ISSN 0040-6325 DECEMBER, 1987 Special Number THE THOMIST A SPECULATIVE QUARTERLY REVIEW GENERAL INDEX VOLUME I (1939) TO VOLUME L (1986) THE THOMIST Publishers PRESS THE THOMIST J. A. DrNora, O.P. Editor Romanus Cessario, O.P. NorMan Fenton, O.P. Wurm J. Ho, O.P. Wu A. Watiace, 0.P. Associate Editors MatrHew RzEczKowskI, O.P. Rosert F. Conway, O.P. Managing Editor Editorial Assistant The Thomist, a Speculative Quarterly Review of Theology and Philosophy, appeals to a wide international readership in the university, the seminary and the Church. In the tradition and spirit of Thomas Aquinas, it seeks to promote original and penetrating inquiry into the broad range of contemporary philosophical and theological questions. It undertakes particularly to support sustained discussion of central issues in the various sub-fields of philosophy and systematic theology, especially though not exclusively where such discussion can be advanced by creative use of the thought of Aquinas and significant authors in the Thomist tradi- tion. In this way The Thomist seeks to cultivate a fruitful dialogue between modern and contemporary philosophical systems and the classical tradition of philosophy and Christian theology. History of philosophy, historical theology and textual studies, as they bear on enduring speculative questions or as they illumine the intellectual setting of Thomistic thought, also come within the scope of the journal. The Thomist is published quarterly in January, April, July and October. Subseription rates, U.S.A., 1 year: $20.00; foreign, 1 year: $24.00 (in U.S. currency only). Single copies (within twelve months of publication): $6.00. General Index (vols. 1-50): $20.00. Subscription orders, notices of changes of address, and all correspondence concerning subscriptions should be addressed to the Business Office, The Thomist Press, 487 Michigan Ave., N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017-1585. Reprints of vols. 1-30 and back issues published more than twelve months ago are available from Kraus Reprint & Periodicals, Route 100, Millwood, NY 10546. 16mm microfilm, 35mm microfilm, 105mm microfiche, and article copies are available from University Microfilms Ine., 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Articles and reviews appearing in The Thomist are indexed in the Catholic Periodical and Literature Index, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses: Elenchus Bibliographicus, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, the International Bibliography of Periodical Literature, the Philosopher's Index, Religious and Theological Abstracts, Repertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie, and Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (Bibliografisch Repertorium). The Thomist is printed at The J. H. Furst Company, 242 South Eden Street, Baltimore, Maryland, 21231. All materials published in The Thomist are copyrighted by The Thomist Press. All rights reserved. © Copyright 1987 by Dominican Fathers Province of St. Joseph Second class postage paid at Washington, D.C. and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Thomist, 487 Michigan Ave., N.E., Washington, DC 20017-1585. THE THOMIST A SPECULATIVE QUARTERLY REVIEW OF THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY DECEMBER, GENERAL VOLUMES 1987 INDEX 1 TO 50 (1939-1986) ARTICLES Authors of Articles Titles of Articles Philosophical/Theological Terms in Titles Proper Names in Titles REVIEWS Authors and Editors of Books Reviewed Titles Reviewed That Come from a Corporate Body .... Reviewers The following special symbols are used in this index: + indicates joint authorship (or editorship) # indicates a related entry, such as a rejoinder to a review 278 PREFACE Upon completion of the fiftieth volume of The Thomist, we are happy to provide our readers with a comprehensive index to the first fifty volumes of our journal. The previous general index appeared in 1953 and covered the first fifteen volumes, In the early 1980’s, Thomas Hennessy, 0O.P., compiled an index on 3x5 cards for our office use. The prospect of converting these file drawers to manuscript seemed a formidable one, until we acquired a microcomputer. The new technology has enabled us to create this index for volumes 1 through 50. Some 900 articles and 1900 book reviews are included. From the basic index of articles by author, we have generated first a listing by title, then two key-word-out-of-context indexes, one for terms and one for proper names. In some cases we have added a word or two in brackets after the title, especially when the article is largely a discussion of a philosopher or theologian, and yet his name does not appear in the actual title. The Thomist often publishes an extended book review in the form of a “ review article.” Please note that these are indexed as articles, not as book reviews. The other basic index covers the book reviews. The 1953 index had a separate section for “brief notices.” These were unsigned reviews by members of the Thomist staff. We have treated these simply as book reviews. Because there are different conventions for citing a corporate author, we thought it opportune to provide an additional listing by title for works from corporate bodies. The final listing is by reviewers. The text has been proofread many times, but with such a mass of detail, some errors may have escaped us. Should you locate a mistake, please inform us, and we will check to see if the data base needs to be corrected. Sincere thanks are due to Mary Fala, who entered most of the data and prepared the manuscript for printing. We are also indebted to Francis Conway, O.P., and Norman Fenton, 0.P., who so willingly took on the task of proofreading this material in its various stages of composition. We thank you for your support of The Thomist over the years, and we hope you will find this index genuinely useful. MarrHew RzeczKowskI, O.P. AUTHORS OF ARTICLES Abel, Donald C., S.J. The Doctrine of Synergism in Gregory of Nyssa’s De Instituto Christiano 45 (1981) 430-448 Abel, F. M., O.P. The Places of the Assumption .... 14 (1951) 109-117 Adler, M. J. The Demonstration of God’s Existence.. — Little Errors in the Beginning 5 (1943) 188-218 38 (1974) 27- 48 ——Problems for Thomists: I—The Problem of Species. ——Solution of the Problem of Species 3 (1941) 279-379 + The Theory of Democracy Albano, Peter J.,C.M. Theology 3 (1941) 3 (1941) 4 (1942) 4 (1942) 4 (1942) 4 (1942) 6 (1943) 6 (1943) 6 (1943) 7 (1944) Ricoeur’s Contribution to Fundamental Alexander, Jon, 0.P. Aeterni Patris: 1879-1979. American Responses Algozin, Keith. Gorgias Allers, R. Faith and Silence in Plato’s 46 (1982) 573-592 41 (1977) 237-246 4 (1942) 589-648 —F unctions, Factors, and Faculties 7 (1944) 323-362 —tThe Intellectual Cognition of Particulars — On Darkness, Silence, and the Nought Allik, Tiina. 3 (1941) 95-163 9 (1946) 515-572 Ways to Know God Karl Rahner on Materiality and Human Knowledge Aloysius, Sr. Mary, A Critique 8.S.J. The Kantian 397-449 588-652 121-181 286-354 446-522 692-761 49-118 251-277 367-407 80-131 A Bibliography of 43 (1979) 480-481 The Cognitive Aspect of Emotions Allers, R., tr. 1 (1939) 80-122 1 (1939) 237-270 1 (1939) 381-443 2 (1940) 88-155 2 (1940) 237-300 Theory 9 (1946) 379-420 49 (1985) 367-386 of Sense-Intuition: 19 (1956) 506-515 2 AutTHors oF ARTICLES ——tToward a Thomistic Theory of Sensation 20 (1957) 143-157 Anderson, James F. —In Defense of Etienne Gilson: Concerning a Recent Book about Thomistie Metaphysics. [O’Brien] —tThe Notion of Certitude ——tTime and the Possibility of an Eternal World .... ——tTwo Studies in Metaphysics Anderson, Thomas Mathematician C. Aristotle and Aquinas 28 (1964) 373-380 18 (1955) 522-539 15 (1952) 136-161 3 (1941) 564-587 on the Freedom of the 36 (1972) 231-255 Annice, Sr. M., C.S.C. Considerations for a Philosophy of Action 20 (1957) 311-329 ——Logic and Mystery in the Quarta Via of St. Thomas Anshen, R.N. Non Ardley, G. Jacques Maritain: Est, Est, Non, The Physies of Local Motion Arnold, Magda B. The Internal Senses—Functions or Powers? Ashley, Benedict M., O.P. Causality and Evolution.. —Christian Moral Principles: A Review Discussion 19 (1956) 22- 58 5 (1943) 79- 84 17 (1954) 145-185 26 (1963) 15- 34 36 (1972) 199-230 [Grisez] + The Liberal Arts in St. Thomas Aquinas — A Social Science Founded on a Unified Natural Science 48 (1984) 450-460 22 (1959) 460-532 Theologian Ashmore, Robert B. Egoism 42 (1978) 226-239 24 (1961) 605-621 —tThree Strands in the Thought of Eckhart, the Scholastic Friendship and the Problem of Atkins, Anselm, 0.C.8.0. 41 (1977) 105-130 The Eucharist: a Regenerative 29 (1956) 217-231 Austin, William H. Theology and Natural Science: Beyond the Truce? A Review Discussion 48 (1984) 433-449 Ayala, Francisco J.,0.P. Man in Evolution 31 (1967) 1- 20 Azar, Larry. Whitehead: Challenging a Challenge .. 30 (1966) 80- 87 Bales, Eugene F. A Heideggerian Interpretation of Negative Theology in Plotinus Bandera, Armando, 0.P. God 47 (1983) 197-208 The Composition of the People of 33 (1969) 405-455 ——Recent Church Teaching on Religious Profession: Temporary or Perpetual? Barrett, Sr. M. Olivia, R.S.M. Education Bartell, Ernest, C.S.S. 34 (1970) 584-635 The Role of Science in Liberal 24 (1961) 622-638 Value, Price and St. Thomas.. 25 (1962) 325-381 AutnHors or ARTICLES Barth, Karl. Extra Nos—Pro Nobis—In Nobis 3 50 (1986) 497-511 Baum, Gregory, 0.S.A. Primacy and Episcopacy: A Doctrinal Reflection 27 (1963) 211-221 Beach, John D. The Act of Analysis 44 (1980) 45- 71 —Aristotle’s Notion of Being 21 (1958) 29- 43 ——tThe Ethical Theories of Aurel Kolnai —Separate Entity as the Subject of Aristotle’s Metaphysics Bearsley, Patrick J.,S.M. 45 (1981) 132-143 20 (1957) Another Look at the First Principles of Knowledge Bedell, Gary L. Bradley’s Monistie Idealism 75- 95 36 (1972) 566-598 34 (1970) 568-583 —tTheistic Realism and Monistie Idealism 35 (1971) 661-683 Ethies Bennett, John B. 28 (1964) 174-224 Beis, Richard H. Whitehead Some Contributions of Anthropology to The Tacit in Experience: Polanyi and ——wWhitehead and Personal Identity Bertman, Martin A. 42 (1978) 28- 49 37 (1973) 510-521 The Function of the Rational Principle in Aristotle 37 (1973) 686-701 Biechler, James E. Gabriel Biel on Liberum Arbitrium: Prelude to Luther’s De Servo Arbitrio 34 (1970) 114-127 Binsse, H.L. Jacques Maritain: A Biographical Impression 5 (1943) 5- 6 Blackstone, William T. Thomism and Metaphysics .. 28 (1964) 225-246 Blondel, M. The Inconsistency of Jean Paul Sartre’s Logie 10 (1947) 393-397 Boadt, Lawrence, C.S.P. Wisdom Bobik, Joseph. Tradition Aquinas The Sixth Way of St. Thomas Bochenski, I. M., O.P. Bond, L. M.,0.P. Friendship Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Biblical On Analogy 49 (1985) 575-611 42 (1978) 373-399 11 (1948) 424-447 A Comparison Between Human and Divine 3 (1941) —tThe Effect of Bodily Temperament on Psychical Characteristics Part I Bondi, Eugene, 0.P. 54 94 10 (1947) 423-501 11 (1948) 28-104 Predication: A Study Based in the Ars Logica of John of St. Thomas Bondy, L. S.,C.S.B. Claudel and the Catholic Revival Bourke, Vernon J. Moral Philosophy without Revelation? —Right-Reason in Contemporary Ethics 30 (1655) 260-294 5 (1943) 171-187 40 (1976) 555-570 38 (1974) 106-124 4 AutTHors or ARTICLES Boyle, John P. Lonergan’s Method in Theology and Obectivity in Moral Theology 37 (1973) 589-601 Boyle, Joseph M. Praeter Intentionem in Aquinas .. 42 (1978) 649-665 Boyle, Leonard E.,0.P. Bradley, Denis J.M. The Quodlibets of St. Thomas and Pastoral 38 (1974) 232-256 Rahner’s Spirit in the World: Aquinas or Hegel? 41 (1977) 167-199 —tTranscendental Critique and Realist Metaphysics 39 (1975) 631-667 Philosophy 1 (1939) Bradley, Sr. R.,C.H.M. Naming God in St. Augustine’s Confessions 17 (1954) 186-196 Brennan, R. E.,0.P. The Mansions of Thomistic —NModern Psychology and Man 3 (1941) —tThe Thomistie Concept of Culture 62- 79 8- 32 5 (1943) 111-136 —Walter Farrell, O.P.: Apud Posteros Sacer 15 (1952) 199-208 Brennan, Sheilah O’Flynn. The Meaning of “ Nature ” in the Aristotelian Philosophy of Nature 24 (1961) 383-401 Bro, Bernard, O0.P. The Place of the Liturgy in Christian Spirituality 27 (1963) 413-439 Browne, Michael, O.P. Letter of the Master General. [Dignity of Science number] 24 (1961) _ iii-vii Bryson, Kenneth A. The Metaphysics of Emile Meyerson: A Key to the Epistemological Paradox 37 (1973) 119-132 Identity of Jesus Christ 50 (1986) 568-598 Buckley, James J. Christological Inquiry: Barth, Rahner, and the —Doctrine in the Diaspora, [Lindbeck] ——Karl Rahner as a Dogmatic Theologian —Retrieving Trinitarian Teaching. [Hill] Burke, Patrick. Faith in Other scholastics; Scheeben] Burns, J. Patout,$.J. Maréchal Byrne, Patrick H. View People: 49 (1985) 443-459 47 (1983) 364-394 Three Spiritual Dynamism in Bibliography of Jacques Maritain :1910- Cahalan, John C. Metaphysics Caldin, E. F. Philosophy Califano, [Hume; some 34 (1970) 438-459 32 (1968) 528-539 The Thomistic Sources of Lonergan’s World- Byrns, R. 1942 48 (1984) 274-296 Views. Analogy and the Disrepute of Modern Physics and Thomist Joseph J. Callus, Daniel A..O.P. Bergson’s Concept of Motion ... 46 (1982) 108-145 5 (1943) 345-371 34 (1970) 387-422 2 (1940) 208-225 34 (1970) 555-567 The Origins of the Problem of the Unity of 24 (1961) 257-285 AutHors or ARTICLES Camelot, Thomas, 0.P. Campbell, Harry M. Religion Tradition 5 27 (1963) 182-195 The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer and Fictional ——Religion as Illusion in the Philosophy of 33 (1969) 737-754 Santayana 34 (1970) 533-554 ——Teilhard de Chardin and “the Mysterious Divinity, Evolution.” 36 (1972) 608-625 Caputo, John D. Fundamental Themes in Meister Eckhart’s Mysticism 42 (1978) 197-225 ——The Nothingness of the Intellect in Meister Eckhart’s Parisian Questions 39 (1975) 85-115 ——tThe Problem of Being in Heidegger and the Scholastics Cardman, Francine. Orders 41 (1977) 62- 91 The Medieval Question of Women and 42 (1978) 582-599 Carlin, David R., Jr. Aquinas Carlson, John. Carlson, 8.,0.P. Part I Assimilating Kohlberg to Possibilities of Religious Skepticism.. The Virtue of Humility. Carol, J. B.,0.F.M. Assumption Carpenter, H.,0.P. Thomism Carr-Wiggin, Robert. Immutability ido 6 oe chine ecticccdeciceiee 48 (1984) 607-633 The Essence of the Sacrifice of the Mass. WPMMED Seicioy oUt eset tes ceciaeedecaveces 17 (1954) 525-557 The ithical Theories of Aurel Kolnai. WOM COMED Riskes vcye PKs sa edie Soccseweeaewe 45 (1981) 132-143 Ethics as a Key to Aquinas’s Theology. VanderMarck, William H. M. ................. Etienne Gilson and the Concept of Existence. 40 (1976) 535-554 LaPlante, Harry 28 (1964) 302-337 Atkins, Anselm, 0.C.S.0. ........cccceeeeeeees 29 (1965) 217-231 Matter, E. Ann 49 (1985) 551-574 Lehner, Francis C., O.P. ........ceeeeeeeeseees 30 (1966) Wharton, Robert V. ........seceeceeeeeeseeee 41 (1977) 567-584 The Eucharist: A Regenerative Sacrifice. Euclid and Aristotle. Greenwood, T. .............- 15 (1952) 374-403 Eulogium Sponsi de Sponsa: Canons, Monks, and the Song of Songs. An Evaluation of Averroes’ Paraphrase of Aristotle’s Poetics. Evil in Earthly Paradise: Ivan Karamazov’s “ Dialectic” against God and Zossima’s “ Euclidean ” Response. Evolution after Darwin. Evolution and Entropy. Centore, F. F. ........... 38- 65 33 (1969) 718-736 Smith, Vincent E. ........ 24 (1961) 441-462 The Evolutionary Approach to Ethics. Dalcourt, Gerard J. ......ccccccccccccsccceees Exemplar Causality and the Supernatural Order. Greenstock, D. La, .....0.ccccccccccccccccccece 37 (1973) 341-365 Wallace, William A., O.P. ........seeeeeeeeeee 27 (1963) 493-515 Existence and Causality. Kane, William H., 0.P.... Existential Ethics: A Thomistie Appraisal. Existentialism and Existence. Smith, Vincent E. 16 (1953) 28 (1964) 1- 31 76- 92 11 (1948) 141-196 11 (1948) 297-329 48 Tittes oF ARTICLES Existentialism and the Degrees of Knowledge. MUO bi ode 6k:e Unc s cless:6 sk 6S WSISls6 60s 19 (1956) 193-218 Existentialism: Greek Ethics and the Way Back to the Future. Sontag, Frederick 34 (1970) 306-310 Expectancy of an Imminent Parousia and Concern for Church Order: An Inverse Relationship? PUGH, BOWIE i ODEs 5 ois ccc sccvcececes 39 (1975) Experience of God and Explicit Faith: A Comparison of John of the Cross and Karl Rahner. Edwards, Denis 46 (1982) Extra Nos—Pro Nobis—In Nobis. Barth, Karl 1- 23 33- 74 50 (1986) 497-511 Faith and Certainty. Raposa, Michael L. .......... 50 (1986) 85-119 Faith and Mysticism: Two Studies. Ns Pec oss ss adn sg S bea.c ch ws's'es ae vies 2 (1949) 59- 87 Faith and Silence in Plato’s Gorgias. Algozin, Keith 41 (1977) 237-246 Faith, Freedom in Thought, and Publication. I RUMI Nas 5 cine ni so be veces eccsccs 27 (1963) 516-536 Faith in Other People: Three Views. [Hume; some scholastics; Scheeben] Burke, Patrick 34 (1970) 438-459 The Fate of Representative Government. NIN ards gia 13 50's pCi sie'ee'sse cise seceis 2 (1940) 175-207 The Fatherhood of the Priest. Ape a | BSE SS Oe 10 (1947) 271-306 Fatima: The Rosary and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. ROME ME Kec cece ncseccvececssdeccees 13 (1950) 453-527 The Fecundity of Goodness. Garrigou-Lagrange, R., O.P. ........eeeeeeeees 2 (1940) 226-236 Ferment in Philosophy of Science: A Review Discussion. Dubin, Paul 50 (1986) 690-700 A Few Reflections on “ The Third Way: Encore.” [Kondoleon] ePNNTE SUVEMIDTIS POPTOPA -is'es a's sceeiscceeseses 46 (1982) 75- 91 The Field of Social Justice. Re Rr lich ices wisi Sd w6cseeie d'sos 1 (1939) 295-330 The First Principles of Changeable Being. Ee eee 8 (1945) 27- 67 The First Way: A Rejoinder. MV GHINOG) WOTTON A OLB. 6058s ccc ee ccecssess 39 (1975) 375-382 The First Way in Physical and Moral Space. King-Farlow, John 39 (1975) 349-374 The Formal Subject of Metaphysics. GN NUNN NEES Gre Pasig cacwibniee ceasec ses c's 19 (1956) 59- 74 Frederick Woodbridge: Experience and Idea. SN UMENNIE EE, onsies: b'sFic.054i00.0.6.055 06's0.50.0'00.6' 39 (1975) 712-726 TitLes oF ARTICLES The Free Will Defense: New and Old. Kondoleon, Theodore J. ........seeseeeeeeeees 49 47 (1983) 1- 42 Freedom and Existence in Contemporary Philosophy and in St. Thomas. Fabro, Cornelio 38 (1974) 524-556 Freedom, Responsibility and Desire in Kantian Ethics. Wassmer, Thomas A., S.J. cece eeeens 21 (1958) 320-342 Friendship and the Problem of Egoism. Ashmore, Robert B. .......cccceseeeeeeseccess 41 (1977) 105-130 From the Fact of Evolution to the Philosophy of Evolutionism. Nogar, Raymond J., O.P. .......eeeeeeeesseees 24 (1961) 463-501 Biechler, James EB, ........ccececcceccccsseees Gadamer on Hegel’s Dialectic: A Review Article. 34 (1970) 114-127 The Function of the Rational Principle in Aristotle. Bertman, Martin A. 37 (1973) 686-701 Functions, Factors, and Faculties. Allers, R. 7 (1944) 323-362 Fundamental Themes in Meister Eckhart’s Mysticism. Cage SOM. 6 basin ud onc o's odae als daddies 42 (1978) 197-225 Fundamental Theology and the Dynamics of Conversion. Dulles; BVGRGs Bide. oiriibe CBee be ve cached sees 45 (1981) 175-193 Gabriel Bie! on Liberum Arbitrium: Prelude to Luther’s De Servo Arbitrio. Grama, MONE Be oooh oii caniee Setwcae ceveceesee 43 (1979) 322-330 Gadamer’s Hermeneutics and Ordinary Language Philosophy. Smith, P. Christopher Genus and Difference. Slattery, M. P. ............. Geometry and Convention: A Critical Discussion. 