emrnarg Option. THE COMPLETE ASCETICAL WORKS OF ST. ALPHONSUS DE LIGUORI. 24 vols., Price, per vol., ?ief, $1.25. Each book it complete hi itself, and any volume will be sold separately. Preparation for Death ; or, Considerations on the Eter­ nal Truths. Maxims of Eternity - Rule of Life. “ II. Way of Salvation and of Perfectïon : Meditations. Pious Reflections. Spiritual Treatises. “ III. Great Means of Salvation and of Perfection: Prayer. Mental Prayer. The Exercises of a Retreat. Choice of a State of Life, and the Vocation to the Religious State and to the Priesthood. “ IV. The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ ; or, The Mysteries of Faith. " V. The Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ. ’* VI. The Holy Eucharist. The Sacrifice, the Sacrament, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Practice of Love of Jesus Christ. Novena to the Holy Ghost. 4< VIL, VIII. Glories of Marts i. Explanation of the Salve Regina, or Hail, Holy Queen. Discourses on the Feasts of Mary. 2. Iler Dolors. Her Virtues. Practices. Examples. Answers to Critics.—Devotion to the Holy Angels. Devotion to St. Joseph. Novena to St. Teresa. Novena for the Repose of the Souls in Purgatory. “ IX. Victories of the Martyrs; or, the Lives of the Most Celebrated Martyrs of the Church. “ X., XL The True Spouse of Jesus Christ : i. The first sixteen Chapters. 2. The last eight Chapters. Appendix and various small Works. Spiritual Letters. “ XII. Dignity and Duties of the Priest; or, Selva, a collection of Material for Ecclesiastical Retreats. Rule of Life and Spiritual Rules. ·' XIII. The Holy Mass : Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Ceremonies of the Mass. Preparation and Thanksgiving. The Mass and the Office that are hurriedly said. “ XIV. The Divine Office: Explanation of the Psalms and Canticles. “ XV. Preaching: The Exercises of the Missions. Various Counsels. Instructions on the Commandments and Sacraments. “ XVI. Sermons for Sundays. ” XVII. Miscellany. Historical Sketch of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. Rules and Constitutions of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. Instructions about the Religious State. Lives of two Fathers and of a Lay Brother, C.SS.R. Discourses on Calamities. Re­ flections useful for Bishops. Rules for Seminaries. “ XVIII., XIX., XX., XXI. Letters. “ XXII. Letters and General Alphabetical Index. “ XXIIL, XXIV. Life of St. Alphonsus de Liguori. Volume I. Benziger Brothers, New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago. She (Centenary edition. THE COMPLETE WORKS OF Saint Alphonsus de Liguori. Doctor of the Church, Bishop of Saint Agatha^ and Founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. TRANSLATED FROM THE ITALIAN. EDITED BY REV. EUGENE GRIMM, Priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. THE ASCETICAL WORKS. Volume XVIII. Letters. Volume I. PART I. ©encrai Corrcsponôcncc. A* Μ THE APOSTOLIC BENEDICTION. RIMDE PATER: Memoriam gloriosi Congregationis SS. Redemptoris Fundatoris, centesimo, Ab ejus obitu, adventante anno, pio et admodum opportuno consilio recolere aggressus es, dum omnia ipsius opera anglice vertenda, et typis edenda curasti. Summus itaque Pontifex, cui tum S. Doctoris exaltatio, tum fidelium utilitas summopere cordi est libentissime excepit 9 volumina huc usque edita, quæ Ei offerre voluisti. Ac dum meritas Tibi laudes de hac perutili tua cura præbet, et gratias de filiali oblatione agit, Benedictionem, quam tuis obsequentissimis litteris petiisti, Emi quoque archiepiscopi Baltimorensis commendationi obsecundans, ex intimo corde impertiit. Hæc ad Te deferens fausta cuncta ac felicia a Domino Tibi adprecor. Paternitatis Tuæ, Addictissimus, M. CARD. RAMPOLLA. Romae, die 4 Junii, 1888. ι TRANSLATION. Reverend Father: As the centenary of the death of the illustrious Founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer drew near, you conceived the pious and appropriate plan of shedding a new lustre on his memory by translating all his works into English and publishing them. The Holy Father, therefore. who has at heart the spiritual advancement of the faithful, as well as tin exaltation of the holy Doctor, has most graciously accepted the nine volumes thus far published, which you wished to present to him. While bestowing upon you well-deserved praise for your useful labor, and thanking you for the gift inspired by your filial love, he gives you from his heart the blessing which you humbly asked for in your letter, complying also with the reques. of the Most Rev. Archbishop of Baltimore. As th bearer of this, I wish you all happiness in the Lord. 1 am, Reverend Sir, Your obedientservant, M. CARD. RAMPOLLA. Rome, June4. 1888 Il | »1 I 1| | ( Π ! 51 | [ Bl if E II X’he (Centenary ÎTditwn. Letters of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Doctor of the Church, Bishop of Saint Agatha, and Founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. TRANSLATED FROM THE ITALIAN. EDITED BY REV. EUGENE GRIMM, Priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. PART I. 05 e n e r n I Correspondence. NEWYORK, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO. Printers to the Holy Apostolic See. R. WASH BOURNE, 18 Paternoster Row, London. Μ. H. GILL & SON, 50 Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin 1891. APPROBATION. By virtue of the authority granted me by the Most Rev. Nicholas Mauron, Superior-General of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, I hereby sanction the publication of the work entitled “ Letters,” which is Vol. XVIII. of the new and complete edition in English of the works of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, called “ The Centenary Edition.” Ferdinand A. Litz, Sup. Prov. Baltimorensis. Baltimore, Md., August 5, 1890. Copyright, 1S91. by Ferdinand A. Litz. βΧί·?Ο CONTENTS. PAGE Approbation, Fac-similé of IV λ Letter of St. Alphonsus, . xxxn . LETTERS OF ST. ALPHONSUS DE LIGUORL __________________ » PART I. GENERA L CORR ESP ONDEA ’CE. Preface of the Italian Editor...................................................... 3 A. D. 1730. LETTER 1. To Mother Angiola del Cielo and to the Nuns AT Scala. — The saint gives them various counsels and recommends to their prayers one of his penitents. — Naples, October 29,.............................................................. 13 A. D. 1731. 2. To a Community of Nuns. — Books sent. — \’arious counsels.—Exhortation to love Jesus and Mary,--------- . 22 A. D. 1732. 3. To the Benedictine Nuns of Polignano. — He exhorts them to show themselves grateful to the Blessed Virgin.— [Naples, September 19J, . . . .25 4. To Mgr. Tommaso Falcoia, Bishop of CastelLAMMARE. — He asks his permission to leave Naples to begin at Scala the Institute of the Most Holy Saviour. — [October],.............................................................. 27 6 To Sister Maria Celeste Crostarosa. — Sorrow which he feels at seeing her so attached to her own opinion.—Reason of his severity towards her.— [Month of March],........................................................ . . 31 7 To the Same. — He explains to her the conditions on which the Institute of the Most Holy Saviour can prosper, and he reproves her for withdrawing from the direction of Mgr. Falcoia. — [End of March], . . 35 g To the Nuns of the Monastery of Pocara. — He informs them of his intended visit,--------. . 49 ç To the Priest Don Giuseppe Cerchia. — He ex­ horts him to leave the world and to consecrate himself entirely to God. — Scala, July 3,.................................. 