 87 - Inge. FF 203 - history and. GL 102-3 - architecture. 11 70 - Easter Rebellion. MM 140 - creed. NJ 215 -Christianity. 261, 264 - historians. RB 114-5 - Ignorance. 115 - “postludlce." SCL 55 38-42 - in detective stories. 137-definition. 138-9 - In America. WS 115 - revival of Christendom. 168 - against Catholicism. WW 21 - dogma. 75 168- women. (see also Race) PRE-RAPHAELITES CC 79 - Catholic Influence. CM 86-7, 102 GW 40 - Millais; purity; simpli­ city; Watts. 130 - art. OR 223 - levity lacking. RS 232 - medievalism. TC 50 - eccentric. VA 41, 68-9 - Ruskin. 189 VT 221-Ruskin. WB 24-Blake. WS 87 - middle ages and. PRESBYTERIANS (Scotland) AB 275 CE 39 TC 232-5 PRESCOTT, William ACD 84 PRESENT, The AV 198 GL 134-5 OR 253 - philosophy. VT 199-200 - human perspective. PRESIDENT WA 118-23 - king and. 120 - despotism. 120-1 - popularity; position. 121 - duties. 122 - responsibility. 232 - world state and. 234 - office of. PRESIDENTIAL elections, American CT 225, 228 PRESS AD 45-53 - power. AG 28 - argumentation. 131-2 - quackery. AIS 113-4 - conscription. AS 12-3 - medievalism. 108-9 - Rome. 110-4 - criticism; history. UD WA 305 153 - Christianity, caste systern, Islam and Chinn. 208 - demonology. 19 - weakness. GKC 89 - fables. 193-English. 130 - effects. H 130-4 - character; vanity. 169 - kinds. 170 - enjoyment. 107 - Anglo-Irish relations. I! 213 - sin. 199 - perpetuates all vices. INC 100 - enemy of amusement. LL 12 - reticence. MT 221 — intellectual. NJ 88 - Jack and Hie Beanstalk. OR 224 - levitation. 219 - colonists. OS 29 - humor. SP 134^ - Catholic Church. TC 174-5 - disease. UD 142 - intellectual; modem WS philosophy; religion. (see a]sg Egoism; Humility; Selfishness) PRIEST (-S; -HOOD) 218 - sleep. AS AT 174 - congregation. 40 - Black Death. C 58 - defects; Wycliffe. 252 - Catholics; Lollards. 252 , 257 - Chaucer. CC 32-9 - Integrity. 51 - Reformation. 55-7 - proselytizing. 55 - fisher of men. 37-49 - world peacemakers. CDU 46 - humanity and nationality. CT 140 - theology. EM 10 - cowardice. 31 - antiquity. 77-8 - pagan, arts and scien­ ces. 215-6 - bigotry In Belfast. II 103 - Greek; apocalypse. NJ 103-7 - Greek. 104 - simplicity. 239 - religions of world. OR 266-9, 292 - joy. 292 - Christianity. SS 33-7 - Puritans. EM PRESS (Cont'd.) AV 122 CM 2 116 - tradition. 130 - J· χ1 74 - philosophy. 222-4 - Morgan. CT 61 - religious war. 213 - on Prohibition. EE 219 -popular. 95 - freedom; Puritans. 97-9 - power; public opinion. 100 99- censorship. FR 43 - truth and. H 114 - headlines. 121 - servility. RR 238 - freedom. 246 - censorship; Mussolini. WA 57-8-headlines. WS 24 - substitute for dally bread. 178 - conventions. 210 - wit and. 261 - Chesterton. (see also Journalism! Newspapers) PRESTIGE C 76-7 - middle ages; modem times. PRETERNATURAL! SM AS 152-3 - paganism. PREVENTIVE medicine EE 70-2 - prevention and cure. PRICES WS 230 - value and. PRIDE ACD xll - vanity. AD 270-9 - spiritual. 279 » drunkenness. AIS 39-40 - depressing. 169 - weakness. AP 112-3 - Prussian. AT 97 - admiration of. CD 36-9 - Dickens and. CM 147 - hell and. 246-55 250-1 - paradox. CP 250, 310, 364 CT 136 - spirituals deadly danger. DE 19 - Ignorance; Indifference. EA 18-20, 176-Prussian. 217-20 - foe of Christendom. EE 122 - elements of spiritual. 306 PRIES! (-S; -HOOD) (Cont’d.) SS 47 — dancing. TA 159 - celibacy. TC 28 - 18th century. 110-1 - modem m I sunder» fund­ ing· UD 78 - doctors and. 118 - feminists and. WB 111 - garb. PRIESTLEY, Joseph AB 175 CC 43 - Influence on GKC . WB 30 - Unltarlanism. WC 59-61 - Cobbett. PRIG (-S, -GISHNESS) AB 8-9 -snobs. AT 15 - free love. CM 159 250 - pride. EM 150 - royal philosophers. Il 184-truth. UD 138 - snobs. PRIMITIVE man, see Man, Primitive. PRIMOGENITURE OS 92 - distributism and. PRINCES C 44 - worship of. 45 - renaissance exaltation. CT 131 -2 - pawnbrokers and. RR 214 - merchant in Venice. PRINCIPLES PAR 143 -argumentation. WW 302-3 - progress and. PRINTERS AT 203 - nationalist; rationalist. PRISONS AT 255 EE 210 OR 178-reform. PL 16 - purpose. SS 7-16 UU 49-52 - evolution. WS 115 -academic scepticism. PRIVACY AIS 135-8 AS 161-2 - property and. PRIVATE enterprise NJ 17 - not private. OS 3-22 58 - Utopian. 9 78- freedom . PRIVATE AV WS PRIVATE FF SL PRIVATE PRIVATE WW judgment 188 - Prussianism. 29 - Ell effects. life 234-6 - public life and. B5 - In America. property, see Property. schools 281 - purpose. 282 - manners. PRIZE fighting UD 155-6 PROBABILITY CT 25-6 - criticism and. FA 159-62 - distinctions. GL 112 - provincialism. 112-3 - English. 112-5 - In history. PROBLEMS AIS 27-9 - progress and. AT 35-6 - trivial. UD 170-1 - definition. PROCESSIONS GL 24-6 , 36-7-In Spain. 25-6 - gaiety. 37 - poetry and. PROCRASTINATION FF 40-1 - evil; modem society. PROCREATION CM 163 - Tolstoy. WW 234 - Blatchford. 8 235- mystery. PROCTOR, Adelaide AS 189 PROCTOR, John ACD 223-7 - Edwin Drood. PRODUCTION DW 23 - control of means. WS 220 - private consumption. 220, 229-30 - over-produc­ tion. 222 - economic paradox. 223-31 - trade. 227 - humanity. PROFANE things NJ 139 - sacred things and. PROFANITY AT 35 - significance. CM 128-30 -sex and. 2 171- sacredness and. DE 12 307 CT PROFESSIONALISM (Cont'd.) TT 83 - trend ■ PROFIT OS 31 - capitalism. PROFITEER WS 74 - usury. PROFLIGACY AD 82 - red (color). AT 197 -sophist. SD 86 - medieval; modern mar­ riage and. 110 - social liberty. PROGRESS ACD 77 - direction and. AG 3 - Irreverence. 26 - Intellect and. 90-5 - theory. 94 - savages. AIS 27-traffic. 27-9 - problems. 28 - intelligence. 125 - fallacy. 127, 183-6 - science and. 181-2 - prophets. 164-6 - time. AS 41-5 - social chaos. 49-51 - history. 66-8 - morality. 131-2 - educators. AT 221-2 - history. AV 8 C CM CT DE EA 46-novelty. 47 - change. 155 - meanings; true. 240-1 - Lincoln. 255 - prophecy. 16 - definition. 42 - ideal of modem culture. 151 - age of. 152-8 - Christianity; Asia. 284-5 - problem. FF 3 - definition; growth. 188-90 - evolution. 188-93 - objectives; fallacy. 190-3 - limitations; ideals. 193 - common sense. 193, 249 - meaning. 249-50 - modem philosophy; fallacy. GBS 203-4 - education. GKC 164 - ideal. GL 53 - history. 114-5 - decadence. 182 - muddle; pioneers. H 33-goodness. 35-7 - morality. 66 - humanity. 170 - independant thinking. 285 - mental; breaking of bonds. 302 - definition. EM II 25-6 - science and. 78 - degradation. 109 - customs; restoration and. 115-6 - immorality. 5 194- relationship to past. 8 236146 - free thought. 146-7 - science and the Church. 44-5 - nature of. 53-4 - resistance to ecclesias­ tical . 159 - race and. I -9 - persecution. 8 - Adam Smith; theology. 160 - simplicity. 175 - modems. 278-9 - civilization. MM NJ OR OS RDQ RR SD 279 - philanthropy 44 - modem art. 45 - Macaulay. 308 16-7 - Ireland. 212 - definition. 115-fallacy. 276 - concept. 310 - meaning. 84-society. 244-5 - influence of the past. 250 - medievalism. 62-6 - thought destroyed. 189-229 - principles. 212-5 - corruption in things. 5, 252259-60 - fatalism fatal to. 261 - orthodoxy guards. 51 - tradition. 220 - property, 230 - paradox. 234-6 - goal. 236 - Indefinite. 135 - Popes and. 55 - population. AIS PROGRESS (Cont'd.) SL 222 -In art, TA 82 - rebellion. TT 230 TY 27 - change, UD 81, 95-6, 119-20 - fallacy. 94-6 - Prussians. 256-7 - religion and. VA 12 - Improvement. 240-1 WA 55-6 - end; nation». 170 - Prohibition and. 171 - democracy; prophecy; W1S WS AS AV C CP CT theory. 191 - politic». 236 - definition. 237 - mistake* ond. 37 31 - Catholic thought and. 32 - regress. 33 - Catholic attitude. 89 - teaion for. 130 - Shaw an. 135 -the new Intellectuals. FL GKC GS 241 - proportion. 255 - Voltaire. 265 - Protestant theory. 276 - religion. WW 34-6 - past and. 87-90 - aristocracy. 302-3 - precedent; principle. PROGRESSIVES (-IVI5M) AG 43 - conservatism. AV 34 - Puritans. CT 42 - poetical. FF 3 - error. 3 172- vagueness. 250-1 - eonservatlvlsm. GBS 59-60 - middle ages. 60 - Gothlcism; Renaissance. 60-2 - democracy. 62-3 - falsity. OR 232 - meaning confused. UD 119-20-truth. WC 16 - 18th century. 32 - reform. WS 39 - without trust In the future. PROHIBITION AG 62 - Mencken on. 72 - cocktails and. 81 NJ OS RR SD SL WA 309 43·^ - Puritanism. 46 - America. 64-6 - morality. 136-7 - Puritanism. 188 - gangsters. 158 - idea of heaven. 34 207, 212-7 - arguments of. 213 - Herbert Hoover. 213-4 - Dean Inge, 215 - Idealism. 216-7 - efficiency in work. 228 - election of 1928. 236 - Lincoln. 94 - principle. 94, 209-11 - liberty. 95-6 - justification. 99-100 - Puritans. 183- 4 - legislation. 184 - faddists. 184, 197 - State and. 184-5 - capitalists; results. 209-10 - false logic. 209-12 - in America. 7-283 - navel. 135 - law on. 190, 228-9, 238 - persecution 191 - symposium. 226 - savagery; simplicity. 232 - American psychology. 234-5 - patriotism. 236-41 - toleration. 231 - plutocracy. 222 - pressure. 53 - source. 53- 4 - modem democracy. 54 - Moslems. 54- 5 - compulsion. 237 - Rome. 54 - in America. vl - barbarism. 32, $2-5, 101-11 35-6 - cocktails and. 92 - Faust; Goethe. 101 - Dry*. 104 - results. 145 - Puritanism. 14, 20, 141-5, 294 - In Amer tea. 20, 21 - result*. 20, 154 - plutocracy. PROHIBITION (Cont'd.) WA 59 - criticism. 141 - discrimination; failure. 141, 144 - Mohammedans. 144 - Justice; meaning. 144, 146 - In England. 145 - privilege. 147 - Declaration of Indepen­ dence . 148-9 - human rights. 148-9, 156 - morality. 151 - Inequality. 151-3 - patriotism. 151-4 - basis for. 152 - war, 155-6 - shooting. 156 - rich and. 168 - superstition. 170 - progress. 254 WS 69 - failure. 101-2 - sleep. 109 - wine. 122 - society. 260 - liberty. 265 - Protestantism. (see also Liquor problem; Temperance) PROLETARIAT 11 31 - Irish peasantry. OS 7 - capitalism. PROMETHEUS EM 129 PROPAGANDA AB 256 - government. 258 - Masterman. AIS 14 - mythology versus. AV 28-9 - Bolshevists. 225-6 - psychology. II 55 - in Ireland. TC 119-25 - religious. WA 219-20 - England. PROPAGANDA, College of (Rome) RR 26 PROPERTY (private property; ownership) AS 1-4 - philanthropists. 161-2 - privacy; Industrialism. AV 53 - effects of ownership. CC 98 - contentment and dignity. 1 100- Church's defense of. CT 115-defense. 115-6 - freedom and; princi­ ple of. 223 - need. 36-7 - peasants. 95 - capitalism; Communism. 207-8 - socialism. 230 - religion. 62 - the family farm. EM 145 - communists on. FA 173 - responsibility. 146-8 - purpose. FF 105 - freedom; thrift. GKC 269 - England. 18 - distribution, and poetry. 11 36 - Ireland. 78 - dignity. 83 - defense; Injustice. 84 - private versus communal. B4-6, 151-2 - ownership. MM 3-22 OS 11-22 - small properties. 17-9 - equalized ownership. 19 - ownership and public opinion. 21 - prostitution. 27 - capitalism. 58 - Utopian. 59 - communism. 77-80 - restoration. 84 - revival. 92 - distributism. 100-1 -redistribution. 104-18 - trusts and. 170-1 - ownership the ideal. 193-4 - industry. 218-20 - peasants. 220 - progress. 241 - destruction. 251 - millionaires. 254-9 - pride of ownership. 47 - pedigree. SD 48 - gates. SL 188 - Christianity. 135 - defense. SP 156-7 - defense. 269 - fight for; women. TAL 221-4 - advantages. UD 65- 70 - misuse. UU 66- 70 - socialism. 37-40 - distribution. WA 43-4 - destruction. WC 64 - Cobbett on ownership. 192, 193 - business. 69 - private. Communism. WS CT DW EA EE 310 PROPERTY (private property; ownership) (Cont'd.) WS 105-6 - hermit». 121 - minimum wage. 124 - humanity; Murry. 125 - renunciation. 232 -sex. 266 -Protestantism. 234 - money. 235, 276 - communism. WW 58-60 - artistic creation; defi­ nition. 59 - capitalism. 77-85 - England. 347, 250, 357 - distribution. 366-7 - socialht». PROPHECY AT 205 - iournallsm. AV 174-5 - sociology. 231 CT 70 - art and. 255 - progrès». GS 154-7 - future history. NA 13-20-art of. UU 53 - reliability. WA 171 - progress. PROPHETS AIS 181-2 - progress. AS 36 - history; rebellion. DE 11 - prehistoric. 12 - purpose. EM 112 - greatness. NA 14 -20th century. NJ 192 - exorcists. OS 149-50 - poets. UU 1 VT 111 - humor. 219-20-need. 232-3 - conception of. WS 254 - Shaw. PROPITIOUSNESS AT 62 - paradox. PROPORTION AV 55-7 - beauty and. CM 245 - Catholicism. CT 57 - necessity. OS 64-7 - In distributed state. SS 47 - casuistry. PROPRIETORSHIP AG 170-1 OS 99 - machines and. WW PROSE 77-85 FF 91 - definition. 91-2 - poetry and. RB 185 - poetry and. PROSELYTIZING CC 55-7 - clerical and lay. 57-Belloc and Gill. PROSPERITY GKC 51 - virtue. WC 21 - modem. WS 228 - trade. PROSTITUTION GBS 133-4 138-9 - censorship; Shaw. OS 21 - property and. WS 232 - organized. PROSTRATION 172-4 - Christian rejection. OR PROTEST OR 177 - Christian virtue. PROTESTANT Reformation, see Reformatlon. PROTESTANTS (-ISM) AB 145 - Prusstanlsm. 270 - England today. 72 - Gordon Riot. ACD 1-2 - English. AD 60 - Frederick II; Voltaire. AIS 117 - John Churchill. AV 74-5 - Pope's condemnation of C chemistry, 253 - on monks. 270-1 - Catholic morality and. 15-9 - Catholic Church. CC 20-1 - decadence In 20th cen­ CDU 311 tury. 29 - prejudice. 29-32 - Bible and. 36-8 - facts and fiction writers 41 -6, 49 - patriotism and pre­ judice. 50-2 - modem attack of. 51 - on purgatory and hell. 57-71 - convert's stages of mind. 78-90 - source af vitality. 80 - Catholic gone wrong. 111-5 - decadence In 20th century. 91-2 - incarnation in. PROTESTANTS (-1SM) (Cont'd.) CE 38-9-types. CM 234 - Catholicism and. 263 - Elizabeth; Mary Queen of Scot*. 268 - papacy. EA 91 -9 - Germany. 96 - religion of race. EE 160 - poor and. GBS 35-6 - Ireland. 1) 199-good. 204-5 - humility. 211 - Prusstanism. 214-5 -Catholicism. NJ 262 - Mahometanism and. OR 196 - 19th century belief. RR 142 - Catholicism. 149-50 - 18th century and Baroque. 152-3 - Catholic beginnings and. SE 178 - capitalism. 190 - Frcmce. 213 - England. SP 91 - 18th century, 93 - Europe. 116 SS 29-30 - Renaissance. TA 34 - qualities. 244 - on Lutheranism. TC 7-10, 71-7 - modem attack of. 46-50 - Intellectual improve­ ment. 70-7 - modem decadence. 73 - theatricality. 74-5 - Chesterton not influ­ enced by. 99 - Pascal. 6 101- Dean Inge. 104-6 - liberalism or progress. 114 - Nordic racism. 116-8 - Ignorance of. 128 - early and modem. 139-44 - Catholic conspiracy. 160-1 - superstition. 