43 (1979) 296-321 21 (1958) 343-364 Fisk, Milton 33 (1969) 343-351 George Edward Moore’s Criticism of Some Ethical Theories. Franks, Gabriel, 0.S.B. .........0eeeeeeeeeees 31 (1967) 259-281 The Gifts of the Holy Ghost, by John of St. Thomas. M., O.P., and Hughes, W. D., 0.P., tr. Parts IV and V Part VI Egan, James 8 (1945) 244-284 8 (1945) 369-403 8 (1945) 471-519 9 (1946) 66-116 9 (1946) 266-326 Part VII 9 (1946) 421-460 The Gifts of the Spirit: Aquinas and the Modern Context. Kelly, Anthony J., C.SS.R. ......... cceee neon 38 (1974) 193-231 Gilkey’s Reaping the Whirlwind: A Review Article. Stinson, Charles 42 (1978) 135-147 The Gnoseological Transcendence in Nicolai Hartmann’s Metaphysics of Cognition. Schuetzinger, Caroline E. TITLES OF ARTICLES 30 (1966) God and the Desire of Understanding. ee God: How Near a Relation? 1- 37 30 (1966) 136-196 re 33 (1969) 667-674 Bays, EMD Wig CRs 30 6 oc s os ccececdoie 34 (1970) 191-229 God in the Ethico-Religious Thought of Henri Bergson. CO eee 32 (1968) 333-365 The God Who Becomes: Eckhart on Divine Relativity. Loeschen, John God’s Eternal Law. Collins, J. P., O.P. ............ God’s Omnipotence and Immutability. Carr-Wiggin, Robert God-Talk: Review Article. [Macquarrie] ag A TRL 2 ee 35 (1971) 405-422 23 (1960) 497-532 48 (1984) 44- 51 32 (1968) 116-126 Grace and Free Will in Justification: A Textual Study in Aquinas. PE EES uivdree fv. arn60.0 6.600 beep coceees 35 (1971) 601-630 Grace and Liberation: An Interpretation of History. TG atincwpddenssoetsrecccesnss 42 (1978) 539-581 The Grammar of Esse: Re-Reading Thomas on the Transcendentals. NNN 635.5 sidan vshss 0'ssieoihis(o 0901605 0's 44 (1980) 1- 26 Gravitational Motion According to Theodoric of Freiberg. FVOUUNOD, OPM, OE ok oe cc icecccnsccoces 24 (1961) 327-352 Gravity and Love as Unifying Principles. Sis neslds wih 6 0 cle6/0biosin' 4.neese’ 21 (1958) 184-193 Gregory of Nyssa and the Social Analogy of the Trinity. ORIEN, COPMEIINE, OE. og... ccc cecdcccccsece 50 (1986) 325-352 Grounded in the Trinity: Suggestions for a Theology of Relationship to Other Religions. Sheridan, Daniel P. .......... 50 (1986) 260-278 Guibert of Nogent and Gregory the Great on Preaching and Exegesis. tee oc acctenc siden sasecce canes 49 (1985) 534-550 The Gulf in Modern Philosophy: Is Thomism the Bridge? PIMs ca cer vase sccee ccc sen vreeee 38 (1974) 8- 26 Hans Kiing on Propositions and their Problematic: A Critque. CONE, WANN sg Bho o.9.0i5 0 be nociccenesiesees 39 (1975) 743-765 Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Truth and Method: A Review Article. as :01bs5) Stash 6,04 6.4) 0.0.0 bs o.cces « 40 vaetie 311-321 Harman’s “ Refutation ” of Flourishing Ethics. Machan, Tibor 49 (1985) 387-391 Hunsinger, George 50 (1986) 599-622 The Harnack/Barth Correspondence: A Paraphrase with Comments. The Hedonism of Aquinas. VCE, APOUNEEB TOE soc bocce cecdesees cece 38 (1974) 257-290 TitLes or ARTICLES 51 Hegel and Monasticism. Seidel, George J., O.S.B. ..........ccecceccees 35 (1971) 423-434 Hegel, Spinoza, and a Theory of Experience as Closed. Foss, Laurence 35 (1971) 435-446 Hegel: The Theological Roots of his Dialectic. Wall TEaP IE sssienicidsiee ciceinese sicaececces 37 (1973) 734-742 Hegelianism and the Making of the Modern World. WOON Rs Wee 2s6 ace Pies puioiciaclhecthwswnnods 14 (1951) 335-350 A Heideggerian Interpretation of Negative Theology in Plotinus. Dillon: GONG Wa. soo ckceieins vasiaediodescccescee 47 (1983) 197-208 Hierarchy and Holiness: Aquinas on the Holiness of the Episcopal State. Malloy, TOG Oe oon ova sc cresisincceceeics odsine 39 (1975) 198-252 The Historical Jesus: Some Outstanding Issues. [Schillebeeckx] Fuller, Reginald H. ...........ssceeeeecessees The Historical Opportunity of Orthodoxy. Crees Wa 48 (1984) 368-382 ook coin wb acts deta doses. ccveos 15 (1952) 289-310 History, Objectivity, and Moral Conversion. Schindler, David L. ...........ccceeeeeeseeees 37 (1973) 569-588 The History of the Feast of the Assumption. CRNA ANU caidtion ca cclccwseducwisaelesedcc 14 (1951) 118-132 Homosexuality and Christianity. Williams, Bruce A., O.P. ........eeeeeeeeeeees 46 (1982) 609-625 Homosexuality and Moral Theology :Methodological and Substantive Considerations. Curran, Charles E. ........... 35 (1971) 447-481 Hope and Charity in St. Thomas. DeLetter, Prudentius, 8.J. Part I 13 (1950) 204-248 13 (1950) 325-352 How Does God Enter into Philosophy? Guerriere, Daniel How Good is the Pleasurable Good? 48 (1984) 165-187 CORONER, POM Bs Satie ccccccisisics stccciecaneas 28 (1964) 391-408 The Human Activity of the Word. O’Shea, Kevin F., C.SS.R. ........ eee eeeeenees 22 (1959) 143-232 Walhout, Donald 44 (1980) 278-297 Kolnai, A. 7 (1944) 429-557 Garrigou-Lagrange, R., O.P. ......0.s+eeeeeeee: 1 (1939) Human Destiny and World Population: The Individual as Horizon and Frontier. Schall, James V., S.J. .............: 41 (1977) 92-104 Human Knowledge of God’s Existence in the Theology of Bernard Lonergan. Wilson, Patricia 35 (1971) 259-275 Human Nature and Value Theory. The Humanitarian versus the Religious Attitude. Humility According to St. Thomas. 2-13 52 TitLes oF ARTICLES Hylomorphism, Gravity and Tertiary Matter. WU PEG OTR. nando cvciccecascadiececes The Idea of the Church in St. Thomas Aquinas. 24 (1961) 23- 46 Conger, BH. F., OP. ..c.ccccccccccsccsccccvece 1 (1939) 331-359 Idealism: The Primacy of the Good. Ne ca carcino eine praise 610.604 Sino-o.ane'e 13 (1950) 16- 49 Images of Liberation: Justin, Jesus and the Jews. Root, Michael 48 (1984) 512-534 The Immaculate Conception and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I Oe ica cisigia.c bawiceieins eeeisian 19 (1956) 239-249 Immanently Transcendent and Subsistent Esse: A Comparison. Reichmann, James B., S.J. ........ceeeeeceeeess 38 (1974) 332-369 Immortality and the Political Life of Man in Albertus Magnus. ee. 2 ae eee eee ee 48 (1984) 535-565 The Impact of Theology. Ramirez, Santiago, O.P. .. 17 (1954) 558-569 The Impeccability of the Angels regarding their Natural End. Marieb, Raymond E., O.P. .........cccccccess 28 (1964) 409-474 Implicit Faith, General Revelation and the State of Non-Christians. RMN AI hss sides,ciksnn'oies cicceSbccee apis 47 (1983) 209-241 In Defense of Etienne Gilson: Concerning a Recent Book about Thomistic Metaphysies. [O’Brien]. Anderson, James F. ... 28 (1964) 373-380 In Search of a Happy Ending. RNS NRE obyic'ciccclevoccsespicewesses 4 (1942) 41- 69 RN EME Aad ishois sy s'sle.6. cd's 010sislese'n.e'b-a'e'e 42 (1978) In What Sense is God Infinite? A Thomistic Perspective. Ry POMS MIE Svoresnla's s.0'cinisie.oi0ises viele esi’ 42 (1978) 1-13 In What Sense is God Infinite? A Process Perspective. The Inadequacy of Situation Ethics. 14- 27 King, J. Charles 34 (1970) 423-437 CRMNMNN ANI RIM wiewictecacecccsccscevtiess 17 (1954) ee 10 (1947) 393-397 The Incarnation: De la Taille vs. Thomistic Tradition. The Inconsistency of Jean Paul Sartre’s Logic. ay te, EE EEE EO eer: ee The Increase of Charity. Condit, A. ............. Induction in Aristotle and St. Thomas. 1- 42 17 (1954) 367-386 CRN ERIS Soleicclssc ccebscciesecvevese 22 (1959) 336-365 Infallibility: A Reply. [Vertin] Nt Ee 44 (1980) 128-135 Infallibility and Specific Moral Norms: A Review Discussion. [Sullivan] WRN ION, (5-slare S05 5:00 éSecs oc ce's dees 49 (1985) 248-287 The Infallibility of the Apostolic See in Juan de Torquemada, O.P. EN INNS Bisco ous0,06.60.4 0 90% velb'e stn 46 (1982) 242-266 Instinctive Estimation of Practical Values. 8 (1945) 185-232 Tities oF ARTICLES 58 “ Integrated” Knowledge of Nature. Sikora, J. J. .. 21 (1958) 171-183 The Intellectual Cognition of Particulars. BS Bet Pe Oe her eet pe ere 3 (1941) 95-163 The Intellectual Virtue of Prudence. 8 (1945) 413-456 The Interior Testimony of the Holy Spirit. Part I Schepers, Maurice B., O.P. The Internal Senses—Functions or Powers? GOMOD. Ve: cileecccccsccceccdevecencws The Internal Senses—F unctions or Powers? 29 (1965) 140-176 29 (1965) 295-321 29 (1965) 420-454 26 (1963) 1-14 APOE a6 0K cccaddsdeccveccccsccccsss 26 (1963) 15- 34 International Casuisties. Greenwood, T. ........... 13 (1950) 353-400 The International Community according to Francis de Vitoria. Moafios, TH, OP. on cccccscccccccccccacescsscve 10 (1947) 1- 55 The Interpretation of the Conjugal Act and the Theology of Marriage. LeVGMG, Tig Aone. ca cok naicin CU ciddatig ss cdece owes 1 (1939) 360-380 Intrinsically Evil Acts: An Historical Study of the Mind of St. Thomas. TORO DOME, Ki ciiais coe c celecdkds cas cdcdocees 43 (1979) 385-413 Introduction to Metaphysics. Kane, William H., O.P. ........scseeeeceeeees 20 (1957) 121-142 Kane, William H., O.P. ..........eeeeeeeeeees 1 (1939) 193-212 Introduction to Philosophy. Introduction—Vatican II: The Theological Dimension. Smith, Ferrer E., O.P. .........ccceeescesecees 27 (1963) vii-xii Is Darwin Dead? Centore, F. F. .............000: 47 (1983) 550-571 Is Heidegger a Nihilist? Langan, T. D............. 21 (1958) 302-319 Is Lonergan’s Method Adequate to Christian Mystery? Kelly, Anthony J., C.SS.R. ........0eeeeeeeees 39 (1975) 437-470 Is Nominalism Compatible with Truth? Peterson, John Is-Ought: Prescribing and a Present Controversy. Schultz, Janice L. 46 (1982) 459-465 49 (1985) 1- 23 Is Philosophy Still Possible? Neumann, Harry 36 (1972) 545-565 Is “ Self-Validating ” Religious Experience Logically Possible? Oakes, Robert A. 36 (1972) 256-266 Is There a Thomistic Alternative to Lonergan’s Cognitional Structure? Smith, Mare 43 (1979) 626-636 Jacques Maritain: A Biographical Impression. Binsse, H. L. 5 (1943) 5- 6 Jacques Maritain: Est, Est, Non, Non. Anshen, RB. N. ....ccccccccccccccccccccccccces 5 (1943) 79- 84 54 Tittes oF ARTICLES Japan, Philosophy, and Thomism. Inagaki, B., and McAllister, J. B. ............+. 19 (1956) 250-261 Schwager. 46 (1982) 173-194 Jesus as Scapegoat? Violence and the Sacred in the Theology of Raymond Galvin, John P. ............+-e00s Jesus the Man and Jesus the Christ: Did Bultmann Change? Goncsen-wenrey Gi, CB. 6 oo c iccoc lc cwescecs 36 (1972) 267-292 John Dewey and Modern Thomism. O’Meara, W. .. 5 (1943) 308-318 John Hick’s Lives after Life. Craighead, Houston .. 43 (1979) 653-665 Jung’s Ideas on Religion. Moreno, Antonio, 0.P. ... 31 (1967) 282-320 The Just-War Doctrine: A Warrant for Resistance. Genovesi, Vincent J., S.J. ........ceeeceeeceee Just War Doctrine and Pacifism. 45 (1981) 503-540 MEN, PONE, is ccicineccwocsieceeccecscene 47 (1983) 501-512 Justice and Friendship. Phelan, G. B. ............ 5 (1943) 153-170 Justification and Justice in the Theology of Karl Barth. Werpehowski, William Justification in Catholic Theology Today. SU EE 50 (1986) 623-642 TNE pe coc css ccnveposcscccess 30 (1966) 205-227 Kant and Aquinas: Ethical Theory. PRN, OUNMEEIE AP, Sec ccvccccscececocccccece 21 (1958) 44- 78 Soffer, Walter 45 (1981) 26- 40 Peterson, John 48 (1984) 241-248 Alovaras; Br Mary, BBD. ......ccseceecsccees 19 (1956) 506-515 Kant on the Tutelage of God and Nature. Kant’s Dilemma of Knowledge and Truth. The Kantian Theory of Sense-Intuition: A Critique. The Kantian Unity of Pure Apperception. WEMBINEE, ROUMRN GAS, 150, 5. d sce dents scceees Karl Barth and the “ Other ” Task of Theology. Scott, David Karl Rahner: A Neo-Augustinian Thomist. 24 (1961) 90-107 50 (1986) 540-567 Scanlon, Michael J., O.S.A. .........e cee eeees 43 (1979) 178-185 Karl Rahner as a Dogmatic Theologian. RUN ENING cao cles nslnisic bee seiessss ces cces Karl Rahner on Materiality and Human Knowledge. Allik, Tiina Karl Rahner’s Theory of Sensation. RIES 47 (1983) 364-394 49 (1985) 367-386 6050s cena tecuees ce ces es eat 41 (1977) 400-417 Kierkegaard and Christian Philosophy. NMR oes o5i.c oes sine scis'e «t's crleb ss .0 0/06 14 (1951) 441-465 The Kingdom of God in Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas. Viviane, Benedict T., OP. .......cccccccseecs 44 (1980) 502-522 WECRGOTOON, TAWETG Fh. woo. i cc cceccccecccess 46 (1982) 394-422 Knowing Persons and Knowing God. TitLEs oF ARTICLES Knowledge of Causality in Hume and Aquinas. BE WE 55 a Se Ck ssicecnecccteseseeveces 45 (1970) 254-288 Peecorini, Francisco L. Kiing on Infallibility: A Review Article. WORGs COMI Big CUO ca ccasicccccveccccteses 38 (1974) 606-655 Saint John, Henry, O.P. ...........eeeeeeeees The Lambda-Ennea Case. Lehner, Francis C., O.P. ........0cceeeeseeeee 27 (1963) 307-316 McLaughlin, Robert J. ..........ceeeeeseecees 45 (1981) 541-570 Knowledge of the Singular: Aquinas, Suarez, and Recent Interpreters. The Laity and Ecumenism. Language and Man: Aristotle Meets Koko. Language and Sense Perception. Sa Ne WE aoe 35 (1971) 501-512 32 (1968) 387-423 etn tasks ndpeiccdscnecs 10 (1947) 56- 74 Law and Gospel. Luther’s Teaching in the Light of the Disintegration of Normative Morality. Pesch, Otto Herrmann ... 34 (1970) 84-113 The Law of Inertia and the Principle Quidquid Movetur ab Alio Movetur. Moreno, Antonio, 0. P. .......... cee eeeeeeeces 38 (1974) 306-331 The Law of Nations and the Salamanca School of Theology. DeAguilar, Ji My Oo Siac e ce 9 (1946) 186-221 Schillebeeckx, E. H., O.P. .........ceceeeeeeee 27 (1963) 262-283 Browne, Michael, O.P. ........e.eeeeeeseeeees 24 (1961) _ iii-vii The Layman in the Church. 5 oc cic ici Letter of the Master General [Dignity of Science number] The Liberal Arts in St. Thomas Aquinas. Commags Fo Fi Chr Ashley, Benedict M., O.P., and ii vec siedticadiscccccteds 22 (1959) 460-532 The Liberal Arts in the Aristotelian-Thomist Scheme of Knowledge Mambamay, Fe Wa oc cccciiccccccccsccdcesccescs 19 (1956) 481-505 Tracy, David 49 (1985) 460-472 Lindbeck’s New Program for Theology. Linguistic Analysis and Inference about God. Fontana, Vincent, V., O.P. ........eeeeeeeeees 32 (1968) 201-212 Little Errors in the Beginning. Adler, M. J........ 38 (1974) 27- 48 Liturgy in the Theology of St. Thomas. Wealaie; Tamm’ Gry Oss occ cece ccccccccccccs Living Thomism. Chapman, E. ................05- Locke, Hume and the Principle of Causality. Kearney, John K. Logic and Mystery in the Quarta Via of St. Thomas. Annice, Sr. M., C.B.C, ....cccccccsccccccccecs Logic and the Method of Metaphysics. 38 (1974) 557-583 4 (1942) 369-387 41 (1977) 418-423 19 (1956) 22- 58 Reichmann, James B., S.J. .......eeeeeeeeeees 29 (1965) 341-395 The Logic of Creation Laura, Ronald §. ........... 33 (1969) 352-356 56 TITLES OF ARTICLES The Logic of Modernity: A Review Discussion. [Galgan] Prufer, Thomas 50 (1986) 151-157 Logical Note on the Coexistence of Faith and Reason. Winance, Eleuthére, 0.S.B. .........0.e scenes 35 (1971) 276-292 oS 36 (1972) Logical Possibility: An Aristotelian Essentialist Critique. RUN APOE ENS 6 oo. oasis coos naciecccicee 47 (1983) 515-540 Lonergan’s Epistemology. Ea - eo Lonergan’s Metaphysics of Proportionate Being. 75- 97 DOMMES ANOS Ws osc ob isc ccsceccecceeeee 32 (1968) 509-527 Lonergan’s Method in Theology and Objectivity in Moral Theology. ia seep end ose cws esis ovcsleens 37 (1973) 589-601 Lonergan’s Notion of Dialectic. McKinney, Ronald, S.J. .......sceecesececeecs Lonergan’s Notion of the Religious Apriori. 46 (1982) 221-241 Meier, Were: Wi Ss .06 ois sce teiecccccsees 35 (1971) 247-258 The Loss of the Origin in Soto Zen and in Meister Eckhart. Schiirmann, Reiner 42 (1978) 281-312 The Lure of Beauty. Fearon, J., O.P. ..........0.- The Magisterium of the Church and Sacred Theology. NL NN ATE. winte'a s.0is os wn'ssisien sce necelcs 27 (1963) 196-210 ON AOE bo ois tes cre cet siccceesss 38 (1974) 426-484 Man in Evolution. Ayala, Francisco J., O0.P........ Man in Medieval Thought. Pepler, C., O.P. ........ Man’s Transcendence and Thomistic Resources. TION, 8 (1945) 149-184 The Mansions of Thomistic Philosophy. 31 (1967) 1- 20 12 (1949) 136-154 BOROMNE, MING OLE, 6. 055s cece elec secsveeses 1 (1939) 62- 79 ME 5 (1943) 85-102 Maritain’s Phiiosophy of the Sciences. cia arcn caste o sa spa dine. enaetisice Maritain’s Theory of Subsistence: The Basis of his “ Existentalism.” Dennehy, Raymond Marx on the Unity of Man. 39 (1975) 542-574 EES GEOSE 5 EA ee 28 (1964) 259-301 NN SINE EE EES os 6 s:s0.5.6'c0 vicenvoeve ween 47 (1983) 395-420 Mary as Created Wisdom, the Splendor of the New Creation. Mary Immaculate in the Writings of St. Thomas. eR SUETIE, 50.4 sicrcleiesie nb vvogencaeiees 17 (1954) 433-468 UMMM iareiasuea cides ssc ced asieinciceeess 17 (1954) 428-432 Mary Immaculate, Patroness of the United States. Matter, Beatitude, and Liberty. MIDI ga Lilicin-s Sieip's 0 -veno, Antonio, 0.P. Considerations Plass, Paul. Transcendent Time in Maximus the Confessor Ravicz, M. E. Saint Auugstine: Time and Eternity TRADITION (Theology) Boadt, Lawrence, C.S.P. Wisdom Tradition Camelot, Thomas, O.P. Gaffney, James, 8.J. Thought Geenen, G., O.P. Thomas 45 (1981) 62- 79 44 (1980) 259-277 22 (1959) 542-554 Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Biblical 49 (1985) 575-611 Tradition 27 (1963) 182-195 Scripture and Tradition in Recent Catholic 27 (1963) 141-169 The Place of Tradition in the Theology of St. Macomber, W., S.J. A Reply 36 (1972) 117-130 Time and Relativity: Some Philosophical 15 (1952) 110-135 Dela Taille v. Thomistic Tradition : Mullaney, T. U., O.P. Tradition 22 (1959) 233-254 The Incarnation: De la Taille vs. Thomistic 17 (1954) 1- 42 Ramsey, Boniface, O.P. Two Traditions on Lying and Deception in Farrelly, John, O0.S.B. Man’s Transcendence and Thomistice the Ancient Church. [Augustine, Cassian, et al.] 49 (1985) 504-533 Stout, Jeffrey. The Philosophical Interest of the Hebrew-Christian Moral Tradition 47 (1983) 165-196 Thrall, Margaret E. Resurrection Traditions and Christian Apologetic 43 (1979) 197-216 TRANSCENDENCE Bradley, Denis J. M. Transcendental Critique and Realist Metaphysics 39 (1975) 631-667 Resources 38 (1974) 426-484 Farrelly, John, O.8.B. Religious Reflection and Man’s Transcendence 27 (1963) 1- 68 Nilson, Jon. Transcendent Knowledge in Insight: A Closer Look. [Lonergan] Plass, Paul. Transcendent Time in Maximus the 37 (1973) 366-377 Confessor Reichmann, James B., §.J. 44 (1980) 259-277 Immanently Transcendent and Subsistent Psychogenesis of Being 32 (1968) 449-508 Esse: A Comparison Reichmann, James B., 8.J. 38 (1974) 332-369 The Transcendental Method and the 144 TERMS IN TITLES Rossi, Philip J., $.J. Moral Autonomy, Divine Transcendence, and Human Destiny: Kant’s Doctrine of Hope as a Philosophical Foundation for Christian Ethics 46 (1982) 441-458 Schuetzinger, Caroline E. The Gnoseological Transcendence in Nicolai Hartmann’s Metaphysics of Cognition. Part I 30 (1966) 1- 37 Part IT 30 (1966) 136-196 TRANSCENDENTALS Jordan, Mark D. The Grammar of Esse: Re-Reading Thomas on the Transcendentals TRANSUBSTANTIATION Journet, Charles Cardinal. TRINITY/TRIUNE Buckley, James J. [Hill] 44 (1980) Transubstantiation .... Retrieving Trinitarian Teaching. 1- 26 38 (1974) 734-746 48 (1984) 274-296 Faricy, Robert L., 8.J. The Trinitarian Indwelling 35 (1971) 369-404 Plantinga, Cornelius, Jr. Gregory of Nyssa and the Social Analogy of the Trinity Quinn, John M.,0.S.A. 50 (1986) 325-352 Triune Self-Giving: One Key to the Problem 44 (1980) 173-218 Sheridan, Daniel P. Grounded in the Trinity: Suggestions for a Theology of Relationship to Other Religions .... 50 (1986) 260-278 Wippel, John F. Commentary on Boethius’s De Trinitate 37 (1973) 133-154 TRUTH Duval, Andre, O.P. Truth Innis, Robert E. Yves Congar: A Life for the 48 (1984) 505-511 Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Truth and Method: A Review Article 40 (1976) 311-321 Kerlin, Michael J. Crossing Berger’s Fiery Brook: Religious Truth and Sociology of Knowledge 40 (1976) 366-392 Kress, Robert L. Veritas Rerum: Contrasting Cosmic Truth in Hellenistic and Christian Thought 50 (1$86) 1- 27 O’Neill, Colman, O.P. The Rule Theory of Doctrine and Propositional Truth. [Lindbeck] Peterson, John. Is Nominalism Compatible with Truth? Peterson, John. Kant’s Dilemma of Knowledge and Price, James Robertson. Claims 49 (1985) 417-442 46 (1982) 459-465 48 (1984) 241-248 The Objectivity of Mystical Truth 49 (1985) 81- 98 Quigley, Michael. Which Allegory for Religious Truth: Plato’s Cave or Nietzsche’s Zarathustra? 