THE WORKS COMPLETE Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, Doctor of the Church, Bishop of Saint Agatha, ami Founder of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. TRANSLATED FROM THE ITALIAN. EDITED BY tL V _ ZE TT G- ZE ZEST ZE G R I ZMZ ZMZ Priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. THE ASCETICAL WORKS. Volume VI. THE SACRIFICE, THE SACRAMENT, AND THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS CHRIST. PRACTICE OF LOFE OF JESUS CHRIST. NOVENA TO THE HOL Y GHOST. Jitljtl ubsfaL Arthur J. Scanlan, S.T.D., Censor Librorum. imprimatur f Patritius Cardinalis Hayes, Archiepiscopus Neo-Eboracensis Neo-Eboraci Die 17 Aprilis, 1934 approbation. By virtue of the authority granted me by the Most Rev. Patrick Murray, Superior General of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, I hereby sanction the publication of the woik entitled “The Holy Eucharist,” etc., which is \ ol. \ I. of the complete edition in English of the works of Saint Alphonsus de Liguon. Andrew B. Kuhn, C.SS.R., Provincial. Brooklyn, N. ¥., February 25, 1934 Copyright by VERY REV. ANDREW B. KUHN, C.SS.R. 1934 Printed in U. S. A. CONTENTS. pAce Approbation.............................................................................................. 4 Notice........................................................................................................... 15 THE SACRIFICE OF JESUS CHRIST. I. The sacrifices of the Old Law were figures of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ............................................................................. II. Fulfilment of the prophetic figures............................................ 2l Short Explanation of the Prayers of Mass......................... Hearing Mass............................................................................................ Pious Exercise to acquire the proper disposition for making a 2S 5S good Confession................................................................... Acts for Holy Communion. I. Preparation for Communion................ 53 Acts before Communion......................................................... II. Thanksgiving after Communion............................................ 75 Acts after Communion........................................................... 77 Loving /Aspirations to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Before Communion................................................................. 83 After Communion.............................................. 93 Hymns................................................................................................. 105 Holy Communion, 105. To Jesus after Communion........... 10ό VISITS TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENT AND TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Notice........................................................................................................... To Mary...................................................................................................... To the Reader........................................................................................ Introduction............................................................................................. 110 111 112 XI< The Visit to the Most Holy Sacrament, 113. The Visit to the Blessed Virgin, 118. Spiritual Communion................. 121 Contents. 8 PAGE Manner of making the Visits.................................................... 123 Visits for every day in the month................................................. 127 Hymns............................................................................................ 209 Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament the Tabernacle, 209. The visit to Jesus on the altar................................. 210 MEDITATIONS FOR THE OCTAVE OF CORPUS CHRISTI. I. The love of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament............. II. Jesus remains on the altar, that every one may be able to find him........................... III. The great gift which Jesus has made us by giving him­ self to us in the Blessed Sacrament................................. IV. The great love which Jesus Christ has shown us in the Blessed Sacrament........................................................... V. The union of the Soul with Jesus in Holy Communion... VI. The desire which Jesus Christ has to unite himself to us in Holy Communion........................................................... VII. Holy Communion obtains for us perseverance in divine grace................................................................................ VIII. Preparation for Communion and Thanksgiving after it.... 213 215 216 218 220 222 224 226 NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART. Notice on the devotion to the adorable Heart of Jesus......... 229 MEDITA TIONS. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. The amiable Heart of Jesus................................................ The loving Heart of Jesus.................................................. The Heart of Jesus Christ panting to be loved.................. The sorrowful Heart of Jesus............................................. The compassionate Heart of Jesus..................................... The generous Heart of Jesus.............................................. The grateful Heart of Jesus................................................ The despised Heart of Jesus............................................... The faithful Heart of Jesus................................................. Affections of love towards the Heart of Jesus.......................... Hymns ......................................................................................... The loving Spouse, 258. The loving Spouse in the Heart of Jesus.................................................................................... 235 237 240 242 244 246 249 251 253 256 258 2ςο Contents. 9 THE PRACTICE OF THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST. INTRODUCTION. pagh I. How deserving Jesus Christ is of our love, on account of the love he has shown us in his Passion.................... 263 II. How much Jesus Christ deserves to be loved by us, on ac­ count of the love he has shown us in instituting the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar...................... 275 III. The great confidence we ought to have in the love which Jesus Christ has shown us, and in all he has done for us. 285 IV. How much we are obliged to love Jesus Christ.................. 293 CHAPTER I. CHARITY IS PATIENT. He that loves Jesus Christ loves sufferings. (Patience.)............. 305 CHAPTER II. CHARITY IS KIND. He that loves Jesus Christ loves meekness. (Meekness.)........... 316 CHAPTER III. CHARITY ENVIETH NOT. The soul that loves Jesus Christ does not envy the great ones of this world, but only those who are greater lovers of Jesus Christ.......................................................................... 