235 - doctrinal completeness. 236-42 - influence. UD 275 - tn fiction. VA 40 - Victorian rationalism. 54 - Carlyle. WA WB WS 42 - weakness. 43-4 - advertising. 98 - ale representing. 26 - Reformers as theologians. 26-7 - death of. 28 - Gentian; the Swastika. 28-9 - creates vacuum. 39 - weak without faith. 46 - Book of Common Prayer. 133 - error. 160-1 - misunderstand Catho­ licism. 172 - Virgin Mary and. 178-95-English. 181 184-8 - old and new. 185 - name. 186-7 - liberal. 191 - paganism. 265 - proh 1 bit!ontsm; tyrcmny, 266 - socialism; reforms. 267 - liberty. PROTEUS EM 130 - worship. PROUDIE, Mr*. AG 66 PROUST, Marcel CT 233 - Wickham. PROVERBS AG 52 - practical. 54-5 - alive. RS 115-truth of. TAL 46 - source. PROVIDENCE FA 136 - sceptics. 137 - St. Francis. PROVINCIALISM GL 112 - probability and. RR 85 - Rome and. WA 89 - America. PRUDENCE WC 195 - Cobbett on · PRUDERY AV 34-40 PRUSSIA AB 214 - power. AP 2 - Belgium invaded by. 5-6 - Austria and; united. 7 - professional rhetorician*. 312 15, 17, 19, 55-65 - Russia and. PRUSSIA (Cont’d.) AP AV CE CT EA EE H HH II 28 - political policy. 36, 106-7-military officer». 49 32- on reciprocity. 58 - persecutor of Christians. 61 - governing clou. 62 - paradox of. 62-4 - Institutions. 65 - liberty destroyed. 95 - culture. 100 - neutral nation» and. 227 - war. 31 - Frederick the Great. 36, 65 - England*» alliance with. 47 - Austria united with) de­ mands on France. 47-60 - Napoleonic wart. 48 - die to power. 49 - wild dog of Pomerania. 56 - "the spirit that denies." 141 -attitude towards Irish; Polish. 106-7 - versus Bolshevists. 15 - Armistice. 17, 50-1, 157 - militarism. 18 - a fountain of poison. 20, 176 - problem. 21, 38-40, 46, 48 - Austria and. 38-40 - Russia. 49 - journalistic treatment. 49-51 - nudism. 57-8, 83 - influence on Ger­ many. 75-6 - imperialism. 169 -pogonian. 170 - New York financiers. 173 - characteristics. 4 173- distinguished from Germany. 182 - background. 189-90 - threat to peace. 210 - Idea of war. 237-9 - eugenics. 44 - decadence. 166 - humility. 7 - annexation of Alsace. 96 - early. 128 - Irldr sympathies. 157 - Thomas Michael Kettle. 88-9 - philosophy. 171 - British Imperialism. 179 - World War i. 126 - baptism. SE 93 - vs Austria. SP 105-6 - pessimism. UD 213-4 VA 190-1 - a rationalistic state. WA 262 - militarism. 78 - downfall. WC 251 - Bismarck. WS 272 - England. WW 47-8 - Reformation. PRUSSIANS (-ÎSM) 145 - Protestantism. AB 47 - patriotism. AIS 60-1 - destructive force. 160 - Nietzsche. 15-30 - barbarism. AP 22 - positive barbarians; veneered vandals. 23-evil». 29 - Intellectual anarchists. 32-49 - reciprocity. 34 - savagery. 37-8 - dueling. 57 - materialistic tyranny. 57, 63 - tyranny. 62 - against democracy; sla­ very of the people. 69 - Tevtonhm. 77-9 - character. 85-6 - barbarism. 87-8 - philosophy. 112- 3-pride. 113 - race supremacy. 113- 4 - on revolutions. 136 - Puritanism. AV 138 - fanaticism; tribalism. 188 - private judgment. 201-2-English and. 202 - Holy Roman Emperor. 217-23 - paganism. 39 - patriotism. C 106 - Slavic descent. CE 152-3 - chivalry. 146-7 - Henry James. CM 107 - arrogance and Interna­ CT tionalism; philosophy. 17, 50-1, 157-militarism. EA IB - definition. RB RR 313 PRUSSIANS (-15M) (Cont'd.) EA 18-20, 72-3, 176 - pride. 21 - growth. 3, 22190 - after World War I. 36 - permanency. 49-51 - characteristics. 57-8 - German military mascot. 70-4 - Hitler. 71 - power. 72-3 - race supremacy. 83 - barbarism of. 98 - against Catholicism. 108 - a cancer In Europe. 156 - "cleaning things up." 161 - philosophy of aggression. 173-4 - distinguished from Germans. 177 - agnosticism. 182 - copyists. 190 - evils. 210-1 - relation to pacifists. GKC 122-3 - Cecil Chesterton. 11 151 - Sinn Felners and. 206 - product of Protestantism. NJ 26, 255 - after World War I. SL 3-4 - critictai. UD 94^ - progress. WS 150 - the name "Germany." 266 - Germany. 273-4 - German protestantisme 19th century. 274 - Bavaria. PSEUDONYMS MM 35-7 PSYCHIATRY WS 52 - Forsyth on. PSYCHIC news (periodical) WS 96-9 PSYCHICAL research SP 170 PSYCHOANALYSIS AIS 4 - materialism. 204 - detective stories. AV 127-dreams. 128 - Voltaire. 131-2 - art. 132 - materialism. C 31 *r method. CT 59 - criticism; confession and. 61 - |oumaltai. 62 - Oedipus Complex. 64 - science and. 24-5 - dreams. 31-3 - comedy; literature and. 32 - ghosts; hell. 33-6 - Hamlet. 91 SD 73, 178 - confession Imitated. TC 170 - definition. WA 109 - Chesterton's candles. WS 193 - Catholic Church. PSYCHOLOGISTS 187 - diseases and. AV 162 - trial by. CT 54 - Cupid and Psyche. SL 56-7 - backwardness. PSYCHOLOGY 31, B9 — age of. AG 114 - neglect of. 165-6 - laureateship. 88 - poetry. AS 187-8 - abnormal. AV 225-6 - anti-war propaganda. 173-6 - Canterbury .Tales. C 200 - of men. CD 207-10, 238-9- Dickens. 48 - modem breakdown. CDU 165-9 - Catholic education. CM 251-2 - pride. 45 - fatigue. CT 210-1 - of change. 233 - theology. 66-8 - eugenics and the strong' EE minded. 212 - moral philosophy. EM 29 - humor. FF 185 - demoniacs. NJ 235 - miracles. OR 74-80 - advertising of. OS 209-16 - literary critics. RS 53 - paradox. SL 53·^! - criticism. 54-5 - use of word. 76 - divorce. 22 - criticism. TC 228 - prudence. VT CT FF PUB 178 CP PUBLIC, The 107-8 - Dickens. CD 6 - Hazlltt. CT 73 - philosophy and. 314 CT PUBLIC, The (Cont'd.) GBS 55-6 - private bar and. SL 222, 224 -art. PUBLIC building* WS 162-design. PUBLIC house UU 78 - purpose. WW 121 - Socialists and. PUBLIC Ilf· FF 234-5 - escapism. 234-6 - private life and. RR 227 - secret societies and. PUBLIC opinion AT 141 - ]oumallsts and. AV 97 - critics and. CT 72 - art and. 91 - English. FF 97-9-the pres*. H 121 - meaning. 127 - journalism. HA 157 - private. UD 57 - essence, UU 201-8 - journalism. WA 162 - America; evils. 275 - England. PUBLIC schools AT 151-2 - ethics. 152-4 - English. C 46 - songs; tradition. 187 - influence on English typ·. 124 - paradox. 280-2, 292 - criticism. 281 - purpose. 282 - morals. 285- 6 - Greek language and. 286- 8 - athletics. 288-90 - aristocracy. 291,301 -7-Ideal. 292 - truth and. 296 - aristocrats and Pharisees. 303-7 - elementary schools. PUBLIC spirit AD 194-5-English. PUBLIC welfare AG 12 - health of the common­ wealth . PUBLICITY AV 15 - natural beauty; represen­ tation. C 50 - Papacy. UU WW DE RR SL WC WW 127 - euphemisms; meaning; morality. 253 - Dickens. 53-9 - value. 58-9 - Christianity; martyrdom. 224 - the rich in America. 19 - criticism. 84 - Christianity. 85 - America. 55 - literary genius. 50-3 - French Revolution; po- Httcs. PUBLISHERS AD vi - authors and. 7-8 - tyrant*. AT PUCKLE, Bertran S. 117—24 - Funeral customs: GS their origin and development. PUGNACITY 133 - Irish quality. H PUNCH (periodical) 76 - Book of snobs. GKC 77-8 - impressions. 224 - writing for. OR UD 109 - pun*. 150 - humor. WA 142—3 - merits. PUNCH and Judy AD 3 - Protestant drama. 177, 178 -Cobbett. WC PUNCTUALITY 91 - of heroes. GKC 14 - modem virtue. TC 110—3 - America, WA PUNIC Wars 89, 165-76, 179-81 EM 175-6 - Christianity1» debt to. PUNISHMENT 88 - English penal code. CT 44-7 - indeterminate sentence. EE 38 - value. FF 38, 41 - modem society. 38-41 - aristocracy. 103-5 - blame, morality. 103-6 - society and. 105- 6 - limitation; State. 106- 8 - socialists. 108-9 - dignity. 169 - nature of. GS 83-8 - pillory; rich; governing · 315 PUNISHMENT (Cont'd.) AV 126 - modem continuity of. LL TT UU WW 127 - human. 256-7 - crime and. 187-92 - by restraint. 189 - plutocrats. 199-203-evil. C PUNS GL 174 II 59 - punsters and. LL 83-Tom Hood. 167 - functions. 169 - as art. UD 107-8 - nature of. 107-10 - production. VA 26 - In literature. W5 6-12 - in English literature. PURGATORY CC 51 - Protestant attack on. EM 281 - suffrages. H 30 - vision of improvement. NJ 262 - Moslems and. SS 34 - Puritanism and. TC 75 - Protestant attack on. WS 184 - Protestantism. PURIFICATION QSS 20 PURITAN (-S; -ISM) AB 19 - defence. 326 - stoicism. ACD xix - English people. 43 - supernatural Ism. AG 62 - Mencken. 175 - Shaw. 187 - loyalties; religious tol­ AIS AS AT AV CC CE CM CP CT eration. 203-4 - on luxuries. 44 - sports. 45 - morality; theology. 46 - In America. 154 - Macaulay. 155 - English. 167 - English novelists. 198 - evil and. 65 - morality. 194 - gambling. EM FF 88 - bear-bating. 285 - religious liberty. 34 - progressives. 36 - prudery. 40 - futurism. 316 133 - pessimism; «parti. 133 -8 135—0 - morality. 136 - Prohibition; Prusslanism; religion. 188 - gangsterism. 187 - English type. 236 - after Renaissance. 259 - use of exposition. 262^ - asceticism. 263 - ideal. 264-5, 289 - sternness. 265 - severity. 266 - Pelagiam and. 16 - 19th cenfvry. 4 33- Catholic Church. 82 - debt to Catholicism. 39 - Individualist; socialist. 40 - England. 40-1 - on militarism. 7 - oppressors. 20 - folk-lore. 43-4 - Peregrine Pickier ro­ mance. 80-1 - culture. 123 - liquor. 138 - sin and. 171—2 - vulgarity. 182 - iconoclasm. 192 -Charles ll. 256 - Genesis. 178 - ballad of the antl-purltan. 83 - Cavaliers; Whigs. 94 - Calvinism; English society. 97 - individualism. 219 - not democrats. 236 - Lincoln. 259 - transition. 198 - Blessed Virgin. 271 - New England. 313 - paganism. 314 - laughter, 16 - popular institutions. 95 - press and. 99-100 - Prohibition. 197- 8 - American colonies; tolerance. 198 - Stuarts oxi. 198-9 - Catholics and. 263-4 - England. PURITANS (Cont'd.) 264 - success. FF 273 - literary place. 61, 63 - tyranny. FT 61-7 - restoration. 62 - logic. 66-73 - downfall. 42, 47, 48, 54-7, 103-4, GBS 107-6, 141-2, 155, 207, 208 - Shaw. 42 - spirit. 43 - beauty and. 43-4 - worship. 44 - decay; England. 44, 82-3 - Scots. 44-5- Ireland. 46 - wit. 47 - prejudice; seriousness. 47- 8 - garrulity. 48- 9 - Knox. 49- 50, 54-5 - alcohol. 101 -Shakespeare. 103-5 - Catholicism. 145-6 - The devil's desclpje. GKC GL GS GW H II LL MM OR OS RR RS RS SE SL 123 - fatalism. 126-7 - theology; Scots. 127- logic. 1 130- "The Lord." 233 - pessimism. 179 - paganism. 192-210 - development. 7 195- principles. 198 - on church government. 198-9 - political philosophy. 200 - Scotland. 205 - decline. 206 - Cromwell. 208 - practices; rise by mili­ tary power. vit - origin. 69- 19th century England. 115 - In towns. Π5, 196-criticism. 145-6 - America. 146 - activities; scruples. 148-9 - values. 151 - religion; Christianity. 207-8 27-Arnold. 32-3-Philip II. 105 126-7 - Victorians. 133 - paganism. SS 228 - too little morality. 290 - liberty. 54-7 - of Watts. 58 - Bunyan. 29 - realism. 105 - jay. 210-1 - Stoics. 204 - version of purity. 95·^ - joking. 180 - Mary Queen of Scots. 39 - England. 137-9- Inner Light. 159 - Christianity. 226-7 - early. 37 - feasts. 52 - Byzantine Empire. 132 - Vatican decorations. 141 - Catholic culture; Gothic art. 64, 82-4 66-7 - purity and. TC UD UU VA VT WA WB 317 160 - Christmas. 189 - commercialism. 194 - conservatism. 195 - New World. 196 - ruin. 8-9 - scepticism and. 30 - medievalism. 30-2 - Catholicism. 32 - history and. 32-7 33 - Shakespeare. 6 34- predestination. 11-20 - Mencken. 20 - Sinclair Lewis. 32, 153 82 -on BVM; Eve. 193-9 - dregs. 41-Victorianism. 88-9 - Intellectual tyranny; rationalism. 88-92 - Restoration. 91 - human nature. 92 - essence. 86, 170-1, 215-6 - America; Catholics. 170-1 - dangers. 170-2 - democracy and. 168-71 -fad. PURITANS (Cont'd.) WC 113 - Utilitarians and. WS 124-5 - America. 138 - thinking and. 156 - school of history. 162 - Catholic Church. 175 - Catholic unity. 253 - modernism and. 266 - America; eugenics; Sa­ vonarola; sterilization. WW 230-1 - Catholicism. PURITY AG 230 - modem person and. B 153 - sex. GW 40 - Pre-Raphae II tlsm. H 109 - passion and. II 204 - Puritanism. RS 66-7 - Puritanism. TA 127 - sterility and. WW 55 - Ideal. (see also Chastl ty) PURPOSE TA 220 - person and. PUSS In Boots C 166 - ending. PYRAMIDS CT 73 - religion. WC 141-2 - civilization. PYTHAGORAS EM 147 - philosophy and religion. 147, 202 - Orientalism. 180-9 - Intellectual aristocra­ cy. 204, 207-Christ and. PYTHAGOREANS EM 276 - Buddhism. 286 - religion and philosophy. QUACKERY AG 130-6 - home and. CT 160 - truth and. QUAKERS (-ISM) AB 214-7-World War I. CC 78 - Peace and Plenty; quiet­ ism. 79 - 19th century influence. 81-2 - Catholic doctrine dis­ torted, EA 90 - Chesterton rejects. EM 206 - St. Joan of Arc. EM 278 - pacifism; Catholic doc­ trine distorted. 180 - pacifism. 163 - nature of. SL SS 37 - peace. 76 - ritualism. UD 135 - Christian duty; persua­ VT sion; passive resistance. 136 - human nature. WA 70 173 - Cobbett on. WC 254 - tenacity of founders. WS QUARRELS 200 - objection to. AB 52-3 - interrupt argument. M 43 - 13th century. TA 170 - human history and. WS QUIETUDE 148 - terror. NA QUARTERLY 77, 81 CT QUIESCENCE 149 - Savonarola. VT QUIETISM 78 - Quakerism and Fenelon. CC 41 - the mind within. EM 250 - God's immanence. OR QUILLER-COUCH, Sir Arthur 179-World Warl. RR VA 154 - humor. OR QUIXOTE, Don, see Cervantes. QUOODLE 160 - song of. FL QUOTATIONS 31 - popular. GL 141-2 - paraphrases and. VT RA (god) 150-8 EM 124 RR RABBITS 186 AIS RABELAIS , Francois 177 - as poet. AD 87 - good and evil in AT 234 - nonsense. C 223, 294 - Dickens. CD 129 -sex. CM 131 28 - coarseness. CT 318 RABELAIS, Francois (Cont'd.) 64 - great writer. DE vlli - sanity. FF 48 - puns. FT 228 - humor. GBS 133 - satire. GKC 240 - satirist. H 240-1 - laughter. 154 RB 216-7 - Joyce. SL 27-8 - humor. SP 77 94 240 - scepticism. TC 126 - parentheses. WB 186 - modern spirit. WS RACE (-ISM) 42-9,69-71, 113-Teutonlc AP supremacy. 138 - loyalty and. AV 158-61 - life; philosophy. C 159 - progress. 128-33 - Teutonic. CE 78-9 - history and, CM 80-1 - religion and. 119 - creed; meaning. CT 72-3, 94 - Teutonic. EA 103 - anthropology gone mad 111, 206 - religion. 162 - ethnic theory and ag­ gression. 69 - Teutonic. EM 85-7-Victorian. 126-7 - colored people. GS 172 - science. H 172- 8-Irish. 173- 8 - nationality. MK 252 - nationality and. MM 236 - morality. NJ 39-40 - Jews. 40 - Germans; Moslems. RR 171-3 - Teutonic theories. 192 -World War 1. 276 - aboriginal. SD 61·^ - conflicts. SE 41 - physical characteristics. 41-3 - In early history. 44 - Britain. 189 - racial wart definition. 113-8, 123, 143-Nordlc. TC 172-5 - Dr. Barnes. 