42 (1978) 625-648 Terms IN TITLES Rasmussen, Douglas B. Necessary Truth, the Game Analogy, and the Meaning-is-Truth Thesis] UNCREATED see CREATION/UNCREATED UNDERSTANDING Lapierre, Michael J., S.J. Understanding 145 46 (1982) 422-440 God and the Desire of MacKinnon, Edward M., 8.J. J. F. Lonergan, 8.J. 33 (1969) 667-674 Understanding according to Bernard Part I 28 (1964) 97-132 28 (1964) 338-372 28 (1964) 475-522 McGuiness, J. I.,O.P. The Distinctive Nature of the Gift of Understanding 3 (1941) 217-278 Murnion, William E. Saint Thomas Aquinas’s Theory of the Act of Understanding 37 (1973) 88-118 UNIVERSAL Oesterle, John A. The Significance of the Universal 24 (1961) 163-174 Regis, Edward, Jr. Aristotle on Universals 40 (1976) 135-152 VanMelsen, Andrew G. Science and Christianity as Universals of Culture UNIVERSE Lintz, E. J. 31 (1967) 137-158 The Unity in the Universe according to Alfred N. McDowell, Sr. Margaret Ann, O.P. Universe The Rhythmic 6 (1943) 135-179 6 (1943) 318-366 24 (1961) 502-518 Smith, Edward T. Original Innocence in a Passionate Universe: The Moral Anthropology of Camus 42 (1978) 69- 94 Sweeney, Leo, 8.J. Esse Primum Creatum in Albert the Great’s Liber de Causis et Processu Universitatis 44 (1980) 599-646 UNIVERSITY Llamzon, Benjamin §. Socrates? UNMOVED MOVER see MOTION/MOVER UTOPIA Philosophy in the University: Athena or 40 (1976) 636-664 Donnelly, Dorothy F. Aquinas and Some Subsequent Thinkers on the Renewal of Utopian Speculation 46 (1982) 539-572 146 TreRMsS IN TITLES VALUE Bartell, Ernest, C.S.C. Thomas Value, Price and St. Conn, Walter E. Bernard Lonergan on Value .... Jeffko, Walter G. Action, Personhood and Fact- 25 (1962) 325-381 40 (1976) 243-257 Cory, H. E. Value, Beauty and Professor Perry .. 4 (1942) 1- 40 Gerhard, W. A. Instinctive Estimation of Practical Values 8 (1945) 185-232 Value Keleher, J. F. The Value of Creation King-Farlow, John. Value and “ Essentialist Fallacies ” Walhout, Donald. Human Nature and Value Theory VATICAN II MeNicholl, Ambrose, 0.P. Aquinas 44 (1980) 278-297 27 (1963) Annice, Sr. M., C.S.C. Logic and Mystery in the Quarta Via The Sixth Way of St. Thomas King-Farlow, John. 21 (1958) 62-1170 29 (1965) 79-113 Introduction—Vatican II: The Theological Dimension VIA/WAY Bobik, Joseph. 8 (1945) 233-243 Vatican II: The Third Session Smith, Ferrer E., O.P. of St. Thomas 40 (1976) 116-134 91 (1956) vii-xii 22- 58 42 (1978) 373-399 The First Way in Physical and Moral Space Kondoleon, Theodore J. Encore The Third Way: 39 (1975) 349-374 44 (1980) 325-356 Lauer, Rosemary. The Notion of the Efficient Cause in the Secunda Via 38 (1974) 754-767 Quinn, John M.,0.8.A. A Few Reflections on “ The Third Way: Encore” [Kondoleon] 46 (1982) 75- 91 Quinn, John M.,0.S.A. The Third Way to God: A New Approach Stein, Edith. Ways to Know God. [Pseudo-Dionysius] Tr. by R. Allers Wallace, William A.,O.P. Wallace, William A.,O.P. Rejoinder VIRTUE Carlson, §.,0.P. 42 (1978) 50- 68 9 (1946) 379-420 Newtonian Antinomies against the The First Way: A The Virtue of Humility. 19 (1956) 151-192 39 (1975) 375-382 7 (1944) 135-178 147 Farrell, W., O.P. Gerhard, W. A. Virtues of the Household The Intellectual Virtue of Lumbreras, P.,0.P. Virtues MeMahon, F.E. Notes on the Connection of the 7 (1944) 363-414 9 (1946) 337-378 8 (1945) 413-456 11 (1948) 218-240 The Virtue of Social Justice and International Life 5 (1943) 55- 60 Smith, H.1.,0.P. The Militant Christian Virtues 4 (9142) 193-220 Smith, R., O.P. The Virtue of Docility 15 (1952) 572-623 Williams, Cornelius,O.P. The Sacrifice of the Mass as an Act of the Virtue of Religion 27 (1963) 357-384 VOLITION Gilby, T.,0.P. Organism Thought, Volition and the 2 (1940) 1-13 35 (1971) 94-112 WAR Christensen, William N., and King-Farlow, John. Aquinas and the Justification of War: Establishmentarian Misconstructions Delos J. T.,O.P. Dialectics of War and Peace. Part T Part II Genovesi, Vincent J.,8.J. Kunkel, Joseph C. 8 (1950) 305-324 8 (1950) 528-566 The Just-War Doctrine: A Warrant 45 (1981) 503-540 Just War Doctrine and Pacifism 47 (1983) 501-512 Pangle, Thomas L. A Note on the Theoretical Foundation of the Just War Doctrine 43 (1979) 464-473 WAY see VIA WILL Gerhard, W.A. Public Opinion, Determinism and Free Gould, A Note on Willing the First Will Time James A. 9 (1946) 172-185 32 (1968) 424-429 Kondoleon, Theodore J. The Free Will Defense: New and Old. [on t.p.: More on the Free Will Defense] 47 (1983) 1- 42 Lawler, Michael G. Grace and Free Will in Justification : A Textual Study in Aquinas 35 (1971) 601-630 Lee, Patrick. The Relationship between Intellect and Will in Free Choice according to Aquinas and Scotus 49 (1985) 321-342 DRED 14 (1951) 351-399 Sullivan, R. P.,0.P. Natural Necessitation of the Human Will. wedcncdtestcdacatsicsdovesotecciiverd 14 (1951) 490-528 Boadt, Lawrence, C.S.P. Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Biblical Wisdom Tradition 49 (1985) 575-611 DeKoninck, C.D. The Wisdom That Is Mary .... 6 (1943) 1- 81 Keefe, Donald J.,8.J. Mary as Created Wisdom, the Splendor of Skousgaard, Stephen. Wisdom and Being in Aristotle’s First the New Creation Philosophy Zubiri, X. WOMAN Socrates and Greek Wisdom Cardman, Francine. Orders Lavaud, B.,O.P. WORD 47 (1983) 395-420 OF GOD 40 (1976) 444-474 7 (1944) The Medieval Question of Women and Toward a Theology of Woman.. 42 (1978) 582-599 2 (1940) 459-518 O’Shea, Kevin F., C.SS.R. The Human Activity of the Stuhlmueller, Carroll, C.P. The Prophet and the Word of Word ZEN God Schiirmann, Reiner. Meister Eckhart 1- 64 22 (1959) 143-232 28 (1964) 133-173 The Loss of the Origin in Soto Zen and in 42 (1978) 281-312 PROPER NAMES IN TITLES ABELARD DeSiano, Frank, C.S.P. Of God and Man: Consequences of Abelard’s 35 (1971) 631-660 ALBERT THE GREAT, ST. Goergen, Donald, O.P. Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas on the Motive of the Incarnation 44 (1980) 523-538 Lauer, R. Z. Saint Albert and the Theory of Abstraction McGonigle, Thomas D., O.P. 17 (1954) 69- 83 The Significance of Albert the Great’s View of Sacrament within Medieval Sacramental Theology 44 (1980) 560-583 Mulligan, R. W., S.J. Ratio Inferior and Ratio Superior in St. Albert and St. Thomas O’Meara, Thomas F.,0.P. 19 (1956) 339-367 Albert the Great: A Bibliographical Guide 44 (1980) 597-598 O’Meara, Thomas F., O.P. Albert the Great and Martin Luther on Justification 44 (1980) 539-559 Schall, James V., S.J. Immortality and the Political Life of Man in Albertus Magnus 48 (1984) 535-565 Sweeney, Leo, S.J. Hsse Primum Creatum in Albert the Great’s Liber de Causis et Processu Universitatis 44 (1980) 559-646 Viviano, Benedict T., O.P. The Kingdom of God in Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas 44 (1980) 502-522 Weisheipl, James A.,O0.P. Albert the Great and Medieval Culture Wright, David F., 0.P. 44 (1980) 481-501 Albert the Great’s Critique of Lothar of Segni (Innocent III) in the De Sacrificio Missae 44 (1980) 584-596 AQUINAS see THOMAS AQUINAS, ST. ARISTOTLE Anderson, Thomas C. Aristotle and Aquinas on the Freedom of the Mathematician 36 (1972) 231-255 Beach, John D. Aristotle’s Notion of Being 21 (1958) 29- 43 Beach, John D. Metaphysics Separate Entity as the Subject of Aristotle’s Bertman, Martin A. 20 (1957) The Function of the Rational Principle in 75- 95 37 (1973) 686-701 150 Proper NaMEs IN TITLES Brennan, Sheilah O’Flynn. The Meaning of “ Nature ” in the Aristotelian Philosophy of Nature 24 (1961) 383-401 Chroust, Anton Hermann. Aristotle De Caelo 279 a 18-35 (or 279 b 3): A Fragment of the Lost Aristotelian On Philosophy Conway, P. H., O.P. Induction in Aristotle and Greenwood, T. Aristotle on Mathematical Constructibility Greenwood, T. The Characters of Aristotelian Greenwood, T. Euclid and Aristotle Logic 39 (1975) 332-340 22 (1959) 336-365 17 (1954) 84- 94 4 (1942) 221-246 15 (1952) 374-403 Guerziere, Daniel. The Aristotelian Concept of Hayden, D.,0.8.B. Method Notes on Aristotelian Dialectic in Theological 20 (1957) 383-418 Episteme Herrera, Robert A. Aristotelianism Kainz, Howard P. 39 (1975) 341-348 An Episode in Medieval 47 (1983) 317-338 A Metaphilosophical Reflection on the Aristotelian and Kantian Treatments of Time 36 (1972) 117-130 Aristotle’s Poetics 30 (1966) Lehner, Francis C.,0.P. McLaughlin, Robert Koko Mullaney, J. V. of Knowledge Organ, Troy. An Evaluation of Averroes’ Paraphrase of J. Language and Man: Aristotle Meets 38- 65 45 (1981) 541-570 The Liberal Arts in the Aristotelian-Thomist Scheme ios [Physis] and ’Adbers [Aphysis] in Aristotle 19 (1956) 481-505 39 (1975) 575-601 Peccorini, Francisco L. Aristotle’s Agent Intellect: Myth or Literal Peceorini, Francisco L. Divinity and Immortality in Aristotle: Account? 40 (1976) 505-534 A “De-mythologized Myth?” 43 (1979) 217-256 Theory 36 (1972) 420-432 Peterson, John. Aristotle’s Incomplete Causal Philippe, M.-D.,0.P. Analogon and Analogia in the Philosophy of Philippe, M.-D.,0.P. avracla [Phantasia] in the Philosophy of Aristotle Aristotle Rasmussen, Doulgas B. Essentialist Critique 33 (1969) 1- 74 35 (1971) Logical Possibility: An Aristotelian 1- 42 47 (1983) 515-540 Regis, Edward, Jr. Aristotle on Universals 40 (1976) 135-152 Reyna, Ruth. On the Soul: A Philosophical Explanation of the Active Intellect in Averroes, Aristotle and 36 (1972) 131-149 Proper NAMES Richards, Robert J. IN TITLES 151 Substantive and Methodological Teleology in Aristotle and Some Logical Empiricists 37 (1973) 702-733 Seidler, Michael J. The Medical Paradigm in Aristotelian Ethics 42 (1978) 400-433 Skousgaard, Stephen. Philosophy Wisdom and Being in Aristotle’s First 40 (1976) 444-474 Stewart, David. Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Unmoved Mover 37 (1973) 522-547 Veatch, H. Aristotelian and Mathematical Logic .. 13 (1950) 50- 96 White, David A. Part and Whole in Aristotle’s Concept of Infinity ATHENA 49 (1985) 168-182 Llamzon, Benjamin 8. Philosophy in the University: Athena 40 (1976) 636-664 AUGUSTINE, ST. Bradley, Sr. R.,C.H.M. Confessions Naming God in St. Augustine’s 17 (1954) 186-196 Gerson, Lloyd Phillip. Saint Augustine’s Neoplatonic Argument for the Existence of God 45 (1981) 571-584 Janz, Denis R. Towards a Definition of Late Medieval Augustinianism 44 (1980) 117-127 Ramsey, Boniface,O.P. Two Traditions on Lying and Deception in the Ancient Church. [Augustine; Cassian, et al.] 49 (1985) 504-533 Eternity 22 (1959) 542-554 Ravicz,M.E. Saint Augustine: Time and Riga, Peter J. The Act of Faith in Aquinas and Riga, Peter J. The Effect of God’s Law on Man according to Augustine 35 (1971) 143-174 St. Augustine 32 (1968) 366-386 Rose, Mary C. Augustine’s Thought and Present-Day Christianity: A Reappraisal Scanlon, Michael J.,0.S.A. AVERROES Lehner, Francis C.,0.P. Aristotle’s Poetics Reyna, Ruth. 39 (1975) 49- 64 Karl Rahner: A Neo-Augustinian 43 (1979) 178-185 An Evaluation of Averroes’ Paraphrase of Intellect in Averroes, Aristotle and Aquinas .... AVICENNA Lee, Patrick. Intellect 30 (1966) 38- 65 On the Soul: A Philosophical Explanation of the Active 36 (1972) 131-149 Saint Thomas and Avicenna on the Agent 45 (1981) 41- 61 152 Proper NAMES IN TITLES BARTH Buckley, James. Christological Inquiry: Barth, Rahner, and the Identity of Jesus Christ 50 (1986) 568-598 Hunsinger, Geerge. The Harnack/Barth Correspondence: A Paraphrase with Comments Kelsey, David. Aquinas and Barth on the Human Body Loewe, William P. Scott, David. 50 (1986) 599-622 50 (1986) 643-689 Two Theologians of the Cross: Karl Barth and 41 (1977) 510-539 Karl Barth and the “ Other ” Task of Theology Thiemann, Ronald. Theology 50 (1986) 540-567 The Significance of Karl Barth for Contemporary 50 (1986) 512-539 Werpehowski, William. Justification and Justice in the Theology of 50 (1986) 623-642 BERGER Caspar, Ruth, 0.P. The “Neglected Argument” Revisited: From C. 8. Pierce to Peter Berger 44 (1980) 94-116 Kerlin, Michael J. Crossing Berger’s Fiery Brook: Religious Truth and Sociology of Knowledge 40 (1976) 366-392 BERGSON Califano, Joseph J. Bergson’s Concept of Motion.. 34 (1970) 555-567 Hart, Thomas N., 8.J. Henri Bergson BIEL God in the Ethico-Religious Thought of 82 (1968) 333-365 Biechler, James E. Gabriel Biel on Liberum Arbitrium: Prelude to Luther’s De Servo Arbitrio 34 (1970) 114-127 BOETHIUS Wippel, John F. Commentary on Boethius’s De Trinitate BONAVENTURE, ST. 37 (1973) 133-154 Fay, Thomas A. Bonaventure and Aquinas on God’s Existence: Points of Convergence 41 (1977) 585-595 BRADLEY Bedell, Garl L. Bradley’s Monistic Idealism 34 (1970) 568-583 BROWNSON Leliaert, Richard M.,0.S.C. Brownson’s Approach to God: The Catholic Period BULTMANN Sobosan, Jeffrey G., C.S.C. Did Bultmann Change? BURIDAN 40 (1976) 571-607 Jesus the Man and Jesus the Christ: 36 (1972) 267-292 Wallace, William A.,O0.P. Review Article: Buridan, Ockham, Aquinas: Science in the Middle Ages. [Moody].. 40 (1976) 475-483 Proper NAMES BURKE Hutchins, R. M. Burke BURRELL IN TITLES The Theory of Oligarchy: Edmund Innis, Robert E. 5 (1943) 61- 78 Aquinas’s God and the Linguistic Turn: A Review Discussion. [Burrell] CALLAHAN 45 (1981) 585-598 et al.] CAMUS 37 (1973) 174-226 Ramsey, Paul. Abortion: A Review Article. [Callahan; Grisez; Smith, Edward T. Original Innocence in a Passionate Universe: The Moral Anthropology of Camus CASSIAN Ramsey, Boniface,O.P. et al.] 69- 94 Two Traditions on Lying and Deception in the Ancient Church. [Augustine; Cassian, Campbell, Harry M. 42 (1978) 49 (1985) 504-533 The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer and Fictional Religion 33 (1969) 737-754 CHENU Congar, Yves M.-J.,0.P. [Chenu] The Brother I Have Known. CHRIST see JESUS CHRIST CHRISTIAN 49 (1985) 495-503 Abel, Donald C.,8.J. The Doctrine of Synergism in Gregory of Nyssa’s De Instituto Christiano 45 (1981) 430-448 Ashley, Benedict M.,0.P. Christian Moral Principles: A Review Discussion. [Grisez] 48 (1984) 450-460 Bro, Bernard, O.P. The Place of the Liturgy in Christian Crowley, C.B.,0.P. The Role of Sacramental Grace in Christian Spirituality 27 (1963) 413-439 Chroust, Anton Hermann. The Relation of Religion to History in Early Christian Thought 18 (1955) 61- 70 Collins, J. Kierkegaard and Christian Philosophy 14 (1951) 441-465 Life Deely, John N. 2 (1940) 519-545 The Situation of Heidegger in the Tradition of Christian Philosophy 31 (1967) 159-244 DiNoia, J. A.,0.P. Implicit Faith, General Revelation and the State of Non-Christians Greenstock, D.L. Saint Thomas and Christian Perfection Hess, M. W. Philosophy The Christian Apostolate and Modern 47 (1983) 209-241 13 (1950) 1-15 23 (1960) 345-361 154 Proper NAMES Hughes, W. D.,0.P. IN TITLES The Dynamics of Christian Kelly, Anthony J.,C.SS.R. Christian Mystery? 15 (1952) 247-288 Is Lonergan’s Method Adequate to 39 (9175) 437-470 Kress, Robert L. Veritas Rerum: Contrasting Cosmic Truth in Hellenistic and Christian Thought 50 (1986) Lauer, R. Z. 1- 27 The Philosophy of Christian Science.. 20 (1957) 191-203 Malik, Charles H. Heidegger A Christian Reflection on Martin O’Connell, D. A.,.O.P. Christian Liberty. Part I 41 (1977) 1-61 15 (1952) 209-246 15 (1952) 404-493 Peter, Carl J. Metaphysical Finalism or Christian Rose, Mary C. Augustine’s Thought and Present-Day Christianity: Eschatology ? A Reappraisal 38 (1974) 125-145 39 (1975) 49- 64 Rossi, Philip J., S.J. Moral Autonomy, Divine Transcendence, and Human Destiny: Kant’s Doctrine of Hope as a Philosophical Foundation for Christian Ethics 46 (1982) 441-458 Schoenberg, Martin W., C.S.C. Saint Paul’s Notion on the Adoptive Sonship of Christians 28 (1964) 51- 75 Smith, H.I.,0.P. The Militant Christian Virtues.. 4 (1942) 193-220 Stout, Jeffrey. The Philosophical Interest of the Hebrew-Christian Moral Tradition 47 (1983) 165-196 Thrall, Margaret E. Apologetic Resurrection Traditions and Christian 43 (1979) 197-216 Tyrrell, Bernard, §.J. Christotherapy and the Healing of Communal VanMelsen, Andrew G. Science and Christianity as Universals of Consciousness Culture 40 (1976) 608-634 31 (1967) 137-158 Werpehowski, William. Political Liberalism and Christian Ethics: A Review Discussion 48 (1984) 81-115 Williams, Bruce A.,O.P. Homosexuality and Christianity CLARKE Hoskin, Michael A. Traité de Physique CLAUDEL 46 (1982) 609-625 “Mining All Within:” Clarke’s Notes to Rohault’s 24 (1961) 353-363 Brady, L. §., C..B. Claudel and the Catholic Sontag, Frederick. Beyond Process Theology? A Review Discussion. Revival COBB 5 (1943) 171-187 48 (1984) 645-661 Proper NAMEs IN TITLES CONGAR Duval, André, O.P. Truth Jordan, Mark D. Yves Congar: A Life for the 48 (1984) 505-511 The Modes of Thomistic Discourse: Questions for Corbin’s Le Chemin de la Théologie chez Thomas @ Aquin CURRAN 45 (1981) 80- 98 Costanzo, Joseph F., S.J. Academic Dissent: An Original Keelesiology. A Review Article. [Curran; Hunt] 34 (1970) 636-653 Finan, William J.,O0.P. Curran’s Ongoing Revision: A Review Article 42 (1978) 692-702 DANTE Sargent, D. Dante and Thomism 5 (1943) 256-264 DARWIN Centore, F. F. Darwin on Evolution: A Re- Centore, F. F. Neo-Darwinian Reactions to the Social Consequences Estimation Centore, F. F. Evolution after Darwin Centore, F. F. Is Darwin Dead? 33 (1969) 456-496 33 (1969) 718-736 47 (1983) 552-571 of Darwin’s Nominalism DeKoninck, Charles. Darwin’s Dilemma DEELY 35 (1971) 113-142 24 (1961) 367-382 Lisska, Anthony J. Epistemology Deely and Geach on Abstractionism in Thomistic 37 (1973) 548-568 Macomber, W., S.J. De la Taille vs. Thomistic Tradition: Mulaney, T. U.,0.P. Dela Taille and the Incarnation: Mullaney, T. U.,O0.P. The Incarnation: De la Taille vs. Thomistic DE LA TAILLE A Rejoinder Tradition DESCARTES Dorter, Kenneth. Meditations Soffer, Walter. DEWART 22 (1959) 233-254 22 (1959) 255-277 17 (1954) Science and Religion in Descartes’ 1- 42 37 (1973) 313-340 Descartes, Rationality and God ... 42 (1978) 666-691 Chirico, Peter, §.S. Dewart’s The Foundations of Belief: A Review Article 34 (1970) 460-476 DEWEY O’Meara, W. John Dewey and Modern Thomism.. 5 (1943) 308-318 Shrader, Sr. Kristin, R.S.M. Dewey on Science and SNE ada icase tai eenccnatacneidcor 36 (1972) 658-670 156 Proper NAMEs Smith, Ferrer E.,0.P. John Dewey IN TITLES A Thomistic Appraisal of the Philosophy of 18 (1955) 127-185 DIONYSIUS AREOPAGITA see PSEUDO-DIONYSIUS DONAGAN Theron, Stephen. The Moral Law and Theism: A Review Discussion. [Donagan] DOSTOYEVSKY 47 (1983) 118-128 Wharton, Robert V. Evil in Earthly Paradise: Ivan Karamazov’s “ Dialectic ” against God and Zossima’s “ Euclidean ” Response DRIESCH Smith, Edward T. DUMMETT Geach, Peter T. Article DUNS SCOTUS 41 (1977) 567-584 The Vitalism of Hans Driesch.. 18 (1955) 186-277 Dummett on Frege: A Review Glenn, Sr. Mary Michael, C.D.P. Scotistie Concepts of Hope 49 (1985) 116-121 A Comparison of the Thomistic and 20 (1957) 27- 74 Lee, Patrick. The Relationship between Intellect and Will in Free Choice according to Aquinas and Scotus 49 (1985) 321-342 ECKHART Ashley, Benedict M.,O.P. Three Strands in the Thought of Eckhart, the Scholastic Theologian 42 (1978) 226-239 Caputo, John D. Fundamental Themes in Meister Eckhart’s Mysticism Caputo, John D. 42 (1978) 197-225 The Nothingness of the Intellect in Meister Eckhart’s Parisian Questions 29 (1975) Colledge, Edmund, 0.S.A. Meister Eckhart: His Times and His Writings Loeschen, John. Relativity 85-115 42 (1978) 240-258 The God Who Becomes: Eckhart on Divine McGinn, Bernard. Reconsidered Eckhart’s Condemnation O’Meara, Thomas F.,0.P. Bibliography O’Meara, Thomas F.,0.P. Eckhart Ozment, Steven. Protestantism The Presence of Meister 44 (1980) 390-414 42 (1978) 313-336 42 (1978) 171-181 Eckhart and Luther: German Mysticism and Schiirmann, Reiner. Meister Eckhart An Eckhart 35 (1971) 405-422 42 (1978) 259-280 The Loss of the Origin in Soto Zen and in 42 (1978) 281-312 Stoudt, Robert S. Meister Eckhart and the Eternal Birth: The Heart of the Preacher 50 (1986) 238-259 Proper NAMEs IN TITLES EGIDEAN see GILES OF ROME EINSTEIN Molina, Antonio, §.J. Einstein’s Epistemology of the Scientific Method 26 (1963) 100-110 Wallace, William A.,O.P. Saint Thomas Aquinas, Galileo and EPICUREANS Chroust, Anton Hermann. Part I 24 (1961) 1- 22 The Philosophy of Law of the Epicureans. 