50 10. To THE Same. — The same subject. — Scala, July 13, . 51 11. To THE Same. — He renews his request, briefly re­ peating to him the same reasons.— Scala, July 21, .52 12. To THE Same.— Renewed invitation to repair to Scala. — Scala, August 11,............................................... «53 To THE Same.— He refutes one of his objections.— Scala, August 18, . . . . . . . .54 14. To THE Same. — He invites him to assist him at least in the missions as an auxiliary priest. — Scala, August 30,.................................................................................................. 55 A. D. 1734. 15. To the Priest Don Francesco di Viva. — He exhorts him to detach himself from all human affection. — Villa, June 7,....................................................................... 56 16. To THE Same. — Great works should rest only on the spirit of faith and on confidence in God. — Villa, July ......................................................................................................57 17. To Father Tommaso Pagano, Oratorian. — Ex­ amination of the question: Is a priest obliged to go to preach the Gospel in heathen countries? In which case is he bound to do so? — [July], . . . . Contents. VII page LETTER To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce. — He writes out for her a rule of life and exhorts her to give herself up entirely to God. — Villa, August 26, . , 19. To THE Same. — Exhortation to fervor. — Project of a journey to Camigliano. — Villa, November 19, . . îS, 62 65 A. I). 1735. 20. To Mgr. Pietro Agostino Scorza, Archbishop OF Amalfi. — Request to determine the time of the ecclesiastical retreat. — Difficulty as to the foundation of a house at Positano. — [End of February], . . 66 21. To Mgr. Constantino Vigilante, Bishop of CaiAZZO. — Petition. — [June],.................................................... 67 22. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce. — He exhorts her to persevere in prayer. — Villa, Decem­ ber 31,.......................................................................................... 6S A. D. 1736. 23. To the Priest Francesco di Viva. — He invites him to come to him. — Recale, January 25, . . .69 24. To Marquis Giuseppe Gioacchino Montallegre. — Abridgement of the Rule of the Institute of the Most Holy Saviour. — [January], . . . . .70 25. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce. — Ex­ hortation to practise renunciation. — Ciorani, . . 72 26. To the Same. — Different counsels of perfection. — [Villa, February], ........ 73 27. To THE Same. — He asks her prayers for himself and the Institute. — Exhortation to persevere in prayer.— Ciorani, April iS, ........ 75 28. To the Same. — Counsels in regard to perfection. — Ciorani, May 23, ........ 77 29. To His Father Don Giuseppe de Liguori. — He begs him to help on the work of the Venerable Gen­ naro Sarnclli. — Ciorani, July 16, . . . . 79 30. To THE Same. — He begs him to speak to him no more about the episcopate. — Ciorani, /Yugust 5, . So 31. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce. — He marks out a rule of conduct for her interior and exterior life. — Ciorani, September 26,........................................... Si Contents. VIII BETTER PAGE 32 To THE SAME. — How she should behave under existing circumstances. — Ciorani, October 26, . . . .84 A. D. 1737. 33. To the Same. — Various counsels. — Ciorani, April 4, 85 34. To THE Same. — He reproaches her for her repugnance to suffer. — [Middle of April],............................................ 86 35. To THE SAME. — Exhortation to detachment. — What her conduct should be towards her sister. — Ciorani, April 22, .... . . . . . .88 36. To Mgr. Falcoia, His Director. — Reflections as to the abandoning of Villa degli Schiavi. — Ciorani, July 12,............................................................................ .90 37. To Father Cesare Sportelli.-------------------- Ciorani, August 7,...........................................................................93 38. To His Father Don Giuseppe de Liguori. — He begs him to treat charitably his son Don Ercole. — [End of October],.............................................. 94 A. D. 1738. 39. To Father Giulio Marocco. — He complains of his silence and tells him some news. — Ciorani, March 9, 95 A. D. 1739. 40. To A Priest. — It is impossible to give the mission for which he asks. — Great desire of seeing him enter the Institute. — Calvanico, April 27, .... -97 41. To Father Giulio Marocco. — He writes to him to prolong his stay at Caiazzo. — Ciorani, [June], . . 99 42. To THE Same. — Expression of hope of soon seeing him at Caiazzo. — Various recommendations. — Ciorani, [End of July],...................................................................... 99 43. To Most Reverend Casimiro Rossi, Archbishop of Salerno. — Petition for faculties to exercise the apostolic ministry. — [Ciorani, December 26], . . 101 A. D. 1740. 44. To a Nun at Fisciano. — He exhorts her never to omit Communion, notwithstanding all her temptations. — Castellammare, January'6, . jq2 Contents. IX page letter 45. To the Venerable Gennaro Sarnelll —Counsels relative to the composition of works of piety.—Ciorani, April 3,..................................................................................... 104 46. To the Foundress of a Monastery of Nuns. — Necessity of establishing perfect observance from the beginning, especially in regard to poverty. — Ciorani, July 12, . . . . . ·...................................... 106 47. To Father Giulio Marocco. — Joy that he feels in knowing that he is resolved to persevere in his voca­ tion. — Ciorani, July 12,............................................... 109 48. To His Director Mgr. Falcoia.-------------------- Cio­ rani, July 24............................................................................... in 49. To Father Giulio Marocco.— He tenderly exhorts him to return to Ciorani, as he is certain about his vocation. — Ciorani, August 2, .... Ill A. D. 1741. 50. To Father C. Sportelll—He requests him to favor a religious vocation. — S. Aniello, July 12, . . . 113 51. To the Priest Don Giuseppe Sparano. — He asks him to come to him for a moment's interview.—S. Ani­ ello, July 2g,............................................................................ 114 A. D. 1742. 52. To Father C. Sportf.lli. -— He expresses to him his desire of promptly returning to Ciorani. — S. Aniello, June 22.......................................................................................... 115 53. To the Same. — Various requests to be forwarded to Mgr. Falcoia.— [Ciorani, October 26], . . . 116 54. To Don Matteo Greco. — Method of making mental prayer. — [Ciorani], December 10, ... . 117 55. To the King of Naples.—Petition for the foundation of a house at Pagani. — [Towards end of the year], . iiq A. D. 1743. 56. To His Father Don Giuseppe de Liguoki. — He in­ forms him of the state of his health. — Various counsels. — Ciorani, March 28, ..... 120 A. D. 1744. 57. To Father C. Sportelll — Arguments furnished him against the adversaries of the Community of Pagani.— [Ciorani] ....................................................................................... 120 Contents. page letter 58. To Nicola Μ. Celestino de Robertis.—Exhortation to correspond at once to God’s call. — Ciorani, March 15,...............................................................................125 59. To the Same. — He invites him to an interview. — Means that he should use not to lose his vocation. — Ciorani, April 7, ....... . 128 60. To Canon Giuseppe Sparano.