200 - Victorien interest In origin*. WA 9, 13, 154-7 - problem! In America. (see also Antl-semitism; Nationalism; Negroes) RACINE, Jean Baptiste GBS 129 GL 104 RADCLIFFE , Arm 147 - Mysteries of Udolpho. WC RADIANT 44 - the word. PL RADICALS (-ISM) 116 - romantic. AB 222 - French. AG 26 - English. II 35 - Chesterton. 207 - Belfast leaders. 196-7, 213, 19th end 20th OR century. SL 241 17 - Cobbett. VA WC 68 - significance. 120 - morals. RAGNORAK 276 OR RAILROADS 45 - rural stations. AD 120 - England. AIS 110-2 CM 16-7 - children; labar. CT 132-5 - stations. SP 20-1 - stations. TT 116-7 - tickets. 195 - Sunday service. 260-7 - enjoyment of stations. UD RAIN CP MM 181 - first. 225 - the English and. 225·^ - a socialistic Instltutlon. 225-7 - teetotalism and. 227-8 - benefits. 229-30 - light and. 166 - in Rome. RR RAIS, Gilles de CM 95 RALEIGH, Str Walter 237-9-on Whistler. H WA 215 319 RAMESES III, Pharaoh AS 17 RR 124 RAMSGATE SE 27 - historical significance. RAPHAEL, Saint, Archangel GL 14 RAPHAEL (Raffaelo Santi) AG 161 - Christianity. AV 215 CM 101 CT 47 - medievalism. GL 14 - name. MM 248 -art. NJ 112 - Madonnas. TA 145 - St. Thomas’ portrait. WB 17 - art; Elgin Mart>les. RAPIDITY AG 6 - reality and. RARITY CL 118-9-value. RATIONALISM (-IST5) AD 113 - Christianity and. AG 126 - romantics. AT 267-73 -Joan of Arc. AV 142-Blake. 162-3 - scepticism. 215 - artists. CM 77 - 18th century. CT 100 - mysticism. 100-1 - meaning. EM 134-43 - superstition. 201-3 - mythology destroyed. 212 - future-life. 215-30 - irrationalism. 227-30 - Christ explained away. GBS 66 - sentimentalism. GKC 15-Holmes. 44 - in Job. 71 - 20th century. GL 128, 175 - romanticism. GS ' 140-2 - 18th century; Inno­ cence. GW 87-92 - basic idea. H 98 - Joy. 225 - error. 304 - existence. LL 154 - savagery. NJ 187-8 - science and. OR 87 - error. 280 - evidence refused by. 295-6 - enlightened. 49 - sentimentalism. 73-4 - dogmas and. 41 - soul in every dogma. 90 - 18th century. 94 - reign of. 96 - 18th century. 97 - end of age of. 99 - obscurantism. SS 10 - 18th century. TC 46-50 - intellectual Improve­ ment. 59-63 - romanticism. 116-8 - Ignorance of human­ ity. TM 1 -2 - meaning. 36 - Carlyle. VA 40-1 - Victorian age and au­ thors. 204-6 - religion. 209 - Darwinism. 212 - liberalism. VT 114-5-logic. 137 - Christian socialism. WB 24 - 18th century. WC 106-definition. WS 68 - test. 94 - skeptics. 208 - defense. 209 - Catholic Church. (see also Liberalism; Skepticism) RATIONALITY CT 3 - tn literature. GKC 47 - universe. H 95 - understanding. OR 97-in life. TT 132-children. RATIONALIZING (the word) H 14) RAYMOND, of Toulouse (or of Tripoli) NJ 236-7, 255-9, 267 REACTION AG 260 - Intellectual. AV 163-4 - reform and. 196 - revolution. 225 - weariness. CM 37-8 FF 159-reform. WS 92 REACTIONARIES AS 36-7 - revolutionaries and, CM 37 OR RB SD SP 320 REACTIONARIES (Cont'd.) RR 230-4 - Musraltnl. 232 -defined. WC 32 - foundation of reform. READE, Charles VA 134 - artistic coarseness. READING, see Books and reading. REALISM (-ISTS) ACD 42 - morality. AD 13 - worship; romanticism; reason. 37128English. AG 182 - romance. AIS 166-novelists. AS 171-5, 188 -Romanticism. AT 90 - English and. 272 - Idealism; man's alms. AV 189-90 - Freudlanism. CD 16, 47-8, 183-5, 197, 2034 - Dickens. 297 - exaggeration. CE 99-belief. CM 95 - Catholicism. 105 - medieval art. 121 - Johnson. 212-3 - fairy tales. CT 230-1 - American literature; English literature. EM 145 - Plato. 293-4, 299 - nominalism. FF 62 - suffragettes. 130-2 - theatre. 133-4 - art. GBS 245-6 - drama. GKC 5 - In biography. 105 - Cobbett. GL 55-6 - romanticism. 55-9 - history and. GS 275-7 - Stevenson. H 28-9 - in literature. 60-2 - Shaw. 282-4 - the poor. HA 94 - lave. 164 - woman. 196 - romance. MM 122 - modern lack. NJ 163 - desert and. OR 53-4 - pleasure killed by. RDQ 107-dullness. RS 247 SL 5-6 - of youth. 6 - idealism. 75 - tired of. 86 - romance. 87 - convention. 211 - philosophies on. TA 220-1 - of St. Thomas. 59-63 - romanticism. TC 125 - meaning. TT 223 - France. 162-3 - existence and. VT 212-3-love. 214 - Maeterlinck. 116-7 - in England. WA 136 - meaning. WB REALITY (-1ES) 24-32 - and memory. AB 39-40, 103-4-child. 61-9 - Ideals. AD 86-7 - theory. 97 - neglect. AG 2-3 - metaphors. AIS 3 - wishes versus. 53 - barbarity. AT 93 - tradition. AV 36-7 - realization. C 193-5 - Dickens. CD 195 - romance in Dickens. 196 - fiction. 12-4 - Midsummer night's CM dream. 219-20 - concentration. 56 - facts and. CT 86 - Ideals. DE FF 4-5 - art. 204-7 - history and. GKC xvi-xvli - In G .K.C. as MC SL SP GL GW H LL M PL SD SL TA 321 42 - In Job. 167 - fairy tales. 195 - In music. 165 - brood^nlnded. 103-8 - symbols. 62 - Shaw. 192 - romance. 113 - aspects of things. 28-9 - day dreams. 131 - false mysticism and. 261 - shadow of each unreal thing. 117 - divorce. 157 - Illusion. 17 - sense perception. REALITY (-1 ES) (Cont'd.) TA T80 - recognition. 181z 229 - mind and. 210- 1 - relationship In. 225 - extent. 231 - man and. TM 35 - truth and. VT 200 -fable. 201 - history and. 211- 4 -Maeterlfnk. 240 - poetry and. WA 39-40 - advertising. WB 196-201 -battle for. WC 13 - Cobbett. WS 194 - sense of. REALPOLITIK EM 163-5 REASON (-ING) AD 13 - realism and. AG 30 - laziness. AV 3 - modem mind. 23 - gift of God and guide to truth. C 270 - medieval philosophy. CC 21-2, 107-8 - Church defends. 107 -'sacredness and value. CM 177-9 - philosophy. CT 171 - and twilight sleep. 152 - and mythology. 239 - Lincoln. DE 66-7 - nonsense literature. 106 - heart and. EE 170-1 - authority. EM 148 - habit. 157 - sanity. 206 - broadness of mind. 314 - Catholic Church and pragmatism. FA 20 - beginning of. FT 62 - a brute force. GKC 115 - eloquence. GL 134-ritual. H 47 - love and. 169 - sanity. 207 - |oy. II 194 - Celtic poetry. INN 24-5, 31 - Church's defense LL NJ of. 122 - belief In. 187 - West and. 188 - Catholic defenders; mystery. 27-51, 67, 75-80 - mental health endangered. 58*40 - faith and. 59 - persecutions. 263-99 - Christianity. 226 - from God. SCT 31 - fashion and. SL 39-40 - drinking and. 72 - In marriage. 86-7 - emotion and. SP 90 - faith and. 17 - man; senses. TA 18 - appeal to. 20 - religion and. 198 - as guide. 200 - authority. 246 - Luther. 107-12, 198-201 - broadness TC of mind. 126 - Anglo-Saxon anarchy. 133 - modem world. 149-51 - religion's need of. 166-71 - independence. 212-8 - conversion and. 1 -2 - definition of irrationalTM Ity. 89 - a brute force. VT WB 108 - mysticism. 46 - defended by Church. WS 79 - agnostics. 174 - respect for. 208 - life and. (see also Logic; Thought) REBEL (-LION) 36 - nature of. AS 172 - youth. 27-38 - anarchy. EE 121 - sympathy for. RB 82 - tracing of. TA 80-8 - meaning of. UU RECIPROCITY 23 - virtue of. AP 32-49 - Prussian Idea of. * RECOVERY 44 - In living things. OS RECREATION 129-30 - increased leisure. GS 28 - resurrection and. UU RECTITUDE 279 NA RECURRENCE 144—50 - poets on. AG OR 322 RECURRENCE (Cont'd.) AG 148-9 - theory of. RED (color) AD 81 -2 - symbolism. 82 - profligate and. 82-3 - sacredness. RED Sea CP 70-1 REDEMPTION MM 280-qualities. REDMOND, John Edward CE 62 11 146-7 REFERENCE book* GKC 184-users of. REFINEMENT AT 156 - righteousness. 157 - non-conformists. WW 109 - vu Igarity. REFORM (-ERS) AB 278 ACD 80-kinds. AD 154-6 - satire. 154-60 - scientist and. AG 16 - ravings. AS 4-5 - philanthropy. AT 44 - defined. AV 163-4 - reaction. C 56 - rise of. CD 6, 273-5 » optimism. 271-4 - Dickens and. 273-5 - pessimism. 275 - Rousseau; Shelley; Gor­ ky; Christ, 276 - Hardy. 276-8 - pessimism and failure. 277 - optimism and triumph. 283 - flattery. DE 8 - prerequisite of. EE 120 - repeal and. FF 159- reaction. 248-50 - basis. 248-51 - State. GBS 62 OR 194-229 - cosmic. 196 - 19th century belief in. 247-60 - Christian and pan­ theistic . 257 - orthodoxy the natural fountain of. OS 44-5 - principle* of. 11 - form and. 57 - of marriage. 66-7 - skeptics. 20-1 - St. Thoma*, TA 126 - youth and age. TAL 35-45 - hasty destruction by. TC 23 - love and. VT 147 - starvation and. 185-6 - conventionality. WB 223 - Reform Bill. WC 139-41 - the new reforma­ WS tion. 266 - Protestant. 282 - ideals. WW 302 REFORM, Social, see Social reform. REFORM bl ll(s) (England) 205 CT 265 - the 1832 bill. SE 92-3 - capitalists and the UU 1832 bill. 223 - Act of 1830; rotten wc boroughs. 84 WS REFORMATION 46 - medieval school after. C 59 - principle. 50-1 CC 43, 45 - nations separated by. CDU 255 - Wycliffe. CT 259 - transition; renaissance. 295-6 - Christianity and. EM 206 - barbarism. II 251 - medievalism. NJ 252 - evils; ethics; three wars. 53 - vices and virtues. OR 80 - history and. RR 106 - power of the Pope. Ill - Moslem; mutiny. 178 - capital and labor pro­ SE blems. 179 - aristocracy. 253 - squirearchy and industri­ alism. 99 - obscurantism. SP 29 - liberty and. ss x - sources. TA 20 - effect. 239 - cause of. 241 - Popes on; beginnings. SD 323 AB REFORMATION (Cont’d.) TA 243 - theory. TC 71-7 97 - narrowness of view. 104-6 - Dean Inge. 127-32 - English; money. 230 - shipwreck of Christen­ dom. 231 - Mantcheantsm. VA 241 - Langland. WB 100 - supernaturallsm. WS 24 » misleading consequences. 29 - fanaticism. 38 - effect on religion. 116 - Murry. 130 - England. 275 - Hitlerism and. WW 47 - European unity. REGENCY CT 264 - age of. 264 - sociality. GKC 214 - Royal Society of Litera­ ture. REGULUS, Marcus Atilius WB 118-torture. REICHSTAG EA 63 - burning of. REINCARNATION EM 147, 189, 275 - Pythagorean and Hindu. 153-8 - Buddhism and thoosophlsm. OR 291 - theosophlsm. RR 120 - resurrection and. RELATIVISM EM 286 WS 193 RELATIVITY AB 76 - of sin. AIS 139-44 CT 45 - fatigue and. WS 58 - physicist philosophers. RELAXATION WA 264-6-English. RELIABILITY TC 14 - modem virtue. RELICS AG 199 - treatment of historical. WS 176 - Puritans. RELIGION AB 75-6 - of Chesterton. ACD AG AIS AS AT AV 324 145 - patriotism. 232 - Eases of ail differences. 26-7 - pessimism; romance; shortness of life. 40 - gloom and. 169 - discussion of. 28 - origin of evil. 59 - false. 59-60 - eating and; true. 219 - common sense and. 219 - courage and. 11 - French Revolution. 39-40 - youth and. 58 - In America. 71-7 - literature and. 74 - evil; new religion. 160 - medieval and renais­ sance. 176 - Irréligion and. 33 - censorship and. 43 - modernism. 48 - nationalism and. 54 - bases for. 51-4 - Sir James Jeans. 76 - doubt. 102 - nature and. 150-4 - modem youth. 168-9 - democracy and. 217- 8 - Herbert Spencer. 218 - dreams and, 206 - modem; old; practice of. 211-2 - impartiality. 218 - holidays and. 278, 280-1 - poets. 27 - festivity and. 28-33 - Bolshevists and. 32-3 - research. 35 - prudery. 39 - modem persecution. 82-3 - Dawson and. 85 - harvest and. 88 - "Ism's" and; unity. 92 - reality. 133-4 - error; society. 136 - Puritanism. 138 - nationalism and. 148 - family and. 218- 9 - English; Germans. 1 - science and . 150-3 - romance. RELIGION (Cont'd.) C 179-80 - fact* of. 179-81 - brotherhood. 181 - objective; subjective; modem and medieval quali­ ties. 249 - Victorian convention. 278-9 - romance. 283-5 - simplification. CC 15-23, 27-Catholic Church a* new religion. 18, 93-108 - Catholic Church a* old. 51 - modem sentimental. 108 93- contrast with Catho­ lic Church. 95 - right when we are wrong. CD 9 - heroes and. 220-1, 224 - Dickens and. 273 - conception of life. 291 - value in time. CDU 7-27, 50-1 - Irish and English. 50-60 - opium of the people. 62 - "general wilt" united by. 72 - modem. 76 - symbols. 92 - Asiatic. CM 168-life. 220-Infinity. 241 - existence. 241-3 - creation and. 268 - the Englishman. 268 - nationalism and. CT lx - journalism and. 31 - modem need. 31 - censorship and. CM 40 - culture; education. 60“4 —man « 63-4 - reality. 80-1 - race and. 127-8 - profanity. 4 132139 - joy. CT 48-Shelley. 72 - In art; ultimate reality. 73 - the artist; pyramids and. 97 - fashion and; philosophy and. 109 - religious thought. 148 - mummeries and. 176 - medieval; Huxley. DE 179-83 - criticism; new re­ ligion . 184 - for everyone; spirit of the time*. 184-8 - of the future. 189- 94 - Macaulay on. 190 - society. 190—1 - state religion; neces­ sity. 191 - omnibus. 193-4 - Rome. 194 - unity. 261 - natural. 262 - goal. 12-3 - duty. 69-70 - nonsense and. EA EE EM FA FF FR GBS GKC GL 325 121 - modem politics. 208 - international factor. 102-4 - eugenics. 228 - marriage and. 230 - property and. 40 - popular instinct. 50-8, 68, 317-8 - prehis­ toric. 8 52- sources of. 72 - universality. 101-15 - idea too large. 154 - good and evil In. 158 166-76 - Roman revolution. 306 - errors; compari five religion. 14 - philosophy and. 20 - beginning. 13 - Dark Ages. 51 - first principles. 197-8 - freedom in; Puritans. 201 - modem challenge. 5 212- evolution aid. 257-8 - Milton on. 260-1 - tn poetry. 217 - an awful thing. 47 - frivolity and. 121 - essence of. xvt 182- - literature and. 3 183 - architecture and. 200-1 - Johnson and. 25 - skeptics. 25-0 - gaiety. 72 - war. MM RELIGION (Cont'd.) GL 111 - middle ages. 117 - contradiction in history GS GW H HA II LL LT MK MM 223-4 - Industrialism, 223-4 - liberalism. 308 - doctrine and. 308 - meaning. MT 214 - the rich. NJ 38 - Moslem. 83 - convention and. 102, 124, 145 - in Jerusa­ lem. 117 - Palestine. 118 - war tn the East. 142 - poor; wealthy; fanati­ cism and. 177 - paradox. 189 - Christ and old. 202 - Byzantine. 215-6 - simplicity. 228 - politics and. OR 24 - ancient; facts. 36-7 - free thought In an­ cient times. 41-2 - mind limited by ma­ terialism. 57-80 - madness fought by, 59 - reason. 87 - abnormally right. 160-2, 164 - objection to Christianity. 178 - ethics and. 207 - essence of modem. 239-60 - doctrinal and ritual differences. 253- 4 - popular fiction. 266-9 - Ignorance and fear. OS 222 225 - French Canadians. 230 - culture and. 232<4> - colonization and. 254- 9 - necessity. 254 - the colonist and. QSS 20 - The paradox (poem) 21-4 - towers of time (poem) RR 41 - stoicism and. 41-2 - Marcus Aurelius. 41-3 - Constantine. 42 - philosophy. 58-9 - true; Italy. 62 - modem thought. 68 - Influence In Western Europe. 80 - root of. of. 126 - Victorians. 117 - superstition. 150 - ancient world. 150-1 - as social function. 248-50 - cities. 279 - Stevenson. 