323 CHAPTER IP. CHARITY DEAI.ETH NOT PERVERSELY. He that loves Jesus Christ avoids lukewarmness, and seeks per­ fection; the means of which are: 1. Desire; 2. Resolution, 3. Mental Prayer; 4. Communion; 5. Prayer................ 330 Lukewarmness, 330. Remedies against lukewarmness: 1. De­ sire of perfection, 334; 2. Resolution, 337; 3. Mental Prayer. 342 CHAPTER P. CHARITY IS NOT PUEFED UP. He that loves Jesus Christ is not vain of his own worth, but humbles himself, and is glad to be humbled by others. (Hu­ mility.).................................................................................. 10 Contents. CHAPTER ΓΛ CHARITY IS NOT AMBITIOUS. PAGtt He that loves Jesus Christ desires nothing but Jesus Christ. 366 (Vainglory.) CHAPTER VII. CHARITY SEEKETH NOT HER OWN. He that loves Jesus Christ seeks to detach himself from every creature. (Detachment.).......................................................... 37I Detachment from relatives, above all, in regard to one’s vocation, 379. Sanctity required to enter Holy Orders, 3S2. Detach­ ment from human respect and self-will ..................... 3S7 CHAPTER VIII. CHARITY IS NOT PROVOKED TO ANGER. He that loves Jesus Christ is never angry with his neighbor. (Meekness.) 392 CHAPTER IX. CHARITY ΊΗΙΝΚΕΤΗ NO EVIL, REJOICETH NOT IN INIQUITY, BUT REJOICING WITH THE TRUTH (CONFORMITY TO God’S 400 WILL)............................... The necessity of conforming to God’s will, 400. Obedience....... 409 CHAPTER X. CHARITY BEARETH ALL THINGS. He that loves Jesus Christ bears all things for Jesus Christ, and especially illnesses, poverty, and contempt..................... 415 I Patience in sickness, 415. 2. Patience in poverty, 421. 3. Patience under contempt........................ 426 CHAPTER XI. CHARITY BELIEVETH ALL THINGS. He that loves Jesus Christ believes all his words. (Faith.) 430 CHAPTER XII. CHARITY HOPETH ALL THINGS. He that loves Jesus Christ hopes for all things from him. (Hope.) 434 Contents. Il CHAPTER XIII. PACK He that loves Jesus Christ with a strong love does not cease to love him in the midst of all sorts of temptations and deso­ lations ................................................................................ 446 I. Temptations; why God permits them, 447. Remedies against temptations, 450. 2. Desolations...................................... 458 Abstract of the virtues treated of in this work, to be practised by him who loves Jesus Christ............................................ 473 Novena to the Holy Ghost. MEDITA TIOHS. Love is a fire that inflames the heart..................................... 479 Love is a light that enlightens thesoul................................ 481 Love is a fountain that satisfies............................................ 4S2 Love is a dew that fertilizes..................................................... 484 Love is a repose that refreshes............................................. 485 Loveis the virtue that gives strength................................. 4S7 Love causes God to dwell in our souls................................ 488 Loveis a bond that binds...................................................... 490 Loveis a treasure containing every good............................ 492 The means of loving God and of becoming a saint........... 494 Exercise to obtain the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost ... 496 Hymn.................................................................................................. 505 Index.................................................................................................. 506 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X Pious f < &lje Sacrifice of Jcsns Christ, WITH Λ SHORT EXPLANATION OF THE PRA YERS OF THE MASS In the two preceding volumes we have been consider­ ing that the Son of God, not content with becoming man and immolating himself for our salvation, in order to satisfy the love that he bore us, also wished to create for himself an entirely new life of love by instituting the Holy Eucharist expressly for the purpose of giving him­ self to us in three different ways; namely, as a victim of of an infinite price in the Holy Sacrifice; as the food of our souls in Holy Communion; and, in the holy taber­ nacle, as a perpetual companion of our exile here upon earth. After having paid our homage to our Saviour in his sacrament of love, we honor with a special worship his divine heart, which is regarded as the seat of his im­ mense love for us. Now. as God loves only in order to be loved, we are led by the foregoing considerations to the practice of the love of Jesus Christ. We conclude by speaking of the devotion that is due to the Holy Spirit, who is the love that is consubstantial with the Father and the Son, through whom God loves us, and through whom we love God. Such are the contents of this volume, which is Vol­ ume VI. of the ascetical works. We place at the beginning of this volume a short treatise entitled “The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ,” because the Sacrifice of the Altar is intimatelv connected with the Sacrifice of the Cross, the latter being the subject considered in the last volume, and because the Sacrifice of the Altar completes the Sacrifice of the Cross by Holy Communion. St. Alphonsus wrote this little work in his retreat in the year 1776, when he was eighty years of age, and pub­ lished it with his work called the Victories of the Martyrs. Ed. * NOTICE I acknowledge to have drawn this little treatise on the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ from a work composed by a learned French author. * His work is complete and somewhat diffuse. I have composed and have published this abridgment because of the profit that may be de­ rived from it, not only by the priests who say Mass, but by the faithful who are present at it. My little work bears the title “ The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ,” for, although we distinguish by different names the Sacrifice of the Cross from the Sacrifice of the Altar, * This is, however, not a mere abridgment that St. Alphonsus gives us. As was usual with him. he appropriated the subject and treated it after his own manner by confining himself to quoting on some points the opinion of the French author. What he ascribes to the latter is found, nearly word for word, in the book entitled “ L’Idée du Sacerdoce et du Sacrifice de Jésus-Christ, par le R. P. De Condren, etc. Par un Prêtre de l’Oratoire.” We doubt, however, whether this excellent work is that which our Saint had before him; for it ap­ pears to us that such a work cannot be called anonymous, though the learned Oratorian who published it in 1677 gives in the title-page only his title, and the initials of his name in his dedication, by signing himself P. Q. (This is Father Pasquier Quesncl, who later on became unfortunately so famous.) This doubt