—He sends him a sketch of the Life of the Venerable Gennaro Maria Sarnelli to have it printed. — Ciorani, July 17, . . . . 131 61. To the Same. — He sends him the manuscript of the Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and to the Blessed Virgin, and asks him to revise it. — Ciorani, August 10, . . 132 62. To a Minister of the King. — A petition asking for his protection in favor of the house at Nocera (Pagani).— [Ciorani],............................................................ 133 63. To a Gentleman of Influence. — The same sub­ ject. — [Ciorani],..................................................................... 135 64. To Canon Casati. — He announces to him his ap­ proaching arrival. — Naples, November 28, . .136 6e. To Father Saverio Rossi. — Details in regard to the new foundation at Iliceto. — [S. Maria] , Decem­ ber 19,............................................................................ 137 66. To Father C. Sportelli. — Project of abandoning the foundation at Pagani. — Service asked for Iliceto. — Iliceto, December 28........................................ . 140 A. D. 1745. 67. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce. — He ex­ horts her to give to prayer all the time that she can snatch from her occupations. — Iliceto, April 14, . 144 68. To the Sovereign Pontiff Benedict XIV.—Petition to obtain the confirmation of the establishment of missionaries at Iliceto. — [May 3], 145 gç, To Father Giovanni Mazzini. — He begs him to put in force regular observance. — S. Maria, Septem­ ber 23, ........................................................................ 147 7o, To Cardinal Spinelli, Archbishop of Naples. — Petition to obtain faculties for the missions.—[Decem­ ber] ....................................................................................148 Contents. xi page letter Λ. D. 1746. 71. To the Mother Abbess and the Nuns of the Monastery of the SSma Annunziata at Foggia.— Explanations relative to the use of figured music and and to the expenses contrary to poverty.— [Beginning of the year], .·...................................................................151 72. To His Brother Don Ercole de Liguori. — He complains to him about his conduct, which was any­ thing but brotherly, in regard to certain temporal interests. — [February],................................................ 154 73. To the Same. — He exhorts him to make the spiritual exercises. — Iliceto, February 22, ..... 157 74. Holograph Testament of the Saint. — [March 5]. 158 75. To D. Francesco A. Ricciardi. — Nature and ad­ vantages of renewals of missions.—S. Maria, March 30, 159 76. To Father Andrea Villani.— Gravity of the decision of a General Chapter. — Precautions that should necessarily be taken. — [Iliceto, October], . . . 161 77. To Father C. Sportelli. — The same subject. — Iliceto, [October],................................................................... 164 78. To the King of Naples. — Petition for founding a •house at Caposele,....................................................................166 79. To Father G. Mazzini.—Various regulations in regard to studies. [Troia], November 27,...................................... 167 A. D. 1747. 80. To Sister Maria Celeste Poppa. — What should be done in order to abolish the figured chant. — S. Maria, January 30, ......... 168 81. To Sister Maria Crocifissa Petitto. — The same subject. — S. Maria, [January 30], .... 170 82. To Sister Maria Celeste Poppa.—The same subject. — Utility of persecutions. — S. Maria, [March 10], . 171 83. To Father G. Mazzini? — Confidence of the saint in the Blessed Virgin. — Naples, June 25, 172 84. To the Novice Girolamo Ferrara. — Vocation and family affairs. — Examination of a particular case. — [Naples], July . ......................................................................... 172 85. To a Father of the Congregation.—Course of action in order to save the vocation of D. Ferrara. — Naples, July . ..............................................................................................176 XII Contents. PAGE LETTER 86. To Father G. Mazzini. — Solicitude of the saint to obtain the royal approbation of the Institute.—[Naples], July 4...................................................................................... 177 87. To Λ CONSULTOR-General. — Difficulties which his project meets of obtaining the royal approbation. — [Naples], July 4, . . ........................................ 178 88. To Father G. Mazzini. — Request for counsel in a difficult affair. — Naples, July 22,....................................... 180 89. To Mgr. Celestino Galiano, Grand Almoner. — Considerations in view of the memorial to be presented for obtaining the royal approbation of the Institute. — [July],..................................................................................... 182 90. To Father Paul Cafaro. — Repugnance of the saint to the episcopate. — [End of July], . 184 91. To Father G. Mazzini. — Difficulties relative to the approbation of the Institute. — [Naples], August I, . 1S4 92. To A Consultor-General. — Trials and annoyances that the saint has to endure at Naples. — [August], . 1S6 93. To Father C. Sportelli. — A power of attorney to found a house at Caposele. — [Ciorani, November 27], 186 94. To the Priest Francesco Margotta. — He admits him into the Congregation. — Ciorani, December 7, . 1S8 A. D. 1748. 95. To Father A. Villani. — New agreement to be made with D. Andrea Sarnelli. — Naples, February 4, . . 191 96. To the Priest Don Francesco Margotta. — Solici­ tude of the saint in regard to the observance of the Rule. — Naples, February 7, . . . . . . 194 97. To the Priest Don Andrea Sarnelli. — Conditions on which he consents to a new contract. — Naples, February 10,........................................................................... 196 98. To the King of Naples. — He solicits the legal récognition of the four houses of the Institute. — [February],........................................................................... 197 99. To the Sovereign Pontiff Benedict XIV. — The saint asks for the apostolic approbation of his Congregation. — [March 30],............................................... 199 too. To A Priest. — He gives him some salutary advice. — Ciorani, April 26, ....... . 202 j 11 I I I I I I I I I Contents. XIII » letter page ιοί. To a Father of the Society of Jesus. — Affection and veneration of the saint for the Society. — Nocera, May 31, . . . ......................................................... 203 102. To Mgr. Felice Leoni, Bishop of Avellino. — Re­ quest for a favor relative to ordinations. — Ciorani, August 25, . ................................................................... 204 103. To Cardinal Spinelli, Archbishop of Naples. — Remarks intended to form the basis of a report con­ cerning the approbation of the Institute by the Holy See. — [September],...........................................................205 104. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce.—Obligation of à religious to sustain observance, especially in regard to the admission of novices. — Ciorani, Septem­ ber 15, . . . . . . .... 209 105. To a Superior of His Congregation. — Two im­ portant regulations: one in regard to the health of the subjects; the other about the protection of their vocation. — Ciorani, December 26, . . . .211 A. D. 1749. 106. To Don POMPEO Scibelli. — Request for a service. — Ciorani, February 15,........................................................... 