22 - Victorians. 87 - basts of. 13 - universe and. 25-7 - wholesomeness. 28-9 - realism. 93 - method of. 95 - rationality; object. 108 - a mystery. 110-joy. 140 - need of. 144 - origin. 209 - Johnson and. 219 - jokes and. 227 - sensuality and. 231 - happiness. 276 - democracy. 299 - irrelevant. 300 - bigotry. 301 - necessity. 304 - doubt and. 3-Stevenson. 14]—2 - superstition. 75 - a world to Inhabit. 75-6 - English socialists. 129 - wars of. 214 - Belfast. 215 - church attendance. 97 - mirth, 103 - man remembers who he is. 5-6 - fanaticism. 294 - choice as root of. 18-9 - modem civilization. 18-9 - essence of. 97 - liberty and. 143- 4 - creed and. 144- 6 - England. 145-6 - family and. 146 - tolerance. 202 - mummery. 218 - In the Orient. 326 RELIGION (Cont’d.) 89 - nationalism and. RR 141 - Renaissance. 143-4 - genuine. 145 -Moslem. 149 - 18th century England. 159 - decay of art. 267- 8 - 18th-19th century au­ thors. 268- 9 - Bismarck. 268-9 - Napoleon. 17-8 - brotherhood. SD 110-1 - respectability. 139 - C temenceau. 78 - middle ages. 5E 17 - ritual. SL 145, 161, 181, 187, 195 America. 151 -Puritans. 160 - Pilgrims. 189 - commercialism. 195 - politics and. 40 - Inclusive. SP 41 - soul of every dogma. 79 - Justification. 111 - Roman or Christian. 123 - paradoxes. 170 - elements of. 2-6 - Individualism. SS 8-9 - society. 19 - feature of, TA 20 - expansion; reason. 119-20 - authority and. 7-10 - "broad and brotherly." TC 19-20 - man helped by. 21-34 - humanism and. 34 - culture and. 64-9 - sentimental. 114-8-racism. 124 - "death" of. 133 - modem attitude. 149-51 - theology and reason. 176-82 - Catholic Church at­ tacked . 54 - poetry of. TT 84 - foundation of, 193-4 - observance. 243 - singing and. 278 - proximity and. 2-3 - Egypt. UD 44 - Victorian age. 75 - enemy of; the spiritual and. 145-8 - drama. 212-4 - industrialism and. 245-6, 254-7 - society and. 253 - humanitarianism and. 253-4 - essence of. 255- 6 - evolution of. 256- 7 - norm; progress and. 257 - basis. 36 - virtue and. UU 96 - brotherhood and. VA 204-6 - rationalism. 206 - republicanism and. 232-3 - humanity and. VT 250 - poetry. 251 - democratic nature of, 197-8 - future of. WA 200 - republic and. 215-6 - freedom in. 263 - rationality. 98 - spiritualism. WB 171 - ornament; priesthood. 38 - change after.break with W5 Rome. 52 - sources. 73 - survival of the fittest. 75 - survival. 94 - skeptics. 119 - Murry on. 136-7 - Oxford Group Move­ ment. 158 - Victorianism. 168 - debates and. 237 - Thomas More. 151-2 - modem art and. WW 328 - the future. (see also Church; God; Humanism; Religions; Science and religion) RELIGION , Comparative. see Religions. RELIGIONS 7 - true. AG 24 - comparative; children and. 217-20 - comparative. CM 179-83 - new. CT 182 - existence of. 206 - Sabbaths and. 14, 94-115, 126-33, 134-58, EM 186-94, 201, 205-14, 27089 - comparative religion. UD 327 184 RELIGIONS (Cant'd.) EM 2Q6 - parliament of. H 92 - creed*. HA 72 - origin of man, NJ 102 - Jerusalem. 117 - difference*. RR 128-9 - suffering. TA 133-4 - comparison. UD 1 - seriousness. 5 184- equality; respect. WS 25 - new; compared to fossil*· 53 - sadism; masochism. RELIGIOUS attitudes GS 216-21 - Impartiality. HA 69-70 -modem. INC 172-Irish. LL 11 - the maniac. RELIGIOUS conditions FA 33 - expiation; 12th—13th cen­ turies. RELIGIOUS education GS 10-3 - fallacious argument against. RELIGIOUS liberty AB 244 - meaning. AG 187 - Puritans. FA 144-agnostic*. H 22 - educationists. RELIGIOUS orders CT 111 - liberty and, RELIGIOUS thought SP 90-7 - 18th century. REMARQUE, Erich Maria EA 193-7, 209 - All quiet on the western front. REMBRANDT C 146-7 - Shaw on. DE 117 - theory of beauty. MM 195 - painting of. NJ 103 - Jews. VA 219 REMOTISM VT 211-3-defined. RENAISSANCE AG 157-63 - Christianity. AT 52-3 - cruelty. AV 62 - art; paganism. 214 - society. 214-6 - artists. 216 - European history. C 45-poet in. - culture. 233 - torrent of. CT EM FT GBS GL GW H I» SL SP ss TA 328 234 - rationalism. 235 - Chaucer. 236 - poets. 238 - extremism. 242 - philosophy; paradox. 243 - wildness. 245 - medievalism. 46 - spirit. 46-7 - Influence. 256-7 - Shakespeare. 259 - transition; Reformation. 291-2 , 295-6, 302 -Chris­ tianity. 292 - Counter-Reformation. 67 - Restoration and. 60 - progressivism. 170 - middle ages; Shakes­ peare. 130 - art. 235 - Gothic. 20 - monuments of Rome. 34 - Rococo quality. 92 - architecture; St. Peter's. 110, 117-8, 137-8 - Rome. 118 - statues. 119 - mystical nature; medie­ val origin; monument*. 122-3 - paganism; Christian movement. 123 - sculptors. 131 - agnostics. 2 131- mythology. 132 - statues; the pope*. 4 133- luxury; papal critics. 138-40 - art. 139 - popes and. 140 - Church. 1 140- style. 141 - religion. 8 237- Shakespeare. 28 - humor. 93 - fall of Constantinople. 7 - scepticism; intellectual­ ism. 29-30 - Catholics; Protestant» 24 - St. Francis. 31 - 13th century. 32 - as relapse . 132 - belief in life. RENAISSANCE Cont'd.) 97 - liberality. TC 83 - Intellectual brutality; UD tyranny. 14 - English literature and. VA 92 - Restoration. VT 137-Christianity. 148-55 - Savonarola. 150-1 - Imagination. 151-4 - modem civilization. 113 - paganism. WB 208 - philosophers; nature worship. 149 - architecture. WC RENAN, Ernest 268 - Vie de Jesus. AT 268-70 - miracles. 10-3 - St, Francis. FA 12 - prejudices. 94 - reverence. H 77-80-Vie de Jesus. OR 21 - freethinker. TA 160 - Dickens; Kingsley. VA 205 - sceptic. WS RENAUD deChatillon 255, 259-60 - Crusade; SalaNJ din. REPARTEES 210 - witty; and mass producWS tlon. REPENTANCE (and Impenitence) 249 - Piers Plowman; Chaucer. C 117-8 - England. EE 117-22 - Intellectual fault. 120-1 - politicians. 122-8 - moral fault. 127 - eugenics. 275-6 - medieval and modem MM notion, 230 - soul and Impenitence. RR REPETITION 30-1 - strangeness and. AD 231-4 - failure. FF 12-3 - science and. UD 29 - effect. WA REPINGTON, Charles 259 - Memoirs. AB REPORTERS oid reporting 4-5 - metaphors. AIS 169-77 - speeches. AT 3 RR 152 - American. 53-8 - American. 56 - courtesy. REPRESENTATION 15 - publicity. AV 261-2 - idea; attitude. MM 262 - revolt against. REPRESENTATIVE government 162 - two-party system. AV 109 - difficulty. CT 204 - decay of. 231-2 - difficulty. WA 60 - political liberty. WS 64 - Spain. 85 - reaction against. (see al so Democracy) REPUBLIC (-S) 235 - survival. AG 217-defined. AT 214 - monks and. AV 62 - responsibility. EE 223 - original meaning. RR 134 - meaning. SL 214 - destruction. 197-8 - future of. WA 198-9 - 18th century. 199 - modem concept. 199-200 - decay; religion. 105-6 - reality. WC REPUBLICAN (-S) 235 - 18th century Idealists. AG 217 - definition; government. AT 221 - tn America. RR 124-7 - America. WA REPUBLICANISM 84 - democracy. GBS 84-5 - Shaw. 221-9 RR 177 - America. SL 206 - religion and. VA 131 WW REPUTATION 98-9 - prejudice and. AV 45 - dwindles and rises. LL RESEARCH 32-3 - religion and. AV 26 - dignity and. RESERVED <:aset CC RESIGNATION (psychology) B 19 - detachment. SL WA 37 32? RESIGNATION (psychology) (Cont'd.) OR 188 RESPECT AT 285 - symbols. CM 230 - art. JJ 78 - destruction of. NA 300 -laughter and. OR 209-need. SD 112-3 - for married persons; for soldiers. TA 134 - paradox. RESPECTABILITY AB 2-meaning. SCT 270 - crime and. SD 110 - divorce, 110-1 - religion and. WA 161-2 - riot and. RESPONSIBILITY AB 181 - free will. 4 183- Chesterton. CC 54 - modem man; the convert. CD 207 - Dickens. EE 5 - variability. 39 - sanity. PAR 70 - lave of Irresponsibility. 123 - Idea of. UU 126-31 - war. REST cure AG 92 - for nations. RESTAURANTS GL 160 - French. WA 31 - French cafes; plutocracy. RESTLESSNESS WA 67-in New York. RESTORATION AV 109 - progress. 112 - customs and. LL 173 - nature and. RESTORATION (British history), see England: History: Restoration. RESTRAINT OR 209 - need for. 8 117- proper form of thanks. 242 - Buddhism. RESURGAM (term) RR 16-7 - Rome. RESURRECTION of Christ, see Jesus Christ: Resurrection. RESURRECTION of the body TA 26-7 - humanism. RESURRECTION ISM RR 117-9 RETICENCE CM 171-2-saint. 172 - love. RETROGRESSION AT 221-2 - history and. RETURN FF 7-8 - the word. 8-10 - and rhyme. REVELATION EM 282-9 - religion and. TA 27-8, 150 - argument for. REVENGE GB5 146-8-Shaw. REVERENCE AV 26-silence. CM 139-40 - blasphemy. 143-sex. DE 54 - fear. H 93-4 - Catholics. 94 - Euripides. OR 209 - for nature, RB 88-virtue of. REVIVAL CT 47 - of now things. GKC 104 - Cobbett as revivalist. REVIVALS AV 163 - English and American. REVOLUTION (revolt; revolutionaries; revolutionists; revolutions) AG 92 - rest cures and. 5 134- In family. AIS 93 - romanticism and. AS 36-7 - reactionaries and. AV 61 - rigidity and. 64-5 - art and. 66 - intolerance and. 111 - staleness of. 183 - cycles. 194 - middle aged against. 196 - reaction. 213 - arts; tradition. C 35 CC 16-23 - conversion a form of. CDU 64 - destroyed by pride. CM 82-3 - man and; tribalism. 188-9 - conventions. 203 196- end of the mo­ dems. CP 145 CT 51 - poetical. 89 - Intellectual. 330 REVOLUTION (Cont’d.) CT 108 - niece*· and . 270 - aristocracy. DE 13-4 EE 118-9 - American. EM 166-76 - Roman religion and. 200-14 - Incarnation. 279 - Christianity and. 292 - Europe and. 302 - Catholic Church. FF 21 - In literature. 177-8 - civilization and. FL 206 - crowds. H 13 - the modems. JJ 86 - realities. LL 69-70 - moment for. MM 77 - materialism. 95 - benefits. 97 - definition. 182 - justification. 6 185- effect. MT 9 NA 21 - nature and man. NJ 140 - respect for. 232 - history. OR 73-4 - Europe. 88 - monarchy. 102-4 - modem sentiment. 229 188- Christianity and. 196 - 19th century belief In. 198-9 - role of literature. 200-3 - rule needed by. 257 - orthodoxy and. 257 - God and, SD 44 - in England. 44 - unknown In France. 61-3 - of women. SL 191-202 - criticism of. 192 - Incompleteness. 196 - puritanlsm. 218 - Lawrence and. 210-1 - of literature, SP 117 - evolution and. 125 - holidays. TA 40 - modems on French Revo­ lution, 40-1 - trend. 81-3 - as counter-revolution. TC 12 - fondness for. TT 91 - abstraction and. 94 - social. 94-5 - democracy and. 165-6 - leadership In. 46 - evolution end. 98-106 - party system and. 127 - humanitarian. VT 268 - definition. 111 - Roman world; law. WB 58-9 - effects. WC 72 - causes. 44 - volcano. WIS 154 - repression and. WS 155 - Bolshevist; Hitlerite. 142 - war and. WW REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua 132 AIS CM 101 195 MM RHE1MS 96-7 - German destruction AP of* RHETORIC 310-1 - English. AB 194 - meaning of. ACD 221-2 - literature; Scott. AS 250 - Scott. CD 17-8 - rhyme and. FF 18 - politics. H 55 - Chamberlain. 31 - statuary and. RR 186 - Thomas Aquinas. TA 283-4 - honest. TT RHODES, Cecil John 99 AIS 52 H 238-40, 242 MM 17 - as prophet. NA 289-90 WA RHODES, Geoffrey 72, 76 - (ed.) Medicine and UD the Church. RHYME FF 2-6, 9 - enjoyment. 8-10 - return and. 9 - natural love of. 10-2 - rhythm and. 10-12, 16-7 - uses. 11 - dogma and. 13-5, 21 - revolt against. 16 - artificiality. 16-2Q - nature of. 17 - simplicity and. TT UD UU 331 OS RR RHYME (Cont'd.) FF Fj GKC LL VA RHYTHM AV C CT FF 17-8 - rhetoric. 18 - mystical quality. 18-20 - song. 90 89- In speech. 48-51, 54 - In drama. 225 - meaning. 226 - metrics. 83 - effect on emotions. 169 - effect. 26 - reason and. 205^ - verbal; Incantation, 155-return to. 210 - In nature; necessity. 10 - similarity and. 10-2 - rhyme and. 89-90 - In speech, ( - ft FA FF GBS H an iiî* Crucifix­ ton. TITLES AD AG CT v-vl - book. 243-4 - meaning. 135-change. 187 - Nantie. FF 82-3 - appropriateness. MM 36-7, 40 - insultablilty. 37-41 - England. UD 65-6 - deception. WS 196 - mercantile terminology. TITTERTON, William Richard GKC 254-8 - Drinking songs and other songs. MM 284 - on cats. TOBACCO AS 81 CM 163 WS 122 TODHUNTER, Dr. AB 139 TOLEDO, Spain GL 27-9 WS 170 TOLERANCE, see Toleration. TOLERATION AV 66 - revolution and Intoler­ ance . FA 144 - philosophy. FF 197-8-Puritans. MM 146 NJ 261 - Crusaders; historians. TAL 22 - fighting spirit of Intoler­ ance. TV 30 VA 33 - Macaulay, VT 135 - authority and. 6 135- Quakers. WA 70, 71 162-3 - intolerance; demo­ cracy. TOLERATION Acts WC 200 TOLSTOY, Leo N. ACD 28 - romance. CC 51 - patriotism. CM 23, 161-4 EM 206 - Joan of Arc. LT NA NJ OR RB SD SE VT 7 - St. Francis. 43 - consistency. 117-8 - love; war; Shaw. 37 - progress. 110 - pleasure. 135, 137 - simplicity. 1-2 - happiness. 3-6 - simplification of life. 6 - mysticism. 16 - on mercy. 190 - on modem His. 76-7 - Buddhism. 78 - poverty. 180-1 - Christianity. 197 - conservatism. 115 107 - Russian orthodoxy. 196 - Puritanism. 125-44 - simplicity. 130 - Solomon and. 131— 2 - moral. 132 - didacticism. 132- 3 - reformer; dignity. 133 - oppression. 134 - common sense. 136-44 - Christianity. 143 - brotherly love. 11 - patriotism. 117, 173 - Blake. WA WB TOMBS RR 13-5, 33-4, 100-1 TONE, Wolfe CE 68-70 TONGUE 91 - unreliable. GW TOO late (term) RDQ 75 TOP hats 140 - ugliness. AG 273 - Jewish ritual. NJ TORIES 255 - philosophical. AD 68 - 19th century. AG 69 - king and. 70 - Whigs. 6 - Catholic theology. AT 55 - liberals. 82 - prejudice against. CT 83 - Jacobites. 84 - transition. 85 - Ireland; Pitt. 394 TORIES (Cont'd.) CT 86 - denunciation. FF 264-5 - tradition. 265-8 - misunderstanding. 265-71 - Whigs. GKC 64 - Johnson. OR 1% - 19th century belief in. TT 283 - Johnson. VA 17 - Cobbett. WC 62-warfare. 68 - significance. 69, 73 - Whigs. WS 161 - Jesuits. WW 343-7-family and. TORQUEMADA, Tomas de OR 54 - torture used by. TORTOISE RR 196 - symbolic of Rome. TORTURE LL 127-Inhuman. SE 104-5 - medieval. TT 227 - truth and. 259 - civilization. WW 199-203 - necessary evil. TOTAL abstinence, see Temperance. TOTALITARIANISM AV 161 - two-party system. LL 85 - too much government. WS 245-6 - C hutch and. TOTEMISM EM 74-5 - Egyptian heraldry. 161-2 - psychological history. TOULOUSE: St- Semin (church) TA 155 - relics of Thomas Acptlnas. TOURIST, see Travel. TOWER NJ 241 - Crusader's. TOWER of Babel, see Babel, Tower of. TOWN, see City. TOY theatre TT 180-4 TOYS FF 124-5 - danger. 125-9 - as weapons. MAN 274 - stealing. TT 298 - brightness. 299-alive. TRADE, see Commerce. TRADE unions CT 189 85 - approval of. 117 - Interdependence. 31 - Ireland. 