16 (1953) 82-117 16 (1953) 217-267 Greenwood, T. Euclid and Aristotle 15 (1952) 374-403 Wharton, Robert V. Evil in Earthly Paradise: Ivan Karamazov’s “ Dialectic ” against God and Zossima’s “ Euclidean ” Response 41 (1977) 567-584 FARLEY Phan, Peter C. Authority and Theological Method: A Review Discussion. [Farley] 47 (1983) 421-442 FARRELL Brennan, R. E.,0.P. Walter Farrell, O0.P.: Apud Posteros Sacer 15 (1952) 199-208 FEY Ford, John T.,C.S.C. Two Recent Studies on Newman: Two Review Articles. [Lash; Fey] 41 (1977) 424-440 FREGE Geach, Peter T. Article FREUD Dummett on Frege: A Review Stock, Michael E.,0.P. Psychoanalyis GADAMER 49 (1985) 116-121 Thomistic Psychology and Freud’s 21 (1958) 125-145 Gram, Moltke 8. Gadamer on Hegel’s Dialectic: Innis, Robert E. Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Truth and Method: A Review Article Smith, P. Christopher. Language Philosophy GALGAN Prufer, Thomas. [Galgan] GALILEO Gadamer’s A Review Hermeneutics 43 (1979) 322-330 40 (1976) 311-321 and Ordinary 43 (1979) 296-321 The Logic of Modernity: A Review Discussion. Wallace, William A.,O.P. 50 (1986) 151-157 Saint Thomas Aquinas, Galileo and 24 (1961) 1- 22 158 Proper NAMES IN TITLES GEACH Lisska, Anthony J. Deely and Geach on Abstractionism in Thomistic Epistemology 37 (1973) 548-568 GIBSON Mascall, Eric L. Theism and Empiricism: A Review Article. [Gibson] GILES OF ROME/EGIDEAN Kelley, Francis E. GILKEY Stinson, Charles. The Egidean Influence in Robert Orford’s Doctrine 47 (1983) 77- 99 Gilkey’s Reaping the Whirlwind: A Review Article Thompson, William, 8.S. James F. 42 (1978) 135-147 Theology’s Method and Linguistic Analysis in the Thought of Langdon Gilkey GILSON Anderson, 35 (1971) 482-500 36 (1972) 363-393 In Defense of Etienne Gilson: Concerning a Recent Book about Thomistic Metaphysics. [O’Brien] 28 (1964) 373-380 LaPlante, Harry. Etienne Gilson and the Concept of Existence GREGORY OF NYSSA, ST. 28 (1964) 302-337 of the Trinity GREGORY THE GREAT, ST. 50 (1986) 325-352 and Exegesis GRISEZ 49 (1985) 534-550 Grisez; et al.] GUIBERT OF NOGENT 37 (1973) 174-226 Abel, Donald C.,8.J. The Doctrine of Synergism in Gregory of Nyssa’s De Instituto Christiano 45 (1981) 430-448 Plantinga, Cornelius, Jr. Gregory of Nyssa and the Social Analogy Evans, G.R. Guibert of Nogent and Gregory the Great on Preaching Ashley, Benedict M.,O.P. Christian Moral Principles: A Review Discussion [Grisez] 48 (1984) 450-460 Ramsey, Paul. Abortion: A Review Article. [Callahan; Evans, G. R. Guibert of Nogent and Gregory the Great on Preaching and Exegesis 49 (1985) 534-550 HARMAN Machan, Tibor. HARNACK Harman’s “Refutation ” of Flourishing Hunsinger, George. 49 (1985) 387-391 The Harnack/Barth Correspondence: A Paraphrase with Comments 50 (1986) 599-622 Proper NAMEs HARTMANN Schuetzinger, Caroline E. IN TITLES The Gnoseological Transcendence in Nicolai Hartmann’s Metaphysics of Cognition. Part I HARTSHORNE Connelly, R. J. 30 (1966) 1- 37 30 (1966) 136-196 Creativity and God: Whitehead According to 43 (1979) 603-625 HARVEY, VAN Reiser, William E., S.J. Review Article: Foundational Reality and Three Approaches: MacKinnon, Harvey and Lonergan 36 (1972) 512-518 HARVEY, WILLIAM Ratner, Herbert. Scientist? William Harvey, M.D.; Modern or Ancient 24 (1961) 175-208 Ross, A Response to Mr. Heaney HAUGHEY Gaffney, James, §.J. Tridentine Justification as an Ethical Premise: A Review Article. [Haughey] 43 (1979) 450-463 HEANEY James F. HEGEL Bradley, Denis Hegel? J. M. 35 (1971) 305-311 Rahner’s Spirit in the World: Aquinas or 41 (1977) 167-199 Foss, Laurence. Hegel, Spinoza, and a Theory of Experience as Gram, Moltke S. Gadamer on Hegel’s Dialectic: Closed Article Hess, M. W. 35 (1971) 435-446 A Review 43 (1979) 322-330 Hegelianism and the Making of the Modern 14 (1951) 335-350 Seidel, George J.,0.8.B. Hegel and Monasticism .. 35 (1971) 423-434 Shmueli, Efraim. Some Similarities between Spinoza and Hegel Wall, Kevin, O.P. Hegel: The Theological Roots of his on Substance Dialectic HEIDEGGER 36 (1972) 645-657 37 (1973) 734-742 Bales, Eugene F. A Heideggerian Interpretation of Negative Theology in Plotinus 47 (1983) 197-208 Caputo, John D. The Problem of Being in Heidegger and the Scholastics 41 (1977) 62- 91 49 (1985) 99-115 Cascardi, A.J. On Heidegger and the Recourse to Poetical Deely, The Situation of Heidegger in the Tradition of Language John N. Christian Philosophy 31 (1967) 159-244 160 Proper NAMES IN TITLES DeKuyer, Kees, C.SS.R. The Problem of Ground in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger 47 (1983) 100-117 Langan, T. D. Is Heidegger a Nihilist? 21 (1958) 302-319 Malik, Charles H. A Christian Reflection on Martin Heidegger 41 (1977) 1- 61 Mason, Robert. Rahner and Heidegger: Being, Hearing and God 37 (1973) 455-488 Reiser, William E., 8.J. Dogma and Heresy Revisited: A Heideggerian Approach 46 (1982) 509-538 Reiser, William E., S.J. An Essay on the Development of Dogma in a Heideggerian Context: A Non-Theological Explanation of Theological Heresy 39 (1975) 471-495 Vallicella, William F. The Problem of Being in the Early Heidegger 45 (1981) 388-406 HEISENBERG Smith, V.E. Cognitive Aspects of the Heisenberg Principle 12 (1949) 474-499 HENRY OF GHENT Kelley, Francis E. Two Early English Thomists: Thomas Sutton and Robert Orford vs. Henry of Ghent 45 (1981) 345-387 HEPBURN ) Peter, Carl J. Divine Necessity and Contingency: A Note on R. W. Hepburn 33 (1969) 150-161 HERACLITUS Chroust, Anton Hermann. A Prolegomena to the Study of Heraclitus of Ephesus 20 (1957) 470-487 HICK Craighead, Houston. John Hick’s Lives after Life 43 (1979) 653-665 HILL Buckley, James J. Retrieving Trinitarian Teaching. [Hill] 48 (1984) 274-296 HOBBES Gerhard, W. A. The Epistemology of Thomas Hobbes 9 (1946) 573-587 HUME Burke, Patrick. Faith in Other People: Three Views. [Hume; some scholastics; Scheeben] 34 Kearney, John K. Locke, Hume and the Principle of Causality 41 May, William E. Knowledge of Causality in Hume and Aquinas 34 McGlynn J. V.,8.J. The Two Scepticisms in Hume’s Treatise 20 (1970) 438-459 (1977) 418-423 (1970) 254-288 (1957) 419-446 Proper NAMEs IN TITLES 161 Wallace, William A.,O.P. Six Studies of Causality on the Bicentenary of David Hume: A Review Article.. 40 (1976) 684-696 HUNT Constanzo, Joseph F., S.J. Academic Dissent: An Original Ecclesiology. A Review Article. (Curran; Hunt] 34 (1970) 636-653 INNOCENT III Wright, David F.,0.P. Albert the Great’s Critique of Lothar of Gendle, Nicholas, O.P. Saint Irenaeus as Mystical Segni (Innocent III) in the De Sacrificio Missae.. 44 (1980) 584-596 IRENAEUS, ST. Theologian JAMES Gini, A.R. William James: Facts, Faith, and Promise JANSSENS May, William E. 39 (1975) 185-197 37 (1973) 489-509 Aquinas and Janssens on the Moral Meaning of 48 (1984) 566-606 JESUS CHRIST Buckley, James. Christological Inquiry: Barth, Rahner, and the Identity of Jesus Christ 50 (1986) 568-598 Crotty, Nicholas, C.P. The Redemptive Role of Christ’s Resurrection Fuller, Reginald H. 25 (1962) The Historical Jesus: Some Outstanding 54-106 Issues, [Schillebeeckx] 48 (1984) 368-382 Galvin, John P. Jesus as Scapegoat? Violence and the Sacred in the Theology of Raymund Schwager 46 (1982) 173-194 Johnson, Elizabeth A., C.8.J. The Theological Relevance of the Historical Jesus: A Debate and a Thesis 48 (1984) 1- 43 Miguens, Manuel. Christ’s “ Members” and Sex .. 39 (1975) 24 48 O’Neill, Colman E.,0.P. The Mysteries of Christ and the Sacraments 25 (1962) 1- 53 Root, Michael. Images of Liberation: Justin, Jesus and the Jews 48 (1984) 512-534 Scheffezyk, Leo. Christology in the Context of Experience: On the Interpretation of Christ by E. Schillebeeckx.. 48 (1984) 383-408 Sobosan, Jeffrey G., C.S.C. Jesus the Man and Jesus the Christ: Did Bultmann Change? JOHN OF ST. THOMAS/POINSOT Bondi, Eugene, O.P. Predication: A Study Based in the Ars Logica of John of St. Thomas Deely, John N. 36 (1972) 267-292 30 (1966) 260-294 The Two Approaches to Language: Philosophical and Historical Reflections on the Point of Departure of Jean Poinsot’s Semiotic . 38 (1974) 856-907 162 Proper NAMES IN TITLES Egan, J. M., O.P., and Hughes, W.D.,0.P. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost, by John of St. Thomas. [Historical and theological introduction] 8 (1945) 244-284 JOHN OF THE CROSS, ST. Edwards, Denis. Experience of God and Explicit Faith: A Comparison of John of the Cross and Karl Rahner JOYCE Kunkel, F. L. JUNG Beauty in Aquinas and Joyce Moreno, Antonio, O.P. [Kane] Aloysius, Sr. Mary, §.8.J. A Critique Grisez, Germain G. Theory 31 (1967) 282-320 Jesus and the The Summa in Symbols: A Reply. KANT 33- 74 12 (1949) 261-271 Jung’s Ideas on Religion.. JUSTIN MARTYR, ST. Root, Michael. Images of Liberation: Justin, Jews KANE Doyle, John J. 46 (1982) 48 (1984) 512-534 32 (1968) 238-244 The Kantian Theory of Sense-Intuition: Kant and Aquinas: Ethical 19 (1956) 506-515 21 (1958) 44- 78 Kainz, Howard P. A Metaphilosophical Reflection on the Aristotelian and Kantian Treatments of Time 36 (1972) 117-130 Peterson, John. Kant’s Dilemma of Knowledge and Truth Rossi, Philip J.,$.J. 48 (1984) 241-248 Moral Autonomy, Divine Transcendence, and Human Destiny: Kant’s Doctrine of Hope as a Philosophical Foundation for Christian Ethies 46 (1982) 441-458 Sala, Giovanni, §.J. The A Priori in Human Knowledge: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and Lonergan’s Insight.. 40 (1976) 179-221 Soffer, Walter. Nature Kant and the Tutelage of God and 45 (1981) 26- 40 Wassmer, Thomas A.,8.J. Freedom, Responsibility and Desire in Kantian Ethics 21 (1958) 320-342 Wassmer, Thomas A.,§.J. The Kantian Unity of Pure Apperception 24 (1961) 90-107 KARAMAZOV (Dostoyevsky character) Wharton, Robert V. Evil in Earthly Paradise: Ivan Karamazov’s “Dialectic ” against God and Zossima’s “ Euclidean ” Response 41 (1977) 567-584 KEEFE O’Neill, Colman, O.P. Sacramental Realism: An Exchange. [Keefe] 50 (1986) 284-288 Proper Names in Titixs 163 KIERKEGAARD Collins, J. Kierkegaard and Christian Philosophy KOHLBERG Carlin, David R., Jr. Assimilating Kohlberg to Aquinas KOKO 14 (1951) 441-465 45 (1981) 124-131 (Stanford laboratory gorilla) McLaughlin, Robert Koko KOLNAI Beach, John D. J. Language and Man: Aristotle Meets 45 (1981) 541-570 The Ethical Theories of Aurel KONDOLEON Quinn, John M.,0.S.A. 45 (1981) 132-143 A Few Reflections on “ The Third Way: Encore.” [Kondoleon] 46 (1982) KUNG Cooke, Vincent M., S.J. Hans Kiing on Propositions and their Problematic: A Critique Ford, John T.,C.S.C. King on Infallibility: Alexander, Aeterni Patris: 1879-1979. 75- 91 39 (1975) 753-765 A Review 35 (1971) 501-512 LASH Ford, John T., C.S.C. Two Recent Studies on Newman: Two Review Articles. [Lash; Fey] 41 (1977) 424-440 LEO XIII Jon, O.P. A Bibliography of American Responses, [Leo XIII] LEVINAS 43 (1979) 480-481 Language LINDBECK Buckley, James J. Doctrine in the Diaspora. [Lindbeck] 36 (1972) Wyschogrod, Edith. Emmanuel Levinas and the Problem of Religious 1- 38 49 (1985) 443-459 Placher, William C. Revisionist and Postliberal Theologies and the Public Character of Theology. [Lindbeck] 49 (1985) 392-416 O’Neill, Colman E.,0.P. The Rule Theory of Doctrine and Propositional Truth. [Lindbeck] Tracy, David. Theology LOCKE Lindbeck’s New Program for Kearney, John K. Causality LONERGAN Boyle, John P. Locke, Hume and the Principle of 49 (1985) 417-442 49 (1985) 460-472 41 (1977) 418-423 Lonergan’s Method in Theology and Objectivity in Moral Theology 37 (1973) 589-601 164 Prorer NAMEs IN TITLES Byrne, Patrick H. The Thomistic Sources of Lonergan’s WorldView 46 (1982) 108-145 Conn, Walter E. Bernard Lonergan on Value .... 40 (1976) 243-257 D’Souza, Lisbert, S.J. Lonergan’s Metaphysics of Proportionate Being 32 (1968) 509-527 Flanagan, Joseph F.,8.J. Lonergan’s Epistemology 36 (1972) 75- 97 Keefe, Donald J.,S.J. A Methodological Critique of Lonergan’s Theological Method 50 (1986) 28- 66 Kelly, Anthony J.,C.SS.R. Is Lonergan’s Method Adequate to Christian Mystery? 39 (1976) 437-470 MacKinnon, Edward M., S.J. Understanding according to Bernard J. F. Lonergan, §.J. 28 (1964) 97-132 28 (1964) 338-372 McKinney, Ronald, §.J. Lonergan’s Notion of Dialectic 28 (1964) 475-522 46 (1982) 221-241 Nilson, Jon. Transcendent Knowledge in Insight: A Closer Look. [Lonergan] Reiser, William E.,§.J. Apriori Reiser, William E.,8.J. 37 (1973) 366-377 Lonergan’s Notion of the Religious 35 (1971) 247-258 Review Article: Foundational Reality and Three Approaches: MacKinnon, Harvey and Lonergan 36 (1972) 512-518 Sala, Giovanni, §.J. The A Priori in Human Knowledge: Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and Lonergan’s Insight.. 40 (1976) 179-221 Smith, Mare. Is There a Thomistic Alternative to Lonergan’s Cognitional Structure? 43 (1979) 626-636 Insight 36 (1972) 671-689 Tekippe, Terry T. The Shape of Lonergan’s Argument in Wilson, Patricia. Human Knowledge of God’s Existence in the Theology of Bernard Lonergan 35 (1971) 259-275 LOTHAR OF SEGNI see INNOCENT III LUTHER Biechler, James E. Gabriel Biel on Liberum Arbitrium: Prelude to Luther’s De Servo Arbitrio O’Meara, Thomas F.,0.P. Justification Ozment, Steven. Protestantism 34 (1970) 114-127 Albert the Great and Martin Luther on 44 (1980) 539-559 Eckhart and Luther: German Mysticism and 42 (1978) 259-280 Proper NaMEs IN TITLES Pesch, Otto Herrmann. Law and Gospel: Luther’s Teaching in the Light of the Disintegration of Normative Morality 34 (1970) Reiser, William E.,8.J. Review Article: Foundational Reality MACKINNON and Three Approaches: MacKinnon, Harvey and Lonergan MACQUARRIE Hill, William J.,0.P. [Macquarrie] MAIMONIDES Herrera, Robert A. God-Talk: Review Article. 36 (1972) 512-518 32 (1968) 116-126 An Episode in Medieval Aristotelianism : Maimonides and St. Thomas on the Active Intellect MARECHAL 47 (1983) 317-338 Burns, J. Patout, S.J. Spiritual Dynamism in Conway, P. H.,0.P. Review Article: Henry Margenau: Thomas and the Physics of 1958: A Confrontation MARIAN see MARY, BLESSED VIRGIN MARITAIN Anshen, R.N. Non. : Binsse, H. L. 32 (1968) 528-539 22 (1959) 68-118 Jacques Maritain: Est, Est, Non, Jacques Maritain: A Biographical Impression Byrns, R. Bibliography of Jacques Maritain : 1910-1942 84-113 Dennehy, Raymond. 5- 6 5 (1943) 345-371 Maritain’s Theory of Subsistence: The Basis of His “ Existentialism.” 39 (1975) 542-574 Gurian, W. On Maritain’s Political Philosophy .. 5 (1943) 7- 22 Simon, Y.B. Maritain’s Philosophy of the 5 (1943) 85-102 Thomist Staff. Editorial. [Maritain Festschrift].. 5 (1943) 1- 4 MARTELET Porter, Lawrence B.,O0.P. The Theologian of Humanae Vitae. Reid, Marx on the Unity of [Martelet] MARX John Patrick, O.P. 42 (1978) 464-509 Man 28 (1964) 259-301 MARY, BLESSED VIRGIN Cieognani, A.G. The Assumption and Devotion to Mary in America .....+..0.. edeideseesdeeveecasede 14 (1951) 22- 30 166 Proper NAMEs IN TITLES DeKoninck, C.D. The Wisdom That Is Mary .... 6 (1943) Egan, James M.,0.P. The Unique Character of Mary’s Queenship 25 (1962) 293-306 Hamer, Jerome, O0.P. Protestants and the Marian Healy, K. J..0.Carm. The Assumption among Mary’s Doctrine Privileges Keefe, Donald J.,S.J. 1- 81 18 (1955) 480-502 14 (1951) 72- 92 Mary as Created Wisdom, the Splendor of the New Creation 47 (1983) 395-420 Llamera, M.,0.P. Fatima: The Rosary and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mahoney, P.,O.P. Theology The Unitive Principle of Marian Sparks, T. M.,0.P. The Immaculate Conception and the Immaculate Mullaney, T. U.,0.P. Heart of Mary 13 (1950) 453-527 18 (1955) 443-479 Mary Immaculate in the Writings of 17 (1954) 433-468 Vincentine, Sr. Mary, 8.C.L. 19 (1956) 239-249 The Controversial Issue of Mary’s Merit 19 (1956) 415-445 Wright, J.J. Mary Immaculate, Patroness of the United States 17 (1954) 428-432 MAXIMUS THE CONFESSOR, ST. Plass, Paul. Confessor Transcendent Time in Maximus the MERLEAU-PONTY Doud, Robert E. Ponty MEYERSON Sensibility in Rahner and Merleau- 44 (1980) 259-277 44 (1980) 372-389 Bryson, Kenneth A. The Metaphysics of Emile Meyerson: A Key to the Epistemological Paradox 37 (1973) 119-132 MOLTMANN Loewe, William P. Jiirgen Moltmann Two Theologians of the Cross: Karl Barth and 41 (1977) 510-539 Weeks, Louis, III. Can Saint Thomas’s Summa Theologiae Speak to Moltmann’s Theology of Hope? 33 (1969) 215-228 MOODY Wallace, William A.,0.P. Review Article: Buridan, Ockham, Aquinas: Science in the Middle Ages. [Moody] MOORE 40 (1976) 475-483 Ethical Theories MULLER-THYM 31 (1967) 259-281 Franks, Gabriel, 0.S.B. Maritain, J. George Edward Moore’s Criticism of Some Concerning a “ Critical Review.” [Adler; Muller-Thym] CeCe eeeeeeeeeseeeeeeees 3 (1941) 45- 53 Proper NAMES IN TITLES NEOPLATONIC see PLOTINUS NEO- see base word NEWMAN Ford, John T., C.S.C. Newman Studies: Recent Resources and Ford, John T.,C.S.C. Two Recent Studies on Newman: Two Review Research 46 (1982) 283-306 Articles, [Lash; Fey] 41 (1977) 424-440 Holyer, Robert. Religious Certainty and the Imagination: An Interpretation of J. H. Newman 50 (1986) 395-416 Newman, Jay. Newman on the Strength of Beliefs NIELSEN 41 (1977) 131-147 Clarke, W. Norris, S.J. Analogy and the Meaningfulness of Language about God: A Reply to Kai Nielsen NIETZSCHE 40 (1976) 61- 95 Quigley, Michael. Which Allegory for Religious Truth: Plato’s Cave or Nietzsche’s Zarathustra? 42 (1978) 625-648 Reinhardt, Kurt K. [Pfeffer] NONsee base word NORTHROP McAllister, J.B. Nietzsche: A Review Article. Doctor Northrop, Technology and Religion O’BRIEN 37 (1973) 227-240 12 (1949) 336-362 Anderson, James F. In Defense of Etienne Gilson: Concerning a Recent Book about Thomistic Metaphysics. [O’Brien] O'NEILL 28 (1964) 373-380 Keefe, Donald J., S.J. [O'Neill] OCKHAM see WILLIAM OPTATUS Sacramental Realism: An Exchange. 50 (1986) 279-283 OF OCKHAM Eno, Robert B., 8.8. The Work of Optatus as a Turning Point in the African Ecclesiology 37 (1973) 668-685 ORFORD Kelley, Francis E. The Egidean Influence in Robert Orford’s Kelley, Francis E. Two Early English Thomists: Thomas Sutton and Doctrine on Form Robert Orford vs. Henry of Ghent 47 (1983) 77- 99 45 (1981) 345-387 168 Proper NAMEs IN TITLES PARMENTIER Hartshorne, Charles. Whitehead in French Perspective: A Review Article. [Parmentier] 33 (1969) 573-581 PAUL, ST. Pesch, Otto Herrmann. Paul as Professor of Theology: The Image of the Apostle in St. Thomas’s Theology 38 (1974) 584-605 Schoenberg, Martin W., C.S.C. Saint Paul’s Notion on the Adoptive Sonship of Christians PEIRCE 28 (1964) 51- 75 Caspar, Ruth, O.P. The “Neglected Argument” Revisited: From C. 8. Peirce to Peter Berger 44 (1980) 94-116 PERRY Cory, H. E. PFEFFER Value, Beauty and Professor Perry .. Reinhardt, Kurt K. [Pfeffer] PIUS X, ST. Nietzsche: A Review Article. 4 (1942) 1- 40 87 (1973) 227-240 Egan, J. M.,O.P. Blessed Pius X and Theology .. 14 (1951) 313-322 PLATO Algozin, Keith. Faith and Silence in Plato’s Gorgias Greenwood, T. Continuum The Platonic Theory of the Mourant, J. A. Plato and the Poets 41 (1977) 237-246 7 (1944) 179-203 13 (1950) 249-270 Quigley, Michael. Which Allegory for Religious Truth: Plato’s Cave or Nietzsche’s Zarathustra? 