213 107. To D. Giuseppe Muscari. — Various communications relative to the affair of the approbation and of privi­ leges. — Ciorani, March 20,..................................................214 108. To the Same.—He accepts his religious profession,--------- 216 109. To the Same. — He charges him with a commission. — Ciorani, May 28, ........ 217 no. To Father F. Margotta. — Deference of the saint for the Archbishop of Conza. — Various affairs. — Carifi, November 13, . . . . . . . . .218 in. To the SAME.— He congratulates him on the success • of certain apostolic labors. — Cava, November 19, . 220 A. D. 1750. 112. To the Same. — Orders in regard to the sale of the saint’s books, and various other subjects. — [End of January],............................................................................... 222 113. To the Same. — A Rector should remain habitually at home. — Details relative to novices. — [Ciorani], January 23.................................................................................... B xiv Contents. letter pagk 114. To the Same. — Grave exhortations. — Duties of a Rector. — Necessity of dying to one’s self. — Ciorani, February r,................................................................. ......... 227 115. To THE Same. — Joy at seeing him humble and re­ signed. — Different details. — Ciorani, February 7, . 230 116. To Father C. Sportelli. — He rejoices to hear that he is in better health. — Ciorani, March 11, . , 232 117. To Father F. Margotta and to His Consultors. — Orders left after the canonical Visitation made in the house at Caposele. — Caposele, May 16, . . . 233 u8. To Canon D. Giacomo Fontana.— He sends him the “ Glories of Mary.”— Ciorani, October 12, .’ . . 234 119. To A Gentleman of Vitolano. — Arrangement about a mission. — Naples, November 7, . . 235 120. To Sister Maria di Gesu, a Carmelite. — Answer to a difficulty in regard to holy Communion.— Nocera, December 30,................................................................. ......... 236 9 A. D. 1751. 121. To Canon G. Fontana. — He asks him for information in regard to the studies at the seminary. — Nocera, January 28,................................................................. ......... 238 122. To Father F. Margotta. — He complains of a laybrother and of Father Margotta himself. — Nocera, March 7,.................................................................................... 239 123. To a Nun of the Most Holy Redeemer. — She should allow herself to be guided by obedience. — Advantages of spiritual desolation. — Ciorani, May 3°............................................................................................. 240 124. To Father G. Muscari. — Immense wrong that he has done to the Congregation. — Entreaty that he should no more bring the Institute into disfavor. — [Ciorani, October 16],...................................................................... . 243 125. To the Vicar-General of Benevento. — He asks him to do a service. — Nocera, November 4, 247 126. To the Fathers and Brothers of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. — Means of pre­ venting the loss of vocation. — Various ordinances regarding the missions. — [November], . . . 248 127. To Mother Maria di Gesu.—The interest taken by the saint in the Community at Ripacandida.—[December], 251 Contents. XV PAGE 1 -ETTER A. D. 1752. 128. To Father Pietro Petrella.—Obedience to Superiors is the most essential thing in the Congregation. — Nocera de’ Pagani, January 5............................................. 252 129. To Father Carmine Picone. — Request to sound the disposition of the Archbishop of Conza on one point.— Nocera, January 15,........................................................253 130. To Mother Maria di GEsu. — How she should behave in the absence of her director. — Various counsels. — Nocera, January 27,........................................................ 254 IS*· To Father Saverio Rossi. — Penance to be imposed upon a lay-brother. — Nocera, 10, [May], . . . 257 I32. To Father F. Margotta.— He begs him to regard the poverty of a house of the Institute. — Nocera, June 2, 259 ISS· To Father P. Petrella. — He grants him various permissions. — Nocera, June 7,.................................... 259 I34· To Mgr. Borgia, Bishop of Cava. — Details relative to the vocation of a young priest. — Nocera, June 7, . 260 ISS- To Father A. Villani. — Various details concerning the novitiate and the house at Ciorani. — Nocera, June 14,..................................................................................... 202 I36. To the Same. — Various affairs. — [Nocera, June 19], . 264 IS?· To the Same. — Solicitude of the saint about the health of his subjects. — Naples, July 22, ... . 265 I38. To the Fathers and Brothers of His Congregation. — Humility, but profound humility, is the true safe­ guard of perseverance. — [July 27], .... 266 I39· To Father Francesco Buonamano.—He congratulates him on the detachment that he showed in regard to his relatives. — Nocera, September 16, . . . 26? I4O. To A Father of the Congregation. — A great trial to which the Congregation is exposed.—Naples, Satur­ day 23, [September], ....... 269 MI. To THE King of Naples. — He solicits the exequatur for the Apostolic Brief of 1749. — [September], . . 27O M2. To Mother Maria di Gesu. — The saint recommends to her prayers Marquis Brancone. — Personal advice. — Nocera, December 12,................................................... 272 HS· To a Friend. — He thanks him for the interest that he takes in the Institute. — Nocera, December 25, . . 27? Contents. LETTER PAGE 144. To Father Bernardo Apice. — He refuses him a change of abode. [1752 or 1753], . . . . ,274 A. D. 1753. 145- To Mgr. Basta, Bishop of Melfi.—Confidential letter in regard to the ordination of a subject. — Nocera, 275 146. To Mother Maria di Gesu. — He refuses to allow a Father of the Congregation to be extraordinary con­ fessor. — He exhorts her to maintain observance. — Nocera, February 23, . . . . . . . 276 147. To the Same. — Signs of illusion. — How to act in reference to extraordinary graces.—Nocera, March 28, 279 148. To Father Carmine Fiocchi. — Xrarious missions that are to be given. — Nocera, April 2, 282 149. To the Novice Pietro Angelo Picone. — He consoles him and admits him to religious profession. — [Be­ ginning of June],................................................ · . 284 150. Το λ Superior of the Congregation. — Change of abode of two subjects. — June 25, .... 286 151. To Mother Angiola del Divino Amore.—She should use her influence with the Queen of Naples to obtain the approbation of the Institute. — Nocera, July 4, 2S6 152. To’Sister Anna Camilla de’ Leoni. — He exhorts her to bear her interior trials courageously, and writes out for her a rule of conduct. — Nocera, July 5, . 288 153. To the Master of Novices. — He should employ kindness and discretion towards the novices,--------- . 291 154. To Father A. Villani. — He announces to him the illness of Father Paolo Cafaro. — Nocera, August 5, . 292 155. To Father Francesco Giovenale. — He prescribes prayers for the recovery of Father Cafaro. — Triple obedience imposed on the sick man. — Nocera, Au­ gust 6........................................................................................... 2 93 156. To Father F. Margotta. — He informs him of Father Cafaro’s illness. — Nocera, August 6, . 295 157. To Father F. Giovenale. — Recommendation in regard to Father Cafaro. — [Nocera], August 9, 296 158. To THE Same. — Sentiments of resignation inspired by the death of Father Cafaro. — Nocera, August 14, . 297 Contents. χνκ rTER PAGE 159. l o T,iE Same. — Recommendations relative to the government of the house at Caposele. — Nocera, August 21, 2% 160. 