86 - agriculture. 86-7 - Irish peasants. 25-8 - Kitchener. LK 230 - early movement. RDQ 103-4 -Leo XIII. RR 104 - guilds and. 37 - capitalism. SD 99 - contracts. SE 107 - description. 118-9 - craftsmanship. 119 - definition. 270 - origin. 272 - development. 232 - dictatorship of. WC (see. also Guilds: Labor) TRADES. see Occupations. TRADITION 77 - Benjamin Franklin; Fox. ACD 104 - democracy. 104-5 - Dickens. AD 93 - peasants. 52 - alive. AG 81 119 - history and. 182 - popular sentiment. 256-7 -Christian. 219 - culture. AS 219-23 - literature; Scott. 93 - Europe; reality. AV 16-22 - Catholic and Protes­ CC tant. 21 - examples. 22 - 19th century. 31-2 - Bible and. 22-5 - truth. CM 44 - convention. 115-7 48 - Shelley. CT 51-2 - In poetry. 140 - preaching. 159 - English law. 247 - Foch. 248 - meaning. 270 - the populace. 15, 312 - Catholic. EM 33 - common sense. EA FA II 83 - history and. 199 395 TRADITION (Cont'd.) 245 - rural population. EM v - freedom. FF viH-ix - attack on. 12-3 - 17th century. 14-5 - oral. 179-80 - Shaw. GBS GKC 36 - unity. 149-50- Dickens. 236 - ob|ect1ons. 136 - Influence. GL 163-7, 175-6 -novelty. 202 - Belfast. II 63 - paradox. NJ 119 - Jerusalem. 84-6 - democracy. OR 286 - western. 40 - futurists and. RR 58 - Popes and Western. 141 - truth and. SD 69 - Victorians. SL 79 - human. 86 - America. 17-8 SS 184 - modem reliance on. TC 264 - newspapers. TT 176-8 - love. UD 270-1 - Independence. 35 - Immigrants. WA 69, 91 - America. 70 - meaning. 73 - Boston. 91 - Europe. 177 - Oklahoma. 86-90 - aristocracy. WW 308-13 - philanthropists; the poor. TRAFFIC AIS 24 - Francis Thompson. - organization. it>-7 27 - progress. 29-30 - problem, 241 - regulation. WS TRAGEDY 41, 195-6 - Dickens. ACD 126 - Vita nuovo (Dante) AG 247-8 - equality. CD 248 - 19th century literature. 248-9-Scott. 15 - mood. CM 24 - dignity. EA EM FT GL HA LL OR OS SD SP 127 - Greek. 129 - Irony. 44-5 - the hero in. 45 - pessimism. 51 - essence of. 84-life. 12 - progressive. 65 - description. 116 - medieval Illuminations 297 - and comedy. 78 - definition. 122 - of divorce. 43 - eternal. 45 - continuity of human life. 46 - basis. 82 - nature of. 147 - medieval drama. 78 - essence of. 163 - soul and. 242 - Thomas More. WS TRAGIC flaw 165-6 - Shakespeare. EE 166-8 - capitalists. TRAHERNE , Thomas 54 - childhood. RS TRAMPS 129-45 - history. EE 134 - inequality; security. 139 - literary aversion. 142 - charity. 86-7 -English. MM TRANSCENDENTALISM 275-6 - neo-Platonlstj BuddEM hist. 17-8 - Thomas Aquinas on. TA WB 180 - Christianity and. 207 - Christian. 210-beliefs. TRANSLATION 118-9 - greatness. C 219-20 - of poetry. 184 - Inadequacy. TA 59 - misrepresentation. WA TT UD VT 160 — difficulty. TRANSLATORS 116 - medieval; method. C 117 - truth about. 79- liars. EA TRANSUBSTANTIATE 58 - Wycliffe on. C s#T© TRANSUBSTANTIATES N (Cont’d.) 33 - substance and accidents. LL 66 - Protestant view. TC 202 , 206 - Inge and Barnes. 99-100 - proof. WS TRAPPISTS 251 - sociable. OR 11 - In Stevenson. WS TRAVEL (Travellers; Travelling; Tourists; etc*) 322 - trippers. AB 149-51 - Dickens. ACD 198-210 - motoring. AD 248 - commercial. 252 - talking and motoring. 32 - tales. AG 8-9 - international relations. AIS 159-60 - journey; joy and C goal. 158 - sight-seeing. CD 51 —2 — motorists (poem). CL 99- tourists. CM 4-5 - essays. CT 4-5 - travel hopefully. 17 - motoring. 212 - attitude. MM 212-3 - conduct. 197 - toles. NJ 236 - travel hopefully. OS 3-5 - Chesterton as traveller. RR 23 - in Rome. 207 - English. 187 - conversation. TT 245-6 - paradox. 1 - man and. WA 2 - instruction; amusement. 79 - pleasure. 161 - national humor. 176 - paradox. 213 - best people. 225-England. TREACHERY CM 6-9 TREASON NJ 287 - Jews. 246 - corruption and. RR 21-2 - loyalty and. SD SP 57 - King Lear. TREASURE GL 1-3 - the poor and. MM 48, 50 TREATIES RR 62 - compromise. SD 20 - destroyed. TREBIA EM 170 - Roman defeat. TREE, Sir Herbert UD 152 - theatrical literalism. TREES AV 23-4 - evolution. DE 43 - leafless; beauty. II 19 - green; Ireland. NJ 99 - Jaffa Gate. TREVELYAN, G. C 284 - Age of Wycliffe. WC B7-Macaulay. TRIAL by jury, see Jury. TRIALS FF 170 - Injustice. DD 69-70 - Japan; Russia; Spain. WA 183-4 - America and Eng­ land. TRIBES AIS 14-Germany. 47 - society. 47-8 - Nazism. 48 - League of Nations. AV 138 - Prussianlsm. CM 78-92 88 - Stevenson. EM 52, 65-8, 78, 184, 188 chief as the Old Man. NJ 305 - wandering in the East. TRIBUNES EM 167 - reestablished in Rome. TRIFLES NJ 119, 139 - importance. TRINITY CP 216 EM 62 - divine and human. 96 - Comtlim. 264 - Athanasius. H 80 - meaning. 96 - worship. OR 250-2 - Western man. 250-2, 255-7 - personality. 261 - balance. SD 80-family. TA 92 - heresy. TC 7-Wellson. TRIPPLE Alliance AP 81, 101, 102 - Germany; Italy. 397 TRIPOLI, Battle of CE 150 TRIPPERS 322 - travellers and. AB 192 AS 207-14 MM 170 π TRIVIALITIES UD 165 - and tyranny. TROGLODYTES EM 53, 105 TROJAN Horse 184 - the Cross and. EM TROLLOPE, Anthony vlii, 233-4 ACD 65-70 - as historian. AG 66 - middle class. 67 - aristocracy. 69 - political parties. 70 - Duke of Omnium. 171 AS 187 - Dickens. C 186-93 - Stevenson. RS 208 - Thackeray. 130 - Thackeray. VA 132-3 - domestic detail. TRUSTS AG GKC 11 INC OS SL TC TRUTH AB ACD AD AG AS AT AV C CC 133-4 - characters. TROTSKI 1 , Lev (d. 1940) 238 - socialism. WA TROUBADOURS 15 - romance. FA 74 - culture. 75 - Institution; theme. 75^ - love; passions. 78 - ambition. 183-4 - Albigensianlsm. GS 91 - songs. SD TROUSERS 140 - ugliness. AG TROY 91-3 - Iliad. EM 182-4 - Virgil. 183 - nations* descent from; chivalry. 184 - Christ and. TRUE Cron, see Cross. TRUISMS 234-5 - French Revolution. CD 25 - civilization. DE GKC 88 - animals. TRUST MM CD CM CP CQT CT 253-4, 289 - human relations. 398 97 - power. 266 - criticism. 30 - Ireland. 268 - a revolution. 3-4 - private enterprise. 104-18 - private property. 244 - capitalism. 129 - wealth and. 264 - politics. 350-1 59-60 - authors. 75 - cynic. 260-9 - science and. 48 - guides to. 78 - value. 182-8 - In legend. 230-2 - modems. 152-4 - English public school. 153 - happiness. 201 - solemnity. 108 - trivialities. 158 - triumph; understand­ ing. 283 - heretic and. 61 - magnet. 62 - trap. 188-9 - lies and. 22-5 57-9 - children. 63, 240-4 - man. 169 - education. 218 - explanation. 226 - bigotry. 233 - modems. 242-3 - curiosity. 160, 236 136 - stranger than fiction, 29 - unchangeable. 31 - tyranny and. 66 - the egoist. 69 - paradox. 127 - freedom. 155 - in progress. 158 - twilight sleep. 160 -quackery. 161 - standard. 176 - original thinker. 186 - and money. 239 — Lincoln. TRUTH (Cont'd.) EE 99-104 - eugenists. FF 51 - antagonism toward. 51 - pcradox. 171-2 - vagueness. 196-204-in history. GBS 103 - Catholic and Puritan at­ titude . GKC 23-Arnold. 68 - Johnson. 70-1 - artists. H 14-cosmic. 60 - fiction and. 65 - paradox. 83 - Plato. 287 - In writing. 292-4 - modem writers. 299 - man. 304 - dogma. HA 37 - truism. 126 - children. 147 II 184-snobs. INN 163 - makes no sense. LL 47 - objective. 134 -relativity. 152 - the free man and. MAN 145 - the public and. MM 231 - science. MT 47-terrible. NJ 235-7-fiction. OR 19 53 - distortion. OS 71 - paradox. 130—2 - in advertising. PAR 87 - agreement. PL 130 - allegory and. 164 - duty to search for. QSS 20-deceiving. RR ] 1 - measured by depth · SD SP TA 250 - minorities. 251 - Fascism. 141 - tradition and. 43 - test of □ great work. 123 - paradox. 170 28 - argumentation. 99 - attainment. 104 - Slger of Brabant. 105 - Thomas Aquinas. 190-1 - syllogistic reasoning. 207 - being and. 1-2 - Englishmen and. 4 - facts and. 35 - reality and. TM 227 - torture and. TT 164-5 - in history. UD 178-9 - In fables. 211 - duty of finding. VA 7 - of emotions. VT 22 - fairy tales. 211 - Zola. 100-1 - and fact. WA 296 - authority. 72 - Cobbett on. WC 157-8 - In history. 59 - conversion as recogni­ WS tion. 67 - tradition. 158 - Dryden. 164 - Dublin. 174 - love of. 178 - The Sunday Express. 225 - trade and. 241 - Thomas More. 292 - as desirable, WW 292-300 - the public school. 295 - superstition and. TRUTH (periodical) TC 78-83 TRUTHFULNESS 57-8 - blunders. GL 238 - types. RDQ SCT 201 - evil. 16 SUR 293-5 - English politics. WW 294-300 - Englishmen. (see alto Falsehood; Lies) TUBERCULOSIS 116 - heredity. AG TUDORS AIS 123 - power. 212 - persecution. SE VA 61 - Froude. WC 153 - Austen. TUMBLER of Our Lady, The FA 77-80 - application. TURKEY; Turks 54 - International policy AP 60 - belief of. CE 137, 151 - Germany. 146-52 - Montenegro. TA TH 399 Turk» (Cont'd.) 26? - Sobieski; Europe. 373-4 8? - Lepanto. 164 - Eastern Christian*. FF 97-8-France. NJ 58-9 - rule of. 98 - the English and. 99 - tragedy. 100 - legend. 117, 158-Palestine. 126 - American Consul. 155 - German war. 210 - Church of the Nativity. 223 - German emperors. RR 110 - Constantinople. TURKEY (fowl) AT 295 - angels and. 295-6 - eating. TURNER, Elizabeth, d. 1846 GKC 224-30 - Grandmamma's book of rhymes. TURNER, Joseph, d. 1851 MM 178 VA 21,66 TURNPIKES AS 11, 14 TURPIN, Abp. CM 34 TURTLE CM 29 TUTANKHAMEN EM 83 - newspapers. TWAIN, Mark, see Clemens, Samuel L. CC TURKEY; CM CP EM CD CM CT EM GBS GKC GL H NA OR TWELFTH Century EM 293-4, 299 - nominalism. VA 216 - theology; republicanIsm; and 18th century. TWENTIETH Century AG 27 - stupidity. AIS 94-6 - eighteenth century and. AS 53 - nonsense. 108-9 - Rome. 109- paganism, 115 - democracy. 223 - honor. AT 237 - demagogue and mystagogue. 238 - specialism; universality. C 78 - movements. 181 - Chaucer's age. RR SL TA TC 400 15-23 - conversion and. 20-1, 111-5- Protestant decadence. 28-9 - youth and slander. 5 - 19th century and. 8-9 - liberty and. 63 77 - age of nonsense. 122 - prejudice. 126-sex. 178-9 - mystery. 212 - fantasy. 212 - paradox of. 264 - culture. 175-thinking in. 292, 299 - 18th century and. 248 - hedonism; middle age*. 71 - rationalism. 120-1 - eighteenth century and. 121 - politics. 3 122- democracy. 124-5 - Victorians. 135-6 - ritualism. 12 - philosophy. 14 - prophets. 24-5 - original sin. 38-51 - modem thinkers. 52-80 - virtues. 58 - decadent. 151-2 - creed. 189 - argument In a circle. 197 - unbelief. 219-26 - wealth. 230-1 - activity. 270 - 19th century and. 53 - age of pleasure. 9 - Thomlst theology. 9- 10 - age of nonsense. 12-20 - spiritual standards needed. 22-34 - Catholic Church and vitality of. 46-50 - improvements. 51-63 - mental breakdown. 56*63 - art In. 64-9 - weariness. 107-12 - thought of. 120 - Calvinism; mixed minds. 151 - reason repudiated. 166-71 - Intellectual Inde­ pendence. TWENTIETH Century (Cont’d.) TC 189-97 - restatement of Q tiglon. WS 220 - ago of unreason, TWENTY-FIRST Century CM 177 - belief In. TWILIGHT AD 175 - sentiment. CT 162 - of the gods. TWILIGHT sleep CT 158 - dream-distortions. 158-63 - meaning of. TWO I» company (proverb) AD 181 TWOPENNY troth WC 102 TYLER, Wot SE 147-9, 163, 172 UD 213 TYNAN, Katherine 11 82 TYNDALL, John GBS 68 - science. WB 57 - politics. TYPES C 11 -In literature, 69 - trades and. 75 - disappearance. 78 - loss of. TA 143 - nations and . TYRANNICIDE AB 279-80 TYRANNY ACD 73 - and liberality. AIS 59 - Frederick H. 158-9 - authority. AS 99-Indio. AT 7-8-modem. 97 - aristocracy. 138 - soldiers. 241 - popularity. AV 46 - barbarism. CD 204 - psychology. CT 31 - censorship. EM 66-83 - prehistoric times. FF 78-9-social reform. 106 - characteristics. 106 - heathen world. 107 - the poor. 177-8 - defense. FT 61, 63 - Puritanism. GL JJ LK LL NA OR RB RR SD SE SL UD UU VT WA WB WC WS 109 22 28 - Englishmen. 86-kinds of. 247 213-5 - liberty becomes. 248-50 - Christianity fights. 74 - love and. 90 236 - popularity and. 240 - fascist. 43 - the English home. 143-4 - definition. 191-Russia. 83 - Renaissance. 165 - trivialities. 19-20 - fairy tales. 33 - blasphemy and. 203-English. 11-2-America. 173-4 - feminism. 232-3 - world state. 42 - Intrigue. 200 - temperament. 262, 265 266-7 - Cathollc/Protestant. TYRE and Sidon EM 142 - demonology. 168 - Carthage. 180 - Sodom and Gomorrah. UGLINESS ACD 111-and |oy. AD 28-9 - worship of. 34 - equality. 35- men. DE 113-8 - defence of. 117-8 - aesthetics. EM 117-8 HA 33 - humor. SL 166 - In art. 169 - England and America. 169 - Lincoln. VT 23 - aesthetics. ULSTER C 87 - Countess of. 11 54 - propaganda. 197 - superstition. ULSTER1A EA 144-definition. 401 ULTRAMONTAN ISM (Cont'd.) WS 179 - Daniel O'Connell. ULYSSE5 EM 241-2 - Christ and. UMBRELLA MM 228 - dullness. WW 338-40 - walking stick. UNDERDOG AB 183 UNDERHILL, Evelyn GKC 220 - on Jacopone da TodI. UNDERSTANDING EM 188 - Belloc and Virgil. GL 184-5 - Intelligibility In ar­ tists . 174-6, 179-81 - Intelligibili­ ty; expression, 280-1 - comprehension and pardon. TA 9 - use of. TAL 232 - conversation. WA 176 - paradox, 225 - and Imitation. UNDERWOOD, Florence AV 47, 50 UNEMPLOYMENT AV 52 MM 259 UNICORN AS 22-5 24-5 - symbolism. CM 27-30 GL 46-7 - shield of England. UNIFICATION CT 115 - philosophy of. UNIFORMITY AB 144-of belief. WA 28-9, 161-2 - In America. UNION Jack AT 280 CDU 8-15 II 110-2 UNIONIST movement (Ireland), see Ireland and England. UNITARIAN ISM AB 172-5 - belief. CC 28 - influence. EM 263 - Arianism; agnosticism. 294 - Mohammedanism. OR 250-2, 255-7 - errors. 261-2 - balance. MM TC 74-5 WB 30 UNITED States AB 320-1 - Chesterton in. ACD 76-86 - Dickens. 81 - good manners. 83 - mission AG 53 - depression. 58 - religion. 74 - civilization. 81 - Europe. 177 - Shaw on. 213-4 - optimism. AIS 27 - cars. 46 - Puritanism, AP 40 - woman. AS 74 - humanists. 96 - mystery. AV 136 - Puritanism. 163 - fundamentalism; theo logy. CD 127-54-Dickens. CE 116 - democracy; president CM 148 - Henry James. 176 - kings and. 226-7 - bigotry. CP 46-7 - language. CT 187 - names In. 218 - history. 218-23 - spirit. 220 - Importance. 221 - Booth; the South. 222 - virtues. 244-9 - bigness and. 230-1 - criticism. EA 152 - Isolationism. 172 - capitalism. EE 32 - anarchy. EM 250-1 - civilization. FF 197-9 - colonization. 208, 214 - evolution. GKC ill - Irish Catholics In. GS 48 - barbarism. 72-3 - Industrialism. 77-82 - homes, H 173 - nationalities. 66 257- young nation. 265 - war with Spain, 266 - death-cry. HA 15 - civilization. Ji 125-6 - English attitude. 