42 (1978) 625-648 Vassilion, A. E. The Platonic Theory of Inspiration 14 (1951) 466-489 PLOTINUS Bales, Eugene F. A Heideggerian Interpretation of Negative Theology in Plotinus Carriere, G.,O.M.I. Happiness Plotinus’ Quest of Gerson, Lloyd Phillip. 47 (1983) 197-208 14 (1951) 217-237 Saint Augustine’s Neoplatonic Argument for the Existence of God POINSOT, JEAN see JOHN OF ST. THOMAS POLANYI 45 (1981) 571-584 Bennett, John B. The Tacit in Experience: Polanyi and Innis, Robert E. The Triadic Structure of Religious Consciousness Naydler, Jeremy. The Poverty of Popperism .... 46 (1982) Whitehead in Polanyi POPPER 42 (1978) 28- 49 40 (1976) 393-415 92-107 Proper NAMEs PSEUDO-DIONYSIUS Stein, Edith; Allers, R., tr. [Pseudo-Dionysius] RAHNER Allik, Tiina. IN TITLES Ways to Know God. 9 (1946) 379-420 Karl Rahner on Materiality and Human Knowledge Bradley, Denis J.M. Hegel? 49 (1985) 367-386 Rahner’s Spirit in the World: Aquinas or 41 (1977) 167-199 Buckley, James J. Christological Inquiry: Barth, Rahner, and the Buckley, James J. Karl Rahner as a Dogmatic Identity of Jesus Christ 50 (1986) 568-598 Theologian Conlon, James J. Karl Rahner’s Theory of Sensation Doud, Robert E. Ponty Edwards, Denis. 47 (1983) 364-394 Sensibility in Rahner and Merleau- 41 (1977) 400-417 44 (1980) 372-389 Experience of God and Explicit Faith: A Comparison of John of the Cross and Karl Rahner 46 (1982) 33- 74 Hill, William J..0.P. Uncreated Grace—A Critique of Karl Rahner 27 (1963) 333-356 Horvath, Tibor, S.J. After Rahner What? A Tribute to His Memory and Achievement 49 (1985) 157-167 Mason, Robert. Rahner and Heidegger: Being, Hearing and COG. chs deemcisecedasanchsenes dees Haceteus 37 (1973) 455-488 Scanlon, Michael J.,0.S.A. Karl Rahner: A Neo-Augustinian Tallon, Andrew. Personal Becoming: Karl Rahner’s Tallon, Andrew. Spirit, Freedom, History. Anthropology Wortes (Hearers of the Word) : A Review Article RICHARD Masceall, Eric L. [Richard] RICOEUR 43 (1979) 178-185 43 (1979) 1-177 Karl Rahner’s Hérer des 38 (1974) 908-936 Secularization Theology: Review Article. Albano, Peter J.,.C.M. Theology 32 (1968) 106-115 Ricoeur’s Contribution to Fundamental 46 (1982) 573-592 Gerhart, Mary. Paul Ricouer’s Hermeneutical Theory as Resource for Theological Reflection 39 (1975) 496-527 ROBERT OF ORFORD see ORFORD ROHAULT Hoskin, Michael A. “Mining All Within:” Clarke’s Notes to Rohault’s Traité de Physique 24 (1961) 353-363 170 Proper NAMES SALAMANCA IN TITLES DeAguilar, J.M.,0.P. School of Theology The Law of Nations and the Salamanca 9 (1946) 186-221 Campbell, Harry M. Santayana Religion as Illusion in the Philosophy of 24 (1970) 533-554 SANTAYANA SARTRE Blondel, M. Logic SCHEEBEN The Inconsistency of Jean Paul Sartre’s 10 (1947) 393-397 Burke, Patrick. Faith in Other People: Three Views. [Hume; some scholastics; Scheeben] 34 (1970) 438-459 SCHELER Oesterreicher, J. M. SCHILLEBEECKX Max Scheler and the Faith .. 13 (1950) 135-203 Fuller, Reginald H. The Historical Jesus: Some Outstanding Issues. [Schillebeeckx] 48 (1984) 368-382 Hill, William J.,0.P. Schillebeeckx’s New Look at Secularity: Portier, William L. Theorist Edward Schillebeeckx as Critical 33 (1969) 162-170 48 (1984) 341-367 Scheffezyk, Leo. Christology in the Context of Experience: On the Interpretation of Christ by E. Schillebeeckx .... 48 (1984) 383-408 Schepers, Maurice B.,O.P. Review Article. [Schillebeeckx. The Church and Mankind] 29 (1965) 322-330 Wiseman, James A.,O.8.B. Schillebeeckx and the Ecclesial Function of Critical Negativity 35 (1971) 207-246 SCHWAGER Galvin, John P. Jesus as Scapegoat? Violence and the Sacred in the Theology of Raymond Schwager 46 (1982) 173-194 SCOTUS see DUNS SEGUNDO SCOTUS Tripole, Martin R.,8.J. Segundo’s Liberation Theology vs. An Eschatological Eeclesiology of the Kingdom 45 (1981) SELLARS Meynell, Hugo. Estimate SOCRATES Wilfred Sellars: A Thomist 1- 25 50 (1986) 223-237 Llamzon, Benjamin §. Philosophy in the University: Athena or Socrates? 40 (1976) 636-664 Zubiri, X. Socrates and Greek Wisdom 7 (1944) 1- 64 Proper NAMEs SPINOZA Foss, Laurence. Closed IN TITLES Hegel, Spinoza, and a Theory of Experience as 35 (1971) 435-446 Shmueli, Efraim. Some Similarities between Spinoza and Hegel on Kainz, Howard P. The Suarezian Position on Being Substance SUAREZ 36 (1972) 645-657 and Real Distinction: An Analytic and Comparative Study 34 (1970) 289-305 Mullaney, T. U.,0.P. Human Freedom. The Basis of the Suarezian Teaching on 11 11 11 12 12 (1948) 1-17 (1948) 330-369 (1948) 448-502 (1949) 48- 94 (1949) 155-206 Peccorini, Francisco L. Knowledge of the Singular: Aquinas, Suarez, and Recent Interpreters 38 (1974) 606-655 Peccorini, Francisco L. Suarez’s Struggle with the Problem of the One and the Many 46 (1972) 433-471 SULLIVAN Grisez, Germain. Infallibility and Specific Moral Norms: A Review Discussion, [Sullivan] 49 (1985) 248-287 SUTTON, THOMAS see THOMAS OF SUTTON TEILHARD Campbell, Harry M. Teilhard de Chardin and “ the Mysterious Divinity, Evolution ” Thomasma, David, O.P. Chardin TERTULLIAN Eno, Robert B., 8.8. The Synthesis of Teilhard de 26 (1972) 608-625 32 (1968) 213-237 Ecclesia Docens: Structures of Doctrinal Authority in Tertullian and Vincent THEODORIC OF FREIBERG Wallace, William A.,O.P. 40 (1976) 96-115 Gravitational Motion According to Theodoric of Freiberg 24 (1961) 327-352 THOMAS AQUINAS, ST. Anderson, Thomas C. Aristotle and Aquinas on the Freedom of the Mathematician Annice, Sr. M., C.8.C. 36 (1972) 231-255 Logic and Mystery in the Quarta Via of 19 (1956) Ashley, Benedict M.,O.P. The Liberal Arts in St. Thomas 22- 58 22 (1959) 460-532 172 Proper NAMEs Bartell, Ernest, C.8.C. IN TITLES Value, Price and Boadt, Lawrence, C.S.P. 25 (1962) 325-381 Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Biblical Wisdom Tradition 49 (1985) 575-611 Aquinas 42 (1978) 373-399 Bobik, Joseph. The Sixth Way of St. Thomas Boyle, Joseph M. Praeter Intentionem in Aquinas Boyle, Leonard FE.,0.P. Bradley, Denis J.M. Rahner’s Spirit in the World: Carlin, David R., Assimilating Kohlberg to Aquinas or Hegel? Aquinas Jr. 42 (1978) 649-665 The Quodlibets of St. Thomas and 38 (1974) 232-256 41 (1977) 167-199 45 (1981) 124-131 Chamberlain, Pastor Lewis. Ode to Thomas 38 (1974) 3- 7 Christensen, William N. Aquinas and the Justification of War: Establishmentarian Misconstructions 35 (1971) 94-112 Clark, Ralph W. Aquinas on the Relationship between Difference in Kind and Difference in Degree 39 (1975) 116-126 Clark, Ralph W. A Note: Aquinas on Intentions.. 40 (1976) 303-310 Congar, [Yves] M.J.,0.P. The Idea of the Church in St. Thomas Aquinas Congar, Yves M.-J.,0.P. 1 (1939) 331-359 Saint Thomas and the Infallibility of the Papal Magisterium (Summa Theologiae, II-II, q. 1, a. 1) Conway, P. H.,0.P. Induction in Aristotle and St. Conway, P.H.,0.P. The Liberal Arts in St. Thomas Thomas Aquinas 38 (1974) 81-105 22 (1959) 336-365 22 (1959) 460-532 Conway, P. H.,0.P. Review Article: Henry Margenau: Thomas and the Physics of 1958: A Confrontation 22 (1959) 68-118 Corrigan, Kevin. A Philosophical Precursor to the Theory of Essence and Existence in Thomas Aquinas 48 (1984) 219-240 Crofts, Richard A. The Common Good in the Political Theory of Thomas Aquinas 37 (1973) 155-173 Dedek, John F. Intrinsically Evil Acts. An Historical Study of the Mind of St. Thomas 43 (1979) 385-413 Degnan, Daniel A., S.J. Two Models of Positive Law in Aquinas: A Study of the Relationship of Positive Law and Natural Law 46 (1982) 1- 32 DeLetter, P.,S.J. Hope and Charity in St. Thomas. 8 (1950) 204-248 Proper NaMgEs IN TITLES 173 8 (1950) 325-352 Donnelly, Dorothy F. Aquinas and Some Subsequent Thinkers on the Renewal of Utopian Speculation 46 (1982) 539-572 Fabro, Cornelio. Freedom and Existence in Contemporary Philosophy and in St. Thomas 38 (1974) 524-556 Law 20 (1957) 237-283 Farrell, P.M.,0.P. Farthing, John L. Thomas Fay, Thomas A. Sources of St. Thomas’ Concept of Natural The Problem of Divine Exemplarity in St. 49 (1985) 183-222 Bonaventure and Aquinas on God’s Existence: Points of Convergence Garrigou-Lagrange, R.,O0.P. Thomas Geenen, G.,O.P. 41 (1977) 585-595 Humility According to St. 1 (1939) 2 13 The Place of Tradition in the Theology of St. Thomas 15 (1952) 110-135 Goergen, Donald, O.P. Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas on the Motive of the Incarnation 44 (1980) 523-538 Greenstock, D.L. Saint Thomas and Christian Perfection 13 (1950) 1-15 Grisez, Germain G. Kant and Aquinas: Ethical Theory 21 (1958) 44 78 Guzie, Tad, S.J. The Act of Faith according to St. Thomas 29 (1965) 239-280 Herrera, Robert A. An Episode in Medieval Aristotelianism: Maimonides and St. Thomas on the Active 47 (1983) 317-338 Hopkins, M.,0.P. Saint Thomas and the Encyclical Mystict Corporis 22 (1959) 1- 24 Innis, Robert E. Aquinas’s God and the Linguistic Turn: A Review Discussion. [Burrell] 45 (1981) 585-598 Transcendentals 44 (1980) 1- 26 45 (1981) 80- 98 Jordan, Mark D. The Grammar of Esse: Re-Reading Thomas on the Jordan, Mark D. The Modes of Thomistic Discourse: Questions for Corbin’s Le Chemin de la Théologie chez Thomas d@ Aquin Kayser, John R. Aquinas’s Regimen Bene Commiatum and the Medieval Critique of Republicanism 46 (1982) 195-220 Kelly, Anthony J.,C.SS.R. The Gifts of the Spirit: Aquinas and the Modern Context Kelly, Matthew J. Power in Aquinas Kelly, Matthew J. Saint Thomas and the Moral Agent Kelsey, David. Body Aquinas and Barth on the Human 38 (1974) 193-231 43 (1979) 474-479 46 (1982) 307-312 ........ seedeedusees dadtacdedeeeeas .». 50 (1986) 643-689 174 Proper NAMEs IN TITLES King-Farlow, John. Aquinas and the Justification of Kunkel, F. L. Beauty in Aquinas and Joyce War: Establishmentarian Misconstructions LaMountain, G. 35 (1971) 94112 12 (1949) 261-271 The Concept of the Infinite in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas 19 (1956) 312-338 Lauer, R. Z. Saint Thomas and Modern Semiotic.. 19 (1956) Lawler, Michael G. Grace and Free Will in Justification: 75- 99 A Textual Study in Aquinas 35 (1971) 601-630 Lee, Patrick. The Relationship between Intellect and Will in Free Choice according to Aquinas and Scotus 49 (1985) 321-342 Lee, Patrick. Saint Thomas and Avicenna on the Agent Intellect 45 (1981) 41- 61 Lettieri, Ronald J. Aquinas’s Regimen Bene Commiztum and the Medieval Critique of Republicanism 46 (1982) 195-220 Lisska, Anthony J. A Note: Aquinas’s Use of Phantasia 40 (1976) 294-302 Magrath, 0.,0.P. Saint Thomas’ Theory of Original May, William E. Aquinas and Janssens on the Moral Meaning of May, William E. Knowledge of Causality in Hume and McGinn, Bernard. Development of the Thought of Aquinas on the Sin Mailhiot, M. B., O.P. Part I Aquinas 16 (1953) 161-189 The Place of Religious Sentiment in St. Thomas. 9 (1946) 22- 65 9 (1946) 222-265 48 (1984) 566-606 34 (1970) 254-288 Reconciliation of Divine Providence and Contingent Action Meagher, Robert E. Analysis Molloy, Noel, O.P. ' 39 (1975) 741-752 Thomas Aquinas and Analogy: A Textual 34 (1970) 230-253 Hierarchy and Holiness: Aquinas on the Holiness of the Episcopal State 39 (1975) 198-252 Mullaney, T. U.,0.P. Mary Immaculate in the Writings of St. Thomas 17 (1954) 433-468 Mulligan, R. W.,8.J. Ratio Inferior and Ratio Superior in St. Murnion, William E. Saint Thomas Aquinas’s Theory of the Act of Albert and St. Thomas 19 (1956) 339-367 Understanding 37 (1973) 88-118 O’Meara, Thomas F.,0.P. Paris as a Cultural Milieu of St. Thomas Aquinas’s Thought 38 (1974) 689-722 O’Neill, Colman E.,0.P. Saint Thomas on the Membership of the Church 27 (1963) 88-140 Peccorini, Francisco L. Knowledge of the Singular: Aquinas, Suarez, and Recent Interpreters 38 (1974) 606-655 Proper NAMEs IN TITLES 175 Pesch, Otto Herrmann. Paul as Professor of Theology: The Image of Apostle in St. Thomas’s Theology 38 (1974) 584-605 Philippe, M.-D.,0.P. Reverentissime Exponens Frater Thomas 32 (1968) 84-105 Ramirez, Suntiago,O.P. Thomas Reilly, G. C.,0.P. Knowledge Reyna, Ruth. The Authority of St. Saint Thomas and the Problem of 15 (1952) 1-109 17 (1954) 510-524 On the Soul: A Philosophical Explanation of the Active Intellect in Averroes, Aristotle and Aquinas 36 (1972) 131-149 Riga, Peter J. The Act of Faith in Aquinas and Augustine 35 (1971) 143-174 Schleck, C. A.,C.8.C. Saint Thomas on the Nature of Sacramental Grace. Part I Part II Senlly, Edgar. Aquinas 18 (1955) 1 -30 18 (1955) 242-278 The Place of the State in Society According to 45 (1981) 407-429 Stiegman, Emero. Charism and Institution in Aquinas 38 (1974) 723-733 Stock, Michael E.,0.P. Sense Consciousness According to St. Thomas VanderMarck, William H.M. Theology Vanderploeg, J..0.P. of St. Thomas 21 (1958) 415-486 Ethics as a Key to Aquinas’s 40 (1976) 535-554 The Place of Holy Scripture in the Theology Viviano, Benedict T.,0.P. and Thomas Aquinas Wallace, William A.,O.P. and Matters of Fact 10 (1947) 398-422 The Kingdom of God in Albert the Great 44 (1980) 502-522 Aquinas on Creation: Science, Theology 38 (1974) 485-523 Wallace, William A.,O.P. Review Article: Buridan, Ockham, Aquinas: Science in the Middle Ages. [Moody] .. 40 (1976) 475-483 Wallace, William A.,O.P. Einstein Walsh, Liam G.,0.P. Thomas Saint Thomas Aquinas, Galileo and Liturgy in the Theology of St. 1- 22 38 (1974) 557-583 Weeks, Louis, III. Can Saint Thomas’s Summa Theologiae Speak to Moltmann’s Theology of Hope? 33 (1969) 215-228 Wheeler, M. C., R.S.C.J. Actual Grace according to St. Thomas Williams, Cornelius,O.P. The Hedonism of 46 (1953) 334-360 38 (1974) 257-290 176 Proper NAMES IN TITLES Wippel, John F. Aquinas’s Route to the Real Distinction: A Note on De Ente et Essentia 43 (1979) 279-295 Zagar, Janko,O.P. Aquinas and the Social Teaching of the Church THOMAS OF SUTTON 38 (1974) 826-855 Kelley, Francis E. Two Early English Thomists: Thomas Sutton and Robert Orford vs. Henry of Ghent 45 (1981) 345-387 THOMISM/THOMIST Adler, M. J. Problems for Thomists: I—The Problem of Species. Aloysius, Sr. Mary, 8.S.J. Sensation 1 (1939) 80-122 1 (1939) 237-270 1 (1939) 381-443 2 (1940) 88-155 2 (1940) 237-300 Toward a Thomistic Theory of 20 (1957) 143-157 Anderson, James F. In Defense of Etienne Gilson: Concerning a Recent Book about Thomistic Metaphysics. [O’Brien] Blackstone, William T. Metaphysics Brennan, R. E.,0.P. Philosophy Brennan, R. E.,0.P. Culture Thomism and The Mansions of Thomistic The Thomistic Concept of 28 (1964) 373-380 28 (1964) 225-246 1 (1939) 62- 79 5 (1943) 111-136 Byrne, Patrick H. The Thomistic Sources of Lonergan’s World- Carpenter, H.,0.P. The Philosophical Approach to God in View Caldin, E. F. Modern Physics and Thomist Philosophy 46 (1982) 108-145 Thomism Chapman, E. 1 (1939) 45- 61 4 (1942) 369-387 Living Thomism 2 (1940) 208-225 Creaven, J. A.,S.M.A. Personalism, Thomism, and Epistemology 8 (1945) Curran, J. W.,0.P. The Thomistic Concept of Devotion. Part I Farrelly, John, 0.S.B. Resources 2 (1940) 410-443 2 (1940) 546-580 Man’s Transcendence and Thomistic Glenn, Sr. Mary Michael, C.D.P. and Scotistie Concepts of Hope Greenstock, D.L. 1- 26 38 (1974) 426-484 A Comparison of the Thomistic Thomism and the New 20 (1957) 27- 74 13 (1950) 567-596 Proper NAMEs Hill, William J.,0.P. IN TITLES In What Sense Is God Infinite? A Thomistic Perspective Inagaki, B. 177 42 (1978) 14- 27 Japan, Philosophy, and Thomism .... 19 (1956) 250-261 Jordan, Mark D. The Modes of Thomistic Discourse: Questions for Corbin’s Le Chemin de la Théologie chez Thomas d’ Aquin 45 (1981) 80- 98 Kelley, Francis E. Two Early English Thomists: Thomas Sutton and Robert Orford vs. Henry of Ghent 45 (1981) 345-387 Lee, Anthony, O.P. Thomism and the Council .... 27 (1963) 451-492 Lisska, Anthony J. Deely and Geach on Abstractionism in Thomistic Epistemology 37 (1973) 548-568 Macomber, W.,8.J. De la Taille vs. Thomistic Tradition: A Reply 22 (1959) 233-254 Mascall, Erie L. Bridge? McAllister, J.B. MelInerny, Ralph. Ethies McMahon, F. E. The Gulf in Modern Philosophy :Is Thomism the 38 (1974) 8- 26 Japan, Philosophy and Thomism. .19 (1956) 250-261 Naturalism and Thomistic .... A Thomistic Analysis of Peace .. Meynell, Hugo. Wilfred Sellars: A Thomist Mullaney, J. V. Developmental Thomism Estimate Mullaney, J. V. 40 (1976) 222-242 1 (1939) 169-192 50 (1986) 223-237 19 (1956) The Liberal Arts in the Aristotelian-Thomist 1- 21 Scheme of Knowledge 19 (1956) 481-505 Mullaney, T. U.,O.P. The Incarnation: De la Taille vs. Thomistic Tradition 17 (1954) 1- 42 O’Brien, Thomas C. Reflexion on the Question of God’s Existence in Contemporary Thomistic Metaphysics. 23 (1960) 1- 89 23 (1960) 211-285 23 (1960) 362-447 O’Grady, D.C. Thomism as a Frame of Reference 1 (1939) 213-236 O’Meara, W. John Dewey and Modern Thomism .. 5 (1943) 308-318 Pike, Alfred. The Phenomenology of Music and the Thomistic Aesthetic 29 (1965) 281-294 Romano, Joseph J. Between Being and Nothingness: The Relevancy Rousseau, Mary F. Elements of a Thomistic Philosophy of of Thomistic “ Habit” Death Sargent, D. Dante and Thomism Sauras, E.,0.P. 44 (1980) 427-440 43 (1979) 581-602 5 (1943) 256-264 Thomistic Soteriology and the Mystical 15 (1952) 543-571 178 Proper NAMEs Scanlon, Michael J.,0.8.A. Thomist Sikora, J.J. Philosophy IN TITLES Karl Rahner: A Neo-Augustinian 43 (1979) 178-185 The Art and Science of Formal Logic in Thomistie 22 (1959) 533-541 Sikora, J.J. The Philosophy of Nature and Natural Science from a Thomist Viewpoint 20 (1957) 330-348 Simmons, Edward D. The Thomistic Doctrine of the Three Degrees of Formal Abstraction 22 (1959) 37- 67 Slattery, M. P. Thomism and Positivism 20 (1957) 447-469 Smith, Ferrer E.,0.P. A Thomistic Appraisal of the Philosophy of John Dewey 18 (1955) 127-185 Smith, Mare. Is There a Thomistic Alternative to Lonergan’s Cognitional Structure? 43 (1979) 626-636 Staffa, Dino. The Revival of Thomism Stevens, Gregory, O.S.B. Being Stock, Michael E.,0.P. Repression Stock, Michael E.,0.P. Psychoanalysis Tonneau, Jean, O.P. Law 26 (1963) 67- 99 A Thomistic Analysis of the Concept of 25 (1962) 463-494 Thomistic Psychology and Freud’s 21 (1958) 125-145 The Teaching of the Thomist Tract on Wallace, William A.,O.P. Appraisal 26 (1963) 129-137 Thomistic Morality and Openness to 34 (1970) Existential Ethics: A Thomistic 13- 83 27 (1963) 493-515 Wallace, William A.,O.P. Thomism and Modern Science: Relationships Past, Present, and Future 32 (1968) 67- 83 Wilhelmsen, Frederick D. The Concept of Existence and the Structure of Judgment: A Thomistic Paradox ... 41 (1977) 317-349 TILLICH Craighead, Houston. Reality Doyle, Dennis. Tillich Paul Tillich’s Arguments for God’s 39 (1975) 309-318 The Symbolic Element in Belief: An Alternative to 45 (1981) 449-471 McLean, George R., O.M.I. Paul Tillich’s Existential Philosophy of Protestantism 28 (1964) Schick, Thomas. Reason and Knowledge in the Epistemology of Paul Tillich TORQUEMADA 30 (1966) 1- 50 66- 79 Morris, Eugene §. The Infallibility of the Apostolic See in Juan de IDEN PLE 6 oa.5i0-5's6.550 00 0'000% csc eceaeese 46 (1982) 242-266 TOYNBEE Thornhill, John, §.M. The Philosophical Assumptions, Implicit and Explicit, of Arnold J. Toynbee’s Philosophy of History 25 (1962) 201-251 Proper NAMEs IN TITLES TRACY Portier, William L. Theology and Authority: Reflections on The Analogical Imagination, [Tracy] 46 (1982) 593-698 Shea, William M. Tracy’s Blessed Rage for Order: A Review 40 (1976) 665-683 VERTIN Chirico, Peter, S.S. Infallibility: A Reply [Vertin] VINCENT OF LERINS Eno, Robert B., 8.8. Ecclesia Docens: Structures of Doctrinal Authority in Tertullian and Vincent VITORIA Munoz, H.,0.P. 44 (1980) 128-135 40 (1976) 96-115 The International Community according to Francis 10 (1947) VOEGELIN Gueguen, John A. A Review Article Voegelin’s From Enlightenment to Revolution: Webb, Eugene. Revelation Eric Voegelin’s Theory of McCabe, H.,0.P. The Structure of the WALL 1- 55 42 (1978) 123-134 42 (1978) 95-122 Judgment—A Reply to WE. NMG UE en cc ehihadind oeées Usicaasewaner WALLACE 19 (1956) 232-238 Unguru, Sabetai. William Wallace’s Preludes and Etudes: Variations of the Continuity Theme: A Review Discussion .. 