1° I'ATHER I*. Margotta. — Solicitude of the saint in regard to the health of the subjects. — Details as to temporal affairs. — Nocera, 31, [August], 301 161. I 0 '· ηε Same. — Details relative to temporal affairs, to the mission at Calabria, and to various subjects. — Nocera, September 2,......................................................... .302 162. To Mother Maria Angiola del Divino Amore. — He begs her to obtain through the Queen the royal approbation of the Institute of the Most Holy Re­ deemer. — Nocera, September 8,...................................... SOS 163. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce.—She should not refuse any charge. — Avoid dissipation.— Nocera, September 30, ........ 164. To Mother Maria Angiola del Divino Amore. — He sends her some books. — Hopes in regard to the extension of the Reform of Carmel. — Naples, Octo­ ber 6, ....................................................................................... 307 165. To Signora Filippa Farao. — He briefly explains to her the Rules of the Nuns of the Most Holy Redeemer at Scala. — Nocera, 29, [October], .... 30S 166. To Don Luigi Sagliano.—He begs him to recommend to the Queen through Mother Maria Angiola the affair of the approbation of his Institute.—Nocera, October 30, 309 167. To Mother Angiola del Divino Amore. — He again recommends to her the affair of the legal recognition of the Institute. — Nocera, November 1, 312 Letter of the Sovereign Pontiff Benedict XIV. to St. Alphonsus.--------------------- [Rome, November 2], . 314 16S. To Father A. Villani. — Solution of a difficulty. — [The year 1753 ?L .......................................................... 315 169. To Sister Maria di Gesu. — He recommends to her prayers the Institute and himself. — Nocera, Decem­ ber 4, ......... 316 170. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce. — One must perform the duties of the offices imposed by obedience. — [Nocera], December 4,................................................... 317 171. To THE Same. — Prohibition to change her convent.— Counsels in regard to patience.—Nocera, December 12, 31s B* I I XVIII i Contents, LETTER PAGE xix pace letter 172. To Don Luigi SaGLIANO. — Exhortation to love Jesus Christ. — He sends him various little works.—Nocera, December 19,.................................................................. 319 187. To Father S. Rossi.—Exemplary chastisement inflicted on a disobedient subject. — [Nocera], October 18, . 349 188. To Father G. Caione, — Various recommendations relative to the house at Caposele, to private retreats, and to the students. — Nocera, December 12, . . 350 189. To THE Same. — Answer to be given to his bishop if the latter should wish to recall him to his diocese. — Nocera, December 14,........................................................... 352 τ“ A. D. 1754. 173. To the Same. — He exhorts him to make a retreat. — Nocera, March 4,...................................................................... 320 174. To Mother Maria di Gesu.—Exhortation to obedience and to confidence in God. — Nocera, March 24, . .321 175. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce.—She should not desire to change her convent. — Various counsels in regard to perfection. — Nocera, April, . . . 322 176. To Mgr. Francesco Bonaventura, Bishop of Nusco. — He excuses himself for having retained two priests for the mission at Amalfi. — Nocera, May 18, . . 324 177. To Father Pasquale Caprioli. — Solicitude of the saint for the restoration to health of Father Rossi. — [About May 20],........................................................ 325 178. To Cardinal Antonino Sersale, Archbishop of Nap­ les.— He humbly exposes to him his views in regard to the state of the diocese of Naples and to the proper measures to be taken to remove certain disorders. — Nocera, June 18,................................................................. 327 179. To Father Antonio Tannoia. — He regulates the studies of some novices,--------..... 329 180. To the Fathers and Brothers of His Congregation. — Recommendations relative to observance, to study, and to different points of discipline. — Nocera, Au­ gust 8,....................................................................................... 331 181. To Father G. Caione. — He reproaches him for his excess of condescension. — Nocera, August 31, . . 342 182. To the Same. — Various recommendations. — Nocera, September 8,..............................................................................344 183. To the Same.—Various commissions.—Nocera, Septem­ ber 21,...................................................................................... 345 184. To THE Same. — Measures to be taken in regard to a student. — Nocera, September 28, ... 346 1S5. To the Same. — Approbation of conduct in regard to the student Manfredonia. — Nocera, October 2, . . 347 186. To THE Same. — Sentiments of the saint in regard to the dispensation from the vows. — [Nocera, October], . 348 Contents. A. D. 1755. 190. To Sister Maria Vincenza Giannastasio.— Behavior amid contradictions. — Spiritual advice. — Nocera, January 8, ................................................................... 354 191. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce.—He exhorts her to love contempt and to love the Sisters that oppose her. — Nocera, January 14, ... . 356 192. To Father G. Caione. — He presses him to make application to the Archbishop of Conza. — Various details. — Pagani, January 27, . .... 357 193. To the Same. — He gives instructions how a Father is to be treated who is destined to teach. — Nocera, March 23, ... ...................................... 359 194. To Sister Maria Anna di Gesu. — Counsels in regard to prayer and the practice of religious virtues. — [The year 1755 ?],............................................................................... 359 195. To the Superiors of Missions. — Regulations relative to confessions. — [The year 1755?], . . . .361 196. To Sister Maria di Gesu. — Answer in regard to some difficulties. — The sending of two little works. — Nocera, April 2, ................................................ 362 197. To Father G. Caione. — Discretion of the saint in regard to a vocation and to the foundation of a new house. — Naples, May 19, ..... . 363 19S. To the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regu­ lars.— Petition for the confirmation of the foundation of the new house at S. Angelo a Cupolo. — [May], . 364 199. To Father G. Caione. — Various recommendations. — Nocera, June 1, ....... 36b 200. To Father Emanuele Caldarera, Oratorian. — He sends him two of his works. — Nocera, June 4, . . 366 | Contents. LETTER PAGE 201. To THE Pope Benedict XIV. — He sends to the Sovereign Pontiff the second volume of his Theology, and asks him for some spiritual favors for his Institute. — [Nocera, June 8],.......................................................... 202. To Father G. CaionE. — Orders and counsels con­ cerning the house at Caposele. — Nocera, June io, 370 203. To Sister Maria Vincenza Giannastasio. — Counsels regarding the acceptance of employments and the use of mortifications. — [The year 1755 ?], . 372 204. To Father C. Picone. — He tells him to invest certain postulants with the habit. — [About June 12], • 373 205. To the Same. — Λ recommendation,--------- . • 373 206. To the Same. — Qualities that novices should have,................................................................................................374 207. To the Same? — Encouragement to be given to a postulant, --------- ........ 