402 UNITED States (Cont'd.) IJ 126-7 - Irish Immigranti. INC MM RR SE SL TC UD WA 246 - government. 34 - government. 181 - standardization and. 215 - capitalism. 236 - democracy. 237 - Declaration of Indepen­ dence. v - the New World. 83-91 - ideal. 88 - crudities. 1 110- praise. 113-4 - Shaw on. 115 - life in. 120 - materialism. 122 - Anglo-American friend­ ship. 130-44 141, 200 - paradox. 145 - religion; Puritans. 169 172-7 - virtues. 173 - boasts. 174, 176 - negroes. 177-90 178 - imperialism. 180 - advantages. 181, 185, 201-2 - criticism. 188 - feudalism. 199- vision. 200- 1 - foundations. 201 - Victorian Age. 108 - Church In. 141-3 - secret societies. 221-simplicity. 56-7 - Irish Question. 155-6 - race problem. 3-5, 14 - Immigration regula­ tions. 3-18 6-9, 231-2 - Constitution. 8 - exclusiveness. 9 - racial admixtures. 9-10, 12-3, 60, 139-40, 203, 220-1, 228 - England and. 14, 48 - asylum, 15 - English attitude; English Constitution. 15 - International character. 16 - Idealism. WA 37-8 - peasantry. 48-52 - Ireland and. 68 80 - modem Babylon. 1, 8082 - homes. 83 - Shaw on. 85 - agriculture; future. 86 - Catholic tradition In. 89- 90, 98 - industrialism. 90- 1 - materialism. 93 - Catholic creed; medie­ val spirit. 120-1 - monarchy and. 124 - government. 128-9, 176-foreign policy. 128-9 - domestic policy. 130-1 - Isolationism. 138 - Jewish problem. 138-9 - prejudice. 141 - class consciousness. 161 - Inconsistency. 168-9 - madness. 172 - feminism. 178 - secret societies. 181 - frontier. 189 - youthfulness. 191, 255-6 - characteristics. 192 - Inventive genius; pro­ gress. 214^> - history. WC WS 231, 234 - and world state. 249-50 - paradox. 268 - childlike spirit. 58 - France; rebellion. 124-5 - Puritanism and. 197 - republic. 198 - ideals. 199-203 - punishments. (see also Americans) UNITED States; History; Civil War CT 218-9 -civilization. 221 - tragedy. WA 125-6 - political parties. 216 - Virginia and. 219 - Confederacy compared to Ireland. 222 - patriotism and. 236, 239 - results. 240 - in Europe. UNITED States: History; Revolution CE 64 - Burke; Chatham. UNITED State»: History: Revolution SD 140 - fallacy. 61 - anonymous. (Cont’d.) SP 72 - German mercenaries. CE WW 186-91 - women. 102 - liberty. UNIVERSE 4 - liberty. 33 - beauty. CM CDU 118-9 46 - objects In. EE DE 203 - essence of. 149-50 - children's idea of. FF 234-0 - George 111; Chatham. FF 91 - harmony. SE 193, 197 143-4 - humor. SL 201 - failure. GKC 47 - of rationalists. 15 - Cobbett. 48 - of God, WC 4 - uniqueness. 38 - stoicism. GL 12-4 - philosophy. 187 - freedom. H WS 27 - nonsensical. UNITED Statei and England LL 114 - desire for knowledge. SP 227 AB 116 - education. 77-8 ACD 212 - energy 1". 302 TA CP 213 - God and. 122 SL 257 - theory of. UD 11 TC 63 - enjoyment of. 9-13, 60, 139-40, 203, 206VT WA (see also Cdsmos; World) 7, 220-1, 225, 228, 253-4, UNIVERSITIES/ 272 89-98 - English. AT 57 WC 96 - upper classes. UNITY 294 - rise of. 113-4 - falsity. EM CT 161 - opinions. SCL 190-4 - religious. UNKNOWN, see Knowledge. 262-3 - national. UNKNOWN God GKC 36 256 - Athenians. CT 80 - tendency to. H 127 - St. Paul. EM 255-6 - strength and weakness. UPPER class, see Class distinction. 143 - national. SP URANUS 30, 221-4 - variety and. TA 105, 184 EM 104 - paradox of. uu , Pope URBAN IV, 171 WS 217 - Digby on. WS UNIVERSALISM URBANIZATION 172-3 - belief. AB 71-2 AV 28, 39-40 - Influence on Che> CC USURY terton. 106-7 - instinct against. CC 42-6 - position. 181 - Roman and Punic. EM 65-9 - Victorian. GW 170 - Merchant of Venice. GL 74-5 - future life. TC 235 - Crusaders. NJ 146-56 - specialists and. WW 279 - theme of Merchant of 151-3 - religion. Venice.____________ 158 - leisure. 279-80 - medieval satires. UNIVERSALITY 280 - Shylock. 202-3 - seriousness. AT 287 - Jews. 222 Christianity. AV 63 - lending and. RR 183 - attempts at. c 235 - Thomas Aquinas. TA 298-9 Dickens. CD 35 - capitalists. UU 109 - nature of. CT 69-70 - socialism; slavery. 146 contradiction. HA AM USURY (Cont'd.) UU 167-8 - confiscation. WS 74 - legalized. UTILITARIANISM CM 8 - oppression, EM 206 ~ Bossuet; Pascal; St. Francis. GS 188 - civi I ization, RR 101-2- mediaevalism. SL 115-6 - and Puritanism. SS 12-5 TC 40 - preservation. 77 - modem praise of. VA 38-40, 42 -Victorianism. 39 - Darwin; Huxley; Macau­ lay; Wallace. 45 WA WC II OS SL WA VALENTINE , Saint AD 3 SD 83-6 VALENTINES 83 - philosophy. SD VALHALLA EM Ill VALOUR GBS 197 - meaning. VALUE(S) - Oxford Movement. 54- - Carlyle. 7 57 - Malthus; Mill. 62 - Ruskin. 79, 209 82 - Dickens. 114-5 - In America. 116 - and genius. 113 - ugliness and. 113-4 - ritual of. 194 - paradox. UTILITY FF 220-1 - completeness and. UTOPIA AB 18 ACD 110 AG 155 AV 109-10 - futurists. 199 - the past. 231 - prophets. 232, 237 C 160 - authors. CT 108 - H. G. Wells. GKC 156-62 GL 115 GS 30-1 153 - fun tn. H 79 - weakness of. 79-80-Wells. OR 170 - history and. 238 - nineteenth century. UTRECHT, Treaty of RR 63 WS 31 - Irish peasants. 212 , 217, 226-9 - goal of progress. 55-67 - Socialist. 17 - of names. 89-90 - in America. ACD 171 - relativity. CL CM 118-9 - rarity. 139 - frivolity. 145-6 - James. 106-7 - need. 34 - Wells. 115 - In Idealism. 28 - of souls. 35 - truth and. 230 - price and. CT H SP TA TM WS VAMPS 193 - In movies. AG VANDALISM 286-7 - Americans. AT 181-5 CM 43-4, 139 NJ VANDERBILT, Cornelius 25-7 - success. AT VANISHING 101 HA VANITY 287-Meredith. AB xll - pride and. ACD 251-2 - pride and. CM 81 - St. Francis. FA 2 - human nature. FT 130-2 - pride and. H 41 - self-consciousness HA 201 - Belfast. 11 37-8 - intel let tua I. RB 101 - manliness. B7 RS vi - optimism. SL 69 - concealing. SP TA 115- Louis IX. 405 VANITY (Cont'd.) 30, 162-3 VT (see also Conceit; Pride) VARIETY 144 - art and. CM 207 - necessity. CT 96-7 - liberty. EM 30 - unity and. TA VASSALAGE 34 - connotation. CM VATICAN City 255-94 RR 260-5 - size. 263 - holy land. 264 - as relic. 269 - meaning. 270 - tradition. VAUGHAN, Bernard, S. J. CC 38-9 VAUGHAN, Henry 284 AD 261 - religious poetry. FF 30 - visionary. OR VEGETARIANISM. AB 123-4 5-6 - objection to. AT 191-2 CP CT 153 - Shaw. EM 147, 189 - Pythagorean and Hindu. FF 48 - creed. 48-9 - ethics. 49-52 - Christianity and. 51-2 - religion. FL 117-21 - verses. 16 - prophecy. NA WB 201-3 - teetotallers. 122-3 - pagan and Christian. WS VELASQUEZ, Diego Rodriguez de Sllvay GL 23 VENICE 17-8 - German threat to deCE stroy. RR 214 - princes In. 163 - Saint Mark's Cathedral WS Tn. VENUS 64 CC EM 175 FA 32 Ml 123 VERDIER, Cardinal 38 CDU VERECUNDIA 120 - defined. AP VERECUNDIA (statue) 149 WS VERGIL, see Virgil. VEIUME, Jules 35-6 - style; Wells. UD VERNEDE , Robert 60-1 AB VERNON -SMITH, Cyril 270 - Dickens and. AD VERONESE, Paolo WB 16 VERSE 43 - sound. CT GKC 225 - poetry. VESTALS 290 OR 56 RR VESTMENTS 176 WS V1ALLETON, Louis 91 - Darwinism. TC VICE(S) 142 AB 247 - Swinburne. AG AT 50 - possession. 74 - paradox. 277-8 AV 163 208 CD 249-50 - pride and. CM 164 - vulgarity. CT 68 - hypocrites. H 109 - and virginity. 53 - the Reformation. OR 169 - admiration of. PAR 178 - In poetry. WB VICTOR Emmanuel, King 7-8, 91 - monument. RR VICTORIA, Queen 201 - wealth. AV 156 - poem. CL 151 - Edith Sitwell. CM 265 - sociality. CT 266-7 - age of. 118 - sense of humor. EM 289 - Jewish statesmen NJ 64 - family. SL 406 VICTORIA, Queen (Cont'd.) VT 225-34 - virtues. 226 - sanity; sympathy. 227-B - magnanimity. 228 - common sense. 229 - progressive. 229-30 - William iV and. 231-2 - reverence for. 232 - lower classes, 233-4 - humility. VICTORIAN Age (Inclusive term for Victorious), Vic­ torianism, etc.) A8 20 - description. 204 - criticism. 285 - celebrities. AG 65 - authors. 67 - middle class. 231 - paradoxes. AIS 35-6 - disadvantages. 128-32 - illusions. 194-9 - evolution and. AS 52-3 - eccentricities. 53-4 - literary contributions. 69 - Imperialism. 104 -fatalism; optimism. 171-3, 187-romance. 172 -sentiment. AV 67 - sentimentalism; helpless­ ness. 71, 105 169 -atheism. 170 - paganism. 179, 228 C 38 - commercialism. 150-3 - religion. 153 - comfort. 232 - glory. CD 3 - great men. 162-3 - feudalism. CM 44-7 - fiction. 78-92 129-30 -sex. 211 - escapism; evil. CT 79-Tennyson. 95-6 - family. 123 - sentiment. 189 -Macaulay. 253 - humanity. 265 - meaning; Victoria. FA 17 - Franciscan romance. FF GKC GL GW H HA II . LL NJ OS RS SL SP TA UD UU VA 407 161-2 - Idealism. 241 - science. 24 - faults. 79 - humor, 189-satire. 190 - popularity. 191 192 - criticism. 193 - patriotism. 216 - academic method. 124-5 - 20th century and. 125 - definition. 126 - patriotism; religion; tradition. 126-7 - romanticism; transi­ tion; Puritanism. 127 - anarchism. 17-8 - chaos. 69 - ethics. 28 - realism. 45-55 - Dickens. 175 48 - fantasy. 139 - English writers; Irish patriots. 53-4 - "early Victorian 152 - capitalism. 165 - agnostics. 221 - misconception. 67, 243-5 - theology. 14-5 - names. 23 - hair. 62-71 - tradition. 64 - domesticity. 65-6 - dress. 65, 67 - home. 201 - America. 247 - Dickens. 256 - fantasy. 67 - poetry. 8 - St. Francis. 51-2 - middle ages. 43-4 - end. 44 - religion. 200 - historical Interest. 4 - art. 11 12-89 - compromise. 31-2 - Macaulay. 38-40 - utilitarianism. 40 - rationalism. VICTORIAN Age (Cont'd.) VA 41 - Puritanism. 43-4 - Oxford Movement, 9 58- God In. 63-4 - schisms. 102 - purity. 103 - latltudlnarlanlsm; mor­ ality. 103, 153-5-humor. 112 - Industrialism. 123, 128-30, 142, 150, 162, 250 131 - supernatural Ism. 149 - pessimism. 152-5 - children's literature; nonsense. 153 - Englishman as blockhead. 154 - theatre. 156 - individual, the. 162 - Tennyson. 176 - Browning. 183 - Swinburne. 190 - Rossetti. 196 - revolt from. 202 - Patmore; Watson. 203 -Thompson. 10 209- politics; religion. 210 - art. 211 - science; ethics. 215 - liberalism; Protestan­ tism, 232 - Industrial system. 235-Shaw. 239 - Imperialism; socialism. 241 - progress. 243 - Stevenson. 249-Kipling. 250 - capitalism. VT 15 - beauty. 19-20 - evil In. 218 - Gladstone, etc.; sim­ plicity. WC 11 - Cobbett’s violence. 23 - outlook. 207 - judgment of England. 237-8 - origin. WS 41 - divorce. 84 - reactionism. 86 - the Sitwells. 126 - Industrialization. 129 - dress; woman suffrage. 149-satire. 158 - religion. 172 - evasion. (see also Nineteenth Century) VICTORIAN literature, see English llterWS ature. VICTORY CP GL NA 261 146-7 - monuments. 240 - psychology. 264 - commonplace. 254 - conquest of the un< NJ que tab le. 12 - conquest vanishing. TE 156-7 - death and. TT 13-4 - achievement. WW VIGILANCE 66 - liberty. EM 195 - Irish. II 213 - necessity. OR 249 - Christian. 261 - transcendence. VIGOR 263 CM VIKINGS 106 CE 209-10 H V1LLAFRANCA, Peace of CE 121, 122 VILLAGES SL 114, 183-Amerlca. 116 - industrialism. 131 - England. VILLAIN CD 285,288-9 VILLEHARDOUIN, Geoffroi de (13th century) NJ 224 VILLEIN 257-8 - medieval codes. NJ VILLON, Francois 175 - poetry. AS 226 - reading of. C 21 - plagiarism. CT 198-201 - Stevenson and. RS 198- 200-Joan of Arc St. and. 199- 200 - Ideals. 200- 1 - morals. VINCENT de Paul, Saint 152-3 - Baroque. RR 408 VIOLENCE 139 « enemy. AT 145 - forgiveness. 157 -duty; pleasure. 118 - worship of. H 249 - strength. MT 159-60, 164, 179-81 - ChrisOR tlanlty. 272 , 298 - Christ. 86 - virtue. SP 182 - Americans. WA 11 -Victorians. WC VIRILITY OR WA VIRTUE(S) AB AG AS AT ViRGJL AD AIS AS AV C EM 70 - cheese. 29 - Arnold. 85 70 - Georgies. 127 - as poet. 107 - God and. 93. 182-4 -Aeneid. 182-6, 188 - Roman sanity. 184 - Pan; folklore. 184-6, 188 - Eclogues. 202 - Birth of Christ. 177-8 - St. Francis. FA 178 - Dante. 148-9 - on happiness. OS 88 - chivalry. SD 44 SP 99 31 - Roman Imperium. UD 220-1 - enjoyment. 157, 160-6 VA 113 - Christianity. WB 212-3 - youth and. WS VIRGINIA 199 - characteristics. FF 216 - Civil War. WA 216-7 - Importance. VIRGINIA (early Roman) 167 - insult to. EM VIRGINITY 152- Catholicism. B 154 - worship of children. 254-5 - Chaucer on. C 20 - conversion and. CC EM 260-1 - heresy. 109 - vice and. H 179 - secularism. OR 290-1 - paganism. SP 102 - Arthurian. AV B CC CD CM CT DE FT GKC GL GW H LL OR RR SP TA TC π UU 409 158-60 - Christianity. 262 - definition. 16-7 - Victorian. 70-2 - Jewish. 142 - vice and. 256 - man of. 247, 250 - Swinburne. 72-3 - literature. 47-55 - negative. 48 - manliness. 53 - possession. 74 - French; paradox. 86 - reaction to. 163 - vice and. 150 - Church and. 52 - conversion and. 208 - vices and. 30 - monsters. 130 - sex. 249 - pride and. 170 - crime. 222 - America. 131 - defense. 60-1 - Charles II. 51 - prosperity. 145 - burden of knowledge. 102 - theological. 68 - hypocrites. 119 - hope. 154, 157-pagan. 158 - exuberant; sad. 158 - paradox. 91 - cmlmais as symbols of. 99 - the modems and. 53 - isolation. 53-80 - Reformation. 148-87, 272 188 - Stoicism. 215 - decadence. 226 - government and. 86 - liberating violence. 159-will. 32 - Christian. 14 - meaning. 77 - constancy. 256 - comfort. 274-5 - effects. 29-32 - adventure. 36 - religion. VIRTU E (S) (Cont’d.) 36-7 - capitalism. UU 218 - Broadstone of honour. WS 33 - Imitation. WW 297 - definition. 299-300 - mendicity. VISION 68 - paradox of. LL 270 - philosophy. WA Get olS^Sight) VISUAL Instruction FF 72-3 VIVISECTION 290-4 AT 144 - Shaw. CT 153 - cannibalism. 154 - human. 155 - antl-vivisectlon. VOCATION 99 - definition. HA 9, 10 - meaning. TE VOLCANO 44 WIS VOLSTEAD Act, 1919 101-4 SL VOLTAIRE, Francois 311 - wit. AB 56 - scepticism. AIS 56-60 - Frederick II. 57 - atheism; Joan of Arc; the poor and. 58-9 - democracy. 60 - English; Protestants. 68 - Paris. AT 267-8 - La Puce He. 128 - psychoanalyses. AV 86 - heathen and heretical CC thought. 29 - Frederick the Great. CE 30-5 - Frederick the Great. EA 31 - character; humanitarianIsm. 32 - skepticism. 33 - Influence. EM 296 - Christianity. 155 - on archeological disFA covery46, 80-1, 159 - Shaw and. GBS GKC 199 - Art of. 140-4 - age of reason. GS 12 - wit. HA NJ 224, 266 - Crusades. 261 - Eastern sympathies. RR SL SP SS TC VA WB WS 172 - Frederick the Great. 65 - bishops and. 24 - wit. 91 95 - Inquisition. Joan of Arc and. 10 - on gardens. 97 - Joan of Arc condemned by· 26-T. Hood. 177 - E. Browning. 217 - St. Anselm. 235 - Shaw. 114, 117 - on Calas. 166-7 - Blake; war. 210 - epigrams. 