46 (1981) 466-477 WEINANDY Mascall, Erie L. Does God Change? Mutability and Incarnation: A Review Discussion. [Weinandy] 50 (1986) 447-457 WEISS Dahlstrom, Daniel. Paul Weiss’s Metaphysics of Human Experience: A Review Discussion 45 (1981) 599-615 WHITEHEAD Azar, Larry. Whitehead: Challenging a CRAM. Boden cedkceee eines ddan ve.ccneike ve 30 (1966) 80- 87 Bennett, John B. The Tacit in Experience: Polanyi and Bennett, Whitehead and Personal Identity John B. 42 (1978) 37 (1973) 510-521 Connelly, R. J. Creativity and God: Whitehead According to Ford, Lewis S. Whitehead’s Transformation of Hartshorne Hartshorne, Charles. 43 (1979) 603-625 41 (1977) 381-399 Whitehead in French Perspective: A Review Article, [Parmentier] 28- 49 ........... ddeeees eseeee 33 (1969) 573-581 180 Proper NAMES IN TITLES Kerlin, Michael J. ‘“ Where God Comes In ” for Alfred North Whitehead 36 (1972) 98-116 Lintz, E. J. The Unity in the Universe according to Alfred N. Whitehead. 6 (1943) 135-179 6 (1943) 318-366 MeNicholl, Ambrose, O.P. [Whittaker] WILLIAM OF OCKHAM Physical Metaphysics. Klocker, Harry R., 8.J. Ockham and Efficient Klocker, Harry R.,8.J. William of Ockham and the Causality Self Magno, Joseph A. Nominalism Ockham’s Extreme Wallace, William A.,O.P. 12 (1949) 425-473 23 (1960) 106-123 44 (1980) 415-426 43 (1979) 414-449 Review Article: Buridan, Ockham, Aquinas: Science in the Middle Ages. [Moody].. 40 (1976) 475-483 Woods, Earl R. Ockham on Nature and God 37 (1973) 69- 87 WIPPEL Owens, Joseph, C.Ss.R. A Rejoinder. [Wippel] WITTGENSTEIN Centore, F.F. Nominalist Stages and Distinction in De Ente: 45 (1981) 99-123 A Note on Wittgenstein as an Unwilling 37 (1973) 762-767 Gallagher, Kenneth T. “ Meaning” and “ Mental Process”: Some Demurrals to Wittgenstein 48 (1984) 249-273 WOODBRIDGE Shea, William M. Idea ZARATHUSTRA see NIETZSCHE Frederick Woodbridge: Experience and ZOSSIMA (Dostoyevsky character) see DOSTOYEVSKY 39 (1975) 712-726 AUTHORS AND EDITORS OF BOOKS REVIEWED Please note that The Thomist often treats an extended review as a “ review article.” To locate a review article, see the index of “ Proper Names in Titles.” Thus, the reviews of three of Charles E. Curran’s books are listed below in this index, but there are two other review articles listed in the index of “ Proper Names in Titles” under the entry CURRAN. ——L’Hygiene mentale et Veducation: Premiére congrés annual. [Ottawa] (Thomist Staff) 3 (1941) 393 ——A New Catechism: Catholic Faith for Adults. [Dutch catechism] (Mullaney, T. U., O.P.) 32 (1968) 254-261 ——Religious Sisters: A Symposium. (Smith, M. T., 0.P.) Aaron, R.I. The Theory of Universals. 14 (1951) 543-548 (Thomist Staff) 16 (1953) 302-303 Abelard, Peter. Petri Abaelardi Opera Theologica. Ed. by E. M. Buytaert. (Hiring, N.) 35 (1971) 519-522 Abraham, William J. The Coming Great Revival. (Maddox, R. L.) 50 (1986) 487-489 ——Divine Revelation and the Limits of Historical Criticism. (Tracy, T. F.) Adam, Karl. The Christ of Faith. 49 (1985) 299-306 ——One and Holy. (Theall, B., 0.8.B.) 16 (1953) 144-145 (Cummings, J., O.F.M. Conv.) Adams, J. L. 21 (1958) 80- 84 Paul Tillich’s Philosophy of Culture, Science, and Religion. (Jelly, F. M., O.P.) 34 (1970) 675-676 Adelmann, Frederick J.,ed. Authority. (Finan, W. J.) 39 (1975) 389-391 Adler, Mortimer J. A Dialectic of Morals: Towards the Foundations of Political Philosophy. (Thomist Staff) 3 (1941) 673 —The Difference of Man amd the Difference It Makes. (Deely, J. N.) Freedom. (Williams, B. A., 0.P.) ‘How to Read a Book. (Ledvina, J. P.) 32 (1968) 436-439 32 (1968) 564-566 2 (1940) 444-451 (O’Connell, D., O.P.) 22 (1959) 565-570 (Oesterle, J. A.) 25 (1962) 556-562 (Heath, M., O.P.) 46 (1982) —The Idea of Freedom. [Volume I] —The Idea of Freedom. Volume II. ‘Philosopher at Large: An Intellectual Autobiography. 324 182 Avutuors Rrvirwep ——Some Questions About Language: A Theory of Discourse and its Objects. (Auger, D., 0.P.) 41 (1977) 601-603 —The Time of Our Lives. The Ethics of Common Sense. (Oesterle, J. A.) 34 (1970) 477-482 Agar, W.M. Catholicism and the Progress of Science. (Thomist Staff) 3 (1941) 173-174 —The Dilemma of Science. (Thomist Staff) 4 (1942) 545 Ahern, M.B. The Problem of Evil. (Sontag, F.) .... 36 (1972) 157-159 Ajuriaguerra, J. de. Les epilepsies; leurs formes cliniques; leurs traitements. (Thomist Staff) 12 (1949) 257 Akenson, Donald Harman. The Church of Ireland, Ecclesiastical Reform and Revolution. (Hayes, W. J., O.P.)... 36 (1972) 195-196 Albright, William F. Archaeology and the Religion of Israel. (Murphy, R. T., 0.P.) 6 (1943) 278-281 ——From the Stone Age to Christianity : Monotheism and the Historical Process. (Murhpy, R. T. A., O.P.).... 3 (1941) 510-517 Alexander, Sidney. Lions and Foxes: Men and Ideas of the Italian Renaissance, (Caponigri, A. R.) 39 (1975) 391-396 Allegra, G. M., O.F.M. My Conversations with Teilhard de Chardin on the Primacy of Christ. (Faricy, R. L., 8.J.) .... Allen, Diogenes. The Reasonableness of Faith. 35 (1971) 703-704 (Rzeczkowski, M., O.P.) 33 (1969) 791-793 Allen, R.E. Socrates and Legal Obligation. (Seleman, R. J.) 46 (1982) 660 Allers,R. The Successful Error. (Brennan, R. E., O.P.) 2 (1940) 581-584 Allgeier, A.,ed. Die neue Psalmeniibersetzung. (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 433-434 Almeida, E.,0.P. Santo Thomds de Aquino y el problema psicolégico de la union del alma con el cuerpo. (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 293-294 Alter, Robert. The Art of Biblical Narrative. (Thiemann, R. F.) 47 (1983) 306 Altizer, Thomas J.J. Deconstruction and Theology. (Kerlin, M. J.) 48 (1984) 461-463 —Total Presence. (Root, M.) 46 (1982) 492 Alvarez, A.G. Introduccién a la metafisica. (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952). 529-531 American Catholic Philosophical Association. Contemporary American Philosophy. 1960 Proceedings. (Mann, J. A.) ... 24 (1961) 127 —LEvistence and Nature of God. 1954 Proceedings. (Thomist Staff) 18 (1955) 306-307 —The Nature of Philosophical Inquiry. 1967 Proceedings. (Kane, W. H., 0.P.) 33 (1969) 202-204 AutHors REVIEWED 183 ——Philosophy and Christian Theology. 1970 Proceedings. (Geiger, L. B., O.P.) 36 (1972) 319-323 ——Philosophy and Order. 1941 Proceedings. (Thomist Staff) 4 (1942) 543-544 ——Philosophy and the Experimental Sciences. 1952 Proceedings. (Thomist Staff) 16 (1953) 299-300 ——Philosophy and the Future of Man. 1966 Proceedings. Ed. by G. F. McLean, O.M.I. (Quinn, J. M., 0.8.A).... 34 (1970) 138-140 —The Philosophy of Christian Education. 1941 Proceedings. Western Division. (Thomist Staff) 4 (1942) 543-544 ——The Problem of Liberty. 1940 Proceedings. (Thomist Staff) 4 (1942) 189-190 —tThomas and Bonaventure: A Septicentenary Commemoration. 1974 Proceedings. (Zedler, B.) 40 (1976) 164-167 ——Truth and the Historicity of Man. 1969 Proceedings. Ed. by G. F. McLean, O.M.I. (Williams, B. A., O.P.) .. 35 (1971) 196-197 Ames, F. Citizen Thomas More and his Utopia. (Grace, W. J.) 13 (1950) 417-424 Ammerman, R.R.,ed.+ Belief, Knowledge and Truth. (Califano, J.) 35 (1971) 194-196 Anciaux, P.+ Le dynamisme de la morale chrétienne. (Weeks, L.) 34 (1970) 513-514 Anderson, J.N.D. The Bond of Being. (Smith, R., O.P.) 16 (1953) 135-137 —tThe Cause of Being. (Thomist Staff) 16 (1953) 595-596 —Christianity and Comparative Religion. (Rebeiro, M.) 35 (1971) 522-524 —Morality, Law, and Grace. (Milmore, A., O.P.)... 37 (1973) 392-393 —Reflections on the Analogy of Being. (McInerny, R.) 32 (1968) 276-277 Anscombe, G. E.M. Collected Papers. (Davies, B., O.P.) 47 (1983) 611 Anselm, St. Why God Became Man and the Virgin Conception and Original Sin. (O’Donnell, J. R.) 34 (1970) 695-697 Anshen, Ruth Nanda, ed. Language: An Enquiry into its Meaning. (Oesterle, J. A.) 21 (1958) 366-377 —Moral Principles of Action. (Thomist Staff) .... 17 (1954) 417 —Science and Man. (Oesterle, J. A.) 4 (1942) 762-768 Anwander, R. Die Religionen der Menschheit. (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 430-431 Archdiocese of Washington. Sex in Marriage, Love-Giving, Life-Giving. (Dwyer, K. R., O.P.) 33 (1969) 372-374 Arintero, J.G.,0.P. The Mystical Evolution in the Development and Vitality of the Church. (Thomist Staff) 13 (1950) 628-629 184 AvutHors REVIEWED Aristotle. Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Tr. by R. Hope. (Cunningham, R. L.) 16 (1953) 429-433 ——Medieval commentaries on Aristotle are entered under the name of the medieval author. Armstrong, A.H. An Introduction to Ancient Philosophy. (Stock, M. E., O.P.) 13 (1950) 597-600 —Saint Augustine and Christian Platonism. (Molloy, N., 0.P.) 34 (1970) 166-167 Arnold, F.X. Untersuchungen zur Theologie der Seelsorge. I-II. (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 430431 Arnold, R. E., 8.J., tr. + The Universal Treatise of Nicholas of Autrecourt. (Seott, T. K., Jr.) 36 (1972) 703-704 Arsenault, Fernard. Augustin: Qui est Jésus Christ? Essai théologique et pastoral. (TeSelle, E.) 39 (1975) 612-613 Artz, F.B. A Guide to the Intellectual History of Europe from St. Augustine to Marx. (Thomist Staff) 3 (1941) 675 Meyendorff, J.) 32 (1968) 578-579 Ashton, John, 8.J. Why Were the Gospels Written? Theology Today Series, 15. (Fearon, M. G., O.P.) 39 (1975) 179-180 Aspell, P. J..O.M.I. + Readings in Ancient Western Philosophy. (Davis, J. B., O.P.) 35 (1971) 320-321 Assman, Hugo. Theology for a Nomad Church. (Folk, G.) 41 (1977) 447-456 Atiya, Aziz S. History of Eastern Christianity. Attwater,D. A Catholic Dictionary. (Thomist Staff) 4 (1942) 191 ——Modern Christian Revolutionaries. (Thomist Staff) 11 (1948) 131-133 Auden, W.H.,et al. The Intent of the Critic. (Egan, J. M., O.P.} 4 (1942) 534-539 Augustine, St. Against the Academics. Tr. by O’Meara, J. J., 0.S.A. (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 190-191 —Basic Writings of St. Augustine. Ed. by W. J. Oates. (Thomist Staff) 13 (1950) 122-123 ——Oecuvres de S. Augustin. Ed. by F. A. Cayre, A.A. (Thomist Staff) 172 Aumann, Jordan, O.P.+ Christian Spirituality East and West. (Mulhern, P. F., O.P.) 33 (1969) 399-402 tr. + Summa of the Christian Life, by Louis of Granada. (Thomist Staff) 19 (1956) 142-143 tr. Summa Theologiae, by Thomas Aquinas. Volume 47, The Pastoral and Religious Lives (2a2a, 183-189). (Heath, T. R., O.P.) 38 (1974) 941-942 AvutHors REVIEWED 185 Ayer, A. J. Philosophical Essays. (Thomist Staff) . 18 (1955) 559-561 Ayers, M. R. The Refutation of Determinism: An Essay in Philosophical Logic. (McKim, V. R.) 33 (1969) 191-194 Ayerst, D., ed. + Records of Christianity. Volume I: In the Roman Empire. (Ramsey, B., 0.P.) 36 (1972) 193-195 Baars, Conrad W. Loving and Curing the Neurotic. (Cavanagh, J. R.) 37 (1973) 260-262 Bachelor, Edward, ed. Homosexuality and Ethics. (Barry, R. L., 0.P.) 45 (1981) 491 Baker, R. R. The Thomistic Theory of The Passions and their Influence on the Will. (Thomist Staff) 4 (1942) 366 Baldwin, J. Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. (Smith, A., O.P.) Baldwin, M.W. The Medieval Papacy in Action. (Thomist Staff) Baltazar, Eulalio, R. God Within Process. (Finan, W. J.) Balthasar, Hans Urs von. 37 (1973) 411-412 3 (1941) 173-174 36 (1972) 151-157 The Glory of the Lord: Theological Aesthetics. I, Seeing the Form. Tr. by Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis. (Keefe, D. J., S.J.) 48 (1984) 663-667 Balz, A.G. Descartes and the Modern Mind. (Denissoff, E.) 16 (1953) 282-288 Barbotin, Edmond. The Humanity of God. (Snell, P., O.P.) 42 (1978) 519-524 Bardy, F., et al. L’enfer. (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 431-432 Barfield, Owen. World’s Apart:A Dialogue of the 60s. (Durbin, P. T.) 29 (1965) 233-234 Barnes, H. E. Historical Sociology: Its Origins and Development ; Theories of Social Evolution from Cave Life to Atomic Bombing. (Nuesse, C. J.) 12 (1949) 516-523 ed. An Introduction to the History of Sociology. (Nuesse, C. J.) 12 (1949) 516-523 Barr, 0.8. The Christian New Morality. (Wassmer, T. A., S.J.) 33 (1969) 787-791 Barrett, W. Irrational Man: A Study in Existential Philosophy. (McInerny, R.) 22 (1959) 279-284 Barter, E.G. Relativity and Reality. (Thomist Staff) 18 (1955) 123 Barth, Karl. Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum. (Taylor, J. C., O.P.) 25 (1962) 171-175 Bartolomei, Maria Cristina. Tomismo e principio di non contraddizione. (Bonansea, B. M., 0.F.M.) 38 (1974) 676-677 Bassett, W. W.,ed. The Bond of Marriage. (Siegle, B. A., T.O.R.) 33 (1969) 381-389 186 AvutHors REVIEWED ed. + Experience of the Spirit. (Hocken, P.) 43 (1979) 499-501 Bastien, Hermas. Philosophies et philosophes americains. (Mann, J. A.) 22 (1959) 582 Battaglia, Anthony. Toward a Reformulation of Natural Law. (Smith, R., O.P.) 47 (1983) 461 Batten, R. J., O.P., tr. + Summa Theologiae. Volume 34, Charity (2a2ae, 23-33), by St. Thomas Aquinas. (Zylla, R., 0.8.C.) 41 (1977) 149-150 Baum, Gregory. Man Becoming: God in Secular Language. (Kerlin, M. J.) 36 (1972) 315-318 ——Religion and Alienation: A Theological Reading of Sociology. (Kerlin, M. J.) 41 (1977) 162-164 Baumgardt, D. Bentham and the Ethics of Today. (Rover, D., O.P.) 17 (1954) 406-409 Bausch, W. J. It is Lord! Sin and Confession Revisited. (Donahue, J. M., 0.P.) 34 (1970) 706-707 Bawden, Frederick C., et al. + Symposium on Evolution. [Duquesne University, 1959] (Nogar, R. J., 0.P.) 23 (1960) 489-490 Beardsmore, R. W. Moral Reasoning. (May, W. E.) 34 (1970) 152-155 Beauchamp, Tom J.+ Principles of Biomedical Ethics. (Markowicz, W.) 45 (1981) 321 Beauchamp, Tom L. + Hume and the Problem of Causation. (Durbin, P. T.) ed. Philosophical Problems of Causation. (Wallace, W. A., O.P.) 48 (1984) 119-121 (Thomist Staff) Bedell, George C.,ed. + Religion in America. (Whitney, J. R.) Bellet, Maurice. Facing the Unbeliever. (Reid, J. P., O.P.) Benoit, Pierre, O.P.-+ Prophecy and Inspiration. (Smith, A., O.P.) 13 (1950) 435-436 Beauvoir, 8. de. Bentley, E. The Ethics of Ambiguity. Out of Bondage. (Thomist Staff) 40 (1976) 694-695 40 (1976) 330-332 32 (1968) 441-443 25 (1962) 445-448 15 (1952) Berdiaeff, N. Le sens de Vhistoire. (Neill, T. P.).... 13 (1950) Berenson, B. Aesthetics and History in the Visual Arts. (Thomist Staff) 12 (1949) Berger, Herman H. Progressive and Conservative. (Califano, J.) 37 (1973) Berger, Peter L. Facing Up to Modernity: Excursions in Society, Politics, and Religion. (Kerlin, M. J.) 43 (1979) 346 296-299 387-388 245-249 682-684 Avutuors REVIEWED 187 ——The Heretical Imperative: Contemporary Possibilities of Religious Affirmation. (Kerlin, M. J.) Bergstraesser, A.,ed. Goethe and the Modern Age. (Thomist Staff) 45 (1981) 158-160 14 (1951) 435-437 Berkeley, George. Philosophical Commentaries: Essays toward a New Theory of Vision; Theory of Vision Vindicated. (Ryan, J. K.) —The Works of George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne. Ed. by A. A. Luce and T. E. Jessop. Vols. I-IV (McAllister, J. B.) Vols. V and VI. (Thomist Staff) Berkouwer, G.C. The Conflict with Rome. (Haas, W. P., 0.P.) Bernadot, M. V.,0.P. Notre Dame dans ma vie. (Thomist Staff) Bernard of Clairvaux, St. 12 (1949) 239-240 15 (1952) 165-169 17 (1954) 410-412 22 (1959) 294-299 7 (1944) 426-427 Five Books on Consideration: Advice to a Pope. (Boyle, L. E., 0.P.) 41 (1977) 471-472 ——The Steps of Humility. (Egan, J. M., O.P.) .... 3 (1941) 391-392 —The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux. Volume 1. Treatises 1. Ed. by Cistercian Fathers. (O’Donnell, J. R.) 36 (1972) 330-332 (Thomist Staff) 18 (1955) 433-434 Bernard, A.,O.P. Présentation de la Somme théologique. Bernays, P.,ed. + Information and Prediction in Science. Bernstein, Richard J. (Durbin, P. T.) (Kerlin, M. J.) 31 (1967) 374-375 Beyond Objectivism and Relativism. The Restructuring of Social and Political Theory. (Kerlin, M. J.) Berrigan, Daniel, S.J. They Call Us Dead Men. 50 (1986) 306-309 42 (1978) 527-531 (Heath, T. B., O.P.) .cccccccccsccccccccccccs 30 (1966) 300-302 Theology, Volume I, (Egan, J. M., 0.P.) 17 (1954) 571-576 (Godsey, J.) 41 (1977) 465-467 Bertell, R. W.,ed. The Theology of Paul Tillich. Library of Living Bethge, Eberhard. Bonhoeffer: Exile and Martyr. Biddle, W. Earl, M.D., F.A.P.A. Psychiatry. (Thomist Staff) Birch, Bruce C. + Syllogistic and Its Extensions. (Devine, R. V.) Bittle, C. N.,0.F.M. Cap. (Smith, E. F., O.P.) Black, M.,ed. 20 (1957) 112-114 Bible and Ethics in the Christian Life. (Heath, T. R., 0.P.) Bird, Otto. Integration of Religion and 42 (1978) 166-168 28 (1964) 530-533 From Aether to Cosmos-Cosmology. 4 (1942) 356-358 Philosophical Analysis: A Collection of Essays. 15 (1952) 169-173 188 AutHors REVIEWED —Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege (Veatch, H.) 17 (1954) 104-111 Blackstone, B. English Blake. (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 437 Blackwell, R. J. Discovery in Physical Science. (Crowe, M. J.) 35 (1971) 337-339 Blackney, R. B., tr. Meister Eckhart: A Modern Translation. (Thomist Staff) 6 (1943) 132 Blanchette, Oliva, S.J. For a Fundamental Social Ethic: A Philosophy of Social Change. (Zagar, J., O.P.) 38 (1974) 683-684 Blandino, Giovanni, 8.J.-++- Una discussione sul etica della felicita. (Toner, J., O.P.) 34 (1970) 158-159 ——II problema della conoscenza: Filosofia della conoscenza e fondamenti di filosofia della scienza. (Mattiazzo, A.) 39 (1975) 158-160 Bleienstein, F.,ed. Johannes Quidort von Paris, Uber kénigliche und papstliche Gewalt. (Kramer, W. J.) 36 (1972) 178 Bloesch, D.G. + Christian Spirituality East and West. (Mulhern, P. F., 0.P.) 33 (1969) 399-402 Bloomfield, Morton W. The Seven Deadly Sins. (Thomist Staff) 17 (1954) 415-416 Bloy, Leon. Leon Bloy—Pilgrim of the Absolute. Ed. by R. Maritain. (Gallagher, D. A.) 11 (1948) 259-261 Bluhm, William T. Theories of the Political System: Classics of Political Thought and Modern Political Analysis. (Roswurm, R.) 30 (1966) 200-201 Blund, Johannes. Johannes Blund, Tractatus de Anima. Ed. by D. A. Callus, O.P., and R. W. Hunt. (Weisheipl, J.A., O.P.) 35 (1971) 700-703 Bobik, Joseph, ed. The Commentary of Conrad of Prussia on the De Ente et Essentia of St. Thomas Aquinas. (Maurer, A., C.S.B.) 40 (1976) 174-177 ed. The Nature of Philosophical Inquiry. (Cunningham, R. L.) 35 (1971) 186-188 Bochenski, I.M.,0.P. A History of Formal Logic. (Kane, D. C., O.P.) 25 (1962) 183-186 + The Problem of Universals: A Symposium. (Smith, R., O.P.) 22 (1959) 433-434 ed. Bibliographische Einfiihrungen in das Studium der Philosophie. (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 306-307 ed. Huropaische Philosophie der Gegenwart. (Thomist Staff) 11 (1948) 267-268 ed. Précis de logique mathématique. 189 (Thomist Staff) 13 (1950) 446-447 (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 420-422 (Forster, C. P., O.P.) 9 (1946) 120-124 (Reichmann, J. B., S. J.) 33 (1969) 183-185 ed. Der Sowjetrussische Dialektische Materialismus (Diamat). Bodin, J. Method for the Easy Comprehension of History. Boehner, P.,O.F.M. Medieval Logic: An Outline of its Development from 1250 to ca. 1400. (Wright, T. B.) 17 (1954) 258-261 Bogliolo, Luigi. De Homine. — Guida alla ricerca scientifica e allo studio di S. Tommaso. (Lehner, F. C., 0.P.) —La Verita dell’uomo. (Schneider, M., O.F.M.) Boguet,H. An Examen of Witches. (Nichola, J. J.) Bolle, K.W. The Freedom of Man im Myth. (VerEecke, W.) Bolman, F., tr. Schelling, the Age of the World. 32 (1968) 570-572 .. 