374 208. To Father G. Caione. — Various recommendations relative to the works of the saint and to the interests of the Institute. — Nocera, June 22, . . . . 375 209. To Sister Μ. V. Giannastasio. — Behavior that she should adopt in the state of desolation in which she finds herself. — Nocera, June 22,........................................ 377 210. To Father G. Caione. — Recommendations in regard to various works of the saint. — Nocera, June 28, . 37S 21T. To the Same. — Recommendation about different sub­ jects.— Nocera, June 30,..................................... 379 212. To the Same. — He enjoins upon him obedience to the physician. — Nocera, 6, [July],.........................................381 213. To the Novice Luigi Capuano. — His behavior under certain difficulties relative to his vocation. — Saragnano, July 16,.............................................................................. 382 214. To Sister Μ. V. Giannastasio. — He exhorts her to persevere in her exercises of piety.—Saragnano, July 21, 384 215. To the Novice Luigi Capuano. — Additional advice as to the trial to which he is subjected. — Nocera, July 22,....................................................................................... 385 216. To Father G. Caione. — He charitably excuses the defects of a subject. — Various matters. — Ciorani, August 3,.............................................................................. 386 217. To the Novice Luigi Capuano. — Behavior during temptations. — Nocera, August 4,........................................ 387 Contents. XXI PAG!· 020. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. f. Caione. — He counsels holy revenge. — gust 5,................................................................... 39° i/fviCE Luigi Capuano. — Happiness that one enjyys in the Institute.—Answer to several objections. — Salerno, August 7, ...... 391 To Sister Maria Nicoletta Leoni.— He recommends resignation to God’s will. — Salerno, August 11, . . 392 To Sister Μ. V. Giannastasio. — He encourages her to suffer contradictions in a Christian manner.—Scala, September 14, . . . . . . . . 393 To the Same. — She should accept a charge without objection. — Nocera, October 16, ..... 396 To the Same. — He exhorts her to tend to perfection courageously. — Nocera, November 2, . . . . 396 To Father G. Caione. — He reproaches him for in­ curring a superfluous expense. — [Nocera], November 16....................................................................................................... 398 To Father A. Tannoia. — He forbids him to incur a superfluous expense. — Benevento, November 17, . 399 To His Brother Don Ercole de Liguori. — He begs him to ask for him the blessing of his dying mother.— Benevento, November 23, ...... 400 To Father Pasquale Amendolara. — Various recom­ mendations. — Details in regaid to the mission at Benevento. — Benevento, November 23, . . . 402 To Father G. Caione. — The measure in which neces­ sary sciences should be studied. — Nocera, December 15»· · · · · · · · · · · 4°4 To Father A. Tannoia. — Advice in regard to the health of the subjects, and useless expenses.—Nocera, December 31,. . .......................................................... 4°4 A. D. 1756. 230. To the Student Mauro Murante. — He permits him to return to Pagani. — Pagani, January 7, . . . 407 231. To Father G. Caione. — The sending of points about Venerable Brother Gerardo. — Seditious pretensions of the lay-brothers at Iliceto. — Nocera, January it, . 40S 232. To Father A. Tannoia. — Punishment to be inflicted upon the lay-brothers at Iliceto. — Other matters. — Nocera, January 13, ...... 410 XXII Contents. LETTER 233· To the Lay-brothers of the House at Iliceto. __ He complains of their conduct and threatens them with punishment.— Nocera, 13, [January], . 413 234· To Father G. Caione.—Measures to be taken in regard to the lay-brothers. — Nocera, January 16, . •*l5 235. To Father Girolama Ferrara. — Same subject. — Pagani, January 18,..................... 416 236. To Father G. Caione. — Disapprobation in regard to a mission. — Conditions on which important missions may be accepted. — Nocera, 19, [January], . 417 237· To Father A. Tannoia. — The case of a lay-brother.— Nocera, January 20, ....... 238. To the Same.—He asks him to assist a brother tempted against his vocation. — Nocera, January 21, . . 422 239· To the Same. — He refuses to dismiss a subject. — [Nocera, end of January], ................................................ 423 240. To Father G. Ferrara. — Conditions required for dismissing a subject. — [Nocera, end of January], . 42^ 241. To Father G. Caione. — He forbids the sending away of any one without his permission. — Nocera, January 3°».................................................................................................. 424 242. To Father Francesco Pentlmalli. — He exhorts him to perfect obedience. — Nocera, February 11, . - 426 243. To Father A. Tannoia.—He sends him different kinds of help.— [February]............................................................. .... 244. To the Same. — Measures to be taken in regard to various subjects. — [February], . . . . · 427 245. To the Same. — Project of a foundation at Matera. — Naples, March 6, ....... - 429 246. To Sister M. N. Leoni. — He recommends to her conformity to the will of God. — Naples, March 9, · 43* 247. To Father G. Caione. — Solicitude of the saint for the health of the subjects. — Naples, March 20, . . 432 248. To Sister Maria di Gesu. — Counsels regarding ob­ servance and resignation. — Pagani, April 22, . . 433 249. To Father A. Tannoia. — Confirmation of an order already given. — Nocera, May 2, . . . . . 434 250. To the Same. — Request that he should work at the Constitutions. — Nocera, May 11........................................... 435 251. To Father G. Caione.—Various matters.—The sending of a little work composed by the saint.—Nocera, .May 16, 437 Contents. XXIII 252. To Sister Μ. N. Leoni. — He exhorts her to patience. — Nocera, May 19, ....··· 439 253. To Father A. Tannoia. — He blames indiscreet zeal. — Various counsels. — Pagani, May 25, . . ♦ 441 254. To Sister Maria di Gesu. — Explanations regarding spiritual direction. — Pagani, June [25], . . . 443 255. To a Father oe the House at Ciorani.—The sending of pecuniary aid to Iliceto. — [June 3], ... 445 256. To Father A. Tannoia. — How he was to act in regard to an imprudent subject. — June 3, 445 257. To the Same. — Advice relative to the novices. — Poverty of the house at Iliceto. — Nocera, June 24, . 446 25S. To the Same. — He complains of useless expenses. — [End of June], ........ 447 259. To the Same. — New complaints in regard to useless expenses. — July 4,.......................................................... 44^ 260. To Father G. Caione. — Advice relative to the health of the subjects. — Ordination titulo patrimonii. — [Beginning of July],..........................................................449 261. To the Council of Ecclesiastical Affairs. — The saint solicits the legal approbation of his Institute. — Refutation of objections. — Naples, July, . . . 451 262. To Sister Maria Angela Rosa Graziano. — He an­ nounces to her his early departure from Naples. — Naples, [end of July],.......................................................... 455 263. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce.—He exhorts her to fervor. — Nocera, August 3, 456 264. To Father G. Caione. — Zeal of the saint for regular observance. — Nocera, August 6, . . . , . 