255 - Candide. VOTING AT AV CT FF MM NJ OR SL TT 38 - Impersonation. 159 - two-party system. 133 - whip. 61 - ignorance. 7-8 - women, 145-6 - determination. 221-2 - profoundly Christian. 185 - In America. 151 - In England. 280-1 - ignorance. 196-7 - understanding. WW 218 - coercion. 361- 3 - democracy. 362- 3 - unfeminine. fsee also Franchise; Suffrage) VOWS AG AP CC DE FF OS SD 410 101 - happiness. 23-4 28-9 - non-Catholic attitude. 31-2 - extraordinary. 31- 9 - nature of. 32- 3 - sanity of. 33 - objection to. 35 - revolt against. 38 - self-discipline. 38-9 - essence of. 121 - and betting. 134 - volunteers for distri­ butism. 19- 20 - marriage. 20- 1 - definition. VOWS (Cont’d.) SD 25 - unalterable Ideal. 27 - voluntary loyalty. 30 - and divorce. 31 - and sex. 83-96 - history. 85-6 - of Orlando; St. Valen­ tine. 86 - idea of. 88 - nature of. 90 - and slavery. 90-1 - feudalism. 91 - chivalry. 92 - guild. 92-3 - knighthood. 94 - caste system. 97 - destruction of. 100 - the knight; the monk; slavery. UD 175-8 -and love. 177-8 - paradox. VT 67 - Francis of Assisi. WS 19 - modem appreciation. 82 - refusing. VULGARITY AD 90 - contempt and. AT 42 - journalism; politics. 151 - distinction and. AV 121-3 - eccentricity. CM 170-2 CT 28 - coarseness; the Bible; Rabelais. 103 - morality. 164 - vice. 164-5 - meaning of. 166-7 - gentlemen. 167 - examples. 271—2 - popularity and. FF 15-6 - medieval appreciation. H 101 - joy and. 113 - journalism and. RR TH UD 37 - Mlchaelangelo. 146-7 - restraint. 6 - Dickens. 12 - democracy. WW 109 - refinement. 308-13 - poor and. WAERLOWE (town) TT 309 WAGES AT NJ OS SUR WS ] 19 - earning. 97-8 - Jews. 62 - wealth and. 25 - the poor. 121 - minimum wage; property; Murry. 264 - lowering. WAGGETT,, Rev. 178, 269 AB WAGNER, Richard 96 - Shaw. GBS 185 - Tannhauser. LL WAIN, Mildred 106 CP WAITERS 143-5 - Dickens. ACD WALES 233-8 UD 237 - importance. 238-labor. WALHAM Green 63-4 TT WALKER, Frederick AB 65 WALKING 62 AT WALKING stick 2 - glass. GL 181 - as crutch. RDQ 338-40 - umbrella and. WW WALK LEY, Thomas GBS 107 - Ibsen. WALL paper 73 TT WALL Street 89 AG WALLACE, Alfred Russel 39 - utilitarianism. VA WALLACE, Edgar 113 AB 34 - Trent's last case. CT 34-8 - detective stories. 37 - South Africa. WALLACE, Sir William (d. 1305) 108-10 GL 131 SE WB 190 WALPOLE, Horace AIS 156 AV 179 411 WALPOLE, Horace (Cont’d.) 135-6 - censorship. GBS 218 - skeptic. SE 147 - Castle of Otranto. WC WALPOLE , Hugh 225 AB 65 AG WANDERLUST 99 EM WAR 230 - justifiable. AB 253 - defense. 255-6 - Intellectual aspects. 40 - memorials. AG 71 - Liberals. 20 - pacifism. AIS 69-70 - civil tzatlon. 28 - death and. AS 29 - justification. 29-30 - civilization. 60 - Chinese. AT 225 - Christians and. 228 - defined. 272 - failure. 37- Bible. AV 222-30 61 - heraldic wars; motives. C 39 - danger oft Germany and CDU Poland. 35 - medievalism. CM 273-4 - culture and. 274 - internationalism in. 72, 220 CP 61 - materialism; religious CT war. 84 - religions. 248 - justification. 202-3 - preferable to slavery. EA 149-50 - the humble fight. EM 160-76 - philosophy of his­ tory. 206, 211 -Christianity. 48 - Italian city-states. FA 48-9 - modem and medieval. 137-evil. FF 176 - women, 177-8-civilization. 22 - English attitude. FT GBS 118 71-2 - morality. GL 72 - religion and. 140-2 - rational ists, 18th , century. H /' 91 - magnanimity. 94 - belief and. 138 - sinfulness. 180 - world-state. HA 99 - honor. 133 - laughter. JJ 89 - as enemy. MM 164-5-evil. NA 119 - religious war». 150 NJ 56 - nationalism. 201 -double eagle. 227 - patriotic. 228 - religious. 239 - modem. Crusade fight­ ing and. OR 179-80 - Catholic Church. SD 112-abolition. 114 - romance; marriage. SE 189 - natural war; definition. TA 53-paradox. TC 111 - horrors of youth. 133 - reaction against. TE 8 - greatness and. 10 - Tennyson on. TT 155-results. TY 61 - Christian. 80 - bombing. UD 14, 16 - morality. 2 91- English attitude. 213 - origin. UU 126-31 - responsibility for. 169-73 - contractors and. WA 152 - and prohibition. 228 - and distance. WB 117-8 - morality. 173 - Blake on. WC 99-100 - purpose. WW 31 - scientific. 142 - revolution and. 143-4 - advantages. WAR criminals FF 39 - punishment. GS WAR songs AB 303 WARD, (?) CC 58-9 - on lying. WARD, Mrs. Humphry VA 112 - Victorian industrialism. 412 WARD, Wilfred 208 - Influence on ChesterAB ten. WARLOCKS WB 123 - power. WARRIOR CP 13 - unknown. H 108 - hedonism. WAR of the Roses C 45-6 - historians on. 61 - heraldic war*. 204 - disruption of England. WARSAW GS 56 - European civilization. WARSAW, Battle of AV 87-8 - Bolshevism. WASHING WW 297 - a* virtue. WASHINGTON, Booker T. AB 196-Well*. WASHINGTON, George ACD 173 CT 204 - misrepresentation. 205 EA 152 - Isolationism. HA 15 - Cincinnatus. II 115 - Imperial aristocracy. SE 138-9 - In English history. 232-3, 236 - English aristo­ crat*. WASHINGTON, D.C. WA 76-8 WATER AT 36 - wine and. CP 185-202 WATERLOO, Battle of AT 61-3 CE 45-60 GL 114 WATHERSTON, Alexander AB 101 WATSON, Wil Ilan AB 316 CM 91 VA 202 WATT, James SE 252-3 - Industrialism. UD 212-3 - religion. VT 104 - Stevenson and. WATTEAU, Jean Antoine ACD 107 - happiness. EM 185 - shepherds. WATTIGNIES GL 114 WATTS, G.F. GW 1-3, 7-23 - 19th century. I - birth. 7 - art. 11, 77, 97-104, 107-8, 135 - Hope . II - nobility. 11,29, 30 . 64 - Court of death. 11, 30, 140-3 - Love and death. 12 - humility. 12-7 - didacticism. 17—22 - aesthetics; ethic*. 23- 33 - ancestry. 24 - Celtic spirit. 24, 27 - austerity. 24- 8 - essence of art of. 24-9 - Edward Burne-Jones. 28-30, 116-43 - technique. 29 - materialism. 29, 126, 139 - Eve repen­ tant. 29, 57 -Jonah. 29, 30, 57, 64, 106-13, 115, 126 - Mammon. 29, 57 - The Minotaur. 30, 134-Cain. 30 - Time, death and judg­ ment. 30 - Englishman. 30 - Matthew Arnold. 30, 165-6 - Wm. Gladstone. 30 - John Milton. 33- 6 - artistic education. 34 - literature. 34- 5 - sculpture. 34 - earliest works. 34 - Wm. Bohnes; Elgin mar­ bles; Homer; Ruskin; Scott. 35, 53 - In Italy. 36-41 - individualism. 39-Rosettl. 39, 45, 70 - Thackeray. 40 - Impressionism; PreRaphaelltlsm; Whistler. 41, 73-7, 82-3 - Tennyson. 42-5 - seif-portrait. 413 WATTS, G. F. (Cont'd.) GW 45 - Bohemlonlsm. 45- 8 -C. lontdes. 46 - homogeneity. 46- 8 - The wounded heron. 46, 77, 143-64 - portraiture. 47- 8 - humanitarianism. 48 - Ferdinand and Isabella. 48- 9 - Royal Academy. 51 -Caractacus. 51-4 - Parliament prize. 51-4 - public idea of. 53 - Lord Holland. 54 - St. George and the dragon. 54-7 - gambling. 54-8 - purltanism; stoicism. 57 - Fata Morgana. 57, 139 - For he had great possessions. 58 - self-abnegation. 58-70 - universality. 58- 70 - paradox of. 59- 60, 83-114 - allegorical paintings. 64 - Happy warrior. 66 - Buddhism; Dante. 69- 70 - ethics. 70- 7 - friendship. 74 - Flower in the crannied wall. 77 - solemnity. 77-81 - Browning-Tennyson portraits. 102-3, 131-3 - mysticism. 103 - Blake; Fra Angelico. 114-6 - ideas In art of. 125, 126, 129 - The dweller in the Innermost. 126, 135-6 - Diana end Eudymton. 126-34 - use of color. 133- 4 - use of light. 134- 43- line, composition, draughtsmanship. 136*43 - the human back. 140 - Good luck to your fishing. 145 - prlmallsm. 146-7 - optimism. 149 - Carlyle. GW 149-50 - hero-worship. 150, 153-4 - Wm. Morris portrait. 154 - Carlyle portrait; Mil­ lais. 159- 60 - Rossetti portrait. 160- 3 - Arnold portrait. 163*4 - Manning portrait. 165 - humor. 165-6 - solemnity. RB 112 - portrait of Browning. WATTS-DUNTON AB 290-3 WAVES TT 203-4 WAYNEFLEET, Lady Cecily GBS 148 WEAKNESS H 87 - paradox. SL 61 - examples of. WEALTH AD 238 - society and. AT 25-avarice. AV 200-1, 204 - English. 201 - Whigs. C 44 - problem. CM 175-modem. 222-4 - socialism. CT 7 - effects. 15 - England. 184-6 - god of. DW 16 - distribution; Shaw. FF 47-simple life. GKC 104-Cobbett. GL 123 - democracy. H 177-Irish. MM 49-50-evil. 170-1 - and poverty. 171 - monopoly. 282-3 - self-knowledge. 283 - and crime. NJ 143 - minorities. OR 215-26 - democracy. OS 62 - wages. 73 - big business. TC 127-32 - English Reformers. TT 214 - crime and. VT 80 - pessimism. WA 184 - America; democracy. WC 31 - Cobbett on. WW 50 - politics. 414 WEALTH (Cont'd.) WW 70-1 - women. im olio Millionaire»; Poor; Rich) WEAPONS EA 199-200 - peace through fear. WEATHER AD 138-40 - England. 140 - and sterility. MM 81-2-and strike», 82-3 - human conduct. RR 165-7 - Roman. TT 18-9 - romance. WA 64-5 - America; England. WS 164-Ireland. WW 110-1 - worship and. 111 - equality. 112 - brotherhood, WEBB, Mr». Mary Gladys (Meredith) GKC 247, 251-2 - The Golden ar­ row. 247, 252 - Precious Bane. 247-8 - Housman. 247-53 - The golden arrow. 248 - Shropshire lass. WEBB, Sidney AB 108, 201, 229 CC 99 GBS 86 VA 91 WEDDING AIS 223-4 CP 61-3 SD 106-7 - cake» and shoes. WEDMORE, Treaty of SE 53 WEIZMANN, Ghalm NJ 130, 293, 300-1 - Zionism. 5 294- Arab*. WELLESLEY, Arthur, see Wellington, Duke of. WELLINGTON, Duke of (Arthur Welles­ ley) AV CD CE 119 -Malboraugh case. 298-9 -Nelson and. 59 - an Prussia . 59-60 - criticised. 242-3 - defeat of Napoleon. 258 - realist. VT 203-4 - George IV; humility. WS 179-80-as soldier. WELLS, Carolyn GS 1 - detective stories. SE WA 22 WELLS, Herbert George AB 143, 144, 179, 227 196 - B. T. Washington. 227 - Henry James. 228 - reactionary. 230 - Boer War. 236-7 - Shaw. 253-4 - World War I. AD 154 - superman. 260 AG 16 - on boob. AIS 27-8 - progress. 178 AS 182-3 - criminology. AT 16-reading. AV 25 - on the world. 53 - the English. 53-9, 229, 231-6 54 - greatness. 97 - Shaw. 231 - historian. 236 - on corruption. CC 28 - Catholic Churoh. CM 175 179-80 - the supernatural. CT 105 - world peace. 106 - open conspiracy. 108 - Marxians; popes; Ra­ mans. 108, 174 - utopia. 109 - authority. 112, 115, 144 - philosophy. 145 - method. 174 - original sin. EA 132-World War I. 152 - utopia. 161 - world state. EE 89—91 - eugenics. EM 5-6 - historian. 26-8 - evolution; time ma­ chine. 52, 65-8, 78 - the old man. 53 - novels. 77 - paganism. 252 - Eucharist. FA 24 - history. FF 117-8 - essayist; criticism. 118-9, 122 - novelist. 195-6 - distortion of history. GBS 219-Shaw. H 34-5 - economics. 415 WELLS/ Herbert George (Cont'd.) H 68-91 73 - humility. 75 - class distinction. 76 - conservatism; courage. 80-1 - philosophy. 84 - Shaw. 89- Heniey; hero-worship. 287-91 - philosophy of life. NA 15 - science ond the future. NJ 172 - deity. 173 - materialism. 215 - theology. 216 - NIcea. OR 58-9 - skepticism. 61—2. 65-6 — thought. 68 - will. 111 - Spencer. RR 42-gods. 119-20-Buddhism. RS 91 - Henley; prophecy. 252 SL 220 - original sin. TA 217 - nominalism. TC 7 - the Trinity. 91-2 - Keith. 205/ 224-9 - evolution; Bel­ loc. UD 35-6 - Verne. 36 - style. 99 - horses. 254 - new religion. VA 215 230 - James. 238 - science. 238-9 - adventure stories. 239 - socialism. WA 230-3 - political theory. 248 - world state. 291 - democracy. WS 33 - new utopia. 89 - Intellectuals. 127-Marx. 133 - Huxley. Ann Veronica. ÂD 179 ’ Clissold. AV 179 Food of the gods and how It camo to earth. H 85 God. the Invisible king. NJ 172 The Great State. EE 70-1 Mankind In the making. AV 58 EE 90-1 Open conspiracy. CT 105-10 Outline of history. AS 49-50 EM 305 NJ 215 RR 39-40 TC 171 Secret places of the heart. FF 118-9, 122 The time machine. ACD 115 Utopias. GKC 156-7 WELSH UD 234 - characteristics. 236 - caricatures. 238 - and Jews. WEMBLEY Exhibition, 1904 GL 98 WENTWORTH, Thomas, see Strafford. 1st Earl of. WESLEY, John TC 30 - on sin, VA 242 VT 110-1 - confidence, WESSEX SE 45 WEST, Rebecca (Cicily Isabel Folrflekfl SL 219 TA 119 - St. Augustine; sex In. WEST AS 96-9 - mystery; psychology. MM 193-4 - civilization. NJ 111 - color In. 120 - nationalism. 121 - national frontiers. 187 - reason and. 208 - rebirth of civilization. RR 58-9 - universal religion. 68 - Papacy and. 81 - Rome and. TA 91 - land of the crucifix. UD 68-9 - culture. 416 WEST (Cont’d.) UD 70 - democracy. WA 240 - importance. (»ee also East ond Wert) WESTMINSTER Abbey C 114 - poet1» comer. CM 182 - Idol», NJ 63-4 - Mosque of Omar. SP 103-11 - religious aspect. 103 - tombs. 104 - statue». 109 - Jerusalem Chamber. WESTMINSTER Gazette AB 273 WEYMAN, Stanley VT 165—6 - romanticism , WHALES FF 142 - and death. WHATLEY, Bp. AV 83-Napoleon. WHEEL AD 211-6 214 - paradox. 215 - soul and. 6 215-humility. CP 161-3 WC 72-3 - symbol of Industrialism. WHIG AG 15 68 - theory of history. AS 69 - Victorianism. AT 239 - aristocracy. AV 117 - John Churchill. 201 - wealth. CT 83 - Puritans. 83-4 - establishment. 134 - Johnson. 203 - American democracy. FF 265-8 - literary criticism. 265-8, 270-1 - Tories. 271 - pride. GL 105 SE 205 - principles. 211-28 - rise to power. 231-2 - aristocracy. VA WC 250 - French Revolution. 28-30, 33-4 - Macaulay. 29 - the Negro. 30 - Moore; Rogers; Smith, 17 - monarchy. 69, 73 - Tories. WC 196, 223 156 - school of hhtory. WS WHIP (In politics) 133 CT WHISKERS 107-8 - society and. AV WHISTLER, James (d. 1903) 87 AB 238 - popular judgment AT 91 GBS 211-2 - art. GS 213-4 - evaluation. 13-7 GW 40 - Watts and. 41 - pessimist. 236-46, 266 - art. H 238-46 - weakness. 239 - laughter. 240 - satire. 28 - wit. HA 179 - as critic. MM 199 - portrait studies. OR 28, 88, 102, 218 RS VA 219-20 WHITE, Blanco CC 61-3 - Catholicism. WHITE (color) 13-4 π WHITE Horse 252-9 - vale of. AD 205-99-ballad of the. CP 12 - of Hanover. II WHITE House 227 - popes tn. CT WHITEHALL 17-Whig center. WC WHITEWASHING 221-3 CM WHITMAN , Walt AB 90 AS 33, 175 166 - optimist. AV 170 - pagan. 210 135, 199 CM 161 - nature. 203 - the mob. CP 45 255, 257 - Dickens. CT 260 - democracy. GBS 188 - optimism. 417 WHITMAN, Walt (Cont'd.) GL 81 H 111 - joy. 246 - greatness. 273 - democratic emotion. HA 104 - Schopenhauer. 131 - democracy. 82 - Russell. II LL 35 - Influence. 63 - greatness. 64 - modesty. 177 - optimism. OR 43 - poems on humanity. RB 49 - Browning and. 150 - nature. 165, 184 RR 160 38 - Pope and. RS 37 - pantheism. SP 206 - praise of the body. TA 21, 23-8, 30-2 - man. TC 103, 104 - Stevenson. VT 110-1 -confidence. 128 - simplicity. 29 - repetition. WA 60 - genius. 166-7 - on womanhood. 276 WB - decency. 174 - obscenity. 174-7- Blake and. 252 - Cobbett and. WC WS 87-8 - an pioneers. 