34 (1970) 343-352 36 (1972) 532-534 33 (1969) 603-605 (Allers, R.) 6 (1943) 122-123 Bonansea, B. M.,O.F.M. Tommaso Campanella. (Foster, K., 0.P.) 35 (1971) 694-699 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Christ the Center. (Thomasma, D.) 31 (1967) 122-133 Bonnette, Dennis. Aquinas’ Proofs for God’s Existence: St. Thomas on “The ‘ Per Accidens’ necessarily implies the ‘ Per se’” (Quinn, J. M., 0..SA.) 38 (1974) 167-173 (Biechler, J. E.) 37 (1973) 620-623 Bormann, Karl, ed. + Born, M. Nicolai de Cusa Omnia Opera III: De Coniecturis Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance. (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 185-187 (Ingham, N., O.P.) 42 (1978) 706-710 (Toner, J., O.P.) 34 (1970) 335-336 (Thomist Staff) 9 (1946) (Thomist Staff) 11 (1948) 533-535 (Thomist Staff) 8 (1945) Bossy, John. Boublik, V. Bourke, V. J. The English Catholic Community :1570-1850. Incontro con Cristo: Credibilita della religione cristiana. Augustine’s Quest of Wisdom. Saint Thomas and the Greek Moralists, ——Thomistic Bibliography, 1920-1940. # Reply to Vernon Bourke’s Review of Aquinas on Metaphysics by the Author. (Doig, J. A.) Bouyer, L. Eucharist. (Kugelman, R., C.P.) ——Liturgical Piety. (Conley, K., 0.8.B.) 126 411 37 (1973) 826-842 34 (1970) 334-335 19 (1956) 274-278 190 AutHors REVIEWED —The Spirit and Forms of Protestantism. (Hinnesbusch, W. A., O.P.) 20 (1957) 489-502 (Schneider, M., O.F.M.) 36 (1972) 333-340 (Barry, R. L., O.P.) 44 (1980) 450-455 Bowes, P. Consciousness and Freedom: Three Views. Bolye, Joseph M., Jr. + Life and Death with Liberty and Justice. Bozzo, G. G., ed. Chiesa e utopia. (Mattiazzo, A.).. 36 (1972) 328-330 Bradshaw, M. J. Philosophical Foundations of Faith. (Thomist Staff) Brand, Gerd. The Essential Wittgenstein. (Smith, P. C.) Brandon, 8.G.F. Religion in Ancient History. 46 (1982) 161 (Siebert, R. J.) 34 (1970) 679-688 Thomist. (Allers, R.) Thomistic Psychology. (Welch, L.) 8 (1945) 287-288 4 (1942) 181-183 (Kim, §.-K.) 42 (1978) 513-518 Branick, Vincent P.,S.M. An Ontology of Understanding: Karl Rahner’s Metaphysics of Knowledge in the Context of Modern German Hermeneutics. (Peterson, J. F.) 38 (1974) 985-987 Brennan, R. E., O.P. History of Psychology from the Standpoint of a Brentano, Franz. On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle. + The Theory of Categories. (Burgess, A. J.) .... 48 (1984) 493-497 Brezik, Victor B., ed. One Hundred Years of Thomism: Aeterni Patris and Afterwards, A Symposium. (O’Brien, T. C.) 48 (1984) 473475 (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 557-559 Bridgmann, P. W. Reflections of a Physicist. Brinton, C. Ideas and Men. (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 183-185 Brockett, L., R.S.C.J. The Theology of Baptism. Theology Today Series, 25. (Toner, J., O.P.) 36 (1972) 327-328 (Bassett, W. W.) 35 (1971) 324-328 (Dahlstrom, D. 0.) 46 (1982) (DuLac, H.) 18 (1955) 419-424 (Ryan, W. B., O.P.) 32 (1968) 446-447 Christianity. (Ramsey, B., O.P.) 46 (1982) (Hopkins, M., O.P.) 33 (1969) 582-585 Broderick, J. A.,ed. The French Institutionaists: Maurice Hauriou, George Renard, Joseph T. Deos. Brody, Baruch, A. Identity and Essence. Broudy, H.S. Buiding a Phiosophy of Education. Brown, Peter. Augustine of Hippo. —The Cult of the Saints: Its Rise and Function in Latin Brown, R. E., 8.8. -+ The Jerome Biblical Commentary. 640 166 AvutHors REVIEWED 191 Brown, Robert McAfee. Frontiers of the Church Today. (Granfield, P.) 38 (1974) 394-395 —The Spirit of Protestantism. (McGuinness, I, 0.P.) 25 (1962) 175-183 ——Theology in a New Key. (Baum, G.) 43 (1979) 672-674 Brown, 8. C., ed. Philosophy of Psyholcogy. (Schneider, M., O.F.M.) 39 (1975) 414-423 Brown, 8.J.+ A Survey of Catholic Literature. (Thomist Staff) 8 (1945) 411 Brownrigg, Ronald... The Twelve Apostles. (Keegan, T. J., O.P.) 39 (1975) 433-434 Bruckberger, R. L.,0.P. Toward the Summit. (Coffey, J. R., O.P.) 20 (1957) 229-231 Brucker, H. Freedom of Information. (Thomist Staff) 13 (1950) 128-129 Bruckmann, W. D...Keystones and Theories of Philosophy. (Thomist Staff) 10 (1947) 130-131 Bruehl, Charles P. The Pope’s Plan for Social Reconstruction. (Thomist Staff) 2 (1940) 310-311 + Psychology—The Study of Man’s Normal Mental Life. (Stock, M. E., O.P.) 22 (1959) 300-303 —This Way Happiness, (Thomist Staff) 4 (1942) 365-366 Brugger, W.,ed. Philosophisches Wérterbuch. (Thomist Staff) 12 (1949) 249 Bruno de Jesus-Marie, 0.C.D., ed. Satan. (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 661-663 Bryan, W.L. Wars of Families of Minds. (Thomist Staff) 3 (1941) 675 Bryar, W. Saint Thomas and the Existence of God: Three Interpretations, (Wallace, W. A., O.P.) 16 (1953) 269-279 Bryson, Lyman, et al.,ed. + Freedom and Authority In Our Time. (Rover, D., O.P.) 16 (1953) 565-582 Buber, M. Between Man and Man. (MeAllister, J. B.) 12 (1949) 121-123 —The Eclipse of God: Studies in the Relation Between Religion and Philosophy. (Simon, M. R., 0.C.8.0.) 17 (1954) 403-406 Buchler, J. Nature and Judgement. (Smith, R., O.P.) 20 (1957) 217-222 Bugbee, Henry G. The Inward Morning. (Heath, T. R., O.P.) 23 (1960) 308-310 Buis, Harry. The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment. (Daly, Mary F.) 21 (1958) 407-409 Bullough, Edward. Aesthetics: Lectures and Essays. (Brady, L.) 22 (1959) 307-308 192 AvutHors REVIEWED Bunge, Mario. Burch, G.B. Causality. (Wallace, W. A., O.P.)... 25 (1962) 311-314 Early Medieval Philosophy. (Porreco, R. E.) 15 (1952) 322-325 (Egan, J. M., O.P.) 3 (1941) 391-392 (Carney, E. J., 0.S.F.8.) 24 (1961) 129-130 Preaching. (Paradis, W. H.) 43 (1979) 689-693 of Religion, (Kerlin, M. J.) 39 (1975) 401-403 (Wright, T. B.) 17 (1954) 258-261 tr. The Steps of Humility, by Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux. Burghardt, Walter J.,ed. + The Idea of Catholicism: An Introduction to the Thought and Worship of the Church. Burke, John, O.P. Gospel Power: Towards the Revitalization of Burke, T. Patrick. The Reluctant Vision: An Essay in the Philosophy Burleigh, W. De Puritate Artis Logicae. Burrell, David, C.S.C. (Smith, R., O.P.) Analogy and Philosophical Language. 38 (1974) 180-181 Bushinski, Edward A., tr. The Analogy of Names, by Thomas De Vio, Cardinal Cajetan. (Thomist Staff) 17 (1954) 598-599 Butchvarov, Panayot. Being qua Being: A Theory of Identity, Existence, and Predication. (Ingham, N., O.P.) 47 (1983) 159 Butler, Richard, O.P. The Mind of Santayana. (Conway, R. F., O.P.) Butterworth, Robert, 8.J. 20 (1957) 228-229 The Theology of Creation. Theology Today Series, 5. (Browne, M., O0.P.) 34 (1970) 515-517 (Haring, N.) 35 (1971) 519-522 Buytaert, E. M.,ed. Petri Abaelardi Opera Theologica. Cahalan, John C. Causal Realism. Cahn, Steven M. Fate, Logic, and Time. (Ingham, N., O.P.) (Nielsen, H. A.) Cai, Raphael, O.P.,ed. 50 (1986) 163-166 31 (1967) 517-519 S. Thomas Aquinatis Super Epistolas S. Paul Lectura, 8th ed. rev. (Thomist Staff) 17 (1954) 597-598 (Thomist Staff) 16 (1953) ed. + Super Evangelium S. Ioannis Lectura, by St. Thomas Aquinas. Cajetan, Cardinal. (Thomist Staff) The Analogy of Names. Tr. by E. A. Bushinski. 294 17 (1954) 598-599 —Cajetan Responds: A Reader in Reformation Controversy. Tr. by Jared Wicks. (Gunten, A. F. von, O.P.,) (alternate view: Newman, W. A., O.P.) 44 (1980) 298-304 (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 294-296 (Hennessey, T. J., O.P.) 34 (1970) 186-187 Caldin, E. F. The Power and Limits of Science: A Philosophical Study. Calian,C.8. Icon and Pulpit. Avutuors REVIEWED 198 Callahan, J. F. Augustine and Greek Philosophers. (Molloy, N., O.P.) 34 (1970) 166-167 Calloud, Jean. Structural Analysis of Narrative. (Barden, G.) 41 (1977) 596-601 Callus, D. A., O.P.,ed. + Johannes Blund: Tractatus de Anima. (Weisheipl, J. A., O.P.) 35 (1971) 700-703 Camara, Helder. The Desert is Fertile. (Heath, T. R., O.P.) 38 (1974) 994-995 (Nordgulen, G.) 41 (1977) 616-622 Campbell, Richard. From Belief to Understanding: A Study of Anselm’s Proslogion Argument for the Existence of God. Campbell, Robert, ed. New Morality or No Morality. (Williams, B. A., O.P.) 34 (1970) 502-504 (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 339-340 Campbell, Roy, tr. Poems of St. John of the Cross. Campbell, William E. + Psychology—The Study of Man’s Normal Mental Life. (Stock, M. E., O.P.) Canet,L. + 22 (1959) 300-303 La double expérience de Catherine Benincasa (Sainte- Catherine de Sienne). (Walker, J. B., O.P.)..... 12 (1949) 500-516 Cantwell, Laurence, S.J. The Theology of the Trinity. Theology Today Series, 4. (Browne, M., O.P.) 34 (1970) 515-517 (Burns, M. §S., R.S.M.) 36 (1972) 540-542 (Salmon, E. G.) 24 (1961) 679-680 Capitan, W.H. Philosophy of Religion: An Introduction. Caponigri, A. Robert, ed. Modern Catholic Thinkers. Caputo, John D. Heidegger and Aquinas. Cardwell, A.S. Poland and Russia: The Last Quarter Century. (O'Leary, J. S.) (Thomist Staff) Cargill, O. Intellectual America. Carlson, Charles P. (Thomist Staff) .. 49 (1985) 477-481 8 (1945) 6 (1943) Justification in Earlier Medieval Theology. 412 132 (Pearson, L., O.P.) 41 (1977) 461-465 (Thomist Staff) 17 (1954) 121-123 Carnap, Rudolf. —Meaning The Continuum of Inductive Methods. and Necessity. (Oesterle, J. A.) Carnell, E.J. The Theology of Reinhoid Niebuhr. (Wild, J.) Carol, Juniper B.,O.F.M. Fundamentals of Mariology. (O’Shaughnessy, T., O.P.) —ed. Mariology II. (Hogan, W. F.) Carretto, Carlo. Letters from the Desert. 12 (1949) 106-112 15 (1952) 317-319 20 (1957) 101-103 22 (1959) 135-137 (Heath, T. R., O.P.) 38 (1974) 994-995 Carriere, Gaston, O.M.I. Précis de methodologie a V’usage des étudiants en philosophie. (Thomist Staff) 16 (1953) 154-155 194 AvutHors REVIEWED Carritt, E.F. An Introduction to Aesthetics. (Thomist Staff) 13 (1950) 123 Carro, V. D.,0.P. Los Dominicos y el Concilio de Trento. (Coffey, J. R., O.P.) 14 (1951) 400-403 Carroll, Robert B. From Chaos to Covenant. (Bream, H. N.) 49 (1985) 154-156 Case,8.J. The Origins of Christian Supernaturalism. (Considine, J. S., O.P.) 10 (1947) 349-355 Cassirer, E. The Myth of the State. (Oesterle, J. A.) 10 (1947) 355-365 ——Ernst Cassirer: The Problem of Knowledge: Philosophy, Science and History since Hegel. (MeNicholl, A. J., O.P.) 15 (1952) 642-650 Castell, A. An Introduction to Modern Philosophy. (Thomist Staff) 7 (1944) 132-133 Catan, John R., ed. Saint Thomas Aquinas on the Existence of God: Collected Papers of Joseph Owens, C.Ss.R. (O’Brien, T. C.) 46 (1982) 644 Catholic Theological Society of America. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Convention, (Thomist Staff) 18 (1955) 436-438 Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Convention. (Halligan, N., O.P.) 32 (1968) 568-570 Cayre, F. A., A.A., ed. Oeuvres de S. Augustin. (Thomist Staff) 2 (1940) 172 Centore, F. F. # On Reading F. F. Centore’s Review of The Problem of Evolution, by J. N. Deely and R. J. Nogar. (Adler, M. J.) 38 (1974) 389-394 Cerfaux, Lucien. The Spiritual Journey of St. Paul. Tr. by John C. Guiness. (Hopkins, M., 0.P.) 32 (1968) 579-580 Chadwick, Owen. The Popes and European Revolution. (Vidmar, J., O.P.) 48 (1984) 702-704 Chambat, L., 0.8.B. Presence et union: Les missions des Personnes de la Sainte-Trinité selon S. Thomas d’ Aquin. (Egan, J. M., O.P.) 9 (1946) 461-465 Chapman, E. Saint Augustine’s Philosophy of Beauty. Schwartz, H. T.) 1 (1939) 450-458 Charles, Rodgers, S.J. The Christian Social Conscience. Theology Today Series, 21. (Toner, J., O.P.) 35 (1971) 691-694 —The Church and the World. (Morris, A., O.P.) .. 38 (1974) 665-666 Charlesworth, Maxwell John. Aristotle on Art and Nature. (Rover, D., O.P.) 21 (1958) 377-380 Philosophy and Linguistic Analysis. (Smith, R., O.P.) 23 (1960) 306-308 AvutHors REVIEWED 195 ——Philosophy of Religion: The Historic Approaches. (Livingston, J. C.) Charron, Ghyslian. 37 (1973) 396-404 Du Language, A. Martinet et M. Merleau-Ponty. (Edie, J. M.) Chase, C.T. The Evolution of Physics. (Thomist Staff) 37 (1973) 807-811 (Wallace, W. A., O.P.) Chenu, M.D.,0.P. Faith and Theology. (Philibert, P. J., O.P.) 25 (1962) 456-457 Chauvin, Rémy. 11 (1948) God of the Scientists, God of the Experiment. ——Introduction a Vétude de Saint Thomas d’ Aquin. (Thomist Staff) Childress, James, F. + Principles of Biomedical Ethics. (Markowiez, W.) Chinnici, Joseph, P.,O0.F.M. 33 (1969) 171-174 14 (1951) 554-556 45 (1981) The English/Catholic Enlightenment: 321 46 (1982) 168 John Lingard amd the Cisalpine Movement 1780-1850. (Vidmar, J., 0.P.) Chirico, Peter, S.S. 130 Infallibility: The Crossroads of Doctrine. (Vertin, M.) Chisholm, Roderick M. The Foundations of Knowing. (Ingham, N., 0O.P.) —Person and Object. (Ingham, N., 0.P.) —tThe Problem of the Criterion. (Lisska, A. J.) ... 43 (1979) 637-652 49 (1985) 131-132 45 (1981) 496-499 38 (1974) 988-994 Christensen, William N.+ Faith and the Life of Reason. (Shea, W.) 38 (1974) 380-383 Christian Brothers, ed. Patterns of Promise. (Davis, J. J., O.P.) 34 (1970) 187-188 Christian, William A. Opypositions of Religious Doctrines. (Livingston, J. C.) Chroust, Anton-Hermann. (Thomas, I., 0.P.) Church, Alonzo. + Socrates: Man and Myth. TheProblem of Universals: (Smith, R., O.P.) 37 (1973) 396-404 22 (1959) 303-304 A Symposium. 22 (1959) 433-434 Chureh, Aloysius, 8.J. The Theology of the Word of God. Theology Today Series, 12. (Toner, J., O.P.) 35 (1971) 691-694 Ciccone, L., C.M. L/enciclica “ Humanae Vitae”: Analisi e orientamenti pastoral. (Halligan, N., O.P.) 35 (1971) 744 Cistercian Fathers, ed. The Works of Bernard of Clairvaux. Volume 1. Treatises 1 (O’Donnell, J. R.) 36 (1972) 330-332 Clark, Dennis. Cities in Crisis. (Ross, E. J.) 24 (1961) 128-129 Clark, E.P.+ Philosophical Essays in Honor of Edgar Arthur Singer, Jr. (Allers, R.) 6 (1943) 123-126 196 AvutHors REVIEWED Clark, Mary T.,R.S.C.J. Augustine: Philosopher of Freedom. (Russell, R., 0.8.A.) 22 (1959) 585-587 Clarke, W. Norris, 8.J. (Kondoleon, T. J.) Claus, David B. The Philosophical Approach to God. 46 (1982) 156 Toward the Soul: An Inquiry into the Meaning of wx% [psyche] before Plato. (Pritzl, K.) 49 (1985) 311-313 (Welch, R. J.) 21 (1958) 236-238 Clemens, Alphonse H. Cleve, F.M. Marriage and the Family. The Philosophy of Anaxagoras. (Kocourek, R. A.) Cobb, John B., Jr. 12 (1949) 382-384 Beyond Dialogue: Toward a Mutual Transformation of Christianity and Buddhism. (Findly, E. B.) ..48 (1984) 704-708 Cocteau, J. + Art and Faith. (Oesterle, J. A.) .... Cohen, A.,ed. The Teaching of Maimonides. Coffey, R.,O.P. The Man from Rocca Sicca. (Thomist Staff) 13 (1950) 97-103 269 (Williams, B. A., O.P.) 34 (1970) 169-171 Volumes IV-V. (Wallace, W. A., O.P.) 35 (1971) 339-344 (Ward, L. R., C.8.C.) 24 (1961) (Dupré, L.) 33 (1969) 600-601 Cohen, R.8.,ed. + Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Coleburt, Russell. The Search for Values. Colette, J.,0.P.,ed. Colish, M. L. Kierkegaard: The Difficulty of Being Christian. 128 The Mirror of Language: A Study in the Medieval Theory of Knowledge. (Ashley, B. M., O.P.) Collingwood, Francis J. Philosophy of Nature. 33 (1969) 377-378 (Freehan, T. D., M.S.) 25 (1962) 317-318 Collins, Gary R. Fractured Personalities: The Psychology of Mental Illness. Volume I, Man in Transition: The Psychology of Human Development. Volume II, Effective Counseling. (Nessel, W. J., 0.8.F.8.) 37 (1973) 790-791 Collins, James. The Emergence of Philosophy of Religion. (Martin, W. 0.) 31 (1967) 514-515 —The Existentialists: A Critical Study. —A (Smith, V. E.) 15 (1952) 658-660 (Mullaney, J. V.) 18 (1955) 106-109 (Smith, R., O.P.) 25 (1962) 457-458 History of Modern European Philosophy. —tThe Mind of Kierkegaard. (Mullaney, J. V.) .... ed. Philosophical Readings in Cardinal Newman. 17 (1954) 261-264 Colloque Oecuménique. La Portée de VEglise des Apétres pour VEglise d’aujourd’hui. (Potvin, T. R., O.P.) .... 39 (1975) 608-611 AutHors REVIEWED Columbia College. Chapters in Western Civilization. 197 (Carolyn, Sr. M., O.P.) 13 (1950) 615-618 (Thomist Staff) 16 (1953) 295-296 Its Essence. (Thomist Staff) 16 (1953) 295-296 Combes, André. The Heart of Saint Thérese. ——Saint Thérése and Suffering :The Spirituality of St. Thérése in Combet, G., ed. + Healing and the Spirit. (Hocken, P.) 43 (1979) 499-501 Committee of Fifteen. The City of Man. (Farrell, W., 0.P.) 3 (1941) 653-665 Conant, J.B. On Understanding Science. (Foley, L., 8.M.) 11 (1948) 265-266 Concilium, vol. 2. The Church and the Liturgy. (Seasoltz, K., 0.S.B.) 29 (1965) 456-462 —vol. 15. War, Poverty, Freedom. vol. 18. Religious Freedom. (Williams, B. A., O.P.) 31 (1967) 369-370 —vol. 20. The Dynamism of Biblical Tradition. (Healy, W. F., 0.P.) 31 (1967) 372-373 Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life. Science, Philosophy and Religion: A Symposium. (Thomist Staff) 3 (1941) ——Science, Philosophy and Religion: Second Symposium. (Chapman, E.) Congar, Yves,O.P. A History of Theology. (Balas, D. L., O.Cist.) ——Jesus Christ. (Thomasma, D.) 674 6 (1943) 126-127 34 (1970) 315-326 31 (1967) 122-133 —Lay People in the Church. (O’Connor, W. R.) .. 21 (1958) 229-234 Congressus Thomisticus Internationalis. Sapientia Aquinatis. (Thomist Staff) 20 (1957) 233 Connellan, Colm, O.M.I. Why Does Evil Exist? CaM, Ca, GPs cs cndewcvccniawesccccces ).. 39 (1975) 606-607 Connolly, F.G. Science Versus Philosophy. (Kane, W. H., 0.P.) 21 (1958) 235-236 Conrad of Prussia. The Commentary of Conrad of Prussia on the De Ente et Essentia of St. Thomas Aquinas. Ed. by Joseph Bobik. (Maurer, A., C.S.B.) Convento de San Esteban, Salamanca. 40 (1976) 174-177 Santiago Ramirez, O.P., 1891- 1967: In Memoriam. (Camacho, L., 0.P.) 32 (1968) 575-578 Aristotle, by St. Thomas Aquinas. (Glanville, J. J.) 21 (1958) 396-401 Thomas Aquinas. (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 331-332 Conway, Pierre, O.P., tr. + Exposition of the Posterior Analytics of tr. Love and Friendship: On Aristotle’s Ethics, Bks. VIII-IX, by St. 198 Avutuors REvIEWwED Cook, Michael L.,8.J. The Jesus of Faith: A Study in Christology. Fiorelli, L. 8., 0.S.F.S.) 48 (1984) 139-143 Cooke, B.,8.J. Beyond Trinity. (Hill, W. J., O.P.) 34 (1970) 133-135 Coope, C., etal. A Wittgenstein Workbook. (Wolter, A. B., O.F.M.) 35 (1971) 551-552 Cooper, Neil. The Diversity of Moral Thinking. (Langerak, E.) 49 (1985) 146-151 Copelston, F.C.,8.J.+ Aquinas. (Thomist Staff) 19 (1956) 283 Copi, Irving M. Contemporary Readings in Logical Theory. (Bondi, E., O.P.) 31 (1967) 519-520 (Mullaney, J. V.) 20 (1957) 225-226 Copleston, Frederick C.,8.J. Contemporary Philosophy—Studies of Logical Positivism and Existentialism. ——A History of Philosophy. II. (Thomist Staff) .. 15 (1952) 335-337 —Medieval Philosophy. (Thomist Staff) 16 (1953) 150-151 Cornford, F.M. Principium Sapientiae. (Chroust, A. H.) Cortese, A. Del principio di creazione o del significato. 17 (1954) 589-594 (Laura, R. 8.) 34 (1970) 352-355 (Carolyn, Sr. M., O.P.) 12 (1949) 214-219 (Thomist Staff) 4 (1942) (Hart, W. M.) 19 (1956) 120-123 (Wassmer, T. A., S.J.) 32 (1968) 556-560 (King, T. M., S.J.) 42 (1978) 524-526 Corwin, E. 8. Liberty against Government: The Rise, Flowering and Decline of a Famous Juridical Concept. Cory, H. E. The Emancipation of a Freethinker. 190 Cosa, P. Du reflexe en psychique. (Thomist Staff) . 12 (1949) 256-257 Costello, Frank B., S.J. The Political Philosophy of Luis de Molina, S.J. (Gueguen, J. A.) 40 (1976) 172-174 Cotton, J.H. Royce on the Human Self. Cox, Harvey,ed. The Situation Ethics Debate. Cox, R.L. Between Earth and Heaven. (Thomson, P. van K.) 34 (1970) 527-529 Craib, Ian. Existentialism and Sociology: A Study of Jean-Paul Sartre, Craig, William Lane. The Kalém Cosmological Argument. (Reichenbach, B.) 45 (1981) 338-341 Craven, William W. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Symbol of His Age: Modern Interpretations of a Renaissance Philosopher. (Bedouelle, G., O.P.) 48 (1984) 696-698 Avutuors REvIEWED 199 Cronin, J. F.,8.8. Catholic Social Action. (Smith, R., O.P.) —Catholic Social Principles. (Thomist Staff) 13 (1950) 111-115 15 (1952) 518-519 Cross, F. L.,ed. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. (Hinnebusch, W. A., 0.P.) 21 (1958) 238-241 (Whittaker, J. H.) 48 (1984) 128-132 Crosson, Frederick, ed. The Autonomy of Religious Belief. Crowe, F. E., 8.J.,ed. Collection: Papers by Bernard Lonergan, 8.J. (MacKinnon, E., S.J.) Croxall, T. H. Kierkegaard Commentary. (Mullaney, J. V.) Cunninggim, M. The College Seeks Religion. (Donlan, T. C., O.P.) 32 (1968) 139-140 20 (1957) 379 12 (1949) 95-101 Cunningham, Francis, O.P.-+- Christ and His Sacraments. College Texts in Theology, Vol. 4. (Mullaney, T. U., O.P.) 22 (1959) 438-440 + God and His Creation. College Texts in Theology, Vol. 1. (Health, T. R., 0.P.) 22 (1959) 577-578 —The Indwelling of the Trinity. (Thomist Staff) .. 19 (1956) 144-145 Cunningham, Henri-Paul. (Ayala, F. J.) Négation de la Négation. 38 (1974) 397-399 Cunningham, James, J., O.P., tr. Summa Theologiae. Vol. 57, Baptism and Confirmation (3a 66-72), by St. Thomas Aquinas. (Milmore, A., 0.P.) 40 (1976) 328-330 Cunningham, R. L., ed. Situationism and the New Morality. (King, J. C.) 35 (1971) 716-722 Cunningham, W.F.,C.S.C. General Education and the Liberal College. (MecGuiness, I., O.P.) 17 (1954) 388-397 Curran, Charles A. Counseling in Catholic Life and Education. Curran, Charles E. Contemporary Problems in Moral Theology. (Brennan, R. E., O.P.) 16 (1953) 288-292 (Lewis, B. A., C.8.S.R.) 35 (1971) 354-356 (Mullaney, T. U., O.P.) 37 (1973) 383-386 (Williams, C., O.P.) 32 (1968) 548-556 (Finan, W. J.) 35 (1971) 356-358 (Carolyn, Sr. M., O.P.) 10 (1947) 517-523 (Schepers, B. M., O.P.) Cuttaz, F. Our Life of Grace. (Cummings, J., O.F.M.Conyv.) 24 (1961) 677-678 —The Crisis in Priestly Ministry. ed. Absolutes in Moral Theology? Curtis, C.J. Contemporary Protestant Thought. Curtis, C.P. Lions Under the Throne. Cuttat, J.-A. The Encounter of Religions. 22 (1959) 583-584 200 AutHors REVIEWED Cwiekowski, Frederick J.,8.S. The English Bishops and the First Vatican Council. (Holland, J. C.) 38 (1974) 666-668 Czapiewski, W.+ Der Aggressionstrieb und Das Bése. (Scheinder, M., O.F.M.) 33 (1969) 186-190 D’Arey, Eric. The Meaning and Matter of History. (Coffey, J. R., O.P.) 23 (1960) 125-130 tr. Summa Theologiae. Volume 20, Pleasure (la2ae, 31-39), by St. Thomas Aquinas. (Zylla, R., 0.S.C.) 41 (1977) 148-149 D’Cruz, J. V.,ed. + Concepts in Education: Philosophical Studies. (Donnellan, M.) 39 (1975) 181 D’Entréves, A. P. Natural Law. An Introduction to Legal Philosophy. (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 534-535 D’Hoogh, F. + Le dynamisme de la morale chrétienne. (Weeks, L.) 34 (1970) 513-514 Dalbiez, R. La méthode psychanalytique et la doctrine freudienne. (Allers, R.) 1 (1939) 131-138 Dalrymple, John. Theology and Spirituality. Theology Today Series, 18. (Toner, J., O.P.) 35 (1971) 691-694 Daly, Gabriel. Transcendence and Immanence. (Porter, L. B., O.P.) 47 (1983) Daly, Mary. The Church and the Second Sex. (Carton, Sr. M. F. R., §.S.N.D.) 32 (1968) Daniel-Rops, Henry. The Book of Mary. (Hogan, W. F.) 24 (1961) Danielou, Jean, S.J. The Angels and their Mission. (Litzinger, C. I., O.P.) 21 (1958) —tThe Bible and the Liturgy. (Davis, J. J., O.P.). 20 (1957) God and the Ways of Knowing. (O’Brien, T. C.) 21 (1958) La Trinité et le mystére de Vexistence. (Manly, A., O.P.) 33 (1969) Danto, Arthur, C. The Transfiguration of the Commonplace. (Kimball, R.) 47 (1983) Davies, Brian, O.P. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. 639 567-568 125 111-112 375-377 402-405 593-594 298 (Stump, E.) 49 (1985) 128-132 Davies, J. Christians, Politics, and Violent Revolution. (Alderson, C., O.Carm.) 41 (1977) 610-613 Davis, Charles. Body as Spirit: The Nature of Religious Feeling. (Dupré, L.) 41 (1977) 441-442 Davis, J. W.,ed. Value and Valuation: Axiological Studies in Honor of R. 8. Hartman. (Concordia, G. L., O.P.) 36 (1972) 724-726 Davitt, T. E.,8.J. The Nature of Law. (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 326-327 Autuors REVIEWED 201 Dawson, Christopher + Dynamics of World History. (Coffey, J. R., O.P.) 21 (1958) 118-121 ——tThe Judgement of the Nations. (Davey, W. P.).. 8 (1945) 136-146 DeAjuriaguerra, J. see Ajuriaguerra, J. de. Deakins, Roger Lee, tr. Il Moro: Ellis Heywood’s Dialogue in Memory of Thomas More. (Thomson, P. van K.) 37 (1973) 413-415 DeBeauvoir, 8. see Beauvoir, S. de Decloux, §.,S.J. Temps, Dieu, liberté, dans les commentaires aristotélicienes de St. Thomas d’ Aquin. (Philippe, M. D., 0.P.) 33 (1969) 755-770 Dedek, John F. Human Life: Some Moral Issues. (May, W. E.) 37 (1973) 243-245 Deeken, Alfons. Process and Permanence in Ethics: Max Scheler’s Moral Philosophy. (Ranly, E. W.) 39 (1975) 148-151 Deeley, J.N. The Problem of Evolution: A Study of the Philosophical Repercussions of Evolutionary Science. (Centore, F. F.) 37 (1973) 611-613 # On Reading F. F. Centore’s Review of The Problem of Evolution. (Adler, M. J.) 38 (1974) 389-394 Deferrari, R. J.,ed. Essays on Catholic Education in the U. 8S. (Thomist Staff) 6 (1943) 132 ed. The Philosophy of Catholic Higher Education. (Donlan, T. C., O.P.) 12 (1949) 372-380 DeFinance, Joseph, 8.J. see Finance, Joseph de., 8.J. DeGeorge, Richard T. A. A Guide to Philosophical Bibliography and Research. (Wallace, W. A., O.P.) 37 (1973) 821-822 Delaney, C. F.,ed. Rationality and Religious Belief. (Ferreira, M. J.) 46 (1982) 328 Delfgaauw, B. Evolution: The Theory of Teilhard de Chardin. (Deely, J. N.) 33 (1969) 794-796 —Het spiritualistisch existentialisme van Louis Lavelle. (Thomist Staff) 10 (1947) 533 —tThe Student History of Philosophy. (Davis, J. B., O.P.) 32 (1968) 593-594 ——Twentieth Centruy Philosophy. (Davis, J. B.. O.P.) 34 (1970) 668-671 Delsol, Michel. Hasard, ordre et finalité en biologie. (Ayala, F. J.) 38 (1974) 397-399 DeLubac, H., 8.J. see Lubac, H. de, S.J. 202 AvutHors REVIEWED DelVecchio, Georgio. Philosophy of Law. (Thomist Staff) 18 (1955) 434-435 DeMadariaga, S. see Madariaga, S. de. Deman, Thomas, 0.P. Aus origines de la théologie morale. (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 524-526 —Construction de la paix. (Thomist Staff) 3 (1941) 175 Le traitement scientifique de la morale chrétienne selon S. Augustin. (Stevens, G., 0.8.B.) 23 (1960) 304-306 DeMargerie, Bertrand. see Margerie, Bertrand de. Dempf, A. Die Krisis des Fortschrittsglaubens. (Thomist Staff) 12 (1949) 129-130 —Selbstkrittk der Philosophie und vergleichende Philosophie— geschichte im Umriss. (Allers, R.) 12 (1949) 112-117 Demsey, Peter J. R.,O.F.M.Cap. Freud, Psychoanalysis, Catholicism. (Stock, M. E., O.P.) 21 (1958) 248-249 DeRaeymaeker, Louis. see Raeymaeker, Louis de. DeRuggiero, G. see Ruggiero, G. de. Desan, Wilfred. The Planetary Man. (Davis, J. B., O.P.) 37 (1973) 249-255 DeSilva, Lynn A. The Problem of Self in Buddhism and Christianity. (Findly, E. B.) 46 (1982) 494 Dessain, 8. S., ed. +..The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Vol. XXV, The Vatican Council, (Miller, J.).... 38 (1974) 372-375 DeTonquedee, J. see Tonquedec, J. de. Deutsch, E. Advaita Vadanta: A Philosophical Reconstruction. (Cenkner, W., O.P.) 34 (1970) 676-678 —The Bhagavad Gitaé. (Naughton R.) 33 (1969) 783-786 DeVault, Joseph J..8.J. The Book of Josue. (Smith, A., O.P.) 24 (1961) 681-682 Devitt, Michael. Realism and Truth. (Ingham, N., O.P.) 50 (1986) 163-166 Dewey, J. Reconstruction in Philosophy. (Thomist Staff) 12 (1949) 525-527 Dewey, Robert E., ed. + Problems of Ethics: A Book of Readings. (Oesterle, J. A.) 25 (1962) 191 Diallo-Tayiré, A. A. La crise de Vinformation et la confiance des Nations Unies. (Zizzamia, A.) 36 (1972) 356-359 AvutHors REVIEWED Diaz de Cerio, F.,8.J. Un cardenal, filésofo de la historia, Fr. Zeferino Gonzdlez, O.P., 1831-1894. (Camacho, L., O.P.) 34 (1970) 179-181 (Egan, J. M., O.P.) 11 (1948) 119-122 Diefenback, G., O.F.M.Cap. Dienstag, Jacob I., ed. (Stump, E.) Common Mystic Prayer. Studies in Maimonides and St. Thomas Aquinas. 42 (1978) 151-156 Dietrich, Donald J. The Goethezeit and the Metamorphosis of Theology in the Age of Idealism. (O'Meara, T. F., O.P.) 49 (1985) 134-136 (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 334-335 DiNapoli, J. Manuale Philosophiae. Volumes I and II. Dockx, Stanislas,O.P. (Thomist Staff) Fils de Dieu par grace. ed. Information and Prediction in Science. (Durbin, P. T.) ed. Les sacrements d’initiation et les ministéres sacrés. 15 (1952) 514-515 31 (1967) 374-375 39 (1975) 383-386 Doherty, Denis J. Divorce and Remarriage: Resolving a Catholic Dilemma. (Palmer, P. F., 8.J.) 39 (1975) Doherty, Dennis, 0.S.B. The Sexual Doctrine of Cardinal Cajetan. (Stenger, R. P., O.P.) 623 31 (1967) 511-514 Doig, J.C. Aquinas on Metaphysics. A Historico-Doctrinal Study of the Commentary on the Metaphysics. (Bourke, V. J.) 37 (1973) 241-243 # Reply to Vernon Bourke’s Review of Aquinas on Metaphysics by the Author. (Doig, J. C.) 37 (1973) 826-842 Dominguez, Caballero, D. Examen critico de la ensetianza superior de la filosofia en América. (Camacho, L., O.P.) .... 34 (1970) 498-499 Dominici, John, 0.P. + Joannis Dominici Lucula Noctis. Ed by Edmund Hunt. (Thomist Staff) 395 Donagan, Alan. The Theory of Morality. (Franco, R.) 44 (1980) 162-166 Donceel, Joseph. Philosophical Anthropology. (Stock, M. E., O.P.) ed. A Maréchal Reader. (Burns, J. P., S.J.) Donlan, Thomas C.,0.P.+ 31 (1967) 364-367 34 (1970) 667-668 Christ and His Sacraments. College Texts in Theology, Vol. 4. (Mullaney, T. U., O.P.).... 22 (1959) 438-440 + God and His Creation. College Texts in Theology, Vol 1. (Health, T. R., O.P.) 22 (1959) 577-578 —tTheology and Education. (Voll, U., 0.P.) 16 (1953) 411-413 Donnelly, D. The Bone and the Star. (Thomist Staff) 8 (1945) 290 204 AutHors Donnelly, J.,ed. REVIEWED Logical Analysis and Contemporary Theism. (Lisska, A. J.) Doolan, Aegidius,O.P. (Thomist Staff) Dooyeweerd, H. (Collins, J.) 36 (1972) 705-715 Order and Law. 18 (1955) 304-305 A New Critique of Theoretical Thought. Volume II. Doronzo, Emmaneul, 0.M.I. De Extrema Unctione. 23 (1960) 599-607 (Halligan, N., 0.P.) ——De Ordine. (Halligan, N., 0.P.) 20 (1957) 103-106 25 (1962) 563-565 (Thomist Staff) ——General Ethics. (Thomist Staff) 16 (1953) 443-444 25 (1962) 189-190 ——De Poenitentia. (Thomist Staff) 17 (1954) 120-121 Dougherty, Kenneth F.,8.A. Cosmology: An Introduction to the Thomistic Philosophy of Nature. Dru, A.,ed. The Journals of Soren Kierkegaard. (Kelly, B.) Duffy, J.,C.S.8.R. 1 (1939) 274-286 A Philosophy of Poetry: Based on Thomistic Principles. (Heath, M., 0.P.) 9 (1946) 588-597 Aquinas. (Maly, E. H.) 34 (1970) 701-702 (2a2ae, qq.92-100), by St. Thomas Aquinas. (Rzeczkowski, M., O.P.) 34 (1970) Duffy, Michael, O.P., tr. + Commentary on Saint Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians and the Letter to the Philippians, by St. Thomas tr. + Summa Theologiae. Volume 40, Superstition and Irreverence, Dunham, J.H. The Religion of Philosophers. (Smith, V. E.) Dunn, James D.G. Unity and Diversity in the (Thrall, M. E.) 181 12 (1949) 220-227 New Testament. 43 (1979) 675-678 DuNoiiy, Pierre Lecomte. see Lecomte du Noiiy, Pierre. Duns Scotus, John. God and Creatures: The Quodlibetal Questions. (Boler, J.) Dupré, Louis. 40 (1976) 492-495 The Other Dimension: A Search for the Meaning of Religious Attitudes. (Burrell, D., C.S.C.) 38 (1974) 377-378 (Blakely, T. J.) 31 (1967) 520-522 —tThe Philosophical Foundations of Marxism. Dupuis, J.,8.J.,ed. The Christian Faith in the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Faith. (Halligan, N., O.P.) 37 (1973) 825-826 (Nogar, R. J., O.P.) 23 (1960) 489-490 Duquesne University. Duquoe, Christian, O0.P. Symposium on Evolution. Spirituality in the Secular City. (Heath, T. R., O.P.) Durand, Alfred, 8.J. + The Word of Salvation. (Davis, J. J., O.P.) 31 (1967) 373 22 (1959) 308-310 AvutHors REVIEWED 205 Durwell, F.X. The Mystery of Christ and the Apostolate. (Masterson, R. R., 0.P.) 37 (1973) 263-265 Dussel, E. History and the Theology of Liberation. (Alderson, C., O.Carm.) 41 (1977) 610-613 Eames, E.R. Bertrand Russell’s Theory of Knowledge. (Byrne, D. E., Jr.) 34 (1970) 494-495 Ebacher, R. La philosophie dans la cité technique. (Dechert, C. R.) 34 (1970) 360-363 Ebenstein, W.,ed. Man and the State: Modern Political Ideas. (Thomist Staff) 11 (1948) 397-398 Eberle, J. Die Bibel im Lichte der Weltgeschichte und Weltliteratur. (Thomist Staff) 14 (1951) 563-565 Echlin, Edward, P., S.J. The Priest as Preacher Past and Future. (Hughes, L. M., 0.P.) 38 (1974) 665-666 Eckhardt, A. Roy. Your People, My People: The Meeting of Jews and Christians. (Sheerin, J. B., C.S.P.) 39 (1975) 435 Eckhart, Meister. Meister Eckhart: A Modern Translation. Tr. by R. B. Blakney. (Thomist Staff) 6 (1943) 132 —Parisian Questions and Prologues. Tr. by A. A. Maurer, C.S.B. (Caputo, J. D.) 39 (1975) 619-622 Eddington, A. The Philosophy of Physical Science. (Allers, R.) 3 (1941) 385-387 Edman, I.+ Landmarks in Philosophy. (Thomist Staff) 4 (1942) 190-191 ed. The Philosophy of Santayana. (Thomist Staff) 7 (1944) 133 Edwards, Paul, ed. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Wallace, W. A., O.P.) 32 (1968) 443-445 Edwards, Rem B. Pleasure and Pains: A Theory of Qualitative Hedonism. (Knoche, C.) 170 Eisenstein, I. The Ethics of Tolerance. (Thomist Staff) 6 (1943) 131 Elder, E. E., tr. + A Commentary on the Creed of Islam, Sa’d al Din al-Taftazani on the Creed of Najm al Din al Nasafi. (Anawati, M. M., 0.P.) 14 (1951) 286-289 Elders, Leo J. Die Metaphysik des Thomas von Aquin. (Owens, J., C.SS.R.) 50 (1986) 463-465 Ellacuria, Ignatius. Freedom Made Flesh. (Alderson, C., O.Carm.) 41 (1977) 610-613 Ellis, P. F.,C.SS.R. The Yahwist: The Bible’s First Theologian. (Murphy, R. T. A., O.P.) 34 (1970) 522-523 Engel, 8.M. Language and Illumination: Studies in the History of Philosophy. (Ferré, F.) 35 (1971) 192-193 206 AvutHors REVIEWED Ernst, Cornelius, 0.P. —The Multiple Echo. (Hill, E.)... 46 (1982) Theology of Grace. Theology Today Series, 17. (Kirke, P., O.P.) Esser, G.,8.V.D. Metaphysica Generalis. (Meehan, F. X.) 631 39 (1975) 387-389 17 (1954) 96-100 Eterovich, Francis H. Approaches to Natural Law: From Plato to Kant. Evans, C.8. Despair: A Moment or a Way of Life? Evans, M.E. The Seed and the Glory. Evans, R.,ed. The Future of Philosophical Theology. Everett, Religion in Economics. (Dolan, J. V., 8.J.) (Weeks, L.) 37 (1973) 615-617 36 (1972) 332-333 (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 187-188 (Peter, C. J.) 35 (1971) 688-691 (Quirk, C. B., O.P.) 11 (1948) 112-119 J.R. Fabre, L.,ed. + (Hocken, P.) Healing and the Spirit. Fabro, Cornelio, C.S.8. Exegesi tomistica. (Reichmann, J. B., S.J.) —God in Exile: Modern Atheism. (Reid, J. P., O.P.) —Partecipazione e causalita. (McInerny, R.) ——Tomismo e pensiero moderno. 43 (1979) 499-501 34 (1970) 338-341 34 (1970) 689-692 26 (1963) 120-122 (Bonansea, B. M., O.F.M.) 34 (1970) 499-502 (Wall, K., O.P.) 33 (1969) 374-376 (Hearn, T. H., Jr.) 34 (1970) 511-513 (Martin, Sr. M., 0.P.) 13 (1950) 108-110 of Dry Bones. (Thomson, P. van K.) 33 (1969) 595-598 (Conway, R. F., 0.P.) 19 (1956) 278-282 Fackenheim, E.L. The Religious Dimensions of Hegel’s Thought. Fackre,G. Humiliation and Celebration: Post-Radical Themes in Doctrine, Morals, and Mission. Fagothey, Austin, §.J. Right and Reason, Ethics in Theory and Practice. (Thomist Staff) 17 (1954) 275-276 Fairchild, H.N. Religious Trends in English Poetry. Volume III, 1780-1830: Religious Faith. —Religious Trends in English Poetry. Volume VI, 1920-1965: Valley Fairweather, A.W. Aquinas on Nature and Grace. Faraon, Michael J.,0.P. The Metaphysical and Psychological Principles of Love. (Thomist Staff) 16 (1953) 593-594 Farber, M.,ed. + Philosophical Perspectives on Punishment. 33 (1969) 200-202 AutHors REVIEWED Farrell, W.,0.P. A Companion to the Summa. I. The Architect of the Universe (Baker, R. R.) II. The Fullness of Life. (Schwartz, C.) 4 (1942) 355-356 3 (1941) 380-384 (Connell, F. J., C.SS.R.) 6 (1943) 119-121 (Nicola, J. J.) 37 (1973) IV. The Way of Life. Farren, David. The Return of Magic. Fawtier, R. + La double experience de Catherine Benincasa. 631 (Walker, J. B., 0.P.) 12 (1949) 500-516 Fechner, G. Th. Religion of a Scientist. Ed and tr. by Walter Lowrie. (Allers, R.) 10 (1947) 267-268 Feckes, C. The Mystery of Divine Motherhood. (Thomist Staff) 2 (1940) (Smith, V. E.) 10 (1947) 371-378 (Fay, B. U., O.P.) 10 (1947) 523-527 (Wallace, W. A., O.P.) 28 (1964) 524-529 (Halligan, N., O.P.) 32 (1968) 262-263 (Thomist Staff) 4 (1942) Feibleman, J. —The An Introduction to Peirce’s Philosophy. Theory of Human Culture. 312 Feigl, Herbert, ed. + Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 3, Scientific Explanation, Space and Time. Feiner, Johannes, ed. + The Common Catechism: A Book of Christian Faith. (Donnellan, M.) 40 (1976) 501-502 Femiano, Samuel, D.,C.S.B. Infallibility of the Laity. Fenton, J.C. The Concept of Sacred Theology. —he Concept of the Diocesan Priesthood. Ferm, V. Religion in the 20th Century. 190 (Thomist Staff) 15 (1952) 180-118 —tThe Theology of Prayer. (Curran, J. W., O.P.) ..2 (1940) 163-166 (Donlan, T. C., O.P.) 12 (1949) (Thomist Staff) 9 (1946) 126-127 ed. Encyclopedia of Religion. Fernan, J. J.,8.J. 95-101 Theology—A Course for College Students, Vol. I. (McGuiness, I., 0.P.) 17 (1954) 388-397 (Formica, I., C.P.) 11 (1948) 253-257 (Hinnebusch, W. A., 0.P.) 33 (1969) 605-606 Ferre, N. F.8. Evil and the Christian Faith. Ferreira, Jamie M. Doubt and Religious Commitment: The Role of the Will in Newman’s Thought. (Miller, J.) 48 (1984) 309-314 Ferrua, A.,O.P. Sancti Thomae Aquinatis Vitae Fontes Praecipuae. 208 AutnHors REVIEWED Fetz, Reto, L. Ontologie der Innerlichkeit :Reditio Completa und Processio Interior bet Thomas von Aquinas. (O'Meara, T. F., 0.P.) 42 (1978) 711-712 (Wilson, C. A.) 48 (1984) 327-335 Feuerbach, Ludwig. Thoughts on Death and Immortality. Fichter, Joseph H., S.J. (Thomist Staff) Man of Spain: A Biography of Francis Suarez. —Social Relations in the Urban Parish. (Lennon, J. L., O.P.) —Sociology. (Murphy, M., O.P.) Field, G.C. Plato and his Contemporaries. (Taylor, J. C., O.P.) Filas, Francis L, 8.J. Joseph Most Just. (Davis, J. J., O.P.) Finance, Joseph de, 8.J. (Zagar, J., O0.P.) Hthique générale. Findlay, J.N. Kant and the Transcendental Object. (Wood, A.) Finnis, John. Natural Law and Natural Rights. 174 18 (1955) 409-419 21 (1958) 241-243 32 (1968) 277-278 20 (1957) 517-521 32 (1968) 434-436 47 (1983) 288 (Barry, R. L., O.P.) 45 (1981) 626 (Thomist Staff) 18 (1955) 120 Empire. (Ramsey, B., O.P.) 36 (1972) 193-195 (Thomist Staff) 10 (1947) 384-385 Fiorenza, Francis Schussler. Foundational Theology: Jesus and the Church. (Buckley, J. J.) 49 (1985) 288-291 Fischer, Jerome J. + Handbook of Logic. + Workbook of Logic. (Thomist Staff) 18 (1955) Fisher, A.S.T.-+ Records of Christianity. Vol. 1, In the Roman Fisher, M.S. Robert Boyle, Devout Naturalist. Fisk, Milton, A Modern Formal Logic. 120 (Devine, R. V.) 28 (1964) 530-533 Fitzmyer, J. A.,8.J. + The Jerome Biblical Commentary. (Hopkins, M., O.P.) 33 (1969) 582-585 Fitzpatrick, Edward A. (Thomist Staff) —How Exploring a Theology of Education. 16 (1953) 148-149 to Educate Human Beings. (Smith, M.) ... 14 (1951) 283-285 Fletcher, J. Morals and Medicine. (Voll, U., O.P.) .. 18 (1955) Flew, Antony, ed. Essays in Conceptual Analysis. (Smith, R., O.P.) 89-101 20 (1957) 217-222 ed. Essays on Logic and Language. (Thomist Staff) .. 15 (1952) 327-329 Flors, Juan, ed. El evolucionismo en filosofia y teologia. (Iglesias, F. T.) 20 (1957) 226-228 Foerster, N., et al. The Intent of the Critic. 4 (1942) 534-589 AutHors REvIEWED 209 Ford, J.M.