457 26^. To Mother Maria di Gesu. — Duties of a Prioress. — Various recommendations. — Nocera, August 17, . 458 266. To I* ather G. Caione. — Exhortation to practise patience. — [Nocera, month of August], . . . 459 267. To the Fathers and Brothers of His Institute. — He exhorts a rigorous observance of a point of the Rule. — [Nocera, August iS], ..... 461 268. To Father F. Margotta. — Recommendation. — No­ cera, September 1, . . . . , . . . 462 269. 1° Mother Maria di Gesu. — He explains to her the conduct of Father Fiocchi. — Nocera, September 24« 463 XXIV Contents. I.ETTER PAGE 270. To Father /\. Villani.— Recommendations relative to the interests of the Institute. — Nocera, October 1, . 464 271. To the Fathers and Brothers of His Institute.— Prohibition to go out without his permission.—Nocera, October 2,................................................................................ 466 272. To Sister Μ. N. Leoni. — He reproaches her for her impatience and exhorts her to resignation. — Nocera, October 6, ........ . 467 273. To Father G. Caione. — He begs him to watch over the health of the students. — Nocera, October 27, . 468 274. To the Same. — Various recommendations. — Ex­ planation regarding some points of the Rule of the students. — Nocera, 29, [November], .... 469 275. To Mother Maria di Gesu.—He exhorts her to correct abuses with prudence.—Nola, December 4, . . . 471 276. To Canon G. Fontana. — He speaks to him about one of his little works: “Rule for Seminaries.” — Nola, December 9, ......... 471 277. To Sister M. A. Rosa Graziano. — Advice as to spiritual life. — Nocera, December 12, . . . 473 A. D. 1757. 27S. To Father E. Caldarera. — Thanksgiving. — Asking for a service. — Nocera, 17, [January], . . . 279. To Sister M. A. Rosa Graziano. — lie exhorts her to a perfect love of Jesus Christ.—Nocera, 23, [January], 280. To Father E. Caldarera. — Thanks for services “rendered. — Nocera, January 28, ..... 281. To Sister M. A. Rosa Graziano. — She should ask her dire'etor for a rule of conduct. — [March 1757?], . 282. To the Same. — He exhorts her to persevere in prayer. — Nocera, April 8, ...................................... 283. To Father G. Caione. — He speaks to him of a mission that is to be given and of other subjects. — Nocera, April 17,................................................................. 284. To Don Giuseppe Caselle. — He recommends to him to regulate the affairs of his family.—Nocera, April 18, 285. To a Father of the Congregation. — Hints as to the composition of a theological treatise.—[Nocera], June 3 [year uncertain]..................................................... 48O 474 475 476 477 477 478 480 Contents. xxv PÂGh letter 2S6. To Father Celestino de Robertis. — He begs him to . change his place of abode. — [Nocera], June 4, . . 481 287. To Mgr. Vito Moio, Bishop of Muro. — Promise made to a prelate, who was ill-disposed towards the Institute. — [Nocera, June 8],.......................................................... 4&2 288. To Father G. Caione. — He requests him to watch over the observance of the Rule and the preservation of the health of the subjects. — Rules as to the teaching of theology. — Nocera, 15, [July], 483 289. To Sister Maria di Gesu. — He exhorts her to patience and gives her other advice. — Nocera, July 22, . 486 290. To the Same. — Unfavorable dispositions of the king towards the Institute. — Nocera, October 2, 48s 291. To the Fathers of the Congregation.—Explanations as to the vow of poverty. — Various recommendations. — Nocera, October 3,.......................................................... 4S9 292. To Sister M. A. Rosa Graziano. — He recommends to her obedience and perfect detachment. — [Nocera], October 16, ........ . 494 293. To the Same.—Recommendations in regard to obedience. — Nocera, 28, [October], ...... 495 294. To Mother Maria Cherubina Dei Sette Dolori, Carmelite. — He exhorts her zealously to maintain regular observance. — Nocera, October 29, . 495 295· To Father G. Caione. — Manner of treating a student who is templed against his vocation. — [Nocera], November 3, ........ . 496 296. To Father A. Tannoia.—He reproaches him for having revealed to him too late the unworthiness of a novice. — Nocera, November 25 [year uncertain], . 49 S 297. To Father Pietro Blasucci. — How he should act in regard to an indocile student. — Nocera, December 20, 498 A. I). 1758. 298. To Father A. Tannoia. — He earnestly recommends to him a postulant. — Nocera, April 5, 500 299. To the Priest Angelo Maione. — Fears in regard to the health of this novice. — Nocera, April 9, . . 501 300. To Father A. Tannoia. — Various counsels relative to the Master of novices and to the novitiate.—Nocera, April 10, .......... 502 XXVI Contents. LETTER PAGE 301. To the Same. — Some arrangements to be made in the novitiate and the house at Iliceto. — Nocera, April I 29,.................................................................................................. 503 302. To Father G. Caione.—One cannot without the gravest inconveniences absolve a subject who has '“left the Institute without having received his dispensation. — [Nocera], May 30,...................................................................... 504 303. To Father E. Caldarera.— He testifies his friendship for him and recommends himself to his prayers. — Nocera, June 9, ....... . 506 304. To the Fathers and Students of the Congregation. — The Propaganda had requested missionaries for Asia; an appeal is made to the zeal of the subjects of the Institute. — Nocera, July iS, . 305. To Father Pietro Paolo Blasucci. — He answers the students and gives them important advice. — Nocera, July 27,...................................................................................... 306. To Father G. Caione. — Another answer to the letters of the students. — Nocera, August 11, . 307. To the Novices at Iliceto.— He urges them to render themselves worthy of one day going among the heathen. — [Nocera, August], · . . . . 308. To the Fathers and Brothers of the Congregation. — He inculcates upon them the observance of various points of the Rule. — Nocera, August 13, . 309. To Father G. Caione. — He exhorts him to moderate his labors, and gives him advice in regard to an im­ portant matter. — Nocera, September 24, 310. To the Rectors, Ministers, Prefects and Superiors of the Missions. — Various recommendations. — No­ cera, September 30, ....... 51 311. To Father G. Caione. — Details relative to pecuniary matters and to the purchase of books. — [November], 52^ 312. To the Same. — Utility of having critical spirits in the Community.— Pecuniary embarrassments of the saint. — Nocera, November 22,................................................ 52S 313. To the Same. — Various recommendations to the Com­ munity at Caposele. — Nocera, December 12, 5^7 314. To the Student Giovanni B. Gargano. — Various points in regard to spiritual direction. — Nocera, December 13, . Con toits. XXVII PAC,E LETTER A. D. 1759. jig. To AN ECCLESIASTIC. — He congratulates him on his promotion to a dignity. — Nocera, January 9, . . 529 316. To Father A. TANNOIA. — Various communications. — Nocera, January 9, .. .......................................................... 530 317. To Signor Pietro de Robertis.— He announces a visit and thanks him for an important service. — Nocera, February 23, ......... 533 31S. To a Father of the Congregation.—Recommendation of a person. — He blames him for entertaining an opinion contrary to the infallibility of the Pope. — Nocera, February 27, ....... 534 319. To Father G. Caione. — He asks his aid to oblige a bishop. — Nocera, March 19, . . . . . 