133 - followers. Leaves of grass. C 137, 139 WA 167 174 WB WICKHAM, Harvey CM 31 - on James. 230-3 - criticism. CT 233 - on Proust. WICKSTEED, Philip 281, 325 AB 79 CC WIDOWS 133-6 - In literature. AIS 83-4 - Chaucer's family. C WIFE, see Husband and wife. WILBERFORCE, William 269 - humanitarianism. SE TT WILD geese 36 - Irish soldiers. CDU WILDE, Oscar AB 89 CM 87 CT x - journalism. 28 - Irish. GBS 28 - philosophy. 91 106 - art. 16 - immorality. H 107 - hedonism. 143-4 - charletan. HA 186 - Salome. LL 104 - paying for joy. OR 23 - an Stevenson. RS 28, 100 88 - respectability. 91 - philosophy. 215 - socialism. SL 55 -flattery. TC 136 - Lytton. VA 217-27 218 - aesthetes. 222 - absurdity. 223 - Maeterlinck. 224 - bad taste; immorality. 225 - power. 227 - socialism. 231 - James. 150 - on bravery. WS 230 - on cynics. The ballad of Reading Gaol. 227 VA De profundis. 227 VA WILDER, Thornton 258 - Bridge of San Luk Rj/' SL WILKES, John 72 - republicanism. OR 214 - Johnson. VA 45-6 - on liberty. WC 70 - Johnson. 80 - exposition. WILHELM 11, Kaiser, see William ll, t"1 peror of Germany· WILL AD AG CM CT 418 192 - sacrifice. 89 - Christian Science. 235-7 - fate vs. 125 - morality and. WILL (Cont'd.) FL 183-valu·. OR 66-80 - modem theory. SUR 59-fat·. (toe alio Choice Free will; General will) WILLIAM 11, Emperor of Germany AP 61 - despotic. 67-8 - English Army. CE 27-30 EM 164-5 - hatred of. II 210 - William of Orange and. RR 171-2 - fighting England. 172 - influence of Kipling. VT 228-9 237-45-poet. 238 - Europe. 241 - politician!. 243- 4 - uniformi. 244- 5 - rrodemlty. WILLIAM I (the Conqueror), King of England LL 139-40-stoutness. SE 69-70-reign. SP 108 - Edward the Confessor. UD 186-7 - tellgiout influence on. WILLIAM III (Wm of Orange), King of England AIS 47 154 - Macaulay. AS 46 AV 116 - John Churchill. 120 - g lari oui revolution. 137 CM 268 - foreigner. 278 H 211 11 210 - William of Prussia. SE 217 - leader against Ireland. 219-20 - character. WS 154 - censorship. 169 - history and, WILLIAM IV, King of England VT 229-30 - Queen Victoria and. WILLIAM of Malmesbury GL 52 - King Arthur. WILLIAM of St Amour TA 79 - Perils of the latter times. WILLIAMS, Ernest Hodder AB 96,116 WILLIAMS, Michael TC 110, 167 WILSON, Sir Henry Hughes CT 246 WILSON, John Noctes Ambrostanae. GBS 216 VA 23 WILSON, Woodrow CT 246 EA 37 - on monarchs. 152 - repudiation. 201 - Impracttcallty. NJ 293 - Wetzmann. WA 122 - despotism; failure. 128 - Democratic Party. WINCHESTER (England) WA 70 - tradition. WIND MM 18, 24 - description. TT 89 - origin > 2 90- symbolism. WINDHAM, William WC 62-3, 77, 99, 100 WINDLE, Sir Bertram WS 77 - science and the Church. WINDOW CM 242-3 CT 112-3 - open and closed. GKC 19-pride. RDQ 165 - hood as. (ee also Stained glass) WINE AD 281-2 - black. AG 81 - culture and. AT 36 - water and. CP 70-1, 174-5, 185-202 EM 96 - gift of the gods. H 248 - symbol. UD 143-4 - teetotallers; Chris­ tians. WINTER LL 163 - landscape. MM 72-4 - description. NJ 90-Holy Land. UD 219-20 - advantages. WISDOM AG 51 - growth in. AT 116-secrecy. GL 174 - sham. H 119 - journalism. HA 163-4 - woman. PAR 214 - last lesson. QSS 47 - weary of. 419 HA WISDOM RR SL UD (Cont'd.) 232 - man'» opponent*. 6 - age and. 108 - wit. 163 - of man. WW 156 - cleverness. WISEMAN, Nicholas Patrick VA 159 - Browning and. WISHES AIS 1 - Freud. 1-4 - fulfillment. 3 - reality v*. UD 112— extravagance. 113-4-fulfillment. WIT and humor AB 311-2 - French. ACD 8-10, 99-100, 210 - Dicken*. 21 -English. AD 38-44 - medieval. 43-hell. 231-8 - essence; the wealthy. 233 - sense of humor. AG 176-7 - Shaw. AS 142 155, 157 - brevity In wit. AT 9—19 — Cockney. 12-9 - popular humor. 14 - cheese. 15 - mothers-in-law. 238 - aristocratic. 239 - commercial. Dickens. C 20 - Chaucer. CD 109-11 - Dicken». CM 139-40 - reverence. CT 247 - French witticism. DE 96-7 - omniscience. FF 52-3 - human body. 168-9 - sources; England. FT 15 - Imagination and. GBS 46 - agnosticism; purl tan Ism. GKC 17 - Holmes. 134-5 - Bateman. 197 - Johnson. 269-70 - the familiar. GL 174 - wit a iham. H 17 - parliament. 204 - aristocrats; the poor. 21&—7 - serious subjects. 233 - humor In man. HA 11 - comparison. II LL NA OR PL SL SP UD VA VT 252 - WA WS 28-35-W. W. Jacobs. 108 194 - English; American. 81 - French. 84 - esprit. 167 - early Victorian. 51 - humor as mysterious. 223-4 - Christian art; saint». 224 - pride and levity. 126 - losing sense of humor. 106-7-Prohibition. 22 - humor: modem usage. 23 - wit as reason. 24 - justice and humility. 26 - humor in European liter­ ature. 29 - pride. 107-8 - Intellectual quailties. 108 - seriousness; wisdom. 52 - German classicism. 43 - imagination. 134 - Sermon an the Mount. 179-82 - International dif­ ferences. 179- 95 - Bret Harte. 180- 1 - French; Irish. 181- 2 - Scotch. 182 - Twain. 183-6 - American; parody. 217-8 -Ruskin. 26, 158-9, 161, 208-10, 250-5 - America. 40 - advertising. 160 - internationalism. 161 - travellers. 147 - Brave new world. 210 - the press. 242 - Thomas More. 229 also Jokes) WW (see WITCH CM 94 159-60 CT 81-2 EE 123 WB WITNESSES 170-2 FF WITTE, Serger Yulfevlch NJ 297 WIVES. see Husband and wife. 420 AT 106 - despotic. 158 - Instinct. AV 48 - suffrage. 146 - Germany. B 365 - emotional times. C 25-6-Chaucer on. 141-2 - praise of. CD 129 - psychology. 253 - equality. CM 143 - American Idealism. CP 94-5 - tn industry. 358 - strength of. 365 - courage. CT 195 - Jane Austen. 196 - tn literature. 267 - righto of. EM 80 - Babylonia. FF 54-64, 224-5 - in professions, 55 - law enforcement. 59- legal profession. 63 - conscription. 83 - employment. 176 - war and. 176, 179 - courage. 17B - politics. 178, 224-7, 230 - position of. 178-80 - limitations. 179 - strength. 188 - progressiveness. 225-9 - emancipation. FR 230 - desire to be useful. GKC 208-12 - in Dickens. H 57-Shaw. HA 72-4 - Shakespeare. 145 - immoral. 163-4 - wisdom, 164 - realism. JJ 16 - manual labor. LL 64 - modesty. 180 - Meynell's works. M 62 - trust In; religion, MAN 15 - beautiful. MM I - power of. 1-9 - In politics. 314 - primitive society. NA 127 - nature and. NJ 101-5 - Moslem. 107 - Oriental. 107- 8 - Bethlehem. 108- 9 - Moslem and Chris­ tian. WIZARD WB 124 - protection. WODEHOUSE, P. G. AG 98 EA 61 - heroes. GL 163 - freshness. WOLFE, Humbert CT 39-41 WS 90 WOLFE, James (d. 175S, AG 218,219 AS 46 GL 55-9- legend. 56-7 - Gray*» Elegy. SE 227 WOLLSTONECRAFT, Mary VA 91 WB 30 WOLSEY, Thomas, Cardinal SE 167-8 UD 158-9 WOMAN ACD 56, 156-7-Dicken». AD AG AIS AP AS AT 155 - good. 61-3 - generalizations. 140 - variability. 72 - equality. 193 - experience. 253 - wise. 71 - cynicism. 72 - asceticism. 99-G. Meredith. 40-1 - treatment: American, German, French. 26-7 - equality. 184 - education. 184-7 - love. 186-dignities. 189- 93 - novels. 190- 3 - description; Impres­ sions. 209-13 - fashions. 15-6 - oppression. 18-9 - dignity. - unreasonable. 74 - French; responsibility. 99-106 - emancipation. 101 - worry. 102 - upper classes. 102 - ordinary. 6 105- culture. 106 - despotic. 26 42] WA WOMAN (Cont'd.) OR 128-9-loyalty. 163 - contempt for. 244 - love. 288-9 - place of. PAR 31 - paradox. 48-01 thinker*. QSS 10 - return of Eve (poem). RDQ SCT SD SE SP SUR TA TAL TT UD UU VA WA 235 - logic. 138-knowing. 42 - Ibsen; Shaw. 50-1 - emancipation. 61-3 - revolt. 66 - freedom. 66 -a* servant!. 66 - career. 140 - Irish. 82-3 - Moslem and Christian attitudes. 13 - sentimental. 50 - masculine, 51 - magnanimity. 120 - fear of; Institution. 33 - beauty and purity. 34 - happiness. 37 - muse. 82 - rebellions. 269 - practical. 270 - men and. 55 - Irish. 80- 3 - subjugation. 51- 2 - middle ages. 81- 2 - Milton. 82- 3 - Roman Empire. 133—5 — philanthropy of English ladles. 171 - position of, 208, 210 - domesticity. 208-10 - emancipation. 209- 10 - employment. 249 - parrots and. 77-8 - drinking. 54 - prejudice*. 71 - smile of. 5 91- novel*. 141-2 - civilized, 148 - paradox of. 87 - employment. 8, 87173 - position of. 162, T65-7, 172, 193, 259 American. 172 - politic*. WB WC WS WW 172 - politic*. 174 - fad*. 259 - English. 281 - conventionality. 189-96 - art of Blake. 189-equality. 217 - respect for. 232 - love. 70 - independence; wealth. 113-8, 172-3 - comradeship. 114 - equality. 118 - fear of. 158-9 - fire and. 158-67 - seclusion. 158-67 - talents. 158-67, 186-91 - universali­ ty160 - as stabilizer. 161, 319-20 - sanity. 166-7 - loyalty. 168-75 - prejudice. 168-75, 186-91 - thrift. 168-77, 186-91 - dignity. 181- 5-artificiality. 182- 5 - coldness. 183 - emotion. 184 - clothing; modesty. 186-91 - universality. 192-7 - surrender. 209- 16 - anarchy. 210- 6 - society. 214 - marriage. 215 - procreation. 215-6 - education of chil­ dren. 217- 9 - as rulers. 218- 9 - persuasive. 220 - ideal. 220-5 -self-supporting; as slave*. 221 - efficiency. 317-20 - specialists and. 344 - meaning of "womanly." (see also Husband and wife) WOMAN suffrage AS 184 - love and suffragette*. AT 18-9, 107 - characteristics af suffragettes. AV 48-52 FF 62 - realism. 178-9 244-6-error. 422 WOMAN wffrag· (Confd.) MM 1-9, 305 NJ 46 WS 129 - Vlctadaplsm. WW 141-5 -militait. 142-4 - anarchy. 195-7, 361-3 WONDER AB 31 - childhood. AIS 181-6 - invention*. CDU 33 - poetry . CL 108 -home. 157-8 CM 57 - art and. 114 - children. CP 61 - sword of surprise. 64, 76-7 DE 63-70 - nonsense and. FF 237-43 - modem lack. [| 213 - art and. OR 97 - pralie. 209 - humility. 247, 250 - pantheistic. π 7 (see also Astonishment) WONDER-WORKING UD 115-6 WOOD FF 192 - symbolism. TT 115 - contemplation. WA 81 - superstition. 81, 96 - symbolism. 4 83- In literature. 95-6 - In architecture. WOODCUTTER CP 347-8 WOODS, Mrs, Margaret Louisa GKC 219 - on ballads. WOODS ACD 188 TT 104 - metaphor. WORDS AD v - derivation. AT 216-7 - symbols. 217-8 - degeneration. B 96 - quarrel over. C 217 - paradox. 217-8 - archaic phrases. 222 - originality. 224-5 - meaning. CD 2-definition. 174 - philosophy. 216 - power. CT 48 - new poetry. 51-2 - tradition. 164 - meaning. 228-9 GKC 158, 163 - and fall of man GS 158-64 - misuse. 94-7 - arbitrariness. GW 41-3 - Kipling. H 52 - value. II 59 - household words In Ireland. 56 - use of. LL 231 - long v* short. OR 144-5 - use. RS 21 - distinctions. SL 128-9 - obsolete. UD 113-4 - erroneous use. VT 257 - sanctity. I - etymology. WB WORDSWORTH, William 74-5 - style. AIS 175- poetry. AS 191-7 AV 294 - works. CD 201 - Babbitt. CM 36 CP 7 FA 164, 166 - novelty. GL 43 H 13 MM 116-on clouds. NJ 207 - nature. OR 136 - Ode on the Intimations RB of Immortality. 141, 143 150 - nature. 54, 243-4 - childhood. RS 38 - Shelley. VA 161,202 159-60 - Blake and. WB 55 WC WORK 184 - shirking. ACD 169-74 - man and. AIS 29 - success; the poor. AT 216 - and slavery. CT EE 149-51 - pride in. 34 - necessity. FR 140 - In dramas. HA CM 15-6 - wonder. 144 - love of. 146-7 - Christian and. 26 - upside down. PL 24 - shelter from. QSS 40 - learning. RDQ 165 - a window. 39 - fanatical. RR 138 - culture and. 17 - weak against divorce. SD 3 - criticism in. SL 43 - real and ideal. SP 134 - salvation of. TA 30^ - progress. WS 152 - a divorce court. WW 171-5-thrift. (see a Iso Civilization; Cosmos; Earth; Life; Universe.) WORLD control. see World State. WORLD government 109-10 - difficulties; repre CT sentation. 110 - patriotism. WORLD peace. see Peace. WORLD politics 21 - Germany. CE WORLD state 15 CP 108-9 - spontaneity; Wells. CT 161 - Wells. EA 106 - Roman Empire. GL 80 - war; Wells. H 231 - America. WA 232 -3 - functioning. 233 - peace. 241-2 - Industrialism. WORLD War 1 213- 7 - cause of. AB 214- 7 - Quakers. 216-7 - pacifists. 252 - result. 253-4-Wells. 330 - Russian atrocities. 15-7 - German mythology. AIS 2, 16, 30, 85, 86 - Eng­ AP land's reasons for entering 5-13 - reasons for. 6 - declaration of. 21, 28-30 - cause. AS 21-2 - internationalism. 26-30 - the aged. OR WORK (Cont'd.) 140 - In dramas. HA 134 - American» and. INC 136 - the poor and. LL 249 - modem and medieval NJ workman. 38-9 - drinking and. SL 60 - uteleu. SP 127 - hameu the tea. 177 - frivolity. π 238-9 - tinging and. 104 - respect; American». WA WORKHOUSES 46-8 - English. ACD 267-9 - evil». SE WORKMAN· we Labor. WORLD 225-7 - destroying spirit in. AD 7-8 - shape of. AG 26 - intellect in. 108 - logic In. 156 - limitations. 212 - of Browning. 13 - gain and. AV 43 - home. B 273 - Chaucer’s regard of. C 222 - children. CL 18-9 - and youth. CT 44-a divorce court. 98 - problem of today. 118 - confused by language. 63-4 - childhood of. DE 75, 97-100 - corruption. 79 - age. 26-7 - cure of. FA 83-4 - Inversion; Francis of Assisi. 95 - subtlety. 116 - dependence In. GKC 48 - strangeness. 84 - death and. GL vll - a painted show. GR 146 - optimism. GW 49 - as foe. H 51 - concept of. 59 - madness and. 257 - seen from behind. MT 13 - confusion of. NJ 170-1 - nonwniraculous, and scientists. 245-6 - modem, medieval. 424 WORLD War 1 (Cont'd.) 30 - prediction. AS 203 - Germons. AV 224, 227 - England. 227-30 - post-war period In England. 163-73 CE 10-2 CP 15, 21-6, 36-7 - armistice. EA 99, 130-1, 168-Allies. 133 - results. 162 - ethnic grounds for. 168 - European culture. 189 - theory of Europe. 7 - rebuilding after. ED 236-9 - eugenics. EE 164-5 - holy hatred of Ger­ EM mans. 39 - war criminals. FF 39-40 - peace treaties. 185 - England. 15 - role of France. HH 89-96 - Ireland in. II 91 - Chesterton1· non-parti clpafion. 92-3 - Allied caute. 122-30 - Anglo-Jrlth policy. 211-pride. MM 157-65 - France In. NJ 26 - victories. WORRY ACD AT π WORSHIP AD 184 101 - woman. 49-50 13 - realism; medieval. 28-9 - of ugliness. AT 26 - love and. 48-9 - Idolatry. CT 188 - and money. 58 - definition. DE WW 110-1 - weather. WRAYBURNE, Eugene ACD xxii WRIGHT, Cuthbert 2 WS WRIGHT, Whittaker 172 AV WRITING 74-8 - Egypt; monarchy and EM priesthood. WRITING (authorship). see Authorship; Journalism. WRONG box CM 20 WYCHERLEY, William GL 105 - Mollere and. WYCLIFFE, John C 57-8 - sympathizer·. 57-9 - reformation of. 59, 253 - Chaucer and. 27-8-relics. 255 - Reformation. CT 143 - minorities. WYNDHAM, George 225-6 - American purpose. 119-20 - politics. A8 170 - Rome; England. RR 271-5 170-3 - Anglo-German theory. 273-4 - and Balfour. 170-91 - cause. 15-7 - horses. 192 - race