535 320. To Father A. Tannoia. — He speaks of the date to be fixed for an important mission. — Nocera, April 12, . 536 321. To Sister Maria Giovanna Della Croce. — Reasons for which the foundation at Villa degli. Schiavi cannot be resumed. — Nocera, May 25, ..... 53S 322. To Father Celestino de Robertis. — He asks him to go to the mission at Agerola. — Nocera, May 29, . 539 323. To Sister Carlotta Fraggianni. — He accedes to her request. — Nocera, June 9, ..... . 540 324. To Father A. Tannoia. — Earnest request for prayers. — Nocera, June 14, ...... . 540 325. To Canon Giuseppe Sparano. — He declares himself ready to grant the requests of the Archbishop of Naples. — Nocera, September 7, ...... 541 326. To Mgr. 1. Sanchez de Luna, Archbishop of Salerno. — Request for faculties for all the missionaries of the Institute. — [Nocera, November 3], . . . 542 327. To Sister Maria Giovanna Sparano. — Practical rule of conduct in a particular ease. — Nocera, November 26, ........... 544 328. q'o Father Pasquale de Matteis, S. J. — Grief of the saint on learning the trials of the Society. — Nocera, December 3,................................................................................ 54b 329. Γο Father A. Tannoia.—He consents to the profession of several novices. — Various counsels. — Padani December 6, ....... . e iS XXVIII Contents. 1 ’age LETTER 330. To the Same. — He announces the arrival of two novices. — Nocera, December 9, . 331. To Father M. Murante. — He forbids him to go to his family to be cured. — Nocera, December 14, 332. To Frater Andrea Morza. — He refuses to grant him certain dispensations. — [End of the year], 333· To the Same. — Encouragement to fervor. — [End of the year],...................................................... . 548 550 551 552 A. D. 1760. 334. To Mgr. Sanchez de Luna, Archbishop of Salerno.— Petition for faculties for reserved cases. — [January 22],......................................................................... 335· To A Nun. — What one must do in order to love God.— Nocera, January 27,.................................. . 336. To Father A. Tannoia. — Zeal of the saint for obe­ dience. — Nocera, February 22, ..... 337· To the Same. — He re-assures him on the subject of the preceding letter. — Naples, March 4, . 338. To Father G. Caione. — He asks him to obtain in­ formation about two postulants. — Nocera, April 2, 339. To Sister M. G. Della Croce. — Devotion to the Blessed Virgin a guarantee of a good death.— Nocera, April 30,............................................................................ 340. To Father Giuseppe Melchionna. — The saint re­ proves him very gently for his indiscreet request. — Nocera, April 30, ........ 341. To Father G. Caione. — Various counsels. — Nocera, May 2, . 342. To a Father on the Mission. — He gives him an order. — Nocera, May 12, 343. To Father C. de Robertis. — He names him Superior of a mission. — [About May 16], ..... 344. To Father E. Caldarera. — He declares his opinion about a foundation in Sicily. — Nocera, June 30, . 345. To Father A. Tannoia. — Recommendations relative to various subjects and to studies in particular. — Nocera, July 18, ........................................................ 346. To Father P. de Matteis, S. J. — Sentiments of the saint in regard to the persecutions of the Society of Jesus. — Nocera, August 17, ..... 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 561 562 562 563 565 567 Contents. LETTER XXIX PAGE 347. To Most Rev. Father Ricci, General of the Society of Jesus. — He asks him to have some one to refute the calumnies spread against the Society of Jesus.— [The year 1760?],................................................... 568 348. To Father G. Caione. — Recommendations regarding certain members of the Institute and various apostolic labors. — [November], . ....................................... 570 349. To Father P. de Matteis, S. J. — Zeal of the saint in defence of the persecuted Society. — Nocera, No­ vember 21, ............................................................................. 572 350. To Father A. Tannoia. — He speaks to him of an important affair. — Nocera, December 12, . . . 573 351. To Sister Maria Arcangela Lippo. — He complies with one of her wishes, but reproves her for insisting. — Nocera, December 22,................................................ 574 352. To the Bishops of the Kingdom. — Letter announcing the forwarding to them of a little work entitled “The Mass and Office Hurriedly Said.” — December 27, . 576 A. D. 1761. » 353. To Father G. Caione. — Various commissions. — Nocera, 9, [January],.......................................................... 577 354. To Sister Chiara Gai ano. — He prescribes for her a rule of life. — Nocera, January 11, .... 577 355. To Father A. Tannoia. — He is astonished at not having received certain news. — Nocera, January 22, . 579 356. To Father Giovanni Rizzi. — He approves of one of his decisions. — Nocera, April 10, ... . 5S0 357. To D. Francesco Pansa. — He asks a favor of him. — Nocera, May 6, , ................................................ 5S2 35S. To a Friend. — He asks him to do a favor. — [The year 1761 ?], . . .......................................................... 582 359· To TIIE Bishops of the Kingdom. — He sends them his Letter to a religious on the manner of preaching. — [Nocera], May 10, ........ 5S3 360. To A Priest of Bisaquino.— He recommends to him to practise filial piety. — Nocera de' Pagani, May 19, . 584 361. To Father G. Rizzi. — He asks him to aid a Father in his studies. — Nocera, May 21, ..... 585 362. To His Brother Don Ercole. — He asks him for the payment of interest on his life-annuity. — Nocera, May , 24,................................................................................................. 5S7 XXX Contents. LETTER 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. PAGE To Sister Chiara («λιανό. — Rules of conduct amidst trials. — Nocera, May 28,................. 588 To Father G. Rizzi. — He combats his scruples of con­ science. — Nocera, July 5,................................................. 589 To a Superior of the Congregation. — Acceptance of a house in Sicily. — Nocera, August 3, 590 To the Students of the House at Ciorani. — Regulations made at the canonical Visitation,--------- . 590 To Father G. Rizzi. — He exhorts him to despise his scruples and charges him with making an inquiry. — [November 1761 ?], ....... 592 To D. NicolÔ Pentimalli. — Sentiments of condolence for the death of Father Pentimalli. — Nocera, November 28,.................................................................. . . 594 To Father A. Tannoia. — Announcement of the arrival of a novice. — Nocera, November 28, . . . . 595 To Father Olympio Pavone. — He congratulates the author on the subject of his works. — Nocera, Decem­ ber 27,........................................................................... . 596 A. D. 1762. 371. To Father A. Tannoia. — He sends a letter addressed to the novices. — Nocera, January 28, . . . . 597 372. To the Novices in the House at Iliceto.—Inestimable value of the religious vocation. — Means of preserving it. — Nocera, January 28, ... . 597 373- To the Novice, Don Vlncenzo Buonopane. — He ex­ horts the novice to unite himself more and more to Jesus Christ. — Nocera, 28, [January], • 601 Fac-similé of a letter of St. Alphonsus addressed to Father Mazzini, Rector of the House at Pagani. (See translation, page 147·) ίν ,· ο» Φ-ff € αν» cke υ f 'no'»» (\J° o/Zcvuft £ υοΛνοσίο (ς /oçecWv tv5?c ( Co/<>. CôJ«. ^7) t ( Ζ ÇjCo c\ cki i"c\v\ô dtmv